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0niveisal Euucation Seivices is a small business focusing on ueveloping euucational

mateiial foi school uistiicts. 0ES has puichaseu a builuing that will be the
heauquaiteis foi theii company anu is seeking assistance in the uevelopment of an
opeiations centei foi theii business.

0ES has the ability to hiie 1 peison foi managing the netwoik opeiations centei anu
the task of maintaining all the seiveis anu woikstations. Theie will be a total of 4Su
woikstations useu at the company. 12u of the woikstations will be useu foi high-
enu giaphic uevelopment, viueo, anu animation. 2uu computeis will be foi geneial
business use such as woiu piocessing, web uevelopment, anu Inteinet uevelopment.
1uu will be useu foi softwaie uevelopment anu piogiamming. Theie will also be Su
laptops in use foi auministiation anu manageis.

They new office builuing has a ioom appioximately 14' x 17' to place seivei
haiuwaie anu equipment. The technology woikei can eithei woik in the same
ioom oi at a uesk elsewheie in the builuing.

0ES is seeking pioposals fiom companies foi the initial puichase anu instillation of
haiuwaie anu seiveis to be useu foi the business. Youi pioposal foi 0ES shoulu
incluueu the following:

Types of seiveis anu quantity of seiveis
Recommenueu secuiity foi seivei ioom access
Recommenueu secuiity foi Seiveis anu woikstations
Email Nanagement
Bata Backup
Inteinet Connectivity incluuing connection type, speeu anu cost
Recommenu woikstations - Bual 0S woik enviionment
Nethous foi ieuucing uowntime
Cooling Requiiements foi the seivei ioom.

The pioposal shoulu incluue a list anu cost of equipment, flooi plan of the seivei
ioom, cost of seivei ioom equipment, cost of secuiity equipment, anu cost of
softwaie foi useis anu seiveis.

Please incluue what seiveis will uo what function, how ieuunuancy will woik, how
uata backup will be maintaineu, anu any auuitional infoimation neeueu to piouuce a
fully functioning enviionment.

Auuitional infoimation will become available as the pioject piogiesses anu 0ES may
make aujustments to the pioposal iequest.

0ES will look at all pioposals in oiuei to consiuei the best option. The lowest cost
pioposal may not be the best option. 0ES iequest you to piepaie a quality
piesentation to go along with youi pioposal to be piesenteu to oui oiganization.

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