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COMPUTER advantages and disadvantages Almost every home, office, or school has a com !

!ter of some "ind these days# $t may seems at first that having a com !ter %rings only %enefits, %!t f!rther consideration sho&s that it also has disadvantages# 'irst of all com !ters are very !sef!l at school# $t hel s st!dents to revise for tests or e(ams and ma"es s!%)ects more interesting# P! ils can also learn ne& voca%!lary and gramatic str!ct!res# '!rthermore it allo&n st!dents to %ecome familiar &ith o erating a com !ter and gain %asic com !ter s"ills# *hat is more eo le can save a lot of time %y !sing a com !ters# This is es ecially %eneficial in the &or" lace &here em loyees can do their &or" faster than they co!ld in the ast# $n addition to this storing information on a com !ter dis"s is one of the most officient &ays of "ee ing data# One com !ter dis" can hold the same amo!nt of information as several %oo"s# Moreover eo le can comm!nicate &ith other com !ter o&ners thro!gh the internet, &hich offers no&days everything from ma"ing freecalls from foreign co!ntries to doing sho ing# On the other hand many )o%s have %een lost d!e to the fact that com !ter can do a lot of tas"s more officiently than h!mans# This has led to high !nem loyment in many co!ntries# *hat is more "ids if left !ns! rised &o!ld s end all of their time laying games on the com !ter rather than !sing it for ed!cational !r ose# '!rthermore some eo le &hen &or"ing from home &ith com !ter are far more li"ely to feel c!t off from rest of the &orld# $f children are sitting in front of the screen all day, they do not learn to share, &ait they t!rn, or even something as sim les as manners# Moreover children might %e !sing the internet to acces ornogra hic material# Children are also easy target for se(!al affenders &ho chat online &ith them and then ma"e lans to meet them or slo&ly filter information a%o!t them# Also fre!+ent and rolonged com !ter session may ose hysical health# Ris"s es ecially for children# The most fre+!ently cited are vis!al strain, harmf!l effects of radiation and ost!re and s"eletal ro%lems#
consideration namys,, ro-&a.anie, anali-a revise o&tar-a/ materia,, re&ido&a/ familiar -nany, -na)omy %eneficial "or-ystny, do%roc-ynny, s r-y)a)acy em loyee raco&ni", oso%a -atr!dniona store gromad-i/, s",ado&a/ foreing o%cy, c!d-o-iems"i, -agranic-ny tas" -adanie, raca !nem loyment %e-ro%ocie !r ose cel, intenc)a fre+!ent c-0sty rolong r-ed,!.y/ strain 1 r-em0c-enie

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