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Demographics 1.

Assessment Completed by:


2. Student __________________________________ 3. Grade 6. Assessment Month

Freshman Sophmore Junior Senior 4. Teacher

September January May

7. Year of Assessment

Shawl Jernigan 5. Class

2013 2014

Ballet 1 Ballet 2 Ballet 3 Ballet 4 Men's Ballet

Partnering Modern 1 Modern 2 Modern 3 Modern 4

Work Ethic Assessment Advanced Proficient 8. Work Habits and Attitude: Excellent initiative and adaptability, continually seeks ways to learn and improve, makes significant contributions to the group. 9. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Relates well to all kinds of people, builds constructive and effective relationships, goes "extra mile" to make a team successful. 10. Dependability: Highly dependable and conscientious, seldom late or absent for class/rehearsal 11. Work Quality: Consistently submits high quality work, accurate and neat on both routine and complex assignments 12. Initiative: Consistently strives to improve productivity, assumes leadership roles without prompting 13. Comments In Progress Not Evident

Proficient Basic

Dance Technique Technical Proficiency: Ability to accurately execute the movement fundamentals: Advanced Proficient 14. Proper Use of Turn Out 15. Proper use of Plie' 16. Proper Use of Feet 17. Proper Execution of Extension 18. Proper Execution of Turns 19. Proper Execution of Jumps 20. Core Connectivity: Highly developed sense of core in movement to mobilize and stabilize the body 21. Rhythmic Accuracy: Ability to move accurately within the musical phrase alone or in a group 22. Spatial Awareness: Sensitivity to group interactions in space Proficient Basic In Progress Not Evident

23. Consistency of Style: Exceptionally coherent presentation of prescribed choreography 24. Movement Quality: Highly refined capability to use a wide array of effort actions (qualities) 25. Performance Quality: Extraordinary ability to express emotional context in movement and consistently able to steer the attention of the audience

Physical Skills: Inherent ability to use physical prowess on a consistent basis Advanced Proficient 27. Strength/Core Strength 28. Flexibility 29. Musicality 30. Coordination: Highly developed ability to perform synchronized tasks utilizing kinesthetic awareness 31. Alignment: Highly developed awareness of alignment both during stillness and in motion In Progress Not Evident

Proficient Basic

32. Use of Space: Complete understnading of personal kinesphere (near, middle and far reach) 33. Use of Weight: Fluency in use of weight distribution during movement execution 34. Learnability: Absolute ability to process movement information and accurately reproduce movement sequences

Dance Technique Physical Skills Category Strength/Core Strength 4 Student possesses the strength to hold positions and extensions and utilize core strength during stillness and in motion Student is able to achieve full split right, left and center. Student is able to use flexibility in extensions Ability to move accurately within the musical phrase alone or in a group 3 80% achievement of proper application of strength 2 60% achievement of proper application of strength 1 40% achievement of proper application of strength 0 20% achievement of proper application of strength


80% achievement of proper flexibility

60% achievement of proper flexibility

40% achievement of proper flexibility

20% achievement of proper flexibility


Ability to perform movements correlating to the music, some errors in phrasing Occasional dysfunction in ability to perform synchronized tasks and proper execution of ballet ported bras Occasional deviation from proper alignment in stillness and in motion

Deviation from effective musical phrasing

Little evidence of musical phrasing

Lacks awareness of musical phrasing when performing

Coordination/ Port de bras

Well-developed ability to perform synchronized tasks and proper execution of ballet port de bras

Difficulty in coordinating synchronized tasks or execution of proper ballet port de bras Lacks ability to maintain alignment in either stillness or in motion

Limited kinesthetic awareness and knowledge of proper ballet port de bras

Lacking kinesthetic awareness and knowledge of proper ballet port de bras is not evident Lacks awareness of proper alignment in stillness or in motion


Clear alignment through the upper and lower body in stillness and in motion including, neutral pelvis, spine, ribcage, and scapula

Inability to maintain proper alignment through stillness and in motion

pulled down and back Use of Space Understanding and integration of near, middle and far reach space Moderate understanding and integration of personal kinesphere Mostly effective display of weight distribution and sense of being grounded Difficulty utilizing all areas of personal kinesphere Inconsistent use of weight distribution and sense of being grounded Vague idea of personal kinesphere and action space zones Little accuracy in how to properly shift weight and use the floor as a function of movement execution Limited ability to process movement information and with mistaken reproduction of movement vocabulary No evidence of understanding of personal kinesphere No understanding of physical weight centering

Use of Weight

Ability to efficiently shift weight and release weight into the floor as a function of movement execution


Ability to quickly process movement information and accurately reproduce movement sequences

Ability to process movement information and adequately reproduce movement sequence with occasional misconception of movement vocabulary

Difficulty processing movement information and frequent misconception of movement vocabulary

Inability to process movement information and mistaken reproduction of movement sequences or total omission of sections

Dance Technique Technical Proficiency Category Use of Turn-out 4 Accesses rotation from the hip joint, uses full rotation on both standing and gesture leg, maintains rotation in stillness, body 3 Accesses rotation from the hip joint, uses full rotation in either standing leg or gesture leg, mostly maintains rotation in stillness, body positions 2 Use of rotation from the hip joint, ability to use full rotation on standing or gesture leg, ability to maintain rotation in stillness, body positions and in motion 1 Little evidence of accessing rotation from the hip joint, unable to use full rotation on standing or gesture leg, unable to maintain 0

No evidence of accessing rotation from t hip joint

positions and in motion

and in motion

is inconsistent

rotation in stillness, body positions and in motion Little evidence of proper alignment during plie, unable to uses full range of motion, plie lacks functionality in preparing for or landing from movements Feet do not push through the floor, feet are not always stretched from the ankle, some sickling

Use of Pli

Correct alignment during plie (knees over toes, heels down in demi, etc . . .), uses full range of motion, plie is functional in preparing for and landing from movements Clear articulation of the feet (toe, ball, heel & heel, ball, toe), feet push through the floor, feet and ankles are stretched in movements and positions without sickling Ability to utilize flexibility in extension, maintains proper alignment and desired line during execution of extension

Correct alignment during plie (knees over toes, heels down in demi, etc . . .), mostly uses full range of motion, plie is functional in preparing for or landing from movements

Deviation from proper alignment during plie, mostly uses full range of motion, functional of plie in preparing for or landing from movements in inconsistent

No evidence of proper alignment, full range of motion or functionality in plie

Use of Feet

Feet push through the floor for functionality, feet and ankles are stretched in movements and positions without sickling most of the time

Lacking one or more qualities of proper use of feet technique, but student does have a basic concept of proper techniques.

No attention to functionality of the feet or stretch from th ankle, mostly sickled

Execution of Extension

Minor deviation from clear preparation and landing position of turn, or proper placement of feet, legs and arms during desired turn, or clean spot while executing turn Minor deviation from clear preparation and landing position of turn, or proper placement of feet, legs and

Lacking one or more qualities of proper turn technique, but student does have a basic concept of proper turn technique

Difficulty with most elements of turn technique

Lacks awarenes of preparation, landing, placement of th body, and spotting for tur

Execution of Turns

Clear preparation and landing position of turn, proper placement of feet, legs and arms during

Lacking one or more qualities of proper turn technique, but student does have a basic concept of proper turn

Difficulty with most elements of turn technique

Lacks awarenes of preparation, landing, placement of th

desired turn, clean spot while executing turn

arms during desired turn, or clean spot while executing turn


body, and spotting for tur

Execution of Jumps

Appropriate pli for takeoff and landing including heels down, clear articulation of the feet, proper body placement during the jump Developed use of core in movement to mobilize and stabilize the body Ability to adhere to the rhythmic framework of a given sequence Understanding and sophisticated sensitivity to group interactions in space

Minor deviation from appropriate pli for take-off and landing or clear articulation of the feet or proper body placement during the jump Clear use of core in most movement

Lacking one or more qualities of proper jump technique, but student does have a basic concept of proper jump technique

Difficulty with most elements of jump technique

Lacks awarenes of take-off, landing and placement of th body for jumps

Core Connectivity

Understanding of core use but inconsistent execution

Lacks ability to use core as a functional part of movement Little evidence of correct rhythmic framework

No evidence of understanding core connectivi

Rhythmic Accuracy

Ability to perform movements correlating to the music, some errors in rhythm Deviation from choral movement

Deviation from correct rhythm

Lacks awarenes of rhythm when performing

Spatial Awareness

Difficulty maintaining spatial relationships

Inaccurate perception of spatial relationships

No evidence of understanding spatial relationships

Consistency of Style

Exceptionally coherent presentation of the stylistic nuances of prescribed choreography

Mostly accurate presentation of the stylistic nuance of prescribed choreography

Difficulty adhering to stylistic nuances of prescribed choreography

Little evidence of showcasing the style of prescribed choreography

No evidence of understanding stylistic nuance of prescribed choreography

Movement Quality

Ability to use a wide array of physical effort actions

Fundamentally sound ability to move with different energies

Basic knowledge of varying effort actions

Difficulty executing a variety of effort actions

No evidence of understanding the quality of movement necessary

Performance Quality

Ability to express emotional context in movement

Ability to express emotional context in movement most of the time

Ability to express emotional context in movement some of the time

Insufficient demonstration of qualitative range in movement

No evidence of understanding performance possibilities

Work Ethic Category 4 3 2 1 0

Work Habits & Attitude

Continually seeks ways to learn and improve, makes significant contributions to the group

Often seeks ways to learn and improve, consistently contributes to the group

Rarely seeks ways to learn and improve, rarely contributes to the group

Rarely seeks ways to learn and improve and does not contribute to the group

Neglects to seek ways to learn and improve and sometimes detracts from the efforts of the gro Uncooperative, hinders team efforts.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Relates well to all kinds of people, builds constructive and effective relationships, goes the extra mile to make a team successful Highly dependable and conscientious, seldom absent or late for class/rehearsals

Consistently courteous and helpful. Functions as a member of a team.

Sometimes helpful and sometimes functions as part of a team

Occasionally reluctant to help. Doesnt contribute to team effectiveness.


Good attendance and punctuality. Can be counted on to meet commitments.

Occasionally late to class/rehearsal, inconsistent reliability

Inconsistency in reliability, frequently absent and/or late to class/rehearsal

Poor attendance, frequently late to class/rehearsal, cannot be relied upon to meet commitments

Work Quality

Consistently submits high quality work, accurate and neat on both routine and

Frequently submits high quality work, accurate and neat on both routine and

Occasionally careless. Makes recurrent errors.

Work needs checking and improvement.

Fails to accomplis the work

complex assignments

complex assignments


Consistently strives to improve productivity, assumes leadership roles without prompting

Frequently strives to improve productivity, assumes leadership roles when needed

Inconsistent productivity, rarely assumes leadership roles

Needs constant reminders to participate

Fails to participat

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