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Standard IV Analysis of Student Learning

Assessment #1 The American Symbols pretest was administered on March 17,2014. There were no students that were absent on that day. The American Symbols pretest was on American symbols. It was a fill in the blank and circle test. The purpose of the pretest was to allow me to recognize what concepts the students didnt understand yet. I used the scores to figure out who needs extra help. I focused on the questions that were missed the most when I planned my lessons.

Class Analysis The chart listed below show the students correct responses on the pretest. This pretest had a total of ten questions that were each worth one point. The students did not do well on this assessment because the information had not been taught before.

A.M Student's Score on Pretest

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Student 1~ Student 3~

Whole Class High Learners ELL students Struggling Students

Student 9

Student 2

Student 4

Student 5

Student 6

Student 7

Student 8

Student 10

Student 11

Student 12

Student 13

Student 14

Student 15

Student 16

Source: Pre-test , see Appendix B ~ students score was compared against the rest of the class

Three Student Analyses For the morning class, I chose to compare students 1, 3, and 17 scores to the rest of the class. Student number one got ninety percent on the pretest. Student number three got sixty percent on her pretest. Student number seventeen got fifty on his pretest.

Student 17~

Student 18

A.M Student's Score on Pretest

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Student 1~ Student 3~

Whole Class High Learners ELL students Struggling Students

Student 9

Student 2

Student 4

Student 5

Student 6

Student 7

Student 8

Student 10

Student 11

Student 12

Student 13

Student 14

Student 15

Student 16

Source: Pre-test, see Appendix B ~ Student was compared against the class Three Student Analyses In the afternoon class, I chose to compare students 1, 5, and 16 scores against the rest of the class. Student number one got one hundred percent on his pretest. Student number five got eighty percent on his pretest. Student number sixteen got twenty percent on the pretest.

Assessment #2 The American Symbols pretest was administered on April 1,2014. There was one student in the morning that was absent on that day. There were seventeen students who took the posttest in the morning. The American Symbols posttest was on

Student 17~

Student 18

5 American symbols. It was a fill in the blank and circle test. The purpose of the posttest was to allow me to see how much my students learned after the posttest. Class Analysis The chart listed below shows the students correct responses on the posttest. This posttest had eleven questions. Each question was worth one point. There was a bonus question added to the posttest. This bonus question was worth one point. The class did really well on the posttest.

Morning Class Student's Scores on Posttest

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Student 2 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 ELL High Learners Whole Class Struggling Learners

Student 8*

Student 9

Student 10

Student 11

Student 12

Student 13

Student 14

Student 15

Student 16

Student 1~

Student 3~

Source: Posttest, see Appendix B ~ Student was compared to the rest of the class * Student was absent on the day the test was administered Three Student Analyses I chose to compare students 1, 3, and 17 scores to the rest of the class. Student number one received ninety percent on his posttest. Student number three received

Student 17~

Student 18

6 one hundred and one percent on the posttest. Student number seventeen received fifty percent on the posttest.

Morning Class Student's Score on Postest

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ELL High Learners Whole Class Struggling Learners

Student 8*

Student 2

Student 4

Student 5

Student 6

Student 7

Student 1~

Student 3~

Student 9

Student 10

Student 11

Student 12

Student 13

Student 14

Student 15

Student 16

Source: Posttest, see Appendix B ~ Student was compared to the rest of the class * Student was absent on the day the test was administered Three Student Analyses In the afternoon class, I chose to compare students 1, 5, and 16. Student number one received one hundred percent on his posttest. Student number five received one hundred percent on his posttest. Student number sixteen received fifty percent on his test.

Class Analysis Below is a chart that shows the students progress from the pre-test to the posttest. It was interesting to see how much the students improved from the pre-test to the

Student 17~

Student 18

7 post-test. Most of the students improved from pre-test to post-test. There were three students absent for the pretest. There were five students absent for the posttest. Three Student Analyses In the morning class, I compared students number one, three, and seventeens scores to the rest of the class. Student number one passed the pretest and did not have to take the posttest. Student number three went from forty percent to one hundred and ten percent. Student number sixteen did not improve his score.

Morning Class Pre- Test V.S Post- Test

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Pre-Test Post-Test

Source: Pre-test , see Appendix B * absent for post test ~ student was compared against the class, H high level learners, L low level learners, E ELL student Class Analysis Below is a chart that shows the students progress from pre-test to the post-test for the afternoon class. It was interesting to see how much the students improved from the pre-test to the posttest.

8 Three Student Analyses I compared students number one, five, and sixteens scores to the rest of the class. Students number five and sixteen improved their score. Student number one received one hundred percent on the pretest and was not asked to take the posttest. Student number five went from eighty percent to one hundred percent on the posttest. Student number sixteen went from twenty percent to fifty percent on the posttest.

Source: Pre-test , see Appendix B * absent for post test or pretest ~ student was compared against the class, H high level learners, L low level learners, E ELL student

The chart below shows the incorrect and correct responses of the pretest. Key: Correct Response Incorrect Response Student Being Compared to Class A.M Social Studies Pretest 1~ 2 3~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 Blank X ~

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Total











9 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 7

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17~ 18 X # of 3 problems missed X X X X X X X X 15 X X X X X X X X 14 X X X X X X X 10 X 6 7 3 6 5 5 9 5 2 52%


X X X X 5

X X X X X 9 5 3

X 6

X 5

Source: Pre-test , see Appendix B Question Breakdown Question 1: 15/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 2: 12/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 3: 3/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 4: 4/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 5: 13/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 6: 13/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 7: 8/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 8: 9/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 9: 13/18 of the students answered the question correctly Question 10: 15/18 of the students answered the question correctly The bar graph below shows the percent of correct responses on the pretest

1 0

Morning Student Scores

Whole Class 90% 70% 70% 70%70% 60% 60%60% 40% 30% 20% 60% 70% 60% 50% 50% 50% ELL Students Struggling Learners High Learners 90%

Source: Pre-test , see Appendix B Class Analysis There were two students who received forty percent. There were four students who received seventy percent on the test. There were four students who received sixty percent on the test. There were three students who received fifty percent on the pretest. There were two students who received forty percent on the pretest. There were two students who received thirty percent on the pretest. There was one student who received twenty percent on the pretest. The class received fifty two percent on the pre-test. Student Comparison

1 1

Boys vs. Girls

44% 56% Boys Girls

This chart shows that the girls did better on the pre-test than the boys did. Three Student Analyses There were three students that I chose to compare scores with each other. The first student is a male. He is a high level learner. He is not considered a GATE student. He scored ninety percent on his pre-test. The next student I compared scores with is a female student. She scored sixty percent on her pretest. The last student I compared scores with is a male. He is a struggling learner. He scored fifty percent on his pretest. Pretest (student analyzed) Student Q1 # M/F 1M X Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

1 2 3F 17M X X X X X X X X X

Student #1 scored 9/10, student #3 scored 6/10, #17 scored 5/10 on the pretest. Post-test Student Q1 # M/F 1M 3F 17M X X X X X X X X Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Bonus

Source: Post-test, Appendix A student #1 scored 90%, student #3 scored 110% , and student #17 scored 50%
120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Student 1 Student 3 Student 17 Pre-Test Post-Test

1 3 From this data, I found that the high learner (student 1) did not improve his score. He doesnt know what the Utah state flag looks like. I found that student three made big improvements from her pre-test to post-test score. She got the bonus question right. I found that student number seventeen did not improve his score. He still needs help labeling and listening to directions. Three Student Analyses I think that the high learner could have benefited from having me read the question slower. I was shocked when I saw student number threes results. I could not believe that she did so well on the test. Student number seventeen could have benefited from having a longer time to take the test. I forgot to give him more time. He could have benefited from taking the test the day before. Class Synthesis As I look back on the day this assessment took place, there would be some changes I would make to help my students succeed. I dont think that I will ever give a kindergarten a test on a Friday. It was a busy day and there were some students who did not listen to directions. I really liked having the bonus question on the test.

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