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Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title

ERA Conference List

February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p1 of 84
42269 3-u ulglLal lmaglng and Modelllng 3ulM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42270 A SaLelllLe workshop on lormal Approaches Lo 1esung of Soware lA1LS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42273 Accounung and llnance Assoclauon of AusLralla and new Zealand Conference AlAAnZ C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42274 AClS Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng 8esearch, ManagemenL and Appllcauons SL8A C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42273 ACM Annual CompuLer Sclence Conference CSC C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
ACM Conference on Appllcauons, 1echnologles, ArchlLecLures, and roLocols for CompuLer
SlCCCMM A 0803
CompuLer Soware
42277 ACM Conference on CompuLer and Communlcauons SecurlLy CCS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42278 ACM Conference on CompuLer SupporLed Cooperauve Work CSCW A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42280 ACM Conference on LlecLronlc Commerce LC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42283 ACM Conference on PyperLexL and Pypermedla PyperLexL A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42283 ACM Conference on Cb[ecL CrlenLed rogrammlng SysLems Languages and Appllcauons CCSLA A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42286 ACM ulglLal 8lghLs ManagemenL Workshop u8M C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43136 ACM lnformauon 1echnology Lducauon SlCl1L C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42288 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on Advances ln Ceographlc lnformauon SysLems SlCSA1lAL 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42289 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on ulglLal lnLeracuve Medla ln LnLerLalnmenL and ArLs ulMLA 8 1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
42290 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on Lmerglng neLworklng LxperlmenLs and 1echnologles ConLx1 A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42291 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and knowledge ManagemenL ClkM A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42292 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge ulscovery and uaLa Mlnlng SlCkuu A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42294 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on 8ecommender SysLems 8ecSys 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42293 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on 8esearch and uevelopmenL ln lnformauon 8eLrleval SlCl8 A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42296 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on Supercompuung lCS A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42297 ACM lnLernauonal Conference on Web Search and uaLa Mlnlng WSuM 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42299 ACM lnLernauonal Symposlum on CompuLer ArchlLecLure lSCA A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42300 ACM lnLernauonal Symposlum on Plgh erformance ulsLrlbuLed Compuung PuC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42302 ACM lnLernauonal Workshop Cn Mulumedla uaLabases MMu8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42293 ACM Mulumedla ACMMM A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42307 ACM SlC lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer Craphlcs and lnLeracuve 1echnlques SlCC8AP A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42309 ACM SlCCPl_nZ Conference on Puman-CompuLer lnLeracuon CPlnZ C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42311 ACM SlCC8AP/Lurographlcs Symposlum on CompuLer Anlmauon SCA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42312 ACM SlCl8 Workshop on xML and lnformauon 8eLrleval SlCl8/xML C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42313 ACM SlCMM lnLernauonal Workshop on Mulumedla lnformauon 8eLrleval Ml8 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42314 ACM SlCMC8lLL lnLernauonal Conference on Moblle SysLems, Appllcauons and Servlces Moblsys 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42313 ACM SlCMCu-SlCAC1-SlCA81 Conference on rlnclples of uaLabase SysLems CuS A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42316 ACM SlCCS Luropean Workshops SlCCS-LW C 0803
CompuLer Soware
42317 ACM SlCCS Symposlum on Cperaung SysLems rlnclples SCS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42319 ACM SlCLAn Workshop on arual Lvaluauon and rogram Manlpulauon LM 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
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08 to 0899 p2 of 84
42320 ACM SlCLAn Workshop on 1ypes ln Language ueslgn and lmplemenLauon (was 1lC) 1Lul C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42321 ACM SlCSCl1 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Lhe loundauons of Soware Lnglneerlng lSL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42322 ACM SlCSCl1 Workshop on rogram Analysls for Soware 1ools and Lnglneerlng AS1L 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42323 ACM SlCuCCS Conference on user Servlces SlCuCCS C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42324 ACM Speclal lnLeresL Croup on CompuLer Sclence Lducauon Conference SlCCSL A 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42323 ACM Speclal lnLeresL Croup on ManagemenL of uaLa Conference SlCMCu A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42326 ACM Speclal lnLeresL Croup on Supporung Croup Work (was SlCC8oup) Croup 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42327 ACM Symposlum of Moblle and Ad Poc Compuung MC8lPCC A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42328 ACM Symposlum on Applled Compuung SAC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42329 ACM Symposlum on CompuLauonal CeomeLry SCC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42331 ACM Symposlum on lnformauon, CompuLer and Communlcauons SecurlLy AslaCCS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42332 ACM Symposlum on rlnclples of uaLabase SysLems SuS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42333 ACM Symposlum on rlnclples of ulsLrlbuLed Compuung CuC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42334 ACM Symposlum on Solld and hyslcal Modelllng SM 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42333 ACM Symposlum on 1heory of Compuung S1CC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42336 ACM Symposlum on user lnLerface Soware and 1echnology ulS1 A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42337 ACM vlrLual 8eallLy Soware and 1echnology v8S1 A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42338 ACM Workshop on lormal MeLhods ln SecurlLy Lnglneerlng: lrom Speclcauons Lo Code lMSL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42340 ACM Workshop on PoL 1oplcs ln Soware upgrades PoLSWup C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42341 ACM Workshop on 8ole 8ased Access ConLrol (now SACMA1) 88AC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42342 ACM Workshop on Scalable 1rusLed Compuung S1C 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42343 ACM Workshop on Secure Web Servlces SWS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42344 ACM Workshop on Web lnformauon and uaLa ManagemenL WluM 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42334 ACM-SlCAC1 Symposlum on rlnclples of rogrammlng Languages CL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42333 ACM-SlCMlS C8 Conference
8 0806
lnformauon SysLems
42336 ACM-SlCLAn Conference on rogrammlng Language ueslgn and lmplemenLauon Lul A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42337 ACM-SlC8AP lnLeracuve 3u Craphlcs l3uC A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42343 ACM/lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed SmarL Cameras lCuSC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42348 ACM/lLLL Supercompuung Conference SC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42349 ACM/lLLL/SCS Workshop on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed Slmulauon AuS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42330 ACM/lll/uSLnlx lnLernauonal Mlddleware Conference Mlddleware A 0803
CompuLer Soware
42331 ACM/SlAM Symposlum on ulscreLe AlgorlLhms SCuA A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42333 ACM/SlL Mulumedla Compuung and neLworklng MMCn A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42338 ACS/lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer SysLems and Appllcauons AlCCSA C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42339 Acuve and 8eal-1lme uaLabase SysLems A81u8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
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42360 Ada-Lurope lnLernauonal Conference on 8ellable Soware 1echnologles LuAda 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42361 Advanced ConcepLs for lnLelllgenL vlslon SysLems AClvS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42362 Advanced Course on Aruclal lnLelllgence ACAl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42363 Advanced 8esearch ln vLSl A8vLSl C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42363 Advanced vlsual lnLerfaces Avl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42366 Advances ln CrypLology C8?1C A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42367 Advances ln lnformauon SysLems AuvlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42368 Advances ln lnLelllgenL SysLems AlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42370 Advances ln Modal Loglc AlML A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42371 Advances ln neural lnformauon rocesslng SysLems nlS A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42372 Advances ln Lhe 1heory of Compuung Al1C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42373 AgenL-CrlenLed lnformauon SysLems Workshop AClS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42374 AgenL-CrlenLed Soware Lnglneerlng Workshop ACSL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42377 Algebralc MeLhodology and Soware 1echnology AMAS1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42378 AlgorlLhmlc Learnlng 1heory AL1 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42379 AlgorlLhms and ComplexlLy ln uurham AClu C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42380 AlgorlLhms and uaLa SLrucLures Symposlum (was Workshop on AlgorlLhms and uaLa SLrucLures) WAuS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42382 AmblenL lnLelllgence uevelopmenLs Aml.d C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42383 Amerlcan lederauon of lnformauon rocesslng Socleues AllS C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42387 Amerlcas Conference on lnformauon SysLems AMClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42389 Annual CompuLer SecurlLy Appllcauons Conference ACSAC A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42391 Annual Conference of Lhe AusLralaslan SocleLy for CompuLers ln Learnlng ln 1eruary Lducauon ASClLl1L C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42393 Annual Conference of Lhe Cognluve Sclence SocleLy CogScl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42394 Annual Conference of Lhe Luropean Assoclauon for CompuLer Sclence Loglc CSL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42393 Annual Conference of Lhe lnLernauonal Academy for lnformauon ManagemenL lAlM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42396 Annual Conference of Lhe lnLernauonal Speech Communlcauon Assoclauon (was Lurospeech) lnLerspeech A 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42397 Annual Conference on CompuLauonal Learnlng 1heory CCL1 A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42398 Annual Conference on Lvoluuonary rogrammlng L C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42399 Annual Conference on lnnovauon and 1echnology ln CompuLer Sclence Lducauon l1lCSL A 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42400 Annual Conference on rlvacy, SecurlLy and 1rusL S1 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42402 Annual lall Workshop on CompuLauonal CeomeLry CCW C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42404 Annual lnLernauonal Conference on Ada 18l-Ada C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42403 Annual lnLernauonal Workshop on resence 8LSLnCL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42406 Annual Meeung of Lhe ueclslon Sclences lnsuLuLe uSl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42407 Annual kl 8&u Workshop kl C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42408 Annual lC Workshop lC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42409 Annual Slmulauon Symposlum AnSS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
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08 to 0899 p4 of 84
42411 Annual Workshop on SelecLed Areas ln CrypLography SLLC8? C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42412 AoM Crganlzauonal Communlcauon and lnformauon SysLems CClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42414 Apple unlverslLy Consoruum Academlc and uevelopers Conference AuCAuC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42416 Appllcauon of Concurrency Lo SysLem ueslgn ACSu 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42417 Appllcauons of lnformauon vlsuallzauon lv-App C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42418 Appllcauons of naLural Language Lo uaLa 8ases nLu8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42419 Applled Compuung Conference ACC C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42420 Applled ercepuon ln Craphlcs and vlsuallzauon ACv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42421 ArchlLecLural SupporL for rogrammlng Languages and Cperaung SysLems ASLCS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42422 Argenune Symposlum on Aruclal lnLelllgence ASAl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42424 Aruclal lnLelllgence ln knowledge ManagemenL AlkM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43023 Aruclal lnLelllgence ln Medlclne AllM A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43026 Aruclal lnLelllgence ln Medlclne ln Lurope AlML A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42423 Aruclal neural neLworks ln Lnglneerlng Conference AnnlL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42430 Asla lnformauon 8eLrleval Symposlum Al8S C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42431 Asla lnLernauonal Conference on Modelllng and Slmulauon AMS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42436 Asla aclc ueclslon Sclence lnsuLuLe Conference AuSl C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42439 Asla aclc 8esearch Symposlum on Accounung lnformauon SysLems A8SAlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42438 Asla aclc Web Conference AWL8 C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43009 Asla-aclc 8lolnformaucs Conference A8C 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42448 Asla-aclc Conference on Complex SysLems Complex C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42430 Asla-aclc Conference on ConcepLual Modelllng ACCM 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42433 Asla-aclc Conference on SlmulaLed Lvoluuon and Learnlng SLAL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42436 Asla-aclc neLwork Cperauons and ManagemenL Symposlum AnCMS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42437 Asla-aclc Servlces Compuung Conference ASCC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42438 Asla-aclc Soware Lnglneerlng Conference ASLC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42439 Asla-aclc Symposlum on vlsuallsauon AvlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42440 Aslan Compuung Sclence Conference ASlAn 8 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42441 Aslan Conference on CompuLer vlslon ACCv 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42443 Aslan lnLernauonal Moblle Compuung Conference AMCC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42444 Aslan Symposlum on CompuLer MaLhemaucs ASCM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42443 ASlAn Symposlum on rogrammlng Languages and SysLems ALAS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42462 AspecL-CrlenLauon Asla AC-Asla C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42463 AspecL-CrlenLed Soware uevelopmenL ACSu A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42463 Assoclauon for CompuLer-Alded ArchlLecLural ueslgn 8esearch ln Asla (CAAu8lA) annual conference CAAu8lA 8 1201 ArchlLecLure
42469 Assoclauon of CompuLauonal Llngulsucs ACL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42471 ALhens Colloqulum on AlgorlLhms and ComplexlLy ACAC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42474 AusLralasla Conference on lnformauon SecurlLy and rlvacy AlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
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42476 AusLralaslan Cognluve Sclence SocleLy Conference AuCSS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42477 AusLralaslan Compumod users' Conference
C 0803
CompuLer Soware
42478 AusLralaslan CompuLer ArchlLecLure Conference ACAC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43033 AusLralaslan CompuLer Muslc Conference ACMA C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42479 AusLralaslan CompuLer Sclence Conference ACSC 8 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
AusLralaslan CompuLer SysLems ArchlLecLure Conference (now Asla-aclc CompuLer SysLems
ArchlLecLure Conference)
ACSAC 8 0803
CompuLer Soware
42481 AusLralaslan CompuLers ln Lducauon Conference ACLC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42482 AusLralaslan Conference on ComblnaLorlal MaLhemaucs and ComblnaLorlal Compuung ACCMCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42483 AusLralaslan Conference on CompuLer Sclence Lducauon ACL 8 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42484 AusLralaslan Conference on lnformauon SecurlLy and rlvacy AClS 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42483 AusLralaslan Conference on lnformauon SysLems AClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42487 AusLralaslan Conference on arallel and 8eal-1lme SysLems A81S C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42488 AusLralaslan Conference on auern Languages of rograms koalaLo C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42489 AusLralaslan Conference on 8oboucs and AuLomauon AC8A 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42492 AusLralaslan uaLabase Conference AuC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42496 AusLralaslan lnformauon SecurlLy Conference AlSC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42497 AusLralaslan lnformauon SecurlLy Workshop 2007 (rlvacy Lnhanclng 1echnologles) AlSW-L1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42498 AusLralaslan !olnL Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence Al 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42301 AusLralaslan 8enemenL Workshop Au8W C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42304 AusLralaslan Speech Sclence and 1echnology SS1 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42306 AusLralaslan Symposlum on Crld Compuung and e-8esearch (now AusuC) AusCrld C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42307 AusLralaslan Symposlum on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed Compuung (was AusCrld) AusuC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42308 AusLralaslan urban and 8eglonal lnformauon SysLems Assoclauon Conference Au8lSA C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42309 AusLralaslan user lnLerface Conference AulC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42311 AusLralaslan Women ln Compuung Workshop WlC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42312 AusLralaslan Workshop on ComblnaLorlal AlgorlLhms AWCCA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42313 AusLralaslan Workshop on PealLh uaLa and knowledge ManagemenL PukM 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42313 AusLralla-!apan !olnL Workshop on lnLelllgenL and Lvoluuonary SysLems A!WlLS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42316 AusLrallan and new Zealand Academy of ManagemenL Conference AnZAM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42319 AusLrallan and new Zealand lnLelllgenL lnformauon SysLems Conference AnZllS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42320 AusLrallan and new Zealand Markeung Academy Conference AnZMAC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42322 AusLrallan CompuLer Puman lnLeracuon Conference CZCPl 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42324 AusLrallan Conference for knowledge ManagemenL and lnLelllgenL ueclslon SupporL ACkMluS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42323 AusLrallan Conference on Aruclal Llfe ACAL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42327 AusLrallan Conference on neural neLworks ACnn C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42328 AusLrallan Conference on Soware MeLrlcs ACCSM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
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42330 AusLrallan uaLa Mlnlng Conference AusuM 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42331 AusLrallan ulglLal lorenslcs Conference 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42333 AusLrallan Came uevelopers Conference ACuC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42333 AusLrallan lnformauon SecurlLy ManagemenL Conference 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42336 AusLrallan lnformauon Warfare and SecurlLy Conference WarSec C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42338 AusLrallan lnsuLuLe of CompuLer LLhlcs Conference AlCL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42340 AusLrallan knowledge Acqulsluon Workshop AkAW C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43032 AusLrallan MAu?MC users Meeung MAu?MC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44982 AusLrallan MA1LA8 Conference MA1LA8 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42343 AusLrallan Soware Lnglneerlng Conference ASWLC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42346 AusLrallan Supercompuung Conference ACS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42347 AusLrallan Symposlum on lnformauon vlsuallsauon ASlv 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42330 AusLrallan unlx users Croup nauonal Conference AuuC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42332 AusLrallan Women ln l1 Conference CzWl1 8 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42333 AusLrallan Workshop on Moblle Compuung, uaLabases and Appllcauons MCuA C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42334 AusLrallan Workshop on 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng AW8L 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42336 AusLrallan Workshop on Soware ArchlLecLure AWSA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42337 AusLrallan World Wlde Web Conference AusWeb C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42338 AuLomaLed Soware Lnglneerlng Conference ASL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42361 AuLomauon of Soware 1esL AS1 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42362 8aluc Sea Conference on Compuung Lducauon 8esearch koll Calllng 8 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42364 8enelux Workshop on lnformauon and SysLem SecurlLy WlSSec C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42363 8lolnformaucs vlsuallzauon 8lovlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42367 8led LlecLronlc Commerce Conference 8LCC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42369 8ody Sensor neLworks 8Sn C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42370 8razlllan Symposlum on CompuLer Craphlcs and lmage rocesslng Sl8C8Al C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42371 8razlllan Symposlum on uaLabases S88u C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42372 8razlllan Symposlum on Craphs, AlgorlLhms and ComblnaLorlcs C8ACC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42373 8razlllan Symposlum on lnformauon and CompuLer SysLems SecurlLy S8SLC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42374 8rlush Colloqulum for 1heoreucal CompuLer Sclence 8C1CS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42373 8rlush CompuLer SocleLy Conference on Puman-CompuLer lnLeracuon PCl A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42376 8rlush CompuLer SocleLy lormal AspecLs of Compuung Sclence SpeclallsL Croup Workshop 8CS-lMW C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42377 8rlush Machlne vlslon Conference 8MvC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42378 8rlush nauonal Conference on uaLabases 8nCCu 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42381 Canadlan Aruclal lnLelllgence Conference CAAl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42382 Canadlan Conference on CompuLauonal CeomeLry CCCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42383 Canadlan Conference on CompuLer and 8oboL vlslon C8v C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42383 Canadlan ulscreLe and AlgorlLhmlc MaLhemaucs Conference CanauAM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
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February 2008
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08 to 0899 p7 of 84
42389 CCAL user Workshop CCAL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42390 CCC Workshop on CompuLauonal CeomeLry CCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42391 Challenges of Large Appllcauons ln ulsLrlbuLed LnvlronmenLs CLAuL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42392 Chllean uaLabase Workshop
C 0804
uaLa lormaL
42393 ChlnaCrld Annual Conference ChlnaCrld C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42396 Cognluve Sclence SocleLy Annual Conference CSSAC A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42397 Collaborauve LlecLronlc Commerce 1echnology and 8esearch CollLC1e8 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
Colloqulum on MaLhemaucs and CompuLer Sclence: AlgorlLhms, 1rees, ComblnaLorlcs and
MaLhlnfo C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42399 Cologne-1wenLe Workshop on Craphs and ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon C1W C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42600 Comblna1exas: ComblnaLorlcs ln Lhe SouLh-CenLral u.S.
C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42601 ComblnaLorlal auern MaLchlng CM 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42602 Commluee on uaLa for Sclence and 1echnology CCuA1A C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42603 Complex Cb[ecLs vlsuallzauon Workshop CCv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43010 ComplexlLy and lnformauon-Lheoreuc approaches Lo blology Cl18 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42606 CompuLablllLy ln Lurope: Loglc and 1heory of AlgorlLhms ClL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42607 CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln SecurlLy for lnformauon SysLems ClSlS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42608 CompuLauonal 1echnlques and Appllcauons Conference C1AC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42609 CompuLauonal 1opology Workshop C1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42611 CompuLer Alded verlcauon CAv A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42612 CompuLer Anlmauon CAnlM A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42613 CompuLer Anlmauon, lnformauon vlsuallsauon, and ulglLal LecLs CAlvuL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42614 CompuLer Craphlcs lnLernauonal CCl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42616 CompuLer Sclence 8esearch Conference CS8C C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42617 CompuLer SupporLed Collaborauve Learnlng CSCL A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42624 Compuung ln Lducauon Croup of vlcLorla Conference CLC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42623 Compuung: 1he AusLralaslan 1heory Symposlum CA1S 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42628 Conference en 8echerche d'lnformauon eL Appllcauons CC8lA C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42629 Conference for Lhe lnLernauonal Slmulauon and Camlng Assoclauon lSACA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42630 Conference ln uncerLalnLy ln Aruclal lnLelllgence uAl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42631 Conference of SouLh Afrlcan lnsuLuLe of CompuLer SclenusLs and lnformauon 1echnologlsLs SAlCSl1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42632 Conference of Lhe Assoclauon for Machlne 1ranslauon ln Lhe Amerlcas AM1A 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44984 Conference of Lhe Assoclauon of Aslan-aclc Cperauonal 8esearch Socleues AC8S C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Conference of Lhe Commlsslon lnLernauonale pour l'LLude eL l'Amellorauon de l'LnselgnemenL des
ClLALM C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42634 Conference of Lhe Luropean Assoclauon for Machlne 1ranslauon LAM1 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
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February 2008
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08 to 0899 p8 of 84
44983 Conference of Lhe lnLernauonal SocleLy for ueclslon SupporL SysLems lSuSS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42633 Conference of Lhe aclc Assoclauon for CompuLauonal Llngulsucs ACLlnC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42636 Conference on Aglle Soware uevelopmenL Aglle 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42637 Conference on AlgorlLhmlc AspecLs ln lnformauon and ManagemenL AAlM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42638 Conference on AlgorlLhms and Pardware for arallel rocesslng CCnA8 C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42639 Conference on Analysls of AlgorlLhms AofA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42640 Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence for Appllcauons CAlA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42641 Conference on Aruclal neural neLworks and LxperL sysLems AnnLS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42642 Conference on ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon and Appllcauons CCCCA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42644 Conference on CompuLers, lreedom, and rlvacy Cl C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42646 Conference on ulscreLe MaLhemaucs, Algebra and Lhelr Appllcauon ulMA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44147 Conference on llle and SLorage 1echnologles lAS1 A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42647 Conference on lun wlLh AlgorlLhms lun 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42648 Conference on Craph 1heory and ulscreLe CeomeLry CC1uC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42649 Conference on lnformauon Sclence, 1echnology and ManagemenL ClS1M 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42630 Conference on lnformauon Sclences and SysLems ClSS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42631 Conference on lnnovauve uaLa SysLems 8esearch Clu8 A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43004 Conference on lnLeger rogrammlng and ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon lCC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42632 Conference on naLural Language Learnlng ConLL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42633 Conference on Cmce lnformauon SysLems SlCCA C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44986 Conference on Cperauonal 8esearch racuce ln Afrlca C8A C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44987 Conference on Cperauons 8esearch CC8 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42634 Conference on Crders, AlgorlLhms and Appllcauons Crdal C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42636 Conference on 8llu SecurlLy 8lluSec C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42637 Conference on SecurlLy and CrypLography for neLworks SCn 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42638 Conference on SecurlLy ln neLwork ArchlLecLures and lnformauon SysLems SA8-SSl C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42660 Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng Lducauon and 1ralnlng CSLL&1 C 09 Lnglneerlng
42663 Conference on Lhe CuallLy of Soware ArchlLecLures CoSA A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42664 Conference on 1heory and Appllcauons of Models of CompuLauon 1AMC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42663 Conference on vlsuallzauon and uaLa Analysls vuA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42666 Congress of Lhe lLallan Assoc for Al Al*lA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42669 ConsLralnL uaLabases and Appllcauons Cu8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42670 ConsLralnL rogrammlng uay Cu C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42680 Cooperauve ueslgn, vlsuallzauon, and Lnglneerlng CuvL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42682 CoordlnaLed and Muluple vlews ln LxploraLory vlsuallzauon CMv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42686 CrypLo'uces
C 0804
uaLa lormaL
42683 CrypLography ollcy and AlgorlLhms Conference CryAC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
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ERA Conference List
February 2008
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08 to 0899 p9 of 84
42687 CulLural AmLudes Lowards 1echnology and Communlcauons CA1AC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42688 CulLural PerlLage knowledge vlsuallsauon CPkv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42690 CurrenL 1rends ln 1heory and racuce of CompuLer Sclence SClSLM 8 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42691 uaLa Compresslon Conference uCC A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42692 uaLa Semanucs ln Web lnformauon SysLems uASWlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42693 uaLa Warehouslng and knowledge ulscovery uaWak 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42694 uaLabase SysLems for Advanced Appllcauons uASlAA A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42693 uaLabases and rogrammlng Language u8L 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42696 ueclarauve AgenL Languages and 1echnologles uAL1 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42697 ueslgn and AesLheucs ln vlsuallsauon uAvlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42699 ueslgn and ManagemenL of uaLa Warehouses uMuW C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42703 ueslgn for user Lxperlence uux 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42709 ueslgnlng lnLeracuve SysLems ulS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42712 ueuLsche ArbelLsgemelnscha fur MusLererkennung uACM e.v uACM 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42713 uevelopmenLs ln Language 1heory uL1 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42714 ulglLal ArLs and CulLure uAC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42716 ulglLal Cames 8esearch Conference ulC8A C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42717 ulglLal lmage Compuung 1echnlques and Appllcauons ulC1A 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42718 ulMACS Workshop on lnLrlnslc ComplexlLy of CompuLauon
C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42719 ulscourse Anaphora and Anaphor 8esoluuon Colloqulum uAA8C C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42720 ulscreLe and AlgorlLhmlc CeomeLry uAC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42721 ulscreLe Models: ComblnaLorlcs, CompuLauon and CeomeLry uM-CCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42722 ulsLrlbuLed Communlues on Lhe Web Workshop ucw C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42723 uomaln - Speclc Languages for Soware Lnglneerlng uSLSL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42724 uomaln Speclc AspecL Languages uSAL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42726 uuLch CompuLauonal CeomeLry uay uuLchCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42727 uynamlc Craph Workshop uCW C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42728 uynamlc Languages Symposlum uLS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42734 LC8?1 Workshop on CrypLographlc Pash luncuons C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42733 LC8?1 Workshop on 1ools for CrypLanalysls C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42737 Lducauonal uaLa Mlnlng LuM 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42739 Lmplrlcal MeLhods ln naLural Language rocesslng LMnL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42740 Lnabllng Crlds for L-Sclence Luropean Conference LCLL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42744 Lnvl and luL uaLa Analysls and vlsuallzauon Symposlum vlSuallze C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42746 L8A1C Conference on CuanLum lnformauon Sclence LClS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42747 L8ClM Annual Workshop on ConsLralnL Solvlng and ConsLralnL Loglc rogrammlng

8 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
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February 2008
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42748 Lrshov Conference Sl 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42749 L1PlCCM Conference L1PlCCM 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42731 Luro vlrLual 8eallLy Luro v8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42732 LuroConference on ComblnaLorlcs, Craph 1heory and Appllcauons LuroComb C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42733 Lurographlcs Symposlum on arallel Craphlcs and vlsuallzauon LCCv 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42734 Lurographlcs Symposlum on vlrLual LnvlronmenLs LCvL 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42733 Lurographlcs/lLLL Symposlum on vlsuallzauon Lurovls 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42738 Luromlcro Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng and Advanced Appllcauons SLAA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42739 Luromlcro lnLernauonal Conference on arallel, ulsLrlbuLed and neLwork 8ased rocesslng u C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42764 Luropean Assoclauon of CompuLauonal Llngulsucs LACL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42763 Luropean ChapLer on ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon LCCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42766 Luropean Compuung Conference LCC C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42767 Luropean Conference of lnformauon Warfare LClW C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42768 Luropean Conference on AmblenL lnLelllgence Aml C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42769 Luropean Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence LCAl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42793 Luropean Conference on Aruclal Llfe LCAL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43011 Luropean Conference on CompuLauonal 8lology LCC8 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42770 Luropean Conference on CompuLauonal Learnlng 1heory (now ln CCL1) LuroCCL1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42771 Luropean Conference on CompuLer SupporLed Cooperauve Work LCSCW 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42772 Luropean Conference on CompuLer vlslon LCCv A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42774 Luropean Conference on e-CovernmenL LCLC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42773 Luropean Conference on Ceneuc rogrammlng Lu8CC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42776 Luropean Conference on lnformauon ManagemenL and Lvaluauon LClML C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42777 Luropean Conference on lnformauon 8eLrleval LCl8 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42778 Luropean Conference on lnformauon SysLems LClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42779 Luropean Conference on knowledge ManagemenL LkM 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42780 Luropean Conference on Machlne Learnlng LCML A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42782 Luropean Conference on Cb[ecL-CrlenLed rogrammlng LCCC A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42783 Luropean Conference on Cperauons 8esearch Lu8C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42783 Luropean Conference on auern Languages of rograms LuroLop 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42786 Luropean Conference on rlnclples and racuce of knowledge ulscovery ln uaLabases kuu A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42787 Luropean Conference on 8esearch MeLhodology for 8uslness and ManagemenL SLudles LC8M C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42788 Luropean Conference on Soware MalnLenance and 8eenglneerlng CSM8 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42789 Luropean Conference on Speech Communlcauon and 1echnology (now lnLerspeech) LuroSpeech A 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42790 Luropean Conference on Symbollc and CuanuLauve Approaches Lo 8easonlng wlLh uncerLalnLy LCSCA8u C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42791 Luropean Conference on unlversal Muluservlce neLworks LCuMn C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42794 Luropean Congress on lnLelllgenL 1echnlques and So Compuung Lull1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
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February 2008
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42796 Luropean Craphlcs Conference
A 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42797 Luropean lnsuLuLe for CompuLer Anu-vlrus 8esearch LlCA8 Conference LlCA8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42798 Luropean Llsp Workshop LLW C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42801 Luropean naLural Language Cenerauon Workshop LuronLC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42802 Luropean kl Workshop: 1heory and racuce Lu8Ckl 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42730 Luropean vM/Ml users' Croup Conference
C 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44988 Luropean Slmulauon MuluConference LSM 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44989 Luropean Slmulauon Symposlum LSS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42803 Luropean Soware Lnglneerlng Conference LSLC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42806 Luropean Sl LuroSl 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42807 Luropean Symposlum on AlgorlLhms LSA A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42808 Luropean Symposlum on Aruclal neural neLworks LSAnn 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42809 Luropean Symposlum on Cender and lC1 LSClC1 C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42810 Luropean Symposlum on rogrammlng LSC A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42811 Luropean Symposlum Cn 8esearch ln CompuLer SecurlLy LSC8lCS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42813 Luropean Workshop on CompuLauonal CeomeLry LuroCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42816 Luropean Workshop on Modelllng AuLonomous AgenLs ln a Mulu-AgenL World MAAMAW C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42817 Luropean Workshop on Mulu-AgenL SysLems LuMAS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42818 Luropean Workshop on SecurlLy and rlvacy ln Ad -Poc and Sensor neLworks LSAS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42819 Luropean-!apanese Conference on lnformauon Modelllng and knowledge 8ases L!C C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42799 Luropean, MedlLerranean and Mlddle LasLern Conference on lnformauon SysLems LMClS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42820 Lurosys Conference LuroSys A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42823 Lxplorlng Modelllng MeLhods ln SysLems Analysls and ueslgn LMMSAu C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42824 LxLendlng uaLabase 1echnology Lu81 A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42823 LxLreme Markup Languages LxLreme C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42826 lar LasL Workshop on luLure u8 SysLems lLWlu8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42828 llnanclal CrypLography llnC8? 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42829 llnanclal CrypLography and uaLa SecurlLy Conference lC A 0804 uaLa lormaL
44990 llnlLe ulerences-llnlLe LlemenLs-llnlLe volumes-8oundary LlemenLs l-and-8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42832 llexlble Cuery-Answerlng SysLems lCAS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42833 llorlda Aruclal lnLelllgence 8esearch SocleLy Conference llAl8S C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42834 lormal and CompuLauonal CrypLography lCC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42833 lormal MeLhods Lurope lML A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42836 lormal MeLhods ln Soware Lnglneerlng and uefence SysLems Workshop lMSLuS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42837 lormal MeLhods aclc lM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42838 lormal ower Serles and Algebralc ComblnaLorlcs lSAC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
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February 2008
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42839 lorum on Speclcauon, verlcauon and ueslgn Languages luL C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42840 loundauons of AspecL-CrlenLed Languages lCAL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42841 loundauons of Ceneuc AlgorlLhms lCCA A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42842 loundauons of Soware Sclence and CompuLauonal SLrucLures lCSSACS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42843 loundauons of Soware 1echnology and 1heoreucal CompuLer Sclence lS1&1CS 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42844 lranco-Canadlan Workshop on ComblnaLorlal AlgorlLhms ComAl C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42843 lrench Conference on knowledge Acqulsluon and Machlne Learnlng lCkAML 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42846 lrench !ournees de CeomeLrle AlgorlLhmlque !CA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42847 lrench Speaklng Conference on Lhe LxLracuon and ManagemenL of knowledge LCC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42848 luncuonal and ueclarauve rogrammlng ln Lducauon luL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42849 lundamenLal Approaches Lo Soware Lnglneerlng lASL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42830 Came uevelopers Conference CuC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42832 Ceneuc and Lvoluuonary CompuLauons CLCCC A 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42833 CeomeLry lesuval: An lnLernauonal workshop on ulscreLe CeomeLry and 8lgldlLy CeomlesL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43003 CeomeLry Modellng and rocesslng CM 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42836 Ceovlsuallzauon and lnformauon vlsuallzauon Ceovlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42837 Cerman Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence kl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42838 Cerman Conference on Mulu-AgenL sysLem 1echnologles MA1LS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42839 Cl lnLernauonal Conference on ueLecuon of lnLruslons and Malware, and vulnerablllLy AssessmenL ulMvA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42860 ClS laneL Conference ClSlaneL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42861 Clobal Chlnese Conference on CompuLers ln Lducauon CCCCL C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42863 Clobal lnformauon 1echnology ManagemenL Assoclauon World Conference Cl1MA 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42863 Crace Popper Celebrauon of Women ln Compuung CPC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42866 Craph urawlng Cu A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42867 Craphlcs lnLerface Cl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42868 Paskell Workshop PASkLLL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42869 Pawall lnLernauonal Conference on SysLem Sclences PlCSS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43020 PealLh lnformaucs Conference PlC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42871 Pellenlc Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence SL1n C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42872 PeLerogenelLy ln Compuung Workshop PCW 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42873 Plgh erformance Compuung Symposlum Canada
C 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42874 Plgh-erformance Crld Compuung Workshop (parL of luS Conference) PCrld C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42878 Puman SysLem lnLeracuon PlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42879 Pungarlan nauonal Conference on AgenL 8ased CompuLauon PunA8C C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42883 lAvoSS Workshop Cn 1rusLworLhy Llecuons WC1L C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42886 lberlan Conference on auern 8ecognluon and lmage Analysls l88lA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42887 lberoAmerlcan Congress on auern 8ecognluon ClA8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p13 of 84
42890 lLLL AuLomauc Speech 8ecognluon and undersLandlng Workshop AS8u C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43012 lLLL 8lolnformaucs and 8loenglneerlng 8l8L C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43013 lLLL CompuLauonal SysLems 8lolnformaucs Conference CS8 A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42892 lLLL CompuLer SecurlLy loundauons Symposlum (was CSlW) CSl A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42893 lLLL Conference on CompuLauonal ComplexlLy ComplexlLy 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42896 lLLL Conference on CompuLer Communlcauons
A 0899
CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42897 lLLL Conference on CompuLer vlslon and auern 8ecognluon Cv8 A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42900 lLLL Conference on LlecLronlc Commerce 1echnology (merger of CLC and LLL) CLC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42902 lLLL Conference on Mass SLorage SysLems and 1echnologles MSS1 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42903 lLLL Conference on SysLems, Man and Cyberneucs SMC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42908 lLLL Congress on Lvoluuonary CompuLauon lLLL CLC A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42909 lLLL Congress on Servlces SL8vlCLS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42910 lLLL Consumer Communlcauons and neLworklng Conference lLLL CCnC 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42912 lLLL Luropean Conference on Web Servlces LCCWS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42914 lLLL Clobal lnLerneL Symposlum Cl C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42916 lLLL lnformauon 1heory Workshop on ueLecuon, Lsumauon, Classlcauon and lmaglng uLCl C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42917 lLLL lnformauon vlsuallzauon Conference lLLL lnfovls A 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42918 lLLL lnLernauonal AugmenLed 8eallLy 1oolklL Workshop lA81W C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42922 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Adapuve and lnLelllgenL SysLems lCAlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42973 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on AuLomauc lace and CesLure 8ecognluon lC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42924 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on AuLonomlc Compuung lCAC 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42923 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Cloud Compuung CLCuu 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42926 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on ClusLer Compuung CLuS1L8 A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42927 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Cognluve lnformaucs lCCl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42929 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Cyberneucs lCCC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for MeasuremenL SysLems and
ClMSA C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42931 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer and lnformauon 1echnology Cl1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42932 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer vlslon lCCv A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42934 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on CC1S-8ased Soware SysLems lCC8SS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42933 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Cyberneucs and lnLelllgenL SysLems ClS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42936 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on uaLa Mlnlng lCuM A 0804 uaLa lormaL
42937 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on ulglLal LcoSysLems and 1echnologles Conference lLLL uLS1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42938 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed Compuung ln Sensor SysLems uCCSS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42899 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on e-8uslness Lnglneerlng lCL8L 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42941 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on e-Sclence and Crld Compuung e-Sclence A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p14 of 84
42940 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on LnLerprlse Compuung, L-Commerce and L-Servlces LLL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42942 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on luzzy SysLems luZZ-lLLL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42943 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Clobal Soware Lnglneerlng lCCSL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42944 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Cranular Compuung CrC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42946 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Plgh erformance Compuung and Communlcauons PCC 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42943 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Plgh erformance Compuung and Slmulauon lLLL PCS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42947 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lmage rocesslng lCl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42930 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and AuLomauon lLLL lClA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42949 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon lnLegrauon and 8euse lLLL l8l C 0804 uaLa lormaL
42931 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgence and SecurlLy lnformaucs lSl C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42932 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgence for Pomeland SecurlLy and ersonal SafeLy ClPSS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42933 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL CompuLer Communlcauon and rocesslng lCC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42934 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL SysLems lLLL lS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42937 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Mulumedla and Lxpo lCML 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42939 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on neural neLworks lCnn 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42960 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on arallel rocesslng Workshops Wo C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42961 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on eer Lo eer Compuung 2 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42962 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on ervaslve Compuung and Communlcauons L8CCM A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42967 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Servlce-CrlenLed Compuung Appllcauons SCCA C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42968 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Servlces Compuung SCC A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42970 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Soware MalnLenance lCSM A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42972 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Web Servlces lCWS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
42974 lLLL lnLernauonal Conference on Wlreless lnformauon 1echnology and SysLems lCWl1S 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42977 lLLL lnLernauonal LnLerprlse ulsLrlbuLed Cb[ecL Compuung Conference LuCC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43008 lLLL lnLernauonal Ceosclence and 8emoLe Senslng Symposlum lCA8SS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42979 lLLL lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on neural neLworks l!Cnn A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42980 lLLL lnLernauonal Muluopuc Conference lnMlC C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42981 lLLL lnLernauonal Cn-Llne 1esung Symposlum lCL1S C 0803 CompuLer Soware
42982 lLLL lnLernauonal arallel and ulsLrlbuLed rocesslng Symposlum (was lS and Su) luS A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42983 lLLL lnLernauonal erformance Compuung and Communlcauons Conference lCCC 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42983 lLLL lnLernauonal 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng Conference 8L A 0803 CompuLer Soware
42988 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Adapuve uynamlc rogrammlng and 8elnforcemenL Learnlng lLLL Au8L C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
42989 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Aruclal Llfe lLLL Allfe A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42991 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on ClusLer, Cloud and Crld Compuung CCC8lu A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42992 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on ulsLrlbuLed Slmulauon and 8eal-ume Appllcauons lLLL uS-81 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42993 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Plgh Assurance SysLems Lnglneerlng PASL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
42996 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnformauon 1heory lSl1 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
42998 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Mulumedla lSM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p15 of 84
42999 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on neLwork Compuung and Appllcauons lLLL nCA A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43000 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Cb[ecL-CrlenLed 8eal-1lme ulsLrlbuLed Compuung lSC8C C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43001 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed rocesslng wlLh Appllcauons lSA 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43002 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on erformance Analysls of SysLems and Soware lSASS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43004 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on SecurlLy ln neLworks and ulsLrlbuLed SysLems SSnuS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43003 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Wearable Compuung lSWC A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43006 lLLL lnLernauonal Symposlum on Web SysLems Lvoluuon WSL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43008 lLLL lnLernauonal Worklng Conference on Mlnlng Soware 8eposlLorles MS8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43009 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on Cellular nanoscale neLworks and Appllcauons CnnA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43010 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on uaLabases for nexL-Cenerauon 8esearchers SWCu C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43011 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on luLure 1rends of ulsLrlbuLed Compuung SysLems l1uCS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43013 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on neural neLworks for Slgnal rocesslng nnS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43013 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on CuallLy of Servlce lWCoS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43016 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on Source Code Analysls and Manlpulauon SCAM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43018 lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on vlsuallzlng Soware for undersLandlng and Analysls vlSSCl1 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43019 lLLL knowledge and uaLa Lnglneerlng Lxchange Workshop kuLLW C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43023 lLLL aclc vlsuallzauon Symposlum (was AvlS) aclcvls 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43026 lLLL Soware Lnglneerlng Workshop SLW C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43027 lLLL Swarm lnLelllgence Symposlum lLLL SlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43029 lLLL Symposlum on 3u user lnLerfaces 3uul 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43030 lLLL Symposlum on Advanced ManagemenL of lnformauon for Cloballzed LnLerprlses AMlCL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43031 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal ComplexlLy CCC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43032 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence and uaLa Mlnlng lLLL CluM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43033 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence and Cames ClC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43034 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for llnanclal Lnglneerlng lLLL CllLr C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43033 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for lmage rocesslng lLLL Cll C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43036 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for Mulumedla Slgnal and vlslon rocesslng
C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43028 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for SecurlLy and uefence Appllcauons lLLL ClSuA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43038 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln 8lolnformaucs and CompuLauonal 8lology lLLL Cl8C8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43039 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln ConLrol and AuLomauon lLLL ClCA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43040 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln Cyber SecurlLy lLLL ClCS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43041 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln lmage and Slgnal rocesslng CllS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43042 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln Mulu-CrlLerla ueclslon-Maklng lLLL MCuM C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43043 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln Schedullng
lLLL Cl-
C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43044 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLer ArlLhmeuc A8l1P C 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p16 of 84
43043 lLLL Symposlum on CompuLers and Communlcauons lSCC 8 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43046 lLLL Symposlum on loundauons of CompuLer Sclence lCCS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43047 lLLL Symposlum on Plgh-erformance lnLerconnecLs PC1l 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43048 lLLL Symposlum on lnLelllgenL AgenLs lLLL lA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43049 lLLL Symposlum on Loglc ln CompuLer Sclence LlCS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43030 lLLL Symposlum on 8apld roLoLyplng 8S C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43031 lLLL Symposlum on SecurlLy and rlvacy S& A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43032 lLLL Symposlum on vlsual Analyucs Sclence and 1echnology lLLL vAS1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43033 lLLL Symposlum on vlsual Languages and Puman-CenLrlc Compuung (was vL) vL/PCC A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43033 lLLL SysLems and lnformauon Lnglneerlng ueslgn Symposlum SlLuS C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43039 lLLL vlrLual 8eallLy Conference v8 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43060 lLLL vlsuallzauon lLLL vlS A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43062 lLLL Worklng Conference on 8everse Lnglneerlng WC8L 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43063 lLLL Workshop on Advances ln 1echnlques for Analysls of 8emoLely Sensed uaLa WA8uS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43064 lLLL Workshop on Appllcauons of CompuLer vlslon WACv A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43063 lLLL Workshop on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for vlsual lnLelllgence lLLL Clvl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43066 lLLL Workshop on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln Aerospace Appllcauons lLLL ClAA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43067 lLLL Workshop on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln 8lomeLrlcs: 1heory, AlgorlLhms, and Appllcauons lLLL Cl8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43068 lLLL Workshop on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln vehlcles and vehlcular SysLems lLLL ClWS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43069 lLLL Workshop on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence ln vlrLual LnvlronmenLs lLLL ClvL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43070 lLLL Workshop on Lvolvable and Adapuve Pardware lLLL WLAP C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43071 lLLL Workshop on Lvolvlng and Self-ueveloplng lnLelllgenL SysLems lLLL LSulS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43073 lLLL Workshop on PoL 1oplcs ln Web SysLems and 1echnologles PoLWeb 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43074 lLLL Workshop on Pybrld lnLelllgenL Models and Appllcauons lLLL PlMA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43073 lLLL Workshop on Memeuc AlgorlLhms lLLL WCMA C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43076 lLLL Workshop Cn Moblle Compuung SysLems And Appllcauons WMCSA C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43077 lLLL Workshop on Crganlc Compuung lLLL CC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43078 lLLL Workshop on 8obouc lnLelllgence ln lnformauonally SLrucLured Space lLLL 8llSS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43079 lLLL Workshop on Speech Codlng SCW C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43083 lLLL/AClS lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer and lnformauon Sclence lClS C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43084 lLLL/ACM lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer-Alded ueslgn lCCAu A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43083 lLLL/ACM lnLernauonal Conference on Crld Compuung C8lu A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43086 lLLL/ACM lnLernauonal Symposlum on Mlxed and AugmenLed 8eallLy lSMA8 A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43088 lLLL/lll lnLernauonal Conference on uependable SysLems uSn A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43089 lLLL/lll lnLernauonal Conference on Lmbedded and ublqulLous Compuung LuC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43091 lLLL/lll lnLernauonal Symposlum on 1rusLed Compuung and Communlcauons 1rusLCom A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43092 lLLL/lll Worklng Conference on Soware ArchlLecLure (now wlLh LCSA) WlCSA A 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p17 of 84
43093 lLLL/WlC/ACM lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL AgenL 1echnology lA1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43094 lLLL/WlC/ACM lnLernauonal Conference on Web lnLelllgence and lnLelllgenL AgenL 1echnology Wl-lA1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43098 llAC Conference on SysLem SLrucLure and ConLrol SSC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43100 lll Conference on 8lologlcally lnsplred Collaborauve Compuung 8lCC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43101 lll Congress (lnformauon rocesslng)
C 08
lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43103 lll lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed Appllcauons and lnoperable SysLems uAlS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43112 lll lnLernauonal Conference on neLwork and arallel Compuung nC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43103 lll lnLernauonal Conference on Cpen ulsLrlbuLed rocesslng Cu 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43106 lll lnLernauonal Conference on 1heoreucal CompuLer Sclence lll 1CS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43107 lll lnLernauonal lnformauon SecurlLy Conference lll SLC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
lll !olnL lnLernauonal Conference on lormal uescrlpuon 1echnlques and roLocol Speclcauon,
1esung, And verlcauon
lC81L A 0803
CompuLer Soware
43607 lll 1C13 Conference on Puman-CompuLer lnLeracuon lnLeracL A 1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
43110 lll Worklng Conference on vlsual uaLabase SysLems vubS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43111 lll Worklng Conferences on vlrLual LnLerprlses 8C-vL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43113 lll/ACM Worklng Conference on ComponenL ueploymenL Cu 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43113 lll/lLLL lnLernauonal Workshop on ulsLrlbuLed SysLems Cperauons and ManagemenL uSCM 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43116 llSA World Congress llSA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43118 lMA lnLernauonal Conference on CrypLography and Codlng 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43120 lmage and vlslon Compuung Conference lvCnZ 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43122 lnducuve Loglc rogrammlng lL 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43123 lndusLrlal Slmulauon Conference lSC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43126 lnformaucs Lducauon Lurope lLL C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43127 lnformauon lnLegrauon and Web-based Appllcauons and Servlces llWAS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43130 lnformauon SecurlLy Conference lSC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43131 lnformauon SecurlLy racuce and Lxperlence Conference lSLC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43132 lnformauon SecurlLy Symposlum CL8lAS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43133 lnformauon SecurlLy Workshop lSW C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43134 lnformauon SysLems Lducauon Conference lSLCCn 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43133 lnformauon SysLems 8esearch Semlnar ln Scandlnavla l8lS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43138 lnformauon 1heory Workshop l1W 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43140 lnformauon vlsuallsauon 1heory and racuce lnfvls C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43141 lnformauon vlsuallzauon Lvaluauon lvL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43142 lnformauon vlsuallzauon ln 8lomedlcal lnformaucs lv8l C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43143 lnformlng Sclence and lnformauon 1echnology Lducauon lnSl1L C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43146 lnnovauve Appllcauons ln Al lAAl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
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February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p18 of 84
43147 lnnovauve lnLerneL CompuLer SysLems llCS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43148 lnsuLuLe for Small 8uslness and LnLrepreneurshlp Annual Conference lS8L C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43149 lnL. Workshop on lormal MeLhods for lndusLrlal Crlucal SysLems lMlCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43130 lnL. Workshop on Mulu-Medla uaLa 8ase ManagemenL SysLems
C 0804
uaLa lormaL
43132 lnLegraLed uaLa LnvlronmenLs AusLralla Workshop luLAW C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43133 lnLegraLed lormal MeLhods llM 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43134 lnLegrauon of Soware Lnglneerlng and AgenL 1echnology lSLA1 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43133 lnLelllgence 1ools, uaLa Mlnlng, vlsuallzauon luv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43136 lnLelllgenL uaLa Analysls luA A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43037 lnLelllgenL Mulumedla, vldeo and Speech rocesslng Symposlum MvS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43014 lnLelllgenL SysLems ln Molecular 8lology lSM8 A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43138 lnLelllgenL vlrLual AgenLs lvA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43139 lnLeracuon lnLeracuon C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43034 lnLeracuve LnLerLalnmenL lL 8 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43166 lnLernauonal and lnLerdlsclpllnary Conference on Modelllng and uslng ConLexL CCn1Lx1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43171 lnLernauonal ALlanuc Web lnLelllgence Conference AWlC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43172 lnLernauonal 8aluc Conference on uaLabases and lnformauon SysLems u8&lS 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43173 lnLernauonal 8uslness lnformauon ManagemenL l8lMA 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43173 lnLernauonal Cognluve 8oboucs Conference CCC8C8C 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43176 lnLernauonal Colloqulum on AuLomaLa Languages and rogrammlng lCAL A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43177 lnLernauonal Colloqulum on uaLa Sclences, knowledge ulscovery and 8uslness lnLelllgence uSku8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43179 lnLernauonal Colloqulum on SLrucLural lnformauon and Communlcauon ComplexlLy Sl8CCCC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43180 lnLernauonal Colloqulum on 1heoreucal AspecLs of Compuung lC1AC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43182 lnLernauonal CompuLer Sclence Conference lCSC 8 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43183 lnLernauonal CompuLer Sclence Symposlum ln 8ussla CS8 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43184 lnLernauonal CompuLer Soware and Appllcauons Conference CCMSAC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43183 lnLernauonal Compuung Lducauon 8esearch Workshop lCL8 8 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43187 lnLernauonal Conference and Lxhlbluon on Plgh erformance Compuung ln Lhe Asla-aclc 8eglon PC Asla 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43188 lnLernauonal Conference CompuLer Craphlcs, lmaglng and vlsuallzauon CClv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43190 lnLernauonal Conference lormal ConcepL Analysls Conference lClCA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43191 lnLernauonal Conference lmaglng Sclence, SysLems and 1echnology ClSS1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43192 lnLernauonal Conference ln 8uslness rocess ManagemenL 8M A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43193 lnLernauonal Conference of SocleLy for Croup ueclslon and negouauon Cun 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43197 lnLernauonal Conference of Z and 8 users Z8 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43198 lnLernauonal Conference of Z users ZuSL8 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43199 lnLernauonal Conference on 3C Moblle Communlcauon 1echnologles 3C C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43200 lnLernauonal Conference on Adapuve and naLural Compuung AlgorlLhms lCAnnCA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p19 of 84
43203 lnLernauonal Conference on Advanced Compuung and Communlcauons AdCom 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43204 lnLernauonal Conference on Advanced uaLa Mlnlng and Appllcauons AuMA 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43203 lnLernauonal Conference on Advanced lnformauon ManagemenL lMS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43206 lnLernauonal Conference on Advanced lnformauon neLworklng and Appllcauons (was lCCln) AlnA 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43207 lnLernauonal Conference on Advanced lnformauon SysLems Lnglneerlng CalSL A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43208 lnLernauonal Conference on Advanced Language rocesslng and Web lnformauon 1echnology ALl1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43211 lnLernauonal Conference on Advances ln CompuLer-Puman lnLeracuons ACPl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
lnLernauonal Conference on Advances ln lnfrasLrucLure for LlecLronlc 8uslness, Sclence, and Lducauon
on Lhe lnLerneL
SSC88 C 0806
lnformauon SysLems
43213 lnLernauonal Conference on Advances ln lnLelllgenL SysLems: 1heory and Appllcauons AlS1A 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43213 lnLernauonal Conference on Advances ln Moblle Compuung and Mulumedla MCMM 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43216 lnLernauonal Conference on Advances ln auern 8ecognluon and ulglLal 1echnlques lCA8u1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43217 lnLernauonal Conference on Aecuve Compuung and lnLelllgenL ACll C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43218 lnLernauonal Conference on AgenLs and Aruclal lnLelllgence lCAA81 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43220 lnLernauonal Conference on Algebralc and Loglc rogrammlng AL 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43221 lnLernauonal Conference on AlgorlLhms and ArchlLecLures for arallel rocesslng lCA3 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43222 lnLernauonal Conference on AlgorlLhms and ComplexlLy (was lLallan Conference ) ClAC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43223 lnLernauonal Conference on Applled CrypLography and neLwork SecurlLy ACnS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43224 lnLernauonal Conference on Apps for Speclc Array rocessors ASA A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43223 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence lC-Al C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43226 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence and Law lCAlL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43227 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence and auern 8ecognluon Al8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43228 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence and So Compuung lCAlSC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43229 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence and SLausucs AlS1A1S 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43230 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence ln Sclence and 1echnology AlSA1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43231 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal neural neLworks lCAnn 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43232 lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal 8eallLy and 1elexlsLence lCA1 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43233 lnLernauonal Conference on ArLs and 1echnology ArLsl1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43234 lnLernauonal Conference on AuLomaLed ueducuon CAuL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43237 lnLernauonal Conference on AuLonomlc and 1rusLed Compuung A1C C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43238 lnLernauonal Conference on AuLonomous AgenLs and MuluagenL SysLems AAMAS A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43239 lnLernauonal Conference on AvallablllLy, 8ellablllLy and SecurlLy A8LS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43242 lnLernauonal Conference on 8uslness lnformauon SysLems 8lS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43243 lnLernauonal Conference on Case-8ased 8easonlng 8esearch and uevelopmenL lCC88 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43246 lnLernauonal Conference on Chlnese Compuung lCCC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43248 lnLernauonal Conference on Cloud Compuung CloudCom C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43230 lnLernauonal Conference on Collaborauve Compuung: neLworks, Appllcauons and Worksharlng
C 0806
lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p20 of 84
43231 lnLernauonal Conference on Communlcauon SysLem Soware and Mlddleware CCMSWA8L C 0803
CompuLer Soware
43232 lnLernauonal Conference on Communlcauons ln Compuung ClC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43233 lnLernauonal Conference on Compller ConsLrucuon CC A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43236 lnLernauonal Conference on Complex, lnLelllgenL and Soware lnLenslve SysLems ClSlS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43238 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLablllLy and ComplexlLy ln Analysls CCA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Collecuve lnLelllgence: Semanuc Web, Soclal neLworks
and MuluagenL SysLems
lCCCl C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43260 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Lnglneerlng Sclence lCLS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43261 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence and Mulumedla lCClMA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43262 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence and SecurlLy ClS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44109 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence and Soware Lnglneerlng ClSL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43263 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence for Modelllng, ConLrol and AuLomauon ClMCA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43264 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal lnLelllgence, 8oboucs and AuLonomous SysLems Cl8AS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43263 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Llngulsucs CCLlnC A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43266 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Molecular 8lology 8LCCM8 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43268 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Sclence lCCS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43269 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Sclence and Appllcauons lCCSA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43270 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal Semloucs for Cames and new Medla Coslgn C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43271 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer Analysls of lmages and auerns CAl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43272 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer and lnformauon 1echnology lCCl1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer Craphlcs and lnLeracuve 1echnlques ln AusLralasla and
SouLheasL Asla
8 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43273 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer Craphlcs 1heory and Appllcauon C8A A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43277 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer Craphlcs, vlrLual 8eallLy, vlsuallsauon and lnLeracuon ln Afrlca Al8lC8AP C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43278 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer lnformauon SysLems and lndusLrlal ManagemenL Appllcauons ClSlM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43279 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer SafeLy, 8ellablllLy and SecurlLy SAlLCCM 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43280 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer SupporLed Cooperauve Work ln ueslgn CSCWu 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43281 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer 1heory and Appllcauons lCC1A C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43282 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer vlslon SysLems lCvS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43283 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLers and Lhelr Appllcauons CA1A C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43284 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLers Pelplng eople wlLh Speclal needs lCCP C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43283 lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLers ln Lducauon lCCL 8 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43288 lnLernauonal Conference on Compuung and ComblnaLorlcs CCCCCn A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43289 lnLernauonal Conference on Compuung and lnformaucs lCCCl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43292 lnLernauonal Conference on ConcepLual Modelllng L8 A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43293 lnLernauonal Conference on ConcepLual SLrucLures lCCS 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p21 of 84
43294 lnLernauonal Conference on Concurrency 1heory CCnCu8 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43299 lnLernauonal Conference on Convergence and Pybrld lnformauon 1echnology lCPl1 C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43300 lnLernauonal Conference on Cooperauve lnformauon SysLems CooplS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43301 lnLernauonal Conference on Coordlnauon Models and Languages
A 0803
CompuLer Soware
43302 lnLernauonal Conference on Creaung Connecung and Collaboraung Lhrough Compuung C3 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43303 lnLernauonal Conference on CrypLology and neLwork SecurlLy CAnS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43304 lnLernauonal Conference on CrypLology ln lndla lnuCC8?1 8 0804
uaLa lormaL
43303 lnLernauonal Conference on Cybercrlme lorenslcs Lducauon and 1ralnlng ClL1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43306 lnLernauonal Conference on Cyberworlds (was lnLernauonal Symposlum on Cyberworlds) CW 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43307 lnLernauonal Conference on uaLa Lnglneerlng lCuL A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43308 lnLernauonal Conference on uaLabase and LxperL SysLems Appllcauons uLxA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43309 lnLernauonal Conference on uaLabase SysLems for Advanced Appllcauons uSAA C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43310 lnLernauonal Conference on uaLabase 1heory lCu1 A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43311 lnLernauonal Conference on ueclarauve rogrammlng and knowledge ManagemenL lnA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43312 lnLernauonal Conference on uependablllLy of CompuLer SysLems uLCoS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43313 lnLernauonal Conference on uependable, AuLonomlc and Secure Compuung uASC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43314 lnLernauonal Conference on ueslgn Sclence 8esearch ln lnformauon SysLems and 1echnology uLS8lS1 A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43313 lnLernauonal Conference on ulglLal ConLenL, Mulumedla 1echnology and lLs Appllcauons luC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43316 lnLernauonal Conference on ulglLal CovernmenL 8esearch uCC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43319 lnLernauonal Conference on ulglLal SocleLy lCuS C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43320 lnLernauonal Conference on ulscreLe CeomeLry for CompuLer lmagery uCCl C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43321 lnLernauonal Conference on ulscreLe MaLhemaucs and 1heoreucal CompuLer Sclence uM1CS 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43322 lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed Compuung and lnLerneL 1echnologles lCuCl1 C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43323 lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed Compuung and neLworklng lCuCn 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43324 lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed Compuung SysLems lCuCS A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43323 lnLernauonal Conference on ulsLrlbuLed lrameworks for Mulumedla Appllcauons ulMA C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43327 lnLernauonal Conference on uublln Core and MeLadaLa Appllcauons uC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43328 lnLernauonal Conference on e-8uslness lCL8 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43329 lnLernauonal Conference on LlecLronlc Commerce lCLComm C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43330 lnLernauonal Conference on LlecLronlc Commerce and Web 1echnology LCWeb 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43331 lnLernauonal Conference on LlecLronlc voung LvC1L C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43332 lnLernauonal Conference on Lmall and Anu-Spam CLAS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43334 lnLernauonal Conference on Lnglneerlng Appllcauons of neural neLworks LAnn C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43339 lnLernauonal Conference on LnLerprlse lnformauon SysLems lCLlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43340 lnLernauonal Conference on LnLerprlse lnformauon SysLems and Web 1echnologles LlSW1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43341 lnLernauonal Conference on LnLerprlse lnLegrauon and Modelllng 1echnology lCLlM1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p22 of 84
43342 lnLernauonal Conference on LnLerLalnmenL Compuung lCLC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43343 lnLernauonal Conference on Lvaluauon and AssessmenL ln Soware Lnglneerlng LASL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43124 lnLernauonal Conference on Lvaluauon of novel Approaches Lo Soware Lnglneerlng LnASL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43346 lnLernauonal Conference on Lvoluuonary CompuLauon lCLC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43347 lnLernauonal Conference on LxperlmenLal lmplemenLauon of CuanLum CompuLauon CuanLCom C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43348 lnLernauonal Conference on exLreme rogrammlng and llexlble rocesses ln Soware Lnglneerlng x 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43333 lnLernauonal Conference on lormal Lnglneerlng MeLhods lLM 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43336 lnLernauonal Conference on lormal MeLhods for Cpen Cb[ecL-8ased ulsLrlbuLed SysLems lMCCu C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43337 lnLernauonal Conference on lormal CnLology ln lnformauon SysLems lClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43338 lnLernauonal Conference on loundauon on uaLa Crganlzauon lCuC A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43339 lnLernauonal Conference on lronuers of Pandwrlung 8ecognluon lClP8 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43360 lnLernauonal Conference on lronuers of lnformauon 1echnology ll1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43361 lnLernauonal Conference on luncuonal rogrammlng lCl A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43362 lnLernauonal Conference on luzzy SysLems and knowledge lSku C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43363 lnLernauonal Conference on Cenerauve rogrammlng and ComponenL Lnglneerlng CCL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43364 lnLernauonal Conference on Ceneuc AlgorlLhms lCCA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43366 lnLernauonal Conference on Craph 1ransformauons lCC1 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43367 lnLernauonal Conference on Crld and Cooperauve Compuung CCC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43368 lnLernauonal Conference on Crld and ervaslve Compuung CC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43369 lnLernauonal Conference on Crld Compuung and Appllcauons CCA C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43370 lnLernauonal Conference on Crld compuung, hlgh-performance and ulsLrlbuLed Appllcauons CAuA C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43021 lnLernauonal Conference on PealLh lnformaucs PealLhlnf C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43371 lnLernauonal Conference on Plgh erformance Compuung PlC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43373 lnLernauonal Conference on Plgh erformance Compuung, neLworklng and Communlcauon SysLems PCnCS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43374 lnLernauonal Conference on Plgh erformance Sclenuc Compuung PSC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
lnLernauonal Conference on Plgh-erformance ClusLered Compuung (lnLernauonal Conference on
Llnux ClusLers)
LCl C 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43377 lnLernauonal Conference on Puman lacLors ln Compuung SysLems CPl A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43378 lnLernauonal Conference on Puman-CompuLer lnLeracuon wlLh Moblle uevlces and Servlces MobllePCl 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43379 lnLernauonal Conference on Pybrld Aruclal lnLelllgence SysLems PAlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43380 lnLernauonal Conference on Pybrld lnLelllgenL SysLems PlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43382 lnLernauonal Conference on lmage Analysls and rocesslng lClA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43383 lnLernauonal Conference on lmage and Craphlcs lClC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43384 lnLernauonal Conference on lmage and Slgnal rocesslng lClS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43383 lnLernauonal Conference on lmmerslve 1elecommunlcauons
C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43386 lnLernauonal Conference on lmplemenLauon and Appllcauon of AuLomaLa ClAA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
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ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p23 of 84
lnLernauonal Conference on lndusLrlal and Lnglneerlng Appllcauons of Aruclal lnLelllgence and LxperL
lLA/AlL C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43389 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformaucs Lducauon and 8esearch lClL8 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43390 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and Communlcauon 1echnologles uevelopmenL lC1u C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43391 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and Communlcauon 1echnologles ln 1ourlsm Ln1L8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43392 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and Communlcauons SecurlLy lClCS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43393 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and Communlcauons 1echnology lClC1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43394 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and Lmerglng 1echnologles lClL1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43393 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon and knowledge Lnglneerlng lkL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43396 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon luslon luSlCn C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43397 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon rocesslng and ManagemenL of uncerLalnLy lMu C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43398 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon 8esources ManagemenL Conf-l8M 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43399 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SecurlLy and Assurance lSA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43400 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SecurlLy and CrypLography SLC8?1 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43401 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SecurlLy and CrypLology lClSC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43402 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SysLems lClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43403 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SysLems Analysls and SynLhesls lSAS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43404 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SysLems uevelopmenL lSu A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43403 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SysLems SecurlLy lClSS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43406 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon SysLems 1echnology and lLs Appllcauon lS1A 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43407 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon 1echnology and Appllcauons lCl1A C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43408 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon 1echnology lnLerfaces l1l C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43409 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon 1echnology: Codlng and Compuung l1CC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43410 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon 1heoreuc SecurlLy lCl1S C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43411 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon vlsuallsauon lv 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43412 lnLernauonal Conference on lnformauon, Communlcauons and Slgnal rocesslng lClCS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
lnLernauonal Conference on lnLegrauon of Aruclal lnLelllgence and Cperauons 8esearch 1echnlques
ln ConsLralnL rogrammlng for ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon roblems
CAlC8 8 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43413 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL AgenLs, Web 1echnologles, and lnLerneL Commerce lAW1lC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43417 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL uaLa Lnglneerlng and AuLomaLed Learnlng luLAL C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43418 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL ervaslve Compuung lC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43420 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL SysLems lClL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43421 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL SysLems and knowledge Lnglneerlng lSkL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43422 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL SysLems ueslgns and Appllcauons lSuA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43423 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL 1exL rocesslng and CompuLauonal Llngulsucs ClCLlnC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43028 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL 1uLorlng SysLems l1S A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43424 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL user lnLerfaces lul A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43423 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLeracuon Sclences: lnformauon 1echnology, CulLure and Puman lClS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p24 of 84
43426 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLernauonal and Communlcauon 1echnologles lClC1L C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43427 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLerneL and Web Appllcauons and Servlces lClW C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43428 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLerneL Compuung lC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43429 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLerneL Compuung ln Sclence and Lnglneerlng lClCSL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43430 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLerneL MonlLorlng and roLocol lClM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43431 lnLernauonal Conference on lnLerneL 1echnologles and Appllcauons l1A 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43432 lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge ulscovery and uaLa Mlnlng Wkuu C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43433 lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge Lnglneerlng and knowledge ManagemenL LkAW 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43434 lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge Lnglneerlng and CnLology kLCu C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43433 lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge Sclence, Lnglneerlng and ManagemenL kSLM 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43436 lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge-8ased and lnLelllgenL lnformauon and Lnglneerlng SysLems kLS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43437 lnLernauonal Conference on knowledge-based lnLelllgenL LlecLronlc SysLems klLS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43438 lnLernauonal Conference on Language and AuLomaLa 1heory and Appllcauons LA1A C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43440 lnLernauonal Conference on Legal knowledge-based SysLems !u8lx C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43442 lnLernauonal Conference on Loglc rogrammlng lCL A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43443 lnLernauonal Conference on Loglc rogrammlng and non-monoLonlc 8easonlng LnM8 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43444 lnLernauonal Conference on Machlne Learnlng lCML A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43443 lnLernauonal Conference on Machlne Learnlng and Appllcauons lCMLA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43446 lnLernauonal Conference on Machlne Learnlng and Cyberneucs lCMLC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43447 lnLernauonal Conference on Machlne vlslon lCMv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43448 lnLernauonal Conference on ManagemenL of uaLa CCMAu 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43431 lnLernauonal Conference on Masslvely arallel Compuung SysLems MCS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43433 lnLernauonal Conference on Medlcal lnformauon vlsuallsauon Medlvls C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43433 lnLernauonal Conference on Moblle and ublqulLous SysLems: neLworks and Servlces
A 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43436 lnLernauonal Conference on Moblle 8uslness lCM8 C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43437 lnLernauonal Conference on Moblle uaLa ManagemenL MuM C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43438 lnLernauonal Conference on Moblle ublqulLous Compuung, SysLems, Servlces and 1echnologles u8lCCMM C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43040 lnLernauonal Conference on Model 1ransformauon lCM1 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43463 lnLernauonal Conference on Modelllng ueclslons for Aruclal lnLelllgence MuAl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44991 lnLernauonal Conference on Modelllng, Slmulauon and Cpumlsauon lCMSC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43464 lnLernauonal Conference on MuluagenL SysLems lCMS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43463 lnLernauonal Conference on Mulumedla Modelllng MMM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43466 lnLernauonal Conference on Mulumodal lnLerfaces lCMl 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43467 lnLernauonal Conference on naLural CompuLauon lCnC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43468 lnLernauonal Conference on neLwork and SysLem SecurlLy nSS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43470 lnLernauonal Conference on neLworked Compuung lnC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43474 lnLernauonal Conference on neural lnformauon rocesslng lCCnl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p25 of 84
43473 lnLernauonal Conference on neural, arallel and Sclenuc CompuLauons nSC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43477 lnLernauonal Conference on new 1rends of lnformauon and Servlce Sclence nlSS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43478 lnLernauonal Conference on nexL Cenerauon Web Servlces racuces nWLS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43006 lnLernauonal Conference on Cpumlzauon: 1echnlques And Appllcauons lCC1A C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43482 lnLernauonal Conference on alrlng-based CrypLography alrlng C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43483 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed Compuung, Appllcauons and 1echnologles uCA1 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43484 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed rocesslng 1echnlques and Appllcauons u1A 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43483 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed SysLems lCAuS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43486 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel ArchlLecLure and Compllauon 1echnlques AC1 A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
42784 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel rocesslng Luro-ar A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43487 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel rocesslng lC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43488 lnLernauonal Conference on arallel rocesslng and Applled MaLhemaucs AM C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43489 lnLernauonal Conference on auern 8ecognluon lC8 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43490 lnLernauonal Conference on ersuaslve 1echnology ersuaslve 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43491 lnLernauonal Conference on ervaslve Compuung L8vASlvL A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43493 lnLernauonal Conference on ervaslve Compuung and Appllcauons lCCA C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43494 lnLernauonal Conference on ervaslve Servlces lCS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43496 lnLernauonal Conference on rlnclples and racuce of ConsLralnL rogrammlng C A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43497 lnLernauonal Conference on rlnclples and racuce of ueclarauve rogrammlng u 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43498 lnLernauonal Conference on rlnclples of ulsLrlbuLed SysLems CCulS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43499 lnLernauonal Conference on rlnclples of racuce ln Mulu-AgenL SysLems 8lMA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44992 lnLernauonal Conference on robablllLy, SLausucs and Cperauonal 8esearch SC8 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43301 lnLernauonal Conference on rogram Comprehenslon (was lWC) lCC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43302 lnLernauonal Conference on rovable SecurlLy rovSec 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
44993 lnLernauonal Conference on CuallLauve 8esearch ln l1 & l1 ln CuallLauve 8esearch Cuall1 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43304 lnLernauonal Conference on CuallLy Soware CSlC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43306 lnLernauonal Conference on 8ecenL Advances ln lnformauon 1echnology and Appllcauons 8Al1A C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43031 lnLernauonal Conference on 8ecenL Advances ln naLural Language rocesslng 8AnL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43307 lnLernauonal Conference on 8elauonal MeLhods ln CompuLer Sclence 8elMlCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43308 lnLernauonal Conference on 8elauons, Crders and Craphs: lnLeracuon wlLh CompuLer Sclence 8CClCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43309 lnLernauonal Conference on 8ellable Soware 1echnologles 8S1 A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43310 lnLernauonal Conference on 8esearch Challenges ln lnformauon Sclence 8ClS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43311 lnLernauonal Conference on 8lsks and SecurlLy of lnLerneL and SysLems C8lSlS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43313 lnLernauonal Conference on 8ough SeLs and CurrenL 1rends ln Compuung 8SC1C C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43314 lnLernauonal Conference on 8ules and 8ule Markup Languages for Lhe Semanuc Web 8uleML C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43313 lnLernauonal Conference on Sclenuc and SLausucal uaLa 8ase ManagemenL SSu8M A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43316 lnLernauonal Conference on SecurlLy and rlvacy for Communlcauon neLworks SecureCom A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43317 lnLernauonal Conference on SecurlLy ln ervaslve Compuung lCSC A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p26 of 84
43318 lnLernauonal Conference on SecurlLy of lnformauon and neLworks Sln C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43319 lnLernauonal Conference on Semanuc and ulglLal Medla 1echnologles SAM1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43320 lnLernauonal Conference on Semanucs knowledge and Crld SkC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44994 lnLernauonal Conference on Sequences and Lhelr Appllcauons SLCA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43321 lnLernauonal Conference on Servlce CrlenLed Compuung lCSCC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43323 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware and uaLa 1echnologles lCSo 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43041 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Composluon SC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43324 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware uevelopmenL SWuC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43323 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng lCSL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43326 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng Advances lCSLA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43327 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng and lormal MeLhods SLlM 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43328 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng and knowledge Lnglneerlng SLkL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43329 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng 1heory and racuce SL1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Lnglneerlng, Aruclal lnLelllgence, neLworklng and
arallel/ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
Snu C 08
lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43330 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware Language Lnglneerlng SLL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43331 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware MeLhods and 1ools SoMe1 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43332 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware rocess lCS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43333 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware rocess and roducL MeasuremenL MLnSu8A C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43334 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware CuallLy ManagemenL SCM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43333 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware 8euse lCS8 A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43336 lnLernauonal Conference on Soware 1esung, verlcauon and valldauon lCS1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43338 lnLernauonal Conference on Spoken Language rocesslng lCSL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43343 lnLernauonal Conference on SysLems Lnglneerlng lSCLng C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43346 lnLernauonal Conference on SysLems 8esearch, lnformaucs and Cyberneucs lCS8lC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43347 lnLernauonal Conference on SysLems 1hlnklng ln ManagemenL S1M C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43348 lnLernauonal Conference on 1echnology and 8uslness ManagemenL lC18M C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43174 lnLernauonal Conference on 1emporal Loglc lC1L A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43042 lnLernauonal Conference on 1esLs and roofs 1A 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43331 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe Appllcauon and 1heory of eLrl neLs lCA1n 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43332 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe loundauons of ulglLal Cames luC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43333 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe rlnclples of knowledge 8epresenLauon and 8easonlng k8 A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43013 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe Slmulauon and SynLhesls of Llvlng SysLems ALllL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43334 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe SLausucal Analysls of 1exLual uaLa !Au1 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43333 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe 1heory and Appllcauon of CrypLographlc 1echnlques LuroCrypL A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43336 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe 1heory and Appllcauon of CrypLology and lnformauon SecurlLy ASlAC8?1 A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43337 lnLernauonal Conference on Lhe unled Modelllng Language (was uML) MCuLLS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43338 lnLernauonal Conference on 1heorem rovlng ln Plgher Crder Loglcs (wlll be l1 from 2010) 1PCLs A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p27 of 84
43339 lnLernauonal Conference on 1heorem rovlng wlLh Analyuc 1ableaux and 8elaLed MeLhods 1A8LLAux A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43360 lnLernauonal Conference on 1heoreucal and MaLhemaucal loundauons of CompuLer Sclence 1MlCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43361 lnLernauonal Conference on 1heoreucal and MeLhodologlcal lssues ln machlne 1ranslauon 1Ml 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43362 lnLernauonal Conference on 1heory and Appllcauons of CompuLauonal Sclence 1ACS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43363 lnLernauonal Conference on 1heory and Appllcauons of SausablllLy 1esung SA1 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43364 lnLernauonal Conference on 1ools wlLh Aruclal lnLelllgence lC1Al 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43363 lnLernauonal Conference on 1rusL ManagemenL l1rusL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43366 lnLernauonal Conference on 1rusL, rlvacy and SecurlLy ln ulglLal 8uslness 1rusL8us 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43367 lnLernauonal Conference on ublqulLous and lnLelllgence Compuung ulC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43368 lnLernauonal Conference on unconvenuonal CompuLauon uC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43371 lnLernauonal Conference on user Modelllng (now uMA) uM 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43370 lnLernauonal Conference on user Modelllng, AdapLauon, and ersonallzauon (was AP and uM) uMA 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43372 lnLernauonal Conference on vecLor and arallel rocesslng vecar 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43373 lnLernauonal Conference on very Large uaLabases vLu8 A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43374 lnLernauonal Conference on vlrLual Lxecuuon LnvlronmenLs vLL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43033 lnLernauonal Conference on vlrLual SLoryLelllng lCvS C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43373 lnLernauonal Conference on vlrLual SysLems and MuluMedla vSMM 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43376 lnLernauonal Conference on vlslon 1heory and Appllcauons vlSA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43377 lnLernauonal Conference on vlsual lnformauon SysLems vlSuAL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43380 lnLernauonal Conference on Web Lnglneerlng lCWL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43381 lnLernauonal Conference on Web lnformauon SysLems and 1echnologles WL8lS1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43382 lnLernauonal Conference on Web lnformauon SysLems Lnglneerlng WlSL A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43161 lnLernauonal Conference on Web-Age lnformauon ManagemenL WAlM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44993 lnLernauonal Conference on Web-based Modelllng and Slmulauon WebSlm C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43386 lnLernauonal Conference on Worldwlde Compuung and lLs Appllcauons WWCA C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43387 lnLernauonal Conference Soware and SysLems Lnglneerlng and Lhelr Appllcauons lCSSLA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43388 lnLernauonal Conference/Workshop on racuce and 1heory ln ubllc key CrypLography kC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43389 lnLernauonal Conferences ln CenLral Lurope on CompuLer Craphlcs, vlsuallzauon and CompuLer vlslon WSCC 8 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43393 lnLernauonal Congress of Chlnese MaLhemauclans lCCM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43393 lnLernauonal Congress of MaLhemauclans lCM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43397 lnLernauonal Congress on CompuLauonal and Applled MaLhemaucs lCCAM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44996 lnLernauonal Congress on Modelllng and Slmulauon MCuSlM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43603 lnLernauonal CSl CompuLer Conference CSlCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43604 lnLernauonal uaLabase Lnglneerlng and Appllcauons Symposlum luLAS 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43610 lnLernauonal lorum on Applled Wearable Compuung llAWC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43611 lnLernauonal lrench Speaklng Conference on Loglc and ConsLralnL rogrammlng !lLC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43612 lnLernauonal lronuers of AlgorlLhmlcs Workshop lAW 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
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ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p28 of 84
43613 lnLernauonal luzzy Loglc and lnLelllgenL Lechnologles ln nuclear Sclence Conference lLlnS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43618 lnLernauonal lCSC Congress on lnLelllgenL SysLems and Appllcauons llClSA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43619 lnLernauonal lLLL SecurlLy ln SLorage Workshop SlSW C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43620 lnLernauonal lLLL Workshop on Soware LvolvablllLy SL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43621 lnLernauonal lnformauon 1echnology ln 8eglonal Areas Conference l1l8A C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43622 lnLernauonal !olnL Conference CAA/lASL on 1heory and racuce of Soware uevelopmenL 1ASCl1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43623 lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence l!CAl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43624 lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on AuLomaLed 8easonlng l!CA8 A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43623 lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on e-8uslness and 1elecommunlcauons lCL1L C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on knowledge ulscovery, knowledge Lnglneerlng and knowledge
lC3k C 08
lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43627 lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on naLural Language rocesslng l!CnL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43628 lnLernauonal !olnL Conference on CuallLauve and CuanuLauve racucal 8easonlng LSCA8u A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43630 lnLernauonal kLS Symposlum on AgenLs and MuluagenL sysLems - 1echnologles and Appllcauons kLS AMS1A C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43632 lnLernauonal Machlne vlslon and lmage rocesslng Conference lMvl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43018 lnLernauonal Meeung on unA Compuung and Molecular rogrammlng unA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43633 lnLernauonal naLural Language Cenerauon Conference lnLC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43637 lnLernauonal neLwork Cpumlzauon Conference lnCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43638 lnLernauonal arallel Compuung Workshop CW C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43643 lnLernauonal yLhon Conference lyLhC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43646 lnLernauonal Semanuc Web Conference lSWC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43647 lnLernauonal Supercompuung Conference lSC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43648 lnLernauonal Symposlum ComponenL-8ased Soware Lnglneerlng C8SL A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43630 lnLernauonal Symposlum on 3u uaLa rocesslng vlsuallzauon and 1ransmlsslon 3uv1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43631 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Advanced u8 1echnologles and lnLegrauon Au1l 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43634 lnLernauonal Symposlum on AlgorlLhmlc Came 1heory SAC1 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43633 lnLernauonal Symposlum on AlgorlLhms and CompuLauon lSAAC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43636 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Appllcauons and Lhe lnLerneL SAln1 C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43637 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Applled Algebra, Algebralc AlgorlLhms and Lrror-Correcung Codes AAAALCC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43638 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Applled CompuLauonal lnLelllgence and lnformaucs SACl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43639 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Applled Machlne lnLelllgence and lnformaucs SAMl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43660 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Aruclal lnLelllgence and MaLhs lSAlM 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43661 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Aruclal Llfe and 8oboucs A8C8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43662 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Audlo, vldeo, lmage rocesslng and lnLelllgenL Appllcauons lSAvllA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43663 lnLernauonal Symposlum on AuLomaLed 1echnology for verlcauon and Analysls A1vA A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43663 lnLernauonal Symposlum on AuLonomous uecenLrallzed SysLems lSAuS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43668 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Code Cenerauon and Cpumlzauon CCC A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43669 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Collaborauve 1echnologles and SysLems C1S C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
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ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p29 of 84
43670 lnLernauonal Symposlum on ComblnaLorlal Cpumlsauon CC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43016 lnLernauonal Symposlum on CompuLauonal Llfe Sclence CompLlfe 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43674 lnLernauonal Symposlum on CompuLer and lnformauon Sclences lSClS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43673 lnLernauonal Symposlum on CompuLer ArchlLecLure and Plgh erformance Compuung S8AC-Au 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43677 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Cooperauve uaLabase SysLems for Advanced Appllcauons CCuAS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43678 lnLernauonal Symposlum on uaLa, prlvacy and L-Commerce lSuL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43679 lnLernauonal Symposlum on ulsLrlbuLed Compuung (was WuAC) ulSC A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43680 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Lmplrlcal Soware Lnglneerlng lSLSL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43681 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Lmplrlcal Soware Lnglneerlng and MeasuremenL LSLM A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43683 lnLernauonal Symposlum on LxperlmenLal AlgorlLhms SLA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43683 lnLernauonal Symposlum on loundauons of lnLelllgenL SysLems lSMlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43687 lnLernauonal Symposlum on luncuonal and Loglc rogrammlng lLCS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43688 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lundamenLals of CompuLer 1heory lC1 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43689 lnLernauonal Symposlum on luLure Soware 1echnology lSlS1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43690 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Crld Compuung lSCC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43691 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Plgh erformance CompuLer ArchlLecLure PCA A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43692 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnformauon and Communlcauon 1echnologles lSlC1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43693 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnformauon Assurance and SecurlLy lAS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43694 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnformauon rocesslng lSl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43693 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnformauon 1heory and lLs Appllcauons lSl1A 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43696 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnnovauons ln lnLelllgenL SysLems and Appllcauons lnlS1A C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43697 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnLelllgenL and lnLeracuve Mulumedla: SysLems and Servlces kLS llMSS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43699 lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnLelllgenL SysLems and lnformaucs SlS? C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43700 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Laun Amerlcan 1heoreucal lnformaucs LA1ln 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43701 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Leveraglng Appllcauons of lormal MeLhods, verlcauon and valldauon lSoLA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43702 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Loglc-based rogram SynLhesls and 1ransformauon LCS18 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43703 lnLernauonal Symposlum on MaLhemaucal loundauons of CompuLer Sclence MlCS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43704 lnLernauonal Symposlum on MaLhemaucal Morphology lSMM 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43703 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Memory ManagemenL lSMM A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43707 lnLernauonal Symposlum on neural neLworks lSnn C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43708 lnLernauonal Symposlum on nexL Cenerauon uaLa 8ase SysLems and Appllcauons nCu8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43709 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Cb[ecL 1echnologles for Advanced Soware lSC1AS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43710 lnLernauonal Symposlum on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed Compuung lSuC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43711 lnLernauonal Symposlum on arallel ArchlLecLures, AlgorlLhms and neLworks l-SAn 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43713 lnLernauonal Symposlum on 8ecenL Advances ln lnLruslon ueLecuon 8Alu 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43716 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Soware 8ellablllLy Lnglneerlng lSS8L A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43163 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Soware 1esung and Analysls lSS1A A 0803 CompuLer Soware
43717 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Spaual uaLa Pandllng SuP C 0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p30 of 84
44997 lnLernauonal Symposlum on SLauc Analysls lSSA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43721 lnLernauonal Symposlum on SLrlng rocesslng and lnformauon 8eLrleval Sl8L 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43831 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Symbollc and Algebralc CompuLauon lSSAC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43723 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Symbollc and numerlc AlgorlLhms for Sclenuc Compuung S?nASC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43724 lnLernauonal Symposlum on SysLem SynLhesls lSSS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43723 lnLernauonal Symposlum on 1echnology and SocleLy lS1AS C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43726 lnLernauonal Symposlum on 1emporal 8epresenLauon and 8easonlng 1lML A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44998 lnLernauonal Symposlum on Lhe MaLhemaucal 1heory of neLworks and SysLems M1nS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43727 lnLernauonal Symposlum on 1heoreucal AspecLs of CompuLer Sclence S1ACS 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43728 lnLernauonal Symposlum on 1heoreucal AspecLs of Soware Lnglneerlng 1ASL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43730 lnLernauonal Symposlum on vlsual Compuung lSvC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43731 lnLernauonal Symposlum on voronol dlagrams ln Sclence and Lnglneerlng lSvu C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43733 lnLernauonal Symposlums on Wlkls WlklS?M 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43737 lnLernauonal vlsuallzauon ln 1ransporLauon Symposlum and Workshop 188 vlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43738 lnLernauonal Web Conference lWC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43740 lnLernauonal WordneL Conference (Clobal WordneL Conference) CWC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43741 lnLernauonal Work-Conference on Aruclal and naLural neural neLworks lWAnn 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43742 lnLernauonal Workshop ln Soware MeasuremenL lWSM C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43743 lnLernauonal Workshop of rlvacy Lnhanclng 1echnologles L1 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43744 lnLernauonal Workshop of Lhe lnluauve for Lhe Lvaluauon of xML 8eLrleval lnLx C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43743 lnLernauonal Workshop on AbsLracL SLaLe Machlnes ASM(W) C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
lnLernauonal Workshop on Advanced ArchlLecLures and AlgorlLhms for lnLerneL uellvery and
AAA-luLA C 0806
lnformauon SysLems
43747 lnLernauonal Workshop on AgenLs and uaLa Mlnlng lnLeracuon AuMl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43749 lnLernauonal Workshop on AlgorlLhms and CompuLauon WALCCM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43730 lnLernauonal Workshop on Allaslng, ConnemenL and Cwnershlp lWACC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43731 lnLernauonal Workshop on AnL Colony An1S 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43732 lnLernauonal Workshop on Approxlmauon AlgorlLhms for ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon roblems A8Cx A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43733 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8oolean luncuons: CrypLography and Appllcauons 8lCA C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43734 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8uslness rocess ueslgn 8u C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43733 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8uslness rocess lnLelllgence 8l C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43736 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8uslness rocess Modelllng, uevelopmenL, and SupporL 8MuS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43737 lnLernauonal Workshop on C# and .nL1 1echnologles C# C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43738 lnLernauonal Workshop on Codlng and CrypLography WCC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43739 lnLernauonal Workshop on Comblnauons of lnLelllgenL MeLhods and Appllcauons ClMA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43760 lnLernauonal Workshop on ComblnaLorlal AlgorlLhm lWCCA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43761 lnLernauonal Workshop on ComblnaLorlal lmage Analysls: 1heory and Appllcauons lWClA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43848 lnLernauonal Workshop on Comparauve Lvaluauon ln 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng CL8L C 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p31 of 84
43762 lnLernauonal Workshop on CompuLer-Alded Soware Lng lWCASL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43763 lnLernauonal Workshop on Crlucal lnformauon lnfrasLrucLures SecurlLy C8l1lS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43764 lnLernauonal Workshop on uaLa Warehouslng and CLA uCLA 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43763 lnLernauonal Workshop on uevelopmenLs ln CompuLauonal Models uCM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43766 lnLernauonal Workshop on ulglLal WaLermarklng lWuW C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43767 lnLernauonal Workshop on ulsLrlbuLed Cb[ecL ManagemenL lWuCM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43769 lnLernauonal Workshop on uomaln urlven uaLa Mlnlng uuuM C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43770 lnLernauonal Workshop on Lconomlcs-urlven Soware Lnglneerlng 8esearch LuSL8 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43771 lnLernauonal Workshop on LmclenL AlgorlLhms WLA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43772 lnLernauonal Workshop on LnLerprlse and Crganlzauonal Modelllng and Slmulauon LCMAS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43022 lnLernauonal Workshop on LnLerprlse neLworklng and Compuung ln PealLh Care lndusLry PealLhCom C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43773 lnLernauonal Workshop on LnLerLalnmenL Compuung WLC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43774 lnLernauonal Workshop on Lvoluuon and Change ln uaLa ManagemenL LCuM C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43773 lnLernauonal Workshop on lasL Soware Lncrypuon lSL 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43776 lnLernauonal Workshop on lormal MeLhods for lnLeracuve SysLems lMlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43777 lnLernauonal Workshop on lormal MeLhods for arallel rogrammlng: 1heory and Appllcauons lM1A C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43779 lnLernauonal Workshop on loundauons of Models and Languages for uaLa and Cb[ecLs lMLuC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43780 lnLernauonal Workshop on loundauons of Cb[ecL-CrlenLed Languages lCCL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43781 lnLernauonal Workshop on luncuonal and (ConsLralnL) Loglc rogrammlng WlL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43782 lnLernauonal Workshop on Ceneuc and Lvoluuonary luzzy SysLems CLlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43783 lnLernauonal Workshop on Clobal Cpumlzauon CC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43784 lnLernauonal Workshop on Craph-1heoreuc ConcepLs ln CompuLer Sclence WC A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43783 lnLernauonal Workshop on Croup-CrlenLed CrypLographlc roLocols CCC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43786 lnLernauonal workshop on Plgh-Level arallel rogrammlng and Appllcauons PL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43787 lnLernauonal Workshop on Plgh-Level arallel rogrammlng Models and Supporuve LnvlronmenLs PlS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43788 lnLernauonal Workshop on PorlzonLal lnLeracuve Puman-CompuLer SysLems 1ableLop 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43789 lnLernauonal Workshop on PoL Loplcs ln eer-Lo-eer SysLems PoL2 C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
lnLernauonal Workshop on Puman AspecLs ln AmblenL lnLelllgence: AgenL 1echnology, Puman-
CrlenLed knowledge and Appllcauons
PAl C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43791 lnLernauonal Workshop on lmage Analysls and lnformauon luslon lAll C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43792 lnLernauonal Workshop on lncorporaung CC1S Soware lnLo Soware SysLems, 1ools and 1echnlques lWlCSS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43793 lnLernauonal Workshop on lnformauon Pldlng lP C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43794 lnLernauonal Workshop on lnformauon SecurlLy Appllcauons WlSA C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43793 lnLernauonal Workshop on lnLelllgenL AgenLs lWlA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43796 lnLernauonal Workshop on lnLeracuve LnLerLalnmenL luL1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43797 lnLernauonal Workshop on lssues ln Lhe 1heory of SecurlLy Wl1S C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43798 lnLernauonal Workshop on knowledge ulscovery from uaLa SLreams lWkuuS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43799 lnLernauonal Workshop on Loglc and ComplexlLy ln CompuLer Sclence LCCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p32 of 84
43800 lnLernauonal Workshop on MeLamodelllng - uullzauon ln Soware Lnglneerlng MuSL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43801 lnLernauonal Workshop on Mlddleware for Crld Compuung MCC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43802 lnLernauonal Workshop on Moblle Commerce and Servlces WMCS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43803 lnLernauonal Workshop on Modelllng and vlsuallzauon of xML and Semanuc Web uaLa MCvlx C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43804 lnLernauonal Workshop on Modelllng ln Soware Lnglneerlng MlSL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
lnLernauonal Workshop on Modelllng, Slmulauon, verlcauon and valldauon of LnLerprlse lnformauon
MSvvLlS C 0806
lnformauon SysLems
44999 lnLernauonal Workshop on MuluAgenL 8ased Slmulauon MA8S C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43806 lnLernauonal Workshop on Mulumedla uaLa SLorage, 8eLrleval, lnLegrauon and Appllcauons MuS8lA C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43808 lnLernauonal Workshop on nonmonoLonlc 8easonlng, Acuon and Change n8AC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43809 lnLernauonal Workshop on arameLerlzed and LxacL CompuLauon lWLC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43810 lnLernauonal Workshop on araphraslng lW 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43811 lnLernauonal Workshop on arslng 1echnologles lW1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43812 lnLernauonal Workshop on auern 8ecognluon ln lnformauon SysLems 8lS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43813 lnLernauonal Workshop on osL-CuanLum CrypLography CCrypL C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43813 lnLernauonal Workshop on rogram Comprehenslon (now lCC) lWC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43816 lnLernauonal Workshop on CuallLy of lnformauon SysLems CClS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43817 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8andomlzauon and CompuLauon 8AnuCM A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43818 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8eallslng Lvldence-based Soware Lnglneerlng 8L8SL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43819 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng vlsuallzauon 8Lv 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43820 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng: loundauon for Soware CuallLy 8LlSC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43821 lnLernauonal Workshop on 8esearch lssues ln uaLa Lnglneerlng 8luL 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43823 lnLernauonal Workshop on Schema Languages for xML x-Schemas C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43824 lnLernauonal Workshop on SecurlLy lWSLC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43823 lnLernauonal Workshop on SecurlLy ln lnformauon SysLems WCSlS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43826 lnLernauonal Workshop on SecurlLy roLocols lWS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43827 lnLernauonal Workshop on So Compuung Appllcauons SClA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43829 lnLernauonal Workshop on Soware Lnglneerlng for Plgh erformance Compuung Appllcauons SL-PC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43830 lnLernauonal Workshop on Soware rocess Slmulauon and Modelllng (now lCS) 8CSlm 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43831 lnLernauonal Workshop on Soware roducL ManagemenL lWSM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43832 lnLernauonal Workshop on Soware CuallLy WoSC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43833 lnLernauonal Workshop on Soware 1echnology for AugmenLed 8eallLy SysLems lWS1A8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43834 lnLernauonal Workshop on 1emporal uaLabases 1u8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43833 lnLernauonal Workshop on Lhe AlgorlLhmlc loundauons of 8oboucs WAl8 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43836 lnLernauonal Workshop on Lhe SaLe of Lhe ArL ln CrypLology and new Challenges Ahead
Cuo vadls
C 0804
uaLa lormaL
43837 lnLernauonal Workshop on Lhe Web and uaLabases Webu8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43838 lnLernauonal Workshop on ublqulLous vlrLual 8eallLy lWuv8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p33 of 84
43839 lnLernauonal Workshop on vlsuallzauon for Cyber SecurlLy vlzSec C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43841 lnLernauonal Workshop on Web ConLenL Cachlng and ulsLrlbuuon WCW 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43842 lnLernauonal Workshop on Web lnformauon SysLems Modelllng WlSM C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43844 lnLernauonal Workshop rogrammlng Mulu-AgenL SysLems 8CMAS 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
43843 lnLernauonal Workshops on Lnabllng 1echnologles: lnfrasLrucLures for Collaborauve LnLerprlses WL1lCL 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43846 lnLernauonal Workshops on llrsL-Crder 1heorem rovlng l1 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43847 lnLernauonal World Wlde Web Conference WWW A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43849 lnLernauonal xML uaLabase Symposlum xsym C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43832 lnLernauonale 1agung WlrLschaslnformauk ul1W C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43834 lnLerneL MeasuremenL Conference lMC A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43833 lnLerneL 8esearch ACl8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43836 lnLerneL SocleLy Conference lnL1 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43837 lnLeroperaung Ceographlc lnformauon SysLems ln1L8C C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43861 ln1ul1lCn lnLernauonal Conference ln1ul1lCn C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43862 lSCA lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLer Appllcauons ln lndusLry and Lnglneerlng CAlnL C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43863 lSCA 1uLorlal and 8esearch Workshop AuLomauc Speech 8ecognluon AS8 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43864 lLallan Conference on 1heoreucal CompuLer Sclence lC1CS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43863 lLallan Symposlum on Advanced uaLabase SysLems SL8u C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43868 !apan Conference on CompuLauonal CeomeLry and Craphs !CCCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43869 !apan Conference on ulscreLe and CompuLauonal CeomeLry !CuCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43870 !apan-Chlna !olnL Workshop on lronuer of CompuLer Sclence and 1echnology lCS1 C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44169 !apan-korea !olnL Workshop on AlgorlLhms and CompuLauons WAAC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43871 !apanese-Pungarlan Symposlum on ulscreLe MaLhemaucs and lLs Appllcauons !P C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43872 !olnL AusLralla and new Zealand 8lennlal Conference on ulglLal lmage and vlslon Compuung ulvC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43874 !olnL Conference on lnformauon Sclences !ClS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
!olnL Conference on new MeLhods ln Language rocesslng and CompuLauonal naLural Language
neMLa C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43879 !olnL lnLernauonal Conference on CyberCames and lnLeracuve LnLerLalnmenL CClL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43880 !olnL l1rusL and S1 Conferences on rlvacy, 1rusL ManagemenL and SecurlLy lll 1M C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43881 !olnL Modular Languages Conference !MLC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43882 !olnL Worklng Conference on Secure lnformauon neLworks: Communlcauons and Mulumedla SecurlLy CMS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43883 !olnL workshop on Mulumodal lnLeracuon and 8elaLed Machlne Learnlng AlgorlLhms (now lCMl-MLMl) MLMl 8 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43884 !ournal of Compuung Sclence ln Colleges (Conference proceedlngs) CCSC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43886 kLS lnLernauonal Symposlum on lnLelllgenL ueclslon 1echnologles kLS lu1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43887 knowledge Acqulsluon, Modelllng and ManagemenL Workshop kAW C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43888 knowledge and uaLa Lnglneerlng Lxchange Workshop kuLx C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43889 knowledge capLure k-CA A 0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p34 of 84
43017 knowledge ulscovery and uaLa Mlnlng ln 8lologlcal uaLabases Meeung kuuM8u C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43890 knowledge uomaln vlsuallsauon kuvlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43891 knowledge 8epresenLauon MeeLs uaLabases k8u8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43892 knowledge vlsuallzauon and vlsual 1hlnklng kv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43893 kyoLo lnLernauonal Conference on CompuLauonal CeomeLry and Craph 1heory kyoLoCCC1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43894 Language uescrlpuons, 1ools and Appllcauons Lu1A 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43893 Laun Amerlcan Conference on lnformaucs CLLl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43896 Laun Amerlcan Conference on auern Languages of rogrammlng
C 0803
CompuLer Soware
43897 Laun Amerlcan Web Congress LA-WL8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43898 Laun-Amerlcan AlgorlLhms, Craphs and Cpumlzauon Symposlum LACCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43030 Law vla Lhe lnLerneL Ll C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43899 Lexlcal Semanucs and knowledge 8epresenLauon SlCLLx C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43900 Loglc and Lnglneerlng of naLural Language Semanucs LLnLS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43901 Loglc rogrammlng and AuLomaLed 8easonlng LA8 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43902 Loglcal loundauons of CompuLer Sclence LlCS 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43903 Loglcs ln Aruclal lnLelllgence, Luropean Conference !LLlA A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43904 Machlne 1ranslauon SummlL
8 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43903 Machlne vlslon Appllcauons MvA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43906 MAClS: lnLernauonal Conference of MaLhemaucal AspecLs of CompuLer and lnformauon Sclences MAClS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43908 Masslvely arallel rocesslng uslng Cpuonal lnLerconnecuons MCl 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43909 MaLhemaucal MeLhods ln CompuLer Sclence MMlCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43910 MaLhemaucs of rogram ConsLrucuon MC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43912 Medlcal lmage Compuung and CompuLer-AsslsLed lnLervenuon MlCCAl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
42262 Medlclne MeeLs vlrLual 8eallLy MMv8 8 0903 8lomedlcal Lnglneerlng
44983 MeLhods Lecuves en CeomeLrle Algebrlque MLCA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Mexlcan lnLernauonal Conference on CurrenL 1rends ln CompuLer Sclence (was Mexlcan lnLernauonal
Conference on CompuLer Sclence)
LnC C 08
lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43913 Mld-WesL Conference on ComblnaLorlcs, CrypLography, and Compuung MlCP1? C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43917 Mlnlng for Lnhanced Web Search MLWS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43920 MoblllLy ln uaLabases and ulsLrlbuLed SysLems MuuS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43921 Modelllng and Cpumlzauon: 1heory and Appllcauons MC1A C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43924 MS8l ComblnaLorlal Came 1heory 8esearch Workshop
C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Mulumedla ConLenL Access: AlgorlLhms and SysLems (was Mulumedla ConLenL Analysls, ManagemenL
and 8eLrleval)
MCA:AS C 0806
lnformauon SysLems
43929 nAlSC Congress on AuLonomous lnLelllgenL SysLems nAlSC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
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conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p35 of 84
43930 nASA La8C lormal MeLhods Workshop LA8C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43931 nauonal Advlsory Commluee on Compuung Cuallcauons nACCC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
43933 nauonal Conference of Lhe Amerlcan Assoclauon for Aruclal lnLelllgence AAAl A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43934 nauonal Conference on CompuLer and lnformauon SysLems nCClS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43936 nauonal uaLabase Conference (Chlna) nu8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43023 nauonal PealLh lnformaucs Conference nPlC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43937 nauonal lnformauon SysLems SecurlLy Conference (was nauonal CompuLer SecurlLy Conference) nlSSC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
nauonal Sclence loundauon symposlum on nexL Cenerauon uaLa Mlnlng and Cyber Lnabled
ulscovery for lnnovauon (was.nSl workshop on nexL Cenerauon uaLa Mlnlng)
nCuM C 0804
uaLa lormaL
43939 nA1C Conference on soware englneerlng nA1CSL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43940 naLural Language rocesslng and knowledge Lnglneerlng lLLL nL-kL C 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43941 neLwork and CS SupporL for ulglLal A/v nCSSuAv A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43943 new SecurlLy aradlgms Workshop nSW C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43946 new Zealand Came uevelopers Conference luSL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43947 nordlc Conference on auern Languages of rograms vlklngLo C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43930 nordlc Workshop on Secure l1 SysLems nordSec C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43931 norLh Amerlcan Assoclauon for CompuLauonal Llngulsucs nAACL A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43932 norLh Amerlcan Conference on Loglc rogrammlng nACL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43933 norLh Amerlcan luzzy lnformauon rocesslng SocleLy Conference nAllS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43934 norweglan CompuLer Puman lnLeracuon nC8uCPl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43937 Cnward Soware Lnglneerlng Cnward C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43938 Cpumal ulscreLe SLrucLures and AlgorlLhms CuSA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43000 Cpumlzauon: 1echnlques And Appllcauons C1A C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43939 Crganlsauons and SocleLy ln lnformauon SysLems Workshop CASlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43961 aclc Asla Conference on lnformauon SysLems AClS A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43962 aclc Asla Conference on Language, lnformauon and CompuLauon ACLlC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43963 aclc Aslan Conference on LxperL SysLems ACLS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43964 aclc Conference on CompuLer Craphlcs and Appllcauons C A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43966 aclc 8lm lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence 8lCAl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43967 aclc 8lm lnLernauonal Symposlum on uependable Compuung 8uC 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43038 aclc 8lm lnLernauonal Workshop on Mulu-AgenLs 8lMA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43968 aclc 8lm knowledge Acqulsluon Workshop kAW 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43019 aclc Symposlum on 8locompuung S8 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43970 aclc-Asla Conference on knowledge ulscovery and uaLa Mlnlng Akuu A 0804 uaLa lormaL
43971 aclc-Asla Workshop on LlecLronlc Commerce AWLC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43972 aclc-8lm Conference on Mulumedla CM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43974 aclc-8lm Symposlum on lmage and vldeo 1echnology Slv1 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p36 of 84
43973 an aclc Conference on lnformauon SysLems ClS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43976 an-Sydney Area Workshop on vlsual lnformauon rocesslng vl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43977 arallel and ulsLrlbuLed lnformauon SysLems ulS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43978 arallel Compuung A8CC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43980 arallel roblem Solvlng from naLure Sn A 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43981 aruclpaLory ueslgn Conference uC 8 1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
43982 asslve and Acuve MeasuremenL Conference AM 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
43984 auern Languages of rograms LC 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43986 orLuguese Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence LlA 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43990 racucal Appllcauon of lnLelllgenL AgenLs and Mulu-AgenL 1echnology Conference AAM C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43991 racucal AspecLs of ueclarauve Languages AuL 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43992 racucal AspecLs of 8CLCC/ConsLralnL 1echnology A/AC1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43007 racuce and 1heory of AuLomaLed 1lmeLabllng A1A1 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43993 racuces of Llnklng AspecL 1echnology and Lvoluuon LA1L C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43994 rague SLrlngology Conference SC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43993 rlnclples and racuce of arallel rogrammlng o A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
43996 rlnclples and racuce of rogrammlng ln !ava ! C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43997 rlvacy ln SLausucal uaLabases Su C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43998 rocesslng ueclarauve knowledge, lnLernauonal Workshop uk C 0803 CompuLer Soware
43999 roducL locused Soware rocess lmprovemenL 8ClLS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
44000 rogram vlsuallzauon Workshop vW C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44001 rogrammlng Language 1echnlques for xML LAn-x C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44008 8eecuon, AC and MeLa-uaLa for Soware Lvoluuon 8AM-SL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44009 8elauonshlps and Assoclauons ln Cb[ecL-CrlenLed Languages 8ACCL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44010 8lchard 1apla Celebrauon of ulverslLy ln Compuung Conference 1apla C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44013 8oboL Soccer World Cup 8oboCup 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44013 8SA Conference 8SA 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
44019 Scandlnavlan Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence SCAl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44020 Scandlnavlan Workshop on AlgorlLhm 1heory SWA1 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44021 Scomsh luncuonal rogrammlng Workshop Sl C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44023 Search: Workshop on Search, Sorung and Codlng Search C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44026 SelecLed Areas ln CrypLography SAC 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
44027 Semanuc Web vlsuallsauon vSW C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44029 Servlce CrlenLed Compuung: Consequences for Lnglneerlng 8equlremenLs SCCCL8 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44030 SCAl lnLernauonal Conference on Aruclal lnLelllgence SCAl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44031 SlAM Conference on ulscreLe MaLhemaucs uM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44032 SlAM Conference on CeomeLrlc ueslgn Ceou C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44033 SlAM Conference on Cpumlzauon C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p37 of 84
44034 SlAM lnLernauonal Conference on uaLa Mlnlng SuM A 0804 uaLa lormaL
44033 SlAM Workshop on AlgorlLhms for Llsung, Counung, and Lnumerauon ALlCL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44036 SlCdlal Workshop on ulscourse and ulalog SlCdlal C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44038 SlCl8 workshop: SLyllsuc Analysls of 1exL lor lnformauon Access SLyle C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44039 SlCC1 - lnLernauonal Conference on Cpumlzauon lCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43001 Slmulauon 1echnology and 1ralnlng Conference Slm1ec1 C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44040 Slngapore lnLernauonal Conference on lnLelllgenL SysLems SlClS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44042 SkLClS Conference on lnformauon SecurlLy and CrypLology lnscrypL 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
44043 So Compuung ln CompuLer Craphlcs, lmaglng, and vlslon SCCClv C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44046 Soware Lducauon Conference S8lC-L1 C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44047 Soware Lnglneerlng Lducauon and 1ralnlng Conference SLL1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44048 Soware erformance LnhancemenL for Lncrypuon and uecrypuon SLLu C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44049 Soware CuallLy Conference SCC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44030 Soware 1echnology and Lnglneerlng racuce Conference S1L 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
44032 SouLh Afrlcan lnLernauonal Craph 1heory Conference SAlC1C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44033 SouLheasLern lnLernauonal Conference on ComblnaLorlcs, Craph 1heory, and Compuung C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44034 SouLhern Conference on Compuung SCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44033 SouLhwesLern Conference on auern Languages of rograms ChlllLo C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44036 Spanlsh Meeung on CompuLauonal CeomeLry LCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44039 Speclal-purpose Pardware for Auacklng CrypLographlc SysLems SPA8CS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44061 SlL Conference on vlsual uaLa Lxplorauon and Analysls vuLA C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44062 SlL lnLernauonal Conference on Mulumedla SLorage and Archlvlng SysLems MSAS C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44063 SlL lnLernauonal Conference on vlsual Communlcauons and lmage rocesslng vCl 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44063 Sprlng Conference on CompuLer Craphlcs SCCC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44068 SLaLe of Lhe ArL of SLream Clphers SASC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44069 SLauc Analysls Symposlum SAS A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44070 SLochasuc Local Search AlgorlLhms SLS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44071 SLorage and 8eLrleval for Medla uaLabases (was SLorage and 8eLrleval for lmage and vldeo uaLabases) S8Mu C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44072 SLrucLural and SynLacucal auern 8ecognluon SS8 A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43002 Summer CompuLer Slmulauon Conference SCSC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44074 Summer School on Modelllng and verlcauon of arallel rocesses MCvL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44077 Symposlum of Aslan Assoclauon for AlgorlLhms and CompuLauon AAAC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44079 Symposlum on AbsLracuon, 8eformulauon and Approxlmauon SA8A 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44080 Symposlum on Access ConLrol Models and 1echnologles, ACM (was 88AC) SACMA1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44082 Symposlum on Advances ln u8 and lnformauon SysLems Au8lS 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
44083 Symposlum on AssessmenL of CuallLy S/W uev 1ools ACSu1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44084 Symposlum on Cellular AuLomaLa !AC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44083 Symposlum Cn ComblnaLorlcs, AlgorlLhms, robablllsuc and LxperlmenLal MeLhodologles LSCAL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p38 of 84
44086 Symposlum on CompuLauonal CeomeLry for Mechanlcs and Appllcauons SCCCMA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44087 Symposlum on ueslgn, Analysls, and Slmulauon of ulsLrlbuLed SysLems uASu C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44088 Symposlum on ulscreLe MaLhemaucs LuM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44089 Symposlum on CeomeLry rocesslng SC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44091 Symposlum on lnformauon 1echnology and lnformauon SysLems l1lS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44092 Symposlum on lnformauon 1heory ln Lhe 8enelux C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44093 Symposlum on Loglcal lormallzauons of Commonsense 8easonlng
8 0801
Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44094 Symposlum on neLworked SysLems, ueslgn and lmplemenLauon nSul 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44093 Symposlum on arallellsm ln AlgorlLhms and ArchlLecLures SAA A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44096 Symposlum on rograms as uaLa Cb[ecLs AuC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44097 Symposlum on 8ellable ulsLrlbuLed SysLems S8uS A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44098 Symposlum on 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng for lnformauon SecurlLy S8LlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44099 Symposlum on SLablllzauon, SafeLy, and SecurlLy of ulsLrlbuLed SysLems SSS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44100 Symposlum on SLochasuc AlgorlLhms, loundauons and Appllcauons SACA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44101 SysLems Lnglneerlng / 1esL and Lvaluauon Conference SL1L C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44102 1Al: AlgorlLhmlc lnformauon 1heory: kolmogorov ComplexlLy 1Al C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44103 1anglble, Lmbedded, and Lmbodled lnLeracuon 1Ll A 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44104 1echnlques and roblems ln Craph 1heory 1C1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
43036 1echnology for lnLeracuve ulglLal SLoryLelllng 1luSL C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
42264 1echnology of Cb[ecL-CrlenLed Languages and SysLems Lurope
8 0803
CompuLer Soware
44103 1esLbeds and 8esearch lnfrasLrucLures for Lhe uevelopmenL of neLworks and Communlues 1rldenLCom 8 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44106 1he Claude Shannon Workshop on Codlng and CrypLography C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44107 1he Conference on vlsuallzauon of lnformauon SLL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44112 1he lnLernauonal Conference on Semanuc Web and Web Servlces SWWS C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44113 1he lnLernauonal Workshop on AlgorlLhms and Craphs lWAAC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44114 1he Modelllng and Slmulauon SocleLy of AusLralla and new Zealand Meeung AnZMCuS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44113 1he norLhern lormal MeLhods Workshops nlM C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44116 1he organlzauonal semloucs Conference C8CSLM 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44118 1he 1heory and Appllcauon of ulagrams ulAC8AMS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44120 1heoreucal AspecLs of 8auonallLy and knowledge 1A8k A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44122 1heory of CrypLography Conference 1CC A 0804 uaLa lormaL
44123 1ools and AlgorlLhms for ConsLrucuon and Analysls of SysLems 1ACAS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
44126 1opologlcal and CeomeLrlc Craph 1heory 1CC1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44127 1ralLemenL AuLomauque des Langues naLurelles 1ALn C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44129 1rusLworLhy lnLerfaces for asswords and ersonal lnformauon workshop 1ll C 0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p39 of 84
44131 1wenLe Workshop on Craphs and ComblnaLorlal Cpumlzauon 1wenLe C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44132 ublqulLous Compuung ublComp A 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44134 uk Academy of lnformauon SysLems Conference ukAlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44133 uk e-Sclence All Pands Meeung
uk e-
C 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44138 unconvenuonal Models of CompuLauon uMC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44139 unled Modelllng Language uML 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
43029 unlLed klngdom SysLems SocleLy ukSS 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44140 unlLed klngdom vlrLual 8eallLy Speclal lnLeresL Croup Conference uk-v8SlC v8-SlC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44141 unlversal Machlnes and CompuLauons MCu 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44143 usable SecurlLy Workshop uSLC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44146 usenlx Annual 1echnlcal Conference uSLnlx A 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44148 usenlx neLwork and ulsLrlbuLed SysLem SecurlLy Symposlum nuSS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
44149 usenlx SecurlLy Symposlum
A 0803
CompuLer Soware
44130 usenlx Symposlum on Cperaung SysLems ueslgn and lmplemenLauon CSul A 0803 CompuLer Soware
44131 uSLnlx Wlndows n1 Symposlum uWn1S C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44132 uSLnlx Workshop on LlecLronlc Commerce uSLnlx LC C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44133 uSLnlx Workshop on PoL 1oplcs ln Cperaung SysLems PoLCS A 0803 CompuLer Soware
44134 uSLnlx/ACCu8A1L LlecLronlc voung 1echnology Workshop Lv1 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44133 verlcauon, Model Checklng and AbsLracL lnLerpreLauon vMCAl 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
44136 vlrLual 8eallLy Annual lnLernauonal Symposlum v8AlS C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44138 vlslon lnLerface vl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44139 vlsMasLers ueslgn Modelllng and vlsuallzauon Conference uMvC C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44160 vlsual Analyucs vA C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44161 vlsual uaLabase SysLems vu8 8 0804 uaLa lormaL
44162 vlsual lnformauon Communlcauons lnLernauonal vlnCl C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44163 vlsual Languages and lormal MeLhods vLlM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44164 vlsuallsauon ln 8ullL LnvlronmenL 8ullLvlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44163 vlsuallzauon ln Sclence and Lducauon vlSL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44166 vlsuallzauon ln Soware Lnglneerlng SLvlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44167 vlsuallzauon ln Soware roducL Llnes Workshop vlsLL C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44171 Web vlsuallzauon Webvlz C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44172 WesLern AusLrallan Workshop on lnformauon SysLems 8esearch WAWlS8 C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44173 WesLern Canadlan Conference on Compuung Lducauon WCCCL C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44174 WesLern ueclslon Sclences lnsuLuLe Conference WuSl C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44173 WesLern Luropean Workshop on 8esearch ln CrypLology WeWo8C C 0804 uaLa lormaL
43003 WlnLer Slmulauon Conference WSC 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p40 of 84
44176 Women ln Compuung WlCS C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44177 Workshop ln lnformauon SecurlLy 1heory and racuces WlS1 C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44178 Workshop on Ad Poc and ublqulLous compuung AuC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44179 Workshop on AlgorlLhm Lnglneerlng WAL 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44180 Workshop on AlgorlLhm Lnglneerlng and LxperlmenLs ALLnLx A 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44181 Workshop on AlgorlLhmlc Approaches for 1ransporLauon Modelllng, Cpumlzauon, and SysLems A1MCS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44168 Workshop on AlgorlLhmlc AspecLs of Advanced rogrammlng Languages WAAAL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44182 Workshop on AlgorlLhms And Models lor 1he Web Craph WAW C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44183 Workshop on AlgorlLhms ln 8lolnformaucs WA8l 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44184 Workshop on AlgorlLhms, ComblnaLorlcs, and CeomeLry ACC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44183 Workshop on Analyuc AlgorlLhms and ComblnaLorlcs AnALCC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44187 Workshop on Appllcauons of Craph 1heory ln Wlreless Ad hoc neLworks and Sensor neLworks Craph-hoc C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44188 Workshop on Approxlmauon and Cnllne AlgorlLhms WACA 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44189 Workshop on Approxlmauon and 8andomlzauon AlgorlLhms ln Communlcauon neLworks A8ACnL C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44190 Workshop on AspecL CrlenLed 8equlremenLs Lnglneerlng and ArchlLecLure ueslgn
C 0803
CompuLer Soware
44191 Workshop on AspecL-CrlenLed Modelllng ACM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44192 Workshop on AspecLs, ComponenLs, and auerns for lnfrasLrucLure Soware AC4lS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44193 Workshop on Assurance Cases for SecurlLy uSn C 0803 CompuLer Soware
Workshop on AusLralaslan lnformauon SecurlLy, uaLa Mlnlng and Web lnLelllgence, and Soware
AlSW C 0804
uaLa lormaL
44193 Workshop on ComblnaLorlal and AlgorlLhmlc AspecLs of neLworklng CAAn 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44201 Workshop on ComponenL-CrlenLed rogrammlng WCC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44196 Workshop on CompuLauonal and Conformal CeomeLry CCC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44197 Workshop on CompuLauonal CeomeLry and Appllcauons CCA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44198 Workshop on CompuLauonal Craph 1heory and ComblnaLorlcs WCC1C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44199 Workshop on CompuLauonal Cpumlzauon
C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44200 Workshop on CompuLer ArchlLecLure Lducauon WCAL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44202 Workshop on ConsLralnL Sausfacuon for lannlng and Schedullng CCLAS 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44204 Workshop on CrypLographlc Pardware and Lmbedded SysLems CPLS C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44203 Workshop on CrypLography for Ad hoc neLworks WCAn C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44206 Workshop on uaLa Lnglneerlng for Wlreless and Moblle Access MobluL C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44207 Workshop on uaLabase 1echnology for vlrLual LnLerprlses u1vL C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44208 Workshop on ueclarauve rogrammlng ln Lhe ConLexL of CC Languages u-CCCL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44209 Workshop on ulsLrlbuLed uaLa and SLrucLures WuAS C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44210 Workshop on uomaln Speclc Modelllng uSM C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44211 Workshop on uupllcaung, ueconsLrucung, and uebunklng Wuuu C 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p41 of 84
44212 Workshop on Lconomlcs of eer-Lo-eer SysLems 2 Lcon C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44213 Workshop on Llllpuc Curve CrypLography LCC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44214 Workshop on laulL ulagnosls and 1olerance ln CrypLography lu1C C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44213 Workshop on lormal 1echnlques for !ava rograms l1! C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44217 Workshop on Pybrld lnLelllgenL SysLems WPlS C 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
44218 Workshop on lnformauon Pldlng lnlP C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44219 Workshop Cn !ava lor Plgh-erformance Compuung !PC C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44220 Workshop on !ob Schedullng SLraLegles for arallel rocesslng !SS 8 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44221 Workshop on Locallzed AlgorlLhms and roLocols for Wlreless Sensor neLworks
C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44222 Workshop on Loglc and Learnlng L&L C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44223 Workshop on Loglc, Language, lnformauon and CompuLauon WoLLlC 8 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44224 Workshop on Masslve uaLa AlgorlLhmlcs Masslve C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44223 Workshop on Moblle Compuung SysLems and Appllcauons PC1MC8lLL C 0803
ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44227 Workshop on Muluparadlgm rogrammlng wlLh CC Languages MCCL C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44228 Workshop on naLure lnsplred ulsLrlbuLed Compuung nlSulC C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44229 Workshop on neLwork-8elaLed uaLa ManagemenL n8uM C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44230 Workshop on new 1echnologles for ersonallzed lnformauon Access lA C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44231 Workshop on Cb[ecL-CrlenLed uaLabase SysLems CCu8S C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44232 Workshop on Cb[ecL-CrlenLed uevelopmenL WCCu C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44233 Workshop on Cn-Llne AlgorlLhms CLA C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44234 Workshop on arallel and ulsLrlbuLed uebugglng ACM/Cn8 Auu C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44233 Workshop on arameLerlzed ComplexlLy WC C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44236 Workshop on hyslcs and CompuLauon C C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44237 Workshop on ower Aware Compuung and SysLems PoLower 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
44238 Workshop on robablllsuc Craph 1heory C1 C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44239 Workshop on rogrammlng Languages and Cperaung SysLems LCS 8 0803 CompuLer Soware
44240 Workshop on CuanLum lnformauon rocesslng Cl C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44241 Workshop on 8eal-1lme uaLabases 81u8 C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44242 Workshop on 8esearch lssues ln uaLa Mlnlng and knowledge ulscovery uMku C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44243 Workshop on 8obusL Shape Cperauons W8SC C 0804 uaLa lormaL
44244 Workshop on 8unume verlcauon 8v C 0803 CompuLer Soware
44243 Workshop on Sclenuc knowledge, lnformauon, and Compuung SluLklC C 0899 CLher lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44246 Workshop on SecurlLy and rlvacy ln e-Commerce SLC C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44247 Workshop on Servlce CrlenLed Compuung SCCASL C 0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
44248 Workshop on Lhe ArlLhmeuc of llnlLe llelds WAlll C 0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p42 of 84
44230 Workshop on uncerLalnLy ln CeomeLrlc CompuLauons
C 0802
CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
44231 Workshop on Web usage Analysls Webkuu C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44232 World CompuLer Congress WCC C 08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44234 World Conference on Lhe WWW and lnLerneL WebneL C 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44236 World Congress ln CompuLer Sclence, CompuLer Lnglneerlng, and Applled Compuung
C 08
lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
44239 World Congress on LxperL SysLems WCLS 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
43024 World Congress on Medlcal lnformaucs MLulnlC 8 0806 lnformauon SysLems
44260 World Congress on neural neLworks WCnn 8 0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p43 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p44 of 84
12 8ullL LnvlronmenL and ueslgn
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p45 of 84
0803 CompuLer Soware
0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p46 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL 0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p47 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p48 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p49 of 84
0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p50 of 84
08 lnformauon and Compuung Sclences
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p51 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p52 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p53 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p54 of 84
09 Lnglneerlng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p55 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p56 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p57 of 84
0804 uaLa lormaL
0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p58 of 84
0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p59 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
0806 lnformauon SysLems
0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p60 of 84
0803 CompuLer Soware
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p61 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p62 of 84
0804 uaLa lormaL 0803 CompuLer Soware
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p63 of 84
0803 CompuLer Soware
0804 uaLa lormaL 0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p64 of 84
1006 CompuLer Pardware
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p65 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p66 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p67 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p68 of 84
0803 CompuLer Soware
0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p69 of 84
1203 ueslgn racuce and ManagemenL
0806 lnformauon SysLems
0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p70 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
0802 CompuLauon 1heory and MaLhemaucs
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p71 of 84
1203 urban and 8eglonal lannlng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p72 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p73 of 84
0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p74 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p75 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p76 of 84
0903 8lomedlcal Lnglneerlng
0801 Aruclal lnLelllgence and lmage rocesslng
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p77 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p78 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p79 of 84
0806 lnformauon SysLems
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p80 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p81 of 84
0803 ulsLrlbuLed Compuung
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p82 of 84
0804 uaLa lormaL
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p83 of 84
Computing Conferences sorted by alphabetical title
ERA Conference List
February 2008
CORE Extract of
conferences with codes
08 to 0899 p84 of 84

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