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"choo#s, Ad$inistr ti%e C#inic # Pr ctice Related and Specific Tasks:

"&eci'ic T s( 6.): Kno*#ed+e o' &roced,res 'or de%e#o&in+ nd i$&#e$entin+ ch n+e in district-schoo#. o Re# ted T s( 6.)../ Reco$$end ne* or re%ised schoo# district &o#ic! st te$ent to the schoo# 0o rd. Inc#,de n n #!sis o' the 'o##o*in+: 123 need, 143 #e+ # i$&#ic tions, 1)3 dherence to ne+oti tions re+,# tions, 153 e''ect on re# ted district &o#icies, nd 163 r,#es nd re+,# tions necess r! to i$&#e$ent the &ro&osed &o#ic!.

Narrative description of specific task:

C,rrent#!, Anchor B ! 7i+h "choo# h s no/ce## &hone &o#ic!. The st,dents re to (ee& their ce## &hones in their #oc(ers on %i0r te or si#ent. The ce## &hones re not to 0e ,sed d,rin+ the ho,rs o' .:26 $ nd 4:24 &$ *hi#e schoo# is in session. An! st,dent seen ,sin+ ce## &hone d,rin+ these ho,rs *i## h %e the &hone con'isc ted to the o''ice nd & rent-+, rdi n $,st &ic( ,& the &hone. M n! st,dents do not 'o##o* this &o#ic! nd consistenc! is n iss,e *hen tr!in+ to en'orce it. The c ndid te *i## cre te nd &ro&ose 0r nd ne* ce## &hone &o#ic! to the district th t *i## 0e e sier to en'orce nd $ore consistent $on+st te chers nd d$inistr tors. The ne* ce## &hone &o#ic! *i## 0e introd,ced to the st '' t the 0e+innin+ o' the ne* schoo# !e r. M n! te chers $i+ht 'ee# th t the! re #osin+ contro# o' their c# ssroo$ &o#icies i' the ne* &o#ic! is do&ted8 ho*e%er, the ne* &o#ic! *i## h %e to t (e into consider tion o&&ort,nities 'or the te chers to sti## 'ee# #i(e the! h %e their o*n r,#es in &# ce in their o*n c# ssroo$s.

Process, Purpose, and Approach In tod !9s hi+h/tech societ!, it is r re to co$e cross n adolescent who does not have some sort of technological device on them at all times. These devices can range from smart tablets to wrist watches that can function like small computers, but the most popular and common device is the cellular phone. Toda !s "common# cell phone is t picall one that can take on functions similar to a personal music pla er, computer, and multiple communication device. Therefore, the issue with cell phones being used in school is one that raises man opinions and ob$ections. There are man teachers that feel like cell phones are nothing but distractions for students, while there are also man teachers that feel as if cell phones can be utili%ed positivel in the classroom. &ith Anchor 'a (igh School!s "no cell)phone# polic becoming more of a losing battle ever ear, it is evident that a change is needed.

This co$&etenc! r ised se%er # :,estions 'or $! coo&er tin+ d$inistr tor nd $e. ;e needed to de%ise &o#ic! th t *o,#d 0e e s! 'or ## st,dents to ,nderst nd, cco$$od te those te chers th t *ish to ,se ce## &hones in the c# ssroo$, nd #so cco$$od te those te chers th t *ish to (ee& the ce## &hones o,t o' their c# ssroo$s d,rin+ instr,ction # ti$es. Therefore, after conducting some research with a similar si%ed school in the count who has adopted a new cell)phone polic , we decided to tweak the polic to fit our needs and present it at the ne*t department meeting. The &o#ic! is si$&#e one to $ ni'est nd &ro%ided r ther &ositi%e res,#ts 'or the schoo# *e researched. +ur polic is called "Traffic ,ight Technolog .# The main logo for the polic is a simple three light stop light with the red, ellow and green lights. The green light represents %ones in which cell phones would be allowed for free use. -or e*ample, in the commons area of our school and throughout the hallwa s, there would be several traffic lights posted with the green light emphasi%ed showing that the students are free to use their cell phones for an use in the hallwa s and commons areas. (owever, outside of each classroom there would also be a traffic light logo. This one, however, will have a clothespin t pe of indicator that the teacher can move from the green light, ellow light, or red light. This wa the teacher can still have total control of the cell phone and technolog in their own classrooms. -or instance, if a teacher were to be giving a test, the could move their clothespin indicator to red. The students would see this walking into the classroom and know that cell phone usage is not allowed that da in that classroom. .f a teacher witnesses a student using a cell phone on a designated "red# da , the teacher has the right to confiscate the phone and turn it into the office for the student!s parents to retrieve. (owever, if the teacher has the clothespin indicator on ellow for the da , this means that the students ma use technological devices for educational purposes onl and if a teacher witnesses a student using the phone for non)educational purposes, the have the right to confiscate the phone and take it to the office. ;ith this &o#ic! in &# ce, te chers h %e $ore contro# s to ho* $,ch techno#o+! ,s +e the! *i## ##o* in the c# ssroo$ nd d$inistr tion does not h %e to *orr! 0o,t on#! h #' o' the te chers 'o##o*in+ the <no ce##/&hone= &o#ic! nd 'i+htin+ *ith st,dents and parents over the current polic consistentl . This polic was presented at a department meeting and the reactions from teachers were more positive than negative. There were still concerns, but it seemed as if the polic was more accepted than the current polic in place. ,essons ,earned: Be'ore this co$&etenc!, I did not re #i>e th t cert in &o#icies nd &roced,res needed &&ro% # 'ro$ the schoo# 0o rd. ?,rin+ $! ti$e *ith $! coo&er tin+ d$inistr tor, I #e rned th t 0 sic ##! e%er! &o#ic!, &roced,re, nd $ @or schoo# r,#e needs to 0e &resented to the 0o rd $e$0ers nd &&ro%ed 0! the 0o rd i' the! choose to do so. This #e d to $e ,nderst ndin+ th t the schoo# 0o rd ho#ds n i$$ense $o,nt o' &o*er *hen it co$es to &o#icies s,ch s ce## &hone ,s +e. As ' ir#! ne* te cher, I

h %e h d #itt#e cont ct *ith the schoo# 0o rd ,nti# this co$&etenc! nd *or(in+ *ith $! coo&er tin+ d$inister. ;hi#e de%isin+ the ne* ce## &hone &o#ic!, *e cont cted 'e* $e$0ers o' the schoo# 0o rd & ne# nd s(ed 'or their o&inions on ho* *e sho,#d &hr se cert in & rts o' the ne* &o#ic!. ;e eA&# ined th t this * s &ro@ect 'or +r d, te c# ss, 0,t i' so$eone *ere to de%ise &o#ic! s,ch s the ne* ce## &hone &o#ic!, ho* *o,#d one +o 0o,t &resentin+ it nd *h t *o,#d the 0o rd #i(e to see or he r d,rin+ the &resent tion. The 0o rd $e$0ers did +ree th t the c,rrent &o#ic! is 0it o,td ted nd there h s 0een so$e disc,ssion *ith d$inistr tion 0o,t re%isitin+ it nd &ossi0#! ch n+in+ the &o#ic! 'or the ne* schoo# !e r. O%er ##, the 0o rd $e$0ers si$&#! st ted th t *hoe%er * s cre tin+ nd &resentin+ the &o#ic! to the 0o rd needed to 0e 0#e to ns*er the :,estion, <Is this ch n+e in &o#ic! +oin+ to 0e *h t is 0est 'or the st,dents district/*ideB= The 0o rd $e$0ers #so st ted th t it is i$&ort nt to h %e % st $ @orit! o' the te chers in ' %or o' cert in &o#icies #i(e these th t ''ect direct c# ssroo$ en%iron$ent nd #e rnin+ t$os&here. A'ter the con%ers tion *ith the 0o rd $e$0ers, $! coo&er tin+ d$inistr tor nd I 0e#ie%ed th t *e co,#d ns*er those :,estions thoro,+h#!, 0,t *o,#d need to &rod,ce cert in e%idence th t co,#d s,&&ort o,r c# i$s. There'ore, *hen I &resented this &o#ic! t de& rt$ent $eetin+, I too( si#ent 0 ##ot %ote to see ho* $ n! te chers *ere in ' %or o' this ne* &o#ic!. O,t o' 'o,rteen te chers, t*e#%e %oted 'or the ne* &o#ic! nd +reed th t it *o,#d 0e *e#co$ed ch n+e to the 0,i#din+. C,rther$ore, the on#! o&&ositions I recei%ed *hen &resentin+ this ne* &o#ic! t the de& rt$ent $eetin+ *ere iss,es s,ch s the <!e##o*= st t,s 0ein+ too di''ic,#t to en'orce nd th t the c,rrent &o#ic! is e sier 0ec ,se *ith <no ce##/&hone= r,#e, i' te cher sees it, he or she c n con'isc te it, no :,estions s(ed. A#tho,+h I c n see the <!e##o*= st t,s 0ein+ so$e*h t di''ic,#t to en'orce 0ec ,se te cher c nnot 0e e%er!*here t once, I do thin( th t i' te cher is tr,#! in%ested in his or her c# ssroo$ instr,ction nd st,dents, the! *i## 0e 0#e to see *hich st,dents re ,sin+ the de%ices 'or ed,c tion # &,r&oses nd *hich ones re 0,sin+ the <!e##o*= st t,s 0! &roAi$it!. It *i## 0e interestin+ to see i' this &o#ic! 0eco$es the ne* &o#ic! *ithin the neAt 'e* !e rs t Anchor B ! 7i+h "choo#. The &rinci& # nd the ssist nt &rinci& # 0e#ie%e th t it is &o#ic! see$s to ddress $ n! o' the iss,es th t the c,rrent &o#ic! ho#ds. The h rdest & rt *i## 0e tr!in+ to +et the 0o rd to &&ro%e the &o#ic! nd to h %e the te chers *ho re + inst the &o#ic! see the % #,e in the ch n+e i$&#e$ented.

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