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Problem and Intervention Matrix Name: Karen Caruso Grade Level: 7 Subject: Math

Focus Problem or Situation: Evaluating mathematics through problem solving Content Standard, State Standard, or School Improvement Goal Addressed: Grade:7 Goal: Standard 4.5 Mathematical Process A.1: Learn mathematics through problem solving, inquiry, and discovery. A.2: Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts. * Open-ended problems * Non-routine problems * Problems with multiple solutions * Problems that can be solved in several ways A.3: Select and apply a variety of appropriate problem-solving strategies. Source: New Jersey Department of Education First foundational skill identified: Identify key words Second foundational skill identified: Solving non routine problems Introduce the S in TSSA problem solving plan. S stands for strategy. Introduce the strategies. ----------------------Students will be able to match the strategy with the definition in a matching exercise Third foundational identified: Multi-step problems Identify if any information isnt needed; identify the problem and information needed to solve -------------------Students will cross out extra information and highlight the needed information Teacher will provide guided examples. Directed Determine the unit used in the word problem ------------------Label the final answer correctly; convert any measurements if needed Fourth foundational skill identified: Answer

Week 1 What you will do (learning outcome): ---------------How you will assess or monitor progress

Students will be able to identify operational key words ---------------------After working in small groups students will be able to list key words under an operational symbol

Intervention that supports

Students will use a 4 quadrant grid to list the key words under each

Students will create flashcards or use online Quizlet to practice

Students will be given a conversion chart and will include a

Problem and Intervention Matrix the skill in week 1 operation symbol. defining the Color code the strategies operation and key words to build word-operation association questions on worksheet will help students identify what is not needed. completed answer with label on their formula sheet

Week 2 What you will do (learning outcome): ---------------How you will assess or monitor progress

Students will be able to underline and identify key words /operation in a given word problem ---------------------After reading, then rereading the problem students will identify what operation to use; indicate by writing the clue word followed by the operational symbol Students will use the same colorcoding system creating in week 1 to identify operations.

Students will read word problems and list possible ways to solve ---------------------Students will select a reasonable method to solve problem.

Introduce the second S in TSSA. S stands for solve in a step by step method -------------------Students will determine if more than one operation will be needed to solve the problem

How to answer an open ended word problem in 4 to 5 sentences using TSSA method ------------------T rephrase the question into an opening sentence answering what the question is asking S-Explain what strategy was used S- Explain how it was solved (steps) A- Concluding sentence with the labeled answer

Intervention that supports the skill in week 2

After teacher guided practice, students will create a checklist of strategy characteristics and use a check off system to pick a strategy

Students will use the same colorcoding system creating in week 1 to identify operations.

Students will either create a mnemonic device to remember the steps or will be given index cards on a ring to refer to the steps

Week 3

Given a particular operation,

Introduce the first

Students will list the number of

Introduce NJASK grading rubric;

Problem and Intervention Matrix What you will do (learning outcome): ---------------How you will assess or monitor progress students will be able to write word problems for each operation using a variety of the key words ---------------------strategies-make a table & draw a picture; give guided examples ----------------------operations needed to solve a problem ---------------------Students will decide which operation/ strategy to solve first demonstrate what each category means and how to get the maximum number of points -----------------------Given a completed problem, students will write a response

Students will Student problems match the problem will include a clue with one of the two word presented in methods and solve a real life situation Struggling students may use their color coded reference sheet or will be given a cloze problem Teacher will provide guided practice in how to identify and solve using the 2 methods. Teacher will circulate during independent practice. Practice will focus on 1st strategy then move on to 2nd strategy. If needed teacher will give individual or small group instruction. Second sequential skill addressed:

Intervention that supports the skill in week 3

Students will use the same color coding system creating in week 1 to identify operations; teacher will circulate through class providing assistance when needed

Students will highlight key ideas on the rubric for a quick referral

First sequential skill addressed:

Third sequential skill addressed:

Fourth sequential skill addressed:

Week 4 What you will do (learning outcome): ----------------

Students will pair share their problems with their peers ---------------------Students will successfully be

Introduce the next strategies-guess & check and work backwards; give guided examples ----------------------Students will

Use a step by step method to solve the problem ---------------------Perform each step (strategy) in

Students will review several rubric graded open ended answers ---------------------Assess what is missing from the

Problem and Intervention Matrix How you will assess or monitor progress able to underline key words and identify the operation match the problem with one of the two methods and solve the order listed. Check off each step as they are completed examples, list steps to improve and revise one answer; revisit their responses from week 3 Students will refer back to highlighted referral sheet from week 3

Intervention that supports the skill in week 4

Students will be able to use their color coded reference sheet or be assigned a specific student or teacher created problems with the word underlined and asked to identify just the operation

Teacher will provide guided practice in how to identify and solve using the 2 methods. Teacher will circulate during independent practice. Practice will focus on 3rd strategy then move on to 4th strategy. If needed teacher will give individual or small group instruction.

Students will laminate the step by step check off chart so it can be easily used with erasable markers

Week 5 What you will do (learning outcome): ---------------How you will assess or monitor progress

Students will work on the T of the TSSA problem solving method. T stands for tell or rephrase the word problem question ---------------------Students will write /tell or rephrase the word problem question with accuracy

Introduce the first strategies-look for a pattern and write a number sentence, equation or formula; give guided examples ----------------------Students will match the problem with one of the three methods and solve

Review each step completed. Is each step answer correct? Review each step answer ------------------Justify the step used and each step answer. Does the final answer seem reasonable?

Format the whole TSSA problem solving process ------------------------Given a template students will include all the required steps in the indicated space and write a concise answer on the lines provided

Problem and Intervention Matrix Intervention that supports the skill in week 5 Students will be given a cloze statement to fill in. Teacher will provide guided practice in how to identify and solve using the 2 methods. Teacher will circulate during independent practice. Practice will focus on 5th strategy then move on to 6th strategy. If needed teacher will give individual or small group instruction. Teacher-student conference to assess understanding and allow for reteaching Struggling students will be given a cloze version of the open ended response to work from to fill in what information is missing

Week 6 What you will do (learning outcome): ---------------How you will assess or monitor progress

Students will solve simple operational word problems ---------------------Given a simple word problem, students will underline key words, operation and solve a simple word problem as well as rephrase the question Teacher will have student-teacher conference to work through any problems and remediate where needed.

Students will solve a series of nonroutine word problems ----------------------Given a group of word problems, students will identify the problem solving strategy and solve

Students will Read and review write their own the grading rubric multi-step real life -----------------word problems ---------------------Students will write problems, list the needed steps, show and solve each step. Justify the answer. Student will self assess how they answered a word problem; make revisions where needed

Intervention that supports the skill in week 6

Students will be allowed to use their strategy checklist and refer to examples from notes

Students will choose from a bag of word problem situations to create a problem

Students will compare their answer to a premade version and assess what is missing and what information can improve the written

Problem and Intervention Matrix response

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