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CU B NG (passive voice) Cng thc chung : S+BE+past participle(P2) I/CC CNG THC C TH CA CC TH: 1. i v i !

i"n t#i $%n gi&n : S + a'(is(are+P2 2. i v i !i"n t#i ti)p *i+n : S +a'(is(are+,eing+P2 -. i v i !i"n t#i !.an th/nh: S + have(has+,een+P2 0. i v i 1u2 3h $%n gi&n: S + 4as(4ere+p2 5. i v i 1u2 3h ti)p *i+n: S + 4as(4ere+,eing+P2 6. i v i 78%ng lai $%n gi&n: S + 4ill+,e+P2 9. i v i 78%ng lai g:n: S + t; ,e+g;ing t;+Be+P2 <. i v i 78%ng lai th/nh: S + 4ill have ,een+P2 =. i v i 1u2 3h h;/n th/nh: S + ha* ,een+P2 II/TH B NG CA MODAL VERB 1/ Cu trc 1: S + ';*al >er, +>er, in?initive(>in?) @Ang $B chC h/nh $Dng E&F ra tr;ng hi"n t#i h;Gc t8%ng lai. HHH 7hB ,I $Dng S+';*al ver, + ,e +P2. EJ: K 'ust *; this h;'e4;r3. HH 7his h;'e4;r3 'ust ,e *;ne. 2/Cu trc 2: S + ';*al >er, + have +P2 @Ang $B chC nhLng h/nh $Dng c:n ph&i l/' tr;ng Mu2 3h h;Gc $2ng lN ph&i E&F ra nh8ng 3hng l/'. !;Gc nhLng h/nh $Dng $;2n ,i)t chOc hPn ph&i E&F ra tr;ng Mu2 3h. HHHB ng: S + ';*al >er, + have ,een +P2 III/ CC TRNG H !C BI"T: 1( KtQs F;ur *utF t;+>in? HHH b ng: R;uQre supp;se* t;+>in? EJ: KtQs F;ur *utF t; 'a3e tea t;*aF. HH R;u are supp;se* t; 'a3e tea t;*aF. 2( KtQs i'p;ssi,le t;+>in? HHHb ng: S + canQt + ,e + P2 EJ: KtQs i'p;ssi,le t; s;lve this pr;,le'. HH 7his pr;,le' canQt ,e s;lve. -( KtQs necessarF t; + >in? HHH b ng: S + sh;ul*( 'ust + ,e +P2 EJ: KtQs necessarF ?;r F;u t; tFpe this letter. HH 7his letter sh;ul*( 'ust ,e tFpe* ,F F;u. 0( S"nh l"nh thc + T,Uect. HHH b ng: S + sh;ul*('ust + ,e +P2. EJ: 7urn ;n the lightsV HH 7he lights sh;ul* ,e turne* ;n. IV/ B NG CA NG T# MA$E/ LET. Cng thc chW $Dng : S + 'a3e( let + s,+ >in?. HHH B ng: S +,e+ 'a*e + t; + >in?(let + >in?. EJ: SF parent never let 'e *; anFthing ,F 'Fsel?. HH KQ' never let t; *; anFthing ,F 'Fsel?.

V/ B NG CA C%& TR'C ( NH AI L)M G(* ChW $Dng: S + have(get) + s, + (t;)>in? HHHB ng: S + have( get + st +*;ne. EJ: K have 'F ?ather repair 'F ,i3e. HH K have 'F ,i3e repaire* ,F 'F ?ather. VI/ B NG CA NG T# I +A& N, L) MT NG T# - D.NG VING* C2c $Dng tX $Y nh8 : l;veZ li3eZ *isli3eZ enU;FZ ?ancFZ hateZ i'agineZ regretZ 'in*Z a*'itZ inv;lveZ *enFZ av;i*....etc HH ChW $Dng: S + > + s, +>ing. B ng: S + > + s,(st + ,eing + P2 EJ: K li3e F;u 4earing this *ress. HH K li3e this *ress ,eing 4;rn ,F F;u. VII/ B NG CA CC NG T# TRI GIC/ V0 111 2345 67 0348309:6;< 1/ Cu trc 1: S + >p + s, + >ing. ([i $Y chng 3i)n ng8\i 3h2c l/' g] v/ chC th^F 1 ph:n cWa h/nh $Dng h;Gc 1 h/nh $Dng *an* *i+n ra ,I 1 h/nh $Dng 3h2c Een v/;) EJ: Tpening the *;;rZ 4e sa4 her ;verhearing us. 2/ Cu trc 2: S + >p + s, + >. ([i $Y chng 3i)n ng8\i 3h2c l/' g] tX $:u $)n cui) EJ: K sa4 hi' cl;se the *;;r an* *rive his car a4aF. _T7E: ri`ng c2c $Dng tX : feel, find, catch th] chC sa *bng cng thc 1. HH B ng: S + ,e + P2(;? >p) + t; +>in? EJ: !e 4as seen t; cl;se the *;;r an* *rive his car a4aF. VIII/ B NG $= * 1/ Khi main verb thi HIN TI. Cng thc: Pe;ple(theF + thin3(saF(supp;se(,elieve(c;nsi*er(rep;rt.....+ that + clause. HH B ng: a/ KtQs + th;ught(sai*( supp;se*(,elieve*(c;nsi*ere*(rep;rte*...+ that + clause ( tr;ng $Y clause c S + >in? + T) b/ Dng tX tr;ng clause $B d th] !7@eh;Gc 7f S + a'(is(are + th;ught( sai*(supp;se*... + t; + >in? EJ: Pe;ple saF that he is a g;;* *;ct;r. HH KtQs sai* that he is a g;;* *;ct;r. !e is sai* t; ,e a g;;* *;ct;r. c/ Dng tX tr;ng clause $B d th\i 1g@e h;Gc !7!7. S + a'(is(are + th;ught( sai*( supp;se*... + t; + have + P2. EJ: Pe;ple thin3 he st;le 'F car. HH KtQs th;ught he st;le 'F car. !e is th;ught t; have st;len 'F car. 2/ Khi main verb thi QU KH. Cng thc: Pe;ple(theF + th;ught(sai*(supp;se*...+ that + clause. HHB ng: a/ Kt 4as + th;ught( sai*( supp;se*...+ that + clause. b/ Dng tX tr;ng clause $B d th] 1g: S + 4as(4ere + th;ught( sai*( supp;se*... + t; + >in?. EJ: Pe;ple sai* that he is a g;;* *;ct;r. HH Kt 4as sai* that he is a g;;* *;ct;r. !e 4as sai* t; ,e a g;;* *;ct;r. c/ Dng tX tr;ng clause d th] 1g!7 S + 4as(4ere + th;ught( sai*( supp;se*... + t; + have + P2. EJ: 7heF th;ught he 4as ;ne ;? ?a';us singers. HH Kt 4as th;ught he 4as ;ne ;? ?a';us singers.

!e 4as th;ught t; ,e ;ne ;? ?a';us singers. I>/ B NG CA TM NG T# !C BI"T* C2c $Dng tX : suggestZ reMuireZ reMuestZ ;r*erZ *e'an*Z insist(;n)Z rec;''en*. Cng thc: S + suggest( rec;''en*( ;r*er( reMuire... + that + clause. ( tr;ng $Y clause c S + >in? + T) >> B ng: Kt + 4as( 4ill ,e( has ,een( is... + P2( ;? < ver,) + that + st + ,e + P2. ( tr;ng $Y h,eh l/ 3hng $ii v] $Dng tX tr;ng clause d cju chW $Dng d *#ng >in?) EJ: !e suggeste* that she ,uF a ne4 car. HH Kt 4as suggesste* that a ne4 car ,e ,;ught. >/ B NG CA C%& TR'C CH NG? GI@ ( IT(* Cng thc: Kt + ,e + a*U + ?;r s, + t; *; st. HHB ng: Kt + ,e + a*U + ?;r st + t; ,e *;ne. EJ: Kt is *i??icult ?;r 'e t; ?inish this test in ;ne h;ur HH Kt is *i??icult ?;r this test t; ,e ?inishe* in ;ne h;ur. >I/ B NG TRONG TRNG H A TBN NG?* 7r;ng $Y : Ti c Kn*irect T,Uect. T* c @irect T,Uect. Cng thc: S + > + Ti + T* HHB ng: 1/ Ti + ,e + P2( ;? >) + T*. 2/ T* + ,e + P2( ;? >) + t; Ti. ( ri`ng $Dng tX h ,uFh *Ang gi i tX h ?;rh ). EJ: SF ?rien* gave 'e a present ;n 'F ,irth*aF. HH [ present 4as given t; 'e ,F 'F ?rien* ;n 'F ,irth*aF. K 4as given a present ;n 'F ,irth*aF ,F 'F ?rien*. BI T ! "# C$% B& '()* +,+-CI.+ 1: C/%01) C2C C$% .3% .3)* B& '()*4 1.SF ?ather 4aters this ?l;4er everF ';rning. 2.k;hn invite* li;na t; his ,irth*aF partF last night. -.!er ';ther is preparing the *inner in the 3itchen. sh;ul* clean ;ur teeth t4ice a *aF. 5.Tur teachers have eEplaine* the English gra''ar. 6.S;'e *run3 *rivers cause* the acci*ent in this citF. 9.7;' 4ill visit his parents neEt ';nth. <.7he 'anager *i*nnt ph;ne the secretarF this ';rning. =.@i* SarF this ,eauti?ul *resso 1p.K 4;nnt hang these ;l* pictures in the living r;;'. 11.7he eer'an *i*nnt ,uil* this ?act;rF *uring the Sec;n* m;rl* mar.

12.7he ereens are g;ing t; paint this h;use an* these cars ?;r Christ'as @aF. 1-.[nn ha* ?e* the cats ,e?;re she 4ent t; the cine'a. 10.7he stu*ents have *iscusse* the p;lluti;n pr;,le's since last 4ee3. 15.!ave the thieves st;len the ';st valua,le painting in the nati;nal 'useu'o 16.S;'e pe;ple 4ill intervie4 the ne4 presi*ent ;n 7>. 19.!;4 'anF languages *; theF spea3 in Cana*ao 1<.[re F;u g;ing t; repair th;se sh;eso 1=.!e has ,r;3en his n;se in a ?;;t,all 'atch. 2p.!ave F;u ?inishe* the a,;ve sentenceso T/1 B& '()* C2C 56% C$% C7 B8) +,+-CI.+ 2:C/%01) C2C C$% .3% .3)* B& '()*4 1.7he 4aiter ,rings 'e this *ish. 2.Tur ?rien*s sen* these p;stcar*s t; us. -.7heir gran*';ther t;l* the' this st;rF 4hen theF visite* her last 4ee3. 0.7i' ;r*ere* this train tic3et ?;r his ';ther. 5.R;u *i*nnt sh;4 'e the special ca'aras. 6.She sh;4e* her tic3et t; the airline agent. 9.!e len*s his ?rien* his ne4 sh;es. <.She le?t her relatives ?ive 'illi;n p;un*s. =.7he sh;p assistant han*e* these ,;Ees t; the cust;'er. 1p.7he ,;ar* a4ar*e* the ?irst priqe t; the rep;rter. 11.!ave F;u sent the christ'as car*s t; F;ur ?a'ilFo 12.7he c;''ittee app;inte* [lice secretarF ?;r the 'eeting. 1-.!e hi*es the ,r;3en cup in the *ra4er. 10.7heF 3eep this r;;' ti*F all the ti'e. 15.7heF all v;te* the partF a great success. gave [nn s;'e ,ananas an* s;'e ?l;4ers. 19.7heF ';ve* the ?ri*ge int; the living r;;'. 1<.She ,;ught s;'e cups ;? tea t; the visit;rs in the neEt r;;'. 1=.7heF ?in* the ne4 pr;Uect 4;rthless. 2p.7he secretarF *i*nnt ta3e the n;te t; the 'anager. 7!r Bs t_e CuC t_e 7v 7wx_e 7!yz7

EJE{CKSE -:C!yRr_ CuC C|y S[y S[_e Bs t_e. 1.7heF t;l* 'e that F;u 4ere the ,est architect in this citF. 2.She rep;rte* that the ?l;4ers 4ere 3ille* ,F ?r;st. -.S;'e pe;ple in?;r' 'e that the *irect;r is g;ing t; ta3e a ,usiness trip t; Englan*. 0.7hat ;??icer ann;unce* that the 'eeting 4as *elaFe* until neEt 4ee3. 5.!e *isc;vere* that this c;tt;n 4as gr;4n in EgFpt. 6.7heF pr;'ise that the per?;r'ance 4ill start ;n ti'e. 9.!e rec;''en*s that 4e sh;ul* staF at the citF center. <.me ,elieve* that [lice 4;ul* pass the *riving test. =.7he *irect;r n;ti?ies all the 4;r3ers that theF 4ill have t; 4;r3 eEtra har* this ';nth. 1p.7heF have persua*e* 'e that theF 4ill g; 4ith 'e t; the sta*iu'. 11.7heF have *eci*e* that the c;'panF 4ill g; t; the ,each t;gether at the 4ee3en*. 12.Pe;ple thin3 that Sara*;na is the ,est ?;;t,all plaFer in the 2pth centurF. 1-.7heF ?in* that the U;, is n;t suita,le ?;r a girl li3e her. 10.7he teacher eEplaine* that this p;4er?ul engine pulle* the train. 15.!e t;l* 'e that his ?;;t,all tea' ha* plaFe* 4ell last seas;n. Bs t_e >}K _!~_e t_e 7v S[K BT. +,+-CI.+ 9:C/%01) C2C C$% .3% .3)* B& '()*4 1.K ha* 'F nephe4 paint the gate last 4ee3. 2.She 4ill have Peter 4ash her car t;';rr;4. -.7heF have her tell the st;rF again. 0.k;hn gets his sister t; clean his shirt. 5.[nne ha* ha* a ?rien* tFpe her c;'p;siti;n. 6.{ic3 4ill have a ,ar,er cut his hair. 9.K 4ill get the *ress'a3er t; 'a3e a ne4 *ress. <.!e ha* a 'echanic repair his car. =.She ;?ten gets the technician t; 'aintain the heater. 1p.7heF ha* the p;lice arrest the sh;pli?ter. 11.[re F;u g;ing t; have the sh;e'a3er repair F;ur sh;eso 12.K 'ust have the *entist chec3 'F teeth. 1-.She 4ill have a veterinarF surge;n eEa'ine her *;g. ha* a 'an ta3e this ph;t;graph 4hen 4e 4ere ;n h;li*aF last su''er.

15.7he ereens ha* a carpet cleaner clean their carpet. +,+-CI.+ :4 C/;) !/<7)* 2) T-8 =>I '?)* )/@T: 1. 7he ph;t;s ................... in a f;n*;n stu*i; last 4ee3. [. 4ere ta3en ta3en 2. 7he car ................... ,F 'F ?ather Fester*aF. [. 4ere 4ashe* B. 4as 4ashe* C. 4ashe* @. has ,een 4ashe* B. have ta3en C. 4as ta3en @. have ,een

-. mhen the ,;F ................... the car he 4as ,a*lF inUure*. [. is hit ,F hitting 0. B. 4as hit ,F C. hit @. 4as

7he ne4 ';t;r4aF ..................... an* ,uilt last Fear. [. planne* B. 4as planne* C. 4as planning @. ha* planne*

5. Uust 6.

SanF 'ista3es ......................... 'a*e. [. has ,een Uust B. have Uust ,een C. is Uust @. t; ,e

!is ?ather gave hi' a verF eEpensive cell ph;ne ;n his last ,irth*aF. [. !e is given a verF eEpensive cell ph;ne ;n his last ,irth*aF. B. !e 4as given a verF eEpensive cell ph;ne ;n his last ,irth*aF. C. !e ha* ,een given a verF eEpensive cell ph;ne ;n his last ,irth*aF. @. !e has ,een given a verF eEpensive cell ph;ne ;n his last ,irth*aF.


mhat 4ill happen i? the air....................... o B. ,e p;llute* C. is p;llute* @. has

[. 4as p;llute* p;llute*

<. 7heF are ,uil*ing a ne4 q;; near 'F village. [. [ ne4 q;; is ,eing ,uilt near 'F village. 'F village. C. [ ne4 q;; is ,uilt near 'F village. near 'F village. =. B. [ ne4 q;; 4ill ,e ,uilt near @. [ ne4 q;; is ,eing ,uil*ing

S;st ?;rests in ;ther cli'atic areas.......................,F hu'an ,eings. [. ha* alrea*F ,een a??ecte* C. have alrea*F a??ecte* B. have alrea*F ,een a??ecting @. have alrea*F ,een a??ecte*

1p. 7he passage ;ut l;u*. [. has ,een rea* B. have ,een rea* C. have ,een rea*e* @.has rea* 11. 7he parcel t; hi' ,e?;re his ,irth*aF. [. 4ill ,e sent B. 4ill ,e sente* C. 4ill ,e sen* @. 4ill ,een sent

12. 7he ?irst Muesti;n 'ust ,e?;re F;u atte'pt the ;thers. [. have ans4er B. ans4er C. t; ans4er @. ,e ans4ere* 1-. Ks the ne4 c;'puter sFste' neEt ';ntho [. ,eing installe* ,F pe;ple B. ,e installe* C. ,eing installe* @. ,een installe* 10. SF ,an3 l;an in ?ive Fears ti'e. [. 4ill ,e paFe* ;?? B. 4ill ,e pai* ;?? C. 4ill ,e paFing ;?? @. 4ill pai* ;?? 15. t; F;u Feto [. !ave the ,;;3s ,een given ,ac3 C. !ave the ,;;3 ,een gave ,ac3 B. !ave the ,;;3 ,een give ,ac3 @. !ave the ,;;3 ,eing given ,ac3

16. 7he Pri'e Sinister is ,elieve* t;';rr;4. [. 4ill resign B. t; resign C. t; ,e resigning @. t; have resighe* 19. 7hese 'echanics are g;ing t; repair ;ur car this a?tern;;n. [. Tur car are g;ing t; ,e repaire* ,F these 'echanics this a?tern;;n. B. Tur car is g;ing t; repair these 'echanics this a?tern;;n. C. me are g;ing t; get these 'echanics repair ;ur car this a?tern;;n. @. me are g;ing t; get ;ur car repaire* ,F these 'echanics this a?tern;;n 1<. Pe;ple thin3 that the c;'panF is planning a ne4 a*vertising ca'paign. [. 7he c;'panF is th;ught t; ,e planning a ne4 a*vertising ca'paign. B. 7he c;'panF is th;ught t; have planning a ne4 a*vertising ca'paign. C. 7he c;'panF 4as th;ught t; plan a ne4 a*vertising ca'paign. @. 7he c;'panF 4as th;ught t; ,e planning a ne4 a*vertising ca'paign. A+0. +,+-CI.+ 1 1.7his ?l;4er is 4atere* (,F 'F ?ather) everF ';rning.;na 4as invente* t; k;hnns ,irth*aF partF last ';nth. -.7he *inner is ,eing prepare* (,F her ';ther) in the 3itchen. 0.Tur teeth sh;ul* ,e cleane* t4ice a *aF. 5.7he English gra''ar has ,een eEplaine* (,F ;ur teacher). 6.7he acci*ent 4as cause* in this citF (,F s;'e *run3 *rivers). 9.7;'ns parents 4ill ,e visite* (,F hi') neEt ';nth. <.7he secretarF 4asnnt ph;ne* (,F the 'anager) this ';rning. =.mas this ,eauti?ul *ress ,;ught ,F SarFo 1p.7hese ;l* pictures 4;nnt ,e hung in the living r;;'(,F 'e).

11.7his ?act;rF 4asnnt ,uilt (,F the ereens) *uring the Sec;n* m;rl* mar. 12.7his h;use an* these cars are g;ing t; ,e painte* ?;r Chris'as *aF ,F the ereens. 1-.7he cats ha* ,een ?e* (,F [nn) ,e?;re she 4ent t; the cine'a. 10.7he p;lluti;n pr;,le's have ,een *iscusse* (,F the stu*ents) since last 4ee3. 15.!as the ';st valua,le painting in the nati;nal 'eseu' ,een stlen (,F the thieves). 16.7he ne4 presi*ent 4ill ,e intervie4e* ;n 7> (,F ts;'e pe;ple). 19.!;4 'anF languages are sp;3en in Cana*a(,F the')o 1<.[re th;se sh;es g;ing t; ,e repaire* o 1=.!is n;se has ,een ,r;3en in a ?;;t,all 'atch(,F hi'). 2p.!ave a,;ve sentences ,een ?inishe* o +,+-CI.+ 24 1.7his *ish is ,r;ught t; 'e (,F the 4aiter). 2.7hese p;stcar*s are sent t; us(,F ;ur ?rien*). -.7his st;rF 4as t;l* t; the'(,F their gran*';ther) 4hen theF visite* her last 4ee3. 0.7his train tic3et 4as ;r*ere* ?;r 7i'ns ';ther. 5.7he special ca'eras 4erennt sh;4e* t; 'e. 6.!er tic3et 4as sh;4e* t; the airline agent(,F her). 9.!is ne4 sh;es are lent t; his ?rien*s(,F hi'). <.live 'illi;n p;un*s 4as le?t t; her relatives (,F her). =.7hese ,;Ees 4ere han*e* t; the cust;'er (,F the sh;p assistant). 1p.7he ?irst priqe 4as a4ar*e* t; the rep;rter (,F the ,;ar*). 11.!ave the christ'as car*s ,een sent t; F;ur ?a'ilFo 12.[lice 4as app;inte* secretarF ?;r the 'eeting(,F the c;''ittee). 1-.7he ,r;3en cup is hi**en in the *ra4er (,F hi'). 10.7his r;;' is 3ept ti*F (,F the') all the ti'e. 15.7he partF 4as v;te* a great success(,F the'). 16.[nn 4as given s;'e ,ananas an* s;'e ?l;4ers(,F us). 19.7he ?ri*ge 4as ';ve* int; the living r;;'(,F the'). 1<.S;'e cups ;? tea 4ere ,r;ught t; the visit;rs in the neEt r;;' (,F her). 1=.7he ne4 pr;Uect is ?;un* 4;rthless. 2p.7he n;te 4asnnt ta3en t; the 'anager(,F the secretarF). +,+-CI.+ B

1.K 4as t;l* that F;u 4ere the architect in this citF. 2.Kt 4as rep;rte* that the ?l;4ers 4ere 3ille* ,F ?r;st.( 7he ?l;4ers 4ere rep;rte* t; ,e 3ille* ,F ?r;st. -.K a' in?;r'e* that the *irect;r is g;ing t; ta3e a ,usiness trip t; Englan*. 0.Kt 4as ann;unce* that the 'eeting 4as *elaFe* until neEt 4ee3. 5.Kt 4as *isc;vere* that this c;tt;n 4as gr;4n in EgFpt. 6.Kt is pr;'ise* that the per?;r'ance 4ill start ;n ti'e. 9.Kt is rec;''en*e* that 4e sh;ul* staF at the citF center. <.Kt 4as ,elieve* that [lice 4;ul* pass the *riving test.( [lice 4as ,elieve* t; pass the *riving test. =.[ll the 4;r3ers are n;ti?ie* that theF 4ill have t; 4;r3 eEtra har* this ';nth. 1p.K have ,een persua*e* that theF 4ill g; 4ith 'e t; the sta*iu'. 11.Kt has ,een *eci*e* that the c;'panF 4ill g; t; the ,each t;gether at the 4ee3en*. 12.Kt is th;ught that Sara*;na is the ,est ?;;t,all plaFer in the 2pth centurF.( Sara*;na is th;ught t; ,e the ,est ?;;t,all plaFer in the 2pth centurF. 1-.Kt is ?;un* that the U;, is n;t suita,le ?;r a girl li3e her.( 7he U;, is ?;un* t; ,e n;t suita,le ?;r a girl li3e her. 10.Kt 4as eEplaine* that this p;4er?ul engine pulle* the train. 15.K 4as t;l* that his ?;;t,all tea' ha* plaFe* 4ell last seas;n. +,+-CI.+ 9 1.K ha* the gate painte* last 4ee3. 2.She 4ill have her car 4ashe* t;';rr;4. -.7heF have the st;rF t;l* again. 0.k;hn gets his shirt cleane*. 5.[nne has ha* her c;'p;siti;n tFpe*. 6.{ic3 4ill have his hair cut. 9.K 4ill get a ne4 *ress 'a*e. <.!e ha* his car repaire*. =.She ;?ten gets the heater 'aitaine*. 1p.7heF ha* the sh;pli?ter arreste*. 11.[re F;u g;ing t; have F;ur sh;es repaire*o 12.K 'ust have 'F teeth chec3e*. 1-.She 4ill have her *;g eEa'ine*. ha* this ph;t;graph ta3en 4hen 4e 4ere ;n h;li*aF last su''er.

15.7he ereens ha* their carpet cleane*. +,+-CI.+ : 1[Z2BZ-BZ0BZ5BZ6BZ9CZ<[Z=@Z1p[Z11[Z12@Z1-CZ10BZ15[Z16BZ19[Z1<[

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