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2. LOCATION OF THE OFFICE : Registered Office of the Society situated at H. No. 2-6-1164/B/5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Sri"i$asa %o&o"y! Ha"a#'o"da! (ist: )ara"ga&! *.+.! 5 6 ,. AIMS AND OBJECTS :1

-he o./ecti$es for 0hich the society VEERABHADRA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY HANAMKONDA1 is esta.&ished! 0hich are for the 2ur2ose of 0e&& .ei"g of a&& sectio"s of co##u"ity a"d ad$a"ce#e"t of a"y 2hi&a"thro2y for the de$e&o2#e"t of educatio"! e"$iro"#e"t! hea&th! &i$e&ihoods or a"y o./ects for the .e"efit of 2oor a"d ge"era& 2u.&ic! are a. -o desig"! esta.&ish! host a"d #ai"tai" a co""ecti"g #edia &i'e ) as a 3ate0ay of 4"for#atio" 0ith the so&e o./ect of .ri"gi"g together o" a co##o" 2&atfor# those $ast 2o2u&atio" i" 4"dia 0ho "eed he&2 o" o"e ha"d a"d those 0ho 0ish to 2ro$ide he&2 to the "eedy! o" the other. .. -o u"derta'e 2rogra#s of rura& u2-&ift#e"t a"d de$e&o2#e"t .y .ri"gi"g i" a0are"ess of 5ducatio"! Hea&th a"d Nutritio" a#o"g chi&dre" a"d their 2are"ts! 2ro$idi"g guida"ce o" the effecti$e use of &oca& resources. c. -o esta.&ish! #ai"tai" a"d/or gra"t aid i" cash a"d/or 'i"d to society! hos2ita&s! i"stitutio"s! chi&d 0e&fare ce"ters! hoste&s! or2ha"ages! o&d age ho#es a"d/or such .e"efit a"d use of the 2u.&ic i" ge"era&. d. -o esta.&ish! su22ort! ac6uire! ru" a"d/or gra"t aid a"d other fi"a"cia& assista"ce to schoo&s! co&&eges! &i.raries readi"g roo#s! hoste&s! .oardi"g houses! &a.oratories a"d other i"stitutio"s of &i'e "ature for use of the stude"ts a"d teachers a"d a&so ge"era&&y for the de$e&o2#e"t a"d/or ad$a"ce#e"t of educatio" a"d diffusio" of '"o0&edge a#o"gst the 2u.&ic i" ge"era&. e. -o esta.&ish! #ai"tai" a"d/or ru" stude"tshi2s! scho&arshi2s! fe&&o0shi2s a"d re"der other 'i"d of aid to i"di$idua&s i"c&udi"g su22&y of #edici"es! .oo's! sti2e"ds! a0ards/ #eda&s a"d other i"ce"ti$es to 2ro#ote e7ce&&e"ce i" 2ursuit of educatio"! 0ithout a"y disti"ctio" of caste! co&or or creed. f. -o gra"t aid! to 2ro#ote! esta.&ish! su22ort a"d/or #ai"tai" i"stitutio" for the 2ro#otio" of Scie"ce! 8iterature! 9usic! (ra#a a"d :i"e *rts a"d a&so 2ro#ote s2irit of co"ser$atio" of heritage a"d cu&ture a"d 2rotect o&d #o"u#e"ts a"d 2ro#ote research/ docu#e"tatio" a"d co&&ectio" of artifacts a"d data a"d he&2 .ui&d archi$es as 0e&& co&&a.orate/ su22ort other i"stitutio" ha$i"g si#i&ar o./ects for the .e"efit of the 2u.&ic i" ge"era&. g. -o gra"t re&ief duri"g "atura& ca&a#ities! such as fa#i"e! earth6ua'e! f&ood! fire 2esti&e"ce a"d other "atura& or #a" #ade ca&a#ities a"d to gi$e do"atio"s su.scri2tio"s or co"tri.utio"s to i"stitutio"s! esta.&ish#e"ts or 2erso"s duri"g such re&ief 0or'.

h. -o re"der assista"ce a"d/or gra"t aid to other 2u.&ic charita.&e trusts or i"stitutio"s. i. -o orga"i;e &ectures a"d disse#i"ate '"o0&edge o" $arious to2ics of socia& a"d eco"o#ic co"cer" &i'e safeguards for de#ocracy! the rights < duties of a citi;e" u"der the 4"dia" 8a0! "atio"a& i"tegratio"! 4"dia" Heritage a"d cu&ture etc /. -o co"duct sur$eys! studies a"d o" socia& issues a"d 2ro.&e#s a"d to fi"d re#edies a"d re$ie0 2o&icies a"d criti6ue for i#2ro$e#e"ts i" 2u.&ic 2o&icy. '. -o esta.&ish! #ai"tai" a"d regu&ate the affairs of the educatio"a& i"stitutio"s a"d e"courage ath&etic! &iterary! a"d cu&tura& acti$ities &. -o i#2art a"d 2ro#ote educatio" at a&& &e$e&s i" *rts! %o##erce! :i"e *rts! Scie"ce! -ech"o&ogy! 8a0! 9edici"e! 5"gi"eeri"g! a"d i" a"y other su./ects to a&& stude"ts! irres2ecti$e of se7! race! re&igio"! or caste #. -o 2ro#ote u"ity! #ora& disci2&i"e! ser$ice a"d 2atriotis#! a"d de$e&o2#e"t i" scie"tific a"d socia& fie&ds i" order to create a desire to0ards the Natio"a& (e$e&o2#e"t +rogra#s. ". -o a0ard 2ri;es i" co#2etitio"s of 2hysica& ga#es a"d educatio"a& co#2etitio"s. o. -o esta.&ish educatio"a& a"d fa#i&y cou"se&i"g ce"ters. 2. -o co"struct the .ui&di"gs! de$e&o2#e"t of +&ay grou"ds! fur"iture etc to ru" a"d / or esta.&ish a"d / or ru" the educatio"a& i"stitutio"s. 6. :i"a"cia& assista"ce or &oa"s #ay .e recei$ed fro# 3o$er"#e"t! 8oca& .odies! N3Os! Ba"'s! %o#2a"ies! i"di$idua&s etc for de$e&o2#e"t a"d ru" the 5ducatio"a& 4"stitutio"s or for achie$i"g the o./ecti$es #e"tio"ed i" ai#s a"d o./ecti$es. r. -o do a"y other act or thi"g! 0hich is a"ci&&ary to the achie$e#e"t of a"y of the 2re$ious&y stated o./ects. s. -o .ri"g e"$iro"#e"ta& a0are"ess a"d he&2 i" the 2ro/ects of 2&a"tatio"! forestatio"! 0aste #a"age#e"t! 0ater co"ser$atio"! 0aste&a"d rec&a#atio"! a"d recyc&i"g etc. t. *uthori;ed the 2reside"t a"d ge"era& secretary or treasurer to o2e" a"d o2erate .a"' /oi"t accou"t accou"ts i" the "a#e of society i" a"y .a"' or "atio"a& Ba"'s.

%ertified that the *ssociatio" is for#ed 0ith "o 2rofit #oti$e a"d "o co##ercia& acti$ates i"$o&$ed i" its 0or'i"g1 %ertified that the Office Bearers are "ot 2aid fro# the fu"ds of the *ssociatio"1 %ertified that the *ssociatio" 0ou&d "ot e"gage i" agitatio" acti$ities to $e"ti&ate its grie$a"ces1. %ertified that the Officer Bearers sig"atures are ge"ui"e1. DECLARATION )e the u"dersig"ed 2erso"s i" the #e#o ha$e for#ed i" to a" associatio" a"d res2o"si.&e to ru" the affaires of the associatio" a"d are desirous of getti"g the society registered u"der *.+. Societies Registratio" *ct. ,5/2 1

S43N*-=R5 O: -H5 +R5S4(5N-/ S5%R5-*R>

-2S. No 1. NAME OF THE OFFECE BEARERS +. S)*+N* )/o +. SR4N4?*S R5(> S9-. 8. 355-H* )/O +R*BH*D*R R5((> ?. D*9*8*D*R R5((> S/o N*R*S49H* R5((> +. BH*R3*?* R*E= S/o %H*N(R*9 R*E= 8. ?49*8* )/o (5?*S4N3

RESIDENTAIL ADDRESS @1-A /B/12/C! :&at No. , ,! 9ada2ur!! *+! 5 B1 @ 2-1-2,4! O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. @2-6-1164/B! 5 4! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. @11-1 -15A! SB4 %o&o"y! Road No. 5! Dotha2eta! Ra"gareddy (sit! @2-6-1164/B! 5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. @2-1-2,4! O&d O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. H.No. 6-5-52/1! ?e#u&a0ada G?<9H! (ist: Dari#"agar! *+




House )ife



?4%5 +R5S4(5N-

House )ife


5A 35N5R*8 S5%R5-*R> 56 EO4NS5%R5-*R> -R5*S=R5R



+ri$ate 5#2&oyee House )ife





9iss 8. 3O=-H*94 (/o +R*BH*D*R R5((> 3. R*?4N(5R S/o 8*-5 S*9B*4*H

2, 5F5%=-4?5 959B5R 5B 5F5%=-4?5 959B5R



WITNESSES:S. No 1. NAMES OF THE AGE WITNESSES +. ?e"'atesh0ar 46 Rao S/o Ra#a Rao



+. Ra$i S/o 9a&&aiah



RESIDENTAIL ADDRESS H.No.1-C-2B4/2! Re$e"ue %o&o"y! Su.edari! Ha"a#a'o"da (ist: )ara"ga& G*+H 5 6 1 H. No. 5-B,! +O < 9a"da&: Statio" 3ha"2ur!(ist: )ara"ga& 5 6144




N*95 O: -H5 SO%45->



8O%*-4ON O: -H5 O::4%5:

Registered Office of the Society situated at

H. No. 2-6-1164/B/5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Sri"i$asa %o&o"y! Ha"a#'o"da! (ist: )ara"ga&! *.+.! 5 6 ,.iH 9e#.ershi2 : -hose 0ho 2ays the ad#issio" fee! *""ua& / 9o"th&y su.scri2tio" a"d ha$i"g i"terest a"d co##it#e"t to achie$e the o./ecti$es of the society 0ith sa"e #i"ded adu&t citi;e" of 4"dia at the ti#e of for#atio" of Society. -he 57ecuti$e %o##ittee #ay ad#it a 2erso" after his su.#itti"g the a22&icatio" for #e#.ershi2 i" the 2rescri.ed for#. -he 57ecuti$e %o##ittee has the right to re/ect a"y a22&icatio"! or e72e& a"y if i" its co"sidered $ie0 that ad#issio" / #e#.ershi2 of such a 2erso" is &i'e&y to affect the 2ur2ose! ai#s a"d o./ecti$es of the *ssociatio". iiH %*-53OR> O: 959B5RS : 1. 9e#.ers 0ho ad#itted as 2er the 2rocedure #e"tio"ed a.o$e i.e.! at ,.iH 2. Ho"orary -he 57ecuti$e %o##ittee #ay i"$ite a"d co-o2t a"y 2erso" of great scho&arshi2 a"d record of +u.&ic Ser$ice to .eco#e a" Ho"orary iiiH *(94SS4ON :55 *N( -H5 *NN=*8 S=BS%R4+-4ON OR 9ON-H8> S=BS%R4+-4ON *d#issio" :ee: Rs. 5 1. GENERAL BODY GiH (ii) *""ua& 3e"era& Body 0i&& #eet o"ce i" a year i.e.! i" the #o"th of :e.ruary. FUCTIONS: aH -o 2ass the .udget for the e"sui"g year a"d a22ro$e the e72e"diture state#e"t of 2re$ious year. .H -o a22ro$e the re2orts of the society. cH -o e&ect the 57ecuti$e co##ittee etc.! dH -o a22oi"t *uditor. 2. (i) EXECUTI E COMMITTEE : Sha&& co"sist of se$e" GCH #e#.ers a"d out of the#! the fo&&o0i"g office .earers sha&& .e e&ected .y the 5.3. $i;. +reside"t! ?ice-+reside"t! 3e"era& Secretary! Eoi"t Secretary! treasurer a"d the re#ai"i"g 2erso"s are the #e#.ers of the 57ecuti$e %o##ittee. S43N*-=R5 O: -H5 +R5S4(5N-/ S5%R5-*R> GiiH -he #e#.ers of the 57ecuti$e co##ittee G3o$er"i"g BodyH sha&& .e .ou"d to attest the sig"atures of a&& #e#.ers of "e0&y e&ected 57ecuti$e %o##ittee a"d to see that the . a"d *""ua& Su.scri2tio" is Rs. 1 . 1

sig"atures of the out goi"g 3o$er"i"g Body ta&&y 0ith the a""ua& &ist as fi&ed 0ith the Registrar of Societies .efore 15 days the succeedi"g #o"th i" 0hich e&ectio"s 0ere he&d. (III) FUNCTIONS OF THE EXECUTI E COMMITTEE AND OFFICE BEARES 1. +R5S4(5N-: He 2resides o$er a&& the #eeti"gs of the ge"era& Body a"d 57ecuti$e %o##ittee. He ca" cast his $ote i" case a tie i" decisio". %a" su2er$ise a&& .ra"ches of the Society. 2. ?4%5-+R5S4(N5-: He sha&& assist the +reside"t i" dischargi"g his fu"ctio"s i" the"ce of the 2reside"tI He 0i&& 2erfor# the duty of the 2reside"t as e"trusted .y the 2reside"t. ,. S5%R5-*R>: He is the %hief 57ecuti$e of the Society a"d %ustodia" of a&& records re&ati"g to the society a"d corres2o"de"t o" the Society. He has to ta'e or record a&& #i"utes of the society! 0ou&d co"$e"e .oth the 57ecuti$e %o##ittee a"d 3e"era& .ody of the society 0ith the 2er#issio" of the +reside"t. He guides the -reasurer i" 2re2ari"g the .udget a"d e72e"diture state#e"t to 2&ace .efore the 3e"era& Body for its a22ro$a&. 4. EO4N- S5%R5-*R>:
He has to do the 0or' e"trusted .y 57ecuti$e %o##ittee. He has to assist the Secretary i" dischargi"g his duties. 4" the"ce of the Secretary! he ca" 2erfor# the duties of the Secretary .

5. -R5*S=R5R: He is res2o"si.&e to a&& fi"a"cia& tra"sactio"s a"d fu"ds of the Society/ *ssociatio". He has to #ai"tai" accou"ts 2ro2er&y a&o"g 0ith the $ouchers. He has to 2re2are the accou"ts of the society /oi"t&y 0ith the secretary or 2reside"t. 6. O::4%5 B5*R5RS: -hey are res2o"si.&e 2erso"s to atte"d to such acti$ities of the Society / *ssociatio" 0hich the 57ecuti$e %o##ittee e"trusted to hi#. C. J=OR=9:
Ha&f of the tota& #e#.ers for 3e"era& Body 9eeti"g a"d 1/4 for 57ecuti$e %o##ittee 9eeti"g .

B. :=N(S: -he fu"ds sha&& .e s2e"t o"&y for the attai"i"g of the o./ects of the society a"d "o 2ortio" there of sha&& .e 2aid or tra"sferred of i"direct&y to a"y #e#.ers through a"y #ea"s. A. *95N(95N-S: No a#e"d#e"ts or a&teratio"s sha&& .e #ade i" the 2ur2ose of society/*ssociatio" u"&ess it is $oted .y 2/, of its #e#.ers 2rese"t at a s2ecia& #eeti"g %o"$e"ed to the 2ur2ose a"d co"fir#ed .y 2/, of the #e#.ers 2rese"t a"d at a seco"d s2ecia& #eeti"g. 1 . )4N(4N3 =+: 4" case the Society has to .e 0ou"d u2 the 2ro2erty a"d fu"ds of the Society /*ssociatio" that re#ai" after dischargi"g the &ia.i&ities! if a"y! sha&& .e tra"sferred or 2aid to so#e other i"stitute 0ith si#i&ar ai#s a"d o./ects. S43N*-=R5 O: -H5 +R5S4(5N-/ S5%R5-*R>


S. No 1.

NAME OF THE OFFECE BEARERS +. S)*+N* )/o +. SR4N4?*S R5(> S9-. 8. 355-H* )/O +R*BH*D*R R5((> ?. D*9*8*D*R R5((> S/o N*R*S49H* R5((> +. BH*R3*?* R*E= S/o %H*N(R*9 R*E= 8. ?49*8* )/o (5?*S4N3

AG E ,5


OCCUPATI ON House )ife

RESIDENTAIL ADDRESS @1-A /B/12/C! :&at No. , ,! 9ada2ur!! *+! 5 B1 @ 2-1-2,4! O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. @2-6-1164/B! 5 4! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. @11-1 -15A! SB4 %o&o"y! Road No. 5! Dotha2eta! Ra"gareddy (sit! @2-6-1164/B! 5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. @2-1-2,4! O&d O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. H.No. 6-5-52/1! ?e#u&a0ada G?<9H! (ist: Dari#"agar! *+




?4%5 +R5S4(5N-

House )ife


5A 35N5R*8 S5%R5-*R> 56 EO4NS5%R5-*R> -R5*S=R5R House )ife Busi"ess


+ri$ate 5#2&oyee





9iss 8. 3O=-H*94 (/o +R*BH*D*R R5((> 3. R*?4N(5R S/o 8*-5 S*9B*4*H

2, 5F5%=-4?5 959B5R 5B 5F5%=-4?5 959B5R +ourohitya# Busi"ess

WITNESESS: S. No 1. NAMES OF THE AGE WITNESSES +. ?e"'atesh0ar 46 Rao S/o Ra#a Rao OCCUPATI ON -eacher RESIDENTAIL ADDRESS H.No.1-C-2B4/2! Re$e"ue %o&o"y! Su.edari! Ha"a#a'o"da (ist: )ara"ga& G*+H 5 6 1 H. No. 5-B,! +O < 9a"da&: Statio" 3ha"2ur!(ist: )ara"ga& 5 6144 SIGNATURE


+. Ra$i S/o 9a&&aiah



S43N*-=R5 O: -H5 +R5S4(5N-/ S5%R5-*R>

B!"o#! $%! R!&i'$#($io) o" So*i!$+, W(#()&(-. DECLARATION . UNDER TA/ING )e the u"dersig"ed office .earers do here.y dec&are that 0e #utua&&y for#ed a Society u"der the "a#e a"d sty&e of VEERABHADRA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY HANAMKONDA, H.No. 2-61164/B/5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Sri"i$asa %o&o"y! Ha"a#'o"da! (ist: )ara"ga&! *.+.! 5 6 1.0

0e dec&are a"d u"derta'e that 0e 0i&& ru" the said society o0i"g to the ru&es a"d regu&atio"s co"tai"ed i" *.+. Societies Registratio" *ct! 2 1 G*ct No. ,5 to 2 1H. )e the u"der sig"ed dec&ared that i" the "a#e of society 0e 0i&& "ot 2artici2ate i" a"y agitatio"a& acti$ities. )e 0i&& "ot #isuse the "a#e! fu"ds or estates of the society. 4" case a"d at a"y ti#e it is fou"d that a"y &oss is occasio"ed to the said society .ecause of our #isdeeds 0e u"derta'e to rei#.urse the sa#e u"-co"ditio"a&&y a"d 0e 0i&& .e he&d res2o"si.&e for a&& the #isdeeds if a"y co##itted .y a"y of the Society. -he a.o$e facts are true a"d correct to the .est of our '"o0&edge a"d .eha&f. )e e7ecuted their dec&aratio" / u"der ta'i"g o" this KKKKK day of KKKKK.. 2 1, at Ha"a#'o"da / )ara"ga&. S. No 1. NAME OF THE OFFECE BEARERS +. S)*+N* )/o +. SR4N4?*S R5(> S9-. 8. 355-H* )/O +R*BH*D*R R5((> ?. D*9*8*D*R R5((> S/o N*R*S49H* R5((> +. BH*R3*?* R*E= S/o %H*N(R*9 R*E= 8. ?49*8* )/o (5?*S4N3 AG E ,5 DESIGNATI ON +R5S4(5NHouse )ife 4A ?4%5 +R5S4(5NOCCUPATI ON RESIDENTAIL ADDRESS @1-A /B/12/C! :&at No. , ,! 9ada2ur!! *+! 5 B1 @ 2-1-2,4! O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. @2-6-1164/B! 5 4! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. @11-1 -15A! SB4 %o&o"y! Road No. 5! Dotha2eta! Ra"gareddy (sit! @2-6-1164/B! 5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. @2-1-2,4! O&d O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. H.No. 6-5-52/1! ?e#u&a0ada G?<9H! (ist: Dari#"agar! *+ SIGNATURE


House )ife


5A 35N5R*8 S5%R5-*R> 56 EO4NS5%R5-*R> ,, -R5*S=R5R House )ife +ri$ate 5#2&oyee Busi"ess





9iss 8. 3O=-H*94 (/o +R*BH*D*R R5((> 3. R*?4N(5R S/o 8*-5 S*9B*4*H

2, 5F5%=-4?5 959B5R 5B 5F5%=-4?5 959B5R +ourohitya# Busi"ess


S43N*-=R5 O: -H5 +R5S4(5N-/ S5%R5-*R>

S&. No

PHOTOGRAPHS AND FINGER PRINTS AS PER SECTION 22 3A OF REGISTRATION ACT, 1456. :i"ger 2ri"t i" B&oc' +ass2ort si;e +hotogra2h B<) Na#e a"d 2er#a"e"t 2osta& 4"' -hu#. *ddress


+. S)*+N* )/o +. SR4N4?*S R5(>! @1A /B/12/C! :&at No. , ,! 9ada2ur!! *+! 5 B1 S9-. 8. 355-H* )/O +R*BH*D*R R5((>! @ 2-12,4! O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. ?. D*9*8*D*R R5((> S/o N*R*S49H* R5((>! @2-6-1164/B! 5 4! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. +. BH*R3*?* R*E= S/o %H*N(R*9 R*E=! @11-1 15A! SB4 %o&o"y! Road No. 5! Dotha2eta! Ra"gareddy (sit! 8. ?49*8* )/o (5?*S4N3! @2-6-1164/B! 5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Ha"a#'o"da! )ara"ga& (istrict. 9iss 8. 3O=-H*94 (/o +R*BH*D*R R5((>! @2-12,4! O&d O&d Na&&a'u"ta! *.+. 3. R*?4N(5R S/o 8*-5 S*9B*4*H! H.No. 6-5-52/1! ?e#u&a0ada G?<9H! (ist: Dari#"agar! *+







)it"esses: 1. 2. Sig"ature of the +reside"t/Secretary

SWORN AFFIDA IT 4! 8u"a$ath ?i#a&a! )ife of (e$asi"gh! Reside"t of H.No. 2-6-1164/B! 5 2! Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Sri"i$asa %o&o"y! Ha"a#'o"da! (ist: )ara"ga&! *.+.! 5 6 1! Here .y so&e#"&y affir# a"d co"fir# 0ith good sou"d state of #i"d a"d to here.y dec&are o" oath as fo&&o0s:

4! 8u"a$ath ?i#a&a! -R5*S=R5R of the Society /*ssociatio"/ OR3*N4L*-4ON By "a#e a"d sty&e VEERABHADRA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY HANAMKONDA GNa#e a"d sty&e of the Society / *ssociatio"/ OR3*N4L*-4ONH VEERABHADRA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY HANAMKONDA -he a22&icatio" of 0hich is su.#itti"g for registratio" 0ith the Registrar of Societies! )ara"ga&. -he said *ssociatio" /society is &ocated i" #y o0" House 2re#ises .eari"g 9u"ici2a& H.No. 2-6-1164/B! 5 2! situated at Ha"u#a" Reside"cy! Sri"i$asa %o&o"y! Ha"a#'o"da! G9u"ici2a& cor2oratio"H of )ara"ga& (istrict. 4 ha$e "o o./ectio" to esta.&ish the said *ssociatio" / Society i" #y o0" house 2re#ises for 0hich 4 did "ot co&&ect a"y a#ou"t fro# the *ssociatio" / Society. -hat it 0as dec&ared o" oath 0ith free a"d co"se"t 0ithout a"y correctio" or hesitatio" 0ith good stare of #i"d o" this the of KKK2 1, i" the 2rese"ce of the fo&&o0i"g 0it"esses a"d sig"ed .efore the Notary *d$ocate 0ho attested #y sig"ature.


S43N*-=R5 O: -H5 (5+ON5-


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