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Story Elements Worksheet

Directions: See the Webquest in English 11 on for directions. Setting (where and when the story takes place ! "abel #ed Geographical location Immediate surroundings Time in history Time of year Time of day 1. What is the work$s setting in time and space% &. 'ow does the author establish setting% (an the reader see the setting% Feel it% ). What is the function of the setting% *s it important to the mood+ plot+ etc% ,. *s the setting appropriate% Plot & Conflict (what happens "abel -range and .ellow Conflict (internal and external) Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling action Resolution (denouement 1. What is the conflict% *s it internal+ e/ternal+ or both% &. *s it 0an 1s. 0an+ 0an 1s. (ircumstances+ 0an 1s. Society or 0an 1s. Self% Why% ). What are the chief episodes or incidents which make up the plot% *s it de1eloped chronologically or is it chronologically rearranged in some way% (flashback+ foreshadowing ,. (ompare the plot$s beginning and end. What essential changes ha1e taken place% 2. "abel the parts of the plot in the story in terms of e/position+ rising action+ clima/+ falling action+ and resolution Character (who or what recei1es action 3 "abel 4reen Protagonist!story good guy Antagonist story bad guy Flat no real personality5 more a stereotype Round!like a real person5 has many traits !tatic remains the same throughout the story "ynamic!changes and grows throughout the story Foils!characters are purposely paired or set against each other for contrast 1. Who is the protagonist% &. Who is the antagonist% ). 6re the characters round or flat% Static or dynamic% Support your answer. ,. 6re the characters credible and interesting% Support your answer

Point of View (how the story is told 7 Theme!(8he 9oint!What does the author want us to take away from the story and apply to our daily li1es% ! "abel :lue and 9urple First person Third person ;omniscient!all knowing ;limited omniscient!narrator knows and sees only what one central character knows and sees ;ob<ecti1e or dramatic! narrator disappears and there is no way of entering the minds of the characters !called dramatic because it is 1iewing the work from the outside+ like a play 1. What is the point of 1iew5 who talks to the reader% &. *f the point of 1iew is one of the characters+ is the narrator reliable% ). 4i1en the author$s purpose+ is the chosen point of 1iew an appropriate one (is the best person telling the story% ,. 'ow might the work change if told from another perspecti1e% !tated!does the author come out and tell us the point% Implied!is the pointed hinted at+ but we are left to draw our own conclusions% 2. Does the work ha1e a theme% *s it stated or implied% =. What generali>ations or statements about life or human e/perience does the work make%

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