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comprising Ashem, Yatha, the five Nyyeshes, the five Ghs, Vispa Humata, Nm Setyeshne, Patet Pashemnee, all the Nirangs, Bjs, an Namas!ars, an si"teen Yashts #$ANS%&#'$A#'( AN( #$ANS%A#'( &N#) 'NG%&SH With Copious Explanatory Notes Prepared by Prof* 'rva +AN',- ./$())N0& -ANGA +*A* from the Gujarati original -hor eh1Avest1B1+yeni of 'rva -AVAS0& '(/%0& -ANGA* 2first Edition published in 1880 and Thirteenth edition in 1976*3 .&$S# '(&#&)N &N 'NG%&SH 4567 A*Y* 8 4995 A*,* ,orrecte e ition 45:4 A*Y* 8 7;45 A*,*

.irst ' ition in 'nglish 4567 A*Y* 8 4995 A*,* pu<lishe <y #he #rustees of the Parsi Panchayat .un s an Properties, 7;9, (r* (a a<hai Naoroji $oa , .ort, Bom<ay 8 =;; ;;4* Printe <y> 0ena? Printers, Bom<ay* #el* 764 7:@5 $evise 7;45 to correct printerAs errors, avesta*org, -asson +N /SA*

#he -hor eh1Avesta, Bith te"t an translation in Gujarati, ha <een pre1 pare in the year 4::; A* (* <y the cele<rate Avesta Scholar, the %ate 'rva -avasji ' ulji -anga* #his Bor! is !noBn as Khordeh !esta "#$ %#yeni* #he value an the utility of this <oo! coul <e perceive from the fact that even after more than a century, &t has remaine a stan ar Bor! in the Parsi ,ommunity for the purpose of prayers, an as Bell among the scholars as an in ispensa<le reference <oo!* #he eman has <een such that it has su<seCuently <een, pu<lishe into thirteen e itions* &n recent times, hoBever, it has <een notice that a fairly large num<er of Doroastrians have <een migrating to the Eestern countries, an hence have ifficulty in folloBing the Gujarati language* +oreover, the younger genera1 tion in &n ia are also noBa ays not familiar Bith the Gujarati language* A serious nee Bas felt, therefore, to have a -hor eh1Avesta in 'nglish on the lines of the Khordeh$ !esta "#$%#yeni in Gujarati <y the late 'rva -* '* -anga* #he #rustees of the Bom<ay Parsi Punchayet entruste the Bor! of ren1 ering the sai Gujarati Khordeh$ !esta "#$%#yeni into an 'nglish version 2#e"t in $oman Script Bith 'nglish #ranslation3 to the Bell1!noBn Scholar of &ranology, Prof* 'rva +anec! .ur oonji -anga Bho ha complete this Bor! iligently, <ut i not live for his Bor! to see the light of ay, as he passe Bay in )cto<er, 49::* .or the proof1rea ing an correction of this pu<lication, than!s are ue to 'rva $atanshah $ustomji +otafram Bho is the Hea 1+aster of the +* .* ,ama Athornan &nstitute, An heri, an an eru1 ite scholar of Avesta Pahlavi* #he #rustees of the Bom<ay Parsi Punchayet have great pleasure in pu<1 lishing this invalua<le <oo! an presenting the same in the service of the Parsi ,ommunity* (r* Aspi .* GolBalla, ,hairman, Boar of #rustees, Parsi Punchayet .un s an Properties, Bom<ay* Bom<ay, 4@th 0anuary, 4995*

Foreword to 2013 corrected edition.

#he 'nglish e ition of 'rva -angajiAs popular classic Bas first printe in 4995* /nfortunately, the printe e ition has since <ecome very scarce* #en years later, it Bas igitise an put on the avesta*org Be< site through the tireless efforts of 'rva Soli (astur* &t Cuic!ly <ecame one of the most vieBe an oBnloa e ocuments on the Be<site 8 currently over 4F;,;;; times 8 a staggering amount in vieB of the small num<er of practising Doroastrians* &n 7;44, in vieB of its popularity, an the fact that Gthe Parsees loo! upon 'rva -angaAs e itions as the stan ar prayer1<oo!s in point of pronunci1 ation,H & un ertoo! the tas! of preparing an e<oo! version of the classic, Bhich coul <e vieBe on smart phones an ta<lets* At the same time & too! the opportunity to correct the freCuent printerAs errors Bhich that e ition suffere from* Given the technical ifficulties, it has ta!en nearly tBo years to complete the tas!* & am sure the scanning process has intro uce neB e1 fects, an & Belcome all fee <ac! so & can ma!e further corrections* .or those Bho are intereste , a list of the corrections can <e foun at http>IIBBB*avesta*orgI!angaI!aJenglishJ!angaJerrata*p f 0HP, avesta*org +arch F, 7;45


Preface to t e En!"i# Edition of t e Khordeh Avesta-B-Myeni

#he ol est Doroastrian religious scripture, as preserve at present, is !noBn as the Avesta* A section of this Avesta is !noBn as the G-hor eh1 AvestaA Bhich means the GSmaller 2i*e* Selecte 3 AvestaH* #his is the <oo! of aily prayers of the Doroastrians* &t is a cherishe possession of every e1 vote Doroastrian househol * #he -hor eh Avesta is a collection of prayers selecte from other major Bor!s of e"tant Avesta literature such as Yasna, Vispere , Ven i a , an the Yasht %iterature* .or instance, the Atash Nyyesh is ta!en from Yasna ,hapter 67, an the Kvn Ar visur Nyyesh is ta!en from Yasna ,hapter 6@, an so on* #he <oo! G-hor eh AvestaH, therefore, contains aily prayers inclu ing the -usti prayers, Hosh<am, .ive Ghs, .ive Nyyeshes 2praise, litany3, the Kfringn 2<ene ictions, <lessings3 containing invocatory prayers an <less1 ings e icate to Ar fravash, (ahmn, Srosh, Gaham<ar, Gatha, $apithBin, etc*, <esi es some prayers in Pa?en * #he G-hor eh Avesta,H inten e for the use of the evotees, is a collec1 tion of the forms of prayers most reCuire <y them at various seasons an in the various circumstances of their lives* As such, it is not a <oo! of uniform content an fi"e arrangement* #hus, all the Yashts are also inclu e in the G#amm -hor eh AvestaLH <ut <ecause of the convenience of printing facil1 ities, only a feB Yashts, !noBn as the shorter Yashts, an also those Bhich the pu<lisher consi ers as <eing necessary or popular, are generally inclu e in the -hor eh Avesta* #he Horma? Yasht, the Ar i<ehesht Yasht, the Srosh Yasht H o!ht, the Srosh Yasht Va i, the smaller Hom an Vanant Yashts, Haftan Yasht, an the Bahram Yasht are generally inclu e * HoBever, iffer1 ent e itions contain a varying num<er of Yashts* .or the convenience of the evotees, even the .ive Gathas of the Holy Prophet Darathushtra, Bhich form a part of the Yasna section, are inclu e in some of the e itions of the -hor eh Avesta* Doroastrians recite their prayers in Avesta Bhich is a sacre language* Among several Bor s for GprayersH in Avesta, one is calle GmnthraH, Bhich means Gthought 2force3, Bor , holy Bor H* &t is similar to the Sans!rit GmantraH, an the Sans!rit translation is ren ere as GmnthravniH Bhich is also significantly calle G eshaH> G(ivine ,omman H* Among other Avesta Bor s for GprayerH, the G+nthraH therefore, occu1 pies a very important position, Accor ing to the Yasna ,hapter 79*F 2Gatha Ahunavaiti3, GmnthraH is the Holy Eor of (ivine )rigin, an the Holy Eor of Ahura +a? a* )ne of the collections of these GmnthrasH is !noBn as G+nthra SpentaH in Avesta Bhich means Gthe Holy, <eneficent Eor H, an Bhich is Geffective an full of gloryH* &t is state in the .ravar in Yasht 2paragraph :43 that G+nthra Spenta is the soul of Ahura +a? aH*


K orde A$e#ta

Accor ing to Horma? Yasht, the Holy Names of Ahura +a? a men1 tione therein, form a section of the +nthra Spenta* &n Siru?e Yasht, in the G-hshnumanH 2propitiatory formula3 of the +nthra Spenta 2+respan 3, it is state > GEe revere the much glorious +nthra Spenta, Be revere the laB against the emons, Be revere the cree of Darathushtra, Be revere the long1stan ing tra itions, Be revere the goo +? ayasni $eligionH* #hese are some of the foun ational <eliefs of the Doroastrian religion* Avesta <eing a sacre language, it is incum<ent upon every Doroastrian to recite hisIher prayers in Avesta* At the same time, any person Boul li!e to learn a<out the general meanings of the prayers Bhich heIshe recites* .or this, there are several translations availa<le in ifferent languages though very often, such translations o not <ring out the spirit of the original* &n the year 4::; A*,* then, a pioneering Bor! in this fiel Bas carrie out <y the cele<rate Avesta scholar, the late 'rva -avasji ' ulji -anga, of revere memory* He <rought out a translation of the -hor eh Avesta in Gu1 jarati in a scholarly an systematic manner, transliterating an translating each paragraph simultaneously, an giving a num<er to each Bor for the <e1 nefit of the rea ers folloBing the translation Bith accuracy* He also gave footnotes, Bherever necessary, in the light of mo ern research <ase on philology* #his Bor! is !noBn as the Khordeh !esta$"#$%#yeni> G-hor eh Avesta Bith meaningsH* #he late 'rva -avasji -anga Bas an inspire soul* Not only i he <ring out this translation of the -hor eh Avesta, <ut he Bent on to accom1 plish the monumental tas! of translating the entire Avesta scriptures avail1 a<le to us at present, <esi es <ringing out an Avesta1'nglish1Gujarati ic1 tionary, an also a treatise on Avesta grammar* #hough a century has noB elapse , this translation of -hor eh Avesta has stoo the test of time, an has remaine a stan ar an authentic piece of literary Bor!, <oth for the scholars an for the laity* As many as thirteen e i1 tions of this translation1Bor! have <een <rought out successively, the last one <eing in 49F6* #he original translation of the -hor eh Avesta <y 'rva -avasji -anga Bas in the Gujarati language* 'ven though there is much eman for Bor! of this !in an utility, rea ership in the Gujarati language is gra ually imin1 ishing in the Parsi community, particularly among the younger generation, as Bell as among a very large num<er of those Bho have migrate to Eestern ,ountries in recent years* #hough some 'nglish translations of the -hor eh Avesta have <een attempte , an are availa<le, a great nee has <een felt for an 'nglish version of -angajiAs classic Gujarati translation of the -hor eh Avesta*


#he #rustees of the Parsi Punchayat of Bom<ay therefore too! upon themselves to carry out this fun amental uty, an eci e to get the Gujar1 ati translation of Khordeh !esta$"#$%#yeni of 'rva -* '* -anga ren ere into 'nglish* #his tas! they then entruste to another cele<rate scholar of international repute, namely, the late Prof* 'rva +anec! .ur oonji -anga, Bho Bas inci entally a relative of the late 'rva -avasji -anga* Prof* +* .* -anga has Britten innumera<le articles on &ranian su<jects for various journ1 als, <oo!s, memorial an commemorative volumes throughout the scholarly Borl * #he terms of reference of this Bor! entruste to Prof* +* .* -anga Bere to carry out a faithful Bor 1<y1Bor translation into 'nglish language from the original Gujarati of 'rva -* '* -anga, an also to inclu e the te"t in the $oman script, Bithout any alteration* Prof* +* .* -anga complete the Bor! Bith meticulous care an <rought to <earing on it his vast !noBle ge an e"1 perience* By (ivine Grace, Prof* +* .* -anga not only carrie out this Bor!, <ut also transliterate an translate into 'nglish -avasji -angaAs tBo other Bor!s, namely, &#tha$"#$%#yeni an 'asht$"#$%#yeni <efore his sa e1 mise in )cto<er 49:: at the age of :; years* #he #rustees of the Parsi Punchayat of Bom<ay eserve to <e compli1 mente for the pu<lication of this Bor!, an it is earnestly hope that they Bill also authorise the pu<lication as early as possi<le, of the tBo other Bor!s, namely, &#tha$"#$%#yeni an 'asht$"#$%#yeni, complete <y the late Prof* +* .* -anga, for the <enefit of the Parsi ,ommunity* 'rva (r* $ooyintan Peshotan Peer 0t* Principal, +* .* ,ama Athornan &nstitute, An heri Bom<ay, 4st 0anuary, 4995*


#he last e ition of this <oo! Bas pu<lishe in 0anuary 4976* Since then various small Avesta prayer1<oo!s Bere pu<lishe <y cheap1rate ealers* Nevertheless there Bas a eman as usual for the present e ition ma!e <y the co1religionists Bhich proves still the high egree of their ?eal an evo1 tion for the recital of Avesta prayers in correct orthography an for un er1 stan ing the sense thereof* #here may <e numerous e itions of prayer1<oo!s Bith incorrect pronun1 ciations prevalent among the Parsees, yet the eman for 'rva -avasji -angaAs pu<lications Bith correct pronunciation has remaine constant, inas1 much as the Parsees loo! upon 'rva -angaAs e itions as the Stan ar pray1


K orde A$e#ta

er1<oo!s in point of pronunciation* #he final proofs of the last e ition of this <oo! as Bell as of recent e i 1 tions of 'asht "a %aeni an &atha "a %aeni of my late revere gran father Bere gone through <y our Bell1!noBn Avesta Pahlavi scholar 'rva Bomani NaserBanji (ha<har, +* A* Bho has alBays o<lige me <y his help* #his time he Bas not a<le to help me oBing to cataracts in his eyes* Another Avesta Pahlavi scholar Bas approache <y me Bho Billingly complying Bith my reCuest at the sacrifice of his time Bent through all the final proofs of this e ition, for Bhich act of his courtesy an !in ness my than!s are ue to him* NAV$)0& P'SH#)N0& -AVAS0& -ANGA* B)+BAY, August 4956*


#he first e ition of my Khordeh !esta Bas issue in 4::; an the last in 4:96* #he rapi sale comman e <y those e itions is an unmista!a<le proof of the general esire on the part of my co1religionists to recite their prayers accor ing to the correct an authenticate te"ts an to !noB their meaning* &n placing this fifth e ition <efore the pu<lic, & have thoroughly e"amine the te"ts an interpretations given in my former e itions, an ma e altera1 tions an mo ifications, Bhere necessary, in the light of my continue stu 1 ies* #he present revise e ition has <een enlarge <y the a ition of the Siro?h Yasht, the Afringns an the Pa?en Nirang recite at times after the prayers, an a +onjt <y the late +oolla .eero? Bith their translations* -AVAS0& '(A%0& -ANGA* B)+BAY, .e<ruary, 49;7*


#his, the fourth e ition of my Khordeh !esta has <een enlarge <y the a ition of tBo neB Yashts, vi?* -horshe an +h an the Avesta an Pa?en chapter 2-ar Mh3, recite in memory of eparte relatives, has <een inserte Bith its translation* #he translation an notes throughout have <een carefully revise in the light of further stu y an research* & have carefully peruse the latest e ition of Professor (armesteterAs .rench version of the Avesta, an gleane from it useful matters an inserte it in this Bor! in the shape of footnotes* #he passages of the Gathas, occurring in the -hor eh Avesta, have <een repro uce in the form of verse* Besi es, many other mat1 ters Bhich can suita<ly fin a place in a Bor! of this !in have <een a e * &n short, an earnest en eavour has <een ma e to improve an enlarge the Bor! an <ring it up to ate* Eith a vieB, hoBever, to place it Bithin the reach of all classes of my coreligionists, no increase has <een ma e in the price of the <oo!, Bhich, as in the case of the last tBo e itions, has <een fi"e at $s* 71: ans, per copy*



& <eg to ac!noBle ge the o<ligation & oBe to the esteeme #rustees of the Sir 0amsetjee 0eejee<hoy #ranslation .un for their support <y su<scri<ing for si"ty copies of this Eor!* -AVAS0& '(A%0& -ANGA* B)+BAY, +arch, 4:96*


#he rapi sale, in the short space of tBo years an a half of the secon e ition revise an enlarge of this Eor! affor s evi ence at once satisfact1 ory an gratifying of the utility an appreciation of the <oo!, an of the groBing taste for a correct an intelligent reciting of prayers among the Parsi community* &n the present e ition, tBo Yashts, vi?*, #ir an Gosh have <een a e to the ten given in the secon e itionL the num<er of Yashts in this e i1 tion <eing thus t(el!e in all* & may a that, folloBing the neB e ition of the Avesta #e"ts pu<lishe <y (r* -arl .* Gel ner, & have altere , in many places, certain Avestaic Bor s, Bhich appeare to me in the course of my stu y of that <oo! to a mit of correctionsL an Bith the vieB of affor ing facility of reference to Avesta stu ents, & have num<ere the paragraphs in my te"t an translation as (r* Gel nerAs te"t* #he translation has also, in some places, un ergone revisions an improvements, suggeste <y further stu y an consi eration of the Avesta literature* -AVAS0& '(A%0& -ANGA* B)+BAY, 0uly, 4:9;*


#he first e ition of this Khordeh !esta Bas issue in 4::;* #o ju ge from the favoura<le reception accor e to it, 2a thousan copies having <een sol off an a neB issue calle for 3, the Bor! may <e assume to have sup1 plie a Bant an to <e Bell a apte to the nee s of the community for Bhich it Bas inten e * N N N Passages of Avesta an Pa?en , Bhich Bere omitte in the first e ition, after they ha <een once cite , have <een repeate in the present issue, on every occasion on Bhich they recur* #his an the a ition of three Yashts has someBhat increase the <ul! of the volumeL yet the price has <een greatly re uce , in or er to place it Bithin the reach of all sections of the community* -AVAS0& '(A%0& -ANGA* Bom<ay, (ecem<er, 4::F*


+ore than 6; years ago a translation of the -hor eh Avesta Bas for the first time pu<lishe <y the late (ustoor .ramji Sora<ji +eherji $ana* A feB months later on another translation of the same Bas issue <y the late (us1


K orde A$e#ta

toor ' alji (ora<ji Sanjana* #hese translations i not materially iffer from each otherL <ut for all practical purposes, the latter, up till noB, has <een most in use 8 it having passe in the meantime through several e itions Bith <ut feB important alterations* #han!s, hoBever, to the rapi , <ut immensely satisfactory, progress ma e in comparative philology uring the last half cen1 tury <y the in efatiga<le savants of 'urope, consi era<le light has <een throBn, not only on the ancient Doroastrian religion, <ut on the interpretation of many a ifficult passage in the Den Avesta* .acts un!noBn <efore an e"cellences Cuite <urie in o<scurity have, <y its ai , <een <rought to the surfaceL Bhile some portion of the Den Avesta, so am<iguous <efore, has <een correctly interprete an translate into Gujarati* a #hese ma e the Bant of a translation of the -hor eh Avesta, accor ing to the most correct rules of grammar an philology, !eenly feltL an & therefore un ertoo! to supply it, at the suggestion of many e ucate an intelligent Doroastrians* #he Bhole of the translation is <ase on Professor Eestergaar As e"cel1 lent Den te"t* #his it Bas at first inten e to pu<lish in Den characters, <ut <eing aBare of the ina<ility of a great portion of my co1religionists to peruse it in Den , & eeme it e"pe ient to a<an on the original intention, an ma!e the Eor! more convenient an accessi<le <y transliterating the original te"t into correct Gujarati* &n so oing, & have ha to un ergo the trou<le an e"1 pense of getting cast some letters, the correspon ing ones for Bhich Bere not to <e foun in the Gujarati alpha<et* #he te"t is ivi e into a num<er of convenient paragraphs, an each paragraph has su<joine to it, its translationL an to prevent confusion types in <lac! pica have <een throughout employe for the te"t an or inary pica for the translation* &n the translation the tBo1fol en is o<serve of ma!ing it useful <oth to Den stu ents an to general rea ers* &t is !ept, as much as practica<le, close to the te"t, each Bor of Bhich is istinguishe <y a num1 <er, correspon ing Bith that place over its translation imme iately <eloB* Eor s not occurring in the original, <ut necessary to complete the sense of the translation, are place in parentheses* &n many cases the su<stance of one or more paragraphs is summari?e <y Bay of e"planation an place <eloB the literal translation* Besi es the correct te"t an its translation referre to a<ove, the folloB1 ing important points are atten e to>1 243 ,areful attention is pai to punctu1 ation, for Bant of Bhich gross mista!es often arise* 273 Den te"t is, in or er to avoi confusion, separate an pointe out istinctly from the Pa?en te"t, an the te"t compose at a later perio * 253 Special care is ta!en to point
a 243 Ven i a translate into Gujarati Bith e"planatory notes, an a complete philological an grammatical glossary of all the Bor s containe in the te"ts <y -avasji ' alji -anga 2-* $* ,amaAs Pri?e 'ssay3* 273 #en yashts, translate <y (ustoor 'ruchji Sora<ji +eherji $ana an 'rva +uncherji Shapoorji Vachha* 253 A<an Yasht, translate <y 'rva #ehmulji (inshaB An!leshvaria*



out the passages ta!en from the Yasna, Vispere an Ven i a * 2=3 Pa?en passages are, as far as practica<le, compare Bith their correspon ing Den passages* 2@3 Su<jects cursorily treate in the -hor eh Avesta, <ut iscusse at great length elseBhere, are here amplifie Bith fuller information from other sources* 263 #echnical terms of Doroastrian ceremonials an ethics, such as hom, jeevm, <arsam, ?or, chinvat <ri ge, Oc, are fully e"plaine * 2F3 Passages treating of the e"cellence an efficacy of the prayers Yath an Ashem are culle an fully e"plaine * 2:3 Pahlavi translation is sometimes in ente upon, as in the case of Atash Nyyesh* 293 $eferences to parallel Den passages, as in the case of the translation of Patet Pashemani Bhich is Bholly in Pa?en , are given Bith their meanings an e"planationsL an in several places, Bhere it Bas foun necessary, a itional information from Pahlavi commentators is given in footnotes* 24;3 ,ertain ceremonials, reCuire to <e o<serve in several places uring prayers, are e"plaine * 2443 $eCuisite information is given a<out the Gaham<ars an their proper seasons, on the authority of the Avesta* 2473 #he Pa?en ,onfession of .aith, Bhich is generally recite at the en of the prayers, is su<stitute <y a far <etter one, an that too foun in Den , Bhich, & trust, Bill <e appreciate <y my co1religionists* #his ,onfession of .aith constitutes the tBelfth H of Yasna* &n conclusion, & offer my eep an most grateful than!s to +r* -hurshe jee $ustomjee ,ama, our respecte citi?en an Bell1!noBn orient1 al scholar, an my oBn learne preceptor* Eith that !in ness an goo nature Bhich are so characteristic of him, an Bhich have invaria<ly Bon him the esteem an affection of his private pupils, he has most cor ially ren ere me, in the preparation of this Eor!, as in that of my previous ones, very valua<le assistance* +y o<ligations are ue to him also for his many sensi<le an practical suggestions for the improvement of this Eor!* %astly, & trust to the in ulgence of the rea er to overloo! any inaccuracies or efects Bhich may have crept in the translation, notBithstan ing all the care an attention conscientiously <estoBe on it* A list of the several orient1 al Bor!s Bhich prove useful to me uring the progress of the Eor! is given elseBhere* -AVAS0& '(A%0& -ANGA* B)+BAY, April 4::;* )This prefa*e (as (ritten by late Er!ad K+E+ Kan,a for the first Edition Published in &u-arati+.

'rva -AVAS0& '(/%0& -ANGA #ranslator of the Ven i a , the Yasna, an the Vispere , the Yashts an the GathasL Author of Pra*ti*al !esta &ra//ar an of Co/plete 0i*tionary of the !esta 1an,ua,e 2<oth Avesta into 'nglish an 'nglish into Avesta3* 2ello( of the 3ni!ersity of "o/bay4 5ead %aster4 %ulla 2ero6e %adressa+

.)$'E)$(****************************************************************************************************i .oreBor to 7;45 correcte e ition****************************************************************ii Preface to the 'nglish ' ition of the -hor eh Avesta1B1+yeni****************iii P$'.A,' #) #H' '%'V'N#H '(&#&)N**************************************************v P$'.A,' #) #H' .&.#H '(&#&)N***********************************************************vi P$'.A,' #) #H' .)/$#H '(&#&)N******************************************************vi P$'.A,' #) #H' #H&$( '(&#&)N*********************************************************vii P$'.A,' #) #H' S',)N( '(&#&)N*****************************************************vii P$'.A,' #) #H' .&$S# '(&#&)N**********************************************************vii A note on the $ea ing an the Pronunciation of the Avesta*************************"iv G%)SSA$Y*************************************************************************************************"iv Ashem VohP*****************************************************************************************************4 Ahunavar 2Yath AhP VairyQ3*************************************************************************7 Nirang1i1Gome? mli an*********************************************************************************7 -em1n1+a? a************************************************************************************************5 Horma? -ho ay*********************************************************************************************@ 0asa me avanghe +a? a***********************************************************************************6 B? 2Prayer3 for Saying Grace*************************************************************************F B? to <e recite <efore passing urine an ansBering the call of nature*********F .ive Ghs to <e recite separately*******************************************************************: Srosh B?*********************************************************************************************************9 AH+K& $ARSH,HA***********************************************************************************47 HADANGH$'+*******************************************************************************************47 0ASA +' AVANGH' +AD(A********************************************************************45 -'$.'H +)D(*******************************************************************************************45 H)SHBK+***************************************************************************************************4= -H)$SH'( NYKY'SH*****************************************************************************4F +'H'$ NYKY'SH*************************************************************************************7: VSSPA H/+A#A*******************************************************************************************57 ()K NK+ S'#KY'SHN'**************************************************************************55 H)+AG' .)$ #H' .)/$ (&$',#&)NS************************************************56 +KH B)-H#K$ NYKY'SH**********************************************************************5F A$(V& S/$A NYKY'SH***************************************************************************=4 K#ASH NYKY'SH**************************************************************************************=9 HKVAN GKH************************************************************************************************@: $AP&#HEAN GKH**************************************************************************************67 /D&$&N GKH************************************************************************************************6= A&E&S$/#H$'+ GKH*******************************************************************************6F /SHAH'N GKH*******************************************************************************************F4 PA#'# 2AV'S#A3*****************************************************************************************F5 PA#'# PASH'+AN&************************************************************************************F= H)+AG' /N#) A %A+P**************************************************************************::


K orde A$e#ta

H)+AG' /N#) .$AVA$#&-KN*************************************************************:: H)+AG' /N#) (A-H+A 8 #)E'$ ). S&%'N,'*****************************:9 H)+AG' /N#) +)/N#A&NS*****************************************************************:9 H)+AG' /N#) EA#'$S*************************************************************************:9 H)+AG' /N#) P%AN#S**************************************************************************:9 BKD ). $',&#&NG ASH'+ V)H/ 47;;*************************************************9; YAD&SHN HK TT !noBn as .$K+$A)#*************************************************94 BKD ). $',&#&NG YA#HK AH/ VA&$Y) 47;;*************************************95 NA+'S ). #H' (AYS AN( +)N#HS****************************************************96 (escription of the 0ashans of #Belve +onths***********************************************9: Names of S'V'N HA+-K$S 1 ,)%AB)$A#'/$S*****************************4;; Names of 47 YADA#AS ). HA+KYASH#**********************************************4;; Names of 74 NAS-S***********************************************************************************4;4 YASH#S******************************************************************************************************4;5 H)$+AD( YASH#***********************************************************************************4;5 N&$ANG ). H)$+AD( YASH#*************************************************************44= HA.#AN YASH# %A$G'**************************************************************************44@ A$(&B'H'SH# YASH#****************************************************************************454 N&$ANG ). A$(&B'H'SH# YASH#*****************************************************45: -H)$(K( YASH#************************************************************************************459 -H)$SH'( YASH#**********************************************************************************4== +AH YASH#**********************************************************************************************4=6 #&$ YASH#*************************************************************************************************4=: G)SH YASH#*********************************************************************************************4F4 S$)SH YASH# HK()-H#**********************************************************************4:7 N&$ANG ). S$)SH YASH# HK()-H#************************************************497 S$)SH YASH# YA(&********************************************************************************497 N&$ANG ). S$)SH YASH# YA(&**********************************************************7;= .A$VA$(&N YASH#*********************************************************************************7;@ B'H'$A+ YASH#************************************************************************************764 H)+ YASH# %A$G'********************************************************************************7:6 H)+ YASH# S+A%%********************************************************************************5;7 N&$ANG ). H)+ YASH#************************************************************************5;= VANAN# YASH#***************************************************************************************5;= N&$ANG ). VANAN# YASH#*****************************************************************5;6 S&$)DK YASH#*****************************************************************************************5;F -A$(K #) B' $',&#'( &N +'+)$Y ). #H' ('PA$#'( )N'S**549 A B$&'. AN( &N.)$+A#&V' SYN)PS&S ). #H' AB)V' +'N#&)N'( PAD'N( P)$#&)N #) B' $',&#'( &N BKD U %)E #)N'***********************************************************************************************************57@ ()K #AN(A$)S#& 2&N AV'S#A3***********************************************************576 ()K #AN(A$)S#& 2&N PAD'N(3**********************************************************57: (SN1N) -A%A+) 2in Avesta3 1 #H' D)$)AS#$&AN ,$''( 2Yasna H 473****************************************************************************************************************579



A SH)$# SYN)PS&S ). (SN1N) -A%A+) 2i*e* #H' D)$)AS#$&AN ,$''(3*******************************************************************************************************557 (SN1N) -A%A+), #H' D)$)AS#$&AN ,$''(********************************557 N&$ANG #) B' $',&#'( A.#'$ #H' $',&#A#&)N ). NYKY'SH AN( YASH#***********************************************************************************************555 4;4 NA+'S************************************************************************************************55= +)NK0K# to <e recite any time***************************************************************55F +)NK0K# &N P$A&S' ). #H' H)%Y ,$'A#)$*********************************5=; +)NK0K# &N P$A&S' ). #H' H)%Y P$)PH'# DA$#)SH#************5=4 .arvar in Yasht to <e recite along Bith the -ar h of GStumH in the sacre memory of the souls of the eparte ones***************************************************5=5 #he famous !ar h of ytu ?V Darathushtra of the Haftan Yasht*****************5=6

A note on t e Readin! and t e Pron+nciation of t e A$e#ta

a e M i V o Q u P as in 'nglish G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G<utH GfatherH GmateH GmateH <ut someBhat prolonge GpinH as i in GmachineH <ut someBhat prolonge as o in GropeH as o in GropeH <ut someBhat prolonge as u in GputH as oo in G<oo!H

,&OSSAR./0 12a34> &n icates passages Bhich are recite in a loB tone or murmur* fa"/n> &n icates a place1hol er in the te"t Bhere the appropriate name shoul <e inserte * 565# and 5ara7#> -V!s i*e* those Bho have eyes <ut Boul not seeL !araps i*e* those Bho have ears <ut Boul not hearL its significance is, that they are neither paying attention to nor ac!noBle ging the octrines of the holy Doroastrian $eligion* .or them Bor s employe in Avesta are Kaoy#/ an Karafn#/*haL see Horma? Yasht, para 4;* 8/nt ra> +nthra Spenta, i*e* <eneficent or holy spell* #he original meaning of /#nthra 2Sans!rit /antra3 is Gsecret mysteries of the Doroastrian $eligionH, Gmysterious e"cellences of the Doroastrian $eligionH* A reference a<out this Be fin in Vispere -ar h 45, first paragraph, thus> GAshem vVspem mnthrem ya?amai e> Darathushtrem ha hamnthrem ya?amai eH, i*e* Be Borship the entire mnthra as holyL Be Borship Darathushtra Bho is one Bith mnthras or the composer of the mnthras* &n several later <oo!s it is state that some Britings of the Prophet Darathushtra Bere so mysterious that even the great sages coul not comprehen their meaning* +oreover, many famous Persian Briters call him, GPaegam<are $am?1guH 2i*e* Prophet Bho reveals the secrets3* Ee have no certain evi ence at present as to hoB many these mnthras Bere originally given <y him* See also preface* Sao5a> #he original meaning of the Bor GSao!aH is sharpness, activity of the min , <rightness of intellect, splen our 1 <rilliance of Bis om 2root su*h W Sans!rit shu*h W to shine3> profit, prosperity, happiness 2root su W Persian sud W to profit3* +etaphorically it shoul <e un erstoo as the ya?ata presi ing over these virtues* Vanant9 Vanant is, the central star in the Eest an the most <rilliant* #his star .omalhaut are generally regar e as the same* &t is calle the opponent of the planet 0upiter*

A# e8 Vo :
A# e81 Vo :2 Va i# te83 a#t6; )# t/< a#t6=> )# t/? a 8/i=@ HAatB a# /i10 Va i# t/i11 a# e8.12 Tran#"ation> $ighteousness4 is= the <est5 goo 7 2an it3 is6 happiness*@ HappinessF 2is3 to him: Bho9 2is3 righteous47 for the sa!e of the <est44 right1 eousness*4; E*7"anation>1 #he significance of the term G$ighteousnessH is to <e un1 erstoo as truth, holiness an pristine purity* &n our Holy Avesta G$ight1 eousnessH is highly praise * .or this the Bor s GStaomi ashemH> 2i*e*, & praise $ighteousness3 are intro uce * Purity of the min an the <o y is the most e"cellent Bealth an happiness of this Borl * #hat happiness Bhich is highest in the matter of truth is attaine to that person* #he foremost thing Bhich man!in ought to acCuire after having <orn in this Borl is #ruth, 2see Ya?ishn H =:, stan?a @3* Some references Britten in Avesta itself a<out the amount of meritorious ee s acCuire <y that reciter of Ashem Vohu Prayer on various occasions sincerely an Bith proper un erstan ing is foun in the first fargar 1chapter of the H ho!ht Nas!*c &t is mentione in it that one re1 cital of Ashem Vohu recite Bith proper comprehension shoul <e truly re1 gar e as Borth ten thousan recitals on other occasions, Bhen a person Ba!ing up an rising up from sleep recites Ashem Vohu <y relinCuishing all Bic!e thoughts from the min * &ts significance is this that in the early morn1 ing Bhile getting up from sleep one shoul acCuire truth1$ighteousness, an hol ing fast to it shoul carry on his aily affairs an <usiness* &t is futile to recite Ashem Vohu on one han an to utter falsehoo an eceive on the other han * )ne must act accor ing to it after reciting it* +oreover in the very same Nas! another fact is mentione that one recital of Ashem VohP is Borth the entire region -hvaniratha, Bhich is the greatest an most e"cellent amongst the Seven $egions of the 'arth* Ehen a person at the en of life re1 cites one Ashem Vohu prayer sincerely, he forsa!es all Bic!e thoughts from his min *
< #hese tBo prayers Ashem Vohu an Yath Ah Vairy are pre1Darathushtra in age an are the sacre Verses of the ,reator Horma? Himself* 2See Yasna H T&T, paras 41= an 4=L Yasna H TT*53* Yenghe Htm is the sacre Verse of the Prophet Darathushtra 2See Yasna H TT&, para 43* #hese three Bell1!noBn prayers are a ore Bith their specific names* Yasna H T&T is an Avestan commentary on the Yath Ahu VairyL Yasna H TT gives the commentary on Ashem Vohu an Yasna H TT& gives the commentary of the Yenghe H tm* #hese three Hs 1 chapters are !noBn as Bagh n Yasht* #hese three prayers, specially GYath H an GAshemH are freCuently recite in our holy Avestan Scriptures* #hose Doroastrians Bho o not !noB any oth 1 er prayer are enjoine to recite GYathH an GAshemH Bith a vieB to gaining a share of meritori1 ous ee s* c See my 'asht " %aeni* Yasht TT&, pp* 5:61595* 1


A +na$ar 1-at / A : VairAC4

-at /1 A :2 VairAC3 at / rat+# < a# /t> c 6t? ac /@= Van! D+# B da0d/10 8anan! C11 # Aaot ananE812 an! D+# 13 Fa0d/i1;= K # at re8c /1< A +r/i1> /1? Ai81@ dre!+2AC1B dadat20 $/#t/re821.
; d

Tran#"ation> 0ust as4 a e-ing7 acts accor ing to his Bill5, so= oes the (asturn (astur@ <y means: of righteousness6 getc*F 2acts accor ing to his oBn Bill3* #he gift4; of Vohu1manah9144 2i*e* Goo min 3 is for those Bor!1 ing47 for Horma? 4= of this Borl L45 he Bho4: hconstitutes himself7; to the pro1 tector74 2or the nourisher374 iof the poor49 2accepts3 the sovereign rule4@ 2of the entire Borl 3 2as it Bere3 of Horma? 46*

E*7"anation>1 Both, the Sovereign -ing ruling over the countries an the Pontiff of the $eligion are of the same Status an Borthy of respect* #hose Bho are performing goo ee s for pleasing Horma? attain Heaven after eath* He Bho gives help unto the poor virtuous <rothers, regar s, as it Bere, Horma? as the %or of the entire Borl *

'iran!GiG,o8e0 8/"idan
S e5a#te 1 S e5a#te 2 S eAt/n=3 A ri8an; !a3a#te < 5/r o 5erd/r=> na ra#ad? !a3a#te @ 5/r o 5erd/rBH SiGoG#D10 A8e# /#7and11 d/d/r
As regar s Ahunavar it is state in Yasna H T&T that the ,reator Horma? ha create the hymn Ahuna Vairya prior to the creation of the s!y an the Borl * +oreover, in the very same H it is further state that he Bho recites the Ahunavar prayer in the proper metre Bith full com1 prehension an intone Bithout interruption an Bithout omission attains to such meritorious ee s eCuivalent to hun re other holy chants* &t is enjoine to chant this most ancient an e"1 cellent prayer of the Avesta in the proper metre Bith proper intonation an for this ver< em1 ploye is 7r#!aya 2S!t* 7r#!aya3, i*e* to chant* #his mantra consists of three lines in poetic form* .irst line en s at ha*h#, the secon at %a6d# an the thir line en s at 8#st#re/* +oreover this Ahunavar consists of 74 Bor s correspon ing to the 74 Nas!s of the original Avesta te"ts, most of Bhich has <een estroye * Ee get the contents of each of these tBenty1one Nas!s from Pahlavi an Persian <oo!s* #he etaile account of these is given in Pahlavi 0en9$ art Boo! V&&& an &T* &n a ition to all the matters pertaining to $eligion these Nas!s contain su<ject1matters relating to philosophy, me icine, ethics, astronomy, an astrology an all other sciences* .or the <eauty an e"cellence of this poetical prayer Ahunavar, see the translation of Srosh Yasht H ho!ht -ar h & in this <oo!L for further information see the e"planation given un er the translation of hune/ 8airi/ tanu/ p#iti in Srosh B? Prayer* e )riginal meaning G#he %or Bho loo!s after Borl ly affairs*H f )riginal meaning G#he %or Bho loo!s after religious affairs*H g $ighteousness etc* mean righteousness an other virtues associate Bith it* h )riginal meaning Gappoints himselfH Gsettles himselfH* #he last line of Ahunavar resem<les to some e"tent to the last line of Yasna H @5, Stan?a 9* i #he %atin an 'nglish eCuivalent for Avesta Bor 8#st#r is pastor*


Hor8a0d12 7iro0!ar13 7/5H1; a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o <e recite thrice3* 'ote> After having recite this Nirang three times one shoul recite Srosh B?, an Bhilst reciting five Ahunavar one shoul apply nirang or <ullAs ur1 ine at every Ahunavar to the right an left han , to the face, to the right an left leg respectively* )ne shoul perform then P y<1-usti after completing the Srosh B?* Tran#"ation> 2+ay3 the Satan5 2<e3 efeate 4 an estroye 7X 2may3 the Bor!s an Bor!ers6 of Ahriman= the accurse 2<e3 estroye @X may notF Bor!s an Bor!ers9 of 2that3 accurse 2Ahriman3: reachF 2me3X #hirty1three4; Holy &mmortals 2Ameshaspan s344 an the ,reator Horma? 47 are victori1 ous4: an holy*4= E*7"anation> #his Nirang seems to have <een compose at a later peri1 o , as its language is Persian* +oreover it is surprising that the num<er of Ameshspan s mentione in this Nirang is thirty1three* Perhaps the motive of the composer of this Nirang is to regar thirty1three Ameshspan s as thirty1three angels* Accor ing to the ancient <oo!s of our religion Ameshspan s are si" in num<er an Ahura +a? a is counte as the sev1 enth* &t is clearly state in the Pahlavi Nm Setyeshne incorporate in the 0en9art that the ,reator Horma? create si" Ameshspan s* &n the portion of GNipyQish +ashimH occurring in Horma? Yasht the ,reator Horma? spea!s to the prophet Darathushtra thus> G& create si" Ameshspan s from Bahman to Amur *H &n the intro uctory portions of the Horma? Yasht an Ar i<ehesht Yasht the ,reator Horma? Himself referring to Ameshspan s says thus> GEe Ameshspan sH* &n the Haftan Yasht 2small3 para 47 there occurs a reference to GSeven Ameshspan sH*

Ke8Gn/ Fa0da
Ke81Gn/2 Fa0d/3 8a$aitD; 7/A:8< dad/t=> Aat? 8/@ dre!$/oB didare# at/10 aDnan! D11 anAe812 t wa 8/t13 /t ra#c /1; 8anan! a#c /=1< AaA/o1> # Aaot n/i# 1? a# e81@ t rao# t/1B A +r/=20 t/821 8Ci22 d/#t$/823 daDnaA/i2; fr/$aoc /2<. KD2> $eret re82?G3/2@ t w/2B 7Ci30 #en! /31 ACi32 ent633 c it r/3; 8Ci3< d/83> a :82i# 3? rat:83@ c i0 d6=3B
j #his entire hymn -em1n1+a? is ma e up of four parts* #hey are as un er>1 243 #he first portion consisting of lines 41@ from the <eginning to the Bor fr#!ao*h# is ta!en from Gatha /shtvaiti1Yasna H =6*F !noBn as G-m NemQi DmH* 273 #he secon part commencing from K: !erethre/$-# to the Bor s !ashi 9ah/#i$*hit is <orroBe from Yasna H ==, -noBn as Tat$ th(#$peres# stan?a 46, 253 #he thir part <eginning from p#ta$n; tbishyantat up to the Bor s st!aitish ashahe is ta!en from Ven i a fargar V&&& para 74* 2=3 #he fourth part vi?* ne/as*h# y# r/aitish i6h#*h# is ta!en from the Gtha Spent +ainyu H =9*4;*


at;0 Ci;1 $o :;2 #erao# C;3 3ant:;; 8anan! /=;< Fa0d/;> a 8/i;? Aa 8/i;@ $a# 6;B 5a 8/ic 6t.<0 Tran#"ation9 EhenF any Bic!e man9 glares4; at me: for ta!ing revenge44 2or for injuring me443, Bhat4 man7, ) +a? ,!5 shall grant6 protection@ unto me an unto my folloBers=Y 2Bho other than47 #hee45 shall grant protection3 to the .ire4= an the +in 4@ 2i*e* househol happiness an the peace of min 3Y #hrough the actionl4F of Bhich tBo46, )9 Horma? 7;X righteousness4: increases49* (o #hou eclare7@ that74 !noBle gem75 of the religion7= to me77 2) Horma? X3* Eho76 2shall <e3 the smiter7: of the foe7F <y the help of #hy 2Avestan3 Bor s54 Bhich57 2<y reciting at the time of calamity3 are 55 protectingY5; (o #hou reveal59 clearly5= unto me5@ a Bise56 lea er5Fn for <oth the Borl s5Fo 2) Horma? 3* %et Sraosha=5 2Ya?ata3 approach== Bith Goo =7 +in =@ 2or through Vohu +anah3 to any one=F Bhom=: #hou oest love=9*p E*7"anation> ) Horma? X Ehen Bic!e persons torment me an my folloBers, Bho is our protector from such a tormentY #here is none other than #hee, Bho Bill grant family happiness an peace of min * #he posses1 sion of <o y an min in healthy con ition increases righteousness* #here is no protector other than #hee, ) Horma? X o #hou evo!e, give rise to such a thought in my min so that & may get courage an strength in e"ecuting any Bor!* P/ta1GnC2 t2i# Aantat3 7airi; Fa0d/o#c a< r8ati# c a> #7enta#c a=? na#e@ daD$6 dr+5 # =B na#e10 daD$CGc it re=11 na#e12 daD$CGfra5ar# te=13 na#e1; daD$CGfrad/ite=1< a7a1> dr+5 # 1? na#e=1@ a7a1B dr+5 # 20 d$/ra=21 a7a22 dr+5 # 23 $6na#e=2; a7/5 ed re2< a7aGna#Ae e=2> 8/2? 8erenc ain6# 2@ !aDt /o2B a#t$ait6# 30 a# a e.31 'e8a#c /32 A/33 r8aiti# 3; i0 /c /.3< A# e8 Vo : 1. ) Horma? @ an Spenta Krmaiti61FX protect4 us7 from= the envious ones*5 2from here3 Perish thou,: ) evilish (ruj,9 perish thou,4; ) evilAs spaBnL44 perish thou,47 ) 2evil3 soBn <y the aevas, 45 perish thou,4= ) folloBer of evilAs laBL4@ perish46 ) (ruj,4F isappear49 utterly,74 vanish76 an entirely perish,7= in the North,7@ ) (ruj*7: 2so that3 corporeal5; settlements79 of right1 eousness54 2may3 not7F 2<e3 fit to <e estroye *7: Homage57 2<e3 unto right thought5= an prosperityX5@
! .or Horma? the e"pression Ahura +a? a is generally foun in the Avesta, <ut in some places, especially in the Gthas the Bor s Ahura or +a? a only for Horma? is notice * l i*e* <y the acts Bhich lea to family happiness an to peace of min * m i*e* on Bhom #hou art frien ly or !in * n i*e* this thought vi?* there is no other protector e"cept #hee* o i*e* in or er to get reBar in this life an in the ne"t* p i*e* one Bho points out the path of virtue, the e"poun er of religious tenets*



Hor8a0d K odaA
Hor8a0d1 K od/A2 a ere8an3 aw/da# /n; d:r a$/0Gd/# t/rH< 0ad> # e5a#te ? 2/d=@ a ere8an=B de$/n10 dar+3/n=11 3/d:/n12 dar$and/n13 565/n1; 5araf/n1< #/#t/r/n=1> !+ne !/r/n1? /# 8o! /n1@ dar$and/n1B d+# 8an/n20 fr6A/n21 0ad22 # e5a#te 23 2/d.2; D+# 7/da# / /n2< aw/da# /n2> 2/dH2? d+# 8an/n2@ #ato 2B 2/dH30 d+# 8an/n31 awada# an32 2/d.33 Hor8a0d K od/A3; a0 a8/ !+n/ 3< 7atet 7a# e8/n+8=3> a03? ar$a#t6n3@ d+# 8ata3B d+0+5 ta;0 d+0$ar# ta=;1 8e8;2 7a !et6;3 8anid=;; oi8 !oft;< oi8 5ard=;> oi8 3a#t=;? oi8 2:n 2:d e#ted=;@ a0 /n !+n/ ;B 8ana# n6<0 !a$a# n6<1 5+na# n6=<2 tan6<3 ra$/n6=<; !eti<< 86no/n6=<> o5 e<? raw/5 # 7a# e8/n<@= 7a #D !a$a# n6<B 7a 7atet o8.>0 K # naot ra>1 a +ra e 8a0d/oH>2 tarCid6te>3 an! ra e 8ainAD+# .>; Hait A/ $ar# t/8>< Aat>> $a#n/>? fera# Cte8e8H>@ #tao8i>B A# e8.?0 A# e8 Vo : 1. -at / A : VairAC 2. A# e8 Vo : 1. Tran#"ation9 ( r Horma? 4 2is3 the %or 7 2of the entire /niverse3 2an 3 !eeps the sBithhol er an !eeper at a istance @ of the Bic!e an poBerless= Ahriman,5 +ay 2that Ahriman3 <e smitten6 an efeate FX +ay7= 2all these3 Ahriman,9 aevas,4; rujas,77 sorcerers,47 Bic!e ones,45 t-i!s,4= -araps,4@ tyrants,46 sinners,4F ushmoghs,4: impious ones,49 enemies,7; Bitches74 <e smitten77 an efeate 75X +ay55 the Bic!e rulers7@ cease to e"1 istX +ay the enemies7: <e confoun e X +ay the enemies <e non1e"istent an perish*57 ) %or Horma? X5= & am in renunciation56 of, an esist from, all sins> Bic!e thoughts59 Bhich in 2this3 Borl =5 &=7 have thought,== Bic!e Bor s=6 Bhich & have spo!en,=: Bic!e ee s=4 Bhich & have committe ,=6 2an 3 Bhich have occurre through me=F an Bhich have originate <y me=: 1 2all these sins mentione a<ove3 relating to thought, @; relating to Bor ,@4 an re1 lating to ee ,@6 pertaining to 2my oBn3 <o y, @5 pertaining to 2my oBn3
C #his prayer from its <eginning to the Bor s GPa sM gavashni pa patet homH is in Pa?en lan1 guageL the remaining final portion is in Avesta* r #here is a custom amongst some of our Doroastrians to utter GaB!hsh PashemnH Bhilst shoBing contempt of certain matter or Bhilst manifesting a thought of such significance as, may Go !eep one aBay from such immoral actions, or Bhilst repenting an atoning for any un1 Borthy an Bic!e ee s Bhich have <een committe * &ts meaning is G& return having repente , !eep myself aBay having regrette H* #hese Bor are of Pa?en language* s #he meaning of a!#dash#n can <e GBic!e ruler*H t -V!s i*e* those Bho have eyes <ut Boul not seeL !araps i*e* those Bho have ears <ut Boul not hearL its significance is, that they are neither paying attention to nor ac!noBle ging the oc1 trines of the holy Doroastrian $eligion* .or them Bor s employe in Avesta are Kaoy#/ an Karafn#/*haL see Horma? Yasht, para 4;* u <sh/o,, i*e* istorters of truth an e"poun ers of falsehoo * .or it there is an Avesta Bor she/ao,haL see Ar i<ehesht Yasht para F*



soul,@= pertaining to this Borl , @@ pertaining to the Borl <eyon @6 from all these sins,5@ ) Horma? X@F & am in renunciation an !eep myself aBay, @: 2an 3 Bith the three Bor s@9 2+anashni, Gavashni, -unashni3 & repent*6; 2+ay there <e3 propitiation64 of Ahura +a? aX67 2+ay there <e3 contempt of Angra +ainyu6= the 'vil SpiritX Ehatever is the Bish 6F of the oers of righteous ee s, is superior6: 2to all other Bishes3* & praise69 righteousness*

E*7"anation> Horma? is the ,reator of the entire Borl an is the ruler over it, there is none eCual to Him* +ay Ahriman an all his aevas, rujas, sorcerers, tyrants, etc*, <e shattere , smitten an efeate X ) Holy ProtectorX .or Bhatever sins have <een committe <y me* .or Bhatever Bic!e thoughts & have har<oure for Bhatever Bic!e Bor & have spo!en an for Bhatever Bic!e actions & have one or have <een e"ecute <y me un!noB1 ingly 1 for all these types of sins & sincerely repent an atone for*

Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da

Ka#a1 8e2 a$an! e3 Fa0da; Fa0daAa#nC< a 8i> 8a0daAa#nC? IaG rat +# tri# @ fra$ar/neB a#t:ta#c /10 fra$areta#c /.11 #t+Ae12 +8ate813 8anC=1; /#t+Ae1< :5 te81> $ac C=1? a#t+Ae1@ $ar# te81B # Aaot ne8.20 #t+Ae21 daDn/822 $an! + 6823 8/0daAa#n682; fra#G 7/Aao5 ed r/8=2< nid /#nait i# e8=2> K a$aDt$adat /82? a# aon68=2@ A/2B /itin/8c /=30 2:# Aeintin/8c /31 8a0i# t/c a=32 $a i# t/c /=33 #raD# t/c /=3; A/3< / :iri# 3> 0arat +# tri# .3? A +r/i Fa0d/i3@ $6#7/3B $o +;0 c ina 8i.;1 Ae# /;2 a#ti;3 daDnaA/o;; 8/0daAa#nCi# ;< /#t:i#ti# .;> A# e8 Vo : 1. Tran#"ation> ) ,reator Horma? X= o #hou come4 to my7 help*5 & am6 a +a? 1BorshipperL@ & profess myself9 2to <e3 a +a? 1BorshippingF folloBer of Darathushtra,: a evotee4; an an ar ent1<eliever44 2in this +a? 1Bor1 shipping .aith3* & praise47 the true1conceive 45 thought,4= & praise4@ the true1 spo!en46 Bor ,4F & praise4: the Bell1 one49 ee *7; & praise74 the e"cellent75 re1 ligion77 of +a? a1Borship,7= 2Bhich is3 Cuarrel1removing,7@ Beapon1loBer1 ing,76 self1 e icating7F 2an 3 holy,7: Bhich79 of those that are5; an of those shall <e54 2hereafter3 2is3 the greatest,57 an the <est55 an the most e"cel1 lent,5= Bhich5@ is the religion of Ahura56 reveale 1<y1Darathushtra*5F & ac!noBle ge=4 all59 goo
=; w

2things3 2Bhich are3 from Horma? *5: Such=7

v Here Ahriman stan s in opposition to Horma? * #his i ea shoul <e un erstoo of later perio of Avesta* &n the ancient perio of the Avesta, i*e* uring the perio Bhen the Gathas Bere com 1 pose , Horma? has <een regar e as the ,reator of the entire Borl an its estroyer* He has no rival, <ut un er His sovereignty Spen mino an Angra mino carry out some Bor! pertaining to this Borl * B #he entire passage e"cept the Bor s =asa /e a!an,he %a6da is ta!en from Yasna H T&&* #his Yasna H T&& is the Doroastrian ,ree * See the Doroastrian cree 2in Avesta3 in this <oo!* #he Bor s =asa /e a!an,he %a6da occur in Horma? Yasht, para 7F*


is=5 the praise=6 of the religion== of +a? a1Borship*=@ E*7"anation> Some essential features of the +a? a1Borshipping $eli1 gion are notice from the a<ove passage* Besi es this, many other e"cellent features of this pure religion Be fin in Ven i a , Ya?ishna an Vispere as Bell* &n the Ven i a fargar V paras 7717= it is state that just as the sea Vouru1-asha is greatest of all other seas an just as the great tree oversha 1 oBs other small plants an just as the s!y encompasses the entire earth aroun , in the same Bay Doroastrian $eligion in its greatness, goo ness an e"cellence, covers all other religions* See Yasna H ==, stan?a 4;*

./0 1PraAer4 for SaAin! ,race

.a n/8e Aa0ade=1 2a5 # /Aande 2 2a5 # /Ae# !are3 8e er2/n; Hor8a0d< K od/A> it /? /t@ -a0a8aideB A +re810 Fa0d/810= Ae11 !/8c /12 a# e8c /13 d/t1; a7a#c /1< d/t1> +r$ar/o#c /1? $an!+ 6# =1@ raoc /o#c /1B d/t20 2:868c /=21 $6#7/c /22 $o :23 A# e8 Vo : 3. 2After reciting the a<ove prayer the person eats the meals, than!ing the Almighty Go for all goo things an after Bashing han an mouth, he prays as folloBs3>1 A# e8 Vo : ;. -at / A : VairAC 2= A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i RaD# c a= Ha0an!re8= Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da= Kerfe 8o0d. Tran#"ation> &n the Name of Go 4 an Bith His help 2& <egin to recite this prayer3 2Bho is3 the %or 6 Horma? @ the <estoBer of all goo things, 7 the forgiver of sins5 an loving*= #hus here: Be revere9 Ahura +a? a4; Bho44 create the animals47 an ygrain,45 Bho create 46 Bater4@ an goo 4: vegeta1 tion4F Bho create 7; lights49 2of the s!y3 an the earth74 an all 2other3 goo things 2over an a<ove these3*

./0 to 2e recited 2efore 7a##in! +rine and an#werin! t e ca"" of nat+re

2#he person stan ing three paces from the place of the toilet recites the sentence as <eloB>3


S e5a#te

Sad a0/rG2/r.3 -at / A : VairAC 1.

" #he portion of this B? for saying Grace from the <eginning up to Ahura +a? a -ho e is in Pa?en language an the portion from Gith t ya?amai eH up to GVVspch vohuH is ta!en from yasna H 5F* para 4* y #he original meaning of ashe/ is eCuivalent to Persian #rd i*e* flour, poB er* &n such a mean1 ing this Bor occurs in Ven i a .argar V as regar s the treatment of a Boman Bho has <een elivere of a still1<orn chil * ? &n the Persian $ivayets of (ara< Horma? yr these Persian Bor s Ggunesh she!asteh sa ha?r <rH is not Britten for recitalL <ut in it is mentione to recite only one Yath ahP VairyQ in1 stea , Bhilst passing urine or ansBering the call of nature*


Tran#"ation> +ay sins4 <e smitten7 a hun re thousan times5X 2After having passe urine or ansBere the call of nature, hol ing the strings or tape of pyjamas, he purifies himself Bith ry earth, retraces three steps, an recites the folloBing G<?H*3 A# e8 Vo : 3= aaH+8atan/81 :5 tan/82 $ar# tan/8=3 Aadac /; anAadac /< $ere0A8nan/8c /> $/$ere0ana/a8c a=? 8a 6@ ai26G 3aret/roB naDnaD#t/rC=10 Aat an/=11 $o +n/812 8a 6.13 2to <e recite tBice3 0ust as44 Be are45 2the praisers an me itators3 of goo men, 47 2in the same Bay3 Be are: the praisers9 an me itators4; of the oers6 of goo thoughts,4 goo Bor s7 an goo ee s5 for this Borl = an for the Borl <eyon @, an of those Bho have performe 2goo ee s3 in the past*
a2 H+5 # at rCte8/i1 2/t2 5 # at re8=3 a 8at; Aat< ai26G dade8a 6c /=> c i# 8a ic /=? $/n8a ic /@ AatB 8a0d/i10 a +r/i=11 a# /ic /12 Va i# t/i13 2to <e recite three times3* -at / A : VairAC ;.

2+ay there3 verily7 2<e3 sovereignty5 for the <est ruler4 2Horma? 3X Ee evote our min to6 2or engage ourselves in the service of36 Horma? 4;144 Bho9 2Himself3 is the Best45 ac$ighteousness47* Ee ac!noBle geF 2Him3 2an 3 regar 2Him3 as our oBn*: A +ne8 Vair681 Aa0a8aide=2 a# e8 $a i# te83 SraD# te8; a8e# e8 #7ente8< Aa0a8aide=> Aen! e? /t/8@ /atB Ae#ne10 7ait611 $an! C=12 Fa0d/o A +rC13 $aDt /1; a# /t1< ac /1> A/on! /8c /1? t/n#c /1@ t/o#c /1B Aa0a8aide.20 A# e8 Vo : 1. Ee praise7 Ahunavar,4 Ee praise Ar i<ehesht5 2Bho is3 the most surpass1 ing Ameshaspan ,@ among living <eings: BhoF 2is3 <etter47 in acts of Bor1 ship,4; of such Ahura +a? a45 2Himself3 is aBare4= on account of46 their holi1 ness4@ 1 all such,4F <oth men4: an Bomen,49 o Be revere*7;

Fi$e ,/ # to 2e recited #e7arate"A


1D+rin! H/$an ,/ 4

H/$anDe a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. S/$an! De V6#A/ic a a# aone a# a e
aa #he entire portion of Humatanm occurs in Yasna H 5@ para 7* a< #he entire portion of Hu!hshathrQtemi also occurs in Yasna H 5@ para @* ac PraiseBorthy names of the ,reator Horma? are numerous, of Bhich one name is G$ight 1 eousnessH* Similar Briting is notice in Horma? Yasht* &n this Yasht the ,reator Horma? is re1 cognise <y us <y various names, Bhich are appro"imately seventy* +oreover, at present, Be have 4;4 names of the ,reator Horma? in Pa?en language an these names are <eing re1 mem<ere <y the yao? thregar priest Bhilst performing the Yasna ceremony* a #his entire para occurs at the en of Yasna H 4: an Yasna H 7F* ae .or the meaning see the <eginning portion of five Gh*


rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a.


1D+rin! Ra7it wan ,/ 4

Ra7it win/i a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a= $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. Fr/datGf# a$e 0ant+8/ic a a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. 1D+rin! )0irin ,/ 4 )0Aerin/i a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. Fr/datG$6r/i da5 A+8/ic a a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. 1D+rin! Aiwi#r+t re8 ,/ 4 Aiwi#r:t re8ai ai2i!aA/i a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/iG c a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. Fr/datG$i#7/8 +3A/itee 0araG t +# trote8/ic a a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. 1D+rin! )# a en ,/ 4 )# a in/i a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot G r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. .ere3Aai n8anA/ic a a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a.

Sro# ./0

K # naot ra1 A +ra e Fa0d/o2 A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e1 Aa0d/n2 Hor8a0d3 K od/e; awa0:n6=< !or3e> 5 ore ? awa0/A/d=@ Saro# B a# C=10 ta!i=11 tanGfar8/n=12 # e5aft0in=13 0inG awa0/r=1; #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da1< 2eGra#/d.1> A0 a8/ !+n/ 1? 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H1@ a01B ar$a#tin20 d+# 8ata21 d+0 +5 ta22 23 2; 2< d+0 +$ar# ta= 8e8 7a !eti 8anid2> oe8 !oft=2? oe8 5ard=2@ oe8 3a#t2B oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted=30 a0 /n !+n/ 31 8ana# ni33 !a$a# ni33 5+na# ni=3; tani3< ra$/ni3> !eti3? 8ino/ni=3@ o5 e3B a$/5 # 3B 7a# e8/n;0 7a #D !a$a# n6;1 7a 7atet o8.;2 -at / A : VairAC <= A# e8 Vo : 3. Tran#"ation> 2+ay there <e3 propitiation4 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? aX
af Note that from $o? Horma? +onth ABn up to Gatha Vahishtoisht $apithBan Gh is not re1 cite , <ut in its stea there is Secon Hvan* (uring this perio in the -hshuman of all prayers, $apithBan Gh is not recite , <ut it is enjoine to recite Hvan Gh* .or the remaining seven months i*e* from $o? Horma? +h .ravar in up to $o? Aneran +h +eher, five Ghs are re 1 cite * #he reason is that uring these five months 2accor ing to original correct calculation3 of Binter, hours uring the ay1time are shorter than those of the summer months* +oreover, ur1 ing Binter there is less heat uring noon1time* #he Gh pertaining to summer1season 2$apith1 Ban3 therefore is iscar e * A<out these Binter ays in the Persian $ivayets it is figuratively Britten that heat uring those ays is <urie un erneath the earth* ag #he portion from Gpa nme ya? nH up to Gpa patet homH is in Pa?en language* Similarly it is to <e un erstoo in every Niyyesh an Yasht*



2& <egin to recite this3 Bith 2the help of3 the name 4 of 2the ,reator3 Horma? ,5 the %or 7 an the %or = 2of the Bhole Borl 3 an munificent*@ +ay the splen our6 an gloryF 2of the ,reator Horma? 3 increaseX: +ay Srosh9 2ya?a 3 the holy,4; strong,44 Bor 1incarnate47 2i*e* Bhose <o y even is the Holy Spell3, possesse of efficacious Beapons 45 2in or er to smite the aevas an Bic!e men3, possesse of victorious Beapon4= 2an 3 the chief of the creatures of Horma? 4@ come46 2to my help3X & renunciate, an esist 4: from all sinsL4F17; all Bic!e thoughts74 Bhich in this Borl 7@17= & have thought,76 Bic!e Bor s74 Bhich & have spo!en,7F Bic!e ee s75 Bhich & have committe 7: 2an 3 Bhich have <een cause through me79 2an 3 Bhich have <een originate <y me 5; 2all these sins mentione a<ove3 relating to thought,57 relating to Bor 55 an relating to ee , 5= pertaining to 2my oBn3 <o y,56 pertaining to 2my oBn3 soul,56 pertaining to this Borl ,5F pertaining to the Borl <eyon ,5: all these sins,54 ) Horma? X & iscar an !eep myself aBay=; 2an 3 Bith the three Bor s=4 2i*e* goo thought, goo Bor an goo ee 3 & repent* Fra$ar/ne;3 Fa0daAa#nC;; Iarat +# tri# ;< $6daD$C;> A +raG t5ae# C;? 2gah accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a Srao# a e;@ a# Ae e=;B ta5 8a e=<0 tan+ 8/nt ra e=<1 dar# iGdrao# =<2 / :irAe e=<3 5# naot ra<; Aa#n/ic a<< $a 8/ic a<> 5 # naot r/ic a<? fra#a#taA/ec a=<3 -at / A : VairAC<B 0aot/>0 fr/G8e>1 8r:te=>2 at / rat+# a# /t c 6t ac />3 fr/ a# a$a>; $6d $/o>< 8raot:.>> & profess=5 myself to <e a Borshipper of Horma? ,== folloBer in accor 1 ance Bith the religion reveale <y 2the prophet3 Darathushtra, =@ a<stainer from 2the path of3 ai aevas=6 an act accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a =F 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 for the Borship, veneration,@6 propi1 tiation@F an glorification,@: Bith propitiatory formula@= 2-hshnumn3 of Srosh=5 the holy,=9 poBerful,@; Bor 1incarnate,@4 of infuriate Beapon@7 2for
ah G.ravarne +a? ayasnQ Darathushtrish Vi aMvQ Ahura1t!aeshQH is the shortest Doroastrian ,ree * #his is a sort of a ,ree as regar s the !in of religion the reciter o<serves* ai #he Bor G evH Bhich is calle G aevaH in the Avesta has four ifferent meanings accor ing to the opinion of Sheth -harshe ji $ustomji ,ama, or in other Bor s Be learn of four types of ev from the Avesta> 243 aevas having the appearance of manL 273 aevas pro ucing iseasesL 253 immoral aevas 2=3 aevas ecreasing prosperity> 243* #hese persons Bho pro uce Bic!e 1 ness <y increasing iseases or <y ecreasing prosperity or <y ruining morality, are calle the aevas having the appearance of menL e*g* Doha!, Bic!e people of Giln an +?an arn, etc* 273* #hose Bho emit iseases an untimely eath <y Bhatever means or o<jects are also calle G aevas,H e*g* a statement is ma e in Ven i a fra!art V&& a<out some aevas resi ing in the tom<s* Here the meaning of aeva is to <e un erstoo as impure* #hey pro uce iseases Bhile coming out of the tom<s* 253* Ehatever incites us to folloB the path of Bic!e ness is also terme G aevaH, e*g*, slan er, eceit, heresy, evil eye, impurity, etc* 2=3* Ehatever causes is1 tur<ance in the sprea of prosperity is also !noBn <y the term aeva, e*g* the emon Apaosha prevents rain i*e* the causes responsi<le for the prevention of rain are !noBn <y the name GapaoshaH* '"cessive col is regar e as the Cueen of emons* See Sheth -*$* ,ama GDarthosht NmuH V&*** GEho is aevaH*



smiting the aevas3 an accor ing to the laB of Ahura let the Daotar 6; 2officiating priest6;3 recite67 to me64 the 2the e"cellences of the sacre verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ for propitiation@= 2of the ,reator Horma? 3 2in so an so Gh3 for the Borship@@ of Srosh ya?a =: the holy,=9 the poBerful,@; Bor 1 incarnate@4 2for smiting the aevas3, mighty1speare @7 2an 3 acting accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a,@5 for 2his3 praise,@6 for 2his3 propitiation@= 2an 3 for 2his3 glorification*@F %et 2$spi the assistant priest Bho is3 righteous 6= an learne 6@ ajrecite66 2the e"cellences of such verses3 Gath ratush asht1chit hacha*H65 E*7"anation> #he Bor s from GYath AhP VairyQ DaotH up to Gvi hvo mraotuH Bhich are recite in every Niyyesh, Gh an Yasht after Gfravarne ma? ayasnQH are <orroBe from the yasna* $spi, i*e* the assistant priest sit1 ting opposite the Daotar, a resses him thus> GYath AhP VairyQ ?aot fr me mruteH implying that Daotar may e"plain the e"cellences of GYath AhP VairyQH an the $eligion of Darathushtra to him* #he Daotar then replies* #he $spi after having fully comprehen ing the e"cellencies an grasping the essence of the $eligion of Darathushtra Boul noB put them into practice an e"poun them to others* Srao# e8=>> A# 68=>? +raod e8=>@ $eret r/3ane8>B fr/datG!aDt e8?0 a# a$ane8?1 a# a e?2 rat:8?3 Aa0a8aide?3 A +ne8?; $air68?< tan:8?> 7/iti=?? A +ne8 $air68 tan:8 7aiti= A +ne8 $air68 tan:8 7/iti. -at / A : VairAC 1. Ee praise Sraosha66 the Holy,6F the <eautiful,6: the victorious,69 <ringing1 prosperity1to the1Borl ,F; the $ighteous one,F4 the %or F5 of $ighteousness*F7 AhunavarF@ protectsFF the <o y*F6 E*7"anation> #he significance of Ahunavar* #o un erstan the verse of Yath AhP VairyQ* By remem<ering the ,reator Horma? , <y !eeping full faith in the verse of Ahunavar, <y chanting an reciting it properly, Be <e1 come poBerful an to some e"tent Be get strength to avoi the ifficulty or impen ing calamity* $egar ing the efficacious e"cellence of Ahunavar Be get some e"planation from the <eginning portion of Ven i a T&T fargar an from the first -ar h of Srosh Yasht H ho!t* &n the Ven i a fargar T&T it is state that Bhen Ahriman an the entire army of aevas an rujas came to !ill the holy Darathushtra, amongst the reme ies applie <y the holy prophet in or er to estroy them, the foremost Bas that he recite an chante alou the most poBerful verse of Ahunavar* Besi es, some Doroastrians Bhile commencing any Bor! or uring any calamity say, GAth thy helpH, GathH is originally GYathH an GYathH is the first Bor of GYath AhP vairyQH*

aj .r****mrute also means spea! lou ly, spea! in a lou tone*



KD8 na Fa0d/ 2to <e recite in full3 -at / A : VairAC 2H Aa#ne8ac a@; $a 8e8c a@< ao3a#c a@> 0a$arec a@? /fr6n/8i=@@ #rao# G a e=@B a# Ae e=B0 ta5 8a e=B1 tan+G8/nt ra e=B2 dar# iGdrao# =B3 a :irG Ae e.B; A# e8 Vo : 1. & praise:: an Borship,:= accor ing lo the laB of Ahura +a? a the glory, :@ e"terity:6 an strength:F of Srosh ya?ata,:9 the holy,9; strong,94 the Bor 1in1 carnate,97 possesse of poBerful Beapon95 2in or er to smite the aevas3*

A 8/i1 raD# c a2 5 $arena#c a=3 a 8/i; tan$C< dra$at/te8=> a 8/i? tan$C@ $a0d$are=B a 8/i10 tan$C11 $eret re8=12 a 8/i13 i# t681; 7o+r+# G5 $/t r/8=1< a 8/i1> /#n/8c it1? fra0ant68=1@ a 8/i1B dare! /820 dare! CG36t68=21 a 8/i22 $a i#te8Ga :823 a# aon/82; raoc an! e82< $6#7CG5 $/t re8.2> At a2? 3a8A/t=2@ Aat a2B /frin/86.30 A# e8 Vo : 1. Tran#"ation> am2(o thou3 2) Holy Srosh ya?a 3 2grant3 lustre 7 an glory5 unto him4 2i*e* unto the person3 Bho Borships thee 2the Holy Srosh ya?a 3 Bith the <est anG?aothrasH, Bith e"cellent G?aothrasH an Bith the G?aothrasH straine 1 prepare carefully <y goo people> 2 o thou grant3 unto him = the soun ness6 of the <o y, happiness, victoriousness,47 Bealth4= Bith fullness of Belfare,4@ an progeny4: of innate Bis om*4F 2(o thou grant3 unto him49 a long7; life74 2an 3 heaven75 of the righteous7= <right7@ 2an 3 comforta<le*76 +ay it <e so as & pray 2i*e* may my <lessings <e fulfille X 3

Ha0an! re81 2aD# a0an/8=2 2/e$are3 2aD# a0an/8H; < > ? @ Ha0an! re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are 2aD# a0an/8= Ha0an! re8B 2aD# a0an/8=10 2aD$are11 2aD# a0an/8.12 A# e8 Vo : 1. Tran#"ation> 2+ay there <e3 a thousan healthX +ay there <e health a thousan times*
a! .or the Avesta te"t an translation of -Mm N +a? * al #he portion from the <eginning up to GvispQ !hvthremH of these <ene ictions is ta!en from yasna H 6:>44 an the Bor s, Gatha jamyt yatha frinmVH are ta!en from the last part of para : of GAfrin i Paighm<ar DartoshtH* am &ts e"planation is given after the translation of the passage Gahurnish ahuraheH at the en of -horshe Niyyish* an GDorH i*e* a thing that is offere in sacre service or religious ceremony, an offering, as mil!, Bater, foo , fruits, etc* ao #he portion of Ha?anghrem is foun in yasna H 6:*4@*

of health, ten thousan s of




Ka#a1 8e2 a$an! e3 8a0da=; 3a#a< 8e> a$an! e? 8a0da=@ 3a#aB 8e10 a$an! e11 8a0da=12 A8a e13 +t/# ta e1; +raod a e1< $eret ra! G na e=1> a +rad /ta e=1? $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC1@ r/8anC1B 5 $/#tra e=20 $aAao# 21 +7arCG5airAe e22 tarad /tC23 anA/i# 2; d/8/n=2< aDtat2> te2? $aAC2@ Aat2B te30 a#ti31 #7entCG8ainAao832 t w/# a e33 5 $adG /ta e=3; 0r$/na e3< a5arana e=3> 0r$/na e3? dare! CG5 $ad /ta e. A# e8 Vo : 1. Tran#"ation> ) Horma? X ,ome4 unto my7 help*5 )f the Bell1shapen4= 2an 3 <eautiful4@ Ama46 2ya?ata of strength3, of Behram ya?a 46 create <y Ahura,4F of Vanainti /paratt4: 2i*e* the ya?ata presi ing over victorious ascen ency3, of +ino $m,49 giver of taste of foo ,7; of aCVy ya?a 74 Bor!1 ing1on1high,77 2Bho is3 create superior to other creations 1 2may the help of all of them reach me through you, ) Horma? * ) Vay ya?a X 7: 2get me the help3 of thy5; 2Bin 3 Bhich79 is54 pertaining to the Beneficent Spirit 57* )f the s!y55 ta!ing course accor ing to the %aB of nature, 5= of the 'n less56 #ime,5@ of the #ime5F )r aine for a long perio 5: 2may the help of these all reach me, )X Horma? 3*

Kerfe 8o0d1 !+n/ d+# /ra8r/< a8 5erfe > 7a an/=B r+dGdr/na=10 5 or# derG06=1> At a1? Ka8A/t1@ Aat

!+0/re# ner/2 5+na8=3 a# a 6; ra$/n< a8/ $e /ne? aftG5e# $ar 0a86n=@ 0a86nG idG2/"/=11 2+nde /d12 2eGra#/dH13 a# o 2ed1< a1B /fr6n/8i.20 A# e8 Vo : 1.

.or the e"piation of sins7 & o<tain5 the reBar of meritorious ee s 4, an for the sa!e of the love of@ the soul@, may complete47 righteousness= reach45 all the oers of goo ee s6 an all the faithfulF 2resi ing3 on the seven re1 gions of the earth:, 1 as Bi e as the earth9, as long as the river4; an as high as the Sun44 asX +ay there <e4@ long life46 of the righteous 2man3*at +ay it <e4:
ap G0asa me Avanghe +a? aH consists of the Avestan te"ts ta!en from three ifferent places mentione 1<eloB>1 #he sentence G0asa me Avanghe +a? aH is ta!en from Yasht Horma? , para 7F* #he portion from GAmahe hutshtaheH up to GuparattQH is ta!en from the Behram Ya?a !hshnuman, of the small Siro?* #he portion from G$mano !hvstraheH up to the en is ta!en from the -hshnuman of +ino $m of the Small Siro?* aC Ya?ata presi ing over pure an health1giving air* &n Pahlavi he is calle GVy i VehH* &ts op 1 posite is GVy i SaritarH or GVy i VattarH 2poisonous1air3* See Ven i a fargar V, paras :19* ar #his prayer from the <eginning up to Gasho <e er1?VH is in Pa?en language* #he Bor s, Gatha jamyt yatha frVnmiH are in Avestan language an as mentione earlier are ta!en from Gfrin i Paighm<ar DartoshtH* para :* as ,ompare Avesta Dem1frthangha, nu1 rjangha hvare1<are?angha 2see yasna H 6;, para =3* at i*e* may the truthful person enjoy his life, Bith happiness for a long timeX



so4F as49 & pray7; 2i*e* may my greetings <e fulfille X3*


2#his prayer is recite only at ay1<rea! or aBn*3

At a1 i8/n2 $ac C3 dren3aACi# H; ACi< an! en> ? @ B $/ret ra! nACte8ac a 2aD# a0ACte8ac aH 7anc a a +na $airAa10 fra#r/$aACi# .11 -at / A : VairAC <9 A +ne8G$air6812 tan:813 a$7/iti.1; a +ne8G$airi81< tan:81> 7/itiH1? a +ne8G$air681@ tan:81B 7/iti.20 -at / A : VairAC 1H KD8 n/ Fa0d/ 2to <e recite fully3H A# e8 $o + 1H -at / A : VairAC 21= A# e8 Vo : 12. 'e8a#eGte21 +# 2/86H22 ne8a#eGte23 +# 2/862; ne8a#eGte2< 2> aw 2@ 2B +# 2/86. aDtat di8 $6#7an/8 8a0i# te830 da0dA/i=31 a :8c a32 33 rat:8c a Ai83; a +re8 8a0d/8=3< #nat /i3> an! ra e 8ainAD+# 3? dra$atC=3@ #nat ai3B aD# 8a e;0 5 ra$idrao# =;1 #nat /i;2 8/0ainAan/8;3 daD$an/8=;; #nat /i;< $6#7an/8;> daD$an/8=;? $arenAan/8c a;@ dra$at/8;B 2to <e recite in <? or loB tone3 # e5a#te <0 ! an/8enAo=<1 2ar a re8an<2 "e/nat<3 #ad a0/r 2/r.<; 2to <e recite in a lou tone3 Fradat /i<< A +ra e Fa0d/o<> raD$atC<? 5 $arenan! + atC=<@ fradat /i<B A8e# an/8 S7entan/8=>0 fradat /i>1 ti# trAe e>2 #t/rC>3 raD$atC>; 5 $arenan! + atC=>< fradat /i>> nar# >? a# aonC=>@ fradat /i>B $i#7an/8?0 S7enta e FainAD+# ?1 a* d/8an/8?2 a# aon/8.?3 -at / A : VairAC 2. Tran#"ation9 #hou shoul st= thus4 recite= these7 2un er1mentione Avesta verses53 Bhich@ are6 most victoriousF 1 efficacious an healing*: #hou shoul st chant44 five9 Ahunavars4;L Ahunavar47 protects4= the <o y*45 Homage 2<e3 unto thee,74 ) (aBnX77 #his7F 2is3 in or er to raise Beapon 56 2against3 the Bic!e 5: Angra +ainyu,5F 2against the aeva3 Aeshma,=; of ter1 ri<le Beapon,=4 2against3 the +a?anian=5 aevas,== an in or er to raise Beapon=@ 2against3 all=6 the aevas,=F 2against3 the ayVarenian=: Bic!e ones,=9 an to e icate54 to Him,7: the greatest5; of all79 2our3 Ahu 2%or 357 an $atu 2+aster355 Bho5= 2is3 Ahura +a? a*5@ 2+ay3 Gan +ino@4 2<e3 efeate @;X 2+ay there <e3 imprecations@5 upon Ahriman@7 a hun re thousan time@=* 2All these are3 for the groBth @@ 2or
au i*e* prayer at (aBn* av #he portion from GAtha imn vachQH up to Gtanum pitiH, is ta!en from Ven i a 44, para 5* aB #he portion from Gaetat im vVspanmH up to G manm ashaonmH is here ta!en from Ya?ishn H 7F* a" .or e"planation, see page 4F* ay &f the Bor GvarenyaH <e compare Bith the Pahlavi Bor Gvaruni!H 2i*e* revengeful3, the meaning of the Bor s Gvarenyanmcha ravatmH can <e Gof the revengeful Bic!e menH*



glory3 of Ahura +a? a@6, possesse of treasures@F an glorious@:L for the in1 crease@9 of the Ameshspan s6;L for the increase64 of star65 #ishtrya67, pos1 sesse of treasures6= an glorious6@L for the increase of66 the holy6: man6F 2an 3 for the increase of@9 allF; the holyF5 creaturesF7 of Spen +inoF4* E*7"anation> #he passage from Gaetat imH up to G manm, ashaonmH is here ta!en from Yasna H 7F* #he relia<le e"planation of Bhat Gall these to e icateH can <e given from Yasna H 4 up to the en of Yasna H 76L its main aim 2of Bhatever prayers an votive offerings <eing e icate 3 is to please the ,reator Ahura +a? a, Ameshspan s 1 the Holy &mmortals an other ya?atas 1 an to sing their glory an to efeat Ahriman an his aevas an rujas* Van! +c a?; $an! +A/o#c a?< /fr6n/8i=?> $6#7aA/o?? a# aonC?@ #tCi# ?B ait A/ic a@0 2a$/nit A/ic a@1 2:# A/nit A/ic a=@2 A# 68@3 r/#ent68@; dare! CG$/ret 8ane8=@< 8i# /c i8@> $C@? aiwi# /c 68@@ 8i# /c 68@B /fra#/on! a6ti8.B0 .arent68B1 $6#7/oB2 2aD# a0/o=B3 a7/8c aB; !a$/8c aB< +r$aran/8c a.B> Ta+r$aAeint68B? $6#7/oB@ t2aD# /o=BB daD$an/8100 8a# A/n/8c a.1 Are# Aant/82 a 8/ic a3 n8/n/i; a 8/ic a< n8/na e> n8/noG7atDe?. & praiseF6 goo menF= an BomenF@ Bho are,:; Bho Bere:4 a? an Bill <e,:7 of the entireFF creationF9 of Holy Horma? *F: & praise Ashis 2i*e* ya?ata name Ashivanguhi having such traits3:5 Bho come for help:= 2an is3 the protector for a long time,:@ the frien :6 2of goo man3 an herself the Billing folloBer :: 2Bell13instructing9; companion,:9 an !eeper94 of all97 healing virtues,95 for Baters,9= cattles9@ an plants96 2i*e* for them3 an the estroyer9F of all9: evils99 of the aevas,4;; Bic!e men4 2Bho are3 the tormentors 7 of this5 house= an lor F of this@ house*6 Van! :i# c a@ ad /oB $an! + 6# c a10 a# aAC=11 +7a+r$/o12 13 1; 1< 1> $a e 6# = a7ar/o r/#enti# = dare! C $/re t 8anC= Aat a1? nC1@ 8a0i# t/o#c a1B $a i#t/o#c a20 #raD# tao#c a21 a# aAC22 eren$ante23 a8e# an/8 #7entan/82; Aa#n/ic a2< $a 8/ic a2> 5 # naot r/ic a2? fra#a#taAaDc a.2@ Fradat /i2B a e30 n8/na e=31 fradat /i32 $6#7aA/o33 a# aonC3; #tCi# =3< a8i#tDe3> $6#7aA/o3? dra$atC3@ #tCi# .3B Sta$a#;0 a# /;1 AD;2 +d/o;3 ACi;; 2a enti.;< 2& praise3 goo charita<le Bor!s, 9 an righteous ee s44 2Bhich are3 of a very e"alte ignity47 2an 3 superior45 2an Bhich3 su<seCuently4= 2i*e* in their results3 2are3 attaining to4@ 2our help3 2an 3 affor ing shelter for a long time,46 so that4F the greatest,49 <est7; an e"cellent74 righteousness77 may reach75 us*7=
a? (armesteter* 1 Gare coming into <eingH 2+ills3 <a #he portion from Gvanghucha vanghuyoschaH up to Gvispayo ravato stoishH is here ta!en from the first four paragraphs of Yasna H @7* #hese Gthic Bor s Gstavas ash yM hu o yQi hentiH are ta!en from Yasna H =@, !noBn as GAt .rava!hshyH, para 6*



E*7"anation> 2as to hoB Be may gain righteousness is mentione <eloB3* .or the Borship7@ of the Ameshspan s7= an for 2their3 a oration,76 for 2their3 propitiation7F an for 2their3 glorification,7: 2an 3 prosperity of this5; house,54 for the prosperity57 of the entire55 creation5@ of righteous5= 2Horma? 3, an for the entire antagonism 56 of the entire5F creation59 of the Bic!e 5: 2that righteousness may attain to us3* )n account of truthfulness =4 & sing<< the glory of Him Bho 2Himself3 2is3 of goo Bis om =5 2an of those3 Bho== are His Ameshaspan s 1 Holy &mmortals* Va#a#c a1 t:2 A +ra Fa0da3 +# t/c a=; 5 # aD# a< a$an/8> d/8an/8.? Va#C@ /7C=B $a#C10 +r$ar/o=11 $a#C12 $6#7a13 $o :1; a# aG c it raH1< 5 # aAa8ne81> a# a$ane81? d/Aata.1@ A5 # aAa8ne81B dra$ante8.20 Va#C5 # at rC21 5 A/t22 a# a$aH23 a$a#CG5 # at rC2; 5 A/t2< dra$/o2> !atC2? a8i# tC=2@ ni02eretC2B ac a30 #7enta e 8ainAD+# 31 d/8a2AC=32 $aratC33 a$a#CG5 # at rC.3; At #hy Bill4 an Bith happiness= #hou, ) Ahura +a? aX5 rulest over@ #hine1oBn6 creationsLF 2#hou rulest3 at 2#hy3 Bill: over Baters,9 over trees44 an over all45 goo things,4= the see s of righteousness*4@ #hou appoint4: the holy 2man34F a ruler 2<ut3 not the infi el 2i*e* the sinful man3* +ay the right 1 eous75 2man3 <e77 ruling1at1Bill74 2<ut3 may the infi el,76 fallen7F into calam1 ity,7: cast79 out5; of the creations57 of the Holy Spirit,54 having faile 55 2in his schemes3 <e7@ not1ruling1at1Bill*5= Ha5 # aAa3< a0e8Gc it3> AC3@ Iarat +# trC3B frate8/n;0 n8/nan/8c a=;1 $6#/8c a=;2 0ant+n/8c a;3 da5 A+n/8c a=;; an! /o;< daDnaA/o;> an+8ataAaDc a;? an+5 taAaDc a=;@ an$ar# taAaDc a=;B A/<0 / :iri# <1 Iarat +# tri# .<2 -at a<3 nC<; /on! /8<< # /to<> 8an/o=<? $a i# tC<@ +r$/nC<B 5 $/t ra$ait6# >0 tan$C>1 entC>2 $a i# tC>3 an! +# H>; /5/o#c Cit>< / +ire Fa0da>> 3a#ent/8.>? A# a>@ $a i# ta=>B a# a?0 #raD# ta?1 dare#/8a?2 t w/=?3 7airi?; t w/?< 3a8A/8a=?> a8e8?? t w/=?@ a5 8a.?B A# e8 Vo : 1H A# a $a i# ta= a# a #raD# ta= dare#/8a t w/= 7airi t w/ 3a8A/8a= a8e8 t w/ a5 8a. A# e8 Vo : 1H A# a $a i# ta= a# a #raD# ta= dare#/8a t w/= 7airi t w/ 3a8A/8a= a8e8 t w/ a5 8a. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8ai raD#c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d.
<< i*e* for Ahura +a? a <eing the source of #ruthfulness, or in other Bor s> Bith truthfulness, i*e* Bith my sincere heart an pure conscience & sing the glory of Ahura +a? a* <c #he portion from GVasascha tP Ahura +a? aH up to GKhurish DarathushtrishH is ta!en from Yasna H :, paras @161F* < #he portion from here up to Ghamem thB ha!hmaH is from Yasna H 6;, paras 44147*
2d 2c



<e 56 & Bho5: am Darathushtra59 Bill gui e59 the lea ers=; of the house,=4 of the clans,=7 toBns=5 an lan s,== to thin!,=F to spea!=: an to act in conformity Bith=9 this=@ $eligion=6 Bhich@; is of Ahura,@4 reveale 1<y1Dartosht,@7 so that@5 our@= min s@F 2<e3 full of joy@6 2an 3 2our3 souls@9 2attain3 the <est,@: 2our3 <o ies64 <e67 full of heavenly glory6; 2may <e fit3 for the <est 65 Borl 6= 2i*e* Heaven3 ) Ahura +a? a66 may 2all these goo Bishes3 reach6F 2us3 <fopenly6@

#hrough the <est69 righteousness,69 e"cellentF4 righteousness,F; 2) Ahura +a? a3 may Be catch sight ofF7 #heeF5 an may Be comeF6 nearF= #heeF@ 2an 3 attain toF6 #hyF: eternalFF frien shipXF9 2i*e* may Be <ecome Borthy of #hy frien shipX3

'ote> #his Nyyesh is enjoine in the Persian $ivyet to <e recite ing three Ghs aily uring the ay, i*e* Hvan, $apithBan, an /?irin*


K # naot ra1 A +ra e Fa0d/o.2 A# e8 Vo : 1H Pa n/8e 3 Aa0d/n=; #at/Ae8< 0a2/e8> d/d/r A +ra Fa0da? raAC8and=@ 5 ore 8andB ar$e#7G/!a =10 5erde!/r11 5 od/$and/n 5 od/$and12 7/da# / 13 2ar1; a8e1< 7/da# / /n=1> ne!e d/r=1? 5 /"e5e1@ 8a5 "+5=1B arGra00/5 r+0iG de ande =20 5/der21 o 5a$622 o 5ad68H23 2a5 # /Aande 2; 2a5 # /Ae# !ar=2< 8e er2/n=2> ta$/n/2? o d/n/2@ o d/d/r2B o 7/5 7ar$arde!/r.30 de" 7/da# / 631 260a$/"32 2/# ad.33 Hor8a0d3; K od/e3< awa0:ni3> !or3e3? 5 ore 3@ awa0/A/d.3B K or# ed;0 a8ar!;1 raAC8and;2 a+r$adGa#7;3 2eGra#/d.;; 2+ay there <e3 the rejoicing,4 of Ahura +a? a*7 2& commence this recital3 in the name5 of the ,reator*= & praise@ an invo!e6 Horma? F 2Bho3 is the -eeper of treasures,: Glorious,4; )mniscient,9 the Perfector of all ee s, 44 the %or of %or s,47 -ing over4= all4@ -ings,46 the Protector,4F the ,reator4: of 2all3, things create ,49 the Giver of the aily <rea ,7; the Natural74 an the PoBerful,77 Bithout <eginning or en ,75 the BestoBer of goo things,7= the .orgiver of sins,7@ the %oving,76 )mnipotent,7F Eise7: an the Nourisher 2of all creations3*5; +ay the +ajesty5F 2an 3 Glory5: of Horma? 5= 2Bho is3 the
<e &n A?emchit 2i*e* & an others etc*3 it appears that the Holy Prophet Darathushtra inten s to even consi er highly Bith himself his learne an Bell1verse isciples* <f #he entire translation from G!oschQitH up to G0asentmH oes not seem to <e satisfactory, although every Bor is easy* Eith elightful min an happiness of the Soul* )X Ahura +a? a, Be ourselves having come nearer to #hee, shall attain the happiness of HeavenH* 2(armesteter3* <g #he portion <eginning from Gsatyem ?<yemH up to GK el p ashhi <i?avl <sha H ap1 pears to <e a later a ition <ecause in the <eginning of every Nyyesh an Yasht there occurs in this Bay GPa nme ya? n Horma? -ho e aB?uni gorje !horeh aBa?y H, <ut in this place after a ing some epithets of the ,reator Horma? there occurs GHorma? -ho e ABa?PniH, etc* Another reason is that in the portion <eginning Bith GSatyem ?<yemH up to GK el p1 ashhi <V?avl <sha H some Ara<ic Bor s occur, such as, !hle!e ma!hlu!, ar1ra??! ! er, etc*, Bhich o not occur in the Pa?en intro uction of other Avestan te"ts*



%or 5@ an the Pro ucer56 2,reator of the Bhole Borl 3 <e on the increaseX 59 +ay the immortal,=4 <rilliant=7 an the sBift foote horse Sun =; 2i*e* -horshe ya?ata3 come 2to my help3X A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86no/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n= 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8.2 114 2#o recite Bith a <oB3 'e8a#eGte1 A +ra Fa0da2= ne8a#eGte A +ra Fa0da= ne8a#eGte A +ra Fa0da= t ri# Gc it3 7arC; anA/i# < d/8/n>. 'e8C? $D@ A8e# / S7ent/B $6#7e10 $areG a0ao# /on. ADtat12 3a /t13 A +re8 Fa0d/81; aDtat1< A8e# e S7ente1>= aDtat1? a# aon/81@ Fra$a# 6# 1B= aDtat20 $aA/821 dare! CG5 ad /te8.22 124 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an! ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8 #tao8i A# e8 2i A# e8 Vo : 1. 2+ay there <e3 homage unto #heeX4 #hrice5, ) Ahura +a? a,7 prior to= 2#hy3 other@ creaturesX6 2+ay there <e3 homageF unto you,: ) Holy &mmor1 talsX9 2You Bho are3 all4; of one accor 44 Bith -horshe ya?ata44 2i*e* co1 Bor!ers Bith one Bill an one accor 3* +ay this 47 2homage of mine3 reach45 2the ,reator3 Horma? X4= #he Holy &mmortalsX46 #he .ravashis49 2the Guar i1 an Spirits3 of the righteousX an <! may this7; 2homage3 reach45 Vayu ya?ata74 create of the long perio X77 134 2"Fera#t+Ae1 +8atCi2Aa#c /2 +5 tCi2Aa#c /3 $ar# tCiG 2Aa#c /=; 8/nt wCi2Aa#c /< $a5 ed wCi2Aa#c /> $ar# t$Ci2Aa#c /.? Ai2iG!airA/ dait e@ $6#7/B +8at/c /10 :5 t/c /11 $ar# t/c /.12 PaitiG ric A/ dait e13 $6#7/1; d+# 8at/c /1< d+0 :5 t/c /1> d+0 $ar# t/c /.1? 1;4 Fer/ $e1@ r/ 61B A8e# / S7ent/20 Aa#ne8c /21 $a 8e8c /22 fer/ 8anan! /23 fer/ $ac an! /2; fer/ # Aaot an/2<= fer/ an! +A/2>= fer/ tan$a#c 6t2? 5 $a5 A/o2@ +# tane8.2B Stao8i30 A# e8H31 A# e8 Vo : 1. 253 & praise4 2all3 goo thoughts,7 goo Bor s5 an goo ee s= through 2my3 thoughts,@ Bor s6 an ee s*F & uphol : all9 goo thoughts,4; goo Bor s44 an goo ee s*47 & renounce45 all4= evil thoughts,4@ evil Bor s46 an evil ee s*4F 2=3 & e icate4: unto you,4: ye Holy &mmortals,7; Borship74 an praise77 2an 3 Bith the very life 79 of my oBn7: <o y7F through thoughts,75
<h .or the translation of this paragraph, see Srosh B? a<ove* <i .or the translation an e"planation of this, see Horma? -ho ay a<ove* <j i*e* ) ,reator Horma? & pay homage unto #hy <est1create things, 2<ut3 prior to that & pay homage unto #hee thrice* <! %or of long uration or perio 2(armesteter3* <l #he entire !ar h1section of G.erastuyeH is calle , GAvestan PatetH* #his section is ta!en from Yasna H 44*



Bor s7= an

ee s7@ 2an 3 Bith 2my3 conscience*76 & praise5; righteousness*54

1<4 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3 'e8C1 A +r/i Fa0d/i=2 ne8C1 A +r/i Fa0d/i=2 ne8C1 A +r/i Fa0d/iH2 ne8C3 A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2AC=; ne8C< Fit r/i> $o+r+!aoAaoitDe=? ne8C@ H$areG5 # aDt/iB a+r$atG a#7/i=10 ne8C11 /2AC12 dCit r/2AC=13 A/o1; A +ra e Fa0d/oH1< ne8C1> !D+# =1? ne8C1@ !aAe e=1B ne8C20 Iarat +# tra e21 S7it/8a e22 a# aonC23 fra$a# De=2; 'e8e82< $6#7aA/o2> a# aonC2? #tCi# 2@ ait A/ic a2B 30 28 31 2a$/nit A/ic a 2:# A/nit A/ic a. 2@3 2+ay there <e3 homage4 unto 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? aX7 unto the Holy &mmortalsX= unto +eher ya?ata,6 the lor of Bi e pasturesXF an unto <n the sBift1foote horse4; -horshe ya?ataX9 2+ay there <e3 homage44 unto these47 tBo eyes45 that4: 2are3 of <o Ahura +a? aX4@ /nto the .ravashi7= of the first1create Bull4F 2i*e* of Gvyo 3X /nto the .ravashi 7= of Gayomar 49X 2An 3 may there <e homage7; unto the .ravashi7= of Darathushtra,74 the SpitamnX77 2+ay there <e3 homage7@ unto the entire76 creation7: of the right1 eous7F 2Ahura +a? a37F that is,79 coming into <eing5; an <p that Bill <eX54 2&f the Gh is Havan, recite as un er3> Vo :32 +5 # A/33 8anan! /3; 5 # at r/3< a# /c /3> +# t/3? 2Jtan:83@ 2to <e recite three times3 A# e8 Vo : 3. (o #hou strengthen55 2my3 <o y5: 2)X Horma? 3 through goo thoughts,5= righteousness,56 strength5@ 2or poBer5@3 an prosperity*5F 2(uring the Gh $apithBan or Secon Hvan, recite as un er3> (8/3? raoc /o3B 2are0i# te83@ times3. A# e8 Vo : 3.
2r 57

2are0e8an/8;0 2to <e recite three

#his5F highest59 light5: amongst the high 2lights3 =; 2Bhich is calle the SunL Be regar it as #hy most <eautiful <o y, ) Horma? * 2&f the Gh is /?irin, recite as un er3> -a 86;1 S7ent/;2 t w/;3 8ainA:;; +r$aD#e;< 2#3a#C;> 2to <e recite three times3. A# e8 Vo : 3.
<m #he portion <eginning Bith GNemo Ahuri +a? iH up to G<ushynithyichaH is ta!en from the Yasna H 6:, para 77* <n #his is escri<e figuratively* &n reality there are no horses harnesse , <ut Be notice that the movement of the Sun is faster than the +oon* <o Sun is consi ere the eyes of Ahura +a? a, also the moon* <p #he creation Bhich is present, Bhich Bas <eforehan 2(armesteter3* <C #his sentence to <e recite !noBn as GYath ishH* <r #hese Bor s to <e recite as Gahy thB throH* an Bhich Bill <e hereafter

uring the Havan Gh is ta!en from Yasna H 55, Stan?a 4; uring $apithBan Gh are ta!en from Yasna H 56, para 6, !noBn



At Bhich=4 en =@ 2)X Horma? #hou art coming3 Bith #hy=5 <ountiful=7 Spirit== 2i*e* Spena +ino3* 1>4 H$areG5 # aDte81 a8e# e82 raD83 a+r$atGa#7e8; Aa0a8aide.< Fit re8> Vo+r+G!aoAaoit68? Aa0a8aide=@ ar# G$ac an! e8=B 10 11 $A/5 ane8= a0an! raG!ao# e8= +t/# te8=12 2aD$areG 13 1; c a# 8ane8= 2ere0ante8= 7eret +G$aDd aAane81< #:re81> 1? 1@ 1B a5 $afne8 3a! /+rG$/on! e8. 1?4 Fit re8 $6#7an/820 21 22 23 2; da5 A+n/8 dan! +G7ait68 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 fradat at2< A +rC Fa0d/o=2> 5 $arenan!+ a#te8e82? 8ainAa$an/82@ Aa0atan/8=2B Tat30 nC31 3a8A/t32 a$an! e33 Fit ra3; A +ra3< 2ere0anta.3> H$are5 # aDte83? a8e# e83@ raD83B a+r$atGa#7e8;0 Aa0a8aide.;1 263 Ee praise@ the immortal,7 ra iant5 an the sBift1foote horse, = the Sun*4 Ee praise: +eher ya?ata6 of Bi e pasturesF 2Bho is3 the spea!er of true Bor ,9 the sitter in the assem<ly,4; <tof thousan ears,44 Bell1shape ,47 ten thousan eyes,45 the e"alte ,4= surveying from a Batch1toBer or large fort1 ress,4@ <rave,46 sleepless4F 2an 3 ever1Ba!eful*4: 2F3 Ee praise75 2him3 the lor 77 of all7; countries74 2Bho is3 +eher Ya?ata,49 Bhom7= Ahura +a? a76 create 7@ the most glorious7F of the spiritual7: ya?atas*79 +ay the e"alte 56 +eher Ya?ata5= an Ahura +a? a5@ come57 <uhere5; for our54 helpX55 Ee praise=4 the immortal,5: ra iant59 an the sBift1foote horse,=; the Sun*5F 1@4 Ti# tr68;2 dr$CGc a# 8ane8;3 Aa0a8aide=;; Ti# tr68 dr$CG c a# 8ane8 Aa0a8aide= Ti# tr68 dr$CGc a# 8ane8 Aa0a8aide. Ti#tr68;< Aa0a8aide=;> Ti#trAenAC;? Aa0a8aide=;@ Ti# trAC;B raD$/o<0 5 $arenan!+ /o<1 Aa0a8aide=<2 $anante8<3 #t/re8<; 8a0dad /te8<< Aa0a8aide=<> Ti# tr68<? #t/re8<@ raD$ante8.<B 5 $arenan!+ ante8>0 Aa0a8aide=>1 t w/# e8>2 5 $ad /te8>3 Aa0a8aide=>; 0r$/ne8>< a5arane8>> Aa0a8aide=>? 0r$/ne8>@ dare! CG5 $ad /te8>B Aa0a8aide.?0 V/te8?1 #7ente8?2 +d /on! e8?3 Aa0a8aide=?; ra0i# t/8?< c i# t/8?> Fa0dad /t/8?? a# aon68?@ Aa0a8aide.?B DaDn/8@0 $an!+ 68@1 8/0daAa#n68@2 Aa0a8aide.@3 Pat /8@; 5 $/#t/it68@< Aa0a8aide=@> 0aren+8ante8@? #:re8@@ Aa0a8aide=@B #ao5ante8B0 !air68B1 8a0dad /te8B2 Aa0a8aideB3 1B4 V6#7e8c aB; a# a$ane8B< 8ainAao8B> Aa0ate8B? Aa0a8aide=B@ $6#7e8c aBB a# a$ane8100 !aDt 681 Aa0ate82 Aa0a8aide=3 ao8; < > ? @ B 10 +r$/ne8 Aa0a8aide= a$/8 fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. Ka#a 8e11 12 13 a$an! e Fa0da. A# /+n/81; $an!+ 6# 1< #:r/o1> #7ent/o1? 1@ fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide.1B H$areG5 # aDte820 a8e# e821 raD822 a+r$atG
<s #hese Bor s to <e recite uring /?irin Gh are ta!en from Yasna H =5, Stan?a 6* <t Among the epithets of +eher ya?ata there occurs Gof a thousan ears an ten thousan eyesHL its significance is that his poBer of hearing is as sharp as or is eCual to a thousan ears an his poBer of vision is as poBerful as of ten thousan eyes* <u tat W Sans!rit tad, meaning Ghere, so, in this BayH*



a#7e823 Aa0a8aide.2; A# e8 Vo : 3. 2:3 Ee praise== #ishtrya=7 2ya?ata3 <vof soun eyes*=5 Ee praise=6 2the star3 Be praise=: <B#ishtrya,=@ <" those1<elonging1to1#ishtrya*=9 Ee praise #ishtrya,@; the ra iant 2an 3 glorious*@4 Ee praise64 the star@: <yVanant,@5 cre1 ate <y +a? a*@@ Ee praise64 the star@: #ishtrya,@F the ra iant@9 2an 3 glori1 ous*6; Ee praise6= the S!y67 that folloBs its oBn laB*65 Ee praise6F the Boun less66 2eternal3 #ime,6@ the #ime6: appointe 1for1 the1long1perio ,69 the Ein F4 2or Gov ya?ata3,F4 <ountifulF7 2an 3 of goo creation*F5 Ee praiseF9 Eis om,F6 the most upright,F@ righteous,F: create <y +a? aFF 2i*e* $eligious e ucation3, the goo :4 +a? ayasnian:7 $eligion,:; <? the chosen:@ 2path3 amongst other paths,:= the terri<le:F caBeapon,:: an the +ount94 Sao!ant,9; create <y +a? a*97 293 Ee praise9: every9= righteous9@ spiritual96 ya?ataL9F 2an 3 every99 right1 eous4;; ya?ata7 pertaining to this Borl *4 Ee praise6 our oBn= c<.ravashi@* ,ome4; to my44 help,47 ) 2,reator3 Horma? X5 Ee praise49 the goo ,4@ strong,46 2an 3 <eneficent4F .ravashis4: of the righteous 2people3*7= Ee praise the immortal,74 ra iant77 2an 3 sBift1foote horse,75 the Sun*7;
<v &ts meaning can also <e Ggiver of soun eyesH* <B #ishtar is the name of the most <rilliant star in the constellation ,anis +ajor in the 'ast* #his star is compare to Sirius or (og Star in 'nglish* <" #he meaning of Gthose relate to star #ishtarH is, other stars associate Bith #ishtar, i*e* all other stars of the same constellation in Bhich #ishtar 2Sirius3 comes* #his constellation is calle ,anis +ajor* G$ains pro uce <y #ishtryaH 2(armesteter3* <y Vanant is, the central star in the Eest an the most <rilliant* #his star .omalhaut are gener 1 ally regar e as the same* &t is calle the opponent of the planet 0upiter* <? or stea fast, of straight forBar morals 2!hvZ stiti3* ca Avesta Bor 7ura as compare Bith Sans!rit shula is translate <y me as GBeaponH* Accor 1 ing to my vieB, a reference here is ma e a<out the Beapon of +eher ya?a or Srosh ya?a * &n its corro<oration Be get actual Avestan Briting from other places* &n para 96 of the +eher yasht it is state that, in or er to smite the Bic!e an the sinful persons, +eher ya?ata !eeps a heavy mace in his han * +oreover, it is state in !ar a 47 of Srosh yasht large an in para 4@ of Ven1 i a : fargar 49, that Srosh ya?ata !eeps a poBerful Beapon in his han s for smiting the s!ulls of emons* #he original meaning of >arenu/ante/ is GBrathfulH an & have erive the meaning Gterri<le, horri<leH from it* Avesta Bor >arenu W 2German3 >orn W Brath, anger* c< .ravashi an soul are tBo Cuite ifferent things, they are not one an the same as most of our Doroastrians thin!* #his Bill <e clearly seen from this paragraph as Bell as from para 4=9 of .ravartin yasht an from yasna Hs 76 an @@ respectively* .ravashi, i*e* a spiritual element shoBing the path of goo ness an heaven to the soul a<out .ravashi in the Avesta it is men1 tione that the .ravashis of all living <eings, of those ea an those that shall <e <orn hereafter, are ifferent an varie * &n support thereof see yasna H 7=, para @* +oreover, another meaning of G.ravashiH, 2similar to 'nglish Prototype3, is also G)riginal specimen, original form, original rootH of anything, e*g* the .ravashi of trees an plants is its root, see * #here is a spiritual ele 1 ment in the <o y of man Bhich is responsi<le in the Borl <eyon , for goo or <a ee s one <y him in this Borl L its name is GsoulH* #he soul attains heaven or hell in accor ance Bith the ee s one <y it in the Borl , see my translation of Ven i a , fargar 49, paras 7F157*



1104 Fra$arane 8a0daAa#nC 0arat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. H$areG 5 # aDta e? a8e# a e@ raD$a eB a+r$atGa#7a e=10 5 # naot ra11 Aa#n/ic a12 $a 8/ic a13 5 # naot r/ic a1; fra#a#taAaDc a=1< Aat / a : $airAC1> 0aot/1? fr/ 8e1@ 8r:te=1B at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a=20 fr/ a# a$a21 $6d $/o22 8raot:.23 24;3 .or the propitiation44 2of the ,reator Ahura +a? a3 2 uring such an such Gh3, for the Borship47 of the immortal,: ra iant9 2an 3 sBift1foote horse,4; the Sun, for 2its3 veneration,45 propitiation4= an glorification,4@ the officiating1priest4F 2Daotar34F may proclaim49 unto me4: e"cellences of the verse GYath AhP VairyQH46 let 2the $aspi Bho is3 righteous 74 2an 3 learne 7 cc pronounce75 2the e"cellences of the verse3 GAth ratush asht1chit hachaH*7; 1114 cdH$areG5 # aDte81 a8e# e82 raD83 a+r$atGa#7e8; Aa0a8aide.< at Aat> $are?Grao5 # ni@ t/7aAeiti=B /at Aat10 $areGraoc o11 t/7Aeiti=12 i# tenti13 8ainAa$/on! C1; Aa0ataon! C=1< #ate8c a1> a0an!re8c aH1? tat1@ 5 $arenC1B /8G2/raAeinti=20 tat21 5 $arenC22 ni7/raAeinti=23 tat2; 5 $arenC2< 2a5 # enti=2> 0/82? 7aiti2@ a +rad /t/8=2B fr/d atic a30 a# a e31 !aDt /o=32 fr/d atic a33 a# a e3; tan+Ae=3< fr/d atic a3> $are3? Aat3@ a8e# e83B raD8;0 a+r$atGa#7e8.;1 2443 Ee praise@ the immortal,7 ra iant5 2an 3 sBift1foote horse,= the Sun*4 Ehen6 the celight: of the SunF is Barmer,9 Bhen4; it44 shines,47 there stan 45 hun re s46 an thousan s4F spiritual4= ya?atas*4@ 2#hese ya?ats3 gather together7; that4: glory,49 2an 3 sen it oBn*75 2An 3 istri<ute76 2or sprea 376 that7= glory7@ upon7: the earth7F create <y +a? a*79 #he immortal59 ra iant=; 2an 3 sBift1foote horse, 2Sun3 increases*5; 2Ehat oes it increase or ma!e prosperous Y3 &t increases 55 the Borl righteousness,54 the cfcreation5@ of righteousness*5=


E*7"anation> &n or er to reach the earth the light of the Sun an the +oon it is necessary to have air an GetherH* Eithout air an ether the light of the Sun an +oon cannot fall on this earth* +ithra, i*e* +eher, means the lightL G$am -hvstarH is eCuivalent to GetherH an GVayu uparQ1!airyQH is the Bin , air <etBeen the s!y an the earth* %i!e the close relationship of light, air an ether, Be fin in the Avesta, allegorically, ya?atasL it is the -hshnuman or propitiatory formula of +ithra, i*e* +eher ya?a * G$m -hvstarH is associate Bith +eher
cc .or its e"planation, see Srosh B?, page 46* c #he portion from here up to the Bor , GYasnemchaH is ta!en from the -horshe Yasht* &t is notice that this entire Yasht an various paragraphs of Yasna, as mentione a<ove, are incor1 porate in the -horshe Nyyesh* ce #a!ing hvare1rao!hshni as a compoun , if the rea ing accor ing to Gel ner, Ghvare rao!h1 shneH is ta!en, it means, GEhen the Sun Barms Bith its lightH* cf &n the original Avesta this Bor is foun as ative singular 2tongue3, its original meaning is the <o y* (armesteter translates, GgermsH*



ya?a * +oreover, there occurs, G$m -hvstarH in the G-hshnumanH of +ino $m* Besi es, in the -hshnuman of +ino $m there occurs GVayu uparo1 !airyaH along Bith G$m -hvstarH* As per this allegory G$m -hvstarH an GVayu uparQ1!airyaH an other ya?atas stan to help the light of the Sun an the +oon to reach the earth* Eithout the help of these angels, natural light cannot fall upon the earth*

1124 at Aat1 $are2 +0+5 # Aeiti=3 2$at; 0/8< A +rad /t/8> Aao0d/t re8=? /7e8@ tac int/8B Aaod/t re8=10 /7e811 5 /nA/812 Aao0d/t re8=13 /7e81; 0raAan/81< Aao0d/t re8=1> /7e81? ar8aD# t/81@ Aao0d/t re8=1B 2$at20 d/8a a# a$a22 Aao0d/t re8=23 A/o1; enti2< #7enta e 8ainAD+# .2> Ehen4 the Sun7 rises5 it <ecomes= the means of purifyingF the earth@ cre1 ate <y Ahura1+a? a,6 2it <ecomes3 the means of purifying4; floBing9 Ba1 ters,: spring471Baters,44 Baters4= of the seas,4@ stagnant4: Baters4F 2an 3, it <e1 comes7; the means of purifying75 the righteous77 creation,74 Bhich7= is7@ of the Holy Spirit*76 1134 -ed i1 062 $are3 nCit; +0G+5 # Aeiti=< ad a> daD$a? $6#7/o@ 8erenc intiB A/o10 enti=11 a7tCG5ar# $C $a12 na$a13 c i# 1; 8ainAa$a1< Aa0ata1> an! a$a1? a#t$aiti1@ 7aitiGdr/81B nCit20 7aiti# t/821 $id enti.22 .or4 if7 the Sun5 Bere not= to rise@ the emonsF here6 Boul !ill9 2or cg e1 stroy93 all: 2things an lives3 that4; are44 in the seven chregions*47 #hen any4= spiritual4@ ya?atas46 even Boul not fin cisupport in this material Borl * 11;4 -C1 Aa0aite2 $are3 Aat; a8e# e8< raD8> a+r$atGa#7e8=? 7aiti# t/tDe@ te8an! /8=B 7aiti# t/tDe10 te8a#c it ran/811 daD$an/8=12 7aiti# t/tDe13 t/A+n/8c a1; a0a#n/8c a=1< 7aiti# t/tDe1> A/t+na8c a1? 7airi5an/8c a=1@ 7aiti# t/tDe1B it Ae3an! C20 8ar# aona e=21 Aa0aite.22 A +re8 Fa0d/8=23 Aa0aite2; A8e# e S7ente=2< Aa0aite2@ ao82? c3 +r$/ne8=2@ 5 # n/$aAeiti2B $6#7e30 8ainAa$ac a31 Aa0ata32 !aDt A/c a=33
cg All living things of this Borl enjoy their e"istence from the light of the Sun* Eithout it man, animal, <ir , tree, etc*, cannot su<sist* Here the meaning of the Bor , G aevasH, as mentione in the notes is GSrosh B?H, pp* 4@146, shoul <e un erstoo as Gfoul air, miasma, pro ucing plague, means of istur<ing prosperityH* ch Accor ing to Avestan Briting, the entire /niverse is ivi e into seven regions Bhich are calle G-eshvarH* #heir names are>12l3 Are?ahi 2to the Eest3, 273 Savahi 2to the 'ast3, 253 fra a afshu 2to the South1Eest3, 2=3 vi a afshu, 2to the south1east3, 2@3 Vouru1<areshti 2to the North1Eest3, 263 Vouru10areshti 2to the North1'ast3, 2F3 -hvaniratha 2in the centre of the a<ove1 mentione si" regions3* +oreover, this last region calle G-hvanirathaH, is state to <e the largest an most splen i of all other regions* 'ven at present Be call the entire universe as, GHafte -eshvar DaminH* ci or the poBer of repelling 2the aevas3 2Sans!rit pratishth3* (armesteter translates the Bor <y, Gcannot Bithstan the aevas an oppose them*H cj (r* Gel ner from here up to GurvnemH ta!es as a poem of three lines, each line <egins Bith Gya?aiteH*



AC3; Aa0aite3< $are3> Aat3? a8e# e83@ raD83B a+r$atGa#7e8.;0 Ehosoever4 Borships7 2or praises73 the Sun5 that= is immortal,@ ra iant,6 sBift1foote horse,F in or er to Bithstan : ar!ness,9 the emons,47 the <roo of ar!ness,44 the thieves4= an ro<<ers,4@ the Bi?ar s4F an Bitches4: 2an 3 the ea ly74 estruction,7; he 2as it Bere3 Borships77 Ahura +a? a,75 he Bor1 ships7= the Holy &mmortals,7@ he Borships76 his oBn7F soul*7: He Bho5= Bor1 ships5@ the Sun,56 propitiates79 all5; heavenly54 an earthly55 ya?atas*57 11<4 -a0/i1 8it re82 $o+r+G!aoAaoit683 a0an! raG!ao# e8=; < > ? 2aD$areGc a# 8ane8= Aa0/i $a0re8 +ni$i5 te8=@ 5a8ered eB 7aiti10 daD$an/8=11 8it ra e12 $o+r+G!aoAaoitCi# =13 Aa0/i1; a5 ed re8c a=1< Aat1> a#ti1? a5 ed ran/81@ $a i# te8=1B antare20 8/on! e8c a21 $arec a.23 & praise4 +eher ya?ata,7 the lor of Bi e pastures, 5 of a thousan ears= 2an 3 of ten thousan eyes, @ & praise6 the c!maceF of +ithra,47 the lor of Bi e pastures, 45 clsufficiently ma e pon erous:, Beighty 2for smiting3 against4; the s!ull9 of the (emons*44 & praise4= the <est49 frien ship4@ of frien ships4: Bhich46 is4F <etBeen4: the +oon74 an the Sun*77 11>4 A e1 raAa2 5 $arenan! ac a=3 te8; Aa0/i< #+r+n$ata> Aa#na=? $areG5 # aDte8@ a8e# e8B raD810 a+r$atGa#7e8.11 0aot r/2AC12 $areG 5 # aDte813 a8e# e81; raD81< a+r$atGa#7e81> Aa0a8aide.1? )n account of his4 ra iance7 an glory5 & Borship@ that= immortal,9 ra i1 ant4; 2an 3 sBift1foote horse44 Sun: Bith the cmau i<le6 2or famous63 yasna*F Ee Borship4F the immortal,4= ra iant4@ 2an 3 sBift1foote horse,46 Sun,45 Bith cn li<ations*47 Hao8aAC1@ !a$a1B 2are#8ana=20 i0$CGdan! an! a=12 8/nt rac a=22 $ac ac a23 # Aaot nac a2; 0aot r/2Aa#c a2< ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a2> $/! 0i2AC.2? 2Ee Bho are3 the performers of Haoma1ceremony4 2or the ac!noBle gers
c! &f the meaning of +eher is ta!en as light, origin of light, <o y of light, as state previously the significance of Gthe pon erous mace of +eher ya?ata for smiting the s!ulls of (emonsH is to <e un erstoo figuratively as sharp rays of the Sun for estroying isease an plague1pro ucing foul air* #he meaning of (aeva in this place, as e"plaine in the notes on pages 4@146 can <e ta!en as Gfoul airH* Ehatever foul air is accumulate oBing to the a<sence of the Sun uring the Bhole night, is estroye <y its <rilliant light after the sunrise* cl root vij W to Beigh* GEell1struc! oBnH 2Prof* (armesteter3, Bell1aime 2Prof* Harle?3, Bell1 utili?e 2(r* Spiegel3* cm G#ra itionalH 2Prof* (armesteter3 cn (r* Gel ner ta!es the Bor GDaothr<yQ 2Bith li<ations3 occurring in the para of GAhe raya !hvarenanghachaH of every Nyyesh an every yasht Bith the prece ing Bor GYa?iH 2& Bor1 ship3*



of the Haoma1ceremony43, 2coBorship the Sun3 Bith mil!,7 Baresman,5 s!ill of tongue,= Bith the Holy Spell,@ an Bith 2goo 3 Bor ,6 2goo 3 ee ,F o<la1 tions: 2offerings3 an rightly spo!en9 Bor s*4; E*7"anation> 2.rom the Britings of the Avesta Be have seen that the ce1 remonies of Haoma an Baresman, Bhich are current at present in our holy $eligion, Bere from the very ancient times, even prior to the a vent of Da1 rathushtra* &n the yasna H 9 2Havanim3 it is state that Vivanghne, the father of -ing 0amshi L KthaByan, the father of .are oonL Asrat, the father of -eresasp, an Pourushaspa, the father of the Prophet Darathushtra, per1 forme the Haoma ceremony* Haoma tBigs 2Sans!rit Soma3 are the tBigs of a plant* #hese tBigs are <rought from &ran Bhere they groB in large Cuantit1 ies* As a rule, fresh an green Haoma tBigs shoul <e use in the ceremonial act so that Bhile poun ing in the mortar 2Hvanim3 juice Bill come out* #hese Haoma tBigs shoul <e regar e as strength giving an healthy me i1 cine li!e several tonics use at present* Ee get the escription of its e"cel1 lence from Yasna H 9 an 4;* &n ancient times, prior to the a vent of Da1 rathushtra, there e"iste a prophet <y name Haoma, the iscoverer of the metho of e"tracting the Haoma1juice <y poun ing the Haoma tBigs an of the intro uction of the Haoma cult* %i!e Haoma, the <aresman, too, are the tBigs of a certain !in of tree* #his tree groBs in &ran* 'ach tBig is !noBn as G#yH* NoBa ays, <rass or silver Bires are use in place of the original <aresman tBigs in our ceremon1 ies* #he num<er of these Bires is not alBays use uniformly, <ut it varies ac 1 cor ing to the ceremony to <e performe * &t is not positively !noBn Bho foun e the <aresman ceremony, <ut its ceremony, too, li!e the cult of Haoma is most ancient an this is ascertaine from the $m Yasht* &n the secon G!ar hH of this yasht it is state that -ing Hoshang of the Pish a ian (ynasty Borshippe +ino $m ya?ata <y means of Baresman on the +ount Al<or?* &n the first G!ar hH of Srosh Yasht Va i 2%arge3 it is state that Srosh ya?ata Bas the first to Borship the ,reator, Ahura +a? a, <y means of Baresman* Eith some special process an <y reciting certain sacre verses of the Avesta, in the ya?ishn Gh 2Gh W place3, the priest 2yao? thregar3 raBs mil! from the she1goat in the purifie go<let Bhich is calle G0ivmH* -en! e12 /t/813 /at1; Ae#ne1< 7aiti1> $an! C1? Fa0d/o A +rC1@ $aDt / 1Ba# /t20 ac /=21 -/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c /2; Aa0a8aide.2<
co #he a<ove ver<, Gya?amai eH shoul <e ta!en here again* GHaomayQH is first person plural of the Bor GhaomiH 2the performer of Haoma ,eremony3* &f the Bor s Ghaoma yoH are ta!en sep1 arately they can <e translate as> 2Ee Borship the Sun3 Bith Haoma Bhich is Bith mil! 2an 3 <arsam 2an that Haoma3 Bhich is Bith the thought, Bor an ee , Bith the s!ill of the tongue, an 2Bith that Haoma Bhich is prepare 3 Bith rightly spo!en Bor s 9 for the ceremonial o<la1 tion*: cp .or the e"planation of Yenghe Htm, see note p* 4*



Among the living <eings45 Bhoever47 2is3 <etter4F in acts of Borship,4@146 of Bhich47 Ahura +a? a4: 2Himself3 is aBare,49 on account74 of His holiness7;, all such77 men75 an Bomen7= Be revere*7@ 2#o pray in <?, i*e* murmur3 cCHor8a0d1 K od/e=2 awa0:nie3 8ard+8; 8ard+8< #arda!/n=> a8/? #arda!/n=@ a82/Aa#teB $e /n=B oe810 2e ed6n11 8/0daAa#n/n12 /!/ 613 /#ta$/n61; ne561< ra#/nad1> aed:n1? 2/d1@ 2#o recite alou >3 -at / A : VairAC 2. ) %or 7 2of the entire Borl 3 Horma? 4 2the ,reator3X an the &ncreaser 5 of man= an man!in @16 2an of the creation3 of allF 2other3 species:X )X Bountiful 2%or 3 of all the faithful of the goo $eligionX 9 +ay &4; the faith1 ful44 amongst the +a? a1Borshippers 47 2gain3 the !noBle ge45 2of the $eli1 gion3 an may & <ecome stea fast on the $eligion 4= an may goo ness4@ reach46 2me3X +ay it <e soX 2i*e* may the <lessings Bhich & as! <e fulfille X3 11?4 -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2 ao3a#c a3 0a$arec a; /fr6na8i=< $areG 5 # aDta e> a8e# a e? raD$a e@ a+r$atGa#7a e.B A# e8 Vo : 3. & praise@ the Borship,4 glorification,7 s!ill5 2or efficaciousness35 an strength= of the immortal,F ra iant: an sBift1foote horse,9 Sun*6 11?4 A +r/n6# 1 a +ra e2 $a i# t/2AC3 0aot r/2AC #raD# t/2AC< 0aot r/2AC=> da 8CG7airiGan! ar# t/2AC? 0aot r/2AC.@ A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/iB raD# c a10 5 $arena#c a=11 a 8/i12 tan$C13 dra$at/te8=1; a 8/i1< tan$C1> $a0d$are=1? a 8/i1@ tan$C1B $eret re8=20 a 8/i21 i# t6822 7o+r+# 5 $/t r/8=23 a 8/i2; /#n/8c it2< fra0ant68=2> a 8/i2? dare! /82@ dare! CG36t68=2B a 8/i30 $a i# te8 a :831 a# aon/8=32 raoc an! e833 $6#7CG5 $/t re8.3; At a3< 3a8A/t3> Aat a3? /fr6n/8i=3@ A# e8 Vo : 1.
c# cr

Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d.

24:3 2Ehoever Borships thee, the immortal, ra iant an sBift1foote horse, the Sun3 of Ahura +a? a an pertaining to Ahura 4 +a? a Bith <est5 ct o<lations,= Bith e"cellent@ o<lations,6 2an 3 Bith o<lations: filtere <y the pious people,F 2 o, thou, )X -horshe ya?ataX grant3 ra iance 4; an glory44
cC #his entire portion to <e murmure is in Pa?en * #he reason <eing it is the Pa?en language, Bhich is ifferent from that of the Avesta* #herefore it cannot <e praye alou * #his is so one as, recitation of a certain portion of the Avesta is left out after reciting the Pa?en portion* Ehatever Pa?en passages that occur <efore the Avestan te"t or at its en are not to <e recite in murmur <ut are recite alou * cr #he same, G-hshnumanH 2or propitatory formula3 Bhich occurs in the -hshnuman G.rav1 arne +a?a ayasnoH in every Nyyesh an every yasht also occurs in the -hshnuman GYas1 nemchaH* After giving the translation of GYasnemchaH here & have not thought it essential to translate it again anyBhere* cs As regar s Avestan te"t an translation of this para, see a<ove* ct GDorH 1 li<ation, i*e* a thing that is offere in sacre religious ceremonyL mil!, Bater, foo , ry fruits, etc*, consecrate ceremonially*



unto that man9L o thou grant him47 soun ness4= of the <o y45 2i*e* health3, happiness,4F victory7; of the <o y,49 Bealth7;, full of happiness,75 progeny,76 naturally intelligent,7@ o thou grant him,7F long lifeL79 2an o thou grant3 him5; the <right55 2an 3 happy heaven54 of the righteous*57 +ay it <e56 so5@ as5F & pray5: 2i*e* may all the <lessings <e fulfille 3* E*7"anation> Both these passages GAhurnishH an GAhmi $aMshchaH, are Cuote here from yasna H 6:, sections 4;144* &n the same H or chapter some escription a<out Bater is given, in Bhich prior to GAhurnishH the fol1 loBing appropriate Bor s have comeL GYQ vQ pQ vanguhVsh ya?ite ahurnish ahuraheH etc* [ Gahmi raeshcha !hvarenascha *** yataH i*e* 2the consecrator spea!s of Bater*3X GEhosoever Borships Bater, )X Ahura +a? a, an those pertaining to Ahura +a? a, Bith the most e"cellent o<lations 2 o grant ra iance an glory3 to him 2)X Holy Eaters of Ahura +a? aX3, etc* Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n41 8/ e 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4=2 !/ e 1fa"/n4=3 na8/0; d/d/re< !e /n> c$d/8/n.? K# naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidite an! ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8 H A# e8 Vo : 1. Homage <e unto the ,reator of 2the entire3 universe on the ay 2N or +3 of goo an holy auspicious name, in the month 2N or +3 of the auspicious name, of the perio 2N or +3 of the ayX ,or3e1 5 ore 2 awa0/A/d3 5 or# ed; a8ar!< raAC8and> a+r$adG a#7=? 2eGra#/d@ a8/$andB 7iro0!ar10 a8/$and6 11 7iro0!ar6.12 D/d13 d6n1; 2e 1< F/0daAa#n/n1> /!/ 61? ra$/i1@ !o/fran!/n61B 2/d20 afte 5e# $ar 0a86n21 aed:n22 2/d.23 Fan2; /no2< /w/Aad2> # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad S +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. +ay5 the lustre4 an glory7 of the immortal,@ ra iant,6 sBift1foote horseF1 sun 1increaseX5 +ay 2that3 courageous 6 2an 3 victorious4; cB2-horshe ya?ata3 come: 2to my help3 for courage44 an victory47X +ay there <e7; justice45 of the goo 4@ +a? a1Borshipping46 $eligion,4= 2its3 !noBle ge,4F promulgation4: an fame49 2or glory493 in the seven regions of the earthX 74 +ay it <e75 soX77 &7= ought to go76 there*7@ 2#o <e recite facing the South3
= c+

D/d/re1 !e /n2 d6ne F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iart +# t6 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i 8a0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1.
cu &n every Nyyesh an yasht, the portion from G$o? Ne! NmH up to Ggehan mnH an the entire para of GGorge !horeh aBa?y H an G( re gehn ine +? ayasni e DarthustiH an the final sentence at the en are in Pa?en * cv As regar s its translation an e"planation, see pp* F19* cB Ehatever G-hshnumanH that occurs in the intro uction of each Nyyesh an yasht also oc1 curs in the portion of GGorje -horehH Bith the same !hshnuman* After giving the translation of the portion, there is no nee of giving again in every Nyyesh an yasht*



#he +a? ayasnian= religion5 2an 3 the laB@ 2proclaime 3 <y the Prophet Darathushtra 2has <een receive from Ahura +a? a3, the ,reator 4 of the Borl 7* Homage 2<e3 unto thee, ) righteous : most profita<le9 an un efile GAr evi Sura4;X Homage47 2<e3 2unto thee3 ) goo 4=, righteous46, #ree45 cre1 ate <y the 2,reator3 Ahura +a? a4@X H$areG5 # aDte81 a8e# e82 raD83 a+r$atGa#7e8; Aa0a8aide<. A# e8 Vo : 1. K or# ed a8ar! raAC8and a+r$adGa#7 2eGra#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1. Ee praise74 the immortal4:, ra iant49 2an 3 sBift1foote 1horse7;, Sun4F* +ay the immortal75, ra iant7= an sBift1foote horse77, -horshe 2ya?ata3 come 2to my help3*

2&t is enjoine in the Persian $ivayet to recite this Nyyesh every ay uring the ay1time in the three Gahs> Havan, $apithBan, an /?irin3* Pa n/8e1 Aa0d/n2 Hor8a0d3 K od/e; awa0:n6< !or3e> 5 ore ? awa0/A/dH@ Fe erB far/!aAaod10 d/$are r/#t11 2eGra#/d.12 A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5ta d+0 $ar# ta. Fe8 7a !et6 8an6dH oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t. oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted H a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. 2& <egin to recite this3 Bith 4 2the help of3 the name4 of the Almighty7 Horma? ,5 %or = 2of the entire Borl 3 an the &ncreaser* @ +ay His gran eur6 an gloryF increaseX: +ay +eher ya?ata,9 the %or of Bi e pastures,4; the cy just 0u ge44 come47 2to my help3X 114 2#o recite Bith a <oB3 'e8a#eGte A +ra Fa0da= ne8a#eGte A +ra Fa0da= ne8a#eGte A +ra Fa0da= t ri# c it 7arC anA/i# d/8/n. 'e8C $D A8e# / S7ent/ $6#7e $areG a0ao# /o. ADtat 3a /t A +re8 Fa0d/8= aDtat A8e# e S7ente= aDtat a# aon/8 fra$a# 6# = aDtat $aA/8 dare! CG 5 $ad /te8.
c" #here are various meanings of the Bor +eher, Bho is calle in Avesta G+ithraH light, origin of light, the har<inger of the Sun, tBilightL a contract, promise, an agreement, truth, justice, frien ship, loveL the ya?ata presi ing over light an truthfulnessL the ya?ata helping the just an virtuous persons an punishing the liar an Bic!e personsL the ju ge at the ,hinvat Bri ge of the souls of the ea * Ee have the full etails a<out the functions of +eher Ya?ata an his praise from the +eher Yasht* &n former times the Borship of +eher ya?ata Bas sprea more than that of the other ya?atas* Some hint a<out it is seen from the later portion of +eher Nyyesh an +eher Yasht* .or further etails, see a <oo!let in 'nglish on GA %ecture on +ithraic EorshipH, <y Sheth -harshe ji $ustomji -ama* cy +eher ya?ata is calle the just 0u ge* &ts reason is that after the passing aBay of a person he procee s toBar s the ,hinvat Bri ge on the fourth ay at aBn, Bhere +eher Ya?ata, Srosh Ya?ata an $ashne Ya?ata, after Beighing all the actions committe <y him in this Borl , assign him the proper place 2Heaven, purgatory or hell3*



124 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an! ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8 c0A# e8 Vo : 1. 134 Fera#t+Ae +8atCi2Aa#c / :5 tCi2Aa#c / $ar# tCi2Aa#c a= 8/nt wCi2Aa#c / $a5 ed woi2Aa#c / $ar# t$Ci2Aa#c /. Ai2i!airA/ dait e $6#7/ +8at/c / :5 t/c / $ar# t/c /. Paitiric A/ dait e $6#7/ d+# 8at/c a d+0 :5 t/c a d+0 $ar# t/c /. 1;4 Fer/ $e r/ 6= A8e# / S7ent/= Aa#ne8c / $a 8e8c /= fer/ 8anan! /= fer/ $ac an! /= fer/ # Aaot an/= fer/ an! +A/ fer/ tan$a#c it 5 $a5 A/o +# tane8. Stao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 1. 1<4 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3 'e8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A +r/i 8a0d/i= ne8C A +r/i Fa0d/iH ne8C A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2AC= 'e8C 8it r/i $o+r+G!aoAaotDe= ne8C $areG5 # aDt/i a+r$atGa#7/i= ne8C /2AC dCit r/2AC= A/o A +ra e Fa0d/o= ne8C !D+# = ne8C !aAe e= ne8C Iarat +# tra e S7it/8a e a# aonC fra$a# De ne8e8 $6#7aA/o a# aonC #tCi# = ait A/ic a= 2a$/nit A/ic a 2:# A/nit A/ic a. 2&f the Gh is Havan, recite three times as un er3> Vo : +5 # A/ 8anan! / 5 # at ra a# /c / +# t/ tan:8 2to <e re1 cite three times3* A# e8 Vo : 3. 2&f the Gh is $apithBan or Secon Havan, recite three times as un er3> (8/ raoc /o 2are0i# te8 .are0e8an/8. A# e8 Vo : 3. 2&f the Gh is /?irin, recite three times as un er3> -a 86 S7ent/ t w/ 8ainA: +r$aD#e 3a#C 2to <e recite 3. A# e8 Vo : 3. 1>4 daFit re8 $o+r+G!aoAaoit68 Aa0a8aide= ar# $ac an! e8= $A/5 ane8 a0an! ra!ao# e8= +t/# te8= 2aD$areGc a# 8ane8= 2ere0ante8= 7eret +G$aDd aAane8 #:re8= a5 $afne8= 3a! /+r$/o! e8. 1?4 Fit re8 $6#7an/8 da5 A+n/8 dan! +G7ait68 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 fradat at A +rC Fa0d/o 5 $arenan!+ a#te8e8 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8. Tat nC 3a8A/t a$an! e Fit ra A +ra 2ere0anta. H$areG5 # aDte8 a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$at a#7e8 Aa0a8aide. 1@4 Ti# tr68 dr$CGc a# 8ane8 Aa0a8aide= Tri# tr68 dr$CG c a# 8ane8 Aa0a8aide= Ti# tr68 dr$CGc a# 8ane8 Aa0a8aide= Ti# tr68 Aa0a8aide= Ti# trAenAC Aa0a8aide= Tri# trAC raD $/o 5 $arenan! + /o Aa0a8aide= $anante8 #t/re8 8a0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan! + ante8 Aa0a8aide= t w/# e8 5 $ad /te8 Aa0a8aide= 0r$/ne8 a5arane8
c? .or its translations, see -horshe Nyyesh a<ove* a .or its translation, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove*



Aa0a8aide= 0r$/ne8 dare! CG5 $ad /te8 Aa0a8aide= $/te8 #7ente8 +d /on! e8 Aa0a8aide= ra0i# t/8 c i#t/8 8a0dad /ta8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide= daDn/8 $an! + 68 8/0daAa#n68 Aa0a8aide= 7at /8 5 $/#t/iti8 Aa0a8aide= 0aren+8ante8 #:re8 Aa0a8aide= #ao5ante8 !air68 8a0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 1B4 V6#7e8c a a# a$ane8 8ainAao8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide= $6#7e8c a a# a$ane8 !aDt 68 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide= ao8 +r$/ne8 Aa0a8aide a$/8 fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da. A# /+n/8 $an! + 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide d2. Fit re8 $o+r+G !aoAaoit68 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 3. 1104 Fra$ar/ne 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Fit ra e $o+r+G !aoAaoitCi# a0an! raG!ao# a e 2aD$areGc a# 8anC= ao5 tCGn/8anC Aa0ata e= r/8na#c a 5 $/#tra e dc5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : $airAC 0aot/ fr/ 8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. 1114 Fit re8 $o+r+G!aoAaoit68 Aa0a8aide= ar# G$ac an! e8= $A/5 ne8= a0an! raG!ao# e8= +t/# te8= 2aD$areGc a# 8ane8= 2ere0ante8= 7eret +G$aDd aAane8= #:re8= a5 $afne8= dd 3a! /+r$/on! e8. Fit re81; aiwiGda5 A:81< Aa0a8aide=1> 8it re81? antareG da5 A:81@ Aa0a8aideH1B 8it re820 /Gda5 A:821 Aa0a8aide=22 8it re823 +7airiGda5 A:82; Aa0a8aide=2< 8it re82> ad airiGda5 A:82? Aa0a8aide2@ 8it re82B 7airiGda5 A:830 Aa0a8aideH31 8it re832 ai7iG da5 A:833 Aa0a8aide.3; 1124 Fit ra3< A +ra3> 2ere0anta3? 3@ 3B ;0 ;1 ait Ae3an! a a# a$ana Aa0a8aide = #trD+# c a 8/on! e8c a;2 $arec a=;3 +r$ar/ +;; 7aiti;< 2are#8an A/ +=;> 8it re8;? $6#7an/8;@ da5 A+n/8;B dan! + 7ait68<0 deAa0a8aide.<1 1134 A e<2 raAa<3 5 $aranen! ac a<; te8<< Aa0/i<> #+r+n$ata<? Aa#na<@ 8it re8<B $o+r+G!aoAaot68.>0 0aot r/2Ao>1 8it re8>2 $o+r+G !aoAaoit68>3 Aa0a8aide=>; r/8aG# aAane8>< +# aAane8>> airA/2AC>? dan! +2AC.>@ 2443 Ee Borship46 +eher ya?ata4= of a vance countriesL4@ Be Borship49 +eher ya?ata4F of countries in the interior,4: pertaining to the neigh<ouring country74 2or pertaining to this country743L Be Borship7@ +eher ya?ata75 per1
< .or the translation of paragraphs 619, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove* c i*e* for the Borship, etc* of +eher Ya?ata of Bi e pastures, thousan ears, an ten thousan eyes, of the spo!en name an of $m -hvstar 2see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove3* .or its translation, see -horshe Nyyesh, page 5;* e #he portion from G+ithremaiBi1 a!hyum ya?amai eH up to here occurs in +eher yasht, paras 4==14=@*



taining to upper country,7= an the loBer or nether country*7F Ee Borship54 +eher ya?ata79 pertaining to the country roun a<out, 5; an also the country in the rear*55 2473 Ee praise=; +eher ya?ata5@ 2an 3 Ahura56 2i*e* Ahura +a? a3 2Bho are3 the e"alte , 5F imperisha<le5: an righteous*59 Ee praise@4 the stars,=4 the +oon=7 an the Sun=5 an the lor @; of all=: countries,=9 +eher ya?ata*=F #his Be Borship in front=@ fof the trees== pertaining to the Baresma*=6 2453 )n account of his @7 splen our@5 an glory@= & Borship@6 that@@ +eher Ya?ata@9 of Bi e pastures6; Bith the au i<le@F 2or famous3 yasna*@: Ee Borship6= +eher ya?ata67 of Bi e pastures,65 ghappy6@ an goo Belling66 for the &ranian6F countries,6: Bith li<ations*64 11;4 c a nC1 3a8A/t2 a$an! e=3 /c a nC; 3a8A/t< ra$an! e=> /c a nC? 3a8A/t@ rafnan! e=B /c a nC10 3a8A/t11 8ar0di5/i=12 /c a nC13 3a8A/t1; 2aD# a0/i=1< /c a nC1> 3a8A/t1? $eret ra! n/i1@ /c a nC1B 3a8A/t20 a$an! /i=21 /c a nC22 3a8A/t23 d a# a$a#t/i=2; +! rC=2< aiwit :rC=2> Aa#nAC2? $a 8AC=2@ anGaiwiGdr+5 tC2B $6#7e8/i30 an!+ e31 a#t$aite=32 8it rC33 AC3; $o+r+3<G!aoAaoiti# H3> 11<4 Te83? a8a$ante83@ Aa0ate83B #:re8;0 d/8C +;1 #e$i# te8;2 8it re8;3 Aa0/i;; 0aot r/2ACH;< te8;> 7airiG3a#/i;? $antac a;@ ne8an! ac aH;B te8<0 Aa0/i<1 #+r+n$ata<2 Aa#na<3 8it re8<; $o+r+G !aoAaoit68H<< 0aot r/2AC<> 8it re8<? $o+r+G!aoAaoit68<@ Aa0a8aide.<B 24=3 An may7 +eher ya?ata55 Bho5= 2is3 the lor of Bi e pastures, 56 the mighty,7@ triumphant,76 Borthy of Borship,7F a oration,7: the un eceive one79 in the entire5; material57 Borl ,54 come7 to our4 helpX5 +ay he icome@ for our= affluenceX6 An may he come: for ourF joyX9 +ay he come44 for our4; mercy47 an healthX4@ +ay he come4F for our46 victoryX4: An may he come7; for the prosperity74 of our49 jfamilyX74 &t Boul <e <etter if he comes 77 for our77 ! sanctificationX7= 24@3 & Borship== Bith o<lations=@ that5F poBerful5: 2an 3 strong=; +eher=5 ya?ata59 2Bho is3 most <eneficent=7 amongst 2all the3 creatures*=4 Him=6 Bill & approach=F Bith love=: an homage*=9 & Borship@4 +eher ya?ata@= of Bi e pastures@@ Bith the cele<rate @7 2or famous@73 yasna*@5 Ee Borship@9 +eher ya?ata of Bi e pastures@: Bith li<ations*@9
f i*e* Bhere the trees of Baresma groB* &ts significance is that Be revere +eher ya?ata Bhose authority an chieftainship is pre ominant in this, 2i*e* &ran3 an other surroun ing countries* &f the meaning of +eher as state in the <eginning of this Nyyesh <e ta!en as GlightH, the signi1 ficance of this para Boul <e> GEe praise the light of the Sun Bhich is perva ing in all the coun1 triesH* g )r of a happy Belling or a goo Belling to the &ranian countries* h (r* Gel ner ta!es from the <eginning of para 4= up to the Borl , GAshavast iH as a poem of eight linesL each line <egins Bith GKcha nQH* i +ay he come for Biping out 2our sins3 2Prof* Harle?3* j .or the peace of our conscience 2Professor (armesteter3* ! i*e* for ren ering us pure*



Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac a= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?1loB tone3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. d82#o recite alou 3. -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= Fit ra e Vo+r+G!aoAaCitCi# a0an!raG!ao# a e= 2aD$areGc a# 8anC= ao5 tCG n/8anC Aa0ata e= R/8na#c a 5 $/#tra e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4 8/ e 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4= !/ e 1fa"/n4= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n= K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d Fe er far/!aAod d/$are r/#t 2eGra#/ad a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6 D/d d6n 2e 8/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/fran!/n6 2/d afte 5a# $ar 0a86n= /ed:n 2/d. Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing the south3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#ni d/de Iart +# t6. 'e8a#e te a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra an/ ite. do A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. Fit re8 $o+r+G!aoAaoiti8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Fe er far/!aAod d/$are r/#t 2eGra#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


V6#7a1 +8ata=2 $6#7a :5 ta=; $6#7a $ar# ta=> 2aod CG$ar# ta H?

l #he portion from GAhe raya !hvarenanghachaH up to GAiry<yQ anghu<yQH in para 45 oc1 curs in +eher yasht, paras =16* m .or the translation of this passage, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove* n .or the translation of this section, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove* o .or the translation of this section, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove* p Although this prayer is recite only uring the Havan Gh, there is no o<jection if it is recite in any other Gahs*



$6#7a@ d+# 8ata=B $6#7a d+0 :5 ta=11 $6#7a12 d+0 $ar# ta=13 nCit1; 2aod CG$ar# ta.1< V6#7a1> +8ata=1? $6#7a1@ :5 ta=1B $6#7a20 $ar# ta21 $a i# te8 an! +i822 a# aDta.23 V6#7a2; d+# 8ata=2< $6#7a2> d:0 +5 ta=2? $6#7a2@ d+0 $ar# ta=2B ac i# te8 an! +i830 a# aDta.31 V6#7an/8c a32 +8atan/833 :5 tan/83; $ar# tan/83< $a i# ta an! +iH3> /at3? ac a3@ c it re83Ba# aone.;0 A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3* All4 goo thoughts,7 goo Bor s= 2an 3 goo ee s,6 2are3 pro uce Bith 2goo 3 intelligence*F All: evil thoughts,9 evil Bor s44 2an 3 evil ee s45 2are3 not4= Cpro uce Bith goo intelligence*4@ All46 goo thoughts,4F goo Bor s49 2an 3 goo ee s74 lea 75 2the oer3 to heaven*77 All75 evil thoughts,7= evil Bor s76 2an 3 evil ee s7: rlea 54 2him3 to hell*5; 2#he result3 of all57 goo thoughts55 goo s Bor s5= 2an 3 goo ee s5@@ 2is3 heaven*56 #hus5F 2it is3 manifest59 to the righteous 2person3*=; E*7"anation> 2#he purport is that virtuous an <enevolent ee s are orginate <y men of goo intelligence, <ut a man of Bic!e intelligence performs Bic!e ee s* #he en of a goo , virtuous an religious man is goo * #o such a person, uring his oBn life1time as Bell as at the time of eath, there arises a great satisfaction that he spent his life in causing prosperity to the Borl , in oing goo to his oBn companions an , in ren ering help to the poor an nee y persons* )n the other han , he Bho commits sinful, immoral ee s suffers the punsihment of hell, 2see my 'asht "# %aeni, fargar && an &&& of Ha o!ht Nas!3*


K # naot ra1 A +ra e Fa0d/o.2 A# e8 Vo : 1.

.a n/8e3 Aa0ade; 2a5 # /Aende e< 2a5 # /Ae# !are> 8e er2/n.? '/8 #et/e# ne@ A +ra Fa0da=B a8/2:d10 a8/ a#t11 o a8/2ed.12 '/8e13 Aa0ade1; S7en/GF6nC1< andarac 1> 86no/n1? 86nC.1@ A0a# 1B 5 +da# 20 Aa5 n/821 A +ra8a0dac .22 K od/e23 8e e#t=2; o ta$/n/2< o d/n/2> o d/d/r=2? o 7ar$art/r2@ o 7/n/2B o 5 $/$ar=30 o 5erfe !ar31 o a$a5# 6d/r32 a$60e 33 $e d/da#t/n63; a8/G0Cr.3< 2+ay there <e3 gratification4 of 2the creator3 Horma? X7 2& <egin this prayer3 in the name5 of Go = 2Eho is3 <estoBer of goo things, @ forgiver of sins6an mercifulF 2& sing3 an praise His name:, Horma? 9 2Ahura +a? a3,
C )riginal meaning is, G one Bith !noBle ge or intelligenceH root ashW ar W Sans!rit aj W to lea L or alternatively> goo ee s o<tain heaven 2root Sans!rit ash W to o<tain, to get3* r Never a<stain ye from three <est things Bhich are Bell1consi ere thought, Bell1spo!en Bor an Bell1 one ee , 2i*e* ye acCuire them3* A<stain ye from three Borst things 2Bhich are3 evil1 thoughts, evil1Bor s an evil1 ee s 3i*e* o not acCuire them3* 2See Ven i a fargar 4:, paras 4F an 7@3* s #he entire prayer of this Nm Setyeshne is in Pa?en language* #his (o in the original Pahlavi language is foun in the Pahlavi #e"t !noBn as (in!ar *



2Bho3 alBays Bas4;, is44 2an 3 Bill <e*47 2Ehose3 name45 2is3 Go ,4= the Beneficent SpiritL4@ 2an 3 Bho 2is3 the Spirit4: amongst46 the Spiritual ones4F* His49 )Bn7; one 2special3 name74 2is3 Horma? 77* #hat %or 75 2is3 the greatest7=, poBerful7@, Bise76, creator7F, nourisher7:, protector79, care1ta!er5;, virtuous54, forgiver of sins57, ispenser of justice5= an all poBerful5@* Se7/#1 oe 2+0or!2 a#t6/n=3 5e; /fr6d< dta$an6d=> o 7a 5 e# ? an!/82at6@ 0orB d/n/i=10 a$artar11 # a# 12 a8e# /#7and/n=13 a$ad1; $e# 1< Aa0d/n=1> d+ro# an1? 2e e# t1@ !arot 8/n=1B o !erd /#8/n=20 o 5 +r21 t/$/22 o 8/ 23 2/86=2; o #atare2< $a# Gto5 8=2> o 2/d=2? o andar$/e=2@ o /$=2B o /ta# =30 o 0a86n31 o or$ar=32 o !o#7and33 o aAo5 # a#t=3; d$o 8ard+8.3< 2& offer3 than!s4 to that '"alte 2%or 37 2amongst the e"isting ones53 Bho= is the ,reator@ 2of the entire creation3 2an 3 is the esigner of its en L 62an 3 Bho= Bith his oBn self1hoo ,: strength9 an Bis om4; create @ most su<lime44 si"47 Ameshspan ,45 many4@ e"alte 4= ya?atas,46 the <right4F Heaven,4: Garothman,49 the revolution of the s!y, 7;the shining77 Sun,74 the <rilliant7= +oon,75 Stars7@ of many !in s,76 the Bin s,7F atmosphere,7: Bater,79 fire,5; the earth,54 trees,57 <eneficent cattle,55 the metals5= an man!in *5@ -a0i# ne1 o ni/e# ne2 a0 oe K od/e Kerfe !ar3 5e; 8e < 5ard> a0? ar@ !et6 aB de# e# n/n10 8ard+811 7a !a$/e# =12 8/d/n13 d/d1; o # e er6/re# e1< an!/81> r/en6d/re# 1? d/8/n=1@ 7a ra5 8a1B an!e0a# ne20 7ar e021 dD$/n.22 & Borship4 an pay homage7 to that virtuous %or 5 Bho= ma e6 man!in 44 the greatest@ amongF all: Borl ly9 creatures4; through the faculty of thin!ing47 an 2<y <estoBing3 intellect45 for com<ating49 the B emons77 2or Bic!e lust3, for opposing7; them 2an even3 a<staining aBay 2from them3* 'a8/01 oe $6#7aG/!/ 2 a# 3 5 $/$ar=; 5e# < fare#t6d> 7a? Iarto# t@ S7eta8/nB a# o10 faro ar=11 a# ta# 12 oe d/8/n13 d6nGd/ne# ne1; $aroe# ne=1< /#neG5 erad61> !o# o#r:te G5 erad6.1? D/n/e# 1@ o r/en6d/re# =1B $6#7a20 a#t/n21 o 2:d/n22 o 2ed/n=23 far an!/n far an!2; 8/nt ra2< S7enta=2> 5+2? 2ed2@ ra$/n2B +G7+"30 2o5 t/re# =31 a0 do0a5 $32= $ad/rdar33 oe3; /ne3< 7e e"+83> a5 $/n3? a# o/n=3@ ro# an3B
t i*e* most invisi<le 1 that can never <e seen <y anyone* #here is no Bor a!an?d in the Pahlavi Nm Setyeshne foun in (in!ar * &nstea of a!an?d, !a d#d 2meaning, an gave3 is foun in the Nm Setyeshne, in the prayer <oo! of the -a imi Sect* Having erive the Bor a!an?d from a W a, i*e* to, toBar s an root !an W to vanCuish an applie to Horma? , it can mean G estroyerH, G<ringer of the en H* u &n this para after Groshan <ehesht garothmnH every Bor has GoH an its meaning is Gan , as Bell asH* Accor ing to the rule of the Gujarati language, & have not inserte Gan H after every Bor , <ut & have inserte Gan H <efore the last Bor 2men3* v )riginally this Bor is in the imperfect tense* B #he Eor G(evH has <een e"plaine earlier*



and;0 +G2oe;1 a8/Gne5a# .;2 2Eith a <oB & pay3 homage4 unto that5 )mniscient7 an ,ompassionate %or ,= Bho@ throughF Spitaman9 Dartosht: of holy4; .ravashi,44 sent6 the trustBorthy4@ !noBle ge of the $eligion4= for the people of the Borl 45 Bith a vieB to attracting frien ship 47 2toBar s Himself3, 2Bhich can <e acCuire 3 <y means of innate Bis om, an Bis om acCuire through the ears 2i*e* learnt3* .or the !noBle ge4: an gui ance49 of all7; persons Bho are,74 Bere,75 an Bill <e,75 2He3 sent6 the Science of Sciences7= 2Bhich is the <eneficent76 +nthraL7@ Bhich7F 2mnthra3 is7: the enno<ler of the soul79 helping to cross the ",hinvat Bri ge Bith ease, 5; the eliverer54 from hell57 2an 3 the in icator of the Bay55 toBar s the Best56 a<o e5F 2i*e* Heaven3 of the righteous,5: the <right,59 sBeet1smelling=4 an all1goo *=7 Pa1 far8/ne2 to2 5 $/$ar=3 7a; far8/ne to< 5 $/$ar> 7a? far8/ne to@ 5 $/$ar=B 7ad6ra810 o 86na811 o !oAa812 o $ar0a813 d6n1; a$60e =1< /#t+/n o81> 7a ar 5erfe =1? aw/5 # 1@ a01B $6#7a20 2a0e .21 A$60e d/r o822 5 +da# 23 /#n6de G5+na# ne=2; 7ar e0a# ne=2< o 7/52> # a# 2? 0or/ne2@ 3/n=2B 8ana# ne30 !a$a# ne31 5+na# ne32 o $6r33 o o# 3; o 5 erad.3< )X +erciful an ,ompassionate %or X6 )X %or , .orgiver of sinsX9 & accept,4; thin!44 2i*e* remem<er every moment3, spea!47 2i*e* teach others <y proclaiming3 an practice45 the pure4@ religion46 2of Dartosht sent <y you3 in accor ance Bith4 Your ,omman ,7 )r er@ an <i ing*: & am stea fast46 upon performing every meritorious ee 4F an & return having repente 4: from49 all7; sinful acts*74 & !eep pure77 my personal con uct,7= having a<staine 7@ 2from Bic!e lusts3 the si"7F poBers7: of 2my3 soul79 2Bhich are3 the poBer of thought,5; the poBer of speech,54 the poBer of action,57 the poBer of logic55 2 iscriminating goo an evil3,55 intelligence5= an Bis om*5@ Pa 5/8e to1 5erfe !ar2 ta$/na8 5ard3 /ne to 7ara#ta# ne=; 7a< 2e G 8ana# ne=> 2e G!a$a# ne=? 2e G$ar0a# ne=@ $a# /e8B r/ e10 ro# an=11 5e12 o8 naGra#/d13 !er/n1; 7a0d1< do0a5 =1> $ad6ra81? 7a c e# andar!=1@ ra#a81B /ne 2e e# t20 7+rG2oe21 ar$e#7G7e#6de 22 a8aG5 $/re# .23 ) Virtuous )neX7 Accor ing to #hy Bill44 can perform5 #hy Borship= Bith goo thoughts,6 goo Bor sF an goo ee s*: 2An for the sa!e of my oBn soul3 & !eep open9 the <rilliant44 2righteous3 path4; 2i*e* the path of gaining Heaven3 so that47 2after my eath3 the grievous 4= punishment4@ of hell46 may not <efall upon my 2soul3*45 & shall pass over4F the ,hinvat Bri ge4: an attain the Para ise7; full of fragrance,74 all1a orne 77 an all1 comforta<le*75
" .or the e"planation, see note on the Bor s GSe osh getofarV H given un er the meanings in Patet Pashemni, -ar a 47*



Set/e# ne1 oe a$a5 # id/r2 5 od/e=3 5+; 5/8e 5erfe < 7/d/e# ne 5+nand> far8/nGr/en6d/r/n=? a$d+8@ 2+0edB dar$and/nac 10 a0 do0a5 =11 o12 a$60e /13 $6n/red1; $6#7a.1< 2& sing the hymn of3 praise4 of that %or ,5 the .orgiver of Sins,7 Bho= <estoBs6 reBar s for meritorious ee s,6 on those Bho o<ey 2His3 ,omman sF Bith the Bill to perform meritorious ee sL @ an at last: 2i*e* after the perio of $esurrection3 Bill li<erate 9 the sinners4; from hell,44 an 47 Bill em<ellish4= the entire y2Borl 34@ Bith purity*45 Set/e# ne1 d/d/r A +ra8a0da=2 ar$e#7G/!/ =3 ta$/n/; o ta$/n!ar=< aft A8e# /#7and> .a r/8 Aa0ad? 7iro0!ar@ d+# 8anG0ad/r=B a8a e10 +t/# ta e11 2eGra#/d.12 A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3* ? 2& offer3 praise4 unto the ,reator Horma? ,7 the )mniscient5 2an 3 )mnipotent,= unto the easeven poBerful@ Amshspan s,6 unto Behram ya?a ,F the victorious: 2an 3 the vanCuisher of foes, 9 2an 3 unto the Bell1fashione 44 2shape 3 2ya?a 3 Ama*4; 2+ay all of them3 come47 2to my help3X


1'ote> to <e recite Setyeshne3

uring the

ay after reciting the (o Nm

A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C1 /on! a82 a#an! /8c a=3 # Cit ran/8c a=; !aoAaoitin/8c a< 8aDt anan/8c a=> a$CG5 $arenan/8c a=? a7/8c a=@ 0e8/8c a=B +r$aran/8c a=10 an! /o#c a11 0e8C=12 a$an! ec a13 a# nC1; $/ta ec a1< a# aonC1> #tr/8=1? 8/on! C1@ :rC=1B ana! ran/820 raoc an! /821 5 $ad /tan/8=22 $6#7an/8c a23 #7enta e2; 8ainAD+# 2; d/8an/8=2< a# aon/82> a# aonin/8c a2? a# a e2@ rat w/8.2B A# e8 Vo : 1. 2'ote> #o <e recite each time, turning to each irection*3 A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e 8a0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Salutation4 2<e3 unto 2all3 these7 places,5 the cities,= pasture1lan s@ Belling a<o es,6 unto the fountains of 2 rin!ing3 Bater FL the 2 isplace 3 ec Baters,: the lan s9 unto the trees,4; this44 earth47 an the yon er45 s!yL4= unto
y &n the Pahlavi Nm Setyeshne there occurs the Bor G mH for the Bor GBorl H* ? #he entire para from GSeteshne ( r Ahurama? aH up to G<e1ras H is not foun in the Pahlavi Nm Setyeshne, it appears to have <een a e su<seCuently* ea &t Boul <e <etter if the te"t mentions Gsi"H, <ecause prior to it there comes ( r Ahura +a? a* e< #his entire Homage is ta!en from Yasna H &, para 46* Here, instea of the Bor s, GNivaM 1 hyemi han!rayemiH, the Bor GNemoH occurs* ec i*e* unto Baters of rivers, streams etc*



the holy46 Bin ,4@ the stars,4F the +oon,4: the Sun,49 unto the <oun less7; natural77 lights,74 unto all75 the creations7@ of Spenta +ainyu,7= the lor s79 of holiness7:, righteous men76 an righteous Bomen*7F

2'ote> #his Nyyesh shoul <e recite every ay if possi<leL it is enjoine otherBise in the Persian $ivyets to recite it especially on three ays every month U the NeB +oon, .ull +oon an the No +oon1(ay 2the ar! half of the month3* Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra8a0da K od/e awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore aw/0aA/d. F/ .o5 t/r F/ Aa0ad 2eGra#/dee. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8= a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+05+5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/ni= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# ni 7a 7atet o8. 114 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3> 'e8C1 A +r/i Fa0d/i2= ne8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C3 A8e# aDi2AC S7entaei2AC=; ne8C< 8/on! /i> !aoc it r/i=? ne8C@ 7aitiGd6t/i=B ne8C10 7aitiGd6teH11 ne8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2AC ne8C 8/on! ai !aoG c it r/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6t/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6teH ne8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2AC= ne8C 8aon! /i !aoc it r/i= ne8C 7aitiG d6t/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6te. 243 Homage4 2<e31unto 2the ,reator3 Horma? X7 Homage5 2<e3 unto Ameshaspan sX= having the see of the cattleXF Homage: 2<e3 unto the visi<le 2or resplen ent3 si e of the +oon 2An 3X homage 4; 2<e3 unto the visi<le 2or <right3 efpartX44 E*7"anation> 2&ts significance is that homage <e unto <oth the si es of the +oon, <right as Bell as the (ar!*3 124 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= TarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e89 A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iart +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. F/on! a e !aoG
e #his entire Nyyesh occurs in the +h yasht e"cept the passage G asta amemH occurring after GYasnemchaH at the en of this Nyyesh* ee i*e* may mh ya?ata the purifier 2or salvation1giver3 come 2to my help3X BestoBer, istri<utor 2Professor (armesteter3 ef GHail to thee Bhen Be loo! at theeX Hail to thee Bhen thou loo!est at usH 2Professor (armesteter3* GEhen the moon is visi<le, homage <e unto it, Bhen one thin!s of the moon, homage <e unto itH 2Professor Harle?3*



c it ra e= !D+# c a aD$CGd/taA/o= !D+# c a 7o+r+G#ared aA/o=e! 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= -at / A : $airAC 0aot/ fr/G8eG8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $id $/o 8raot+. 134 'e8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A8e# aDi2Ao S7entaei2AC= ne8C 8/on! ai !aoGc it r/i= ne8C 7aitiGdit/i= ne8C 7aitiG d6te. 1;4 Kat12 8/o13 +5# Aeiti=1; 5at1< 8/o1> neref#aiti1? Panc aGda#a1@ 8/o1B +5 # Aeiti=20 7anc aGda#a21 8/o22 neref#aiti=23 A/o2; e2< 2> 2? 2@ 2@ 30 31 +5# 5A/#t/to= t/o nerf#/n#t/tC t/o neref#/n#t/tC= A/o e32 33 3; 3< 3> 3? 3@ 3B e ;0 +5 # A/n#t/ta# c it. KD A/ 8/o +5 # Aeiti nerf#aiti t wat. 2=3 .or hoB many47 2 ays3 oes the +oon45 Ba"4=Y .or hoB many4@ 2 ays3 oes the moon46 Bane4FY $eply>1 for fifteen 4: 2 ays3 oes the +oon Ba"7;, an fifteen74 2 ays3 oes the +oon77 Bane*75 As long as7= 2is3 her7@ Ba"ing76, so long79 is her57 Baning5;, the process is eternal*ei 2Darathushtra spea!s to the ,reator Ahura +a? a3> Eho5@ 2else3 2is there3 other than ej#hee=; through Bhom56 the +oon5F Ba"es5: 2or3 Banes59Y 2$eply> 1 there is none3* 1;4 F/on! e81 !aoGc it re82 a# a$ane83 a# a e; rat:8< Aa0a8aide.> Tat? 8/on! e8@ 7aitiG$aDne8=B tat10 8/on! e811 7aitiG $6#e8=12 rao5 # ne813 8/on! e81; aiwiG$aDne81< rao5 # ne81> 8/on! e81? aiwiG$6#e8=1@ i# tenti1B A8e# /o S7enta20 5 $arenC21 d/raAeinti=23 i# tenti23 A8e# /o S7enta2; 5 $arenC2< 2a5 # enti=2> 0/82? 7aiti2@ A +rad /t/8.2B 2@3 Ee praise6 the +oon4 that !eeps the see of !ine or cattle, 7 the righteous5 an the %or @ of righteousness*= 2Ehen3 & loo! at9 2that3 +oon: of the ar! halfF e!& accept47 it 2that +oon44 of ar!ness3,4; 2Bhen3 & <ehol 4@ the +oon of the <right half 2that <rilliant 45 +oon34= & accept it to 2that <rilliant 46 +oon34F the Holy &mmortals7; then stan up49 an <ehol 77 2its3 gloryL 74 2an 3 they sprea 76 el2its3 glory7@ upon7: the earth7F create <y Ahura*79 1<4 at Aat1 8/on! a e rao5 # ni3 t/7aAeiti; 8i# ti< +r$aran/8> 0airiG!aonan/8? 0ara8aD8@ 7aitiB 0e8/d a10 +0+5 # Aeiti.11 AntareG 8/on! /o#c a=12 7erenCG8/on! /o#c a=13 $6# a7tat /o#c a.1; AntareG
eg i*e* for the Borship, etc*, of the +oon that !eeps the see of !ine or cattle, of the sole1create Bull 2i*e* of Gvyo 3, of the Bull, an many other species 2see -horshe Nyyesh3* eh #he same sentence occurs also in Yasna H == Stan?a 5* ei i*e* as long as the +oon Ba"es, so long oes it Bane* ej )riginal meaning> from thee, than thee* e! Perhaps the Bor GtatH may <e the a<<reviation of the Bor GtemanghuhantemH the meaning of Bhich Boul <e Gpertaining to ar!nessHL <esi es tat W Sans!rit ta W for this, thus* Professor (armesteter i not translate the Bor tatH* el .or e"planation, see -horshe Nyyesh, page 5=*



8/on! e81< a# a$ane81> a# a e1? rat:81@ Aa0a8aideH1B 7erenCG 8/on! e820 a# a$ane821 a# a e22 rat:823 Aa0a8aideH2; $6# a7Gtat e82< a# a$ane82> a# a e2? rat:82@ Aa0a8aide.2B 263 Ehen4 the light5 of the +oon7 shines=, the green1coloure F plants6 groB44 on9 the earth4; through the mist*@ Ee praise49 the ays after the neB moon47 an the ays after the full moon,* 45 the estroyer 2of the ar!ness3 of the night*4= emEe praise49 the neB moon*4@ Ee praise7= the full moon,7; the righteous74 2an 3 the lor 75 of righteousness*74 Ee praise79 2the full moon3, the estroyer 2of the ar!ness3 of the night,7@ righteous76 an lor 7: of righteousness*7F 1<4 -a0/i1 8/on! e82 !aoGc itre83 2a! e8; raD$ante8=< 5 $arenan! + ante8> afnan! + ante8 tafnan! + ante8=@ $areG c an! + ante8B 5 # t/$ante810 i# ti$ante8=11 Aao5 # ti$ante8=12 #ao5a$ante8=13 0airi8A/$ante8=1; $o $/$ante8=1< 2a! e81> 1? 2aD# a0e8. & Praise4 +h ya?ata7 that !eeps the see of !ine or cattle, 5 2Bho is3 the <estoBer= 2or the or ainer=3, ra iant,@ glorious,6 possesse of enBater,F Barmth,: eorefulgent9 help giving,4; <estoBing riches,44 poBerful,47 profita<le,45 possesse of ver ure,4= giver of goo things 2or prosperity3 4@ 2an 3 the healing ep eity46 1@4 A e1? raAa1@ 5 $arenan! ac a=1B te820 Aa0/i21 #+r+n$ata22 Aa#na23 8/on! e82; !aoc it re8.2< 0aot r/2Ao2> 8/on! e82? !aoGc it re82@ a# a$ane82B a# a e30 rat:831 Aa0a8aide.32 2:3 .or this4F splen our4: an glory,49 & Borship74 the resonant77 2or e"cellent3 yasna,75 that7; +ah ya?ata7= that !eeps the see of !ine or cattle* 7@ Ee praise57 Bith li<ations76 the +oon7F that !eeps the see of !ine or cattle, 7: the righteous79 2Bho is3 the lor 54 of righteousness*5; Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac ac a= # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2A#ac a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at A#ene 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac / -/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide
em #he .ull +oon is calle GVVshaptathaH, i*e* estroyer of the ar!ness of nightL the reason is that on the .ull +oon ay there is no ar!ness at all the Bhole nightL moreover, the Bor GVVshaptathaH can also <e e"plaine in another Bay> vV W tBoL haptathe W relating to Bee!L vV Z haptatha W vVshaptatha W relating to tBo Bee!s, i*e* relating to a fortnight* #he ays of the +oonH 2(armesteter3* en Bringing clou s of Bater, pro ucer of clou s, lai Bith Bater* eo Eis om1giving 2(armesteter3L 2ever13 moving 2Harle?3 ep Bagha 2Sans!rit <haga3 means G(ivine poBerH*



2#o recite in <?3 A +ra Fa0da K od/e= awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad. eJAed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. 1B4 -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#e a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= 8/on! a e !aoGc it ra e= !D+# c a aD$CGd/taA/o= !D+# c a 7o+r+G #ared aA/o. A# e8 Vo : 3. 1104 erDa#ta1 a8e82 $eret ra! ne8c a=3 da#ta; !D+# < 5 $/t rCG na 68=> da#ta? nar/8@ 7o+r+t/te8=B #t/ Aan/810 $A/5 nan/8=11 $anat/812 a$ane8nan/813 at ra$anat/81; a8eret e1<= 1> 1? 1@ 1B at ra$anat/8 d+# 8ainA+# = #tera7t/8 c it ra Ga$an! /8.20 1114 -a0ata21 7o+r+G5 $arenan! a=22 Aa0ata23 7o+r+G2ae# a0a=2; c it ra2< $C2> 2+A/re# 2? 8a#/n/o=2@ c it ra2B $C30 0a$anC#a$C31 c it re832 2Cit33 A:0e8c it3; 5 $arenC=3< Aa0e8n/i3> /7C3? d/Aata.3@ A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c a= Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. 24;1443 Ye ya?atas74 full of gloryX77 Ye ya?atas75 full of healing poBerX7= give4 strength7 an victory5 2unto me3, esgive=, increase6 2her 3 of cattleL@ giveF 2me3 eta multitu e9 of strong4; men,: sitting in the assem<ly, 44 vanCuishing47 2Bic!e creation3, unconCuera<le,47 vanCuishing4= the a versaries4@ an enemies at1one1stro!e,4= ever <estoBing gla ness7: 2an 3 helping7; openly*49 +ay the greatness7: <e7F manifest7@ through youX76 +ay the goo erive <y invocation54 <e7F manifest79 through you5;2or a vantages o<taine through prayers3*54

2) ya?atasX3 give5: ye5= manifestly57 the glory to him Bho consecrates 56 the Baters5F 2i*e* to him Bho realises the e"cellence of the Baters3*

Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4 8/ e 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4= !/ e 1fa"/n4 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= ne8C A +rai Fa0d/i= ne8C A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2AC= ne8C 8/on! /i !aoGc it r/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6t/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6teH A# e8 Vo : 1.
eC .or the translation, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove* er (r* Gel ner ta!es entire paras 4;144 of G(asta AmemH in verse form of 4= lines* 'very line stops at ,oma 2,3 an full point 2*3 #he entire portion occurs in Vishtsp yasht, paras 61:* es Give happiness of cattle an livelihoo 2Pahlavi3> Ggive pompous <eauty of cattleH 2Harle?3 G+eat an <rea for comfortH 2(armesteter3 et &ts significance is, many sons, of Atash Nyyesh para @* eu &f the Bor , GpoH is ta!en in the vocative plural instea of in the accusative plural, this sen 1 tence can <e translate as un er>1 ) BatersX give glory manifestly 2an 3 in ee to the consecrat1 or*



,or3e K ore awa0/A/d F/ .o5 t/r F/ Aa0ad 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$andi 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/fran!/ni 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a8inH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing the south3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iart +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an! + i 8a0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. F/on! e8 !aoGc it re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. F/ .o5 t/r F/ Aa0ad 2eGra#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


2#his shoul <e recite every ay if possi<le, otherBise it is enjoine to <e recite on five ays of every month, vi? Asfan arma , Avan, (in, Ashisvangh an +arespan 3* 114 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/oH A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH $/n Ard$i S:r ./n+ 2eGra#/d.e$ A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8en 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6 tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/ni= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an! ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A7/8 $an! + 6n/8 8a0dad /tan/8= ared+A/o /7o an/ itaA/o a# aonA/o= $6#7an/8c a a7/8 8a0dad /tan/8= $6#7an/8c a +r$anran/8 ewFa0dad /tan/8= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. -at / A : VairAC 10. 124 Fraot1 A +rC Fa0d/o2 S7ita8/i3 Iarat +# tr/i=; Aa0aD# a< 8e>
ev i*e* may Ar vi Sura Banu come 2to my help3* eB i*e* for the Borship, etc*, of the goo Baters create <y +a? a 2of the un efile an right 1 eous Bater of Ar vi Sura3, of all Baters create <y +a? a 2an 3 of all plants create <y +a? a, 2see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove3*



i8=? S7ita8a@ Iarat +# tra=B A/810 Ared$68 S:r/811 an/ it/812 7eret :Gfr/5/813 2aD# a0A/8=1; $6daD$/81< a +rCGt5ae# /8=1> Ae#nA/81? an! + e1@ a#t$aite=1B $a 8A/820 an! + e21 a#t$aite.22 d :G fr/d an/823 a# on68=2; $/nt $CGfr/d an/82< a# aon68=2> !aDt CG fr/d an/82? a# aon682@ # aDtCGfr/d an/82B a# aon68=30 dan! +G fr/d an/831 a# aon68.32 273 2#he ,reator3 Ahura +a? a7 spo!e4 unto eySpitamn5 Dartosht=> ) Spitamn: DartoshtX9 +ayest thou praise@ herF Bho4; is +y6 Ar vi Sura44 the un efile ,47 Bi e1floBing,45 health1giving4= 2$iver3, oppose 4@ to the e?(emonsL faacting46 accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a, Borthy of Borship4F for the people4: of the material49 Borl , Borthy of prayer7; for the people74 of the corporeal77 Borl , life 2or vivacity3 increasing, 75 righteous,7= f< her 1increasing,7@ righteous,76 fcren ering the Borl prosperous,7F holy,7: Bealth1increasing,79 an ren ering the countries prosperous, 54 the righteous57 2Ar vi Sura of these characteristics3* E*7"anation9G Ar vi Sura is the name of the river floBing from certain Cuarters of the provinces of Ancient &ran* #his river Bas longer an <roa er than all other rivers !noBn at that perio * &t is compare Bith the $iver Kmu or the )"us* #he source of the present )"us $iver is from the Pamir mountains* #he +ount Hu!airya is !noBn as the source of Ar vi Sura* #his river Bas not only praise in the Bhole of &ran from very ancient times, <ut Bas Bell !noBn in certain parts of 'urope an many other places* &n later times it Bas recognise Bi ely, an the angel Anahita presi e over it* As mentione in the Seventh fargar of the Ven i a , its original name is GAr viH* #he escription of this river, as seen in the Pahlavi Boo!s is erive from the Ar vi Sura 2or Kvn3 Yasht* Accor ing to the escription in the Pahlavi Boo! calle 0adistan i 0eni9, this Ar vi Sura $iver, Bhere the tree calle , GHarvisp1#o!hmiH is situate , an Bhere all !in s of trees an various me icinal plants are foun , mingle Bith the source of the trees mentione a<ove an , Bith the fallen <ranches etc*, sprea s her Bater to all other places* )n account of this, too, the Bater of this river is consi ere
e" (r* Gel ner ta!es the portion from perethu1fr!m up to en of the paragraph 1 2ashaonVm3 in verse form of nine lines> every line has comma 2,3 an en s Bith a full1stop 2*3* ey GSpitamaH Bas the illustrious name of the ancestor of the ninth generation of the Prophet Da 1 rathushtra* .rom this, Holy Darathushtra is !noBn as pertaining to the family of Spitama or Spitaman Dartosht* .or further e"planation concering this, see >artosht$Na/a <y Sheth -harshe ji $ustamji ,ama, ,hapter 7* e? i*e* removing impurity an plague, 2see notes on Srosh Baj3* fa i*e* fulfilling that Bhich is Go As esire for !eeping the Borl pure* f< increasing the her of cattle 2 Prof* (armesteter an Harle?3 fc increasing the her of sheep 2Prof* (armesteter3*



healthy an healing an superior to all other BatersH* f At present our people generally regar the Bater of all rivers an seas as GAr vi SuraH or, GKvn Ar vi SuraH3* 134 -/1 $6#7an/82 ar# n/83 K # +dr/o; Aao0dad /iti.< -/> $6#7an/8 /iri# in/8@ 0/nt /i !arew/n10 Aao0dad /iti.11 -/12 $6#7/o13 /iri# 6# 1; +0/8ito1< dad /iti.1> -/1? $6#7an/81@ /iri# in/81B d/it6820 rat w6821 7aD8a22 a$aG2araiti.23 253 2Ar vi Sura3 Bho purifies @ the see = of allF males,5 Bho6 2Ar vi Sura3 purifies44 the Bom<s4; of allF pregnant mothers: for giving <irth9 2Ar vi Sura3 grants46 easy chil <irth4@ to all45 females4=, 2an 3 Bho4F 2Ar vi Sura3 <estoBs upon75 all4: females49 proper7; 2an 3 timely74 mil!*77 E*7"anation>1 2in this paragraph some e"cellent properties of the Bater of Ar vi Sura are mentione 3* &ts original significance is, that in the Baters of this river there Bas the Cuality of purifying the <loo , an of giving strength to the <o y, li!e a tonic, for igesting the foo easily* .or ol er people fresh air an pure Bater are very important, to o<tain soun health an goo igestion* 134 Fa#it/81 d:r/t2 fra#r:t/8H3 A/; a#ti< a$a$aiti> 8a#C?= Aat a@ $6#7/oB i8/o10 /7C11 A/o12 0e8/13 7aiti1; fratac antiH1< A/1> a8a$aiti1? fratac aiti=1@ +5airA/t1B ac a20 2arean! at=21 a$i22 0raAC23 $o+r+G 5a# e8.2; 2=3 2& praise Ar vi Sura3 fame 5 in istant 2countries3,7 Bhich= 2alone3 is@ as greatF as all9 the other4; rivers44 that47 floB4@ on4= 2this3 earth*45 Eho,46 2the great4F $iver3 floBs forth4: 2originating3 from7; the +ount74 feHu!airya49 to77 the Sea75 ffVouru1!asha*7= 1<4 -ao0enti1 $6#7e2 5aranC3 0raA/; Vo+r+G5a# aA/< /=> $6#7C? 8aid AC@ Aao0aiti.B -at 6# a$i10 fratac aiti11 Aat 6# a$i12 fra0!araiti=13 Ared$6 S:ra1; An/ ita.1< -en! e1> a0an!re8=1? $airAan/8=1@ 1B 20 a0an!re8 a7a! 0/ran/8. Ka#c itc a21 aD# /822 $airAan/8=23 2; 2< 5a#c itc a aD# /8 a7a! 0/ran/8=2> c at ware#ate82? aAareG 2@ 2B 30 2aran/8 $a#7/i naire 2are8n/i.31 2@3 All7 the fgshores5 2of these rivers3 unite4 Bith6 the Sea= Vouru1!asha@ 2an 3 everyF 2river3 unites9 Bith the mi le part: 2of that sea3* #o Bhatever parts47 the un efile 4@ Ar vi Sura4= 2$iver3 floBs45 she ren ers44 those parts4;
f See Ar vi Sura yasht B +heni, <y 'rva #* (* An!lesaria* fe &n the -ar a 75 of +eher Yasht this mount is calle the highest summit of Al<our?* ff GVouru1-ashaH Bhose original meaning is 2the sea3 Bith Bi e1shores, Bas calle the sea situ1 ate in the southern irection of &ran* &n Pahlavi it is !noBn <y the name G.ra!hantH* #his sea has <een compare Bith the mo ern G,aspian SeaH* See my Avesta ictionary, p* @;9 fg All the sources 2of these rivers3 2prof* Harle?3



prosperous*44 #o Bhom46 2<elong3 a thousan 4F 2rivers3 amongst the rivers4: 2an 3 a thousan 49 2outlets3 amongst the outlets*7; 2.or crossing3 any74 of these77 rivers75 2or3 any7= of these7@ outlets76 of forty7F ays ri e7: mounte 54 on a sBift horse79 is reCuire for a man*5; 1>4 An! /o#c a1 8e2 aD$an! /o3 /7C; a7a! 0/rC< $63a#/iti=> $6#7/i# ? a$i 5ar# $/nB A/i# 10 a7ta.11 An! /o#c a12 8e13 aD$an! /o1; /7C1< a8at a1> a$a2araiti1? /8ine8c a1@ 0aAane8c a.1B H/20 8e21 /7C22 Aao0dad /iti=23 / ar# n/82; 5 # +dr/o=2< /20 5 # at rin/82> 2? 20 2@ 2B !arew/n= / 5 # at rin/8 7aD8a.

263 2#he ,reator Ahura +a? says3>1 every outlet @ of this4 $iver= of +ine7 penetrates6 unto: allF the fhseven44 regions*9 2#he Bater3 of this47 one4= $iver4@ of +ine45 is uniformly46 sufficient in summer4: as Bell as Binter*49 She7; 2i*e* Ar vi Sura3 purifies75 +y74 Baters77 2or rivers773, the see 7@ of males,7= the Bom<s7F of females76 2an 3 the mil!76 of mothers*7: 2.rom here H or ,hapter of GK HtmH <egins* &f any person esires to recite Ar vi Sura Nyyesh Bithout the H of K Htm, he shoul leave the portion from here up to GferashotememH on page 69, line 463* 1>4 fi /t/8c a=1 an! +# /8c a2 0/tan/8ac a3 a0/tan/8c a=; a# aon/8< id a> 3a#ent+? fra$a# aAC=@ ACiB 6# 10 2awrare11 7aitA/7e8=12 na0di# taA/t13 a7at1; ac a.1< 1?4 F/1> nC1? /7C1@ d+# 8anan! e=1B 8/20 nC21 /7C22 d+0$ac an! e=23 8/2; nC2< /7C2> d+# # Aaot an/i=2? 8/23 d+0daDn/i=2B 8/30 a# iGt2i# e=31 8/32 8C! +Gt2i# e=33 8/3; $are0/nCG t2i# e=3< 8/3> n/fACGt2i# e.3? F/d a3@ nC3B a 8i;0 fr/d /iti;1 /7C;2 $an! + 6# =;3 $a i# t/o;; 8a0dad /t/o;< a# aoni# =;> AC;? nC;@ airiric in/8;B irir5# /iti<0 !aDt an/8.<1 F/d a<2 nC<3 a 8i<; fr/d /iti<< /7C<> $an! + 6# <? $a i# t/o<@ 8a0dad /t/o<B a# aon6# =>0 AC>1 nC>2 airiric in/8>3 iriri5 # /iti>; tan+n/8.>< 1@4 -C>> t/A+# =>? AC>@ a0an! a=>B AC?0 !ad C?1 AC?2 a# a$a3a=?3 AC?; ACt+8/o=?< AC?> na#+#7/o=?? AC?@ #7ere0$/o=?B AC@0 ar/iti$/o=@1 AC@2 a# e8ao! C@3 anGa# a$a=@; AC@< 8a# AC@> dr$/o@? #/#taH@@ te8@B a$iB0 t2ae# /oB1 7aitAant+B2 it Ae3/oB3 i# aB; ACB< i dad a=B> it Ae3/oB? Aant+B@ ACBB d6 dad a.100 263 +ay the .ravashis: of the righteous 2people3@, of those that are,4 that have <een,7 an of those to <e <orn hereafter =, come hither6 Bho9 have ma e44 those 2Baters34; from4@ the nearest45 river4= 2of Ar vi Sura3 floBing fj forBar *47 2F3 2%et3 not46 2these efficacious3 Baters4: of ours4F 2<e3 for a man
fh .or the e"planation of the Bor s* GHafte -esBarH, see notes on p*5@* fi #his entire portion of GK htmchH is ta!en from Yasna H 6@, paras 614=* .or further e1 tails, see my translation of Ya?ishna* fj i*e* Ee revere the .ravashis of those virtuous persons Bho have evelope canals for fertili? 1 ing the earth for agriculture*



of Bic!e thoughts49, Bic!e Bor s75 an Bic!e ee s75X 2%et3 not7= 2these efficacious3 Baters76 of ours7: 2<e3 for the man of Bic!e religion* 79 for the tormentors of a frien ,54 a priest55 an Bor!menX5@ 2%et3 not56 2the Baters <e3 for one Bho torments his oBn !in re X5F 2%et3 not5: our59 efficacious=5 effective,=5 <est pure=6 Baters=7 create <y Ahura +a? a=@ 2<e3 profita<le=4 to that 2person3,=; Bho=F esires to empty out@; 2 estroy3 our=: a<un ant=9 settlements*@4 2%et3 not@7 our@5 efficacious,@F <est,@: pure6; Baters@6 create <y Ahura +a? a 2<e3 <eneficial@@ to that 2person3@= Bho64 esires to f!empty out6= 2harm3 our67 flhealthy65 <o iesX6@ 2:3 2An all those3 Bho66 2are3 thieves6F ro<<ers,69 mur erers*F4 !illers of righteous persons, F5 a icte to sorcery,F@ <uriers of ea <o ies,FF fmthe Bic!e ,F9 the niggar s:4 2or the gree y3,:4 Bic!e := heretics:5 2an 3 the evil,:F tyrannical:: persons:6 2may not get the <enefit of the efficacious Baters of Ar vi Sura3* +ay injuries 94 come upon97 the:9 2persons3 mentione a<ove3 +ay fntheir evil esires lea them to estruction*9F 1B4 7o1 !/ta$a2 r/8Cid we8=3 Aa$ata; 0aota< Aa0/ite.> Kat a? 0aota@ 5 #/taB $ac a10 /7C11 $an!+# 6# 12 Aa0/ite.13 K+t ra1; 2a$/t1< itCG i0$/o1> Ae0i1? anGaret e1@ Aa0/ite.1B K+t ra20 $/c C21 a$iG2:ta=22 A/n23 e2; c a5 #e2< aDt raG7aiti# =2> 5+t ra2? t/o2@ fraAC2B 2a$/n=30 5+t ra31 t/o32 i# +dC33 2a$/n.3; K+t ra3< t/o3> r/taAC3? 2a$/n=3@ A/n3B A +rC Fa0d/o;0 Iarat +# tr/i;1 fra$a$ac a=;2 fr/ Iarat +# trC;3 !aDt /2AC;3 a#t$aiti2AC.;; 1104 A$a3a#t68;< 7a+r$/8;> /7C;? 3aid ACi# ;@ Iarat +# tra=;B 7a#c aDta<0 aiwAC<1 0aot r/o<2 fra2arCi# <3 Aao0d/t/o<; da 8CG7airi# Gt/o=<< i8/n<> $ac C<? fra8r:.<@ 1114 7C<B A/ne8>0 $C>1 A/#/8i>2 8a0/onte8>3 te8>; 8e>< d/Aata=>> Aen! e>? d/iti>@ 7aiti>B $an! C?0 ni#r6ta?1 anGaiwiGdr+5 ti.?2 7C?3 i# t68?; $C?< 3aid A/8i?> 7o+r+G#ared /8?? a8a$it68=?@ fra0ant68c a?B 5 $/7ar/8@0 Aen! /o@1 7ao+r+# c a@2 2ere3A/n.@3 'aDc i# c a@< an! /o@> A/#/iti@? 3A/n/i@@= nCitB3 #nat /i=B0 nCitB1 8a r5/iB2 nCitB3 aDnan! e=B; nCitB< a7aAatDe.B> 293 ) 2pure3 BatersX4 as long as= the priest@ invo!es, praises6 2so long as3 ye rejoice in 2your3 place* 7 HoBF shall the priest: consecrate45 2or praise345 the goo 47 Baters44 Bith the Bor 4; taughtY9 &f4F 2that officiating1priest3 consecrates49 2the Baters3 contrary to the prescri<e rule, 4: hoB4= Bill he <e4@ 2tongue1fettere 346 silence Y HoB7; Bill he apply77 2those3 Bor s74 Bhich75 the Her<a 76 taught7@ himY7= HoB7F might5; that7: prayer79 2<e fulfille 3Y5; &n1 Bhat1Bay54 Bill that57 gratefulness55 <e accomplishe Y5= HoB5@ Bill that56 gift5F 2or offering35F <e5: ma eY A<out Bhom59 2the creator3 Ahura +a? a=;

f! i*e* a esire to see us in a Bea! an sic!ly con ition 2Harle?3* fl )riginal meaning Gnot emptyH, i*e not Bea! or not istresse * fm G'nemyH 2Spiegel3> G0ealousH 2(armesteter3* fn Spiegel an 0usti, this man L that person 2Harle?3* +ay estruction reach him Bho attempts to estroy us 2(armesteter3*



ha spo!en=7 to 2the prophet3 Darathushtra,=4 2an in turn the Prophet3 Darathushtra=5 proclaime =7 to the people=5 of the corporeal Borl Y == 24;3 ) DarathushtraX #hou shoul st pray=: 2a ress3 first=6 the petition=@ to the BatersL=F thou shoul st then@; carry@5 the li<ation@7 to those Baters@4 e"amine <y a pious@= an Bise man*@@ 2an 3 pronounce the Bor s@F 2mentione <eloB3* 2443 ) ye BatersX Ye66 grant me6@ that6= great65 favour,6; & <eseech67 you*64 #hrough the <estoBal6: of Bhich6F 2favour3 goo nessF; is pro uce F4 <y means of guilelessness*F7 ) ye BatersX & <eseech you F@ for BealthF= of many !in s,FF an largeF: an self1supporting:; progeny*F9 )n Bhom:4 plenty:7 of chil ren foplenty of <lessings may sprea * None, even :@ amongst that 2family3,:6 Bill esire:F to harm:: 2others3, to raise arms9; 2against them3, to afflict97 2them3 or to Brea! vengeance9= 2an 3 to estory*96 1124 (8atB? $CB@ /7CBB 3aid Ae8i=100 i8at1 0e8C=2 i8at +r$ar/o= i8at A8e# / S7ent/> +5 # at r/? +d /on! C=@ $an! a$a#c aB 10 11 12 13 1; $an!+ 6#c a $o +n/8 d/t/rC= i8at a# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# 1< fra$a# aAC1> +! r/o1? aiwit :r/o=1@ i8at1B Fit ra20 Vo+r+G!aoAaoite=21 i8at22 Srao# a23 a# Aa2; +raod a2< i8at2> Ra# na$C2? ra0i# ta=2@ i8at2B tare30 Fa0d/o31 7+t ra=32 i8at33 2ere0a3; A +ra=3< 5 # at raAa3> a7/83? na7C3@ a+r$atGa#7a=3B i8at;0 $6#7e;1 Aa0at/on! C;2 ACi;3 $an! a0d/o;; a# a$ano.;< 1134 (8at;> 8e;? /7C;@ d/Aata=;B i8at<0 0e8C=<1 i8at<2 +r$ar/o=<3 i8at<; A8e# / S7ent/<< +5 # at r/<> +d /on! C=<? $an! a$a#c a<@ $an!+ 6# c a<B $o +n/8>0 d/t/rC=>1 i8at>2 a# aon/8>3 $an!+ 6# >; fra$a# aAC>< +! r/o>> aiwit :r/o=>? i8at>@ Fit ra>B Vo+r+G !aoAaoite=?0 i8at?1 Srao# a?2 A# Aa?3 +raod a=?; i8at?< Ra# na$C?> ra0i# ta=?? i8at?@ tare?B A +ra e Fa0d/o@0 7+t ra=@1 i8at@2 2ere0a@3 A +ra@; 5 # at raAa@< a7/8@> na7C@? a+r$atGa#7a=@@ i8at@B $6#7eB0 Aa0at/on! oB1 ACiB2 $an! a0d/oB3 a# a$anC.B; 11;4 -atc aB< a 8/tB> a#tiB? 8a0AC=B@ Aatc aBB a 8/t100 a#ti101 $an! C=102 Aatc a103 a 8/t10; a#ti10< #raAC=10> Aatc a10? a 8/t10@ a#ti10B 7arCGare3a#tare8H110 tat111 nC112 d/Aata113 A:0e811;= Aa0ata11< a# a$anC11> 5 # aAa8na11? i#/na=11@ 8C# +c a11B /#+A/c a=120 at ra121 ana122 !/t wAa123 $ac a.12; 12< 12> Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/12? fera# Cte8e8.12@ 2H of K Htmacha en s here3* 2473 ) BatersX99 & <eseech4;; of you9: this9F 2favour3* ) earthX7 ) plantsX= ) Bountiful &mmortals,6 Bell1ruling,F possessing goo sense,: givers47 of goo things44 to goo 2men39 an goo 2Bomen3X4; ) goo ,4@ mighty4F 2an 3 triumphant4: .ravashis46 of the righteous 2persons34=X ) +eher7; 2ya?ata3 of the Bi e pasturesX74 ) <eautiful, holy Srosh 2Ya?ata3X ) $ashna, the most justX ) .ire5; the purifier47 2of all things3 relating to Ahura +a? aX 54 ) imperial,56 sBift1foote horse,59 e"alte 5= %or ,5@ Navel5: of 2centre3 of the
fo i*e* that generation may perform patriotic an <enevolent acts so that people Bill <less them an their parents an guar ians*



BatersX5F 2an 3 ) ye all=4 holy=@ ya?atas,=7 <estoBer of <etter giftsX== 2 o & <eseech4;; of you9: this9F 2gift3* 2453 ) ye BatersX o you grant=9 me=F these=6 2riches an virtuous progeny3* ) earthX @4 plantsX@5 ) Bountiful &mmortals,@@ Bell1ruling,@6 possessing goo sense,@F givers64 of goo things6; to goo @: 2men3 an 2Bomen3X@9 ) goo ,6= mighty66 2an 3 triumphant6F .ravashis6@ of the righteous 2persons3X65 ) +eher69 2ya?ata3 of Bi e pastures,F; ) <eautiful,F= holyF5 SroshF7 2ya?ata3X ) $ashna,F6 the most justXFF ) .ire,F9 the purifier:4 2of all things3 relating to Ahura +a? aX :; ) $oyal,:@ sBift1foote horse,:: e"alte :5 %or ,:= Navel:F 2centre3 of the EatersX:6 An ) ye all9; holy9= ya?atas,94 <estoBers of <etter giftsX95 You grant me=F these=6 2riches an virtuous progeny3* 24=3 2) ya?atasX Ye grant me that Bhich9@ is9F greater9: than this,96 an that Bhich99 is4 <etter7 than this,4;; an that Bhich5 is@ more <eautiful6 than this= an that BhichF is9 more precious4; than this*: ) ye4= ruling4F an Bith esires fulfille ,4: righteous46 ya?atasX4@ You grant45 unto us47 2a<ove mentione 3 that 2Bish3 Cuic!ly49 an sBiftly7; <y means of these77 Gathic75 fpverses*7= Ehatever76 is the Bish7F of the oers7@ of virtuous ee s is much superior7: 2to all other Bishes3 134 -/81 a0e82 AC3 A +rC Fa0d/o; +0$/rena< +02aire=> fradat /i? n8/na ec a@ $6#a#c aB 0anGtD+# c a10 dan! D+# c a.11 1;4 -/12 a 8/t13 #taota Aa#nAa1; #r/$aAeni=1< A +ne8c a Vair681> #r/$aAeni1? A# e8c a Va i# te81@ +#ra$/ni1B a7a#c a20 $an!+ 6# 21 Aao0dat /neH22 at ra23 ana2; !/t wAa2< $ac a2> !arCGn8/ne2? A +ra e Fa0d/o2@ 3a#at2B 7aoirAC.30 Dat at31 a 8/t32 tat a$at33 /Aa7te8.3; 2F3 &7 am Ahura +a? a,= Bho5 <y the poBerful fCforce,@ pro uce 6 Ar vi sura for the prosperityF of the house,: clans,9 toBn4; an country*44 2:3 2#he reciter spea!s3>1 .or Bhom 2Ar vi Sura3 47145 2or inasmuch as471453 & shall chant4@ the frstaota yasna4= an Ahunavar46 Bith goo fsintonation4F an & shall chant4F Asha Vahishta4: 2i*e Ashem VohP3 an shall purify77 the goo 74 Baters*7; By means of 2reciting375 these7= 2a<ove1mentione 3 Gathic7@ verse,76 2the reciter3 first5; attains79 the Garothman7F 2Para ise3 of the 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a* )n account of this 57 2i*e* on account of reciting the sacre verse, the ,reator Ahura +a? a3 gave54 him this55 <enefit5= 2to the reciter3* E*7"anation>1 2Some reference to Bhich <enefits are accrue <y reciting
fp i*e* <y means of hearing Gathic verses chante <y us* fC &f Be ta!e the rea ing, Ghi?vrenaH accor ing to (r* Gel ner, the Bor means, GBith the movement of the tongueH, i*e* Bith the strength of the tongue, erive form Ghi?vaH, tongue an GarenaH, motion, movement* fr Staota yasnya 1 is the Avestan name of one of the 74 Nas!s of our Holy religion* &n Pahlavi it is calle GSatu yashtH* &ts praise is mentione in Ya?ishna h F4* #he literal meaning of GStaota yasnyaH is Gpraise1Borthy of Ya?ishnaH* Generally this name is applie to the Hs 2or ,hapters3 of the .ive Gathas an Seven Hs 2or ,hapters3 of the Yasna Haptanghiti* fs )riginal meaning, Gin goo intonation,H 2locative singular of husravan*3



Bith un erstan ing, clearly an Bith goo intonation the sacre verses of Yath, Ashem an GStaota yasnyaH, an <y acting accor ing to them, is seen from this para*3 1B4 A e1 raAa2 5 $arenan! ac a=3 t/8; Aa0/i< #+r+n$ata> Aa#na=? t/8@ Aa0/iB +GAa# ta10 Aa#na.11 Ana12 2+A/o13 0a$anCG#/#ta=1; ana1< 2+A/o1> +Aa# tara.1? Ared$68 S:r/81@ An/ it/81B a# aon68H20 0aot r/2AC21 Ared$68 S:r/822 An/ it/823 a# aon682; a# a e2< rat:82> Aa0a8aide.2? 293 )n account of the ra iance7 an glory5 of that 2Ar vi Sura43 & praise her Bith the famous6 yasnaL through this47 2i*e Bith sincere heart3 2; un efile Ar vi SuraX3 +ayest thou ft<e45 please or honoure Bith my4@ invocation,4= mayest thou <e46 most fully Borshippe 4F 2i*e please 3X 2& praise3 the un efile 49 2an 3 the righteous7; Ar vi Sura*4: Ee remem<er7F or revere7F Bith li<ations74 the un efile 75 2an 3 the righteous 7= Ar vi Sura 2Bho3 2is3 the %or of righteousness*

Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a= ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= -/on! /8ac / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e= awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ i /#t$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. 1104 -a#ne8ac a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= a7/8 $an!+ in/8 8a0dad /tan/8= Ared+A/o 7o An/ itaA/o a# aonA/o= $6#7an/8c a a7/8 8a0dad /tan/8= $6#7an/8c a +r$aran/8 8a0dad /tan/8. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3= 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an! ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8= A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore aw0/A/d $/n Ard$6 S:r ./n+ 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6 . D/d D6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86n= aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1.
ft i*e* mayest thou <e full of love unto me through this invocation of mine*



2$ecite facing the south3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iart +# t6. 'e8a#ete a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8o +r$aire $an!+ i 8a0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. Ared$68 S:r/8 An/ it/8= a# aon68 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : $/n Ard$6 S+r ./n+ 2eGra#/d A# e8 Vo : 1.

2#his Nyyesh shoul <e recite every ay, if possi<leL it is enjoine otherBise in the Persian $ivyets to recite it specially on five ays every month 8 Horma? , Ar i<ehesht, K ar, Srosh an Beherm3* K # naot ra1 A +ra e Fa0d/o.2 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3> 'e8a#e3Gte=; tar# +d /o? 8a0i# ta@ Aa0ataB. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Fa0d/o A +ra e>

2+ay there <e3 the propitiation or pleasure of Ahura +a? X Homage 2<e3 unto thee, ) .ire @ of Horma? ,6 <estoBing goo <eneficent3,F the Greatest Ya?ataX


Pa n/8e1 Aa0d/n2 A +ra Fa0da3 K od/e; awa0:n6< !or3e> 5 ore awa0/A/d.@ 2#o recite as folloBs <efore Ktash Behrm3 ta#

.e er/8 10 dar11 far/.12

2& <egin to recite this3 in the name 4 of Go ,7 ,reator Horma? 5 2an 3 the %or = 2of the entire Borl 3 2an 3 <eneficent* +ay the lustre 6 an gloryF of Ktash9 2angel of .ire39 Behram,4; the e"alte 47 .ire9 increaseX: 2#o recite as un er <efore Ktash K arn3 ta#
: 13

dar/n1; dar1< far/.1>

+ay the lustre6 an gloryF of Ktash45 K arn,4= the great46 .ire,45 increaseX 2#o recite as un er <efore the fire in the house3 ta#



dar1B far/.20

+ay the lustre6 an gloryF of tash4F ( gh,4: the great7; .ire4F increaseX: A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/ni !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #e !a$a# n6 7a 7atet



o8. )#G8Ci1@ +0/re# $/1B A +r/20 r8aiti21 te$i# 6822 da#$/23 S7eni# t/2; FainA:2< Fa0d/=2> Van! +A/2? 0a$C2@ /d/=2B A# /30 a0C31 D8a$at32 Vo :33 Fanan! /3; fe#erat:8.3< ) Ahura +a? a, the most <eneficent spirit an the fv<estoBer of goo things7F in return79 for prayersX7: (o #hou fBpurify49 me4F 2i*e !eep me aBay from Bic!e ee s3, oBing to 2my3 gentleness 2or humility3 74 o #hou 75 4: grant me strength,77on account of righteousness5; <estoB upon75 2me3 mighty57 poBer54 2an 3 on account of 2my3 goo thoughts grant 75 me4: f" supremacy*5@ Rafed r/i3> $o+r+c a# /ne=3? dCi# 63@G8Ci3B A/;0 $e;1 a2ifr/=;2 t/ ;3 5 # at ra A/;; A +r/;< ;> A/ $an! D+# ;? a# i# ;@ 8anan! CH;B frC S7ent/<0 r8aite<1 A# /<2 daDn/o<3 frada5 # aA/.<; ) Horma? X=@ for 2my3 elight56 2an 3 for sufficiently fyacCuiring religious lore,5F o #hou f?grant me assure ly those=5 gifts=: Bhich=6 2are3 <lesse <y Shehrevar== an Vohuman*=F1=9 ) Spenta ArmaitiX@;1@4 instruct@= 2me3 the ,omman ments of the $eligion@5 through Asha*@7 At r/t/8<< Iarat +# trC<> tan$a#c 6t<? 5 $a5 A/o<@ +# tane8<B dad/iti=>0 7a+r$at/te8>1 8anan! a#c />2 $an! D+# >3 Fa0d/i=>; # Aaot ana A/>< a# /i>> A/c />? +5 d a5 A/c />@ #ero# e8>B 5 # at re8c /.?0
fu #he portion from G/s1mQi u?areshvH to GSeraoshem -hshathremchH is ta!en from Yasna H 55 calle GYath ishH, stan?as 4714=* .or the e"planation of the Bor s containe in the stan?a, see my &atha "a %#eni* fv )riginally <estoBer of reBar invocation, supplicationH* of prayers in goo things> DavaWSans!rit havaW prayer,

fB G/?reshvH imperative secon person singular Atmanepa a> root u?1are? W Sans!rit Ar? W to purify, to ren er BhiteL Arise for meH i*e* Ghelp meH 2Spiegel, Harle? an +ills3> G eliver me fromH 2(armesteter3 <ase on Pahlavi version* f" )riginal meaning Gchieftainship over cattleH, see Yasna @4,=* fy )riginal meaning for Gtasting Bi elyH, ative singular of vouru1chashnL root chash W Persian chashi an W to taste or Sans!rit cha!hsh W to see, to e"amine* f? $everen +illsL <lessing 2see Yasna &T 5, 6, 9, 473L ashish 2in the sense of ashish3 noun, fem1 inine gen er, accusative plural* Sans!rit shis*



2Holy3 Darathushtra@6 e icates as an offering@@16; even the life@9 of his oBn@: <o y@F an the e"cellence64 2or pre1eminence643 of goo min unto Ahura +a? a*6= #he prophet e icates as an offering@@16; the poBerF; of 2his oBn3 ee 6@ an o<e ience69 of Bor 6: unto Asha*66 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3 'e8a#eG te tar# Fa0d/o A +ra e +d /o 8a0i# ta Aa0ata. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. t ro1 A +ra e Fa0d/o2 7+t ra=3 ta$a; /tar# < 7+t ra> A +ra e Fa0d/o.? t ro@ A +ra e Fa0d/oB 7+t ra=10 5 $arenan! C11 #a$an! C12 8a0dad /ta e13 airAan/81; 5 $arenC1< 8a0dad /tan/8=1> 5a$aAe eG c a1? 5 $arenan! C1@ 8a0dad /ta e=1B /t rC20 A +ra e Fa0d/o21 7+t ra.22 Ka$Ci# 23 ao#ra$an! a e=2; $arCi# 2< ao#ra$an! e2> 2? 2@ 2B a#na$anta e !arCi# 8a0dad /ta e c aDc i# ta e30 $arCi# 31 32 33 8a0dad /ta e= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C3; 8a0dad /ta e=3< /t rC3> A +ra e Fa0d/o3? 7+t ra.3@ RaD$anta e3B !arCi# ;0 8a0dad /ta e=;1 5/$aAe ec a;2 5 $arenan! C;3 8a0dad /ta e=;; /t rC;< A +ra e Fa0d/o;> 7+t ra.;? tar# ;@ #7enta;B rat aD# t/ra=<0 Aa0ata<1 7o+r+G 5 $arenan! a=<2 Aa0ata<3 7o+r+G2aD# a0a.<; t rC<< A +ra e Fa0d/o<> 7+t ra=<? 8at<@ $6#7aei2Ao<B /tere2AC=>0 5 # at rCGnafed rC>1 nairACG #an! a e>2 Aa0ata e>3 5 # naot ra>; Aa#n/ic a>< $a 8/ic a>> 5 # naot r/ic a>? fra#a#taAaDc a=>@ Aat / A + $airAC>B 0aot/?0 fr/G8e?1 8r:te?2 at a rat+# a# /tGc it ac a?3 fr/ a# a$a $id $/o?< 8raot+.?> .or the propitiation 2of the ,reator, Ahura +a? a3 in the Gh so an so3 of the .ire4, the purifier5 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? a, 7 ) .ire@ ga the purifier6 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aL F of the .ire: 2K ar g< .aroha<3, the purifier4; 2of all things3 of gc#hine= pertaining to Ahura +a? aL9 of the glory44 2an 3 lustre47 create <y Ahura +a? aL45 of the &ranian4= an -ayanian4F Glory4: create <y Ahura +a? aL49 of the .ire7;
ga GPuthraH 2Sans!rit GputraH3 1 the or inary meaning of the Bor is GsonH <ut the meaning of this Bor in this Nyyesh everyBhere erive from the Sans!rit root pu1 2W to purify, to ren er pure3 is Gsource of purifying, cleaningH an & have thought it proper to translate GpurifierH eriv1 ing from it* g< A<out this .ire it is state in the commentary of the Pahlavi version that it presi es over the +o<e s, (astoors an saintly persons* &t is also calle GA ar .arhH* &n the Pahlavi Boo! "undahishn it is state that this .ire Bas first enthrone on the +ount, GGa man1Homan H situ1 ate in the province of G-hvr?amH on the shores of the $iver )"us* After the eath of !ing 0amshi , it Bas save from the clutches of Doh!* (uring the time of !ing Gushtsp it Bas re1 move from the -hvr?am, an <rought to the +ount, G$oshanH situate in -a<ulastan, Bhere this very .ire Bas e"isting up to the perio of "undahishn* gc #he connection of the Bor s of genitive singular in this paragraph shoul <e ta!en Bith the Bor s GYasnaicha vahmicha, !hshnaothricha frasastayaMcha yath Ahu Vairyo ?aot fr1me mrPteH occuring at the en of the same paragraph*



2K ar g Goshasp3, the purifier 2of all things3 pertaining of Ahura +a? aL 74 of 2the -ing3 -ai!hasrou7= of the -ayanian 2 escent375 an of the ge%a!e of 2the !ing3 -ai!hasrou 2situate in the city of gfAtaropt!an3L of the gg+ount7: Asnavant7F create <y Ahura +a? a79 of the gh%a!e54 ,haechasta5; create <y Ahura +a? aL57 the .ire56 2calle giK ar Bur?in3 the purifier5: 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aL5F the +ount=; gj$aevant59 create <y Ahura +a? aL=4 the -ayanian=7 Glory=5 create <y Ahura +a? aL of the .ire, =@ the purifier=F 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aL =6 ) A ar=: Ya?ata,@4 the <eneficent,=9 g!Barrior@; 2against the emons3, full of glory, @7 healing virtuesX @= of the .ire,@@ the purifier 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? a @6 8 together Bith@: of all@9 the .iresL6; of the ya?ata65 glNairyosang,67 resi ing in the navel 2or source3 of !ings64 8 for the gmBorship6@ 2of all these3 for 2their3 praise,66 propitiation6F an glorification, let the officiating priest F; 2?aotar3 proclaimF7 to meF4 2the e"cellences of sacre verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ* %et 2the $aspi3 2Bho3 2is3 righteous F= an learne F@ pronounceF6 2the e"cellences of these verses3 ath ratush asht1chit hacha*F5

g &n the Pahlavi ,ommentary the -ing -ai!husrou, after conCuering GBeheman (i?H en1 throne this .ire* &t presi es over the heroes an sol iers* &t is also !noBn as the .ire of %ight1 ning* ge &n the Pahlavi ,ommentary* gf i*e*, of that la!e Bhere !ing -ai!husrou praye stan ing* gg &t Bas the a<o e of the .ire, K ar Gushasp enthrone <y !ing -ai!husrou on the +ount situ1 ate near the %a!e ,haechast* gh Some of our (asturs have un erstoo the G,haechastaH as the name of the ,ave, <ut it is the name of a la!e, an not a cave* #his fact is clearly seen from the Kvan Yasht, para =9L Gosh Yasht, para 4:, an Ashishvangh Yasht para 5:* .or <oth these Avesta Bor s, GVairiH 2i*e* la!e3 an GvaraH 2i*e* enclousure, cave3 there is only one an the same eCuivalent GvarH in PahlaviL hence this seems to have <een mista!en* Accor ing to the statement in Nape!h1ut1taBri!h, -ing -ai!hushrou, till the time he passe aBay from this material Borl , Bas fully engrosse in the prayers of Go on the +ount Nihvan * #he %a!e ,haechasta is situate in A?ar<ai?n an at present it is compare Bith the %a!e /rumiyah* gi &n the Pahlavi ,ommentary this .ire presi es over Vstryosh, i*e* agriculturists, an GA ar Bur?in +eherH is also !noBn as GA ar +eher Bur?inH* A<out this .ire it is state in the Pahlavi "undahishn an Persian $ivayets that Holy Darathushtra <rought this .ire in the court of -ing Gushtasp, an its e"cellence Bas that the .ire Bas alBays !ept <uring <right Bithout fuel, san 1 alBoo an fran!incense, incense, an Bas not e"tinguishe <y anything* gj #here Bas the place for the .ire GK ar Bur?inH on this +ount* g! .ire is poBerful Beapon against the emons, impurity, uncleanness, etc* Besi es, the persian $ivayets Be get such Briting in the Avesta itselfL see Ven i a , .argar V&&&* para :;* gl Neryosang is the name of the .ire as Bell as an Angel* As .ire, it resi es in the heart of !ings an assists them in the management of their state* As an Angel, he is the +essenger of the ,re1 ator, Ahura +a? a* gm .rom the <eginning of this paragraph up to this place the connection of all the Bor s that oc1 cur in genitive singular en s here*



114 -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2 +2eret68c a3 +# taG2eret68c a=; $antaG2eret68c a=< afr6n/8i=> ta$a? tar# @ 7+t raB A +ra e Fa0d/o=10 Ae#nAC11 a i12 $a 8AC=13 Ae#nAC1; 2+A/o1< $a 8AC1> n8/n/ +1? 8a# A/5an/81@ )# ta1B 2+A/t20 a 8/i21 naire=22 Aa#e23Gt w/2; 2/d a2< fr/Aa0/ite=2> ae#8CG0a#tC=2? 2are#8CG0a#tC=2@ !aoG0a#tC=2B /$anCG0a#tC.30 243 ) .ire,: the purifier9 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aX4; & praise6 #hy Borship,4 invocation,7 goo 5 health1giving an frien ly gift*@ 2) .ire3, thou art47 Borthy of Borship44 an invocationL45 mayest thou <e4@ Borthy of Borship4= an invocation46 in the a<o es4F of menX4: +ay there <e7; greatness49 2or happiness493 unto that74 man77 Bho75 shall alBays7@ Borship76 thee7= Bith fuel Baresman,7: mil!, an mortar in han *5; 114 D/itAC1 aD#8e2 2+A/o=3 d/itAC; 2aoid i< 2+A/o=> d/itAC? 7it wi@ 2+A/o=B d/itAC10 +7a#aAene11 2+A/o.12 Peren/A+# 13 aret re1; 2+A/o=1< da 8/A+# 1> aret re1? 2+A/o=1@ /tar# 1B 7+t ra20 A +ra e Fa0d/o.21 273 2) .ire, the purifier of all things pertaining to Ahura +a? a3, mayest thou <e5 proper4 in fuel7X incense@X nourishment:X 2an 3 mayest thou <e47 proper47 in logs of Boo 44X ) .ire,49 the purifier7; 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aX mayest thou <e4@ provi e Bith foo 4= for a long time45X 134 Saoc e1 2+Ae2 a 8Aa3 n8/ne=; 8atG#aoc e< 2+Ae> a 8Aa? n8/ne=@ raoc a iB 2+Ae10 a 8Aa11 n8/ne=12 $a5 # at e13 2+Ae1; a 8Aa1< n8/ne=1> dare! e8c it1? ai7i1@ 0r$/ne8=1B +7a20 #:ra821 fra# CG5eret68=22 ad a23 #:raA/o2; $an! +A/o2< fra# CG5eretCit.2> 253 2) .ireX3 2until4:3 for a long4F time,49 up to7; 2the time of3 the mighty74 $enovation,77 mayest thou <e7 <urning4 in this5 house= 2i*e* <e ever <urning3X in <rilliance9 2an 3 mayest thou <e4= in increase45 in this4@ houseX46

114 D/A/o1 8e2 tar# 3 7+t ra; A +ra e Fa0d/o=< /#+> 5 $/t re8=? /#+ t r/iti8=B /#+10 36t68=11 7o+r+12 5 $/t re8=13 7o+r+1; t r/it68=1< 7o+r+1> 36t68H1? 8a#t68=1@ #7/nC=1B 5 # $iwre820 i0$/821 +r+ne22 +# i=23 5 rat:82; 7a#c aDta2< 8a#ita2> 8a0/onte8=2? a7airiG/t re8=2@ nairA/82B 7a#c aDta30 /8G$aret68.31 2=3 2#he person Bho recitesL ) .ire, the purifier= 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aX@ grant 2thou4 unto3 me 2the things mentione <eloB3> E*7"anation>1 2As to Bhat things the reciter of this Nyyesh as!s through the .ire or as to Bhat Bishes he esires to get fulfille are state in
gn #he portion from here up to the Bor s, GAshahe <ereja yao? tnH at the en of this Nyyesh is ta!en from Yasna H 67* go #he original meaning of Gha haH 2comparing to Sans!rit saha3 is, Gtogether Bith, accompan1 ie <yH>1 e*g* Gha ha1aesmaH, i*e* together Bith esam 8 fuel*H \ #hese Bor s, Gha ha sPrayo vanghuyo frasho !eretQitH accor ing to my opinion are the commentary of, Gupa sPrm frashQ1 !eretimH, although there is a ifference in cases of <oth* Pahlavi translator has also regar e this similarly* Harle?, +ills an (armesteter have also translate in the same Bay*



the folloBing lines an in paras @ an 63> &mme iate6 2or Bithout elay3 comfort,F sustenance,9 2long3 life44, happiness,45 greatness,4: Bis om,49 fluent7; tongue74 2an 3 intelligence75 for 2my3 soul77 an intellect7= 2Bhich may3 increase7F in proportion76 after7@ 2having receive it3 an 2may3 not iminish, 7: an 2afterBar s35; strength54 of manliness79 2all these, ) .ire, o thou grant me3* 1<4 Ered $CG0an!/8=1 a5 $afnA/82 t ri# :83 a#n/8c a; < > ? 5 # afn/8c a /#itCG!/t:8= 3a! /+r+8= t+t r+# /8=@ /#n/8B 10 11 12 fra0aint68= 5ar# CGr/0/8= $A/5 an/8= /8Graod /8=13 $/7/8=1; 1< 1? 1B /n0CG2:068 $6ra8= A/ 8e fr/d aA/t n8/ne8c a20 $6#e8c a21 0ant:8c a= da5 A:8c a23 dan! +G#a#t68c a.2; 2@3 Strength for stan ing firm1foote , 4 gpBa!efulness7 2 uring the remaining perio 3 2e"cept3 one1thir 5 of the ays= an nights,@ gCstea iness in oneAs oBn uty,6 BatchfulnessF 2an 3 an offspring4; 2that is 3 nourishing,: of innate Bis om,9 ruling over the region,44 sitting in the assem<ly, 47 thoroughly evelope ,45 possesse of goo respect,4= elivering from istress,4@ as poBerful as a hero,46 2such an offspring, ) .ire of Ahura +a? aX o thou grant me3> Eho i*e* 2the offspring3 may ren er my 4: house7;, 2my3 clan,74 2my3 toBn,77 2my3 country75 an the the grreligion of 2my3 country7= prosperous49* 1>4 D/A/o1 8e2 tar# 3 7+t ra; A +ra e Fa0d/o=< A/> 8e? an! at@ afra#/on! /o=B n:re8c a10 Aa$aDc /taite=11 $a i# te8 A :812 a# aon/813 raoc an! e81; $6#7CG5 $/t re81< 0a0eG2+Ae1> $an! /+c a1? 860de=1@ $an! /+c a1B #ra$a i=20 +r+naDc a21 dare! e22 a$an! e.23 263 ) .ire, the purifier 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? aX (o thou grant4 me7 2that thing3 Bhich6 may <e: the instructor9 for me,F may gui e me noB4; an for ever44 2i*e up to the en of my life3, a<out the <est Borl 2i*e* Para ise347 of the righteous 2people3,45 <right4= 2an 3 all1comforta<le*4@ 2An 3 may & o<tain46 that para ise in goo 4F reBar s,4: in 2return for the goo 49 homage7; an in 2e"change of3 holiness75 of 2my3 soul74 for a long uration*77 E*7"anation>1 2) .ire of Ahura +a? aX (o thou grant me such !noBle ge an point out such a course so that & may perform virtuous ee s, & may pay homage to Ahura +a? a an lea my soul to goo ness, so that after my passing aBay & may o<tain for my goo ee s the e"alte place of Heaven in return3*
gp &t is notice from this that e"cept in the case of sic!ness or uneasiness more than eight hours shoul not <e employe in sleep* #he Bor s Gthrishum asnmcha !hshafnmchaH seems to <e a commentary of Ga!hvafnymH* Eatergaar has inserte these Bor s in 2 3 an Gel ner has ta!en them in footnotes* gC G]uic! to rise up from <e H 2(armesteter3> G Spee in Bal!ing G 2Harle?3* gr Sovereignty, 'mpire 2Prof* (armesteter3L oneAs oBn country 2(r* Harle?3



1>4 V6#7aDi2AC1 #a#t682 2araiti3 tar# ; Fa0d/o A +ra e< AaDi2AC> aD8? /8G7ac /ite@ 5 # /fn68c aB #:ir68c a10 $6#7aDi2AC ac a11 i0Aeite12 +2eret68c a13 +# taG2ereti8c a1; $antaG2eret68c a=1< 1> S7ita8a. 2F3 ) Spitaman46 2Darathushtra3X #hat .ire= of Ahura +a? a@ carries5 a monition7 unto all4 for Bhom6 thatF 2fire3 coo!s: the gsevening an gtnoon meals914; 2i*e* gives them goo un erstan ing3 2an 3 from all 44 he solicits47 a goo , healthful an frien ly offering*4@ 1@4 V6#7an/81 7araGc arent/82 tar# 3 0a#ta; /did aAa.< % i8> a5 a? a# e@ 2araitiB frae aret $/o10 ar8aD# /id e.11 tare812 13 S7ente8 Aa0a8aide=1; ta5 8e81< ante81> rat aD# t/re8.1? 2:3 #he .ire5 loo!s at@ the han s= of all4 comers7 2an says>3 Ehat6 oes the Bal!ing4; frien F <ring9 to the sitting44 gufrien Y gvEe praise4= the .ire,47 the <eneficent,45 poBerful,4@ shining46 2or e"isting463 2an 3 the Barrior4F 2against the emons3* 1B4 at1 Ae0i2G# e3 aD8; 2araiti< aD#8e8> $/? a# aAa@ 2erete8=B 2are#8a10 $/11 a# aAa12 fra#tarete8=13 +r$ar/81; $/1< ad /nae7at/81> /G e1? 7a#c aDta1@ fr6naiti1B tar# 20 Fa0d/o A +ra e=21 5 # n:to22 at2i# tC23 a! d an! :8.2; 293 But4 if7 any person= <rings@ unto that 2fire35 either fuel6 religiously:, 2Bith sincere heart3 orF Baresman4; sprea ,45 or4@ the 2fragrant3 plant4= 2calle 3 Ha hanaepata,46 unto that 2offerer34F sanctimoniously, then the .ire7; of Ahura +a? a74 <eing please ,77 gBrevere 75 2an 3 satisfie 7= gives a <lessing49 2as folloBs3* )7aGt w/1 a5 # Cit2 !D+# 3 $/nt wa=; +7a $6ran/8< 7o+r+t/#.> )7aGt w/? $ere0$atc a@ 8anC=B $ere0$atic a10 a5 # Cit11 an!+ a.12 )r$/5 # 13Gan!+ a1; !aAa1< 3i! aD# a=1> t/o1? 5 # a7anC1@ A/o1B 3$/ 6=20 (8at21 /t rC22 /fr6$ane8=23 AC2; a 8/i2< aD#8e82> 2araiti2? i5+# =2@ raoc a#G7airi# t/n2B a# a e30 2ere3a31 Aao0d/t/n.32 24;3 /nto thee4 2i*e* in thy family3 may the floc! = of cattle5 increaseX7

gs &n Persian the meaning of GShmH is <oth 2night an night meal3* gt %i!e Sans!rit Shura W Sun, Persian Shm 2night an night meal3 or, alternatively, inner 2Per1 sian Sura3L (armesteter gives the meaning of -hshfnVmcha sPirVmchaH as, Glunch an innerH* gu Eal!ing frien means the person going near the .ire, an the sitting frien shoul <e un er 1 stoo as .ire, Bhich itself cannot Bal!* gv #his last sentence 2tarem [**** rathaMshtrem3 is left out <y Gel ner* gB Ga1t<ishtQH also means Gunoffen e H, Gnot isrespecte , not isli!e <y, not <ecoming re1 vengefulH*



2/nto thee3 may there <e7 an increase6 of heroic g"men@X +ay thouF gyhave44 an active: min X9 +ay 2thy3 g?life47 <e44 activeX4; +ayest thou live 2thy3 a joyous4= life,4@ those4F nights4: that49 thou livestX7; #his74 2i*e* mentione a<ove3 2is3 the <lessing75 of the .ire77 2for him3 Bho7= <rings7F to that 2fire37@ ry hafuel,76 e"amine in the light 79 2an 3 purifie Bith the <lessings 54 of righteousness*5; 2#o recite in <?3 A +ra Fa0da K od/e= awa0:n6 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nadH aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i /t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra= ta$a /tar# 7+t ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= /t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. K $arenan! C #a$an! C 8a0dad /ta e= airAan/8 5 $arenC 8a0dad /tan/8= 5/$aAe ec a 5 a$arenan! C 8a0dad /ta e= /t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. Ka$Ci# Hao#ra$an! a e= $arCi# Hao#ra$an! a e= A#na$anta e !arCi# 8a0dad /ta e= % aDc i#ta e $arCi# 8a0dad /ta e= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C 8a0dad /ta e= /t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. RaD$anta e !arCi# 8a0dad /ta e= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C 8a0daG d /ta e= /t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. tar# S7enta rat aD# t/ra= Aa0ata 7o+r+G5 $arenan! a= Aa0ata 7o+r+G2aD# a0a= /t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra= 8at $6#7aDi2AC /tere2AC 5 # at rCGnafed rC nairACG#an! a e Aa0ata e. A# e8 Vo : 3. & praise, h<Borship Bith veneration, vivacity an strength of the .ire, etc*, the purifier 2of all things 3 pertaining to Ahura +a? a* At1 tCi2 /tare83 A +r/; ao3on! $ante8< A# /> +#e8a i? a#i# te8=@ D8a$ante8=B#tCiG ra7ente8=10 c it r/Ga$an! e8H11 At12 8a0d/13 dai2i# Aante1; 0a#t/i# t/i# dere# t/1> caDnan! e8.1?


g" i*e* sons having heroic strength, mighty progenyL see the passage G asta amemH at the en of +h Bo!htr Nyyesh* gy i*e* may your min <e thoughtfulL mayest thou <e clever an intellectualX g? i*e* mayest thou perform <enevolent an virtuous ee sX ha #he significance of the sentence Gfuel e"amine in the light an purifie H is that the fuel is selecte after e"amining in the light an after removing the <ar! Bherein small insects an pol1 lute things may not <e covere * #he fuel, san alBoo an any other incense Bhich may <e put on fire shoul <e a<solutely ry an cleanse * Any !in of Bet an irty fuel shoul never <e put on the fire* A strict or er a<out this is enjoine in our religious <oo!s an Persian $ivayets* h< .or its translation an full e"planation, see intro uctory verses a<ove*



A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# ac a9 Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. ) Ahura +a? a=X through Asha 2i*e* Holy immortal Ar i<ehesht3, 6 Be BishF 2or approve3 thy7 mighty,@ sBiftest,: poBerful,9 ever <estoBing elight,4; help the .ire5 in various 2h Bon erful3 Bays*44 ) Ahura +a? X45 2the fire3 Bith 2its3 sufficient hevigour4@ 2is3 hol ing fast46 2or chastising3 the tormentor4= or the revengeful person*4F Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3= 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K a# naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= ne8a#eGte /tar# Fa0d/o A +ra e +d /o 8a0i# ta Aa0ata. A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e K ore awa0/A/d3 2&f one recites Ktash Nyyesh in the Ktash K aran, one shoul recite as <eloB3> ta#
; f

.e er/8< dar> far/.?


+ay the lustre4 2an 3 glory7 of the fire5 of the e"alte increaseX5

Atash= Behram@

2&f one recites Ktash Nyyesh in the Ktash K aran, one shoul recite as <eloB3> ta#

dar/n< dar> far/?


+ay the lustre4 2an 3 glory7 of the fire6 of the e"alte increaseX5

Atash= A aran@

2&f one recites Ktash Nyyesh <efore the fire in the house, one shoul recite as <eloB3> ta#



dar> far/?

+ay the lustre4 2an 3 glory7 of the fire6 of the e"alte increaseX5

Atash= (a gah@

dar/n@ S / B 7iro0!ar=10 dar ,+# a#711 dar K ord/d=12 dar .+r06n Fe er13 a$are1; /dar/n1< o /ta# /n=1> 5e 7a d/d!/ 1? ne# /#t e#tedH1@ !or3e1B 5 ore 20 awa0/A/d21 86nC5ar5o22 a8/$and23 7iro0!ar2; a8/$and6 2< 7iro0!ar6 .2> D/d D6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1.
hc #his Bhole stan?a is ta!en from Yasna H 5=, stan?a =* h Sans!rit ,hitra W various, ifferent, of various !in sL Bon erful* he )riginal meaning GBishe for strengthH* hf .or translation, see a<ove*



+ay the lustre4 2an 3 glory7 2of all these .ire3 of the victorious4; %or 9 K aran,: K ar Gushasp,44 K ar -hor ,47 K ar Bur?in +eher45 2an 3 other4= K arn4@ an .ires46 Bhich are installe in the ( gh 4F 2i*e in their proper places3 increaseX5 +ay the lustre49 2an 3 glory7; 2of the .ire calle 3 +ino hg-ar!o77 increaseX +ay the poBerful75 2an 3 victorious7= 2.ire3 2come unto my help3 for 2my3 courage7@ an victoryX76 2$ecite facing the south3 9 D/d/re !e /n d6ne 8/0daAa#n6 d/de Iart +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i 8a0dad /te a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o 2recite <oBing the hea oBnBar 3 ne8a#eGte tar# Fa0d/o A +ra e +d /o 8a0i# ta Aa0ata. A# e8 Vo : 1.

2'ote9 #his same Gh shoul <e recite uring the perio of Secon Havan as Bell, i*e* from the +onth Kvan, $o? Horma? up to Vahishtoisht Gatha* .or further e"planation see note given to Gthe five ghs to <e recite separatelyH3* 114 K # naot ra1 A +ra e Fa0d/o.2 A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne3 8a0daAa#nC; Iarat +# tri# < $6daD$C> A +raGt5ae# C.? Ha$anDe@ a# aoneB a# a e10 rat we=11 Aa#n/ic a12 $a 8/ic a13 5 # naot r/ic a1; fra#a#taAaDc a.1< S/$an! De1> $6#A/ic a1? a# aone1@ a# a e1B rat we=20 Aa#n/ic a22 $a 8/ic a22 5 # naot r/ic a23 fra#a#taAaDc a.2; 124 Fit ra e2< $o+r+G!aoAaotCi# 2> a0an! rCG!ao# a e=2? 2aD$areG c a# 8anC=2@ ao5 tCGn/8anC2B Aa0ata e=30 R/8anC 5 $/#tra e=31 5 # naot ra32 Aa#n/ic a33 $a 8/ic a3; 5 # naot r/ic a3< fra#a#taAaDc a=3> Aat / A : VairAC3? 0aot/3# fr/ 8e3B 8r:te; at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a;1 fr/ a# a$a;2 $6d $/o;3 8raot:.;; 24173 2+ay there <e3 propitiation4 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? aX7 & profess myself 2to <e3 a Borshipper of Ahura +a? a, = a folloBer in accor ance Bith the $eligion proclaime <y the prophet Darathushtra, @ the a<stainer from 2the malpractices of3 aevas 6 2an 3 the folloBer of the octrines of Ahura +a? a*F (uring the time of holy an pure Havan : in

hg A<out this .ire it is state that it is forever <urning near the ,reator Ahura +a? a* hh &n the <eginning of this, as Bell as other Ghs, the Bor s, GYasnicha, vahmicha, !hshnaothricha frasastayaMchaH occur more than once, <ut their meanings are to <e ta!en once* hi .or its e"planation, see note on Srosh Baj*



Bhich the Bor! of hjSavanghi 2i*e* <usiness of gaining profit3 an of Visya 2i*e* lor of the clans3 go on for the pleasure 57 of the ,reator Ahura +a? a, through the propitiation57 of +eher Ya?ata,5; of Bi e pastures,76 of thousan ears,7F an ten thousan eyes 7: 2an 3 of the spo!en name79 an of $am -hvastar, for the Borship,55 for 2their3 invocation,5= for 2their3 propitiation5@ an for 2their3 glorification,56 let the officiating priest 5: proclaim=; to me59 2the e"cellences of the verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ* 5F %et the $aspi 2Bho is3 righteous=7 2an 3 learne =5 announce== 2the e"cellences of these verses3 Gath ratush asht1chit hachaH* 134 5A +re8 Fa0d/81 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aideH< 0arat +# tre8> a# a$ane8? a# a e@ rat:8B Aa0a8aideH10 0arat +# G tra e11 a# aonC12 fra$a# 6813 Aa0a8aideH1; A8e# e S7ente1< a# aon/81> Aa0a8aide.1? 1;4 A# /+n/81@ $an!+# 6# 1B #:r/o20 #7ent/o21 fra$a# aAC22 Aa0a8aide=23 a#t$atC2; 8ana5 A/c a2< a7anCte8e82> rat w/82? Aa0a8aide2@ AaDt+# te8e82B Aa0atan/830 an! an+# te8e831 a# a e32 rat a$/833 aiwina#/n#te8e8=3; 3a! 8:# te8a83< a# aonC3> a# a e3? rat wC3@ rat+frit683B Aa0a8aide.;0 253 Ee praise@ Ahura +a? a4 the holy7 %or = of $ighteousness*5 Ee also praise4; hlDarathushtra6 the holyF %or 9 of $ighteousness*: Ee revere4= the .ravashi4= of the Holy47 Darathushtra*44 Ee praise4F the holy4614: Bountiful &mmortals*4@ Ee Borship75 the goo ,49 heroic7; an <eneficent74 .ravashis77 of the righteous*4: Ee praise7: the highest76 2lor 3 amongst the lor s7F of the corporeal 2Borl 37= an of the spiritual 2Borl 3*7@ Ee praise=; the most helpful79 of the ya?atas5; 2an 3 the most Borthy54 amongst the lor s55 of righteousness57 an most reaching, effective for help 5= 2an 3 the Bell1time prayer, 59 the most helpful5@ for the holy56 lor 5: of holiness*5F

a# a# a# a#

1<4 H/$an68 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aideH< Ha+r$at/te8> a$ane8? a# a e@ rat:8B Aa0a8aideH10 A8eret/te811 a# a$ane812 a e13 rat:81; Aa0a8aideH1< / :ir681> fra# ne81? a# a$ane81@ a e1B rat:820 Aa0a8aide=21 :ir6822 t5aD# e823 a# a$ane82; a e2< rat:82> Aa0a8aide=2? Aa#ne82@ #:re82B Ha7tan! /it6830

hj #hose Bor s associate Bith each respective Gh1 such as Svanghi, visya, fr at1fshu, fr at1vVra, <erejya, nmnya, etc**** are generally regar e as the ham!rsH* i*e* co1Bor!ing ya?atas* h! #he portion from here up to Gratufritim ya?amai eH* is ta!en from Yasna H F4, paras 715* hl .rom this paragraph the e"alte status of Holy Darathushtra is seen* +oreover in Yasna H 46 the Holy Prophet is regar e as a GYa?ataH of this Borl * )n this su<ject, for further etails, see GDartosht NamuH Britten <y Sheth -*$* ,ama, ,hapter 47* hm &n the original formation the Bor GashoH is in the genetive plural* Spiegel an (armesteter also have translate accor ingly* /nto the Bountiful &mmortals of the righteous people, i*e* the Bountiful &mmortals Bhom the righteous people Borship 2Harle?3L the Bountiful &mmortals 2Bho3 are the protectors of the righteous people 2+ills3*



a# a$ane831 a# a e32 rat:833 Aa0a8aide.3; 2@3 Ee praise@ Hvani4 the holy7 %or = of holinessL5 Be praise4; -hor 6 the holyF %or 9 of HolinessL: Be praise4@ Amar 44 the holy47 %or 4= of holinessL45 Be praise74 the hnBor to Ahura +a? a,46 the pious,4: lor 7; of holiness*49 Ee praise7F the $eligion75 pertaining to Ahura +a? a, 77 the pious,7= lor 76 of holinessL7@ Be praise5= yasna7: hoHaptanghiti,5; efficacious79 2an 3 holy,54 %or of55 holiness*57 1>4 S/$an! aD81 $6#68c a2 a# a$ane83 a# a e; rat:8< Aa0a8aide=> airAa8ane8? i# 68@ a# a$ane8B a# a e10 rat:811 Aa0a8aide12 a8a$ante813 $eret r/3ane8=1; $it2aD# an! e8=1< $6#7a1> t2aD# /o1? ta+r$aAante81@ $6#7a1B t2aD# /o.20 titarente8H21 AC22 +7e8C=23 AC2; 8ad e8C=2< AC2> frate8C=2? 0ao060+Ae2@ tarC2B 8/nt re830 7anc a31 !/t /o.32 263 Ee praise6 Savanghi4 an Visya,7 the holy5 lor s@ of holinessL= Be praise47 2the prayer calle 3 hpAiryamana,F the li!e ,: 2lova<le3 the holy %or 44 of holiness,4; 2Bhich prayer is3 poBerful,45 victorious,4= !eeping aBay from hatre ,4@ 2an 3 overcoming,4: removing74 all afflictions* Ehich75 2i*e* Prayer calle Airyamana3 is the uppermost 75 2<eginning3, the mi le7@ 2an 3 the conclu ing 2portion3 on the Holy Spell 79 of .ive54 Gathas57 for invo!ing help,7: 2i*e* the Prayer name Airyamana is the <est amongst the Holy Spell of five Gathas3* 1>4 Fit re8c a1 $o+r+G!aoAaoit682 Aa0a8aideH3 R/8ac a 5 $/#tre8; Aa0a8aideH< $6#Ae e> rat wC? Aa#n/ic a@ $a 8/ic aB $6#68c a10 a# a$ane811 a# a e12 rat:813 Aa0a8aide.1; 1@4 Fit re81< $o+r+G!aoAaoit681> a0an!raG!ao# e8=1? 2aD$areGc a# 8ane8=1@ 1B 20 21 ao5 tCn/8ane8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide= R/8a 5 $/#tre822 23 Aa0a8aide. 2F3 Ee Borship5 +eher ya?ata4 of the Bi e pasturesL7 Be Borship@ $ama -hvastar*= &n or er to Borship: an praise9 the %or F Visya6 2i*e* pertaining to clan3 Be revere4= the Holy44 Visya,4; the lor 45 of $ighteousness*47 2:3 Ee Borship74 +eher ya?ata4@ of the Bi e pastures46 2Bho is3 of a thousan ears4F an ten thousan hCeyes,4: 2an 3 the Eorshipful7; one 2ya?ata3 of the re1 noBne name L Be Borship $ama -hvastar*77

hn i*e* Be praise those ]uestions an AnsBers e"change <etBeen the ,reator Ahura +a? a an the prophet Darathushtra* ho i*e* HaptanYasht 2Va i3 %arge, Bhere in the escription of the Seven Bountiful &mmortals is given* .or further etails, see note on the first paragraph of Haptan Yasht 2%arge3* hp Prayer GAiryamanH shoul <e un restoo as Yasna H @=, calle GA Airyem &shyoH, see note on para @ of Ar i<ehesht Yasht* hC .or its e"planation see note given on page 5;*



1B4 T w/81 /tare82 A +ra e Fa0d/o3 7+t re8; a# a$ane8< a# a e> rat:8? Aa0a8aideH@ ad aG0aot re8B ad aGaiwA/on! ane8=10 i8at11 2are#8a12 a# aAa13 fra#tarete8=1; a# a$ane81< a# a e1> rat:81? Aa0a8aideH1@ A7/81B 'a7t/re820 Aa0a8aideH21 'air68 San! e822 Aa0a8aideH23 ta5 8e82; d/8Ci# +7a8ane82< Aa0ate8=2> Aa0a8aideH2? iri#tan/82@ +r$/nC2B Aa0a8aide30 A/o31 a# aon/832 fra$a# aAC.33 293 Ee revere: thee,4 ) Holy@ .ire,7 the purifier= 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? a,5 the lor F of righteousness*6 Ee revere this44 Baresman47 2Bhich3 together Bith the %i<ation9 2an 3 together Bith the AiByonghana4; 2is3 sprea 4= Bith holiness45L Ee also revere the %or 4F of $ighteousness*46 Ee revere74 the Navel7; of Baters49L Be revere75 2the .ire name 3 hs Neryosang*77 Ee revere7F the poBerful7= ya?ata76 2name 3 ht(ami /pamanaL7@ Be Borship5; the souls79 of the eparte 7: Bho54 are the hu .ravashis55 of the righteous hv2people3*57 1104 Rat:81 2ere0ante82 Aa0a8aide3 Ai8; A +re8 Fa0d/8=< AC> a# a e? a7anCte8C=@ ACB a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C.11 $6#7a12 #ra$/o13 Iarat +# tri1; Aa0a8aideH1< $6#7ac a1> $ar# ta1? # Aaot na1@ 1B 20 21 Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. -at / A : VairAC 2. 24;3 Ee Borship5 the e"alte 7 %or 4 Bho= 2is3 Ahura +a? a,@ Bho 2i*e* Ahura +a? a3 is the highest: in holiness 2an 3 Bho9 is most helpful44 in $ighteousness*4; Ee revere4@ all47 the sacre verses45 of 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra,4= an all Bell1performe 4F ee s4: 2religious ceremonies3, Bhich have <een performe 7; an shall <e performe hereafter*74

1114 -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a afr6na8i= Fit ra e Vo+r+G!aoAaoitCi# a0an! rCG!ao# a e= 2aD$areGc a# 8anC= ao5 tCG n/8anC Aa0ata e= R/8anC 5 $/#tra e. A# e8 Vo : 1.
hr #he portion from here up to the en 2tnsch tosch ya?amai e3 occurs in Yasna H F4, paras 7517=* #he initial Bor in it G#hBmH is appen e * hs .or the e"planation of Neryosang, see note at the en of the intro uctory verses a<ove* ht #he original meaning of G ami upamanaH is Gthe picutre of Bis omH, Gthe smile of Bis om,H Gsym<ol of Bis omH* .rom this he is the presi ing Angel over Bis om* hu .or e"planation of the .ravashi an Soul see notes given on -horshe Nyyesh verse 9 a<ove* hv Ee revere the souls of the ea Bho are the .ravashis of the righteous 2Spiegel, Harle?, an +ills3 Ee Borship the souls of the eparte an the .ravashis of the righteous people 2(armesteter3*



A 8/i rae#c a= Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d.

114 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat + tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C. Ra7it win/i @ B 10 11 a# aone a# a e rat we= Aa#n/ic a12 $a 8/ic a13 5 # naot r/ic a1; fra#a#taAaDc a.1< Fr/datGf# a$e 0ant+8/ic a1? a# aone1@ a# a e1B rat we=20 Aa#n/ic a21 $a 8/ic a22 5 # naot r/ic a23 fra#a#taAaDc a=2; 124 A# a e $a i# ta e2< /t ra#c a2> A +ra e Fa0d/o=2? 5 # naot ra2@ Aa#n/ic a2B $a 8/ic a30 5 # naot r/ic a31 fra#a#taAaDc a=32 Aat / A : VairAC33 0aot/ fr/ 8e3< 8r:te=3> at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a3? fr/ a# a$a3@ $6d $/o3B 8raot:.;0 24173 At the time7; of pure9 an holy4; perio 47 $apithBan,: Bhen 2the functions3 of giving rest or relief to <easts, 46 an the %or or chieftain of the toBn4F 2goes3, for the pleasure7: 2of the ,reator Ahura +a? a3, for the Borship79 of Ar i<ehest,7@ the .ire76 of Ahura +a? a,7F for 2their3 praise, for 2their3 propitiation54 an for 2their3 glorification,57 may the Daotar5= 2i*e* the officiating priest35= proclaim56 <efore us5@ 2the e"cellences of the verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ*55 +ay the $aspi 2i*e* the assistant Priest3 2Bho is3 holy 5: 2an 3 learne in turn announce=; 2the e"cellances of these verses3 ath ratush asht1chit hachaH* 134 A +re8 Fa0d/8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tre8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tra e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aideH A8e# e S7ente a# aon/8 Aa0a8aide. 1;4 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide= a#t$atC 8ana5 A/c a a7anCte8e8 rat w/8 Aa0a8aide= AaDt+# te8e8 Aa0atan/8= an! an+# te8e8 a# a e rat w/8 aiwina#/n#te8e8= 3a! 8:# te8/8 a# aonC a# a e rat wC rat+frit68 wAa0a8aide. 1<4 Ra7it wine81 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aide.< A +na$ait68> ,/t /8? a# aon68B a# a e10 rat:811 Aa0a8aide1? )# ta$ait6812 ,/t /813 a# aon681; a# a e1< rat:81> Aa0a8aideH1? S7ent/G8ainA:81@ ,/t /81B a# aon6820 a# a e21 rat:822 Aa0a8aide=23 Vo :G5 # at r/82; ,/t /82< a# aon682> a# a e2? rat:82@ Aa0a8aideH2B Va i# tCi# t6830 ,/t /831 a# aon6832 a# a e33 rat:83; Aa0a8aide.3< 2@3 Ee praise@ $apithBan4 the holy,7 %or = of holiness,5 Be praise44 the GathaF Ahunavaiti,6 Be praise4F the Gatha45 /shtavaiti,47 Be praise75 the Gatha49 Spent1mainyu,4: Be praise79 the Gatha7@ Vohu1!hshathra,7= an Be praise5@ the Gatha54 Vahishtoishti,5; the holy,57 %or 5= of holiness*55
hB .or the translation of paragraphs 5 an =, see Havan Gh, a<ove*



1>4 Fr/datGf# /+81 0ant+8e8c a2 a# a$ane83 a# a e; rat:8< Aa0a8aideH> f# +# e8c a? 8/nt re8@ Aa0a8aideHB ar# +5d e8c a10 $/c e811 Aa0a8aideH12 $ac a13 ar# +5 +d a1; Aa0a8aideH1< 1> 1? 1@ 1B $/ret ra! n6# dae$CG! n6ta Aa0a8aideH a7a#c a 0e8a#c a20 21 Aa0a8aide H +r$ar/o#c a=22 8ainAa$ac a23 Aa0ata2; Aa0a8aide=2< ACi2> $an! a0d/o2? a# a$anCH2@ A8e# e#c a S7ente2B a# aon/830 Aa0a8aide.31 263 Ee praise6 .ra at1fshuH4 an DantumaH,7 the holy5 %or @ of $ighteousnessL= Be praise9 h".shushaF mnthra: 2the hymn of prosperity3L: Be praise47 the Bor 44 truly1spo!en*4; Ee praise4@ the Bor s45 truly1spo!enL4= Be praise4: the victorious46 2sacre verses3 smiting the aevasL4F Be praise74 the Baters,49 lan s7; an plantsL77 Be Borship7@ the heavenly75 ya?atas7= Bho76 2are3 righteous7: an <estoBers of <etter 2things3L7F Be Borship54 the hyrighteous5; Bountiful &mmortals*79 1?4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide.> .are# n:# c a? a# a e@ AatB $a i# ta e10= 8a0i# ta11 8/nt ra=12 8a0i# ta13 $ere0Aa=1; 8a0i# ta1< +r$ait Aa=1> 8a0i# ta1? ait A/G $are0Aa=1@ 8a0i# ta1B $indait Aa20 daDnaA/o21 8/0daAa#nCi# 22 Aa0a8aide.23 2F3 Ee Borship6 the e"cellent,7 heroic5 an <eneficent@ .ravashis6 of the righteous 2people3*4 Ee Borship75 the chief pointsF 2the essence3 of Asha: Vahishta4; 2an 3 the greatest44 Holy Spell47 of the $eligion74 of +a? a1 Borship,77 Bhich are the greatest 45 in causing effect,4= 2Bhich are very effective3, the greatest4@ in accomplishing 2any3 Bor!,46 in performing just actions4: 2an 3 in acCuiring 2any Bant3* 1@4 A$at1 $A/5 ne8c a2 an3a8ane8c a3 Aa0a8aide=; Aat< a#ti> A8e# an/8 S7entan/8=? 2are# na$C@ a$an! eB a# nC10 ! i8ate811 0ant+8a e12 rat wC13 Aa#n/ic a1; $a 8/ic a=1< 0ant+8e8c a1> a# a$ane81? a# a e1@ rat:81B Aa0a8aide.20 1B4 A# e8 Va i# te821 /tare8c a22 A +ra e23 8a0dao2; 7+t re82< Aa0a8aide.2> 2:3 .or the Borship4= of the %or 45 Dantuma47 2i*e* %or of the toBn3 an for 2his3 veneration,4@ Be Borship= this4 meeting7 an assem<ly5 2a<o e3 of the Bountiful &mmortalsF Bhich@ is6 situate 44 on the heights: of the yon er9 s!y*4; Ee praise7; Dantuma46 2the %or of the toBn3, the holy, 4F %or 49 of $ighteousness*4: 293 Ee praise76 Ar i<ehesht,74 the .ire,77 the purifier7@ 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? a*7517= 1104 T w/8 tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH ad aG0aot re8 ad aGaiwA/on! ane8 i8at 2are#8a a# aAa fra#tarete8= a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH
h" Yasna H @: is generally calle the .shusha1mnthra* hy &n the original formation this Bor is in genitive plural* See note to verse = a<ove for further etails a<out it*



A7/8 'a7t/re8 Aa0a8aideH 'air68 San! e8 Aa0a8aideH ta5 8e8 D/8Ci# +7a8ane8Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aideH iri#tan/8 +r$/nC Aa0a8aide A/o a# aon/8 0fra$a# aAC. 1114 Rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8o= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8CH $6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aideH $i#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C. Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. -at / A : VairAC 2. 1124 -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2 ao3a#c a3 0a$arec a; /fr6n/8i=< A# a e Va i# ta e> /t ra#c a? A +ra e Fa0d/o.@ A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. 2473 & praise@ the Borship,4 glory,7 vivacity5 an poBer= of Ar i<ehesht6 the .ireF of Ahura +a? a*:

)I(R(' ,H
114 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# o. )0Aeirin/i @ a# aoneB a# a e10 rat we=11 Aa#n/ic a12 $a 8/ic a13 5 # naot r/ic a1; fra#a#taAaDc a=1< fr/datG$6r/i1> da5 A+8/ic a1? a# aone1@ a# a e1B rat we=20 Aa#n/ic a21 $a 8/ic a22 5 # naot r/ic a23 fra#a#taAaDc a.2; 124 .ere0atC2< A +ra e2> nafed rC2? a7/82@ a7a#c a2B 8a0dad /taA/o=30 5 # naot ra32 Aa#n/ic a32 $a 8/ic a33 5 # naot r/ic a3; fra#a#taG AaDc a=3< -at / A : VairAC3> 0aot/3? fr/ 8e3@ 8r:te=3B at / rat+# a# /tG c it ac a;0 fr/ a# a$a;1 $6d $ao;2 8raot:.;3 24173 At the time44 of pure9 2an 3 holy4; perio 44 /?irin: Bhen it is time to rest men from the Bor!,46 an Bhen the %or or sovereign of the country4F 2goes3 to Borship the ,reator Ahura +a? a, 54 an to praise,55 propitiate5= an glorify5@ the 2very source of37F Bater,7: may the Daotar5F 2i*e* the officiating priest3 proclaim59 <efore me5: 2the e"cellences of the verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ*56 +ay 2the $aspi3 2i*e* the assistant Priest3 2Bho is3 holy=4 2an 3 learne =7 announce=5 2the e"cellences of these verses3 ath ratush asht1chit hachaH* 134 A +re8 Fa0d/8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tre8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tra e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aideH A8e# e S7ente a# aon/8 Aa0a8aide. 1;4 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide= a#t$atC
h? .or the translation of paragraphs 4;144, see Havan Gh, a<ove*

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8ana5 A/c a a7anCte8e8 rat w/8 Aa0a8aideH AaDt+# te8e8 Aa0atan/8 an! a8i# te8e8 a# a e rat w/8 awina#/n#te8e8= 3a! 8:# te8/8 a# aonC a# a e rat wC rat+frit68 Aa0a8aide.ia 1<4 )0Aeirine81 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aideH< Iaot/re8> a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH H/$an/ne8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH tare$a5 # e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Fra2aret/re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH 2erete8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH #nat/re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Rat wi# 5are8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Srao# /$are0e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH 2@3 Ee praise@ /?irin,4 the holy,7 %or of $ighteousnessL5 Be praise the Daotar the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the Hvann the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the Ktarva!hsi the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the .ra<aretar the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the K<eretar the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the Ksntar the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the $athBish!ar the holy, %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise the Sraoshvare?athe holy, %or of $ighteousnessL E*7"anation> &n the a<ove paragraphs various classes of Her<a , the practising priests, are remem<ere Bith ue respect* +oreover, from these names, Be 2come to !noB3 Bhat function each type of priest performs> Daot, Hvann, ceremonyL i*e* ?oti or the performer of principal ceremonyL i*e* the priest Bho strains the Haoma an performs the

Ktarva!hsha, i*e* Atarva!hshi, Bhose function is to !eep the fire <urningL .ra<aretar, i*e* the priest Bho <rings to the Daotar all the implements an other things 2articles3 reCuire for the ceremoniesL K<ereta 2W p Z <eretar3, a man in holy or ers, Bho provi es for the sacre Bater use in religious ceremonies an for purificatory purposesL Ksntar, i*e* the priest in holy or ers Bho purifies efile persons, as Bell as, the utensils use for ceremonial purposesL $aBthBish!ara, i*e* a priest Bho performs all the accessory services, such as a justing the ceremonial utnesils an putting them in proper or erL Sraoshvare?a, i*e* a priest in Bhose presence a sinner confesses his mis ee s an ma!es amen s for them, an the officer Bho !eeps goo
ia .or the translation of paras 5 an =, see Hvan Gh a<ove*



iscipline*i< 1>4 Fr/datG$6re81 da5 A8e8c a2 a# a$ane83 a# a e; rat:8< Aa0a8aideH> #trD+# c a? 8/on! e8c a@ $arec aB raoc /o10 Aa0a8aideH11 ana! ra12 raoc /o13 Aa0a8aideH1; afra#an! /8c a1< 5 $/t re81> Aa0a8aideH1? A/1@ nar# 1B #/dr/20 dre!$atC.21 1?4 Hait A/$aG re0e822 a# a$ane823 a# a e2; rat:82< Aa0a8aideH2> a7are8c a2? t5aD# e82@ Aa0a8aideH2B ait A/$are0e830 a# a$ane831 a# aonC32 #t6833 Aa0a8aideH3; 7aiti3< a#ni 7aiti 5 # afne=3> Aa#CG2eret/2AC3? 0aot r/2AC=3@ da5 A+8a e3B rat wC;0 Aa#n/ic a;1 $a 8/ic aH;2 da5 +8e8c a;3 a# a$ane8;; a# a e;< rat:8;> Aa0a8aide.;? 1@4 .ere0ante8;@ a +re8;B 5 # at r68=<0 5 # aDte8=<1 a7/8<2 na7/te8<3 a+r$atGa#7e8<; Aa0a8aideH<< a7e8c a<> Fa0dad /t/8<? a# aon68<@ Aa0a8aide.<B 263 Ee6 praise G.ra t1vVraH an G(a!hyumaH,7 the holy,5 %or @ of $ighteousnessL= Be praise44 the starsF an the moon: an the sun9 an luminariesL4; Be praise4= the <oun less47 lightsL45 Be praise4= the icsplen our46 of the octrines4@ Bhich 2are as it Bere3 the i Boes7; of the sinful74 person*49 2F3 Ee praise76 the %or 7@ of $ighteousness7= 2Bho is3 holy75 an practising righteous or virtuous ee sL77 Be praise79 the later7F ielore*7: Ee praise5= the creation55 of Holy57 2Ahura +a? a3, the %or =; of the country59 Bith li<ations5: <rought for the yasnaL5F Be praise=F ay56 an night5F the %or =4 of righteousness=@ 2Bho is the chieftain3 2pertaining3 to the holy== country*=5 2:3 Ee praise@@ the ifNavel@5 of the Eaters,@7 the e"alte =: %or ,=9 sBift1foote @= horse 2Bho is3 imperial, @; an shinning,@4 Be praise@9 the pure@: Bater@6 create <y Ahura +a? a*@F 1B4 T w/8 /tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH ad aG0aot re8 ad aGaiwA/on! ane8 i8at 2are#8a a# aAa fra#tarete8= a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH A7/8 'a7t/re8 Aa0a8aideH 'air68 San! e8 Aa0a8aide9 ta5 8e8 D/8Ci# +7a8ane8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aideH iri#tan/8 +r$/nC Aa0a8aide A/o a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC. 1104 Rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anote8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8CH $6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aideH $6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na
i< GSraoshvare?a 1 a priest in Bhose presence a sinner confesses his mis ee s an atones for them* A !eeper of a Beapon in han to rive aBay emons an rujas at the time Bhen the cere1 mony is <eing performe H* 2Prof* Harle?3* ic #he lustre of the ivine songs 2Professor Harle?3* afrasangh W Sans!rit prashans, prashasti W praise, fame* i #he goo a monition appears to the Bic!e person, misery or rather poison* See Vispere 4: -ar a, para 7L Yasna H =@, para F* ie &ts purport is that the comparison of the $eligion of the Poryot!eshas, flourishe prior to Holy Darathushtra may <e applie to the $eligion of Darathushtra reveale <y Ahura +a? a* if Generally he is regar e as a Ya?ata an he !eeps connection Bith the Batery clou s, light1 ning an rain* &ts eCuivalent in Sans!rit is, Apm Napt*

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Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a $are# A8nac Aa. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /H A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide.i! -at / A : VairAC 2. 1114 -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2 ao3a#c a3 0a$arec a; afr6na8i=# 2ere0atC> a +ra e? nafed rC@ a7/8B a7a#c a10 8a0dad /taA/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. 2443 & praise,@ Borship,4 Bith veneration,7 vivacity5 an poBer= of the Navel: of the Baters9 the e"alte 6 %or F of the Baters4; create <y Ahura +a? a*44

114 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C= aiwi#r:t re8ai @ ai2i!aA/iB a# aone10 a# a e11 rat we=12 Aa#n/ic a13 $a 8/ic a1; 5 # 5naot raic a1< fra#a#taAaDc a=1> fr/datG$6#7/8G +3A/itDe1? 0arat +# trCte8/ic a1@ a# aone1B a# a e20 rat we=21 Aa#n/ic a22 $a 8/ic a23 5 # naot r/ic a2; fra#a#taAaDc a.2< 124 A# /+n/8=2> fra$a# in/82? ! en/n/8c a2@ $6rC$/nt wan/8=2B A/irA/o#c a30 31 32 33 +# itCi# = a8a ec a +t/# ta e +raod a e3; 3< 3> $eret ra! na ec a a +rad /ta e= $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/to=3? 3@ 3B 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a;0 5 # naot r/ic a;1 ;2 ;3 ;; ;> fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A + $airAC 0aot/ fr/ 8D 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a;? fr/ a# a$a;@ $6d $/o;B 8raot6.<0 24173 At the time4 of the holy4; an pure44 perio 47 of AiBisruthrema,: the guar ian over life9, Bhen 2the act3 of giving prosperity to all the living creatures4F an Bhen the poBer of the Pontiff4: rests, for the pleasure5: 2of the ,reator Ahura +a? a3, for the Borship 59 of the .ravashis7F of the righteous 2people3,79 Bomen Bith their troops of heroes,79 timely a vent54 of the seasons,5; of 2the ya?ata name 3 Ama,57 Bell1ma e an <eautiful,5= Behrm ya?ata5@ create <y Ahura +a? a,56 an Vananti /paratt5F 2i*e* of the ya?ata presi ing over the victorious ascen ency3, for 2their3 praise, =; 2their3 propitiation=4 an glorification,=7may the Daotar== proclaim=6 <efore me=@ 2the e"cellences of the sacre verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ* =5 +ay 2the $spi3 2Bho is3 pious=: 2an 3 learne =9 announce@; 2the e"cellences of the verse3 ath ratush asht1chit hach*=F
ig .or the tanslation of paras 914;, see Havan Gh*



134 A +re8 Fa0d/8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tre8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tra e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aideH A8e# e S7ente a# aon/8 Aa0a8aide. 1;4 A# aon/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide= a#t$atC 8ana5 A/c a a7anCte8e8 rat w/8 Aa0a8aide= AaDt+# te8e8 Aa0atan/8= an! an+# te8e8 a# a e rat w/8 aiwina#/n#te8e8= 3a! 8:# te8/8 a# aonC a# a e rat wC rat+frit68 Aa0a8aide.i 1<4 Aiwi#r:t re8e81 a# a$ane83 a# a e; rat:8< Aa0a8aideH> Ai2i!/i82 a# a$ane83 a# a e; rat:8< Aa0a8aideH> t w/8? /tare8@ A +ra e Fa0d/oB 7+t re810 a# a$ane811 a# a e12 rat:813 Aa0a8aideH1; a#8ana1< /$ana1> a# a e1? rata$C1@ Aa0a8aideH1B aAan! aDna20 /$ana21 a# a e22 rata$C23 Aa0a8aide2; ad aG0aot re82< ad aGaiwA/on!G ane82> i8at2? 2are#8a=2@ a# aAa2B fra#tarete830 a# a$ane831 a# a e32 rat:833 Aa0a8aideH3; /7a +r$aire3< Aa0a8aideH3> ao+r$at/83? +r+ne3@ a# a$ane83B a# a e;0 rat:8;1 Aa0a8aide;2. 2@3 Ee praise6 GAiBisruthremaH4, the $ighteous5, the %or @ of $ighteousness=* Ee praise6 the $ighteous5 2AiBisruthrema3 the %or @ of $ighteousness= 2an 3 the guar ian of %ife7* Ee praise4= #heeF, the $ighteous .ire:, the purifier4; 2of all things3 pertaining to Ahura +a? a 9, the %or 45 of $ighteousness47* Ee praise49 the stone4@ +ortar46 2an 3 things iiuseful in rituals7;174 or to achieve for $ighteousness4F14:L Be praise7= this Baresman75, Bhich is righteous54 sprea 5; Bith holiness79, together Bith the %i<ation7@, an AiByaonghan76, things useful to <e righteousL Be Borship 56 the Baters an the trees5@L Be praise=7 the ijperfection5F of the Soul5:, the righteous59 soul 2an 3 the %or =4 of $ighteousness=;* 1>4 Fr/datG$6#7a8G +3A/it681 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aide<H Iarat +# tre8> a# a$ane8? a# a e@ rat:8B Aa0a8aide10H 8/nt re811 S7ente812 a# a$ane813 a# a e1; rat:81< Aa0a8aide1>H !D+# 1? +r$/ne81@ a# a$ane81B a# a e20 rat:821 Aa0a8aide22H Iarat +# trCte8e8c a23 a# a$ane82; a# a e2< rat:82> Aa0a8aide2?H Iarat +# tre82@ a# a$ane82B a# a e30 rat:831 Aa0a8aide32. 263 Ee praise@ G.r at1vVspm1hujyiti4H, the $ighteous7, the %or of $ighteousness5L Ee praise4; Darathushtra6, the $ighteousF, the %or 9 of $ighteousness:L Be Borship46 the Beneficent47 Holy Spell44, the righteous45, the %or 4@ of $ighteousness4=L Be Borship77 the Soul4: of the /niverse4F, the righteous49, %or 74 of $ighteousness7;L Be Borship7F the i!High1priest75, the
ih .or the translation of 5r an =th paragraphs, see Havan Gh* ii #he meaning of the Bor GratuH Bhen applie to intimate o<jects can <e ta!en as Guseful 1 practical or Borthy thing*H +oreover, its usual meaning is, G%or , time, seasonH* ij 0ustiL !in ness, favour, goo Bishes 2Harle?3L sacre voBs 2+ills3 i! Darathushtrotema, i*e* one strictly folloBing or a herent to the octrines of Darathushtra*



holy7=, the %or 76 of $ighteousness7@* Ee Borship57 Darathushtra7:, the $ighteous79, the %or 54 of $ighteousness5;* 1?4 t ra$ane81 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aideH< rat aD# t/re8> a# a$ane8? a# a e@ rat:8B Aa0a8aideH10 $/#tr6811 f# +Aante812 a# a$ane3n13 a# a e1; rat:81< Aa0a8aideH1> n8/na e1? n8/nCG7ait681@ a# a$ane81B a# a e20 rat:821 Aa0a8aideH22 $6#C23 $6#G 7ait682; a# a$ane82< a# a e2> rat:82? Aa0a8aideH2@ 0antD+# 2B 0ant+G 7ait6830 a# a$ane831 a# a e32 rat:833 Aa0a8aideH3; dan! D+# 3< dan! +G7ait683> a# a$ane83? a# a e3@ rat:83B Aa0a8aide.;0 2F3 Ee praise@ the Priest 2i*e* (astur1+o<e 3,4 the righteous, the %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise4; the Earrior6 2i*e* $oyal Hero3,6 the righteous,F the %or of $ighteousnessL: Be praise46 the <ringing of prosperity to the Agriculturist,44 the righteous,45 the %or 4@ of $ighteousnessL4= Be praise77 the %or of the House,4: the righteous, the %or of $ighteousnessL Be praise 7: the %or 7= of the ,lans,75 the righteous,7@ the %or of $ighteousnessL76 Be praise5= the %or 5; of the #oBn,79 the righteous,54 the %or 55 of $ighteousnessL57 Be praise=; the il%or 56 of the ,ountry,5@ the righteous,5F %or 59 of $ighteousness*5: 1@4 -a$/ne81 +8anan! e82 +$ac an! e83 +# Aaot ne8; < > ? @ B +daDne8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Aa$/ne810 +5 d CG $ac an! e8+ a# a$ane812 a# a e13 rat:81; Aa0a8aideH1< 5 $aDt$aG dat e81> a# a$ane81? a# a e1@ rat:81B Aa0a8aideH20 dan! aG+r$ae#e821 a# a$ane822 a# a e23 rat:82; Aa0a8aideH2< +8/i82> 7airAat ne82? a# a$ane82@ a# a e2B rat:830 Aa0a8aideH31 n8/na e32 n8/nCG7at n6833 a# a$ane83; a# a e3< rat:83> Aa0a8aide.3? 2:3 Ee praise9 the youth4 of goo thoughts,7 goo Bor s,5 goo ee s= an goo faith,@ the righteous,6 %or : of $ighteousness*F Ee praise4@ the youth,4; praying of Go ,44 the righteous,47 %or 4= of $ighteousness*4= Ee praise7; the patriotic person,46 the righteous,4F %or 49 of $ighteousnessL4: the righteous 2man377 imcoming from the lan ,74 the %or of $ighteousnessL the in missionary7F of goo Bis om,76 the righteous,7: lor 5; of $ighteousness,79 an Be revere5F the %a y of the House,55 the righteous,5= the +istress56 of $ighteousness*5@ 1B4 '/iri5/8c a1 a# aon682 Aa0a8aide=3 fr/ACG +8at/8=; fr/ACG :5 t/8=< fr/ACG $ar# t/8=> +# G /8G#/#t/8=? rat+5 # at r/8=@ B 10 a# aon68= A/8 r8ait68 S7ent/8=11 A/o#c a12 te13 ! en/o=1; A +ra
il )riginal meaning of, Gvis1paitimH is, Gthe master of the clansHL original meaning of, GDantu1 paitimH is, Gthe master of the toBnHL original meaning of, G anghu1paitimH is Gthe master of the countryH* im Gthe traveller in the lan H, 2Spiegel, +ills an (armesteter3* in &ts significance seems to <e the propagator of the $eligion of Darathushtra a<roa , an the preacher of the octrines of this goo religion*



Fa0da.1< 'are8c a1> a# a$ane81? Aa0a8aide=1@ fr/ACG +8ate8=1B fr/ACG :5 te8=20 fr/ACG $ar# te8=21 $i#tCGfraoreit68=22 D$i#tCG5aAad e8=23 Aen! e2; # Aaot n/i# 2< !aDt /o2> a# a2? fr/dente=2@ Iarat +# trCG te8a e2B rat wC30 Aa#n/ic a=31 $a 8/ic a32 Iarat +# trCte8e8c a33 a# a$ane83; a# a e3< rat:83> Aa0a8aide.3? 1104 A# /+n/83@ $an!+ 6# 3B #:r/o;0 #7ent/o;1 fra$a# aAC;2 Aa0a8aideH;3 ! en/o#c a;; $6rC$/nt $/o;< Aa0a8aideH;> A/irA/8c a;? +# it68;@ Aa0a8aideH;B a8e8c a<0 <1 <2 +ta# te8 +raod e8 Aa0a8aideH<3 $eret ra! ne8c a<; a +raG << d /te8 Aa0a8aideH<> $anaint68c a +7art/te8<? Aa0a8aide.<@ 293 Ee praise5 the righteous7 Boman,4 richest in goo thoughts,= goo Bor s@ an goo ee s,6 Bell an properly instructe ,F o<e ient to her hus<an : 2an 3 truthful9 2an 3 Bho44 2i*e* the Boman3 2is3 li!e Spenta Armaiti 2Bountiful &mmortal344 an , ) Horma? ,4@ li!e 2other3 io.eminine PoBers4= create <y you* 2Ee praise such Bomen having the Cualities mentione a<ove3* Ee praise4: the righteous4F man,46 richest in goo thoughts,49 richest in goo Bor s7; an richest in goo ee s*74 un erstan ing the faith77 2i*e* stea fast on the $eligion377 2an 3 ignorant of sinsL75 through Bhose7= actions7@ for the Borship54 of the highest Priest79 an for 2his3 praise, 57 the Borl 76 gets prosperous7: <y means of $ighteousness*7F Ee praise5F the highest Priest,55 the righteous,5= the %or 56 of $ighteousness*5@ 24;3 the e"cellent,59 heroic=; an <eneficent=4 .ravashis=7 of righteous 2people3L5: Bomen== Bith their troops of heroesL=@ the timely a vent=: of the seasonsL=F an the Bell1ma e,@4 <eautiful@7 Ama 2i*e* the ya?ata presi ing over courage3L @; an Be praise@6 Behram ya?ata@= create <y Ahura +a? aL an Be praise Vananti /paratat*@F 1114 T w/8 tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide= ad aG0aot re8 ad aGaiwA/on! ane8 i8at 2are#8a a# aAa fra#tarete8= a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH A7/8 'a7t/re8 Aa0a8aideH 'air68 San! e8 Aa0a8aideH ta5 8e8 D/8Ci# )7a8ane8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide= iri#tan/8 +r$/nC Aa0a8aide A/o a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC. 1124 Rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anote8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8CH $6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aideH $6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac a.i7 -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide= -at / A : VairAC 2. 1134 -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2 ao3a#c a3 0a$arec a; /fr6na8i=<
io &n the Doroastrian $eligion there are tBo types of angels, male an female* #he feminine an1 gels are, Span rma , Avn, (in, Ashishvangh an Asta * ip .or the translation of paragraphs 44147, see Havan Gh, a<ove*



a# /+n/8> fra$a# in/8? ! en/n/8c a@ $6rC$/nt wan/8=B A/irA/o#G c a10 +# itCi# =11 a8a ec a12 +t/# ta e13 +raod a e=1; $eret ra! G na ec a1< a +rad /ta e=1> $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/to. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c a= Ha0an! re8= Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da= Kerfe Fo0d. 2453 & e"tol@ the Borship,4 praise7 vivacity5 an the poBer= of the .ravashisF of the righteous 2people3, 6 an of the Bomen: Bith their troops of heroes,9 the timely a vent44 of the seasons,4; the shapely,45 <eautiful4= Ama 2i*e* ya?ata presi ing over courage3, Behram ya?ata, 46 create <y Ahura +a? a an Vananti /paratt4F*

114 K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C. )# a in/i @ B 10 11 a# aone a# a e rat we Aa#n/ic a12 $a 8/ic a13 5 # naot r/ic a1; fra#a#taAaDc a.1< 2ere3A/i1> n8/nA/ic a1? a# aone1@ a# a e1B rat we=20 Aa#n/ic a21 $a 8/ic a22 5 # naot r/ic a23 fra#a#taAaDc a=2; 124 Srao# a e2< a# Ae e2> a# i$atC2? $eret r/3anC2@ fr/datG!aDt a e=2B Ra# nao# 30 Ra0i# ta e=31 Ar# t/ta#c a32 fr/datG!aDt aA/o33 $aredatG !aDt aA/o=3; 5 # naot ra3< Aa#n/ic a3> $a 8/ic a3? 5 # naot r/ic a3@ fra#a#taAaDc a=3B Aat / A : VairAC;0 0aot/;1 fr/ 8e;2 8r:te=;3 at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a;; fr/ a# a$a;< $6d $/o;> 8raot:.;? 24173 At the time7; of the pure9 an holy4; perio 44 /shahen: Bhen it is propitious to as! for oneAs Bishes46 to <e fulfille an Bhen the authority, the master of the house4F 2prays the creator Ahura +a? a3,5@ through propitiation5@ of Sraosha 2ya?ata3,7@ the pure,76 holy,7F victorious,7: <ringing prosperity to the Borl ,79 the +ost 0ust54 $ashna 2ya?ata3,5; an Asta 2ya?ata3,57 the promoter an the increaser of the Borl , 5= for the Borship 2of them all3,56 praise5F, propitiation5: an for 2their3 glorification59 may the Daotar=4 proclaim=5 <efore me=7 2the e"cellences of the sacre verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ*=; +ay 2the $aspi Bho is3 holy=@ 2an 3 learne =6, announce=F 2the e"cellences of these verses3 ath ratush asht chit hacha* 134 A +re8 Fa0d/8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tre8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tra e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aideH A8e# e S7ente a# aon/8 Aa0a8aide. 1;4 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide= a#t$atC 8ana5 A/c a a7anCte8e8 rat w/8 Aa0a8aide= AaDt+# te8e8 Aa0atan/8= an! an+# te8e8 a# a e rat w/8 aiwina#/n#te8e8= 3a! 8:# te8/8 a# aonC a# a e rat wC rat+frit68 Aa0a8aide.iJ 1<4 )# a ine81 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aideH< +# /8>
iC .or the translation, see Havan Gh, a<ove*



#r6r/8? Aa0a8aideH@ +# /on! e8B Aa0a8aide=10 5 # Cit n6811 raD$atG a#7/8=12 fra8enGnar/8=1< fra8enGnarCG$6r/8H1; A/1< 5 $/t ra$aiti1> n8/na$aitiH1? +# /on! e81@ Aa0a8aide=1B re$6820 renAatGa#7/8=21 A/22 #anat23 a$i2; a7tCG5ar# $air682< 0/8H2> a$/82? +# /82@ Aa0a8aide.2B A +re8 Fa0d/830 a# a$ane831 a# a e32 rat:833 Aa0a8aideH3; $o : 8anC3< Aa0a8aideH3> A# e8 Va i# te83? Aa0a8aideH3@ 5 # at re8 $air683B Aa0a8aideH;0 S7ent/8;1 $an!+ 68;2 r8ait68;3 Aa0a8aide.;; 2@3 Ee praise@ /sahahen Gah4 the righteous,7 the %or of righteousnessL5 Be praise: the <eautifulF (aBn,6 the light of the (aBn,9 shining44 Bith the ra iant horses,47 agreea<le or pleasing to men,4@ heroic men4= Bhich4@ 2light3 2is3 giving comfort an ease46 an <elongs to the house an family*4F Ee praise49 the light of the (aBn,4: agile7; 2an 3 of nim<le1pace horses74, Bhich77 is sprea 75 upon7= the seven regions of the earth* 7@ Ee praise79 this7F (aBn*7: Ee Borship5= Ahura +a? a,5; $ighteous,54 %or 55 of $ighteousness*57 Ee Borship56 2the Holy &mmortal3 Vohu +anahL5@ Be Borship5: 2the Bountiful &mmortal3 Asha VahishtaL 5F Be Borship=; 2the Bountiful &mmortal3 SheherevarL59 Be Borship== the goo =7 Span arma 2Bountiful &mmortal3*=5 1>4 .ere3681 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0a8aide=< 2ere3a> $an! D+# ? a# a e=@ 2ere3aB daDnaA/o10 $an! +A/o11 8/0daAa#nCi# =12 n8/nAe e13 rat wC1; Aa#n/ic a1< $a 8/ic a1> n8/ni8c a1? a# a$ane81@ a# a e1B rat:820 Aa0a8aide.21 1?4 Srao# e822 a# 6823 +raod e82; $eret r/3ane82< fr/datG 2> 2? !aDt e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e2@ rat:82B Aa0a8aideH30 Ra# n:831 ra0i#te832 Aa0a8aide=33 Ar# t/te83; fr/datG!aDt /83< $aredatG!aDt /83> Aa0a8aide.3? 263 Ee praise@ Berejya4 the righteous,7 %or = of righteousness,5 Bith the <lessing6 of the goo F righteousness,: 2an 3 Bith the <lessing9 of the goo 44 +a? a1Borshipping47 $eligion,4; for the Borship4@ of Nmnya45 $atu4= 2i*e* principal master of the house3 an for 2his3 praise* 46 Ee praise74 GNmnyoH 2i*e* the chief %or of the house34F the holy,49 %or 7; of holiness*49 2F3 Ee Borship5; Sraosha 2ya?ata377 the holy,75 the %or 79 of righteousness,7: 2Bho is3 of goo appearance,7= victorious,7@ <ringing prosperity to the Borl 76 2an 3 righteousness*7F Ee Borship55 the just57 $ashnu 2ya?ata3*54 Ee Borship5F Asta 2ya?ata3,5= the promoter an the increaser of the Borl *56 1@4 T w/8 /tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH ad aG0aot re8 ad aGaiwA/on! ane8 i8at 2are#8a a# aAa fra#tarete8= a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH A7/8 'a7t/re8 Aa0a8aideH 'air68 San! e8 Aa0a8aideH ta5 8e8 D/8Ci# +7a8ane8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aideH iri#tan/8 +r$/nC Aa0a8aide



A/o a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC. 1B4 Rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anote8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8CH $6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide= $6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t at /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. -at / A : VairAC.124 1104 -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2 ao3a#c a3 0a$arec a; /fr6n/8i< Srao# a e> a# Ae e? a# i$atC@ $eret r/3anoB fr/datG!aDt a e=10 Ra# nao# 11 ra0i# ta e=12 Ar# t/ta#c a13 fr/datG!aDt aA/o1; $aredatG !aDt aA/o.1< A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c a= Ha0an! re8= Ka#a 8e a$an! a Fa0da= Kerfe Fo0d. 24;3 & praise,@ Borship,4 the Srosh 2Ya?ata3, glory,7 vivacity5 an strength= of the holy,F righteous an victorious9 Srosh 2Ya?ata3 <ringing prosperity to the Borl ,4; of the justL47 $ashna 2ya?ata344 an Asta 2ya?ata3,45 the furtherer 2promoter34= an increaser of the Borl *4@

K# naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. -at / A : VairAC. <. -at / A : VairAC 7an3 A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8= a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+# +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= 7i# eG# +8/ $e /n= 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8.i# -at / A : VairAC. <. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e= tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# = / :irAe e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. -at / A : VairAC Iaot/ fr/ 8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. -at / A + VairAC Fra#t+Ae +8atCi2Aa#c / :5 toi2Aa#c / $ar# tCi2Aa#c / 8/nt wCi2Aa#c / $a5 ed $Ci2Aa#c / $ar# t$Ci2Aa#c /. Ai2i!airA/ dait e $6#7/ +8at/c / :5 t/c a $ar# t/c /. Paitiric A/ dait e $6#7/ d+# 8at/c / d+# :5 t/c / d+0 $ar# t/c /. Fer/ $e r/ i=
ir .or the translation of paragraphs :19, see Havan Gh, a<ove* is .or its translation, see <eginning part of Srosh B?, a<ove* it .or its translation, see Srosh B?, a<ove*



A8e# / S7ent/= Aa#ne8c / $a 8e8c /= fer/ 8anan! /= fer/ $ac an! /= fer/ # Aaot n/= fer/ an! +A/= fer/ tan$a#c 6t= 5 $a5 A/o i+ +# tane8. Stao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 1. -at / A + VairAC 21= A# e8 Vo : 12= -at / A + VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= #rao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e= tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# = / +irAe e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d.

-at / A + VairAC 1. -at / A + VairAC1 7an32 a0 a8/ !+n/ 3 7atet 7a# e8/n+8;= a0< ar$a#t6n> d+# 8ata? d+0 +5 ta@ d+0 $ar# taB= 8e810 7a !et611 8an6d12= 7i# e13 # +8/1; $e /n1<= 8ana# n61> !a$a# n61? 5+na# n61@ tan61B ra$/n620 !et621 8inC/n622= o5 e23 aw/5 # 7a# e8/n2; 7a #e !a$a# n62< 7a 7atet o82>. -at / A + VairAC <= A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# = $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# o 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# = / :irAe e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. -at / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/ 8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $ao 8raot+. -at / A : VairAC 1. 2#he person Bho atones for his sins spea!s3>1 ) goo 4@ 2religious high1priestsX3 &, in your4= iBpresence45 2having recite 3 five7 Yath AhP VairyQ4 repent= 2of all sins3 <y means of Patet=* .rom@ all6 Bic!e thoughtsF, Bor s: 2an 3 ee s9 Bhich &4; have thought in my min 47 in this Borl 44 2an 3 from all !in s of sins5, pertaining to thought46, Bor 4F, an ee 4:, pertaining to 2my oBn3 <o y49, an soul7;, pertaining to this Borl 74, an the Borl <eyon 77, ) Horma? 75X & a<stain from them Bith repentance7= 2an 3 Bith the three Bor s7@ 2i*e* Bith thought, Bor , an ee 3 & repent76* 1Kard/ 14 Far/0 #et/e81 ar$e#7a2 +8ata3 +5 ta; $ar# ta<= 7a> 8ana# ne? !a$a# ne@= 5+na# neB. Aw/0 #et/e810 ar$e#7a11 d+# 8ata12
iu .or the translation of .erastuye, see -horshe Nyyesh, pages a<ove* iv #his Bhole Patet is in Pa?en language* )f these some su<ject matters are ta!en from Avesta an some from Pahlavi Boo!s* iB .rom this it appears that the sinner confesses his oBn sins an ma!es suita<le atonement in the presence of the High1priests fully1verse in the Doroastrian $eligion* After the composition of this Patet even from the Persian $ivayets Britten in later times similar Briting is foun , that a sinful person shoul confess his sins an atone in presence of the just, learne , Bell1verse per1 son in $eligion, in (astur, of that perio *



d+0 +5 ta13 d+0 $ar# ta1;= a01< 8ana# ne1> !a$a# ne1? 5+na# ne1@. A$ar!6ra# n6 de o81B ar$e#7a20 +8ata21 +5 ta22 $ar# ta23= 7a2; 8ana# ne2< !a$a# ne2> 5+na# ne2? 5+2@ 5erfe 2B 5+na830= .e e"a# n6 de o831 ar$e#7a32 d+# 8ata33 d+0 +5 ta3; d+0 $ar# ta3< a03> 3? 8ana# ne !a$a# ne3@ 5+na# ne3B= 5+;0 !+na ;1 na5+na8;2. & praise4 all7 goo thoughts5, goo Bor s= 2an 3 goo ee s@ through 2my3 me itationF, speech: an action9* & a<hor4; all44 evil thoughts47, evil Bor s45 an evil ee s4= <y4@ 2my3 thoughts46, Bor s4F, an ee s4:* & hol fast49 2i*e* & acCuire3 all7; goo thoughts74, Bor s77 an ee s75 through7= 2my3 thoughts7@, Bor s76, an ee s7F, so that7: 2&3 may perform 5; meritorious ee s79* & relinCuish54 all57 evil thoughts55 evil Bor s5= an evil ee s5@ through56 2my3 thoughts5F, Bor s5: an ee s59 so that=; 2&3 may not commit=7 sin=4* Far/0;3 oA # +8/;; r/d o8;<= 5e;> a8# /#7and;? ed;@= Aa0a# ne;B o<0 nA/e# ne<1H far/0;3 7a<2 8ana# ne<3 far/0;3 7a<; !a$a# ne<<= far/0;3 7a<> 5+na# ne<?= far/0;3 7a<@ C <B= far/0;3 7a>0 tan>1= far/0;3 7a>2 /nec >3 in>; 5 e# >< 3/n>>= tan>? o>@ 3/n>B n/8?0 ra$/n?1. .:n?2 2ar?3 5 /#ta?; i8 a#t?<= 7a?> 5 e# 6Ae?? Aa0d/n?@ d/r o8.?B Pa@0 5 e# 6Ae@1 Aa0d/n@2 d/# tan ae 2a od@; 5+@< a!ar@> ta# @? a0/n ra#ad@@= 5e in tan@B ra$/nr/B0 2eG/w/Aad d/danB1 2eGde a8B2. & e icate=@ unto you== 2Bho=6 are=:3 the Ameshspan =F the Yasna=9 an @; Nyyesh@4 Bith@72my3 thought@5, Bor @@, an ee @F, Bith@: 2my oBn3 conscience@9, <o y64, 2an 3 through67 2this6= Bhich65 is3 my oBn6@, life66 an through67 the <o y6F an life69 i*e* soulF4* & !eepF9 the internalF7 2an 3 the e"ternalF5 treasureF= Bhich & haveF@, oBing toF6 2 ue to my3 !inshipFF Bith Go F:* -eeping:5 Bith:; the !inship:4 of Go :7 2is this:= that:@,3 i*e*:@ if:6 any thing:F happens::, & shall give97, e icate94, if necessary, this 2my3 <o y:9 for the sa!e of 2my3 soul9;* E*7"anation9G 2&ts significance is, if it is necessary to e icate my <o y for the <enefits of my soul, & o so*3 Set/Ae8B3 a# a 6B; 7/ "o8B<= na!+na8B> de$/nB?. Pa n656Ae d/d/r Hor8a0dB@ #e7/#d/r o8BB. Pa 7etA/r100 an/i1 a02 ! an/8inC3 awar 8ad;= +8ede ra#t/5 i0r/< 7ada# > 5 or#and? a8d/#t/n@ o8B. D6ne Hor8a0d10 d/de Iarto# t11= ra#tae far/r+n12= 5ard 7orACda5e# /n13 7a da#t:r1; d/r o81<. n 3/de r/1> a0 !+n/ 1? 7a 7atet o81@ 7a 7atet o81B a0 !+n/ 20. & praise95 the <est9@ righteousness9= 2an 3 & smite96 the emons9F for the sa!e of or in the hope of the i"$esurrection@, & am iygrateful99 an contente
i" .or full e"planation on G$ist!he?H, see GDarthoshti A<hyasH Britten <y Sheth -*$* ,ama, pages 7::15;7* iy i*e* & am most grateful to the ,reator for Bhatever e"cellences reach me every time from Him 2Horma? 3*



Bith the goo ness of the creator Horma? 9:, an harm 2an unanimous of3 the antagonism4;; an harm4 Bhich have come= 2upon me3 from7 Ahriman*5 E*7"anation>1 2As regar s the last sentence mentione a<ove in the Pahlavi commentary it is state that on the ay of $esurrection the poBer of the Ahriman, an his associates the evs an rujas, Bill <e annihilate an they cannot <ring any !in of harm*3 & !eep4@ 2& o<serve3 the $eligion of Horma? 4;, the %aB of Dartosht 44, 2goo 3 truthfulness47 2an the e"cellent3 ee s of the i?Poryot!aeshas45 in accor ance Bith the comman ments of the $eligion4=* E*7"anation>1 2& Bill live my life accor ing to the $eligion of Horma? , all the comman ments of the Holy Dartosht an the virtuous acts of the Poryot!aeshas, i*e* the <elievers in one Go , prior to the time of that Prophet*3 .or that Bay46 2i*e* if & have eviate from the a<ove mentione comman ments3 & repent 2those3 sins4F an & am penitent49 of 2these3 sins*ja 1Kard/ 24 K+1 8ard+8/n2 o 2:n3 # /Aad 2:dan; A/o 8an< o 2:n> 2:d e#ted?= 7e# @ oA c e er and/= 7a#10 oA c e er 7e# 11= Aad# /n andar12 3a#t e#ted13= a0 #D #rao# CGc aran/8 !+n/ 1;= a0 /n n6t:8 !+n/ 1<= and/ a0/r/n a0/r 8ar!ar0/n1> and c and !eo# 1? a#t # /Aad 2:dan1@= 7a n/8e c e# t1B= ar$e#7a20 d+# 8ata21 d+0 :5 ta22 d+0 $ar# ta23= 8e82; 7ar/e 5a#/nr/2<= A/$2> 5a#/n2? 7ar/e 8anra2@= A/$2B !+n/ 5/r630 7a 8anr/31 5a#C !+n/ 32= o 2:n 2:d e#ted 33= a03; /n !+n/ 3< 8ana# n63> !a$a# n63? 5+na# n63@ tan63B ra$an6;0 !et6;1 86no/n6;2= o5 e;3 aw/5 # 7a# e8/n;; 7a #D !a$a# n6;< 7a 7atet o8;>H 7a 7atet o8;? a0 !+n/ ;@. 2.rom all sins3 Bhich 4 might originate5= 2<y3 from men7 2from the very <irth3, 2if3 such 2sins3 from the <eginning 6 have <een committe F <y me@ li!e others, an of these 2sins3 if there are 2in the early life3 feB 9 in the <eginning: 2an 3 ha more44 in the en 4; 2in their life3, from the sin 4= Borthy of punishment Bith stro!es4=, 2rather3 from the sin 2even3 less than that 4@ up to one thousan times one thousan of the Gmargar?nH 2sins3 46 2an the sin3 even more than so much measure 4F 2if3 perchance has <een committe 2<y me34: 1 specially,49 all7; evil thoughts74, evil Bor s77 2an 3 evil ee s75 Bhich &7= 2may have committe 3 for the sa!e of others 7@, or76 2may have <een committe 3 <y others7F for my sa!e7:, or79 <y any sinful person 5; for my sa!e54 some minor sin57 even, may have originate 55 1 from 2all a<ove mentione 3 sins5@ pertaining to thought56, Bor 5F, ee 5:, 2my oBn3 <o y59, 2my oBn3 soul=;, 8 pertaining to this Borl =4, or the yon er Borl =7, 1 from5=
i? i*e* the <elievers in one Goo , prior to the time of the Prophet* ja #he significance of this entire first -ar h 1 chapter, rather some portion, Bor <y Bor , agrees Bith in G.erastuyeH prayer Bhich is !noBn <y GAvestan PatetH* .or the te"t of .erastuye an for its translation, see pages 7F17:*



these sins 2of all !in s35@, ) Horma? X & a<stain from them Bith renuncia1 tion== Bith three Bor s 2i*e* thought, Bor an ee 3 an repent =6 an =F <ecome penitent for them* 1Kard/ 34 (n1 and2 /5 o3 7/Ae; !+n/ < n/8>H c +n? andara5 t@= 8edio#/#tB= andara0far8/n10= 2oed6o0ad11= 5/ed6o0ad12= /!ere7t !+n/ 13= a$/$are# t !+n/ 1; ared+# !+n/ 1<= 5 ora e !+n/ 1>= 2/0/e !+n/ 1?= A/t+ !+n/ 1@= tan$a"!/n !+n/ 1B= 8ar!ar0/n !+n/ 20= a$a#o# !er/n !+n/ 21= 3e 8ar0 !+n/ 22= da# t/n8ar0 !+n/ 23= 5+n8ar0 !+n/ 2;= aw/r+n 8ar0a# n62<= # oet ra !+n/ 2> #e# n62>= !+n/ e ra$/n62?= !+n/ a868/"/n2@= !+n/ 6o 7+"# a od2B= $a5 # e $a5 # /n $a5 # e !+n/ 30= !+n/ a0 !+n/ 31 a$are/5 o !+n/ 32= 5+ 8ard+833 o 2:n # /Aad 2:dan3; !a3a#te 3< ! an/86nC3> dar$and3? 7a 7etAare d/8/nGe3@ Hor8a0d far/0 5arn6d3B. #he sins of Borse5 egrees 2or origin3= are>1 NamelyF, to harm someone <y 2 oing3 injustice an to interfere in his goo Bor!:, to a monish some one falsely, to tell utter lies an to point out a Brong path9L 1 not to act or to act contrary to the Bill ma e <y any person at the time of his eath or Bhile going on a journey to a foreign country, in favour of his chil ren or some other persons, 4; 1 to steal human <eings or cattle an to sell them, to spoil a set of goo clothes an to spoil purposely pure an tasty e i<les44, not to nourish the poor an the nee y in spite of <eing rich an prosperous, instea cause affliction an harm them an to !eep the <eneficent animals un er his control hungry an to stri!e them, 47 8 to hol a Beapon in han s in or er to smite or Boun someone 45 8 or to <ran ish it on the hea of a person opposite him 4=, the sin of inflicting a Boun on a person Bhich heals after three4@ to four ays,46 the sin of inflicting a Boun on han 4F, 8 or foot4:, 8 the sin of inflicting a Boun in such a Bay as to ren er the foot lame an to prevent it from oing Bor! 49 8 the sin eserving the punishment of j< eath7; 1 the sin of practising erision or moc!ery of anyone <eyon limit74 1 the sin of having physical relations Bith a prostitute77 or Bith a Boman in menses75, the sin of committing unnatural intercourse Bith a man, or Boman 7= 1 the sin of formation Bith a
j< A long commentary in Pahlavi is given a<out the sins* A list of various types of sins Bhich come Bithin the purvieB of this greatest punishment, is given as folloBs>1 Not to regar the ,re1 ator Horma? as peerless> Not to recognise Dartosht as a genuine prophet an the goo +a? a1 Borshipping $eligion as true> Not to o<ey the comman s of father, mother an teacher, <ut on the contrary, to inflict pain on them> #o learn Bitchcraft> to practise heresy> to throB nasa 2 ea matter3 in Bater an fire an to <ury nasa un er the earth> to e"tinguish the .ire Varharan> to e 1 prive possessions an property of any person, eposite for safety Bith a laByer an to consume them after the eath of the person, instea of giving to his progeny an escen ants> to <ehave immorally Bith a strange Boman> to accept the religion of the Bic!e 2or Bic!e person3L for inflicting false accusation on a holy an pious man or a (astur, or a chief to give false evi ence against themL to procure a<ortionL to eat ea matter Bith rugs an me icine or to cause them to <e consume <y others> to practise heretical ee s <eing a astur or a mo<e *



Boman unlaBfully7@ 1 the sin of estroying sperm <y oneAs oBn han s 76 1 the sin of se"ual intercourse Bith a Boman of another faith, 7F the sin of criminal intimacy Bith another personAs Bife an of stealing property of another person7: 1 an such other sins as not performing the compulsory meritorious ee s enjoine in the Doroastrian $eligion, Bhich cause ifficulty in crossing the ,hinvat Bri ge after eath79*jc sin groBing an groBing more5 8 from one sin to another <rought into e"istence54 8 2an 3 other Borse sins57 Bhich can originate5= Bith men55 2i*e* from the <irth3 2an the sins3 promise 5= or originate <y the accurse 5@, Bic!e 5F Ahreman 2evil spirit356 for59 2the jeantagonising5:3 the creatures of the ,reator Horma? 2i*e* for harming them3* Hor8a0d K od/e;0 !+n/ andar d6n;2 7ed/ 2e5ard;3= !o /ne 7orACt5e# /n;; !+n/ d/# te e#ted;<. Fana# n6;> 7e# e;? d/d/r Hor8a0d;@ 86nCA/n;B !et6A/n<0 8a e#t<1 7e# e<2 A8# /#7and/n<3= 7e# e<; Fe er<< Saro# <> Ra# na<?= 7e# e<@ /ta# <B 2ar#a8>0 o8>1= 7e# e>2 d6n>3 ra$/ne 5 e# >;= 7e# e>< rad>> da#t:re>? d6n6>@= 7e# e>B oA !a$e ?0 8ad e#ted?1= a0 an !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . #he %or Horma? =; 2of the entire Borl 3 has manifeste =5 2all the a<ove mentione 3 sins=4 in the $eligion=7, an the faithful of the Poryot!aeshas == 2i*e* the goo Poryot!eshas3 2too3 have ac!noBle ge =@ 2them3 as sins* 2& repent Bith atonement all those a<ove mentione sins3 =4 Bith 2my goo 3 thought=6 <efore=F, 2in the presence3 of the ,reator Horma? =:, 2Bho is3 the greatest@4 of the spiritual Borl =9 2an 3 of this Borl @;, <efore@7 the Ameshspan @5, 2the Ya?atas3 +eher@@, Srosh@6 2an 3 $ashna@F, <efore@: the .ire@9, Baresman6; 2an 3 Hom64, <efore67 the $eligion65 an my 2oBn3 soul6=, <efore6@ the lea er66 2an 3 the (astur6F of the $eligion6:, 2an 3 <efore69 any goo 2i*e* pious3 jfpersonF; 2Bho3 2has come3F4 is present* 2& repent, atone all the a<ove mentione sins an recite patet in humiliation3*jg 1Kard/ ;4 Andar1 7ed2 8/d3 5 o
; j

2er/d<= 0an> far0and?= # CA@

jc &n the Pahlavi ,ommentary, five principal uties are mentione regar ing this they are 243 the consecration of Si" Gahm<rs of the year, or the participation in them accor ing to oneAs oBn meansL 273 cele<ration of the .ravarti!anL 253 participation in the cele<ration of $apithBanL 2=3 )<servance of the $o?grH of oneAs ea parents an relatives, i*e* to consecrate ya?ishna, <?, ron, an Afrinagan in their honour on the ay an the month on Bhich they eparte L an 2@3 to perform aily prayers* j i*e* not to atone for the sins after having committe once, rather to commit sins continually* je .or its e"planation, see note given on Hormu? -ho ay prayer a<ove* jf i*e* in the a<sence of the $eligious %ea er or (astur, the confession of sins can <e ma e also in the presence of any person righteous an Bell1verse in the Doroastrian $eligion* jg See translation at the en of the secon -ar h a<ove*



#/"/rB= 5 e# 10 na0d6511= a8!e /niA/n12= a85 $/#ta!/n13= a8#/Ae!/n1;= a8# a r6A/n1<= 7a ir8/n6/n1> 3a#t 7a ar ad/d6a1?= c +n1@ 8an1B andar !+ne !/r 2:d e#ted o8 20= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/ni !et6 8inC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet C8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . &f4: &49 have <een a sinner7; against 2or Bith43 2my3 father7, mother5, sister=, <rother@, Bith4 2my3 jhBife62or3 hus<an :, Bith4 2my3 chil renF 2an 3 lea er9 2i*e* lea er of the $eligion3, Bith the relatives 4; an near ones44, or Bith4 those living in one an the same place 47, Bith4 the partners45, neigh<ours4=, inha<itants of the same city4@, use 2my3 servitors46 1 through eviation 2negligence3 of jijustice4F, 2& repent for the sins mentione a<ove Bith renunciation3* 1Kard/ <4 He er1 na#/2 5 ore# n63= e er; na#/< 3oe# n6> e er? na#/@ oAB /$10 o11 /ta# 12 2ordan13= A/1; /$1< o1> /ta# 1? e er1@ na#/1B 2ordan20= a$e#t/21 7a c a8i# n22 na!oftan23= 8CA2; n/5 +n2< dand/n fare# 2>= da#te # a$6n2?= o2@ a$are2B arc e307adar e er na#/31. c +n32 8an33 andar3; !+ne !/r 2+d e#ted o83>= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/ni !et6 8inC/ni= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ .33 &f54 &55 have <ecome56 a sinner5@ of eating 2or the act of eating3 ry or use 7 j! ea matter, to efiling6 the ry or Bet = ea matters@ carrying45 it to Bater4; an 44 fire47 or4= of carrying the Bater an fire 2near3 the ry ea matter4:* Not reciting75 2the Holy3 Avesta74 not jla<staining from the hair,7= nails7@ an toothpic!76, jmusing the irt soile han s 7F 2or anything Bithout <eing cleanse Bith nirang or Bith Bater3 7F an 7: 2<y <eing efile 3 <y5= other79 2things regar e 3 as ry ea matter or Bet ea matter, jn& repent
jh &t is un erstoo that the reciter of the Patet may <e a man or a Boman* ji i*e* <y treating unlaBfully in any Bay Bith the a<ove mentione persons or <y e"ercising op1 pression on them* jj See the translation at the en of the secon -ar h a<ove* j! Hair an nails remove from the <o y of a living person are calle GheherH or ry ea mat 1 ter* &n Avesta it is calle Ghi!hraH* #he entire <o y of the ea or any part of it is calle G ea matterH or GBet ea matterH* #he original meaning of GNasH is GcorpseH, GcarrionH, Gcontam1 inate thing*H #he Bor is erive from root nas 2Sans!rit nash 1 to estroy3* jl &n the Pahlavi commentary* jm &n the Pahlavi commentary> i*e* not to <ury laBfully in the earth* jn #he matter containe in this fifth !ar h is also foun in Avesta itself* &n Ven i a , to eat ea matter or to throB it in Bater or in fire is strictly for<i en* #he person performing such an act is regar e as impure till the en of his life* Never throB ry ea matter 2nas3 in Bater or in fire> not only that <ut if Be notice it fallen in Bater or in fire, it shoul <eta!en out imme i1 ately, 2see Ven i a fargar V&, paras 76179L fra!art V&&, paras 7517FL fra!art V&&&, paras F51:73* After removing hair or nail from the <o y, they are not to <e scattere <ut they are to <e <urie in a separate place after igging a pit* 2.or further etails, see Ven i a fargar TV&&3*



Bith contrition* 1Kard/ >4 K+ 5/8e D/d/r Hor8a0d 2:d1= oAe8 /w/Aa#t 8an6dan2= oAe8 na8an6d3H oAe8 /w/Aa#t !oftan; oAe8 na!oft<9 oAe8 /w/Aa#t 5ardan>= oAe8 na 5ard?H a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 8inC/ni= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ .3o & repent an renounce for not thin!ing a<out the Bish of the ,reator Ahura +a? a4, as & ought to have thought7, for not spea!ing a<out= as & ought to have spo!en@ an for not oing6 as & ought to have oneF* 1Kard/ ?4 K+ 5/8e a re8an 2+d1= oAe8 naG/$aAa#t 8an6dan2= oAe8 8an6d3H oAe8 naG/w/Aa#t !oftan;= oAe8 !oft<H oAe8 naG/w/Aa#t 5ardan>= oAe8 5ard?9 a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/ni= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . & ought not to have thought accor ing to7 the Bish of Ahriman an yet & have thought of5> & ought not to have spo!en = an yet & have spo!en@ an & ought not to have one6 an yet & have oneF4 repent for all these sins Bith penitence* 1Kard/ @4 A01 a8oAin2 ar /Ain3 !+n/ ;= ar /Ain< 8ar!ar0/n>= ar /Ain? farod 8/nd@= ar /AinB 8/nid10= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+n/ 11= oAe812 andar13= Hor8a0d1; 8ard+81<= 8ard+8 #arda!/n1> 3a#t1? 7a 7atet o81@. & repent for4: all types of 2an 3 every !in 5 of sins=, every !in @ of +argar?n6 2i*e* sins Borthy of the punishment of eath3, every !in F 2of sin3 confirme :, every !in 9 of sin left unatone for 4; 2i*e* une"piate 3 2an 3 every !in 2of sin arising3 out of 2another3 sin 44 Bhich may have <een committe 4F <y me47 against45 2the ,reator3 Horma? 4= 2an against3 men4@ 2an various3 !in s of men46* 1ii4 A01B a8oAin20 ar /Ain21 !+n/ 22= ar /Ain23 8ar!ar0/n2;= ar /Ain2< farod 8/nd2>= ar /Ain2? 8/n6d2@= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+na 2B= oAe830 andar .a 8an32 !/o !o#7and33= !o#7and #arda!/n3; 3a#t3< 7a 7atet o83>. & repent for76 all types7; of 2an 3 every !in 74 of sins77, every !in 75 of +argar?an7= 2sin3, every !in 7@ of sin confirme 76, every !in of sin7F left7: unatone for 2i*e* une"piate 3, 2an 3 every !in 2of sin arising3 out of 2another3 sin79 Bhich may have <een committe 5@ <y me5; against54 Behman57 2Amshspan 357, the jpcattle55 an 2various3 !in s of cattle5=*
jo See the translation at the en of the secon !ar h* jp #he significance of the sins committe against cattle is that they have <een treate Bith cruelty* An Bhen they Bere un er our control, they Bere not treate properly Bith nourishment



1iii4 A03? a8oAin3@ ar /Ain3B !+n/ ;0 ar /Ain;1 8ar!ar0/n;2= ar aAin;3 farod 8/nd;;= ar /Ain;< 8/n6d;>= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+na ;?= oAe8;@ andar;B Ardi2e e# t<0= /ta# <1= /ta# #arda!/n<2 3a#t<3= 7a 7atet o8<;. & repent for all types 5: of, 2an 3 every !in 59 of sins=;, every !in =4 of +argar?an 2sin3=7, every !in =5 2of sin3 confirme ==, 2an 3 every !in =@ 2of sin arising3 out of 2another3 sin=F left unatone =6 2i*e* une"piate 3, Bhich may have <een committe @5 <y me=: against=9 Ar i<ehesht@; 2Ameshaspan 3, jC fire@4 an 2various3 !in s of fire@7* A0<< a8oAin<> ar /Ain<? !+n/ <@= ar /Ain<B 8ar!ar0/n>0 ar /Ain>1 farod 8/nd>2 ar /Ain 8/n6d>;= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+na ><= oAe8>> andar>? S e re$ar>@= aAo5 # a#t>B= aAo5 # a#t #arda!/n?0 3a#t?1= 7a 7atet o8?2. & repentF7 for all types@6 of 2an 3, every !in @F of sins@:, every !in @9 of +argar?n 2sin36;, every !in 64 2of sin3 confirme 67, every !in 65 2of sin3 left unatone for, 2i*e* une"piate 36=, 2an 3 every !in 2of sin arising3 out of 2another3 sin6@ Bhich may have <een committe F4 <y me66 against6F Sheherevar 2Amshspan 36:, jrmetal69, 2an 3 various !in s of metalsF;* 1i$4 A0?3 a8oAin?; ar /Ain?< !+n/ ?>= ar /Ain?? 8ar!ar0/n?@= ar /Ain?B farod 8/nd@0= ar /Ain@1 8/n6d@2= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+na @3= oAe8@; andar@< S7and/r8ad@> 0a86n@? 0a86n #arda!/n@@ 3a#t@B 7a 7atet o8B0. & repent9; for all typesF= ofF: 2an 3F9 every !in F@ of sinsF6, every !in of +argar?anF: 2sin3, every !in 2of sin3 confirme :;, every !in 2of sin3 left una tone for:7 2i*e* une"piate 3* 2an 3 every !in 2of sin arising3 out of 2another3 sin:5 Bhich may have <een committe :9 <y me:= against5@ Span arma 2Amshaspan 3:6, the jsearth:F 2an various3 !in s of earth:
8 fo er an reCuire care* jC #he significance of sins committe against .ire is that it Bas not !ept <urning <y fee ing fuel, san alBoo , incense from time to time, Bith care an precaution, <ut Bas alloBe to e"tin1 guish or Bas place on a irty an efile place, or some ry ea matter 2nasa3 Bas throBn on it* A strict prohi<itive or er as regar s this is enjoine in our holy Avesta* Various !in s of .ires are referre to here, an its significance seems to <e an in ication a<out various professional fires, e*g*, fire of the <lac!smith, fire of the potter, fire of the factory, fire of the <a!ers, etc* #he Briting a<out this is given in Ven i a , .argar V&&&, see paragraphs :4196* jr #he import of the sins committe against metals is this> metallic utensils have to <e !ept clean, an not alloBe to remain irty or rusty* Health is spoile <y eating the foo !ept in irty an rusty utensils* &f Be e"amine minutely the comman ments of the Doroastrian $eligion, its original aim is to ma!e the Borl prosperous, <y means pro ucing iseases an plagues an ta!1 ing care of the health* &t is enjoine to !eep the health free from unhealthy an to apply suita<le reme ies <efore an after the eterioration ta!es place* #his is or aine to <e the most important uty amongst other uties* By not fulfilling this Be stan as sinners in the eyes of the ,reator, Horma? *



1$i4 A0B1 a8oAinB2 ar /AinB3 !+n/ B;= ar /AinB< 8ar!ar0/nB> ar /AinB? farod 8/ndB@= ar /AinBB 8/n6d100= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+na 1 oAe82 andar3 5 ord/d;= /$<= /$ to5 8a!/n>= 3a#t?= 7a 7atet o8@. & repent for all types 97 of, 2an 3 every !in 95 of sins9=, every !in 9@ of +argar?an 2sin396, every !in 9F 2of sin3 confirme 9:, every !in 99 2of sin3 left4;; unatone for 2i*e* une"piate 3, 2an 3 every !in 2of sin3 arising out of 2another3 sin4 Bhich may have <een committe F <y me7 against5 -hor a 2Amshaspan 3= the jtBater@ 2an various3 !in s of Baters6* 1$ii4 A0B a8oAin10 ar /Ain11 !+n/ 12= ar /Ain13 8ar!ar0/n1;= ar /Ain1< farod 8/nd1>= ar /Ain1? 8/n6d1@ ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+na 1B oAe820 andar21 A8ard/d22 or$ar23 or$ar #arda!/n2; 3a#t2<= 7a 7atet o82>. & repent76 for all types of4; 2an 3 every !in 44 of sins47, every !in 45 of +argar?an 2sin34=, every !in 4@ 2of sin3 confirme 46, every !in 4F 2of sin3 left4: unatone for 2i*e* une"piate 3, 2an 3 every !in 2of sin arising3 out of 2another3 sin49, Bhich may have <een committe 7@ <y me7; against74 Amar a 75 2Amshaspan 3, jutrees75 2an various3 !in s of trees7=* 1$iii4 A02? a8oAin2@ ar /Ain2B !+na 30= ar /Ain31 8ar!ar0/n32= ar /Ain33 farod 8/nd3;= ar /Ain3< 8/n6d3>= ar /Ain !+n/ a0 !+n/ 3?= oAe83@ andar3B d/8e Hor8a0d;0 3a#t;1 c +n;2 #atar;3= 8/ ;; o;< 5 or# ed;>= /ta# ;? #o ar;@ #o0/;B= #a!<0= $aA<1= !o#7and<2 7an3 /Ain<3= o<; a$are<< !a$a e<> de e# n/n<? in<@ Hor8a0d 5 e# #B= c +n>0 andar!>1 0a86n>2 o>3 /#8/n>; c +n>< 8an>> andar>? !+ne !/r 2:d e#ted o8>@= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . & repent for all types of 7:, 2an 3 every !in 79 of sins5;, every !in 54 of +argar?an 2sin357, every !in 55 2of sin3 confirme 5=, every !in 5@ 2of sin3 left unatone for56 2i*e* une"piate 3, 2an 3 against 59 the creatures of Ahura +a? a=;, such as=7 stars=5, the +oon== an the Sun=@ 2an 3 against59 the re =:
js #he significance of sins committe against the earth is that it is not tille after eveloping it an !ept uncultivate an esolate* By !eeping resi ential place Bet an irty instea of main 1 taining it ry an clean as it Boul lea to eterioration of health* Holes of harmful animals an no"ious creatures shoul <e close 1 Because, <y !eeping the earth Bithin ten single, carelessly, it 2metaphorically3 gets annoye an curses the oBner* jt #he significance of the sins committe against Bater is the Bater is not to <e spoile <y throBing into it nasa 1 ry ea matter or any other pollute thing, or to remove the nasa 1 ry ea matter if fallen in it, or in any Bay, the Bater is not to <e !ept unclean so that <y rin!ing it health is spoile * Various !in s of Baters are referre to here an its meaning shoul <e un er 1 stoo as the Baters of the spring, Baters of the rivers, Baters of the Bell, etc* ju #he significance of the sins committe against trees is> that the trees shoul not <e estroye carelessly, they shoul <e alloBe to groB Bith care an la<our* So that they pro uce fruits an floBers*



2an 3 <urning=9 fire=F, against59 the ogs@;, <ir s@4 an animals@7 of five !in s@5 an @= against59 other@@ goo @6 creatures@F <etBeen64 the earth67 an 65 the s!y6=, Bhich@: 2are3 Horma? As oBn@9* 1Kard/ B4 Satar# e5a#n61= 5 aetodat $a#o$a# n62= d:dae $e /n $a#o$a# n63= !/ /82/r;= Far$ardiA/n<= Ho8 Dar+n>= o# far6d? Aa0d/n@ ne /dB o10 7ad6raft11= ra7it wen fard+812= ro0e $adarde!/n13= c +n1; 8an /w/Aa#t Aa# tan1< oAe8 na Aa# t1>= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . & repent for estroying a opte sonship 2of anyone3 4, istur<ing internal relations7, estructing a family of the goo 5 an not consecrating46 Ghm<r=, 2on3 .ravar egn ays@, 2not offering3 (ron 2in honour3 of Hom ya?at6, 2or other3 consecrate 2or e icate 3 things F fi"e 9 for the Ya?at accepte <y me44 not consecrating the first jv$apithBan47, the $o?gar 2anniversary3 of the eparte ones 2of the near relatives3 45 as4= & ought to have consecrate 4@* 1Kard/ 104 A$arG8ana# n61= tarG8ana# n62= /0+r63= 7and6;= < 5 # 8a! an6 = ar# ! an6>= $adGc a# 86?= #:rGc a# 86@ $adna!ira# n6B= 5 orda5na!ira# n610= na!6r/i11= 7and612= 5 +dG# a 613= a#!e an61;= #a7o0!ar61<= $ar+n61>= !o8/n61? /# 8oi1@= 0or!a$/ 61B= daro!d/$ar620= o0d6#t 7ara#t621= 5o# /d da$/ra# n622= 2ar en da$/ra# n623= aA8+5 d$/ra# n62;= dr/A/nG3oAi# n62<= dr/A/nG5 ori# n62>= d+0d62?= !ada 62@= 3a 62B= 3/d+i30= 3/d+7ara#t631= ro#7632= ro#76 2/ra!633= !a$a e 7aet63;= !a$a e $an6d63< # 6n8oi3>= o3? a$are3@ ar /Ain3B !+n/ ;0= o 7a in 7atet6;1 o# 8ord;2= /n na o# 8ord;3= /n d/ne#t;;= /n nad/ne#t;<= /n an!ard;>= /n naGan!ard;?= #rao# /d/ $ere0A/;@ 7e# e rad da#t+re d6n6;B /w/Aa#t !ar06dan<0= oe8 naG!ar06d<1 a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6 o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . & repent for the pri e4, haughtiness7 spea!ing ill of the ea , 5 avarice,= getting angry <eyon limits,@ practising jealousy,6 casting an evil eye on anyone,F casting a glance shamelessly, : Bith jBevil intention9, casting a glance Bith contempt4;, self1Bille ness44, <eing iscontente of my oBn

jv i*e* the first ay of $apithBan, Bhich falls in the month .arvar in an ro? Horma? * But our people have !ept the ay of consecrating $apithBan in the month .arvar in, ro? Ar i<ehesht, <ecause its propitiatory formula 8 !hshnuman 1 is similar to that of Ar i<ehesht $o?* #he mean1 ing of G$apithBanH is heat, summer season, mi le of the ay, noon* #he significance of the $apithBan 0ashan is that the 0ashan is performe in honour of the commencement of the Sum1 mer season* jB ,asting an evil eye on a Boman or Bealth, property of another person 2in the Pahlavi com 1 mentary3*



con ition47, acting accor ing to my oBn Bill jyonly45, slothfulness4=, scan alousness4@, revenge46, j? istrustU ou<t4F, !aheresy4:, giving false evi ence49, elivering false ju gement7;, i ol1Borship74, running to an fro Bithout tying !usti 1 2the sacre gir le on the sacre shirt 77,3 running a<out na!e 75, moving Bith a shoe in one foot an Bith another foot <are 7=, saying grace 2<ig3 at the time of meals an thereafter vitiating it <y spea!ing au i<ly7@, parta!ing of the meal Bithout saying grace 76, theft7F, !<ro<<ery7:, Bhore om79, magic or uttering spells of the emons 5;, Borship of Bitchcraft54, prostitution57, Bhorishness55, permitting unnatural intercourse Bith oneself5=, performing unnatural intercourse Bith others 5@, Beeping lou ly after the eparte ones an lamenting <eyon limit 56, an 5F 2<esi es these3 other5: sins=; of every !in 59, Bhich have <een remem<ere =7 in this Patet=4, the sins Bhich are not enumerate =5, the sins Bhich have <een !noBn== 2<y me3 2an 3 the sins Bhich are not !noBn 2<y me3 =@, the sins a<out Bhich & have thought=6 an the sins a<out Bhich & have not thought=F, an have not <een atone 2e"piate 3@4 <y me 2Bith regret3 as they ought to have <een 2atone 3 Bith su<mission an regret 2i*e* Bith confession3 @; <efore the lea er of the religion 2an 3 the (astur=9* 1Kard/ 114 K+ a!ar1 5a#/n2 7atet63 7ad6rafte o8;= oAe8 na5arde o8<= i# /n ra$/nr/ d+# 5 /r6 ? 8ad. -ad# an@ 0/de r/B= ar Aa510 3+d 3+dr/11= 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !eti 8inoan6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8H 7a 7atet o8 a0 !+n/ . &f4 & have accepte = 2to perform3 the Patet5 for others7, 2an if3 & o not perform it@ Bhere<y istressF 2or ifficultyF3 come upon: their souls6 2an 3 their chil ren9, 2then3 for 2the istress or ifficulty 2cause to3 each person 4;, in ivi ually44, 2& repent3* 1Kard/ 124 Pa1 /n2 d6n3 da#t:r; e#t o8<= 6n> Hor8a0d? Iarto# t@ c /# tB= Iarto# t10 oA ,o# t/#711. Pa 7aA$and12 dar2/d F/r/#7and/n13 8ad1;. Pada# 1< 7a#/5 t1> 5ard 2o5 t1?. A# a 61@ $e 1B ra$/ne20 d+# /ra8r/21 /w/Ae# n6tar22 $e e# n6 o823. 2&3 remain stea fast@ on4 the comman ments= of that7 $eligion5, Bhich6 2the ,reator3 Horma? F taste 9 2i*e* taught3 to 2Holy3 Dartosht : 2an the Holy3 Dartosht4; in turn 2taught3 2it to -ing3 Gushtasp 44* .rom the families47
j" Not o<eying the comman s of the teacher, (astur an parents 2in the Pahlavi commentary3* jy ,ausing heart1<urning, i*e* to <eBail in min on seeing the goo con ition of others 2in the Pahlavi commentary3* j? to cast a ou<t on Bhat one says an oes himself 2in the Pahlavi commentary3* !a #o <laspheme the ,reator Horma? , the Prophet Holy Dartosht an the goo +a? a1Borship1 ping Doroastrian $eligion an to Bish ill of them, to cause iscor amongst men an to interpret falsely the meaning of Avesta intentionally 2in the Pahlavi commentary3* !< )f the Bomen Bho procure a<ortion 2in the Pahlavi commentary3*



2of the Prophet Dartosht an -ing Gushtasp3, A ar<a +araspan 45 escen e 4=* He4@ em<ellishe 46 an purifie 4F 2the $eligion of Dartosht3 2i*e* <rought it into original present form* E*7"anation9 2A learne an eru ite (astur, A ar<a +araspan flourishe uring the reign of !ing Shapur, son of Horma? * &t is so state a<out him in the Pahlavi commentary that his father ha escen e from the family of the Holy Prophet Dartosht an his mother from the family of -ing Gushtasp* &n or er to shoB the e"cellence of the goo +a? a1Borshipping $eligion this (astur poure on his chest nine maun s of molten <rass an remove ou<ts an suspicion from the min s of the people a<out this true religion* .or the elight74 of 2my oBn3 soul7; & approve75 2or & esire3 goo $ighteousness4: more seemly77*

E*7"anation> 2& aspire to acCuire righteousness an truthfulness more than other things as an e"cellent thing Bith the purpose that my soul may achieve salvation after my eath, an attain to its elight*3 Pa 06$andie 3/n2; /#t+/n o82< +8ata2> 7a 8ana# ne2?= /#t+/n o82@ +5 ta2B 7a !a$a# ne30= /#t+/n o831 $ar# ta32 7a5+na# ne33= /#t+/n o83; 7a3< !a$a e3> d6ne 8/0daAa#n/n3?= a8/3@ 5erfe /3B a8d/#t/n o8;0 a0;1 a8/;2 !+n/ 6/;3 3+dGd/#t/n o8;;. Pa ne56;< #e7/#d/r o8;>H a0 an/i;? 5 or#and o8;@. P+" 7/dfar/ ;B 2and e daro# <0= to3a# ne<1 t/$/n<2 d6n<3= 7adfar/ e<; #D # a2<< 7an3/ aft #/"<>= 7ada# <? 5 or#and<@ a8d/#t/n o8>0. & remain stea fast7@ on goo thoughts76 through 2my3 thin!ing goo 2thought37F till the e"istence of 2my3 !clife7=, & remain stea fast7: on goo Bor s79, through 2ray3 utterance* & remain stea fast54 on goo ee s57 through 2ray3 action55, 2an 3 & remain stea fast5= on5@ goo 56 $eligion5F of +a? a1 Borship5F* & am in agreement =; Bith all5: meritorious ee s 2or virtuous ee s359L 2an 3 & o not agree== Bith=4 all=7 sins=5* E*7"anation> 2& agree Bith an accept all meritorious ee s, truthfulness, morality, etc*L an & o not agree Bith, <ut hate all Bic!e ee s, falsehoo , immorality, etc*3 & am than!ful=6 for the goo ness=@ 2conferre upon me <y the ,reator Horma? 3 2an 3 & am contente =: Bith istress=F* E*7"anation> 2& am e"tremely grateful to the ,reator Horma? , for Bhatever happiness an goo things have reache me through Him an & am not isplease or grum<le for any calamity or istress that may <efall me, <ut & !eep my min at ease an contente 3* 2&3 am6; contente

an in agreement@9 Bith 2all3 these@F 1 retri<ution at

!c i*e* as long as my life is e"tant in my <o y*



the 2,hinvat3 ! Bri ge=9, severe fetters@;, atonement@4 2an 3 fine for the !e sins@72prescri<e <y3 the religion@5, punishment@= of the three nights@@ 2first after eath3 2of Bhich every night Bill <e !fas long as3 fifty1seven years@F* Oe8 5arde o8>1 in>2 7atet6>3= !+0ar! +8ede 5erfe r/>;= !er/n 268e d+0a5 r/><. A# a 6 $e >> ra$/n d+# /ra8r/>?9 7a 6n 8ana# ne>@ 5arde o8>B. K+ 5/r 5erfe ?0 8an?1 and/ n:?2 5ard?3= /nc e?; n:?< 5+na8?>= a8/?? e#ta# ne 5erfe r/?@= !+0/ra# ne !+n/ r/?B= 2o5 ta ra$/nr/@0. A!ar@1 8/nde 2a od@2= 5+ !+n/ e 8an @3 to5 t na2a od@;= 7/dfar/ @< e #D # a2@> /na 6a@? 7ada# @@ 5 or#and@B a8d/#t/n o8B0. & say64 this67 Patet65 repent Bith the hope of gaining Heaven for ray meritorious ee s6=, 2an 3 am sha!en for the sa!e of the immense rea of hell6@, 2an 3 for the !gsa!e of righteousness66 2Bhich is3 the elight of 2my3 soul6F* Eith this intent6:4 have ma e69 2this Patet3* Ehatever meritorious ee sF;4 have hithertoF7 oneF5 2an 3F= oF6 at presentF@ 2are3 for maintaining them permanently an for Biping off of the sins F9 for the salvation of my soul:;* &f:4 any of my sins 2remain unatone 3 :7, 2an 3 if &:5 am not yet a<solve from them:=, 2then3 & am contente :9 an in agreement9; Bith the punishment:@ of 2the first3 three nights 2after my eath3 :6 for committing them:F* Ha8e far8/e8B1 A# e8 Vo :B2 $e!+d6ra# n6B3= 7atet6B; 7e# a0 2e!+dira# n6B<9 7a# !+darde 8anB>= 8an 0/de r/B? a0 !+n/ B@ 7a 7atet 2a odBB. Sedo# 100 !etofr6d1 far8/Aad2 far8+d/r3 5 / e# n6; a8d/#t/n o8<H Hor8a0d 5 e# > o8?= Hor8a0d da 8/n6 5+na8@= a# a 6B #at/e810. & or er94 2to recite3 Ashem VohP 2for me3 at the time of 2my3 passing aBay95 2an to recite3 the Patet9= prior to eath9@, 2an 3 after my emise96L my chil ren9F shoul perform Patet99 2repentance3 for 2my3 sins9:, an shoul or er7 2to perform !hSrosh4;; 2an 3 Geti!hari 4 2in my name3*
! .or its e"planation see <eloB, note on Se osh* !e i*e* Bhatever atonement an punishment is to <e <orne for not acting accor ing to the or ers of the $eligion* !f &n the Pahlavi commentary, for the e"planation a<out this, see my 'asht "# %#eni, H o!ht Nas!, .argar &&&* !g i*e* Bhere<y my life <e please <y oing truthful an virtuous ee s* !h i*e* the ya?ishn in honour of Srosh for three ays* Accor ing to the $eligion of Darathushtra, for three ays after the eath of a person, the soul hovers a<out the same place Bhere the <o y Bas lai after necessary ceremonies an on the aBn of the fourth ay after eath, it goes to1 Bar s the ,hinvat Bri ge* .or these three ays the soul remains un er the protection of Holy Srosh ya?ata it is enjoye > therefore, to consecrate the yasna Bith the -hshnuinan of Srosh for the ea person* .or these three ays the soul remem<ers all goo or Bic!e ee s performe uring his lifetime, an thin!s of the place he Bill get in the ne"t Borl * #o the soul of the right1 eous man immense joy arises in the hope of gaining the reBar of his goo ness uring that peri1 o an the soul of the Bic!e gets frightene Bith fear of <eing punishe for his Bic!e actions*



!i & am@ the irector5, the esirer= 2of it3 2an its3 approver@ 2for performing that Patet an Srosh !jGeti!hari 3* & amF the relative of Horma? 6 2i*e* through the ,reator Horma? 3, 2an 3 & regar Horma? as the +ost Pious :> & praise4; righteousness9*

Oe8 !erafte o811 ar$e#7a12 +8ata13 :5 ta1; $ar# ta1<= 7a 1> 8ana# n6 !a$a# n61? 5+na# n61@. .eG e"a# n6 de o81B ar$e#7a20 d+# 8ata21 d+0 :5 ta22 d+0 $ar# ta23= a0 8ana# n62; !a$a# n62< 5+na# n62>. Oe8 !erafte o8 ar$e#7a +8ata :5 ta $ar# ta= 7a 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6. .e e"a# n6 de o8 ar$e#7a d+# 8ata d:0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= a0 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6. Oe8 !erafte o8 ar$e#7a +8ata :5 ta $ar# ta= 7a 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6. .e e"a# ni de o8 ar$e#7a d+# 8ata d+0 :5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= a0 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6.55 & have ta!en hol H of all47 goo thoughts45, goo Bor s4= 2an 3 goo ee s4@ Bith 2my3 thought46, Bor 4F an action4:* & renounce49 all evil thoughts74, evil Bor s77 an evil ee s75 Bith 2my3 thought7=, speech7@ an action76* Oe8 !erafte o81 ar$e#7a2 r/ e3 r/#t6; far/r+n<H 2e e"a# ni > ? de o8 ar$e#7a r/ e@ ar/#t6B aw/r+n109 ! an/11 # e5a#t12= Hor8a0d 2e aw0:n1;H #tao8i1< A# e81>. A# e8 Vo : 1. & have ta!en hol 4 2folloBe 3 of all7 just= an virtuous@ paths5> & renounce6 allF false9 an Bic!e 4; paths:* 2+ay3 Ghanamino44 2i*e* Ahreman3 2<e3 annihilate 47L 2the ,reator3 Horma? 45 2is3 the increaser of goo ness4=L & praise4@ $ighteousness46* Fera#t+Ae +8atCi2Aa#c a :5 tCi2Aa#c / $ar# tCi2Aa#c /= 8/nt wCi2Aa#c / $a5 edwCi2Aa#c / $ar# t$Ci2Aa#c /. Ai2i!airA/
)n the aBn of the fourth ay the soul goes toBar s the ,hinvat Bri ge, Bhere +eher ya?ata, Srosh ya?ata an $ashna ya?ata, the most just, assign to him the proper place 2Heaven, Purgat 1 ory or Hell3 after Beighing all the ee s one in this Borl * .or further etails a<out this, see my translation of Ven i a 49 fargar , paras 7F157 an its e"planationL an my 'asht "# %#eni, Yasht 77* !i i*e* on these three ceremonies & have my full faith, an & or er to perform them in my name after my eath* !j Geti!hari * #he original meaning of the Bor geti!hari is Gto purchase this Borl H, i*e* to acCuire meritorious ee s from this Borl , so that after eath the soul may get happiness an comfort* But generally to have performe this act of geti!hari , means to consecrate the yasna in honour of the soul of the ea for nine ays* %i!e the Din eh1ravn ceremony this ceremony can also <e performe for living persons* Ee fin such a Briting in the later <oo!s on the Doroastrian $eligion* !! &f anyone recites the Patet for the ea person, the Bor s faln Gj ehrH may <e a e after each GhvarshtH an G u?hvarshtH Bor s> i*e* the name of the person in Bhose honour the Patet is performe shoul <e uttere Bith Gj ehrH* #he original meaning of the Bor Gj ehH is Gopen roa H an from that it means Gsalvation, releaseH*



dait e= $6#7/ +8at/c / :5 t/c a $ar# t/c /. Paitiric A/ dait e= $6#7/ d+# 8at/c a d+0 :5 t/c / d+0 $ar# t/c /. Fer/ $e r/ 6= A8e# / S7ent/= Aa#ne8c / $a 8e8c /= fer/ 8anan! /= fer/ $ac an! /= fer/ # Aaot an/= fer/ an! +A/= fer/ tan$a#c 6t 5 $a5 A/o +# tane8H #tao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 1.5" -at / A : VairAC 219 A# e8 Vo : 129 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6na8i= Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e= tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# = / :irAe e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d.


Pa n/8e Aa0d/n Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH ta# D/d!/ dar far/. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+89 a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 :5 ta= d+0$ar# ta 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ = 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o 2recite <oBing the hea 3 ne8a#eGte tar# Fa0d/o A +ra e +d /o 8a0i# ta Aa0ata. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2recite three times3. A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an! re89 Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d.


A0 a8/ !+n/ 1 7atet 7a# e8/n+82. A# /+n/83 $an!+ 6# ; #:r/o< #7ent/o> fra$a# aAC? Aa0a8aide@. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2to recite three times3. A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an! re89 Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d. )f all sins4 & repent through penitence7* Ee Borship: 2or remem<er3 the goo =, heroic@ 2an 3 prosperity1increasing6 .ravashisF of the righteous 2people35*

!l .or the translation of this paragraph, see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove* !m #his entire Homage is ta!en from the initial portion of Atash Nyyesh> for its translation, see at that place*




A0 a8/ !+n/ 1 7atet 7a# e8/n+82. 5n'e8a#eGte3 id a; iri#tan/8< +r$/nC> Aa0a8aide? A/o@ a# aon/8B 5ofra$a# aAC10. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2to recite three times3. A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an! re89 Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d. )f all sins4 & repent Bith contrition7* Ee here= BorshipF the souls6 of the ea @ Bho: are the .ravashis4; of the righteous 2people3*


A0 a8/ !+n/ 1 7atet 7a# e8/n+82. 57V6#7/o3 !araAC; a# aG 5 $/t r/o< 7o+r+G5 $/t r/o> 8a0dad /ta? a# a$ana@ a# a eB rata$C10 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3* A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. )f all sins4 & repent Bith Patet7* Ee praise44 all holy: mountains= create <y Horma? F 2Bhich are3 fully comforta<le@ 2spacious3 2an 3 2Bith fullness3 full of Belfare6 2i*e* pro ucers of foo 3 2an 3 !Cuseful things4; of righteousness9 2groB there3*


A0 a8/ !+n/ 1 7atet 7a# e8/n+82. 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3. 'e8a#e3Gte; a# /+8< #D$i# te> Ared$i S:ra? An/ ite@ a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3* A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an! re89 Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d. )f all sins4 & repent Bith Patet7* Homage5 2<e3 unto thee=, ) holy@, most <eneficent6 2an 3 un efile : Ar vi SuraFX


A0 a8/ !+n/

7atet 7a# e8/n+82. 2#o recite <oBing the hea 3.

!n #here oes not seem to <e the necessity of the Bor s, Gnemase1teH in this placeL if <y retain1 ing these Bor s on the one han Be attach to GurvnQH or GfravashayQH, then there shoul occur GnemQ veH instea of GNemase1teH, <ecause the Bor s Gnemase1teH are in singular an Gnemo veH are in plural* NemQ ve W Homage 2<e3 unto you* !o #he Bor s, Gi ha iristanm urvnQ ya?amai e yo ashaonm fravashayQH are ta!en from yasna H 76, para F* !p #his Bhole sentence is ta!en from Yasna H 6, para 45* !C .or its e"planation, see note to AiBisruthrem Gah verse @*


> 5r

'e8o3 +r$araA/o; $an! +A/o< Fa0dad /taA/o Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3

a# aonA/o?. A# e8

A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an! re89 Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d. )f all sins4 & repent Bith Patet7* Homage5 2<e3 unto the goo plants= create <y Horma? 6X

2an 3 holyF

.I OF RE%(T(', ASHEF VOH) 1200

2Note> #his <? shoul <e recite on the first five ays of the .ravarti!n, i*e* from $o? 76 +h 47 to $o? 5; +h 473* Pa n/8e Aa0d/n Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:ni= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. 5#A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# taH 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tani ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ 5tfera# Cte8e89 #tao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A +ra e Fa0d/o> raD$atC? 5 $arenan!+ atC@= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8B a# /+n/810 fraG $a# in/811 +! ran/812 aiwit :ran/813= 7aoirACt5aD# an/81; fra$a# iG n/81<= na2/na0di# tan/81> fra$a# in/81?= 5 # naot ra1@ Aa#n/ic a1B $a 8/ic a20 5 # naot r/ic a21 fra#a#taAaDc a22 Aat / A : VairAC23 0aot/2; fr/ 8e2< 8r:te2>= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a 2? fr/ a# a$a2@ $id $/o2B 8raot:30. A +re8 Fa0d/831 raD$ante832 5 $arenan!+ anG te833 Aa0a8aide3;H A8e# / S7ent/3< +5 # at r/3> +d /on! C3? Aa0a8aide3@H a# /+n/83B $an!+ 6# ;0 #:r/o;1 #7ent/o;2 fra$a# aAC;3 Aa0a8aide;;. 2Here 47;; Ashem VohP are to <e recite 3 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nadH aed+n 5+2/d. 2$ecite alou 3
!r Also from the Ven i a fargar 49, para 4:, Be get the GHomage unto PlantsH of the same signification <ut Britten ifferently from the grammatical formationL it is>1 Avesta 1 NemQ4 urvaire7 vanaguhi5 ma? a hte= ashaone@L Ashem VohP 4* #ranslation* 1 Homage 4 2<e3 2unto thee3, ) goo 5, holy@ plant7 create <y Horma? =X !s i*e* may the Holy .ravashis come 2to this prayer3X #his portion is Bholly ta!en from the -h1 shnuman of Ar fravash Kfringn* !t .or its translation, see the translation of Ahura +a? a -ho e, a<ove* !u .or its translation, see -horshe Nyyesh, page 59*

.I OF RE%(T(', ASHEF VOH) 1200


-at / A + VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a1 $a 8e8c a2= ao3a#c a3 0a$arec a; /fr6n/8i<= A +ra e Fa0d/o> raD$ato? 5 $arenan!+ atC@= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8B= a# /G +n/810 fra$a# in/811 +! ran/812 aiwit :ran/813H 7aoirACt5aD# aG n/81; fra$a# in/81<= na2/na0di# tan/81> fra$a# in/81?. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. & praises, Borship4, a oration7, efficacy5 an strength of 2the ,reator3 Horma? 6, !eeper of treasureF 2an 3 glorious: the Bountiful &mmortals9, the heroic47 2an 3 triumphant45 .ravashis44 of the righteous 2people34;, the .ravashis of the Poryot!aeshas4=, 2an 3 the .ravashis4F of the ne"t of !in46*

-AI(SH' H OO 5nown a# FRFRAOT

1'ote9 #his H Bith the <? shoBn <eloB shoul <e recite on the first five ays of the .ravarti!n, i*e* from the $o? 76 +h 47 to $o? 5; +h 473* K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:ni !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d.5w A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 :5 ta d+0 $ar# taH 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6 tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# 9 ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8H #tao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A +ra e Fa0d/o rae$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= a# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8= 7aoirACt5aD# an/8 fra$a# iG n/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/iG c a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/ 8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aideH A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aideH A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC 5*Aa0a8aide.
!v &n this H there occurs the commentary of Ashem VohP* A<out this, see pages 417L <y recit1 ing this Bell1!noBn prayer calle Ashem VohP at a certain time separately, hoB much merit that reciter gainsL a<out this, see my 'asht "# %#eni, 74st Yasht* !B +ay the Holy .ravashis come up 2to this Prayer3X !" .or its translation, see Ba? of reciting Ashem VohP 47;;, a<ove*



114 Fr/8raot1 A +rC Fa0d/o2 A# e8 Vo : $a i# te8 a#ti3= 7ara a 8/i; $o :< $a i# te8> c ina#ti?= Aat a@ 5 $aDta$eB 5 $aDt/te8109 $o : $a i# te8 a#ti11 at a12 t5aD# e813 5/raAeiti1;. 124 )# t/ a#ti +# t/ a 8/i1< +# tat/itAa1> $6#7e81? a# a$ane81@ $6#7/i1B a# aone20 7araG c ina#ti21= Aat an/22 #t/itAa23 $6#7e82; a# a$ane82< $6#7/i2> a# aone2? 7araGc ina#ti2@ 134 -at a# /i $a i# t/i a# e82B= 7arac ina#ti30 $6#7e831 8/nt re832 $6#7e833 8/nt r/i3;= Aat a3< a# /i3> 5 # at re83? c ina#ti3@= Aat ac a3B 02aAente;0 a# aone;1 a# e8;2 c ina#ti;3= Aat ac a;; 5 # 8/$CAa;< a# e8;> c ina#ti;? Aat #ao# AantaDi2AC;@H t r/AC;B t5aD# a<0. V6#7e8<1 $ac C<2 fra$/5e8<3 a+r:8<;= $ac C<< A +ra e Fa0d/o<>. 1;4 Fa0d/o<? fr/8raot<@9 c 68<B fr/8raCt>0H a# a$ane8>1 8ainAao8c a>2 !aDt 68c a>3. c $/n#>; fr/8raot>< fra$/5e8>>= $a i# tC>? 5 # aAa8nC>@. c $ante8>BH a# a$ane8?0 $a i# te8c a?1 a$a#CG 5 # at re8c a?2. 1<4 .a! /8?3 A# a e $a i# ta e?; Aa0a8aide?<H A# a e $a i# ta e?> Aa0a8aide?? fra#raot re8c a?@= fra8aret re8c a?B fra!/t re8c a@0 fr/Aa# ti8c a@1. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= -/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2'ote9 #he portion from G.rmraotH up to Ashem VohP 4 shoul <e recite seven times* Ehen it is recite the seventh time, Ashem VohP nee not <e recite 3* 243 2#he ,reator3 Horma? VohP3*


2the sacre

verse of Ashem

A# e8 Vo : Va i#te8 a#ti3 1 2uttering these Bor s, the Borshipper3 ac!noBle gesF for Him= 2i*e* Horma? 3 the highest6 goo @, as if: he Bere acceptingF the !inship4; of his !in re 9* Vohu vahishtem !yasti44 1 2uttering these Bor s, the Borshipper, in a Bay3 puts into practice 4= the laBs of the $eligion45* 273 )# t/ a#ti +# t/ 50a 8/i4@ 2in repeating these Bor s the Borshipper3 associates7: firmly75 a76 righteous 2man37F Bith other7= righteous 2men37@, just as77 a4F righteous 2man34: laaccepts74 happiness46 from other49 righteous 2men37;* 253 -at a# /i $a i# t/i

a# e82B 1 2in repeating these Bor s the

!y i*e* $ighteousness is the <est goo 2or <lessing3* !? i*e* it is happiness, happiness is unto 2that3 man* la &ts significance is that righteous people mutually share each otherAs happiness* l< i*e* 2the man3 Bho 2is3 in the cynosure of righteousness*



Borshipper, as it Bere3 accepts5; all54 the Holy Spells57 for every 55 2!noBer3 intelligent person of the Holy Spells 5=, just as59 he accepts5: sovereignty5F of 2that3 righteousness56, just as59 he accepts=5 truthfulness=7 from the righteous 2man3=4, an for you=@, the <enefactors=:* 2As state a<ove3 2there are3 three =9 ivisions@; 2of Ashem VohP3* 'very@4 hymn@7 verse 2Bhich is3 complete in itself 2the Bhole@= hymn@53 2is3 the hymn@@ of 2the ,reator3 Horma? * 2=3 2#he ,reator3 Horma? @F proclaime @: 2the hymn of Ashem VohP* Ehom@9 i he proclaim6;Y 2$eply3> to the righteous 2man364 <elonging to the spiritual67 an the material Borl 65* &n Bhat capacity6= i He proclaim6@ the hymn66 2of that Ashem VohP3Y 2$eply3> as to the supreme F; $ulerslc Ehom 2 i He proclaimY 2$eply3> to the righteous an the <est l 2man3F4 not acting accor ing to his oBn BhimsF7* 2@3 Ee a ore the portion of leAsha VahishtaF=* )f the Asha VahishtaF6L Be a oreFF its chantingF:, remem<ranceF9, singing1alou :; an glorification:4* 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e= awa0:n6 8ard+8 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nadH aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3* -at / A : $airAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= a# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8= 7aoirACt5ae# an/8 fra$a# iG n/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8."f A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d.

.I OF RE%(T(', -ATH AH) VA(R-O 1200


1'ote> #his <? shoul <e recite on the .ive Gatha Ghm<r ays*3

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d9 ,e ,/t /2AC A +na$ad ,e = )# ta$ad ,e = S7ento8ad ,e = Vo :5 # at ra ,e = Va i# tCi# t ,e = ,e ,/t /2AC= ard/far$a# 2eG ra#/d" . A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+89 a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8
lc )riginal meaning Gnot ruling accor ing to his BillH* l &t appears that there is a reference to the Prophet Holy Darathushtra* le Prayer calle Asha Vahishta shoul <e un erstoo as Ashem VohP* lf .or the translation of this para, see GB? of reciting Ashem VohP 47;;H* lg #he !hshnuman 1 or the propitiatory formula of this GB?H is ta!en from the -hshnuman of Kfrinagn Gth* lh i*e* +ay the &mmortal Souls reach 2unto my prayers3 uring 2the five ays of3 the Gatha Ghm<rs 2vi?* Ahunava , /shtava , Spentoma , Vohu!hshathra, an Vahishtoisht*3



3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e89 #tao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD#nC 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A +ra e Fa0d/o> raD$atC? 5 $arenan!+ atC@= A8e# an/8 S7entaG n/8B= !/t /2AC10 #7ent/2AC11 rat+5 # at r/2AC12 a# aoni2AC13= A +naG $aitA/o ,/t aA/o1;= )# ta$aitA/o ,/t aA/o1<= S7ent/8ainAD+# ,/t aG A/o1>= Vo :5 # at raA/o ,/t aA/o1?. Va i# toi# tCi# ,/t aA/o1@= a# /+n/81B fra$a# in/820 +! ran/821 aiwit :ran/822= 7aoirAot5aD# aG n/823= fra$a# in/82;= na2/na0di# tan/82< fra$a# in/82>= 5 # naot ra2? Aa#n/ic a2@ $a 8/ic a2B 5 # naot r/ic a30 fra#a#taAaDc a31= -at / A : VairAC32 0aot/33 fr/ 8e3; 8r:te3<= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a3>= fr/ a# a$a3? $6d $/o3@ 8raot:3B. .or the pleasure7F 2of the ,reator Horma? 3, for the Borship 7: 2of all these3 1 of 2the ,reator3 Horma? 6, the !eeper of treasures F, glorious:, of the Bountiful &mmortals9, 2amongst3 the <eneficentH Gathas4; Bhich are the li %or s47 of truthfulness47 2an 3 holy45, of the Gatha Ahunava 4=, the Gatha /shtava 4@, the Gatha Spentoma 46, the Gatha Vohu!hshathra4F, the Gatha Vahishtoisht4: 2an 3 of the .ravashis7;, the poBerful74 2an 3 triumphant77, of the righteous 2people349, the .ravashis7= of the Poryot!aeshas75, 2an 3 the .ravashis of the ne"t of !in7@, 1 for 2their3 praise79, propitiation5;, an glorification54, let the Daotar 1 the officiating priest 55 1 proclaim <efore me5= 2the e"cellences of the verses of3 Yath Ahu Vairyo57* 2#he $aspi or the assistant Priest Bho is3 righteous5F 2an 3 learne 5: may announce59 2the e"cellences of the verses3 ath ratush ashtchit hacha56* A +re8 Fa0d/8;0 raD$ante8;1 5 $arenan!+ ante8;2 Aa0a8aide;3H A8e# / S7ent/;; +5 # at r/;< +d /on! C;> Aa0a8aide;?H ,/t /o S7ent/o;@ rat+5 # at r/o;B a# aon6# <0 Aa0a8aide<1H A +na$ait68 ,/t /8<2 a# aon68<3 a# a e<; rat:8<< Aa0a8aide<>H )# ta$ait68 ,/t /8<? a# aon68<@ a# a e<B rat:8>0 Aa0a8aide>1H S7ent/8ainA:8 ,/t /8>2 a# aon68>3 a# a e rat:8>; Aa0a8aide><H Vo :5 # at r/8 ,/t /8>> a# aon68>? a# a e rat:8>@ Aa0a8aide>BH Va i# tCi# t68 ,/t /8?0 a# aon68?1 a# a e?2 rat:8?3 Aa0a8aide?;H a# /+n/8?< $an!+ 6# ?> #:r/o?? #7ent/o?@ fra$a# aAC?B Aa0a8aide@0. A +ne8 Vair68@1 tan:8@2 7/iti@3= A +ne8 Vair68 tan:8 7/iti= A +ne8 Vair68 tan:8 7/iti. 'ote> 2&n this place 47;; Yath AhP VairyQ shoul <e recite 3* Ee praise=5 2the ,reator3 Horma?

, the !eeper of treasures=4 2an 3

li &ts meaning can <e, Gruling over the chieftainsH, Ehich rule over the time or perio H* 2(r* Spiegel3*

.I OF RE%(T(', -ATH AH) VA(R-O 1200


glorious=7> Be praise=F the Bountiful &mmortals== 2Bho are3 goo iscreet=6 rulers=@L Be praise@4 the <eneficent=: Gathas=F 2Bhich are3 the %or s of #ruth =9 2an 3 holy@;> Be praise@6 the holy@5 Ahunava Gatha@7L the /shtava Gatha,@F Spentoma Gatha,67 the holy Vohu!hshathra Gatha66 an the Vahishtoisht GathaF; 2Bhich are3 the %or s F5 of $ighteousnessF7L Be Borship:; the goo F6, heroicFF 2an 3 <eneficentF: .ravashisF9 of the righteous 2people3F@* Ahunavar:4 lj protects:5 the <o y:7* 2#o recite in <?3 A +ra Fa0d/o K od/e= awa0:n6 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n= a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nadH aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. ,/t /2AC #7ent/2AC rat+5 # at r/2AC a# aoni2AC= A +na$aitA/o ,/t aA/o= )# ta$aitA/o ,/t aA/o= S7ent/8ainAD+# ,/t aA/o= Vo :5 # at raG A/o ,/t aA/o= Vo i# tCi# tCi# ,/t aA/o= a# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8 7aoirACGt5aD# an/8 fra$a# in/8= na2/na0G di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an!a e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Avesta concerning the immense joy Bhich the Soul e"periences in the hope of getting Heaven after the passing aBay of a virtuous an pious man*l! )# ta$ait681 !/t /82 #r/$aAC3 +# tat/te8; ni8rao8nC<. )# t/> a 8/i? Aa 8/i@ +# t/B 5a 8/ic 6t10 $a#eG5 # aA/n#11 Fa0d/o12 d/A/t13 A +rC1;. 2#he heavenly soul3 llchants5 /shtava 4 Gatha7 esiring@ happiness= 2for himself3, 2an spea!s3> GHappiness6 2<e3 unto 2the3 manF, from Bhom: happiness9 2reaches3 others4;X +ay Ahura +a? a4714= ruling at His )Bn Eill44 grant45 2happiness3 2to that <enevolent person3XH Avesta concerning the ejection an terror Bhich the Soul e"periences oBing to the fear of the punishment of hell, after the eath of the Bic!e an sinful manlm* Ki8/81 !/t $A/82 $ac C3 #r/$aAC;H 5/8< ne8Ci> 0/8?= A +ra@
lj .or its e"planation, see Srosh Ba?* l! .or its etaile Nas!, paras 414:* escription, see my 'asht "# %#eni, Yasht 77, Secon fargar of H ho!ht

ll #his entire paragraph occurs in the Secon fargar of the H o!ht Nas!, para 7* +oreover, the initial portion up to ni/rao/n; occurs also in Yasna H F4, para 46, an the remaining portion from usht# up to hur; also occurs in Yasna H =5, Stan?a 4* lm )riginal meaning Gsinger, chanter, 2is3 singingH* Present participle, parasmaipa a, nominat1 ive singularL original <ase sr#!ayant 1 singingH, sr#!aya 2casual form3*


12 "n

Fa0daB= 5+t r/10 ne8Ci11 aAen6 .

#he sinful soul lochants= the hymn5 of the Gatha7 Bith sorroB an espon ency4 2an spea!s frightfully3> G) Ahura +a? a :19X 2noB3 to Bhat@ lan F shall & turn6 Y Ehither4; shall & turn44 to goYH47


1'a8e# of T irtA DaA#4
4* ( r Horma? 7* Behman Ameshspan 5* Ar i<ehesht Ameshspan =* Sheherevar Ameshspan @* Asfan rma Ameshspan 6* -hor Ameshspan F* Amar Ameshspan :* (ae pa K ar ( r 9* K ar ya?a 4;* Kvn Ar vi Sur Bnoo 44* -horshe ya?a 47* +ohor ya?a 45* #ir ya?a 4=* Gosh ya?a 4@* (ae pa +eher ( r 46* +eher ya?a 4F* Srosh ya?a 4:* $ashne $st ya?a 49* .arro!h .arvar in 7;* Bahram ya?a 74* +Vno $m 77* Gov ya?a 75* (ae pa (in ( r 7=* (Vn ya?a 7@* +VnQ Ashishvangh 76* Ksht ya?a 7F* +VnQ Ksmn 7:* Dami ya?a 79* +VnQ +respan 5;* +VnQ Anern

1'a8e# of Twe"$e Font #4 4* .arro!h .arvar in 7* Ar i<ehesht Ameshspan 5* -hor Ameshspan =* #eshtar #ir ya?a @* Amar Ameshspan 6* Sheherevar Ameshspan F* +eher ya?a :* Kvn ya?a 9* K ar ya?a 4;* (ae ( r 44* Bahman Ameshspan 47* Asfan rma Ameshspan E*7"anation Re!ardin! Fi$e daA# of ,at aG,/ /82/r 1'ote9 #he un er mentione five Gathas come at the en of Asfan rma
ln .or its etaile paras 49156* escription, see my 'asht "# %#eni, Yasht 77, Ha o!ht Nas!, fargar thir ,

lo #his entire paragraph occurs in H o!ht Nas!, para 7;L <esi es its later portion also occurs in Yasna H =6, stan?a first*



+onth3* 1. A +na$adG 2. )# ta$adG 3. S7ento8ad. ;. Vo :5 # at raG <. Va i# tCi# t. 2'ote9 .ive (ays of the Gathas in G$o? Ne! NmH shoul <e recite as $o? un er1mentione *3 ,e ,/t /2AC ,e A +na$ad= ,e ,/t /2AC ,e )# ta$ad= ,e ,/t /2AC ,e S7ento8ad= ,e ,/t /2AC ,e Va i# tCi# t= ,e 1fa"/n4 ,e 1fa"/n4 ,e 1fa"/n4 ,e 1fa"/n4

,e ,/t /2AC ,e Vo :5 # at ra= ,e 1fa"/n4 E*7"anation>1 #he a<ove1mentione names of the .ive Gatha1Gaham<ars are erive from the names of the Gathas of Darathushtra* Ehen five ays Bere a e to 56; ays of the year, names of any five <est things from amongst the Doroastrians Bere iscovere Bhich coul only <e applie to these a itional five ays* As they coul not fin more revere names e"cept the names of the .ive Gathas of Darathushtra, they Bere assigne to these five ays* lp Besi es, these five Gatha Ghm<rs are !noBn <y more names than one>1243 Panje An arangn, i*e* five interme iate ays, i*e* five ays <etBeen the last month of a year an the first month of the year after that* 273 Panje +eh, i*e* un erstoo as five <ig ays* )ut of the ten ays of the .ravarti!n the first five ays are regar e as Panje -eh, an the other five ays, i*e* five ays of the Gathas as greater* 253 Panje ashon, i*e* the last five ays of coming of the .ravashis of the righteous people in this Borl * E*7"anation Re!ardin! Si* ,/ /82/r# of t e -ear. 1. Faedio0are8. 2. Faedio# a e8 3. Paete# a e8. ;. AA/t re8. <. Faed6/re8. >. Ha8a#7at 8aedae8. 1'ote9 #he e"planation of the a<ove mentione Ghm<rs an their seasons accor ing to Avesta are to <e un erstoo as un er>13 4* Faed6o0are8 1 #his Ghm<r or Seasonal .estival <egins Bith the $o? -horshe of the +onth Ar i<ehesht an en s Bith the $o? (ae Pa +eher* #he meaning of this Bor is Gfull ver ureH or Gthe perio of mi 1springH* )n the occasion of this Ghm<r fertility or essence in the trees an plants is on the increase* 7* Faed6o# a e8 1 #his Ghm<r or 2Seasonal .estival3 <egins Bith the $o? -horshe of the +onth #ir an en s Bith the $o? (ae Pa +eher* #he meaning of this Bor is Gthe perio of +i 1SummerH* )n the occasion of this Ghm<r the fiel s or farms are full of corns* 5* Paete# a e8 1 #his Ghm<r, Seasonal .estival, <egins Bith the $o?
lp Dartoshti A<hys, No* 44, pages 7;;17;4*



Ashta of the +onth Sheherevar an en s Bith the $o? Anern* #he meaning of this Bor is Gthe harvest1seasonH (uring the eparting summer corns an fruits are ripe an the perio of gathering the harvest approaches* #his perio is calle GPaeteshahem Ghm<rH*

=* AA/t re8 1 #his Ghm<r <egins Bith the $o? Asht of the +onth +eher an en s Bith the $o? Aneran* #he e"act meaning of this Bor has not <een still ascertaine * &n its conte"t in Yasna H 4, 7, an 5, as Bell as in Vispere -ar h 4 an 7, Bor s li!e GfraourvaMshtrem varshniharshtaH occur* (r* Spiegel translates these Bor s as Gincreaser 2an 3 strength1giverH* Sheth -harshe ji $ustamji -amaji translate it, G<ringing to an en 2of summer3, an the spen er of the see of males of the rutting seasonH, Bhen the male animals are in heatL i*e* on the occasion of this Ghm<r the Summer Boul en * An the rutting season of some animals ta!e place* @* Faed6/re8 1 #his Ghm<r <egins from the $o? +eher of the +onth (ae an en s Bith the $o? Bahrm* &t literally means the perio of perfect rest oBing to slac! <usiness an tra e ue to e"cessive col an heavy rains* 6* Ha8a#7at 8aedae8 1 #his Ghm<r is the name of the five ays of the Gatha Ghm<r imme iately folloBing the completion of the month Asfan rma * #he meaning of the Bor is Gthe eCual proportion of heat an col , an the ivision of 7= hours of the ay into tBo eCual parts of 47 hours*H

De#cri7tion of t e Ka# an# of Twe"$e Font #.

F/ 1 Farro5 Far$ardin F/ $o? .irst ( r Horma? 1 Naoro? or the NeB YearAs (ay* $o? #hir Ar i<ehesht 1 the (ay of ,onsecration of $apithBan* $o? Si"th -hor 1 -hor Sl 0ashanlC $o? Nineteenth .arvar in 1 0ashan of .arvar egn 2 Ardi2e e# t A8#e /#7and $o? #hir Ar i<ehesht 1 0ashan (ay of Ar i<ehesht +onth* $o? 'leventh -horshe to $o? fifteenth (ae Pa +eher 1 .ive (ays

lC #his ay has <een regar e as the greatest ay in later Boo!s pertaining to our $eligion, <e1 cause on that ay many important events concerning the Ancient &ranian History too! place* )f them the principal events are> 243 2#he ,reator3 Horma? create the first pair on this Borl calle +ashya an +ashyana* 273 #he first -ing of Ancient &ran Gayomar Bas <orn* 253 -ing Hoshang esta<ilishe the Pesh a ian (ynasty* 2=3 #ehemuras Bho Bas calle G(ev<an H e1 feate Ahreman an the ivs* 2@3 -ing .are un istri<ute his sovereignty amongst his three sons* 263 Sam Narimn !ille a most poBerful emon* 2F3 -ing -ai!hosrou !ille Afrsi<* 2:3 -ing -ai!hosrou left his throne 2<ecame a resi ent in the +ountain3 an Bent into seclusion* 293 Prophet Holy Dartosht Bas <orn* 24;3 Holy Darathushtra Bas <lesse Bith 2receive 3 the !noBle ge of the religion <y Horma? an 2Prophetship from the ,reator Horma? 3 emerge as a prophet*



of +ae Vo?arem Ghm<r* F/ 3 K ord/d A8e# /#7and. $o? Si"th -hor 1 0ashan (ay of -hor +onth* .rom $o? 'leventh -horshe to $o? .ifteenth (ae Pa +eher 1 .ive (ays of +ae ioshahem Ghm<r* $o? 45th #ir 1 0ashan (ay of #ir +onth 1 #iryn 0ashan* $o? Seventh Amar 1 0ashan of Amar +onth $o? .ourth Sheherevar 1 0ashan of Sheherevar +onth* .rom $o? 76 Asht to $o? 5; Anern 1 .ive (ays of the Paeteshahem Ghm<r* $o? Si"teenth +eher 1 0ashan of +eher +onth* .rom $o? 76 Asht to $o? 5; Anern 1 .ive ays of the Aythrem Ghm<r* $o? #enth Avn 1 0ashan of Avn +onth $o? Ninth K ar 1 0ashan of K ar +onth $o? Nineteenth .arvar in1 .ravarti!n 0ashanlr $o? .irst ( r Horma? 1 .irst 0ashan of the +onth (ae* $o? eighth (ae Pa ar ( r 1 Secon 0ashan of +onth (ae* $o? 'leventh -horshe 1 the Anniversary of the eath of the Prophet Darathushtrals 2Dartosht1no1(iso3* $o? .ifteenth (ae Pa +eher ( r 1 #hir 0ashan of +onth (ae* .rom $o? 46 +eher to 1 .ive ays of +ae Vrem F/ ; Te# tar Tir.

F/ < A8ard/d A8e# /#7and F/ > S e ere$ar A8e# /#7and

F/ ? Fe er -a0ad.

F/ @ A$/n Ard$i S+r ./n+. F/ B Adar -a0ad

F/ 10 Dae D/d/r

lr &f a person ies either uring the sea voyage or a journey <y lan or un er any other iffi 1 culties 2calamities3, an if the ay of his eath coul not <e ascertaine , the .ravarti!an 0ashan ay is applie as of his eath* ls i*e* the ay of the eath of the Prophet Darathushtra*



$o? 7; Bahrm Ghm<r* $o? 75 (ae Pa (in ( r 1 .ourth 0ashan of +onth (ae* $o? Secon Bahman 1 0ashan of +onth Bahman* $o? .ifth Asfan rma 1 0ashan of Asfan rma +onth* $o? Si"th -hor 1 lt0ashan of Avar Slgh* .rom $o? 76 Ksht 8 4; ays of .ravarti!n1+u!t * $o? 79 +respan 1 +ino +respan 0ashan*lu

F/ 11t .a 8an A8e# /#7and. F/ 12t A#fand/r8ad A8e# /#7and.


4* Horma? 1 (ae Pa K ar, (ae Pa +eher, (ae Pa (in* 7* Bahman 1 +ohor, Gosh, $m* 5* Ar i<ehesht 1 K ar, Srosh, Bahrm =* Sheherevar 1 lv-hur, +eher, Ksm n, Anern* @* Asfan rma 1 Kvn, (in, lBAr , +respan * 6* -hor 1 #ir, l"Ar 1.ravash, Gov * F* Amar 1 $ashne, K sht , Damy *

'a8e# of 12 -AIATAS OF HAF-ASHT

4* ( r Horma? 7* #eshtar #ir ya?a *
lt #his 0ashan Bas performe every four year Bith great pomp an splen our uring the times of our &ranian -ings* Accor ing to the movement of the Sun, generally every year isof 56@ 4I= ays* 2&f calculate accurately, it is56@ ays, @ hours, =: minutes an =9 secon s3* .or filling the gap oBing to the iminution of 4I= ay every year, Bhich comes to one full ay at four years, our Doroastrian ancestors use to a one ay every four years after the completion of .ive ays of Gatha* #he a itional ay Bas calle GAvar Sl ghH, on Bhich one <ig 0ashan ceremony Bas performe * Besi es, in the -hshnuman, or propitiatory formula of this 0ashan any special ya?ata Bas not Borshippe , <ut, especially, all the ivisions of the year use to <e remem<ere * #he significance of this 0ashan can easily <e notice there<y, an its importance as the GGatha of the yearH gets fi"e more an more* #he meaning of GGhH in a ition to GGathaH is Gtime, perio H, too3* )Bing to the iscontinuance of the usage of a ing the a itional ay at every four years, the 0ashan is at present performe on the $o? -hor a of the +onth Asfan arma * .or further etails, see >arthoshti bhyas <y Sheth -*$* ,ama, pp* @751@7:* lu )n this ay, Holy Darathushtra, in or er to convince the truth of His Prophetship, emon1 strate to -ing Gushtasp the vali ity of his $eligion <y performing miracles* lv G-hurH shoul <e un erstoo as G-horshe H* lB GAr H shoul <e un erstoo as Ashish, i*e* GAshishvanghH* l" Ar fravash shoul <e un erstoo as G.arvar in 2the ay of the holy .ravashis3*



5* -horshe ya?a * @* K a r ya?a * F* Asfan rma Ameshaspn * 9* -hor Ameshaspn * 44* Srosh ya?a *

=* +ohor ya?a * 6* Kv a n a r vi Sur Bnoo* :* Gova ya?a * 4;* Amar Ameshaspn * 47* .arro!h .arvar in*

'a8e# of 21 'ASKS.
4* Satu gar 5* Bagh @* N ur F* $atoshti 9* -ashasru< 44* -hesht 45* Safan 4@* Niyram 4F* Aspram 49* 0u 1 ev1 74* Satu yasht 7* Vahishta +nsar =* (m or (v? ah Hamst 6* Pjeh or Pjam :* Barash 4;* Vishtspashh or Vishtsp* 47* 0erasht 4=* Baghn yasht 46* (vsruja or vsrau< 4:* As!ram 7;* H o!ht

#he 74 Nas!s mentione a<ove Bere Britten in Avesta language, an <esi es all the Avestan te"ts of the $eligion an all the ,omman ments an %aBs of the $eligion concerning this Borl , the spiritual Borl , Behest 2Para ise3, (o?a!h 2Hell3, instructions a<out 0ustice, 'thics, Philosophy, +e icine, Astrology an all other !in s of sciences have <een incorporate in them* .or those Bho can neither rea nor recite <y heart the Avesta, it is enjoine in the Persian $ivayets to recite Yatha 1 Ashem as un er>1 $ecite Yath AhP VairyQ> 4;5 for -horshe Nyyesh* 6@ for +eher Nyyesh* 6@ for +h Bo!htr Nyyesh* 6@ for Ar vi Sura Nyyesh* 6@ for Ktash Nyyesh 474 an Ashem VohP 47 for Patet* 4;5 an Ashem VohP 47 for Horma? yasht 6@ for Ar i<ehesht yasht* F@ for Srosh Yasht H o!ht* 4;5 for Srosh Yasht %arge* 474 an Ashem VohP 47 for Kfringn*





-A S H T S
K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:ni !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH D/d/r Hor8a0d raAC8and 5 ore 8and 86nC/n 86nC 2eret+8 2era#/d."A A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+89 a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8en 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6 o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# 9 ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e89 A# e8 Vo : 1. Fera#t+Ae +8atCi2Aa#c / +5 toi2Aa#c / $ar# tCi2Aa#c /= 8/nt $Ci2Aa#c / $a5 ed $Ci2Aa#c / $ar# t$Ci2Aa#c /. Ai2i!airA/ dait e $6#7/ +8at/c / :5 t/c / $ar# t/c /. Paitiric A/ dait e $i#7/ d+# 8at/c / d+0 :5 t/c / d+0 $ar# t/c /. Fer/ $e r/ 6= A8e# / S7ent/= Aa#ne8c / $a 8e8c /= fer/ 8anan! /= fer/ $ac an! /= fer/ # Aaot an/= fer/ an! +A/= fer/ tan$a#c it 5 $a5 A/o +# tane8. "0Stao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $idae$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A +ra e Fa0d/o rae$atC 5 $arenan!+ ato 8a5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aota fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. 114 Pere#at1 Iarat +# trC2 A +re8 Fa0d/83 A +ra Fa0da; 8ainAC< #7Dni# ta> d/tare? !aDt an/8@ a#t$aitin/8B a# /+810= 8i#$/na e !/t$C11 5 $ad /ta e12. Kat13 a#ti1; 8/nt ra e #7enta e1< a8a$a#te8e81>= 5at1? $eret ra$a#te8e81@= 825at 5 $arenan!+ a#te8e81B 5at20 A/#5ere#G te8e821= 124 5at22 $/ret ra! nACte8e823= 5at2; 2ae# a0ACte8e82<= 5at2> t2aD# CGta+r$aA/n#te8e82? daD$an/82@ 8a# A/n/8c a2BH 5at30 31 32 33 3; 3< 3> $6#7a e an! D+# a#t$atC 8ana a#ti $i3a! 8i# te8 H 5at3?
ly i*e* may the ,reator Horma? 2Bho is3 the !eeper of treasures, 2an 3 glorious, the Spirit amongst the Spirits an the most e"alte come 2to my help3X l? .or the translation of this para, see -horshe Nyyesh* ma i*e* for the Borship of 2the ,reator3 Horma? , the !eeper of treasures an glorious, etc* 2see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove3* m< &n this paragraph the Bor G-atH is employe <efore every a jective, <ut & have translate it only once*



$6#7a e3@ an! D+#

a#t$atC;0 an! $/8;1 a#ti;2 $i8are0i# te8;3.

243 2#he Prophet3 Darathushtra7 as!e 4 2the ,reator3 Horma? 5, ), +ost Beneficent6 Spirit@, $ighteous4; ,reatorF Ahura +a? a= of the corporeal9 Borl : 2an 3 of the natural47 mcHameshtagehn44X Ehich45 2part3 of the Holy GSpell4@ is most courageous46, victorious4:, glorious49, efficacious74, fien 1 smiting75, most health1giving7@, an estroying effectively 2<est37F the malice of the aevas7: an 2Bic!e 3 men79Ym Ehich5; 2part3 2of the Holy Spell3 is most reaching56 2helping3 the min 5=, 2an 3 purifying=5 the soul=4 in the entire corporeal Borl Y 134 at1 8raot2 A +rC Fa0d/o3 a 8/5e8; n/8a<= S7ita8a> Iarat +# tra?= Aat@ A8e# an/8 S7entan/8B. Tat10 a#ti11 8/nt ra e12 #7enta e13 a8a$a#te8e81;= tat1< $eret ra$a#ta8e81>= tat1? 5 $arenan!+G a#te8e81@= Ptat1B A/#5ere#te8e820= 1;4 tat21 $/ret ra! nACte8e822= tat23 2ae# a0ACte8e82;= tat2< t2aD# CGta+r$aA/n#te8e82>= daD$an/82? 8a# A/n/8c a2@H tat2B $6#7a e30 an! D+# 31 a#t$atC 8ana a#ti3; $Aa! 8i# te83<= 8etat3> $6#7a e3? an! D+# 3@ a#t$atC3B an! $/8;0 a#ti;1 $i8are0i# te8;2. 253 #he4 2the ,reator3 Horma? 5 then replie > ),X Spitaman DarathushtraFX the names@ of us=, 2our names3 the Bountiful &mmortals9* E*7"anation> 2Accor ing to the a<ove sentence, the ,reator Horma? Himself is consi ere as an Amshaspan > see p* = for further e"planation3* #hat4; 2part3 of the Holy45 Spell47 is44 most courageous4=, victorious46, glorious4:, efficacious7;, 2=3 most fien 1smiting77, most health1giving7= 2an 3 effectively estroying the malice76 of the aevas7F an 2Bic!e 3 men7:L that79 2part of the Holy Spell3 is =4 most reaching5@ 2i*e* helping3 the min 55 in the entire5; corporeal57 Borl 54 2an 3 most purifying=7 the soul=;* E*7"anation> +nthra Spenta, i*e* <eneficent or holy spell* #he original meaning of /#nthra 2Sans!rit /antra3 is Gsecret mysteries of the Doroastrian
mc GHameshtagehnH is !noBn as a place <etBeen heaven an hell* .or those persons Bhose goo ee s an sins are eCual, the fi"e place in that Borl <eyon is calle , GhameshtagtehnH* Accor ing to the suggestion of (r* $oth 2as communicate <y (armesteter3 reference to Hameshtagehn is foun in the Gathas 2in Yasna H 55*43, see my &#th# "# %#eni, ya?ishn H 55, Stan?a 4 an its e"planation* #he original meaning of Hameshtagehn, Bhich is calle in Avesta Gmisvna gtuH is the place of Gme iocre profitH* #hese Bor s occur in Ven i a fargar 49, para 56, an in the !hshnuman of +ino Anern* &n this !hshnuman, the Bor GHameshtagehnH occurs along Bith G'n less %ightsH, Garothmn Heaven an the ,hinvat Bri ge* Here the Bor s, Gmisvannhe gtvo !hva htaheH presuma<ly seems to have <een a 1 e later on* Prof* Eestergaar an (r* Gel ner have not given these Bor s in the te"t in their Avestan ' itions, <ut have ta!en them in the footnotes> (rs* Spiegel, Harle? an (armesteter have therefore left these Bor s untranslate * m $emoving or ismissing 2the Bic!e 3 thought, 2(armesteter3* me &n this paragraph the Bor tat occurs <efore every a jective, <ut & have translate it only once*



$eligionH, Gmysterious e"cellences of the Doroastrian $eligionH* A reference a<out this Be fin in Vispere -ar h 45, first paragraph, thus> GAshem vVspem mnthrem ya?amai e> Darathushtrem ha hamnthrem ya?amai eH, i*e* Be Borship the entire mnthra as holyL Be Borship Darathushtra Bho is one Bith mnthras or the composer of the mnthras* &n several later <oo!s it is state that some Britings of the Prophet Darathushtra Bere so mysterious that even the great sages coul not comprehen their meaning* +oreover, many famous Persian Briters call him, GPaegam<are $am?1guH 2i*e* Prophet Bho reveals the secrets3* Ee have no certain evi ence at present as to hoB many these mnthras Bere originally given <y him* 1<4 at1 ao5 ta2 Iarat +# trC3 frCit; 8e< tat> n/8a? fra8r:id i@= a# /+8B A +ra Fa0da10= Aat11 te12 a#ti13 8a0i# te8c a1;= $a i# te8c a1< #raD# te8c a1>= A/#5ere#te8e8c a1?= $/ret ra! nACte8e8c a1@= 1B 2aD# a0ACte8e8c a = t2aD# CGta+r$aA/n#te8e8c a20= daD$an/821 8a# A/n/8c a22. 1>4 8f-at a23 a0e82; ta+r$aAeni2< $6#7e2> daD$a2? 8a# A/n#c a2@= Aat a2B a0e830 ta+r$aAeni31 $6#7e32 A/ta$C33 7airi5/o#c a3;= Aat 8/83< naD3> c i# 3? ta+r$aA/t3@= nCit3B daD$C;0= naDd a;1 8a# Ao;2= nCit;3 A/ta$C;; naDd a;< 7airi5/o;>. 2@3 Darathushtra5 then4 sai 7> ) Holy9 Ahura +a? a4;X tell: me@ in ee = that6 nameF of #hine47 Bhich44 is45 the greatest4=, <est4@, e"cellent46, most efficacious4F, fien 1smiting4: the most healing49 2an 3 estroying the malice7; of the aevas74 an men77 positivelyL 263 so that75 2i*e* Bith the help of that name3 &7= may overcome7@ all76 the aevas7F an 2Bic!e 3 men7:> so that79 &5; may overcome54 all57 Bi?ar s55 an Bitches5=> that5@ no56 one5F, neither59 the aevas=; nor=4 men=7, neither=5 the Bi?ar s== nor=@ the Bitches=6, may afflict5: me5@* 1?4 at1 8raot2 A +rC Fa0d/o3= fra5 # tAa; n/8a< a 8i>= a# /+8? Iarat +# tra@9 2itACB $/nt $AC10H t ritAC11 a$itanAC12H t:irAa13 A# a1; Va i# ta1<H 7+5 d a1> $6#7a1? $o :1@ Fa0daGd /ta1B a# aGc it ra20H 5 # t$C21 Aat22 a 8i23 5 rat+# 2;H a7tat C2< 5 rat+8/o2> a# te8C2? Aat2@ a 8i2B c i#ti# 30H n/+8C31 c i#ti$/o32. 1@4 Da#e8C33 Aat3; a 8i3< #7/nC3>H aD$anda#C3? #7anan!+ /o3@H d$ada#C3B A +rC;0H t rida#C;1 #D$i# tC;2H c at rada#C;3 i8at;; $6d$aD# t$C;<H 7anc ada#a;> a$ane8na;?H 5 # $a# Gda#a;@ /ta;B 8areni# <0H a7tada#a<1 $6#7a<2 i# a#<3H <; << <> <? <@ <B a# tada#a 2aD# a0Aa H na$ada#a Aat a 8i d/tC H $6#/n#te8C>0 a 8i>1 Aat>2 a 8i>3 Fa0d/o>; n/8a><. 2F3 Ahura +a? a5 then4 replie 7> 2+y3 first6 name@, ) Holy Darathushtra:X is G& e"istH=L 2+y3 secon 9 2name3 is pertaining to her 4; 2or protecting

mf (r* Gel ner ta!es this para si"th as a verse of seven lines> every line en s at comma* mg i*e* & am ever 2an alBays e"isting living3* But if Be ta!e the meaning of Gfra!hshtyaH from the root GperesH 2W to as!3, then the meaning of fra!hshtya = nma@ ahmi6 can alternatively <e>1 2my first3 name@, 2&3 am6 Borthy of <eing as!e or inCuire = 2i*e* every one esires to as! or in1



her s of cattle an multitu es of men3> 2+y3 thir 44 2name3 the mhAll1 Perva ing47L 2+y3 fourth45 2name3 Supreme4@ $ighteousness4=L 2+y3 fifth46 2name3 All Goo #hings4: create <y +a? a49, containing the see of righteousness7;L 2+y3 si"th74 2name3 is that77 2&3 +yself am75 Eis om7=L 2+y3 seventh7@ 2name3 'n oBe Bith Eis om76L 2+y3 eighth7F 2& +yself3 am79 -noBle ge5;L 2+y3 ninth54 2name3 'n oBe Bith -noBle ge57L 2:3 2+y3 tenth55 2name3 is 2& myself3 am 5@ &ncrease56 2groBth3 2or Prosperity356L 2+y3 eleventh5F 2name3 the &ncreaser5:L 2+y3 tBelfth59 2name3 Ahura=; 2i*e* the <estoBer of life3> 2+y3 thirteenth=4 2name3 the most Beneficent=7L 2+y3 fourteenth=5 2name3 Bithout )pponent=@> 2+y3 fifteenth=6 2name3 the mi&nvinci<le=FL 2+y3 si"teenth=: 2name3 the )ne Eho maintains account@; of 2the ee s of3 mjmen=9L 2+y3 seventeenth@4 2name3 the All@71 Seeing@5L 2+y3 eighteenth@= 2name3 the Healer@@L 2+y3 nineteenth@62name3 2&3 am@: the ,reator@9L tBentieth6; )mniscient6=* 1B4 -a0aD# a1 8/82 Iarat +# tra3 7aiti a#ni; 7aiti 5 # afne< Aa#CG 2eret/2AC> 0aot r/2AC?. Ka#/ni@ teB a$an! aDc a10 rafnan! aDc a11 A0e812 AC13 A +rC Fa0d/o1;H 3a#/iti1< te1> a$an! aDc a rafnan! aDc a1@ AC1B $an! +# 20 Srao# C21 A# AC22H 3a#/onti23 te2; a$an! aDc a2< rafG nan! aDc a2> A/o2? /7C2@= A/o#c a2B +r$ar/o30= A/o#c a31 a# /+n/832 fraG $a# aAC33. 293 ) Darathushtra5X thou shoul st Borship4 +e7 <y ay= an <y night@ 2i*e* every time3 Bith li<ationsF <rought for yasna6* &47 Bho45 am Ahura +a? a4= Bill come: for thy9 help4; an joy44L He Bho49 is goo 7; an holy Srosh 2ya?ata3 Bill come for thy46 help4F an joy4:L the Baters7: an the plants5; an the .ravashis55 of the righteous 2people357 Bill come75 for thy7= help7@ an joy76* 1104 85-e0i1 $a# i2 Iarat +# tra3= a$/o; t2ae# /o< ta+r$aAC>= daD$aG n/8 8a# A/n/8c a@= A/t $/8B 7airi5an/8c a10= #/t r/811 5aoA/812 5arafn/8c a13= 8airAan/8c a1; 2i0an!ran/81<= a# e8ao! an/8c a1> 2i0an!ran/81?= $e r5an/8c a1@= c at $areG0an!ran/81B. 1114 HaDnaA/o#c a20 7eret +Gaini5aA/o21= 7eret +Gdraf# aA/o22= ered $CGdraf# aA/o23= +0!ere7tCdraf# aA/o2;= 5 r:re82< draf# e82>
Cuire a<out +e3 or ta!ing it in other Bay 1 the )ne of Bhom the Cuestions pertaining the reli1 gion, are as!e , i*e* <y the Prophet an great ivine sages> see Ven i a 4:*6;L Ven i a 77*49L Ya?ishna H =5*4;* mh GPoBerfulH 2(armesteter3> GA constitutor of <eingsH 2Harle?3* mi )riginal meaning Gnot smittenH* mj #he giver of reBar or punishment in that Borl in accor ance Bith the goo or Bic!e ee s performe in this Borl after Beighing in the <alance, cf* ht1marne 2Ya?ishn H 57* stan?a 63* m! (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire tenth paragraph as a verse of : lines> each line en s at ,omma 2,3*



2arentaA/o2?= at a2@ i8/o2B n/8eni# aA/nc a3; 5 # afna#c a3<.

dren3aAC31= fra8ra$a32= $6#7/i#


24;3 &f4 thou Bishest7, Darathushtra5X to estroy6 this= malice@ 2Bhich is3 of the aevasF, 2Bic!e 3 men:, the Bi?ar s9, Bitches4;, of the tyrants44, the ml !i!s47, the !araps45, of the <ipe 4@ mmserpents46, 2i*e* men having nature of a serpent3, the tBo1legge 4F mnAshmogs46, the four1foote 49 Bolves4:, 2443 2an 3 of the moarmies7; in Bi e <attle array74, mpBith <roa <anners77, uplifte <anners75, <anners raise on high 7=, 2an 3 <anners 2<earing37F cruel7@ Beapons, then7: shoul st thou recite alou 57 these79 names5; every55 ay5=, every night5@* 1124 P/A+# c a1 a 8i2= d/t/c a3 t r/t/c a; a 8i<= 0n/t/c a> 8ainA+# c a? a 8i@ #7entCte8CBH 2aD# a0aAa10 n/8a11 a 8i12= 2aD# a0aACte8a13 n/8a1; a 8i1<H /t ra$a1> n/8a1? a 8i1@= /t raG $ate8a1B n/8a20 a 8i21H A +ra22 n/8a23 a 8i2;= Fa0d/o2< n/8a2> a 8i2?H a# a$a2@ n/8a2B a 8i30= a# a$a#te8a31 n/8a32 a 8i33H 5 $arenan! a3; n/8a3< a 8i3>H 5 $arenan!+ a#te8a3? n/8a3@ a 8i3BH 7o+r+dar# ta;0 n/8a;1 a 8i;2= 7o+r+dar# te8a;3 n/8a;; a 8i;<H d:raDG dar# ta;> n/8a;? a 8i;@= d:raDGdar# te8a;B n/8a<0 a 8i<1. 2473 2#he ,reator Horma? says3> & am7 the Protector4, & am@ the ,reator5 an the Nourishe , & am: the (iscerner 2or prognosticator3 an the +ost Beneficent9 SpiritF* & am47 the Healer4;, the Best Healer45, & am4: Athravan46 2i*e* +o<e 1(astur3, the Best Athravan49L & am7= Ahura77 2i*e* Giver of %ife3> & am7F +a? a7@ 2i*e* )mniscient3L & am5; the $ighteous7:, the +ost $ighteous54L & am56 the Glory5= <y name5@, & am59 the +ost Glorious5F> & am=7 the All Seeing=; omniscient* 1134 S7a# ta1 n/8a2 a 8i3= $6ta; n/8a< a 8i>H d/ta? n/8a@ a 8iB= 7/ta10 na8a11 a 8i12= t r/ta13 n/8a1; a 8i1<H 0n/ta1> n/8a1? a 8i1@= 0nCi# ta1B n/8a20 a 8i21H f# +8/o22 n/8a23 a 8i2;H f# +# C8/nt ra2< n/8a2> a 8i2?H i#eG5 # at rC2@ n/8a2B a 8i30H i#eG5 # at rACte8a31 n/8a32 a 8i33H n/8C5 # at ro3; n/8a3< a 8i3>H n/8CG5 # at rACG te8C3? n/8a3@ a 8i3B. 2453 & am5 the Eatcher4 an the mCAll1Perva ing= <y name@> & am6 the BestoBer9L & am47 the Protector4;L & am4@ the Nourisher45 an the (iscerner46
ml -i!s an !araps> See glossary* mm or Gof the sinners, of the thievesH, 2(armesteter3* mn Ashmog, i*e* istorter of truth, heretic* mo G)f the hor es Bith the Bi e frontH, 2Harle? an (armesteter3* mp #he Persian eCuivalent of the Bor G rafshH is G erafshH, the meanings of Bhich are flag an a piercing BeaponH> from this in some place the meaning of G rafshH can <e Gspear> <annere spearH* mC )r lover, oer of goo , frien 2root vi W to love3*



2i*e* )mniscient3L & am74 the +ost1(iscerning49L & am7= the &ncreaser77, & am7F the Hymn of mrProsperity7@ an the $uler at Eill7: <y name79> & am55 the +ost $uling at Eill54L & am56 the most renoBne ms$uler <y name5@* 11;4 Ad a$i# ;0 n/8a;1 a 8i;2= $6d a$i# ;3 n/8a;; a 8i;<9 7aitiG 7/A+# ;> n/8a;? a 8i;@= t2aD# CGta+r$/o;B n/8a<0 a 8i<19 at ra$ana<2 n/8a<3 a 8i<;= $6#7a$ana<< n/8a<> a 8i<?9 $6#7ata# <@ n/8a<B a 8i>0= $6#7aG5 $/t ra>2 n/8a>3 a 8i>;9 7o+r+><G5 $/t ra>> n/8a>? a 8i>@= 5 $/t ra$/o>B n/8a?0 a 8i?1. 24=3 & am=7 the Non1 eceiver=;, & am=@ from the (eceiver=5> 4 am=: the mu'Cua<le Protector=6* & am@4 the (estroyer of +alice=9> & am@= the mv Smiter at one stro!e@7> & am@F )ne Bho smites every<o y@@ every Brong oor> & am6; the +o eller of all@:* & am6= All641%ight67 2or ,omfort673> & am6: .ull6@1%ight6; 2or ,omfort1happiness366> & amF4 )ne Possessing %ight69 <y nameF;* 11<4 Vere0iG#ao5a?2 n/8a?3 a 8i?;= $ere0iG#a$/o?< n/8a?> a 8i??H #D$6?@ n/8a?B a 8i@0= #:r/o@1 n/8a@2 a 8i@3= #D$i# ta@; n/8a@< a 8i@>H a# a@? n/8a@@ a 8i@B= 2ere0aB0 n/8aB1 a 8iB29 5 # at raAaB3 n/8aB; a 8iB<H 5 # at raACte8CB> n/8aB? a 8iB@9 +d /n+# BB n/8a100 a 8i1= 2 3 ; +d /n+# te8C n/8a a 8i H d:raDG#:5a< n/8a> a 8i?. T/o#c a@ i8aoB n/8eni# 10. 2453 & amF= mBBrilliant in Eor!F7 <y nameF5, & amFF /seful1in1Eor! F@> & am:; the BeneficentF:> & am:5 the Valiant:4, & am:6 the +ost Profita<le:= <y name:@> & am:9 $ighteousness:F, & am97 the '"alter9;L & am9@ the Sovereign95 <y name9=, & am9: the Greatest Sovereign96L & am4 Possesse of Goo Eis om99L & am= Possesse of Best Eis om7 <y name5> & amF m"Having1a1piercing1 %oo!@* Such9 2are3 these: Names4; 2of mine3* 11>4 -a#c a; 8e< aDta 8i> an! a$C? Aat@ a#t$aintiB= S7ita8a10 Iarat +# tra11= i8/o12 n/8eni# 13 dren3aAC1; fra8ra$a1<= 7aiti1> $/1? a#ni1@ 7aiti1B $/20 5 # afne21H 11?4 fra8ra$a22 +# $/ i# tC23= n6 $/1 7aid Aa8nC2;H n6 $/ 7aid Aa8no2<= +# $/ i# tC2>H aiwA/on! ane82? $/2@ ai8A/on! aAa8nC2B= aiwA/on! ane830 $/31 2:3Aa8no32H fr/33 $/3; # :#a3< ac a3> !/taot3> fr/3? $/3@ # :#a3B $/3@ # :#a3B ac a 0antaot;0=
mr #he .shushQ1mnthra is also the name of Ya?ishn H @:* ms )r famous -ing, ruler Bith glory* mt )r one Bho cannot <e eceive <y anyoneL GSmasher of eceitH, 2Harle?3* mu Sans!rit prati W eCually* Besi es, if Be ta!e GpaitiH eCuivalent to Sans!rit prati, meaning, Glor , hus<an , masterH in the paiti1pyush, then it can mean Gprotector of the master or chiefsH* mv or su<jugator 1 conCueror at one stro!e* mB i*e* active in Bor! GHe Bho can <enefit at His EishH 2(armesteter3L Gpro ucer of every <e1 nefitH 2Harle?3L Gprofita<le or <eneficialH 20usti3* m" GHe Bho oes goo for a long time,H 2(armesteter3*



fr/;1 $/;2 # :#a;3 ac a dan! aot;;= a$aG3a#a;< da5 A:8 /;>. 11@4 'Cit;? di8;@ nara;B an! e<0 aA/n<1= noit<2 an! /o<3 5 # a7C<;= aD# 8C<< dr:ta e<> dr+5 # <? 8anan! C<@ a$a#A/t<B. 'Cit>0 a5a$C>1= nCit>2 c a5a$C>3= nCit>; i# a$C><= nCit>> 5areta>?= nCit>@ $a0ra>B= nCit?0 $i#enti?1 a#/no?2 a$a#A/t?3. 2463 ) Spitama4; Darathushtra44X Ehoever= in this6 corporealF Borl : 2having3 remem<ere 4= these47 Names45 of +ine@ oth recite alou 4@ every46 ay4: or7; every49 night74* E*7"anation> 2At Bhat time one shoul recite alou , is state <eloB3* 24F3 2Ehoever3 may recite alou 77 2these Names of +ine3 Bhether getting up74 or sitting oBn7=, sitting oBn7@ or getting up76, Bhile gir ing79 the Sacre Gir le7F or7:154 myungir ing57, Bhether going5@ out55 from 2his oBn3 place56, or the village=;, or the country== 2an 3 arriving=@ at 2some other3 country=6, 24:3 unto that=: person=9 uring that@; ay@4 2an 3 uring that@5 night@= 2i*e* at Bhatever time he prays3, the cruel @61min e @: m?(ruj@F 2calle 3 'shma@@ shall not=F harm@9L neither6; hoo!s64 2or piercing Beapon643 nor67 na slings65, neither6= arroBs66 nor sBor s6F, neither clu<s69 norF; stonesF7 Bill n< stri!eF4 an harmF5 2the person3* 11B4 V6#/n#tac a1 i8/o2 n/8en6# 3 7ar# ta#c a; 7airiG$/ra#c a< $6#ente>= 7airi? 8ainAaoA/t@ dr+3atB= $arenAaA/te a10 dra$/nit A/t11= 0i0iA:# atc a12 5aAad /t13 $i#7CG8a r5/atc a1; 7airi1< dr$atat1> Aat1? an!r/t 8ainAaot1@H 8/naAen a e Aat a1B a0an!re8 nar/821 CA+822 nare823 aiwA/5 # aACit2;. 0ust as49 a thousan men !eep Batch 7= over one77 man75, 2in the same Bay3 these7 names5 2of the ,reator Horma? mentione a<ove3 serve 6 as a monition4 an support= an protection@ 2for the reciter3 againstF the invisi<le: (ruj9 an the Varenian4;, Bic!e 44 an the sinful person 45, <ent on estruction47, an against4@ the Bic!e 46 fien , full of plagues, Angra +ainyu4:* 11B4 KD $eret re8G3/ t w/ 7Ci #en! / Aoi entiH % it r/ 8Ci d/8 a +82i# rat:8 c 60di= At Ci $o : Serao# C 3ant: 8anan! /= Fa0d/ a 8/i Aa 8/i $a# 6 5a 8/ic
my &ts meaning can <e Gtying the gir leH or Guntying the gir leH* m? &f Be ta!e GaMshmQ1 rutaheH as a compoun Bor accor ing to (r* Gel nerAs ' ition, then it Boul mean the (ruj rushing Bith the angry thought* na Cuoits 2(armesteter3 n< )riginal meaning <y GpiercingH* &f Be consi er the Bor GvisentiH as an irregular a jective of the Bor GasnoH, the meaning of Gvisenti asnoH can <e Gpiercing stonesH Gsling1stonesH 2(armesteter3* nc .or the e"planation, see the translation of G-em n +a? H*



1204 'e8e81 5a$aD82 5 $arenC3= ne8C; airAene $ae3a i<= ne8C> #ao5e? Fa0dad /ite@= ne8CB a7e10 d/itAaAao11= ne8C12 Ared+A/o13 /7C1; an/ itaA/o1<= ne8e81> $6#7aA/o1? a# aonC1@ #tCi# 1B. -at / A : VairAC 10. A# e8 Vo : 10. 2743 n Homage4 to the -ayanian7 Glory5, Homage= 2<e3 unto nethe &ran1 Vej , Homage 2<e3 unto nfSao!aF create <y Horma? :, Homage9 2<e3 unto the ng$iver4; Veh iti44, Homage47 2<e3 unto the $iver4= Ar vi Sura45, the /n efile 4@, Homage46 2<e3 unto the entire4F ,reation49 of Holy 2Horma? 34:*

1224 A +ne8 Vair6820 Aa0a8aide219 A# e8 Va i# te822 #raD# te823 A8e# e8 S7ente82; Aa0a8aide2<. A8e8c a2> t ri8e8e a2? ao3a#c a2@ $eret re8c a2B= 5 $arena#c a30 0a$arec a31 Aa0a8aide32. A +re8 Fa0d/833 raD$ante83; 5 $arenan!+ ante83< Aa0a8aide3>. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2773 Ee praise74 Ahunavar7;L Be praise7@ Ar i<ehesht77 2Bho is3 the fairest75 Amshaspan 7= 2or Holy &mmortal3L Be praise57 courage76 an prosperity7F, activity7: 2or efficacy3 an victory79, glory5; an strength54* Ee Borship56 the Glorious5@ Horma? 55, -eeper of the #reasures5=* 2#o recite in <?3 A +ra Fa0da K od/e= a$a0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nadH aed:n 2/d. 2$ecite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. 12;4 -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC. A# e8 Vo : 1. 12;4 n 'i7/ACi# 1 8a# 682 +r$at e83 Aa$aet/6te; Iarat +# tra< a+r$at /t> 7arC? d+# 8ainAaot@. F/B te810 +r$at e811 fr/Aa$aACi# 12 #nat /i13= 8/1; d+0G2eretDe1< 0A/n/81> a7aAatDe1?9 8/1@ Aa#Ci# 1B ao820 nare821 d/it6822= AC23 n/2; 8a0i# te82< Aa#ne82> Aa0/ite2? 5a#i# te82@
n GNeme,H instea of GnemoH seems to <e the case attraction oBing to -avaem 2(armesteter3* ne i*e* the foremost a<o e of the Aryan peopleL the province situate in the North of the +oun 1 tain Balurtag, <etBeen the rivers )"us an De!?artis* nf #he original meaning of the Bor GSao!aH is sharpness, activity of the min , <rightness of in1 tellect, splen our 1 <rilliance of Bis om 2root such W Sans!rit shuch W to shine3> profit, prosper1 ity, happiness 2root su W Persian su W to profit3* +etaphorically it shoul <e un erstoo as the ya?ata presi ing over these virtues* ng #he meaning of the Avesta Bor GKpH li!e Persian GK<H is also river, in a A<out the $iver Veh iti, see Ven i a , fargar &, para 5* ition to GBaterH*

nh #he portion from GNipyQish mashVmH up to the en of this yasht is !noBn as the remaining paragraphs of the Bahman yasht* (r* Eest pu<lishe the 'nglish translation of the entire Pahlavi Bahman Yasht along Bith the translation of Bun ehesh in 4::; A* (* (r* Spiegel ha pu<lishe the German translation of a feB passages of the Pahlavi Bahman Yasht*



Aa#n/t2B fr/Aat/t30 a 8a31 A/n32 A8e# e S7ente33. 27=3 2#he ,reator Horma? spea!s to the Prophet Holy Darathushtra3> ) Darathushtra@X #hou shoul st alBays = protect4 the man7 frien ly5 2Bith you3 fromF evil1min e : enemy6* (o not9 let that4; frien 44 remain any longer47, for the stro!e45 2of the enemy3> 2 o3 not4= 2 eliver him3 to suffering pain4@ from the injuryni 2) Darathushtra3 o not4: <ring harm49 unto that7; religious77 man74 Bho75 out of the fi"e 5; ya?ishna consecrates 2i*e* performs the yasna3 Bith the shorter7: 2or3 longer7@ ya?ishna76 in honour of us54 Bho57 2are3 the Ameshspan 55 2i*e* Holy &mmortals355* 12<4 n3(d a1 a#ti2 Vo + FanC3= 8ana; d/8i< Iarat +# tra>. (d a? A# e8 Va i# te8@= 8anaB d/8i10 Iarat +# tra11. (d a12 K # at re8 Vair6813= 8ana d/8i1; Iarat +# tra1>. (d a1? S7enta r8aiti# 1@= 8ana1B d/8i20 Iarat +# tra21= id a22 Ha+r$ata23 A8eret/ta2;= ACi2< #tC2> 8i0de82? a# /+n/82@= 7arCGa#ti2B 3a#ent/830= 8ana31 d/8i32 Iarat +# tra33. 12>4 VaDt /c a3; tatGc a3< 5at ac a3>= /i3? A# /+83@ Iarat +# tra3B9 8ana;0 5 rat w/c a;1 c i#tic a;2 A/i# ;3 / an! +# ;; 7ao+r+AC;< 2a$at;>= Aat /c a;? an! at;@ a7e8e8;B an! +# <0. 27@3 n!Here4 2or this43 Behman5 2Amshaspan 3, ) Darathushtra6X is7 +y= ,reation@Lnl ) Darathushtra44X Ar i<ehesht: 2Ameshaspan 3 2is3 +y9 ,reation4;> ) Darathushtra46X here47 Sheherevar45 2Amshaspan 3 2is3 +y4= ,reation4@L ) Darathushtra74X Aspan arma 4: 2Amshaspan 3 2is3 +y49 ,reation7;L -hor a 75 an Amar a 7= 2Ameshspan 3 Bho7@ nmare76 the reBar 7F of the righteous7: 2people3 Bhilst going5; to the Spiritual Eorl 79, 2are also3 +y54 ,reations57, ) Darathushtra55X 2763 ) Holy DarathushtraX -noB thou5= noB56 that5@ 2it is through +y=; Sense=4 an Eis om=7 the Borl == Bas 2create in the3 <eginning=@, Bill nnremain=: up to the en =9 in the same Bay i*e* the Borl has the <eginning an the en * 12?4 Ha0an!re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are 2aD# a0an/8H a0an!re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are 2aD# a0an/8H a0an!re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are
ni )r alternatively> 2(o3 not4= 2alloB that frien to remain3 in calamity, 4F of harm46 Bhich is if1 ficulty to <ear4@* nj (r* Gel ner ta!es the Bhole 7@th paragraph in verse form of 47 lines* 'very line en s at comma 2,3 an full1stop 2*3* n! &n the sense of 'nglish, GhereH* .rench Voici an Persian Gina!H* nl As the meaning of creation, the Bor mi also occurs in the GathasL see yasna =5*@L yasna @4*4* Also in the same meaning there occurs G mHL see yasna F4*6L yasht V&*7L the meaning of mi also means GBis omH 2see paragraph 56 of this yasht3 an mi1 ta 2Behram yasht, para @=L Ashishvangh Yasht, para 6;3* nm &ts significance seems to <eL to the souls of the righteous people -hor an Amar Am1 shaspn s ren er assistance in giving happiness in Heaven, see H of the Gthas1yasna H 57*4@L yasna H =@*@* nn .or comparison, see Ya?ishna H 7:*44L ya?ishna H 5;*=*



2aD# a0an/8. Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da= 3a#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da= 3a#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da= A8a e +t/# ta e +raod a e= $eret ra! na e a +raGd /ta e= $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/to= S7enta ec a r8atoi# .no 12@4 r8aitic a S7entaAa20 aD# /821 t2aD# C22 #c indaAad we823H 7airi2; +# i2< $/raAad we82>H /82? !a$a2@ nidare0aAad we82BH /83B 0an$a31 0e8G2aAad we832H ai7i33 dere0$ane83; dare0a$aAad we83<. Kat3> a# a$a3? Fa0da3@ $anat3B dr$ante8;0. A# a$a;1 $anat;2 dr+368;3= a# a$a;; $anat;< dr$ante8;>. 27:3 #hrough Span arma 7; you cut asun er75 their74 2i*e* of Bic!e men3 malice77, cover76 all aroun 7= 2their3 min s7@ 2i*e* ar!en3, <in ye79 together7F 2their3 <oth the han s7:, <ruise ye57 2their3 !nees54 2an 3 npfetter5@ 2them3 Bith fetters5=* E*7"anation>1 2Here it is not !noBn as to Bho spea!s in this Bay an to Bhom he spea!s, <ut it appears that the Prophet Darathushtra a resses his isciples3* ) Horma? 5:X Bill the righteous5F 2man3 nCsmite59 the folloBer of untruth=; 2i*e* Bic!e an sinful man3Y #he ansBer>1 2Yes3 the righteous =4 2man3 shall smite=7 the (ruj=5L the righteous== 2man3 shall smite=@ the folloBer1of1untruth=6 2i*e* Bic!e 1sinful man3* )# i1 A +ra e Fa0d/o2 Aa0a8aidie3= daret r/i; 8/nt ra e #7enta e<H 5 rat:8> A +ra e Fa0d/o? Aa0a8aide@= 8aret r/iB 8/nt ra e #7enta e10H i0$/811 A +ra e Fa0d/o12 Aa0a8aide13= 1; fra$/5/i 8/nt ra e #7enta e1<H ao81> !air681? Aa0a8aide1@= Ai81B +# iG d/820 +# iGdarane821= 7aiti22 a#ni23 7aiti2; 5# afne2<= Aa#CG2eret/2Ao2> 0aot r/2Ao2?. Ee praise5 the (ivine1&ntelligence4 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura1+a? a7 nrfor comprehen ing= the Holy Eor @* Ee praise: the (ivine1Eis om6 of Ahura +a? aF for remem<ering9 the Holy Eor 4;* Ee praise45 the (ivine1tongue44 of Ahura +a? a47 for reciting4= the Holy Eor 4@* Ee praise4: this46 +ountain4F Bhich49 is ns/shi1(arena, the giver of intelligence 7;, every77 ay75
no .or the translation of this para, see page 49 an 2 o thou cause me to reach the help3 of Span arma 2Spentahecha KrmatQish3* np Bin or seal their tongues 2Prof* (armesteter3* #his savant compares the Bor G ere?vanH Bith Pahlavi Ghu?vanH 2Da<n3* nC #his sentence is Cuote here in the %ater Avesta form from the Gathas 2yasna H =:*73* nr )r for !eeping in min L original meaning for grasping* ns #he +ount G/shi1(arenaH is situate in the province of GSajestanH in the 'astern irection of &ran, Bhich is calle in Avesta GVae!eretaH, an it Bas calle <y the ancient Gree! people as G(rangianaH* &n Pahlavi this +ount is !noBn as GHush1 shtrH* #he original meaning of this Bor is G!eeper of intelligenceH* #his name Bas given for the reason that from that +ountain Holy Darathushtra receive the (ivine intelligenceL on that mountain the Holy Prophet con1 verse Bith Ahura +a? a as regar s religious matters* &n the Ya?isha H .irst the Holy Scrip1



2an 3 every7= night7@, Bith li<ations7F <rought for the ,onsecration of the ya?ishn76* 12B4 at1 ao5 ta2 Iarat +# trC3= +7a; t w/ a0e8> 8aire? an+dad aA/t@= S7entaA/o r8atCi# 10 dCit r/2Aa11 a$/#traAat12 nt 8airAC13. 1304 Ha0an!re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are 2aD# a0an/8H a0an!re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are 2aD# a0an/8H a0an!re8 2aD# a0an/8= 2aD$are 2aD# a0an/8. A e2< nar# 2> a# aonC2? fra$a# 682@ Aa0a8aide2B= AC30 A#8CG 5 $an$/o31 n/8a32. Ad /t33 anAaD# a83; a# aon/83< fra5 # ti3> Aa0/i3?= fra$areta3@ !ao5erena e3B #:ra e;0 Fa0daGd ata e;1. ,ao5erene8;2 #:re8;3 Fa0daGd /te8;; Aa0a8aide;<. 1314 )# i A +ra e Fa0d/o Aa0a8aide= daret r/i 8/nt ra e #7enta eH 5 rat:8 A +ra e Fa0d/o Aa0a8aide= 8aret r/i 8/nt ra e #7enta eH i0$/8 A +ra e Fa0d/o Aa0a8aide= fra$/5/i 8/nt ra e #7enta eH ao8 !air68 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 +# iGd/8 +# iGdarene8= 7aiti a#ni 7aiti 5 # afne= Aa#CG2eret/2AC 0aot r/2AC.n+ A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite three times3* 25;3 Ee Borship79 the .ravashi7: of that7@ righteous7F man76, Bho5; 2Bas3 Asmo1!hvanvant54 <y name57* & Borship5F 2the .ravashi of that person calle Asmo1!hvanvant3 more than other righteous 2persons3 as a lover of the poBerful=; nBGao!erena 2i*e* Ehite Haoma3* Ee praise=@ the poBerful Gao!erena=7 create <y Horma? ==*

1324 D/8i81 Aa0a8aide2 A/83 r8aiti8 #7ent/8<. -e e> d/t re? a# a ec a@= a# aon/8B= a# aG7aoirAan/8c a10 n*d/8an/811. 2573 nyEe praise7 Bis om4 Bhich5 is the <ountiful@ perfect 2mentality3= Bhose6 mental en oBment creationF of 2Horma? Iis creation44 of righteousness:3 an of the righteous9 2people3 Bho 2are3 most righteous4;*n?
tures of the Doroastrian $eligion are revere Bith this +ount* nt #his paragraph is complicate * &nstea of Gupa thB a?em maire anu a haytH, Prof* (armesteter approving the rea ing GDamerena uyeH given in the footnote translates as un erL G) sinnerX 2i*e* ) AhrimanX3 & Bill throB thee <ac! into the earthH* GBy means of the tBo eyes 44 of Spenta9 Armaiti4;*H nu .or its translation, see this Yasht, verse 7:* nv #he name of GAsmo1!hvanvantH comes first amongst those famous men an Bomen Bhose .ravashis are revere in the .ravartin yasht, !ar as 7@17F* Prof* (armesteter regar s this per1 sonage as one of the first isciples of the Prophet Darathushtra* nB .or the e"planation of GGao!erenaH see the notes given in my translation of the Ven i a , fargar TT, para =* n" Eor s from G(mVm ya?amai eH up to Gasha1paoirynmcha Vispere -ar h T&T para 7* manmH also occur in

ny )r alternately>1 Ee praise7 the <ountiful@ perfect mentality= 2or politeness3 Bhich5 2is3 the creation4 2of Horma? 3* n? #he reason for praising Bis om an perfect min e ness is, that its origin arises from right1



ADtat di8 $6#7an/8 8a0i# te8 da0dA/i= a :8c a rat:8c a Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= #nat /i an!ra e 8ainAD+# dr$atC= #nat /i aD# 8a e 5 ra$iGdrao# = #nat /i 8/0ainAan/8 dae$an/8= #nat /i $6#7an/8 daD$an/8= $arenAan/8c a dr$at/8. 2#o recite in <?>3 S e5a#te ! an/8enAC= 2ar a ere8an "e/nat #ad a0/r 2/r. 2#o recite alou >3 Fradat /i A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= fradat /i A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. Fradat /i Ti# trAe e #t/rC raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= fradat /i nar# a# aonC= fradat /i $6#7an/8 #7enta e 8ainAe+# d/8an/8 oaa# aon/8. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re89 Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= Ro0 7/5 n/8= Ro0 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4 8/ e 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4= !/ e 1fa"/n4= na8/0 D/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +rana Fa0d/o= tarCidite an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore aw0/A/d D/d/r A +ra Fa0da raAC8and 5 ore 8and 86nC/n 86nC 2eret:8= 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6 . D/d d6n 2e 8/0daAa#n/n= /!/ i ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the South3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne 8/0daAa#n6 d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S+ra An/ ite a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i 8a0dad /te a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. D/d/r A +ra Fa0da raAC8and 5 ore 8and 86nC/n 86nC 2eret:8 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


1'ote> #his Nirang shoul Horma? Yasht*3

<e recite

three times after the recital of

-/1 D/d/r A +ra Fa0da2= a ere8an3 8aroc 6n6d/r; ne!+na8< d6$/n>H 2ar? 2:dane@ ra#t/5 i0B tan 7a#6n10 26!+8/na8. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2recite three times3*
eousness itself, an from the people Bho are most righteous* #he meaning of #r/aiti is also Gvirtuous thought, humilityH* Sans!rit #ra/ati* oa .or the translation of this paragraph, see Hosh<am, page 74177* o< #his nirang as Bell as GnirangsH of other yashts are in Pa?en *



)4 ,reator Horma? 7X & overthroB Ahriman5, the estroyer= of righteousness 2an 3 the emons 6L & am a<solutely, Bithout ou<t 44, on the 2path of3 $ast!he? 2i*e* $esurrection of the (ea 3 2an 3 #anpasin 2i*e* the final e"istence3*


K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:ni !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d= Haft A8e# /#7and 2era#/d.oc A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tani ra$/ni !eti 8inC/ni= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8H #tao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. 114 A +ra e Fa0d/o> raD$ato? 5 $arenan!+ atC@= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8B= Van! a$e Fanan! e10 /5 # tCi# 11 /8G$aintA/C12= tarad /tC13 anA/i# 1; d/8/n1<= /#na e 5 rat $C1> Fa0dad /ta e1?= !ao# CG#r:ta e 5 rat $C1@ Fa0dad /ta e1B. 124 A# a e Va i# ta e20 #raD# ta e21= AirAa8anC (# Ae e22 #:ra e23 Fa0dad /ta e2; Sao5aA/o2< $an! +A/o2> $o+r+G dCit raA/o2? Fa0daGd /taA/o2@ a# aonA/o2B= K # at ra e $airAe e30 aAo5 # +#ta e31 8are0di5/i32 t r/AC dri!ao$e33. 134 S7entaA/o $an! +A/o r8atCi# 3;= r/taA/o3< $an! +A/o3> $o+r+GdCit raA/o3? Fa0daGd /taA/o3@ a# aonA/o3B= Ha+r$at/tC;0 rat $C;1 A/irAaA/o;2 +# itCi# ;3= #ared aDi2Ao;; a# a e;< rat+2AC;>= A8eret/to;? rat $C;@ f# aoni2Aa;B $/t $/2Aa<0. a#7ini2Aa<1 Aaoni2Aa<2 !ao5erena e<3 #:ra e<; Fa0dad /ta e<<. 2$ecite uring Hvan Gh as Bell as Secon Hvan Gh as un er3>1 1;4 Fit ra e<> $o+r+G!aoAaotoi#

= R/8ana#c a 5 $/#tra e<@.

2&f Gh <e $apithBan, recite as un er3>1 A# a e $a i# ta e<B t ra#c a>0 A +ra e Fa0d/o>1. 2&f Gh <e /?irin, recite as un er3>1 .ere0atC>2 A +ra e>3 nafed rC>; a7/8>< a7a#c a>> Fa0dad /taA/o>?. 2&f Gh <e AiBisruthrem, recite as un er3>1
oc i*e* may the Seven Ameshspan s 2Bountiful &mmortals3 come 2unto my help3X



1<4 A# /+n/8>@ fra$a# in/8>B ! en/n/8c a?0 $irC$/t wan/8?1 A/irAaA/o#c a?2 +# itCi# ?3= a8a ec a?; +t/# ta e?< +raod a e?>= $eret ra! na ec a?? A +rad /ta e?@= $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC?B. 2&f Gh <e /shahen, recite as un er3>1 Srao# a e@0 a# Ae e@1 a# i$atC@2= $eret r/3anC@3 fr/datG!aDt a e@;= Ra# nao# @< ra0i# ta e@>= Ar# t/ta#c a@? fr/datG!aet aA/o@@ $aredatG !aet aA/o@B. K # naot raB0 Aa#n/ic aB1 $a 8/ic aB2 5 # nao t r/ic aB3 fra#a#taAaDc aB;H Aat / A : VairACB< 0aot/B> fr/G8eB? 8r:teB@= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac aBB fr/ a# a$a100 $6d $/o101 8raot:102. 243 .or the pleasure9; 2of the ,reator Ahura +a? a3 2 uring so an so Gh3, !eeper of the treasures F 2an 3 Glorious:, of the Ameshspan s 9 2Bountiful &mmortals93, of the victorious47 frien ship44 2or of peace44 full of love473 of Bahman4; 2Ameshspan 3 2Bho is3 superior45 to other4= creatures4@ 2an * Bho is the lor 3 of the innate Bis om46 2an 3 of the Bis om46 acCuire through the ear4: create <y Ahura +a? a4F, 273 of the fairest74 Ar i<ehesht 2Ameshspan 37;, of the mighty75 2an 3 <elove Airyaman 2ya?ata3 77 create <y Ahura +a? a7=, of the righteous79 2an 3 o large1eye 7F 2an 3 the goo Sao!a 2ya?ata37@, create <y Ahura +a? a7:L of Sheherevar 2Ameshspan 35; 2ruling over3 the pure metal54, Bho is merciful57 2an 3 the nourisher of the poor55L 253 of the goo Span rma 2Ameshspan 35= 2Bho is3 righteous59 large1eye 5F 2an 3 the goo 56 <estoBer5@, of -hor =; 2Bho is3 the lor of the coming of the season=7 at its proper time=5 from amongst the Sare ha 2i*e* years3 Bhich are the perio s=6 of holiness=@L an of Amar 2Ameshspan 3=F 2Bho is3 the lor over the prosperity =9 of the floc!s@; 2of cattle3 an over the increase@4 of corns@7 2an 3 over the efficacious@= Gao!erena 2i*e* Ehite Hom3 create <y Ahura +a? a @@, 2=3 2 uring Hvan Gh3 of +eher 2ya?ata3@6 of Bi e pastures@F an of oe$ma -hvstar@:, 2 uring $apithBan Gh3 of Ar i<ehesht Ameshspan @9 an of the .ire6; of Ahura +a? a64, 2 uring /?irin Gh3> of the Navel 6= of Baters6@ 2Bho is3 the e"alte 67 lor 65 an of the Baters66 create <y Ahura +a? a6F, 2 uring AiBisruthrema Gh3L of the .ravashis 69 of the righteous 2people36: an of BomenF; Bith their troops of horsesF4, an of the coming of the seasonF7 at its proper timeF5, of 2the ya?ata3 AmaF=, Bell1shape F@ an <eautifulF6, of Beheram 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? aF:, an of 2the ya?ata name 3 Vananti /peratatL 2 uring /shahen Gh3L of Srosh 2ya?ata3 :;, the righteous:4 possesse of righteousness:7, victorious:5 an <ringing prosperity to the Borl :=, of the most just:6 $ashne 2ya?ata3:@, an of Asht 2ya?ata3:F, the increaser of the Borl :: an prosperity1<ringer of the Borl :91 for the
o i*e* Bith eyes of loveL original meaning of Glarge eyesH* oe #his ya?ata1angel is presi ing over atmosphere an over 2pleasure3 the ays of merriment, feasts*



Borship 2of these all3, for 2their3 praise97, for 2their3 propitiation95 2an 3 glori1 fication9= may the Daotar96 2i*e* officiating priest396 proclaim9: <efore me9F 2the e"cellences of the verses of3 Yath AhP VairyQ 9@L 2the $spi Bho is3 righteous4;; an learne 4;4 may proclaim4;7 2the e"cellences of these verses3 ath ratush asht1chit hacha99* 1>4 A +re8 Fa0d/81 raD$ante82 5 $arenan !+ ante83 Aa0a8aide;H A8e# / S7ent/< +5 # at r/> +d /on! C? Aa0a8aide@H Vo + FanCB A8e# e8 S7ente810 Aa0a8aide11H /5 # t6812 /8G$aint6813 1; 1< 1> 1? Aa0a8aide = tarad /te8 anA/i# d/8/n H /#ne8 5 rat:81@ 1B 20 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide H !ao# CG#r:te8 5 rat:821 Fa0dad /te822 Aa0a8aide23. 1?4 A# e8 Va i# te82; #raD# te82< A8e# e8 S7ente82> Aa0a8aide2?H AirAa8ane8 (# 682@ Aa0a8aide2BH #:re830 Fa0dad /te831 Aa0a8aide32H Sao5/833 $an!+ 683; $o+r+dCit r/83< Fa0dad /t/83> a# aon683? Aa0a8aide3@H K # at re8 Vair683B A8e# e8 S7ente8;0 Aa0a8aide;1H aAo5 # +#te8;2 Aa0a8aide;3H 8are0di5e8;; t r/ACG dri!:8;< Aa0a8aide;>. 1@4 S7ent/8 Van!+ 68 r8ait68;? Aa0a8aide;@H r/t/n8;B $an!+ 68<0 $o+r+GdCit r/8<1 Fa0dad /t/8<2 a# aon68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Ha+r$at/te8<< A8e# e8 S7ente8<> Aa0a8aide<?H A/irA/8<@ +# it68<B Aa0a8aide>0H #ared a>1 a# a$ana>2 a# a e>3 rata$C>; Aa0a8aide><H A8eret/te8>> A8e# e8 S7ente8>? Aa0a8aide>@H f# aon68>B $/t w/8?0 Aa0a8aide?1H a#7in/c a?2 Ae$6nC?3 Aa0a8aide?;H ,ao5erene8?< #:re8?> Fa0dad /te8?? Aa0a8aide?@. 263 Ee Praise= 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a4, !eeper of the treasures7 2an 3 gloriousL Be praise: Ameshspan s@, <enevolent 2goo 1ruling36 2an 3 possessing goo facultyFL Be praise44 Bahman9 Ameshspan 4;L Be praise4= the victorious45 frien ship47 2or peace47 full of love453 Bhich is superior4@ to other46 creatures4FL Be praise7; the innate Bis om4: create <y Ahura +a? a49L Be praise75 the Bis om acCuire through the ear 74, create <y Ahura +a? a77* 2F3 Ee praise7F the fairest7@ Ar i<ehesht7= Ameshspan 76L Be praise79 the <elove Airyaman 2ya?ata37:L Be praise79 the mighty 2Airyaman ya?ata35; create <y Ahura +a? a54L Be praise5: the righteous5F 2an 3 large1eye 5@ 2an 3 the goo 5= Sao!a 2ya?ata355, create <y Ahura +a? a56L Be praise Sheherevar59 Ameshspan =;L Be praise=5 2presi ing over3 the pure metal=7L 2Sheherevar3 the merciful== 2an 3 the nourisher of the poor=@* 2:3 Ee praise=: the goo Span arma 2Ameshspan 3 =F the righteous@5, large1eye @4 <estoBer=9, create <y Ahura +a? a@7L Be praise@F -hor @@ Ameshspan @6L Be praise6; the timely a vent@9 of the season@:L the holy67 Sare ha64 2i*e* years3 2Bhich are3 the perio s 6= of holiness65L Be praise6: Amar 66 Ameshspan 6FL Be praiseF4 the prosperity69 of the floc!sF; 2of cattle3L an the a<un anceF7 of cornsF5L an also the efficacious F6 Gao!erena 2i*e* the Ehite Hom3F@ create <y Ahura +a? aFF*



2(uring Hvan Gh as Bell as Secon Hvan, recite as un er3>1 1B4 Fit re8 $o+r+G!aoAaoit68 Aa0a8aideH R/8a 5 $/#tre8 Aa0aG 8aide. A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide.of 2&f Gh <e $apithBan, then recite as un er3>1 A# e8 $a i# te8 /tare8c a A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 Aa0a8aide. A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 2&f Gh <e /?irin, then recite as un er3>1 .ere0ante8 a +re8 5 # at r68 5 # aDte8 a7/8 na7/te8 a+r$atG a#7e8 Aa0a8aideH a7e8c a Fa0dad /ta8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. o! A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #+r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 2&f Gh <e AiBisruthrema, recite as un er3>1 1104 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC ! en/o#c a $irCG$/nt w/o Aa0a8aideH A/irA/8c a Aa0a8aideH a8e8c a +ta# te8 +raod e8 Aeret ra! ne8c a A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aideH $anainti8c a Aa0a8aide.o A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o Aa0a8aide. 2&f Gh <e /shahen, recite as un er3>1 Srao# e8 a# 68 +raod e8 $eret r/3ane8 fr/datG!aDt e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Ra# n:8 ra0i# te8 Aa0a8aideH Ar# t/te8c a fr/datG!aDt /8 $aredatG!aDt /8 Aa0a8aide.oi A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1114 o3-/t+ 06 Iarat +# tra $anat daD$C 8a# AC. KC n8/na e 2/d a S7ita8a Iarat +# tra= $6#7a dr+5 # 3an/iti= $6#7a dr+5 # n/# /iti= Aat a aonaoiti aD# /8 $ac /8. 1124 Aoi te aoi tan$C dad /iti= aoi te at a+r+ne8 3an/iti= at a+r+ne8 Aat a rat aD# t/re8= $6#7anC a#r+# tee n/# /t/n/8 ao3an! a. AC 68 da#te d/rane8= ACi a7ta A8e# /o S7enta +5 # at ra +d /on! C a8aret an/8c it. DaDn/8 8/0daAa#n68= a#7CG5e r7e8 /7e8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aidie. 1134 tare $itare 8ai2A/ $itare 8ai2A/ $68raot Iarat +# tra. /tare $itare 8ai2Aa#c it $itare 8ai2Aa#c it $68raot
of &n this yasht the last sentence recite in all the Ghs is not given in the Avesta ' itions of Prof* Eestergaar an (r* Gel ner, <ut it is in the Parsee prayer1<oo!s* og .or its translation, see /?irin Gh* oh .or its translation, see AiBisruthrema Gh, pages 4;714;5* oi .or its translation, see /shahen Gh, page 4;6* oj & coul not give the authentic translation of the Avesta passages 24414=3 of this Small Haftan yasht, <eing 2corrupt3 not genuine* #ranslations of 'uropean scholars are also not satisfactory, <ut & have attempte to give some synopsis of passages 44147*

Aa0a8aideH +# it68 Aa0a8aideH +7arat/te8 fra$a# aAC



Iarat +# traH Aat $an! D+# 8anan! C= Aat ait Ae3an! e8 $ac /8= fra#7/$are# fr/c a fra8eret wac a fra3/t wac a. 11;4 Sata$ata #ateG $ata +ta$ate +teG$ata +ta a7aG2arent+ Aat a 2a#te8 fra$a# n/8 daDn/8 8/0daAa#n68 n/# /t/n/8 ao3an! a. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'ote>1 2&f Small Haftan yasht <e recite , !ar h of GYtu Di DarathushtraH up to the en Ashem VohP 4 inclusive shoul <e recite seven times an then having recite in G<?H the entire portion of GAhura +a? a -ho e aBa?PnV mar um **** ae Pn < H an Yath AhP VairyQ 7, one must recite the remaining portion of this yasht from the portion Yasnemcha up to the en 2Haft Ameshspan <eras * Ashem VohP 43* But if one Bants to recite Haftan Yasht %arge, the -ar h of GYtu Di DarathushtraH up to Ashem VohP 4, shoul <e recite only once an then one shoul recite the <eloB1mentione : -ar s3* 2443 ) DarathushtraX &t Boul <e <etter if the sorcerer an man of evilish temperament <e really smitten an <ro!enX ) Spitaman DarathushtraX Eho 2is3 that man Bhen he recites these sacre verses 2of Avesta3, every ruj from his house is in ee smitten an estroye Y 2473 #he ruj o!attac!s thy <o y an smites thy priest1an the Barrior* #he man Bho !eeps a shiel against his enemies the Ameshspan s, the 2<enevolent3 possessing goo sense 2is fully capa<le3 olto oppose the om rujas <y means of his strength* Ee praise the +a? a1Borshipping $eligion an the onsBiftly1floBing un efile Bater create <y Ahura1+a? a*oo 1Kard/ 14 114 A +re8 Fa0d/81 a# a$ane82 a# a e3 rat:8; Aa0aG 8aide<H A8e# a S7ent/> +5 # at r/? +d /on! C@ Aa0a8aideBH $6#G 7/810 a# aonC11 #t6812 Aa0a8aide13 8ainAe$68c /1; !aDt A/8c /1<= 2ere3/1> $an! D+# 1? a# a e1@= 2ere3/1B daDnaA/o20 $an! +A/o21 8/0daG Aa#nCi# 22. 124
oJ o7


:5 tan/82;

$ar# tan/82<=

Aadac /2>

o! #he root of aoi a hiti is avi1 W Sans!rit a<hi1 h, to attac!* ol #he original meaning of GnshtanmH is, Gof those fit to <e estroye H 2nash1ata3* om #he original meaning of GasrushtMeH is Gfor not hearing, for not o<eyingH* on #he original meaning of GaspQ !ehrpemH is the Gshape of a horseH, see #ir yasht, !ar a @, para :* oo #he translation of this entire -ar a oes not seem to me to <e satisfactory* A <etter transla 1 tion than this shoul <e ma e* & coul not translate the portion from G tare vitareH up to GaojanghaH of paras 4514=* op 'ight !ar as of this yasht are ta!en from yasna H 5@ to H =7* #his part is calle GYasna HaptanghitiHL an it is <elieve that this part is Britten <etBeen the age of the Gathas an the yasna* &ts composition is poetic prose* #he meaning of GhaptanghitiH is seven Hs 2 haptan Z hiti3* H =7 seems to have <een a e as an appen i"* oC As it occurs in every Gatha, this paragraph of GhumatanmH comes at the en of -ar h F of the same yasht 2Bhich in fact shoul <e at the en of this yasht3L from this Prof* (armesteter



anAadac /2?= $ere0Aa8nan/8c /2@ $/$ere0anan/8c /2B 8a 630 ai26G 3aret/rC31 naDnaD#t/rC32= Aat ana33 $o +n/83; 8a 63<. 2$ecite tBice3* 134 Tat3> at3? $air68aid63@ A +r/ Fa0d/3B a# /;0 #r6r/;1 Aat;2 i;3 8aini8adic /;;= $aoc Ci8/c /;>= $ere0i8/c /;?= A/;@ /t/8;B <0 <1 <2 <3 # Aaot anan/8 $a i# t/ 5 A/t +2Ci2Aa a +2A/ . 1;4 ,a$Ci<; ad/i# << t/i# <> # Aaot an/i# <? A/i# <@ $a i# t/i# <B orfraD# A/8a 6>0 r/8/c a>1 $/#tre8c />2 da0dA/i>3= #+r+n$ata#c />; a#+r+n$ata# c/>< 5 # aAanta#c />> a5 # aAanta#c />?. 243 Ee praise@ Ahura +a? a4 the %or of $ighteousness5L Be praise9 Ameshspan s6 2Bho are3 goo 1rulingF, possessing goo sense:L Bith the Bish46 of goo 4F righteousness4: osan goo +a? 1Borshipping77 $eligion7;, Be praise45 the entire4; Borl ly4@ an spiritual4= creations47 of the $ighteous44 2Ahura +a? a3, 2in the same Bay3 Be are5; the glorifiers54 an me itators57 of the oers7: of goo thoughts75, goo Bor s7= an goo ee s7@ an of those Bho have performe 79 2goo ee s3 for this Borl 76 an for the yon er 7F =; Borl * 253 ) $ighteous an fair=4 Ahura +a? aX Ee choose5: those=5 Bhich=F are@4 the <est@; 2 ee s3 amongst the ee s=9 of the e"isting ones=: for <oth@7 the Borl s@5 2i*e* for gaining happiness of <oth the Borl s3, Be pon er over our min s==, Be spea!=@ 2in conformity Bith them3 an act =6 2in accor ance Bith them3* E*7"anation>1 Having chosen the <est ee s, an the virtuous path 2folloBe <y3 righteous men an having applie our full min to them, Be 2Bish to3 !eep our thoughts, Bor s an ee s in conformity Bith them* 2=3 Ee Bho are the learners of the !noBle ge of the religion 6= an the unlearners6@, the potent66 an the impotent6F 2poBerful an poBerless3 Bish6; to give65 happiness64 2to ourselves3 2an 3 the oupastures67 for 2our3 cattle@= through charity@@ an <est@9 ee s@F*

1<4 o$H+5 # at rCte8/i>B 2/t?0 5 # at re8?1= a 8at?2 Aat?3 ai26G dade8a ic /?;= c 6# 8a ic /?<= a$/n8a ic /?> Aat?? Fa0d/i A +r/i?@=
2consi ering the prefatory portion of the first para <eginning Bith GAhurem +a? m as -hshnumanH3 Bants to regar the <eginning of this H from GHumatanmH, i*e* as the first para* +oreover, this an other verses recite tBice in this yasht are calle G<ishmrutaH 1 <ish 2tBice3 Z mruta W recite , spo!en* As regar s those verses Bhich are recite tBice, see Ven i a fargar T* 51=* or As regar s purifying the cattle, Bor s from GgavQiH up to GfraeshymahVH is Cuote in Ven i a T&, para 6* os i*e* oBing to the immense love of truth an religion* ot )riginal meaningL Glisteners as Bell as non listenersH, root sru W Sans!rit sru* ou &n the ol en times of the Avesta, Bealth of men Bas counte from the num<er of cattle, an for their safety, pasture is the most essential item* ov #his para is calle thrishmrPta 2thrish Z mrPta3, i*e* verses recite three timesL for the e"1 planation, see Ven i a fargar T, paras F1:*



a# /ic / $a i# t/i 2$ecite three times3* 1>4 -at /@1 /t@2 +t/@3 n/@; $/@< n/ir6@> $/@? $aDd/@@ ait 68@B at /B0 atB1 $o :B2 tatB3 DGe/d:B;= $ere0ACt:c /B3= 6tB> a 8/iB? frac / $/tCAot:B@ itBB aDi2AC100 ACi1 6t2 at /3 $ere0A/n;= Aat / 6t a#ti<. 1?4 A +ra A/> 06? at@ $DB Fa0d/o10 Aa#ne8c /11 $a 8e8c /12 $a i# te813 a8e 8aid61; !D+# c /1< $/#tre81>. Tat at1? $D1@ $ere0A/G 8a 61B= frac / $/teA/8a i20 A/21 te22 i#/8aide23. 1@4 A# aA/2; /at2< #air62>= a# a A/2? $ere0ene2@= 5a 8/ic 6t2B /t/830 363i# /831 $a i# t/832 /d/33 +2Ci2A/3; a +2A/3<. 2$ecite tBice3* 1B4 (8/3> /t3? +5 d /3@ $ac /o3B= A +r/ Fa0d/;0= a# e8;1 8anaA/;2 $a e A/;3 fra$aoc /8/;;9 t w/8;< at;> aD# /8;? 7aitA/#t/re8c /;@ frada5 # t/re8c /;B dade8aide<0. 1104 A# /atc / ac / $an! D+# c / 8anan! C= $an! D+# c / 5 # at r/t= #taot/i# t w/t A +r/ #taotCi2AC= ai26 +5 d / t w/t +5 d Ci2AC= Aa#n/ t w/t Aa#nCi2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2@3 2+ay there3 verilyF; <e the !ing omF4 to the <est $uler69 2i*e* to Ahura +a? a3X Ee e icate our min F= to Ahura +a? aF: EhoFF 2Himself3 is:; supreme $ighteousnessF9, Be ac!noBle ge 2Him3F@ an regar 2Him3 as our oBnF6* 263 Also:5 if:7 2any3 man:= or:@ Boman:6 really:9 !noBs:: some goo things9;197, oBlet him eclare9= them95, let him practise them, 2an 3 inculcate 9: them96 upon 2those39F others4;; Bho Bish to act= properly@ in that manner5 2accor ingly3* 2F3 Ee regar 4= as <est45 2) man an BomanX3 for you 9 the Borship44 an praise47 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a 614;, an the nurture46 of the cattle4@* Accor ing to our Bish74175 Be 2ourselves3 practise49 this4F 2matter3 verily4: an inculcate them upon7; 2others3*o" 2:3 2$emaining3 in the chieftainship76 or in the oypractice7: of righteousness if any person79, amongst the e"isting ones5;, esires to live the <est57 life in <oth5= the Borl s5@, 2he shoul then <e3 generous55*
oB )riginal meaning, Glet him spea! orallyH* .or its e"planation, see my Avesta ictionary p* 44: un er the Bor GM1e uH* o" )r Gas it isH 2Yath it asti3* )riginal meaning> Gthat77 Bhich74 Be Bish75H 2ve W v W Sans!rit v, in ee , verily3* #o me the translation of the last sentence 2tat at ******* ismai e3 oes not seem to <e satisfactory* oy 'nglish meaning of the Bor Gvere?eneH is GpracticeH an is a!in to Persian Gvar?eshH*





E*7"anation By remaining in the chieftainship of righteousness an <y lea ing the life in accor ance Bith 2the principles of3 righteousness, the person Bho gives help to the poor people accor ing to his oBn capacity Bill enjoy the happiness of <oth the Borl s* 293 ) Ahura +a? aX 2-eeping3 o?in min =7 the righteousness, Be proclaim== these56 praise1Borthy5: verses59 in 2the <etter3 suita<le manner =5L Be appoint@; #hee=@ as the listener=: an as the teacher of these 2verses3=F* 293 G) Ahura +a? aX )n account of #hy righteousness, goo min an goo sovereignty, #hy praise is superior to all other praises, hymns of #hy glory are superior to all other hymns of glory, an #hy a oration is superior to all other a orationsH*pa 1Kard/ ((4 114 72A A/1 t w/2 /t rC3 $ere0en/; 7ao+r+Ae< 7airiG 3a#/8aide>= Fa0d/ A +r/? t w/@ t w/B 8ainA:10 #7Dni# t/11= AD12 /13 a5 ti# 1; a 8/i1< AD81> a5 tCAC1? d/on! e1@. 124 )r$/0i# tC1@ $C1B n/20 A/t/A/21H 7aitiG3a8A/o22 /tare23 Fa0d/o2; A +ra A/2<= +r$/0i# ta A/2> +r$/0aA/2? n/8i# ta A/2@ ne8an! /2B n/o30H 8a0i# t/i31 A/on! /832 7aiti33 3a8A/o3;. 134 tar# 3< $Ci3> Fa0d/o A +ra A/3? a 63@= 8ainAD+# 3B $Ci;0 a A/;1 #7Dni# tC;2 a 6;3= Aat;; $/;< tCi;> n/8an/8;? $/0i# te8;@= /tare;B Fa0d/o A +ra A/<0= t/<1 t w/<2 7airiG3a#/8aide<3. 243 2#he reciter says>3 #hrough 2the pcagency= of this4 fire5, ) most <eneficent44 Spirit4; Ahura +a? aFX Ee first approach6 #hee: an p #hee9 only* #hou peta!est aBay4514: 2) .ireX3 2that3 filthiness4= to Bhom46 the filthiness4F 2is attache 3 i*e* You are the purifier of all evils* E*7"anation> 2%i!e the Bin an the Bater, the fire also is a source of purification* Besi es, the Bor s G.ireH in 'nglish an , Pur in the Gree! %anguage are erive from Sans!rit root puWto purify3*
o? #he locative singular of the Bor /ana <ecomes /anaya, /anay# 2Gathic form3* pa SpiegelL Harle? also has translate more or less similarly* Prof* (armesteter translates this para as>1 ) Ahura +a? aX #hy praise is superior to the praises of Asha* Vohu +anah an the Goo -hshathra, rather superior to every 2other3 praise* #he sacre verses Bhich are a resse to #hee as an appeal are superior to all other sacre verses, an the gift Bhich is e icate to #hee is superior to all other gifts* p< #his paragraph is Cuote in Ven i a fargar 44, para =* pc G#hrough the service of the fireH, 2Spiegal an Harle?3 p .or <etter impression, the Bor GtheeH seems to occur tBice* Professor (armesteter has re1 ferre the .irst GtheeH to the visi<le .ire an the secon GtheeH to the spiritual fire in the pro"im1 ity of the ,reator Horma? on the <asis of the Pahlavi translation* pe Sans!rit root means Gto giveH> Sans!rit 1 means Gto ta!e aBay, to removeH* G#hou 2) .ireX3 ill1treats him Bho ill treats the .ireH* 2(armesteter3, GEho <rings pollution to this 2#hy flame3 Bilt #hou cover him Bith pollution 2in your turn3*H (r* Gel ner has ta!en Ga!htQyQiH in1 stea of Ga!htQyQH*



273 2#hat3 man7; himself49 2is3 most please 4:A of the poBer74 of this means 2fire3 2i*e* the Eorship of .ire 75 is the means of 2reaching3 Ahura +a? a* ) .ire75 of Ahura +a? a7=17@X mayest thou reach 2us3 Bith the joy7F of the most joyous76 2an 3 Bith the homage79 of the most glorious7:> mayest thou pfreach5= 2us3 for the greatest 2Bor!354 of the Bor!s57* 2) .ireX3 thou art=5 the most <ountiful=7 pg'm<lem=; of that=4 Spirit59 2i*e* the ,reator Ahura +a? a3* ) .ire=9 of Ahura +a? a@;X thy=6 2one name3 amongst the names =F 2is3 phV?ishta=:* #hrough the agency of that 2name3 @4 Be may reach@5 #hee@7, 2) Ahura +a? aX3 1;4 Vo +<; t w/<< 8anan! /<>= $o +<? t w/<@ a# /<B= $an! +A/o>0 t w/>1 c i#tCi# >2 # Aaot an/i# c />3 $ac e26# c />; 7airiG3a#/8aide><. 'e8a5 A/8a 6>>= i# +idA/8a 6>?= t w/>@ Fa0d/ A +r/>B9 $6#7/i# ?0 t w/?1 +8at/i# ?2= $6#7/i# ?3 :5 t/i# ?; $6#7/i# ?< $ar# t/i# ?> 7airiG 3a#/8aide??. 1>4 SraD# t/8?@ at?B tCi@0 5e r7e8@1 5e r7/8@2 /$aDdaAaG 8a 6@3= Fa0d/ A +r/@;= i8/@< raoc /o@> 2are0i# te8@? 2are0e8an/8@@ a$at@B A/tB0 $areB1 a$/c iB2. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. =* 2) Ahura +a? aX3 Be approach6@ #hee@@ Bith goo @= min @6 Bith righteousness@: Bith the ee s65 an Bor s6= of goo 6; Bis om67* ) Ahura +a? aX Be <oB to #hee6:, Be are in e<te 6F 2to #hee3* Ee may approachFF #heeF4 Bith allF; goo thoughtsF7, goo Bor sF=, 2an 3 goo ee sF6* ) Ahura +a? aX piEe eclare:5 thisF9 #hy:; <o y:4, 2i*e* Sun3 the fairestF: of all <o ies:7> this:@ light:6 amongst the highest 2lights3:: Bhich9; is calle 97 the sun94* 1Kard/ (((4 1(4 73(t /1 /t2 Aa0a8aide3 A +re8 Fa0d/8;= AD< !/8c /> a# e8c /? d/t@= a7a#c /B d/t10 +r$ar/o#c /11 $an!+ 6# 12= raoc /o#c /13 d/t1; 2:868c /1< $6#7/c /1> P$o :1?. 124 A A/1@ 5 # at r/c /1B 8a0Dn/c /20 $a7an! /i# c /21 te822 at23 Aa#nan/82; 7a+r$at/t/2< Aa0a8aide2>H AC62? !D+# 2@ ac /2B # Aeinti30. 134 Te831 at32 / +irA/33 n/8en63; 8a0d/$ar/3< #7entCte8/3> Aa0a8aide3?= te83@ a 8/5/i# 3B a0di26# c /;0 +# t/n/i#c /;1 Aa0a8aide;2= te8;3 a# /+n/8;; fra$a# 6# ;< nar/8c /;> n/irin/8c /;? Aa0a8aide;@.
pf i*e* ) .ire of Ahura +a? aX o #hou help us fulfilling Bhatever esires Be have* pg &f Be ta!e the Bor GvQiH as eCuivalent of Sans!rit GvaiH W in ee , then, ) .ireX thou art ver1 ily of Ahura +a? a, i*e* of the creation of Ahura +a? a* ph #he original meaning of GV?ishtaH is GsBiftestH* see yasna H 4F* pi +etaphorically the <o y of Ahura +a? a is given an analogy Bith the sun* &n later <oo!s Ahura +a? a is calle the %ight of %ights* pj #he first paragraph of this H is recite as the B? or grace <efore the meals*



1;4 A# e8 at $a i# te8;B Aa0a8aide<0= Aat<1 #raD# te8<2= Aat #7ente8 a8e# e8<; Aat raoc Cn! $at<>= Aat<? $6#7/<@ $o C<B. 1<4 Vo :c />0 8anC>1 Aa0a8aide>29 $o :c />3 5 # at re8>; $an!+ 68c />< daDn/8>>= $an!+ 68c />? f#erat:8>@= $an!+ 68c a>B /r8ait68?0. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 243 Ee Borship5 here7 in this Bay4 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a= Bho@ create : the cattle6 an cornF, Bater9 an trees44, the lights45 2of the s!y3 an the earth4@ an 2a<ove all these3 all462other3 goo things4F* 273 )n account of this 2i*e* Ahura +a? aAs3 sovereignty49, greatness7; an intrinsic1merit74 o Be Borship76 Him77 Bith the pre1eminence7@ of the p!yasnas7=* 253 Ee Borship5F Him 2Ahura +a? a354 Bith 2such3 plnames5= 1 Ahurian55, pleasing the +a? a5@ 2an 3 most <ountiful56* Ee Borship=7 Him Bith our oBn59 <o ies=; an life=4 2i*e* Bith heart an soul3* Ee Borship =: Him 2an 3 the .ravashis=@ of righteous== men=6 an Bomen=F* 2=3 Ee Borship@; Ar i<ehesht=9 Bho@4 is the fairest@7 2an 3 <rilliant@6 Ameshspan @= 2an 3 all@: goo things@9 2of the ,reator Ahura +a? a3* Ee praise 67 goo 6; thought64, goo 65 Sovereignty6=, goo 6@ $eligion66, goo 6F pm.seratu6: an goo 69 humilityF;* 1Kard/ (V4 1(4 7n(8/81 /at2 0/83 !Dn/26# ; at r/< Aa0a8aide>= A/? n/o@ 2araitiB9 A/o#c /10 tCi11 !Dn/o12 A +r/ Fa0d/13= a# /t ac /1; $airA/o1<= t/o1> Aa0a8aide1?. 124 (0/o1@= Aao# taAC1B= fera# taAC20= /r8ataAC21= $an!+ 6822 /26# 23 a# 682;= $an!+ 682< i# e82>= $an!+ 682? /0:it682@= $an!+ 682B fra#a#t6830= $an!+ 6831 7arend6832 Aa0a8aide33. 243 Ee praise6 this4 earth5 BhichF nourishes9 us: 2an 3 .eminine PoBers an +oral Virtues= along Bith it@L ) Ahura +a? a45X Ee praise4F .eminine PoBers an +oral Virtues47 of #hine44 Bhich4; 2are3 agreea<le4@ on account of righteousness4=* 273 Ee praise55 2all these3 1 comfort4:, purity49, increase7;, perfect min e ness74, along Bith goo 77 humility7=, Bish76, prosperity7:, precept5;, 2an 3 goo 54 poParen i57* 134 A7C3; at3< Aa0a8aide3>= 8aD5ainti# c /3?= D2$aint6# c /3@

p! & cannot translate these Bor sL yQi4 gMush7 hacha5 shyeinti= satisfactorily* Eho a<i e <esi e the G-ineH, 2+ills3> GEho Bell Bith the cattleH, 2(armesteter3* pl #he etails of these names are given in Horma? yasht, paras F1: an 4714@* pm i*e* ,ontrol or sovereignty over the cattle> an -hor an Amar * pn #his sentence is Cuote in Ven i a fargar T&* @ po Paren i is the angel presi ing over riches 1 Bealth, an is generally associate Bith Ashi Vanghuhi* Similar to this Bor there is the Ve ic Gpuran hiH, the meaning of Bhich is GBis om, e"terityH*



fra$a0an! C3@= A +r/ni# ;0 A +ra A/;1= +7eret w/o#c /;3 $/o;;= $C! 0at /o#c /;<= +2Ci2A/;? a +2A/;@ c a!e8/;B.

$a7an! /o;2= +# n/t r/o#c /;>=

1;4 )iti<0 A/<1 $D<2 $an!+ 6# <3 A +rC Fa0d/o<; n/8/n<< dad/t<>H $an! +d/o<? Aat<@ $/o<B dad/t>0H t/i# >1 $/o>2 Aa0a8aide>3= t/i# >; fraA/n8a 6><= t/i# >> ne8a5 A/8a 6>?= t/i# >@ i# +idA/8a 6>B. 1<4 A7a#c / $/o a0i# c / $/o 8/tar/#c / $/o= a!enA/o dre!+d/Aan! C $6#7CG7aiti# /$aoc /8/= $a i# t/o #raD# t/o a$/ $D $an!+ 6# r/tCi# dare!C2/0/+# n/# : 7aitiG$A/d/o 7aitiG#end/o 8/tarC 36taAC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +ro $aDt / a# /t ac a= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 253 Ee praise56 the together35: collecte an 2pertaining to Ahura +a? Bi e=5, Bell1floBing=@ 2an Baters5= that are shoBere oBn5F, 2gathere 59 floBe forBar * 2) Eaters3 of Ahura +a? a aX3 Ee ppregar =9 you== possessing intrinsic merit=7, 3 the purifiers=6 of <oth=F the Borl s=:*

2=3 2Spea!s to the Baters3> #hus @; goo @5 names@@ 2mentione a<ove3 Bhich@4 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a@= gave@6 you@7* He Bho@: is the Giver of goo @F 2the ,reator Ahura +a? a3 fi"e 6; these@: 2names3 for you@9* 2) Ahura +a? aX3 through the agency of these 2names3 64 Be Borship65 pC#hee67* Eith these 2names36= Be praise6@ 2#hee3* Ee <oB oBn6F 2to #hee3 2an 3 Bith these 2names36: Be are in e<te 2to #hee3*pr 1Kard/ V4 114 (t a1 /t2 Aa0a8aide3 !D+# ; +r$/nec /< ta# /ne8c a>= a 8/5Dn!? /at@ +r+nCB 7a#+5an/8c /10= ACi11 n/o12 363i# enti13= AaDi2Aa#c /1; tCi1< /1> AaDc /1? aDi2AC /1@ an! en1B. 124 DaitiG 5an/8c /20 /idA+n/821 Aat22 +r+nC23 Aa0a8aide2;H a# /+n/82< /at2> +r+nC2? Aa0a8aide2@= 5+dCG0/tan/8c 6t2B nar/8c /30 n/irin/8c /31
pp By praising Bater an singing its e"cellence Be acCuire many a vantagesL for all living creatures Bater is the most essential thing* $everen +ills has translate the various types of Baters occurring in the thir paragraph as un er>1 You that are shoBere oBn, you that stan in pools an vats5:, you that <ear forth 2our loa e vessels3 59, you that serve us all in helpful Bays=7, Bell1for e =5, full floBing=@, effective or effective for <athingH* .or further etails, see the note at the en of the translation of the fourth paragraph* pC Sometimes in the Gathas as an honorific the pronoun for Ahura +a? a comes in plural in 1 stea of in singular* (r* Spiegel an Prof* Harle? apply the Bor GvaoH 2W you3 to the Bater* pr & o not un erstan the portion from Gapasch vo a?ishch voH up to GmtarQ jitayQH* #ranslation <y others o not seem to me to <e satisfactory* Prof* (armesteter on the <asis of the Pahlavi Bun ahishn an from the stan point of its translation given consi ers some Bor s oc1 curring in the thir an fifth paragraphs of this H as seventeen !in s of Baters an flui s in allL such as maM!aintishcha W Baters or juices that are in the plantsL he<avaintischa W Bater that floBs from the mountainsL frava?ahghQ W rain BaterL ahuranish W Bell Bater an still Bater, etc* #he a<ove meanings are not erive from Avestan Bor s*



AaD# /832 $a e 6# 33 daDn/o3; $anaint63< $/3>= $en! en3? $/3@= $aonare3B $/;0. 134 t;1 it /;2 Aa0a8aide;3 $an! :# c /;; 6t;< $an!+ 6# c /;> 6t;?H #7entDn! a8e# Dn!;@ Ae$aD3AC;B Aa$aD#$C<0= ACi<1 $an! D+# / 8anan! C<2 # Aeinti<3= A/o#c /<; :iti<<. 243 #hus here Be Borship the pssoul@ of the universe= an 2its3 fashioner6, 2an 3 the souls9 of the cattle4; as Bell:, Bho44 2the cattle3 esire to ptlive45 for us47L for 2us34= they4@, an 2Be34F are49 for them4:* E*7"anation>1 2.or the sa!e of man, the care of cattle is ta!enL an through cattle men get nourishment* Both of them are useful to each other3* 273 puEe Borship7= the souls75 of the travellers an 7; the cavaliers74* Here76 Be Borship7: the souls7F of the righteous7@ men5; an Bomen57 <orn at any time79 Bho revere5@, or56 Bill revere5F or5: have revere 59 the <etter laBs5=* 253 #hus=7 Be praise here=4 goo men== an Bomen=6 2an 3 the Ameshspan s=:, ever1living=9 2an 3 ever1profitting@;, Bho@4 2i*e* the male Ameshspan s3 as Bell as@@ pv2.emale Ameshspan s3 Bell@5 in the goo min @7*pB 1;4 7*-at / t:Gi A +r/ Fa0d/ 8Dn! /c /= $aoc a#c /= d/o#c /= $are# c /= A/ $o : At / tCi dade8a 6= at / c 6# 8a 6= at / t w/ /i# Aa0a8aideH at / ne8a5 A/8a 6= at / i# :idA/8a 6 t w/ Fa0d/ A +r/. 2$ecite tBice3* 1<4 7AVan! D+# @1 5 $aDtD+# @2 5 $aDt/t/@3= $an! D+# @; a# a Aa@<= t w/@> 7airiG3a#/8aide@?= $an! +A/o@@ fe#erat$C@B= $an! +A/oB0 r8atCi# B1. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=3 0ust as@6 #hou* ) Ahura +a? a@9, hast thought6;, spo!en64, create 67 an Bor!e 65 Bhat6= 2is3 goo 6@, in the same Bay66 Be regar 6: #hee6F, 2so69 o3 Be recognise #hy e"cellenceF;, 2soF4 o Be3 an BorshipF= #heeF7* ) Ahura +a? a:;X thusF@ Be <oB to #heeF9, thusFF Be are in e<te 2to #hee3F:* 2@3 2) Ahura +a? aX3 Be may come near :F #hee:6 through the relationship:5 of goo :4 !inship:7, $ighteousness:@, goo :: .eseratu:9 2an 3
ps .or comparison see Ahunava Gatha, -ar h && 2Yasna H 793* pt i*e* pass the lives for our nourishment* pu .or the e"planation of this Bor , see note in my translation of Yasna H 59, para 7* pv )nly from the form of the Bor sL BahmanL Ar i<ehesht an Sheherevar are male Ameshspan s, an Aspan arma , -hor an Amara are female Ameshspan s* pB i*e* in the hearts of men of goo 2pious3 thoughts* p" Paras = an @ are Cuote in the yasna H 45, paras @16* py &n (r* Gel nerAs ' ition this entire para @ inclu ing Yenghe htm is Britten Bith the note to recite tBice, although in none of our prayer <oo!s is mention ma e to recite it tBice*



Span arma


1Kard/ V(4 114 +1 at2 7aiti3 ad/ :;= Fa0d/ A +r/<= 8a0d/8c /> 2:iric /? 5ere# $/@H r/it6B tCi10 5 ra7ait611 a 8at Aat ai2612= Aat 860de813 8a$aDt e81; fradad/t /1< daDn/2AC1>= Fa0d/ A +r/1?. 124 A A/1@ $C1B nD20 d/id621= a 8/ic /22 a +Ae23 8ana5 A/ic /2; tat a A/2< A/ tat2> +7/G3a8A/8/2?= ta$ac /2@ a5 e8/2B a# a5 A/c /30 $6#7/i Aa$e31. 134 70D/id632 at33 ner/# 3; Fa0d/ A +r/3<= a# /+nC3> a# aG c inan! C3?= aidA:# 3@ $/#traADn!3B dere!/i;0 i0/i;1 2D0$aite;2 a5 8aine;3= a 8ai2A/c /;; a 8/;< rafnan! C;>. 1;4 At /;? 5 $aDt:# ;@ at /;B $ere0en/<0= at /<1 a5 e8/<2 5 A/t<3 A/i# <; i# c a8aide<< at /<> $e<? +t/<@ 5 A/8/<B Fa0d/ A +r/>0 a# a$anC>1 ere# A/>2= i# te8>3 r/it6>;. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 243 ) Ahura +a? aX o #hou create : great Bis om6 an Caa<un anceF in these creatures=* ) %or of Eis om44 2 o #hou grant us3 as much47 reBar 45 as #hou hast given4@ to the religionists46, li!e myself4= <y means of #hy4; ,harity9, ) Ahura +a? a4FX 273 (o thou #hyself49 grant74 C<us7; 2that gift3 2) Ahura +a? aX3 for this77 an for the spiritual7= Borl L there<y7@ Be may attain7F #hy frien ship79 an $ighteousness5; for ever54* 253 (o #hou grant57 us== the <estoBers of joy=4, truthful56 men5=, esirous of righteousness5F, e"terous5: an Cc iligent59, long en uring=; prosperity=4 2an 3 poBerful=7 frien ship=5* 2=3 2+ay it C <e@5so=F3 to 2our3 !insmen=:, an =9 Bor!ers@;, as Bell as@4, to 2our3 frien s@7* ) Ahura +a? a6;X 2all3 these@= Be as! for@@ from Ce #hee@F* +oreover@: may Be <ecome@9 truthful64 an pure67 an through charity6= 2may Be <ecome3 en eare 65 2to #hee3* 1Kard/ V((49 114 St:tC !arC $a 8Dn!1 A +r/i Fa0d/i2= A# /ic a Va i# t/i3= dade8a ic /;= c 6# 8a ic /<= /c / /$aDdaAa8a 6>. 124 Vo :? 5 # at re8@ tCiB Fa0d/ A +r/10 a7aD8/11 $6#7/i Aa$e12H +5 # at ra#t:13 nD1; n/1< $/ n/iri1> $/= 5 # aDt/1? +2CAC1@ an! $C1B /t/820 +d/#te8/21. 134 H+8/i822 t w/23 i0e82;= Aa0ate82< a# an! /c i82> dade8aide2?. At /2@ t:2B ne30 !aAa#c /31 a#tent/o#c /32 5 A/o33= +2CAC3; an! $C3< /t/83> +d/#te8/3?.
p? (r* Gel ner ta!es para 5 in verse form of .ive linesL each line en s at comma 2,3* Ca #he original meaning of G<PiriH 2Sans!rit <hPri3 is increase, a<un ance* C< Pro<a<ly, Prophet Darathushtra spea!s for Himself an for his helpers* Cc Harle?* GBrave Bor!ersH, 2(armesteter3* GEarriors an agriculturistsH 2Spiegel3* C i*e* they also may o<tain the means of securing prosperity an Belfare* Ce Some times, specially in the Gathas pronoun for Ahura +a? a stan s in pluralL see yasna H 7:*7L H 57*9L H 5=*4=L H =6*4:*



243 Ee offer=, ac!noBle ge@ an proclaim6 Cfa orations together Bith praises an reverence4 unto 2the creator3 Ahura +a? a 7 an unto Asha Vahishta5* 273 ) Ahura +a? a4;X may Be attain #hy9 Goo F -ing om: forever an ever47* ) Eisest74 $uler4F, amongst the e"isting ones7;, in <oth4: the Borl s49X 2#hou art3 the Goo $uler 45 for us4=, man4@ or Boman46*Cg 253 2Spea!s to the ,reator Ahura +a? a3> GEe e icate7F 2an offering3 to #hee75 the %or 7= of goo Bis om77, Borthy of a oration7@, folloBer of righteousness76L so7: mayest #hou79 <e55 to us5; the lim<s of life an <o y, ) Eisest )ne5F, amongst the e"isting ones56, in <oth the Borl s5@XH 1;4 HanaD8/c /3@ 0aD8/c /3B Fa0d/ A +r/;0= t wa 86;1 rafna 6;2 dare!/A:;3 aD# /c /;; t w/;< D8a$anta#c /;> 2+Aa8/;?H ra7Ci# c /;@ t: nD;B dare!e8c /<0 +# t/c /<1= /t/8<2 +d/#te8/<3. 1<4 T wCi<; #taotara#c /<<= 8/nt rana#c /<>= A +r/ Fa0d/<?= ao!e8adaDc /<@= +#8a ic /<B= $6#a8adaec />0H Aat>1 860de8>2 Ji >3 >; >< >> 8a$aDt e8 fradad/t / daDn/2AC Fa0d/ A +ra . 2#o recite tBice3*

1>4 J3A A/>? $C>@ nD d/id6>B= a 8/ic /?0 a +Ae?1 8ana5 A/ic /?2H tat a A/?3 A/ tat?; +7/G3a8A/8/?< ta$ac /?> #are8?? a# a5 A/c a?@ $6#7/i Aa$e?B. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. H+8atan/8 :5 tan/8 $ar# tan/8= Aadac / anAadac /= $ere0Aa8nan/8c a $/$ere0anan/8c /= 8a 6 ai26G3aret/rC= naDnaD#t/rC= Aat an/ $o +n/8 8a 6. 2#o recite tBice3* -at / A : VairAC;H A# e8 Vo : 3. -a#ne8 #:re8 Ha7tan! /it68 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide.
Cf .or the e"planation of GStutQ garQ vahmengH see my translation of Yasna H =4, note of the first paragraph* Cg G%et each man of us an so each Boman thus a<i eH +ills3L Ga goo sovereign, man or Bo1 man, may rule over usH 2(armesteter3* Ch Aogema aMcha usmahich vVsma aMch 1 .rom these three ver<s the treatise Bith Avesta an Pahlavi versions calle GAogemai eH is originate , Bhose initial Bor s are Gaogema aMch usmahich visma aechH* #he meaning of these three ver<s is generally ren ere as un er>1 G& come into the Borl 2aogema aMch3* & accept 2the calamity or evil of the Borl 3 2vVsma aMch3* & resign myself to eathH 2(armesteter3* Ci Paras @ an 6 occur in yasna H V&&, paras 7=17@* Cj i*e* Be praise the holy 2an 3 efficacious Yasna Haptanghaiti Bhich is the %or of $ighteous1 ness*



2=3 ) Ahura +a? a=;X +ay Be <ecome Borthy5: of long life=5 in gaining joy=7 in #hy 2remem<rance3=4, an may Be succee 59 2in this goo Bish3X +ay Be <e=F lovers== of #hine=@ an , of #hou mighty=6, Eisest )ne@5 amongst the e"isting ones@7, #hou shoul st rejoice=: us=9 Bith prosperity@4 for a long time@;* 2@163 ) Ahura +a? a@FX Ee call ourselves@: 2Be cry alou 3, Be accept@9 an agree6; to <e #hy praisers 6@ an reciters of Holy Spells 2mnthra3@6*; Ahura +a? a66X (o #hou #hyself6: grant us69 for thisF; an the spiritualF7 Borl F4 2as much3 reBar 67 as64 #hou has given to the religionist6@ li!e myself@5 Bhere<yF5 Be may reachF@ the chieftainshipFF an $ighteousnessF: of #hineF6 for eternity* 1Kard/ V(((4 114 -a0a8aide1 $D2 A8e# / S7ent/3 Aa#na e; Ha7tan! /tCi# ; and/t/<H a7/8c /> 5 /o? Aa0a8aide@H a7/8c /B 7eret:# 10 Aa0a8aidenH 7at /8c /12 $6c aran/o13 Aa0a8aide1;H 7at /8c /1< an3a8an/o1> Aa0a8aide1?. 124 ,air6# c /1@ af# tac inC1B Aa0a8aide20H $air6# c /21 a$e0d/n/on! C22 Aa0a8aide23H a#7en/c /2; Ae$6nC2< Aa0a8aide2>H 7/A+c /2? t wCre# t/r/2@ Aa0a8aide2BH Fa0d/8G c /30 Iarat +# tre8c /31 Aa0a8aide32. 134 I/8c /33 a#8ane8c /3; Aa0a8aide3<H $/te8c /3> dare# 683? Fa0dad /te83@ Aa0a8aide3BH taDre8c /;0 Harait A/o .ere0C;1 Aa0a8aide;2H 2:868c /;3 $6#7/c /;; $o :;< Aa0a8aide;>. 243 ) Ameshspan s5X Ee Borship4 you7 through the Prayer@ of Yasna Haptanghiti=* Ee praise: the springsF of Bater6L the <ri ges4; over the Baters9L the for!ings45 C!of the highBays47L the Clmeetings46 of the roa s4@* 273 Ee praise7; the mountains4: from Bhich the Baters floB49L the la!es74 <rimming Bith the Baters77L Cmthe heaps7= of corns7@L Be praise79 <oth the protectors7F 2guar ians3 an Cnthe mo ellers7:L 2the creators or the artisans3 Be praise57 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a5; an 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra54* 253 Ee praise5@ the earth55 an the s!y5=L the stormy5F Bin 56 create <y Ahura +a? a5:L 2the pea!3 #aera=; of 2the +ount3 Al<our?=4L an , all== goo things=@* 1;4 Fano $o :;? +r+na#c /;@ a# /+n/8;B Aa0a8aide<0H $/#i8c /<1 A/8<2 7anc /#ad$ar/8<3 Aa0a8aide<;H 5 are8c / Ai8 a# a$ane8<< Aa0a8aide<>= AC<? i# taite<@ 8aidi8<B 0raAan! C>0 $o+r+G5a# a e>1H 0raAC>2 $o+r+G5a# e8>3 Aa0a8aide>;. 1<4 Hao8e8c />< 0/ir68>> 2ere0ante8>? Aa0a8aide>@H Hao8e8>B fr/# 868?0 fr/datG!aDt e8?1 Aa0a8aide?2H Hao8e8?3 d:rao# e8?; Aa0ai8aide?<. 1>4 A7/8c /?> fera5 # ao#tre8?? Aa0a8aide?@H $aA/8c /?B ferafraot re8@0 @1 @2 @3 Aa0a8aide H at a+r+n/8c / 7aitiGa3/nt re8 Aa0a8aide@;= ACi@< AeA/@> d:r/t@? a# CG6# C@@ da5 A+n/8@B. V6#7/n#c /B0 A8e# / S7ent/B1
C! i*e* ivi ing into <ranches, the separating of the Bays* Cl i*e* that place Bhere three or more roa s meet together* Cm (armesteter> GgroBing cornH 2Harle?3L race1course of horses 20usti3* Cn #his seems to refer to Spenta +ainyu an Angra +ainyu*



Aa0a8aideB2. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=3 Ee Borship@; the goo min =F an the souls=: of the righteous 2people3=9* Ee praise@= 2the place calle 3 CoVasi@4 Bith fifty gates @5* Ee praise@6 2that3 righteous G!harH@@ Bhich@F stan s@: in the mi st@9 of the sea6;, Vouru1!asha64, an the Sea67 Vouru1!asha65* 2@3 Ee praise6: the green66 2an 3 e"alte 6F Haoma6@L Be praiseF7 Haoma69, the increaser of the Borl F6 an the promoterF;L Be praiseF@ HaomaF5, Bar ing off sic!nessF= 2i*e* the Bithhol er of iseases3* 263 Ee praiseF: the floBingFF of the BatersF6L the flight:; of the <ir sF9L the a vent:5 of the priests:7, Bho:@ Cpgo:6 to istant places:F esiring 2to promote3 purity:: of the countries:9* Ee Borship97 all the Ameshspan s94* 2#o recite in <?3 A +ra Fa0da K od/e= awa0:n6 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/ni ne56 ra#/nadH aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3* -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$ato 5 $arenan!+ atC. A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= $an! a$e 8anan! e /5 # tCi# /8G$antA/o= tarad /tC anA/i# d/8/n= /#na e 5 rat wC 8a0dad /ta e= !ao# CG#r:ta e 5 rat wC 8a0dad /ta e= a# a e $a i# ta e #rae# ta e= AirAa8anC i# Ae e #:ra e 8a0dad /ta e= Sao5aA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o 8a0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o= 5 # at ra e $airAe e aAo5 # +#ta e 8are0di5/i t r/ACdri!ao$e= S7entaA/o $an! +A/o r8atCi# = r/taA/o= $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o 8a0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o= a+r$at/tC rat wC A/irAaA/o +# itCi# = #ared aDi2AC a# a e rat+2AC. A8eret/tC rat wC f# aoni2Aa $/t w/2Aa= a#7ini2Aa Aaoni2Aa= !ao5erena e #:ra e 8a0dad /ta e. 2(uring Havan Gh as Bell as Secon Havan Gh, recite as un er3> Fit ra e $o+r+ !aoAaCtoi# . R/8ana#c a 5 $/#tra e. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2&f Gh <e $apithBan, recite as un er3>1 A# a e Va i# ta e /t ra#c a A +ra e Fa0d/o A# e8 Vo : 1. 2&f Gh <e /?irin, recite as un er3>1
Co Vsimch ym panchsa varm 1 &n the Pahlavi <oo! Bun ehesh this is regar e as a fish of a huge si?e an is the protector of all fish* Harle? an (armesteter have translate this name ac 1 cor ing to Bun eheshL Gthe fish of fifty finsH 2+ills3L Spiegel ta!es it as Ga Belling1place hav1 ing fifty fountainsH* Cp &ts significance appears to <e that those priests Bho go to other countries for the propagation of the holy Doroastrian $eligion may return safe after <eing fully successful in their oBn goo mission*



.ere0atC a +ra e nafedrC a7/8 a7a#c a 8a0dad /taA/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2&f Gh <e AiBisruthrem, recite as un er3>1 A# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 ! en/n/8c a $6rCG$/t wan/8 A/irA/o#c a +# itCi# = a8a ec a +t/# ta e +raod a e= $eret ra! na ec a a +rad /ta e $anaintA/o#c a +7erat/to. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2&f Gh <e /shahen recite as un er3>1 Srao# a e a# Ae e a# i$atC= $eret r/3anC fr/datG!aet a e= Ra# nao# ra0i# ta e= Ar# t/ta#c a fr/datG!aet aA/o $aredatG !aet aA/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c a9 Ha0an!re89 Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0da9 Kerfe Fo0d. & praise the Borship, veneration, efficacy an poBer of Ahura +a? a, !eeper of treasures an glorious an of the Ameshspan s*CC Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3. F/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidi6e an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e89 A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5ore awa0/A/d aft A8a# /#7and 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d D6n 2e 8/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86n9 aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan. Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the South3> D/d/re !e /n D6ne F/0daAa#n6= D/de Iarat +# t69 na8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i 8a0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide= A8e# / S7ent/ +5# at r/ +d /on! o Aa0a8aide9 A# e8 Vo : 1. Haft A8a# /#7and 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.

K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra 8a0da K od/e Awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ardi2e e# t A8a# /#7and 2era#/d.Jr
CC .or its entire translation see <eginning of the same yasht*3 Cr i*e* +ay Ar i<ehesht Ameshspan come 2to my help3*



A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+89 a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 :5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6 tan6 ra$/ni !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# 9 ait A/$ara# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8= #tao8i a# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iar+t +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A# a e $a i# ta e #raD# ta e= AirAa8anaC i# Ae e #:ra e 8a0dad /ta e= Sao5aA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o 8a0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o= J# K # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= -at / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. A# e8 Va i# te8 #raD# te8 a8e# e8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aideH AirAa8ane8 i# 68 Aa0a8aide= #:re8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide9 #ao5/8 $an!+ 68 $o+r+GdCit r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. 1. Fraot1 A +rC Fa0d/o2 S7ita8/i3 Iarat +# tr/i; /at Aat< A# a Va i# ta fradait 6# a? S7ita8a@ Iarat +# traB= #taotarec a10= 0aotarec a11 02/tarec a12 8/t ranac a13= Aa# tarec a1;= /fr6tarec a1<= ai2Aaretarec a1>= $an! /n1? 5 # aDta1@ raoc /o1B= 5 $an$aiti# c a20 $ere0C21= a 8/5e822 Aa#n/ic a23 $a 8/ic a2; Aat2< a8e# an/8 #7entan/82>. 4* 2#he ,reator3 Ahura +a? a7 spo!e4 unto Spitaman5 Darathushtra=> ) Spitaman: Darathushtra9X for the Borship75 an for the invocation 7= of us77, the Ameshspan s76 mayest #hou appointF 2or mayest #hou regar F3 Ar i<ehesht 2Ameshspan 3 as the praiser 4; the invo!er44 the e"toller47, the glorifier46 of the goo 4F shining lights49 an <rilliant7; 2or marvellous7;3 Bor!s the revealer45, the Borshipper4= an the eulogiser4@*Ct 2. at2? ao5 ta2@ Iarat +# trC2B 8r:id i 2/31 $ac C32 ar# G$ac C33 A +ra Fa0da3;= Aat a3< te3> an! en3? A# a Va i# ta3@ frad/ i# a3B #taotarec a;0 0aotarec a;1= 02/tarec a;2 8/nt ranac a;3= Aa# tarec a;;= /fr6tarec a;< ai2iG3aretarec a;>= $an! /n;? 5 # aDta;@ raoc /o;B= 5 $an$aiti# c a<0 $ere0C<1= A:# 8/5e8<2 Aa#n/ic a<3 $a 8/ic a<; Aat<< A8e# an/8 S7entan/8<>. 7* #hen7F Darathushtra sai > ) Ahura +a? aX Spea! #hou 5; 2unto me3 verily54 2that3 Bor 57, 2that3 true Bor 55, so that5@ for the Borship@5 an for the
Cs i*e* for the Borship, etc*, of the fairest Ar i<ehesht, of the ya?ata name Airyamana, the <e1 love , the <rave, of Sao!a, the goo , of large eyes, righteous create <y Ahura +a? a 2of all these virtues*3 2See -horshe Nyyesh3* .or the e"planation of the Bor GSao!aH see glossary* Ct & myself o not thin! the translation of this an the secon paragraph to <e correctL a <etter translation than this shoul <e ma e*



invocation@= of you@7, the Ameshspan s@6, #hou mayest esire to appoint59 2or #hou mayest Bant to appoint3 Ar i<ehesht 2Ameshspan 3 5: as the praiser=;, the invo!er=4, the e"toller=7, the revealer=5, the Borshipper==, the eulogi?er=@ an the glorifier=6 of the goo =F 2an 3 shining=: lights=9 2an 3 <rilliant@; 2or marvellous3@; Bor!s@4* 3. di81 fra8rao8i2 A# e8 Va i# te83H Ae06; fra8rao8i< A# e8 Va i# te8>= /at? anAaD# a8@ A8e# an/8 S7entan/8B $/Aaone810H Ai811 7/iti12 Fa0d/o13 +8at/i# 1;= Ai81< 7/iti1> Fa0d/o1? :5 t/i# 1@= Ai81B 7/iti20 Fa0d/o21 $ar# t/i# 22. ,arCGn8/ne823 A +ra e2; 2< $/Aaone8 . ,arCGn8/ne82> nereAC2? a#ti2@ a# /$aoAC2B. 'aDc i# 30 dra$at/831 aAene32 7aiti# 33 !arCGn8ane83;= ra$o +3< a# /Aone83> c it re83? A +re8 Fa0d/83@. 5* & li!e7 him4 2i*e*3 Ar i<ehesht5L Bhen= & li!e@ Ar i<ehesht6, thenF 2he3 of 2all3 other: Ameshspan s9 2<ecomes3 a helper4;, Bhom44 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a45 nourishes47 Bith goo thoughts4=, an goo Bor s4:, an goo Cu actions* #he Garothmn 2Para ise3 is Ahura +a? aAs oBn a<o e* =* #he Garothmn76 2Para ise3 is7: for righteous79 persons7F* None5; of the Bic!e 2person354 or affluent going57 toBar s55 the a<o e of the righteous56 2Bhich is3 the Garothmn5= 2an 3 toBar s 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a5:* E*7"anation9 2Any Bic!e person cannot go to the Garothmn, Para ise or in the presence of Ahura +a? a* After passing aBay the soul of the righteous man gets the place of para ise an the soul of the Bic!e goes to hell* Ee fin the statement concerning this in the H o!ht Nas! fargar && an &&& an in the Ven i a fargar T&T paras 7F1573* 1<4 Kanaiti1 $6#7aD# /82 an!rCG8ainAao# 3= a 8/i; A/t w/8< 7airiG 5an/8c a>= AirAa8ane8? 8/nt ran/8@= 8a0i# te8B 8/nt ran/810= $a i# te811 8/nt ran/812 $a i# tCte8e813 8/nt ran/81;= #raD# te81< 8/nt ran/81> #raD# tote8e81? 8/nt ran/81@= +! re81B 8/nt raG n/820= +! rCte8e821 8/nt ran/822= dere0re823 8/nt ran/82;= dere0G rCte8e82< 8/nt ran/82>= $/ret ra! n682? 8/nt ran/82@= $/ret G ra! nACte8e82B 8/nt ran/830= 2aD# a0e831 8/nt ran/832= 2aD# a0G ACte8e833 8/nt ran/83;. 2@3 #he prayer, CvAiryamanaFis the greatest9 of the Holy Spells4;, <est44 e"cee ingly <est45, fairest4@, most fair4F, poBerful49 an most poBerful74 of
Cu Professor (armesteter ta!es the Bor s Ghumatish, hu!htaish, hvarshtaishH as an allusion to the three gra es of heaven, vi?* star1pya,mh1pya an !horshe 1pya, through Bhich the soulsof the righteous persons pass to Garothmn> see Yasht TT&& para 4@* Cv #his prayer, Airyamana shoul <e un erstoo as the fifty1fourth H of the Yasna calle G K Airyema &shyQH* Ehen it is recite as a <ene iction to the marrie couple, only half the portion of the H is recite * +oreover, Airyamana is the name of the ya?ata too> an he is the angel presi ing over peace, happiness an comra eship, an is the ya?ata giving ease an comfort <y riving aBay the false notions from the min regar ing magic an Bitchcraft*



the Holy Spells77, firm75, firmest7@, victorious7F an healing54 an the most healing55 of CBthe Holy Spells5= 2the prayer, Airyamana having all these Cualities3 C"smites4 all7 the Bi?ar s@ an Bitches6 of Angra +ainyu5 for him= Bho Borships Asha Vahishta an recites the H 2or chapter3 of K Airyem &shyQH3 >. A# CG2aD# a0C33= d/tCG2ae# a0C3>= 5aretCG2aD# a0C3?= +r$arCG 2aD# a0C3@= 8/nt rCG2aD# a0C3BH 2aD# a0an/8;0 2aD# a0ACte8C;1 Aat;2 8/nt re8G#7ente8G2aD# a0AC;3H AC;; nar# ;< a# aonC;> ac a;? ;@ ;B <0 <1 <2 +r+t w/n 2aD# 0A/t = ae# C 06 a#ti 2aD# a0an/8<3 <; 2aD# a0ACte8C . 6* )ne Bho heals <y means of purificatory rites 5@ 2or restores to health5@3, one Bho cures <y laB an justice 56, a surgeon5F 2or one Bho heals Bith the !nife5F3 one Bho restores to health <y means of vegeta<le rugs 5:, 2her<al me icines3 2an 3 one Bho heals <y means of reciting the mnthra 59 2thus there are various octors of five !in s3* 2But3 he Bho heals <y means of reciting the mnthra55 2is3 the <est amongst 2all3 the healers =;, 2<ecause3 from the inner part of that== righteous=6 man=@ he cures=9 2him3* Amongst 2all3 the physicians@5 he@; in ee @4 is@7 the <est healer@=* E*7"anation9G #he meanings of the Bor ba:sha6a occurring in this paragraph are Ghealer, curer, restorer to healthy con ition <y purifying the <o y an min H* Such five types of healers are mentione * .irst 1 one Bho heals <y means of purificatory rites* He is to <e regar e as the purifying priest, giving a<lution to pollute persons an the giver of Barashnum, Bhose function is to give purification <y riving aBay the pollution of the person* Secon 1 one Bho heals <y laB an justice shoul <e regar e as the 0u ge, Bhose function is to give justice as he eems fit, for <oth the plaintiff an the efen ant, <y giving proper ecision to the matters in ispute* #hir 1 the surgeon is the octor Bho !noBs the Bor! of surgery* .ourth 1 one Bho restores to health <y means of her<al me icines shoul <e regar e as a physician, Bho <y means of her<s or <y means of rugs erive from various !in s of plants cures the ailing person* .ifth 1 one Bho heals <y recitation of mnthra shoul <e regar e as the physician giving peace an ease to the min <y certain fi"e sacre verses of the Holy Avesta an giving comfort to the <o y* +oreover, of all the physicians, he Bho gives relief an peace of min to the ailing person <y reciting the holy spells is regar e as the greatest healer* #he reason state to <e is that the person Bho purifies the inner part of the righteous man, <rings comfort to his <o y an min , an gives happiness <y reciting near him, an e"plaining the
CB .or the e"planation of the Bor GmnthraH, see glossary* C" Here, the o<ject of the ver< GjanaitiH is in the genitive plural* .or estroying the malice of Angra +ainyu the prayer name Airyaman is the most effective BeaponL so also the ya?ata calle Airyaman* Ee fin a reference a<out this in the Ven i a fargar TT&&*



efficacious an sacre verses of the Goo +a? a Eorshipping $eligion* ?. -a#5a1 a7aGd$arata2H 8a r5a3 a7aGd$arata;H daD$a< a7aGd$arata>H 7aitA/ra? a7aGd$arata@H a# e8ao! CB ana# a$a10 a7aGd$arata11H 8a# ACG #/#ta12 a7aGd$arata13= 1@4 A0iGc it ra1; a7aGd$arata1<= $e r5C c it ra1> a7aGd$arata1?H 2i0an!rCGc it ra1@ a7aGd$arata1BH tarCG8ata20 a7aG d$arata21H 7airi8ata22 a7aGd$arata23H tafn+2; a7aGd$arata2<H #7a0!a2> a7aGd$arata2?H an/5 # ta2@ a7aGd$arata2BH d+0dCit ra30 a7aGd$arata31H 1B4 Drao! CG$/5 # Gdrao3i# ta32 a7aGd$arata33H 3a i3; A/t+8aiti3< a7aG d$arata3>H 3a i3? 5a5 $ared aine3@ a7aGd$arata3BH $/tC;0 7o+r$CG a7/5 tara;1 a7aGd$arata;2H $/tC;3 7o+r$CGa7a5 tara;; a7aGna#Aata;<. F* 2#he reciter spea!s3>1 ) Sic!ness4, o you Cyperish7L ) 2untimely3 eath5X ) emons@XL ) opponentsFX ) Eic!e 4; heretics9XL ) oppressor of men47X 2:3 ) <roo of the sna!e 4=X an the <roo of the Bolf4@X perish4FL ) the <roo of 2Bic!e man34:X o you perish49L ) ye refractory7;L ) prou men77XL ) ye C?hot1tempere 7=XL ) ye slan erous 2or calumniousX376 ) ye inimical7:X ) evil1eye 5;X an 293 ) ye liars57X you perish55L ) Bic!e Boman5= a icte to sorcery5@X you perish56L ) Bic!e Boman5F of evil lustre5: an ) Bin =; <loBing straight from the northX vanish=@* 10. -a#c a1 8e2 aDtaD# /83 Aat; a0iGc it ran/8<= AC> 3anat? ae# /8@ dae$an/8B= a0an! r/i10 a0an! rC11 7airi12= 2aD$ar/i13 2aD$anC1; 7aiti1<. -a#5a1> 3ainti1?H 8a r5a1@ 3ainti1BH dae$a20 3ainti21 7aitA/ra22 3ainti23= a# e8ao! C2; ana# a$a2< 3ainti2>H 8a# ACG#/#ta2? 3ainti2@. 11. A0 iGc it ra2B 3ainti30H $e r5CGc it ra31 3ainti32H 2i0an!rCGc it ra33 3ainti3;H tarCG8ata3< 3ainti3>H 7airiG8ata3? 3ainti3@H tafn+3B 3ainti;0H #7a0!a;1 3ainti;2H an/5 # ta;3 3ainti;;H d+# GdCit ra;< 3ainti;>. 4;* Eho4 2i*e* Asha Vahishta3 smitesF for me7 a thousan 4; times47 2an 3 ten thousan 45 times4@ thousan s44 an thousan s4= of those5 <roo s of the sna!es@ 2an 3 emons9* 2#hat Asha Vahishta3 smites4F sic!ness46, 2untimely3 eath4:L the aevas7;, an the opponents77 smites76 the impious7@ heretic7=, 2an 3 the oppressors of men7F* 2443 Smites5; the <roo s of sna!e79, an the <roo s of Bolf54, smites5= 2Bic!e men355, the refractory men5@ 2o<stinate or perverse men3, prou an hot1tempere men59, smites=7 the slan erous men=4, inimical men=5 2an 3 the evil1eye =@* 12. Drao! CG$/5 # Gdrao3i# ta1 3ainti2H 3a i3 A/t+8aiti; 3ainti<H 3a i> 5a5 $ared aine? 3ainti@H $/tCB 7o+r$CGa7a5 tara10 3ainti11H $/tC12 7o+r$CGa7/5 tara13 a7aGna#Aata1;. 1134 -a#c a1< 8e1> aDtaD# /81? Aat1@ 2i0an!rCGc it ran/81B AC20 3anat21 aD# /822 daD$an/823= a0an! r/i2;
Cy GApa1 varataH 1 imperative secon person plural of the root var 1 Professor Spiegel, 0usti, Harle? an (armesteter, ta!ing this ver< in imperfect tense consi er the names prece ing them as su<jects the sic!ness fle aBay, etc* C? )r inary meaning of GtafnuH is heat, fever*



a0an! rC2< 7airi2> 2aD$ar/i2? 2aD$anC2@ 7aiti2B. Pa+r$aGnaD8/t30 7atat31 dAao# 32 daD$an/833 drao3i# tC3; an!rCG8ainA+# 3< 7o+r+G8a r5C3>. 47* 2Asha Vahishta3 smites7 the liars4L smites@ the Bic!e Bomen5 a icte to sorcery=L an of evil lustreF 2or cruel3, smitesH the Bin <loBing straight from the north4; 2an 3 vanishes4= the Bin 47 <loBing irectly form the north45* 2453 Eho4@ 2i*e* Asha Vahishta3 smites74 forme46 a thousan 7= times76, thousan 7@ 2an 3 ten thousan 7F times79, ten thousan 7: of those4F <roo s49 2Bic!e men349 2an 3 the emons75* #he aeva55 of eceit57, Angra +ainyu5@, full of eath56 ran aBay54 from the front 2of Asha Vahishta3* 1;. Ada$ata1 an!rC 8ainA+# 2 7o+r+G8a r5C3= /$CAa; 8e< 2a! a> A# a Va i# ta? Aa#5an/8@ Aa#5oGte8aB 3an/t10= Aa#5an/811 Aa# 5Cte8a12 t2aD# aA/t13= Fa r5an/81; 8a r5Cte8a1< 3an/t1> 8a r5an/81? 8a r5Cte8a1@ t2aD# aA/t1B. DaD$an/820 daD$Cte8a21 3an/t22= daD$an/823 daD$Cte8a2; t2aD# aA/t2<. PaitA/ran/82> 2? 2@ 2B 30 7aitA/rCte8a 3an/t = 7aitA/ran/8 7aitA/rCte8a t2aD# aA/t31. 32 33 3; 3< 3> A# e8ao! C ana# a$a 3an/t a# e8ao! C ana# a$a t2aD# aA/t3?. Fa# ACG#/#ta3@ #/#tCte8a3B 3an/t;0= 8a# ACG#/#ta;1 #/#tCte8a;2 t2aD# aA/t;3. 4=* Angra +ainyu,7 full of eath,5 hoBle out4>1 Eoe=X the part6 2or the sacre verse3 of 2the prayer3 raAsha Vahishta Bill smite4; an vanCuish 2or Bill !ill4;3 the sic!liest9 of the sic!nesses: of mine@, he Bill smite46 an vanCuish the ea liest4@ of the ea ly4=, he Bill smite77 the foremost aevas74 amongst the aevas7;, an Bill vanCuish7@ them, he Bill smite 7: an vanCuish the most counter1Bor!ing7F of the counter1Bor!ers76, he Bill smite the unholy55 apostates57 2an 3 Bill vanCuish5F themL he Bill smite=; an vanCuish the most oppressive59 of the oppressors of men5:* 1<. A0ic it ra1GA0ic it rCte8a2 3an/t3= a0ic it ra;Ga0ic it rCte8a< t2aD# aA/t>. Ve r5CGc it ra?G$e r5Cc it rCte8a@ 3an/tB= $e r5CG
ra #he prayer calle GAsha VahishtaH shoul <e regar e as Ashem Vohu* #hrough the charm of these prayers 1 Ashem VohP, Yath AhP VairyQ an Yenghe htm, i*e* <y* the recitation of these prayers Bith proper un erstan ing sincere heart, the influence of Ahriman, aevas1 emons, ru 1 jas an Bic!e men Bill vanish from the presence of the reciter* Ee fin the Briting of similar significance in yasna H 64 !noBn as Ahunem Vairim* GBagha Ashahe VahishtaheH instea of G<agha Asha VahishtaH Bhich is given <y Prof* Eestergaar in the footnote seems to <e <etter* #he meaning of G<aghaH eCuivalent to Sans!rit G<hagaH is G ivine poBerH> e*g* st#r#/ ba,h; d#tan#/, i*e* of the stars create <y the ivine poBer 2see Ven i a fargar T&T para 753* But in this place & have thought it proper to ta!e the Bor G<aghaH eCuivalent to Sans!rit <hga meaning GportionH share, fortune* Similarly, for the piece of Ahunavar, the Bor s G<agha Ahunahe VairyeheH occur 2see Yasna H T&T para 753* +oreover, the meaning of the phrase GvQya me <aghaH 2Bhich Ahriman spea!s3 can also <e this> Eoe unto my luc!X &n conformity Bith this the su<ject of the ver<s G0antH an G#<aMshaytH can <e GAsha VahishtaH* &n lieu of GKvQya me <aghaH if Be ta!e GvQya me <vQyaH, accor ing to (r* Gel ner, its meaning than can <e Eoe unto meX Asha Vahista Bill smite the <ringers of illness* Bvoya, i*e* EoeX



c it ra10 $e r5CGc it rCte8a11 t2aD# aA/t12. .i0an!rCGc it ra13G 2i0an!rCGc it rCte8a1; 3an/t1<= 2i0an!rCGc it ra1>G2i0an!rCG c it rCte8a1? t2aD# aA/t1@. TarCG8ata1B 3an/t20= tarCG8ata21 t2aD# aA/t22. PairiG8ata23 3an/t2;= 7airiG8ata2< t2aD# aA/t2>. Tafn+2?GtafnCte8a2@ 3an/t2B= tafn+30GtafnCte8a31 t2aD# aA/t32. S7a0!a33G#7a0!Cte8a 3; 3an/t3<= #7a0!a3>G#7a0!Cte8a3? t2aD# aA/t3@. An/5 # ta3BGan/5 # tCte8a;0 ;1 ;2 ;3 3an/t = an/5 # ta Gan/5 # tCte8a t2aD# aA/t;;. D+0dCit ra;<G ;> ;? ;@ d+0dCit rote8a 3an/t = d+0doit ra Gd+0doit rote8a;B t2aD# aA/t<0. 11>4 Drao! CG$/5 # Gdrao3i# ta<1 3an/t<2= drao! CG$/5 # Gdrao3i# ta<3 t2aD# aA/t<;. Ka i<< A/t+8aiti<> 3an/t<?= 3a i<@ A/t+8aiti<B t2aD# aA/t>0. Ka i>1 5a5 $ared aine>2 3an/t>3= 3a i>; 5a5$ared aine>< t2aD# aA/t>>. V/tC>? 7o+r$CGa7/5 tara>@ 3an/t>B= $/tC?0 7o+r$CGa7/5 tara?1 ?2 t2aD# aA/t . 24@3 2#he part of the prayer, Asha Vahishta3 Bill smite 5 an vanCuish the sna!iest7 of the sna!eAs <roo s 4 2i*e* many such persons having the Borst traits of sna!es3 Bill smite9 an vanCuish the most Bolfish: of the BolfAs <roo F, Bill simte4@ an vanCuish the Borst4= of the 2Borst manAs3 <roo 2an 3 Bill smite7; an vanCuish refractory persons49 Bill smite7= an vanCuish haughty persons75L Bill smite79 an vanCuish the fieriest7: of the fiery7F 2an 3 Bill smite5@ an vanCuish the most slan erous persons 5= amongst the slan erous55L Bill smite=4 the most inimical persons =; of the inimical59 2an 3 Bill vanCuish== them, Bill smite=F an vanCuish the most evil1eye persons =6* 2463 2#he part of the prayer calle Asha Vahishta3 Bill smite @7 the liars@4 an Bill vanCuish@= them Bill smite the <a Boman @@ a icte to sorcery@6 an Bill vanCuish6; her Bill smite65 an vanCuish the Bic!e Boman 64 of evil lustre6@ 2cruel3 Bill smite69 the Bin 6F <loBing straight from the north6: 2an 3 Bill vanCuish itF7* 11?4 A7aGna#A/t1 dr+5 # 2= na#A/t3 dr+5 # ;= d$ar/t< dr+5 # > $6na#A/t?H a7/5 ed re@ a7aGna#Ae eB= 8/10 8erenc ain6# 11 !aDt /o12 a#t$ait6# 13 a# a e1;. 11@4 A e1< raAa1> 5 $arenan! ac a1?= te81@ Aa0/i1B #+r+n$ata20 Aa#na21 A# e8 Va i# te822 #raD# te823 A8e# e8 S7ente82;H 0aot r/2AC2< A# e8 Va i# te82> #raD# te82? A8e# e8 S7ente82@ Aa0a8aide2B. 24F3 2#he reciter Bishes3> +ay the ruj 7 perish4X may he isappear5X may the ruj6 run aBay@ 2an 3 perishFX 2) rujX3 o thou vanish9 to the North 2so that3 the corporeal45 Borl s47 of righteousness4= 2may3 not4; 2<e3 estroye 44* 24:3 )n account of his 4@ lustre46 an glory4F & Borship49 that4: Asha Vahishta77 2Bho is3 the fairest75 Ameshspan 7= Bith the au i<le7; 2or famous37; yasna74L Be Borship79 Asha Vahishta76 2Bho is3 the fairest7F Ameshspan 7: Bith li<ations7@* Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a= ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a



$/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3> -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a afrina8i= A# a e Va i# ta e SraD# ta e= AirAa8anC (# Ae e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta e= Sao5aA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i rae#c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 na8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3= 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidite an!ra e 8ainAe+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore a$a0/A/d Ardi2e e# t A8e# /#7and 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$andi 7iro0!ari. D/d Din 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ i ra$/i !o/fran!/n" 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a8inH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite Bhile facing the South3> D/d/re !e /n dine F/0daAani d/de Iarat +# ti. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #e$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. A# e8 Va i# te8 #raD# te8 A8e# e8 S7ente8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Ard62e e# t A8e# /#7and 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


1'ote9 #his nirang shoul <e recite three times after the recitation of Ar i<ehesht yasht3* D/d/re1 3e /d/r2 ta$/n/3 O d/n/;= O 7ar$art/r< O /far6de!/r>= O 5erfe !ar?= O a$a5 # 6d/r@. A ere8anB 6c 4;= n/d/n44= O nata$/nad47 2a 6c c 6045 na# a ed4=. A +ra Fa0da4@ d/d/r646= a ere8an4F 8aroc 6n6d/r64:. D/d/r49 7/57;= a ere8an74 n/7/577H a ere8an75 5 /5 # a$ad7== a ere8an7@ d:r # a$ad76= a ere8an7F dafe # a$ad7:= a ere8an79 # e5a#te # a$ad5;= a ere8an54 a"/5 # a$ad57. A$$a"55 d6n5=



Iarat +# t65@ 7/556H A +ra Fa0da5F 2+"and5: 5a$659= 2e A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3*

= awa0:n6=4.

#he ,reator4, the !eeper of the Borl 7, 2is3 omnipotent5 an omniscient=, an the Nourisher of all, an the pro ucer6, an the (oer of meritorious ee s an overseer5* Ahriman9 is nothing Bhatsoever4; 2an is3 ignorant44, an cannot o4714= anything45* Horma? 4= 2is3 the ,reator46 2an 3 r<Ahriman4F the estroyer4:* #he ,reator49 2is3 Holy7; an Ahriman74 2is3 Bic!e 77* +ay Ahriman75 <e perishe 7=, may Ahriman7@ <e far aBay76, may Ahriman7F <e vanishe 7:, may Ahriman79 <e efeate 5;, may Ahriman54 <e overcome57* #he foremost55 $eligion5= 2is the3 pure56 Doroastrian5@ 2$eligion3L Horma? 5F 2is3 '"alte 5:, PoBerful59, Goo =; 2an 3 the &ncreaser=4*


K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d. K ord/d A8e# /#7and 2era#/d.rd A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar#ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tani ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Ha+r$at/tC? rat $C@ A/irAaA/oB +# itCi# 10= #ared aDi2AC11 a# a e12 rat+2AC13= 5 # naot ra1; Aa#n/ic a1< $a 8/ic a1> 5 # naot r/ic a1? fra#a#taAaDc a1@= -at / A : VairAC1B 0aot/20 fr/ 8e21 8r:te22. At / rat+# a# /tc it ac a23 fr/ a# a$a2; $id $/o2< 8raot:2>. Ha+r$at/te82? A8e# e8 S7ente82@ Aa0a8aide2BH A/irA/830 +# it6831 Aa0a8aide=32 #ared a33 a# a$ana3; a# a e3< rata$C3> Aa0a8aide3?. .or the propitiation4= 2of the ,reator Ahura +a? a3 2 uring Gh so an so3, for the Borship4@ of -hor F the %or : of the coming of the season9 at its proper time4; from the Sared a44 2i*e* years3, the perio s45 of holiness47,
r< .or the e"planation of Horma? an Ahriman, see note to 0asa me avanghe +a? a* rc (r* Gel ner has given the name of this yasht as GAvar a YashtH, an in the intro uctory Pa?en portion has ta!en GAvar Ameshspan <eras H, although in the passages of GfravarneH an GyasnemchaH he ta!ing thus GHaurvatto rathvQ yiryayo hushitQish sare haei<yo ashahe ratu<yQH has accepte the G!hshnumanH of -hor a Ameshspan * Avesta te"t of this yasht is in an am<iguous state* r i*e* may -hor Ameshspan come 2unto my help3X



for 2his3 invocation46, pleasure4F 2an 3 glorification4:, the Daotar7; 2i*e* the )fficiating priest37; may proclaim77 <efore me74 2the e"cellences of the sacre verses of3 Yath AhP Vairyo,49 an 2the $spi 2i*e* tthe assistant priest3 2Bho is3 pious7= 2an 3 learne 7@ may proclaim76 2the e"cellences of these verses3 ath ratush asht1chit hacha75* Ee praise79 -hor 7F Ameshspan L7: Be praise57 the coming of the season5; at its proper timeL54 Be praise the holy5= Sare ha55 2the years3 Bhich are the perio s56 of holiness5@* 114 Fraot1 A +rC Fa0d/o2 S7ita8/i3 Iarat +# tr/i; a0e8< dad /8> Ha+r$at/tC? nar/8@ a# aon/8B a$/o#c a10= rafn/o#c a11 12 13 1; 1< 2ao# an/o#c a = 5 $6t/o#c a H a$Ci frac a Aao5 8aide1>= AC1? te1@ 3a#/iti1B a8e# an/8 #7entan/820= Aat a21 3a#/iti22 a8e# an/8 #7entan/823 $o : 8anC2;= a# e8 $a i# te82<= 5 # at re8 $air682>= #7ent/8 /r8ait682?= a+r$at/o#c a2@ a8eretat/o#c a2B. 124 -C30 aD# /831 daD$an/832 a0an! r/i33 a0an! rC3; 7aiti# 3<= 2aD$ar/i3> 2aD$anC3?H a /n5 # t/i3@ a /n5 # taAC3B 7aiti# ;0= n/8eni;1 a8e# an/8 #7entan/8;2 Ha+r$at/tC 02aACit;;= na#:8;< 3anat;>= a# i;? 3anat;@= ! a# i;B 3anat<0= #aDne<1 3anat<2 2:0i<3 3anat<;. 243 2#he ,reator3 Ahura +a? 7 spo!e4 unto Spitamn5 Darathushtra=> &@ create 6 2the Holy1&mmortal3 -hor F for9 happiness47 an pleasure45 to help righteous men:* 0ust as74 2any one through the yasna3 Boul come up 77 2for help3 to Bahman7=, Ar i<ehesht7@, Sheherevar76, Span rma 7F, -hor 7: an Amar from amongst the Amesh Spentas 75, 2in the same Bay3 Be are replease 4@146 upon4= a person4F Bho may come up49 to thee4:* 273 He Bho5; Boul invo!e== the name=4 of -hor =5 from amongst the Ameshspan s=7 2in or er to Bithstan the attac!s3 of 2the3 54 emons57, thousan 55, ten thousan 56 or innumera<le5: times=;, Boul smite=6 the 2 aeva3 nasush hashi=F ghasi rfsaeni an <u?i@5* 134 at<< 7aoir68<> fra8rao8i<? nare8<@ a# a$ane8<BH Ae0i>0 7aoir68>1 fra8rao8i>2 nare8>3 a# a$ane8>; i8at>< Ra# na$C>> ra0i# ta>?H i8at>@ a8e# aDi2AC #7entae2AC>B= AC?0 a#ti?1 8ainAa$an/8?2 Aa0atan/8?3= nairACGn/8an/o?; t/o?< 2:3at?> nare8?? a# a$ane8?@. Hac a?B na#:8@0= ac a@1 a# i@2= ac a@3 ! a# i@;= ac a@< #aDne@>= ac a@? 2:0i@@= ac a@B aDnaA/o 7eret +Gaini5aA/oB1= ac aB2 draf# aA/oB3 7eret +G B; B< B> B? +0!er7taA/o = ac a 8a# A/i = dra$aitA/i #/#taA/iB@= ac aBB #tar/i100 $airA/i1= ac a2 narC3 #/#taA/i;= ac a< A/t/i>= ac a? 7airi5/i@= ac aB +r$i#ta10. 253 .irst of all@6 & choose@F the righteous@9 man@:L 2<ecause3 for this
re )r Be !eep frien ship Bith him* )riginal meaning GBe uniteH* Sans!rit root pra1yuj W to uniteL to !eep frien ship* rf Satisfactory e"planation of this Bor is not !noBnL these must <e the names of certain types of emons pro ucing evil*



reason6; that6@ the 2most3 just6F $ashna ya?ata66 an 2those3F@ Ameshspan s69 BhoF; areF4 amongst the heavenlyF7 ya?atasF5 of the male species F=, rgprotectF6 that righteousF: manFF* 2E*7"anation> #he matter as to hoB they protect that righteous man is state <eloB3> .romF9 nasush 2 aeva3:;, army:919; Bith the Bi e <attle uplifte 9=, the Bic!e 9F 2an 3 metal4, oppressive= men5, the Bay4;* hashi:7 ghashi:=, saeni <u?i 2an 3 from the array94, the <anner95 2or rhspear395 <roa 9= an tyrannical9: person96, the ri agger4;; ma e of Bi?ar 6, the Bitch: 2an 3 from9 the rjstraying

134 K+t a11 7ara12 a# aon/813 7at a1; +r$aD#aiti1<= 5+t a1> dra$at/81?. at1@ 8raot1B A +rC Fa0d/o20= Ae0i21 8e22 8/nt re823 fra8ra$a2;= 8ar/o 2< $/2>= dre73aA/o2? $/2@= fr/ $/2B 8ra$a30 5ar# /i831 5/raAeiti32= ao833 tan:83; !ao0aiti3<. 1;4 K/8c it3> t w/8c a3? dr+3e8c a3@ ait ACGaAan/83B ent:8;0 5/8c it;1 $/;2 ai7AaDn/8;3 ent:8;;= 5/8c it;< $/;> raDt wan/8;?. K/8c it;@ t w/8c a;B dr+3e8c a<0 airA/2AC<1 7/d aDi2AC<2 3an/ni<3= t w/8c a<; dr+3e8c a<< 2and/8i<>= t w/8c a<? dr+3e8c a<@ ni! ne<B= t w/8c a>0 dr+3e8c a>1 ni02are8>2 dr+3e8c a>3.

243 &n Bhat Bay44 o the paths4= of the righteous an Bic!e 2people34F part as un er4714@2 iffer3 2from each other3Y E*7"anation9G 2&ts significance is, Bhat is the ifference <etBeen the paths of the virtuous, religious people an the sinful peopleY3 #hen4: 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a7; spo!e49> &f74 2any person3 recites alou 7= +y75 holy spell75 2an <ecomes3 the memori?er7@ or76 the reciter7F 2of that Holy Spell3, or7: Bhilst reciting5; raBs57 G-ashH54 2or furroBs354, 2that person3 protects5@ his oBn55 <o y5= 2from the attac!s of the emons an rujas an from the path of Bic!e ness3* 2@3 2.or in ucing men to eceit3 & Bill smite @5 2thee35F aBay from the locations@7 of the Aryan 2people3@4 any ruj5: Bhatsoever56 or 2the rujas3
rg As some Bor s cannot <e translate grammatically, the translation of this paragraph Bor <y Bor coul not <e one* Better translation than this shoul <e one* rh .or the meaning of the Bor perethu1 rafshayo,see Horma? Yasht, para 4;* ri Professor 0ustiL from the sBor 2Prof* Harle?3L from the na!e Bilful sinner 2Professor (armesteter3* agger 2(r* Spiegel3L from the

rj (armesteterAs 'nglish translationL istress, calamity 2(armesteterAs .rench translation3L from the emon calle urvista 20usti3L from every attac! 2Harle?3* r! &nstea of the Bor s from G-mchitH up to Gairy<yQ p haMi<yQH in some former prayer <oo!s the te"t runs as un er>1 Ghatarem haenem !mchit thBmcha rujemcha nQit vainne humatem !mchit thBamcha rujemcha arethaMi<yQ perethaMi<yQH* #his te"t Professor Eester1 gaar an (r* Gel ner have given in the footnotes* #he te"t Bhich & have given a<ove comes out Cuite similar in the mo ern prayer <oo!s*



coming openly59, secretly=5, an causing pollution=FL & Bill <in @6 thee@F, 2the ruj@:3 Bith fetters@6, & Bill smite@9 thee6;, an 2&3 rlBill rive67 2thee3 out* 1>4 T riG5ar# e8>; fra5/raAeiti>< fr/G8rao8i>> nare8>? a# a$ane8>@H 5 # $a# >BG5ar# e8?0 fra5/raAeiti?1 5 # $a# ?2 fr/8rao8i?3 nare8?; a# a$ane8?<H na$aG5ar# e8?> fra5/raAeiti??= na$a?@ fr/8rao8i?B nare8@0 a# a$ane8@1. 263 2#he ,reator Ahura +a? a spea!s3> & accept 66 2the man Bho3 raBs6@ three G-ashH 2or furroBs36= as the righteous6: man6FL & acceptF5 2the man Bho3 raBsF4 si"69 furroBsF; as the righteousF@ manF=L & acceptF9 2the man Bho3 raBsFF nine furroBsF6 as rmthe perfectlyF: righteous:4 man:;* E*7"anation9G &n this paragraph there occurs a su<ject regar ing the raBing of G-ashH 2the furroBs3* )ne shoul un erstan that he shoul not remain at ease after raBing the furroBs only, <ut after this, certain ceremonies are enjoine to <e performe , the etails of Bhich are not given here i*e* the act of operating the ceremony <y raBing these furroBs* Prior to performing the GPav +ehelH ceremonies of the Doroastrian $eligion, a G-ashH or a circle is raBn roun the place Bhere that ceremony is performe L its significance is that uring the performance of the ceremony no pollution, impurity or filth can e"ercise its evil influence over the place* 1?4 '/8eni@2 aD# /8@3 dr+3in/8@; na#:8@< 5ereta@> 7aiti@? 3anaiti@@ 3ata@B 5ara7anCB0 c it r68B1= 3/8/c aB2 8eretCB3 #aoc aB;H ADB< 0aotaB> Iarat +# trCB?= ere! atatB@ ac a dao0a$atBB a$/8100 an+ +# t681 0ao# e8c a2= Aat a3 5at ac a; e< 0ao# C>. 1@4 Pa#c a? +Gfr/# 8CG d/it68@= a7/5 ed raGnaD8e8B 3anaiti10 7a#c a11 $C12 nCit13 1; 1< 1> 1? +0+5 # Aa8nC na#:8 #teret wata #nait i# a $i5 r:8ante81@ 8are8 n/# aiti1B= 8ainAa$an/820 Aa0atan/821 5 # naot r/ic a22 fra#a#taAaDc a23. 2F3 Ehilst uttering the names :7 of the:5 rujas:= the 2righteous3 smite:F1:: the na#+# :@ Bith the sBor L:6 the rn5ara7an#9; are 2roote out3 an , their origin97 is estroye *:9 #hat Daotar96 2i*e* the officiating priest3 Bho is 2the representative3 of Darathushtra,9F acting accor ing to5 his oBn Bill4 an Bish7 <ecomes pure9: from every evil an from every type of romis oingH* 2:3 .or the propitiation77 of the Spiritual7; ya?atas74 an for 2their3 glorification7= fromF the 2time of the shining3 aBn F 2i*e* <efore the sun3 has arisen4=, 2that righteous man3 rives the nasu 4@ aBay <y means of the <roa 46
rl .or escaping from the attac!s of the ruj, the Holy Spell Bhich is enjoine to <e recite in the prece ing paragraph shoul <e un erstoo as the Avesta of this paragraph* rm #he original meaning of nava 2W Sans!rit nava3 is Gfresh, neBH* rn i*e* those Bho o not accept the comman ments of the Doroastrian $eligion* ro Professor Harle?*



Beapon4F toBar s= the a$/5 tar 2i*e* north39 2an 3 strongly4:*

estroys the plague

1B4 Iarat +# tra2; aDte82< 8/nt re82> 8/2? frada5 # aAC2@= anA/t2B 7it re30 $/31 7+t r/i32= 2r/t re33 $/3; ad CG0/t/i3<= /t ra$an/i3> $/3? t r/Aaone3@ ao#rCG!aonC3B= +daDnC;0H AC;1 +daDnC;2= a# a$a;3 a+r$C;; $6#7C;<Gdr+3e8;> r/8aAe e;?.rJ 293 2#he ,reator Ahura +a? a says3>1 ) Darathushtra 7=X #hou shoul st not teach7: Holy Spell76 other than79 the father4; having sons57, or54 a <rother45 <orn from the same Bom< 5@,rr or5F the athravan56 of three religious or ers5: possessing Cualities a opte for gaining renoBn59*rs

E*7"anation9G 2#he other characteristics of Bhat an Athravan shoul <e are state <eloB3* #he athravan Bho is of goo religion=;, 2<eing3 of goo religion=7, righteous=5 2an 3 renoBne == 2<ecomes3 the rtvanCuisher=F of all=@ rujas=6L 2i*e* estroys every !in of falsehoo 3* A e;@ raAa;B 5 $arenan! ac a<0= te8<1 Aa0/i<2 #+r+n$ata<3 Aa#na<; Ha+r$at/te8<< A8e# e8 S7ente8<>H 0aot r/2AC<? Ha+r$at/te8<@ A8e# e8 S7ente8<B Aa0a8aide>0. )n account of his=: splen our=9 an glory@; & Borship@7 that@4 -hor a @@ Ameshaspan @6 Bith 2or famous3 yasna@=, an Borship6; him Bith li<ations@F* Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac aG c a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +ro $aet / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 A +ra Fa0da K od/e= awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e edin 8/0daAa#G n/n /!/ i /#ta$/ni ne5i ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= a+r$at/tC

rp &nstea of G+aremnshaitiH & have !ept the rea ing Gmarem nshaitiH ta!ing tBo Bor s sep1 arately li!e Professor 0usti* +ara Z Sans!rit mara!a 1 plagueL Sans!rit nash W to perish* rC .or further e"planation see Beherm yasht, para =6 an its footnote* #he sentence from GDarathushtraH up to GthryaonaH also occurs in Beherm Yasht, -ar h TV&* rr i*e* a <oy having a <rother or sister* rs Perhaps GhaosraH may <e an a<<reviation of GhaosravanghaH 2W goo renoBn3* Possessing suita<le CualitiesH 2Professor Harle?3L Professor 0usti has not translate the Bor haosrQ1gaonQH* rt Persian Bor similar to GrmayaH is Gram !ar anH 2i*e* to su< ue3* #a!ing GvVspa !areshQ r hayeitiH accor ing to (r* Gel nerAs te"t, Professor (armesteter translates Gthey sprea peace an happiness in all the councils or assem<liesH*



rat wC A/irAaA/o +# itCi# #ared aDi2AC a# a e rat+2AC. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5= 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidite an!ra e 8ainAe+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d K ord/d A8e# /#7and= 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e 8/0daAa#n/n= /!/ i ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the South recite3> D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#ni d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#ete a# /+8 #e$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone= A# e8 Vo : 1. Ha+r$at/te8 A8e# e8 S7ente8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. K ord/d A8a# /#7and 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.

K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d. K or# ed a8ar! raAC8and a+r$adGa#7 r+2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !eti 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n= 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. H$areG5 # aDta er$ a8e# a e raD$a e a+r$atGa#7a e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. 114 H$areG5 # aDte8 a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8 Aa0a8aide. at Aat $areGrao5 # ni t/7aAeiti= /at Aat $areGraoc C t/7aAeiti= i# tenti 8ainAa$/on! C Aa0at/on! C #ate8c a a0an! re8c aH tat 5 $arenC /8G2/raAeinti= tat 5 $arenC ni7/raAeinti= tat 5 $arenC 2a5 # enti
ru i*e* +ay -horshe 2ya?ata3 the immortal, ra iant 2an 3 sBift foote horse come 2unto my help3X rv .or the translation, notes an e"planation of the Avesta an Pa?en from here up to the en of this yasht, see -horshe Nyyesh*



0/8 7aiti A +rad /t/8= fr/d atic a a# a e !aDt /o= fr/d atic a a# a e tan+Ae= fr/d atic a $are Aat a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8. 124 at Aat $are +0+5 # Aeiti= 2$at 0/8 A +rad /t/8 Aao0G d/t re8= /7e8 tac int/8 Aao0d/t re8= /7e8 5 /nA/8 Aao0d/t re8= /7e8 0raAan/8 Aao0d/t re8= /7e8 ar8ae# t/8 Aao0d/t re8= 2$at d/8a a# a$a Aao0d/t re8= A/o enti #7enta e 8ainAD+# . 134 -ed i 06 $are nCit +0+5 # Aeiti= ad a daD$a $6#7/o 8erenc inti= A/o enti a7tCG5ar# $C $a na$a c i# 8ainAa$a Aa0ata= an! a$a a#t$aiti 7aitiG dr/8= nCit 7aiti# t/8 $id enti. 1;4 -C Aa0aite $are Aat a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8= 7aiti# t/tDe te8an! /8= 7aiti# t/tDe te8a#c itt ran/8 daD$an/8= 7aiti# t/tDe t/A+n/8c a a0a3n/8c a= 7aiti# t/tDe A/t+n/8c a 7airi5an/8c a= 7aiti# t/tDe it Ae3an! C 8ar# aona e= Aa0aite A +re8 Fa0d/8= Aa0aite A8e# e S7ente= Aa0aite ao8 +r$/ne8= 5 # n/$aAeiti $6#7e 8ainAa$ac a Aa0ata !aDt A/c a= AC Aa0aite $are Aat a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8. -a0/i Fit re8 $o+r+G!aoAaoit68 a0an! raG!ao# e8= 2aD$areG c a# 8ane8H Aa0/i $a0re8 +ni$i5 te8 5a8ered e 7aiti daD$an/8 Fit ra e $o+r+G!aoAaoitCi# = Aa0/i a5 ed re8c a Aat a#ti a5 ed ran/8 $a i# te8 antare 8/on! e8c a $arec a. 1>4 A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na $areG5 # aDte8 a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8 0aot r/2AC $areG5 # aDte8 a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= F/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= Iaot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c / t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a afrina8i= $areG5 # aeta e a8e# a e rae$a e a+r$atGa#7a e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD#c aH Ha0an! re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1.



,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d K or# ed a8ar! raAC8and a+r$atGa#7= 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing the South3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S+ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. H$areG5 # aDte8 a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. K or# ed a8ar! raAC8and a+r$atGa#7 2era#ad. A# e8 Vo : 1.

K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d. Fa .o5 tar Fa Aa0ad A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8= a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted= a0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8= K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2the Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Faon! a e r* !aoc it ra e !D+# c a aD$CGd/taA/o= !D+# c a 7o+r+G#ared aA/o= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $id $ao 8raot+. 114 'e8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2Ao= ne8C 8/on! /i !aoc it r/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6t/i= ne8C 7aitiGd6te. 124 Kat 8/o +5 # Aeiti= 5at 8/o neref#aiti. Panc aGda#a 8/o +5 # Aeiti= 7anc aG da#a 8/o neref#aiti= A/o e +5 # A/#t/to= t/o neref#/#t/tCH t/o neref#/#t/tC= A/o e +5 # A/#t/ta#c it. Ke A/ 8/o +5 # Aeiti neref#aiti t wat. 134 F/on! e8 !aoc it re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide.
rB i*e* +ay +ah ya?ata, the <estoBer of purity 2or salvation3, come 2unto my help3X G#he <e1 stoBer 1 istri<utor +ah ya?ataH 2(armesteter3* r" .or the translation, its notes an e"planation of the Avesta an Pa?en from here up to the en of the yasht, see +ah Bo!htar Nyyesh, a<ove*



Tat 8/on! e8 7aitiG$aDne8= tat 8/on! e8 7aitiG$6#e8= rao5 # ne8 8/on! e8 ai$iG$aDne8= rao5 # ne8 8/on! e8 ai$iG$6#e8= i# tenti A8e# /o S7enta 5 $arenC d/raAeinti= i# tenti A8e# /o S7enta 5 $arenC 2a5 # enti= 0/8 7aiti A +rad /t/8. 1;4 at Aat 8/on! a e rao5 # ni t/7aAeiti= 8i# ti +r$aran/8 0airiG!aonan/8 0ara8aD8 7aiti 0e8/d a +0+5 # Aeiti. AntareG8/on! /o#c a= 7erenCG8/on! ao#c a $6# a7tat /o#c a. AntareG8/on! e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH 7erenCG8/on! e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH $6# a7tat e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. 1<4 -a0/i 8/on! e8= !aoc it re8= 2a! e8= raD$ante8= 5 $areG nan!+ ante8= afnan!+ ante8= tafnan!+ ante8= $arec an!+ ante8= 5 #t/$ante8= i# ti$ante8= Aao5 # ti$ante8= #ao5a$ante8= 0airi8A/G $ante8= $o $/$ante8= 2a! e8 2aD# a0e8. 1>4 A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na 8/on!G e8 !aoc it re8H 0aot r/2AC 8/on! e8 !aoc it re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac aG c a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a= ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. 1?4 -a#ne8c a $a e8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= 8/on! a e !aoc it ra e !D+# c a aD$Cd/taA/o= !D+# c a 7o+r+G #ared aA/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e A$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3= 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= ne8C A +r/i Fa0d/i= ne8C A8e# aDi2AC S7entaDi2AC= ne8C 8/on! ai !aoGc it r/i= ne8C 7aitidit/i= ne8C 7aitid6teH A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d F/ 2o5 t/r F/ Aa0ad 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$andi 7iro0!ari. D/d din 2en F/0daAa#n/n /!/ i ra$/i !o/faran!/ni 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a8inH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the South, recite3 D/d/re !e /n dine F/0daAa#ni d/de



Iarat +# ti. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #e$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. F/on! e8 !aoc it re8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. F/ 2o5 t/r F/ Aa0ad 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.

K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:ni !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Te# tar T6r raAC8and 5 ore 8andrA 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 G +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaD# c a. Ti# trAe e #t/rC raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= #ata$aD#a e fr/7a e #:ra e r0Fa0daG d /ta e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= -at / A : VairAC 0aota fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $id $ao 8raot+. 1Kard/ 14 114 Fraot1 A +rC Fa0d/o2 S7ita8/i3 Iarat 7/on! e< an! +t we8c a> rat+t we8c a?= 8/on! e8c a@ ne8c aB= 8Aa0de8c a10 fr/GAa0a8aide11. -at12 8e13 5 $arenan!+ atC1< ac /onte1>= 7arac a1? 8/o1@ nere2AC1B 5 2a5 # enti21. -a0/i22 # Cit ra e23 2a5 t/re82; Ti# tr682< 0aot r/2AC2?. +# tr/i;= 8aDt aG #t/rC1; $arenC20 #t/re82>

124 #aTi# tr682@ #t/re82B raD$ante830= 5 $arenan!+G ante831 Aa0a8aide32 r/8aG# aAane833 +# aAane83; a+r+# e83< rao5 # ne83> fr/dere#re83?= $A/$ante83@ 2aD# a0683B= ra$CGfraot 8ane8;1 ;2 ;3 ;; ;< 2ere0ante8 = d:r/t $A/$ante8 2/n+2AC = rao5 # ni2AC;> an/ itaG
ry i*e* +ay the ra ian t an glorious #eshtar #ir ya?ata come 2unto my help3X r? i*e* .or the Borship an for the praise of the ra iant an glorious Star #eshtar 2an 3 of SatavaMsa, the istri<utor of 2rain13 Bater 2to ifferent places3, poBerful an create <y Ahura +a? a, etc*, 2see -horshe Nyyesh, a<ove3* sa (r* Gel ner ta!es this secon paragraph in verse form of 4= lines* 'very line stops at comma 2,3 an full point 2*3*



Di2AC;?. A7e8c a;@ 7eret +G0raAan! e8;B= $an!+ 68c a<0 d:r/t<1 fra#r:t/8<2= !D+# c a<3 n/8<; 8a0dad /te8<<= +! re8c a<> 5a$aD8<? 5 $arenC<@= fra$a# 68c a<B S7it/8a e>0= a# aonC>1 Iarat +# tra e>2. 243 2#he ,reator3 Ahura +a? 7 spo!e4 unto Spitaman5 Darathushtra=> G& Bill protect@ the mastery6 an the chieftainshipF of 2#eshtar3, the +oon: an 2Her3 a<o e9, the votive offering4;, so that47 +y 2other3 glorious4@ Stars4= may move properly46 2an 3 the +oon4: may <estoB74 glory7; upon men49*H 2#he reciter says3>1 & Borship77 Bith li<ations7F the star76 #ishtrya7@, the sc<estoBer7= 2of rains3 in the s fiel 75*

273 seEe Borship57 the ra iant5;, glorious54, of a happy an goo 5= Belling55, re 5@ 2or crimson35@, shining56, <eautiful5F, helpful5:, health1 giving59, sfBi e=;1stepping=4, e"alte =7, star79 #ishtrya7: from afar=5 helpful== 2unto men3 Bith 2his3 shining=6 an pure=F rays=@* Ee Borship57 the sgBater=: of the Bi e sea=9, the fame @7 sh2Ar vi Sura3, sprea over istant 2lan s3@4, an <eneficial@;, the name of Gavyo a @5, create <y Ahura +a? a @@, the poBerful@6 -ayanian@F Glory@: 2an 3 the .ravashi@9 of the Holy64 Spitaman6; Darathushtra67* 134 A e>3 raAa>; 5 $arenan! ac a><= te8>> Aa0/i>? #+r+n$ata>@ Aa#na>B= Ti# tr68?0 #t/re8?1 0aot r/2AC?2H Ti# tr68?3 #t/re8?; raD$ante8?<= 5 $arenan!+ ante8?> Aa0a8aide??. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac aG c a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 253 & Borship6F the splen our6= an glory6@ of 2#ishtrya3, Bith the au i<le 6: 2or famous36: yasna69 Bith li<ationsF7* Ee BorshipFF the StarF= #ishtryaF5, the
s< GpaongheH 1 future tense, first person singular atmanepa aL original form pa Z h Z eL root pa W Sans!rit pa W to protect* .uture termination h is a e * sc i*e* Pro ucer of fertility <y means of timely rains* -noB that the ya?ata #ishtraya is presi ing over rains* His opponent is the emon Apaosha 2the emon of rought3L see paras 7;174 of this yasht* +oreover, as a star he is compare Bith the (og Star or Sirius* #his entire paragraph is rather complicate * s ShQithra W S!t* !hshetraL any place* &ts meaning is country also* se #his Bor GaurushaH means also GBhiteH an it comes as an epithet of the horse of Sraosha ya?ataL vi e Srosh yasht 2large3 -ar a 44* sf )r lou 1snorting 2li!e the horse3L G<estoBing joy or sprea ing joyH 2Spiegel an Harle?3* #ishtrya comes in the shape of a horseL Ee fin a reference right this in the Si"th -ar a of the same yasht* sg #he reference may <e a<out the sea calle Vouru1!asha* sh #he same Bor s G urat frasrutamH also occur in the Ar vi Sura Nyyesh, an from this some support is sent to ta!e as Are vi Sura*



ra iantF@ 2an 3 gloriousF6* 1Kard/ 24 1;4 #iTi# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H af# Gc it re8>= #:re8?= 2ere0ante8 a8a$ante8B= d:raDG #:5e810= 2ere0ante811= +7arCG5air6812H Aa 8/t13 ac a1; 2ere0/t1< ao#ra$an! e81>= a7/8 nafed rat1? ac a1@ c it re81B. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8= 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac aG c a # Aaot nac a 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=3 Ee Borship@ the Star7 #ishtrya4 2Bith such epithets as3 the ra iant 5, glorious=, having the see of the Baters6, efficaciousF the sje"alte :, poBerful9, Bhose light goes afar4;, lofty44, Bor!ing surpassingly47* Ehose45 renoBn46 is oBing to4= greatness4@ 2an Bhose3 origin49 is oBing to4: s!Apam Napat 2i*e* the Navel of the Baters34F* 1Kard/ 34 1<4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H Ai8> 7aiti# G8arente? 7a#$a#c a@ #taor/c aB 8a# A/c a10 7arCGdere#$/nC11= 5aDtac a12 7arCGdr+0intC13= 5ad aGnC1;G1< a$i1> +0AaG r/t1? Ti# trAC1@ raD$/o1B 5 $arenan!+ /o20H 5ad a21 5 /o22 a#7CG #taoAe 6# 23 a7/82; tac /onti2< na$a2>. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2@3 Ee Borships the Star7 #ishtrya4, the ra iant5 an glorious=, BhomF the cattle:, the <easts of <ur en9 an men4; eagerly44 remem<erF 2Bhen they3 slare
si (r* Gel ner ta!es these five Bor s occurring in the <eginning of each para in the verse form of tBo lines 2#ishtrVm strem [ ya?amai e3* sj &ts meaning can also <e Gsituate on the top of the s!yH* s! As regar s the e"planation of GApm NaptH, see my Avesta ictionary un er the Bor GNapt*H sl i*e* #hey esire for the timely shoBer of rains, <ut <y not <eing recipients unit they are e1 ceive *





in 2their3 smBishes47*

Ehen4= Bill 2the Star3 #ishtrya 4:, ra iant49 an glorious7;, arise4F to46 us4@Y Ehen74 Bill the springs77 of Baters7= <igger than the si?e of a horse75 floB7@ aneB74Y 1Kard/ ;4 1>4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H Ao> a$a$at? 5 # $ae$o@ $a0aiteB= a$i10 0raAo11 Vo+r+G 5a# e812= Aat a13 ti! ri#1; 8ainAa$a#ao1<H Ai81> an! at1? Ere5 # o1@ 5 # $i$iGi# +# 1B 5 # $i$iGi# $ate8o20= airAan/821 airAC22= 5 # +t at23 ac a2; !aroit2< 5 $an$ante82> a$i2? !airi82@.

263 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 an glorious= Star7 #ishtrya4, Bhich6 flies9 sBiftly4@ toBar s4; the Sea44 Vouru1!asha47 asF sBiftly: as an arroB4=* E*7"anation>1 2#he author then escri<es the spee of the arroB3*

2Such as3 amongst 2all3 the &ranians74 there Bas4F the <est49 &ranian77 archer49 so're!hsha4:, the sBiftest1archer7;* .rom the +ount7@ -hshutha75 2he shot an arroB3 to the +ount sp-hvanvant* 1?4 Tad a2B di830 A +rC Fa0d/o31 a$/n32 d/t33= tat3; /7C3<= +r$ar/o#c a3>= 7airiG# e3? $o+r+G!aoAaoiti# 3@ Fit rC3B fr/d aAat;0 7ant/8. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac aG c a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# + d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC.
sm Kaeta W Ve ic 9eta W BishL Besi es if Be compare 9aeta Bith Sans!rit 9ita 2Winsects, Borms3, it can <e translate as un er> for Bhom 2i*e* for the coming of the rains3 insects <ecome grieve 2root drush3 2<ecause they Bill <e estroye 3* sn )riginal meaning Ggoing Bith angerH 2Sans!rit %anyu Gthrough the heavenly spaceH 2(armesteter3* so Professor (armesteter gives the folloBing e"planation a<out the archer name 're!hsha>1 #his person is !noBn in the Pahlavi <oo!s as GAresh ShivtirH* #he Pahlavi Bor Eresh is of the Avesta, G're!hshoH* Shivatir 2or Ship!tir3 is the Pahlavi translation of the Avesta -hshviBi1 ishu 2the sBift archer3* #his person Bas the <est archer in the &ranian army* Ehen the 'mperor +inocheher an Afrsy< etermine to ma!e peace an fi" the <oun ary <etBeen &ran an #uran, it Bas stipulate that 're!hsha shoul ascen the +ount -hshutha 2i*e* (amavan 3, an ischarge an arroB toBar s the 'astL the place Bhere the arroB Boul fall shoul form the <oun ary <etBeen the tBo !ing oms 2&ran an #urn3* 're!hsha shot an arroB accor ingly the flight continue from aBn to noon, Bhen the arroB fell on the +ount -hvanvant 2i*e* Bmyna3, from Bhere a <ranch of the $iver 0ihun 2the $iver Bal!ha3 starts* %ater, the Bor Aresh Bas applie to the <est archer* #he meaning of G#ire AreshiH hence <ecame, i*e* the <est arroB* sp Professor (armesteter regar s -hshutha as a part of the +ount (amvan an supposes the +ount -hvanvant the same as the +ount Bmyna*



-en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. +oreover79 the ,reator55 Ahura +a? a54 sCas Bell as5=, the Baters5@ an the plants56 helpe 2#ishtrya3* +eher 2ya?ata359, the %or of Bi e pastures 5: opene =; a Bi e Bay=4 unto him5F* 1Kard/ <4 1@4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H AC> 7airi5/o? ta+r$aAeiti@= ACB 7airi5/o10 tit/raAeiti11= A/o12 #t/rC13 5ere8/o1; 7atanti1<= antare1> 0/81? a#8ane8c a1@= 0raAa1B Vo+r+G 5a# aAa20 a8a$atC21 +raod a e22 0afra e23 +r+A/7a e2;. ./d a2< $air682> /c araiti2? a#7CG5e r7/82@ a# aon682B +7/c a30 t/o31 /7C32 Aao0Aeiti33= aiwic a3; $/ta3< $/onti3> Aao5 # ti$antC3?. 2F3 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 an glorious= Star7 #ishtrya4, Bho6 repels44 an puts to flight the Bitches F, Bho47 flying <etBeen46 the earth4F an the s!y4: in srBorm1shappe 4= stars45 fall4@ in the poBerful74, ssBell1!noBn77, eep75 2an 3 <roa 1Batere 7= stsea49 Vouru1!asha7;* #ishtrya then enters the Sea Vouru1!asha in the shape7: of a pure79 suhorse7:, stirs5;155 the54 Baters57 violently an strong5F Bin s5@ <loB56 all aroun 5=* 1@4 at3@ t/o3B /7C;0 fra# /$aAeiti;1 Sata$aD#o;2 a$i;3 a7tCG5ar# G $air6# ;;= $6;< / $a;> Aat 3a#aiti;?= #r6ro;@ i# taiti;B r/8aini$/o<0 +A/irA/o<1 a$i<2 dan! +# <3. Kad a<; airA/o<< dan! /$C<> +A/irA/o<? 2a$/onti<@. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide.

sC ,ompare tat Bith %atin Gi emH W similarly, also* sr i*e* in the shape of shooting starsL there seems to <e a reference a<out the shooting stars* ss hurao ha W Sans!rit suruh W Bell1!noBn, famous, seemly* G%arge1si?e H 2(armesteter3* st G)f salt BatersH 2(armesteter3* su #he significance of the shape of a horse is meant to shoB his e"citement*



293 2#he Star3 svSatavaesa=7 then sBcauses=4 the59 Baters=; to floB toBar s=5 the seven regions== 2of the earth3* 2An #ishtrya3 sprea s all over =@1=F 2those3 regions=6, 2an 3 stan s=9 <estoBing joy@; an s"prosperity=: upon sythe fertile@4 countries@5 2an spea!s3Ehen@= Bill the &ranian@@ countries@6 <ecome@: fertile@FX 1Kard/ >4 1104 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H AC> ao5 ta? A +r/i Fa0d/i@ +itAao3anCB. A +ra Fa0da10 FainAC11 S7Dni# ta12= D/tare13 !aDt an/81; a#t$aitin/81< A# /+81>= 1114 #0 -ed i1? 061@ 8/1B 8a# A/5a20 ao5 tCGn/8ana21 Aa#na22 Aa0aAanta23 Aat a2; anAe2< Aa0at/on! C2> ao5 tCGn/8ana2? Aa#na2@ Aa0ente2B fr/ n+roAC30 a# a$aoAC31 t war# ta e32 0r+/Aat33 # +# +A/83;= 5 $a e3< !aAe e3> 5 $an$atC3? a8e# a e3@ +7aGt war# ta e3B 3a! 8A/8;0H aD$/8;1 $/ a$i 5 # a7ane8;2= d+Ae;3 $/= 7anc /#ate8;; $/= #ate8;< $/;>. 24;3 Ee Borship@ the Star7 #ishtrya4, ra iant5 an glorious=* Eho6 spo!eF unto Ahura +a? a:* )X Ahura +a? a4;, the ,reator45 of the corporeal4@ Borl 4=, +ost <eneficent47 Spirit44, Holy46X 2443 &f4F men7; Boul Borship75 me49 taBith the famous74 yasna77, as7= they t<Borship79 the other7@ ya?atas76, & Boul then certainly4: go5= at the appointe 57 time75 2to help3 the righteous54* & Boul 2certainly3 go=; at the appointe 59 2time3 of my oBn5@ <eautiful5F 2an 3 immortal5: life56, 2one=4 night=7, tBo=5 2nights3, fifty== 2nights3 or=6 hun re =@ 2nights3 as many times as necessary* E*7"anation>1 2#ishtrya ya?ata says> &f men Boul Borship me Bith the yasna in Bhich my oBn name is invo!e , then & Boul ren er the Borl prosperous an fertile <y shoBering rain3* 1124 Ti# tr68c a;? Aa0a8aide;@= Ti# trAaDnAa#c a;B Aa0a8aide<0= +7aG7aor68c a<1 Aa0a8aide<2= 7aoirAaDGnAa#c a<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Aa0/i<< a$e<> #trD+# <? A/a<@ Ha7tCirin!a<B= 7aiti# t/tDe>0 A/t w/8>1 7airi5aG
sv Accor ing to Bun ahishn this star Bas consi ere as the lea er of the Bestern stars* Simil1 arly, the Star #ishtrya, the Star Vanant an Haptoiranga Bere regar e as the chieftains of the eastern, southern an northern stars, respectively* As regar s these four stars, see my Co/plete 0i*tionary of the !esta lan,ua,e* sB #he star Satavaesa helps #ishtrya in istri<uting the rain Baters in ifferent irections* .rom this he has got the epithet fr#pa W 2fra$ap3, i*e* istri<utor of Bater, 2see the <eginning portion of this yasht, note3* s" i*e* pro ucing fertility on account of the gift of the rain, <ut ue to the a<sence of rain re 1 maine <arren an esolate* sy Sans!rit sri W prosperity, success, happiness, Bealth, fortune* s? #he portion from GYe hi ?VH to G0aghmymH is also containe in the 45th -ar h of Behram yasht* ta )r <y means of the ya?ishn Bherein their oBn names are invo!e , i*e* <y means of the ya?ishn Bith the !hshnuman of their names* t< )r <y means of the ya?ishn invo!e <y my oBn name, i*e* <y means of the ya?ishn Bith the !hshnuman of my name*



n/8c a>2. Vanante8>3 #t/re8>; Fa0dad /te8>< Aa0a8aide>>= a8a ec a>? 7aiti>@ +t/# ta e>B $eret ra! na ec a?0 7aiti?1 A +rad /ata e?2= $anaintA/o#c a?3 7aiti?; +7arat/tC?< $6tareG/n0a Ae e?>= 7aiti?? $6tareG t2aD# a Ae ec a?@. Ti# tr68?B dra$Cc a# 8ane8@0 Aa0a8aide@1. 2473 Ee Borship=: #ishtrya=F an Borship tcthe satellites pertaining to #ishtrya=9* Ee Borship@7 2that3 t foremost in ran!@4* teEe Borship@@ the@6 stars@F Bhich@: 2are3 tfHaptoiringa@9 to Bithstan 6; the Bi?ar s64 an Bitches67* Ee Borship66 the Star6= tgVanant65 create <y Ahura +a? a6@ for 2o<taining36: 2the Bell1shapen693 strength6F, 2gaining3 victoryF;, 2getting3 e"cellentF@ superiorityF5, removing afflictionF6, an maliceF:* Ee Borship:4 #ishtryaF9 of healthy eyes, she ing light afar*th 1134 PaoirA/o@2 da#a@3 5 # a7anC@; S7ita8a@< Iarat +# tra@>= Ti# trAC@? raD$/o@@ 5 $arenan!+ /o@B 5e r7e8B0 raDt waAeitiB1 rao5 # G n+# $aB2 $a0e8nCB3= tinar# B; 5e r7aB< 7anc aGda#an! CB>= 5 # aDta eB? #7itiGdCit ra eB@ 2ere0atCBB a$iGa8a e100 a8a$atC1 +nairA/onc C2. 2453 ) Spitaman:@ Darathushtra:6X the first:7 ten:5 nights:= 2of the month3 the ra iant:: 2an 3 glorious:9 #ishtrya:F assumes the form of the <o y9;194 2an 3 is moving95 tjami st the luminaries97 in the shape9@ of a t!man9= fifteen years of age96, <eautiful9F, of <right eyes9:, lofty si?e99, full of strength4;;, poBerful4 an manly9=*tl E*7"anation>1 2&t is state <eloB as to Bhat sort of fifteen years of age is*3 11;4 Tat3 aAao# ;= Aat a< 7aoir68> $6re8? a$iGA/o@ 2a$aitiB. Tat10 aAao# 11= Aat a12 7aoir6813 $6re81; a$iGa8C1< aDiti1>. Tat1? aAao# 1@=
tc i*e* a satellite in the constellation ,anis +ajorL the goo #ishtryaH 2Harle?3L the rains of #ishtryaH 2(armesteter3* or the <enefits erive from

t i*e* #he Star #ishtryaL in the =9th chapter of +eno!1i -hera , #ishtrya is regar e as the first 2see 'nglish translation of (r* Eest p* 9;3* &f this Bor is compare to Persian GParvinH, then its meaning can <e Gpleia esH* te i*e* Satellites in the constellation of #ishtrya* tf GHaptQiringaH Bhich is the chief of the stars of the North is compare Bith /rsa +ajor* &t is regar e as an opponent of the star 2planet3 +ars* .or further etails, see my Avesta ictionary, p* @F:* tg Vanant> .or its e"planation, see glossary* th i*e* Sharp1eye , giving light afar* ti #hese Bor s, Gnarsh !ehrpa pancha1 asanghQ !hshaMtahe spiti1 QithraheH occur in the -ar h 6 of Beheram yasht in the escription of one of the incarnations of Beheram ya?ata* tj i*e* ami st the en less lights of the stars of the s!y* t! )r moving Bith goo <ehaviour, GvirtuousL <raveH 2(armesteter3* tl #ishtrya assumes three forms 1 man, <ull an horse, one after another, 2see paragraphs 46an 4: of this yasht3* #he astrologers say that every constellation assumes a form 2(armesteter3*



Aat a1B 7aoir6820 $6re821 ere0+# /822 ada#te23. 24=3 tm)f that5 age= Bhen@ a manF first6 <ecomes9 2active:3L Bhen47 a man4= first45 tnmoves46 Bith courage4@L an Bhen49 he74 first7; toattains youthful vigour77 2or manliness773* 11<4 HC2; it ra2< $A/5 8anAeiti2>= C2? it ra2@ 7ere#anAeiti2B= 5C30 8/831 n:r/832 fr/Aa0/ite33 !ao8a$aiti2AC3; ao8a$aiti2AC3< 0aot r/G 2AC3>H 5a 8/i3? a0e83@ dad /83B $6rA/8;0 i# t68;1 $6rA/8;2 $/t w/8;3 a$a ec a;; +r+nC;< Aao0d/t re8;>. ':r/8;? a 8i;@ Ae#nAa#c a;B $a 8Aa#c a<0 an!+ e<1 a#t$aite<2= a# /t ac a<3 Aat $a i# t/t<;. 24@3 Here7@ the7= 2#ishtrya3 convenes an assem<ly76 2an 3 as!s79 2the mem<ers of the assem<ly3L NoB57 Bho5; Bill Borship55 me54 Bith li<ations56 provi e Bith mil!5= an haoma5@Y /nto Bhom5F shall &5: grant59 heroic=; tp Bealth=4 2of sons3 2an 3 heroic=7 multitu e=5 2chil ren3 2an 3 purification=6 of his oBn== soul=@Y NoB=F & am=: Borthy of Borship=9 an a oration@; in the corporeal@7 Borl @4 on account of@5 righteousness@5* 11>4 .itA/o<< da#a<> 5 # a7ano<?= S7ita8a<@ Iarat +# tra<B= Ti# trAC>0 raD$/o>1 5 $arenan!+ /o>2 5e r7e8>3 raDt waAeiti>;= rao5 # n+# $a>< $a0e8nC>>= !D+# >? 5e r7a>@ 0aranACG#ra$a e>B. 2463 ) Spitaman@: Darathushtra@9X the secon @@ ten@6 nights@F 2of the month3 the ra iant64 an glorious67 #ishtrya6; assumes the form of the <o y651 6= 2an 3 moves ami st the luminaries6@ in the shape6: of a gol en1horne 69 <ull6F* 11?4 HC?0 it ra?1 $A/5 8anAeiti?2= C?3 it ra?; 7ere#anAeiti?<. KC?> 8/8?? n:r/8?@ fr/Aa0/ite?B= !ao8a$aiti2AC@0 ao8a$aiti2AC@1 0aot r/G 2AC@2. Ka 8/i@3 a0e8@; dad /8@< !aoA/8@> i# t68@?= !aoA/8@@ $/t w/8@B= a$aDc aB0 +r+nCB1 Aao0d/t re8B2. ':r/8B3 a 8iB; B< Ae#nAa#c a $a 8Aa#c aB> an!+ eB? a#t$aiteB@= a# /tBB ac a100 Aat $a i# t/t1. 24F3 HereF4 thatF; 2#ishtrya3 convenes an assem<lyF7 2an 3 hereF= heF5 as!sF@ 2the mem<ers of the assem<ly3L NoBF: BhoF6 Bill BorshipF9 meFF Bith li<ations:7 provi e Bith mil!:; an Haoma:4Y /nto Bhom:5 shall &:= grant:@ the <ovine:6 Bealth:F, her :9 2an 3 purification97 of his oBn9; soul94Y NoB954 am9= Borthy of Borship9@ an a oration96 in the corporeal9: Borl 9F on account of4;; e"treme
tm &f the Bor Gta haH instea of GtatH accor ing to (r* Gel nerAs te"t is accepte , the meaning of Gta ha ayaoshH can <e Gthat perio of age, that time of lifeHL ta ha W Sans!rit ta a W then, at that time* tn )riginal meaning 2is3 moving or the mover* 2Present participle3* to Attain manlinessL a aste W Z ath Z teL Sans!rit root 1 W to o<tainL to get* tp i*e* Valiant or heroic sons*



righteousness99* 11@4 T ritA/o2 da#a3 5 # a7anC;= S7ita8a< Iarat +# tra>= Ti# trAC? raD$/o@ 5 $arenan!+ /oB 5e r7e810 raDt waAeiti11= rao5 # n+# $a12 $a0e8nC13= tJa#7a e1; 5e r7a1< a+r+# a e1>= #r6ra e1? 0airiG!ao# a e1@= 0aranACGaiwiGd/na e1B. 24:3 ) Spitaman@ Darathushtra6X the thir 7 ten5 nights= 2of the month3 the ra iant: 2an 3 glorious9 #ishtryaF assumes the form of the <o y4;144 2an goes3 ami st the luminaries47 in the shape4@ of a horse4=, crimson46, <eautiful4F, Bith yelloB ears4: 2an 3 trgol en caparison49* 11B4 HC20 it ra21 $A/5 8anAeiti22= C23 it ra2; 7ere#anAeiti2<= 5C2> 8/82? n:r/82@ fr/Aa0/ite2B= !ao8a$aiti2AC30 ao8a$aiti2AC31 0aot r/G 2AC32. Ka 8/i33 a0e83; dad /83< a#7A/83> i# t683?= a#7A/83@ $/t G w/83B= a$a Dc a;0 +r+nC;1 Aao0d/t re8;2. ':r/8;3 a 8i;; Aa#nAa#c a;< $a 8Aa#c a;> an!+ e;? a#t$aite;@= a# /t;B ac a<0 Aat $a i# tat<1. 2493 Here74 2the #eshtrya3 convenes an assem<ly77, 2an 3 as!s7@ 2the mem<ers of the assem<ly3>1 NoB7: Bho76 Bill Borship79 me7F Bith li<ations57 provi e Bith mil!5; an Haoma54Y #o Bhom55 shall &5= grant5@ Bealth5F relating to a horse56 a troop59 ts of horses5: 2an 3 purification=7 of his oBn=; soul=4Y & am== Borthy noB=5 of Borship=@ an a oration=6 in the corporeal=: Borl =9 on account of@; righteousness=9* 1204 at<2 7aiti a$/iti<3= S7ita8a<; Iarat +# tra<<. Ti# trAC<> raD$/o<? 5 $arenan!+ /o<@ a$i<B 0raAC>0 Vo+r+G5a# e8>1= a#7a e>2 5e r7a>3 a+r+G # a e>; #r6ra e><= 0airiG!ao# a e>> 0aranACGaiwiGd/na e>?. 27;3 #hen@7, ) Spitaman@= Darathushtra@@X the ra iant@F 2an 3 glorious@: #ishtrya@6 goes@5 to@9 the ttSea6; Vouru1!asha64 in the shape65 of a horse67, crimson6=, <eautiful6@, Bith yelloB ears66 2an 3 gol en caparison6F* 1214 t+di8>@ 7aitiGA/# >B ni0d$araiti?0 daD$C?1 AC?2 A7ao# C?3= a#7a e?; 5e r7a?< #/8a e?>= 5a+r$a e?? 5a+r$aG!ao# a e?@= 5a+r$a e?B 5a+r$CG2are# a e@0= 5a+r$a e@1 5a+r$CGd:8a e@2= da! a e@3= aiwidatoG tar# tCi# @;.
tC .rom here up to G?aranyQ1aiBi1 naheH (r* Gel ner ta!es as a verse of three linesL each line en s at the comma 2,3* tr Eith a gol en collar, Bith a gol en nec!lace 2Harle?3L Bith a gol en caparison 2(armesteter3, cf* para =6 of this yasht* ts Ehatever form #ishtrya assumes, he grants to his invo!er the same !in of gift, 2see paras 451 49 of this yasht3* tt &n or er to ren er prosperity on the earth <y causing rains after ta!ing Baters from it* tu (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire para 74 in verse form of seven linesL each line en s at a comma 2,3*



2743 2But in the meantime3 the counter1fien 69 2of #ishtrya3 the emonF4 ApaoshaF5, rushes oBnF; to him6: in the shapeF@ of a horseF=, <lac!F6, tB spec!le FF, Bith spotte earsF:, spotte <ac!:;, tail:7 an terrific:= <ran 2or a scar3:5*t" 1224 H/8Gt/c itG2/0+# @< 2aratC@>= S7ita8a@? Iarat +# tra@@ Ti# G trAa#c a@B raD$/oB0 5 $arenan!+ /oB1 daD$a#c aB2 ACB3 A7ao# CB;. T/oB< A:id Aat CB1= S7ita8aB? Iarat +# traB@= t riGaAare8BB= t ri5 # a7aG re8100. di81 2a$ati2 aiwiGao3/o3= /di8; 2a$aiti< aiwiG$anA/o> daD$C? AC@ A7ao# CB Ti# tr6810 raD$ante811 5 $arenan!+ ante812. A7a13 di81; ad /t1< $Aeiti1> 0raAan! at1? ac a1@ $o+r+G5a# /t1B= /t rCG8a#an!G e820 ad $ane821. 2773 2#hen3 ) Spitaman:F Darathushtra::X the ra iant9; 2an 3 glorious94 #ishtrya:9 an the emon97 Apaosha9= tysei?e:6 or grasp each other, they fight96 for three ays99 an three nights4;;L the emonF, Apaosha9 having succee e 5 over the ra iantH an glorious 47 #ishtraya4;, t?<ecomes victorious6, 2an 3 from there4@, the sea4F14: Vouru1!asha49 rives him4= aBay45146 one farsang7; along the course74* 1234 S/dre822 +r$i# tre8c a23 ni8r:ite2; Ti# trAC2< raD$/o2> 5 $areG nan!+ /o2?. S/dre82@ 8e2B A +ra Fa0da30= +r$i# tre831 /7C32 +r$arG /o#c a33= 2a5 te83; daDne3< F/0daAe#ne3>. 'Cit3? 8/83@ n:r/83B 8a# G A/5a;0 ao5 tCGn/8ana;1 Aa#na;2 Aa0ente;3= Aat a;; anAe;< Aa0at/on! C;> ao5 tCGn/8ana;? Aa#na;@ Aa0ente;B. 2753 2#hen the ra iant76 2an 3 glorious7F #ishtrya7@ spea!s Bith humility7= a<out his uaBoe77 an efeat75>1 ) Ahura +a? a5;X Eoe7: unto me79X ) Eaters57 an plants55X 2there is my3 efeat54X ) +a? a1Borshipping56 $eligion5@X 2my3 fate5= 2or misfortune5=3X +en=; o not5F Borship=5 me5: noB59 Bith the famous=4 yasna=7 as== they Borship=9 other=@ ya?atas=6*u< 12;4 -eid i<0 06<1 8/<2 8a# A/5a<3 ao5 tCGn/8ana<; Aa#na<< Aa0aG
tv )riginal meaning 1 he Bho <urns the Batery or rainy clou sL the emon of roughtL the e1 mon oing Cuite the opposite from #ishtryaL root ush W Sans!rit ush W to <urn* tB Sans!rit -arvu, !arvuraL G<al H 2Spiegel3* & have not translate the Bor -aurvahe Bhich is repeate tBice* t" )riginal meaning Bhere<y the terror is struc!H, rea ful* ty )r a here* )riginal meaning Gsei?esH 2Sans, root bhru3* t? &n the original sense <ecomes smitten an <ecomes triumphant* ua 0ust as from the Persian Bor G ar H 2pain3 the meaning of G ar aH <ecomes GBoeH, in the same Bay, there occurre the meaning of Gsa remH* u< )r <y means of the yasna in Bhich their oBn names are invo!e , i*e* <y means of the yasna Bith the G!hshnumanH of their names*



Aanta<>= Aat a<? anAe<@ Aa0ataon! C<B ao5 tCGn/8ana>0 Aa#na>1 Aa0ente>2= +c a$i>3 8/8>; a$iG2a$raA/8><= da#an/8>> a#7an/8>? ao3C>@= da#an/8>B +# tran/8?0 ao3C?1= da#an/8?2 !a$/8?3 ao3C?;= da#an/8?< !airin/8?> ao3C??= da#an/8?@ a7/8?B n/$aAan/8@0 ao3C@1. 27=3 .or@4, if@; men@5 Boul Borship@6 me@7 Bith the famous@= yasna@@ as@F they Borship67 other@: ya?atas@9, &u shoul have <rought6@ to65 me6= the strength6: of tenF7 horses6F, ten69 camelsF;, the strengthF= of tenF7 o"enF5, ten mountainsF6, an 2an 3 the strength:4 of uethe BatersF9 of tenF: canals 2or rivers3:;* 12<4 A0e8@2 AC@3 A +rC@; Fa0d/o@< Ti# tr68@> raD$ante8@? 5 $areG nan!+ ante8@@ ao5 tCGn/8ana@B Aa#naB0 Aa0eB1 a$iB2 di8B3 a$iG2ar/8iB; da#an/8B< a#7an/8B> ao3CB?= da#an/8B@ +# tran/8BB ao3C100= da#an/81 !a$/82 ao3C3= da#an/8; !airin/8< ao3C>= da#an/8? a7/8@ n/$aAan/8B ao3C10. 27@3 2Ahura +a? a spea!s3>1 & ufAhura +a? a:=1:@ 2Having learnt the Bish from #ishtrya3, the ra iant:F an glorious::, an ugBorshippe 94 Bith the famous:9 yasna9;, carrie 9= for him97195 2i*e* gave him3 the strength9F of ten9@ horses96, camels99, ten4 o"en7, ten= mountains@ 2an 3 Baters: of tenF canals 2or rivers39* 12>4 + at 7aiti a$/iti= S7ita8a Iarat +# tra= Ti# trAC rae$/o 5 $arenan!+ /o= a$i 0raAC Vo+r+G5a# e8= a#7a e 5e r7a a+r+# a e #r6ra e= 0airiG!ao# a e 0aranACGaiwiGd/na e. 12?4 /di8 7aitiGA/# ni0dG $araiti daD$C AC A7ao# C= a#7a e 5e r7a #/8a e= 5a+r$a e 5a+r$CG !ao# a e= 5a+r$a e 5a+r$CG2are# a e= 5a+r$a e 5a+r$CGd:8a e= da! a e aiwid/toGtar# tCi# . 12@4 H/8Gt/c itG2/0+# 1 2aratC2= S7ita8a Iarat +# tra3= ; < > ? @ Ti# trAa#c a raD$/o 5 $arenan!+ /o daD$a#c a AC A7ao# CB. T/o10 A:id Aat C11 Iarat +# tra12= /13 ra7it wine81; 0r$/ne81<. di81> 2a$aiti1? aiwiGao3/o1@= /di81B 2a$aiti20 aiwiG$anA/o21 Ti# trAC22 raD$/o23 5 $arenan!+ /o2; daD+82< Ai82> a7ao# e82? A7a2@ di82B ad /t30 $Aeiti31
uc (r* Gel ner from here up to the en of this paragraph ta!es the verse of si" linesL each line en s Bith a comma 2,3* u )r the strength of the naviga<le 2Sans* Navya3 Baters* ue i*e* & Boul have got the strength of ten horses, camels, etc*, an on account of that strength & Boul have efeate the emon Apaosha* uf .or its e"planation, see Dartosht1namun, Britten <y Sheth -h* $* ,ama, Secon ' ition, pages 4@@14@:* ug &n original form these tBo ver<s are in the present tenseL for its e"planation, see my Avesta Grammar, p* 5;=* Besi es, Gya?eH can <e imperfect tense first person singular tmanepa a as Bell* uh As regar s the translation of paragraphs 7617F, see paragraphs 7;174 of this same yasht*



0raAan! at32 ac a33 Vo+r+G5a# /t3;= /t rCG8a#an! e83< ad $ane83>. 27:3 2#hen3 ) Spitaman Darathushtra 5X the ra iant@ 2an 3 glorious6 #ishtrya= 2an 3 the emonF Apaosha9 grapple each other <y the arm4 an fight44 till45 noon4=* #he ra iant75 an glorious7= #ishtrya77 having succee e 4: over7@ the emon, Apaosha7F <ecomes7; victorious74, 2an 3 from the sea57155 Vouru1!asha5= rives7: 54 him79 aBay one farsang5@ along the course56* 12B4 +i)# tat/te83? ni8r:ite3@= Ti# trAC3B raD$/o;0 5 $arenan!+ /o;1. )# ta;2 8e;3 A +ra Fa0da;;= +# ta;< /7C;> +r$ar/o#c a;?= +# ta;@ daene;B F/0daAe#ne<0= +# ta<1 $C<2 /2a$/t<3 dan! a$C<;= +#<< $C<> a7/8<? ad a$C<@ a7aitieret/o<B 3a#/onti>0= a# Gd/n+n/8c a>1 Aa$an/8>2= 5a#+Gd/n+G n/8c a>3 $a#tran/8>;= !aDt an/8c a>< a#ta$aitin/8>>. 2793 #hen the ra iant=; an glorious=4 #ishtrya59 proclaims5: ujthe victory5F gaine <y him5F* ) Ahura +a? a==X Hail=7 2<e3 unto me=5X ) Eaters=6 an plants=FX Hail=@ 2unto me3X ) $eligion=9 of +a? a1Borship@;X 2there arose my3 victory=:X ) ,ountries@=X 2noB3 there Bill <e@5 prosperity@4 unto you@7X u! Hereafter@F the ulfoo @:, corns67 groBn through a<un ant Bater64, green vegeta<les6= 2or her<aceous plants3 groBn through little Bater 65 an 2the entire3 corporeal66 settlements6@ Bill groB umup@@16; Bithout ifficulty69* E*7"anation>1 &ts significance is that oBing to the victory of #ishtrya over Apaosha, the emon of rought, there Bill he a<un ant groBth of corns, vegeta<les, etc*, through the assurance of sufficient rains an there<y people an cattle Bill enjoy complete happiness* 1304 at>? 7aiti>@ a$/iti>B= S7ita8a?0 Iarat +# tra?1= Ti# trAC?2 raD$/o?3 5 $arenan!+ /o?; a$i?< 0raAC Vo+r+G5a# e8?>= a#7a e?@ 5e r7a?B a+r+# a e@0 #r6ra e@1= 0airiG!ao# a e@2 0aranACGaiwiGd/na e@3. 25;3 #hen6F, ) SpitamnF; DarathushtraF4X the ra iantF5 an gloriousF= #ishtryaF7 goes691F@ to the seaF6 Vouru1!ashaFF in the shapeF9 of a horseF:, crimson:;, <eautiful:4, Bith yelloB ears:7 2an 3 gol en caparison:5*

ui (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire paragraph 79 in verse form of 44 linesL each line en s Bith in comma 2,3 an full1stop 2*3* uj #he meaning of GushtatatH is happiness, prosperity, congratulationH* u! #his Bor 2apam3 occurs in the yasna Ha 9, para 7=, an Ha 4;, para 4, in the same sense* As a noun its meaning is Gof the BatersH* ul GA havoH 1 root a h, a W Sans!rit a W %at* ' 1ere W to eat* um #he gift of the Baters 2apam a havo3 Bill floB oBn unrestraine to the <ig1see e corn1 fiel s, to the small1see e pasture1fiel s an to the Bhole of the material Borl H 2(armesteter3* (r* Spiegel an Professor Harle? also have translate generally in the similar sense as un er> G#he streams of the Baters Bill floB toBar s the fiel , etc*H Ash1 anu yavaH W corns groBn <y means of a<un ant Bater, or the corns for the ripening of Bhich a<un ant Baters are reCuire * (anu W Sans!rit anu W river, 2see anu1 rajangha, yasna Ha 6;, para =3*

+n @;


1314 o 0raAC@< /GAao0aAeiti@>= C@? 0raAC@@ $6G$ao0aAeiti@B= CB0 0raACB1 /! 0r/d aAeitiB2= CB3 0raACB; $6! 0r/d aAeitiB<= CB> 0raACB? /! 0/raAeitiB@= CBB 0raAC100 $6! 0/raAeiti1= Aao0enti2 $6#7e3 5aranC;= 0raA/i< Vo+r+G5a# aAa>= /? $6#7o@ 8aid ACB Aao0aiti10. 2543 He:= 2i*e* #ishtrya3 causes the sea:@ 2Vouru1!asha3 uoto <e agitate :6, to surge e"cee ingly:9, he9; causes 2the Baters of3 the sea 9= to overfloB9@L uC e"cee ingly4, the floBing Baters then unite together7 Bith all5 the shores= of the sea@ Vouru1!asha6* #he entire: mi le part9 too urunites 2Bith Baters3*

1324 )#11 7aiti12 ad /t13 i# taiti1;= S7ita8a1< Iarat +# tra1>= Ti# trAC1? raD$aC1@ 5 $arenan!+ /o1B= 0raAan! at20 ac a21 Vo+r+G 5a# /t22. )#23 ad /t2; i# t/t2< Sata$aDe#o2> raD$/o2? 5 $arenan!+ /o2@= 0raAan! at2B ac a30 Vo+r+G5a# /t31. at32 tat33 d+n8/n3; /8G i# tenti3< +#3> inda$at3? 7aiti3@ !arCit3B= AC;0 i# taite;1 8aid 68;2 0raAan! C;3 Vo+r+G5a# a e;;. 2573 #hen45, ) Spitaman4@ Darathushtra46X the ra iant4: 2an 3 glorious49 #ishtrya4F rises up4414= from the sea7;174 Vouru1!asha77, an the ra iant7F 2an 3 glorious7: 2Star3 usSatavaesa76 2too3 rises up7517@ from the Sea7915; Vouru1 !asha54L then57 vapours5= 2or mists35= having gathere arise5@ from the +ount59 ut /s1hin ava5615F Bhich=; stan s=4 in the mi le=7 of the sea=5 Vouru1!asha==* 1334 at;< tat;> d+n8/n;? fra# /+7aAeiti;@ 8aD! C;BG5ara<0 a# a$anC<1= fr/<2 7o+r$C<3 $/t/8<; $a0aiti<<= A/<> 7at C<? /iti<@ Hao8C<B fr/# 8i# >0 fr/d atG!aDt C>1. At ra>2 7a#c aDta>3 $a0aite>; $/tC>< dar# i# >> Fa0dad /tC>?= $/re8c a>@ 8aD! e8c a>B fAan! +8c a?0= a$i?1 a#/o?2= a$i?3 # Cit r/o?; a$i?< 5ar# $/n?> A/i# ?? a7ta?@.

2553 2#ishtrya3 then=@ 2arranges3 uuthe clou =91forming@; pure@4 vapours=F to push forBar =:* #ishtrya <rings@@ first@5 the Bin @= Bhich 2the ya?ata3

un (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire para 54 in the verse form of mine lines> each line en s at the comma 2,3* uo i*e* causes the ti e in the sea Vouru1!asha* up Vivao?ayeiti W vi1yao?ayeitiL or causes to e<< or to rece e* uC Gh?>* 2!hshar W Sans!rit !hshar W to floB3, gh?ar <y a ing at the en of the rootL <ecame Ggh?ar H* &n the meaning of <oth these there must <e slight ifference* ur &ts significance appears to <e that at the time of ti e the Sea Vouru1!asha <ecomes full of Ba 1 ter from all si es* us Accor ing to the Briting of the Bun ehesh, Satavaesa is the principal star of the Eest* ut (r* Haug supposes this +ount Hin ava to <e Hin u -ush* &n the tBelfth chapter of the Bun ehesh there occurs a name of the mountain G /s1hin umH similar to this* &n Avesta, a ver< /s is prefi"e to the Bor GHin avaH, an ta!ing GusH Bith the Hin ava, 'uropean scholars have regar e it as one name G/s1hin umH* uu #he e"act Sans!rit eCuivalent of the Avesta Gmaegho!araH is Gmegha!araH* uv G.rashaupayeitiH 1 present causal thir person singular parasmaipa aL root shu W to goL its



Haoma@9, the prosperity1<ringer6; 2an 3 the increaser of the Borl 64 traverses@:* AfterBar s65 the strong66 Bin 6@ create <y Ahura +a? a6F causes to reach the rain6:, the clou s69 an sleetF; toF4 2various3 placesF7, toF5 the citiesF= 2an 3 toF@ 2the entire3 sevenF: regions of the earthF6* 13;4 A7/8?B 'a7/o#e@0 t/o@1 /7C@2= S7ita8a@3 Iarat +# tra@;= an!+ e@< a#t$aite@> # Cit rCG2a5 t/o@? $62a5 # aiti@@= $/ta#c a@B ACB0 dar# i# B1= aw0d/te8c aB2 5 $arenCB3 a# aon/8c aB; fra$a# aACB<. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 25=3 ) Spitaman:5 Darathushtra:=X AparaF9 uBNapat:; ivi es all aroun :: those:4 Baters:7 Bhich are to <e istri<ute in 2each3 city:F in 2the entire3corporeal:6 Borl :@L the strong94 Bin :9, the u"Glory95 create from the Baters97 an uythe .ravashis9@ of the righteous 2people39= 2as Bell3* 1Kard/ ?4 13<4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H AC> a$ad at? fra$a0/ite@ 5 # Cit nA/tB i# 10 +# aA/t11 d:raDG+r$aD#e812 7aiti13 7ant/81;= 2a! CG2a5 te81< 7aiti1> Aaone81? frat $ar# te81@ 7aiti1B /fente820= 0ao# /i21 A +ra e Fa0d/o=22 0ao# /i23 A8e# an/8 S7entan/82;. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aei2Aa#e a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 25@3 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 2an 3 glorious= Star7 #ishtrya4, Bho6 for the
causal form GshaupayaH 2to rive aBay, to push forBar 3* .or its e"planation, see my Avesta Grammar, pages 7@;17@4* uB Apam Napat 2Sans!rit apam napat3, i*e* the navel of Baters or the source of Baters* .or its e"planation, see my Avesta ictionary, un er the Bor napatH* u" i*e* -ayanian Glory, Bhose location is in the sea Vouru1!asha 2see Damyat yasht, paragraphs @616=3* uy Amongst the co1Bor!ers of #ir there come Ar afravash an Gova , its reference can <e seen from this paragraph* .or comparison, see .arvar in yasht, para 66*



joy74 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a 77 2an 3 u?for the joy75 of the Ameshaspan s7=, goes from the shining9 'astern va irection44 to45 the istanten e 47 path4=, up to46 the aerial space4F <estoBe <y Go 4@ 2an 3 up to49 the fi"e place7; appointe 4:*v< 1Kard/ @4 13>4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H Ai8> A/reGc are# C? 8a# Aa e@ a +rac aB 5 rat+!:tC10 a+r+nac a11 !airi# /o12 #i0drac a13 ra$a#c ar/to1; +0ACrente81< i#7C#ente81>H +A/irA/c a1? dain! a$e1@ +0G3a#ente81B d+0A/irA/c a20. Kad a21 airA/o22 dain! /$C23 +A/irA/o2; 2a$/onti2<. Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 an glorious= Star7 #ishtrya4* .or Bhose6 rising,4@ men: vcBho live in the fruits of the year F, an the chiefs9 v of eep un erstan ing4;, the Bil <easts44 Ban ering on the mountains47, the he gehogs45, an the animals that Ban er Bil at large 4= ve esire eagerly46* Because, the Bay it rises49, 2it <ecomes3 the year of fertility4F 2or3 the year of famine7; for the country4:* Besi es, they Bish that74 the &ranian77 countries75 may vf<ecome7@ fertile7= 2or prosperous3X A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ B4 13?4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<. #+G5 # $aD$e8> 5 # $i$iG$/0e8?= AC a$a$at 5 # $aD$C $a0aite= a$i 0raAC Vo+r+G5a# e8= Aat a ti! ri# 8aini$a#/o= Ai8 an! at Ere5 # C 5 # $i$iGi# +# 5 # $i$iGi# $ate8C airAan/8 airAC= 5 # +G t at ac a !arCit 5 $ante8 a$i !air68. 25F3 Ee Borship@ the Star7 #ishtrya4, ra iant5, glorious=, sBift1flying6
u? i*e* At the Bill of the ,reator Ahura +a? a an the Ameshspan an <y o<eying their com1 man * va As regar s the e"planation of the Bor GafentemH see my translation of the Ven i a , fargar 74st para @ note* v< Professors Spiegel an Harle? affi"ing the Bor GhishH to the Bater translate thus> G#ishtrya <rings the BaterH* vc )riginal meaning those Bho go <y the season 2lit* the year3L root char W to goL nominative plural of yare1charesh* v )r Bis om1increasing* ve )r GaBait eagerlyHL original G2are3 esiringH* vf & have translate this paragraph generally <ase on Professor (armesteterAs translation*



2an 3 sBift1movingF*vg 13@4 A$i31 di832 A +rC Fa0d/o33 a$/n3;= A8e# /o S7enta3<= $o+r+G !aoAaoiti# 3> e3? Fit rC3@ 7o+r+G7ant/83B frac aD# aDte8;0. di8;1 7a#5/t;2 an+G8are0ate8;3 A# i# c a;; Van!+ i;< 2ere0aiti;>= P/rendiG c a;? raorat a;@= $6#7e8 / a 8/t;B Aat<0 a8e8<1 7aitiGa7aAat<2 $a0e8nC<3 5 $an$ante8<; a$i<< !air68<> 5 $an$ata<? 7aiti<@ nirat<B. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 25:3 #he ,reator Ahura +a? a 55 helpe 5= 2#ishtrya3 him54157L the Ameshaspentas5@ 2i*e* the Bountiful &mmortals35@ an +eher5: 2ya?ata3 the %or of Bi e pastures56 vhprepare =; 2or opene 3 for him5F the sufficient Bay59L the goo =@ 2an 3 e"alte =6 Ashishvang==1=@ 2an 3 Paren i=F 2or light3 chariot=: vicleane or Bipe off=5 2the path3 for him=4 until=9 he came up@7 running@5 up to@@ the +ount@6 -hvanvant@F* 1Kard/ 104 13B4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H AC> 7airi5/o? ta+r$aAeiti@= ACB 7aitri5/o10 tit/raAeiti11 A/o12 +0/on! at13 An!rC FainA+# 1;= 8a8an+# 1<= #t/r/81> af# Gc it ran/81? $6#7an/81@ 7aitiGeretDe1B. 2593 Ee Borship@ the Star7 #ishtrya4, ra iant5 an glorious=L Bho6 afflicts: an vj estroys44 the pairi!asF 2or rives out443, Bhom47 2i*e* the pairi!as3 the Angra +ainyu 1 the 'vil Spirit cause to stan up45 in or er to oppose49 all4: the Stars46 containing the see of Baters4F, v!intentionally4@* 1;04 $"T/o20 Ti# trAC21 ta+r$aAeiti22= $6$aiti23 6# 2; 0raAan! at2< ac a2> Vo+raG5a# /t2?. at2@ 8aD! a2B +#Gfra$/onte30 +A/irA/o31 /7C32 2arent6# 33= A/ $a3; +r$/it6# 3< awr/o3> 7eret +3? ai7i3@ $Aa#ait6# 3B= a$CG
vg .or the translation of the remaining portion, see -ar a = of this yasht a<ove* vh GfrachaMshaMtemH an Ganu1mare?atemH, these tBo ver<s are in parasmaipa a ualL the first in potential moo an the secon in imperfect tense* vi Behin him Bent GAshishvangh an Pren iH, 2(armesteter3* & have not un erstoo the entire meaning of G-hvanvata paiti niratH* G)n the shining BatersH 2(armesteter3> Gat the <rilliant place of its settingH 2Harle?3* Sans!rit nira W Bater* vj See -ar a @, para : of this yasht* v! G+amanushH 1 root man W Sans!rit man W to !noB, to thin!L erive from GmamanvanghH* vl (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire =;th paragraph in the verse form of seven linesL each line en s Bith comma 2,3 an full1stop 2*3*




a7ta;1 5ar# $/n;2.

A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=;3 #ishtrya74 afflicts77 them7; 2i*e* pairi!s3 an vm<loBs75 them7= aBay75 from the Sea7@176 Vouru!asha7F* #he clou s79 of the fertile year54 2an 3 the Baters57 pro ucing55 2fruits an corns3 gather them 7: on high5;, from Bhich5= prosperity1<estoBing5@ an vnhappiness1<ringing=; a<un ant5F rain1shoBers56 sprea voBi e59 over the seven=4 regions=7 2i*e* over the entire earth3* 1Kard/ 11t 4 1;14 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+G ante8; Aa0a8aide<H Ai8> /7C? 7aiti# G8arente@ ar8aD# t/oB= fr/tatG c arata#c a10= 5 /nA/o11 t raotCG#t/ta#c a12= 7ar# +A/o13 $airA/o#c a1;. 2=43 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 an glorious= Star4 #ishtrya7, Bhom6 the stagnant9 BatersF, running an floBing4; BatersF, the BellH BatersF, the spring47 BatersF, the BatersF of running stream47, eB1 ripping45 BatersF an the vprain4= BatersF remem<er: eagerly*
$J 1;24 Kad a1<GnC1> a$i1? +0aAar/t1@= Ti# trAC1B raD$/o20 5 $arenan!+ /o21. Kad a22 5 /o23 a#7CG#taoAe 6# 2;= a7/82< ! 0/r/82> aiwi! 0/re82?= #r6rao#c a2@ a#CG# Cit r/o#c a2B !aoAaoiti# c a30 /taG c int6# 31= / $are# a36# 32 +r$aran/833= #:ra3; $a5 # Aente3< $a5 # a3>.

A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide.
vm i*e* scatters aBay 2in the sense of 'nglish <loBs aBay3* vn )riginal meaning Ghelp1<ringing, help1givingH* vo &n the original form this Bor 2vijasitVsh3 is in the present participle first person plural fem1 inine an Cualifies GaBroH 2sprea ing Bi e3* vp .or comparison, see yasna H 6:, para 6* vC (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire para =7 in the verse form of eight linesL each line en s at comma 2,3 an full1stop 2*3*



2=73 Ehen4@ Bill the ra iant7; 2an 3 glorious74 #ishtrya49 rise 4: for us46Y Ehen77 Bill the springs75 Bith a floB76 2an 3 overfloB7F of Baters7@ <igger than the horse7= run54 to the <eautiful7: places an cities79Y 2so that3 the trun!s57 of the trees55 may groB5@ Bith 2a poBerful35= intense groBth56* 1Kard/ 12t 4 1;34 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+G ante8; Aa0a8aide<H AC> $6#7/i# ? naDni0aiti@ #i8/oB a7aAa10H $a0ed G ri# 11 +5 # Aeiti12 $6#7/o#e13Gt/o1; d/8/n1< 2aD# 0Aatic a 1>#D$i# tC1?H Ae0i1@ aD81B 2a$aiti20 Aa# tC21 5 # n:tC22 frit C23 7aitiG0antC2;. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa08aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac ac a= # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=53 Ee Borship@ the Star4 #ishtrya7, ra iant5 2an 3 glorious=, Bho6 cleanses: allF rea ful things9 2containe 3 in Bater4;L Bhen4: he49 2i*e* #ishtrya3 is7; Borshippe 74, please 77, love 75 2an 3 honoure 7=, the vs poBerful44 2an 3 most <eneficent4F 2#ishtrya3 then ren ers 47 this4= entire45 creation4@ prosperous47, an vtrevives46 2it3*

1Kard/ 13t 4 1;;4 $+Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $areG nan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<= Ai8> rat:8? 7aitiGdaD8c a@= $6#7aD# /8B #t/r/810= fradat at11 A +rC Fa0d/o12= Aat a13 nar/81; 0arat +# tre81< Ai81> nCit1? 8ere! ente1@ an!rC 8ainA+# 1B= nCit20 A/ta$C21 7airiG 5/o#c a22= nCit23 A/ta$C2; 8a# A/n/82< naDd a2> $6#7e2? at ra2@ daD$a2B 8a r5at /i30 +7aGdare0n$anti31. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /=
vr i*e* ren ers it Cuite un efile <y removing the irt, filth an impurities from the Bater, root ni? W Sans!rit GnijH W to cleanse* vs Va?e rish 1 root Sans!rit vaj W Gto <e poBerful, to strengthenL in ustriousH 20usti3L Ghealth1 givingH 2Spiegel3* vt )riginal meaning G<estoBs healthH 2<aMsha?yaticha3L enominative ver<* vu (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire ==th para in verse form of eleven linesL each line en s Bith comma 2,3 an full stop 2*3*



A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2==3 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 an glorious= Star7 #ishtrya4* 0ust as45 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a47 esta<lishe 44 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra4@ 2as a %or 3 over men4= 2an the overseer a<ove them3, the same Bay He has esta<lishe 44 vv #ishtrya6 as the %or F an overseer: a<ove all the stars4;* E*7"anation> 2As regar s the Holy Darathushtra a further e"planation is ma e <eloB3>1

Ehom46 2i*e* the Prophet Darathushtra3 the Angra +ainyu 49 2or3 <eBitching74 sorceresses77 2or3 G<eBitching7= men7@ together7: Bith all7F the aevas79 coul not4F !ill4: 2or3 v" are54 to !ill5;*

1Kard/ 1;4 1;<4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H Aa 8ai> a0an!re8? Aao5 # tina8@= fradat atB A +rC Fa0daC10= af# c it rae# $a11 #e$i# tai12= Ao13 af# Gc it raei2Ao1; aiti1< rao5 # n+# $a1> $a0e8no1?. 2=@3 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 an glorious= star7 #ishtrya4, to Bhom6 the most <eneficent47, 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a4; gave a thousan 1fol F vy strength v?amongst those having the see of Bater44 Bho45 2i*e* #ishtrya3 moving4F amongst the luminaries46 2of the s!y3 goes4@ toBar s the stars containing the see of Baters4=* 1;>4 waHC1@ 0raAan! C1B Vo+r+G5a# a e20= a8a$atC21 +raod a e22= 3afra e23 +r+A/7a e2;= $6#7e2< $airi# 2> /Gc araiti2?= $6#7e#c a2@ #r6re2B niG 8rao5e30= $6#7e#c a31 #r6re32 a7a! 0/ra33= a#7a e3; 5e r7a3< a+r+# a e3>= #r6ra e3? 0airiG!ao# a e3@= 0aranACGaiwiGd/na e3B. 2=63 He4: 2i*e* #ishtrya3 goes7F to all7@ B<the Baters76 an to the entire7: magnificent79 2or splen i 3 BcBater1fall5; an to all54 the <eautiful57 channels55 of the poBerful74, fame 77, eep75 2an 3 <roa 1Batere 7= Vouru1!asha7;, in the shape5@ of a horse5=, crimson56, <eautiful5F, Bith gol en ears5: 2an 3 gol en caparison59* 1;?4 at;0 /7C;1 a$aG2arente;2= S7ita8a;3 Iarat +# tra;;= 0raAan!G
vv )riginal meaning GBhom,H i*e* #ishtrya* vB i*e* (eceiver, entrapper into temptation* v" Sans!rit root rush W to are, G ursaH, its 'nglish eCuivalent to are* .or further e"planation see Ven i a .argar &T, paras 419 an paras =51=F* vy i*e* Amongst the stars* .or its e"planation see paras = an 59 of this yasht an para 45th of Ven i a fargar TT&* v? )riginal meaning Gfi"e a thousan of strengthsH* Ba (r* Gel ner ta!es para =6 in the verse1form of 9 lines an para =F in the verse1form of : linesL each line en s Bith comma 2,3* B< i*e* )n the entire surface of the sea Vouru1!asha, vairi W Sans!rit GvrVH W Bater* Bc Nimrao!a 1 Sans!rit root ni1mruch W to go oBn, to floB oBn* G,avesH 2(armesteter3L channelsH 2Spiegel3L GfloBing outsi eH, Gcanal of BatersH 20usti3*



at;< ac a;> Vo+raG5a# /t;?= t/t/o;@ +r$/t r/o;B 2aD# a0aA/o<0= t/o<1 a$ad a<2 $62a5 # aiti<3 /2AC<; dan! +2AC<< #D$i# tC<>= Aat a<? aD8<@ 2a$aiti<B Aa# tC>0= 5 # n:to>1 frit C>2 7aitiG0antC>3. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=F3 ) Spitaman=5 Darathushtra==X Bhen@F he@: 2i*e* #ishtrya3 2is3@9 Borshippe 6;, please 64, love 67 2an 3 Belcome 65, 2he3, the most <eneficent@6 having <rought=7 the floBing=:, efficacious=9 2an 3 healing@; Baters=4 from the Sea=@1=6, Vouru1!asha=F, istri<utes the Bater@4 hither@7 thither an , every Bhere65 in the countries* 1Kard/ 1<4 1;@4 Ti# tr681 #t/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+ ante8; Aa0a8aide<H Ai8> $6#7/i# ? 7aiti# G8arente@ A/i# B S7enta e FainAD+# 10 d/8/n11= ad airiG0e8/i# c a12= +7airiG0e8/i# c a13= A/c a +7a7a1;= A/c a +7a#8a1<= A/c a fra7tere3/n1>= A/c a ra$a#c ar/n1?= A/c a +7airi1@ t/o1B a5arana20 ana! ra21 a# aonC22 #ti# 23 /id i2;. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a= $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2=:3 Ee Borship@ the ra iant5 2an 3 glorious= Star4 #ishtrya7* Ehom6 allF the creations44 of the Beneficent Spirit4F 2such as3, those that live un er the groun 47, an those that live a<ove the groun 45, B those that live in the Baters4=, those that fly in Bethe air4@, 2or Binge <ir s463, those that Ban er Bil at large4F an Bf Bgother7= innumera<le7; Bhen less74 creations75 of Holy
B Ycha uppa 1 its original meaning is Gan those that live in BatersH* Be i*e* Gthose living aBay from the groun H, Gthose that remain in the airH* #he meaning of GupasmaH 2 eriving from /pa Z ?ema3 can <e Gliving on the groun H* Bf /pairi 1 Sans!rit /pari 1 <esi es, in a ition to* Bg Ki hi W Sans!rit i W other, etc* Bh A!arana W en less, Bithout an en L anaghra W Bithout a <eginning*



2Ahura +a? a3, remem<er eagerly:* 1Kard/ 1>4 1;B4 wiTi# tr681 St/re82 raD$ante83 5 $arenan!+G ante8; Aa0a8aide<= t a8anan!+ ante8>= $arec an!+ ante8?= Aao5 # ti$ante8@ # aAa8ne8B= i#/ne810 a0an!r/i11 /Aa7tan/812. -C13 dad /iti1; 5+5 # na$/n/i1<= 7o+r+# 1> aAa7t/o1? 3aid Aant/i1@= a3aid G Aa8n/i1B 8a# A/i20. 2=93 Ee Borship@ the Star7 #ishtrya4, the ra iant5, the glorious=, health1 giving6, pompousF, poBerful:, ruling9, pre ominant over a thousan gifts47, Bho45 grants4= many46 <oons4F praye for or not praye forBj to that man7; B! Bho has please him4@* 1<04 A0e821 dad /822= S7ita8a23 Iarat +# tra2;= ao82< #t/re82> Ai82@ Ti# tr682B a$/onte830 Ae#nAata31= a$/onte832 $a 8Aata33= a$/onG te83; 5 # naot $ata3<= a$/onte83> fra#a#tata3?= Aat a3@ 8/8c it3B Ai8;0 A +re8 Fa0d/8;1. 2@;3 ) Spitamn75 Darathushtra7=X &74 Blhave create 77 this7@ star76 #ishtrya79 as5; Borthy of Borship54, a oration55, propitiation5@, an glorification5F Bmas5: +yself9 8 Ahura +a? a=4* E*7"anation>1 2Ehy #ishtrya Bas create so great, is mentione <eloB3* 1<14 A$an! /o;2 7airi5aA/o;3 7aiti# t/taAaDc a;;= 7aiti#c a7taAaDG c a;< 7aititaretaAaDc a;>= 7aitAao!et;?Gt2aD# a A/ic a;@= A/;B d+0A/irAa<0= A/8<1 8a# A/5a<2 a$i d+0$ac an! C<3 +A/irA/8<; n/8a<< ao3aite<>. 2@43 2& have create the Star #ishtrya as Borthy of Borship an a oration li!e +yself3 in or er to Bithstan ==, estroy=@ an rive out=6 this=7 Pairi!=5 Bn (u? yirya@; BhomBo Bic!e @5 persons@7 call <y the name@@ Huyirya@=, an Bp to prevent malice=:*
Bi (r* Gel ner ta!es this Bhole paragraph in the verse form of : lines* Bj )riginal meaning Gunto one Bho as!s for, unto one Bho oes not as! forH* B! #he re uplicate form of the root !hshnu 2Wto please3 <ecame G!u!hshnuH* Bl i*e* as & Bho am Ahura +a? a, li!e +yself too* Bm Similar statement occurs for +eher ya?ata, too, Bith slight ifference 2see +eher yasht, para 43* Bn i*e* .amine1pro ucingL original meaning Gpertaining to <a yearH* After the Avesta, uring the perio of ,uneiform &nscriptions, the 'mperor (arius Bishing prosperity for his oBn !ing1 om from the ,reator Ahura +a? a prays +ay the %or protect my !ing om from the hostile army an from the famine 2hach ushiyr3XH #hat inscription is as folloBs> /t imm ahyum Aura +a? ptuva hach hainy, hach ushiyr, hach raug [*** 2see the Briting num<ere H of Persepolis3* +eaning>1 2#he 'mperor (arius prays>3 Also may Ahura +a? a protect this !ing om 2of mine3 from the hostile army, from famine an from falsehoo 1 eceit* Bo )riginal meaning Gevil spea!ingH, from it Gspea!ing Cuite contraryH* Bp )riginal meaning in or er to Bithstan the malice, 2root paiti1va?3*



1<24 -ed i<? 06<@ a0e8<B nCit>0 daid A/8>1= S7ita8a>2 Iarat +# tra>3= ao8>; #t/re8>< Ai8>> Ti# tr68>?= a$/onte8>@ Ae#nAata>B a$/onte8?0 $a 8Aata?1 a$/onte8?2 5 # naot $ata?3= a$/onte8?; fra#a#tata?<= Aat a?> 8/8c it?? Ai8?@ A +re8 Fa0d/8?B. 1<34 A$an! /o@0 7airi5aA/o@1 7aiti# t/taAaDc a@2= 7aiti#c a7taG AaDc a@3H 7aititaretaAaDc a@;= 7aitAao!et@<Gt2aD# a A/ic a@>= A/@? d+0G A/irAa@@H A/8@B 8a# A/5aB0 a$i d+0$ac an! CB1 +A/irAa8$2 n/8a B3 ao3aiteB;. 1<;4 Ha8a eB< 06B> 8eB? id aB@ aA/nBB a8aA/o100 $/1 5 # a7C2= /o3 7airi5a; A/< d+0A/irAa> $6#7a e? an! D+# @ a#t$atCB 7arCit10 7airit ne811= an! $/812 a$aG i#id A/t13 /c a 7airic a1; d$araiti1<. 2@71@53 .or@: if@F 4@9, ) Spitaman67 Darathushtra65X ha not6; create 64 this6= Star6@ #ishtrya6F as6: Borthy of Borship69 asF; Borthy of praiseF4, asF7 Borthy of propitiationF5, asF= Borthy of glorificationF@ asF6 +yselfF 1 Ahura +a? aF9, in or er to Bithstan :7 this:; Pairi!a:4 2name 3 (u?yairya::, Bhom:9 Bic!e 94 persons9; call9=, Huyairya97, in or er to estroy:5 rive 2her3 out:=, an prevent:@ her malice:6, 2@=3 then in ee 96 every9@ ay99 2an 3 every4;; night7 2i*e* alBays3 BCthat5 pairi!= 2name 3 (u?yirya6 Boul Bage4; Bar44 2or strife3 here9: 2i*e*3 in the entireF corporeal9 Borl : of +ine9F, an BrBoul injure45 the life47 BseveryBhere* 1<<4 Ti# trAC1> 061? raD$/o1@ 5 $arenan! /o1B a$/820 7airi5/821 /dare0aAeiti22= 2i2d/i# c a23= t ri2d/i# c a2;= a$ane8n/i# c a2> $6#7a2G d/i# c a2>= 8/naAen a e Aat a2? a0an!re82@ nar/82B Ci830 nare831 /dare0aACit32H ACi33 A/n3; a#ti3< ao3an! a3> ao3i# ta3?. 2@@3 BtBut4F the ra iant4: 2an 3 glorious49 #ishtrya46 <in s77 that7; pairi!74 2name (u?yairya3 Bith ou<le75 an tre<le fetters7=, an Bith invinci<le76 Bu fetters76* E*7"anation>1 2HoB he <in s the fetters is state <eloB*3 0ust as7F a thousan 7: men79 Bho55 are5= the strongest5F in physical5@ strength56 Boul fetter57 one5; man54L 2the same Bay #ishtrya <in s stoutly that pairi! so that she can <e prevente from oing any harm3* 1<>4 -at3@ 063B S7ita8a;0 Iarat +# tra;1= airA/o;2 dan! /$o;3 Ti# trAe e;; raD$atC;< 5 $arenan!+ atC;> aiwiG#ac A/re# ;? d/it68;@ Aa#ne8c a;B $a 8e8c a<0 Aat a<1 e<2 a#ti<3 d/itACte8C<; Aa#na#c a<<
BC Professors Spiegel an Harle?* #a!ing G!haoH instea of GhaoH accor ing to Gel ner Boul G rain out the springs of Bater 2!hao3H 2(armesteter3* Br hisi hyat 2potential moo 3 root sa W Sans!rit Sha h W to smite, to estroyL Gsa H is change into Gsi HL <eing an &ntensive ver<, the root is re uplicate * Bs )riginal meaning Gnear an roun a<outH 2acha pairicha3L varaiti present participle locative singular, original <ase varatL 2root var W to run3* Bt ?i W Sans!rit hi W <ut, <ecause, in ee , verily* Bu $oot van W Einnan 2Sa"on3 W to Bin, to conCuer*



$a 8a#c a<>= a# /t<? ac a<@ Aat<B $a i# t/t>0= nCit>? it ra>2 airA/o<3 dan! /$o>; fr/# >< A/t>> aDna>?= nCit>@ $Ci! na>B= nCit?0 7/8a?1 nCit?2 5a7a#ti# ?3= nCit?; aDnAC?< rat C?>= nCit?? +0!ere7tC?@ draf# C?B. 2@63 ) Spitamn=; Darathushtra=4X &f5: the &ranian=7 Bvcountries=5 BBBoul perform=F verily59 the proper=: Borship=9 an a oration@; in honour of the ra iant=@ 2an 3 glorious=6 Star #ishtrya== just as@4 the most proper@= Borship@@ an a oration@6 performe Bith the <est6; righteousness@F1@: is@5 2Borthy3 for him@7 2i*e* #ishtrya3, then neither 64 the hostile army6F nor6: calamity69, neitherF; B"sic!nessF4 nor F7 vengeanceF5, neither the chariotF6 of the hostile armyF@ nor the uplifte F: <annerF9 2of the enemy3 can rush forBar 6@16@ to the &ranian countries6=* 1<?4 wAPaiti di8 7ere#at Iarat +# trC= 5at 06 a#tiH A +ra Fa0da= Ti# trAe e raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC d/itACte8C Aa#na#c a $a 8a#c a= a# /t ac a Aat $a i# t/t. 1<@4 at 8raot A +rC Fa0d/o= 0aot r/o e +02/raAen airA/o dan! /$C= 2are#8a e #terenaAen airA/o dan! /$CH 7a#:8 e 7ac aAen airA/o dan! /$CH a+r+# e8 $/ $o +G!aone8 $/= 5/c it $/ !aonan/8 a8CG!aone8. 1<B4 F/ e 8airAC !De+r$aACit= 8/ 3a i5a= 8/ a# /$C a#r/$aAatG !/t C= a +8ere5 # = 7aitA/renC i8/8GdaDn/8 A/8 / :ir68 IaraG t +# tri8 1>04 -e0iG# e 8airAC !D+r$aA/t= 3a i5a $/= a# /$C $/ a#r/$aAatG!/t C= a +8ere5 # = 7aitA/renC i8/8 daDn/8 A/8 / :ir68 Iarat +# tri8= 7ara 2aD# a0a ac aite Ti# trAC raD$/o 5 $areG nan!+ /o. 1>14 Ha8at a airA/2AC dan! +2AC $Ci! n/o 3a#/ontiH a8at a airA/2AC dan! :2AC aDna fra7at/ontiH a8at a airA/2AC dan! +2AC 3anA/onte= 7anc a#a! n/i #ata! n/i# c a= #ata! n/i a0an!ra! n/i# c a= a0an!ra! n/i 2aD$are! n/i# c a= 2aD$are! n/i a /5 # ta! n/i# c a.w0 A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Ti# tr68 #t/re8. 0aot r/2AC Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# + d aei2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC.
Bv &*e* People of the countries un er the su?erainty of the Sovereigns of &ran* BB )riginal meaning Ggive, offerH 2Sans!rit root 1sha!3* B" #he meaning of pman 2Sans!rit pman3 is s!in1 iseaseL sca< 2(armesteter compares this Bor Bith Afghan GpamH 2leprosy3 an Gpam1anH 2a leper3* &n Behram yasht (r* Gel ner has ta!en the same Bor GpmaH* By .or comparison, see Behram yasht, para =:* .or the translation of paras @F164, see Behram yasht, !ar a TV&&, paras =91@5* #he ifference is, in this yasht the name of #ir, an in the other yasht the name of Behram occurs* B? .or the translation of paragraphs @F164, see Beheram yasht, paragraphs =91@5*



-en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= Ti# trAe e #t/rC raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC #ata$aD#a e fr/7a e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= taroidfte an!ra e 8ainAe+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d Te# tar Tir raAC8and 5 ore 8and 2era#ad a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing South3 d/d/re !e /n d6ne Fa0daAa#ni d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. Ti# tr68 #t/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Te# tar Tir raAC8and 5 ore 8and 2era#ad. A# e8 Vo : 1.


K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da 5 od/e awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH ,D+# +r$a Dra$/#7a #:ra e 5 ore 2era#/d.*2 A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet
"a #his yasht is also !noBn <y the name G(ravspa yashtH* As regar s the e"planation of G(ravspaH, see the last note of paragraph 4 of this yasht* "< i*e* +ay the poBerful an glorious Goshuruna (ravspa come 2unto my help3X .or its e"1 planation, see the last note of paragraph 4 of this yasht*



o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$aranD 8a0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Dra$/#7aAao #:raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o=*c 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a Aat / A : VairAC 0aota fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. 1Kard/ 14 114 Dra$/#7/81 #:r/82 Fa0dad /t/83 a# aon68; Aa0a8aide<H dr$CG7a#$/8>= dr$CG#taor/8?= dr$CG+r$at /8@= dr$CGa7ereG n/A+5/8B 7o+r+G#7a5 # t6810 d:r/t11 7at ana12 5 $/t ra$ana13 dare! CG a5 ed raAana1;. 243 Ee Borship@ the poBerful7 2an 3 holy= " (ravspa4, possesse of long1stan ing frien ship4= create <y Ahura +a? a5, giving health to cattle6, or rought animalsF, to "efrien s:, an chil ren9, !eeping Batchfully4; from afar44, giving happiness45 Bi ely47*"f 124 -+5 ta a#7/81< $aretCGrat /81>= 5 $anatGc a5 r/81?= f# aoG n681@= 8are0/81B= a8a$ait6820= +raod /821= 5 $/#ao5/822 2aD# a0G A/823 dr$CG#t/it682;= dr$CG$aret/82< a$an! e2> nar/82? a# aon/82@. 273 2"gEe Borship (ravspa3 Bho yo!es teams of horses4@, !eeps the fast1 moving chariot46, Bith resoun ing 2or shining3 Bheels 4F, prosperity1giving4:, pure49, poBerful7;, <eautiful74, conferring <enefit on oneAs self 77, healing75, "h stan ing firm7=, giving poBerful support7@ for the help76 of the righteous7: men7F*
"c i*e* .or the Borship, etc*, of the poBerful an holy (ravspa create <y Ahura +a? a 2see -horshe Nyyesh3* " #he original meaning of rvspa 2W rva Z aspa3 is Ggiving health to the horseH, hence the ya?ata giving health to all the animalsL as his colla<orator there occurs GGMush urvanH, the meaning of Bhich is the soul of the cattle, source, the Gsoul of the universeH* +oreover, the ya?ata (ravspa is in the feminine gen er li!e Kvan, (in, Ashishvangh* (r* Haug from the last part of this paragraph compares G(ravspaH Bith the +il!y1Bay, thus> Bith many eyes 2pouru1 spa!hshtVm3L Bith istant roa s 2 urt pathana3, self1shining 2!hvthravana3 an Bith long con1 stellation or Bith the cluster of stars 2 areghQ1ha!he h1rayana3* "e &f Be erive the Bor GurvathmH from the Sans!rit root var h W to groB, then the meaning of G rvQ urvathmH having folloBe <y GrH an prece e <y the re un ant GuH <ecomes Gurva hH W urvath* "f )r guar ing fully from afar the roa s, Bith comforta<le, long1stan ing frien ship* &f Be ta!e this Bor Gpouru1spa!hshtiH instea of Gpouru1spa!hshtVmH accor ing to Gel nerAs te"t an the last three Bor s in the instrumental singular, then it can <e translate as>1 Ee Borship (rav spa giving health to chil ren, Bho guar s fully4; from afarH Bith Bi e47, long1stan ing frien ship4= accompanie <y happiness45* )riginal meaning is GBith full BatchH* "g Here Gya?amai eH occurring in the first para is to <e employe * "h .rom G rvQ1stitiH the Persian Bor G orostaH 2soun 3 is erive



134 T/82B Aa0ata30 Hao# Aan! C31 Parad /tC32 +7a33 +7a2de3; HaraA/o3< .ere0C3> Sr6raA/o3? Fa0dad /taA/o3@= #ate83B a#7an/8;0 a0an!re8;1 !a$/8;2= 2aD$are;3 an+8aAan/8;; +ta;< 0aot r/8;> fra2arC;?. 253 Also=@ the <earer=F of li<ations=6 2-ing3 Haoshyangha54 of the Pish a ian 2(ynasty3 Borshippe 5; her79 2i*e* (ravspa3 near55 the foot5= of the <eautiful5F +ount Al<or?5@156, create <y Ahura +a? a5:, Bith a hun re 59 horses=;4, a thousan =4 "jo"en=7 2an 3 ten thousan =5 small "!animals== 2an praye for the <oon3* 1;4 Da0di;@ 8e;B $an!+ i<0 #D$i# te<1 Dra$/#7e<2= tat<3 /Aa7te8<;= Aat<< 2a$/ni<> aiwiG$anA/o<? $6#7e<@ daD$a<B 8/0ainAa>0= Aat a>1 a0e8>2 nCit>3 tar# tC>; fr/ne8/ne>< t $aD# /t>> 7arC>? daD$aDi2AC>@= fr/ a 8/t>B 7arC?0 $6#7e?1 daD$a?2 an+#C?3 tar# ta?; ne8/onte?<= tar# ta?> te8an! C?? d$ar/onte?@. 2=3 ) goo @; an most <eneficent@4 (ravspa@7X grant thou=: unto me=9 this@5 <oon@= that & may overcome@61@F all@: the aevas@9 of +?an arn6;, also64 that &67 2am3 never65 stri!en Bith terror6=, <oB oBn6@ through fear66 <efore6F the aevas6:, 2<ut3 on the contrary691F; allF4 the aevasF7 stri!en Bith terrorF= <oB oBnF@ 2<efore me3 against their BillF5 2an 3 terror1stri!enF6 run aBayF= into ar!nessFF* 1<4 Dat at?@ a 8/i?B tat@0 a$at@1 /Aa7te8@2 dr$/#7a@3 #:ra@; Fa0dad /ta@< a# aoni@> t r/t ri@? 0aot rCG2ar/i@@ ared r/i@B Aa0e8n/iB0 3aid Aant/iB1= d/t ri# B2 /Aa7te8B3. 2@3 #he heroic:=, holy:6 (ravspa:5 create <y Ahura +a? a:@, the nourishing 2an 3 the <estoBer97 of <oons95 grante F: 2the <oon mentione in the fourth paragraph a<ove3 to that F9 <earer of li<ations::, the e icator:9, the Borshipper9; a an the <eseecher94 2i*e* to the -ing Hoshang of the Pish a ian (ynasty3* 1>4 A eB; raAa B< 5 $arenan! ac aB>= t/8B? Aa0/iB@ #+r+n$ataBB Aa#na100= t/81 Aa0/i2 +Aa# ta3 Aa#na;= Dra$/#7/8< #:r/8> ? @ Fa0dad /ta8 a# aon68 = 0aot r/2ACB Dra$/#7/810 #:r/811 Fa0dad /ta812 a# aon6813 Aa0a8aide1;. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac aG c a #Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /=
"i '"cept the last three Bor s this para occurs in Avn yasht, para 74* "j &n the literal sense these are translate as> Ga hun re of horses, a thousan o"en an ten thou1 san small animalsH* "! #he final portion of this paragraph occurs in the seventh !ar a of the Srosh yasht Va i*



A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 263 )n account of her9= 2i*e* (ravspaAs3 splen our9@ an glory96 her9F o & Borship9: Bith the famous99 yasna4;; 2an 3 o & Borship her 2i*e*3 the heroic 6 an holy: (ravspa@ create <y Ahura +a? aF Bith the Bell1consecrate 5 yasna=* Ee Borship4= the heroic44 2an 3 holy45 (ravspa4; create <y Ahura +a? a47 Bith li<ations9* 1Kard/ 24 1?4 *"Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aideH dr$CG7a#$/8= dr$CG#taor/8= dr$CG+r$at /8 dr$CGa7ereG n/A+5/8= 7o+r+G#7a5 # t68 d:r/t= 7at ana 5 $/t ra$ana dare! CG a5 ed raAana. -+5 taGa#7/8= $aretCGrat /8= 5 $anatGc a5 r/8= f# aon68= 8are0/8= a8a$aiti8 +raod /8= 5 $/#ao5/8= 2aD# a0A/8= dr$CG#t/it68= dr$CG$aret/8 a$an! e nar/8 a# aon/8. 1@4 T/81 Aa0ata2 AC3 Ai8C; 5 # aDto< $/t wC> H+5airA/t? ac a@ 2ere0an! atB= #ate810 a#7an/811 a0an!re812 !a$/813 2aD$are1; an+G 8aAan/81<= +ta1> 0aot r/81? fra2arC1@. 2:3 0amshe = the -ing@, <earer4: of the li<ations4F an the protector of the su<jects also46 Borshippe 7 her 2i*e* (ravspa3 from : the +ount9 Hu!araF Bith hun re 4; horses44 thousan 47 o"en45 2an 3 ten thousan 4= small animals4@ 2an as!e for the <oon3> 1B4 *8Da0di1B 8e20 $an!+ i21 #D$i# te22= Dra$/#7e23 tat2; /Aa7te82<= Aat a2> a0e82? f# aoni2@ $/t wa2B= a$a2ar/ni30 a$i31 Fa0d/o32 d/8a2Ao33= Aat a3; a0e83< a8ere5 t683>= a$a2ar/ni3? a$i3@ Fa0d/o3B d/8a2AC;0. 293 ) goo 74 2an 3 most <eneficent77 (ravspa75X o thou grant49 me7; this7= <oon7@ that & may <ring5; prosperity7: unto54 the creatures55 of Ahura +a? a57 2an 3 "nthe increase of cattle79 "oan immortality56 unto5: the creatures=; of Ahura +a? a59* 1104 *7)ta;1 a0e8;2 a7aG2ar/ni;3= $a;; # +d e8c a;< tar# ne8c a;> ac a;? Fa0d/o;@ d/8a2AC;B= +ta<0 a0e8<1 a7aG2ar/ni<2= $a<3 0a+r$/8G c a<;= 8eret A:8c a<< ac a<> 8a0d/o<? d/8a2AC<@= +ta<B a0e8>0 a7aG 2ar/ni>1= $a>2 !ere8e8c a>3 $/te8>; aote8c a>< ac a>> Fa0d/o>? d/8a2AC>@= a0an!re8>B aiwiG!/8an/8?0. 24;3 Also=4 &=7 may ta!e aBay=5 2or remove3 <oth== hunger=@ an thirst=6 from=F the creatures=9 of Ahura +a? a=:L Also@; & may ta!e aBay@7
"l .or its translation, see paragraphs .irst an secon of this yasht* "m (r* Gel ner ta!es this paragraph in the verse form of si" lines* "n & have ta!en the Bor s Gfshaoni vthBaH as nouns in the (van va ,ompoun * Also the Bor GfshaoniH occurs as an a jective, meaning prosperous, GfatH* "o .or comparison, see Kvn yasht para 76 Bhere the -ing 0amshe prays for estroying the poBer an the prosperity of the aevas* "p (r* Gel ner ta!es this paragraph in the verse form of 4; lines*



ecrepitu e@= an eath@@ from@6 the creatures@: of Ahura +a? a@FL &6; may 2cast out3 from66 the creatures6: of Ahura +a? a6F the hot65 an the col 6@ Bin 6=* 1114 Dat at a 8/i tat a$at /Aa7te8 Dra$/#7a #:ra Fa0dad /ta a# aoni t r/t ri= 0aot rCG2ar/i ared r/i Aa0e8n/i 3aid Aant/i= d/t ri# *J /Aa7te8. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= t/8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= t/8 Aa0ai +Aa# ta Aa#na= Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68. 0aot r/G 2AC Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot G nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ 34 1124 Dra$/#7/8 #+r/a8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aideH dr$CG7a#$/8= dr$CG#taor/8= dr$CG+r$at /8= dr$CGa7ereG n/A+5/8= 7o+r+G#7a5 # t68 d:r/t= 7at ana 5 $/t ra$ana dare! CG a5 ed raAana= A+5 taGa#7/8= $aretCGrat /8= 5 $anatGc a5 r/8= f# aon68= 8ere0/8= a8a$ait68= +raod /8 5 $/#ao5/8= 2aD# a0aA/8= dr$CG#t/iti8= dr$CG$aret/8 a$an! e nar/8 *ra# aon/8. 1134 T/81 Aa0ata2 V6#C3 7+t rC; t wA/nCi# <= $6#C> #:raA/o? T raDG taonC@= +7aB $arene810 c at r+G!ao# e811= #ate812 a#7an/813 a0an!G re81; !a$/81< 2aD$are1> an+8aAan/81?= +ta1@ 0aot r/o1B fra2arC20. 2453 #hraetaona, the son= of AthBya@ family5 of the valiantF race6 Bho is the <earer of li<ations, Borshippe 7 her4 2i*e* (ravspa3 in the "sfour1 cornere 44 Varena1Gilan34;, city Bith hun re 47 horses45, thousan 4= o"en4@ an ten thousan 46 small animals4F 2an praye for the <oon as3* 11;4 Da0di21 8e22 $an!+ i23 #D$i# te2; Dra$/#7e2< tat2> /Aa7te82?= Aat2@ 2a$/ni2B aiwiG$anA/o30 a06831 Da /5e832 t riG0afane833= t riG5a8ereG d e83;= 5 # $a# Ga# 683<= a0an!raGAao5 # t683>= a# Gao3an! e83?= daD$683@ dr+3e83B= a! e8;0 !aDt /$AC;1 dr$ante8;2= A/8;3 a# ao3a#G te8/8;; dr+3e8;< frac a 5erentat;> an!rC 8ainA+# ;? a$i;@ A/8;B a#t$ait68<0 !aDt /8<1= 8a r5/i<2 a# a e<3 !aDt an/8<;. )ta<< e<> $anta<? a0/ni<@ Sa$an! a$/c i<B arena$/c i>0= ACi>1 en>2 5e r7a>3 #raD# ta>; 0a0/tDe>< !aDt A/ic a>>= ACi>? a2dCte8e>@. 24=3 ) goo

2an 3 most <eneficent7= (ravspa7@X grant me thou74 this76

"C i*e* (ravspa ya?ata grante the <oon as!e <y the -ing 0amshe L .or its translation see paras @16 of this yasht* "r .or its translation, see paragraphs .irst an secon of this yasht* "s )r of four parts or four1gate L see Ven i a fargar 4*4:*



<oon7F that7: & may overcome5; 2su< ue3 the A?i1(aha!54157, three1jaBe 55, three1s!ulle 5=, si"1or<e 5@, of a thousan Biles 56, very strong5F evilish5: (ruj59, Bho is harmful=;, Bic!e =7 for 2these3 countries=4* Ehom=5 Angra +ainyu=F create =6 as <y far the strongest== (ruj=@ on=: 2this3 material@; Borl @4 for the estruction@7 of the Borl s@= of righteousness@5* +oreover@@ & "t may release 2or give salvation@:3 to his@6 tBo Bives@F Sheherna?@9 an "u Aranva?6; Bho64 are67 the fairest6= of the <o ies65 amongst the Bomen6@ of 2this3 Borl 66, 2an 3 Bho6F 2are fallen3 in the eepest cavern6:* 11<4 Dat at a 8/i tat a$at /Aa7te8 Dra$/#7a S:ra Fa0dad /ta a# aoni t r/t ri= 0aot rCG2ar/i ared r/i Aa0e8n/i 3aid Aant/i= d/t ri# /Aa7te8. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= t/8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= t/8 Aa0/i +Aa# ta Aa#na= Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68. 0aot r/2AC Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 *$Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac aG c a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ ;4 11>4 Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aideH dr$CG7a#$/8= dr$CG#taor/8= dr$CG+r$at /8= dr$CGa7ereG n/A+5/8= 7o+r+G#7a5 # t68 d:r/t= 7at ana 5 $/t ra$ana dare! CG a5 ed raAana= A+5 taGa#7/8= $aretCGrat /8= 5 $anatGc a5 r/8= f# aon68= 8are0/8= a8a$ait68= +raod /8= 5 $/G#ao5/8= 2aD# a0aG A/8= dr$CG#t/it68= dr$CG$aret/8 a$an! e nar/8 *wa# aon/8. 11?4 T/81 Aa0ata2 Hao8C3 Fr/# 8i# ; 2aD# a0Ao<= #r6rC>= 5 # at G rAC?= 0airiGdCit rC@= 2are0i# teB 7aiti10 2are0a i11 Hairait AC12 7aiti13 .are0aA/o1;H /at1< 681> 3aid Aat1? a$at1@ /Aa7te81B. 24F3 Haoma5, the prosperity1<ringer=, the healing@, the <eautiful6, the royalF 2an 3 gol en1eye :, Borshippe 7 her4 2i*e* (ravspa3 upon44 the highest9 height44 of 2the +ount3 Al<or?4714=, an as!e of4F her46 this4: <oon49L 11@4 Da0di20 8e21 $an!+ i22 #D$i# te23 Dra$/#7e2; tat2< /Aa7te82>= Aat a2? a0e82B 2andaAeni2B 8air6830 T:ir6831 Fran!ra#A/ne832= +ta33
"t .or comparison of paras 4514=, see Kvn yasht, paras 5515=* "u Sheherna? an Aranava? Bere <oth most <eautiful an han some &ranian la ies* &n the Shahnama they are sai to <e the sisters of -ing 0amshe * Professor +ohl an Professor (armesteter have regar e them as the aughters of -ing 0amshe * "v i*e* (ravspa ya?ata grante the <oon as!e for <y -ing .are oon* .or its translation, see paras @16 of this same yasht* "B .or its translation, see para first an secon of this yasht*



2a#te83; $/d aAeni3<= +ta3> 2a#te83? +7anaAeni3@ 2a#te83B Ka$Ci# ;0 Hao#ra$an! a e;1= 3an/t;2 te8;3 Ka$a Hao#ra$a;;= 7a#ne;< $arCi# ;> % aDc i#ta e;? 3afra e;@ +r$A/7a e;B= 7+t rC<0 5aDna<1 #A/$ar# /n/i<2 0+rCG3ata e<3= nara e<;= A! raDrat a ec a<< 'ara$a e<>. 24:3 ) goo 77 2an 3 most <eneficent75 (ravspa7=X o thou grant7; me74 this7@ <oon76, that7F &7: may <in 79 the mur erous5; 2or cruel3 #uranian Afrasya<57, an 55 may rag5@ 2him3 <oun 5=, an 56 <ring5: him <efore 2the -ing3 -ai!housrou=;1=4, 2so that3 he may !ill=7 him=5 2i*e* Afrasya<3 on the other si e=@ of the la!e=6, ,haechasta=F, <roa 1Batere =9 an eep=:*"" E*7"anation9G 2As to Bhy he !ills him a note is given <eloB*3 #he son@; 2i*e* -ai!housrou3 2may !ill Afrsy<3 in revenge@4 of Syav!hsh@7 !ille <y violence@5 an in revenge@4 of the hero@= Aghraeras@@ of "y Naru race@6* 11B4 Dat at a 8/i tat a$at /Aa7te8 Dra$/#7a S:ra Fa0dad /ta a# aoni t r/t ri= 0aot rCG2ar/i ared r/i Aa0e8n/i 3aid Aant/i= d/t ri# /Aa7te8. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= t/8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= t/8 Aa0/i +Aa# ta Aa#na= Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68. 0aot r/2AC Dra$/#7/8 #+r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 *0Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ <4 1204 Dra$/#7/8 #+r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aideH dr$CG7a#$/8= dr$CG#taor/8= dr$CG+r$at /8= dr$CGa7eren/G A+5/8= 7o+r+G#7a5 # t68 d:r/t= 7at ana 5 $/t ra$ana dare! CG a5 ed raAana. -+5 taGa#7/8= $aretCGrat /8= 5 $anatGc a5 r/8= f# aon68H 8are0/8= a8a$ait68= +raod /8= 5 $/#ao5/8= 2aD# a0A/8= dr$CG#t/iti8= dr$CG$aret/8 a$an! e nar/8 Aaa# aon/8. 1214 T/81 Aa0ata2 ar# a3 airAan/8; da5 A+n/8< 5 # at r/i> anG 5ere8C? Hao#ra$a@= 7a#neB $arCi# 10 % aDc i#ta e11 3afra e12 +r$A/G
"" #his fact agrees to a greater e"tent Bith the matter occurring in the Shahnama* &t is Britten there that Bhen a saintly man, Haoma Bas offering prayer on the mountain, having seen Afrsy< hi en there, carrie him <oun to -ing -ai!housrou* "y Although Aghareras Bas of #uranian escent an <rother of Afrsy<, yet he himself <eing virtuous an just, an having his regar s for the &ranians save the lives of many &ranians from angersL hence Afrsy< !ille him* "? i*e* (ravspa ya?ata grante the <oon as!e for <y Haoma* .or its translation, see paras @16 of this yasht* ya .or its translation see first an secon paragraphs of this yasht*



7a e13= #ate81; a#7an/81<= a0an!re81> !a$/81?= 2aD$are1@= A2an+8aAaG n/81B +ta20 0aot ra821 fra2aro22. 2743 #he <earer77 of li<ations74 the manly5 2-ing3 -ai!hosrou:, ycthe consoli atorF of the -ing om6 of &ranian= countries@, also Borshippe 7 her4 2i*e* (ravspa3 Bith hun re 4= horses4@, thousan 46 o"en4F 2an 3 ten thousan 4: small animals49 on the other si e9 of the la!e4; ,haechasta44, 2an 3 <roa 1Batere 45 an eep47* 1224 AdDa0di23G8e2; $an!+ i2< #e$i# te2>= Dra$/#7e2? tat2@ /Aa7te82B Aat a30 a0e831 ni3an/ni32 8air6833 T:ir683; Fra !ra#A/ne83< 7a#neG3> $arCi# 3? % aDc i#ta e3@ 3afra e3B +r$aA/7a e;0= 7+t rC;1 5aDna;2 SA/$ar# /n/i;3= 0+rCG3ata e;; nara e;<= a! raDrat a ec a;> nara$a e;?. 2773 ) goo 7@ 2an 3 most <eneficent76 (ravspa7FX grant me thou75 this7: <oon79 that5; & may !ill57 the mur erous55 #urnian5= Afrsy<5@ on the other si e56 of the la!e5F ,haechasta5:, <roa 1Batere =; yean eep59 E*7"anation9G 2As to the matter Bhy & !ill him is state <eloB*3 2& Bho am3 the yfson=4 2of Syava!hsh3 may !ill that mur erous Afrasya< in revenge=7 of Syava!hsh=5 !ille <y violence== 2an 3 in revenge=7 of hero=@ Aghreras=6 of Naru race=F* 1234 Dat at a 8/i tat a$at /Aa7te8 Dra$/#7a #:ra Fa0dad /ta a# aoni t r/t ri= 0aot rCG2ar/i ared r/i Aa0e8n/i 3aid Aant/i= d/t ri# /Aa7te8.A! A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= t/8 Aa0ai #+r+n$ata Aa#na= t/8 Aa0/i +Aa# ta Aa#na= Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68. 0aot r/2AC Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ >4 12;4 Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# on68 Aa0a8aideH dr$CG7a#$/8= dr$CG#taor/8= dr$CG+r$at /8= dr$CG a7eren/A+5/8= 7o+r+G#7a5 # t68 d:r/t= 7at ana= 5 $/t ra$ana
y< '"cept the last three Bor s this para occurs in para =9 of Kvn yasht* yc i*e* the merger of all countries un er the control of &ran into one sovereignty* y (r* Gel ner ta!es this paragraph into verse form of 9 lines* ye (armesteter translates Gurvypa, uruypaH <y Gof salt BatersH* yf .or the e"planation of this paragraph, see -ar a = of this yasht* yg i*e* (ravspa ya?ata grante the <oon as!e <y -ing -ai!housrou* .or its translation, see paras @16 of this yasht*



dare! CG a5 ed raAana. -+5 taGa#7/8= $aretCGrat /8= 5 $anatG c a5 r/8= f# aon68= 8are0/8= a8a$ait68= +raod /8= 5 $/#ao5/8= 2aD# a0A/8= dr$CG#t/it68= dr$CG$aret/8 a$an! e nar/8 A a# aon/8. 12<4 T/81 Aa0ata2 AC3 a# a$a; Iarat +# trC<= AirAene> VaD3a i? $an! +A/o@ D/itAaA/oB AiHao8a10 AC11 !a$a12 2are#8ana13 i0$CG dan! an! a1;= 8/nt rac a1< $ac ac a1> # Aaot nac a1? 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a1@ ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a1B $/! 0i2AC20H /at21 6822 3aid Aat23 a$at2; /Aa7te82<. 27@3 2Prophet3 Holy= Darathushtra@ Borshippe 7 her4 2i*e* (ravspa3 in the Airyan Vaeja61F 2on the <an!s3 of the $iver Veh (itya:19 Bith Haoma4; mi"e Bith the mil!47 2an 3 Baresman45, an Bith the Bis om of the tongue 4= couple Bith thought4@, Bor 46 an ee 4F an Bith truthful49 utterances7; for li<ations4:L an as!e of75 her77 this7= <oon7@* 12>4 A3Da0di2> 8e2? $an!+ i2@ #D$i# te2B= Dra$/#7e30 tat31 /Aa7te832= Aat a33 a0e83; /c aAene3<= $an!+ 683> /0/t/83? H+tao#/83@= an+G 8atDe3B daDaA/o;0 an+5 tDe;1 daDnaA/o;2= an$ar# tDe;3 daDnaA/o;;= A/;< 8e;> daDn/8;? F/0daAa#n68;@= 0ara#c a;B d/t<0 a7aDc a<1 aot/t<2 A/<3 8e<; $are0/n/i<< $an!+ 68<> d/t<? fra#a#t68<@. 2763 ) goo 7: 2an 3 most <eneficent79 (ravspa5;X o thou grant76 me7F this <oon57 that554 may lea 5@ the goo 56 2an 3 no<ly <orn5F y!Hutaosa5: to thin!59 spea!=4 an act=5 in conformity Bith59 the $eligion=;* 2An 3 2Bho3=@ 2i*e* Hutaosa3 ylmay set@;2her3 heart=9 upon my=6 +a? a1Borshipping=: $eligion=F 2an 3 ymmay ma!e !noBn@7 her ynBish@4L <esi es she may 2i*e* Hutaosa3 yoa monish@: me@= for 2my prophetic3 Bor!* 12?4 Dat at a 8/i tat a$at /Aa7te8 Dra$/#7a #:ra Fa0dad /ta a# aoni t r/t ri= 0aot rCG2ar/i ared r/i Aa0e8n/i 3aid Aant/i= d/t ri# /Aa7te8. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= t/8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= t/8 Aa0/i +Aa# ta Aa#na= Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68. 0aot r/2AC Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 A7Aa0a8aide.
yh .or its translation, see first an secon paragraphs of this yasht* yi Here (r* Gel ner has a opte the rea ing GhaomayQH, <ut it is not correct* yj (r* Gel ner ta!es this para in verse1form of 4; linesL each line en s Bith comma 2,3* y! Hutaosa is the Bife of -ing Gushtasp* &n the Shah Nama she is calle G-etayunH* yl )r may !eep love1sympathy upon my religionL in para 4;@ of Kvn yasht, Prophet Darathushtra prays for the <oon that he may attract the -ing Gushtasp to his $eligion an may !eep sufficient faith on that religion* ym pa:*ha 1 root up W Sans!rit ap W to Bish, to esire* yn GAottH 1 root vat W Sans!rit va W to spea!, to announceL imperfect su<junctive* yo )r he may give@F goo yasna H =9*

renoBn@: to my@= 2prophetic3 Bor!@@* .or comparison, see stan?a F of

yp i*e* (ravspa ya?ata grante the <oon as!e <y the Prophet Darathushtra* .or its translation,



Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ ?4 12@4 Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aideH dr$CGa#7/8= dr$CG#taor/8= dr$CG+r$at /8= dr$CGa7ereG n/A+5/8= 7o+r+G#7a5 # t68 d:r/t= 7at ana 5 $/t ra$ana dare! C a5 ed raAana. -+5 taGa#7/8 $aretCGrat /8= 5 $anatGc a5 r/8= f# aon68= 8are0/8= a8a$ait68= +raod /8= 5 $/#ao5/8= 2aD# a0A/8= dr$CG#t/iti8= dr$CG$aret/8 a$an! e nar/8 AJa# aon/8. 12B4 T/81 Aa0ata2 2ere0aid i# 3 Ka$a; Vi# t/#7C< 7a#ne> /7C? D/itAaA/o@= #ate8B a#7an/810= a0an!re811 !a$/812= 2aD$are13 an+8aG Aan/81;= +ta1< 0aot r/81> fra2arC1?. 2793 #he <earer4F of li<ations46 -ay= Vishtaspa@ of e"alte yrvision5 also4@ Borshippe 7 her4 2i*e* (ravspa3 on the other si eF of the riverF Veh1(ity: Bith hun re 9 horses4;, thousan 44 o"en47 2an 3 ten thousan 45 small animals4=, 2an as!e for the <oonL3* 1304 Da0di1@ 8e1B $an!+ i20 #D$i# te21 Dra$/#7e22 tat23 /Aa7te82; Aat a2< a0/ni2> 7e# ane2? a# ta2@ a+r$antC2B= $6#7aGt a+r$oGa#tCi# 31= 7+t rC32 $6#7a33Gt a+r$C3;= +r$i3<G5 aod C3>= +r$i3?G$aret rC3@= #t$63BG 8anCt r6# ;0= Aen! e;1 a7ta;2 #ata;3 +# tran/8;; 3ainA/$arat;<= 7a#c a;> 5 $6d a e;? Aat a;@ a0/ni;B 7e# ane<0 8airAe e<1 K Aaona e<2 Are3atG a#7a e<3= Aat a<; a0/ni<< 7e# ane<> dar# ini5a e<? daD$aAa#na e<@. ) goo 7; 2an 3 most <eneficent74 (ravspa77X o thou grant4: me49 this75 <oon7= that7@ & may rive aBay the eight 7: Barriors79 in the <attle>1 243 Vispa1 thaurvo1asti5;154, 273 the son57 of Vispa1thaurva5515=, 253 /rvi1!hao ha5@156, 2=3 /rvi1verethra5F15:, 2@3 Stvi1manothri591=;, Bhose=4 seven=7 hun re =5 camels== folloB=@ yshimL & may rive him aBay=9 in <attle@;, 263 the yte"cite =F 2an 3
see paras @16 of this yasht* yC .or its translation, see first an secon paras of this yasht* yr i*e* %i<eral1hearte L or far1sighte , far1seeing, no<le* G)f no<le lineageH 2Harle?3* GtallH 2(armesteter3* ys Professor Harle?* yt $oot !hvi h W Sans!rit svi W to perspire, to sBeat, to e"cite* #his passage is rather o<scure* & o not regar this translation Cuite satisfactory* 'uropean scholars having ta!en Gashta1 aurvantaH as proper name have consi ere urvi1!hao ho, urvi1varethra, stvi1manothri as epithets an have translate them as Ghaving a projecting helmetH, having a projecte shiel an of thic! nec! or of <ig hea * &t is true that these Bor s have these meanings* Prof* (armesteter translates as folloBs>1 G) (ravspaX grant me this <oon that & may put to flight Ashta1aurvant, the son of Vispa1thaurvQ1asti, the all1afflicting, [* an the attac!s of those seven hun re camels Bith plun ere goo s <ehin himH*



mur erous@4 -hyaona@7 2as Bell as3 2F3 Arjspa@5L also@= & may rive aBay=: 2:3 the i ol1Borshipper@: (arshini!a@F* 1314 )ta>0 a0e8>1 nAan/ni>2 T/t ra$ante8>3 d+0GdaDne8>;= +ta>< a0e8>> ni3an/ni>? S7in3a+r+# 5e8>@ daD$aAa#ne8>B= +ta?0 a0e8?1 fraoG +r$aD#aAeni?2 H+8aAa?3 Vared a5an/8c a?;= K $AaonAe ec a?< dan!G /$C?>= +ta?? a0e8?@ ni3an/ni?B K $Aaonin/8@0 da5 A+n/8@1= 7anc aG #a! n/i@2 #ata! n/i# c a@3= #ata! n/i@; a0an! ra! n/i# c a@<= aG 0an! ra! n/i@> 2aD$are! n/i# c a@? 2aD$are! n/i@@ a /5 # ta! G n/i# c a@B. 2543 &64 may smite67 also #thravant65 of the Bic!e faith6= an the aeva1 Borshipper69 Spinjaurush!a6:L an F; may intro uceF7 goo laBsF5 2or Bise co e of laBsF53 into the countriesF6 of Vare ha!aF= an of yu-hvyaonyaF@* +oreoverFF, &F: may yvsmiteF9 2the people3 of the -hvyaonian:; countries:4, fifties:7 an hun re s:5, hun re s:= an thousan s:@, thousan s:6 an ten thousan s times:F ten thousan s:: an innumera<le:9* 1324 Dat at a 8/i tat a$at /Aa7te8 Dra$/#7a #:ra Fa0dad /ta a# aoni t r/t ri= 0aot rCG2ar/i ared r/i Aa0e8n/i 3aid Aant/i= d/t ri# /Aa7te8. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= t/8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= t/8 Aa0/i +Aa# ta Aa#na= Dra$/#7/8 #+r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68. 0aot r/2AC Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 AwAa0a8aide. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a afr6na8i= Dra$/#7aAao S:raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o A*a# aonA/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe
yu Prof* (armesteter gives some e"planation a<out this>1 #he -hvyaonas seem to have <een the ,hionitae, a <ellicose tri<e near the lan of Gilan, often at Bar Bith the first Sassani es* yv #he name of the Vare ha!as remin s one of the Vertae Bho are mentione once in company Bith the ,hionitaeL <ut their geographical situation is not ascertaine * &n any case the pro"imity of the (aitya shoBs that <oth the people must have inha<ite the Eestern ,oast of the ,aspian Sea* yB i*e* (ravspa ya?ata grante the <oon as!e <y the -ing Gushtasp* #his Seventh -ar h e"1 cept slight ifference correspon s to the 9th -ar h of Arshisvangh yasht* y" .or its translation, see paras @16 of this yasht*



Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 1fa"/n4 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidite an!ra e 8ainAe+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e K ore awa0/A/d ,D+# )r$a Dra$/#7a #:ra e 5 ore 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ari D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ i ra$/i !o/fran!/ni 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the South, recite3 D/d/re !e /n dine F/0daAa#ni d/de Iart +# ti. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. Dra$/#7/8 #+r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. ,e+# +r$a Dra$/#7a #+ra e 5 ore 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.



K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Saro# a# o= ta!i= tanGfar8/n= # e5aftaG06n= 06nGa$0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !eti 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tani ra$/n6 !et6 8inC/ni= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e= tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# = / +irAe e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o A08raot:. 1Kard/ 14 114 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. 'e8C10 $o :11= ne8C12 $a i# te813= Iarat +# tra1;= !aDt /2AC1<. 124 Tat1> dra$atC1?
yy i*e* Srosh yasht given in the tBentieth Nas! calle H o!ht y? .or the translation an e"planation, see Srosh B?, a<ove*



dr$at/81@ +r$atC1B 7aitiGd/re# ta20H tat21 dra$atC22 dra$aitA/o#c a23 a# i2;= +# i2< 5arena2>= !a$a2?= d$aret ra2@= 3afare dere0$/n30 7airiG +r$ae# te831. -at32 ne8C33 $o :3; ad a$683< at2aD# e83> naire3? /8G $areti# 3@= dr+3C3B $/ret 8a;0 d/re# ta;1. 243 Ee praise9 the holy6 Srosh4 <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ 2an 3 righteous7, 2Bho is3 the lor : of righteousnessF* ) Darathushtra4=X prayer4; 2is3 goo 44 for the people of the Borl 4@ 2i*e* for the <enefit of the people of the Borl 3, it 2is3 <est45* E*7"anation>1 2#he reason of the fact that prayer is most e"cellent is mentione <eloB3* 273 &t46 2i*e* the prayer3 2is3 a shiel 7; against the poBerful49 an Bic!e 4F that74 2prayer3 2is3 covering all aroun 54 the eyes7=, intelligence7@ 2an 3 the ears76 of the Bic!e male77 an female75 2an 3 acts as a fetter5; for 2their3 han s7F, feet7: 2an 3 mouths79* #he prayer55 Bhich57 is perfect5=, performe Bith the conscience an ?afar aBay from Bic!e intention56 2is3 a protection5:, a shiel =; against the ruj59, 2an 3 the repeller 2of that ruj3* E*7"anation9G 2#he prayer performe Bith sincere heart an pure intention serves for us a very poBerful Beapon against the Bic!e , an against superstitious an frightful thoughts* #rue prayer pro uces in us a sort of heroism an there<y Be <ecome poBerful to prevent, to a great e"tent, har ships arisen against us* Ehen all the aevas an rujas came to !ill the Holy Darathushtra, Bith an evil intent, the greatest reme y Bhich Bas applie <y the Holy Prophet at the time Bas to recite an chant alou the efficacious hymn, GYath AhP VairyQH3* 134 Srao# C1 a# AC2 dri! :83 t r/tCte8C;H C< $eret ra3a> dr+3e8? 3a! ni# tC@. '/B a# a$a10 /fri$ac a#te8C11= C12 $eret ra13 $eret ra$a#G te8C1;. Fant rC1< S7entC1> 8ainAa$681? dr+3e81@ ni02airi# tC1B. A +nC VairAC20 $ac /8 $eret ra3/#te8C22. Ar# +5 d C23 $/5 # 2; A/ i2< $ereG t ra3/#te8C2>. DaDna2? F/0daAa#ni# 2@ $6#7aD# +2B $an! +# +30 $6#G 7aD# +31 a# CGc it raD# +32= ait Aad/te833 at a3; d/te83< Iarat +# tri3>. 253 #he holy Srosh 2ya?ata3 4 2is3 the nourisher= of the poor4, an 2is3 victorious6 smiting: the rujFL He47 2Bho3 is the most righteous4; man9 pronouncing Bor s of <lessing44 2or the Holy46 Spell4@3 2is3 riving aBay the most49 the invisi<le4F ?< ruj4:* Amongst 2all3 prayers74 2the prayer calle 3

?a )riginal meaning is GBenevolentH an not GmalevolentH or aBay from preju ices* ?< &f the ruj has entere into the min of someone, i*e* if restlessness of min or calamity of heart has occurre , it is remove <y means of the recitation of G+ nthra SpentaHL G+nthra SpentaH is, as it Bere, a goo Beapon of riving aBay the thought of ghost, Bitches, magic, etc*, from the <o y* .or further etails, see Ar i<ehesht yasht, pars* 61F*



Ahunavar7; 2is3 the most victorious 77 ?c2very efficacious3 Bor 7= 2i*e* the Hymn of Ahuna Vairya3* #he $eligion 7F of +a? a1Borship76 as Bell as5= the %aB5@ of Darathushtra56 in all79 goo things5;, an in all54 things containing the see of righteousness57 2is3 supporting the most55 righteousness1truth* 1;4 -a#c a1= Iarat +# tra2= i8at3 +5 d e8; $ac C< fra$aoc /t>= n/? $/ n/iriB $/10= a# aG#ara11 8anan! a12= a# aG#ara13 $ac an! a1;= a# aG #ara1< # Aaot na1>H 8a#C1? $/1@ /7C1B 8a#C20 $/21 t waD# C22 5 # a7C23 $/2; t/t rAaA/o2< ai7iGd$/naraA/o2>= a7/82? $/2@ n/$aAan/82B 7aiti30 7eret:# 31= 7at /832 $/33 7aiti3; $6c aran/o3<= nar/83> $/3? a# aon/83@ an3a8an/i# 3B= dr$at/8;0 $/;1 daD$aAa#nan/8;2 and $aran/i# ;3= 1<4 5a 8i 5a 8ic it;; $/;< ai7Aan/8;>= 5a 8i 5a 8ic it;? $/;@ arat Aan/8;B t waD# C<0 2i$i$/o<1H nCit<2 di8<3 Aa$a<; an! e<< aA/n<>= nCit<? an! /o<@ 5 # a7C<B= dra$/o>0 0aretC>1 0aran+8anC>2 0a0ar/nC>3= a# i2Aa>; a$aG#7a# t6c ina>< a$i>> a$aG#7a# naot>?H nCit>@ !ad a e>B $a0CG $/nt $Ae e?0 t2aD# o?1 fr/# tic ina?2 fra# n+A/t?3.

2=3 ) Darathushtra7X Ehoso ever4, a manF or: a Boman9 shoul pronounce6 this5 hymn@ of prayer= 2i*e* Ahunavar3 Bith holy thought47, Bor 4= 2an 3 e"tremely holy4@ ee 46* E*7"anation>1 2)n Bhat occasion shoul he recite is state <eloB3* 'ither4: on high4F Baters49 or74 in great7; fear77 2or ? in terror773 or7= in the ar!7@ night75 overcast Bith mist76, on5; the <ri ge54 of canal 2or river379 Baters7F, over5= the ?ig?ag paths5@ of the roa s57, or5F in the assem<lies59 of the holy5: men56, or=4 in the ?egatherings=5 of Bic!e persons=;, emon Borshippers=7, 2@3 or=@ at any=F 2calamity3, at any 2<a perio 3,?f if anyone 2Boul have fallen3 into angers@; 2or get3 terrifie @4, 2an if he Boul recite Ahunavar Bith true faith3, on that@@ ay@6 2or3 on that@: night@9 2i*e* at the time Bhen he recites3 2any3 Bic!e 6;, oppressor64, tormentor67 2or3 oer of injury65
?c &f Be ta!e the Bor yahi as locative singular of yah instea of ta!ing as an a jective nominat1 ive singular of yahin, its meaning can <e Gin the Bor!H, Gin the enterpriseH* #a!ing in this sense, the translation of the sentence is 2#hat3 truthful Bor 2i*e* the Hymn of Ahuna Vairya3 2is3 Gmost victorious in every enterprise*H #he root of the Bor yahi is yah W Sans!rit yas W to try, to en1 eavour* ? &f Be ta!e th(aesh; eCuivalent to the Sans!rit t!isha 2i*e* to shine, to glitter3, the meaning of /as; !# th(aesh; Bill <e or Gat the time of great <rillianceH, i*e* to say, Bhen strea!s of light 1 ning ta!e place* ?e &n Avesta a ou<le voca<ulary has <een evelope an a istinct set of terms is employe for the goo an Bic!e <eings, an for aevas>1 e*g* hanjamana, i*e* an assem<ly of goo an vir1 tuous menL Ghan varanaH, i*e* gathering of the aevas an of Bic!e menL ?asta, i*e* the han of goo manL ,a!a i*e* the han the emon or Bic!e man !a,hdhana, i*e* the hea of the goo manL 9a/eredha i*e* the hea of the emon or Bic!e manL p#dha, i*e* the foot of a goo manL 6an,ra, i*e* foot of the emon or Bic!e manL !a*h, i*e* to spea! 2of a goo man3L du, i*e* to hoBl 2of the emon3* ?f rathya W <a event or ill1ominous event 2Prof* 0usti an Harle?3L Prof* (armesteter trans 1 lates it, G<y laB, comman ment of the religion, octrineH*



cannot@7 see him@5 Bith his tBo eyes6=L 2an 3 the maliceF4 of the ro<<ers69 of a strong ?gcliCue cannot6: reachF5 him 2that reciter of Ahunavar3* 1>4 (8atc a1= Iarat +# tra2= i8at3 +5 d e8; $ac C< fra8r:A/o>= Aat? /3a#/t@= 5ere#a#c aB= !ad Ct:# c a10= daD$e# c a11 and$are8na12H /at13 dra$ata81; daD$aAa#nan/81<= A/t+# c a1> A/t+8at/81?H 7airi5/o#c a1@ 7airi5a$at/81B t2aD# o20 fratere#/n21 frad$ar/n22 nA/onc C23 daD$a2; nA/onc C2< daD$aA/0C2>= 0afare2? a$aG!D+r$aA/n2@ at a2B r/re# AantC30. 1?4 -at ac a31 7a#+# G a+r$/on! C32= aDtat33 #rao# e83; a# 683< 7airiG2ar/8aide3>= Ai83? a# a$ane83@ $eret r/3ane83B= aDtat;0 Srao# e8;1 a# 68;2 fr/GAa0/8aide;3= Ai8;; a# a$ane8;< $eret ra3/ne8;> +8at/i# c a ;? +5 t/i# c a;@ $ar# t/i# c a;B. 263 ) Darathushtra7X thou shoul st recite this4 2hymn3 too, nay this5 song of praise 2i*e* Ahunavar3, 2so that3 Bhen enemies of the religion 9 the gang of <rigan s4; an emons44 come up: rushing together47, 2an 3 Bhen45 malice7; of the Bic!e ones4= an the aeva1Borshippers4@, the Bi?ar s46, those a icte to sorcery4F, the Bitches4: 2or anyone3 of the a herents of the pairi!as49 frighten74 2thee, ) DarathushtraX3 rush forBar 77 2to thee3, 2then <y reciting that hymn3 the emons7= emon1Borshippers762are3 estroye 7@ an the mouths7F of those Bho inflict Boun s5; ?hget close 7:, thus79* 2F3 0ust as54 Be ?i!eep aroun 56 the Pasush1harun57 2i*e* the ogs that protect the cattle3, the same Bay55 Ee praise=5 2or Be Borship=53 Srosh=4 2ya?ata3 the holy=7 Bho== is righteous=@ 2an 3 victorious=6, Bith goo thoughts=F, goo Bor s=: an goo ee s=9* 1@4 03A e1 raAa2 5 $arenan! ac a3= an! e; a8a< $eret ra! nac a>= a e? Aa#na@ Aa0atan/8B= te810 Aa0/i11 #+r+n$ata12 Aa#na13 Srao# e81; a# 681< 0aot r/2AC1>= a# 68c a1? $an!+ 681@ 2ere0ait681B= nair68c a20 #an! e821 +raod e822. c a23 nC2; 3a8Aat2< a$an! e2>= $eret ra3/o2? Srao# C2@ a# AC2B. 1B4 Srao# e830 a# 6831 Aa0a8aide32H rat:833 2ere0ante83; Aa0aG 8aide3<= Ai83> A +re8 Fa0d/83?= AC3@ a# a e3Ba7anCte8C;0= AC;1 a# aG e;2 3a! 8:# te8C;3. V6#7a;; #ra$/o;< Iarat +# tri;> Aa0a8aide;?. V6#7aG c a;@ $ar# ta;B # Aaot na<0 Aa0a8aide<1= $ar# tac a<2 $are# Aa8G nac a<3. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C=
?g #he thief Bho carries aBay the her of cattle* 2Prof* Harle? an (armesteter3* ?h i*e* Bic!e men cannot succee in their Bic!e motives* ?i i*e* 0ust as the shepher As og 2pasush1harun3 !eep Batch over the cattle from Bolves an thieves, the same Bay Be count upon Sraosha ya?ata for our care* ?j (r* Gel ner ta!es the entire paragraph : in verse form of nine lines* 'very line en s Bith comma 2,3 an full1stop 2*3*



Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2:3 )n account of his= 2SroshAs3 splen our7 an glory5, on account of his= courage@ an victory6, on account of hisF fame: & Borship44 him Bith the famous47 yasna45 amongst the ya?atas9* 2Ee Borship3 Srosh 2ya?ata3 the holy4@, an the e"alte 49 Ashi1Vanguhi4F14: an the <eautiful46 2messenger calle 3 ?!Neryosangha7;174 Bith li<ations46* +ay the victorious7F Srosh7: 2ya?ata3 the Holy79 come7@ unto75 us7= for help76X 293 Ee Borship5@ the e"alte 5= %or 55 Bho56 2is3 Ahura +a? a5F, Bho5: 2is3 the highest=; in holiness59 an Bho=4 2is3 most helpful=5 in holiness=7* Ee praise=F all== the sacre verses=@ of 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra=6* Ee praise@4 all=: Bell1 performe =9 ee s@; 2Bhich3 have <een performe @7 an 2Bhich3 shall <e performe hereafter45* 1Kard/ ((4 1104 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. 0"-C10 $ananC11 5aAad a e12= AC13 $ananC1; 5/id Ae e1<= AC1> 3anta1? daD$aA/o1@ dr+3C1B= a# Gao3an! C20 a :8G8erenc C21H AC22 areta23 aiwA/5 # tac a2;= $6#7aG A/o2< fra$Ci# 2> !aDt aA/o2?= 1114 -C2@ ana$an! a2de8nC2B 3aDnan! a30= ni7/iti31 Fa0d/o32 d/8/n33H AC3; ana$an! a2de8nC3< 3aDnan! a3>= ni# G a+r$aiti3? Fa0d/o3@ d/8/n3B. -C;0 $6#7e8;1 a :8;2 a#t$ante8;3= ered wa;; #nait i# a;< ni7/iti;>= 7a#c a : fr/# 8odG/it68;?. 1124 -C;@ nCit;B 7a#c aDta<0 +# 5 $afa<1= Aat<2 8ainA:<3 d/8/n<; daid 6te8<<= Aa#c a<> S7entC FainA+# <? Aa# a<@ an!rC<BH i# /rC>0 a# a e>1 !aDt /o>2. -C>3 $6#7/i# >; aA/nc a>< 5 # afna#c a>> A:id Aeiti>? 8/0anAaDi2AC>@ ad a>B daD$aDi2AC?0. 1134 HC?1 nCit?2 tar# tC?3 fr/n/8aite?; t waD# /t?< 7arC?> daD$aDi2AC?? fr/ a 8/t?@ 7arC?B $6#7e@0 daD$a@1 an+#C@2 tar# ta@3 ne8ente@;= tar# ta@< te8an! C@> d$arente@? 24;3 Ee praise9 Srosh 2ya?ata3 the holy7, <eautiful5, the victorious= <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ an righteous6, 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF* Eho4; 2is3 the smiter44 of Bic!e man47, Bho46 2Srosh ya?ata3 is the smiter4F of the evilish4: ruj49, e"tremely strong7; 2an 3 estroyer of the Borl 74L 2an 3 Bho77 2is3 the thriver75 an Batcher7= of the entire7@ ?m progress76 of the Borl 7F* 2443 Eho7: never falling asleep79 guar s54 Bith vigilance5; the creatures55 of Ahura +a? a57L Bho=; guar s=6 the entire=4 corporeal=5 Borl =7 Bith Beapon=@ uplifte == 2i*e* hel in han 3?n after the setting of the sun=F* 2473 Eho=: 2i*e* Srosh ya?ata3 is never sleeping @4 ever
?! Ashishvangh is the ya?ata presi ing over truthfulness, piety an BealthL Neryosang is, li!e Sraosha, the +essenger of the ,reator Ahura +a? a* ?l (r* Gel ner ta!es the portion from here up to gaMthayo in verse1form of si" lines an the para eleventh in the verse form of seven lines* ?m &f Be consi er the Bor GfravoishH as an a jective of GgaMthayoH the meaning of this sen1 tence can <e>1 GEho 2i*e* Sraosha ya?ata3 is the Bar en an Batcher of all the moving Borl LH root fru1Sans!rit pru W to move, to run*



since the ay Bhen@7 the tBo Spirits@5 1 the Spena1+ino@F an the ?oAngra1 +ino@9 1 create @@ 2all3 creations@=* 2Eho is3 the protector6; of the Borl 67 of righteousness64* Eho65 fights6F against69 the emonsF; of +a?an aran6: every6= ay6@ an every night66* 2453 HeF4 never stric!en Bith terror F5 <oBs oBnF= 2to them3 the emons through F6 frightF@L <ut on the contraryF:1F9, all:; the emons:4 stri!en Bith terror:5 <oB oBn:= 2to him3 against their Bill :7, 2an 3 terror1stric!en:@ run aBay:F into ar!ness:6* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! anac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a 07$are# A8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (((4 11;4 -at / A : VairAC 1. Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0aG 8aideB. -C10 /5 # ti# c a11 +r$aiti# c a12 dr+3C13 #7a#AC1;H #7Dni# ta e1< a$/n1> A8e# /o S7enta1? a$i1@ a7tCG5ar# $air681B 0/820. -C daDnoG di#C22 daDnaA/o23 a 8/i2; daDn/82< daD#aA/t2> A +rC Fa0d/o2? a# a$a2@. 24=3 Ee praise9 the <eautiful5, the victorious= <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ an holy6, Srosh 2Ya?ata3 the righteous7, 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF, an 2is3 the ?CBatcher4= 2from the onslaughts an from the malice3 of the ruj45 Bith frien ship44 an a vice47* #he Bountiful &mmortals4F 2create 3 <y the +ost Beneficent )ne 4@ 2i*e* Ahura +a? a3 ?r affor protection on4: the seven regions49 of the earth7;* Eho74 2is3 ?sthe teacher of the religion77 for the .aith75, 2an 3 Holy7: Ahura +a? a7F taught76 the religion7@ to him7=* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $aret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na
?n after mi night 2(armesteter3* ?o /n er the chieftainship of the ,reator Ahura +a? a, an <y His comman the tBo spirits, Spen1+ino an Angra1+ino carry on some Bor! pertaining to this Borl * .or further etails, see >artosht N#/un, ,hapter =, pu<lishe <y Sheth -*$* ,amaji* ?p .or the translation of this entire paragraph, see paragraphs :19 of this yasht* ?C )r alternately>1 Eho 2i*e* Sraosha ya?ata3 2having oppose 3 the ruj is the protector of frien ship an peace* ?r )riginally this ver< is imperfect su<junctive* ?s Hoshe ar<mi, Hoshe armh an Soshyos 2Pahlavi3 (armesteter*



Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH . Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC. A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a 0t$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (V4 11<4 -at / A : VairAC 1. Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e8 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0aG 8aideB. -i810 dat at11 A +rC Fa0d/o12 a# a$a13 aD# 8a e1; 5 ra$6G drao# 1< a8aD#t/re81> /5 # t681? /8$aint681@ Aa0a8aide1B= 7are# G ta#c a20 8ra$aA/o#c a 21 a8aD#t/ra22.

11>4 Ha5 aAa23 Srao# a e2; a# Ae e2<= a5 aAa2> Ra# nao# 2? ra0i# G ta e2@= a5 aAa2B Fit ra e30 $o+r+G!aoAaoitCi# 31= a5 aAa32 V/ta e33 a# aonC3;= a5 aAa3< DaDnaA/o3> $an! +A/o3? F/0daAa#nCi# 3@= 3B a5 aAa Ar# t/to;0 fr/datG!aDt aA/o;1 $aredatG!aDt aA/o;2 #a$CG !aDt aA/o;3= a5 aAa;; A# Ci# ;< $an! +A/o;>= a5 aAa;? % i#tCi# ;@ $an! +A/o;B= a5 aAa <0 ra0i# taA/o<1 % i#taA/o<2= 11?4 Ha5 aAa<3 $6#7aD# /8<; Aa0atan/8<<= a5 aAa<> F/nt ra e S7enta e<?= a5 aAa<@ d/ta e<B $6daD$a e>0= a5 aAa>1 dare! aA/o>2 +7aAanaA/o>3= a5 aAa>; A8e# an/8 S7entan/8><= a5 aAa>> a 8/5e8>? #ao# Aant/8>@ Aat>B 2i7aiti# tan/8?0a# aon/8?1= a5 aAa?2 $6#7aA/o?3 a# aonC?; #tCi# ?<. 24@3 Ee praise9 the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, holy6, Srosh 2ya?ata34 the righteous7 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF Bhom4; Holy45 Ahura +a? a47 create 44 as an opponent46 2or rival463 of 2the emon3 AMshma4= 2arme Bith3 terri<le Beapon 4@* Ee praise49 peace4F 2an 3 victorious strength49 2Bhich are3 the tBo enemies77 of Bar7; an ?u enmity74* 2463 2Ee praise all of them, vi?*3 the frien s 76 of Srosh 2ya?ata37= the holy7@ the frien s76 of the +ost 0ust7: $ashna7F 2ya?ata3, the frien s57 of +eher 2ya?ata35; of1Bi e1pastures54, the frien s57 of the holy5= Gov 55 2ya?ata3, the frien s5@ of the goo 5F +a? a1Borshipping5: $eligion56, the frien s59 of Arshtt=; 2ya?ata3, causing the Borl to increase =4 2prosper3 an ren ering it <enefit, the frien s== of Ashi1Vanguhi=@ =6, the frien s@; of the most truthful@4 !noBle ge@7 2i*e* of the religious instruction3* 24F3 2Ee praise or Be Borship3 the frien s @5 of all@= the ya?atas@@, the frien s@6 of ?v+nthra
?t .or the translation of this paragraph, see paragraphs :19 of this yasht* ?u Professor (armesteter* #he meaning of this Bor has not <een ascertaine * ?v i*e* Sacre verses of Avesta* See Ar i<ehesht yasht, para 6*



Spenta@F, the frien s@: of anti1 emoniac6; laBs@9, the frien s64 of ?Bol tra itions65 of long uration67, the frien s6= of the Amesha Spentas6@ 1 the Bountiful &mmortals6@ the frien s66, of us6F the <enefactors6: amongst the righteousF4 menF;, 2an 3 the ?"frien sF7 of the entireF5 creationF@ of HolyF= 2Ahura +a? a3* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac a.0A -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V4 11@4 -at / A : VairAC 1. Srao# e8 1 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0aG 8aideB= 7aoir68c a10 +7e8e8c an 8ad e8e8c a12 frate8e8c a13 7aoirA/c a1; Aa#na1< +7a8ac a1> 8ad e8ac a1? frate8ac a1@. 24:3 Ee Borship9 the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, 2an 3 holy6, Srosh4 2ya?ata3 the righteous7 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF an 2Bho is3 the foremost4;, highest44 an supreme, yasna4@* E*7"anation>1 2&n the a<ove sentence same a jectives Bhich are applie to the yasna in honour of the holy Srosh ya?ata hol goo for him* As regar s the various !in s of yasna, the folloBing e"planation is offere in the Pahlavi version>1 the foremost yasna is the yasna of Navar> the highest yasna is that of Vispere L the mi le1most yasna is that of H o!ht of one Hamyast* His position is to <e consi ere in accor ance Bith the type of yasna to <e consecrate in honour of Srosh ya?ata3* 11B4 V6#7/o1B Srao# a e20 a# Ae e21 ta5 8a e22 tan+G8/nt ra e23= ta5 8a e2; /8G$areti$atC2< 2/0+# Gao3an! C2> rat aD# t/o2? 5a8ared CG3anC2@ daD$an/82BH $anatC30 $anait6# 31 $anaiti$atC32=
?B $eligious e ucation, $eligious stu ies, instruction 2Spiegel an 0usti3L the long1tra itional teaching 2(armesteter3* ?" &n this paragraph are mentione the frien s of several a<stract nounsL its significance shoul <e un erstoo as other Cualities having relation Bith those virtuesL e*g* the frien s of Bis om, i*e* other Cualities hol ing Bith Bis om, such as politeness, far1sighte nessL common sense, sharp intellect, etc* #he significance of the frien s of the goo +a? a1Borshipping $eligion an of Bis om can also <e this 1 the choosers of the goo +a? a1Borshipping $eligion an of Bis1 om* ?y .or the translation of this paragraph, see paragraphs :19 of this yasht*



a# aonC33 $anatC3; $anait6# 3< $anaint68c a3> +7arat/te83? Aa0a8aide3@H A/8c a3B #rao# a e;0 a# Ae e;1= A/8c a;2 Ar# tCi# ;3 Aa0ata e;;. 1204 V6#7a;< n8/na ;> Srao# CG7/ta;? Aa0a8aide;@= Aen! /d a;B Srao# C<0 a# AC<1 fr/AC<2= fritC<3= 7aitiG0antC<;H n/c a<< a# a$a<>= fr/ACG +8atC<?= fr/ACG :5 tC<@= fr/ACG $ar# tC<B. 2493 2Ee e"tol3 all49 2the triumphs3 of Srosh7; 2ya?ata3 the holy74, the <rave77, the Bor 1incarnate75 2i*e* Bhose <o y even is the Holy +nthra3, the poBerful7= protector7@ mighty1arme 76, the Barrior7F 2an 3 the smiter of the s!ulls7: of the aevas79L 2Be e"tol3 the victories54 of 2Srosh ya?ata3 the holy55, the smiter5;, the smiter Bith success 57* Ee e"tol5: the greatest5F victory56 Bhich59 is of the holy=4 Srosh 2ya?ata3=; an Bhich=7 2is3 of ??Arshtt=5 ya?ata==* 27;3 Ee praise=: all=@ the Bellings=6 guar e <y him=F, Bherein=9 the holy@4 2ya?ata3@; 2is3 frien ly@7, love @5 2an 3 respecte @= 2an in Bhich houses3 the holy@6 man@@ 2is3 richer in goo thoughts@F, in goo Bor s@:, an goo ee s@9* 1214 Ke r7e8>0 Srao# a e>1 a# Ae e>2 Aa0a8aide>3H 5e r7e8>; Ra# nao# >< ra0i# ta e>> Aa0a8aide>?H 5e r7e8>@ Fit ra e>B $o+r+G !aoAaoitCi# ?0 Aa0a8aide?1H 5e r7e8?2 V/ta e?3 a# aonC?; Aa0a8aide?<H 5e r7e8?> daDnaA/o?? $an! +A/o?@ F/0daAa#nCi# ?B Aa0a8aide@0H 5e r7e8@1 Ar# t/tC@2 fr/datG!aDt aA/o@3 $aredatG!aDt aA/o@; #a$CG !aDt aA/o@< Aa0a8aide@>H 5e r7e8@? A# Ci# @@ $an! +A/o@B Aa0a8aideB0H 5e r7e8B1 % i#tCi# B2 $an! +A/oB3 Aa0a8aideB;H 5e r7e8B< ra0i# taA/oB> % i#taA/oB? Aa0a8aideB@H 1224 5e r7e8BB $6#7aD# a8100 Aa0atan/81 Aa0a8aide2 5e r7e83 F/nt ra e S7enta e; Aa0a8aide<H 5e r7e8> d/ta e? $6daD$a e@ Aa0a8aideB 5e r7e810 dare! aA/o11 +7aAanaA/o12 Aa0a8aide13H 5e r7e81; A8e# an/8 S7entan/81< Aa0a8aide1>H 5e r7e81? a 8/5e81@ Sao# Aant/81B Aat20 2i7aiti# tan/821 a# aon/822 Aa0a8aide23H 5e r7e82; $6#7aA/o2< a# aonC2> #tCi# 2? Aa0a8aide2@. 2743 Ee praise65 the <o y6; of the holy67 Srosh 2ya?ata364L Be praise6F the <o y6= of the most just66 $ashna 2ya?ata36@L Be praiseF4 the <o y6: of +eher 2ya?ata369, the %or of Bi e pastures F;L Be praiseF@ the <o yF7 of the holyF= Gov 2ya?ata3F5 Be praiseF@ the principal mattersF6 of goo F: +a? a1 BorshippingF9 $eligionFFL Be praise:6 the <o y:4 of Kst 2ya?ata3:7, causing the Borl to increase:5, to prosper:= an ren ering it <enefitL Be praise9; the <o y:F of Ashi:: Vanguhi:9L Be praise9= the aaaprincipal matters94 of goo 95 !noBle ge97 2or Bis om973L Be praise9: the principal matters9@ of the most truthful96 !noBle ge9F 2or religious e ucation3* 2773 Ee praise7 the <o y99 of all4;; ya?atas4 1 the Eorshipful )nesL Be praise @ the principal matters 5 of
?? .or Ast generally the Bor GKrshttH occurs* aaa #he original meaning of the Bor G!ehrpemH is G<o yHL <ut just as in 'nglish language, the Bor <o y is use for the principal part of anything <esi es G<o yH, in the same Bay, the mean1 ing of G-ehrpemH shoul <e un erstoo here*



+nthra Spenta=L Be praise9 the principal matters6 of the anti1 emoniac: %aBsF 2i*e* of Ven i a 3 Be praise45 the principal matters4; of ol tra itions47 of long uration44L Be praise46 the <o y4= of the Amesha Spentas4@ 1 the Bountiful &mmortalsL Be praise75 the <o y4F of righteous77 men74, our <enefactors49L Be praise7: the principal matters7= of the entire7@ creation7F of Holy76 2Ahura +a? a3* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide= $6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aa2$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite to <?3 Saro# a# o= ta!6= tanGfar8an= # e5aftG06n= 06nG a$0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da 2era#/dH aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3L -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# / :irAe e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8= Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d Saro# a# o= ta!6= tanGfar8/n= # e5aftG06n= 06nGa$a0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da= 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing the south3 (/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1.
aa< .or the translation of this paragraph, see paragraphs :19 of this yasht*



Srao# e8 a# 68 +raod e8 $eret r/3ane8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1.

fr/datG!aDt e8

Saro# a# o= ta!6= tanGfar8/n= # e5aftG06n= 06nGawa0/r= #/"/re da8ane A +ra Fa0da 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


2'ote9 #his nirang shoul <e recite three times after the recital of Srosh yasht H o!ht3* ,or3e1@ 5 ore 1B awa0/A/d20 Saro# 21 a# o= ta!623= tanGfar8/n2;= # e5aftG06n2<= 06nGawa0/r2>= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da2? 2era#/d2@H aed:n2B 2/d30. A# e8 Vo : 1. +ay the splen our4: an glory49 of Srosh74 2ya?ata3 Bho is righteous77, poBerful75, the Bor 1incarnate7= 2i*e* Bhose <o y is +nthra1Holy Spell3, possesse of efficacious, victorious Beapon 76 2an 3 the %or of the creatures of Ahura +a? a7FX 2+ay Srosh ya?ata Bith the a<ove1mentione epithets3 come7: 2unto my help3X +ay it <e 5; so79X 2i*e* may the <lessings & as!e <e fulfille unto meX3



K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Saro# a# o= ta!i= tanGfar8an= # e5aftG06n= 06nGa$a0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# ni= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n= 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3.
aac #his yasht is ta!en from yasna H @F, an li!e other yashts the origin is not ifferent* &n this entire ha, matter pertaining to Sraosha ya?ata has occurre * .rom this its name GSrosh yasht Va iH is !ept <y separating this H li!e other yashts an <y a ing in it the initial an final Pa?en passages* &n the (ara< Horma? yar Persian $ivayets, in some places the name GSarosha yashte ya?ashneH 2i*e* Srosh yasht of the ya?ashne or occurring in the ya?ashne3 to this yasht is given* Since it is recite for the first three nights in honour of the eparte ones, this yasht is also !noBn <y the name Gyashta se sha<H 2i*e* yasht of the three nights3 from that* Amongst our Doroastrians there is a custom of reciting this yasht only at night* #he import of reciting this yasht at night is that Sraosha ya?ata protects that reciter in sleep from the attac!s of emons, rujas or other Bic!e creations* #ruly spea!ing there is no o<jection Bhatever if the yasht is re1 cite at any time* (uring the ay1time Bhen yo? athragar +o<e performs the ya?ashna, he oes not leave off that entire Srosh yasht 2Bhich as state a<ove is yasna ha @F <ut recites the entire yasht* As regar s the e"planation an notes of this entire Srosh yasht, see my translation of Ya?ishn an Vispere H, Ha @F*



Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. 114 Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e= tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# / :irAe e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o aad8raot:. 1Kard/ (4 124 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG !aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. -C10 7aoirAC 11 Fa0d/o12 d/8/n13= fra#teret/t1; 7aiti1< 2are#8an1>= Aa0ata1? A +re8 Fa0d/81@= Aa0ata1B A8e# e S7ente20= Aa0ata21 7/A:22 t wCre# t/ra23= A/2; $6#7a2< t were#atC2> d/8/n2?. 273 Ee Borship9 the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing prosperity to the Borl @, holy6 Srosh 2ya?ata3 the righteous7, the %or : of righteousnessFL Bho4; first44 Borshippe 4F 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a4: Bith aaethe Barsam46 sprea out4= amongst 2all the3 creatures45 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a47 2Bho3 Borshippe the Amesha Spentas7; 1 the Bountiful &mmortals7;, 1 2an Bho3 aafBorshippe <oth the protector77 2an 3 the fashioner75, of the entire7@ creation7F* 134 A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. 1;4 Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8+# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. Vi#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aa!$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ ((4 1<4 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. 1>4 -C10 7aoirAC11 2are#8a12 fra#terenata13 t raAa5 # t6# c a1;= 7anc aG Aa5 # t6# c a1<= a7taGAa5 # t6# c a1>= na$aGAa5 # t6# e a1? /5 # G n:# c a1@ 8aid ACG7aiti# t/na#c a1B= A8e# an/8 S7entan/820 Aa#G
aa .or the translation of this paragraph, see Srosh B?* aae Having tie the <un les of GBarsamH 2(armesteter3* .or Barsam, see e"planation to -horshe Nyyesh, par* 46* aaf #his seems to refer to the tBo spirits un er the control of the ,reator Ahura +a? a, Spenta +ainyu an Angra +ainyu* .or its e"planation, see page :, note 5* Protector an the ju ge, i*e* +eher ya?ata an the +ost 0ust $ashna, the 0u ge at the ,hinvat Bri ge 2Professor 0ac!son3* aag .or its translation, see Srosh yasht H o!ht .irst -ar a*



n/ic a21 $a 8/ic a22 5 # naot r/ic a23 fra#a#taAaDc a2;. 2@3 Ee Borship9 the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing prosperity to the Borl @ 2an 3 holy6, Srosh4 2ya?ata3 the righteous7, 2Bho is3 the %or : of $ighteousnessF* 263 Eho4; first44 sprea 45 the Baresman47 of three1tBigs4=, five1tBigs4@, seven1tBigs46 an nine1tBigs4F, as high as the !nee4: an aahas high as the mi le of the leg49, for the Borship74 of Amesha Spentas7; for 2their3 praise77 propitiation75 an glorification7=* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide. Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aai$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (((4 1?4 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. 1@4 -C 7aoirAC !/t /o fra#r/$aAat= A/o 7anc a S7it/8a e a# aonC Iarat +# tra e= af#8ani$/n $ac a#ta# ti$at= 8atG/0aint6# = 8atG7aitiGfra#/o= A8e# aG n/8 S7entan/8 Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a. 2F3 Ee Borship9 the <eautiful5, victorious= <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ an holy6, Srosh4 2ya?ata3 the righteous 7 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF* 2:3 Eho4; first44 chante alou 45 the five4@ Gathas47 of 2the %or 3 Holy4F Spitaman46 Darathushtra4:, together Bith the verses49, strophes properly arrange 7;, Bith commentaries74 an aajcatechism77, for the Borship7= of the Amesha Spentas75, for 2their3 praise7@, propitiation76 an glorification7F* E*7"anation>1 2NoBhere the ver< GreciteH occurs for the Gathas an Ahunavar, <ut the ver< GsrvayaH Sans!rit sra!aya i*e* to chant occurs* &t Bill <e clearly seen from this that the Gathas as Bell as the Ahunavar prayer shoul not <e recite as Be Doroastrians recite other Avesta at present, <ut they shoul <e chante li!e songs* #he meaning of the Bor &#th# is eCuivalent to Sans!rit &#th# GHoly SongH3* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC=
aah &t seems to signify the length of the tBig* aai .or its translation, see -ar a .irst of Srosh yasht H o!ht* aaj .or its comparison, see Vispere , -ar a T&V, para 4*



A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o #rao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac a.aa5 -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (V4 1B4 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8>= a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. 1104 -C10 dri! ao#c a11 dr6$iA/o#c a12a8a$at13 n8/ne81; /8Gt/# te81<. Pa#c a : fr/# 8CGd/it681>= AC1? aD# 8e81@ #teret wata1B #nait i# a20 $65 r:8ante821 5 $are822 3ainti23= atc a2; e2< 2/d a2> 5a8ered e82? 3a! na$/o2@ 7aiti2B 5 $an! aAeiti30= Aat a31 ao3/o32 n/id A/on! e833. 293 Ee Borship9 the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ holy6 Srosh 2ya?ata3 the righteous 7 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF* 24;3 Eho4; 2is3 strong45, <uilt4@ house4= of aalnee y man44 an Boman47* Also Bho4F from the time of the tBilight of the aBn 46 smites75 a mighty74 <loB77 to 2the emon3 Aeshma Bith aamlevelle 49 Beapon7;L an having smitten7: it he assure ly aan<rea!s to pieces5; 2that s!ull3, as he scorns75 the poBer57 of Srosh Ya?ata* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aao$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /=
aa! .or its translation, see -ar a & of Srosh yasht H o!ht* aal i*e* Sraosha ya?ata protects poor man an Boman* aam &n the sense of 'nglish Glevelle HL aime at an o<ject <y <ringing it up to the level of the eyes* &ts analogy is areth(a 2uplifte 3, see para 46 of this yasht* aan )r alternatelyL 0ust as54 a strong man57 2crushes3 the oppressor55L 2in the same Bay Sraosha ya?ata3 having smitten7: on his7@ 2i*e* the emon AMshmaAs3 hea 7F assure ly <rea!s 2it3 to pieces5;* #a!ing in this Bay the root of the Bor Gni hyonghemH is Sans!rit na h, nath W to oppress, to reCuest, to appeal* aao .or its translation, see -ar h 4 of Sraosha Yasht H o!ht*



A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V4 1114 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Ae0a8aideB= ta5 8e810 /#:811 ao3an! $ante812= dare# ate813= #:re81; 2ere0aid f81<. 1124 -C1> $6#7aDi2Ao1? ac a1@ are0aDi2Ao1@ $a$an$/o10 7aitiG3a#aiti20 $A/5 8a21 A8e# an/8 S7entan/822. 2443 Ee Borship9 the righteous7 an holy: Srosh ya?ata <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ 2Bho is3 the %or : of righteousnessF, <rave4;, sBift44, possesse of strength47, terri<le45 2to the aevas3, valiant4= 2an 3 o<serving from a high stan point4@* 2473 Eho46 from all4F <attles4: 2Bith the aevas3 goes7; as a victor 2Bith victoriousness 493 to the assem<ly74 2i*e* in the assem<ly3 of the Amesha Spentas77* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68= 2ere0ait68= nair68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aa7$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V(4 1134 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e rat:8? Aa0a8aide@H A:n/8B ao3i# te810= A:n/811 tan3i# te812= A:n/813 t wa5 # i# te81;= A:n/81< /#i# te81>= A:n/81? 7arC5atar# te8e81@. Paiti# ata1B Fa0daAa#na20 Srao# a e21 a# Ae e22 Aa#ne823. 11;4 D:r/t2; ac a a 8/t n8/n/t2<= d:r/t2; ac a an! /t $6#at2>= d:r/t2; ac a a 8/t 0antaot2?= d:r/t2; ac a an! /t dan! aot2@= a! /o2B= it Ae3/o30 $Ci! n/C31 Aeinti32H Aen! e33 n8/nAa3; Srao# C3< a# AC3> $eret ra 3/o3?= t r/fed C3@ a#ti3B 7aitiG 0antC;0H n/c a;1 a# a$a;2= fr/ACG +8atC;3= fr/AoG :5 tC;;= fr/ACG $ar# tC;<. 2453 Ee Borship: the righteous7 an holy Srosh4 2ya?ata3, <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, %or of righteousnessF, strongest4;, firmest47, most active4= sBiftest46 an aaC esirous4: among the youths4F* ) Borshippers of +a? a7;X you esire eagerly49 the yasna75 of Sraosha 2ya?ata374 the Holy77 2i*e* you Bish to consecrate the ya?ishn in
aap .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of Sraosh Yasht H o!ht* aaC Paro W <eforeL root !am W Sans!rit !am W to BishL !am Z tar Z tema, sh in the mi le is su1 perficial* G+ost a venturous, un erta!er of most risy Bor!sH 2Harle?3*



honour of the Holy Srosh so that he may come to your help3* 24=3 .ar aBay 7= from that house7@, from that toBn7F 2an 3 country7:, the evil79 2an 3 estructive5; trou<les54 aargo 2 isappear3 in Bhose55 house5= the holy56, victorious5F an satisfie 5: 2ya?ata3 is59 honoure =; an 2in Bhose house3 the holy=7 man=4 is richer in goo thoughts=5, goo Bor s== an goo ee s=@* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# i8c a Van!+ i8 2ere0aiti8= 'airi8c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat+8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8+# te8C. Vi#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# trQ Aa0a8aide. Vi#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aa#$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V((4 11<4 Srao# e8 a# 68 +raod e8 $eret ra3ane8 fr/datG!aet e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. AC $ananC 5aAad a e= AC $ananC 5/id Ae e= AC 3anta dae$aA/o dr+3C a# G ao3an! C a +8G8erenc CH AC areta aiwA/5 # tac a $i#7aA/o fra$Ci# !aet aA/o. 11>4 -C ana$an! a2de8nC 0aenan! a ni7/iti Fa0d/o d/8/nH AC ana$an! a2de8nC 0aenan! a ni# G a+r$aiti Fa0d/o d/8/n. -C $i#7e8 a +8 a#t$ante8 ered wa #nait i# a ni7/iti 7a#c a + fr/# 8CGd/iti8. 11?4 -C nCit 7a#c aeta +# 5 $afa= Aat 8ainA+ d/8/n daid ite8= Aa#c a S7entC FainA+# Aa#c a an!rC i# /rC a# a e !aet /o. -C $i#7/i# aA/nc a 5 # afna#c a A+id Aeiti 8/0anAaei2AC ad a dae$aei2AC.aat 11@4 HC nCit tar# tC fr/n/8aite t wae# /t 7arC dae$aei2ACH fr/ a 8/t 7arC $i#7e dae$a an+#C tar# ta ne8ente= tar# ta te8an! C d$arente. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# i8c a Van!+ i8 2ere0aiti8= 'airi8c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o #rao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat+8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8+# te8C. Vi#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C=
aar .rom that country calamity7:, estruction5; an plague vanishH 2(armesteter3* aas .or its translation, see first -ar h of Sraosha Yasht H o!ht* aat As regar s the translation of -ar h V&&, see -ar h Secon of Sraosha yasht H o!ht*



Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V(((4 11B4 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret ra3ane8;= fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. -i810 Aa0ata11 Hao8C12 Fr/# 8i# 13= 2aD# a0Ao1;= #r6ro1<= 5 # at raAC1>= 0airiGdCit rC1?= 2are0i# te1@ 7aiti1B 2are0a i20 Harait AC 7aiti .ere0aA/o21. 1204 H$ac /o22 7/7CG$ac /o23= 7airiG!/o $ac /o2;= 7ait i8nC2< $6#7CG7aD#i82> 8a#t682? A/82@ 7o+r+G/0aint682B 8/nt ra ec a30 7a+r$at/te831. 2493 Ee Borship9 the righteous7 an holy6 Srosh4 2ya?ata3, <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, 2an 3 the %or : of righteousnessFL Bhom4; Haoma47, prosperity1<ringer45, healing4=, <eautiful4@, !ingly46 2an 3 gol en1eye 4F Borshippe 44 upon49 the highest4: pea!7; of the +ount Al<our?74* 27;3 2&t is Haoma Bho is3 the spea!er of goo Bor s 77, the reciter of the Bor s of 2the Nas!3 aauGPpoH75 an the reciter of the Bor s of the Nas! GPairi1gHL 2an it is Haoma Bho is3 going on the path 7@ of the e"cellence54 of +nthra 2i*e* the mysterious verses of the Doroastrian $eligion35; an of the greatness7F 2or Bis om3 of that +nthra, all1a orne 76 Bith full commentaries79*aav A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a aaw $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (O4 1214 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. -en! e10 n8/ne811 $/ret ra! ni12= a0an!rC#t:ne813= $6d /te81; 2are0i# te1< 7aiti1> 2are0a i1? Harait AC 7aiti .are0aA/o1@= 5 $/rao5 # ne81B
aau Nas!s calle Ppo an Pairi1g shoul <e un erstoo as GPjehH 2Pjam3 an GBarashH oc1 curring in Pahlavi language* #he Bor GPjehH can also <e rea as GPpeHL similarly the Bor G<arashH can <e rea G<aregaH 2Bhose Avesta eCuivalent is pairig3 2'rva S*(* Bharucha3* #a!1 ing this into account GPpoH an GPairigH can <e inclu e in 74Nas!s* .or the e"planation of 74 Nas!s see page 4=9H* GSacre verse that protectsH, Gtimely 2or appropriate3 verseH 2(armesteter3L Gthe Barning or guar ing Bor sH 2+ills3* aav Haoma Bho possesses all Bis om replete Bith !noBle ge an chieftainship over holy Bor * 2(armesteter3* aaB .or its translation, see first -ar h of Srosh Yasht H o!ht*



antaranaD8/t20 #te r7aD#e821 ni# taraGnaD8/t22. 1224 -en! e23 A +nC -airAC2; #nait i# 2< $6#ata2> $eret ra3/o2?= Aa#na#c a2@ Ha7tan! /iti# 2B= F# +# a#c a F/nt rC31 AC32 $/ret ra! ni# 33= $6#7/o#c a3; Aa#nCG 5aretaAC3<. 2743 Ee Borship9 the righteous7 an holy6 Srosh4 2ya?ata3 <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, 2an 3 %or : of $ighteousnessF* Ehose4; a thousan pillare 45 strong4= house44, victorious47, self1shining49 from the insi e7; 2an 3 star1<e ec!e 74 from the outsi e77 2is situate 3 on the highest4@ pea!4F of the +ount Al<our?4:* 2773 2Ehose753 2i*e* Srosh ya?ataAs3 victorious7F Beapon7@ Ahunavar7= an aa"Haptan79 yasht7: an victorious55 aay .shusha5; +nthra54 an all5= aa?the sections of yasna5@ have agree 76 2to serve3* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a a2a$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O4 1234 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. -en! e10 a8ac a11 $eret ra! nac a12= ao0/t wac a13 $aDd A/c a1; a$/n1< 1> 1? A8e# /o S7enta a$i a7tCG5ar# $air681@ 0/81B. 12;4 -C20 daDnCGdi#C21 daDnaA/o22 $a#CG5 # at rC23 frac ar/iti2;= a$i 2< A/82> a#t$ait682? !aDt /82@. AAa2B daDnaAa30 fraorenta31 A +rC Fa0d/o32 a# a$a33= fr/ Vo + FanC3;= fr/ A# e8 Va i# te83<= fr/ K # at re8 Vair683>= fr/ S7enta r8aiti# 3?= fr/ Ha+r$at/#3@= fr/ A8eretata#3B= fr/ :iri# ;0 fra# nC;1 fr/ :iri# ;2 t5aD# C;3. 2753 Ee Borship9 the righteous7 an holy6 Srosh4 2ya?ata3 the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, 2an 3 %or : of righteousnessF* #hrough Bhose4; courage44, victory47, goo Bis om45 an !noBle ge4=, the
aa" .or its e"planation, see Haptan Yasht %arge, -ar h 4, first note* aay i*e* the Hymn of Prosperity* #his is the special name given to the @:th H of the yasna* aa? )r acts of Borship* Accor ing to Nirangastan the hymn of Yenghe htm is meant* 2(armesteter3* a<a .or its translation, see first -ar a of Sraosha yasht H o!ht*



Amesha Spentas 1 the Bountiful &mmortals 1 a<<protect4@ upon4F the seven regions4: of the earth49* 27=3 Eho 2i*e* Srosh ya?ata3 as the religious teacher 74 2i*e* (astur3 of the $eligion 77 moves a<out7= ruling1at1Bill75 upon7@ the corporeal7F Borl 7:* Horma? 57 the Holy55, Bahman5=, Ar i<ehesht5@ Shehervar56, Span 1 arma 5F, -hor a 5:, Amar a 592an 3 he Bho Cuestions=4 2regar ing the faith3 of Ahura +a? a=7 2an 3 a<cthe teacher=5 of the path an mo e of Ahura +a? a=7 1 2all these3 Bere please 54 <y this79 $eligion5;* 12<4 a2dFr/ ad a;; $aDi2Aa;< a +2Aa;>= $aDi2Aa;? nC;@ a +2Aa;B ni7aA/o<0= /i<1 Srao# a<2 a# Aa<3 +raod a<;= a ec a<< an! D+# <> AC<? a#t$atC<@ Aa#c a<B a#ti>0 8ana AC>1. Pairi>2 dra$atat>3 8a ra5/t>;= 7airi>< dra$atat>> aD# 8/t>?= 7airi>@ dra$aiti2AC>B aDne2AC?0= A/o?1 +#?2 5 r:re8?3 draf# e8?; !erewan/n?<= aD# 8a e?> 7aro?? drao8e2AC?@= A/o?B aD# 8C@0 d+0d/o@1 dr/$aA/t@2= 8at@3 $id/taot@; daD$CGd/t/t@<. 12>4 Ad a@> nC@? t:8@@ Srao# a@B a# AaB0 +raod aB1= 0/$areB2 daA/oB3 itaDi2ACB; dra$at/te8B< tan+2ACB>= 7o+r+G#7a5# t68>? t2i# aAant/8B@= 7aitiG3ait68BB d+# 8ain+n/8100= at r/ni$/it681 a8eret an/82 3 ; a+r$at an/8 t2i# Aant/8 . 27@3 )@4 <eautiful@= an holy@5 Srosh@7 2ya?ata3X here== uring <oth=@ the lives=6 2an 3 uring <oth=F the Borl s=9 thou must protect@; us=:* E*7"anation>1 2As to Bhich are the tBo Borl s is state as un er*3 #his@@ Borl @6 Bhich@F is corporeal an 2the yon er Borl 3 Bhich @9 is6; spiritual64 2thou mayest protect us there3 E*7"anation>1 2 .rom Bhat protection can <e given is state <eloB*3 Against67 the on1rushing65 eath6=, emon of Brath6F, an against6: the onrushing69 a<earmiesF;, 2) holy Srosh ya?ataX o thou protect us3L Bho F4 2i*e* armies3 have raise F@ aloftF7 the <loo yF5 stan ar F=* 2(o thou protect us3 againstFF the onslaughtsF: of 'shma emonF6L cause to run:7 along Bith:5 a<f eath:=* 2763 ) <eautiful94, holy9; Srosh 2ya?ata3:9X grant thou95 strength97 unto our:F teams of horses9= soun ness9@ of the <o ies96, a<gcomplete su<jugation9F of the envious people9:, smiting oBn99 the enemies4;; an
a<< )riginally this Bor avn is imperfect su<junctive thir person pluralL root av W Sans!rit av W to protect* &f Be accept the rea ing GavinH accor ing to Gel ner, it means Gcome, escen LH root ava1i* a<c $evelation of Ahura +a? a an %aB of Ahura +a? a 2(armesteter3* a< (r* Gel ner ta!es para 7@ in the verse1form of 47 lines an para 76 in the verse1form of F lines* 'very line en s Bith full stop* a<e i*e* #he Ban ering an plun ering tri<es of #uran an other countries 2(armesteter3* a<f &f Be consi er the Bor Gvi taotH erive form Gvi hotuH, it can mean 2the emon calle 3 vi hotu of the G emonic laBH* a<g Goo protection against our GtormentorsH 2(armesteter3*



strength to overthroB4 the envious=, co1fighting7 enemies5* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a a2 $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O(4 12?4 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. -i810 c at w/rC11 a+r$antC12 a+r+# a13 rao5 # na1;= fradere#ra1<= #7enta1> $6d $/on! C1?= a#aAa1@ 8aini$a#an! C1B $a0enti20 #ra$aDna21 ae# /822 #af/on! C23 0aranAa2; 7aiti2< t war# t/on! C2>. 12@4 #Aan! a2? a#7aDi2Aa2@= /#Aan! a2B $/taDi2Aa30= /#Aan! a31 $/raDi2Aa32 /#Aan! a33 8aD! aDi2Aa3; /#Aan! a3< $aAaDi2Aa3>= $a7ataretaDi2Aa3?= /#Aan! a3@ $a#taA/o3B ain! i8anaA/o;0= 12B4 -Ci;1 $6#7e;2 te;3 a7aAeinti;; ACi;< a$e;> 7a#5/t;? $Aeinti;@= nCit;B a$e<0 7a#5/t<1 /fente<2. -Ci<3 $aDi2Aa<; #nait i0i2Aa<< fr/AataAeinti<> $a0e8na<? Ai8<@ $o :8<B Srao# e8>0 a# 68>1. -atc it>2 +# a#tarire>3 Aatc it>> dao# ataire>? ni! ne>. ind$C>; /!D+r$aAeite><

27F3 Ee Borship; the righteous7 an the holy6 Srosh Ya?ata the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @ an %or : of righteousnessF* Ehom4; four44 Bhite45 stee s47 a<i<rilliant4=, <eautiful4@, ivine46, Bise4F 2an 3 a<j sha oBless4: carry in the Bagon7; in the a<!heavenly spaces49* #he hoofs75 of those 2horses3 are la en74 an gilt76 Bith gol 7=* 27:3 #hey are sBifter7F than 2other3 horses7:, sBifter79 than Bin s5;, rains57, clou s5=, <ir s56 Bell1Binge 5F 2an 3 sBifter5: than arroBs=; Bell1aime 59* 2793 #hey 2horses3 a<lcan overta!e== all=7 those=5 Bho go in pursuit of them* #he pursuers can never =9 overta!e@7 those 2horses3* Eho@5 2horses3 spee on@6 2Bhile3 carrying@F in the chariot@F the goo @9 holy64 2Sraosha ya?ata3 2Bhen he3 ta!es his course 6@ in
a<h .or its translation see 4st !ar a of Sraosha yasht H o!ht* a<i #he meaning of GaurushaH is also GcrimsonH* See #ir yashta, 4st -ar h* a<j i*e* 2Stee s3 Bho o not cast any sha oBL aWnotL sayaWPersian syehWsha oB* (r* +ills ta!1 ing the Bor as GsavaH translates it as GsBiftH* a<! )r moving in accor Bith the ivine Bill 2mainyava Z vasangha3 a<l i*e* the spee of the horses of the holy Sraosha ya?ata as mentione in this paragraph is sBifter then Bin , <ir , arroB, etc*



the eastern1most65 Hin 6= an a<malights oBn6: in the Eest6F, 2i*e* starting from the -eshvar1region calle Savahi he goes to the -eshvar1region calle Are?ahi*3 A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ara! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a #an! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a!8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a a2n$are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O((4 1304 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fr/datG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ -a0a8aideB. -C10 2ere0C11= 2ere0iGA/#to12= Fa0d/o13 d/8/n1; ni# an! a#ti1<. 1314 -C1> /t rit681? a8a e1@ aA/n1B= a8aA/o20 $/21 5 # a7C22= i8at23 5ar# $are2; a$a0/iti2< Aat2> 5 $anirat e82? 2/8682@ #nait i# 2B 0a#taAa30 dra0e8nC31= 2arCit rCGtaD0e832= $/G$aD! e833 5a8ered e3; 7aiti3< daD$an/83> 1324 #nat /i3? an!ra e 8ainAD+# 3@ draAatC3B= #nat /i;0 aD# 8a e;1 5 ra$6G drao# ;2= #nat /i;3 8/0ainAan/8;; daD$an/8;<= #nat ai;> $6#7an/8;? daD$an/8;@. 25;3 Ee Borship9 the righteous7 an holy6 Srosh ya?ata, the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, an %or : of $ighteousnessF* 2He3 Eho4; is tall 2of form 443 sits4@ among creations4= of Ahura +a? a45* 2541 573 Eho46 comes oBn7@ thrice4F every4: ay49 an night77 to this75 region7= Bhich76 is the shining7: a<o-hvaniratha7F, hol ing54 in 2his3 han s5; the sharpene Beapon79 capa<le of cutting57 2an 3 sufficiently smiting55 the s!ulls5= of the emon56, in or er to stri!e5F the Bic!e 59 Angra +ainyu5:, in or er to stri!e=; the 'shma emon=4 1 the emon of Brath=4 1 of terri<le Beapon=7, in or er to stri!e=5 the emons=@ of +?an arn== an in or er to stri!e=6 all=F the emons=:* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= an! e a8a $eret ra! nac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San!e 8 +raod e8. c a
a<m Sraosha ya?ata starts from the river in the 'ast an alights at the river in the Eest 2(armesteter3* #he river in the 'ast is &n us an the river in the Eest is #igris* a<n .or its translation see 4st -ar a of Srosh yasht H o!ht* a<o .or the e"planation of the Bor G-hvanirathaH, see note given to -horshe Nyyesh para* 45*



nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 -a0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 -a0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8. AC a# a e a7anCte8C= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o 0arat +# tri Aa0a8aide. Vi#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a a27 $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O(((4 1334 Srao# e81 a# 682 +raod e83 $eret r/3ane8; fradatG!aDt e8< a# a$ane8> a# a e? rat:8@ Aa0a8aideB. (d atc a10= ainid at ca11= id atc a12 $6# 7a8c a13 ai7i1; i8/81< 0/81>= $6#7/o1@ Srao# a e1@ a# Ae e1B ta5 8a e20 tan+G8/nt ra e21= ta5 8a e22 /8G $areti$atC23 2/0+# Gao3an! C2;= rat aD# t/o2< 5a8ared CG3anC2> 2? daD$an/8 . VanatC $anaiti# $anaiti$atC= a# aonC $anatC $anait6# $anaint68c a +7arat/te8 Aa0a8aide= A/8c a Srao# a e a# Ae e= A/8c a Ar# tCi# Aa0ata e. V6#7a n8/na Srao# C7/ta Aa0a8aide= Aen! /d a Srao# C a# AC fraAC= fritC= 7aitiG0antCH n/c a a# a$a= fr/ACG +8atC fr/ACG :5 tC fr/ACG $ar# tC.a2J 2553 Ee Borship 9the righteous7 an holy6 Srosh4 ya?ata, the <eautiful5, victorious=, <ringing1prosperity to the Borl @, an %or : of $ighteousnessF* Here4; or at any other place 44, over4= this4@ entire45 earth46, 2Be e"tol3 all the ee s an victories4F of Srosh4: ya?ata the holy49 the Bor 1incarnate74, poBerful77, protector75, mighty arme 7= Barrior7@, an the cleaver of s!ulls 76 of the emons7F* A e raAa 5 $aren!n! ac a an! e a8a $eret ra! anac a= a e Aa#na Aa0atan/8 te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#naH Srao# e8 a# 68 0aot r/2AC= A# 68c a Van!+ 68 2ere0ait68= 'air68c a San! e8 +raod e8. c a nC 3a8A/t a$an! e $eret ra3/o Srao# C a# AC. Srao# e8 a# 68 Aa0a8aideH rat:8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide= Ai8 A +re8 Fa0d/8= AC a# a e a7anCte8o= AC a# a e 3a! 8:# te8C. V6#7a #ra$/o 0arat +# tri Aa0a8aide. V6#7ac a $ar# ta # Aaot na Aa0a8aide= $ar# tac a a2r $are# Aa8nac a. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Saro# a# o= ta!6= tanGfar8/n= # e5aftG06n= 06nG a$a0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da 2era#/dH aed:n 2/d. 2$ecite alou 3 -at a A : VairAC 2.
a<p .or its translation, see 4st -ar a of Srosh Yasht H o!ht* a<C .or the translation of this paragraph see -ar a @ of Srosh Yasht H o!ht* a<r .or its translation, see !ar h 4 of Srosh Yasht H o!ht*



-a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= Srao# a e a# Ae e= ta5 8a e= tan+G8/nt ra e= dar# iGdrao# = / :irAe e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8ai raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H 3a#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7a5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 F/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3= na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidite an!ra e 8ainAD+# = ait A/$ar# ta8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d Saro# a# o ta!6= tanGfar8/n= # e5aftG06n 06nGawa0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar= a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6= D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ i ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 $o + 1. 2$ecite facing the South>3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#ni d/de Iarat +# ti. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. Srao# e8 a# 68 +raod e8 $eret r/3ane8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. fr/datG!aet e8

Srao# a# o= ta!6= tanGfar8an= # e5aftG06n= 06nGawa0/r= #/"/re d/8/ne A +ra Fa0da 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo :. 1.


2#his Nirang shoul <e recite three times after the recitation of Srosh Yasht Va i*3 ,or3e1 K ore 2 awa0/A/d 3 Saro# ; a# o<= ta!6>= 7iro0!ar? 2/d@= da#ta!6re ra$/nB= a8/10 tan11 7/#2/n12 a# o/n13 a# o1; ne!e d/r1<H ro01> 8/ 1? o # a2/n1@= a8e1B (ran6/n20= o21 7aoirACGda5e# /n22 !e /n23 d/8/n2;= 2e ed6n/n= t/06/ne 2a#te5+# t6/n2>= Iarat +# ti/n2? ni5/n2@ o2B 7/5/ne30 aft 5e# $ar 0a86n31= Saro# Aa0ad32 7an/ 33 2/d3;. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite three times3 +ay the splen our4 an glory7 of the holy@ Srosh 2ya?a 3 increase5X 2An 3 may he <e: strong6, 2an 3 victoriousFX 2Srosh ya?a is3 the helper of the souls9, protector47 of all4; men44 an the pious4= guar ian4@ of righteous men45L may there <e5= protection55 of Srosh ya?a 57 uring ay46 an night4: an months4F 2i*e* forever3> unto all49 the &ranians7; of the creatures7= of the Borl 75, unto the Poryo a!eshas77, unto the faithful7@, unto the Ara<s gir ing the sacre threa 76 2i*e* those Ara<s Bho have accepte the Doroastrian



$eligion3, unto the Doroastrians7F, an unto goo seven regions of the earth54X

an holy men5; of the

K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ardafra$a# 2era#ad.a2# A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait G A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a= a# /+n/8 fra$a# ina8 +! ran/8 aiwiGt +ran/8 7aoirAoGt5ae# an/8 fra$a# ina8 na2/na0G di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot G r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. 1Kard/ 14 114 Fraot1 A +rC Fa0daC2 S7ita8/i3 Iarat +# tr/i;= aD$a< te> 0/$are? ao3a#c a@ 5 $arenCB a$a#c a10 rafna#c a11 fra8ra$a12= ere0$C13 S7ita8a1;= Aat a# aon/81< fra$a# in/81> +! ran/81? aiwit :G ran/81@= Aat a1B 8e20 3a#en21 a$an! e22= Aat a23 8e2; 2aren2< +7a#t/82>= +! r/o2? a# aon/82@ fra$a# aAC2B. 124 on! /830 raAa31 5 $arenan! ac a32= $6d /raD833 Iarat +# G tra ao83< a#8ane83>= AC3? +#c a3@ rao5 # nC3B fr/dere#rC;0= AC;1 i8/8;2 0/8;3 /c a;; 7airic a;< 2a$/$a;>= F/naAen a e Aat a;? $i# ;@= ae8;B AC<0 i# taite<1 8ainA+G#t/tC<2 andra5 tC<3 d:raD5aranC<;= aAan! C<< 5e r7a<> 5 $aDna e<? raoc a inC<@ a$i<B t ri# $a>0.

134 -i8>1 Fa0d/o>2 $a#te>3 $an! ane8>; #te r7aD#an! e8>< 8ainA+G t/# te8>>= ac i8nC>? Fit rC>@ Ra# n+c a>B r8aitic a?0 S7entaAa?1= Aa 8/i?2 nCit?3 c a 8/i?; naD8an/8?< 5arana?> 7airiG$aDnCit e??. 243 2#he ,reator3 Ahura +a? a7 spo!e4 unto Spitaman5 Darathushtra=> ) true45 2truthful3 Spitaman4= 2Darathushtra3X a<t& proclaim47 thee6 2a<uin this
a<s i*e* +ay the holy .ravashis come 2to my help3X a<t ,onsi ering that the termination /i of the present tense first person singular parasmaipa a is roppe * a<u e*g* K!a a:!a, i*e* in Bhat BayY &n this Bay 2see Ven i a &&&*=;3L Sans!rit e!a W in this Bay, or a ver< in icating Gin ee verilyH* Sans!rit e!a*



Bay@3 the vigourF, strength:, glory9, help4; an joy44 of the poBerful4F 2an 3 triumphant4: .ravashis46 of the righteous 2people4@3L just as49 the poBerful7F .ravashis79 of the righteous 2people37: come74 to my7; help77 2an 3 just as75 2they3 2gave37@ support76 unto me7=* 273 )n account of the <rightness 54 an glory57 of those 2.ravashis35;, ) Darathushtra5=X & maintain55 this5@ s!y56 Bhich5F 2is3 a<vlofty5:, shining59 2an 3 <eautiful=; an Bhich=4 2i*e* s!y3 encompasses=@1=6 this=7 earth=5 an aroun =@* 2#hat s!y3 2is3 li!e=F a<Ba palace=:* E*7"anation>1 2#he escription of the s!y resem<ling a palace is state <eloB3*

Ehich@; is@4 on@9 this a<"earth6; a<y<uilt up <y the Spiritual 2ya?atas3 @7, firmly esta<lishe @5, Bith en s that lie afar @=, acama e of shining@: iamon s@@1@F*

253 Ehich 2i*e* the s!y364 ac<associate Bith6F +eher ya?ata6:, $ashna ya?ata69 an Spenta KrmaitiF;1F4, Ahura +a? a has put on65 as a star1 <e ec!e 6@ garment6= Boven <y the Spiritual 2ya?atas3 66* &ts tBo en sF6 acc cannot <e perceive FF <y any person* 1;4 on! /8 raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= $6d /raD8 Iarat +# tra Ared$i8 S:r/8 An/ it/8= 7eret +Gfr/5/8= 2aD# a0A/8= $6daD$/8= A +rCGt5aD# /8= Ae#nA/8 an!+ e a#t$aite= $a 8A/8 an!+ e a#t$aite. d :Gfr/d an/8 a# aon68= $/t wCGfr/d an/8 a# aon68= !aDt CG fr/d an/8 a# aon68= # aDtCGfr/d an/8 a# aon68= dan! +Gfr/d an/8 a# aon68.

a<v #he original meaning as a ver< is Ga<oveH, Gup thereH* a<B (armesteter* GEoven clothH erive from Sans!rit root !e Gto BeaveH 2Harle?3* &ts or inary meaning is G<ir H* a<" (armesteter* )riginal meaning Gin the three1thir sH* &n the matter of imensions this earth is state to <e ivi e in seven regions, accor ing to AvestaL <esi es this, the three eCual parts of thic!ness or ensity of the earth are mentione * .irst one1thir is the surface of the earthL secon one1thir is the portion of the interior of the surface of the earthL the thir one1thir is the loB 1 est, i*e* <ottom portion* #he significance of the Bor thrish!a occuring in this para seems to <e the first one1thir , i*e* the surface portion* a<y $oot st# W Sans!rit sth# W to <e, to e"ist, to remain* a<? $oot han$dere6 W to lighten, to <in * aca (armesteter* )riginal meaning Gma e@6 of pure@F iron@:H* ac< )riginal meaning GfolloBingH 2Ahura +a? a3* &ts significance seems to <e that the a<ove mentione three ya?atas Bere also associate Bith this tas!* acc Pari$!a:n;ithe 1 potential moo thir person ual parasmaipa a* ac +eaning> )n account of the <rilliance an glory of those 2.ravashis3 & maintain the Are vi Sura, the un efile * .or the translation of the remaining portion, see first five paragraphs of Kvn yasht*



1<4 -/ $6#7an/8 ar# n/8 5 # +d r/o Aao0dad /iti. -/ $6#7an/8 /iri# in/8 0/t /i !arew/n Aao0dad /iti. -/ $i#7/o /iri# 6# +0/8ito dad /iti. -/ $6#7an/8 /iri# in/8 d/it68 rat w68 7aD8a a$aG2araiti. 1>4 Fa#it/8 d:r/t fra#r:t/8H A/ a#ti a$a$aiti 8a#C= Aat a $6#7/o i8/o /7C A/o 0e8/ 7aiti fratac inti= A/ a8a$aiti fratac aiti. H+5airA/t ac a 2are0an! at a$i 0raAC Vo+r+G5a# e8. 1?4 -ao0enti $6#7e 5aranC 0raA/ Vo+r+GKa# aA/= / $6#7C 8aid AC Aao0aiti. -at 6# a$i fratac aitiH Aat 6# a$i fra0!araiti Ared$i S:ra An/ ita. -en! e a0an!re8 $airAan/8= a0an!re8 a7a! 0/ran/8 5a#c itc a aD# /8 $airAan/8 5a#c itc a aD# /8 a7a! 0/ran/8= c at $are#ate8 aAare2aran/8 $a#7/i naire 2are8n/i.ace 1@4 An! /o#c a 8e aD$an! /o /7C a7a! 0/rC $63a#/iti= $6#7/i# a$i 5ar# $/n A/i# a7ta. An! /o#c a 8e aD$an! /o /7C a8at a a$aG 2araiti /8ine8c a 0aAane8c a. H/ 8e /7C Aao0dad aiti= / ar# n/8 5 # +dr/o= / 5 # at rin/8 !arew/n= / 5 # at rin/8 7aD8a. 1B4 on! /81 raAa2 5 $arenan! ac a3= $6d /raD8; Iarat +# tra< 0/8> 7eret w68? A +rad /t/8@= A/8B 8a#68c a10 7at an/8c a11= A/12 2aret ri13 7arao# 1; #r6ra e1<= A/1> $6#7e81? a :81@ a#t$ante81B 2araiti20= 3+8c a21 tri#te8c a22 !araAa#c a23 ACi2; 2ere0antC2< 7o+r+G$/#tr/G on! o2> /fentC2?. 293 )n account of the <rilliance 7 an glory5 of those 2.ravashis34, ) DarathushtraX & maintain= 2this3 Bi eF, large4; 2an 3 <roa 44 earth6 create <y Ahura +a? a:L Bhich47 2is3 the mother45 of 2all3 goo 4@ things4=L 2an 3 <ears on herself7; 2or maintains7;3 2the people3 of the entire 4F corporeal49 Borl 4: 1 the living74 as Bell as the ea 77 1 an lofty mountains75, rich in pastures76 acf fertile Bith Bater7F* 1104 -en! /o2@ 7aiti2B t raotCG#t/c C30 /7C31 tac inti32 n/$aA/o33H Aen! /o3; 7aiti3< 7o+r+#ared /o3> 0e8/d a3? +0+5 # Aeinti3@ +r$ar/o3B= t r/t r/i;0 7a#$/o;1 $6raA/o;2= t r/t r/i;3 AirAan/8;; da5 A+n/8;<= t r/t r/i;> !D+# ;? 7anc CG AaA/o;@= a$an! e;B nar/8<0 a# aon/8<1. 24;3 /pon79 Bhich7: 2earth3 Baters54 of running stream5; 2an 3 river55 floB57L upon5@ Bhich5= plants59 of many !in s56 groB from the groun 5F, for the nourishment=; of <oth cattle=4 an men=7 of the &ranian== countries=@, acg five !in s=: of animals=F 2an 3 for the help=9 of righteous@4 men@;*
ace .or the translation of paras =1: the <eginning portion of Are vi Sura Nyyesh* .or compar1 ison, see Kvn yasht, first .ive paragraphs* acf )riginal meaning Gof the <eautiful prosperity or a<un anceH* acg As regar s five !in s of animals there is a reference in the first paragraph of the .irst -ar h of Vispere > 243 those living in Baters* 273 those living un er the groun * 253 the flying ones or Binge ones, 2=3 animals that Ban er Bil at large, an 2@3 the gra?ing ones*



1114 on! /8<2 raAa<3 5 $arenan! ac a<;= $6d /raD8<< Iarat +# G tra<> a0e8<? 2aret ri# $a<@ 7+t re<B 7aitiG$erete>0 a7arairit intC>1 /d/t/t>2 $6d /taot>3= $A/ $a>; +r$atc aD8>< a#tic a>> !aonac a>?= dre$dac a>@ +r+t w/#c a>B= 7aid A/o#c a?0= fra$/5 # a#c a?1. 1124 -eid i?2 06?3 8e?; nCit?< daid 6t?> +7a#t/8?? +! r/o?@ a# /+n/8?B fra$a# aAC@0= nCit@1 8e@2 id a@3 /on! /te8@; 7a#$6ra@<= A/@> #tC@? #ared an/8@@ $a i# ta@B Dr+3CB0 ao!areB1= dr+3CB2 5 # at re8B3= dr+3CB; a#t$/oB< an! +# B> /on! /tB?. 1134 '6B@ antareBB 0/8100 a#8ane8c a1= dr+3/o2 8ani$/o3 a0dA/t;H n6 antare> 0/8? a#8ane8c a@= dr+3/oB 8ani$/o10 $aonA/t11H nCit12 7a#c aDta13 $anC1; $ant/i1< +7adaA/t1> an!rC 8ainA+# 1? #7ent/i 8ainAa$e1@.

2443 2#he ,reator Ahura +a? a says3> )n account of the lustre@5 an glory@= of those 2.ravashis3@7 &@F maintain@@ chil ren@F in 2the Bom<s of3 the mothers@:, save 6; an un ying64 from the assaults67 of 2the emon3 Vi hotu65* 2Besi es3ach in it 2i*e* in the Bom<s of the mothers3 & aciform6@ the <ones66, the mo el6F, acjsineB6:, intestines69, feetF; an genital organsF4* 2473 .orF5 ifF7 the poBerfulF: .ravashis:; of the righteous peopleF9, Boul not have givenF6 helpFF unto +eF=, animals an men:@ of +ine:7 Bho:6 ac!are the <est:9 of the species:: Boul not:4 have aclsu<siste := here:5 2i*e* in this Borl 3L 2<ut instea there Boul have <een the strength of the (ruj, the ominion of the (ruj an the corporeal Borl of the (ruj*3

2453 BetBeenH the earth4;; an the s!y4 2the (ominion3 of the (ruj4 an 2the evil3 spirits5 acmBoul continueH, <etBeen6 the earthF an the s!y: 2the poBer3 of the (ruj9 an 2the evil3 spirits4; Boul succee 44L an never47 afterBar s45 Boul Angra +ainyu4F su< ue46 the victorious4= an loving4@ Spenta +ainyu4:* 11;4 on! /81B raAa20 5 $arenan! ac a21= /7C22 tac inti23 fr/tatG c aretC2;= 5 /o2< 7aiti2> afra0Aa8n/o2?H /on! /82@ raAa2B 5 $arenan!G
ach #he e"act meaning of !y#h!a has not <een ascertaine * &t seems to <e the locative plural of the Bor !y# 2see yasna H =:*F3* Here this Bor can perhaps <e !? Z #h!aL !? 2prefi"3L #h!a W emonstrative pronoun locative plural feminineL meaning Gin themH* aci )r to flourishL to nourishL to rear* acj Base upon Bun ahishnL Gs!inH 2(armesteter3* ac! 7t; 2W Sans!rit stah3 1 present tense thir person ual parasmaipa aL root ah* acl <on,h#te/ 1 Perfect #ense su<junctive thir person ual parasmaipa a 20usti3L #on,h#t 1 Perfect tense su<junctive thir person singular parasmaipa aL root ah W Sans!rit as* acm (armesteter* 0ru-#o /ani!#o 1 van va compoun genitive ualL ha6dy#t 1 its meaning is also GBoul snatch aBay, Boul sei?e aBayHL from the same root, Bor s ha6;, ha6asn#/ are e1 rive * #he first ni 1 prefi" occurring in this para shoul <e ta!en Bith ha6dy#t an the secon ni Bith the Bor !aony#t*



ac a30= 0e8/d a31 +0+5 # Aeinti32 +r$ar/o33= 5 /o3; 7aiti3< afra0Aa8G n/o3>H /on! /83? raAa3@ 5 $arenan! ac a3BH $/tC;0 $/onti;1 d+n8CG fr+tC;2= 5 /o;3 7aiti;; afra0Aa8n/o;<. 11<4 on! /8;> raAa;? 5 $arenan! ac a;@= /iri# 6# ;B 7+t re<0 $eren$ainti<1H /on! /8<2 raAa<3 5 $arenan! ac a<;= +0/8itC<< 060aG nenti<>H /on! /8<? raAa<@ 5 $arenan! ac a<B= Aat>0 2a$ainti>1 ac atG 7+t r/o>2. 11>4 on! /8>3 raAa>; 5 $arenan! ac a><= +#>> n/>? 0aAeiti>@ $A/5 anC>B $A/5 8C +?0 !:# aAatG+5 d o?1= AC?2 2a$aiti?3 5 rat+G 5/tC?;H AC?< n/idA/on! C?>= !aote8a e?? 7arCGA/o?@ 7ar# tCit?B a$/iti@0. on! /8@1 raAa@2 5 $arenan! ac a@3= $are@; a$a@< 7at a@> aDiti@?H /on! a8@@ raAa@B 5 $arenan! ac aB0= 8/oB1 a$aB2 7at aB3 aDitiB;H /on! a8B< raAaB> 5 $arenan! ac aB? #t/r/B@ a$aBB 7at a100 Aeinti1. 24=3 )n account of the lustre 7; an glory74 of those 2.ravashis349 the running an floBing7= Baters77 floB75 toBar s76 ine"hausti<le7F springs7@L on account of their7: lustre79 an glory5; the plants75 acngroB from the earth54 through5@ ine"hausti<le56 springs5=L on account of their5F lustre5: an glory59 the Bin =; riving oBn the clou s=7 <loB=4 toBar s== the ine"hausti<le=@ springs=5* 24@3 )n account of the lustre =F an glory=@ of those 2.ravashis3=6 the <earing mothers aco<ecome pregnantL on account of their@7 lustre@5 an glory@= 2the <earing mothers3 acpgive <irth to chil ren@6 Bith ease@@L on account of their@F lustre@: an glory@9 2the <earing mothers3 <ecome64 rich in chil ren67* 2463 )n account of the lustre=F an glory=: of those 2.ravashis3=6 acCthe hea of an assem<ly an acrthe interpreter of religious versesF4 in assem<liesF; is <orn6: Bith greatness66L BhoF7 is acsthe lover of Bis omF=L 2an 3 BhoF@ acthas come out:; victoriousF: from the controversyF9 2a<out the religion Bith No has, 2the son3 of acuGaotema* )n account of their@4 lustre:7 an glory:5 the
acn i*e* from un er the groun , freshness an Betness ever continue to getL the plants groB there<y* aco )riginal meaning is> females <ringing forth offspring=9 !eep@4 pregnancy@;* acp )riginal meaning is> they give <irth@6 Bith easy elivery@@ acC i*e* the chairman, the con uctor of the assem<ly* acr )riginal meaning> the interpreter of sacre verses of the religionL preacher* acs ,ompare Khratu$*hinan,h;L see Ven i a fargar &V, ==th paragraph* act )riginal meaning> G,omes procee ing from the arguments or <ecoming victoriousH 2 par;$ y#o3* acu (astur (ara<* Avesta ,aote/a can <e the e"act Sans!rit eCuivalent &ota/a* Accor ing to the 'nglish <oo!let pu<lishe in the year 4:9: A*(* entitle , The @eferen*e to &aote/a in the !esta, <y Shams1u&1/lema (astur (ara<> #here Bere many GotamaAsL of them tBo persons at1 tract our attention a goo eal> 4* $ushi GaotamaL 7* Gotama Bu ha, 2the .oun er of



Sun:=, the +oon94, an the stars9: go4 toBar s99 2their oBn3 path4;;* 11?4 T/o2 +! r/ +3 7e# an/ +; +7a#t/8< enti> d/ i# t/o?= A/o@ fra$a# aACB a# aon/810H t/o11 fra$a# aAC12 a# aon/813 ao3i# t/o1; enti1< S7ita8a1>= A/o1? 7aoirAan/81@ t5aD# an/81B= A/o20 $/21 nar/822 a0/tan/823 fra# CGc aret r/82; #ao# Aant/82<. at2> anAaD# /82? fra$a# aAC2@ 3$an/82B nar/830 a# aon/831 ao3Ae 6# 32 Iarat +# tra33= Aat a3; iri#tan/83< S7ita8a3>. 11@4 at3? AC3@ n/3B 6# ;0 +2eret/o;1 2ar/t;2 3$a;3= a# aon/8;; fra$a# aAC;< #/#ta;> dain! D+# ;? a8CG5 # at rC;@= C;B an! /iti<0 0a0+# te8C<1 5 # aAC<2 5a#c it<3 8a# A/n/8a<;H AC<< $o +G2eret/8<> 2araite<? Fit re8<@ Ai8<B $o+r+G!aoAaoit68>0= Ar# t/te8c a>1 fr/datG !aDt /8>2 $aredatG!aDt /8>3. 11B4 (t a>; te>< 0/$are>> ao3a#c a>? 5 $arenC>@ a$a#c a>B rafna#c a?0 fra8rao8i?1= ere0$C?2 S7ita8a?3= Aat?; a# aon/8?< fra$a# in/8?> +! ran/8?? aiwit :ran/8?@H Aat a?B 8e@0 3a#en@1 a$an! e@2= Aat a@3 8e@; 2aren@< +7a#t/8@> +! r/o@? a# aon/8@@ fra$a# aAC@B. 24F3 &n fearful5 <attles= the fravashis9 of the righteous 2people34; acvare6 the BisestF for help@* ) Spitaman46 2Darathushtra3X #hose44 Bhich7; 2are3 the fravashis47 of the righteous45 Poryot!aeshas4:149 or74 of men77 yet un<orn75 or of the Saoshyants7@ Bho prepare the Borl for renovation 7= are4@ most poBerful4= 2or most efficacious4=3* +oreover76, amongst other fravashis7F, the fravashis7: of the living79 righteous54 men5;, ) Spitaman56 Darathushtra55X 2are3 more poBerful57 than5= 2those3 of the ea * 24:3 &f acBthe ruler of any country Bith full poBer might carry =7 goo presents=4 for ac"these=; fravashis of the righteous 2people3 Bhilst living=5, he=9 <ecomes@; a most acypoBerful@4 ruler47 amongst men@=* 2&n the same Bay3 2the !ing3 Bho@@ carries@F goo gift@6 to +eher ya?a , the %or of Bi e pastures an to Ksht ya?a 64 the increaser of the Borl an the furtherer of the Borl 65 2<ecomes the poBerful ruler as Bell3* 2493 ) righteousF7 SpitamanF5 2Darathushtra3X a<out the vigour66,
Bu hism3* #he first Gotama Bas the fifth $ushi* $eferences a<out this $ushi Gotama as Bell as his son No hasare from $igve a* +oreover, in 4::F A*(*, $ev* Ein ischmann state that the Bor n#idy#on,ho Bhich is associate Bith &aote/ahe is proper name* .rom this (astur (ara< conclu es that GNi yongha GaotemaH of Avesta is the same as GGaotama No hasH of the $ig Ve a* Besi es Professor +a" +uller fi"es the age of $ushis to 4@;; B*,*L from this the age of the .arvar in yasht can also <e estimate * Also the meaning of n#idy#on,h <ecomes GBea!er, more nee yH an Gtreate Bith contemptH 2see yasna H 5=*:, H @F*4;*3 acv i*e* GGrant help Bherever eservingL in other Bor s, e"ercise perfect Bis om in granting helpL are most helpfulH 2(armesteter3* acB )riginally, Ga person59 Bho5: 2is3 the ruler Bith full poBer46 of the country=FH* ac" Pronoun hish can <e applie to 2ra!ashay; 1 fravashis as Bell as to hu!eret#o 2gifts3* acy $oot 6u W Sans!rit -u W to <e strongL original form 6a6!an,h Z te/a*



strength6F, glory6:, ac?help69 an joyF; of the poBerfulFF 2an 3 triumphantF: fravashisF6 of the righteous 2people3F@, & a aproclaimF4 to thee6@ thus6= 2i*e* as state a<ove3 2an 3 just asF9 2those3 poBerful:F fravashis:9 of the righteous 2people3:: came up:4 to my:; help:7 2an 3 just as:5 they a <grante :@ me:= authority:6* 1Kard/ ((4 1204 Fraot1 A +rC Fa0daC2 S7ita8/i3 Iarat +# tr/i;= /at Aa#e>Gt w/? aDta 8i@ an! $CB Aat10 a#t$ainti11= S7ita8a12 Iarat +# tra13= 7at /81; 3a#/iti1< $it waD#o1> 2Ciwran/81? 1@ 1B 20 21 d+0itan/8c a t waAn!+ at/8 Iarat +# tra = Ae0ic a t waD# /o22 tan$C23= at a2; i8/2< $ac C2> dreiAaACi# 2?= at a2@ i8/2B $ac C30 fra8r+A/o31 $/ret ra! n6# 32 Iarat +# tra33.

1214 A# /+n/83; $an!+ 6# 3< #:r/o3> #7ent/o3? fra$a# aAC3@ #tao8i3B 02aAe8i;0 +fAe8i;1. -a0a8aide;2 n8/nA/o;3 $6#A/o;; 0ant+8/o;< da5 A+8/o;> Iarat +# trCte8/o;?. H/iti# ;@ /t/8;B= /iti# <0 <1 <2 <3 <; << /on! +# /8 = /iti# 2:# Aanta8 a# aon/8 = $6#7/o $6#7an/8<> <? da5 A+n/8 = 0D$i# taA/o<@ 0D$i# tAan/8<B da5 A+n/8>0. 27;3 Ahura +a? a7 spo!e4 unto Spitaman5 Darathushtra=> ) Spitaman47 Darathushtra45X if@ in this: corporeal44 Borl 9 the terror46 of the angerous4F, ?ig?ag4: an terri<le49 paths4= comes4@ upon theeF, an if74, ) Darathushtra7;X 2there <e3 fear77 of 2thy3 <o y75 2i*e* if thou hast fear of coming upon any injury3, then7= recite thou7F a cthese7@ sacre verses76 2of Avesta mentione <eloB3, Darathushtra55X (o thou recite alou 54 these79 victorious57 2i*e* o<stacles removing3 sacre verses5; 2of Avesta3* 2743 & praise59, & remem<er=; 2or & invo!e=;3 the e"cellent5@, heroic56 an <eneficent5F .ravashis5: of the righteous5= 2people35= an sing 2their3 glory* Ee Borship=7 2those .ravashis3 <elonging to the house =5, to the clan==, to the toBn=@ to the country=6 2an 3 <elonging to the highest priest =F* Ee Borship=7 the e"isting 2.ravashis3@; of the righteous 2men3@= that have <een@4, an that Bill <e hereafter@5* Ee Borship@7 2the .ravashis@@3 of 2the people of3 all countries@F 2an 3 the 2.ravashis@:3 of 2the people of3 frien ly@9 countries6;* 1224 -/o>1 a#8ane8>2 $6d /raAen>3= A/o>; /7e8>< $id /raAen>>= A/o>? 0/8>@ $6d /raAen>B= A/o?0 !/8?1 $6d /raAen?2= A/o?3 2aret ri# $a?; 7+t re?< $6d /raAen?> 7aitiG$erete?? a7araGirit entC?@ /d/t/t?B $6d /taot@0. VA/ $a@1 +r$atGc aAen@2 a#tic a@3 !aonac a@; dre$dac a@< +r+t w/#c a@> 7aid A/o#c a@? fra$/5 # a#c a@@.
ac? i*e* As regar s help an joy erive from them* a a Present tense use in the sense of the Past tenseL see my !esta &ra//ar, paragraph 65F* a < )riginally, G<rought:@ authority@6 for me:=H* a c i*e* Avestan sacre verses from para 74 up to the en of para 7@* By reciting the sacre verses occurring in these paragraphs courage comes to the reciter, having got ri of fear an rea of the roa * .or comparison, see Srosh yasht H o!ht, -ar h 4, paras =1F*



1234 -/o@B a# G2eretCB0= A/oB1 +! r/retCB2= A/oB3 $/retCB;= A/oB< $a0/retCB>= A/oB? ta5 8/retCB@= A/oBB 0aoA/retC100H A/o1 0aoA/o2 $an! +t waD# +3= A/o; 0aoA/o< $eret ra! nAaD# +>H A/o? 0aoA/o@ 7e# an/ +B. 2773 Eho64 2i*e* .ravashis3 maintain65 the s!y67, Bater6@, the earth6:, the cattleF4, 2an 3 chil renF@ in the Bom<s of the mothersF=, save FF an a un yingF: from the assaultsF9 of 2the emon3 Vi hotu:;* 2Besi es, those .ravashis3 a eform:7 the <ones:5, the mo el:=, sineB:@, intestines:6, feet:F an the genital organs:: 2of the chil ren3* 2753 Eho:9 2i*e* .ravashis3 are Bell1supporting9;, rushing1forth1stea ily97, rushing on oneAs self9=, rushing forth vigorously96 Bith courage9:, Bho99 2are3 rushing forth Bhen invo!e 4;;, an 2are3 Borthy of invocation 7 in goo ness5 2i*e* in matters of goo ness3L Bho= 2are3 Borthy of invocation@ in victories6, 2are3 Borthy of invocation: in <attles9*
a f

12;4 -/o10 d/t r6# 11 $eret re812 02aAante13= d/t r6# 1; /Aa7te81< c a5+# e1>= d/t r6# 1? 2ant/i1@ dr$at/te81B= d/t r6# 20 a 8/i21 $o :22 5 $arenC23= AC2; 6# 2< Aa0/nC 5+5 # n$/nC2? 02aAeiti2@ 2arCG0aot rC2B a# a$a30. 12<4 -/o31 a$ad a32 7ara33 fraoiri#i# t/o3;= Aat ra3< narC3> a# a$anC3? a# e83@ enti3B 0ara0d/te8a;0= Aat rac a;1 8a0i# t/o;2 frDret/o;3 ad! RAat rac a;; 5 # n:tC;< a# a$a;>S Aat rac a;? at2i# tC;@ a# a$a;B. 27=3 Eho4; 2i*e* .ravashis3 2are3 the givers 44 of victory47 to the invo!er45, <estoBers4= of <oon4@ to 2their3 lover46, 2an 3 giver4F of health49 to the a isic! man* 2Besi es they are3 the <estoBers 7; of goo 77 glory75 unto him74 Bho7= 2is3 their7@ Borshipper76, propitiator7F, invo!er7:, offerer of li<ations79 2an 3 holy5;*
a h

27@3 a j#he .ravashis 2of the righteous people3 2are3 visiting most 5= 2or incline most3 to that si e 5@ Bhere the righteous5F men56 are59 a !most evote =;
a .or comparison see yasna H 75, para 4* a e .or comparison see para 44 of the same yasht* a f )r Gon1rushingHL present participle feminine first person pluralL original form u,hra Z aretL aret W going 2present participle3L root ere W Sans!rit ar W to go* Similarly, it shoul <e con1 si ere in the case of Bor s folloBing it 2h!#ret;4 !a6#ret;4 ta9h/#ret;4 6aoy#ret;3* a g &n the original te"t this sentence is left out 2see Prof* Gel ner !esta4 AA, Stuttgart, 4::9, page 4F5, note =3* a h Present participle ative singular masculineL root 6ba W Sans!rit h!a4 h!e W to invo!e, to call on for assistance, to praise, to remem<er* a i Professors Harle? an (armesteter* a j #he Bor ya; 2Bho3 at the <eginning of paragraphs 7717@ applies to Gashunm fravashayQH occurring in para 74* a ! )riginal meaning e icators, i*e* evote to righteousness*



to righteousness5:, Bhere=4 there are59 a lmost=7 revere =5 2men3, a m^Bhere== the righteous=6 2man3 2<ecomes3 satisfie =@_ 2i*e* please 3 an Bhere=F the righteous=9 2man3 2is3 a nplease =:* 1Kard/ (((4 12>4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. -/o? ao3i# t/o@ $a0ent/8B= ren3i# t/o10 fra$a0e8nan/811= afra5a$a#te8/o12 a7aG#raAa8nan/813 an$ar# ta$a#te8/o1; fra#c inG 2anan/81<= a7airiG$a#te8/o1> #nait i# /8c a1? $aret an/8c a1@H A/o1B afrao+r$i#$at20 5eren$ainti21 ire822 Aa 8Aa23 3a#enti2;. 12?4 T/o2< $an!+ 6# 2>= t/o2? $a i# t/o2@ Aa0a8aide2B= A/o30 a# /+n/831 $an!+ 6# 32 #:r/o33 #7ent/o3; fra$a# aAC3<. T/o3> 063? #taretaD# +3@ 2are#8C +3B 0aoA/o;0= t/o;1 $eret ra! nAae# +;2= t/o;3 7e# an/ +;;= t/o;< id a;> Aat;? narC;@ ta5 8a;B 7eretente<0 $eret ra! nAaD# +<1. 2763 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34L BhoF 2are3 the strongest: of those that rive in a carriage, a o most agile4; of those marching forBar s44, a pleast noisy of the retreating ones45, a Cmost poBerful of the supporters4@, most invinci<le46 of the possessor of offensive Beapons4F an of the efensive Beapons4:* 2+oreover3 in Bhatever place75 they49 go7= they never let go74 happiness 2or a r goo fortune773 2from that place3* 27F3 Ee Borship79 the e"cellent57, heroic55 2an 3 <eneficent5= .ravashis5@ of the righteous 2people354 Bho5; 2are3 goo 76 an the <est7:* #hey 2are3 in ee 5F Borthy to <e invo!e =; on the sprea out5: <aresman59 2i*e* in the functions of Ya?ishna, Ven i a , etc*, pertaining to purifying priests3, in the matters of victoriousness=7, in <attles== an there=6 2Bhere3 the gallant=9 heroes=: fight@; a sfor 2gaining3 victory@4* 12@4 T/o<2 Fa0d/o<3 02aAat<; a$an! e<<= a$an! ec a<> a# nC<? $6did /ra<@ a7a#c a<B 0e8a#c a>0 +r$araA/o#c a>1. -at>2 S7entC FainA+# >3 $6d /raAat>; a#8ane8>< Aat /7e8>> Aat 0/8>? Aat !/8>@ Aat +r$ar/8>B Aat 2eret ri# $a?0 7+t re?1 $6d /raA at?2 7aitiG$erete?3 a7araG irit entC?;= /d/tat?< $6d /taot?>. VA/ $a?? +r$atGc aAat?@ a#tic a?B
a l )r pious 1 religious men 2see yasna H : para 73L very charita<le 2(armesteter3* a m &n the original te"t this sentence is left out 2see note a<ove*3 a n )riginal meaning Guntormente H, i*e* not ill1treate * 2See yasna H 67193* a o G+ost poBerful in raBing 2the carriage3L the lightest amongst the occupants in the car1 riageH 2(armesteter3* a p Professor Harle?* #he meaning of this Bor has not <een fi"e Bith certainty* a C )riginal meanings Geffective, efficacious, <eara<leH* a r Professor (armesteter* a s %ocative singular use in the sense of ative singular 2vi e yasht T*:73*



!aonac a@0 dre$dac a@1 +r+t w/#c a@2 7aid A/o#c a@3 fra$/5 # a#c a@;. 12B4 V6d /raAat@< S7entC FainA+# @>= A/o@? a8a$ait6# @@ t+# ni# /d o@B +dCit r6# B0 $ere0iGc a# 8anCB1 #raoit r6# B2 dare! CG r/rC8anCB3H A/oB; 2ere0ait6# B< 2ere0A/#t/oB>= A/oB? +Aaon/oB@ BB 100 1 7eret +Aaon/o = ra$CGfraot 8anC da#at a$ait6# fra#r+t/o2 +7aG 3 ; d/raAen a#8ane8 . 27:3 2#he ,reator3 Ahura +a? a@5 a tcalle @= them@7 2i* e* the .ravashis3 for the assistance@@ of the yon er@6 a us!y@F, Baters@9, the earth6; an the plants64* a vEhere<y67 2i*e* <y the assistance of the .ravashis3 67 the Spenta +ainyu65 maintainsF7 the s!y6@, Bater66, the earth6F, the cattle6:, the plants69 an chil renF4 in the Bom<s of the mothers F;, save F5 an un yingF=, from the assaultsF@ of 2the emon3 Vi hotuF6* 2Besi es, those .ravashis3 a BformF: the <onesF9, the mo el:;, sineB:4, intestines:7, feet:5 an the genital organs:=* 2793 Spenta +ainyu:6 maintains:@ the s!y= 2an 3 a "the .ravashis:F a yassist in maintaining it5* E*7"anation>1 2#he etaile characteristics of .ravashis are noB state <eloB3* Eho:F 2i*e* the .ravashis3 are courageous::, sitting at ease:9, possessing goo eyes9;, of effective glance94, a ?having a !een sense of hearing97, giving e"cessive joy95, e"alte 9@, high1gir e 96 having a goo , spacious resi ence 99, Bi e1stepping4;;, health1giving4 2an 3 renoBne 7* 2#hey assist in maintaining the s!y3* 1Kard/ (V4 1304 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #+r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aC< Aa0a8aide>. H+# G a5 8anC? $are0/n/o@= dare! aDi2ACB a5 edraDi2AC10H +7aG# itDe11 $a i# t/o12 an/0aret/o13 aDi2AC1; nere2AC1<H $an!+ 6# 1> ACi1? $C1@ $an! +# 1BH !+fr/o20 d:raD#:5/o21 2aD# a0A/o22 fra#r:t/o23 $anatG7e# an/o2;H nCit2< 7a+r$/o2> 2? /0/raAeinte . 25;3 Ee Borship the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the
a t &n 'nglish use in the sense of G#he Heaven a<oveH* a u &n this sentence the meaning of the pre icate !?didh#ra 2Wsupporte , maintaine 3 oes not suit the conte"t* Accor ing to the opinion of (r* Gel ner, there oes not seem any necessity of this Bor * a v #his Bor 2yat3 is not in the instrumental singular, <ut it is in the accusative singular* a B See paragraphs 44 an 77 of this yasht* a " & have translate the Bor y#o <y G.ravashisH Bhich stoo for the noun fra!ashay;* a y )riginal meaning Gthose Bho hearH* #he feminine gen er of 7raotar 2W Sans!rit 7rotru W hearer, listener3 <ecame sraothri* a ? &f Be ta!e the meaning of yaona as GhelpH, the Bor Boul mean Ggiving goo helpH, Ggiv1 ing sufficient helpH*



righteous 2people34* Eho 2i*e* the .ravashis3 2are3 possesse of goo frien shipFL 2an Bho are3 aea<enefiting5 on account of their frien ship4; for a long time9L 2they are3 <est47 ae<to live Bith44 2if3 not offen e 45 <y these4= men4@* 2#hey are3 aecgoo 46 2for those3 Bho4F 2are3 goo 49 amongst you4:* 2Besi es those .ravashis are3 ae not o<vious7;, far1glancing74, healing77, re1 noBne 75 2an 3 Binning in <attle7=L 2they o aeenot harm7F 2anyone else3 first76* 1Kard/ V4 1314 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. )! raG0ao# /o? t2i# Aan2AC@= +7airiG5airA/oB #D$i# t/o10= A/o11 +7airi12 a8aren/d a13 a+r$at an/81; t2i# Aant/81< +! r/o1> 2/0:# 1? #c indaAeinti1@. 2543 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people 34* 2Eho, i*e* the .ravashis3 2are3 strong1Bille against the tormentors:, oing e"cessive Bor! 2an 3 most <eneficent 4;* 2+oreover3 Bho44 <rea! to pieces4: strong46 arms4F of the tormenting4@ opponents4=* 1Kard/ V(4 1324 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>H aredr/o? ta5 8/o@ ao3an! + ait6# B an/8/t w/o10 5 $/t ra$ait6# 11 5 $/7ar/o12 2aD# a0aA/o13= a# Ci# 1; 2aD# a0a1< ac i8n/o1>= 0e8Gfrat an! a1? d/n+Gdr/3an! a1@ $areG2are0an! a1B. 2573 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34 2Eho, the .ravashis are3 the <estoBersF, strong:, poBerful9, inconceiva<le4;, giving comfort an ease 44, self1supporting47 2an 3 healing45* 2+oreover, Bho are3 aef<ringing Bith them46 the means4@ of righteousness4= as Bi e as the earth 4F, as long as the river 4:, an as e"alte as the sun49* 1Kard/ V((4 1334 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? ta5 8/o@ /8G$areiti$ait6# B 1B 11 12 are0Aeint6# 5 r$6# Aanti# +r$inait6# H fra#c indaAeint6# 13 1; 1B $6#7an/8 t2aD# a$at/8 t2aD# /o1> daD$an/81? 8a# A/n/8c a1@H a8aDGni3anC1B a8eret e20 a$/i21 5/8/ic a22 0ao# /ic a23. 13;4 -:0e82; $an!+ i2< ni#rinaotaT $eret ra! ne8c a2? A +raG d /te82@ $anaint68c a2B +7arat/te830= /2AC31 dan! +2AC32 #D$i# t/o33= Aat a3; $an!+ 6# 3< an/0aret/o3> 5 # n:t/o3? ainit/o3@ at2i# t/o3B=
aea i*e* .ravashis are Borthy of frien ship an <y !eeping frien ship Bith them continuously numerous a vantages are o<taine * ae< i*e* <y remaining in their relation as a frien much <enefit is arisen* aec Eith the goo the .ravashis o goo ness* ae )riginal meaning GmysteriousH* #he meaning of ,ufra is G eepH see yasht T&T*@43* aee i*e* #hey o not harm anyone Bithout any reason* aef .or comparison, see Yasna H 6;, paragraph =*



A:0e8;0 Ae#nA/o;1 $a 8A/o;2 $a#CGAaon/o;3 frac rat we;;. 2553 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people43* EhoF 2are3 strong:, protective, fighting 2for the goo cause34;, cruel 2toBar s the Bic!e 344, aego<serving to a great istance47* 2Besi es they are3 the estroyers45 of the malice46 of all4= the envious persons4@, of the aevas4F 2an 3 of men4: an courageous49 smiters of the enemies7; accor ing to their oBn74 Bish77 an Bill75* 25=3 ) ye goo 7@ 2an 3 most <eneficent55 2.ravashis3 Bhen5= you are unoffen e 56, please 5F, unoppresse 5: 2an 3 untormente 59 2<y the &ranian countries3, you7= goo 7@ 2.ravashis3 grant76 victory7F create <y Ahura +a? a7: an conCuering79 superiority5; unto those54 countries57* You 2Bho are3 Borthy of Borship=4 2an 3 Borthy of a oration =7 aehmove a<out== aei e"ercising authority over the aerial space accor ing to your Bill=5* 1Kard/ V(((4 13<4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>H fra#r:t/o? $anatG7e# an/o@ a$iGa8/oB #7/roG d/# t/o10 a8+A+8n/o11 ra0i# tan/812H A/o13 a$aG02aAatC1; a$an! e1< $A/#c a1> $A/na#c a1? a7atDe1@ 02aAeiti1B $A/#20= a7aG!atDe21 $A/nC22. 13>4 -/o a$ad a 7ara fraoiri#i# t/o= Aat ra narC a# a$anC a# e8 enti 0ra0d/te8a= Aat rac a 8a0i# t/o freret/o= ae3RAat rac a 5 # n+tC a# a$aS= Aat rac a at2i# tC ae5a# a$a. 25@3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis5 of the righteous 2people34* 2Eho are3 renoBne F, Binning in <attle:, courageous9, shiel 1<earing4; an aelfirm44 amongst the most just47* 2+oreover3 Bhom45 <oth the pursuer46 an aemthe pursue 4F aeninvo!e4= for help4@* #he pursuer7; aeo ^for catching4: 2the pursue 3 an the aeppursue 77_ for escaping74 2from the pursuer3 2invo!e the .ravashis for help3*
aeg )riginal form uru Z !a:nantL uru W Bi eL root !in W to see* aeh fra*harath(e 1 present tense secon person plural atmanepa aL root *har W Sans!rit *har* aei &n 'nglish, GspaceH* #he meaning of !as;$yaon#o can also <e, Gassisting at BillH* aej #his sentence is left out in the original te"t 2see Prof* Gel ner, !esta AA Stuttgart, 4::9, page 4F@, 56, line @* ae! .or its translation, see para 7@ of this yasht* ael )riginal meaning Gnot movingH 2root /u W to move3, i*e* immova<le in any Bay in the mat1 ter of justice* aem 8y#s*ha 1 present participle parasmaipa a first person singular masculineL !y#nas*ha 1 present participle atmanepa aL root !? W Sans!rit !?L !? Z ant Z sB !? Z #n Z s* aen !a$6bayat; 1 present tense thir person ual parasmaipa aL root 6b#i* apat:e 1 noun ative singularL root up W to reachL ap Z ati* aeo #his sentence is left out in the original te"t* See a<ove* aep apa$,at:e 1 noun ative singularL apa$,ati W running aBayL apa W aBayL root ,a/L ,a/Zti W ,aiti W Sans ,ati W goingL movementL motion*



1Kard/ (O4 13?4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. Po+r+G#7/d /o? Aa#toG0aA/o@ +0!ere7tCGdraf# /oB 2/8A/o10. -/o11 +! r/ +12 7e# an/ +13 tad a1; ni3a#en1< 5 # te$i$AC1>= tad a1? ACi1@ ta5 8a1B 5 # t/$aAC20 d/n+2AC21 a0en22 7e# an/o23. 13@4 -:0e82; tad a2< ta+r$aAata2> $eret re82? d/n+n/82@ T:ran/82B= A+0e830 tad a31 ta+r$aAata32 t2aD# /o33 d/n+n/83; T:ran/83<= -:# 8aoAC3> 7arC3? 5er# na0C3@ $6ra3B 2aon;0 #D$i# ta;1= ACi;2 ta5 8a;3 5 # t/$aAC;;= ACi;< ta5 8a;> #ao# AantC;?= ACi;@ ta5 8a;B $eret r/3anC<0. K r:8/o<1 a#e2i# <2 fra0inta<3 d/n+n/8<; 2aD$areG7aitin/8<<. 25F3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* 2Eho are3 possessing many armies F, aeCgir e Bith Beapons:, having uplifte ra iant <anners9* 2#he .ravashis3 rush4@ there4= in fearful47 <attles45 for 2the help of3 those heroes46, Bhere those gallant49 heroes7; offer77 <attles75 against the (anus74 2i*e* enemies of the $eligion3* 25:3 #here7@ 2i*e* in the <attles3 you7=, 2) .ravashisX3 overcome76 the victorious strength7F of the #uranian79 (anus7:L there54 you5; aerovercome57 the malice55 of the #uranian5@ (anus5=* )Bing to5F you56 aesthe chiefs of assem<ly7:, the mighty=5 heroes==, the poBerful=6 aetSaoshyants=F 2an 3 the strong=9 conCuerors@; aeu<ecome=; possesse of heroic strength59 an most <eneficent=4* 1Kard/ O4 13B4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. -/o? ra#8anC@ /8G#t/tDeB fra5arana10 #c indaAeinti11= $612 8aid A/ne813 n/8aAeinti1;H t w/# e81< 7a#5/t1> fra$a0ente1?= a$an! e1@ nar/81B a# aon/820= /0an! e21 d+0 $ar# t/$are0/822. 2593 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF <rea! asun er44 the tBo Bings4; of an army: stan ing together in <attle array9, an aevcause the centre45 2of that army3 to scatter4714=L they go4F then46 sBiftly4@ for the help4: of the righteous7; men49 2an 3 for the istress 74 of the evil1 oers77 2i*e* for <ringing them into affliction3* 1Kard/ O(4 1;04 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6#

#:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC<


aeC )riginal form is y#st;$6ay#oL root y#on,h W Sans, y#s

C to put on, to gir

aer i*e* #he .ravashis o not alloB the #uranian heretics to succee in the <attleL they prevent the evils cause <y them <y estroying their strength* aes 9arshan Z a6 W Gthe con uctor of the council 1 assem<lyL chiefH 2(armesteter3* aet i*e* those Bho throB light of the religionL the pointers of the true path of the religion* aeu & o not un erstan the meaning of the last sentence 2from the Bor Khru/#o up to ba:!are$paitin#/3* #he places esolate <y the chiefs of innumera<le 0#nus are misera<le or inauspicious 2(armesteter3* aev )riginal meaning GtBistsH, G<en sHL root na/ W Sans!rit na/*



Aa0a8aide>. -/o? +! r/o@ aiwit :r/oB $/ret ra! n6# 10= $anatG 7e# an/o11 r/re8/o12 $i$/it6# 13 $6c ir/o1;= #ra$a# e8n/o1< #raotan$C1> /#nCG+r$/nC1? a# aon6# 1@. -/o1B d/t r6# 20 $eret re821 02aAente22= d/t r6# 23 /Aa7te82; c a5+# e2<= d/t r6# 2> 2ant/i2? dr$at/te82@. 1;14 D/t r6# 2B a 8/i30 $o :31 5 $arenC32= AC33 6# 3; at a3< fr/Aa0/ite3>= Aat a3? 6# 3@ CGn/3B Aa0ata;0= AC;1 a# a$a;2 Iarat +# trC;3= rat+# ;; a#t$ait AC;< !aDt aA/o;>= 2are# n+# ;? 2i7aiti# tanaA/o;@= 5a 8/ic it;B A/on! /8<0 3a#C<1= 5a 8/ic it<2 /0an! /8<3 2iwi$/o<;. 2=;3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF 2are3 strong:, triumphant9, victorious4;, Binning in <attle44, giving e"cessive joy47, aeB<loBing aBay 2the enemies345, ae" iscriminating 2goo an evil34=, aeyo<e ient4@, of renoBne <o y46, having souls of higher intelligence4F 2an 3 righteous4:* Eho49 2are3 givers7; of victory74 to the invo!er77, givers76 of <oon7= to 2their3 lover7@ 2an 3 givers76 of health7: to the sic! person7F* 2=43 Ehilst ae?un erta!ing@4 any Bor! Bhatever=9 of enterprises@; 2or Bhilst3 frightene @= in any 2 ifficulty3 Bhatever@7 of the calamities@7 just as5F that 2great3 man59, i*e*=4 2the Prophet3 Holy=7 Darathushtra=5 Bho is the %or == of 2this3 corporeal=@ Borl =6 an the chief=F of 2all3 afamortals=: Borshippe =; those 2.ravashis35:, in the same manner5@ 2they are3 the givers79 of goo 54 glory57 to him5; Bho55 Borship56 them5=* 1;24 af2R-/o<< +02/t/o<>S 8ainA+G$a i# t/o A/o +02/t/o 8ainA+G # :t/o<? fra# :#ente<@ 2are# na$C<B a$an! e>0 a# nC>1= a8e8>2 7aid i8n/o>3 +t/# te8>;= $eret ra! ne8c a>< A +rad /te8>>= >? >@ $anint68c a +7arat/te8 = #ao5/8c a>B 2aratGa$aret/8?0 2aratG ?1 /Aa7t/8 = a# aon68?2 t r/fed /8?3 Ae#nA/8?; $a 8A/8?<= a# /t?> ac a?? Aat?@ $a i# t/t?B. 2=73 Eho@@ 2i*e* the .ravashis3 2Bhen they are3 Bell1invo!e @6 go@: on the top of the yon er6; s!y, having come from the afcheavenly 2space3*

E*7"anation>1 2As regar s the .ravashis Bho <ring Bith them the ya?atas, it is state <eloB3* #he Bell1shapen6= 2i*e* of <eautiful shape3 Ama 2courage1giving3 ya?ata 67,
aeB $oot !?$!# W Sans!rit !?$!#, W <loBing aBay* ae" See yasna H 79*=L H =6*@L root !i$*hi W Persian ,u6idan* aey )f Bi e renoBnL very famous 2(armesteter3* ae? )riginal meaning> Ehilst going for any Bor! Bhatever* afa )riginal meaning> G<ipe H* af< #his sentence is left out in the original te"t 2see Prof* Gel ner, !esta AA Stuttgart, 4::9, page 4FF, note 43* afc &n the sense of the e"pression G'thereal Space, Heavenly SpaceH*



Behram ya?ata6@ create <y Ahura +a? a66, Vanainti6F /paratt6: 2i*e* ya?ata <estoBing victorious superiority3, 2an 3 Sao!a ya?ata 69 2i*e* <estoBer of happiness3 Bealth1<ringingF;, fulfilling esiresF4, righteousF7, satisfie F5, Borthy of BorshipF= an praiseF@ on account of FF the <estF9 righteousness F61 2these are the .ravashis3 <ringing Bith them 2all these <lessings3* 1;34 T/o@0 ere0enti@1 Sata$aD#e8@2 antare@3 0/8@; a#8ane8c a@<= tac atG/7e8@>= 0a$anCG#r:te8@?= tac atG/7e8@@ +5 # AatG+r$are8@B= t r/t r/iB0 7a#$/oB1 $6raA/oB2= t r/t r/iB3 AirAan/8B; da5 A+n/8B<= t r/t r/iB> !D+# B? 7anc CG AaA/oB@= a$an! eBB nar/8100 a# aon/81. 1;;4 V6 antare2 0/83 a#8ane8c a; Sata$aD#C< $63a#/iti>= tac atG/7C? 0a$anCG#r:tC@ 5ac at /7CB +5 # AatG+r$arC10 #r6rC11 2/n$/o12 rao5 # ne8/o13= t r/t r/i1; 7a#$/o1< $6raA/o1>= t r/t r/i1? AirAan/81@ da5 A+n/81B t r/t r/i20 !D+# 21 7anc CG AaA/o22= a$an! e23 nar/82; a# aon/82<. 2=53 #hey:; 2.ravashis3 sen out6 2the Star3 af Satavaesa:7 <etBeen:5 the earth:= an the s!y:@, afecausing the Bater to floB :6, listening to appeals or supplicatory prayers:F, causing the Bater to reach all aroun :: an the plants to groB:9, for nourishment9; of cattle94 an men97, for the maintenance95 of &ranian9= Provinces9@, for the thriving96 of five !in s9: of animals9F 2an 3 afffor the help99 of righteous4 men4;;* 2==3 2#he Star name 3 Satavaesa@, causing the Bater to floBF, listening to appeals or supplicatory prayers:, causing the Bater to reach all aroun 9, 2an 3 the plants to groB4;, <eautiful44, shining47 2an 3 <rilliant45 comes up6 <etBeen7 the earth5 an the s!y=, for the nourishment of cattle4@ an men46, for the maintenance4F of &ranian4: Provinces49, for the thriving7; of the five !in s77 of animals74 2an 3 for the help75 of righteous7@ men7=* 1Kard/ O((4 1;<4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. AACG5 aod /o? aACG0aA/o@ aACG$eret r/oB= A/o10 7eretente11 $eret ra! nAaD# +12 rao5 # niGaiwid /taD# +13 t a5 t/o1; are0a0 i# 1< 2arent6# 1>= a0an!ra! nA/i1?daD$an/81@. 1;>4 -at1B 6# 20 antare21 $/tC22 fra$/iti23 2arCG2aod C2; 8a# A/n/82<= te2> narC2? 7aitiG0/nenti2@ A/ $a2B $eret raG2aod C30 te31 /2AC32 freret/o33 freren$ainti3; a# aon/83< $an!+ i2AC3> #:r/i2AC3? #7ent/2AC3@ fra$a# G i2AC3B= t a5 taA/t;0 7arC;1 an! +A/t;2 +0!erewA/t;3 7arC;; 2/0+$e;< 2=@3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent=, .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* Eho 2are3 possessing iron helmets F, iron Beapons: 2an 3
af %i!e the star #ishtrya, the star Satavaesa is useful in the act of prosperity of the Borl * #he Stars Vanant an Haptoiranga are regar e as his companions* afe See yasht @*4@ 2tto pQ3L yasht :,=F 2pQ tto3* aff .or comparison, see para 4; of the same yasht*



iron armour9L an Bho4; afgin the garments of light45 fight44, <ringing Bith them46 stretche 4= <attle1array4@, 2for gaining3 victory47, smiting thousan s4F of aevas4:* 2=63 Ehen49 the Bin 77 <loBs among74 those 2.ravashis37; carrying the scent7= of men7@, these76 men7F recognise7: the scent of victory5; amongst them79* E*7"anation>1 2&ts significance seems to <e that in the Bar or in times of ifficulties, Bhen men call .ravashis for help, <y <urning fragrant Boo or fran!incense an <y invo!ing in a suita<le manner, they fulfil their Bishes <y granting victory3* 2Also3 those54 2men3 afhoffer5= )fferings55 unto these57 goo 56, heroic5F 2an 3 <eneficent5: .ravashis59 Bith 2their3 afisincere=; heart=41=7 2an 3 afjBith arms=@1=6 uplifte =5 2<y Bay of supplication3* 1;?4 -at/ra;> $/;? d6# ;@ 7a+r$a;B fr/GAa0ente<0= fraoret<1 fra5 # ni<2 a$i 8anC<; 0ara0d/tCit<< an! +Aat<> ac a<?= /tarat ra<@ fraori#inti<B +! r/o>0 a# /+n/8>1 fra$a# aAC>2= at ra>3 Fit r/c a>; Ra# n+c a>< +! rac a>> D/8Ci# >? )7a8ana>@ at ra>B $/ta?0 $eret r/3ana?1.

1;@4 T/o?2 dan! /$C?3 at ra?; 3at/o?< ni3a! nentc?>= 7anc #a! n/i?? #atat an/i# c a?@= #ata! n/i?B a0an!r! n/i# c a@0= a0an!ra! n/i@1 2aD$are! n/i# c a@2= 2aD$are! n/i@3 a /5 # ta! n/i# c a@;= Aat ra@< fraoiri#inti@> +! r/o@? a# /+n/8@@ fra$a# aAC@B at raB0 Fit r/c aB1 Ra# n+c aB2 +! rac aB3 D/8oi# B; )7a8anCB< at raB> $/taB? $eret ra3anCB@. 2=F3 .rom amongst 2the armies of3 <oth the si es Bhichever =6 2army3 Bill first=9 Borship=: those 2.ravashis3=: Bith af!perfect faith@4, evote heart@=, to that afl irection@: the triumphant6; .ravashis67 of the righteous 2people364, along Bith65 +eher6= 2ya?ata3, $ashna6@ ya?ata 2the just3, poBerful66 (mi afm /pamana6: 2ya?ata3 an the victorious Gova 2Ya?ata3 go @9 2for the help of that army3* 2=:3 +oreover, thoseF7 countriesF5 are at onceF= efeate F6 having smittenF@ from fiftyFF to hun re timesF:, from hun re F9 to thousan times:;, from thousan :4 to ten thousan times:7, innumera<le times:=, against Bhich
afg i*e* Bhose garment is light onlyL or in <rilliant ress* afh 2reret#o4 freren!ainti 1 the root of these tBo Bor s is one an the same root>1 fra$ar W to of1 fer, to grant* afi )riginal meanings, Gstrong, .irmly stretche , raBnH* afj .or comparison, see yasna 7:*4 2ust#n;$6ast;3* af! )r Bith sympathetic thought an evote conscience* afl )riginal meaning, Gto that si e of the tBoH* afm &ts original meaning, Gthe sym<ol of Bis om 1 the simile of Bis omH*



2countries3:@ the triumphant:F .ravashis:9 of the righteous 2people3:: along Bith9; +eher94 2ya?ata3, $ashna97 ya?ata 2the just ya?ata3 poBerful95 (mi9= /pamana9@ 2ya?ata3 an the victorious9: Gov 9F 2ya?ata3 go:6* 1Kard/ O(((4 1;B4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? $6#/d a@ /$aAeintiB Ha8a#7at 8aDdaD810 7aiti11 rat:812= /at13 at ra1; $6c arenti1< da#a1> 7airi 5 # afnC1?= a$at1@ a$C1B 0i5 # n/on! e8n/o20. 1<04 KC21 nC22 #ta$/t23= 5C2; Aa0/ite2<= 5C2> +fA/t2?= 5C2@ fr6n/t2B= 5C30 7aitiG0an/t31H !ao8ata32 0a#ta33 $a#tra$ata3; a# aGn/#a3< ne8an! a3>. Ka e3? nC3@ id a3B n/8a;0 /! airA/t;1= 5a e;2 $C;3 +r$C;; fraAe0A/t;<= 5a 8/i;> nC;? tat;@ d/t re8;B daA/t<0= Aat<1 e<2 an! at<3 5 $airA/n<; 5 $aret e8 a3Aa8ne8<< Aa$aDc a<> Aa$aDt/taDc a<?. 2=93 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF on44 the occasion47 of Hamaspathmae em 2Season1 .estival3 come9 to the afnstreets:, an move a<out4@ for afoten46 nights4F toBar s those esiring7; help49 2as <eloB3* 2@;3 Eho74 Bill praise75 us77Y Eho7= Bill Borship7@ 2us3Y Eho76 Bill sing our glory7FY An Bho7: Bill !eep love79 2for us3Y 2Besi es3 Bho5; Bill afp Belcome54 2us3 Bith the han 55 containing afCfoo 57, clothings5= 2an 3 Bith a prayer56 causing to reach righteousness5@Y Ehose5F name=; of us5: Bill <e remem<ere =4 here59Y Ehose=7 soul== of you=5 Bill Borship=@ 2us3Y #o Bhom=6 of us=F Bill that=: gift=9 <e given@;Y Ehich@4 Bill 2<ecome3 2as3 fresh@@ forever, for eternity* 1<14 at<@ Ao<B na>0 i# >1 fraGAa0aite>2= !ao8ata>3 0a#ta>; $a#tra$ata>< a# aGna#a>> ne8an! a>?= a 8/i>@ afrinenti>B 5 # n+tao?0 ainitao?1 at2i# tao?2 +! rao?3 a# /+n/8?; fra$a# aAC?<. 1<24 .+Aat?> a 8i?? n8ane?@ !e+# c a?B $at wa@0 +7a@1 $iran/8c a@?= 2+Aat@3 a#+# c a@; a#7o@< dere0ra#c a@> $a5 # o@?= 2+Aat@@ na@B #ta AoB0 $Aa5 anoB1= AoB2 noB3 2ad aB; fraGAa0aiteB<= !aoa8ataB> 0a#taB? $a#tra$ataB@ a# aGna#aBB ne8an! a100.
2@43 +oreover@4, the person6; Bho@9 Borships67 those 2.ravashis364 Bith the han 6= containing foo 65 2an 3 clothing6@ an Bith the prayer6F causing to reach righteousness66, the .ravashisF@ of the righteous 2people3F=, please F;, un istresse F4 an unoffen e F7 <less69 that 2person36: 2as state <eloB3>1
afn #he meaning of !isa is also, Gfamily, clanH 2see yasna H 9*F3* afo i*e* #en nights inclusive of ays, i*e* ten full ays* afp &n 'nglish, Gto BelcomeH* &ts meaning is also GBill !noBH* Sans!rit root ,nya W to !noB* &ts significance is that Bho Bill Belcome us <y invo!ing us Bith goo foo an Bith the gift of clothingY +oreover, the .ravashis are please <y presenting those consecrate things to the just an Borthy men* afC )riginal meaning, Ghaving meatH*



2@73 2#he .ravashis <less the Borshippers3>1 +ay there <e F6 in thisFF houseF: the increase:; of cattleF9 an men:7X +ay there <e a sBift:= horse:@ an afsa soli :6 chariot:FX #he man:9, the chieftain of the assem<ly94 Bho97 Bill verily9= Borship9@ us95 Bith the han 9F containing foo 96 an clothing9: 2an 3 Bith the prayer4;; causing to reach righteousness99, may <ecome:: aft poBerful9;* 1Kard/ O(V4 1<34 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? a7/8@ Fa0daGd /tan/8B #r6r/o10 7at C11 daD#aAeinti12= A/o13 7ara1; a 8/t1< i# tenta1> frad /t/o1? afratatG 5+# 6# 1@= a8aAa1B !/t$C20 dare! e8c it21 7airi22 0r$/ne823. 1<;4 at2; t/o2< n:r/82> fratac inti2?= Fa0dad /te82@ 7aiti2B 7ant/830= 2a! CG2a5 te831 7aiti32 Aaone833= fr/t war# te83; 7aiti3< /fente83>= 0ao# /i3? A +ra e Fa0d/o3@= 0ao# /i3B A8e# an/8 S7entan/8;0. 2@53 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF point out47 the goo 4; paths44 to the afuBaters: create <y Ahura +a? aL Bhich45 afvstoo 46 afBstill4F, af"Bithout floBing out from the springs4:, for a long74 time75, prior to4= this4@ 2pointing out the paths <y the .ravashis3* 2@=3 But7= noB76, afyfor the Bish5F of Ahura +a? a5: 2an 3 for the Bish59 of the Bountiful &mmortals=;, those7@ 2Baters3 af?floB7F along79 the path5; create <y Ahura +a? a7:, <estoBe <y Go 54 2an 3 along5@ the Bater Bay56 fi"e 5= 2for them3* 1Kard/ OV4 1<<4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? +r$aran/8@ 5 $awr6ran/8B #r6r/o10 +r+t 86# 11 daD#aAeinti12= A/o13 7ara1; a 8/t1< i# tenta1> frad /t/o1? afrao5 # Aeint6# 1@= a8aAa1B !/t$C20 dare! e8c it21 7airi22 0r$/ne823. 1<>4 at2; t/o2< n:r/82> fra$a5 # Aeinti2?= Fa0dad /te82@ 7aiti2B 7ant/830= 2a! CG2a5 te831 7aiti32 Aaone833= fr/t war# te83; 7aiti3< 0r$/ne83>= 0ao# /i3? A +ra e Fa0d/o3@= 0ao# /i3B A8e# an/8
afr i*e* &n that family Bhere the Borship of the .ravashis Bith li<ations is performe * afs &f it is un erstoo in the sense of fr#deresra, it Boul <e, G<eautiful, fairH* aft G#he praiser 2of Go 3H, erive from the root stu* 2(armesteter3* afu #he Bor is genitive plural in the original sense>1 G)f the BatersH* afv )riginal meaning Gfi"e , settle HL root fra$d# W Sans!rit dh#* afB fratat$9ushi $ a W notL fra W forBar , 9ushi W Sans!rit 9u9hshi W pit, cave, stream* af" &n Binter on the earth an in the ripping of Bater in the air 2(armesteter3* afy i*e* at the Bill of the ,reator Ahura +a? a an of the Bountiful &mmortals, <y su<jugating to their comman * af? .or comparison of this para, see #ir yasht, para 5@*



S7entan/8;0. 2@@3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 an <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* Eho agamaintain47 <eautiful4; groBths44 of the trees: ag< self1<earing as fruits9L Bhich45 stoo 46 still4F Bithout groBing4: on one an the same49 place7; for77 a long74 time75 prior to7= 2help34@* 2@63 But7= noB76 those7@ 2trees3 groB up7F in the path5; create <y Ahura +a? a7:, in57 the path55 <estoBe <y Go 54 2an 3 at the appointe 5= time56, for the Bish5F of Ahura +a? a 2an 3 for the Bish59 of the Bountiful &mmortals=;* 1Kard/ OV(4 1<?4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? #tr/8@ 8/on! CB :rC10 ana! ran/811 raoc an! /812 7at C13 daD#aAen1; a# aon6# 1<= ACi1> 7ara1? a 8/t1@ a8e1B !/t$C20 dare! e821 i# tenta22 afra# 68antC23= daD$an/82; 7arC2< t2aD# an! at2>= daD$an/82? 7arC2@ drao8C +2B. 1<@4 at30 te31 n:r/831 fra$a0enti33 d:raD+r$aD#e83; ad $anC3<= +r$aD#e83> n/# e8na3? Ai83@ fra# C5eretCit3B $an! +A/o;0. 2@F3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF agcopene 4= the right4@ paths45 of the stars:, the +oon9, the Sun4; 2an 3 of the 'n less44 %ights47 2of the s!y3* Ehich46 2i*e* the Stars, the +oon, the Sun, etc*3 stoo 77 ag Bithout revolving75 for a long time74 ere4F this4: 2i*e* up to the time .ravashis i not help3 on account of 7@ the evil76 assaults7= of the emons7=* 2@:3 But5; noB57 they54 procee further45 toBar s esiring agfthe a vent5F of the goo =; $enovation59* istant5=


1Kard/ OV((4 1<B4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. -/o? a$at@ 0raACB aiwA/5 # aAeinti10 Aat11 Vo+r+G5a# e812 2/86813= na$ac a1; na$ait6# c a1< na$ac a #ata1> na$ac a a0an!ra1? na$a#e#c a 2aD$/n1@. 2@93 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* Eho are ninety1nine thousan 4F14: nine hun re 46 an agg ninety1nine4=14@ in num<er !eep Batch over this : shining45 sea9 Vouru1
aga )riginal meaning GshoBsHL i*e* help for the goo groBth of the trees* ag< 9h!a(rira W 9h!a Z ira 2suffi"3L root bar W to <ear W to pro uce, hu Z a(ra Z ira W ma e fresh Bell Bith Batery clou s* agc )riginal meaning GshoBe H* ag )riginal meaning GBithout moving forBar HL frashi W fraZan*hZshi* root fra$an*h W to move forBar * age &ts significance is to <e un erstoo as in 'nglish G&nfinite or +easureless SpaceH* agf Here the Bor ur!a:sa is use in the sense of the 'nglish Bor GpointH 2i*e* fi"e perio 3* &ts meaning is Gen , final changeH also* agg &n the original te"t the figure is thus> Gninety1thousan

an nine thousan


an nine hun1



!asha47*agh 1Kard/ OV(((4 1>04 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. -/o? a$e@ #trD+# B aiwA/5 # aAeinti10 A/11 Ha7tCirin!e12= na$ac a13 na$ait6# c a1; na$ac a #ata1< na$ac a a0an!ra1> na$a#e#c a 2aD$/n1?. 26;3 Ee Borship6 the goo F, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF are ninety1nine thousan 4614F, nine hun re 4@ an ninety1nine4514= in num<er !eep Batch over4; these: stars9 2calle 3 agi Haptoiringa47* 1Kard/ O(O4 1>14 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? a$/8@ 5e r7e8B aiwA/5 # aAeinti10= A/811 S/8a e12 Kere#/#7a e13 Aat1; ,aD#/+#1< !ad a$ara e1>= na$ac a1? na$ait6# c a1@ na$ac a #ata1B na$ac a a0an!ra20 na$a#e#c a 2aD$/n21. 2643 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 an <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF are ninety1nine thousan 7;174, nine hun re 49 an ninety1nine4F14:, in num<er agj!eep Batch over4; this: <o y9 of -ersaspa45 of the Sma family47, the curly1haire 4@ an the mace1Biel er46* 1Kard/ OO4 1>24 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? a$/8@ 5 # +dre8B aiwA/5 # aAeinti10= A/811 S7it/8a e12 a# aonC13 Iarat +# tra e1;= na$ac a1< na$ait6# c a1> na$ac a #ata1? na$ac a a0an!ra1@ na$a#e#c a 2aD$/n1B. 2673 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF are ninety1nine thousan 4:149, nine hun re 4F an ninety1nine4@146, in num<er ag!!eep Batch over4; this: see 9 of the Holy45
re 46 an ninety4@ an nine4=H* .or its comparison, see Ven i a fargar TT&&, para 7* &n the matter of num<ers in Avesta there comes first the loBer folloBe <y higher enominationL e*g* pan*h#*h# hapt#iti W five an seventy, i*e* seventy five* agh #he reason of !eeping Batch over the Sea calle , Vouru1!asha is that Gao!erena or Ehite Haoma groBs in it, Bhich is use for rin!ing on the (ay of $esurrection, in or er to <e immor 1 tal* .or further etails, see my translation of the Ven i a , fargar TT, para =, note* agi Haptoiringa is the chief of the stars of the north* &t is compare Bith /rsa +ajor* #his star along Bith its companions, guar s the gate an passage of hell, in or er to prevent 99,999 emons, rujas, fairies, etc*, coming out from hell, an for its authority 99,999 .ravashis come for help 2See 'nglish translation of +ino! i -hera <y (r* Eest, ,hapter =9, para 4@3* agj #he hero -eresaspa is one amongst the famous personages mentione in later <oo!s of the Doroastrian $eligion* Accor ing to Bun ehesh he lies in the plain of Peshyansai* #he glory of heaven guar s him, <ecause Bhen Doha! Bill <e unfettere , he Bill rise an slay him* +oreover, innumera<le .ravashis of the righteous people also guar him* Accor ing to %ino9 i Kherad, near the +ount (amavan Bhere Doha! is <oun Bith a chain, the hero -eresspa lies asleep in the place calle Poshta &usht#sp#n 2see 'nglish #ranslation of (r* Eest3* ag! Because from that see Saoshyant 1 the future Benefactor Bill <e <orn* Accor ing to later <oo!s, from the see of the Prophet Darathushtra, Hoshe ar, Hoshe ar1+h an Soshyosh Bill <e <orn from the Bom<s of Srutat1.e hri, Vanghu1.e hri an 're at1.e hri, respectively*



Spitama47 Darathushtra4=* 1Kard/ OO(4 1>34 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. -/o? A +ra e@ 5 # aAatCB da# in/810 +7a11 A:id Aeinti12= Ae0i13 aD81; 2a$ati1< a# a$a1>G5 # n:# 1?= Ae0i1@G# e1B 2a$ainti20 ana0aret/o21 5 # n+t/o22 ainit/o23= at2i# t/o2; +! r/o2< a# /+n/82> fra$a# aAC2?. 2653 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5 an <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF aglfight47 at44 the right si e4; of the ruling9 lor : 2i*e* the ruling Sovereign of the perio 3* E*7"anation>1 2As regar s the Cualities of that sovereign, it is state 3* &f45 that4= 2Sovereign3 is4@ agmrejoicing4F the righteous 2person346, 2an 3 if: the triumphant7@ .ravashis7F of the righteous 2people376 are7; not1harme 74, not oppresse 75 an not offen e 7= <y him49 2<ut3 are7; please 77 2then they fight for the help of that Sovereign3* 1Kard/ OO((4 1>;4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; < fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide>. -/o? 8a#Ae 6# @ a 8/tB= A/o10 ao3Ae 6# a 8/t= A/o t/# Ae 6# 1; a 8/t= A/o a8a$a#tar/o a 8/t= A/o $eret ra$a#tar/o20 a 8/t21= A/o22 2aD# a0ACtar/o23 a 8/t2;= A/o2< A/#5ere#tar/o2> a 8/t2?= Aat a2@ $ac a2B fra8ra$/ire30H A/o31 8ad e8e8c it32 8Aa0dan/833 2aD$/ne3; +7a$a0ente3<. 1><4 at Aat3> /7C3? +02arente3@= S7ita8a3B Iarat +# tra;0= 0raG Aan! at;1 ac a;2 Vo+r+GKa# /t;3 5 $arena#c a;; Aat Fa0dad /te8;<. at;> fra# :#enti;? +! r/o;@ a# /+n/8;B fra$a# aAC<0= 7aoir6# <1 7o+r+G #at/o<2= 7aoir6# <3 7o+r+G a0an!r/o<;= 7aoir6# << 7o+r+G2aD$/nC<>. 26=3 Ee Borship6 the goo 7, heroic5, 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34* EhoF are greater:, stronger44, firmer4=, more poBerful4F, victorious7;, healing75 an more effective76 agnthan7: agocan <e e"presse 5; in Bor s79, 2an 3 Bho54 come5@ agp<y thousan s into the mi st57 of the li<ations55 2i*e* of the gifts e icate in ceremonies3*
agl i*e* <y thrusting asi e the enemy at the time of efeating, the .ravashis fight for the help of that sovereign so that he may <ecome victorious* agm i e* the rejoicer of the righteous man <y offering the reCuire help an the supporter of his cree * agn )riginal meaning, G<y itH 2 emonstrative pronoun a<lative singular3L Accor ing to the i iom & have translate GonceH, y#o D+++ ah/#t Bhich comes Bith every a jective an have left off after that* ago i*e* <ecome so in escri<a<ly poBerful an victorious* 2ra/ra!#ire 1 Perfect tense thir per1 son plural atmanepa aL (uplicate form is roppe * &n the same Bay it occurs in GnighrireH 2root -an W to smite3L see yasht 4;*=;* agp )riginal meaning is* Gten thousan H, i*e* they come in large num<ers for participating in ce1 remonial offerings e icate to them*



26@3 Ehen56 2the .ravashis3 agC<ring5: Baters5F 2an 3 agr2the &ranian3 Glory== create <y Ahura +a? a=@ from the sea Vouru1!asha=41=71=5 2then3 ) Spitama59 Darathushtra=;X the strong=: .ravashis of the righteous 2people3 2Bho are3 countless, procee further=F 2to them3* 1>>4 7e8<? aD# e8n/o<@ a$/i<B 5/c it>0 n/fA/i>1= a$aA/i>2 $6#e>3= a$/i>; 0anta$e><= a$aA/i>> dain! a$e>? +itAao3an/o>@= 5 $aD7ait e>B nC?0 dain! +# ?1 nid /taDc a>2 ao# /taDc a?3. 1>?4 T/o1 A:id Aeinti2 7e# an/ +3 a$e; a#a i< # Cit raDc a>= Aat a? a#C 8aDt ane8c aB aiwi# itDe10 dad /ra11. F/naAen a e Aat an/12 ta5 8C13 rat aD# t/o1; +# G /82eretat1< ac a1> # aDt/t1? Aa#tCG 0aDni# 1@ 7aitiG! n6ta1B.

1>@4 at20 A/o#c a21 /on! /822 ni$/nente23= t/o2; /7e82< 7ar/0enti2>= a$/i2? 5/c it2@ n/fA/i2B= a$aA/i30 $6#e31= a$/i32 0anta$e33= a$aA/i3; dain! a$e3< +itAao3an/o3>= 5 $aD7ait e3? nC3@ dain! +# 3B frad /taDc a;0 $ared /taDc a;2. 2663 An every6; 2.ravashi3 Bishing@: Bater@F for his oBn@9 !in re clan65, toBn6@ 2an 3 country6F, agsspea! as un er6:>1 )urF; oBn69 countryF4 is in calamityF7 an
4= 45 agt agu 64


26F3 0ust as a Barrior , gallant an gir e Bith Beapons4:, fight49 against 2the enemy3 for the sa!e of his Bell1hor e 4@ agvfortune4F, 2the same Bay3 they4 2i*e* the .ravashis3 fight7 in <attles5 at their oBn= place@ an in their oBn country6L BhichF each 2 .ravashi3 has fi"e 44 for Batch4;* 26:3 +oreover7; those7= 2.ravashis3 Bho74 gain victory75 2in securing Bater3 carry it aBay76 for his oBn7F !in re 79, clan54, toBn55 2an 3 country5@ 2an 3 spea! as un er56>1

G)ur5: oBn5F country59 2Bill noB emerge3 into a<un ance an prosperity*H 1>B4 at Aat;2 2a$aiti;3 a$iG#7a# tC;; #/#ta dan! D+#


agC #he Bater having gone up in the form of vapour raine , raising the prosperity of the coun1 try, 2see #ir yasht, paras 5715=3* agr See <eginning portion of Ktash Nyyesh* ags )riginal meaning, Gspea!ing thusH 2present participle feminine nominative plural3* agt (armesteter* 5aosh#t 1 root hush W to ry upL locative singular of haoshaUL Also nidh#t, ta!ing in the sense of 6a9hireh 2store up provision3 correspon ing to Persian neh#deh, means, Gprosperity, a<un ant foo HL an haosh#t 1 hao$hu W sufficient, fullL sh#ta W joy* #hus it can <e translate > Gmay our oBn country have prosperity an joyXH agu 'asta W y#staL root y#h W Sans!rit y#s W to put onL 6a:ni W Beapon* agv )r treasures, BealthL if the Bor , 9hsha:t#t is ta!en, it Boul mean sovereignty, i*e* !ing1 om of his oBn country* agB .or its comparison, see para 66 of the same yasht*



5 # at rC;?= a+r$at aDi2AC;@ 7arC;B t2i# Aan2AC<0= t/o<1 02aAeite<3 +! r/o<; a# /+n/8<< fra$a# aAC<>.

a#c it<2 +7aG

1?04 T/o<? e<@ 3a#/onti<B a$an! e>0= Ae0i>1G# e>2 2a$ainti>3 an/0aret/o>; 5 # n:t/o>< ainit/o>>= atG2i# t/o>? +! r/o>@ a# /+n/8>B fra$a# aAC?0. T/o?1 di8?2 a$a?3 nifr/$aAente?;= 8/naAen a e Aat a?< n/?> 8ere! C?? +7arenC?@. 2693 Ehen=7 ag"an a<solute=F !ing=@ of any country=6 is agyta!en unaBares=51 <y the inimical opponents=:1=9, he invo!es for help@5 those@4 triumphant@= .ravashis@6 of the righteous 2people3@@*

2F;3 &f64 the triumphant6: .ravashisF; of the righteous 2people369 are65 not harme 6= oppresse 66 or offen e 6F <y him67 2<ut3 are65 please , they go@9 for the help6; of that 2Sovereign3@:,ag? 2in the shape of3 Bell1Binge F: <ir FF* #heyF4 flyF= toBar s himF5 2for help3* 1?14 T/o?B e@0 #nait i# c a@1 $aret a#c a@2 7ar# ta#c a@3 7airi$/rG a#c a@; $6#ente@<= 7airi@> 8ainAaoA/t@? dr+3at@@= $arenAaA/tc a@B dr$/it A/tB0= 0i0iA:# atc aB1 5aAad /tB2= $6#7CG8a r5/atc aB3 7airiB; dr$atatB< AatB> an!r/t 8ainAaotB?= 8/naAen a e at aB@ n/BB #ate8c a100 a0an!re8c a1 2aD$arec a2 7airi# tan/83 ni3at e8; A/t<. 1?24 -at a> nCit? tat@ 7aitiB 5aretC10 +fran! ar# tC11= nCit12 $a0rC13 +ni$i5 tC1;= nCit1< i# +# 1> 5 $/t a5 tC1?= nCit1@ ar# ti# 1B $ai$A/#ta20= nCit21 a#/nC22 are8C# +tC23 a$a#A/t2;. 2F43 #hoseF9 2.ravashis3 serve:@ as:= Beapon:4, a shiel :7, support:5 an efence:= ahafor him:; against the invisi<le:F ruj,:: an the Varenian:9 Bic!e 9; an the tormenting94 sinful man97 an against 2him3 Bho96 is the Bic!e 9@ Angra +ainyu9F, full of 2infeste Bith3 eath95* E*7"anation9G 2HoB o they serve as efence, etc*, is state <eloB3* 0ust as9: one man99 ah<Boul <e@ ahceCual to a hun re thousan 7 2men3 from amongst the teste 2men35*

, thousan

or ten

2F73 So that6 neitherF the sBor 4; Bell1thrust44, nor47 the clu<45 sufficiently ma e pon erous4=, neither4@ the arroB46 Bell1aime 4F, nor4: the spear49 Bell1
ag" )riginal meaning, Gpossessing full poBerHL from it, Gmost poBerfulH* agy &n the sense of Ghas <een surprise H* ag? (r* Gel ner regar s the Bor n# as ou<tful an says> Git Boul <e <etter if it Bere not thereH* aha i*e* as state in para 69, Gfor the sovereign terrifie <y the enemyH* ah< &f the meaning of the ni-athe/ eriving from the Sans!rit ni$han W Gto isregar , to ta!e no hee ofH is ta!en, its translation Boul <e G0ust as one man oes not care for a thousan menH, i*e* oBing to the poBer of those .ravashis that man gets e"traor inary strength 2(armesteter3* ahc &n a manner that a hun re , a thousan , ten thousan Barriors are fighting 2to help him3 (armesteter*



arte 7;, nor74 the stones77 hurle <y force of arms75 2i*e* sling1stones3 ah shall hit 2him guar e <y the .ravashis3* 1?34 V6#ente2< a$at2> $6 #entaDc a2? 8a0daAa#c it2@ airi8eGan! ad C2B a# /+n/830 $an!+ 6# 31 #:r/o32 #7ent/o33 fra$a# aAC3;= a$at3< a$C3> 0i5 # n/on! e8n/o3?. KC3@ nC3B #ta$/t;0= 5C;1 Aa0/ite;2= 5C;3 +fA/t;;= 5C;< fr6n/t;>= 5C;? 7aitG0an/t;@= !ao8ata;B 0a#ta<0 $a#tra$ata<1 a# aGn/#a<2 ne8an! a<3. Ka e nC id a n/8a /! airA/t= 5a e $C +r$a fr/Ae0A/t= 5a 8/i nC tat d/t re8 daA/t= Aat e an! at 5 $airA/n 5 $aret e8 a3Aa8ne8 Aa$aDc a Aa$aDt/taDc a. 2F53 #he e"cellent54, heroic57 2an 3 <eneficent .ravashis5= of the righteous 2people35;, sitting not at ease79 go7@ from one place76 to aheanother7: 2i*e* are alBays moving3, 2to help the sovereign3 esiring 5F this5@ 2i*e* state as un er3 help56* Eho5: Bill praise=; us59Y Eho=4 Bill Borship =72us3Y Eho=5 Bill sing our== gloryY 2An 3 Bho=@ Bill love=6 2us3* 2Besi es3 Bho=F Bill Belcome=: 2us3 Bith the han @; containing foo =9 2an 3 clothings@4 2an 3 a prayer@5 causing ahfto reach righteousness@7Y 1?;4 #n/o1 Aa0a8aide2= 8an/o3 Aa0a8aide;= daDn/o< Aa0a8aide>= Sao# Aant/8? Aa0a8aide. )r+nC@ Aa0a8aideB. Pa#+5an/810 Aa0aG 8aide11= daiti5an/812 Aa0a8aide13= +7/7an/81; Aa0a8aide1<= +7a#8aG n/81> Aa0a8aide1?= fra7tere3/t/81@ Aa0a8aide1B= ra$a#c ar/t/820 Aa0aG 8aide21= c an!Gran! /c /822 Aa0a8aide23= fra$a# aAC2; Aa0a8aide2<. 1?<4 Fra$a# 6#2> Aa0a8aide2?= aredr/o2@ Aa0a8aide2B= ta5 8/o30 Aa0a8aide31= tanc i# t/o32 Aa0a8aide33= #7ent/o33 Aa0a8aide3<= #7Dni# t/o3> Aa0a8aide3?= #:r/o3@ Aa0a8aide3B= #D$i# t/o;0 Aa0a8aide;1 dere0r/o;2 Aa0a8aide;3= aiwit :r/o;; Aa0a8aide;<= +! r/o;> Aa0a8aide;?= ao3i# t/o;@ Aa0a8aide;B= rD$i# <0 Aa0a8aide<1= ren3i# t/o<2 Aa0a8aide<3= A/#5eretC<; Aa0a8aide<<= A/#5ere#te8/o<> Aa0a8aide<?. 2F=3 Ee ahgBorship9 ahhthe innate Bis om4 of the ahiSaoshyantsF, 2their3 mental poBer5, comman ments of the religion@ 2an their3 souls:* Amongst
ah .or its comparison, see Horma? yasht, para 4:* ahe #he Bor /a6dayas*hit is not un erstoo , (armesteter ta!ing the letter G H as superfluous an regar ing it as comparative egree of /a6, translates Gan even moreH* Eestergaar has change the Bor into anyas*hit 2other si e3* ahf .or the translation of the remaining portion, see para @; of this yasht* ahg &n this para there comes Gya?amai eH after every Bor * & have translate it only tBice* ahh #here is also the Bor #sna 9hratu 1 2see yasna H 77, para 7@, Siro?, -hshnuman of Bah1 man3* ahi #he meaning of Saoshyants 2in plural3 is, persons Bho gui e the religion prior to the a vent of the Prophet Darathushtra, the in icators of the ivine1moral path, the <enefactors of the Borl *



the animals4; Be Borship7@ the .ravashis7= of Bil animals47, of the animals living in Bater4=, animals living on the groun 46, ahjthe Binge creatures4:, the animals that Ban er Bil at large7; an of Zthe gra?ing animals77* 2F@3 Ee Borship ah!the .ravashis76 that <estoB7:, the valiant5; .ravashis76, most valiant57 .ravashis76, <eneficent5= .ravashis76, heroic5: .ravashis76 profita<le=; .ravashis76, the stea fast=7 2i*e* firm in their Bor!3 .ravashis 76, triumphant== 2i*e* victorious in the Bor!3 .ravashis76 poBerful=6 an most poBerful=:, agile@; .ravashis76, an the effective 2or efficacious@=3 .ravashis7@* 1?>4 T/o<@ 06 <B enti>0 A/#5ere#te8/o>1 $aA/o>2 8ani$/o>3 d/8/n>;= A/o>< a# /+n/8>> $an!+ 6# >? #:r/o>@ #7ent/o>B fra$a# aAC?0= A/o?1 tad a?2 ered w/o?3 i# tenta?;= Aat?< 8ainA:?> d/8/n?? daid 6te8?@= Aa#c a?B S7entC FainA+# @0= Aa#c a@1 an!rC@2. 1??4 -at@3 titarat@; an!rC 8ainA+# @< d/ 68@> a# a e@? $an! D+# antare@B 7airiGa$/ite8B0 Vo :c a FanCB1 tar# c aB2.

1?@4 T/oB3 eB; ta+r$aAate8B< t2aD# /oB> an!ra e 8ainAD+# B? dr$atCB@= AatBB nCit100 /7C1 ta5/i# 2 #taAat3= nCit; +r$ar/o< +r+t 8ai2AC> a5at? #:ra e@ dat +# CB 5 # aAatC10 A +ra e Fa0d/o11 fratac in12 /7C13 #D$i# t/o1;= +0+5 # A/nc a1< +r$ar/o1>. 2F63 #hey@:, i*e*6@ the goo 6F heroic6:, 2an 3 <eneficent69 .ravashisF; of the righteous 2people366 are6; in ee @9 ahlmost effective64 among the creatures6= of the tBo67 Spirits65* E*7"anation>1 2&ts reason is state as un er3* EhenF@ the tBo SpiritsF6 1 Spen! +eno!:; an the Angra +ainyu :7 1 create F: the creationFF, theyF4 2i*e* the .ravashis3 ahmstoo F= firmF5 thitherF4 2for granting help3* 2FF3 2+oreover3 Bhen:5 Angra +ainyu ahnrushe Bith violence:= in the creation:6 of goo righteousness:F Vohu +anah 2Amshspan 3 an ar 2ya?ata3 ahoBent9; <etBeen them:9* 2F:3 ahp#hey95 ahC estroye

the evils96 of the Bic!e


Angra +ainyu9F, so

ahj i*e* the creatures that fly in the air* ah! t .or its e"planation, see Vispere -ar a 4, para 4* ahl i*e* Possessing e"cellent Cualities* ahm .rom this it is seen that the .ravashis e"iste , prior to the creation of the creatures* ahn Eith the intention of efiling creations of Nature* aho i*e* BetBeen righteous creatures an an,ra /ainyeush* Pairi$a!#ite/ 1 potential moo thir person ual parasmaipa aL root pairia!a W to me leL to come in across* ahp i*e* the .ravashisL T#o <eing the pronoun in feminine gen er applies to fra!ashay; 2.ravashis3* ahC Taur!ayate/ 1 imperfect thir person ual parasmaipa a from the root taur! W Sans!rit tar!



that9; 2he3 ahrcoul 5 not4;; stop5 the Baters4 from floBing7 2an 3 the trees@ from groBing6* 2&ts result Bas that3 ahsthe most <eneficent4= Baters45 of the omnipotent: ,reator9 2an 3 the $uler4; 2over all the creations3 <egan to floB 47 at onceF, an the trees46 <egan to sprout4@* 1?B4 V6#7/o /7C1@ Aa0a8aide1BH $6#7/o20 +r$ar/o21 Aa0a8aide22H $6#7/o23 a# /+n/82; $an!+ 6# 2< #:r/o2> #7ent/o2? fra$a# aAC2@ Aa0aG 8aide2B. '/8eni30 /7C31 Aa0a8aide32H n/8eni33 +r$ar/o3; Aa0a8aide3<H n/8eni3> a# /+n/83? $an!+ 6# 3@ #:r/o3B #7ent/o;0 fra$a# aAC;1 Aa0a8aide;2. 2F93 Ee praise49 all4F the ahtBaters4:L Be praise77 all7; the trees74* Ee Borship79 all75 the goo 7@, heroic76 2an 3 <eneficent7F .ravashis7: of the righteous 2people37=* Ee praise57 the Baters54, an the trees5= <y 2their special3 ahunames55* Ee Borship=7 the goo 5:, heroic59 2an 3 <eneficent=; .ravashis=4 of the righteous 2people35F Bith 2their special3 names56* 1@04 V6#7an/8c a /on! /8 7aoirAan/8 fra$a# in/8 id a Aa0aG 8aide fra$a# 68= a$/8 A/8 A +ra e Fa0d/o= 8a0i# t/8c a $a i# G t/8c a #raD# ta8c a= 5 rao0di# t/8c a 5 rat wi# t/8c a +5ere7G te8/8c a= a# /t a7anCte8/8c a.a $ 1@14 -en! e>1 +r$a>2 8/nt rC>3 S7entC>;= a+r+# C>< rao5 # nC>> fr/dere#rC>?. Ke r7a#c a>@ A/o>B raDt waAeiti?0 #r6r/o?1 A8e# an/8 S7entan/8?2= $ere0d/o?3 A8e# an/8 S7entan/8?;H $areG5 # aDte8?< a+r$atGa#7e8?> Aa0a8aide??. 2:;3 An the first among all these .ravashis, o Be Borship here the .ravashi, of Ahura +a? a, 2Bhich is3 the greatest, the <est, fairest, firmest, Bisest, most gracious, Bhich hath reache the highest 2stage3 through Asha* 2:43 Ehose64 ahBsoul67 2is3 the <eneficent6= 2or holy6=3 mnthra, Bhite6@, <rilliant66 2an 3 <eautiful6F

W to <rea!, to estroy* ahr 7tatyat 8 &mperfect causal thir person singularL root sta W to stan L staya W to cause to stan , to stop 2causal3* ahs )riginal meaning, G<rave, heroicH* aht i*e* to the Baters of various !in sL such as of the springs, of the rivers, of the Bells, of rains, etc* Bhose escription occurs at the en of -horshe Nyyesh, in yasna H 5:, paras 51@* yasna H 6:, para 6* ahu i*e* trees of various !in s* Ee o not fin any reference a<out this in the AvestaL <ut it is foun in the Pahlavi Bun ehesh, ,hapter 7F* See 'nglish translation <y (r* Eest in S*B*'* Vol* V* ahv .or the translation of this para, see yasna H 76, para 7* ahB i*e* #he Soul of the ,reator Ahura +a? aL pronoun yen,he occurring in the prece ing para applies to hurahe %a6d#o*



Ee praise the <eautifulF4 2an 3 ah"efficaciousF5 form6: of Ameshspan F7 the sBift1foote horseF6, SunF@ Bhich69 2Ahura +a? a3 ahyhas given allegoricallyF; to the Ameshspan F=* 1Kard/ Aa0a8aide. dCit ran/8 ait AeG3an! OO(((4 1@24 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC -/o A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= 5 # aDtan/8 $ere0iG 2ere0at/8 aiwA/8anan/8= ta5 8an/8 / :irAan/8= ACi C a# a$anC.a 0

1@34 -Ci1 a7ta2 a8CG8anan! C3= ACi; a7ta< a8CG$ac an! C>= ACi? a7ta@ a8CG# Aaot n/on! CB. -aD# /810 a#ti11 a8e812 8anC13= a8e81; $ac C1<= a8e81> # Aaot ne81?= a8C1@ 7atac a1B fra#/#G tac a20= AC21 dad $/o22 A +rC Fa0daC23. 1@;4 -aD# /82; anAC2< anAe e2> +r$/ne82? aiwiG$aDnaiti2@= 8eret G wente82B +8ataD# +30= 8eret wente831 :5 taD# +32= 8eret wente833 $ar# taD# +3;= 8eret wente83< !arCn8/ne83>H AaD# /83? rao5 # G n/on! C3@ 7ant/nC3B /$aAat/8;0 a$i;1 0aot r/o;2. 2:53 2#here3 2are3 seven7 2Ameshspan 3 of one thought 5, one Bor 6, an one ee 9* Ehose4; thought45, Bor 4@ 2an 3 ee 4F aiais the same46* Ehose4; father49 an teacher7; 2is3 the same4:, i*e*74 the ,reator77 Ahura +a? a75* 2:=3 2+oreover3 of Bhom7= one7@ sees7: the soul7F of the other76 2i*e* Ameshspan can see the souls of one another3* E*7"anation>1 2As regar s the state of that soul it is e"plaine <eloB3* Applying his min 79 in goo thoughts5;, 2min 543 goo ai<Bor s57, an goo ee s5=, applying his min to 2the Heaven3 Garothmn 56* 2Also3 Ehose5F paths are illuminate 5:, Bhile coming=; to=4 the votive offerings=7* 1Kard/ OO(V4 1@<4 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>. -/8c a? /t rC@ +r$/0i# ta eB #7enta e10 $A/5 na e11= A/8c a12 Srao# a e13 a# Ae e1; ta5 8a e1< tan+G 8/nt ra e1> dar# iGdrao# 1? :irAe e1@= A/8c a1B 'airAe e San! a e20. 1@>4 -/8c a21 Ra# nao# 22 ra0i# ta e23= A/8c a2; Fit ra e2< $o+r+G !aoAaCitCi# 2>= A/8c a2? 8/nt ra e2@ #7enta e2B= A/8c a30 a# nC31=
ah" See yasna H =6*5L or increasingL root !eredh W Sans!rit !ridh Z da 2ta3* ahy )riginal meaning, Ggives the formH* @a:th(ayeiti 1 enominative ver< causal* .or its e"1 planation, see my !esta &ra//ar, page 7=:* ah? .or the translation of this para, see yasna H 76, para 5, 'asna "# %aeni* aia i*e* thoughts, Bor s an slightest ifference* ee s of the Seven Ameshspan are one an the same, Bithout the

ai< )r in such state of concentrating his min in goo thoughts, goo Bor s an goo ee sL /ereth(ant W /ere Z ta Z !ant3, Past Participle Active* $oot /ere W Sans!rit s/ri W to remem1 <er, See my !esta &ra//ar, page 766*



A/8c a32 /7C33= A/8c a3; 0e8C3<= A/8c a3> +r$araA/o3?= A/8c a3@ !D+# 3B= A/8c a;0 !aAe e;1= A/8c a;2 #taoAC;3 a# /$aoAC;;. 2:63 Ee Borship6 the goo righteous 2people34*

heroic5 2an 3 <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the

Ee Borship6 the aic.ravashiF of the .ire: 2calle 3 ai /rv?ishta9, the <eneficent4; an the aiesitter 2lea er3 in the assem<ly44, the .ravashi47 of the holy4= Srosh4@ 2ya?ata3 Bho is strong4@, Bor 1incarnate46, possesse of terri<le Beapon 2for smiting the emons34F 2an 3 acting accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a4: as Bell as the .ravashi49 of aifNeryosang 2ya?ata37;* 2:63 2aigEe Borship3 the .ravashi74 of the 0ust $ashna 2ya?ata3, the .ravashi7= of +ithra 2ya?ata37@ of Bi e pastures76, the .ravashi7F of the <eneficent79 2or holy793 aihHoly Spell7: the .ravashi5; of the s!y54, an Bater45, the .ravashi5= of the earth5@, an the trees5F, the .ravashi5: of the cattle59, the .ravashis=; of aiithe life=4 an aij,reation=5* 1@?4 ,aAe e;< Faret nC;> a# aonC;? fra$a# 68;@ Aa0a8aide;BH AC<0 7aoirAC<1 A +r/i<2 Fa0d/i<3 8ana#c a<; !:# ta<< #/#n/o#c a<>= Aa 8at<? ac a<@ fr/t were#at<B n/fC>0 AirAan/8>1 da5 A+n/8>2= c it re8>3 AirAan/8>; da5 A+n/8><. Iarat +# tra e>> S7it/8a e>? id a>@ a# aonC>B a# 68c a?0 fra$a# G 68c a?1 Aa0a8aide?2. 1@@4 PaoirA/i?3 $o :?; 8a8an/i?<= 7aoirA/i?> $o :?? $ao5+# e?@= 7aoirA/i?B $o :@0 $/$ere0+# e@1= 7aoirA/i@2 at a+r+ne@3= 7aoirA/i@; rat aD# tai@<= 7aoirA/i@> $/#trA/i@? f# +Aante@@= 7aoirA/i@B fra$aDd /iB0= 7aoirA/iB1 fra$aDd aAa8n/iB2= 7aoirA/iB3 an! anan/iB;= 7aoirA/iB< an! an+# eB>= !/8c aB? a# e8c aB@ +5 de8c aBB +5 d a5 A/c a100 #rao# e81 5 # at re8c a2= $6#7ac a3 $o :; Fa0dad /ta< a# ac it ra>. 2:F3 Ee Borship=9 the .ravashi=: of the righteous=F Gayomar =@1=6* Eho@; first@4 listene to@6 the thought@= of 2the ,reator3 Ahura@7 +a? a@5 an 2His3 teachings@6L from Bhich@F1@: 2the ,reator Ahura +a? a3 ai!create @9 the
aic #he pronoun, y#/*ha occurring in this an the folloBing para stan s for 2ra!ash?/* #he original meaning of ya/*ha is, Gan BhomH* ai #he fire Bithin the plants Bhich ren ers help for their groBth 2see yasna H5 4F*443* Also its meaning is, Gmost joy1giving, most joyousH* aie )r the convener of the assem<ly, the hea of an assem<ly or the Presi ent of the assem<ly* aif #he +essenger of Ahura +a? a 2see Ven i a fargar 49, 5=L fargar 77,F3* aig #he Bor , ya6a/aide occurring in the <eginning of para :@ is to <e ta!en here* aih &ts meaning is, G+respan ya?ataH also* aii &ts meaning Boul seem to <e for 2the <enefit of3 man* aij 7taoy; ash#!aoy;+ ai! i*e* the entire &ranian race originate from the escent of Gayomar *



lineage6; of 2the people of3 &ranian 64 countries67, the origin65 of 2the people of3 &ranian6= countries6@* Ee BorshipF7 here6: the holinessF; of the holy69 Spitaman6F Darathushtra6: an 2his3 .ravashiF4* 2::3 2Eho, i*e* the Prophet Darathushtra3 first F5 thoughtF6 goo F= ailthought 2accor ing to the laB of the $eligion of Ahura +a? a3, spo!e F: goo Bor FF 2an 3 firstF9 i :4 the goo action:;* Also, Bho Bas the first:7 Athravan:5 2W priest3, $athaeshtr:@ 2W Barrior3 an the 2prosperity1<ringing::3 :F :9 agriculturist 2of the country3* 2Eho3 first gaine the !noBle ge of the religion9;, an taught97 2it3 first94 2to others3* +oreover, Bho Bas the first 95 aim chooser9= 2thought of the Belfare3 of the aincattle9F, righteousness9:, the Eor of the religion99, o<e ience4 to the Eor of the religion 4;;, the sover1 eignty7 2of -ing Gushtsp3 2an 3 of all 5 the goo things= having the see of righteousness6, create <y Ahura +a? a@3* 1@B4 -C? 7aoirAC@ /t ra$aB= AC10 7aoirAC11 rat aD# t/o12= AC13 7aoirAC1; $/#trAC1< f# +A/#1>. -C1? 7aoirAC1@ c a5 re81B +r$aD#aAat20 daD$/atc a21 aot/t22 8a# A/atc a23= AC2; 7aoirAC2< #tCi# 2> a#t$ait A/o2?= #taot2@ a# e82B n/i#t30 daD$C31= fraorenata32 Fa0daAa#nC33 Iarat +# tri# 3; $6daD$C3< A +raGt5aD# C3>. 1B04 -C3? 7aoirAC3@ #tCi# 3B a#t$ait A/o;0 $/c 68;1 ao5 ta;2 $6dCA:8;3 A +rCGt5aD# e8;;. -C;< 7aoirAC;> #tCi# ;? a#t$ait A/o;@ $/c 68;B fra8raot<0 $6dCA:8<1 A +rCGt5aD# e8<2. -C<3 7aoirAC<; #tCi# << a#t$ait A/o<> $6#7/8<? daD$CGd/te8<@ $a$ac a<B aAe#nA/8>0 a$a 8A/8>1. -C>2 #:rC>3 $6#7CG +3A/iti# >; 7aoirACGt5aD# C>< da5 A+n/8>>. 2:93 EhoF 2i*e* the Prophet Darathushtra3 2Bas3 the first : priest9, Barrior47 an 2the prosperity1<ringing463 agriculturist4@* Eho4F first4: aioturne 7; the Bheel49 of the aevas74 an 2the Bic!e 3 men75 aipli!e77 2the aevas3* Eho7= first7@ in the corporeal7F Borl 76 praise 7: righteousness79 an aiCcause the aevas54 to perish5;L 2also Bho3 confesse himself7 a +a? a1Borshipper45, an a folloBer of the $eligion proclaime <y Darathushtra 2i*e* his oBn3 5=, an estranger from the octrines of the aevas 5@ an the folloBer of the laB of Ahura +a? a56*
ail %a/an#i4 !ao9ushe4 !#!are6ushe 1 Perfect participle ative singular, .irst atmanepan a, an the last tBo parasmaipa aL root /an, !a*h, !ere6* .or its e"planation, see my !esta &ra//ar, page 7641767* aim 5an,hanan#i han,hanushe 1 Perfect participle ative singularL former atmanepa a an the latter parasmaipa aL root hanL Gto esire, to possess, to gainH 2(armesteter3* ain )r to Gvyo , i*e* first1create <ull* aio i*e* <y era icating Bic!e ness an irreligiousness, le men to the path of morality an ac 1 cor ing to the ictates of the religion* aip 5aot#t 2resem<ling to it, li!e it3 a<lative singular of ha!ant 2(armesteter3L or if, aot#t is ta!en, it Boul mean, Gcol 1hearte , merciless, or Bithout feelings, cruelH* aiC Eho recite , GAshem VohPH an GNaismi aMvQH 2(armesteter3*



29;3 Eho5F 2i*e* the Prophet Darathushtra3 first 5: in the corporeal=; Borl 59 pronounce =7 the Eor =4, oppose to the aevas=5 2an 3 acting accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a* Eho=@ first=6 in the corporeal=: Borl =F proclaime @; the Eor =9 oppose to the aevas@4 2an 3 acting accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a@7* 2Besi es3 Bho@5 first@= in the corporeal@6 Borl @@ air eclare every@F 2creation3 of the aevas@: as unBorthy of Borship6; 2an 3 a oration64* Eho67 in 2all3 the countries66 2is3 the mighty65 aispaoiryo1 t!aesha6@, the giver of all comforts of life6=* 1B14 -a 8i>? 7aiti>@ $6#7e8>B 8/nt re8?0 a# e8?1 #ra$C?2 $6#r+Aata?3. A +?; rat+# c a?< !aDt an/8?>H #taota?? a# a e?@ Aat?B 8a0i# ta ec a@0 $a i# ta ec a@1 #raD# ta ec a@2H 7aitiGfra5 # tac a@3 daenaA/o@; Aat@< aitin/8@> $a i# taA/o@?. 1B24 -i8@@ i#en@B A8e# /oB0 S7entaB0 $6#7eB1 $areG a0ao# aB2= fraoretB3 fra5 # niB; a$iB< 8anCB> 0ar0d/tCitB? an! +AatB@ ac aBB= a :8100 rat:8c a1 !aDt an/82= #taot/re83 a# a e; Aat< 8a0i# ta ec a> $a i# ta ec a? #raD# ta ec a@ 7aitiGfra5 # t/re8c aB daDnaA/o10 Aat11 aitin/812 $a i# taA/o13. 2943 ait#o Bhom6F 2i*e* to Prophet Darathushtra6F3 aiuBas cause to <e hear F5 the entire69 Holy SpellF; 2an 3 the sacre F4 verseF7 2of the $eligion3* Eho Bas the aivAhuF= an the $atuF@ of 2all the3 countriesF6* 2Also Bho Bas3 the praiserFF of the greatest:;, <est:4, an e"cellent:7 righteousnessF:L 2an 3 Bas the e"poun er:5 of the <est:F religion:= of 2all3 the e"isting:6 2religions3* 2973 Ehom:: 2i*e* the Prophet Darathushtra3 all94 the Ameshspan 9;, chose:9 of one accor Bith -horshe ya?ata 97, 2i*e* co1Bor!ers Bith one heart3, Bith full faith an evote heart 95199, as the Ahu4;; an $atu4 of 2all3 countries7, as the praiser5 of the greatest6, <estF, an e"cellent: righteousness=, an as the e"poun er9 of the religion4; 2Bhich is3 the <est 45 of 2all3 the e"isting 2religions347* 1B34 -e e1; 0/t aDc a1< $a5 # aDc a1>= +r$/#en1? /7C1@ +r$ar/o#c a1BH Ae e20 0/t aDc a21 $a5 # aDc a22= +5 # in23 /7C2; +r$ar/o#c a2<H Ae e2> 0/t aDc a2? $a5 # aDc a2@ +# tat/te82B ni8ra$anta30 $6#7/o31 #7entCG d/t/o32 d/8/n33.
air )riginal meaning, Gspo!eHL !a!a*ha 1 Perfect #ense thir person singular parasmaipa aL root !a*h 1 Sans!rit !a*h* ais #he original meaning> )f the primeval laB 1 faith* #his Bor is use for the +a? a1Borship1 pers prior to the Prophet Darathushtra* Prophet Darathushtra himself Bas the first paoiryo1 t!aesha* &ts analogy is, nab#na6dishta* ait )riginal meaning> Gin BhomH 2locative singular3 W yah/i paiti* aiu i*e* the Prophet Bas full verse in all the holy an mysterious verses of the $eligion an Bas perfect in matters of religion* aiv hu, i*e* the temporal lor L ratu, i*e* the high priestL the spiritual lea er*



1B;4 )# ta3; nC3< 0/tC3> /t ra$a3? AC3@ S7it/8C3B Iarat +# trC;0 fr/G nC;1 Aa0/ite;2 0aot r/2AC;3 #teretCG2are#8a;; 0arat +# trC;<. (d a;> a7/8;? $63a#/iti;@ $an!+ i;B daDna<0 F/0daAa#ni# <1 $6#7/i# <2 a$i<3 5ar# $/n<; A/i# << afta<>. 2953 &n Bhose4= <irth4@ 2i*e* in the <irth of the Prophet Darathushtra3 an groBth46 Baters4: an plants49 rejoice 4FL in Bhose7; <irth74 an groBth77 Baters7= an plants7@ increase 75 in Bhose76 <irth7F an groBth7: all54 the creations55 create <y Spenta +ainyu57 crie out5;, GHailH79* E*7"anation>1 )n account of <eing notice the laBs of increasing an prospering the natural creations of Baters, plants, etc*, <y %or Darathushtra, the entire nature rejoice * 29=3 2#he entire nature uttere Bith joy3>1 Hail5=X <orn56 for us5@ 2is3 one priest5F Spitaman Darathushtra* Darathushtra=@, the sprea er of Baresman== 2in the ceremonies3 Bill noB Borship=7 us=4 Bith li<ations=5* Hereafter=F, the goo =9 +a? a1Borshipping@4 $eligion@; Bill sprea =: over@5 all@7 the seven@6 regions of the earth@= 2i*e* in the entire Borl 3* 1B<4 (d a<? a7/8<@ Fit rC<B AC>0 $o+r+G!aoAaoiti# >1 frad /t>2 $6#7/o>3 frate8at/tC>; da5 $A+n/8>< Aao0aint6# c a>> r/8aAeiti>?. (d a>@ A7/8 'a7/o>B #:rC?0 frad /t?1 $6#7/o?2 frate8at/tC?3 da5 $A+n/8?; Aao0aint6# c a?< nA/#/ite?>. FaidACiG8/on! a e?? r/#taAe e?@ id a?B a# aonC@0 a# 68c a@1 fra$a# 68c a@2 Aa0a8aide@3H AC@; 7aoirAC@< Iarat +# tr/i@> 8/nt re8c a@? !:# ta@@ #/#n/o#c a@B. 29@3 Hereafter@: +ithra ya?ata@9, the lor of Bi e pastures64, Bill increase67 the entire65 e"cellence6= of 2our3 countries6@, an Bill tranCuilli?e6F the aiBrevolts66* 2Hereafter3 the poBerfulF; Apm Napt6; Bill increaseF4 the entireF7 e"cellenceF5 of 2our3 countriesF= an Bill CuellF6 the revoltsF@* Ee Borship:5 the holiness:4 of the holy:; ai"+ai hyo1monghaFF, the son of KrstiF: an 2his3 .ravashi:7L Bho:= first:@ listene Bith attention to:: the Holy Spell:F of 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra:6 an to the comman ments of the religion:9* 1Kard/ Aa0a8aide;H OOV4 1B>4 A#8CG5 $an$atC1 a# aonC2 fra$a# 683 A# nCG5 $an$atC< a# aonC> fra$a# 68? Aa0a8aide@H

aiB )r in the sense Ge"citement, agitationH* )riginally this Bor is present participle feminine>1 provo!ing 2things3* ai" #he cousin of Holy Darathushtra, Bho ha <ecome the great helper of the Prophet in the Bor! of propagating the Doroastrian $eligion* .rom here up to 44; paras, the names of the help1 ful isciples of the Prophet Darathushtra occur* +ost of these names <elong to the age of -ing Gushtspa*



,a$aA/nCB a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H Par# at!D+# 13 Par/ta e1; a# aonC1< fra$a# 681> Aa0a8aide1?H Vo $a#tCi# 1@ SnaoAe e1B a# aonC20 fra$a# 6821 Aa0a8aide22H (#$atC23 Var/0a e2; a# aonC2< fra$a# 682> Aa0a8aide2?. 1B?4 SaDna e2@ A :8G#t:tC2B a# aonC30 fra$a# 6831 Aa0a8aide32H AC33 7aoirAC3; #atCGaDt rAC3< fra5 # tata3> 7aiti3? /Aa3@ 0e8/3B. ;0 ;1 ;2 ;3 Pereidid aAe e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H )#8/nara e;; PaD# ata e ;< a# aonC;> fra$a# 68;? Aa0a8aide;@H Vo +Graoc an! C;B Fr/nAe e<0 a# aonC<1 fra$a# 68<2 Aa0a8aide<3H A# CGraoc an! C<; Fr/nAe e<< a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H Vare#8CGraoc an! C<B Fr/nAe e>0 a# aonC>1 fra$a# 68>2 Aa0a8aide>3. 1B@4 (#atG$/#tra e>; Iarat +# trCi# >< a# aonC>> Aa0a8aide>@H )r$atatGnara e>B Iarat +# trCi# ?0 a# aonC?1 Aa0a8aide?3H H$areGc it ra e?; Iarat +# trCi# ?< a# aonC?> Aa0a8aide?@H DaD$aGt2Ci# ?B ta5 8a e@0 a# aonC@1 Aa0a8aide@3H T ri8it watC@; S7ita8a e@< a# aonC@> Aa0a8aide@@H D/on! a e@B Iairita eB0 a# aonCB1 B3 Aa0a8aide . fra$a# fra$a# fra$a# fra$a# fra$a# fra$a# 68>? 68?2 68?? 68@2 68@? 68B2

2963 Ee Borship= the .ravashi5 of the righteous7 Asma !hvanvant4L an the .ravashiF of the righteous6 Ashan1!hvanvant@L Be Borship47 the .ravashis44 of the righteous4; Gavayan9 an Parshat1gao45, 2the son3 of Parta4=L Be Borship77 the .ravashis74 of the righteous7; Vohvasti4:, 2the son3 of Snaoya49, an &svant75, 2the son3 of Vara?a7=* 29F3 Ee Borship57 the .ravashi54 of the righteous5; Saena7:, 2the son3 of Ahum1stuta79L Bho55 first5= came into prominence56 as the possessor of one hun re isciples5@ on5F this5: earth59* Ee Borship=5 the .ravashis=7 of the righteous=4 Perei i haya=;, an /smanara==, 2the son3 of Paeshata=@L Be also Borship@5 the .ravashis@7 of the righteous@4 Vohu1raochangh=9, Asho1 raochangh@=, an Varesmo1raochangh@9, 2the sons3 of .rnya6;* 29:3 Ee Borship6: the .ravashi of the righteous66 &sat1vstra6=, an the .ravashiF7 of the righteousF4 /rvatat1nara69, Bith the .ravashiFF of the righteousF6 Hvare1chithraF= 2or -horshe 1cheherF=3, 2the sons3 of 2the Prophet3 DarathushtraF@L Be Borship:5 the .ravashi:7 of the righteous:4 (aeva1t<ishF9, 2the son3 of #a!hma:; Bith the .ravashi :F of the righteous:6 #hrimithBant:=, of the family of Spitamn :@L an Be Borship95 the .ravashi97 of the righteous94 (ongha:9, 2the son3 of Dairita9;* 1BB4 Ka$Ci# B; V6# t/#7a eB< a# aonCB> fra$a# 68B? Aa0a8aideB@= ta5 8a eBB tan+G8/nt ra e100 dar# iGdrao# 1 :irAe e2 AC3 dr+c a; 7a+r$/nc a< a# /i> ra$C? AaD# a@H ACB dr+c a10 7a+r$/nc a11 a# /i12 ra$C13 $i$aDd a1;. -C1< 2/0+# c a1> +7a#tac a1? $6#ata1@ ain! /o1B daDnaA/o20 Aat21 +rCi# 22 Iarat +# trCi# 23.



11004 -C2; 682< #t/t/82> it/82? ait682@ +0$a0at2B ac a30 :n+i$AC31= n632 6833 da#ta3; 8aidACi# /d e83< 2ere0iGr/0e83> afra5ad a$ait683? a# aon683@ t r/fd /83B !D+# c a;0 $/#tra ec a;1= frit /8;2 !D+# c a;3 $/#tra ec a;;. 2993 Ee Borship9: the .ravashi of the righteous 2-ing3 Vishtspa 9@ of the -ayanian family9=, the mighty99, aiyEor 1incarnate4;;, an acting accor ing to the %aBs of Ahura +a? a* Eho9 shoBe 4= openly the 2path3 of righteousness47 Bith 2his3 ai?stunning44 spear4;* E*7"anation>1 &ts significance is, that -ing Vishtspa on account of the authority of his sovereignty, ma e the path Bi e open for the increase of righteousness, <y estroying Bic!e ness, an shoBe the people Bhat coul <e achieve there<y* 2+oreover3 Bho4@ 2i*e* -ing Vishtspa3 <ecame4: the arm46 an the support4F of this49 religion7; 2Bhich is3 of Ahura +a? a 77 as reveale <y Darathushtra75* 24;;3 Eho7=12i*e* -ing Vishtspa3 ajaseparate 79 that stea fast76, e"tant7:, holy7F ajcreligion aj from Bic!e men5;154 an fi"e 5715= her55 ruling56 high, aje promulgate 2it3 all aroun 59, possesse of moral comman ments 5:, sitting in the mi le5@ 2i*e* honoure in the assem<ly of the people3, fostere 59 an <elove <y cattle=; an pastures=4*ajf

11014 Iairi$arCi# ;< a# aonC;> fra$a# 68;? Aa0a8aide;@H -+5 ta$arCi# ;B a# aonC<0 fra$a# 68<1 Aa0a8aide<2H Sr6rao5 # nC<3 a# aonC<; fra$a# 68<< Aa0a8aide<>H Kere#ao5 # nC<? a# aonC<@ fra$a# 68<B Aa0a8aide>0H Van/ra e>1 a# aonC>2 fra$a# 68>3 Aa0a8aide>;H V6r/0a e>< a# aonC>> fra$a# 68>? Aa0a8aide>@H '63ara e<B Sa$an! C?0 a# aonC?1 fra$a# 68?2 Aa0a8aide?3H .+3a#ra$an! C?; a# aonC?< fra$a# 68?> Aa0a8aide??H .ere0Aar# tCi# ?@ a# aonC?B fra$a# 68@0 Aa0a8aide@1H Ti0Aar# tCi# @2 a# aonC@3 fra$a# 68@; Aa0a8aide@<H Peret war# tCi# @> a# aonC@? fra$a# 68@@ Aa0a8aide@BH VaD0Aar# tCi# B0 a# aonCB1 fra$a# 68B2 Aa0a8aideB3.
aiy i*e* Ehose <o y is Holy SpellL or Bhose <o y is su<ject to +nthra 1 Holy Spell* ai? )riginal meaning, Grushing forth, a vancing forthH* aja )riginal meaning, Gtoo! aBay after riven outH 2root u6$!a63* aj< )riginal meaning, GBhiteH 2Sans!rit sita3> or Gstrengthene H, G<oun H, root hi W Sans!rit si W to <in * ajc &n the original te"t, GherH 2him3, i*e* religion* aj 5unu W the <roo of evil creationL son of Bic!e aje (armesteter, )riginal meaning, G oing no harmH* ajf i*e* the religion Bhich gives the <est comman ment for the increase 2prosperity3 of cattle an agriculture* escent, hinui(y; 2Gel ner3*



24;43 Ee Borship=: the .ravashi=F of the righteous=6 Dairi1vairi=@ 2the <rother of -ing Vishtspa3L Ee Borship@7 the .ravashi@4 of the righteous@; Yu!hta1vairi=9L Be Borship@6 the .ravashis@@ of the righteous@= Srirao!hshna@5, an -eresao!hshna@FL Be Borship6= the .ravashis65 of the righteous67 Vanra64, Vir?a6@, an Nijara69, 2the son3 of SavanghF;L Be also BorshipFF the .ravashisF6 of the righteousF@ BujasravanghF=, Bere?yarshtiF: an #i?yarshti57L Be Borship:9 the .ravashi:: of the righteous:F Perethvarshti:6 Bith the .ravashi97 of the righteous 94 Vae?yarshti9;* 11024 'a7tAe eB; a# aonCB< fra$a# 68B> Aa0a8aideB?H Va0/#7a eB@ a# aonCBB fra$a# 68100 Aa0a8aide1H Ha2/#7a e2 a# aonC3 fra$a# 68; Aa0a8aide<H Vi#tarao# > 'aotairA/na e? a# aonC@ fra$a# 68B Aa0aG 8aide10H Fra# G /8G$areta e11 a# aonC12 fra$a# 681G3 Aa0a8aide1;H Fra# CG5ara e1< a# aonC1> fra$a# 681? Aa0a8aide1@H tere$anao# 1B a# aonC20 fra$a# 6821 Aa0a8aide22H tere7/ta e23 a# aonC2; fra$a# 682< Aa0a8aide2>H tered/ta e2? a# aonC2@ fra$a# 682B Aa0a8aide30H tereG 5 $arenan! C31 a# aonC32 fra$a# 6833 Aa0a8aide3;H tere#a$an! C3< a# aonC3> fra$a# 683? Aa0a8aide3@H tere0antD+# 3B a# aonC;0 fra$a# 68;1 Aa0a8aide;2H teredain! D+# ;? a# aonC;@ fra$a# 68;B Aa0a8aide<0. 24;73 Ee Borship9F the .ravashi96 of the righteous9@ Naptya9= Bith the .ravashi4;; of the righteous99 Va?spa9:L Be Borship@ the .ravashi= of the righteous5 Ha<spa7, an Gustehem6, 2son3 of No arF, Be Borship4= the .ravashis45 of the righteous47 .rashhm1vareta44, .rasho1!ara4@, Kterevanu49, an Kterepta75L Be Borship5; the .ravashi79 of the righteous7: Ktere ta7F, Bith the .ravashi55 of the righteous57 Kterechithra54, an Ktere1 !hvarenangh5@L Be Borship=7 the .ravashi=4 of the righteous=; Ktere1 Savangh59, Ktere1?antu=5, an ajgKtere1 anghu=F* 11034 H+# Aaot na e<1 a# aonC<2 fra$a# 68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Pi# i# Aaot na e<< a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H Ta5 8a e<B S7entCGd/ta e>0 a# aonC>1 fra$a# 68>2 Aa0a8aide>3H .a#ta$arCi# >; a# aonC>< fra$a# 68>> Aa0a8aide>?H Ka$/ra#8C>@ a# aonC>B fra$a# 68?0 Aa0a8aide?1H Fra# ao# tra e?2 H$C$a e?3 a# aonC?; fra$a# 68?< Aa0a8aide?>H K/8/#7a e?? H$C$a e?@ a# aonC?B fra$a# 68@0 Aa0a8aide@1H A$/rao# trCi# @2 a# aonC@3 fra$a# 68@; Aa0a8aide@<. 24;53 Ee Borship@= the .ravashi@5 of the righteous@7 Hushyaothna@4L Be Borship@: the .ravashi@F of the righteous@6 Pishishyaothna@@, Be Borship65 the .ravashi67 of the <rave@9 2an 3 righteous64 Spento1 ta6; 2Aspan yar6;3 2the son of -ing Vistspa3L Be Borship6F the .ravashis66 of the righteous6@

ajg Shams1ul1/lema (r* 0ivanji 0amshe ji +o i regar s the names erive from Atere occur1 ring in this para 4;7 as the sons or gran sons of -ing Vishtsp or of his nearest escen ants*



Bastavairi,6= ajiGora?am6:, ajj.rashoshtraF7, an 0mspaF: F of the family of HvovaF:L Be Borship:@ the .ravashi:= of the righteous:5 aj!Avraoshtri:7* 110;4 H+# Aaot na e@> Fr/# ao# traAana e@? a# aonC@@ fra$a# 68@B Aa0a8aideB0H K $/daDna eB1 Fr/# ao# traAana eB2. a# aonCB3 fra$aG # 68B; Aa0a8aideB<H Han! a+r+# CB> K/8/#7ana eB? a# aonCB@ fra$aG # 68BB Aa0a8aide100H Var# na e1 Han! a+r+# Ci# 2 a# aonC3 fra$a# 68; Aa0a8aide<H Vo +Gne8an! C> A$/rao# trCi# ? a# aonC@ fra$a# 68B Aa0a8aide10H 7aiti# t/tDe11 a! an/8c a12 5 $afnan/813= a! an/8c a1; daD#an/81<= a! an/8c a1> aoifran/81?= a! an/8c a1@ 7airi5an/81B. 24;=3 Ee Borship9; the .ravashi:9 of the righteous:: Hushyaothna:6 an the .ravashi9=, of the righteous95 -hv aena94, of the family of .rasha1 ostara97L Be Borship4;; the .ravashi99 of the righteous9: Hangha1urvangha96 2son3 of 0mspa9FL Be Borship@ the .ravashi= of the righteous5 Varshna4 2the son3 of Hanghaurushi7L in or er to Bithstan 44 evil1pro ucing47 sleep45 2i*e*3 evil4= reams4@ ajlapparitions an pairi!as4FL Be Borship4; the .ravashi9 of the righteous: Vohu1nemangh6 2the son3 of AvraoshtriF* 110<4 F/nt ra$/5a e20 S/i8+0oi# 21 aDt ra7atCi# 22 a8id 7atG Ci# 23 a# aonC2; fra$a# 682< Aa0a8aide2>. -C2? fraD# te82@ +#a! an/82B !/t rCGraAant/830 a# e8ao! an/831 ana# aon/832 ana +n/833 arat+n/83; #i8an/83< a$a#c a#tCGfra$a# in/83> a$aG3a! nat3?= 7aiti# t/tDe3@ a# a$aG5ar# ta e3B t2aD# an! C;0. 24;@3 Ee Borship76 the .ravashi7@ of the righteous7= ajm+nthrav!a7; 2the son3 of Simu?i74, the religious teacher77 an the placer of the log of Boo or the sacre fire75 2i*e* the priest Bhose function is to ten the fire in the Sanctum Sanctorum of the .ire1temple3* Eho7F 2+nthrav!a3 in or er to Bithstan 5: the evil=4 create =; against righteous man59 intensely smote the e"cee ingly Bic!e heretics79 2possesse of these evil traits3, esecrating the Gathas5;, impious57, having no master55, having no religious lea er 5=,
ajh Son of Darir, the <rother of -ing VishtspaL accor ing to 7h#h$N#/eh NasturL the name shoul <e BasturL it <ecame Nastur instea of Bastur pro<a<ly <ecause of one 2 ot3 over, the Persian letter G<eH* aji Brother of Aspan yr, Bhom on account of jealousy an enmity, slan ere , an cause Aspan yr to <e throBn into prison 2Burhne Cte3L .ir ausi regar s him as the relative of Vishtspa* ajj .rashaoshtra Bas the father1in1laB of the Prophet Darathushtra, an Bas his isciple an a staunch helper* 0maspa Bas the <rother of .rashaoshtra an the prime1minister of -ing Vishtspa* .or his Bis om, foresight an prescience he Bas calle , G0mspa Ha!imH* aj! Name of an illustrious personage marrie to the aughter of Hvova family* ajl Harle?* &n the sense of the 'nglish Bor , GapparitionsH* Professor Eestergaar has given in his Avesta <oo! the Bor aoi(ran#/ Bhose meaning is not settle * (armesteter has erive this Bor from root par 2Sans!rit par W to fill3 an translate , GgluttonyH or Gin igestionH* ajm )riginal meaning of /#nthra!#9a is the reciter of /#nthra Z !#9aL root !a*h W Sans!rit !a*h W to spea!*



rea ful5@ an Bhose fravashis are to <e estroye


110>4 A# a#t$C Faid ACiG8/on! Ci# ;2G3 a# aonC;; fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide;>H A$aret ra2an! C;? R/# tareG$a! entCi# ;@ a# aonC;B fra$a# 68<0 Aa0a8aide<1H .+d ra e<2 D/0!r/#7Ci# <3 a# aonC<; fra$a# 68<< Aa0a8aide<>H 02a+r$atC<? a# aonC<@ fra$a# 68<B >0 >1 >2 >3 Aa0a8aide H Kar# na e 02a+r$ait ina e a# aonC fra$a# 68>; Aa0a8aide><H ta5 8a e>> tan+G8/nt ra e>? dar# iGdrao# >@ :irAe e>B. 24;63 Ee Borship=6 the .ravashi=@ of the righteous== Ashastu=4, 2the son3 of ajn+ai hyo1mongha=5L an Avarethra<angh=F, 2the son3 of $shtare1 vaghenta=:L Be Borship@6 the .ravashi@@ of the righteous@= Bu hra,@7 2the son3 of (?graspa@5, an the righteous@: D<aurvant@FL Be Borship6@ the .ravashi6= of the righteous65 -arasna64, 2the son3 of D<aurvant67, 2Bho Bas3 strong66, Eor 1incarnate6F, mighty1speare 6: 2an 3 acting accor ing to the octrine of Ahura +a? a69* 110?4 -en! e?0 n8/ne?1 A# i# Van!+ i?2 #r6ra?3 5 # Cit ni?; frac araDta?<= 5ain6nC?> 5e r7a?? #r6raA/o?@ a# Ga8aA/o?B +raod aA/o@0= +#5/t@1 A/#taA/o@2 ere0$ait AC@3 raD$at@; c it re8@< /0/taA/o@>. -C@? a0!atC@@ are0aA/o@B a$aDi2AaB0 2/0+2AaB1= tan+AeB2 ra$CB3 aD# i# tCB;H ACB< a0!atCB> are0aA/oB? a$aDi2AaB@ 2/0+2AaBB= a8eret e8100 7aiti1 A:id i# tC2. 24;F3 &n BhoseF; 2i*e* -arasanaAs3 houseF4 entere F@ 2or move a<out3 the <eautifulF5 2an 3 shiningF= AshishvanghF7 in the shapeFF of a mai enF6 2having3 <eautifulF:, e"cee ingly courageousF9 goo appearance:;, high:4 girt:7, straight:5, <rilliant:= face:@, an ajono<le:6* Eho:F 2i*e* -arasana Hero3 having rushe forBar :: 2in the fiel 3 of <attle :9 2Bas3 Bishing happiness95 for his 2oBn3 <o y97, an Bho9@ having rushe forBar 96 2in the fiel 3 of <attle9F 2Bas3 fighting heroically7 Bith 2the vigour of3 <oth his arms 99 against the opponent4;;* 110@4 V6r/#7a e3 Kar#naAana e; a# aonC< fra$a# 68> Aa0a8aide?H 0/ta e@ Kar#naAana eB a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H Fr/Aaod a e13 Kar#naAana e1; a# aonC1< fra$a# 681> Aa0a8aide1?H Van! D+# 1@ Ar# Ae e1B a# aonC20 fra$a# 6821 Aa0a8aide22H Ar# Ae e23 $A/5 na e2; A/#5ere#te8a e2< Fa0daAa#nan/82>. D/raAatGrat a e2@ a# aonC2@ fra$a# 682B Aa0a8aide30H Fr/AatGrat a e31 a# aonC32 fra$a# 6833 Aa0a8aide3;H S5/raAatGrat a e3< a# aonC3> fra$a# 683? Aa0a8aide3@. 24;:3 Ee BorshipF the .ravashis of the righteous@ Virspa5 K?ta: an .ryao ha45, 2the sons3 of -arsnaya4=L Be also Borship77 the .ravashi74 of the goo 4: 2an 3 righteous7; Arshya49L
ajn .or the e"planation of the Bor %aidhy;$/#on,ha, see paragraph 9@ of the same yasht* ajo .or its comparison, see Kvn yasht, para 6=*



E*7"anation9 2&n the e"cellence of him Bho is Arshya it is state that3> Ee Borship77 the .ravashi74 of the righteous7; Arshya49, most e"terous7@ amongst 2all3 +a? a1Borshippers76 2an 3 the lea er of the assem<ly7=* Ee Borship5; the .ravashis79 of the righteous7: (rayatratha7F, .ryat1ratha54, S!rayat1ratha5@* 110B4 Ar# a$atC3B a# aonC;0 fra$a# 68;1 Aa0a8aide;2H VAar# a$atC;3 a# aonC;; fra$a# 68;< Aa0a8aide;>H PaitAar# a$atC;? a# aonC;@ fra$a# 68;B Aa0a8aide<0H A8rao# <1 a# aonC<2 fra$a# 68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H % a8rao# << a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H Dr/t a e<B a# aonC>0 fra$a# 68>1 Aa0a8aide>2H PaitiGdr/t a e>3 a# aonC>; fra$a# 68>< Aa0a8aide>>H PaitiG$an! a e>? a# aonC>@ fra$a# 68>B Aa0a8aide?0H Fra# /$a5 # a e?1 a# aonC?2 fra$a# 68?3 Aa0a8aide?;H 'e8CG $an! D+# ?< VaDd aAan! a e?> a# aonC?? fra$a# 68?@ Aa0a8aide?B. 24;93 Ee Borship=7 the .ravashi=4 of the righteous=; Arshavant59, Bith the .ravashi=@ of the righteous== Vyarshavant=5, an Paityarshavant=FL Be Borship@= the .ravashis@5 of the righteous@7 Amru@4, ,hamru@@, an (rtha@9L Be Borship66 the .ravashis6@ of the righteous6= Paiti1 rtha65 an Paitivangha6FL Be BorshipF= the .ravashiF5 of the righteousF7 .rashva!hshaF4, an also the the .ravashiF: of the righteousFF Nemo1vanghuF@, 2the son3 of Vae hayanghaF6* 11104 VaD#ad a e@0 a# aonC@1 fra$a# 68@2 Aa0a8aide@3H A# /$an! D+# @; .i$andan! a e@< a# aonC@> fra$a# 68@? Aa0a8aide@@H KarCGdan! D+# @B Pairi# t:ra eB0 a# aonCB1 fra$a# 68B2 Aa0a8aideB3H 'ere8Aa0dana eB; it wAao# B< a# aonCB> fra$a# 68B? Aa0a8aideB@H .ere0i# nao# BBAra e100 a# aonC1 fra$a# 682 Aa0a8aide3H Ka#+7itD+# ; Ara e< a# aonC> fra$a# 68? Aa0a8aide@H FraAe eB a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H A#t$atGereta e13 a# aonC1; fra$a# 681< Aa0a8aide1>. 244;3 Ee Borship:5 the .ravashi:7 of the righteous:4 Vaesa ha:;L Be Borship:: the .ravashi:F of the righteous:6 ajpAshvanghu:=, 2the son3 of Bivan angha:@L Be Borship95 the .ravashis97 of the righteous94 ajC 0aro anghu:9, 2the son3 of Pairishtura 9;, Neremya? a9=, 2the son3 of Kithyu96, an Bere?ishnu99, 2the son3 of Ara4;;L Be Borship: the .ravashiF of the righteous6 -asupitu=, 2the son3 of Ara@L the .ravashi44 of the righteous4; .raya9L an the .ravashi4@ of the righteous4= ajrAstvat1ereta45 2i*e* Soshyosh345* 1Kard/ OOV(4 11114 ,ao7i$an! D+# 1 a# aonC2 fra$a# 683 ; Aa0a8aide H H/8G2aret ro$an! $/8< ta5 8a e> a# aonC? fra$a# 68@ Aa0a8aideBH Staot rCGVa i# ta eGA# a e10 a# aonC11 fra$a# 6812 Aa0a8aide13H Po+r+Gd /5 # tCi# 1; K # t/$aDnAe e1< a# aonC1>
ajp High priest of the region calle Are?ahi 2(r* Eest3* ajC High priest of the region, calle Savahi 2(r* Eest3* ajr Soshyosh is Borshippe in three places 2paras 44;, 44F, 47:3*



fra$a# 681? Aa0a8aide1@H 5 # $iwr/#7ana e1B a# onC21 fra$a# 6822 Aa0a8aide23.

K # t/$aDnAe e20

24443 Ee Borship= the .ravashis5 of the righteous7 Gaopivanghu4, an Hm1<aretar1vanghvm@, the valiant6L Be Borship45 the .ravashis47 of the righteous44 ajsStaotar1Vahishtahe1Ashahe4;, Pouru h!hshti4=, 2the son3 of -hshtvaena4@L Bith the .ravashi77 of the righteous74 -hshviBrspa49, 2the son3 of -hshtvaena7;* 11124 AACGa#tCi# 2; Po+r+d /5 # taAana e2< a# aonC2> fra$a# 682? Aa0a8aide2@H Vo $a#tCi# 2B Po+r+d /5 # taAana e30 a# aonC31 32 33 3; fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H ,aAad /#tCi# Po+r+d /5 # taAana e3< 3> 3? 3@ a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H A# #a$a0adan! C3B Po+r+d /5 # G taAana e;0 a# aonC;1 fra$a# 68;2 Aa0a8aide;3H )r+d ao# ;; Po+r+G d /5 # taAana e;< a# aonC;> fra$a# 68;? Aa0a8aide;@H 5 # at rCG c inan! C;B 5 # Ciwr/#7ana e<0 a# aonC<1 fra$a# 68<2 Aa0a8aide<3. 24473 Ee Borship7: the .ravashi7F of the righteous76 Ayo1asti7= Be Borship55 the .ravashi57 of the righteous54 Vohvasti79, 2the son3 of Pouru1 h!hshti5;L Be Borship5: the .ravashis5F of the righteous56 Gaya hsti5=, ajt Ashava? angh59, along Bith the .ravashi=F of the righteous=6 /ru hu==, 2the sons3 of Pouru h!hshti=@L Be Borship@5 the .ravashi@7 of the righteous@4 -hshathro1chinangh=9, 2the son3 of -hshoiBrspa@;* 11134 A# / +ra e<; K6# taAana e<< a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H Fr/Aa0enta e<B a# aonC>0 fra$a# 68>1 Aa0a8aide>2H Frenan! C>3 Fr/Aa0entana e>; a# aonC>< fra$a# 68>> Aa0a8aide>?H KarCG $an! D+# >@ Fr/Aa0enta e>B a# aonC?0 fra$a# 68?1 Aa0a8aide?2H A# a$a0dan! C?3 T rita e?; S/i0drCi# ?< a# aonC?> fra$a# 68?? Aa0a8aide?@H Vo +Graoc an! C?B Vara5a#/na e@0 a# aonC@1 fra$a# 68@2 Aa0a8aide@3H Are0an!+ atC@; T:ra e@< a# aonC@> fra$a# 68@? @@ @B B0 B1 Aa0a8aide H )#ine8an! C a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide?2. 24453 Ee Borship@: the .ravashi@F of the righteous@6 Ashhura@=, 2the son3 of 0ishta@@, Bith the .ravashi64 of the righteous6; .rya?enta@9L Be Borship6F the .ravashis66 of the righteous6@ .renangh65, an , 0iro1vanghu6:, 2the sons3 of .raya?enta69L Be also BorshipF: the .ravashisFF of the righteousF6 aju Ashava? anghF5 2an 3 ajv#hritaF= 2the tBo sons3 of Si? ri F@L Be Borship:5 the .ravashi:7 of the righteous:4 Vohu1raochanghF9 2the son3 of Vara!asna:;L
ajs #his istinguishe personage <ecame the hus<an of the Bell1!noBn Boman, 39hshenti 2See para 4=;3L the ver<atim meaning of this name is, Gthe Praiser of the Best $ighteousnessH, the $eciter of GAshem VohPH* ajt See Kvn yasht, paras F71F5* aju See Kvn yasht, paras F71F5* ajv he victorious of the pretentious #uranian tri<e calle (nu fighting against the ancient &rani1 ans, see Kvn yasht, paras F71F5* &t Boul <e <etter if these tBo proper names an the Bor , G.ravashiH Bere in ual gen er accor ing to the rules of grammar*



Be Borship:: the .ravashi:F of the righteous:6 Are?anghvant:=, 2the son3 of #ura:@L an the .ravashi94 of the righteous9; /siraemangh:9* 111;4 -+5 t/#7a eB3 a# aonCB; fra$a# 68B< Aa0a8aideB>H A# aG # Aaot na eB? ,aAad /#taAana eB@ a# aonCBB fra$a# 68100 Aa0a8aide1H Vo +Gne8an! C2 KatD+# 3 a# aonC; fra$a# 68< Aa0a8aide>H ? @ B 10 Vo $a0dan! C KatD+# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide11H 12 13 1; 1< A# a#ared a e A# a#airA/# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide1>H 1? 1@ 1B 20 A# a#ared a e KairA/# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide21H 22 23 2; 2< % /5 # nCi# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H SA/$a#7Ci# 2> 2@ 2? 2B a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H Po+r+# tCi# 30 Ka$Ci# 31 a# aonC32 fra$a# 6833 Aa0a8aide3;. 244=3 Ee Borship96 the .ravashis9@ of the righteous9= Yu!htspa95, the righteous99 Asha1shyaothna9F, 2the son3 of Gaya hsta9:, an Vohu1nemangh7, 2the son3 of -atu5L Be Borship44 the .ravashi4; of the righteous9 Vohva? anghF, 2the son3 of -atu:L Be Borship46 the .ravashi4@ of the righteous4= Ashasare ha47, 2the son3 of Ashasairyash 45L Be also Borship74 the .ravashis7; of the righteous49 Ashasare ha4F 2the son3 of 0airysh 4:L ,h!hshni77L Syavaspi76, an Pourushti5;, 2the son3 of -avi54* 111;4 Vare#8a7a e3< Kanara e3> a# aonC3? fra$a# 683@ Aa0a8aide3BH 'anar/#tCi# ;0 PaD# atan! C;1 a# aonC;2 fra$a# 68;3 Aa0a8aide;;H Iara0d/tCi# ;< PaD# atan! C;> a# aonC;? fra$a# 68;@ Aa0a8aide;BH ,aD$anCi# <0 Vo +Gne8an! C<1 a# aonC<2 fra$a# 68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Ere0$/o<< Sr:toG#7/d/o<> a# aon/C<? fra$a# 68<@ Aa0a8aide<BH IraAan! /o>0 S7entCGK rat$/o>1 a# aon/o>2 fra$a# 68>3 Aa0a8aide>;H Var# nCi# >< V/!ere0a e>> a# aonC>? fra$a# 68>@ Aa0a8aide>BH Fr/c Ae e?0 Ta+r$aDtCi# ?1 a# aonC?2 fra$a# 68?3 Aa0a8aide?;H Va 8aDd /ta e?< F/nt ra$/5a e?> a# aonC?? fra$a# 68?@ Aa0a8aide?BH )# tra e@0 Sad anan! C@1 a# aonC@2 fra$a# 68@3 Aa0a8aide@;. 244@3 Ee Borship59 the .ravashi5: of the righteous5F Varesmapa,5@ 2the son3 of 0anara56L Be Borship== the .ravashi=5 of the righteous Nanarsti=;, 2the son3 of Paeshatangh=4, an Be Borship=9 the .ravashi=: of the righteous=F Dara? iti=@, 2the son3 of Paeshatangh=6* Ee Borship@= the .ravashis@5 of the righteous@7 Gaevani@;, 2 the son3 of Vohu1nemangh@4, 're?va@@ 2an 3 Sruto1 sp a@6L Be Borship6= the .ravashis65 of the righteous67 Drayangh6; 2an 3 Spento1-hratu64L Be Borship69 the .ravashi6: of the righteous6F Vershni6@, 2the son3 of Vgere?a66L Bith the .ravashiF5 of the righteousF7 .rchyaF;, 2the son3 of #aurvaetiF4L Be BorshipF9 the .ravashisF: of the righteous;FF Vahmae htaF@, 2the son3 of +nthrav!aF6, an /shtra:;, 2the son3 of Sa hanangh:4* 111>4 Dan! +G#r:ta e@< a# aonC@> fra$a# 68@? Aa0a8aide@@H Dan! +G fr/dan! C@B a# aonCB0 fra$a# 68B1 Aa0a8aideB2H S7C7ad CB3 Fa5 # tCi# B3 a# aonCB; fra$a# 68B< Aa0a8aideB>H PaAan! arC



Fa5 # tCi# B? a# aonCB@ fra$a# 68BB Aa0a8aide100H )# t/0anta e1 a# aonC2 fra$a# 683 Aa0a8aide;H A# a#a$an! C< a# aonC> fra$a# 68? Aa0a8aide@H A# /+r$at a eB a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H Hao8CG5 $arenan! C13 a# aonC1; fra$a# 681< Aa0a8aide1>H Var# na e1? a# aonC1@ fra$a# 681B Aa0a8aide20. 24463 Ee Borship:: the .ravashis:F of the righteous:6 (angu1Sruta:@, an (anghu1.r angh:9L Be Borship96 the .ravashi9@ of the righteous9= Spopa ho1raa!hshti95L Be Borship4;; the .ravashi99 of the righteous9: Payangharo1ma!hshti9FL Be Borship= the .ravashis5 of the righteous7 /sht?anta4, Ashasavangh@, an Ashurvaetha9L Be Borship46 the .ravashi4@ of the righteous4= Haomo1-harenangh45, Bith the .ravashi49 of the righteous4: Varshna4F* 111?4 Fra$a e21 a# aonC22 fra$a# 6823 Aa0a8aide2;H )#n/5a e2< a# aonC2> fra$a# 682? Aa0a8aide2@H K $an$atC2B a# aonC30 fra$a# 6831 Aa0a8aide32H DaDn/$a0an! C33 a# aonC3; fra$a# 683< Aa0a8aide3>H Are3aona e3? a# aonC3@ fra$a# 683B Aa0a8aide;0H AiwiG5 $arenan! C;1 a# aonC;2 fra$a# 68;3 Aa0a8aide;;H H+Aa0ata e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide;@H Hared /#7a e;B a# aonC<0 fra$a# 68<1 Aa0a8aide<2H P/0ina! C<3 a# aonC<; fra$a# 68<< Aa0a8aide<>H K $/5 # at ra e<? a# aonC<@ fra$a# 68<B Aa0a8aide>0H A# CG7aoirAe e>1 a# aonC>2 fra$a# 68>3 Aa0a8aide>;H A#t$atGereta e>< a# aonC>> fra$a# 68>? Aa0a8aide>@. 244F3 Ee Borship7= the .ravashi75 of the righteous77 .rava74L Be Borship7: the .ravashi7F of the righteous76 /sn!a7@L Be Borship57 the .ravashi54 of the righteous5; -hvanvant79, (aenava?angh55, Arejaona5F, an AiBi1 !hvarenangh=4L Be Borship=: the .ravashi=F of the righteous=6 Huya?ata=@L Be Borship@7 the .ravashi@4 of the righteous@; Hare hspa=9L Be Borship@6 the .ravashi@@ of the righteous@= P?inangh@5L Be also Borship6; the .ravashis@9 of the righteous@: -hv!hshathra@F, Asho1paoirya64 an Astvat1ereta6@ 2i*e* Saoshyant3* 1Kard/ OOV((4 111@4 H+!D+# 1 a# aonC2 fra$a# 683 Aa0a8aide;H An! +Aao# < a# aonC> fra$a# 68? Aa0a8aide@H ,/+rCi# B a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H -+# ta e13 ,/+r$aAana e1; a# aonC1< fra$a# 681> Aa0a8aide1?H F/n0dr/$an! D+# 1@ a# aonC1B fra$a# 6820 Aa0a8aide21H Sr6r/$an! D+# 22 a# aonC23 fra$a# 682; Aa0a8aide2<H A+ta e2> a# aonC2? fra$a# 682@ Aa0a8aide2BH S:rCGAa0ata e30 a# aonC31 fra$a# 6832 Aa0a8aide33. 244:3 Ee Borship= the .ravashi5 of the righteous7 Hugao4, Bith the .ravashiF of the righteous6 Anghuyu@L Be Borship47 the .ravashis44 of the righteous4; Guri9, Yushta45, 2the son3 of Gurva4=, +n? rvanghu4: an , Srirvanghu77L Be Borship79 the .ravashi7: of the righteous7F Ayuta76, along Bith the .ravashi57 of the righteous54 Suro1ya?ata5;*



111B4 Ered wa e3; a# aonC3< fra$a# 683> Aa0a8aide3?H Ka$Ci# 3@ a# aonC3B fra$a# 68;0 Aa0a8aide;1H )5 # /nC;2 V6d i#ra$an! C;3 d:raDG #r:ta e;; 2ere0$atC;< a# aonC;> fra$a# 68;? Aa0a8aide;@H Van! +G d /ta e;B K $ad /ta e<0 a# aonC<1 fra$a# 68<2 Aa0a8aide<3H )0Ae e<; Van! +d /taAana e<< a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H FraAe e<B a# aonC>0 fra$a# 68>1 Aa0a8aide>2. 24493 Ee Borship5F the .ravashi56 of the righteous5@ 're hBa5= an Be Borship=4 the .ravashi=; of the righteous59 -avi5:L Be Borship=: the .ravashis=F of the righteous=6 /!hshna=7, the son of Vi hisravargh=5 far1 fame == 2or renoBne from a long perio ==3 an ajBe"alte =@, Vanghu hta=9, 2the son3 the -hva hta@;L Be Borship@: the .ravashi@F of the righteous@6 /?ya@=, 2the son3 of Vanghu hta@@, together Bith the .ravashi64 of the righteous6; .raya@9* 11204 A# e8GAen! eGraoc /o>3 n/8a>; a# aonC>< fra$a# 68>> Aa0aG 8aide>?H A# e8GAen! eG$are0a>@ n/8a>B a# aonC?0 fra$a# 68?1 Aa0aG 8aide?2H A# e8GAa 8/iG)# ta?3 n/8a?; a# aonC?S fra$a# 68?> Aa0aG 8aide??H -Ci# ta e?@ FraAanan/8?B a# aonC@0 fra$a# 68@1 Aa0a8aide@2H )#8/nara e@3 PaD# atan! C@; PaitiG#r6ra e@<= 7aiti# t/tDe@> n/fACG 5ar# ta e@? t2aD# an! C@@. 247;3 Ee Borship6F the .ravashis66 of the righteous 2men36@ aj"Ashem1 aj? yenghe1raochangh65, ajyAshem1yenghe1vare?a6:, an Ashem1yahmi1 F5 :7 :4 :; ushta L Be Borship the .ravashi of the righteous Goshta .rynF:1F9L 2Be Borship the .ravashi3 of 2the a!arighteous3 /smnara:5, 2the son3 of Paeshatangh:= a!<Paiti1srira:@ in or er to Bithstan :6 the evils:: cause <y near relatives:F* 11214 S7itCi# @B )#7/#nao# B0 a# aonCB1 fra$a# 68B2 Aa0a8aideB3H B< Ere0r/#7a eB; )#7/#nao# a# aonCB> fra$a# 68B? Aa0a8aideB@H BB 100 )#ad /nC Fa0daAa#na e a# aonC1 fra$a# 682 Aa0a8aide3H Fr/datG $an! D+# ; Sti$atC< a# aonC> fra$a# 68? Aa0a8aide@H Raoc a#G c aD# 8anCB a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H H$areGc aD# 8anC13 a# aonC1; fra$a# 681< Aa0a8aide1>H Fra#r:t/ra e1? a# aonC1@ fra$a# 681B Aa0a8aide20H Vi#r:t/ra e21 a# aonC22 fra$a# 6823
ajB GEe Borship the .ravashi of (uraMsruta, the son of Bere?vant*H 2(armesteter3 aj" &ts ver<atim meaning is Grighteousness is his lightH* ajy &ts ver<atim meaning is Grighteousness is his Bor!H* aj? &ts ver<atim meaning is Grighteousness is his prosperity, Belfare*H a!a &n the original te"t these usual Bor s, GashaonQ fravashVm ya?amai eH are omitte * &t Boul <e <etter to insert them* a!< #his personage is ifferent from Paeshatangh, occurring in para 44@L the name Paiti1srira 2his fatherAs name or, literally, Gmore han someH3 is given in or er to istinguish him from that* /smnara, the son of this Paeshatangh, must have <een a Bell1!noBn personage for his acts of compromise in resolving private family iscussions or omestic feu s*



Aa0a8aide2;H .ere8na e2< a# aonC2> fra$a# 682? V6#r:ta e2B a# aonC30 fra$a# 6831 Aa0a8aide32.


24743 Ee Borship95 the .ravashi97 of the righteous94 Spiti:9, Be Borship9: the .ravashi9F of the righteous96 're?rspa9=, 2the sons3 of /spasnu9@, an Be Borship35 the .ravashi7 of the righteous4 /sa hna99, 2the son3 of +a? ayasna4;;L Be Borship: the .ravashisF of the righteous6 .r atvanghu=, 2the son3 of Stivat@, $aochao1chaeshman9, Hvarechaeshman45 an .rasrutara4FL Be Borship7= the .ravashi75 of the righteous77 Visrutra74, Baremna7@, an Visruta79* 11224 H$a#7a e33 a# aonC3; fra$a# 683< Aa0a8aide3>H % at wareG #7a e3? a# aonC3@ fra$a# 683B Aa0a8aide;0H Dawr/8aD# Ci# ;1 a# aonC;2 fra$a# 68;3 Aa0a8aide;;H Fraorao#a e;< Kao# a e;> a# aonC;? fra$a# 68;@ Aa0a8aide;BH Frin/#7a e<0 KaD$a e<1 a# aonC<2 fra$a# 68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Fr/datGnara e<< ,ra$/ratD+# <> a# aonC<? fra$a# 68<@ Aa0a8aide<BH Vo +# tra e>0 5 nan! a e>1 a# aonC>2 fra$a# 68>3 Aa0a8aide>;H V6$/re# $a e>< AinA/$a e>> a# aonC>? fra$a# 68>@ Aa0a8aide>B. 24773 Ee Borship56 the .ravashi5@ of the righteous5= Hvaspa55L Borship=; the .ravashi59 of the righteous5: ,hathBarespa5FL Be Borship== .ravashis=5 of the righteous=7 (aBrmaeshi=4, .raoraosa=@, the 2son -aosha=6, .rinspa@;, 2the son3 of -aeva@4, an the .ravashi@: of righteous@F .r at1nara@@, 2the son3 of Gravratu@6L Be also Borship6= .ravashi65 of the righteous67 Vohushtra6;, 2the son3 of K!hnangh64L Bith .ravashi6: of the righteous6F Vivreshva6@, 2the son3 of Ainyva66* Be the of3 the the the

11224 Fr/r/0Ci# ?0 T:ra e?1 a# aonC?2 fra$a# 68?3 Aa0a8aide?;H Sti7Ci# ?< Ra$atC?> a# aonC?? fra$a# 68?@ Aa0a8aide?BH Par# inta e@0 ,andrewa e@1 a# aonC@2 fra$a# 68@3 Aa0a8aide@;H A$aAe e@< @> @? @@ @B B0 S7en! a e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H ADta$a e F/Aa$a eB1 a# aonCB2 fra$a# 68B3 Aa0a8aideB;H -aDt+# !D+# B< VA/tana eB>= a# aonCB? fra$a# 68B@ Aa0a8aideBBH ,ar# ta e100 Ka$Ci# 1 a# aonC2 fra$a# 683 Aa0a8aide;. 24753 Ee BorshipF= the .ravashisF5 of the righteousF7 .rr?iF;, 2the son3 of #uraF4, StipiF@ 2the son3 of $aevantF6, Parshinta:;, 2the son3 of Gan reBa:4, an the .ravashi:: of the righteous:F Avaya:@ 2the son of3 Spengha:6L together, Be Borship9= the .ravashis95 of the righteous97 Aetava9; 2the son3 of +yava94, Yaetush1gao9@, 2the son3 of Vyta96, an 2the son3 of -avi4* 112;4 Po+r+G2an! a e< Iao# a e> a# aonC? fra$a# 68@ Aa0a8aideBH Vo +Gd/ta e10 K/ta e11 a# aonC12 fra$a# 6813 Aa0a8aide1;H ./on! a e1< S/on! an! a e1>. a# aonC1? fra$a# 681@ Aa0a8aide1BH H$are0/o20 An5a#aA/o21 a# aon/o22 fra$a# 6823 Aa0a8aide2;H Ara$ao# tra e2< Ere0a$atC dain! D+# 2> a# aonC2? fra$a# 682@ Aa0a8aide2BH



Fr/c it ra e30 .ere0a$atC31 a# aonC32 fra$a# 6833 Aa0a8aide3;H Vo +G 7ere#a e3< AinA/$a e3> a# aonC3? fra$a# 683@ Aa0a8aide3B. 247=3 Ee Borship9 the .ravashi: of the righteousF Pouru1<angha@, the son of Daosha6L Be Borship4= the .ravashi45 of the righteous47 Vohu1 te4;, 2the son3 of -at44L Be Borship the .ravashi 4: of the righteous4F Bongha4@ 2the son3 of Songha46L Be Borship7= the .ravashis75 of the righteous77 a!cHvare?7; an An!asa74, Aravaoshtra7@, 2the son3 of 're?vat1 ainghu76, .rchithra5;, 2the son3 of Bere?avant54L also Be Borship59 the .ravashi5: of the righteous5F Vohu1perese5@, 2the son3 of Ainyu56* 112<4 ParCGda#8a e;0 D/# t/! noi# ;1 F+0a;2 F+0aA/o;3 ;; ;< ;> ;? ;@ dain! D+# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide H Frat+r/o A#r+t/o;B .aD# ata#t+r/o<0 a# aon/o<1 fra$a# 68<2 Aa0a8aide<3H A$are!D+# <; ere0a$ato<< Aoi! 8ata#t+ra e<> a# aonC<? fra$a# 68<@ Aa0a8aide<BH ,ao8atC>0 Ia$anC>1 Rao0dAa e>2 Rao0dAaA/o>3 dain! D+# >; a# aonC>< fra$a# 68>> Aa0a8aide>?H T ritC>@ AD$oG#ared CGfA+# ta e>B TanAe e?0 TanAaA/o?1 dain! D+# ?2 a# aonC?3 fra$a# 68?; Aa0a8aide?<. 247@3 Ee Borship=F the .ravashis=6 of the righteous=@ Paro asma=;, 2the son3 of (shtghna=4, 2Bho is3 the inha<itant of +u?a =5 country==, .ratura=: 2an 3 Asruta=9, 2the sons3 of Baeshatastura@;, Bith the .ravashi@: of the pure@@ an righteous@F Avaregao@=, 2the son3 of Aoighmatastura @6L Be Borship6F the .ravashi66 of the righteous6@ Gaomant6;, 2the son3 of Davana64, the a! inha<itant of the $ao? ya65 country6=, an the .ravashiF= of #hrita6:, 2the son3 of Aevo1sare ho1fyushta69, the inha<itant of the #anyaF4 countryF7* 112>4 T6rCGna5at wa e?> )#7aD# atan/8?? SaDnan/8?@ a# aonC?B fra$a# 68@0 Aa0a8aide@1H )taA+tCi# @2 Vit5a$Ci# @3 Ii! rCi# @; SaDna e@< a# aonC@> fra$a# 68@? Aa0a8aide@@H Fro a5afra e@B Fare0i# 8Ae eB0 SaDnan/8B1 a# aonCB2 fra$a# 68B3 Aa0a8aideB;H Vare8CGraoc /oB< Peret waf#8CB> a# aonCB? fra$a# 68B@ Aa0a8aideBB. 24763 Ee Borship:4 the .ravashis:; of the righteousF9 #iro1na!athBaF6 of the family of /spaeshata1SaenaFF1F:, /tayuti:7, the son of Vit!avi :5 2an 3 Dighni:=, 2the son3 of Saena:@L Be also Borship9= the .ravashi95 of the righteous97 .ro1ha!afra:9, 2the son3 of +are?ishmya 9; of the family of Saena94, Bith the .ravashi9: of the righteous Varesmo1raochangh9@, the son of PerethBafsma96* 112?4 A# aGne8an! /o100 V6datG!a$/o1 An! +A/o2 dain! D+# 3 a# aon/o; fra$a# 68< Aa0a8aide>H Par# atG!a$/o? D/0!rCG!a$/o@
a!c #hese tBo Bor s are van va compoun genitive ualL the original forms are Hvare?a an An!asa* a! &n the original te"t>1 +u?i of the +u?a countryL $ao? i of the $ao? ya country an #ani of the #anya country 2just as the inha<itant of Surat is calle Surti3* +u?a, $ao? ya an #anya are li!ely to <e ifferent from some countries un er the &ranian su<jugation* Nothing is efinitely ascertaine a<out them*



A7a5 # 6raAaoB dain! D+# 10 a# aon/o11 H+fra$/5 # 1; Ka r5anan/81< a# aonC1> A5aAad a e1B P+d an/820 a# aonC21 K/8/#7a e2; A7ara0/ta e2< a# aonC2> Faid ACG8/on! a e2B a7ara0/ta e30 33 Aa0a8aide H )r$atatGnara e3; a7ara0/ta Aa0a8aide3@.

fra$a# 6812 Aa0a8aide13H fra$a# 681? Aa0a8aide1@H fra$a# 6822 Aa0a8aide23H fra$a# 682? Aa0a8aide2@H a# aonC31 fra$a# 6832 3< 3> e a# aonC fra$a# 683?

247F3 Ee Borship6 the .ravashis@ of the righteous= Asha1nemangh4;; 2an 3 Vi at1gao4 of the country5 2calle 3 a!eAnghu7L Be Borship45 the .ravashis47 of the righteous44 Parshat1gaoF 2an 3 (?gro1gao: of Apa!hshira9L Be Borship4: the .ravashi4F of the righteous46 a!fHufrav!hsh4= of the family of -ahr!a4@, an Be Borship75 the .ravashi77 of the righteous74 A!aya ha49 of the Pu ha family7;L Be Borship7: the .ravashis7F of the righteous76 a!g 0mspa7=, +ai hyo1mh79, an /rvatat1nara5= 2<ora later on5@3 of later perio * 112@4 Raoc a#Gc aD# 8ano3B a# aonC;0 fra$a# 68;1 Aa0a8aide;2H H$areGc aD# 8ano;3 a# aonC;; fra$a# 68;< Aa0a8aide;>H Fr/datG5 $areG nan! C;? a# aonC;@ fra$a# 68;B Aa0a8aide<0H VidatG5 $arenan! C<1 a# aonC<2 fra$a# 68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Vo+r+Gne8an! C<< a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H Vo+r+GSa$an! C<B a# aonC>0 fra$a# 68>1 Aa0a8aide>2H )5 # AatGereta e>3 a# aonC>; fra$a# 68>< Aa0a8aide>>H )5 # AatGne8an! C>? a# aonC>@ fra$a# 68>B Aa0a8aide?0H A#t$atG ereta e?1 a# aonC?2 fra$a# 68?3 Aa0a8aide?;. 247:3 Ee Borship=7 the .ravashis=4 of the righteous=; a!h$aochas1 chaeshman59, an Hvare1chaeshman=5L Be Borship@; the .ravashi=9 of the righteous=: .r at1!hvarenangh=F, together Bith the .ravashis@5 of Vi at1 !hvarenangh@4, Vouru1nemangh@@ an Vouru1savangh@9 Be also Borship66 the .ravashis6@ of the righteous6= a!iHoshe ar<mi65, a!jHoshe armh6F, an a!! SoshyoshF4*
a!e (armesteterL if Be ta!e the te"t, Gangho anghMushH accor ing to Eestergaar , it Boul mean, Gof this countryH* a!f )r of HufravchL only sh of the genitive singular termination is a e li!e narsh* a!g i*e* #he gran son of 0mspa or one escen e from his familyL his lineage* Ehen the Bor , apara6ata comes Bith other names, it is to <e un erstoo this Bay* A<out the first 0msp, +e iomh an /rvatat1nara, see paras 9@, 9:, an 4;5 of this yasht* a!h (uring the perio of last @F years of $esurrection, the names of those si" great men Bho are ta!ing part Bith Soshyosh are state in this paragraph from G$aochas1chaMshmanH up to GVouru1 savanghH* .or further etails, see my Avesta ictionary* a!i #he future prophet, son of Darathushtra to <e <orn of Srutat1fe hri at the time of $esurrec1 tion* a!j #he future prophet, son of Darathushtra to <e <orn of Vanghu1fe hri at the time of $esurrec 1 tion*



1Kard/ OOV(((4 112B4 -C1 an! at2 Sao# A/#3 $eret ra3a; n/8aB A#t$atGereta#c a> n/8a?. A$at a@ Sao# A/#B= Aat a10 $6#7e811 a :812 a#t$ante813 #/$aA/t1;H a$at a= A#t$atGeretC= Aat a a#t$/o /n1B 20 22 23 2; +# tana$/o a#t$atGait Ae3an! e8 7aiti# t/t = 7aiti# t/tDe 2i0an!rCG c it raA/o2< dr+3C2>= 7aiti# t/tDe2? a# a$aG5ar# ta e2@ t2aD# an! C2B. 24793 Eho4 2i*e* the prophet <orn of the mother calle 're at1.e hri mentione a<ove3 Bill <e reveale 2manifest 73 as the victorious 9 Saoshyant <y name@, as Bell as Astvat1ereta6 <y nameF* 2His name3 Saoshyant9 is for this reason: that he a!lBill <enefit4= the Bhole44 corporeal45 Borl 47* 2His name3 Astvat1ereta46 2is3 for this reason: that a!mhe49 Bill a!nresuscitate 2revive3 the corporeal74 2Borl 3 Bhich is perisha<le77* E*7"anation>1 2#he reason of resuscitation is mentione <eloB3* &n or er to Bithstan 7= a!oBic!e men7@ of ruj1li!e nature76, an in or er to Bithstan the evil79 create 2in the opposition of3 against righteous man 7: 2i* e* in or er to suppress the evils of the emons, rujas an Bic!e men3 2that future Prophet Saoshyant Bill revive the ea in this Borl 3* 1Kard/ OO(O4 11304 -i8a e1 V6$an! ana e2 a# aonC3 fra$a# 68; Aa0a8aide< #:ra e> 7o+roG$/t wa e?= 7aiti# t/tDe@ aini# tCi# B dae$CG fra5ar# taA/o10= aDc an! a#c a11 a$/#tra e12= it Ae3an! a#c a13 1; 8ar# aona e . 11314 T raDtaona e1< t +A/nCi# 1> a# aonC1? fra$a# 681@ Aa0aG 8aide1B= 7aiti# t/tDe20 !aren/+# c a21 tafnao# c a22 naD0a ec a23 #/ra#G tCi# c a2; $/$ar# A/o#c a2<= 7aiti# t/tDe2> A0iG5ar# ta e2? t2aD# G an! C2@. Ao# nara e2B 7o+r+G3ira e30 a# aonC31 fra$a# 6832 Aa0a8aide33H )0$a e3; T+8/#7ana e3< a# aonC3> fra$a# 683? Aa0a8aide3@H 3B ;0 ;1 ;2 A! raDrat a e nara$a e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide;3H ;; ;< ;> ;? Fan+# c it ra e AirA/$a e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide;@. 245;3 Ee Borship@ the .ravashi= of the righteous5 2-ing3 Yima4, the valiant6, having a large retinueF, the son of Vivanghana7, for Bithstan ing raught or currents of air of ea ly estruction 45, create <y the (aevas4;* Ehich estroy pastures47 2an 3 means of su<sistence9*
a!! #he son of Holy Darathushtra an the future prophet, to <e <orn of the mother 're at1fe hri at the time of $esurrection* #he original meaning of, Gastvat1eretaH is, Gone Bho ma!es the <o 1 ily creatures rise upH, i*e* the ma!er of $esurrection* a!l #he original meaning of GSaoshyantH is, Ghe Bho Bill <enefit in futureH, Gthe future <ene1 factorH, erive from the root su W to <enefit* 7#!ay#t W ,asual* a!m 5#1present participle masculine nominative singularL original form hant Z sL root ah W Sans!rit as1, to <e1* a!n )riginal meaning, GBill raise up 75 the <o ily4: an living creaturesH* Gel ner gives the te"t paitish#t* a!o )riginal meaning, Gthe ruj of the <roo of the <ipe H*



24543 Ee Borship49 the .ravashi4: of the righteous4F a!p.are un4@, the son of AthaByan46, in or er to Bithstan 7; itch74, fever77, a!C e<ility75, ague1 fever7=, free in ulgence of lust7@, an the evil7: a!rcause <y sna!e7F* Ee Borship55 the .ravashi57 of the righteous54 a!sAoshnara79, full of intelligence5;L Be Borship5: the .ravashi5F of the righteous56 /?ava5=, the son of a!t #ehemaspa5@, an the .ravashi=7 of the righteous=6 Aghraeratha59, the a!u <rave=;, Bith the .ravashi=F of the righteous=6 +inocheher==, the son of a!v 'rach=@* 11324 Ka$Ci# ;B Ka$/ta e<0 a# aonC<1 fra$a# 68<2 Aa0a8aide<3H Ka$Ci# <; Ai7i$an! D+# << a# aonC<> fra$a# 68<? Aa0a8aide<@H Ka$Ci# <B )#ad anC>0 a# aonC>1 fra$a# 68>2 Aa0a8aide>3H Ka$Ci# >; Ar# nC>< a# aonC>> fra$a# 68>? Aa0a8aide>@H Ka$Ci# >B Pi#inan! C?0 a# aonC?1 fra$a# 68?2 Aa0a8aide?3H Ka$Ci# ?; .Aar# /nC?< a# aonC?> fra$a# 68?? Aa0a8aide?@H Ka$Ci# ?B SA/$ar# /nC@0 a# aonC@1 fra$a# 68@2 @3 @; @< @> Aa0a8aide H Ka$Ci# Hao#ra$an! C a# aonC fra$a# 68@? @@ Aa0a8aide . 11334 A8a ec a@B 7aitiB0 +t/# ta eB1= $eret ra! na ec aB2 7aitiB3 A +rad /ta eB;= $anaintA/o#c aB< 7aitiB> +7arat/tCB?= #an!+ a#c aB@ 7aitiBB +#a#taA/o100= #an!+ a#c a1 7aiti2 a8+Aa8naA/o3= #an!+ a#c a; 7aiti< a$ane8naA/o>= at ra $ata ec a? 7aiti@ a8eret an/8B. 24573 Ee Borship@5 the .ravashi@7 of the righteous@4 -ay=9 -o<a @;L Be Borship@: the .ravashi@F of the righteous@6 -ay@= a!BAipivanghu@@ 2the son of -ay -o<a 3, an the .ravashi67 of the righteous64 -ay@9 /sa hana6;L Be Borship6: the .ravashi6F of the righteous66 -ay6= Arshan6@, together Bith the .ravashisF7 of the righteousF4 -ay69 PisinangF; an -ayF= a!"ByarshanF@L Be

a!p Here .are un appears to have <een remem<ere as a physician removing iseasesL for further etails, see notes on the Pa?en portion of Vanant yasht, in my Khordeh !esta "# %aeni* a!C )ther meanings of the Bor na:6a are> filthiness, impurity, the point of a nee le* a!r &ts significance is, evil cause <y Doha! 2A?i1(ah!a3* After coming to the sovereignty <y efeating Doha!, -ing .are un estroye all his Bic!e octrines* a!s #he ,ounsellor of -avi /sa1-ing -ai!aus, Bho Bas eventually !ille <y the (aevas 2(armesteter3L =ira W Persian 6ira9 W Bise, intelligent* a!t #he son of No ar an gran son of -ing +inocheher* a!u )r possesse of special Cualities of humanity 2 erive from nar3* ,ompare Persian Bor s ins#niyat, /ardu/i* -noB that although Agreras Bas the <rother of Afrasya< Bas #uranian, he !ept goo feelings toBar s the &ranians* He Bas the holy an religious person* a!v #he youngest son of -ing .are unL the names of the remaining tBo sons Salam an #ura* a!B Son of -ay -o< 2(armesteter3* a!" .our sons of -ay Aipivanghu>1 243 -ay /sa hana 2or -ay /sa, i*e* -ay -us3L 273 -ay Arshan 2-ay Arasha3L 253 -ay Pisinangh 2-ay Pasina3L 2=3 -ay Byarshan W -ay Vyrash 2Bun ehesh3 W -ay Armin* )ut of them, only -ai -us came to the throne of &ran*



also Borship:5 the .ravashi:7 of the righteous:4 -ayF9 -ay:= -hosravah:@, 2the son of -ay Siava!hsh3*

Siava!hsh:;, an

24553 2Ee Borship the .ravashis of the a<ove1mentione great men3 for 9; 2gaining3 the Bell1shapen94 courage:9, victory97 create <y Ahura +a? a9=, for96 conCuering9@ superiority9F, for99 2acCuiring3 Bell1taught4;;, stea fast5, an invinci<le6 a monition= 2in any matter Bhatever3, 2an 3 for: 2acCuiring3 strength for smiting the enemies9 at one stro!eF* E*7"anation9G &ts significance is, that in this yasht, the .ravashis of Bell1 !noBn men an Bomen are Borshippe for one to ta!e a lesson from the virtues of these men an Bomen, such as their goo ness, righteousness, heroism, altruism an patriotism, an one shoul try to acCuire ?ealously their virtues <y acting in accor ance Bith them* 113;4 Dr$a ec a10 7aiti11 ao3an! C12= 5 $arenan! a#c a13 7aiti1; Fa0dad /ta e1<= tan+A/o#c a1> 7aiti1? dr$at/tC"@= /#naA/o#c a1B 7aiti20 $an! +A/o21 fra0antCi# 22 dan!raA/o23 $A/5 anaA/o2; 5 # Cit nA/o2<= #7itiGdCit raA/o2> /n0CG2:3o2? $6raA/o2@= +0antD+# 2B 7aiti30 a7araA/o31 $Aaret AaA/o32 $a i# ta e33 an! D+# 3;. 113<4 K # at ra ec a3< 7aiti3> 2/n+8atC3?= dare! aGA/o#c a3@ 7aiti3B dare! CG36tCi# ;0= $6#7an/8c a;1 7aiti;2 aAa7tan/8;3= $i#7an/8c a;; 7aiti;< 2aD# a0an/8;>= 7aiti# t/tDe;? A/t w/8;@ 7airi5an/8c a;B= #/t r/8<0 5aoA/8<1 5arafn/8c a<2= 7aiti# t/tDe<3 #/#tCG5ar# ta e<; t2aD# an! C<<. 245=3 2Ee Borship the .ravashis of the a<ove1mentione great men3 for 44 2acCuiring3 soun 4; strength47, glory45 create <y Ahura +a? a4@L soun ness 2of health34:, for7; 2acCuiring3 the offspring77 having innate Bis om49, goo 74, Bise75, a chief in the assem<ly7=, shining7@, <rilliant1eye 76 2i*e* of sharp intelligence3, relieving from istress7F an poBerful as a hero7:, man of goo intellect79 !eeping afar54 from irreligiousness57 2an 3 for5; acCuiring the heaven5515= fi"e for the religious an Bell1intelligent person3* 245@3 2Ee Borship the .ravashis of the a<ove mentione great men3 for 56 2acCuiring3 the <rilliant5F 2or majestic5F3 sovereignty, for59 a long5: en uring life=;, for=7 2acCuiring3 all=4 <oons=5, all== healing1virtues=6, for Bithstan ing=F Bi?ar s=:, Bitches=9, tyrants@;, the -i!s@4 an the -arapans@7 2an 3 for Bithstan ing@5 evil@@ cause <y the tyrants@=* 113>4 S/8a e<> Kere#/#7a e<? !ae#ao# <@ !ad a$ara e<B a# aonC>0 fra$a# 68>1 Aa0a8aide>2H 7aiti# t/tDe>3 +! ra e>; 2/0/+# >< aenaG A/o#c a>> 7eret + aini5aA/o>? 7eret +Gdraf aA/o>@= ered wCGdraf# G aA/o>B +0!ere7tCGdraf# aA/o?0 5 r+re8?i draf# e8?2 2arentaA/o?3H 7aiti# t/tDe?; !ad a e?< fra5ere#tCGfra#/na e?> #i8a e?? $iren3anC?@
a!y #he son of -ing -ay -us an the father of -ing -ay -houshrouL Afrsy< <eing e"cite on account of the plottings of his <rother -arasiva?, !ille him*



an/8are0di5a e?B= 7aiti# t/tDe@0 !ad CG5ar# ta e@1 t2ae# an! C@2. 24563 Ee Borship67 the .ravashi64 of the righteous6; -eresaspa@F, the curly1haire @: mace1<earer@9, of the 2Bell1!noBn3 Sama family@6, in or er to Bithstan 65 the army66, of the poBerful6= arms6@, Bi e1fronte 6F, Bith Bi e raise up <anners69, Bith uplifte cruel <anners F;, in or er to Bithstan F= the <rigan F@, Bho Bor!s estructionF6, 2an Bho is3 rea fulFF, man1slayingF: an unmercifulF9* Also, in or er to Bithstan :; the evil:7 cause <y the <rigan s:4* E*7"anation9G Ee Borship the .ravashi of the hero -eresaspa in or er that <y commemorating his heroic e"ploits an Belfare Bor!s Be may get enthusiasm an Be may there<y get sufficient courage an strength for Bithstan ing the estruction rushe forBar in the country, or for com<ating against the attac!s of thieves an ro<<ers* 113?4 5 r:ra e@3 Hao#ra$an! ana e@; a# aonC@3 fra$a# 68@> Aa0a8aide@?H 7aiti# t/tDe@@ a# ida$a e@B dr$atCB0 ar/tCi# c aB1 !aDt oG 8erenc A/na eB2H Hao# Aan! a eB3 ta5 8a eB; a# aonCB< fra$a# 68U=UB> Aa0a8aideB?H 7aiti# t/tDeB@ F/0ainAan/8BB daD$an/8100= $arenAaG n/8c a1 dr$at/82= 7aiti# t/tDe3 daD$oG5ar# ta e; t2aD# an! C<. 113@4 Frad /5 # tCi# > K +n2Ae e? a# aonC@ fra$a# 68B Aa0aG 8aide10= 7aiti# t/tDe11 aD# 8a e12 5 r$6Gdrao# 13 aD# 8CG$ared aG n/8c a1; dr$at/81<= 7aiti# t/tee1> aD# 8CG5ar# ta e1? t2aD# an! C1@. 245F3 Ee Borship:F the .ravashi:6 of the righteous:@ a!?A!hrura:5, the son of Haosravangh:=, in or er to Bithstan :: alastinginess94 that eceives the frien :9, Bic!e 9; an Borl 1 estroying97* Ee Borship9F the .ravashi96 of the valiant9=, righteous9@ Haoshyangha95 in or er to Bithstan 9: the aevas4;; of +?an rn99, an the Bic!e people7 of Giln4, also in or er to Bithstan 5 the evil@ pro uce <y the aevas=* 245:3 Ee Borship4; the .ravashi9 of the righteous: .ra h!hshti6, the son of -hun<yaF, in or er to Bithstan 44 the aeva Aeshma47 of cruel Beapon45 an Brath1inciting4= Bic!e persons4@, an in or er to Bithstan 46 the evil4: cause <y anger 2or <y the Aeshma aeva34F* 1Kard/ OOO4 113B4 H$C$A/o1 a# aonA/o2 fra$a# 683 Aa0a8aide;= FrenA/o< a# aonA/o> fra$a# 68? Aa0a8aide@H T ritA/oB a# aonA/o10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H Po+r+c i#taA/o13 a# aonA/o1; fra$a# 681< Aa0a8aide1>H H+tao#aA/o1? a# aonA/o1@ fra$a# 681B Aa0a8aide20H H+8/A/o21 a# aonA/o22 fra$a# 6823 Aa0a8aide2;H Iairic A/o2< a# aonA/o2> fra$a# 682? Aa0a8aide2@H V6#7aGta+r+# A/o2B a# aonA/o30 fra$a# 6831 Aa0a8aide32H )# ta$aitA/o33 a# aonA/o3; fra$a# 683<
a!? #he frien helping in the heroic a ventures of the hero -eresspaL pro<a<ly the escen ant of the Sma family* ala )r e"cessive gree *



Aa0a8aide3>H T+# n/8aitA/o3? a# aonA/o3@ fra$a# 683B Aa0a8aide;0. 24593 Ee Borship= the .ravashi5 of the righteous7 al<Hvovi4L Be Borship: the .ravashiF of the righteous6 alc.reni@, an Be Borship47 the .ravashi44 of the righteous4; #hrity9L Be Borship46 the .ravashis4@ of the righteous4= Pouruchisti45, al Hutaosa4F an aleHumaya74L Be also Borship7: the .ravashis7F of the righteous76 Dairichi7@, Vispa1taurushi79, /shtavaiti55L alfan #ushnmaiti5F* 11;04 FrenA/o;1 n/irA/o;2 )#ine8an! C;3 a# aonA/o;; a# aonC;< fra$a# 68;> Aa0a8aide;?H FrenA/o;@ n/irA/o;B Fr/Aa0antana e<0 a# aonA/o<1 a# aonC<2 fra$a# 68<3 Aa0a8aide<;H FrenA/o<< n/irA/o<> K # Ciwr/#7ana e<? a# aonA/o<@ a# aonC<B fra$a# 68>0 Aa0a8aide>1H FrenA/o>2 nairA/o>3 ,aAad /#tCi# >; a# aonA/o>< a# aonC>> fra$a# 68>? Aa0a8aide>@H A#a2anaA/o>B n/irA/o?0 Po+r+d /5 # tCi# ?1 a# aonA/o?2 a# aonC?3 fra$a# 68?; Aa0a8aide?<H )5 # entA/o?> n/irA/o?? Staot rC Va i# ta e A# a e?@ a# aonA/o?B a# aonC@0 fra$a# 68@1 Aa0a8aide@2. 24=;3 Ee Borship=F the .ravashis=6 of the righteous .reni=4, the Bife=7 of the righteous=@ alg/sinemangh=5, .reni=:, the Bife=9 of the righteous@7 alh .raya?entana@;, .reni@@, the Bife@6 of the righteous@9 ali-hshoiBrspana@F, an alj.reni67, the Bife65 of the righteous66 Gaya hsta6=* Ee BorshipF@ the .ravashiF= of the righteousF7 Asa<ana69, the BifeF; of the righteousF5 al! Pouru h!hshtaF4, Bith the .ravashi:4 of the righteousF9 /!hshentiF6, the Bife of the righteousF9 allStaotar1vahishtahe1ashaheF:* 11;14 KanA/o@3 Vad +tC@; a# aonA/o@< a# aonC@> fra$a# 68@?

al< Eife of the Prophet Darathushtra an the aughter of .rashaoshtra* alc Note that .reni, #hriti an Pouruchisti are the names of the aughters of the Prophet Holy Darathushtra* al Hutaosa is the Bife of -ing Vishtaspa* &n the 7h#h N#/eh she is !noBn <y the name -etyun* ale Humya is the name of the aughter of -ing Vishtaspa* alf #he original meaning of #ushnmaiti is Gcontente thoughtH* #he same Bor occurs in yasna H =5, stan?a 4@ as tBo separate Bor s, Tushn# /aiti, 2W contente thought3* &n the -ar h TTT, i*e* in paras 45914=7 the .ravashis of the illustrious Bives an girls are Borshippe * alg His .ravashi is Borshippe in para 445 of this yasht* alh )r the Bife of the son of .rya?en toLH Eife of .rya?entaH* 2(armesteter3* ali )r the Bife of the son of -hshQiBrspaL GBife of -hshoiBraspaH* 2(armesteter3* alj &n this para the .ravashis of four ifferent illustrious la ies <y name .reni, are Borshippe * Besi es, the .ravashis of the hus<an s of the Bives mentione in this para, <eing renoBne in acts of the Doroastrian $eligion, are also Borshippe , 2see paras 4441445 of the yasht3* al! Note that there Bere five sons of Pouru h!hshti <orn of the Bife Asa<ana> 243 Ayo1astiL 273 Vohu1vastiL 253 Gaya h!shtiL 2=3 Ashava? anghaL 2@3 /ru hu, 2see para 447 of this yasht3* all )riginal meaning is, GPraiser of the Best $ighteousnessH*

@@ @B


Aa0a8aide KanA/o Ka! r:d oB0 a# aonA/oB1 a# aonCB2 fra$a# 68B3 Aa0a8aideB;H KanA/oB< Fran! /d CB> a# aonA/oB? a# aonCB@ fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide100H KanA/o1 )rod aAantC2 a# aonA/o3 a# aonC; fra$a# 68< Aa0a8aide>H KanA/o? PaD#an! an$a@ a# aonA/oB a# aonC10 fra$a# 6811 Aa0a8aide12H H$ared A/o13 a# aonA/o1; fra$a# 681< Aa0a8aide1>H H+c it raA/o1? a# aonA/o1@ fra$a# 681B Aa0a8aide20H Kan+5aA/o21 a# aonA/o22 fra$a# 6823 Aa0a8aide2;H KanA/o2< Sr:tatGFed rAC2> a# aonA/o2? fra$a# 682@ Aa0a8aide2B. 24=43 Ee Borship:: the .ravashis:F of righteous:@ mai s:5, almVa huta:=, 0aghru ha9;, .rangh ha96, aln/ru hayant7, an Paesanghanva:L Be Borship46 the .ravashi4@ of the righteous4= aloHvare hi45L Be Borship7; the .ravashi49 of the righteous4: Huchithra4F, Bith the .ravashis 75 of -anu!a74, an the righteous7F mai 7@ alpSrutat1.e hri76* 11;24 KanA/o30 Van! +GFed rA/o31 a# aonA/o32 fra$a# 6833 Aa0a8aide3;H KanA/o3< EredatGFed rA/o3> a# aonA/o3? fra$a# 683@ Aa0a8aide3BH A/;0 $6#7aGta+r$airic a;1 n/8a;2= a$at a;3 V6#7aGta+r$airi;;= Aat a;< /;> te8;? 060an/t;@= AC;B $6#7e<0 ta+r$aA/t<1 daD$/atc a<2 t2aD# /o<3 8a# A/Gatc a<;= 7aiti# t/tDe<< 3a iG5ar# ta e<> t2aD# an! C<?. 24=73 Ee Borship5= the .ravashi55 of the righteous57 mai 5;, alCVanghu1 .e hri54L Be Borship59 the .ravashi5: of the righteous5F mai 5@, alr're at1 .e hri56, 2Bho name is3 alsVispo1taurvairi== for 2this reason=5 that=@3 she=6 Bill give <irth=: to that 2man3=F, Bho=9 in or er to Bithstan @@ the evil@F cause @6 <y 0ahi 2i*e* evil of the female counterpart3 Bill estroy @4 all the malice@5 2cause 3 <y the aevas@7, an <y 2Bic!e 3 men@=* 1Kard/ OOO(4 11;34 AirAan/81 da5 A+n/82 nara83 a# aon/8; fra$a# aAC< Aa0a8aide>H AirAan/8? da5 A+n/8@ n/irin/8B 10 11 12 13 a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide H T:irAan/8 da5 A+n/81; nar/81< a# aon/81> fra$a# aAC1? Aa0a8aide1@H T:irAan/81B 20 21 22 23 da5 A+n/8 n/irin/8 a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide2;H
alm #here Bas no nee of the Bor ashaon; associate Bith this name* #he Bor , ashaony#o is enough* aln Grammatically, this Bor is in masculine gen erL it Boul <e <etter if it Boul <e, 3rudhayanty#o li!e the Bor 39hshenty#o occurring in the prece ing paragraph* Also there is no nee of the Bor occurring in the prece ing paragraph* alo &t is not efinitely ascertaine Bhether this la y an the tBo folloBing Bere unmarrie or marrie li!e the names occurring in the prece ing paragraph* alp #he name of the mother of the Prophet Hoshe ar Bmi, to <e <orn at the time of $esurrec1 tion* alC #he name of the mother of the Prophet Hoshe ar +h, to <e <orn at the time of $esurrec1 tion* alr #he name of the mother of the Prophet Soshyos, to <e <orn at the time of the $esurrection* als #he original meaning of this Bor is, Gthe mother estroying all maliceH*



Sairi8an/82< da5 A+n/82> nar/82? a# aon/82B fra$a# aAC2B Aa0a8aide30H Sairi8an/831 da5 A+n/832 n/irin/833 a# aonin/83; fra$a# aAC3< Aa0a8aide3>. 24=53 Ee Borship6 the .ravashis@ of the righteous= men5 an Bomen of the &ranian4 ,ountries7L Be Borship4: the .ravashis4F of the righteous46 men4@ an Bomen of alt#uranian45 ,ountries4=L an Be Borship7; the .ravashis79 of the righteous7: men7F an Bomen of the aluSairima7@ ,ountries76* 11;;4 Sainina83? da5 A+na83@ nara83B a# aon/8;0 fra$a# aAC;1 Aa0a8aide;2H Sainina8;3 da5 A+na8;; nairina8;< a# aonina8;> fra$a# aAC;? Aa0a8aide;@H Da ina8;B da5 A+na8<0 nara8<1 a# aon/8<2 fra$a# aAC<3 Aa0a8aide<;H Da ina8<< da5 A+na8<> nairina8<? a# aonina8<@ fra$a# aAC<B Aa0a8aide>0. Vi#7an/8>1 da5 A+na8>2 nara8>3 a# aon/8>; fra$a# aAC>< Aa0a8aide>>H $i#7an/8>? da5 A+na8>@ nairina8>B a# aonin/8?0 fra$a# aAC?1 Aa0a8aide?2H $6#7/o?3 a# /+n/8?; $an!+ 6# ?< #:r/o?> #7ent/o?? fra$a# aAC?@ Aa0a8aide?B A/o@0 ac a@1 ,aA/t@2 Faret nat@3 /G Sao# Aant/t@; $eret ra! nat@<. 24==3 Ee Borship=7 the .ravashis=4 of the righteous=; men59 an Bomen of Sini5F ,ountries5:, Be Borship@= the .ravashis@5 of the righteous@7 men@4 an Bomen of alB(hi=9 ,ountries@;*

24=@3 Ee Borship66 the .ravashis6@ of the righteous6= men65 an Bomen of all64 countries67L Be BorshipF9 allF5 the goo F@, heroic 2an 3 <eneficentFF .ravashisF: of the righteous 2people3F= from:4 Gayomar :71:5 to:= the victorious:@ Saoshyant:=* 11;>4 )7a@>Gt:@?GnC@@ id a@B A/oB0 a# aon/8B1 8C# +B2 i#ent+B3 fra$a# aACB;= t/oB< nCB> 3a#ent+B? a$an! eB@= t/oBB nC100 /0a +c it1 atC2 t r/Aente3 aiwiGdere# t/i# ; a$e2i# <H ao8na> A +ra Fa0da?= Srao# ac a@ a# AaB #:ra10 8/nt rac a #7enta11 $6d+# a12H AC13 $6daD$C1; $6daD$a e1< a# tC1> Fa0d/o A +ra e1?H Ai81@ Iarat +# trC1B frerenaot20 $/$ante821an! $e22a#t$aite23. 24=63 +ay 2they3 Bho9; 2are3 the .ravashis9= of the righteous 2people394 !eep love95 over:6 us:: here:9 2i*e* in this Borl 3 Cuic!ly97 an verily:FX 2an 3 may they9@ come9F to our96 help9:X 2Also3 may those99 2.ravashis3 save5 us4;;,

alt #he countries allotte to #ura, the son of .are un* alu #he countries allotte to Selam the son of .are un* Accor ing to .ir ausi these countries Bere situate in the Eest of &ran* alv i*e* ,hina an the provinces un er the su<jugation of ,hina* alB #he countries inha<ite <y noma ic <rave people situate in the 'astern irection of ,aspi1 an Sea* .or its e"planation, see my Avesta ictionary*



the living ones7 Bith 2their3 poBerful = help@ al"at the time of calamity4X 2Besi es, may those .ravashis <e3 2our3 alyhelpers6 through Ahura +a? aF, through the <rave4; righteous9 Sraosha ya?ata:, an through the learne 47 al? +nthra Spenta44X Ehich45 2+nthra Spenta3 is oppose to the octrines of aevas4= an the messenger46 of amaAhura +a? a4F, Bhom4: 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra49 am<saB Bith the sincerest vision7;174 in the corporeal75 Borl 77* 11;?4 Aora2; $an!+ 6# 2< +7aG# aeta2> A/o2? /7C2@= A/o#c a2B +r$ar/o30= A/o#c a31 a# aon/832 fra$a# aAC33 (d a3; frit /o3< 7aitiG 0ant/o3> 2+Aata3?H a 8Aa3@ n8/ne3B id a;0 /t ra$anC;1 da5 A+n/8;2 8anAente;3 $an! D+# ;; a# a e;< +0!D+r$aAente;> 3a#te;? a 8/5e8;S a$an! e;B #:r/o<0 A:# 8/5e8<1 Aa#na e<2 #D$i# t/o<3. 11;@4 V6#7an/8c a<; /on! /8<< a# aon/8<> a# aonin/8c a<? id a<@ Aa0a8aide<B fra$a# 68>0= AaD# /8>1 Aa# et watc a>2 +r$/nC>3 0aoA/o#c a>; fra$a# aAC><. V6#7an/8c a>? /on! /8>@ a# aon/8>B a# aonin/8c a?0 id a?1 Aa0a8aide?2 fra$a# 68?3= AaD# /8?; nC?< A +rC Fa0d/o?> a# a$a?? Ae#ne?@ 7aiti?B $an! C@0 $aDd a@1. V6#7an/8c a@2 aD# /8@3 Iarat +# tre8@; 7aoir68@< $a i# te8@> :ir68@? #:#r:8a@@ t5aD# e8@B. 24=F3 ) ye goo 7@ amcBaters7:, trees5;, an the .ravashis55 of the righteous 2people357X +ay you am a<i e ame oBn here7=X +ay you <e love 5@ an Belcome 56 here5= 2i*e*3 in this5: house59* 2) .ravashisX3, Here=;, 2i*e* in this house3 the priests=4 of 2various3 countries=7 amfthin!=5 of the goo ==
al" )riginal meaning, Gin calamitiesHL #6ahu is the locative plural of the Bor ?angh* aly o/na 1 present participle nominative pluralL root a! W Sans!rit a! W to help* al? As an a<stract noun, the meaning of Gmnthra spentaH is, GHoly SpellH, Gsacre verses of the religionHL as a genitive noun its meaning is, Gthe ya?ata +respan H, Bho is the transmitter of the sacre verses of the religion from the ,reator Ahura +a? a to the Prophet Darathushtra* Holy Darathushtra ha reverence for him for this reason* ama &f Be consi er the Bor !ida:!ahe as an epithet of %a6d#o hurahe, it Boul mean Gop1 ponent of the aevaH* am< #he original meaning is> Ehom4: Darathushtra49 consi ere Borthy of respect7; li!e Him1 self74* amc Before these Bor s y#o4 y#os*ha occur an the meaning is, GBho, an BhoH, respectively* &f Be ta!e the meaning, Bor <y Bor , it is translate thus>1 2you3 Bho 2are3 Baters, an 2you3 Bho 2are3 trees an 2you3 Bho 2are3 .ravashis* am .ravashis in this Borl are please to remain ami st Bater an fragrant floBers, an for this reason uring the holy .ravarti!n ays, fresh Bater an floBers are !ept in a sanctifie place* ame i*e* in this house* )riginal meaning is, GloBer, netherHL it is the comparative egree of a!a 1 a!ara W aora 2<y ropping the mi le a3* amf i*e* '"cept goo ness an righteousness no other thoughts are <rought in the min * #he sig1 nificance of this sentence seems to <e, that religious teachers of various &ranian countries, an virtuous priests Bho ha come out for propagating the religion of Darathushtra, have staye in this house after their return*



righteousness=@* ) heroic@; 2an 3 most <eneficent@5 2.ravashis3X for your@4 help=9 2i*e* for see!ing your help3 2an 3 for 2your3 Borship @7, our=: han s=F amgare lifte up=6 2Bith entreaty3* 24=:3 Ee Borship@9 here@: every .ravashi6; amongst the amh.ravashis@@ of all righteous 2men3@6 an Bomen@F* Ehose64 souls65 2an 3 .ravashis6@ ami <eing Borthy of praise67 2are3 Borthy of reverence6= 2or Borthy of invocation6=3* Ee BorshipF7 hereF4 every .ravashiF5 amongst the .ravashis6: of all righteous 2men369an righteous 2Bomen3F;* &n the invocationF: of Bhom 2i*e* .ravashi3F= HolyFF Ahura +a? aF6 amjhath recognise :4 usF@ as <etter:;* Amongst all:7 these:5 2righteous men an Bomen3 Be have hear ::, 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra:= 2to <e3 the foremost :@ an the <est:6 folloBer of the octrine:9 of Ahura +a? a:F*

11;B4 PaoirAan/8B0 t5aD# an/8B1 7aoirAan/8B2 #/#nCG!:# /8B3= id aB; a# aon/8B< a# aonin/8c aB>= a :8c aB? daDn/8c aB@ BB 100 1 2 2aod a#c a +r$/ne8c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide = ACi3 a# /i; < > $aonare . 'a2/na0di# tan/8 id a? a# aon/8@ a# aonin/8c aB= a :8c a10 daDn/8c a11 2aod a#c a12 +r$/ne8c a13 fra$a# 68c a1; Aa0a8aide1<= ACi1> a# /i1? $aonare1@. 24=93 Ee Borship7 here9= the life9F, intelligence99, soul4;; an .ravashi4 of righteous9@ 2men3 an righteous96 2Bomen3 of am!the paoiryo1t!aeshas9;194, 2an 3 of the first97 amlacceptors of the religion95, Bho5 fought Bith triumph@ for righteousness=* Ee Borship4@ hereF the life4;, conscience44, intelligence47, soul45 an .ravashi4= of righteousness:* Also, Be Borship 2men3 an 2Bomen3 of ammNa<na? ishta6 Bho46 fought Bith triumph4: for righteousness4F* 11<04 PaoirA/n1B t5aD# e20 Aa0a8aide21= n8/nan/8c a22= $6#/8c a23= 0ant+n/8c a2; da5 +n/8c a2<= ACi2> /on! are2? PaoirA/n2@ t5aD# e2B Aa0a8aide30= n8/nan/8c a31 $6#/8c a32 0ant+n/8c a33 da5 A+G
amg &n the sense of ust#na6asta occurring in the yasna H 7:*4 an yasna H 79*@* amh #he pronoun #on,h#/ 2of these3 refers to .ravashis* ami 'asheth(at is a<lative singular of yasht!a 1 Borthy of BorshipL root ya6 W Sans!rit ya-* amj i*e* as the invocation of the .ravashis Bas approve <y the ,reator Ahura +a? a, their in 1 vo!ers are regar e as <etter in the eyes of the ,reator* &f the Bor !an,h; is ta!en as a noun, it is translate thus> in the invocationF: of Bhom 2.ravashi3F= HolyFF Ahura +a? aF6 !noBs:4 happi1 ness:; 2or goo ness:;3 for usL i*e* in the invocation of the .ravashis Ahura +a? a regar s our happiness as inclu e * am! i*e* +a? a1Borshippers of the age prior to the Prophet Darathushtra* aml )riginal meaning is those Bho pai attention to righteous e ucation, those Bho first listene to the comman ments of the religion* 7asna W Sans, shasan W religious e ucation* amm i*e* #hose Bho have accepte the $eligion of the Prophet Darathushtra, persons <orn in the $eligion of DarathushtraL original meaning is, Gnearest the navelHL from this it means, Gne"t of !inH, Gnearest relativesH 2see Ven i a fargar &V, paras @14;3*



n/8c a3;= ACi3< 2/2$are3>H PaoirA/n3? t5aD# e3@ Aa0a8aide3B n8/naG n/8c a;0 $6#/8c a;1 0ant+n/8c a;2 da5 A+n/8c a;3= ACi;; enti;<. 11<14 PaoirA/n;> t5aD# e;? Aa0a8aide;@= n8/nan/8c a;B $6#/8c a<0 0ant+n/8c a<1 da5 A+n/8c a<2= n8/nan! /nC<3= $6# /nC<; << <> <? 0ant+# /nC dain! +# /nC a# CGan! /nC 8/nt rCGan! /no<@ +r$CG an! /nC<B $6#7/i# c a>0 $an! :# >1 $an! +# /nC>2. 24@;3 Ee Borship74 the paoiryo1t!aeshas4917;of 2these3 houses77, streets75, toBns7= an amncountries7@, Bho76 ha <een7F, Bho5@ Bill <e hereafter56, an Bho== e"ist at present=@* 24@43 Ee Borship=: the paoiryo1t!aeshas=61=F of 2these3 houses=9, streets@;, toBns@4 an countries@7 2Bith all such characteristics as3 amoBorthy of the toBn@@, the country@6, righteousness@F 2or possesse of love of righteousness3, amp possesse of love for the Holy Spell 2i*e* sacre verses of the religion3 @:, possesse of love for his oBn soul@9 an regar e as Borthy67 of all6; goo ness64 in all respects67* 11<24 Iarat +# tre8>2 $6#7a e>3 an! D+# >; a#t$atC>< a :8c a>> rat:8c a>? 7aoiri8c a>@ t5aD# e8>B Aa0a8aide?0H /t/8?1 +d/#G te8e8?2= /t/8?3 +5 # at rCte8e8?;= /t/8?< raD$a#te8e8?>= /t/8?? 5 $arenan!+ a#te8e8?@= /t/8?B Ae#nACte8era@0= /t/8@1 $a 8ACG te8e8@2= /t/8@3 5 # naCt wote8e8@;= /t/8@< fra#a#tCte8e8@>. -C@? n/@@ i# ta#c a@B Ae#nAa#c aB0 $a 8Aa#c aB1 $aoc eB2= Aat anaB3 5a 8/ic itB; /t/8B<= a# /tB> ac aB? AatB@ $a i# t/tBB. 11<34 (8/8c a100 0/81 A a0a8aide2= ao8c a3 a#8ane8; Aa0a8aide<H t/c a> $o :? Aa0a8aide@= A/B antare#t/10 Ae#nA/c a11 $a 8A/c a12 fr/Aa# t$a13 naire1; a# aone1<. 24@73 Ee BorshipF; 2the Holy Prophet3 Darathushtra 67 2Bho is3 the lor 66 an the lea er6F of the entire65 corporeal6@ Borl 6= an the amCpaoiryo1 t!aesha6:169* E*7"anation>1 2]ualities of the Prophet Darathushtra are state <eloB3>1 Holy Darathushtra is the Bisest F7 of 2all3 living <eings F4, the <est rulerF= of living <eingsF5, the <rightestF6 an most gloriousF: of living <eings FF, most Borthy of Borship:;, of a oration:7, propitiation:=, 2an 3 glorification:6 of the

amn i*e* #he inha<itants in the houses, streets, toBns an countries* amo i*e* #hose Bho a lustre to houses, streets, toBns an countries, etc*, root han W san* to <e BorthyL to have love, to li!eL !?sh#n; W !?s Z h#n;L 6antushan#; W 6antu Z h#no, etc* amp By means of virtuous an righteous ee s* #o have love for his oBn soul means, to ren er his oBn soul Borthy of heaven after eath* amC i*e* )f the ancient faith* %or Darathushtra Bas himself a paoiryo1t!aeshaL at the age of =; he attaine the status of the Prophet*



living <eings:@* 2Holy %or amrDarathushtra amsis !noBn97 to us:: as <elove :9, Borthy of Borship9; an a oration94 just as95 2this can <e sai 3 of any man 9= 2too3 amongst the living <eings9@ on account of the <est99 righteousness9619F* 24@53 Ee Borship7 this4;; earth4L Be Borship@ the yon er5 s!y=L an Be Borship: 2all3 these6 amtgoo creationsF, stan ing <etBeen 2the earth an the s!y3, Borthy of Borship44 an a oration47 2Bhich are3 Borthy of Borship45 for the righteous4@ men4=* 11<;4 Daiti5an/8c a aidA+n/8 Aat +r+nC Aa0a8aide= a# aon/8 /at +r+nC Aa0a8aide= 5+dCG0/tan/8c it nar/8c a n/irin/8c aH AaD# /8 $a e 6# daDn/o $anaint6 $/= $en! en $/= $aonare a8+$/. 11<<4 Vanent/83? $an! ent/83@ $aon+# /83B daDno#/c /8;0= id a;1 a# aon/8;2 a# aonin/8c a;3 a :8c a;; daDn/8c a;< 2aod a#c a;> +r$/ne8c a;? fra$a# 68c a;@ Aa0a8aide;B= ACi<0 a# /i<1 $aonare<2. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. -at / A : VairAC @. 24@@3 Here=4 o Be Borship=9 the life==, conscience=@, intelligence=6, soul=F an .ravashi=: of those Bho revere5F, of those Bho Bill revere hereafter5: an of those Bho amvhave revere 2amBthe laBs of the $eligion3 as Bell as righteous=7 2men3 an 2Bomen3 Bho have stu ie religious octrines=; 2an of all those3 Bho@; fought@7 Bith triumph@7 for righteousness@4* 11<>4 A# /+n/81 fra$a# in/82 +! ran/83 aiwit :ran/8;= +! ran/8< $/ret ra! nin/8>= PaoirACGt5aD# an/8? fra$a# in/8@= na2/na0di# tan/8B fra$a# in/810= fra$a# aAC11 5 # n:t/o12 aAant+13 a 8Aa1; n8/ne1<= 5 # n:t/o1> $ic arent+1? a 8Aa1@ n8/ne1B. 11<?4 K # n:t/o20 /fr6nent+21 a 8Aa22 n8/ne23 $an!+ 682; A# 682< 5 $/7ar/82>H K # n:t/o2? 7/raAant+2@ ac a2B a 8/t30 n8/n/t31H #tao8/c a32 r/0arec a33 2arent+3; dat +# C3< A +ra e Fa0d/o3> A8e# an/8 S7entan/83?H 8/c i83@ !ere0/n/o3B 7/raAant+;0= ac a;1 a 8/t;2 n8/n/t;3 a 8/5e8c a;; Fa0daAa#nan/8;<.

amr #a!ing connection Bith the prece ing Bor s, the Bor y; refers to Darathushtra* ams 8ao*he1 Perfect #ense thir person singular, root !a*h W Sans!rit !a*h 1 to spea!* amt )riginal meaning, GthingsH, Ggoo thingsH* ,ompare Sans!rit !asu* amu .or the translation of this para, see Haftan yasht %arge, -ar h V, para 7* amv -noB that in para 4@= a<ove, ver<s !anainti, !en,hen, an !aonare have occurre L the same ver<s have occurre in this para in present, future an perfect tense, respectively* amB #he Bor da:n#o occurring in the para 4@= a<ove shoul <e ta!en here*



24@63 +ay the strong5, triumphant=, an victorious6 am".ravashis44 of the righteous 2people34 amongst the paoiryo1t!aeshasF an Na<na? ishta9 come45 2an 3 <eing please 46 may move a<out in this4: house49X 24@F3 +ay those .ravashis mentione a<ove amy<eing please 7; am?as! the <lessings74 for self1supporting76 Ashishvangh7=17@ in this77 house75* 2+oreover3 may 2those .ravashis3 <eing please 7F epart7: from79 this5; house54X an may they carry5= 2our3 hymns of praise57 an Borship55 2in presence3 of the ,reator5@ Ahura +a? a56 2an 3 the Amesha Spentas 5FX +ay they ananot5: epart=; complaining59 2i*e* isplease 3 from=4 this=7 house=5 of us==, the +a? a1Borshippers=@* 2#o recite in a loB tone3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i a# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8 PaoirACt5aD# an/8 fra$a# in/8 na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8= Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e K ore awa0/A/d Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d= a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n /!/ i ra$/i !o/fran!/ni 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /w/Aad # +danH a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the South>3 D/d/re !e /n dine F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iarat +# ti. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra Ana ite a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Ard/fra$a# 2ere#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.

am" &n the original te"t there is, Gthe .ravashis amongst of the righteous 2people3H* amy )r a<ove1mentione those .ravashis <eing please * am? i*e* ShoBer such <lessings that this house may <e full of righteousness, happiness an riches* Note that Ashishvangh is the ya?ata presi ing over Bealth an happiness* ana #he original meaning of /#*hi/ is, Gnot anyoneH*



K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d. .e er/8 Aa0ad 7iro0!ar d+# 8anG0ad/r= a8a e +t/# ta e 2era#/d.an2 A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8 a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+n# an6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n= 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8 A# e8 Vo : 3.anc Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5ae# o 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Veret ra! na e A +rad /ta e $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC= and5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= -at / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. 1Kard/ (4 114 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3= Pere#at; Iarat +# trC< A +re8 Fa0d/8>= A +ra Fa0da?= 8ainAC@ #7Dni# taB= d/tare10 !aDt en/811 a#t$aitin/812 a# /+813. KC1; a#ti1< 8ainAa$an/81> Aa0atan/81? 0aACte8C1@. at1B 8raot20 A +rC Fa0d/o21 Veret ra! nC22 A +rad /to23 S7ita8a2; Iarat +# tra2<. 124 aneA 8/i2> 7aoirAC2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B= Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31= $/ta e32 5e r7a33 dare# Ci# 3;= #r6ra e3< Fa0dad /ta e3>= $o :3? 5 $arenC3@ Fa0dad /te83B= 2arat;0= 5 $arenC;1 Fa0dad /te8;2= 2aD# a0e8;3 +ta a8e8c a;<. 243 Ee praise5 Beheram ya?ata4 create <y Ahura +a? a7* 2#he Prophet3 Darathushtra@ as!e = Ahura +a? a6L ) Ahura +a? aF, +ost Beneficent9 Spirit:, ,reator4; of ,orporeal47 Borl 44 an righteous45X Eho4= is4@ the anfmost victorious4: amongst the Spiritual46 ya?atas4FYH Ahura +a? a sai 7;> ) Spitaman7= Darathushtra7@X 2it is3 Beheram77 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a*H

an< i*e* +ay the victorious an the smiter of enemy Beheram ya?a an Bell1ma e Ama 2i*e* Ya?ata presi ing over courage3 come 2unto my help3X anc .or its translation see Ahura +a? a -ho e* an i*e* .or the Borship of Beheram ya?a create <y Ahura +a? a an Vananti /paratt, 2i*e* ya?ata presi ing over victorious ascen ency3 pre1eminent Ya?ata, an for his praise, etc* 2see -horshe Nyyesh, para* 4;*3 ane (r* Gel ner ta!es this secon paragraph in verse form of F lines* anf GBest1arme H 2Spiegel, Harle? an (armesteter3*



273 /nto him76 2Bho Borships an as! for his help3* Beheram 5; 2ya?ata3 goes7: for the first time7F in the anhshape55 of a strong5= an <eautiful5@ Bin , an <ears=; the goo 5F light5:, glory=4, the healing reme y=5, an == courage=@* 134 at;> a 8/i;? a8a$a#te8C;@= a8a;B a 8i<0 a8a$a#te8C<1= $eret ra<2 a 8i<3 $eret ra$a#te8C<;H 5 $arenan! a<< a 8i<> 5 $areG nan!+ a#te8C<?= A/na<@ a 8i<B A/na$a#te8C>0= #ao5a>1 a 8i>2 #ao5a$a#G te8C>3= 2aD# a0a>; a 8i>< 2aD# a0ACte8C>>. 1;4 at>? t2aD# aC>@ ta+r$aG Aeni>B $6#7an/8?0 t2aD# a$at/8?1= t2aD# /o?2 daD$an/8?3 8a# A/n/8G c a?;= A/t w/8?< 7airi5an/8c a?>= #/t r/8?? 5aoA/8?@ 5arafn/8c a?B. 253 2the3 +ost courageous =: 2Beheram ya?ata3 then=6 2spea!s3 unto him 2i*e* see!er for help3=F> & am@; the most courageous@4 in courage=9, & am@6 the most victorious@= in victory@7, & am@6 the most glorious@F in glory@@L & am@9 the most favouring6; in favour@:, & am67 the most profita<le65 in profit64, & am6@ the most health1giving66 in health6=* 2=3 #hen & Bill estroy69 the evils6: of allF; the tormentorsF4, 2an 3 emonsF5, menF=, of the Bi?ar sF@, the BitchesF6, the tyrantsFF, the -i!s an the ani-araps* 1<4 A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8. 0aot r/2AC Veret ra! ne8 A +raG d /te8 Aa0a8aide= an3A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#8ana= i0$CGdan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2@3 )n account of his4 splen our7 an glory5 & Borship@ that= Behram 2ya?ata39 create <y Ahura +a? a: Bith the au i<le6 2or famous3 yasnaF* Ee Borship45 Bith li<ations4; Behram 2ya?ata344 create <y Ahura +a? a47 accor ing to the first46 laBs4@ of Ahura +a? a4F* 1Kard/ ((4 1>4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da FainAC S7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt na8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0d/o= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to
ang &mperfect tense in the sense of the present tense, see !esta &ra//ar, page 5;@* anh #o the man Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata Bith a sincere heart an as!s his help in times of ifficulties, Behram ya?ata goes in ifferent shapes on ifferent occasions for giving him victory <y casting aBay his ifficulty* #hese ifferent forms are escri<e in the first ten !ar s of this yasht* ani .or the e"planation of the Bor s -i! an -arapa, see glossary* anj Yish tish paoiryish Ahurahe 1 these Bor s occur in yasna H =6*4@ in the Gathic form>1 yish tish paoruyish Ahurahy*



S7ita8a Iarat +# tra. 1?4 A 8/i2> 2itAC2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /tC11 !D+# 32 5e r7a33 ar# /na e3; #r6ra e3<= 0airiG!ao# a e3>= 0aranACG#ra$a e3?= Ai83@ +7airi3B #r+Ae;0 #inat;1 a8C;2 +ta# tC;3 +raod C;;. Veret ra! nC;< A +rad /to;>. A$at a;? /3a#at;@ $o :;B 5 $arenC<0 Fa0dad /te8<1= 2arat<2 5 $arenC<3 Fa0dad /te8<;= 2aD# a0e8<< +ta<> a8e8c a<?. 2F3 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 Beheram5; 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a54 goes7: running79 for the secon time7F in the shape55 of a <eautiful5@ <ull5715= Bith yelloB ears5: an gol en horns5F* /pon59 those horns=; has sat=4 the Bell1shapen=5 2an 3 <eautiful== Ama=7 2i*e* courage3* &n this Bay=F 2i*e* in the shape of a <eautiful <ull3 Beheram=@ 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a=6 2Bho3 <ears@; the goo =9 light@;, the glory@5 an the healing reme y@@, also courage,@F comes up=: 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8 5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# an"A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (((4 1@4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da FainAC S7Dni# ta d/tare !aet an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0d/o= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to S7ita8a Iarat +# tra. 1B4 A 8/i2> t ritAC2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /tC31 a#7a e32 5e r7a33 a+r+# a e3;= #r6ra e3<= 0airiG!ao# a e3>= 0aranACGaiwid/na e3? Ai83@ +7airi3B aini5e8;0 #inat;1= a8C;2 +ta# tC;3 +raod C;;= Veret ra! nC;< an8A +rad /tC;>. A$at a;? /3a#at;@ $o :;B 5 $arenC<0 Fa0dad /te8<1= 2arat<2 5 $arenC<3 Fa0dad /te8<;= 2aD# a0e8<< +ta<> a8e8c a<?.
an! .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* anl .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* anm (r* Gel ner ta!es paragraph 9 up to here in the verse1form of : lines*



293 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 Beheram5; 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a54 goes7: for the thir time7F running79 in the shape55 of a Bhite 2or crimson3 5= <eautiful5@ horse57, Bith yelloB ears56 an anna gol en caparison5F* /pon59 the anoe ge=; of Bhich has sat=4 the Bell1shapen=5 2an 3 <eautiful== Ama=7 2i*e* courage3* &n this Bay=F Beheram=@ 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a =6 2Bho3 <eans@7 goo =9 lustre@;, glory@5, healing reme y@@, an courage@F, comes up=: 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8 5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# an7A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (V4 1104 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da= FainAC S7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0dao= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to S7ita8a anJIarat +# tra. 1114 anrA 8/i2> t:irAC2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B= Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31= +# tra e32 5e r7a33 ad airAao# 3;= dad/n#ao# 3< aiwiGtac ina e3>= +r$atC3? fra#7arana e3@ !aDt /+# 3B 8a# ACG$an! a e;0. 2443 2/nto him Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3, Beheram5; ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a54 goes5: for the fourth time7F in the shape55 of a camel57 <ur en1<earing5=, tamea<le5@, sBiftly1running56,

ann Eith a gol en caparison 2(armesteter3* .or its analogy, see #ir yasht paragraphs 4: an =6* ano )r upon the forehea or face of Bhich 2horse3* Sans!rit ani9a* anp .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* anC .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of Beheram yasht* anr (r* Gel ner ta!es this para 44 in the verse form of si" lines*



strong5F, stamping forBar s5: 2or having strong steps5:3, goo s of men=;*

carrying the

1124 -C;1 ar# n/8;2 fran! are0ant/8;3 8a0i# te8;; ao3C;< /2araiti;>= 8a0i# te8c a;? /8anan! e8;@. -C;B 5 # at ri# $a<0 a$/iti<1 a$/o<2 06<3 5 # at r6# <; +7/tCte8/o<<= A/o<> +# trC<? 7/iti<@ $ad airi# <B= a# G 2/0/+# >0= #t$iG5aofC>1= #8ar# nC>2GdaD8a>3 36rC#/rC>; raD$a><= 2ere0C>>= a8a$/o>?. 1134 -/8>@ e>B d:raDG#:5e8?0 d:ire?1 fra0a$aiti?2 ita e?3= t/t rA/8?; ai7i 5 # a7ane8?S= AC?> 5afe8?B ai7iG#7aAeiti?@ #7aDtite8?B= +7a $a! d ane8@0 +5 # naot re@1 +7aiti# t/ne@2. -C@3 i# taiti@; $idid a$/o@<= Aat a@> #/#ta@? a8C5 # at rC@@. A$at a@B /3a#atB0 $o :B1 5 $arenCB2 Fa0dad /te8B3 2aratB; 5 $arenCB< Fa0dad /te8B>= 2aD# a0e8B? +taB@ a8e8c aBB. 2473 Eho=4 2i*e* Beheram ya?ata coming in the shape of a camel3 maintains=6 the greatest== strength=@ an e"citement=: amongst the strong=5 male 2animals3=7* Ehen he helps those anufemales@;, they are <est1protecte @:* 2453 2&t is3 the <ur en1<earing@9, possesse of poBerful shoul ers6;, large1 humpe 64, anvCuic!671eye 65, intelligent1hea e 6= 2or sharp1Bitte 6=3, han some6@, tall66 an courageous6F camel@F 2i*e* Beheram ya?ata3 Bhom 2i*e* female camel3 he protects@:* His69 anBpiercing loo!F; an"goesF7 afarF4 2li!e that3 of a horseF5 in the ar!F= nightF@* An BhoF6 stan ing upon his strong any !nees:4 an stout legs:7 throBsF: BhiteF9 foamFF on his hea :;* &n this Bay:9 2i*e* in the shape of a camel3 2Beheram ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a Bho3 <ears9= goo 94 lustre97 glory9@, healing reme y9F, an 9: courage99, comes up9; 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8
ans Professor (armesteter translates it Glong1haire H* ant )r resi ing Bith man, social 2root vas W to Bell3* G(omesticate , of the houseH 2Professor Harle?3* #a!ing the Bor as GgaMsushH instea of GgaMthushH* anu An in irect suggestion may <e ta!en as .emale ,amel* anv Professor (armesteter* GBear e H 2Professor Harle?3L Sans!rit sh/asru W <ear * anB i*e* 0ust as a horse can see afar in the ar! night 2see -ar a 47 of this yasht3* an" $oot fra1ju W S!t* pra1ju W to go forBar , to hasten* &f Be ta!e GaMtaheH li!e (r* Gel ner in1 stea of GhitaheH, it can <e translate as>1 He has the piercing loo! Bhich can penetrate afar in the ar! night* any #he meaning of Ghu1!hshnaothraH is also Gvery please H* But in the thir !ar h of Srosh yasht Va i the Bor !hshnushcha in the sense of G!neeH has occurre * & have felt it proper to ta!e that meaning here* &n these tBo places G!hshnuH an G!hshnaoH instea of G?nuH have oc 1 curre * Amongst the characteristics of a goo camel the strong !nee an stout legs are very es1 sential*



8a# A/n/8c a= 5arafn/8c a.

A/t w/8

7airi5an/8c a=

#/t r/8


A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# an0A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V4 11;4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da 8ainAC #7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0d/o= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to S7ita8a aoaIarat +# tra. 11<4 A 8/i2> 7+5 d C2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B= Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31= +5e r7a32 $ar/0a e33= 7aitiGerenC3; ti0iG d/n#tra e3<= ar# nC3> ti0iGa#+ra e3?= a5eratG3anC3@ $ar/0a e= an+G 7Cit wa e;0 !ranta e;1= 7ar# $ani5a e;2 ta5 8a e;3= A:5 da e;; ao2 7/iriG$/0a e;<. A$at a;> /3a#at;? $o :;@ 5 $arenC;B Fa0dad /te8<0= 2arat<1 5 $arenC<2 Fa0dad /te8<3= 2aD# a0e8<; +ta<< a8e8c a<>. 24@3 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 for the fifth time7F, Beheram5; 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a54 goes7: moving79 in the aocgoo shape57 of a ao <oar55 opposing5= 2or attac!ing5=3, sharp1toothe 5@, valiant56, Bith sharp1hoofs5F, smiting at once5:, <eing mo erately fat=;, Brathful=4, smiting the roBs of the army=7, strong=5, strong1 <o ie ==, rushing all aroun Y@ &n this Bay=6 2i*e* in the shape of a <oar3 2Beheram ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a Bho3 <ears @4 goo =: lustre=9, glory@7 healing reme y@=, also@@ courage@6, comes up=F 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8
an? .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aoa .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* ao< (r* Gel ner ta!es para 4@ up to here in the verse1form of nine lines* aoc &n the original te"t this Bor occurs tBice 2vi e 59th Bor 3* ao #a!ing Ghu !ehrpaH accor ing to Gel ner if Be compare hu 2Sans!rit shu, su3 meaning Ga sBineH, the meaning of Ghu****var?aheH then Boul <e GBil <ear, <oar1 pigH* .or its analogy, see +eher yasht, para F;*



5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aoeA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V(4 11>4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da= 8ainAC #7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0d/o= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to S7ita8a aofIarat +# tra. 11?4 A 8/i2> 5 # t$C2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B= Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31 nar# 32 5e r7a33 7anc aG da#an! C3; 5 # aDta e3< #7itiGdCit ra e3>= 5a#+G7/# na e3? ao!#r6ra e3@. A$at a3B /3a#at;0 $o :;1 5 $arenC;2 Fa0dad /te8;3= 2arat;; 5 $arenC;< Fa0dad /te8;>= 2aD# a0e8;? +ta;@ a8e8c a;B. 24F3 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3, for the si"th time7F he goes7: running79 in the shape55 of a <eautiful5: man57 of aoh fifteen 2years of age3, han some5@, Bith shining eyes56, small heels5F* &n this Bay59 2i*e* in the shape of a <eautiful man3, 2Beheram ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a Bho3 <ears== goo =4 lustre=7, glory=@ healing reme y=F, an =6 courage=9, comes up=; 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8 5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aoiA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G
aoe .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aof .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aog (r* Gel ner ta!es para 4F up to here in the verse form of five lines* aoh &n the age of the Avesta, the age of 4@ Bas consi ere to <e the age of the <lossoming of youthL see yasna H &T para @L #ir yasht para 45* aoi .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V((4 11@4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da 8ainAC #7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0daC= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to S7ita8a Iarat +# tra. 11B4 A 8/i2> a7tat C2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B= Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31= 8ere! a e32 5e r7a33 $/re! na e3; +r$atC3< ad araGnaD8/t3>. Pi# atC3? +7araGnaD8/t3@. -C3B $aA/8;0 a#ti;1 /#i# tC;2= ren3i# tC;3 fra$a0e8nan/8;;. 1204 HC;< aD$C;> +# tana$at/8;?= i# $a;@ $a#8a;B a7aAeiti<0H a#c it<1 $/ nCit<2 $/<3 Aatc it<; $a0aiti<< $a#te8<>= ACS? $a0aiti<@ 0ar# Aa8nC<BH a! r/8>0 +#ait68>1 +# /on! e8>2= a5 # afni>3 5 # afn68>; i#e8nC><= a#:iri>> #air68 i# e8nC>@. 1214 V6!/t C>B 8are0at?0 5aofan/8?1= 2are# na$C 8are0at?3 !airin/8?;= 3/fna$C?< 8are0at?> raon/8??= #aDni# ?@ 8are0at?B +r$aran/8@0= $aA/8@1 $/c 68@2 ao3#+#r+# e8nC@3. A$at a@; /3a#at@< $o :@> 5 $arenC@? Fa0dad /te8@@= 2arat@B 5 $arenCB0 Fa0dad /te8B1= 2aD# a0e8B2 +taB3 a8e8c aB;. 2493 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 for the seventh time7F goes7: flying79 in the shape75 of a <ir ,57 ao!fluttering the Bings5=, stout5@ in the loBer part56 an aolBoun ing5F in the upper part5:* Eho59 2i*e* the <ir 3 is sBifter=7 than 2all other3 <ir s =; an is lightest=5 amongst the flying ones==* 27;3 He=@ aomalone=6 amongst the living creatures=F goes@; Cuic!ly=9 li!e an arroB=:* None other@7, <ut only that@= <ir goes Cuic!ly@@ at the time of first6; glittering64 aBn67, Bishing6@ ar!ness6= to <e no more ar!65 an Bishing6: aonBeapon6F for those Bithout Beapons66*

2743 2#hat <ir 3 esiring to hear :5 the sBeet voice:7 of 2other3 <ir s:4 goesF; aopup to the tops69 of the hillsF4, to the summitsF7 of the mountainsF=,

aoj (r* Gel ner ta!es para 49 in the verse1form of seven lines, para 7; in the verse form of : lines an para 74 up to the Bor SusrushemnQ in the verse1 form of @ lines respectively* ao! &tAs another form is !#ren-anahe 2See para 5@ of this yasht3* &n the shape of a <ir 2calle 3 Vraghna 2Harle? an (armeseter3L !#ra,hana W !al#9 2Pahlavi3 W Kol#, 2Persian3WcroB, raven* aol '"pan e from <eloB an contracte from upBar 2(armesteter3* aom i*e* Beherm ya?ata in the shape of a <ir mentione in this paragraph* aon 7ura W Sans!rit shula W Beapon* &f Be compare the Bor sura Bith the Sans!rit shura 2WSun3, its translation can <e Ghe goes Bishing the tBilight <efore aBn full <rillianceH* aoo #he 'nglish meaning of /are6at shoul <e ta!en in the sense of touchL Sans!rit root /ar6* aop Si e, flan!H 2Harle?L lonely place 2(armesteter3* Possi<ly the Bor !?,#th; may <e the a<1 <reviate form of !?,#ta(; or !?,#th(; 2Secon person plural of !?,#tu3*



into the epthsF@ of the valleysFF, 2an 3 up to the tops F: of the trees:;* &n this Bay:= 2Beheram Ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a Bho3 <ears:9 goo :6 lustre:F glory9;, healing reme y97, an 95 courage, comes up:@ 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8 5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aoJA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ V(((4 1224 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da= 8ainAC #7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# /+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0daC= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to= S7ita8a Iarat +# tra. 1234 A 8/i2? a# te8C2@ /3a#at2B $a0e8nC30= Veret ra! nC31 A +rad /to32 8aD# a e33 5e r7a3; a+r+na e3<= #r6ra e3> aorni$a# ta5CG#ra$a e3?. A$at a3@ /3a#at3B $o : 5 $arenC;1 Fa0dad /te8;2= 2arat;3 5 $arenC;; Fa0dad /te8;<= 2aD# a0e8;> +ta;? a8e8c a;@. 2753 /nto him7F 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 for the eighth time7: goes79 moving5; in the shape of a Bil ram, <eautiful, aosBith horns <ent oBnBar s5F* &n this Bay 2i*e* Beheram ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a Bho3 <ears=5 goo =; lustre=4 glory==, healing reme y=6, also=F courage, comes up 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8
aoC .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aor (r* Gel ner ta!es para 75 up to this in the verse form of four lines* aos Ni!ashta9a$niW oBnL !ashta$,ashteh, ,ardideh 2Persian3Wturne , <ent, root !aret W %at* 8ertere W to turnL another form of !aret is !ashL GtH is change to GshHL e*g* peretu W peshuW <ri geL !ash Z ta W !ashta*



8a# A/n/8c a= 5arafn/8c a.

A/t w/8

7airi5an/8c a=

#/t r/8


A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aotA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (O4 12;4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da= 8ainAC #7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# a+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0daC= Veret ra! nC A +rad /to= S7ita8a Iarat +# tra= 12<4 ao+A 8/i2> nao8C2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B= Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31= 2+0a e32 5e r7a33 rena e3;= #r6ra e3< ti0iG#ra$a e3>. A$at a3? /3a#at3@ $o :3B 5 $arenC;0 Fa0daG d /te8;1= 2arat;2 5 $arenC;3 Fa0dad /te8;;= 2aD# a0e8;< +t;> a8e8c a;?.
27@3 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 for the ninth time7F goes7: moving79 in the shape55 of a <eautiful5@ <uc!57 fighting5= Bith sharp horns56* &n this Bay 2Beheram ya?ata create Ahura +a? a Bho3 <ears=7

goo 59 lustre=; glory=5, healing reme y=@ also=6 courage, comes up5: 2for the help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8 5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# ao$A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /=
aot .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aou (r* Gel ner ta!es para 7@ 2up to ti6i$sra!ahe3 in the verse1form of = lines* aov .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O4 12>4 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. Pere#at Iarat +# trC A +re8 Fa0d/8= A +ra Fa0da= 8ainAC #7Dni# ta= d/tare !aDt an/8 a#t$aitin/8 a# a+8. KC a#ti 8ainAa$an/8 Aa0atan/8 0aACte8C. at 8raot A +rC Fa0daC= Veret ra! nC A +rad /tC S7ita8a Iarat +# tra. 12?4 A 8/i2> da#e8C2? /3a#at2@ $a0e8nC2B Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31 $6ra e32 5e r7a33 raD$atC3; #r6ra e3< Fa0dad /ta e3>= 2arat3? 5arete83@ 0aranACG#aore83B fra7iG 5 # te8;0 aow$6#7CG7aD#an! e8;1. A$at a;2 /3a#at;3 $o :;; 5 $arenC;< Fa0dad /te8;> 2arat;? 5 $arenC;@ Fa0dad /te8;B= 2aD# a0e8<0 +ta<1 a8e8c a<2. 27F3 /nto him76 2Bho Borships Beheram ya?ata an as!s for his help3 for the tenth time7F goes7: moving79 in the shape55 of a ra iant5= hero57 ao" possesse 5F of a sBor 5: Bith a gol en hilt59, tBiste <y <en ing=; 2an 3 all1 a orne =4, create <y Ahura +a? a* &n this Bay=7 2Beheram Ya?ata create <y Ahura +a? a3 Bho <ears=F goo == lustre=@, glory=: healing reme y@;, also@4 courage@7, comes up=5 2for he help of that person3* at a 8/i a8a$a#te8C= a8a a 8i a8a$a#te8C= $eret ra a 8i $eret ra$a#te8C= 5 $arenan! a a 8i 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C= A/na a 8i A/na$a#te8C= #ao5a a 8i #ao5a$a#te8C= 2aD# a0a a 8i 2aD# a0ACte8C. at t2ae# /o ta+r$aAeni $6#7an/8 t2ae# a$at/8= t2ae# /o dae$an/8 8a# A/n/8c a= A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a= #/t r/8 5aoA/8 5arafn/8c a. A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aoAA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O(4 12@4 ar# CG5are8;= 8ar# $/Aaone8@= Te8B Veret ra! na e1; 7aiti Veret ra! na e1@ 7aiti Veret ra! ne81 A r+rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3= CG5are8<= fra# CG5are8>= $/5 # te8?= Aa0ata10 AC11 a# a$a12 Iarat +# trC13= 8ana i1<= Veret ra! na e1> 7aiti $ac a i1?= # Aaot ne1B= Veret ra! na e20 7aiti fra$/5e21=

aoB (r* Gel ner ta!es para 7F up to here in the verse form of 6 lines* ao" & have translate in this Bay, ta!ing barat$9erete/ as a compoun L <ut if Be consi er a sep1 arate sentence from the Bor barat, it can then <e translate as 2Beheram Ya?ata in the shape of a hero3 !eeps 2Bith himself3 a sBor Bith a gol en hilt, tBiste <y <en ing an all1a orne *H aoy .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



Veret ra! na e22 7aiti 7/iti$/5e23. 12B4 A 8/i2; dat at2< Vere ra! nC2> A +rad /to2?= ere0Ci# 2@ 5 /o2B= 2/0$/o30 ao3C31= tan$C32 $6#7aA/o33 dra$at/te83;= tan$C3< $6#7aA/o3> $a0d$are3?= ao8c a3@ #:5e83B Ai8;0 2araiti;1 KarC;2 Fa#AC;3 +7/7C;; -C;< Ran! aA/o;> d:raD7araA/o;?= 3afraA/o;@ a0an!rCG$6raA/o;B= $are#C#ta$an! e8<0 /7C<1 +r$aD#e8<2 8/raAeite<3. 27:3 Ee Borship5 Beheram4 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a7 2Bho is3 yiel ing virility=, eath <ringing@, one Bho promotes6 2or Bho helps to progress63, stan ing stea ilyF 2or firm1foote F3 ao?possessing sufficient vigour:* Him9 apaBorshippe 4; Holy47 Darathushtra45 in thought4@, Bor 4F, ee 49, a monition74, an ansBer75 of Beheram 2ya?ata377* 2793 /nto him7= 2i*e* unto Holy Prophet Darathushtra3 Beheram76 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a gave7@ ap<the fountain79 of truth7:, strength54 of <oth the arms5;, health5= of the entire55 <o y57, happiness5F an that5: eye1sight59 Bhich=; the fish=5 2calle 3 apc-ara=7 living in Bater== possesses=4* E*7"anation>1 2As regar s the eye1sight of -ara .ish it is state 3, #hat=@ 2fish calle !ara3 can see @5 ap a thing of the si?e of the hair in the Baters@4 of 2the $iver calle 3 ape$angha=6 Bhose en s lie afar=F 2an Bhose epth is a thousan times the height of a man=9* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# a7fA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O((4 1304 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= ar# CG 5are8= 8ar# CG5are8= fra# CG5are8= $/5 # te8= $/Aaone8= Te8
ao? -eeping a vice 2an 3 Bho has a free Bay 2(armesteter3* apa i*e* #he Prophet Darathushtra remem<ere all the goo thoughts, goo Bor s, goo ee s an a monitions of Beheram ya?ata* #he Holy Darathushtra Borshippe Beherm ya?ata for gaining success in thought, Bor , ee , in conversation an prompt ansBering* 2(armesteter3* ap< Similar to this shahe Kh#o 2source of righteousness3L see Yasna H T*=* apc As regar s to the e"planation of -ara .ish,see my translation of Ven i a fargar T&T, =7 n para an fargar TT, =th para* ap G,an see a rippling of Bater not thic!er than a hairH 2Harle? an (armesteter3* #he meaning of 3r!a:sa is also Gen , e"tremityH, 2see yasna h F4, para 4=3* ape $angha Bas the greatest river amongst the ancient &ranians* #he Ta"artes river 2Spiegel, 0usti an Geiger3L the $iver )"us 2Harle?3 the $iver #igris 2(armesteter3* apf .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



Aa0ata AC a# a$a Iara +# trC= Veret ra! na e 7aiti 8ana i= Veret ra! na e 7aiti $ac a i= Veret ra! na e 7aiti # Aaot ne= Veret ra! na e 7aiti fra$/5e= Veret ra! na e 7aiti a7!7/iti$/5e. 1314 A 8/i 2;dat at2< Veret ra! nC2> A +rad /to2?= ere0Ci# 2@ 5 /o2B= 2/0$/o30 ao3C31= tan$C32 $6#7aA/o33 dra$at/te83;= tan$C3< $6#7aA/o3> $a0d$are3?= ao8c a3@ #:5e83B Ai8;0 2araiti;1 a#7C ar# a;2H AC;3 t/nt raAa#c it;; ac a 5 # afnC;< a$a5 # aitA/o;> aiwiGawraA/o;?= a#7aD8;@ $are#e8;B 0e8/d a<0 #aAane8<1 $aDnaiti<2= 5at/ro<3 a! ra$C<; $/ 2:na$C<< $/<>. 2543 /nto him7= 2i*e* unto the Holy Prophet Darathushtra3 Beheram76 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a7F gave76, the fountain79 of truth7:, strength54 of <oth arms5;, health5= of the entire55 <o y5@, happiness5F of the entire56 <o y5@, an that5: eye sight59 Bhich=; a horse possesses=4* E*7"anation>1 2As regar s the sharp eye1sight of the horse it is state as un er*3 Eho=5 2i*e* the horse3 in the ar! == night=@, aphperfectly1stille an silent=6 2an 3 overcast Bith clou s=F sees@7 a horseAs=: hair=9 lying@4 on the groun @; 2an apican recognise@7 Bhether@5 it is the hea @= or@6 the tail@@* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# a73A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O(((4 1324 Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= ar# CG 5are8= 8ar# CG5are8= fra# CG5are8= $/5 # te8= $/Aaone8= Te8 Aa0ata AC a# a$a Iara +# trC= Veret ra! na e 7aiti 8ana i= Veret ra! ne 7aiti $ac a i= Veret ra! na e 7aiti # Aaot ne= Veret ra! na e 7aiti fra$/5e= Veret ra! na e 7aiti a757aiti$a5e. 1334 A 8/i2; dat at2< Veret ra! nC2> A +rad /to2?= ere0Ci# 2@ 5 /o2B= 2/0$/o30 ao3C31= tan$C32 $6#7aA/o33 dra$at/te83;= tan$C3< $6#7aA/o3>
apg .or its translation see -ar a T&, para 7: of the yasht* aph G(ar! an Bithout any light BhateverH 2Speigel an Harle?3L Go<scure an ar!, totally ar!H 2(armesteter3* &t is sai a<out the Ara<ian horses that they can see a hair lying on the groun in the ar!est night* See 'nglish translation of Bun ehesh <y Professor Eest* api Ee fin in the Pahlavi Bun ahesh ,hapter 49 para 54, Briting similar to that given in -ar1 as T&& an T&&&* apj .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* ap! .or its translation see -ar a T&, para 7: of this yasht*



$a0d$are3?= ao8c a3@ #:5e83B Ai8;0 2araiti;1 5a r5/#C;2 0aren+8aini# ;3. -C;; nao8A/c it;< ac a dan! aot;> 8+# tiG8a#an! e8;? 5 r:8;@ aiwiG $aDnaiti;B= a$a$atc it<0 Aat a<1 #:5aA/o<2 2r/0aA/o<3 2r/0e8<;= a$a$atc it<< Aat a<> #+5aA/o<? naD0e8<@. 2553 /nto him7= 2i*e* unto the Holy Prophet Darathushtra3 Beheram76 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura ma? a 7F gave7@, the fountain79 of truth7:, the strength54 of <oth the arms5;, health5= of the entire55 <o y57, an that5: eye sight59 Bhich=; the vulture=7 Bith a gol en collar=5 possesses=4* E*7"anation> 2As regar s the sharp eye1sight of the vulture it is state >3 #hat 2vulture3 aplsees=9 from the country=6 up to nine times the istance a piece of flesh=: as thic! as a fist=F, the <rilliance@= of a shining@5 nee le@7 as Bell as its@F point@:* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# a78A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O(V4 13;4 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. Pere#at; Iarat +# trC< A +re8 Fa0d/8>= A +ra Fa0da? 8ainAC@ S7Dni# taB= d/tare10 !aDt an/811 a#t$aitin/812 a# /+813. -at1; 2a$/ni1< aiwiG#a#tC1> aiwiG# 8aretC1? 7o+r+Gnar/81@ t2i# aAant/81B= c i# 20 an! e21 a#ti22 2aD# a0o23. 13<4 at2; 8raot2< A +rC Fa0daC2>= 8ereG ! a e2? 7e# CG7arena e2@ $/reiAana e2B 7erene830 aAa#aD# a31= S7ita8a32 Iarat +# tra33. Ana3; 7arena3< tan:83> aiwiG#ifCi# 3?= ana3@ 7arena3B a8eret e8;07aitiG#an! aD# a;1. 13>4 -/n/o;2 2araiti;3 a#ta$C;; $/;< ta5 8a e;<= 8ere! a e;>= 7arena$C;? $/;@ ta5 8a e;B 8aere! a e<0. 'aDd a<1 c i# <2 raD$a<38a# Aa<; 3ainti<< naDd a fraD# Aeiti<>. Pa+r$aG e<? ne8C<@ 2araiti<@= 7a+r$a>0 5 $ren/o>1 $id /raAeiti>2= +7a#t/8>3 8ere! a e>; 7arenC>< 8ere! an/8>>. 13?4 a7nT/o>? A +rC>@ #/#tran/8>B dan! +G7aiti# ?0= nCit?1 #ate8?2 3ainti?3 $ira3a?;= nCit?< a5eret?> 3ainti?? $aD#aD7a?@= Ci8?B 3ainti@0 fra# a aDiti@1. 25=3 Ee praise5 Beheram 2ya?ata43 create <y Ahura +a? a 7* 2Prophet3 Darathushtra6 as!e = 2the ,reator3> ) Ahura ma? aF most <eneficent9 Spirit:,
apl i*e* from the highest height, a<out the vulture it is sai that it sees a piece of flesh as thic! as a fist fallen upon the groun from the highest height* See 'nglish translation of Professor EestAs Bun eshesh, ,hapter 49* apm .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* apn (r* Gel ner ta!es para 5F in the verse form of = lines*



,reator4; of the corporeal47 Borl

4@ apo

, 2an 3 righteous45X

Ehen4= & am injure 46, harme an appcast <y incantation4F amongst 49 many tormenting persons4:, am un er the use of spells, Bhat 7; is77 the reme y75 then74 Y 2i*e* hoB can & heal the Boun Y3 25@3 #hen7= spo!e7@ Ahura +a? a76> ) Spitaman57 Darathushtra55X apCthou shoul st see!54 the aprfeathers5; of the <ir 7F 2calle 3 apsPesho1parena7: fluttering the Bings7F* Eith that5= feather5@ thou shoul st ru<5F 2thy3 <o y56 2an 3 shoul st rive aBay thy enemy=; <y curses=4* 2563 No@4 one@7 can smite@@ 2that3 fortunate@5 man@= 2or3 can harass@6 2him3 Bho=7 hol s=5 <ones== of 2that3 strong=@ <ir =6 or=6 feathers=F of 2that3 <ir @;* 2#he person Bho !eeps it3 <ears@9 first respect@: for him@F 2<ecause3 2on account of it he3 maintains 67 glory64* #he feather6@ of 2that3 <ir 6= amongst the <ir s66 2<rings3 help65 apt 2unto the !eeper*3 25F3 #he %or 6: of the rulers69 2or3 the masterF; of the lan F; or the !iller of hun re F7 heroesF= 2as Bell3 cannotF4 smiteF5 at one stro!eF6 2rather3 that 2<ir 3 aloneF9 can smite:; all of themF: an apue"ercise superiority:4 2over them3* 13@4 a7$V6#7e@2 tere#enti@3 7erenine@;= a$at a@< 8/$aAac it@> tan+Ae@?= $6#7e@@ tere#enti@B a+r$at aB0= $6#7eB1 tere#entiB2 d+# 8ainA+# B3= a8e8c aB; $eret ra! ne8c aB<= nid /te8c aB> tan+AeB? 8anCB@. 13B4 -i8BB $a# /onte100 a +r/on! C1= $a# /onte2 / +irA/on! C3= $a# /onte; ao#ra$an! anC<H te8> $a# ata? Ka$a )#a@. -i8B a#7C ar# a10 2araiti11= Ai812 +# tro13 $ad airi# 1; 2araiti1<= Ai81> /f# 1? n/$aAa1@ 2araiti1B. 1;04 -i820 T raDtaonC21 ta5 8C22 2arat23= AC2; 3anat2< A068 Da /5e82>= t ri0afane82?= t riG5a8ered e82@= 5 # $a# Ga# 682B= a0an!raG Aao5 # t6830= a# Gao3an! e831= daD$6832 dr+3e833= a! e83; !aDt /2AC3<
apo $oot ai(i san,h W Sans!rit abhi$shans W to injure or to curse* app i*e* anyone has cast spell upon meL original meaning having remem<ere 2the spell3, 2root, Sans!rit s/ar W to remem<er3* apC #a!e thou a feather of that <ir calle GVrenjanaH having <ig Bings* apr Bir , feather or Bing sym<olises for fravashi or guar ian angel of an in ivi ual* aps )r inary meaning of Pesh;$parena is G)Bl1feathere 2<ir 3*H apt Base upon the translation of Prof* (armesteter* #a!ing y# n#o as tBo Bor s separately, the translation of this para can <e> #he <ones == of the strong=@ <ir =6 2calle peshQparena mentione a<ove3 or=: the feathers=F of 2that3 strong=9 <ir @; give support=5 unto us=7L 2for this reason3 any@7 sensi<le@5 person oes not@4 smite@@ or oes not rive aBay@6 2that <ir 3, 2<ut3 first he !eeps@9 re1 spect@: for him@F, 2<ecause3 the feather6@ of that <ir 6= amongst the <ir s66 gives67 2us3 first66 glory64 2an 3 help65* #his story resem<les to some e"tent Bith he SimurghAs feather in the 7h#h N#/ah in the narration of Dle Sm* apu )riginal meaning, Ggoes forBar sH* apv (r* Gel ner ta!es para 5: in the verse form of 6 lines an para 59 in the verse form of F linesL each line en s at the stop 2*3*



dra$ante83>= A/8 a# Gao3a#te8/83@ dr+3e83B frac a 5erentat;0 An!rC FainA+# ;1= a$i;2 A/8;3 a#t$ait68;; !aDt /8;< 8a r5/i;> a# a e;? !aDt an/8;@. 25:3 0ust as:@ 2they are afrai 3 apBof me:61:F, 2in the same Bay3 all:7 are afrai :5 of the !eeper of 2that3 feather:=* 2)n account of the possession of that feather3 2<y means of3 the courage9=, victory9@ 2Bhich are3 esta<lishe 962in him3 an 2<y means of3 the mental faculty 2Bhich is3 engrafte 2in his3 <o y9F all:: opponents9; an enemies are afrai of him:9* 2593 Ehom99 2i*e* that efficacious <ir or the possessor of the feather of that <ir 3 the lor s4 ap"call for assistance4;;, or those pertaining to the lor s 5 call for assistance7L 2an Bhom3 apythe mem<ers of the family of -ing Haosravangh@ calle the <ir for assistance =L 2-ing3 -ai -aus: calle it for assistanceF* E*7"anation>1 2&ts significance is that these great persons also o<taine <enefit <y means of the efficacious feather of that <ir 3* Ehom 2i*e* the <ir 39 the horse4;, the <ur en1<earing4= camel45 2an 3 the naviga<le4: Bater4F ap?<ear49 2support3* 2=;3 Ehom=; 2i*e* that <ir 3 the gallant77 2-ing3 .are un74 <ore75L Bho7= !ille 7@ three1jaBe 7F, three1 s!ulle 7:, si"1eye 79, aCaof a thousan Biles5;, e"cee ingly1strong54, evilish57 Doha!76, (ruj55 Bho Bas harmful5=, un<eliever56 for 2these3 settlementsL Bhom5F as the most poBerful 5: (ruj59 2i*e* Doha!3 Angra +ainyu =4 aC< create =; on=7 this corporeal== Borl =@ for the estruction=6 of righteousness=F* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aJcA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OV4 1;14 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3=

apB )riginal meaning Gfor my:6 <o y:F*H ap" (esire eagerlyL root !as W Sans!rit !as W to Bish 2(armesteter3* apy &ts meaning can also <e men of Ggoo reasonH* ap? )n account of the e"cellence of the feather of the <ir calle PeshQ1parena, that <ir Bas !ept on the journey <y lan or in sea1voyage* Ee get such a hint from this paragraph* aCa ,rafty* &ts meaning can also <e Gpossesse of strengthH* aC< #his para occurs in yasna H &T 2Hvanim3 para* aCc .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



Veret ra! nC; a$i i8at n8/ne8< !ao#+r/2AC> 5 $arenC? 7airiG $erena$aiti@= Aat aB /+10 8a0an 8ere! C #aDnC12= Aat a13 a$e1; awr/o1< +7/7/o1> 8a#itC1? !air6# 1@ ni$/nenti1B. 2=43 Ee Borship5 Beheram 2ya?ata43 create <y Ahura +a? a, just as 9 that4; <ig44 <ir 47 2calle 3 Simurgh47 2Bith its Bings3 an these4= <ig4F clou s45 full of Bater46 aC cover49 the mountains4: 2Bith their sha oB3L 2in the same Bay3 Beheram 2ya?ata3= surroun s: this house 2i*e* aCeBorl @3 Bith gloryF through 2his3 aCfBeapons* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aJ!A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OV(4 1;24 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. Pere#at; Iarat +# trC< A +re8 Fa0d/8>= A +ra Fa0da?= 8ainAC@ #7Dni# taB= d/tare10 !aDt an/811 a#t$aitin/812 a# a+813. K$a1; a#ti1< Veret ra! na e1> A +rad /ta e1? n/8aGa02/iti# 1@= 5$a1B+7a#t:iti# 20= 5$a21 ni#t:iti# 22. 2=73 Ee Borship5 Beheram 2ya?ata43 create <y Ahura +a? a* 2#he Prophet3 Darathushtra@ as!e 6 2the ,reator3* ) Ahura +a? aF, most <eneficent9 Spirit: of the ,orporeal47 Borl 44, holy ,reator4;X Ehere4= is4@ the invocation of the name4: of Beheram 2ya?ata346create <y Ahura +a? aY Ehere49 is4@ 2his3 praise7;Y 2An 3 Bhere74 is4@ 2his3 aChcommen ation77Y 1;34 at23 8raot2; A +rC Fa0daC2<= Aat2> #7/d a2? an3a#/onte2@= S7ita8a2B Iarat +# tra30= ra# te831 ra#8a32. Katara#c it33 $i# t/on! C3; a 8Aa3< nCit3> $anA/onte3?= 3at/on! C3@ a 8Aa3B nCit;0 3anA/onte;1. 1;;4 % atan! rC;2 7eren/o;3 $6d /raACi# ;; a$i 7at /8;< 5atara#G c it;> Aat/rC;? 7o+r$C;@ fr/Aa0/ite;B a8C<0 +ta# tC<1 +raod C<2= Veret ra! nC<3 A +rad /to<;= at/ro<< $eret ra<> ac aite<?. 1;<4 A8e8G c a<@ Veret ra! ne8c a<B /fr6n/8i>0= d$a 7/t/ra>1= d$a ni7/t/ra>2= d$a
aC )r <eat the mountains or touch the mountains 2root ni$!an3* aCe See my translation of Ven i a fargar 77, para 4* aCf &ao W Sans!rit ,oWcoBL sura W Sans!rit shula W BeaponL ,aosura W mace having the shape of a coB 2original meaning3L javelin 20usti3L flag 2Harle?3L GBeheram ya?ata covers that house Bith the glory an 2<rings there3 the increase 2prosperity3 of the cattleH 2(armesteter3* aCg .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aCh i*e* Ehere is Beheram ya?ata invo!e Bith his name an Bhere are his praises sungY



ni# G aret/ra>3= d$a>; ad $ao0en><= d$a>> $id $ao0en>?= d$a>@ frad G $ao0en>B= d$a?0 a8ere0en?1= d$a?2 $68are0en?3= d$a?; fra8ere0en?;. 2=53 Ahura +a? a7@ then75 replie 7=L ) Spitaman79 Darathushtra5;X 2Beheram ya?ata is Borshippe an his praise is sung3 Bhere 76 armies7F meet7: Bith one another7: Bith properly arraye lines57* A Barrior5= 2Bho355 is not56 smitten5F 2an 3 the smiters5: 2too3 2Bho3 are not=; smitten=4 in this 2<attle359* 2==3 #hou aCishoul st hol =7 in han 2that efficacious3 feather =5 on the Bay=@* Ehoever, out of the tBo 2armies3=61=F Borships=9 Beheram ya?ata first=:, the Bell1shapen@4 2an 3 <eautiful@7 Ama@; 2i*e* ya?ata presi ing over courage3 an Beheram 2ya?ata3@5 create <y Ahura +a? a folloB@F him@@ Bith triumph@6 2=@3 & praise6; Ama@: 2ya?ata3 an Beheram 2Ya?ata3 @9 2Bho are3 the protectors64, preservers67 an guar ians65* 2#hey3 <oth6= 2i*e* Ama ya?ata an Beheram ya?ata3 aCjforce 2the enemies3 to retreat6@L 2then3 <oth66 2the ya?atas3 rive 2the enemies3 for aBay6FL they6: rive 2the enemies3 forBar 69L <oth 2the ya?atas3F; Bipe off 2the enemies3 e"cee inglyF4L <othF= 2the ya?atas3 estroyF@ 2the enemies3 2i*e* ya?ata name Ama an Beheram estroy utterly the enemies coming from all si es3* 1;>4 aJ5Iarat +# tra?>= aDte8?? 8/nt re8?@ 8/ fradaD#aACi# ?B= anAat@0 7it re@1 $/@2 7+t r/i@3= 2r/t re@; $/@< ad CG0/t/i@>= /t ra$an/i@? $/@@ t r/Aaone@B. ADtaDc aB0 teB1 $/c CB2 ACiB3 +! raB; /#B<= dere0raB> /#B? +! raB@ /#BB $A/5 aine100 /#1= +! ra2 /#3= $eret ra! ne; /#<= +! ra> /#?= 2aD# a0Aa@ /#B. ADtaDc a10 te11 $/c C12 ACi13 7e# e8c it1; #/re81< 2+n3ainti1>= +0!ere7te8c it1? #nat e81@ a7a# a1B a7aG5 $an$ainti20. 2=63 2#he ,reator Ahura +a? a says3>1 #hou, ) DarathushtraX aClshoul st not teach thisFF Holy Spell to 2anyone3 e"cept 2these three3 a father :4 having sons:5 or:7 a <rother:= <orn from the aCmsame Bom<:6 or:7 a priest:F of aCnthree
aCi Chatan,r; 1 the e"act meaning of this Bor is not settle L tBo, <oth 2Harle?3L four 2(armesteter3* G(o thou sprea that feather on the Bay of <oth 2the armies3H 2Harle?3L G o thou throB four feathers on the BayH 2(armesteter3* &n the te"t of Eestergaar there is -atan,r; in1 stea of *hatan,r;* Spiegel has left out the meaning of this Bor * aCj G(rive aBay to the right flan!, to the left flan! from all irectionsH* 2(armesteter3* (r* Gel 1 ner has ta!en the rea ing Ga hvQ?en, vi hvQ?en, fra hvQ?enH* aC! #he sentence from GDarathushtraH up to GthryaoneH 2e"cept the Bor anyat3 of para =6 also occurs in the 9th para of -hor yasht* aCl G%et not this Holy Spell <e taught to anyone, e"cept <y the father to hisson,or <y the <rother to his <rother from the same Bom<, or <y the Athravan to his pupilH 2Prof* (armesteter3* #his Holy Spell shoul not <e taught to anyone e"cept to his father, to his son, to his oBn another <rother from the same Bom<, or to the appointe priest of his oBn house 2i*e* unto that appoin1 te priest getting remuneration from the house3* aCm i*e* a <rother Bho has another <rother or sister* aCn #he significance of Gthree religious or ersH can <e Her<a , +o<e , an (astur* &f the Bor thr#yaone <e erive from the root thr# 2to nourish3 instea of ta!ing thr#ya, meaning GthreeH, then the meaning of Gthravani thryaoneH can thus <e Gthe priest nourish 2the poor3H*



religious or ers:9* 2) DarathushtraX3 these9; Bor s97 2i*e* the Bor s of Holy Spell mentione in the a<ove paragraph3 2are3 for thee94* E*7"anation>1 2&ts escription as to Bhat sort of these Holy Spells are is state as folloBs3* Ehich95 2Spells3 aCoare efficacious9= 2an 3 courageous96L 2those Spells3 are efficacious9: for a person sitting in the assem<ly 4;;, for victory=, are poBerful6 2an 3 healing:* 2) DarathushtraX3 those4; Bor s47 2are3 for thee44, Bhich45 purify46 the sinful4= aCphea 4@ an ren ers the uplifte 46 Beapon4: ineffective7;*

A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# aJJA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OV((4 1;?4 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. -C; $6r/0aiti< antare> r/# ta? ra#8ana@ /c a 7arac a 7ere#aiteB ad a Fit ra10 ad a Ra# na$C11= 5C12 Fit re8&3 aiwiGdr+0aiti1;= 5C1< Ra# n:81> 7aitiGirina5 ti1?= 5a 8/i1@ Aa#5e8c a1B 8a r5e8c a20 a0e821 2a5 # /ni22 5 # aAa8nC23. 1;@4 at2; 8raot2< A +rC Fa0daC2>= Ai82? 8a# A/5a2@ fr/Aa0/onte2B Veret ra! nC30 A +rad /to31= dataG e32 Ai833 # Aeiti3; d/itACte8C3< Aa#na#c a3> $a 8a#c a3?= a# /t ac a Aat $a i# t/t3@. aJr'Cit3B it ra;0 AirA/o dan! /$C;1 fr/# Aat;2 aDna;3= nCit;; $Ci! na;<= nCit;> 7/8a;?= nCit;@ 5a7a#ti# ;B= nCit<0 aDnAC<1 rat C<2= nCit<3 +0!ere7tC<; draf# C<<. 2=F3 Ee praise5 Beheram 2ya?ata34 create <y Ahura +a? a7L Bho= goes along to issue a comman @ <etBeen6 the lines of army: Bell1arraye F, 2an 3 along Bith +eher4; 2an 3 $ashne 2ya?ata344 as!s9 2men of that army3>1 Eho47 eceives4= +eher 2ya?ata3Y Eho4@

offen s4F $ashna ya?ataY

aCo )riginally this ver< 2#s3 is in the imperfect tense* .or its e"planation see my !esta &ra/$ /ar, Synta", page 5;@* aCp )r improves the sinful or eprave chief 2see yasna H 44, para 53* aCC .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aCr .rom here, i*e* from GnQit ithra Airyo anghvQH up to G<aMvareghni ah!hsh1 taghnishchaH at the en of para @5 of this yasht, occurs also in paras @6164 of #ir yasht* aCs )riginal meaningL Gpours outH* #he significance of it is, Gman Bho <rea!s his given promise an estroys truthYH



/nto Bhom4: shall &74 Bho am poBerful75 2or the ruler375 grant77 isease49 an eath7;Y 2=:3 #hereupon7= Ahura +a? a76 replie 7@> &f7F men7: Borship79 Beheram 2ya?ata35; create <y Ahura +a? a54 an if55 they aCtcontinue5= to perform properly for him57 the most proper5@ Borship56 an invocation5F Bith the <est righteousness, 2then3 here=; 2i*e*3 unto the &ranian ,ountries aCucan come up=7 neither59 the hostile army=5 nor== calamity=@ 2or o<stacles3, neither=6 aCv isease=F nor=: aCBfrau =9, neither@; chariots@7 of the hostile army@4 nor the uplifte @= <anner@@ 2of the enemy3* 1;B4 Paiti di8<> 7ere#at<? Iarat +# trC<@= 5at<B 06>0 a#ti>1 A +ra Fa0da>2= Veret ra! na e>3 A +rad /ta e>; d/itACte8C>< Aa#na#c a>? $a 8a#c a a# /t ac a Aat $a i# t/t>@. 1<04 at>B 8raot?0 A +rC Fa0daC?1= 0aot r/o?2 e?3 +02/raAen?; AirA/o dan! /$C?<H 2are#8a?> e?? #tarenaAen?@ AirA/o dan! /$C?BH 7a#:8@0 e@1 7ac aAen@2 AirA/o dan!G /$C@3H a+r+# e8@; $/@<= $o :G!aone8@> $/@? 5/c it@@ $/@B !aonan/8B0 a8CG!aone8B1. 2=93 2#he Prophet3 Darathushtra@: as!e @F Him 2i*e* the ,reator Ahura +a? a3L ) Ahura +a? a67X Bhich@9 is64 the most proper6@= Borship66 an invocation6F in ee 6; of Beheram 2ya?ata365 create <y 2you3 an 2performe 3 Bith the <est righteousness6:Y 2@;3 #hereupon69 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? aF4 replie F9L 2#he people of3 &ranian countriesF@ may <ringF= li<ationsF7 for himF5 2i*e* for Beheram ya?ata3, aC" may sprea the BaresmanF6 for himFF, aCymay coo!:7 for him:4 the cattle:; of Bhite colour:= or:@ of aC?goo colour:6 or of one an the same colour 94 Bhatever:: the colour9;* 1<14 F/B2 eB3 8airACB; !D+r$aACitB<= 8/B> 3a i5aB? 8/B@ a# /$CBB a#r/$aAatG!/t C100= a# +8ere5 # 1= 7aitA/renC2 i8/83 daDn/8; A/8< +ir68> Iarat +# tr68?. 1<24 -e0i# e@ 8airACB !D+r$aA/t10= 3a i5a11 $/12= a# /$C13 $/1; a#r/$aAatG!/t C1< a +8ere5 # 1>= 7aitA/renC1? i8/81@ daDn/81B A/820 :ir6821 Iarat +# tr6822= 7ara 2aD# a0a23 ac aite2;
aCt )riginal meaning G Bell, a<i eHL i*e* Bhen the yasna Borthy of Beheram ya?ata is per1 forme Bith guileless an sincere heart* aCu #he original meaning of the very hy#t is Gcan <eH* #his ver< is potential moo thir person singular parasmaipa a of root ah to <eL Sans!rit sy#t* aCv P#/an 1 Sans!rit p#/an 1 its original meaning is Gscale, s!in1 iseaseHL GleprosyH 2Harle? an (armesteter3* aCB Poison pro uce <y GmagicH 2Harle?3L Ga poisonous her<H 2(armesteter3* aC" %et tie the <un les of <aresma 2(armesteter3* aCy i*e* any consecrate the meal in honour of Beheram ya?ata after coo!ing Bith purity* aC? G)f gol en colourH 2Harle?3L !ohu W Sans!rit !asu W gol , fire 2Harle?3, of <lac! colour 2(armesteter3*



Veret ra! nC2< A +rad /to2>. 1<34 Ha8at a2? AirA/2AC dan! +2AC2@ $Ci! n/o2B 3a#/onti30H a8at a31 AirA/2AC dan! +2AC32 aDna33 fra7/tG aonti3;H a8at a3< AirA/2AC dan! +2AC3> 3anA/onte3? 7anc a#a! n/i3@ #ata! n/i# c a3B= #ata! n/i;0 a0an! ra! n/i# c a;1= a0an!ra! n/i;2 2aD$are! n/i# c a;3= 2aD$are! n/i;; a /5 # ta! n/i# c a;<. 1<;4 ara Ad /t;> +iti;? fra$a# ata;@= Veret ra! nC;B A +rad /to<0= nCit<1 narC<2 Ae#nAC<3 $a 8AC<; !D+# << +r$a<> d/8iGd/to<?= Aat<@ n:re8<B $A/82+ra>0 daD$a>1 8a# A/5a>2 daD$aA/0C>3= $o +n68>; $/>< t/c aAeinti>>= fra# aD5e8<? $/>@ fra# ic anti>B. E*7"anation>1 2#he li<ations consecrate in the honour of Beheram ya?ata shoul not <e ta!en or eaten <y the persons mentione <eloB3* 2@43 %et not97 the sinful person9= hol in han 9@ that 2consecrate thing3 nor 2let3 the courtesan9F 2hol it in han 3 or the violator of righteousness 99, one Bho recites the Gathas Bithout chanting 4;;, the estroyer of the Borl 4 2or3 the opponent7 of this5 religion= Bhich@ is of Ahura +a? a6 reveale <y DarathushtraF 2i*e* the enemy of the religion3 1 2all of them nee 3 not 9: 2hol in han s that consecrate thing3* 2@73 But if the sinful person 9 or47 the courtesan44 or4= the violator of righteousness 45, one Bho recites the Gathas Bithout chanting4@, the estroyer of the Borl 46, 2or3 the opponent4F of this4: religion49 Bhich7; is of Ahura +a? a74 reveale <y Darathushtra77 hol s it in han 4;, Beheram ya?ata7@ create <y Ahura +a? a76 then ar<snatches aBay7= the healing virtues75* 2@53 2Hence3 eCually7F 2or ever3calamities79 Bill come5; upon the &ranian countries7:, 2people3 of the &ranian countries56 Bill <e smitten5F from fifties5: to hun re 1fol 59, from hun re fol =; to thousan fol =4, from thousan fol =7 to ten thousan fol =5, for innumera<le=@ times* 2@=3 #hen=6 Beheram 2ya?ata3== create <y Ahura +a? a@; sai =: thus=F>1

) men@7X arcthe soul@6 of the /niverse@@ create <y Bis om@F 2i*e* the entire Borl 3 is not@4 Borthy of Borship@5 2an 3 Borthy of invocation@=, <ecause@: noB@9 the emons64 2calle ar Vym<ura6; an men Borshipping65 the emons65 cause the <loo 6= to floB66 or6: aresprea the practice of evil6F169* 1<<4 -at n:re81 $A/82+ra2 daD$a3= 8a# A/5a; daD$aA/0o# a$i> /tare8? /2arenti@ aDtaA/oB +r$araA/o10= A/11 $aoc e12 a7ere#i13 n/8a1; aDte81< aD#8e81> AC1? $aoc e1@ ne8et5a1B n/8a20.

ara (r* Gel ner ta!es para @= in the verse form of : lines* ar< i*e* eprives of the means of prosperity an Belfare of the countryL para$ha*haite means G eprives ofHL ha*haite means GfolloBsH* arc .or its analogy see yasna H 79, stan?a 4* ar Gtearing off, laceratingH 2Spiegel3L Gviolent, insulting, ri iculingH erive from Sans!rit root a/bh 2Harle?3 are )riginal meaning Gspill the pouringH root shi94 shi*h, Persian shin-idan W to pour*



1<>4 -at n:re821 $A/82+ra22 daD$a23= 8a# A/5a2; daD$aA/0C2<= fr/ 7ar# t682> n/8aAeinti2?= $6 8aid A/ne82@ f# /naAeinti2B= $6#7e30 and/8a31 r/0aAeinti32= 3ana33 C3; #aid in3< nCit3> 3anen3?= ad a3@ C3B #aid in;0 nCit;1 ad en;2 Aat n:re8;3 $A/82+ra;; daD$a;<= 8a# A/5a;> daD$aA/0o;?= +# i;@ 7airiGd/raAeinti;B= daD8a<0 C<1 7airiG+r$aD#aAeiti<2. 2@@3 NoB4 emons5 2calle 3 Vym<ura7 an men= Borshipping the emons@ carry: near6 the fireF 2for <urning3 this9 tree4; Bhich is calle 47 ar, haperesi 2an 3 this4@ fuel46 Bhich4F is calle 4: ne/et9a* 2@63 NoB74 the emons75 calle Vym<ura77 an men7= Borshipping the emons7@ <en 7F 2their3 <ac!s, stretch79 2their3 Baists7: 2an 3 a just57 all5; the lim<s54 2of their <o y3* Here5= 2those emons3 Bho smite55 arhattac!5@ 2<ut3 coul not56 ari!ill=7 2i*e* they coul not succee in their Bic!e motives3* NoB =5 the emons=@ 2calle 3 Vym<ura== an emon Borshipping=F men=6 cover the intellects=: 2of others3 an arjalso their eye1sight@;* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# ar5A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OV(((4 1<?4 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. Hao8e8; 2aire# #/iriG2ao! e8>= Hao8e8? $eret r/3ane8@ 2aireB= ni7/tare810 $o :11 2aire12 7/t/re813 tan+Ae1; 2aire1<H Hao8e81> Ai8 ni$a0aiti1? ni$and/t1@ a7aAeiti1B d+# 8ainAaot20 / 7e# ana21 ac a22. 1<@4 -at a23 a0e82; ao82< #7/d e82> $an/ni2?= Aat a2@ a0e82B ao830 #7/d e831 ni$an/ni32= Aat a<< a0e83; ao83< #7/d e83> ni3an/ni3?= AC3@ 8e 7a#5/t3B $a0aiti;0. 2@F3 Ee praise5 Beheram 2Ya?ata34 create <y Ahura +a? a7* & !eep Bith
arf (r* Gel ner ta!es para @6 in the verse1form of 44 lines* arg 5aperesi an ne/et9a shoul <e some !in of green an <a Boo unfit for <ringing into use for <urning on the fire* #he meaning of the Bor ne/et9a is seen from its root na/ 2Persian na/ W Bet3* Accor ing to Doroastrian religion the fuel for <urning shoul <e Cuite ry an Bell1 e"amine in the light 2see Atash Nyyesh3* arh $oot sad W Sans!rit shad W to attac!* ari $oot hadh W Sans!rit sadh W to !ill* arj #his entire paragraph is complicate L & myself am not sure of this translation, more accurate translation than this shoul <e one* Professor (armesteter translates the last sentence as fol1 loBs>1 G#he intellect of Vym<ura emons is Bea!ene an the eye sight is spoile *H ar! .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



me@ Haoma= 2Bhich is 3 purifying impurityL & !eep Bith me 9 HaomaF 2Bhich is3 victorious:L & !eep Bith me47 Haoma46 2Bhich is3 the protector of arlgoo 2thing344 an & !eep Bith me4@ 2Haoma Bhich is3 the protector45 of the <o y4=L Bhosoever rin!s4F Haoma46 2<y consecration3 Bill secure escape4: from the enemy 7;174 in the <attle74 2an 3 armBill gain success over him49 2@:3 so that7517= & may smite7F this7@ army76 2of the enemy3, so that 7: &79 may throB oBn57 this5; army54 2of the enemy3 <y smiting57,4 may su<jugate5F the 2army3 Bhich comes=; <ehin me59* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# arnA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ O(O4 1<B4 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. A#/ne8; #i! :ire< c it re8> a2are? A +rC@ 7+t rCB 7+t r/on! C10 2aD$areG7ataAC11 a8a$a12 /#13 $eret ra$a1; n/8a1<= $eret ra$a1> /#1? a8a$a1@ n/8a1B. 1>04 -at a20 a0e821 a$ata22 $eret ra23 ac /ne2; Aat a2< $6#7e2> anAe2? aire2@. -at a2B a0e830 ao831 #7/d e832 $an/ni33= Aat a3; a0e83< ao83> #7/d e83? ni$an/ni3@= Aat a3B a0e8;0 ao8;1 #7/d e8;2 ni3an/ni;3= AC;; 8e 7a#5/t;< $a0aiti;>. 26;3 aroSo that7;474 may move a<out7= Bith such77 victory75 as7@ all76 other7F &ranians7: 2 o3, so that79 &5; may smite55 an throB oBn5: this56 army5F 2of the enemy3, so that59 &=; may su<jugate=5 this=4 army=7 2of the enemy3 Bhich== comes=6 <ehin me=@* A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# ar7A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C=
arl +eaning GvohuH is also a goo thing, happiness, goo ness* arm GEhoso protects the Haoma from the <loB 2or trou<le3 saves himself from the enemy in that <attleH 2Professor Harle?3* Suppose ly the portion from Ghaomem yim niv a?aitiH up to Ga peshana hachaH appears to <e parenthetical, i*e* a commentary* arn .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* aro & o not un erstan the translation of the entire paragraph @9 from Gasnem sighuireH to Gamava nma*H arp .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OO4 1>14 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. -at / A : VairAC 1H !a$e; a8e8<= !a$e> ne8e8?= !a$e@ +5 d e8B= !a$e10 $eret re811= !a$e12 5 $aret e813= !a$e1; $a#tre81<= !a$e1> $ere0A/t/81? t/81@ ne1B 5 $aret /i20 f# +AC21. 2643 Ee praise5 Beheram 2ya?ata34 create <y Ahura +a? a + 2+ay there <e3 courage@ for the cattle=X praiseF for the cattle6X 2goo 3 Bor s9 for the cattle:X 2+ay there <e3 victory44 for the cattle4;X fo er45 for the cattle47X 2+ay there <e3 clothing4@ for the cattle4=X 2+en3 shoul not <e har 4F to the cattle46 2<ecause3 they are arCprosperity1<ringing our49 foo 7;* E*7"anation9 &ts significance is, men shoul protect the cattle, shoul give them sufficient foo , ta!e care of them at the time of e"treme col an e"treme heat, an they shoul not <e ma e to Bor! Bith crueltyL <ecause they are very useful for our happiness an <enefit* #he o" serves us in the Bor! of tilling the fiel s an in carrying heavy <ur enL the coB gives mil! from Bhich several things are prepare for our foo * &t is Britten in yasna H T& that the cattle curse the master Bho oes not ta!e care of his cattle an oes not give them sufficient foo * A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# arrA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OO(4 1>24 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. -C; ra#8anC< #c indaAeiti>= AC? ra#8anC@ 5erentaAeitiB= AC10 ra#8anC11 5 $an! aAeiti12= AC13 ra#8anC1; Aao0aAeiti1<. A$i ra#8anC1> #c indaG Aeiti1?= a$i ra#8anC1@ 5erentaAeiti1B= a$i ra#8anC20 5 $an! aAeiti21= a$i ra#8anC22 Aao0aAeiti23= Veret ra! nC2; A +rad /to2< daD$an/82> 8a# A/n/8c a2?= A/t w/82@ 7airi5an/8c a2B #/t r/830 5aoA/831 5arafn/8c a32. 2673 Ee praise5 Beheram 2ya?ata34 create <y Ahura +a? a, Bho= i*e* Beheram 2ya?ata3 ars<rea!s as un er6 the columns@ 2of the army of the enemy3, cuts to pieces9 the columns: Boun s47 the columns44 causes to
arC .or comparison see yasna H T*7; an yasna H =:, @th stan?a* arr .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* ars +a!es 2the columns3 Gunstea y or sha!yH 2Professor (armesteter3*



mingle4@ the columns4= 2of the army of the enemy3 2an that3 Beheram 2ya?ata37= create <y Ahura ma? a7@ <rea!s asun er4F the columns46 2of the army3 of the aevas76 an 2Bic!e 3 mortals7F, of Bi?ar s7: an Bitches79, of the tyrants5;, of the art!i!s an !araps, cuts to pieces 49 2those3 columns4:, Boun s74 an causes them to mingle75*aru A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# ar$A +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ OO((4 1>34 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. at Aat Veret ra! nC< A +rad /to>= t a5 tan/8 ra#8an/8@ A:5 tan/8B # Cit ran/810 8it rCGdr+3/811 8a# A/n/812= a7/# 13 !a$C1; dare0G Aeiti1<= 7airi1> daD8a1? $/raAeiti1@= a7a1B !ao# a20 !ao# aAeiti21= nCit22 7/d a23 $id /raAeiti2;= nCit2< 7aitiGta$/o2> 2a$aiti2?.

A e raAa 5 $arenan! ac a= te8 Aa0/i #+r+n$ata Aa#na= $eret G ra! ne8 A +rad /te8H 0aot r/2AC $eret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= A/i# d/t/i# 7aoirA/i# arwA +ra e. Hao8aAC !a$a 2are#G 8ana= i0$C dan! an! a= 8/nt rac a $ac ac a # Aaot nac a= 0aot r/G 2Aa#c a ar# +5 d aDi2Aa#c a $/! 0i2AC. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2653 Ee praise5 Beheram 2ya?ata34 create <y Ahura +a? a7* Ehen= Beheram 2ya?ata3@ create <y Ahura +a? a6 <in s4@ <ehin 45 the han s of the promise1<rea!ing44 persons47 of the columns: of the serrie F an yo!e 9 2army3 of the cities4;, covers4: 2their3 eyes4F all aroun 46 2i*e* ma!es them <lin 3, !eeps their ears 7; afar from hearing4917; 2i*e* ren ers them eaf3 an oes not77 len support7= to 2their3 feet75, an they <ecome7F 2Cuite3 poBerless7@176* 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG
art !i!s an !araps> See glossary* aru Professor (armesteter translates the sentence Gavi rasmanQ schin ayeitiH etc*, thus> G<rea!s the columns asun er, cuts the columns to pieces, Boun s the columnsH, etc* arv .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht* arB .or its translation, see -ar a 4 of this yasht*



Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8 ca $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= Veret G ra! na e A +rad /ta e $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8= Ka#a 8e a$an! e 8a0daH Kerfe Fo0da. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d .e era8 Aa0ad 7iro0!ar d+# 8anG0ad/r a8a e +t/# ta e= 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing the south3 d/d/re !e an dine Fa0daAa#ni dade Iarat +# t6. 'a8#eGte a# a+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S+ra Ana ite a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. .e er/8 -a0ad 7iro0!ar d+# 8anG0ad/r= A8a e 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1. +t/# ta e



K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da 5 odae awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ho8 Aa0ad 2era#ad.arA A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A# an !+na 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarodidte an!ra e 8ainAe+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3.
ar" Hom yasht va i 2%arge3 consists of yasna Hs 9 an 4;* .or full e"planations an notes of the translations of <oth these Hs, see my translation of Yasna* 'ven in yasna H 44th there oc1 curs some escription a<out Hom Yasht* +oreover, (r* Gel ner consi ers these three Hs as po1 etical compositions* ary i*e* may Hom ya?ata come 2to my help3X



Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Hao8a e ar0 a# a$a0an! C= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : $airAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot6. a#aHao8e8 0/iri8 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 fr/# 868 fr/datG!aDt e8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 d:rao# e8 Aa0a8aide. 1Kard/ (4 114 Ha$an681 /2 rat:83 /;= Hao8C< +7/it> Iarat +# tre8? /tare8@ 7airiGAao0dat ente8B= !/t /o#c a10 11 12 13 1; 1< 1> #r/$aAante8 H /di8 7ere#at Iarat +# trC = 5C nare a i1?= Ai81@ a0e81B $6#7a e20 an! D+# 21 a#t$atC22 #raD# te823 d/dare#a2; 5 $a e2< !aAe e2> 5 $an$atC2? a8e# a e2@. 124 at2B 8e30 aD831 7aitiGao5 ta32 Hao8C33 a# a$a3; d:rao# C3<= a0e83> a 8i3? Iarat +# tra3@ Hao8C3B a# a$a;0 d+rao# C;1= /8/8;2 A/#an!+ a;3 S7ita8a;;= fr/8/8;< +n$an!+ a;> 5 $aretDe;?H a$i 8/8;@ #tao8aine;B #t:id i<0= Aat a<1 8/<2 a7arac it<3 Sao# AantC<; #ta$/n<<. 243 (uring7 the Hvan4 Gh5 Hom@ 2ya?ata3 came to= 2the Prophet3 DarathushtraF 2Bho Bas3 purifying9 as<the fire: an 2Bas3 chanting44 the Gathas4;* 2#he Prophet3 Darathushtra4= as!e 45 him47> ) manX46 Eho4@ art thou4FY Ehom4: o &49 see7=, the most e"cellent75 2an 3 <eautiful7F an of immortal7: life76 in the entire7; corporeal77 Borl 74* 273 #hereupon79 that54 Hom55, the righteous5=, Bar ing off sic!ness5@ replie 57 unto me5;> ) Darathushtra5:X &56 am5F Hom59, the righteous=;, Bar ing off sic!ness=4* See!=5 me=7 2i*e* esire earnestly for me3 an , ) Spitaman == 2Darathushtra3X asc Poun =6 me=@ out for rin!ing=F an o thou praise@; me=: in a hymn of praise=9 as@4 other@5 as <enefactors@= 2of the Borl 3 have praise @@ me@7* 134 at<> ao5 ta<? Iarat +# trC<@= ne8C<B Hao8/i>0. Ka#e>1Gt w/8>2 7aoirAC>3 Hao8a>; 8a# AC>< a#t$ait A/i>> +n:ta>? !aDt aA/i>@H 5/>B
ar? i*e* for the Borship etc*, of Hom ya?ata, giving strength of righteousness 2see -horshe Nyyesh3* Spiegel, (armesteter an 0usti translate this Bor asha!a6an,h; <y the Gholy origin, <orn pureH eriving it from asha!an an 6an,ha Wroot 6an* Harle? gives three ifferent mean1 ings of this Bor 243 of holy !noBle geL 273 <om holyL 253 originator 1 <ringer of righteousness* But & have thought it proper to translate this Bor <y Ggiving strength of righteousnessH, eriv 1 ing it from asha W righteousness an !a6an,h W strength* asa .or its translation, see para 74 of this yasht* as< i*e* Bas purifying the throne of the fire vase* asc i*e* ta!e out the juice for rin!ing <y poun ing then Hom tBigs* as #he meaning of GSaoshyantQH is giving light to the Borl , in icators of the path of morality, piety an ivine Borship to the people, persons Bell1verse in the precepts of religion, the re 1 storer of the religion in its original pure state <y Biping off impurities* &n the singular case its meaning is the prophet Bho Bill <e <orn of the mother 're at1fe hri at the time of $esurrection1 $ist!hi?*



a 8/i?0 a# i# ?1 eren/$i?2 c it?3 a 8/i?; 3a#at?< /Aa7te8?>. 1;4 at?? 8e?@ aD8?B 7aitiGao5 ta@0 Hao8C@1 a# a$a@2 d:rao# C@3= V6$an! /o@; 8/8@< 7aoirAC@> 8a# AC@? a#t$ait A/i@@ +n:ta@B !aDt aA/iB0H /B1 a 8/iB2 a# i# B3 eren/$iB;= tatB< a 8/iB> 3a#atB? /Aa7te8B@H AatBB e100 7+t rC1 +#G 0aAata2= AC3 Ai8C; 5 # aDto< $/t wC>= 5 $arenan!+ a#te8C? 0/tan/8@= $areGdare#CB 8a# A/n/810 Aat11 5erenaot12 an! e13 5 # at r/d a1; a8are# inta1< 7a#+ $6ra1>= an! ao# e8ne1? /7a +r$aire1@H 5 $airA/n1B 5 $aret e820 a3Aa8ne821. 1<4 -i8a e22 5 # at re23 a+r$a e2;= nCit2< aote82> /on! a2?= nCit2@ !are8e82B nCit30 0a+r$a31 /on! a32= nCit33 8eret A+# 3;= nCit3< ara#5C3> daD$CGd/tC3?. Panc aGda#a3@ frac arCit e3B 7ita;0 7+t ra#c a;1 raod aD# $a;2 5atara#c it;3= Aa$ata;; 5 # aACit;< $/t wC;> Ai8C;? V6$an!+ atC;@ 7+t rC;B. 253 #hen@6 sai @F Darathushtra@:> Salvation@9 2<e3 unto Hom6;X Ehich64 man6@, ) Hom6=X 2Bas3 the first65 2Bho3 presse out6F thee67 in the corporeal66 Borl 6: 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3Y Ehat 69 <lessingF4 unto himF; Bas grante F7 Y EhatF5 profitF6 unto himF= accrue F@Y 2=3 #hereuponFF Hom:4, the righteous:7, Bar ing off sic!ness:5 replie :; unto meF:> Vivanghan:= 2Bas3 the first:6 man:F 2Bho3 presse me:@ in 2this3 corporeal:: Borl 9; 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3> this 94 <lessing95 unto him97 Bas grante 9=, this9@ profit unto him96 accrue 9F> that99 for him4;; a son4 aseBas <orn Bith greatness7, Bho5 Bas 0amshe = the -ing@, the most gloriousF amongst those <orn:, asf<ehol ing the sun9 amongst men4; 2an 3 goo protector of the su<jects6* Eho44 in this 2Borl 345 on account of 2his3 sovereignty4= ma e47 cattle an men46 immortal4@, ma e47 Baters an vegetation4: not rying up4F, 2i*e* ever fresh3L 2people3 asgBere eating49 fresh74 foo 7;* 2@3 (uring the rule75 of the illustrious7= 0amshe 77 there Bas4F neither7@ 2e"cessive3 col 76 nor7: heat79, neither5; Bas there57 ol age54 nor55 eath5=, nor5@ Bas there57 envy56 folloBing the octrines of the aevas 5F* As long as== 0amshe =F, the son=9 of Vivanghan=:, the goo protector of the su<jects =6 reigne =@, 2so long3 <oth=5 the father=; an the son=4 move a<out59 fifteen ash years of age in appearance=7* 1>4 Ka#e<0Gt w/8<1 2itAC<2 Hao8a<3 8a# AC<; a#t$ait A/i<< +n:ta<> !aDt aA/i<?H 5/<@ a 8/i<B a# i# >0 eren/$i>1= c it>2 a 8/i>3 3a#at>; /Aa7te8><. 1?4 at>> 8e>? aD8>@ 7aitiGao5 ta>B Hao8C?0 a# a$a?1 d:rao# C?2= t wAC?3 8/8?; 2itAC?< 8a# AC?> a#t$ait A/i?? +n:ta?@
ase i*e* in his house a son Bas <orn* asf )r having the appearance of the Sun, sun1li!e in appearance, i*e* most resplen ent* Sans!rit, s!ardrash* asg +en coul eat imperisha<le foo 2(r* +ills3L 0amshe ma e foo ine"hausti<le 2Professor (armesteter3L people Bere eating ine"hausti<le foo 2Professor Harle?3* ash Amongst the ancient &ranians the age of fifteen Bas consi ere to <e the age of the <lossom 1 ing of youth an the age of maturityL see #ir yasht, paras 4514=L Beheram yasht, para 4F*



!aDt aA/i?BH /@0 a 8/i@1 a# i# @2 eren/$i@3= tat@; a 8/i@< 3a#at@> /Aa7te8@?H Aat@@ e@B 7+t rCB0 +# 0aAataB1 $6#CB2 #:raA/oB3 T raDtaonCB;. 1@4 a#i-CB< 3anatB> a068 da /5e8B? t riG0afane8B@= t riG5a8ered e8BB= 5 # $a# Ga# 68100= a0an!raGAao5 # t681= a# Gao3an! e82= daD$683 dr+3e8;= a! e8< !aDt /$AC> dr$ante8?H A/8@ a# Gao3a#te8/8B dr+3e810 frac a 5erentat11 an!rC 8ainA+# 12 a$i13 A/81; a#t$ait681< !aDt a81>= 8a r5/i1? a# a e1@ !aDt n/81B. 263 ) Hom@5X Ehich@; Bas@= the secon man Bho presse @6 out thee@4 in the corporeal@@ Borl @F 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3Y Ehat @: <lessing6; unto him@9 Bas grante 64Y Ehat67 profit6@ unto him65 accrue 6=Y 2F3 #hereupon66 HomF;, the righteousF4 Bar ing off sic!nessF7 replie 69 unto me6F> AthaBynF5 2Bas3 the secon F@ manF6 2Bho3 presse meF= outF: in 2this3 corporeal Borl 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3L this :; <lessing:7 unto him:4 Bas grante :5, this:= profit:F unto him:@ accrue :6> that:: for him:9 2i*e* in his house3 a son9; 2name 3 .are un9= of the valiant95 race97 Bas <orn Bith greatness94* 2:3 Eho9@ 2i*e* .are un3 sleB96 three1jaBe 9:, three1s!ulle 99, si"1 or<e 4;;, of a thousan Biles 4, e"cessively strong7, evilish5 ruj= Doha!9F, 2an 3 Bho Bas harmful@, infi elF for settlements6L Bhom: Angra1mainyu47 create 44 <y far the strongest 9 ruj4; upon45 2this3 corporeal4@ Borl 46 for the estruction4F of the settlements49 of righteousness4:* 1B4 Ka#e20Gt w/821 t ritAC22 Hao8a23 8a# AC2; a#t$ait A/i2< +n:ta2> !aDt aA/i2?= 5/2@ a 8/i2B a# i# 30 eren/$i31= c it32 a 8/i33 3a#at3; /Aa7te83<.1104 at3> 8e3? aD83@ 7aitiGao5 ta3B Hao8C;0 a# a$a;1 d:rao# C;2= T ritC;3 S/8an/8;; #D$i# tC;< t ritAC;> 8/8;? 8a# AC;@ a#t$ait A/i;B +n:ta<0 !aDt aA/i<1H /<2 a 8/i<3 a# i# <; eren/$i<<= tat#> a 8/i<? 3a#at<@ /Aa7te8<BH Aat>0 e>1 7+t ra>2 +#G0aACit e>3 )r$/5 # aAC>; 5ere#/#7a#c a><. T5aD# o>> anAC>? d/tCGr/0C>@= /at>B anAC?0 +7arCG 5airAC?1= Aa$a?2 !aD#+# ?3 !ad a$arC?;. 1114 -C?< 3anat?> a068?? #ra$are8?@= Ai8?B a#7CG!are8@0 nareG!are8@1= Ai8@2 $6# a$ante8@3 0airite8@;H Ai8@< +7airi@> $6# @? raod at@@ /re# tAC@B 2are0aB0 0airite8B1. Ai8B2 +7airiB3 Kere#/#7CB; aAan! aB< 7it:8B> 7ac ataB?. ra7it wine8B@ 0r$/ne8BB= taf#atc a100 C1 8airAC2 5 $6#atc a3H fr/# ; aAan! C< fra#7arat> Ae# Aant68? /7e8@ 7ar/on! /tB= 7ar/# 10 tar# tC11 a7aG tac at12 nareG8an/o13 Kere#/#7C1;. 293 ) Hom75X Ehich7; Bas the thir 77 man7= Bho presse thee7i out76 in the corporeal7@ Borl 7F 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3Y Ehat7: <lessing5; unto him79 Bas grante 54Y Ehat57 profit5@ unto him55 accrue 5= Y 24;3 #hereupon56 Hom=;, the righteous=4, Bar ing off sic!ness=7 replie 59 unto me5F> asj#hrita the most <eneficent=@ of the Sama family== 2Bas3 the thir =6
asi #he portion from GyQ janatH up to Gashahe gaMthanmH at the en of this para occurs also in Beheram yasht, para =; an Gosh yasht, para 4= respectively* asj G#hritaH is calle in Pahlavi GSaritaH an in Persian GAsratH*



man=: 2Bho3 presse me=F out@; in 2this3 corporeal=9 Borl @4 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3L this@7 <lessing@= unto him@5 Bas grante @@, this@6 profit@9 unto him@F accrue @:> that6; for him64 2i*e* in his house3 tBo sons67 /rv!hshaya6= an -eresspa6@ Bere <orn Bith greatness65* 2)f them3 one6F 2i*e* /rv!hshaya3 Bas the as!religious1min e 66, one Bho points out the path of justice, Bhilst69 the otherF; 2i*e* -eresspa3 Bas a supremely energetic F4 youthF7 2i*e* of youthful vigour3, curly1haire F5 2an 3 a mace1<earerF=* 2443 EhoF@ 2i*e* -eresspa3 !ille F6 the serpentFF aslSaravara, BhoF9 2the serpent3 2Bas3 horse1 evouring:;, man1 evouring:4 2an 3 upon:6 Bhose:@ 2<o y3 the green94 poison:F rose:: to the epth9; of a thum<:9* /pon95 Bhom97 -eresspa coo!e 9F the foo 96 in an iron pot9@ at the timeH of noon9:* #hat4 serpent7 greB hot4;; an <egan to hiss5, an forth from the iron pot@ sprang aBay6 asmthat he might run aBay toBar s: the floBing BaterF* asn#he <rave45 -eresaspa4=, <eing frightene 44, asofle aBay47 from <ehin 4;* 1124 Ka#e1<Gt w/81> t:irAo1? Hao8a1@ 8a# AC1B a#t$ait A/i20 +n:ta21 !aDt aA/i22H 5/23 a 8/i2; a# i# 2< eren/$i2>= c it2? a 8/i2@ 3a#at2B /Aa7te830. 1134 at31 8e32 aD833 7aitiGao5 ta3; Hao8C3< a# a$a3> d:rao# C3?= Po+r+# a#7C3@ 8/83B t:irAo;0 8a# Ao;1 a#t$ait A/i;2 +n:ta;3 !aDt aA/i;;H /;< a 8/i;> a# i# ;? eren/$i;@= tat;B a 8/i<0 3a#at<1 /Aa7te8<2 Aat<3 e<; t:8<< +#G0aAan! a<> t:8<? ere0$C<@ Iarat +# tra<B= n8/na e>0 Po+r+# a#7a e>1 $6daD$C>2 A +raGt5aD# C>3. 11;4 Sr:tC>; AirAene VaD3a i>< t:8>> 7aoirAC>? Iarat +# tra>@ A +ne8 Vair68>B fra#r/$aAC?0= $62eret $ante8?1 /5 t:ir68?2 a7are8?3 5 rao0dAe Aa?; fra#r:iti?<. 11<4 T:8?> 0e8arG!:0C?? /5erena$C?@ $6#7e?B daD$a@0 Iarat +# tra@1= ACi@2 7ara a 8/t@3 $6roGraod a@; a7ataAen@<= 7aiti@> /Aa@? 0e8/@@H AC@B ao3i# tCB0= ACB1 tan3i# tCB2= ACB3 t wa5 # i# tCB;= ACB< /#i# tCB>= ACB? a# G$eret ra3/#te8CB@ a2a$atBB 8aini$/o100 d/8/n1. 2473 ) Hom4:X Ehich4F man49 2Bas3 the fourth4F man 2Bho3 presse thee46 out74 in the corporeal7; Borl 77 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3Y Ehat 75 <lessing7@ unto him7= Bas grante 76Y Ehat7F profit5; unto him7: accrue 79 Y 2453 #hereupon54 Hom5@, the righteous56, Bar ing off sic!ness5F replie 5= unto me57> Pourushaspa5: 2Bas3 the fourth=; man=4 2Bho3 presse me59 out=5 in 2this3 corporeal=7 Borl == 2for e ication in the ceremonial rite3* #his=@ <lessing=F unto him=6 Bas grante =:, this=9 profit@7 unto him@; accrue @4 that@5
as! )r Gthe one Bho points out the path of the religion 2i*e* (astoor3 an organiser of laBs 2i*e* framer of goo laBs3L an upright ju geH 2+ills3* asl Horne 2(armesteter an +ills3L erive from sra!a W horn* asm Having come out upset the <oiling Bater 2+ills3* asn #he original meaning of nare$/an#o is of manly heart1min L Narimn 2the later meaning3L accor ing to 7hah Na/eh, he is the father of the hero Sam* aso Although -eresspa at first starte <y the giant1li!e serpent, <ut eventually he !ille him* A<out the heroism of the hero -eresspa, his a venturous ee s an acts of <ravery, see Damya yasht, paras =41==*



for him@= 2i*e* in his house3 thou Bast <orn Bith greatness @6* ) righteous@: Darathushtra@9X thou@F art of the house6; of Pourushaspa64, estrange 2from the octrines of3 the aevas67, 2an 3 folloBer of the %aB of Ahura +a? a65* 24=3 ) Darathushtra6:X fame 6= in Airyana Vaejah6@ thou66 2Bas3 the first6F 2Bho3 recite alou F; the aspAhuna Vairya69, sprea F7 a<roa F4 chante asCfour timesF7 2an 3 thenF5 he chante F; Bith a lou erF= voice* 24@3 #houF6, ) Darathushtra:4X Bho:9 among the creatures 4 of the tBo spirits4;; Bas asr create 99 the strongest9;, Bho94 2Bas create 3 the most firm97, most active9=, the sBiftest96 an Bho9F 2Bas3 e"cee ingly victorious9: 2or e"cessive smiter of the enemy3 asscause F: allF9 the emons:; to hi e un er the earthFF Bho:7 up to noB:5 ran a<out:@ upon:6 this:F earth:: in human shape:=* 11>4 at2 ao5 ta3 Iarat +# trC;= ne8C< Hao8/i>= Van! +# ? Hao8C@ +d /tCBH Hao8C10 ar# d/tC11= $an! +# 12 d/tC3= 2aD# a0AC1;= +5eref# 1<= $are# 1> $eret ra3/o1?= 0airiG!aonC= n/8A/#+# . -at a20 5 $arente21 $a i# tC22= +r+naDc a23 7/t 8ainACte8C2;. 11?4 '62< te2> 0/ire2? 8ad e82@ 8r:Ae2B= n6 a8e830= n6 $eret ra! ne831H n6 da#$are32= n6 2aD# a0e833= n6 fradat e83;= n6 $aredat e83<= n6 ao3C3> $6#7Ctan+83?= n6 8a#t683@ $6#7CG7aD#an! e83BH n6 tat;0 Aat a;1 !aet / $a;2 $a#CG 5 # at rC;3 frac ar/ne;;= t2aD# CGta+r$/o;< dr+3e8$anC;>. 11@4 '6 tat;?= Aat a;@ ta+r$aAeni;B $6#7an/8<0 t2aD# a$at/8<1 t2aD# /o<2= daD$an/8<3 8a# A/n/8c a<;= A/t w/8<< 7airi5an/8c a<>= #/t r/8<? 5aoA/8<@ 5arafn/8c a<B= 8airAan/8c a>0 2i0an!ran/8>1= a# e8ao! an/8c a>2 2i0an!ran/8>3= $e r5an/8c a>; c at ware0an!ran/8><= aDnaA/o#c a>> 7eret +Gaini5aA/o>?= da$/it A/o>@ 7at/it A/o>?. 2463 #hereupon 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra= sai 5> Salutations@ 2<e3 upon Hom6X Hom is e"cellentF 2an 3 Bell1create 9> Hom4; 2is3 truth1create 44, health1giving4=, Bell1shape 4@, Bor!ing for goo 46, victorious4F 2or smiter of the enemy4F3, gol en1hue 4: 2or of green colour34:, Bith <en ing tBigs 49* 0ust as7; 2he is3 <est77 for the rin!er74, so also 2he is3 lea ing most to heavenly path7= for the soul75* 24F3 ) green1hue 7F 2Hom3X & astreCuest7@179 2as! a favour of3 2all3 these=; 1 thy76 Bis om7:, courage5;, victory54, health57, means of gaining health55, prosperity5=, increase5@, strength56 of the entire <o y5F 2an 3
asp A<out the e"planation an e"cellence of Ahunavar, see Ahunavar translation an e"plana 1 tion, an also Srosh Yasht H o!ht paras* 516* asC #he meaning of #9htEir?/ can <e, that Bhich is to <e chante four times, <ase upon Ven i a fargar T, para 47, Bhere Ahunavar is inclu e among the class of hymns to <e re 1 cite four times, an upon yasna H@ TTV&& uring the poun ing of Haoma Bhen Ahunavar is recite four times* G$eciting four times Bith musical toneH* 2+ills3 asr &n original form this ver< 2aba!at3 is in thir person* ass i*e* #hou i st open the Bay for the prosperity of the Borl <y estroyi ng the emons an their evil, see .ravar in yasht, paras :F19@* ast )r alternatively> ) green1hue 2H)+3X & as! of thee Bis om, courage, victory, health, prosperity, etc* &t is un erstoo that after every n?, a ver< /ruye is reCuire *



greatness5: possessing all !in s of asu<rilliance59, so that=4 & may move a<out== 2or & may rule==3 li!e an in epen ent Sovereign=5, estroyer of malice=@ 2an 3 vanCuisher of the ruj=6, in 2all3 lan s=7* 24:3 2& as! for all3 these =F 2i*e* Bis om, courage, victory, health, greatness, etc*3 so that =: & may overcome=9 malice@7 1 of all@; enemies@4, emons@5, mortals@=, Bi?ar s@@, Bitches@6, tyrants@F, the -i!s@:, an asv-araps@9, asBof men64 as"having the nature of serpents6;, heretical67 persons65, four1legge 6@ Bolves6=, 2an 3 of the army66 Bith an e"tensive <attle1array6F, eceiving6: 2an 3 rushing onBar s69* 11B4 (8e8?0 t w/8?1 7aoir68?2 A/ne8?3 Hao8a?; 3aid Ae8i?< d:rao# a?>= $a i# te8 a :8?? a# aon/8?@ raoc an! e8?B $6#7CG 5 $/t re8@0. (8e8@1 t w/8@2 2it68@3 A/ne8@; Hao8a@< 3aid Ae8i@> d:rao# a@?= dr$at/te8@@ an! /o#e@B tan$CB0. (8e8B1 t w/8B2 t rit68B3 A/ne8B; Hao8aB< 3aid Ae8iB> d:rao# aB?= dare! CG3it68B@ +# t/na eBB. 1204 (8e8100 t w/81 t:ir682 A/ne83 Hao8a; 3aid Ae8i< d:rao# a>= Aat a aD# C? a8a$/o@ t r/fed CB= fra5 # t/ne10 0e8/11 7aiti12= t2aD# CG ta+r$/o13 dr+3e8G$anC1;. (8e81< t w/81> 7+5 de 81? A/ne81@ Hao8a1B 3aid Ae8i20 d:rao# a21= Aat a22 $eret ra3/o23 $anatG7i# anC2;= fra5 # G t/ne2< 0e8/2> 7aiti2? t2aD# CGta+r$/o2@ dr+3e8G$anC2B. 1214 (8e830 t w/831 5 # t:832 A/ne833 Hao8a3; 3aid Ae8i3< d:rao# a3>= 7a+r$a3? t/A:83@ 7a+r$a3B !ad e8;0 7a+r$a;1 $e r5e8;2 2:id ACi8aide;3H 8/ c i# ;; 7o+r$C;< 2:id AaDta;> nC;?= $6#7e;@ 7a+r$a;B 2:id AaCi8aide<0. 2493 ) HomF=, Bar ing off sic!nessF6X thisF; 2is3 the firstF7 giftF5 2that3 & reCuestF@ of theeF4> heavenFF of the righteous 2people3F: <rightF9 2an 3 all comforta<le:;* ) Hom:@, Bar ing off sic!ness:FX this:4 2is3 the secon :5 gift:= 2that3 & reCuest:6 of thee:7> health:: of this:9 <o y9;* ) Hom9@, Bar ing off sic!ness9FX this94 2is3 the thir 95 gift9= 2that3 & reCuest96 of thee97 long e"istence99 of life9:* 27;3 ) Hom= Bar ing off sic!ness9FX this4;; 2is3 the fourth7 gift5 2that3 & reCuest6 of thee4X & may move a<out4; 2or & may rule4;3 on47 2this3 earth44 as asyhaving fulfille my esires F, courageous:, satisfie 9, the estroyer of malice 45 2an 3 the sraiter of falsehoo 4=* ) Hom49, Bar ing off sic!ness74X this4@ 2is3 the fifth4F gift4: 2that3 & reCuest7; of thee46>4 may move a<out7@ 2or & may rule7@3 on7F 2this3 earth76 as victorious75, 2or smiting the enemy753, conCueror in the <attle 7=, the estroyer of malice 7: 2an 3 the smiter of falsehoo 79* 2743 ) Hom5=, Bar ing off sic!ness 56X this5; 2is3 the si"th57 gift55 2that3 & reCuest5@ of thee54> may Be <ecome aBare=5 <eforehan 5F
asu G/n erstan ing of each a orning !in H 2+ills3L G-noBle ge of all typesH 2(armesteter3* asv .or its e"planation, see Horma? yasht, para 4; notes* asB +ur erers 2+ills3L thieves, ro<<ers 2(armesteter3L sinner 2Harle?3* as" #he )riginal meaning of bi6an,ra is <ipe * Perhaps its significance may <e <ipe animal 2man3* asy 'atha a:sh; W Sans!rit yath#$ishta/ W accor ing to oneAs oBn BishL root ish W Sans!rit ish W to Bish*



of the thief5:, the mur erer=; 2an 3 of the Bolf=7* %et not any== 2other3 <ecome aBare=6 <eforehan =@ of us=FL may Be <ecome aBare@; <eforehan =9 of all=:* 1224 Hao8C<1 aDi2i# <2= ACi<3 +r$antC<; ita<< ta5 # entiS> eren/+8<? 0/$are<@ ao3/o#c a<B 2a5 # aiti>0. Hao8C>1 /0i0an/iti2i# >2 dad /iti>3 5 # aDtCG7+t r68>;= +ta>< a# a$aGfra0aint68>>. Hao8C>? taDc it>@= ACi>B 5ataAC?0 na#5CGfra#/on! C?1 /on! enti?2= #7/nC?3 8a#t68c a?; 2a5 G # aiti?<. 1234 Hao8C?> t/o#c it??= A/o?@ 5ain6nC?B /on! are@0 dare! e8@1 a! ra$C@2= ait 68@3 r/d e8c a@; 2a5 # aiti@< 8C# +@> 3aid Aa8nC@? +5 rat+# @@. 12;4 Hao8C@B te8c itB0 Ai8B1 5ere#/n68B2 a7aG 5 # at re8B3 ni# /d aAaiB;= ACB< rao#taB> 5 # at rCG5/8aAaB?. -CB@ da$ataBB nCit100 8e1 a7/82 /t ra$a3 aiwi# ti# ; $ered Ae< dan! a$a> c ar/t?= C@ $6#7eB $ared an/810 $an/t11= n612 $6#7e13 $ared an/81; 3an/t1<. 2773 Hom@4 grants6; strength@: an poBer@9 unto those@7 Bho@5 cause the stee s@= restraine Bith reins@@ run@6 in the race1course@F* Hom64 as?<estoBs65 on ataBomen Bho are <earing67 <rilliant sons6= 2an 3 also6@ righteous progeny66* Hom6F grantethF@ Bis omF5 an greatnessF= unto those6: house1 hol ersF; Bho69 sitF7 at<stu ying the scripturesF4* 2753 HomF6 of goo Bis om::, <eing entreate :F oth grant:@ Cuic!ly:6 the true:5 2or honest:53 hus<an := unto thoseFF BhoF: have remaine :; virginsF9 for a long time:4* 27=3 Hom:9 ethrone 9= him9; Bho94 2Bas3 atc-eresani97 <y removing from sovereignty95, Bho9@ Bas sBelle 96 up in 2his3 am<ition for sovereign poBer9F* Eho9: 2-eresani3 2 uring the perio of his sovereignty3 <ragge 99 2Bith pri e3> Never4;; henceforth7 in my4 lan 6 shall any priest5, teacher= move a<outF for propagating@ 2Doroastrian $eligion3, 2<ecause3 he: Bill estroy44 the Bhole9 of 2my3 increase4;, an Bill ruin4714@ the Bhole45 of 2my3 prosperity4=* 12<4 )# ta1> te1?= AC1@ 5 $/1B ao3an! a20 $a#C5 # at rC21 a i22 Hao8a23. )# ta2; te2<= a7i$ata e2> 7o+r+G$ac /82? ere0:5 d an/82@. )# ta2B te30= nCit31 7airiGfr/#a32 ere0:5 d e833 7ere#a i3; $/c e83<. 12>4 Fr/ te3> Fa0d/o3? 2arat3@ 7a+r$an683B= aiwA/on! ane8;0 #te ra7aD#an! D8;1 8ainA+t/# te8;2= $an!+ 68;3 daDn/8;; F/0daG Aa#n68;<. at;> an! e;? a i;@ aiwA/#tC;B 2are# n+# <0 7aiti<1 !airin/8<2= dr/3an! e<3 aiwid /iti# c aT !ra$a#c a<< 8/nt ra e<>. 12?4 Hao8a<? n8/nCG7aiti<@ $6#7aiti<B= 0ant+G7aiti>0 dan! +G7aiti>1= #7anan! a>2 $aDd AaG7aiti>3= a8/ic a>; t w/>< $eret ra! n/ic a>>= 8/$CAa>? +7aG
as? .or its opposite see yasna H T, para 4@* ata )r Bomen esiring to <eget chil renL root 6an W Sans!rit -an* at< Nus9a, i*e* <oo!s Britten in holy Avesta scriptures* &ts total num<er Bas 74* .or its e"plana1 tion, see GNames of the 74 Nas!sH a<ove* atc Accor ing to Professor (armesteter, he coul <e compare to Ale"an er 2Si!an ar3*



8r+Ae>@ tan+Ae>B t r"8/ic a?0 Aat?1 7o+r+G2ao5 # na e?2. 12@4 V6?3GnC?; t2aD# a$at/8?< t2aD# e26# ?> $6?? 8anC?@ 2ara?B !ara8ant/8@0. -C@1 c i# c a@2 a 8i@3 n8/ne=@; AC@< an! e@> $6#6@?= AC@@ a 8i@B 0ant$CB0= ACB1 an! eB2 dan! $CB3 aDnan! /oB; a#tiB< 8a# ACB> !D+r$aAaB? eB@ 7/d a$eBB 0/$are100 7airi1G# e2 +# i3 $eren:id i;= #5ende8< # e> 8anC? 5eren:id i@. 12B4 F/B 02aret aDi2Aa10 frat+A/o11= 8/12 !a$aDi2Aa13 aiwiGt:t+A/o1;= 8/1< 0/81> $aDnCit1? a# i2Aa1@= 8/1B !/820 $aDnCit21 a# i2Aa22= AC23 aDnan! aiti2; nC2< 8anC2> AC2? aDnan! aiti2@ nC2B 5e r7e830. 27@3 ) Hom75X Greatness46 2or hail463 2<e3 unto thee4FX 2#hou3 Bho4: art77 ruling at Bill74 <y thine oBn49 poBer7;* 2) HomX3 greatness7= 2<e3 unto thee7@X #hou ost un erstan 76 truthfully spo!en7: full Bor s7F* 2) HomX3 greatness79 2<e3 unto thee5;X #hou at ost not54 Cuestion5= the Bor 5@ truly uttere 55 <y cross 2or roun 1a<out3 Cuestioning57* 2763 2) HomX3 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a5F <rought5: for thee56 the sacre 1gir le=; star1a orne =4 2an 3 fashione <y the Spirits=7 2an 3 the goo =5 +a? a1Borshipping=@ religion==* &nveste Bith the gir le=9 thou hast ma e thy a<o e=: then=6 on@4 the tops@; of the mountains@7 2for chanting3 the comman ments@= of the Holy Spell@6 for a long time@5* 27F3 ) Hom@F, %or of the house@:, street@9, toBn6;, country64 2an 3 through Bis om67 %or of !noBle ge65X & thin!6: of thee6@ for courage6= an victory66, an for 2gaining3 happinessF; full of enjoymentsF7 for my6F <o y69* 27:3 2) HomX3 o thou carry usF= aBayF51F9 from the Bic!e nessF6 of Bic!e 2men3F@* (o thou carry aBay farF51F9 2my3 thoughtF: 2from the Bic!e ness3 of atepoisonous 2men3:;* An any:7 vin ictive9= man96 Bhatever:7 may <e9@ in this:5 house:=, street:F, toBn9; 2an 3 country95, o thou ta!e aBay9F strength4;; from his96 legs99, o thou atfcover= his7 intellect5 an o thou ren er: his6 mental facultyF <ro!en to pieces@* 2793 2) HomX3 o not 9 grant44 to <oth the legs 2of that person3 nor 47 <estoB poBer4= to <oth the han s 2of that person3 Bho75 injures7= our7@ min 76, harms our79 <o y5;L 2that person3 cannot4@ see4F the earth46 Bith 2his tBo eyes4:3L 2that person3 cannot49 see atgthe Borl 7; Bith 2his3 tBo eyes77* 1304 Paiti31 a0Ci# 32 0airita e33 #i8a e3; $6# C$aD7a e3< 5e r7e83> n/# e8n/i3? a# aone3@= Hao8a3B 0/ire;0= $adare;1 3aid i;2. Paiti;3 !ad a e;; $6$are0da$atC;< 5 r$6# AatC;> 0a0ar/nC;?= 5e r7e8;@ n/# e8n/i;B a# aone<0= Hao8a<2 0/ire<2= $adare<3 3aid i<;. 1314 Paiti<< 8a# Ae e<> dr$atC<? #/#tar# <@ aiwiG$Ci0daAanta e<B 5a8ered e8>0= 5e r7e8>1 n/# e8n/i>2 a# aone>3= Hao8a>; 0/ire><= $adare>> 3aid i>?. Paiti>@ a# e8ao! a e>B ana# aonC?0 a :8G8erenc C?1= an! /o?2 daDnaA/C?3 8/#G$ac a?< dat /na e?>= nCit?? # Aaot n/i# ?@ a7aAanta e?B=
at i*e* #hou ost not ou<t truthfulness* ate #a!ing ,ra/ent#/, +ills translates, Gangry enemiesHL Ginfuriate H 2(armesteter3* atf i*e* ren er his intellect im or faint* atg i*e* the entire creation* #he meaning of ,a/ is also GcattleH*



5e r7e8@0 n/# e8nai@1 a# aone@2= Hao8a@3 0/ire@; $adare@< 3aid i@>. 1324 Paiti@? 3a i5aA/i@@ A/t+ 8aitA/i@B= 8aod anCG5airA/iB0 +7a# t/G2airA/iB1= Aen! eB2 fraGfra$aitiB3 8anCB;= Aat aB< awre8B> $/tCG# :te8B?= 5e r7e8B@ n/# e8n/iBB a# aone100 Hao8a1 0/ire2 $adare3 3aid i;. -at< e> 5e r7e8? n/# e8nai@ a# aoneB= Hao8a10 0/ire11 $adare12 3aid i13.
25;3 Against54 the green55, rea ful5=, 2an 3 poison1pro ucing5@ serpent57 o thou smite=7 the Beapon=4 ) green=; Hom59X athfor protecting5F the <o y56 of righteous 2men3* Against=5 the ro<<er==, acting contrary 2to the %aB3 =@, <loo thirsty=6 2an 3 tormenting=F o thou smite@=, ) green@7 Hom@4X the Beapon@5 for protecting=9 the <o y=: of righteous 2men3@;* 2543 Against@@ the hea 6; of the man@6 un<elieving@F 2i*e* Bic!e 3, the oppressor @:, 2an 3 injurious@9, o thou smite6F the Beapon66, ) green6@ Hom6=X for protecting67 the <o y64 of righteous65 2men3* Against6: the heretic69, unrighteousF;, Borl 1 estroyingF4 2Bho though3 ati <earingF6 in min F= the comman mentsF@ of this religion 2of Horma? an reveale <y Darathushtra3 2Yet3 never FF atjapplyingF9 through actionsF:, o thou smite@6, ) green:= Hom:5X the Beapon:@ for protecting:4 the <o y:; of righteous 2men3:7* 2573 Against the Bic!e Boman::, full of magic:9, elighting in lusty esires9;, lustful94, Bhose97 min 9= tosses a<out95 li!e9@ the Bin 1 riven9F clou s96, o thou smite=, ) green7 Hom4X the Beapon5* (o thou smite45 her45 the Beapon47, ) green44 Hom4;X for protecting: the <o yF of righteous 2men3*

1Kard/ ((4 114 Vi# 1 a7/82 id a3 7atent+; $6< daD$/on! C> $6? daD$aAC@H $an! +# B Srao# C10 8itaAat+11= A# i# Van!+ i12 id a13 8it nat+1;H A# i# Van!+ i1< r/8aAat1> id a1? +7a1@ i8at1B n8/ne820= Aat21 :iri22 Aat23 Hao8a e2; a# a$a0an! C2<. 124 Fratare8c it2> te2? a$ane82@ $ac a2B +7aG#tao8i30 +5 rat$C31= AC32 /#+# 33 3; 3< 3> 3? 3@ an!D+r$aAeiti H +7are8c it te a$ane8 $ac a +7aG#tao8i3B +5 rat$C;0 Aa 8i;1 ni! ne;2 nar# ;3 ao3an! a;;. 134 Stao8i;< 8aD! e8c a;> $/re8c a;?= A/;@ te;B 5e r7e8<0 $a5 # aAatC<1= 2are# n+# <2 7aiti<3 !airin/8<;H #tao8i<< !araAC<> 2ere0antC<? Aat ra<@ Hao8a<B +r+r+d +# a>0. 1;4 Stao8i>1 0/8>2 7eret w68>3 7at an/8>; $ere0Aa ! /8><= 5 $/7ar/8>> 2aret r68>? te>@ Hao8a>B a# /+8?0H #tao8i?1 0e8C?2 Aat a?3 raod a e?; +2aoid i# ?< a+r$C?> c ar/ne8??. )ta?@ Fa0d/o?B +r+t 8a?B Hao8a@0 rao#e@1 !ara@2 7aiti@3H +ta@; fr/d aD# a@< $i# G7at a@>H ait 68c a@? a# a e@@ 5 /o@B a iB0. 1<4 Vered Aan!+ aB1 8anaB2 $ac aB3= $6#7e#c aB; 7aitiB< $are# a36# B>= $6#7e#c aB? 7aitiB@ fra#7are! eBB= $6#7e#c a100 7aiti1 fra$/5 # e2. Fana $ac a $6#7e#c a 7aiti $are# a36# = $6#7e#c a 7aiti fra#7are! e= $6#7e#c a 7aiti fra$/5 # e.
ath )riginal meaning> Gfor the righteous 2man3 in or er to protect 2his3 <o yH* N#she/n#i> #he root of the Bor n#she/n#i is Sans!rit nash W to ren er free from anger1an"iety* ati )r remem<ering the thought an the verse of the religion 2 van va compoun 3* atj )riginal meaning Gnot attaining to actionsH, root ap W Sans!rit ap W to reach*



243 Hereafter7 may the emons6 2an 3 at! emonessesF run aBay atlafarFX +ay the goo 9 o<e ience4; 2or the goo 9 Sraosha ya?ata4;3 stay44 2here3X +ay 2the ya?ata3 Ashishvangh47 stay4= here45X +ay atmAshishvangh4@ <estoB joy 2or happiness346 upon this49 house7; Bhich74 2is3 of Ahura77 2an 3 of Hom7=, giving atnstrength of righteousness7@* 273 ) 2Hom3 of goo Bis om54X & praise5; Bith the Bor 79 2of prayer3 the first55 act of thy7F atofirst76 pressing7: sprout55 Bhen57 is hel 5=* ) 2Hom3 of goo Bis om=;X & praise59 Bith the Bor 5: 2of prayer3 the secon 5@ act of thy56 pressing5F <y Bhich 2Bor!3=4 & smite=7 2the emons3 Bith manly=5 strength==X 253 & praise=@ the clou =6 an the rain=F Bhich=: ma!e thy=9 <o y@; increase@4 on@5 the tops@7 of the mountains@6 Bhere@: thou, ) HomX hast groBn up6;* 2=3 ) righteousF; Hom69X & praise64 thy6: self1supporting66 mother6F 2Bhich is3 e"tensive65, <roa <an fertile6@ earth67* & praiseF4 ifferent portions of the earthF7, BhereF5 thou groBestF= sprea ing 2thy3 renoBne F6 fragranceF@ on the fiel sFF* AlsoF: as the goo creation of Ahura +a? a F9, ) HomX #hou groBest:4 on:5 the mountains:7* 2) HomX3 mayest thou flourish :@ also:= toBar s the pathBays of <ir s:6* Verily:F thou art9; the atpsource of righteous1 ness::* 2@3 2) HomX3 Bith 2the poBer of3 the Bor 2of3 my 97 2prayer395 increase thou94 in9@ all9= 2thy3 stal!s96, in9: all9F <ranches99 an in4 all4;; tBigs7* 1>4 Hao8o3 +5 # Aeiti; #ta$anC<= at a> n/? AC@ di8B #taoiti10 $eret ra3/#tarC11 2a$aiti12. 'ite8ac it13 Hao8a1; :iti# 1<= nite8ac it1> Hao8a1? #t:iti# 1@= nite8ac it1B Hao8a20 5 $areti# 21= a0an!ra! nAai22 a#ti23 daD$an/82;. 1?4 'a#Aeiti2< at ra2> fr/5ere#ta2? a 8at2@ ac a2B n8/n/t30 / iti# 31= Aat ra32 2/d a33 +7/0aiti3;= Aat ra3< 2/d a3> +7a#taoiti3?= Hao8a e3@ 2aD# a0Ae e3B c it re8;0= da#$are;1 2aD# a0e8;2 a e;3 $6#e;; +ta;< 8aDt ane8;>. 1@4 V6#7e 0i anAe 8ad /on! C aD# 8a ac inte<2 5 r$6Gdr$CH /at C AC Hao8a e 8ad C a# a<B ac aite +r$/#8ana. Ren3aiti Hao8a e 8ad o. -C Aat a 7+t re8 ta+r+ne8 Hao8e8 $andaDta 8a# AC= fr/ /2AC tan+2Ao Hao8C $6#aite 2aD# a0/i. 263 2Ehen Hom is3 praise , Hom5 groBs, for this reason6L the manF, Bho: praises4; him9 <ecomes47 most victorious44* ) Hom4=X 2thy3 least act of pressing the juice4@, ) Hom4FX 2thy3 least46 praise4:, ) Hom7;X 2thy3 least49
at! (emon1Borshipper 2(armesteter3L associates of the emons 2Pahlavi3* atl #he Bor !ish in the <eginning of this paragraph is another form of !i too* atm Ya?ata Ashishvang is the ya?ata presi ing over riches, happiness an piety* atn .or the e"planation of the Bor asha!a6an,h;, see note to Hom Yash %arge, intro uctory paragraph* ato .rom Pahlavi* Hvanim, i*e* the mortar an the pestle for poun ing Haoma* #a!ing <oth these as tBo ifferent things Prof* (armesteter translates fratare/*hit ha!ane/ as the GloBer hvanaH i*e* h#!anF/ W mortar an upare/*hit h#!ane/ as the Gupper hvanaH i*e* the pestle* atp Ve ic rtasya 9h# 2(armesteter3* G.ountains of truthH 2+ills3* .or comparison, see Beheram yasht, -ar a 44 2ere?Qish !ho3*



rin!ing74 atCare75 a thousan 1fol estruction77 of the emons7=* 2F3 #o Bhatever places57 2one3 carries5= assure ly55 the health1giving59 Hom5: an to Bhatever places5@ 2one3 verily56 praises5F 2him3, from79 that7: house5; 2all3 contamination54 create 7F 2<y the emons3 isappears7@ at once76, 2an 3 in his=5 family== as=@ in 2his3 resi ence=6 2come3 happiness=4 2an 3 health=7 openly=;* 2:3 .or=: into"ications@; 2of3 all=F other=9 2!in s3 lea @7 to 2 emon3 Aeshma@4 of infuriate Beapon@5L <ut@= that@@ Bhich@6 is the into"ication@: of Hom@F lea s6; to elight64 2an 3 righteousness@9* #he into"ication6= of Hom65 ma!es 2us3 agile67* E*7"anation9G 2By ta!ing all !in s of liCuors an into"icating su<stances the min is e"cite an there<y fury an Brath are pro uce , <y Bhich estruction arises, <ut the into"ication pro uce <y rin!ing the juice of Haoma prepare through ceremony is most pleasant an in its joy an elight a man is incite to perform virtuous an goo ee s3* #o 2that3 manF4 Bho6@ atrpraisesF; Hom69 li!e66 2his3 young6: son6F HomF= entersF@ into hisF7 <o yF5 for giving healthF6* 1B4 Hao8a?? da0di?@ 8e?B 2aD# a0an/8@0= A/2AC@1 a i@2 2aD# a0ad/o@3H Hao8a@; da0di@< 8e@> $/ret ra! nin/8@?= A/2AC@@ a i@B $eret raG ta+r$/oB0. Fr/ teB1 $6#/iB2 +r$at CB3 #taotaB;= +r$at e8B< #taot/re8B> $an! an! e8B? dad CB@ ao5 taBB A +rC Fa0d/o100 Aat a1 A# e82 Aat3 Va i# te8;. 1104 A+r$ante8< t w/> d/8id /te8? 2a! C@ tata# atB $/7/o10H a+r$ante811 t w/12 d/8id /te813 2a! C1; 8idat at1< $/7/o1>= Harait AC1? 7aiti1@ 2are0aA/o1B. 1114 at20 t w/21 at ra22 #7enta frada5 # ta23 8ere! a2; $60$anc a2< $62aren2>H a$i2? i# 5ata2@ +7airiG #aDna2B= a$i30 #taDra31 #tarC#/ra32 a$i33 5+#r/t3; 5+#rCG7at/t3<= a$i3> 7awr/na3? $i# G7at a3@= a$i3B #7itaG!aona;0 !airi;1. 293 ) HomFFX o thou grantF: meF9 means of gaining health:; for Bhich:4 thou art:7 2!noBn3 as the giver of health:5, ) Hom:=X o thou grant:@ me:6 means of gaining victory:F for Bhich:: thou art:9 2!noBn3 as the smiter of the enemy9;* 2) HomX3 & shall <ecome 97 thy:4 frien ly95 2or evote 953 praiser9=, 2for3 Ahura +a? a4;; has calle 99 the frien ly9@ praiser96 as the <etter9F creation9: than4 Asha Vahishta71=* 24;3 #he %or : practising goo ee s4; has fashione 9 thee6 agile@ an BiseFL the %or 4= practising goo ee s46 has ap1 pointe 4@ thee47 on4: the 2+ount3 Al<ur?4F149 as agile44 2an 3 <estoBer of Bis om45* 2443 .rom there77 the <ir s7= ats<ringing goo omen75 carrie 76 thee74 then7; aBay, 2) HomX3 to all irections7@* E*7"anation>1 2A<out Bhich places they are it is mentione <eloB>13
atC i*e* preparing Hom <y poun ing an sCuee?ing in accor ance Bith the ritual metho s, <y singing the hymn of praise in his honour an rin!ing it, sic!ness, etc*, are vanishe * atr ShoBs caress 1 love 2+ills3L <ehaves, regar s 2Prof* (armesteter3* ats )r <ringing pleasant neBs, having holy or ivine characteristics 2original meaning3*



2) HomX3 #he <ir s7= <ringing goo omen75 carrie 76 thee aBay76 to7F &sh!ata7: 2an 3 to the mountain 2+ehe13 Parsin 79, to5; 2the mountain3 Staera54 as high as the star57, to55 -usra5= or to55 the paths of 2the mountain3 -usra 5@, to 2the mountain3 PaBrana Bith such narroB paths Bhere <ir s alone can go5F, an to59 the attmountain=4 Spita1gaona=;* 1124 at3? / $a3@ 7a+r$at/ $a3B 7o+r+G#ared C;0 $6raod a e;1= Hao8C;2 !ao8a;3 0airiG!aonC;;H /te;< 2aD# a0a;> irir6t are;? Van! D+# Fanan! C;@ 8aA/2AC;B. at<0 8e<1 a e<2 d+# G#an! a e<3 7ar/c a $aD7aAa<; 8anC<<H /at<> a e<? n6<@ 8anC<B 8anC>0= AC>1 8e>2 d+# G#an! C>3 i# taite>;. 2473 ) atusavoury=5 an gol en1hue == Hom=7X then5F thou groBest=4 on these5: lofty places59 in various !in s=;L through the virtues 2or the Bon rous poBers=93 of Vohu +anah=: health1giving characteristics=6 atvare pro uce =F from thee=@* #hen@; atB estroy thou@= that@7 slan ering@5 thought@@ of mine@4L 2an 3 o thou at"su<jugate the thought of GhimH Bho64 stan s6= as my67 slan erer65 2i*e* ma!es calumny of me3* 1134 'e8C>< Hao8/i>> Aat>? 5erenaoiti>@ dri! ao# >B $atG8a#C?0 8anC?1= Aat a?2 raD$a#te8a ec it?3H ne8C?; Hao8/i?<= Aat?> 5erenaoiti?? dri! ao# ?@ $atG8a#C?B 8anC@0= Aat@1 +#n/8@2 aDiti@3 $aDd Aa@;. Po+r+G nare8@< t:8@> 5eren:i# i@? #7anAan! e8@@ c i#ti$a#tare8@B= Aa#eB0GteB1 2/d aB2= Hao8aB3 0/ireB;= !a$aB< iri#ta eB> 2a5 # aitiB?. 11;4 F/B@ 8eBB Aat a100 !/+# 1 draf# C2 /#itC3 $/re8; ac aire<. Fra# a> fraAant+? te@ 8ad CB= $ere0Aan! /on! C10 3a#ent+11. Pairi12Gte13 Hao8a1; a# /+81< a# a$/0o1>= dad /8i1? i8/81@ tan:81B= A/20 8e21 $aDnaite22 +raod a23. 11<4 A$an! areG0/8i2; 3anACi# 2< :na82> 8airAaA/o2? D$6tCG 5 ared aA/o2@= A/2B 8ainAeinti30 da$aAeinti31 /t ra$ane8c a32 Hao8e8c a33 /3; A/3< da7ta3> a7ana#Aeiti3?. -/3@ tat3B Aat;0 Hao8a e;1 draonC;2 ni!/on! enti;3 ni# id aiti;;= nCit;< t/8;> /t ra$CG7+t r68;? naDd a;@ da#ti;B +7+t r68<0. 2453 Homage6@ 2<e3 unto Haoma66X Bho6F ma!es6: the min F4 of the poor man69 eCually greatF; as that of the richest 2man3F5* HomageF= 2<e3 unto
att Accor ing to Professors Harle? an (armesteter, (r* Spiegel an $everen +ills have trans1 late these Bor s as>1 ish9ata W top of a mountainL upairi$sa:na W higher than the flight of the eagleL sta:ra W hillL 9usra W the gorge of a mountainL pa(r#na W lofty place* 7pita ,aona ,airi W the Bhite1coloure mountain, the mountain covere Bith mist an clou s* See 7pita!aren#os*ha 2Damy yasht, para 63* atu (armesteterL Bhite as mil! 2$ev* +ills3L sBeet 2(r* Spiegel3L full of juice 2Professor Harle?3* atv .or the inspiration of religious1min e men health1giving flui is oo?ing out from thee 2$ev* +ills3 atB )riginal meaning Gta!e off the rootsH 2root para$!ip3* at" Professor Harle?> #his scholar eems it proper to ta!e the rea ing !? na/a /an; instea of n? /an; /an;* !?$na/a* i*e* o thou turn oBn 1 su< ue 2imperative3L root na/*



HaomaF@X Bho ma!esFF the min :; of the poor manF: so greatF9 that:4 it soars:5 high:7 2i*e* thin!s highly3 oBing to !noBle ge:=* ) yelloB9= Hom95X thou:6 ma!est:F him rich:@, Bise:: an intelligent:9 Bho9; in ee 97 aty e icates9F a pro uct pro uce 96 from the coB9@ 2i*e* mil!3* 24=3 )X Hom +ayest thou not isappear from me su enly li!e the rops of mil! in at?rain44* +ay thy: healing reme ies9 procee F further6 an may reach 2us3 effectively4;X ) Hom, holy4@ an giving strength or righteousness46X & e icate4714F to thee45 this4: 2my3 <o y49 Bhich7; appears77 <eautiful75 to me74* 24@3 & throB aBay7= the auainsufficiency76 of an evil female spirit7@ of serpentine nature7F 2an 3 Bic!e senses 7:, Bho79 2i*e* the evil female spirit3 au<inten s5; to eceive54 the athravan 1 2priest357 an Hom55L an having eceive 56 2them3 she5= vanishes5F* 2Hom3 oes aucnot grant 2priestly3 chil ren=F an virtuous progeny@; to her=6 Bho5: sits oBn== to eat irreligiously=5 the sacre ca!e=7 of Hom=4 2i*e* sacre ca!e consecrate in honour of Hom3* 11>4 Panc an/8<1 a 8i<2= 7anc an/8<3 nCit<; a 8i<<. H+8ata e<> a 8i<?= d+# 8ata e<@ nCit<B a 8i>0. H:5 ta e>1 a 8i>2= d+0 :5 ta e>3 nCit>; a 8i><. H$ar# ta e>> a 8i>?= d+0 $ar# ta e>@ nCit>B a 8i?0. Srao# a e?1 a 8i?2= a#r+# tCi# ?3 nCit?; a 8i?<. A# aonC?> a 8i??= dr$atC?@ nCit?B a 8i@0. Atc it a 8/t@1 Aat a@2 a7e8e8@3 8ani$/o@; an! at@< ni$/iti# @>. 2463 )f the five matters@4 & am@7 2in agreement3L of the five matters @5 & am not 2in agreement3@@* & am@F 2in agreement3 Bith goo thought@6, & am6; not@9 2in agreement3 Bith Bic!e thought@:* & am67 2in agreement3 Bith goo Bor 64,4 am6@ not6= 2in agreement3 Bith Bic!e Bor 65* & am6F 2in agreement3 Bith o<e ienceF4 2to the $eligion3L & am F@ notF= 2in agreement3 Bith iso<e ienceF5 2to the $eligion3* & amFF 2in agreement3 Bith a righteous 2person3F6L & am:; notF9 2in agreement3 Bith a Bic!e person 2i*e* sinful person3F:* As long as:7 the most ultimate:5 rivalry:6 of 2these3 tBo spirits:= 2Spen +ino an Angra +ino3 Bill en :@, so long:4 2& Bill remain as state a<ove3*

aty Prof* Harle? an (r* +ills, 1 <y ta!ing ba9hsh#iti from root ba9hsh W Sans!rit bha9hsh W to eat, to sBalloB, 1 translates this Bay> GEhoso rin!s thee mi"e Bith mil!H* at? Professor Harle? an (r* +ills* G+ayest thou not <ecome li!e the <anner 2ma e3 from the leather of the o"L mayest thou not separate Cuic!ly from meH 2Prof* (armesteter3* &ts signific1 ance is interprete in such a Bay that ) HomX may thy invigorating influence remain perman1 ently in my <o y <y rin!ing in accor ance Bith the rite an may it not epart* #here is a refer1 ence to the a<ove mentione flag Bhich Bas the leather apron of the <lac!smith, -veh occur1 ring in the 7hah Na/eh Bhich Bas su<seCuently converte into the flag, remar!s (armesteter* aua i*e* in igence pro uce <y the Bic!e female spirit* au< )riginal meaning Gthin!s an eceivesH* auc .or its opposite, see yasna H &T, para 77*



11?4 at@? ao5 ta@@ Iarat +# trC@B= ne8CB0 Hao8/iB1 Fa0dad /t/iB2. Van! +# B3 Hao8CB; Fa0dad /tCB<. 'e8CB> Hao8/iB?. V6#7eB@ Hao8aBB +7aG#tao8i100= Aatc it1 2are# n+# $a2 !airin/83= Aatc it; 3/fn+# $a< raon/8>= AaDc it? /n0a +@ deret/on! CB 3ainin/810 +7a dere0/ +11. Ere0ataDna12 ac a13 ta# ta1; 0aranaDne81< a$i1> ta5 # e1?H 8/1@ te1B n6re20 0e8i21 7aiti22= it a23 raD$antC2; are3a e2<. 11@4 (8/o#e2>Gte2? Hao8a2@ !/t /o2B= i8/o30 enti31 #tao8/AC32= i8/o33 enti3; 3< 3> 3? 3@ 3B c 6c a# /n/o i8e enti ar# :5 d a $/c C . D/#8aini# ;0 ;1 ;2 ;3 $/ret ra! ni# = 7aitiG2i# i# = 2aD# a0Aa . 11B4 (8/o#e;; t:8c it;< 8/$oAa;>. Fra# a;? fraAant+;@ te;B 8ad C<0= rao5 # na<1 fraAant+<2 te<3 8ad C<;H ren3AC<< $a0aite<> 8ad C<?. V/ret ra! ni# <@ ente8<B /#taoite>0= at ra>1 ana>2 !/t wAa>3 $ac a>;. 1204 ,a$e>< ne8C>>= !a$e>? ne8C>@= !a$e>B +5 d e8?0= !a$e?1 $eret re8?2= !a$e?3 5 $arete8?;= !a$e?< $a#tre8?>= !a$e?? $ere0A/t/8?@ t/8?B nD@0 5 $aret /i@1 f# +AC@2. 1214 Hao8e8@3 0/ir68@; 2ere0ante8@< Aa0a8aide@>H Hao8e8@? fr/# 868@@ fr/datG!aDt e8@B Aa0a8aideB0H Hao8e8B1 d:raG o# e8B2 Aa0a8aideB3H $6#7eB; Hao8aB< Aa0a8aideB>H Iarat +# tra eB? S7it/8a eB@ id aBB a# aonC100 a# i8c a1 fra$a# 68c a2 Aa0a8aide3. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 24F3 #hereupon:F spo!e:: Darathushtra:9> )<eisance9; 2<e3 unto Hom94 create <y Ahura +a? a97X Hom9= create <y Ahura +a? a9@ 2is3 goo 95* Homage96 2<e3 unto Hom9FX & praise4;; Hom99, an all !in s9: Bhich4 2groB3 on the tops7 of the mountains5, in the epths@ of the valleys6, in the narroB places: of the gorge of the hills 9, 2situate 3 in the fetters 44 of au the Bic!e female spirits4;* 2) HomX3 & pour4F 2thee3 2or & filter thee4F3 from45 the silver47 saucer4= to the gol en one4@14F* 2) HomX3 & o not4: pour7; thee49 on77 groun 74 <ecause75 2thou art3 precious7=* 24:3 ) Hom7:X these76are54 Gathas79 for thee7FL these5; hymns of praise57 an these tasty auemeals5@ are54 2for thee3L 2an 3 these56 truly1spo!en5: 2prayers3 are5F 2for thee3* E*7"anation9G 2Ee e icate unto theeL the hymns of praise, the prayer performe Bith a sincere heart an tasty meals, ) HomX3 2) HomX thou art3 comfort giving=;, the giver of victory=4 2or the strength of smiting the enemy3=4, fighting against malice=7 an healing=5*

au =aini means Bic!e female spirit, Ga Boman of evilish natureL the a versary of HaomaH 20usti3L Gthe feminine incarnation of vice an iseaseH 2(armesteter3* aue $oot *hash W Persian *hasidan W to tasteL or teachings, matters of a monitionL root *hash W Sans!rit *ha9hsh W to teach*



2493 GAll these are pertaining to me, so also thouH auf* 2) HomX3 it Boul <e <etter if thy=9 augmeans of removing iseases@; procee =: further=FX &t Boul <e <etter47 if thy@5 means of removing iseases@= sprea @7 Bith <rilliance@4X 2#hy3 means of removing the iseases@F are easily@@ availa<le@6* 2Any one Bho3 praises6; 2Hom3 along Bith64 these67 hymns6= of the Gathas65 auh 2<ecomes3 victorious@:, an auiagile@9* 27;3 Homage66 2<e3 unto the cattle 6@X 2Goo 3 Bor sF;, VictoryF7 .oo F= an ,lothingF6 2<e3 unto the cattleF@X Ee auj must striveF: har for the cattleFF 2<ecause3 theyF9 are fostering:7 2promoting3 our:; foo :4* 2743 Ee praise:6 the green:= 2an 3 e"alte :@ Hom:5L Be praise9; Hom:F, the prosperity1<ringer:: 2an 3 the promoter of the Borl :9* Ee praise95 Hom6 Bar ing off sic!ness97* Ee praise96 all9= Homs9@ 2i*e* Hom of ifferent !in s3* Ee Borship Bith reverence5 here99 the holiness4 of the Holy4;; Darathushtra9F Spitama9: an 2his3 .ravashi7* 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a afrina8i= Hao8a e a# a$a0an! C. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo :. 1. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d Ho8 Aa0ad 2era#ad a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing the south3> D/d/re !e /n d6ne F/0daAa#n6 d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. Hao8e8 0/ir68 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 fr/# 868 fr/datG
auf +ills* (o thou grant me thy into"ication as reBar 2(armesteter3* aug )r healing reme ies* #he meaning of /adh; is also Bis om* auh #he person Bho praises Hom <ecomes very victorious 2see para 63* aui +eaning of hente/ may <e ta!en as the a jective GliveH* auj .or its e"planation, see Beheram yasht, -ar a 7;*



!aDt e8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 d:rao# e8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Ho8 Aa0ad 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ho8 Aa0ad 2era#ad. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t"n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. Hao8a e a+5 a# a$a0an! C= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tGc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. Hao8e8 0/ir68 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 fr/# 868 fr/datG!aDt e8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 d:rao# e8 Aa0a8aide. '6 te12 0/ire13 8ad e81; 8r+Ae1<. a+8'6 a8e81>= n6 $eret ra! ne1?= n6 da#$are1@= n6 2aD# a0e81BH n6 fradat e820= n6 $aredat e821= n6 ao3C22 $6#7Ctan:823= n6 8a#t682; $6#7CG7aD#an! e82<= n6 tat2>= Aat a2? !aDt / $a2@ $a#CG5 # at rC2B frac ar/ne30= t2aD# CGta+r$/o31 dr+3e8G $anC32. '633 tat3; Aat a3< a+nta+r$aAeni3>.
au! .or its translation an e"planation, see first note to Hom Yasht %arge intro uctory para1 graph* aul #he Bor s from here up to dru-e/$!an; occurring in the same para are ta!en here from yasna H 9, para 4F, an the Bor s n? tat yatha taur!ayeni are ta!en from para 4: of the same H* aum #he prefi" n? Bhich has occurre in this para repeate ly is to <e un erstoo as n? /ruyeL n? /ruye, G& reCuestH* aun n? tat yatha taur!ayeni 1 this sentence is ta!en here incomplete from the %arge Hom YashtL the sense cannot <e ma e out fully Bithout ta!ing the un ermentione Bor s 2Bhich are foun in the %arge Hom yasht3 after it* #here is no o<ject of the ver< taur!ayeni 2& may overcome3, Bithout ta!ing it the sentence remains incomplete 1!ispan#/ tbaesha!at#/ tbaesh#o4 dae!an#/ /ashy#n#/*ha4 y#th(#/ pairi9an#/*ha4 s#thr#/ 9aoy#/ 9arafn#/*ha /airyan#/*ha4 bi6an,ran#/ ashe/ao,ha n#/*ha bi6an,ran#/4 !ehr9an#/*ha *hath(are$6an,ran#/4 ha:nay#os*ha perethu$aini9ay#o da!#ithy#o pat#ithy#o* #he translation of the this entire sen1 tence>1 G& as! for 2all3 that 2i*e* strength, health, greatness, Bis om, courage, etc*, mentione in this paragraph3 so that & may overcome the malice of all enemies, emons, mortals, Bi?ar s an Bitches, of tyrants, the !i!s, the !araps, men having the nature of serpents, heretical persons,



) green1hue 45 2HomX3 & reCuest4@ 2pray for3 all these 2or3 auoof thee47> Bis om4=, courage46, victory4F, auphealth4:, means of gaining health49, prosperity7;, increase74, strength77 of the entire <o y75 2an 3 greatness7= possessing all !in s of <rillance7@, so that7F 2i*e* <y gaining them3 & may move a<out5; 2or & may rule5;3 li!e an in epen ent Sovereign 79, the estroyer of malice54 2an 3 the vanCuisher of the ruj, in 2all3 lan s 7:* & as! for55 2all3 that5= 2i*e* strength, health, greatness, Bis om, etc*, so that 5@ & may overcome56 2the malice of all the emons, Bi?ar s, tyrants, etc*3 Hao8e8 0/ir68 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 fr/# 868 fr/datG !aDt e8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 d:rao# e8 Aa0a8aideH $6#7e Hao8a Aa0a8aideH Iarat +# tra e S7ita8a e id a a# aonC a# 68c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide.a+J -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3> -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i Hao8a e a# a$a0an! C. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe 8o0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e K ore awa0/A/d Ho8 Aa0ad 2era#/d= a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite, facing the southern irection3> d/d/re !e an d6ne F/0daAa#n6
four1legge Bolves 2an 3 of the army Bith an e"tensive <attle1array, eceiving an rushing onBar s*H & thin! that it Boul <e <etter if the a<ove1mentione suita<le Avestan Bor s of the %arge Hom yasht <e recite after reciting n? tat yatha taur!ayeni, Bhilst reciting this Small Hom yashtL otherBise the sentence Boul <e incomplete Bith1the o<ject* auo .rom para 4F of the .irst -ar h of %arge Hom yasht it may <e ta!en as such* aup i*e* the health gaine <y rin!ing the Hom juice* auC .or its translation, see the last part of the %arge Hom yasht*



d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. Hao8e8 0/ir68 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 fr/# 868 fr/datG !aDt e8 Aa0a8aideH Hao8e8 d:rao# e8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Ho8 Aa0ad 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


2#his Nirang may <e recite three times after reciting %arge or Small Hom Yasht3* K+ # e5ana8= O $/en+8= O ne0/r 5+na8 5/"2+de? # +8/ d6$/n= O dar+3/n O 3/d+/n O 7ar6/n1<= 7a Ho8 $a 2ar#a8= $a d6ne r/#t $a doro#t $e = 5e D/d/r A +ra Fa0da oe 8an c /# 6d a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3*

& <rea!, & smite an & ren er poBerless 6 the <o yF of you:, emons9, an 4; rujas44, the Bi?ar s45 an 4= Bitches4@ <y means of46 Hom4F an Barsam49 an 7; <y means of46 the true77 an 75 perfect7= goo 7@ religion74 Bhich the ,reator Ahura +a? a 2through the agency of the Prophet Darathushtra3 taught79 me7:*


K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1.

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6 !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Vanant Star A +ra Fa0da dat a a# a$a a# a e rad 2era#/d.a+# A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d:0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta. Fe8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e aw/5 # 7a# e8/n= 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3, fra#a#taAaDc a. VanantC St/rC
aur &n the Small an %arge Siro? yashts are incorporate the G-hshnumansH of Vanant, Satavaesa an HaptoirangaL on the <asis of this Professor (armesteter has regar e this yasht as an appen age of #ir yasht* %oo!ing to its contents this yasht can <e consi ere as a GnirangH 2i*e* an incantation3 of riving aBay the no"ious creatures an harmful animals* aus i*e* may the holy star Vanant, create <y Ahura +a? a, 2Bho is3 the %or of righteousness, come 2unto my help3X .or the e"planation of the Star Vanant, see note to -horshe yasht para 1 graph :*



Fa0dad /ta e= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aota fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. Vanante81 #t/re82 Fa0dad /te83 a# a$ane8; a# a e< rat:8> Aa0a8aide?. -a0/i@ Vanante8B a8a$ante810 ao5 tCGn/8ane811 2aD# a06812 7aiti# t/tDe13 a3a#tac a1; 0Ci0di# tac a1< a7aAanta8a eG c a1> an!ra e 8ainAD+# 1? 5 rafa#tra1@. 2,lap )nce3* Vanante8 #t/re82 Fa0dad /te83 a# a$ane8; a# a e< rat:8> Aa0a8aide?. -a0/i@ Vanante8B a8a$ante810 ao5 tC n/8ane811= 2aD# a0i812 7aiti# t/tDe13 a3a#tac a1; 0Ci0di# tac a1<= a7aAanta8a ec a1> an!ra e 8ainAe+# 1? 5 rafa#tra1@. 2,lap #Bice3* Vanante81 #t/re82 Fa0dad /te83 a# a$ane8; a# a e< rat:8> Aa0a8aide?. -a0/i@ Vanante8B a8a$ante810 ao5 tC n/8ane811 2aD# a0i812 7aiti# t/tDe13 a3a#tac a1; 0Ci#di# tac a1<= a7aAanta8a ec a1> an!ra e1? 8ainAD+# 1@ 5 rafa#tra1@. 2,lap #hrice3* Ee praiseF the Star7 auuVanant4, create <y Ahura +a? a5, holy=, %or 6 of holiness@* & praise: 2the Star3 Vanant9, courageous4;, auvof the famous name44 2an 3 health1giving47, for Bithstan ing45 the accurse 4= an Borst4@ no"ious creatures4: of the most repulsive46 Angra +ainyu4F 2i*e* of the creation of Angra +ainyu3* 2#o recite in <?3 a+w.a#ta o81 d/82 de an3 8+# a5; 5+"< !+r2e >= 5+? 7a 5 /n@ !+n/ B na5+nand10. .aD# a0a11 !o/fran!/n12 2/d13. '/8e A +ra Fa0da1;= 7a n/8e1< n6$1> 5 ore 1? Far6d+n1@= Far6d+n1B t a$Aan. 2,lap #hrice3* .a#ta o821 d/822 de an23 8/r/n2; 8/r2< #arda!/n2>= 5+2? 7a 5 /n2@ !+n/ 2B na5+nand30. .aD# a0a !o/faran!/n 2/d. '/8e A +ra Fa0da= 7a n/8e ni$ 5 ore Far6d+n= Far6d+n t a$A/n. 2,lap #hrice3* .a#ta o8;1 d/8;2 de an;3 !or!/n;; !or!;< #arda!/n;>= n/8 c e# t6;? !or!;@ 5+";B !or2e <0= 5+<1 7a 5 /n<2 !+n/ <3 na5+nand<; 2aD# a0a !o/fran!/n 2/d. '/8e A +ra Fa0da= 7a n/8e n6$ 5 ore Far6d+n= Far6d+n t a$A/n. 2,lap #hrice3* Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daAa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3> -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= Vananto St/ro Fa0dad /ta e. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe
aut i*e* .or the Borship of Star Vanant, create <y Ahura +a? a, for his praise, etc* 2see -hor 1 she Nyyesh3* auu .or the e"planation of the Star Vanant, see glossary* auv )r invo!e <y his special name* auB #he portion of reciting in <? from here up to the Bor s G aedEn b#dH coming at the en of this paragraph is in Pa?en *



Fo0d. & <in 4 the mouths5 2of the animals3L creatures7 of all@ 2!in s3 mice= an cats6 so that theyF o not create4; harm9 in the house:* +ay there <e45 2unto me3 health44 2an 3 fame47X #hrough the name of the 2,reator3 Ahura +a? a 4= an through the name4@ of the poBer46 an glory4F of .ari un4:, 2the son3 of AthaByan7; 2& <in au" the mouths of all mice an cats3* & <in 74 the mouths75 of serpents7= an species76 of serpents7@, 2of animals3 an creatures77, so that they7F o not create5; harm59 in the house7:*4 <in =4 the mouths=5 of Bolves== an species=6 of Bolves=@, specially=F of all=9 Bolves=: 2an 3 cats@;, so that they@4 o not auycreate@= harm@5 in the house@7* Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCidite an!ra e 8ainAD+# H ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e K ore awa0/A/d Vanant Star A +ra Fa0da dat a a# a$a a# a e rad 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$andi 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ i ra$/i !o/fran!/ni 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86n aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +danH 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2.acing the southern irection, recite>3 D/d/re !e /n dine F/0daAa#ni d/de Iarat +# ti= ne8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S+ra An/ ite a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. Vanante8 St/re8 Fa0dad /te8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Vanant Star A +ra Fa0da dat a a# a$a a# a e rad 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


au? 2#his Nirang shoul <e recite three times after the recitation of Vanant Yasht3*

K+" 2a"/ dafe # a$ad= O d6$ O dar+3 O 7ar6 O 5aft/r O #e er/n= O

au" Accor ing to later <oo!s -ing .ari un Bas an eru ite teacher of all !in s of nirangs, through the help of Bhich, i*e* through the recitation of those nirangs he coul prevent any iffi1 culty Bhatever coming upon him, an i not alloB the evils of the emons an rujas to suc 1 cee over him* +oreover, in some <oo!s, he is even esignate as a prophet* auy & have not given again the translation of the portion from G<aMsha?a gofrangn <a H up to G.ari un thavynH having given a<ove* au? #his entire Nirang appears to have <een compose at a very later perio L its Bor ing is rather complicate * Also Ara<ic Bor s, are employe in it along Bith Pa?en Bor s>1 e*g* -ul, <ala, afe, seheran, shaitan, etc*



2/d a5 ta ed a5 i darde # e5a8 aft and/8= 5 a"a"e S ait/n O 5 /tar 7ar6# /n= O 5 a"a"e de8/! # ait/n 5 /tar 7ar6# /n 2/dH O dar na0ar 2ar$60an t/ d6dane na$a# t O 8/nand a8c +n6n 2a"/ dafe # a$ad. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#o recite three times3* All the calamities, the emons, rujas, fairies, Bitches,Bi?ar s, <a Bin , pain, stomach pain an pain of the seven lim<s of the <o y, evil pro uce <y the 'vil Spirit, Boes of the heart an sic!ness of the <rain, <a Bin pro ucing uneasiness of the min , evil eye an evil resulte <y seeing Bic!e men, an such other similar calamities may vanish an isappearX

E*7"anation> &n the Siro? yasht the remaining 7: small an large -hshnumans 1 propitiatory formulas are inclu e 1 e"cept the -hshnumans of Srosh an .arvar in an the small an large -hshnumans of Barjo, Hom an (aham, as -hshnumans as Bell as the ,hapter of Stoom to <e recite in honour of the eparte souls 2yasna H 763* #he reason for ropping out the -hshnumans of Srosh an .arvar in>1 #he B? of Siro? can <e consecrate <y = rons 1 sacre unleavene <rea ma e of Bheat flour 1 Bhilst in the B? of Srosh 6 rons are reCuire * .or this reason from the B? of Siro? the -hshnuman of Srosh is roppe out* #he -hshnuman of Srosh from the Siro? yasht is also roppe out* Besi es, after the recitation of the -hshnuman of (aham there comes at the en the -hshnuman of .arvar in 2ashaunm fravashinm [******* na<na? ishtanm fravashinm3L the -hshnuman of .arvar in is therefore, not recite in the mi le* +oreover, it is necessary to note that the translation of the -hshnumans Bhich has occurre in various yashts of this <oo!, Bas not given again, <ut references to the pages of that -hshnuman as Bell as its translation are mentione * #he translation of the rest of the -hshnumans is given* K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o. A# e8 Vo : 1. Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Siro0/ A8e# /#7and V6#7aD# / ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8 a0 ar$a#tin d+# 8ata d+0 G +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6. O5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n= 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# = ait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +ra t5aD# C 2Gh



accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. 114 A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. 124 Van! a$e Fanan! e /5 # tCi# /8$aintA/o= tarad /tC anA/i# d/8/n= /#na e 5 rat wC Fa0dad /ta e= !ao# CG#r:ta e 5 rat wC Fa0dad /ta e. 134 A# a e Va i# ta e #raD# ta e= AirAa8anC i# Ae e #:ra e Fa0daG d /ta e= Sao5aA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# onA/o. 1;4 K # at ra e VairAe e aAC5 # +#ta e 8are0di5/i t r/ACG dri!ao$e. 1<4 S7entaA/o $an! +A/o r8atCi# r/taA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o. 1 > 4 Ha+r$at/tC rat wC A/irAaA/o +# itCi# = #ared aDi2Ao a# a e rat+2AC. 1?4 A8eret/tC rat wC f# aoni2Aa $/t $/2Aa= a#7ini2Aa Aaoni2Aa !ao5erena e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta e. 2(uring the Hvan Gh as Bell as uring the Secon Hvan, recite as un er3>1 Fit ra e Vo+r+G!aoAaoitCi# = R/8ana#c a 5 $a#tra e. 2(uring the Gh of $apithBan, recite as un er3>1 A# a e Va i# ta e t ra#c a A +ra e Fa0d/o. 2&f the Gh <e /?irin, recite as un er3>1 .ere0atC A +ra e nafed rC a7/8 a7a#c a Fa0dad /taA/o. 2&f the Gh <e AiBisruthrem, recite as un er3>1 A# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 ! en/n/8c a $6rCG$/nt wan/8 A/irAaG A/o#c a +# itCi# = a8a ec a +t/# ta e +raod a e Veret ra! naG ec a A +rad /ta e= $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC. 2&f the Gh <e /shahen, recite as un er3>1 Srao# a e a# Ae e a# i$atC= $eret r/3anC fr/datG!aDt a e= Ra# nao# ra0i# ta e= Ar# t/ta#c a fr/datG!aet aA/o a$a$aredatG !aDt aA/o. 1@4 Dat +# C1 A +ra e Fa0d/o2 raD$ato3 5 $arenan!+ atC; A8e# an/8 a$2S7entan/8<. 1B4 t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra= 5 $areG nan! C #a$an! C Fa0dad /ta e. AirAan/8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /tan/8= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e= t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o
ava .or the translation of the -hshnumans from Horma? up to Amar a , see Haptan yasht %arge* av< .or the Borship of the ,reator 4 Ahura +a? a7, the !eeper of the treasures5 an glorious= an of the Ameshspan , for 2His3 praise, for 2His3 pleasure an for 2His3 glorification, let the Daotar 1 the officiating priest 1 proclaim <efore me Yath AhP VairyQ 2i*e* the e"cellences of the sacre verse of GYath AhP VairyQH* 2$aspi3 2Bho is3 righteous an learne may proclaim 2the e"cellences of these verses3 ath ratush ashtchit hachaH, see -horshe Nyyesh* -noB that the connection of the Bor s occurring in the genitive case of each -hshnuman may <e ta!en as shoBn a<ove*



7+t ra. Ka$Ci# Hao#ra$an! a e= $arCi# Hao#ra$an! a e= A#naG $anta e !arCi# Fa0dad /ta e= % aDc i#ta e $arCi# Fa0dad /ta e= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e. t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. RaD$anta e !arCi# Fa0dad /ta e= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $areG nan! C Fa0dad /ta e. t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. tar# #7enta rat aD# t/ra Aa0ata 7o+r+G5 $arenan! a Aa0ata 7o+r+G2aD# a0a. t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra= 8at $6#7aDi2Ao= /tere2AC= 5 # at rCG nafed rC 'airACG#an! a e a$cAa0ata e. 1104 A7/8 $an!+ in/8 Fa0dad /tan/8= Ared+A/o /7C An/ itaA/o a# aonA/o= $6#7an/8c a a7/8 Fa0dad /tan/8= $6#7an/8c a +r$aran/8 a$dFa0dad /tan/8. 1114 H$areG5 # aDta e a8e# a e raD$a e a$ea+r$at a#7a e. 1124 F/on! a e !aoGc it ra e= !D+# c a aD$CGd/taA/o= !D+# c a a$f7o+r+G #ared aA/o. 1134 Ti# trAe e St/rC raD$ato 5 $arenan!+ atC= Sata$aDG #a e fr/7a e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta eH #t/ra8 af# Gc it ran/8 0e8a#G c it ran/8 +r$arCGc it ran/8 Fa0dad /tan/8H VanantC St/rC Fa0dad /ta e= a$e #t/rC ACi Ha7tCirin!a Fa0dad /ta 5 $arenan!+G anta a$!2aD# a0Aa. 11;4 ,D+# Ta# ne ,D+# )r+ne Dra$/#7aA/o S:raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o. 11<4 Dat +# C A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. 11>4 Fit ra e Vo+r+G!aoAaoitCi# a0an!rCG !ao# a e 2aD$areGc a# 8anC ao5 tCGn/8anC Aa0ata e= a$ R/8anC 5 $/#tra e. 11@4 a$iRa# nao# 1 ra0i# ta e2= Ar# t/ta#c a3 fr/datG !aDt aA/o; $aredatG!aDt aA/o<= ere0+5 d a e> $ac an! C? Aat a$3fr/datG !aDt a eB. 1204 A8a e +t/# ta e= +raod a e Veret ra! na e
avc .or the translation of the -hshnuman of A ar ya?ata, see Atash Nyyesh* av .or the translation of the -hshnuman of Avan ya?ata, see note 4 on Ar vi Sura Nyyesh* ave i*e* .or the Borship of the immortal, ra iant an sBift foote horse Sun, an for his praise, etc* 2See -horshe Nyyesh3* avf .or the translation of the -hshnuman of +h ya?ata, see +h Bo!htr Nyyesh, first note* avg .or the praise, etc*, of the ra iant an glorious Star #ishtrya, of 2the Star name 3 Satavaesa, poBerful 2an 3 the istri<utor of 2rain3 Baters 2to various places3, create <y Ahura +a? , of the Stars create <y Ahura +a? a, containing the see of Bater, the see of the earth an the see of the plants 2i*e* having the characteristics of increasing an prospering them3, of the star Vanant, create <y Ahura +a? a, an of those stars 2name 3 Haptoiringa, glorious an health1 giving, 2see -horshe Nyyesh3* avh .or the praise, etc*, of the .ashioner of the Borl , of the soul of the /niverse 2or of the cre1 ation of the cattle, the soul of the cattle3 an of (ravspa create <y Ahura +a? a, poBerful an holy, 2see -horshe Nyyesh para 4;3* avi .or the translation of the -hshnuman of +eher ya?ata, see +eher Nyyesh* avj .or the praise, etc*, of the just7 $ashne ya?ata4, Ashta ya?ata5, ma!ing the Borl prosper1 ous= an causing the Borl to flourish @, 2an 3 of the truthfully1spo!en 6 Bor F, ma!ing the Borl prosperous 2see -horshe Nyyesh3*



A +rad /ta e= $anaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC. 1214 R/8anC 5 $/#tra e= VaAao# +7arCG5airAe e tarad /tC anA/i# d/8/nH aDtat te $aAC Aat te a#ti #7entCG8ainAao8H t w/# a e 5 $ad /ta e 0ra$/na e a5arana e 0r$/na e dare! CG5 $ad /ta e. 1224 V/ta e1 +d /on! C2 ad ara e3 +7ara e; fratara e< 7a#c /it Ae e>= nairAaA/o? a$" /8G$aretCi# @. 1234 Dat +# C1 A +ra e Fa0d/o2 raD$atC3 5 $arenan!+ atC; A8e# an/8 S7entan/8<. 12;4 Ra0i# taA/o> c i#taA/o Fa0dad /taA/o@ a# aonA/oB daDnaA/o10 $an! +A/o11 F/0daAa#nCi# 12. 12<4 A# Ci# 13 $an! +A/o1; c i#tCi# 1< $an! +A/o1> eret e1? $an! +A/o1@= ra#/#t/tC1B $an! +A/o20 5 $arenan! C21 #a$an! C22 Fa0dad /ta e23. P/rendA/o2; raorat aA/o2<= airAan/82> 5 $arenC2? Fa0dad /tan/82@= 5/$aAe ec a2B 5 $arenan! C30 Fa0dad /ta e31= a5 $areta ec a32 5 $arenan! C33 Fa0dad /ta e3;= Iarat +# tra ec a3< 5 $arenan! C3> Fa0dad /ta e3?. 12>4 Ar# t/tC3@ fr/datG!aDt a e3B= !arCi# ;0 +# idarena e;1 Fa0daG d /ta e;2 a# aG5 $/t ra e;3. 2753 )f the ,reator4 Ahura +a? a7, the !eeper of treasures 5 2an 3 glorious= 2an 3 of the avmAmeshspan @ 2Bountiful &mmortals3 27=3 of the truthful6 2an 3 holy9 !noBle geF 2i*e* religious e ucation3, create <y Ahura +a? a:, the goo 44 +a? a1Eorshipping47 $eligion4;, 27@3 righteousness45 2or of Ashishvangh3 goo 46 Bis om4@, truthfulness4F, goo 7; justice49, glory74 2an 3 prosperity77, create <y Ahura +a? a75, of Pren i7= of the Cuic!1 moving 2or light3 chariot7@, &ranian76 glory7F, the -ayanian79 glory5;, the unconsume 57 glory55 2an 3 of the glory56 of 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra5@, create <y Ahura +a? a5F, 2763 of Kst ya?ata5:, ma!ing the Borl prosper1 ous59, 2an 3 the mountain=; 2calle 3 /shi1 arena=4, create <y Ahura +a? a=7, of holy splen our=5 2or of holy felicity=53 2for the Borship, etc*, of all these let the Daotar 1 the officiating priest 1 proclaim <efore me the e"cellences of the sacre verses of Yath AhP VairyQ3*avn 12?4 A# nC;; 2ere0atC;< #:ra e;>= $a i# ta e;? an! D+# ;@ a# aon/8;B raoc an! C<0 $6#7CG5 $/t rC<1. 12@4 Ie8C<2 +d /on! C<3 Aa0ata e<;H i8/o<< a#/o<>= i8/o<? # Cit r/o<@ !arCi# <B +# iGdarena e>0 Fa0daG d /ta e>1 a# aG5 $/t ra e>2 $6#7aD# /8c a>3 !airin/8>; a# aG5 $/t G ran/8>< 7o+r+G5 $/t ran/8>> Fa0dad /tan/8>?H 5/$aAe ec a>@ 5 $arenan! C>B Fa0dad /ta e?0 a5 $areta ec a?1 5 $arenan! C?2 Fa0dad /ta e?3. 12B4 F/nt ra e?; #7enta e?< a# aonC?> $ere0Aan!G a e??= d/ta e?@ $6daD$a e?B= d/ta e@0 Iarat +# trCi# @1H dare! aA/o@2
av! .or the translation of the -hshnumans of Beheram ya?ata an +ino $am, see the translation of G0asa +e avanghe +a? aH* avl .or the praise, etc*, of the Bin 4 of goo creation7, that <loBs <eloB5, forBar @ 2an 3 <ac!1 Bar 6 an of NairyaF h#/$!areti: 2i*e* of manly protection3 2see -horshe Nyyesh3* avm .or the praise, etc* 2see -horshe Nyyesh3* avn .or its comparison, see yasna H 4, para 4=*



+7aAanaA/o@3= daDnaA/o@; $an! +A/o@< F/0daAa#nCi# @>= 0ar0d/tCi# @? 8/nt ra e@@ #7enta e@B +# iGdaret re8B0= daDnaA/oB1 F/0daAa#nCi# B2= $aDd 68B3 8/nt ra eB; #7enta eB<= /#na eB> 5 rat wCB? Fa0dad /ta eB@= !ao# CG#r:ta eBB 5 rat wC100 Fa0dad /ta e1. 27F3 )f the lofty=@ an majestic=6 s!y==, of the heaven=F1=: righteous 2people3=9, <right@; 2an 3 all1comforta<le@4, 27:3 of Damyt@7 ya?ata@= of goo creation@5, of these@@ places@6 2an 3 cities@:, of the mountain@9 2name 3 /shi arena6;, avocreate <y Ahura +a? a64, of all65 the mountains6= create <y Ahura +a? a6F, of holy felicity6@ an full happiness66, of the -ayanian6: Glory69 create <y Ahura +a? aF; 2an 3 the unconsume F4 gloryF7 create <y HimF5, 2793 the efficaciousFF, holyF6 2an 3 <eneficentF@ +nthraF=, the anti1 emonicF9 %aBF:, the %aB:; of Darathushtra:4, the ol custom:5 of long ages:7 an the goo :@ +a? a1Borshipping:6 $eligion:=, of the evotion:F to the prosperity1<ringing:9 mnthra::, hol ing in min 9; of the $eligion94 of +a? a1Eorship97, !noBle ge95 of the prosperity1<ringing9@ mnthra9=, innate96 Bis om9F given <y Ahura +a? a9:, an Bis om4;; acCuire through the ears99 2i*e* learnt3 given <y Ahura +a? a 4* 2.or the praise, etc*, of all these let the Daotar proclaim <efore me the e"cellences of the verses of Yath AhP VairyQ3* 1304 Ana! ran/82 raoc an! /83 5 $ad /tan/8;= rao5 # na e< !arCGn8/na e>= 8i#$/na e? !/t$a e@ 5 $ad /ta eB= c in$atG7eret:810 Fa0dad /t/811. 1314 .ere0atC12 A +ra e13 nafed rC1; a7/81< a7a#c a1> Fa0dad /taA/o1?. 1324 Hao8a e1@ a# a$a0an! C1B. 1334 Da 8aA/o20 $an! +A/o21 /fritCi# 22= +! r/i23 d/8Ci# 2; +7a8an/i2<. V6#7aD# /82> Aa0atan/82? a# aon/82@ 8ainAa$an/82B !aDt Aan/830. A# /+n/831 fra$a# in/832 +! ran/833 aiwit +ran/83; 7aoirACGt5aD# an/83< fra$a# in/83>= na2/na0di# tan/83? fra$a# in/83@. K # naot ra3B Aa#n/ic a;0 $a 8/ic a;1 5 # naot r/ic a;2 fra#a#taG AaDc a;3= -at / A : VairAC;; 0aota;< fr/G8e;> 8r:te;?= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a;@ fr/ a# a$a;B $id $ao<0 8raot:<1. 25;3 .or the Borship=; of the <oun less7 natural= lights, of the shining@ 2heaven3 Garothmn6, natural9 HamistagnF1:, the ,hinvat Bri ge4; reate <y Ahura +a? a4 2543 the navel4= of Baters4@ 2Bhich is3 the avpe"alte 47 %or 45 2an 3 the Baters46 create <y Ahura +a? a4F, 2573 of Haoma4: giving the strength of righteousness49, 2553 the pious7; an goo 74 Bene iction77, the poBerful75 (mi /pamana 2i*e* the Sym<ol of Eis om37=17@, 2an 3 of all76 the holy7: ya?atas7F pertaining to the Spiritual 2an 3 +aterial Borl 5;, 2an 3 of the poBerful55 2an 3 triumphant5= .ravashis57 of the righteous 2people354, the
avo .or its comparison see yasna H 4, para 4=* avp )r of the ya?ata BarjoL later on the Cualitative epithet 2<ere?at3 of Apm Napt 2or Apm Naptar3 Bas use as GBarjoH* &n the same Bay, the name Ganaghra raochoH <ecame Anern later onL the name GVahishta AhuH <ecame GBeheshtH*



.ravashis of the Poryot!aeshas5@, the .ravashis5: of the ne"t of the !in5F, for 2their3 praise=4, propitiation=7 an glorification=5, let the Daotar=@ proclaim=F <efore me=6 GYath AhP VairyQ==H 2i*e* the e"cellences of the sacre verses of Yath AhP VairyQ3L let 2the 2$aspi3 Bho is righteous =9 2an 3 learne @; avC proclaim@4 ath ratush ashtchit hacha=: 2the e"cellences of these verses3* 114 A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aideH A8e# / #7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. 124 Vo + FanC A8e# e8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aideH /5 # t68 /8$aint68 Aa0a8aide= tarad /te8 anA/i# d/8/nH /#ne8 5 rat:8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH !aC# o#r:te8 5 rat:8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 134 A# e8 Va i# te8 #raD# te8 A8e# e8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aideH AirAa8ane8 i# 68 Aa0a8aideH #:re8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH #ao5/8 $an!+ 68 $o+r+G dCit r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. 1;4 K # at re8 Vair68 A8e# e8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aideH aAo5 # +#te8 Aa0a8aideH 8are0di5e8 t r/ACGdri! :8 Aa0a8aide. 1<4 S7ent/8 $an!+ 68 r8ait68 Aa0a8aideH r/t/8 $an!+ 68 $o+r+GdCit r/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. 1>4 Ha+r$at/te8 A8e# e8 S7ente8 Aa0a8aideH A/irA/8 +# it68 Aa0a8aideH #ared a a# a$ana a# a e rata$C Aa0a8aide. 1?4 A8eret/te8 A8e# e8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aideH f# aon68 $/t w/8 Aa0a8aideH a#7in/c a Ae$6nC Aa0a8aideH !ao5erene8 #:re8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 2(uring the Hvan Gh as Bell as the Secon Hvan, recite as un er3>1 Fit re8 $o+r+G!aoAaoit68 Aa0a8aideH R/8a 5 $/#tre8 Aa0a8aide. 2(uring $apithBan Gh, recite as un er3>1 A# e8 Va i# te8 /tare8c a A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 Aa0a8aide. 2(uring /?irin Gh, recite as un er3>1 .ere0ante8 A +re8 5 # at r68 5 # aDte8 A7/8 'a7/te8 a+r$atG a#7e8 Aa0a8aideH a7e8c a Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. 2(uring AiBisruthrem Gh, recite as un er3>1 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aideH ! en/o#c a $6rCG$/t w/o Aa0a8aideH A/irA/8c a +# it68 Aa0a8aideH a8e8c a +ta# te8 +raod e8 Aa0a8aideH $eret ra! ne8c a A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aide= Vanaint68c a +7arat/te8 Aa0a8aide. 2(uring /shahen Gh, recite as un er3>1 Srao# e8 a# 68 +raod e8 $eret r/3ane8 fr/datG!aDt e8 a# a$ane8 a# a e rat:8 Aa0a8aideH Ra# n:8 ra0i# te8 Aa0a8aideH Ar# t/te8c a fr/datG!aDt a8 a$r$aredatG!aDt /8 Aa0a8aide.
avC .or its e"planation, see Srosh B?* avr .or the translation of the -hshnumans from Horma? up to Amar a , see Haftan yasht



1@4 Dad $/on! e8 A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $areG nan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide= A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. 1B4 tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 Aa0a8aideH 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= Sa$o Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH AirAane8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH +! re8 5a$aD8 5 $arenC Fa0daG d /te8 Aa0a8aideH tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 Aa0a8aideH 5a$aD8 Hao#ra$an! e8 Aa0a8aideH Vair68 Hao#ra$an! e8 Aa0a8aideH A#na$ante8 !air68 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= % aDc i#te8 $air68 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH +! re8 Ka$aD8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 Aa0a8aide. tar# S7enta rat aD# t/ra Aa0a8aide= Aa0ata 7o+r+G 5 $arenan! a Aa0a8aideH Aa0ata 7o+r+G2aD# a0a Aa0a8aideH tare8 A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t re8 Aa0a8aideH $6#7e /tarC Aa0a8aide. K # at re8 nafed re8 'airAo#an! e8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide. 1104 7o $an!+ 6# Fa0dad /t/o a# aon6# Aa0a8aide. Ared$68 S:r/8 An/ it/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aideH $6#7/o /7C Fa0dad /t/o a# aon6# Aa0a8aide= $6#7/o +r$ar/o Fa0dad /t/o a# aon6# Aa0a8aide. 1114 H$are5 # aDte8 a8e# e8 raD8 a+r$atGa#7e8 Aa0a8aide. 1124 F/on! e8 !aoc it re8 Aa0a8aide= !ao8 aD$oGd/ta e +r+nC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide= !ao8 7o+r+G#ared a e +r+nC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. 1134 Ti# tr68 St/re8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aideH #ata$aD#e8 fr/7e8 #:re8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH $6#7e #t/rC af# c it ra Aa0a8aide= $6#7e #t/rC 0e8a#c it ra Aa0a8aide= $6#7e #t/rC +r$arCGc it ra Aa0a8aide. Vanante8 St/re8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= a$e #trD+# Aa0a8aide= ACi a7ta Ha7tCirin!a Fa0dad /ta 5 $arenan!+ anta 2aD# a0Aa= 7aiti# t/tDe A/t w/8 7airi5an/8c a. 11;4 ,D+# +d /on! C +r$/ne8 Aa0a8aide= Dra$/#7/8 #:r/8 Fa0dad /ta8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. 11<4 Dad $/on! e8 A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+G ante8 Aa0a8aideH A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. 11>4 Fit re8 Vo+r+G!aoAaoiti8 a0an!raG!ao# e8 2aD$areGc a# 8ane8 ao5 tCGn/8ane8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aideH R/8a K $/#tre8 Aa0a8aide. a$#11@4 Ra# n:8 ra0i# te8 Aa0a8aide= Ar# t/te8c a fr/datG!aDt /8 $aredatG!aDt /8 Aa0a8aide. 1204 A8e8 +ta# te8 +raod e8 Aa0a8aide. Veret ra! ne8 A +rad /te8 Aa0a8aideH Vanaint68c a +7arat/te8 Aa0a8aide. 1214 R/8a 5 $/#tre8 Aa0a8aide= $aD8 a# a$ane8 Aa0a8aide= $aD8 +7arCG5air68 Aa0a8aide= tarad /te8 anA/i# d/8/n= aDtat te $aAC Aa0a8aide= Aat te a#ti #7entCG8ainAao8. T w/# e8 5 $ad /te8 Aa0a8aide= 0r$/ne8
%arge* avs #he -hshnumans of $o? 4F Srosh an of $o? 49 .arvar in are not recite * $efer to the e"1 planation given at the <eginning of this yasht*



a5arane8 Aa0a8aide= 0r$/ne8 dare! CG5 $ad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 1224 V/te8 #7ente8 +d /on! e8 Aa0a8aide= ad are8 Aa0a8aide= +7are8 Aa0a8aide= fratare8 Aa0a8aide= 7a#c /it 68 Aa0a8aideH nairA/8 /8$aret68 Aa0a8aide. 1234 Dad $/on! e8 A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+G ante8 Aa0a8aideH A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. 12;4 Ra0i# t/8 c i#t/8 Fa0dad /t/8 a# on68 Aa0a8aideH daDn/8 $an!+ 68 F/0daAa#n68 Aa0a8aide. 12<4 A# i8 Van!+ 68 Aa0a8aide= 5 # Cit n68 2ere0ait68 a8a$ait68 +raod /8 5 $/7ar/8H 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= #a$C Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= P/rend68 raorat /8 Aa0a8aideH AirAane8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. )! re8 5a$aD8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH +! re8 a5 $arete8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aideH Iart +# tra e 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 12>4 Ar# t/te8 fr/dat !aDt e8 Aa0a8aide= !air68 +# idarene8 Fa0dad /te8 a# aG 5 $/t re8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide. 12?4 A#8ane8 5 $an$ante8 Aa0a8aide= $a i# te8 a :8 a# aon/8 Aa0a8aide= raoc an! e8 $6#7CG5 $at re8. 12@4 I/8 +d /on! e8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide= i8/o a#/o i8/o # Cit r/o Aa0a8aideH !air68 )# iG darane8 Fa0dad /te8 a# aG5 $/t re8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aideH $6#7/o !araAC a# aG5 $/t r/o 7o+r+G5 $/t r/o Fa0dad /ta a# a$ana a# a e rata$C Aa0a8aideH +! re8 5a$aD8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= +! re8 a5 $arete8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 12B4 F/nt re8 #7ente8 a# G5 $arenan! e8 Aa0a8aide= d/te8 $idCA:8 Aa0a8aide= d/te8 Iarat +# tri Aa0a8aideH dare! /8 +7aAan/8 Aa0a8aide= daDn/8 $an!+ 68 F/0daAa#n68 Aa0a8aideH 0ara0d/it68 8/nt re8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aide= +# iGdaret re8 daDn/8 F/0daAa#n68 Aa0a8aide= $aDd 68 8/nt re8 #7ente8 Aa0a8aide= /#ne8 5 rat:8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide= !ao# CG#r:te8 5 rat:8 Fa0dad /te8 Aa0a8aide. 1304 Ana! ra raoc /o 5 $ad /t/o Aa0a8aide= rao5 # ne8 !arCG n8/ne8 Aa0a8aide= 8i#$/ne8 !/t:8 5 $ad /te8 Aa0a8aide= % in$atG7eret:8 Fa0dad /t/8 Aa0a8aide. 1314 .ere0ante8 A +re8 5 # at r68 5 # aDte8 A7/8 'a7/te8 a+r$atGa#7e8 Aa0a8aide= a7e8c a Fa0dad /t/8 a# aon68 Aa0a8aide. 1324 Hao8e8 0/ir68 2ere0ante8 Aa0a8aide. Hao8e8 fr/# 868 fr/datG!aDt e8 Aa0a8aide= Hao8e8 d:rao# e8 Aa0a8aide. 1334 Da 8/8 $an!+ 68 /frit68 Aa0a8aide= +! re8 ta5 8e8 d/8Ci# +7a8ane8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aideH $6#7e8c a a# a$ane8 8ainAao8 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide= $6#7e8c a a# a$ane8 !aDt 68 Aa0ate8 Aa0a8aide.



114 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a$a# aAo #tao8i 02aAe8i +fAe8i. -a0a8aide n8/nA/o $6#A/o 0ant+8/o da5 A+8/o Iarat +# trCte8/o. 124 V6#7an/8c a /on! /8 7aoirAan/8 fra$a# in/8 id a Aa0a8aide fra$a# 68 a$/8 A/8 A +ra e Fa0d/o= 8a0i# t/8c a $a i# t/8c a= #raD# t/8c a= 5 rao0di# t/8c a 5 rat wi# t/8c a +5ere7ta8/8c a= a# /t a7anCte8/8c a. 134 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aideH A/o A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= 5 # aDtan/8 $ere0iGdCit ran/8= 2ere0at/8 aiwA/8an/8 ta5 8an/8 / :irAan/8= ACi ait Ae3an! C a# a$anC. 1;4 PaoirAan/8 t5aD# an/8 7aoirAan/8 #/#nCG!+# /8= id a a# aon/8 a# aonin/8c a a :8c a daen/8c a 2aod a#c a +r$/ne8c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide= ACi a# /i $aonare= ,D+# +d /on! C +r$/ne8 Aa0a8aide. 1<4 -Ci a# /i $aonare. ,aAe e 8aret nC a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. Iarat +# tra e S7it/8a e id a a# aonC a# 68c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide. Ka$Ci# Vi# t/#7a e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. (#at $/#tra e Iarat +# trCi# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. 1>4 'a2/na0di# tan/8 id a a# aon/8 a# aonin/8c a a :8c a daen/8c a 2aod a#c a +r$/ne8c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide= ACi a# /i $aonareH 8at $6#7/2AC a# aoni2AC fra$a# i2AC= A/o iririt +# /8 a# aon/8= A/o#c a 3$ant/8 a# aon/8= A/o#c a nar/8 a0/tan/8 fra# CGc aret r/8 Sao# Aant/8. 1?4 (d a iri#tan/8 +r$/nC Aa0a8aide= A/o a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC. V6#7an/8 a 8Aa n8/ne na2/na0di# tan/8 7araGiri#tan/8 aDt ra7aitin/8 aDt rAan/8 nar/8 n/irin/8 id a a# aon/8 a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1@4 V6#7an/8 aDt ra7aitin/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7an/8 aDt rAan/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7an/8 nar/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# AC Aa0a8aide. V6#7an/8 n/irin/8 a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1B4 V6#7an/8 a7eren/A+5an/8 da 8CG5eretan/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. da5 A+n/8c a a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. )0da5 A+n/8c a a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1104 'ar/8c a a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. '/irin/8c a a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. Vi#7/o a# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide= A/o ac a !aA/t 8aret nat /G#ao# Aant/t $eret ra! nat. V6#7/o fra$a# aAC a# /+n/8 Aa0a8aideH a# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7e a# a$anC Aa0ata Aa0a8aide. 2(uring Havan Gh or uring the Secon Havan, recite as un er3>1
avt .or the translation of the -ar a of Saturn, see the -ar a to <e recite in memory of the e1 parte ones, given after the en of Siro? yasht*



H/$an68 7aiti rat:8= #/$an! aD8 V6#68c a 7aiti rat:8. 2(uring $apithBan Gh, recite as un er3>1 Ra7it wine8 7aiti rat:8= fr/datGf# /+8 0ant+8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2(uring /?irin Gh, recite as un er3>1 )0Aeirine8 7aiti rat:8= fr/datG$6re8 da A+8e8c a 7aiti rat+8. 2(uring AiBisruthrem Gh, recite as un er3>1 Aiwi#r:t re8e8 ai2i!/i8 7aiti rat:8= fr/datG$6#7/8G +3Aait68 Iarat +# trCte8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2(uring /shahen Gh, recite as un er3>1 )# a ine8 7aiti rat:8= .ere068 n8/n68c a 7aiti rat:8. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2$ecite in <?3> Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2$ecite alou 3 -at / A : VairA: 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= 114 A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. 124 Van! a$e Fanan! e /5 # tCi# /8G$aintA/o= tarad /tC anA/i# d/8/n= /#na e 5 rat wC Fa0dad /ta e= !ao# CG#r:ta e 5 rat wC Fa0dad /ta e. 134 A# a e Va i# ta e #raD# ta e= AirAa8anC i# Ae e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta e= #ao5aA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o. 1;4 K # at ra e VairAe e aAC5 # +#ta e 8are0di5/i t r/Aodri!ao$e. 1<4 S7entaA/o $an! +A/o r8atCi# r/taA/o $an! +A/o $o+r+GdCit raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o. 1>4 Ha+r$at/tC rat wC A/irAaA/o +# itCi# = #ared aDi2AC a# a e rat+2AC. 1?4 A8eret/tC rat wC f# aoni2Aa $/t w/2Aa= a#7ini2Aa Aaoni2Aa= !ao5erena e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta e. 2(uring Hvan Gh as Bell as un er3>1 uring the secon Havan, recite as

Fit ra e $o+r+G!aoAaoitCi# = R/8ana#c a K $/#tra e. 2(uring $apithBan Gh, recite as un er3>1 A# a e Va i# ta e /t ra#c a A +ra e Fa0d/o. 2(uring /?irin Gh, recite as un er3>1 .er0atC A +ra e nafed rC /7a8 a7a#c a Fa0dad /taA/o.



2(uring AiBisruthrem Gh, recite as un er3>1 A# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 ! en/n/8c a $irCG$/nt wan/8 A/irAaG A/o#c a a# itCi# = a8a ec a +t/# ta e +raod a e= Veret ra! G na ec a A +rad /ta e= VanaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC. 2(uring /shahen Gh, recite as un er3>1 Srao# a e a# Ae e Ra# nao# ra0i# ta e= !aDt aA/o. a# i$atC= $eret r/3anC fr/dat !aDt a e= Ar# t/ta#c a fr/dat !aDt aA/o $aredatG

1@4 Dat +# C A +ra e Fa0d/o rae$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. 1B4 t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra= 5 $areG nan! C #a$an! C Fa0dad /ta e= AirAan/8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /tan/8= 5/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e= t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. Ka$Ci# Hao#ra$an! a e= VarCi# Hao#ra$an! a e= A#na$anta e !arCi# Fa0dad /ta e= % aDc i#ta e $arCi# Fa0daG d /ta e= K/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e. t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. RaD$anta e !arCi# Fa0dad /ta e= K/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e= t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra. tar# #7enta rat aD# tara= Aa0ata 7o+r+G5 $arenan! a Aa0ata 7o+r+G 2aD# a0a. t rC A +ra e Fa0d/o 7+t ra= 8at $6#7aDi2AC /tere2AC= 5 # at rCGnafed rC 'airAo#an! a e Aa0ata e. 1104 A7/8 $an!+ in/8 Fa0dad /tan/8= Ared+A/o /7o An/ itaA/o a# aonA/o= $6#7an/8c a a7/8 Fa0dad /tan/8 $6#7an/8c a +r$araG n/8 Fa0dad /tan/8. 1114 H$are 5 # aDta e a8e# a e raD$a e a+r$atGa#7a e. 1124 F/on! a e !aoc it ra e= !D+# c a aD$CGd/taA/o= !D+# c a 7o+r+G#ared aA/o. 1134 Ti# trAe e #t/rC raD$atC 5 $areG nan!+ atC= #ata$aD#a e fr/7a e #:ra e Fa0dad /ta eH #t/ra8 af# G c it ran/8 0e8a#Gc it ran/8 +r$arCGc it ran/8 Fa0dad /tan/8H VanantC #t/rC Fa0dad /ta e= a$e #t/rC ACi Ha7tCirin!a Fa0dad /ta 5 $arenan!+ anta 2aD# a0Aa. 11;4 ,D+# ta# ne !D+# +r+ne Dra$/#7aA/o #:raA/o Fa0dad /taA/o a# aonA/o. 11<4 Dat +# C A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. 11>4 Fit ra e $o+r+G!aoAaoitCi# a0an!rCG !ao# a e 2aD$areGc a# 8anC ao5 tC n/8anC Aa0ata e= R/8anC 5 $/#tra e. 1a$+1@4 Ra# nao# ra0i# ta e= Ar# t/ta#c a fr/datG !aDt aA/o $aredatG!aDt aA/o= ere0+5 d a e $ac an! C Aat fr/datG !aDt a e. 1204 A8a e +t/# ta e= +raod a e Veret ra! na e A +rad /ta e= VanaintA/o#c a +7arat/tC. 1214 R/8anC 5 $/#tra e= $aAao# +7arCG5airAe e tarad /to anA/i# d/8/nH aDtat te $aAC Aat te

a#ti #7entCG8ainAao8H t w/# a e 5 $ad /ta e 0r$/na e a5araG na e 0r$/na e dare!CG5 $ad /ta e. 1224 V/ta e +d /on! C
avu $efer to the e"planation given in the <eginning of this yasht*



ad ara e +7ara e fratara e 7a#c /it Ae e= nairAaA/C /8$areG toi# . 1234 Dat +# C A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8. 12;4 Ra0i# taA/o % i#taAo Fa0daG d /taA/o a# aonA/o daenaA/o $an! +A/o F/0daAa#nCi# . 12<4 A# Ci# $an! +A/o= c i#tCi# $an! +A/o= eret e $an! +A/o= ra#/#t/tC $an! +A/o= 5 $arenan! C #a$an! C Fa0dad /ta e. P/rendA/o raorat aA/o= AirAan/8 5 $arenC Fa0dad /tan/8= K/$aAe ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e= a5 $areta ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e= Iarat +#tra ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0dad /ta e. 12>4 Ar# t/tC fr/datG!aDt a e= !arCi# +# iG darena e Fa0dad /ta e a# aG5 $/t ra e. 12?4 A# nC 2ere0atC #:ra e $a i# ta e an! D+# a# aon/8 raoc an! C $6#7CG5a$/t rC. 12@4 Ie8C +d /on! C Aa0ata eH i8/o a#/o= i8/o # Cit r/o= !arCi# +# iGdarena e Fa0dad /ta e a# aG5 $/t ra e $6#7ae# /8c a !airin/8 a# aG5 $/t ran/8 7o+r+G5 $/t ran/8 Fa0dad /tan/8H 5/$aAe ec a 5 $areG nan! C Fa0dad /ta e= a5 $areta ec a 5 $arenan! C Fa0daG d /ta e.
F/nt ra e #7enta e a# aonC $ere0Aan! a e= d/ta e $6daD$a e= d/ta e Iarat +# trCi# H dare! aA/o +7aAanaA/o= daDnaA/o $an! +A/o F/0daAa#nCi# = 0ara0d/tCi# 8/nt ra e #7enta e +# iGdaret re8= daDnaA/o F/0daAa#nCi# = $aDd 68 8/nt ra e #7enta e= /#na e 5 rat wC Fa0dad /ta e= !ao# CG#r:ta e 5 rat wC Fa0dad /ta e. Ana! ran/8 raoc an! /8 5 $ad /tan/8= rao5 # na e !arCG n8/na e= 8i#$/na e !/t$a e 5 $ad /ta e= c in$atG7eret:8 Fa0daG d /t/8. 1314 .ere0atC A +ra e nafed rC a7/8 a7a#c a Fa0dad /taAao. 1324 Hao8a e a# a$a0an! C. 1334 Da 8aA/o $an! +A/o /fritCi# = +! r/i d/8Ci# +7a8an/i. V6#7aD# /8 Aa0atan/8 a# aon/8 8ainAa$an/8 !aDt Aan/8. A# /+n/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8 7aoirAoG t5aD# an/8 fra$a# in/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 a$$fra$a# in/8. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe
avv -noB that the -hshnumans of the ya?atas given here are similar to the -hshnumans given at the <eginning of Siro?a yasht, <eginning Bith fravarane +a? ayasno DarathushtrishL there is no ifference at all* Hence for the translation, refer to these pages*



Fo0d. Ro0 ne5 n/8= ro0 7/5 n/8= ro0 8+2/ra5 2faln3 8/ e 8+2/ra5 2faln3= !/ e 2faln3 na8/0 d/d/re !e /n d/8/n. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# . Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 1. ,or3e K ore awa0/A/d Siro0/ A8e# /#7and $6#7aD# / Ard/far$a# 2era#/d a8/$and 7iro0!ar a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6. D/d d6n 2e F/0daAa#n/n= /!/ 6 ra$/i !o/faran!/n6 2/d afte 5e# $ar 0a86nH aed:n 2/d. Fan /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan= 8an /no /$/Aad # +dan. A# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. 2$ecite facing South>3 D/d/re !e /n d6ne Fa0daAa#n6 d/de Iarat +# t6. 'e8a#eGte a# /+8 #D$i# te Ared$i S:ra An/ ite a# aone. A# e8 Vo : 1. 'e8C +r$aire $an!+ i Fa0dad /te a# aone A# e8 Vo : 1. A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aide. A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. A# e8 Vo : 1. Siro0/ A8e# a#7and $6#7aD# / Ard/far$a# 2era#/d. A# e8 Vo : 1.


Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ard/fra$a# a$w2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 :5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a #D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8. Stao8i a# e8H A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= a# aon/8
avB i*e* may the Holy .ravashis come 2to this recital3X -noB that the initial an the final !hshnuman of this -ar h to <e recite in memory of the eparte ones, is similar to that of the Afrinagan Ar afravash*



fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit +ran/8 7aoirACGt5aD# an/8 fra$a# in/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 a$arenan! + ante8 Aa0a8aideH A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. 114 A# /+n/81 $an!+ 6# 2 #:r/o3 #7ent/o; fra$a# aAC< #tao8i> 02aAe8i? +fAe8i@. -a0a8aideB n8/nA/o10 $6#A/o11 0ant+8/o12 da5 A+8/o13 Iarat +# trCte8/o1;. 124 V6#7an/8c a1< /on! /81> 7aoirAan/81? fra$a# in/81@ id a1B Aa0a8aide20 fra$a# 6821 a$/822 A/823 A +ra e2; Fa0d/o2<= 8a0i# t/8c a2> $a i# t/8c a2? #raD# G t/8c a2@ 5 rao0di# t/8c a2B 5 rat wi# t/8c a30 +5ere7te8/8c a31= a# /t32 a7anCte8/8c a33. 243 & praise6, remem<erF 2or invo!e3 the goo 7, heroic5 2an 3 the <eneficent= .ravashis@ of the righteous 2people34 2an 3 av"& sing their glory* Ee Borship9 2those .ravashis3 <elonging to the house 4;, to the street44, to the toBn47, <elonging to the province45 2an 3 the highest priests4=* 273 avy.irst4F among all4@ these46 .ravashis4: Be Borship79 here49 that77 .ravashi74 of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a7=17@ Bhich75 is of high egree or e"cellence, fairest7:, av? courage1giving79, Bisest5;, practising goo ee s of the highest egree54 an supreme55 in holiness57 2i*e* <est3* 134 A# /+n/83; $an!+ 6# 3< #:rao3> #7ent/o3? fra$a# aAC3@ Aa0a8aide3BH A/o;0 A8e# an/8;1 S7entan/8;2= 5 # aDtan/8;3 $ere0iG dCit ran/8;;= 2ere0at/8;< aiwAa8an/8;>= ta5 8an/8;? / :irAan/8;@= ACi;B ait Aa3an! C<0 a# a$anC<1. 1;4 PaoirAan/8<2 t5aD# an/8<3= 7aoirAan/8<; #/#nCG!:# /8<<= id a<> a# aon/8<? a# aonin/8c a<@ a :8c a<B daDn/8c a>0 2aod a#c a>1 +r$/ne8c a>2 fra$a# 68c a>3 Aa0a8aide>;= ACi>< a# /i>> $aonare>?. ,D+# >@ +d /on! C>B +r$/ne8?0 Aa0a8aide?1. 253 Ee Borship59 the goo 5@, heroic56 2an 3 <eneficent5F .ravashis of the righteous 2people35=* Ee Borship aBathe fravashis=; of the Holy &mmortals=41=7, aB< the rulers=5, aBceffective glance==, e"alte =@, coming for help=6, the mighty=F,
av" Base on the Pahlavi version G& ma!e my oBnH 2Spiegel an (armesteter3L i*e* & ma!e them please or to love me 2(armesteter3* G& offer myself toH 2Harle?3* &f the root !ap of Gufye/iH <e compare Bith Sans!rit nis !ap, its meaning then can <e G& e icate something as giftH* avy )r if it is ta!en as an a jective of G.ravashinmH, its meaning may <e among the most an1 cient or the Gfirst .ravashisH* av? +ost firm1soli 2+ills an (armesteter3L strongest 2Spiegel3* aBa #he Bor y#o applies to fra!ashay;* #he original meaning of y#o is GBhoH* aB< (evote , an"ious 2+ills3L eager 2for goo Bor!s3 2(armesteter3* aBc Goo 1eye , i*e* <y Bhose glance goo 2(armesteter3* effect can <e pro uce L opposite of evil1eye



acting accor ing to the laBs of Ahura +a? a =:, Bho=9 2are3 immortal@; 2an 3 righteous@4* 2=3 Here@6 Be Borship6= the life@9 conscience6;, intelligence64, soul67 an fravashi65 of righteous@F 2men3 an 2Bomen3 of the aB Poryot!aeshas@71@5 2an 3 of the first@= aBeacceptors of the religion@@, Bho6@ aBf fought Bith success6F for righteousness66* Ee BorshipF4 the soulF; of the aBg <ull6: of goo creation69 2i*e* of Gvyo 3* 1<4 -Ci?2 a# /i?3 $aonare?;. ,aAe e?< Faret nC?> a# aonC?? fra$a# 68?@ Aa0a8aide?B. Iarat +# tra e@0 S7it/8a e@1 id a@2 a# aonC@3 a# 68c a@; fra$a# 68c a@< Aa0a8aide@>. Ka$Ci# @? Vi# t/#7a e@@ a# aonC@B fra$a# 68B0 Aa0a8aideB1. (#atG$/#tra eB2 Iarat +# trCi# B3 a# aonCB; fra$a# 68B< Aa0a8aideB>. 1>4 'a2/na0di# tan/8B? id aB@ a# aon/8BB a# aonin/8c a100 a :8c a1 daDn/8c a2 2aod a#c a3 +r$/ne8c a; fra$a# 68c a< Aa0a8aide>= ACi? a# /i@ $aonareBH 8at10 $6#7/2AC11 a# aoni2AC12 fra$a# i2AC13= A/o1; iririt +# /81<, a# aon/81> A/o#c a1? 3$ant/81@ a# aon/81B= A/o#c a20 nar/821 a0/tan/822 fra# CG c aret r/823 #ao# Aant/82;. 2@3 Ee BorshipF9 the .ravashiF: of the righteousFF aBhGayomar F@1F6* Ee Borship here:7 the holiness:= of the Holy:5 Spitaman:4 Darathushtra:; an 2his3 aBi.ravashi:@* Ee Borship94 the .ravashi9; of the righteous:9 -ava:F Vishtaspa::* Ee Borship96 the .ravashi9@ of the righteous9= &sat1vastra97 2the el est son3 of 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra95, BhoF7 aBjfought Bith triumphF= for righteousnessF5* 263 Here9: Be Borship6 the life4, conscience7, intelligence5, soul= an the fravashi@ of the righteous99 2men3 an 2Bomen3 amongst the aB! Na<na? ishtas9F BhoF fought Bith triumph9 for righteousness:, along Bith4;allu holy47 fravashis45 of the righteous 2men346 2Bho are3 eparte 4@, of

aB i*e* +a? a1Borshippers of the age prior to the Prophet Holy Darathushtra* aBe )riginal meaning is Gme itators upon religious e ucationH, listeners to the comman ments of the religion* 7#sna W Sans!rit sh#san W religious e ucation, religious <oo!* aBf 8aonare 1 past perfect thir person singular parasmaipa a of root !an W to Bin* aBg &tAs another form of ,:ush a:!;$d#tay#o 2see +h Bo!htr Nyyesh3 in the passage of Gfravarne +a? ayasnQH* aBh Gayomar Bas the .irst an foremost person of the &ranian race* &ts original meaning is Gmortal lifeH, Glife su<ject to estructionH* aBi Professor (armesteter has not translate this sentence 1 >arathushtrahe 7pita/ahe idha ashaon; ash?/*ha fra!ash?/*ha ya6a/aide* aBj $everen +ills has not translate y;i ash#i !aonare* aB! i*e* the acceptors of the religion of the Prophet Darathushtra, the persons <orn in the $eli 1 gion of DarathushtraL its analogy is PaoiryQ1t!aesha, i*e* those of the ancient faith* #he original meaning of Gna<na? ishtaH is Gnearest the navelHL from this it means closely connecte , Gne"t of !inH*



the righteous4: living 2men349 2an 3 of the Bho Bill <e <orn hereafter74177*




1?4 (d a2< iri#tan/82> +r$/nC2? Aa0a8aide2@ A/o2B a# aon/830 fra$a# G aAC31. V6#7an/832 a 8Aa33 n8/ne3; na2/na0di# tan/83< 7araGiri#taG n/83> aDt ra7aitin/83? aDt rAan/83@ nar/83B n/irin/8;0 id a;1 a# oG n/8;2 a# aonin/8;3 fra$a# aAC;; Aa0a8aide;<. 1@4 V6#7an/8;> aDt raG 7aitin/8;? a# aon/8;@ fra$a# aAC;B Aa0a8aide<0= $6#7an/8<1 aDt rAaG n/8<2 a# aon/8<3 fra$a# aAC#; Aa0a8aide<<. V6#7an/8<> nar/8<? a# aG on/8<@ fra$a# aAC<B Aa0a8aide>0. V6#7an/8>1 n/irin/8>2 a# aonin/8>3 fra$a# aAC>; Aa0a8aide><. 2F3 Ee Borship7: here7@ these souls7F of the eparte ones76 Bho79 <elong to the .ravashis54 of the holy aBnones5;* Here=4 in this55 house5= Be Borship=@ those fravashis== of the righteous=7 2men359 an 2Bomen3 amongst all57 the eparte 56, ne"t of !in5@, aBoteachers5F, isciples5:, men59 or Bomen=;* 2:3 aBp Ee Borship@; the fravashis=9 of righteous 2teachers3=: amongst all=6 teachers=F* Ee Borship@@ the fravashis@= of righteous 2 isciples3@5 amongst all@4 isciples@7* Ee Borship6; the fravashis@9 of righteous 2men3@: amongst all@6 men@F* Ee Borship6@ the fravashis6= of righteous 2Bomen365 amongst all64 Bomen67* 1B4 V6#7an/8>> a7eren/A+5an/8>? da 8CG5eretan/8>@ a# aon/8>B fra$a# aAC?0 Aa0a8aide?1. da5 A+n/8c a?2 a# aon/8>3 fra$a# aAC?; Aa0a8aide?<. )0Gda5 A+n/8c a?> a# aon/8?? fra$a# aAC?@ Aa0a8aide?B. 1104 'ar/8c a@0 a# aon/8@1 fra$a# aAC@2 Aa0a8aide@3. '/irin/8c a@; a# aonin/8@< fra$a# aAC@> Aa0a8aide@?. V6#7/o@@ a# /+n/8@B B0 B1 B2 B3 B; $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide = A/oB< ac aB> B? !aA/t 8aret natB@ /BB #ao# Aant/t100 $eret ra! nat1. 293 Ee BorshipF4 the fravashisF; of all66 holy aBCyoung ones6F, aBr oing pious ee s6:* Ee BorshipF@ the fravashisF= of the righteous 2people3F5 among those 2Bho3 inha<ite in this lan F7, an outsi e the lan 2i*e* in other
aBl )r the promoters 2of the Borl 3, performers of resurrection, the renovators of the Borl 2Professor Harle?, +ills an (armesteter3* aBm .or the e"planation of GSaoshyantsH, see Hom yasht %arge, note on paragraph 7* aBn Here Be Borship the souls of the ea an the .ravashis of the righteous people 2Professor Harle?3* Ee Borship the souls of the ea Bhich are the fravashis of the righteous 2(r* Spiegel an $everen +ills3* Ee Borship the souls of the ea , the .ravashis of the righteous ones 2Pro1 fessor (armesteter3* aBo Her<a , erva , i*e* learne or Bell1verse in the e ucation of the Doroastrian religion, mas1 ter of !noBle ge, teacher of the !noBle ge of religion, religious teacher* aBp )r alternately>1 Ee Borship the fravashis of all righteous teachers* #he folloBing sentences may also <e translate the same Bay* aBC )r of chil ren, of infants 1 minor onesL its antonym is perenayu W of full age* aBr Begotten of pious parents 2(armesteter3*



countries3* 24;3 aBsEe Borship:5 the fravashis:7 of righteous:4 men:;, an Bomen:=* Ee Borship9= all:: the e"cellent9;, heroic94, 2an 3 <eneficent97 fravashis95 of the righteous 2people3:9 Bhich9@ 2are3 from Gayomar 9F19: up to99 the victorious4 Saoshyant4;;* 2#o recite in <?3> awtH+8ata :5 ta $ar# taH +8ana# n6= +!a$a# n6= +5+na# n6= in 5 # n+8an ard/fra$a# 2DGra#/d= n6ran! 76ro0!ar 2/dH 5 ore 2e d6ne F/0daAa#n/n ra$/ 2/d andar afte 5e# $ar. '/8 c e# t6 /dar andar 5/8 2/dH a#ta # e era#t/n andar 2the name of the country in Bhich this -ar a is recite shoul <e name 3 # e ere#t/n 7or6 f6ro06 # /d6 o r/8a# n6= ra$/n 5 ore 5 o3a#te a$a0:n 2/d a$a0+ntar 2/d 5 ore 5 o3a#te 2/dH in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2eGra#/d= 5er/ !/ ro0 # e er6/r6 5 e# Aa0a# ne 5arde o8= dar+n Aa# te o8= 8Aa0da a86r/ene8 AC 5arde / 7a !an3e D/d/r A +ra Fa0da raAC8and 5 ore 8and A8e# /#7and/n 2eGra#/d. Ao3 0or n6r+ ta!6 a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6 in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. A0 a8/ 7adiraft/r 2/d. E8/r/ 7an/ 6 5erd/r n656 and/5 t/r= an/i 7etA/r d:r a$/0d/# t/r= aA/fta 5 / 2/d. Ker/ di!ar 8Aa0d a0/r 8ard 8Aa0d # /Aa8 #/5 t e8/r/ 5a8Gran3tar /#/ntar ain6 5ard Aa5 a0 8/ a0/r 7ad6raft/r 2/d. '/8 c e# t6 an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6 1t e na8e of t e 7er#on in w o#e 8e8orA t i# 5arda i# recited # o+"d 2e ta5en ere4 aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. Iarto# t S7ita8/n a# o faro ar aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. ,+# t/#7a S / &o or/#7a S / aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. K/8/#7a Ha2+2 aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/ni. Ard/e Vir/f Ard/fra$a# aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/ni. Adar2/d F/r/#7and aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. F+2ed S /7+r F+2ed S e er6/r aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. F+2ed Hor8a0di/r Er$ad R/8A/r aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. F+2ed 'erAo#an! D a$a" aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/ni. Ha8/ fra$a# a# o/n aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/ni. '/8 c e# t6 an+# e ra$/n ra$/ni 2the name of the person in Bhose memory this -ar a is recite shoul <e ta!en here3 Ha8/ fra$a# a# o/n aedar A/d 2/dH far8/e# ne 2the name of the person Bho ha or ere this recitation of the -ar h shoul <e ta!en3 F/0daAa#n6 2era#/d. Ha8/fra$a# a# o/n AC 5arde / c e /r+8 de +8 #6ro0 #/" ro0= a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ha#t/n 2:d/n 2ed/n 0/d/n a0/d/n= /de 6 +0de 6= da 8e nar n/r65 a$arn/e 7+rn/e= ar 5e a$ar in 0a86n 7er6 2e ed6n6 !+d/r/n # +d a#t= a8/fra$a# a# o/n= AC 5arde /
aBs &ts significance is, that Be remem<er Bith reverence, i*e* Borship the .ravashis of righteous persons inha<ite in the &ranian city as Bell as in countries outsi e &ran* aBt -noB that the portion from here up to the ru<ric G$ecite alou H, <eing in Pa?en , shoul <e recite in <? 1 in loB tone* .or its e"planation, see -horshe Nyyesh para* 46, en *



a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ke in8/n $6# 0and de r+#t/ !+0a#te and= a8/ fra$a# a# oan AC 5arde a a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. A# o/n fra$a# = c 6r/n fra$a# = a$ar $60/n fra$a# = 76ro0!ar/n fra$a# = 7orACda5e# /n fra$a# = na2/na0de# t/n fra$a# = fra$a# aAC a8/AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ra$/ne 7edar/n 8/dar/n 3ada!/n= nA/!an far0/nd/n 7ae$and/n 7ara#t/r/n na2/na0de# t/n= fra$a# a# o/n= AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ha8/ at orn/n= a8a rat D# t/r/n= a8/ $/#trAC# an= a8/ +tC5 # /n= a8/ fra$a# a# o/n= a8/ AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/dH a8/ fra$a# a# o/n afte 5e# $ar 0a86n= ar0a e #a$a e= fradadaf# = $6dadaf# = $o+r+2ara# t= $o+r+G0are# t= 5 anara# 2/86= 5an!de0 a# o/n $ar3a8 5ard/n !an3a8/t r/= a8/ fra$a# a# o/n a8/ AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. '/8 c e# ti nao# e ra$/n ra$/n6 2the name of the person in Bhose memory this !ar h is recite shoul <e ta!en here3 aedar A/d 2/d ano# e ra$/n ra$/niH a8/ fra$a# a# o/n aedar A/d 2/dH far8/e# ne 2the name of the person Bho ha or ere this recitation of the -ar h shoul <e ta!en3 F/0daAa#n6 2era#/d. Ha85erfe a8/ $e /ne afte 5e# $ar 0a86n 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8 7a 7atet o8. 2$ecite alou 3> Vi#7/o fra$a# aAC a# /+n/8 Aa0a8aideH A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7e a# a$anC Aa0ata Aa0a8aide. 2)ne shoul recite in Hvan Gh or in the Secon Hvan as un er3>1 H/$ani8 7aiti rat:8= S/$an! aD8 $6#68c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e $apithBan, recite as un er3>1 Ra7it wine8 7aiti rat:8= fr/datGf# /+8 0ant+8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e /?irin, recite as un er3>1 )0Aeirine8 7aiti rat:8= fr/datG$6re8 da5 A+8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e AiBisruthrem, recite as un er3>1 Aiwi#r:t re8e8 ai2i!/i8 7aiti rat:8= fr/datG$6#7/8 Iarat +# trCte8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e /shahen, recite as un er3>1 )# a ine8 7aiti rat:8= 2ere368 n8/ni8c a 7aiti rat:8. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt / a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?39 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 +3A/iti8



#arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAC 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i= A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$ato 5 $arenan!+ atC A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= a# aon/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :rana8= 7aoirACGt5aD# an/8 fra$a# iG n/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 aw+fra$a# in/8. A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0d.

+ay this !hshnuman 2i*e* the ceremonial propitiation3 performe Bith my goo thought, goo Bor an goo ee reach the Holy .ravashisX 2i*e* may this Bor! of invo!ing the Holy .ravashis <e complete properlyX3 +ay the glory of the goo +a? a1Borshipping $eligion <e current in all the seven regions of the earthX +ay the victory an happiness attain to the people of this cityX An may their souls <e please X +ay the pleasure of this ceremony reach the Holy .ravashisX an may it <e approve in presence of the ,reator Ahura +a? aX +ay Be acCuire happiness an peace of lifeX +ay the soul of aBvso an so eparte person <e remem<ere hereX +ay the Holy .ravashi of Darathushtra Spitaman an his revere soul <e remem<ere hereX +ay the revere soul of &sat vstra, the son of the Prophet Darathushtra <e remem<ere hereX +ay the revere soul of -ing Gustspa, the son of -ing %ohrspa <e remem<ere hereX +ay the revere souls of all these, vi?* 0mspa Ha<u<, Ar evirf of Holy .ravashi, K ar<a +respan , +o<e Shpur +o<e Sheherir, +o<e Horma? ir, 'rva $myr, +o<e Neryosang (haval, <e remem<ere hereX +ay the soul of so an so eparte person <e remem<ere hereX +ay all the Holy .ravashis <e remem<ere hereX +ay the share of meritorious ee s reach so an so, Bho or ers the performance of this ceremonyX +ay the souls of the mother, father, ancestors, chil ren, relatives, etc*, <e remem<ere hereX +ay the revere soul of so an so person <e remem<ere hereX #he Bor! of the ceremony is performe <y the or er of so an so hence may the share of meritorious ee s reach himX +ay the or erer of that ceremonial Bor! <e co1 operator in the meritorious ee s of all the faithful ones in the seven regions of the earthX +ay the ay of the ceremony of this soul <e happy to the or er
aBu .or its translation, see B? of reciting Ashem Vohu* aBv Names of persons Bho have eparte an in Bhose memory the ceremony is performe are ta!en here 1 are remem<ere here*



of that ceremonyX &n the Gh 2so an so3 Be Borship all the .ravashis of the righteous 2people3* Ee Borship the goo , heroic an <eneficent .ravashis of the righteous 2people3* Ee Borship all the Holy ya?atas*


aw* 114 T/o1 a 8i2 n8/ne3 3a8A/re# ;= A/o< a# aon/8> 5 # n:ta#c a?= a# aAa#c a@= $A/dai2i# c aB= 7aitiG0antaAa#c a10H +#+ n:12 an! /i13 $6#e1; 3a8A/t1< a# e8c a1>= 5 # at re8c a1?= #a$a#c a1@= 5 $arena#c a1B= 5 $/t re8c a20. Dare! CGfrate8at we8c a21 an! /o22 daDnaA/o23 Aat2; A +rCi# 2< Iarat +# trCi# 2>. 124 A#i# ta2? n:2@ an! at2B ac a30 $6#at31 !/+# 32 2+A/t33H a#i# te83; a# e83<= a#i# te83> nar# 3? a# aonC3@ ao3C3B= a#i# tC;0 A +iri# ;1 t5aD# C;2. 134 Ka8A/n;3 it ra;; a# /+n/8;< $an!+ 6# ;> #:r/o;? #7ent/o;@ fra$a# aAC;B= a# Ci# <0 2aD# a0a<1 ac i8n/o<2 0e8Gfrat an! a<3 d/n+GdraG3an! a<;= $areG2are0an! a<<H i# tDe<> $an! an! /8<?= 7aiti# t/tDe<@ /taran/8<B= fra# aG$a5 # A/i>0 raA/8c a>1 5 $arenan! /8c a>2.

243 +ay these4 2virtues mentione 3 Bhich@ 2are3 the satisfactionF of the righteous6 2people3, 2their3 <lessings:, guileless nature9 an than!sgiving4; come= in to this7 aByhouse5X NoB47 for this45 village4= may there arise4414@ righteousness46, sovereignty4F, aB?prosperity4:, glory49 an a"ahappiness7;X 2+ay there <e3 long en uring pre ominance74 2or e"cellence3 of this $eligion75 of Ahura7@ reveale <y Darathushtra:6X 273 NoB7: from5; this79 clan54 may there arise55 a"<alBays7F cattle57X righteousness5@, poBer59 of holy5: man5F an the %aB=7 of Ahura=4* E*7"anation>1 2+ay there <e eternal increase of cattle in this clanX An may righteousness an strength for performing righteous acts an the %aB of Ahura <e alBays current an there may not <e istur<ance of any !in in themX3
aBB #he name of the Gh uring Bhich the ceremony is performe is to <e ta!enL e*g* Hvan, $apithBan, etc* After the recital is finishe in <? 1 2in loB tone3 1 the translation occurring in the para of these four lines is to <e recite alou * aB" #he entire portion of this (oa #an arosti 2paras 71F3 is ta!en from yasna HS 6;* +oreover the same Avesta is recite also as Kfrinagan (ahmn* aBy i*e* in or er to give proper protection of Bealth, etc*, to virtuous an just persons, an in or 1 er to efeat Bic!e persons <y estroying them* aB? #he meaning of sa!as*ha is <enefit, profit an prolific as Bell* a"a #he meanings of 9h!arenas*ha 9h!#thre/*ha are Gglory an splen ourH* a"< #he original meaning of asishta is Grapi of allHL its another form is #sishta, 2see Hom yasht %arge, !ar a 4, para 4@3* Prof* (armesteter e"plains this Bor as>1 Eithout name 2 a Z sishta3L root syanh* .rom this root Prof* (armesteter ta!es paiti sy;dE/ as Gyou cut itH 2see yasna H =:, para F3*



253 +ay the goo =6, heroic=F an <eneficent=: .ravashis of the righteous 2people3=@ <ringing Bith them@7 the means@4 of holiness@;, as Bi e as the earth@5, as e"tensive as river@= 2an 3 as e"alte as the sun @@, a"ccome=5 in this a" a<o e==* E*7"anation>1 2As to Bhy o the .ravashis come is state as folloBs3* .or the fulfilment of esires@6 of <etter 2men3@F, for Bithstan ing@: Bic!e 2men3@9 an for the greater increase of Bealth 64 an a"efame67, may the .ravashis=9 come=5 in this a<o e==X 1;4 Vain6t>3 a 8i>; n8/ne>< Srao# C>> a#r+# t6n>?= /5 # ti# >@ an/5 # t68>B= r/iti# ?0 ar/it68?1= /r8aiti# ?2 taro8ait68?3= ar# +5 d C?; $/5 # ?< 8it ao5 te8?> $/c 68??= a# a dr+3e8?@. 1<4 -at a?B a 8Aa@0 A8e# /o@1 S7enta@2 Srao# /d a@3 a# A/d a@; 7aiti# /n@< $an! :# @> Aa#n/#c a@? $a 8/#c a@@= $o :@B Aa#ne8c aB0 $a 8e8c aB1= +2eret68G c aB2= +# taG2eret68c aB3= $antaG2erer68c aB; /dare! /tB< 5 $/2airA/tB>. 1>4 F/B? Aa$eB@ i8atBB n8/ne8100 5 $/t ra$at1 5 $areno2 fra0a 6t3H 8/; 5 $/t ra$aiti< i# ti# >= 8/? 5 $/t ra$aiti@ /#naB fra0ainti# 10H 5 $/t rC11Gdi#Ae e11 7aiti12 a# Ci# c a13 $an! +A/o1; dare! e81< a5 8a1>. 2=3 &n this6= house6@ may o<e ience66 smite65 iso<e ience6FX +ay peace6: smite65 iscor 69X +ay generosityF; smite65 nigar linesF4 2or avarice for BealthF43X +ay reverenceF7 smite65 pri eF5X +ay truth 2the true1spo!en Bor 3F@ a"fsmite65 2the Bor FF false1spo!enF63 falsehoo a"g istorting truthF:X 2@3 So thatF9 in this 2a<o e3:; through the Holy:=Sraosha 2ya?ata3:5 the Bountiful &mmortals:41:7 2Ameshaspan s3 esire eagerly:@ 2or e"pect eagerly3 goo :6 yasnas:F an invocations::, goo :9 ya?ishna9; an invocation94, goo gift97, health1giving gift95 an frien ly offering9=* +ay 2this clan3 protect itself96 for a long time9@X 263 +ay the glory7 giving comfort an ease4, happiness6, offspring, 2an 3 innate Bis om never9F19: leave this99 house4;;X +ay the long4@ frien ship of Ashishvangh Bhich gives a"hcomfort an ease44 never9F19: leave5 this99 house4;;Xa"i
a"c &ts significance seems to <e that the .ravashis of the righteous people come in the house, an <ring happiness of the entire Borl Bith them* a" i*e* in this clanL original meaning is GhitherH 2ithra3* a"e #he meaning ray#/*ha 9h!arenan,h#/*ha is also Gglory an splen ourH* a"f i*e* +ay the virtues, such as o<e ience, unity, li<erality, politeness, truthfulness, remain per 1 manent amongst men of this clan an they may live alBays in peace an frien ship Bith one an1 other* a"g &nstea of consi ering asha$dru-e/ as an a jective of !#*hi/, asha dru-e/ are ta!en separ1 ately, the meaning coul <e Gmay truthfulness smite falsehoo H* a"h #he original meaning of 9h!#thr;$disyehe is irecting to ease1happiness* a"i .or further etails, see my translation of Yasna, H 6;*




.a n/8e Aa0ade 2a5 # /Aande e 2a5 # /Aa# !are 8e er2/n. -at / A : VairAC 2. TanGdoro#t61 dDrG06$a# n62 /$/Aad3H 5 ore ; an! ad< a# a 6dar>H Aa0d/ne 86nC/n?= Aa0d/ne !et6/n@= aft A8e# /#7and/nB 8Aa0da ro# an10 a8e11 2era#ad12. (n do/A/13 2/d1;= in 5 o/ /1< 2/d1>H a8e1? andar 5a#/r/1@ Iarat +# t6 d6n1B # /d 2/d20H aed:n 2/d21. -/ 2/r6 5 od/22W K od/$ande /"a8r/23= a8e an3+8anr/2; 2here ta!e the name of a person in Bhose <ehest the tan arosti is recite 3* ./ far0and/n2;= a0/r #/"2> dDr 2ed/r2?= # /d 2ed/r2@= tanGdoro#t 2ed/r2BH aed:n 2ed/r30. .ar #are31 ar0/n6/= #/" /e 2e#A/r33 $a 5aran /e 26# +8/r3; 2/56 $a 7/Aande d/r3<H a0/r/n a0/r3> /fr6n 2/d3?= #/"G5 o0a#te 2/d3@= ro0 farro5 2/d3B= 8/ 8+2/ra5 2/d;0. % and #/";1= c and ro0;2= c and 8a ;3= 2e#A/r #/";; ar0/n6d/r;<= Aa0a# ne;> $a n6/e# ne;B $a r/d6;@ $a 0Cr 2ara# ne;B. A# a 6dar<0 a$are<1 a8/ 5/ro 5erfe /<2H tandoro#ti 2/d<3= ne5i 2/d<;= 5 :2 2/d<<H aed:n 2/d<>= aed:ntara0 2/d<?= 7a Aa0d/n $a A8e# /#7and/n<@ 5/8e<B 2/d>0. A# e8 Vo : 1. &n or er to live for a long time7, health of the <o y4 is necessary5* +ay the glory= remain permanent@ in association Bith righteousnessX +ay all these44 heavenly ya?atasF 2an 3 the ya?atas of this Borl : 2an 3 the seven Ameshspan 9 come47 to this e"cellent votive offering 4;X +ay this <ene iction45 2of mine3 <e4= 2approve 3X +ay this Bish 2of mine3 4@ <e fulfille 46X +ay the $eligion of Darathushtra49 <e please 7; 2li!e or chosen3 amongst all4F men4:X +ay it <e a"jso74X ) Go X the ,reatorX +ay you !eep forever 7F, cheerful, healthy the a"!%or of this Borl 75, all the assem<lies7= 2a"lso an so3 together Bith 2his3 escen ants7@L a"mmay you !eep 2them3 thus5;* )ver the chieftainship54 of the goo 2or Borthy3 men57 may you !eep permanent an %or for many years 55 an for <oun less a"nperio 5=* +ay there <e a thousan 56 <lessings5FX +ay the year <e auspicious5:X +ay the ay <e fortunate59 2An 3 may the month <e auspicious=;X +ay you !eep us Borthy=@ 2in performing3 the Borship =6 an invocation=F an charity=: an in offering li<ations=9 for several years=4, several ays=7, an several months=5L for many years==X +ay you !eep righteousness over all actions an meritorious ee sX +ay there <e health an goo ness 2unto thee3@=X +ay there <e e"cellence 2unto thee3@@X +ay it <e
a"j i*e* +ay it <e so as & prayX AmenX a"! i*e* him Bho rules over us at presentL our -ing* a"l #he name of the person in Bhose honour the prayer is ma e shoul <e ta!en here* a"m i*e* -eep in the manner & <less* a"n #he meaning of G!aranH is age, a eca e, centuryL it may mean 47; years also*



so@6X +ay it <e a"omore so@FX +ay 2thy3 Bish@9 <e6; in accor ance Bith@: 2the Bish of3 the ya?atas an the Ameshspan @:X

DM'G'O KA&AFO 1in A$e#ta4 G THE IOROASTR(A' %REED 1-a#na H/ 124

114 '/i#861 daD$C2H fra$/rane3 Fa0daAa#nC; Iarat +# tri# < $6daD$C> A +raGt5aD# C? #taot/@ A8e# /na8 S7entan/8B= Aa# t/10 A8e# an/8 S7entan/811. A +r/i Fa0d/i12 $an! a$e13 $o +8aite1;= $6#7/1< $o :1> c ina 8i1?= a# /+ne1@ raD$aite1B 5 $arenan!+ aite20. -/21 0622 c 6c /23 $a i# t/2;H Aen! e2< !/+# 2>= Aen! e2? a# e82@= Aen! e2B raoc /o30= Aen! e31 raoc e26# 32 rCit wen33 5 $/t r/3;. 243 & cause4 the aevas7 to perish4*4 confess myself 2to <e53 a Borshipper of 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a=, a folloBer of the religion reveale <y the Prophet Darathushtra@, inimical to 2the octrines of3 the aevas 6, acting accor ing to the %aB of Ahura +a? a F, a praiser of the Holy &mmortals 9 2an 3 a Borshipper4; of the Holy &mmortals44* /nto Ahura +a? a47, the Goo 45, possesse of goo ness4=, the Holy4:, possessing riches49 2an 3 Glorious7; o & attri<ute4F all4@ things46 2of the Borl 3L <ecause77 Bhatsoever74 things75 2are3 <est7= 2are all His3* Ehose7@ 2i*e* the ,reator Ahura +a? aAs3 a"p universe76, $ighteousness7:, the lights 2of the s!y3, splen our 5= a"Chave <len e 55 Bith 2the infinite3 lights 2in the s!y357* 124 S7ent/83< r8ait683> $an!+ 683? $erene3@H /3B 8oi;0 a#t:;1. )# !D+# ;2 #t+Ae;3 t/A/atc /;; a0an!G atc /;< +# 8a0daAa#nan/8;> ;? ;@ $6#/8 = 0A/naAaDc / $6$/7atc /;B. 134 Fr/ 8anAaDi2AC<0 r/on! e<1 $a#eGA/it68<2 $a#eG# eit68<3= A/i# <; +7air" /Aa 0e8/<< !ao26# <> # Aeinti<?. 'e8an! /<@ a# /i<B +0d/t/>0 7aiti a$at>1 #t+Ae>2= noit>3 a 8/t>; /0A/on68><= nCit>> $6$/7e8>? 5 # t/>@ F/0daAa#n6# >B aoi?0 $6#C?1H nCit?2 a#tC?3= nCit?; +# t/na e?< c in8/ni?>. 273 & choose5: the goo 5F 2an 3 <eneficent5@ a"rKrmaiti56L may she59 <e=4 mine=;X 2i*e* & Bish that & may get her <lessings3* & protect <y performing prayer 2of Ahura +a? a3=5 the cattle=7 from the thief== an the ro<<er=@ an the villages=F of +a? a1Borshippers=6 from the amage=5 cause <y rought=9* 253 & shall praise67 2Ahura +a? a3 Bith

fervent6; hymns@: through the

a"o i*e* +ay my Bishes <e fulfille , rather may my Bishes <e fulfille moreX a"p &n Avesta common meaning of ,aush4 ,eush is cattle, G<eneficent animalH, <ut elseBhere correspon ing to the Sans!rit eCuivalent ,o its meaning is GearthH, as Bell* a"C .or its analogy, see yasna H 54, stan?a F* a"r #he meaning of <r/aiti 2W Sans!rit <r/ati3 is contemplative /anashni, goo thought, Bis1 om, amia<le manners an self1restraint or a<stinence from sins* a"s #he Bor u6d#ta is erive from the root us$d#* &ts meaning is to effervesce, to <oilL then its



Spiritual %or s@; in or er to grant@4 unto those@= Bho live@F upon this earth@@ a"t possessing property@6 poBer of moving a<out at Bill @7 an the poBer of ruling at Bill@5L 2an 3 for the sa!e of righteousness @9 2i*e* in or er that they may live righteously3 2so that3 hereafter 6=4 shall not65 stan 6: 2i*e* & shall not <e responsi<le3 2for <ringing3 amage 6@ 2an 3 rought6F to the villagesF4 of the +a? a1Borshippers69L neither a"ufor the loveF6 of 2my3 <o yF5 norF= for the love of 2my3 lifeF@* 1;4 V6 daD$ai# ?? a! /i# ?@= a$an! :# ?B= anaret/i# @0= a5Cd/2i# @1 #are8@2 8r+Ae@3H /t/8@; drao3i# t/i# @<= /t/8@> 7ao# i# t/i# @?= /t/8@@ a$an! +te8/i# @B. V6 daD$/i# B0= $6 daD$a$at2i# B1= $6 A/t+# B2= $6 A/t+8at26# B3= $6 5a A/c itB; /t/8B< /tar/i# B>= $6 8ane26# B?= $6 $ac e26# B@= $6 # Aaot an/i# BBH $6 c it r/i# 100. V6 061 an/2 #are83 8r+Ae;= Aat an/< dre!$at/> r/5 # aAant/?. 2=3 & o not accept:5 2or & hate:53 the chieftainship:7 of the aevasFF, Bic!e F:, Bithout goo nessF9, not going in the straight path :;, 2an 3 evil1 !noBing:4 2Bho are3 most untruthful:@, filthy:F 2or pollute 3:F 2an 3 Bic!e :9 among the e"isting ones::* 0ust as@ & a"vhate= the chieftainship5 of the false6 2an 3 tormenting 2persons3F, a"Bin the same manner74 verily4 hate= openly4;; through 2my3 thought9F, Bor 9: an actions99 the chieftainship5 of the aevas4;an of those <elonging to the aevas94 2i*e* of those going on the path of the aevas3, the Bi?ar s97 an <elonging to the Bi?ar s95, of any9= Bic!e 96 2man3 Bhatsoever9= among the e"isting ones9@* 1<4 At / at /@ c CitB A +rC Fa0daC10 Iarat +# tre811 ad /12 5 # aAaDt/13= $i#7aD# :1; fra# naD# :1< $6#7ae# :1> an3a8anaD# :1?= A/i# 1@ a7ere#aDte81B Fa0d/o#c a20 Iarat +# tra#c /21. 1>4 At / at /22 c Cit23 Iarat +# trC daD$ai# 2< #are82> $A/8ra$6t/2? $6#7aD# :1; fra# G naD# :1<= $6#7aD# :1> an3a8anaD# :1?= A/i# 1@ a7ere#aDte81B 20 21 2@ 2B 30 Fa0d/o#c / Iarat +# tra#c / H at / a0e8c it AC Fa0daAa#nC31
religious sense can <e li!e the Bor in 'nglish, GferventH 2the original meaning accor ing to the root of Bhich is Gto effervesce, to <oilH3* a"t )riginal meaning GBith the cattleH* &n ancient times the property of the people Bas in terms of cattle* #he Bor for GmoneyH in 'nglish is erive from the Bor pashu>1 Pecuniary, .ee* a"u i*e* 'ven though harm may reach my <o y or my life <e forfeite , & Bill not cause amage of any !in Bhatsoever to the +a? a1Borshippers* a"v .or its comparison, see yasna H =9, Stan?a 5* #he meaning of Avesta /ru 2Sans!rit bru3 is to Gspea!HL <ut Bhen this root is use Bith ifferent prefi"es, its meaning is change >1 e*g* n?$ /rE means Gto reCuestH, Gto eman HL paiti$/ru means Gto ansBerHL Gto replyHL #$/rE means Gto call, to invo!eHL !?$/rE, antare$/rE means Gto a<jure, to eny, to forsa!e, not to accept, to renounceH* a"B #he meaning of the Bor an# Bhich is erive from the Sans!rit e, resem<les to %atin ide/ 2W li!eBise3 as an a ver<* Generally, ana, an# 2Sans!rit anen3 is emonstrative pronoun mascu1 line an Ior neuter thir person singular*



Iarat +# tri# 32 daD$/i# 33 #are83; $68r+Ae3< Aat / 8ra$6ta3@ Ae3B a# a$/;0 Iarat +# trC;1.

3> a**



2@163 Ehen4: uring all49 the Cuestions an ansBers4@, uring all46 the meetings4F 2the ,reator3 Ahura +a? a4; a"yor ere 45 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra44 <y Bay of injunction9 2to reliCuish the chieftainship of the aevas3L 2<ase upon this3 the Holy=; Darathushtra=4 assure ly75 renounce 7F the chieftainship76 of the aevas7@, in the same Bay7: &79 Bho5; 2am3 the +a? a1Borshipping54 folloBer of Darathushtra57 a"?renounce5@ their chieftainship5=* 1?4 -/$aran/o;1 /7C;2= A/$aran/o;; +r$ar/o;<= A/$aran/;> !/+# ;? +d/o;@= A/$aranC;B A +rC Fa0daC<0= AD<1 !/8<2 dad/<3= AD<; nare8<< a# a$ane8<>H A/$aranC<? a#<@ Iarat +# trC<B= A/$aranC>0 5a$/ Vi# t/#7C>1= A/$aran/>2 Fra# ao# tr/>3 K/8/#7/>;H A/$aranC>< 5a# c it>> #ao# Aant/8>? ait A/$are0/8>@ a# /+n/8>B= t/ $aren/c /?0 ?1 t5aD# /c a . 2F3 )f Bhat faith=7 2are3 the Baters=5, of Bhat=6 faith 2are3 Bell1create =: cattle=FL of Bhat faith=9 2is3 Ahura +a? a@;, Bho@4 create @5 2this3 Borl @7 2an 3 Bho@= create @5 the holy@6 man@@L ayaof Bhat faith@F Bas@: Darathushtra 2the Prophet3@9, of Bhat faith6; 2Bas3 -ava Vishtaspa64, of Bhat faith 2Bere3 ay< .arashostara65 an ayc0amaspa6=, 2an 3 of Bhat faith6@ 2has <een3 any person66 amongst the holy69, truth1Bor!ing6: 2an 3 <eneficent 2men3L of Bhat faithF; an of that %aBF4 2am &3* 1@4 Fa0daAa#nC a 8iH Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# fra$ar/ne /#t:G ta#c / fra$areta#c /. #t+Ae +8ate8 8anC= /#t+Ae :5 te8 $ac C= /#t+te $ar# te8 # Aaot ne8. 1B4 #t+Ae daDn/8 $an!+ 68 F/0daG Aa#n68= fra#7/Aao5 ed r/8= nid /#nait i# e8= 5 $aDt$adat /8= a# aG
a"" n#ish is a pronoun stan ing for the noun da:!#ish* a"y #he root 9hshi W Sans!rit 9hshi W to or er, to comman * &f Be folloB the rea ing adha9hshayaeta accor ing to (r* Gel nerAs Avestan e ition, it Boul mean then Ginstructe HL root da9hsh, #$da9hsh W Sans!rit #$dish4 upa$dish W to instruct* a"? &n the original Avesta some Bor s of this paragraph are repeate tBice 2to <e more effect1 ive3>1 e*g* GvVpaMshP frashnaMshPL vVspaMshP hanjamanaMshP, yish aperesaMtem +a? osch DarathushtraschLH hoBever & have translate these Bor s >arathushtr; !ya/ra!?t# only once* aya '# W Sans!rit y# W BhatL !arana4 !arena W faith, <elief, cree , a religious octrine or cus1 tomL <esi es !arana W Sans!rit !arana W choice, esireL the original meaning of ya!aranao is, Gof Bhat choiceH* ay< 7aoshyant#/ 1 the meaning of this Bor is, G<eneficent to the Borl H an , Ggivers of light to menH, i*e* <ringing the people from ar!ness into light an pointing out the ivine, moral path* Ehen this Bor comes in the plural, it is use for the prophets prior to the a vent of the Prophet Darathushtra 2vi?* Gayamar , Hoshang, #ehmurasp, .ari oon, -ai -haosrau, etc*3 an Bhen employe in the singular num<er, it stan s for the Saoshyant 1 the future <enefactor* ayc .arashostara an 0mspa Bere tBo <rothers of the family of HvovaL for further etails see my translation of Yasna an Vispere , H 47th, para F, an my Avesta ictionary*



on68H A/ /itin/8c /= 2:# Aeintin/8c / 8a0i# t/c / $a i# t/c / #raD# t/c /= A/ / :iri# Iarat +# tri# H A +r/i Fa0d/i $6#7/ $o : c ina 8i. AD# / a#ti daDnaA/o F/0daAa#nCi# /#t:iti# .aAd A# e8 Vo : 1.


& am the hater an estroyer of all the aevas, an i ol1Borship* & am the praiser of the Ameshaspan s or Holy &mmortals an their glorifier* & am the Borshipper of the ,reator of the entire Borl Bho is )mnipotent an )mniscient, Ahura +a? a* & accept to remove the istress an ifficulty from the houses of the +a? a1Borshipping people an to protect the cattle an <eneficent animals from thieves an ro<<ers* & hate to live un er the authority of lying an Bic!e men, an of the sorcerers* & aspire to act in accor ance Bith the religion an custom Bhich the Prophet Holy Darathushtra, -ava Vishtspa, .arashostara an 0msp folloBe , an Bhich other truth1spea!ing 2truthful3 righteous men have acte upon* & am a +a? a1Borshipper* As a +a? a1Borshipping folloBer of Darathushtra & li!e to <e the praiser of the Doroastrian $eligion an to !eep full faith on that goo $eligion* & praise goo thought, goo Bor an goo ee * & praise the goo +a? a1Borshipping $eligion Bhich is, promoting peace an concor , fostering <rotherhoo an just* #he religion of Ahura +a? a reveale <y Darathushtra is the <est amongst those religions that are, that shall <e hereafter, an & accept it Bith sincere heart*


Ra0i# taA/o1 c i#taA/o2 Fa0dad /taA/o3 a# aonA/o; daenaA/o< $an! +A/o> F/0daAa#noi# ?. D6n@ 2e B r/#t10 $a doro#t11= 5e 5 od/e12 2ar 5 a"513 fera#t/de 1; in1< a#t1> 5D1? Iarto# t1@ /$orde a#t1BH d6n20 d6ne21 Iarto# t22= d6ne23 A +ra Fa0da2; d/de 2< Iarto# t2> a# aone2? A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#his Doroastrian ,ree shoul <e recite thrice3* 2+ay there <e propitiation3 of the just 4 an holy= !noBle ge7 create <y Ahura +a? a5 2i*e* of $eligious ' ucation3 an of the goo 6 +a? a1 BorshippingF $eligion@X #his4@ is46 2the $eligion3 1 the goo 9, the just4; an the perfect44 religion: Bhich the ,reator Horma? 47 sent4= for the people of this Borl 45 an Bhich4F 2the Prophet3 Darathushtra4: 2Himself3 <rought49* 2#hat3 $eligion7; is the $eligion74 of Darathushtra77 2an 3 the $eligion75 of Horma? 7=, Bhich 2the
ay .or the translation of this paragraph, see 0asa +e Avanghe +a? a*



,reator Horma? 3 gave7@ to Holy7F Darathushtra76 2for propagating in this Borl 3* E*7"anation>1 2#he portion from Gra?ishtayoH up to G+a? ayasnoishH is ta!en from the G!hshnumanH 1 propitiatory formula 1 of (Vn ya?ata, an it is in Avestan language* #he remaining portion from G(Vn <eh rstH up to G( eh DartoshtH is in Persian* #he Doroastrian ,ree is Britten in the Avesta %anguage itself* Better than this is yasna H 47L see previous pages3*


DaDnaA/o1 $an! +A/o2 F/0daAa#nCi# 3. D6n; 2e < r/#t> $a? doro#t@= 5eB 5 od/e10 2ar11 5 a"512 fera#t/de 13= in1; a#t1< 5D1> Iarto# t1? /$orde 1@ a#t1BH D6n1B d6ne20 Iarto# t21= d6ne22 A +ra Fa0da23= d/de 2; Iarto# t2<= 26# a52> $a2? 26!+8/n2@= r/#t2B D6ne30 Iarto# t31 S76ta8/n32. Ae Aa0d/n33 2adar!/ e tC3; a0/r/n a0/r3<= 2i$/r a0/r/n a0/r3> #e7/#3? 865+na83@= 5e3B dar;0 d6ne;1 Iarto# t;2 8ar/;3 7ed/;; 2e5ard;<H a0;> 2ar5ate;? dine +;@ 8an;B dar !arot 8/n<0 Aa56n<1 5 / a8 # +d<2. -a56n<3 5 / a8<; 5e= 3+8"D<< 2a#teG5+# ti/ne<> n65+G5erd/r/ne<? aft 5e# $ar 0a86n<@= 2/ 8/<B a8/G0Cr>0 2/d>1. -a5>2 a0 8/>3 # o8ordan>; a0/r>< 2/d>>. Ka2:"at>? 2/d>@ Aa5#ar>B 7+0e# e 8/?0= .a dar!/ at?1 ra#/d?2 /8or0e# e 8/?3. ,+n/ !+0/ra# ne?;= 5erfe af0/Aa# ne?<. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2#his entire Nirang shoul <e recite thrice*3 2+ay there <e the propitiation3 of the goo 7, +a? a1Borshipping5 $eligion4X #his4= is4@ 2the religion3 1 goo @, true6 an F perfect: Bhich9 the ,reator Horma? 4; sent45 for the people of this Borl 44147, an Bhich46 2the Prophet3 Dartosht 2himself3 <rought4:* 2#hat3 $eligion49 is the $eligion7; of Dartosht74 2an the $eligion77 of Horma? 75L gave7= unto 2Holy3 Dartosht7@ 2that $eligion3 2for propagating into this Borl 3L 2this fact is3 Bithout ou<t76 an 7F 2unCuestiona<le37:* #he $eligion5; of Spitaman57 Dartosht54 2is3 truthful79* ) Go 55X & offer5: millions5@ an ayecrores56 of than!s5F to #hy oorBay5= that59 you gave <irth=;1=@ to me=5 in the $eligion=;1=4 of Dartosht=7* By means of the <lessings=61=F of his 2i*e* DartoshtAs3 $eligion=: 2i*e* <y enjoying the life in accor ance Bith the <est comman ments of this truthful religion3 & Bill assure ly@4 go@7 to the GarQthmn Heaven@;* +oreover, & sincerely@5 Bish@= that all@@ true an virtuous@F Doroastrians@6 of the Seven regions of the 'arth @: may <e64 co1operators6; Bith me@9 2or the receivers of the shares of
aye Crore W ten million*



meritorious ee s6;3* #he appealing6= once67 from us65 may <e eCuivalent66 to a thousan 1fol 6@X 2) Holy ,reatorX3 our earnest prayer F; 2performe for the sa!e of sin3 may <e6: fully69 accepte 6F <y youX 2An 3 may our apologyF5 reachF7 you in your oorBayF4X +ay our sins <e forgivenF=X +ay our meritorious increaseF@X ee s <e on the

101 'AFES
(uring the yasna ceremony, at the time of continuous sprin!ling of Bater in the utensil <y means of the silver ring covere Bith the hair of the holy Ehite <ull, 4;4 efficacious names of the Holy %or Bhich are remem<ere in a Bhisper or loB tone are as folloBs>1
4* aAf-a0ad 7* aA!Har$e#7Gta$/n 5* aA Har$e#7G/!/ =* Har$e#7G5 +d/ @* A2ada 6* A26Gan3/8 F* .+neG#ti :* Fr/5 tanGte 9* Ka8a!a 4;* Par3atara 44* T+8Gaf65 47* A2ar$and 45* Par$and/ 4=* AnGaiA/fa 4@* Ha8GaiA/fa 46* darC 4F* ,6r/ 4:* AGc e8 49* % a8an/ 7;* aAiSafan/ 74* Af0/ 77* '/# / 75* aA3Par$ar/ 7=* (A/na 7@* AinG/ena W Eorthy of Borship* W )mnipotent* W )mniscient* W #he %or of all* W Eithout <eginning* W Eithout en * W #he origin of the formation of the Borl W Broa en of all* W Greatest ,ause* W +ore e"alte * W +ost innocent* W Apart from everyone* W $elation Bith all* W &ncomprehensi<le <y anyone* W ,omprehensi<le of all* W +ost straight, most just* W Hol ing fast all* W Eithout reason* W $eason of reasons* W &ncreaser* W ,auser of increase* 2#he %or of Purity3 W $eaching all eCually* W Nourisher* W Protector of the Borl * W Not of various !in s*

ayf See yasna H 46*4 G+a?ishtem ya?atemH ayg See Gatha H @4*4F G-hshaysH ayh See Ven i a GVaM ishtQH 49L 7;* GVispQ1vi voHL Gatha H =@*5 GVV voHL Gatha H =6*49

ayi See Horma? yasht para : G(asemQ yat ahmi spnQH* ayj See Horma? yasht para 45 G#hrta nma ahmiH*

101 'AFES


76* AnGaina 7F* aA5K ro# 6dGt+8 7:* aA"F6nCGt+8 79* V/#n/ 5;* aA8Har$a#t+8 54* H+G#e7/# 57* HarG a86d 55* aAnHarGne5Gfare 5=* aAo.e# Gtaran/ 5@* TarCn6# 56* AnGao# a5 5F* Fara#a5 5:* Pa3o Gda ad 59* aA7K $/far =;* Afa5 # 6/e/ =4* A2ar0/ =7* AG#ato =5* Ra5 o ==* Var+n =@* aAJAGfarefa =6* aAr.eGfarefa =F* AGd+i =:* aA#K/8eGrad =9* Far8/nG5/8 @;* e5 Gtan @4* aAtAGfare8o# @7* aA+Ha8/rn/ @5* aA$San/e/ @=* AGtar# @@* aAwAG.6#

W Eithout form* W .irmest* W +ost invisi<le* W )mnipresent* W All in all* W Eorthy of than!s* W All goo 1nature * W All goo auspicious1glory* W $emover of affliction* W #he triumphant W &mmortal* W .ulfiller of Bishes* W ,reator of goo nature* W Beneficent* W BestoBer of %ove* W '"cessive <ringer* W /n efeate , un istresse * W &n epen ent, carefree* W Protector from evil* W /n eceiva<le* W /n eceive * W /nparallele * W %or of Bishes* W )nly Eish is His ,omman * W Eithout <o y* W /nforgetful* W #a!er of accounts* W $ecogni?a<le, Borth recognition* W .earless* W Eithout affliction or torment*

ay! See yasna H 4 G-hrao? ishtahechaH* ayl See Horma? yasht para 47 G+ainyushcha ahmi spentQtemQH* A0so Vispere 7, para = GKyese yeshti yim Ahurem +a? m mainyaom mainyavanmH* aym See Horma? yasht para F GPu!h ha vispa vohP +a? a hta asha1chitraH* ayn See Horma? yasht para 4= GVVspa1!hvthra nma ahmiH* ayo See Horma? yasht para 4= G#<aMshQ1taurvo nma ahmiH* ayp See Gatha H ==, Stan?a @ GHvpoH* ayC See Horma? yasht para 4= GVV avish nma ahmiH* ayr See Horma? yasht para 4= GA avish nma ahmiH* ays See Horma? yasht para 45 G&se1!hshathrQ nma ahmiH* ayt See Gatha H 79*= G+a? o sa!hre mairishtQH* ayu See Horma? Yasht para : G-hshvash1 asa htamarenishH an marneH* ayv See Horma? yasht para 45 GDnta nma ahmiH* ayB See .ravar in yasht para 5= GAt<ishtoH an Gatha H 79*5 GA1 vaMshQH* $m yasht para Gatha H 57*6 Ght1



@6* Afr/0d+8 @F* aA*Ha8Gc +n @:* aAAF6nCG#t6 G!ar @9* AGF6nCG!ar 6;* F6nCGna a2 64* darG2/dG!ar 67* darGna8G!ar 65* ./dG/darG!ar 6=* ./dGna8G!ar 6@* ./dG!e"G!ar 66* ./dG!eradGt+8 6F* darG562ar6tGt+8 6:* ./dG!arG3/e 69* 2Gt+8 F;* ,e"G/darG!ar F4* ,e"G$/dG!ar F7* ,e"Gna8G!ar F5* ,arG!ar F=* ,arGCG!ar F@* ,arG/G!ar F6* ,arG/G!arG!ar FF* AG!arG/G!ar F:* AG!arG/G!arG!ar F9* a0aAG!+8/n :;* AG0a8/n :4* a02AG5 +/n :7* 8a# t :5* a0cF# +tan/ :=* Pad8/n6 :@* F6ro0!ar :6* K +d/$and :F* a0dA +rGFa0d ::* A2ar6nG5o +nGta$/n

W +ost e"alte * W AlBays uniform* W ,reator of the /niverse spiritually* W ,reator of much spirituality* W Hi en in the Spirits* W Air of fire, i*e* transformer into air* W Eater of fire, i*e* transformer into Bater* W GB H, i*e* transformer of air into fire* W GB H, i*e* transformer of air into Bater* W GB H, i*e* transformer of air into earth* W GB H, i*e* transformer of air into Gira H, i*e* gathere * W #ransformer of fire into jeBels* W (oer of GB H everyBhere* W ,reator of most e"cessive Bater* W #ransformer of the earth into fire* W #ransformer of the earth into air* W #ransformer of the earth into Bater* W #he artisan of artisans* X N N Nay? XNNN XNNN XNNN XNNN W Eithout ou<t* W Eithout time* W Eithout sleep* W &ntelligent* W 'ternal protector1increaser* W +aintainer of Gpa mnH, i*e* the gol en mean* W Victorious* W #he %or 1+aster of the /niverse* W %or )mniscient* W )f the most e"alte ran! in the poBer of maintaining the origin of the creations*

=F Gt<aeshQ1tarQH* ay" See Gatha H 54*F Gnuremchit Ahur hmQH* ayy See Vispere 7 para = G+ainyayo stQish ahPmcha ratPmchaH* ay? #he meanings of F=1F: are not satisfactorily e"plaine on the <asis of philology, hence are not given here* #hese names shoul <e from the Bor GgarH, Bhich occurs more than once if1 ferently, meaning, GBor!manshipH or the GpoBer of creatorshipH* &n other <oo!s meanings are foun in this Bay> F= #he <estoBer of BishesL F@ #he creator of manL F6 #he creator of the en 1 tire creationL FF #he creator of four elements F: #he creator of clusters of the stars* a?a See Gatha H 54*7 GA hvo*H a?< See Ven i a 49, para 7; GA!hvafnQ ahi a<ahghQ tPm yQ AhurQ +a? aQH* a?c See Horma? yasht para 45 Gfshumo nma ahmiH* a? See Horma? yasht para 4 GPeresat DarathushtrQ Ahurem +a? m, Ahura +a? aH*

101 'AFES


:9* A2ar6nGnCGta$/n 9;* Va#7/n 94* Va#7/r 97* a0eK /$ar 95* a0fA + 9=* a0!A$a5 # 6d/r 9@* a0 D/d/r 96* a0iRaAC8and 9F* a03K ore C8and 9:* D/$ar 99* Kerfe!ar 4;;* a05.o5 t/r 4;4* a0"Fra# G!ar

W )f the most e"alte ran! in the poBer of ren ering the creations aneB W Attainer to all the creations* W Bringer of an attainer to all* W +erciful* W #he %or of the Borl * W #he forgiver* W #he just creator* W .ull of rae 8 lustre1splen our* W .ull of 9horeh i*e* glory* W #he just ju ge* W #he %or of meritorious ee s* W #he re eemer, Saviour* W .rashogar H, i*e* the $estorer through the increase of the soul*

FO'KT to 2e recited anA ti8e.

2,ompose <y (astur +ullan .ero?e, son of +ullan -aus3* 114 243 .ar /$or de"/ da#te /3at dar/0= .a dar!/ e 26 /3ate c /re G#/0. ) heartX o thou raise thy nee y han s Bith homage at the oorBay of 2the Almighty %or 3 Bho is Bithout Bant an the healer 2of all ifficulties3* Do da#t6 2ar /$or 0e 3/nC 0e de"= Ke 5/r6 26r+n n/Aad a0 da#tD !e". (o thou raise <oth thy han s in humilty <y means of thy life an heart 2i*e* <y means of pure min an conscience3, <ecause no Bor!

124 273

a?e See .ravar in yasht para 57 G-hvparoH* a?f See Vispere 7 para F GHvQ ?V asti Ahumacha ratPmacha yQ AhurQ +a? o*H a?g See Gatha H 54, Stan?a 4; GBa!hshtH* a?h See Horma? yasht para 4 G(tare gaethanm astvaitinm*H a?i See Horma? yasht para 77 G$aMvantemH* a?j See Horma? yasht para 77 G-hvarenanguhantemH* a?! See $m yasht para =F GBu!htish nma ahmiH an Vispere F para 5 G#anvQ1<ao!htremH* a?l See Beherm yasht para 7: G.rashQ!areH*



can <e accomplishe <y means of the material han s* 134 253 1;4 2=3 Sare !e" 8a5+n #:Ae aJ 2ar far/0= Sare de" 2o5+n t/ # a$6 #arGfar/0. $aise not thy material hea <ut thy hea of conscience toBar s Go , so that thou mayest <e of e"alte ran!* Do da#tD de" aA a2de +86d$/r= % : # /5 e 5 e0/n 2ar dare aJ 2ar /r. ) man hoping to fulfil the BishesX li!e the <ranch of a tree of the season of Autumn, o thou raise <oth thy han s of conscience at the oorBay of Go Bith entreaty* .a fa#"e 5 e0/n 2ar! r60ad dara5 t= .e8/nad 5+r+ 8/nde 262ar! #a5 t. (uring the autumn season the leaves of trees BitherL hence Bithout leaves the tree as it Bere <ecomes fee<le an istresse * .ar /rad dC da#t a0 7aAe 2ar!e 5 6# = K od/Aa# 2a /r /$orad na$ 2a76# . .or the sa!e of leaves the tree raises <oth its han s Bith humility, the Almighty %or creates the Spring Season full of ver ure from that* D6!er re de ad #/0o 2ar!e na$a# = De ad 3/8e c : t/0e 5aA K o#ro$a# . #hat %or <estoBs upon that tree neB leaves an freshness aneB an <estoBs neB ress li!e the -ing -ai!hosrou* Pa# aA 2ande !/fe" ni# a#tan c er/#t= ,+# /de 0e ar #:Ae 2/2e do/#t. #herefore, ) manX Bhy ost thou sit in ifferently as the gate of <lessings is open from all si es, 2i*e* if thou Bilt perform homage Bith sincere heart, thy Bishes Bill <e fulfille 3* K od/A/W 2a "otfo 2a en/8e 5 6# Far/n 6n !+ne !/re /#6 0e 76# . ) Go X o not rive aBay from #hee this #hy sinful person <y Bay of love an grace* Ke 5 /nad 2a 76# a8 c : tC r/n6a8= Ke r/nad 0e 76# a8 c : tC 5 /n6a8. Ehen #hou 2) %or of the /niverseX3 Bilt rive me aBay from #hee, Bho Bill call meY +oreover, Bhen #hou Bilt call me <efore #hee, Bho Bill rive me aBayY )86da8 2a 3o0 tC na2/# ad 0e 5a#=

1<4 2@3 1>4 263 1?4 2F3 1@4 2:3

1B4 293 1104 24;3




.a to d/ra8 +86de en/8C 2a#. 2443 1124 2473 1134 2453 '"cept #hee 2) %or of gifts3 & o not from any man !eep the hopeL only have hopes of o<taining gifts from #hee alone* Ie tC 3+8"e 5 :26 2a 8an 2arat/#t= Ie 8an /nc e /Aad #ar/#ar 5 at/#t. .rom #hee there is the gift of entire goo ness on meL <ut from me there is 2nothing3 to 2offer to3 #hee e"cept sin an transgression* 'a!:Aa8 5 od/A/ 0ara8 2a5 # C #68= ,+n/ a8 2a2a5 # / 5e a#ta8 a#68. ) Almighty %or X & o not say that #hou ost grant me gol an silver 2i*e* o #hou enrich me Bith Bealth3L only this much & as! of #hee> forgive my sins, <ecause & am a sinner* To !ar 2ef!an6 da#t 5e !6rada8= To a8 !ar 2er/n6 5e 2e706rada8. &f #hou Bilt eprive me, Bho Bill grant me supportY &f #hou Bilt rive me out, Bho Bill accept meY Ket/2e #iAe 5/ri/8 dar 2a! a"= F+r+ 8/ndea8 a8c : 5 ar dar $a a". Having the <oo! Bith notes of my Bic!e repent li!e an ass plunge in the mire* Ke 3+0 tC 2ar /rad 8ar/ 0/2C !e"= .a /2C !e"a8 da#t !6rC 8a e". .rom the Bater an the mu , 2i*e* from ignorance3 Bho Bill raB me out 2) +erciful %or X3 save #heeY Be #hou Helper unto me for raBing me out of it an o not let me remain therein* A!ar 7+rG!+n/ a8 8ane # ar8a#/r= Ie e #/n 2ara8 /2e re 8at 2e2/r. &f shamefully & am replete Bith sins, o #hou 2) Go X3 sprin!le upon me Bater of mercy through #hy grace 2i*e* have mercy on me3* A!ar n/ta$/n6 fetad 06re 7/A= % : !irand da#ta# 2e5 60ad 0e 3/A. &f any Bea! person Boul fall oBn an if anyone Boul help him hol ing his han s, that person Boul stan up again* Fan /n n/Gta$/na8 fet/de a#6r= K od/A/W #e re a8t 8ar/ da#t !6r. & am that Bea!, fallen captive of #hine* #herefore, ) %or X mayest #hou <e my helper <y shoBing mercy on meX ee s un er the arm1pit, &

11;4 24=3 11<4 24@3 11>4 2463

11?4 24F3 11@4 24:3 11B4 2493




114 243 124 273 134 253 1;4 2=3 1<4 2@3

% + /8ad 2a 3+82e# na5 o#t6n 5a"a8= .a n/8e 3e /nG/frin 0ad ra5a8. At first Bhen the pen <egan to sha!e 2i*e* <egan to Brite3, it Brote the name of the ,reator of the Eorl * K od/$ande 3/nC 5 od/Ae ra$/n= K od/$ande a#t6Gde C 8e er2/n. 2#he Almighty %or is3 the <estoBer of life an soul, an the %or of the giver of e"istence an love* K od/$ande 2:do 5 od/$ande 3:d= Ie Ket8e ada8 5ard 7aid/ $o3:d. 2+oreover He is3 the %or of %ife an ,harity, Bho in the guise of non1%ife create e"istence* Kar68o ra 68o ta$/n/ o ai= A"68 a#tC /"e8 a"/ 5+" # ai. 2#hat %or is3 ,harita<le, +erciful, )mnipotent an ever1e"isting, 2moreover He is3 )mniscient an fully cognisant of all creations* K a26r a#tC d/nande VD r/0e ! aA2= .a#ir a#tC #att/re ar !+ne aA2. 2#he %or is3 the -eeper of neBs 2of all matters3 an the -noBer of every secret mysteryL 2He is3 the Seer Bith minuteness an the ,oncealer 2-eeper3 of every !in of sin 1 fault* Ke /no 0a8/no 8a5/n 3+8"e 0:#t= Vo3:de a8a 8+85en a0 faA0e :#t. #he Borl , the epoch, the <uil ing 1 all these are oBing to HimL the <eing of the entire creation is His gift* Fa"a5 a8c : 5 /"6#t 0/#/re := .+$ad # a8# Aa5 0arre 0ana$/re :. &n all the creations of that %or the s!y is something li!e a mole an amongst all the luminaries create <y Him the Sun is li!e an atom* Ie e58at a8a r/ 7ad6d/r 5ard= .a#6 5+drate 5 6# e0 /r 5ard. He create the entire Borl <y His Eis om an thus ma e !noBn His 'n less PoBer* .a 2arrC 2a 2a ar /nc e !ardad 7ad6d=

1>4 263 1?4 2F3 1@4 2:3 1B4

a?m #his +onjt an the Persian couplets in the folloBing +onjt & have ta!en from the <oo! entitle Pand$N#/eh e %ulla 2iru6 pu<lishe in the year 4:5= A*(*



.a FraA0e 5 od/$and d/rad +86d. 293 1104 24;3 1114 2443 1124 2473 Anything Bhatever that e"ists on the lan , an in the sea, hopes for the gift of the Almighty* Ra$an/o tano 3e#8C 3/n /fr6d= K erad dar tane 8ard+8/n /fr6d. He create the soul, the <o y, the min , an the life, an create Bis om in the <o ies of men* K erad d/do a5"o :# o r/Ao d6n= K od/$ande 2/ d/ne# o 265ar6n= #he Almighty %or Bho is )mnsicient an uneCualle grante man Bis om, !noBle ge, intelligence, faculty of thin!ing an religion* S a e 26c e!:n d/$are 26 a8/"= .a7aAr/8ane : na!ardad 0a$/". 2#hat %or is3 the Sovereign Bithout comparison an the unparallele ju geL aroun Him estruction never turns up, i*e* He Bill <e for ever till eternity*


114 243 124 273 134 253 'a2iD 2a aJ 8or#e"e 2/ 5et/2= Ke d6na# 2+$ad ra+# an a0 /ft/2. A true Prophet Bhose religion is <righter than the Sun Bas sent <y Go , Bith the Boo! of $eligion* Ra#:"e K od/$ande 3/nG/fr6n= K od/$ande e3/0o 2or /no d6n. 2He is3 the Prophet sent <y Go , the ,reator of %ife, an the %or of the miracles, proofs, an $eligion* S a e a:"6/ a58a"e a826/= Ha8a !+8re /nr/ 2a d6n re n+8/. He is the <est among the Saints 2i*e* among the frien s3 of Go an the most perfect amongst all the prophets an the in icator of the path of religion to all eviating people* K od/$ande fara an!o d6ne 2e 6= A0: t/0e # +d dar 3e /n farre 6. He is the %or of Eis om an of the goo religion, <y Bhom the gran eur enlivene in 2the Bhole3 Borl * Iar/to# t A#afanta8/ne !+06n= Ke 2/d/ 2a r+ a# a0/r /fr6n.

1;4 2=3 1<4



2@3 1>4 263

Spitaman Dartosht is approve <y Go , let there <e a thousan praises on his soul* Fed/Aa# a8a 3/ne 8/ 2ande!/n= Ke /"a8 tano : 2+$ad a8c : 3/n. +ay there <e a e ication of the lives of all our evotees to himX As the entire Borl is li!e the <o y, an he 2i*e* Holy Dartosht3, is li!e the soul* .a d+ni/ 0e : ra+# an6 # +d 7ad6d= A5d /e 8a5:dra # +d 5e"6d. %ight Bas create <y him in the Borl an the !ey to the close 2or confuse 3 !nots Bas foun L 2i*e* through the proclamation of his $eligion the e"planation of all the ifficult matters Bas gaine 3* Ha8a r68an6 a0 3e /n d:r 5ard= % : 5 +r# 6d /"a8 7or a0 n:r 5ard. #he Prophet Dartosht remove from the Borl all pollution 2an evils of the aevas an rujas3 an ma e the Borl <rilliant li!e the sun* Ra e d6ne D/d/re Par$arde!/r= 'a8:d : 2a 5 a"5/no # +d /# 5/r. By shoBing the path of the $eligion of the ,reator an the Nourisher to the people of the Borl , his $eligion Bas ma e !noBn everyBhere* Ie 5ofro 0a"/"at ed/Aat na8:d= .a Aa0d/nG7ara#t6 2ad/Aat na8:d. #he Prophet Daratosht <y getting ri of irreligiousness, eviation from the right path, shoBe the path of $ighteousness an commence the <elief in one Go only* Har/n 5a# 2+$ad 2ar re a# 26!+8/n= 'a26nad ! a86G:G2a ardo 3e /n. #hat person Bho a<i es <y the path shoBn <y the Prophet Bithout ou<t, Bill never suffer grief in <oth the Borl s* .a d+nA/ o o52/ # a$ad r+ #+f6d= .ar /Aad 2a de" arc e d/rad +86d. #hat person Bill go Bith 2the Bhite mouth3 <right, cheerful face in this Borl an in the Borl <eyon , an Bhatever Bishes of the heart he Bill have Bill <e fulfille * .a !6t6 a86# e 0iAad 2/ far6n .a 86nC ra$ad dar 2e e# te 2ar6n. +oreover, that person Bill lea his life Bith glory in this Borl , an Bill attain the highest Heaven in the Spiritual Eorl *

1?4 2F3

1@4 2:3 1B4 293 1104 24;3

1114 2443 1124 2473

1134 2453



11;4 24=3

Ha0/r/n #a"/8o a0/r/n #an/= Ie 8/ 2/d 2ar /n # a e a#f6/. +ay there <e a thousan salutations an thousan praises from us to the Sovereign of the $ighteous 2i*e* to the Holy Prophet Dartosht3X

Pa n/8e Aa0d/n A +ra Fa0da K od/e awa0:n6= !or3e 5 ore awa0/A/dH Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8H a0 ar$a#t6n d+# 8ata d+0 +5 ta d+0 $ar# ta= 8e8 7a !et6 8an6d= oe8 !oft= oe8 5ard= oe8 3a#t= oe8 2:n 2:d e#ted. A0 /n !+n/ 8ana# n6 !a$a# n6 5+na# n6= tan6 ra$/n6 !et6 86nC/n6= o5 e a$/5 # 7a# e8/n 7a#D !a$a# n6 7a 7atet o8. K # naot ra A +ra e Fa0d/o= tarCid6te an!ra e 8ainAD+# H Hait A/$ar# t/8 Aat $a#n/ fera# Cte8e8H #tao8i a# e8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $6daD$C A +raGt5aD# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= a# aon/8 fra$a# iG n/8= +! ran/8 aiwit +ran/8= 7aoirACGt5aD# an/8 fra$a# in/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= -at / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/G8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $6d $/o 8raot:. A +re8 Fa0d/8 raD$ante8 5 $arenan!+ ante8 Aa0a8aideH A8e# / S7ent/ +5 # at r/ +d /on! C Aa0a8aide. A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC #tao8i 02aAe8i +fAe8i. -a0a8aide n8/nA/o $6#A/o 0ant+8/o da5 A+8/o Iarat +# trCte8/o. 124 V6#7an/8c a /on! /8 7aoirAan/8 fra$a# in/8 id a Aa0a8aide fra$a# 68 a$/8 A/8 A +ra e Fa0d/o= 8a0i# t/8c a $a i# t/8c a #raD# t/8c a= 5 rao0di# t/8c a 5 rat wi# t/8c a +5ere7te8/8c a= a# /t a7anote8/8c a. 134 A# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aideH A/o A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= 5 # aetan/8 $ere0idCit ran/8= 2ere0at/8 aiwA/8an/8 ta5 8an/8 :irAan/8= ACi ait Ae3an! C a# a$anC. 1;4 PaoirAan/8 t5aD# an/8 7aoirAan/8 #/#nCG!:# /8= id a a# aon/8 a# aonin/8c a a :8c a daDn/8c a 2aod a#c a +r$/ne8c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide= Aoi a# /i $aonare. ,D+# +d /on! C +r$/ne8 Aa0a8aide. 1<4 -Ci a# /i $aonare. ,aAe e Faret nC a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. Iarat +# tra e S7it/8a e id a a# aonC a# 68c a
a?n .or the translation of the -ar a of Stum, see my Khordeh !esta "a %aeni, pages 5:71594*



fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide. Ka$Ci# Vi# t/#7a e a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. (#at$/#tra e Iarat +# trCi# a# aonC fra$a# 68 Aa0a8aide. 1>4 'a2/na0di# tan/8 id a a# aon/8 a# aonin/8c a a :8c a daDn/8c a 2aod a#c a +r$/ne8c a fra$a# 68c a Aa0a8aide= ACi a# /i $aonare= 8at $6#7/2AC a# aoni2AC fra$a# i2AC= A/o iririt +# /8 a# aon/8= A/o#c a 3$ant/8 a# aon/8= A/o#c a nar/8 a0/tan/8 fra# CGc aret r/8 Sao# Aant/8. 1?4 (d a iri#tan/8 +r$/nC Aa0a8aide A/o a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC. V6#7an/8 a 8Aa n8/ne na2/na0di# tan/8 7araGiri#tan/8 aDt ra7aitin/8 aDt rAan/8 nar/8 n/irin/8 id a a# aon/8 a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1@4 V6#7an/8 aDt ra7aitin/8G a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7an/8 aDt rAan/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7an/8 nar/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7an/8 n/irin/8 a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1B4 V6#7an/8 a7eren/A+5an/8 da 8CG5eretan/8 a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. da5 A+n/8c a a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. )0da5 A+n/8c a a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. 1104 'ar/8c a a# aon/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. '/irin/8c a a# aonin/8 fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7/o a# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide= A/o ac a ,aA/t Faret nat /G#ao# Aant/t $eret ra! nat. 2#o recite in <?3 a?oH+8ata :5 ta $ar# taH +8ana# n6= +!a$a# n6= +5+na# n6= in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d= niran! 7iro0!ar 2/dH 5 ore 2e d6ne F/0daAa#n/n ra$/ 2/d andar aft 5e# $ar. '/8 % e# t6 /tar andar 5/8 2/dH a#t # e era#t/n andar 2the name of the country in Bhich the -ar h is recite shoul <e name 3 S e era#t/n= 7ori firo0i # /di o r/8a# ni= ra$/n 5 ore 5 o3a#te a$a0:n 2/d= a$a0:ntar 2/d 5 ore 5 o3a#te 2/dH in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d= 5er/ !/ ro0 # e er6/ri 5 e# Aa0a# ne 5arde o8= dar+n Aa# te o8= 8Aa0da a86r/ene8 AC 5arde / 7a !an3e D/d/r A +ra Fa0da raAC8and 5 ore 8and A8e# /#7and/n 2era#/d. Ao3 0or n6r+ ta!6 a8/$and6 7iro0!ar6 in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. A0 a8/ 7ad6raft/r 2/d. E8/r/ 7an/ 6 5ered/r n656 and/5 t/r= an/i 7etA/r d:r a$/0Gd/# t/r= aA/fta 5 $/ 2/d. Ker/ di!ar 8Aa0da a0/r 8ard 8Aa0da # /Aa8 #/5 t D8/r/ 5a8Gran3tar /#/ntar ain6 5ard Aa5 a0 8/ a0/r 7ad6raft/r 2/d. '/8 % e# t6 an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6 2the name of the person in Bhose memory the !ar h is recite shoul <e ta!en here3 aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. Iarto# t S7ita8/n a# o faro ar aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. ,+# t/#7a S / &o or/#7a S / aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n
a?o #he portion from here up to G2$ecite alou 3H <eing in Pa?en shoul <e recite in < ? 2murmur3*









ra$/n6. K/8/#7a Ha2+2 aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. Ard/e Vir/f Ard/fra$a# aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. F+2ed S a7+r F+2ed S e er6/r aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. F+2ed Hor8a0d6/r Er$ad R/8A/r aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. F+2ed 'erAo#an! D a$a" aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. Ha8/ fra$a# a# o/n aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6. '/8 % e# t6 an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6 2the name of the person in Bhose memory the !ar h is recite shoul <e ta!en here3* Ha8a fra$a# a# oan aedar A/d 2/d9 far8ae# ne 2the name of the person Bho or ers to recite the !ar h shoul <e ta!en3 Fa0daAa#n6 2era#/d. Ha8/fra$a# a# o/n AC 5arde / c e /r+8 de +8 #6ro0 #/" ro0= a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ha#t/n 2:d/n 2ed/n 0/d/n a0/d/n= /de 6 +0de 6= da 8e nar n/r65 a$arn/e 7+rn/e= ar 5e a$ar in 0a86n 7airi 2e ed6n6 !+d/r/n # +d a#t= a8/fra$a# a# o/n AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. A# o/n fra$a# c 6r/n= fra$a# a$ar$60/n= fra$a# 76ro0!ar/n= fra$a# 7orAoda5e# /n= fra$a# na2/na0de# t/n= fra$a# e fra$a# aAC= a8/ AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ra$/ne 7edar/n 8/dar/n 3ada!/n nA/!/n= far0and/n 7ae$and/n 7ara#t/r/n na2/na0de# t/n= fra$a# a# o/n AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/d. Ha8/ at orn/n= a8/ rat D# t/r/n= a8/ $/#trAC# /n= a8/ +to5 # /n= a8/ fra$a# a# o/n= a8/ AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Ao# aedar A/d 2/dH a8/ fra$a# a# o/n afte 5e# $ar 0a86n= ar0a e #a$a e= fradadaf# $idadaf# = $o+r+2are# t $o+r+0are# t= 5 an6rat aG 2/86= 5an!ade0 a# o/n $ar3a8 5ard/n !an38/nt r/ fra$a# a# o/n a8/ AC 5arde / a0 ,aAo8ard and/ So# Aa# aedar A/d 2/d. ,or3e 5 ore awa0/A/d in 5 # n+8an Ard/fra$a# 2era#/d. '/8 c e# t6 an+# e ra$/n ra$/ni. 2Name of the person in Bhose memory the !ar h is recite shoul <e ta!en here3 aedar A/d 2/d an+# e ra$/n ra$/n6H a8/fra$a# a# o/n aedar A/d 2/dH far8/e# ne 2the name of the person Bho or ers the recitation of the !ar h shoul <e ta!en3 F/0daAa#ni 2era#/d. Ha85erfe a8/ $e /ne aft 5e# $ar 0a86n 2era#/d. A0 a8/ !+n/ 7atet 7a# e8/n+8 7a 7atet o8. 2$ecite alou 3 Vi#7/o fra$a# aAC a# /+n/8 Aa0a8aideH a# /+n/8 $an!+ 6# #:r/o #7ent/o fra$a# aAC Aa0a8aide. V6#7e a# a$ana Aa0ata Aa0a8aide. 2&f the Gh <e Hvan, recite as un er3> H/$an68 7aiti rat:8H S/$an! aD8 $6#68c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e $apithBan or Secon Hvan, recite as un er3> Ra76t wane8 7aiti rat:8H fr/datGf# /+8 0ant+8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e /?irin, recite as un er3>



)0aAeirine8 7aiti rat:8H fr/datG$6re8 da5 A+8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e AiBisruthrem, recite as un er3> Aiwi#r+t re8e8 ai2i!/i8 7aiti rat:8H fr/datG$6#7/8 Iarat +# trCte8e8c a 7aiti rat:8. 2&f the Gh <e /shahen, recite as un er3> )# a ine8 7aiti rat:8H 2ere368 n8/n68c a 7aiti rat:8. -en! e /t/8 /at Ae#ne 7aiti $an! C= Fa0d/o A +rC $aDt a a# /t ac /= A/on! /8c a t/n#c / t/o#c / Aa0a8aide. 2#o recite in <?3 Hor8a0d K od/e awa0:nie 8ard+8= 8ard+8 #arda!/n a8/ #arda!/n= a82/Aa#te $e /n= oe8 2e ed6n 8/0daG Aa#n/n /!/ 6 /#ta$/n6 ne56 ra#/nad aed:n 2/d. 2#o recite alou 3 -at / A : VairAa 2. -a#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /frin/8i= A +ra e Fa0d/o raD$atC 5 $arenan!+ atC= A8e# an/8 S7entan/8= a# aon/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8= 7aoirACGt5ae# an/8 fra$a# in/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8. A# e8 Vo : 3. Fra$ar/ne Fa0daAa#nC Iarat +# tri# $idae$C A +raGt5ae# C 2Gh accor ing to the perio of the ay3 fra#a#taAaDc a. A# /+na8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8 7aoirACGt5ae# an/8 fra$a# in/8 na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8= 5 # naot ra Aa#n/ic a $a 8/ic a 5 # naot r/ic a fra#a#taAaDc a= Aat / A : VairAC 0aot/ fr/8e 8r:te= at / rat+# a# /tc it ac a fr/ a# a$a $id $/o 8raot+. 2#he entire portion from the first !ar h of the .ravar in yasht, i*e* from /raot hur; %a6d#o 7pita/#i >arathushtr#i4 up to the en of !ar h 54 of the same yasht, i*e* up to ha*ha ah/#t$n/#n#t ah/#9e/*ha %a6dayasnan#/3 shoul <e recite in fullL then recite>13 -at / A : VairAC 2H Aa#ne8c a $a 8e8c a ao3a#c a 0a$arec a /fr6n/8i a# aon/8 fra$a# in/8 +! ran/8 aiwit :ran/8 7aoirACG t5aD# an/8 fra$a# in/8= na2/na0di# tan/8 fra$a# in/8H A# e8 Vo : 1. A 8/i raD# c aH Ha0an!re8H Ka#a 8e a$an! e Fa0daH Kerfe Fo0da. +3A/iti8



2#he Bor <y Bor translation of the famous passage Bhich <egins

a?p TranslatorGs NoteH #he rest of the te"t Bere not translate an e"plaine <y 'rva -avasji '* -anga* #hese are translate <y 'rva Phiro?e +asani*



Bith the Bor s, GYtu ?V DarathushtraH in the %arge Haftan yasht an Small Haftan Yasht, Bas not given up to noB in this <oo!* &t is noB given <eloB along Bith the Avestan te"t>13 1114 -/t+1 062 Iarat +# tra3 $anat; daD$C< 8a# AC>. KC? n8/na e@ 2/d aB S7ita8a10 Iarat +# tra11= $6#7a12 dr+5 # 13 3an/iti1;= $6#7a1< dr+5 # 1> n/# /iti1? Aat a1@ aonaoiti1B aD# /820 $ac /821. 1124 Aoi22 te23 aoi2; tan$C2< dad /iti2>= aoi2? te2@ at a+r+ne82B 3an/iti30= at a+r+ne831 Aat a32 rat aD# tare833= $6#7anC3; a#r+# tDe3< n/# /tan/83> ao3an! a3?. -C3@ 683B da#te;0 d/rane8;1= ACi;2 a7ta;3 A8e# /;; S7ent/;< ;> ;? +5 # at ra +d /on! C a8eret an/8c it;@. DaDn/8;B F/0daG Aa#n68<0= a#7CG5e r7e8<1 /7e8<2 Fa0dad /t/8<3 a# aon68<; Aa0a8aide<<. 1134 tare<> $6tare<? 8ai2A/<@ $6tare<B 8ai2A/>0 $68raot>1 Iarat +# tra>2= /tare>3 $6tare>; 8ai2Aa#c it>< $6tare>> 8ai2Aa#c it>? $68raot>@ Iarat +# tra>BH Aat?0 $an! D+# ?1 8anan! C?2H Aat?3 ait AeG 3an! e8?; $ac /8?<= fra#7/$are# ?> fr/c a?? fra8eret wac a?@ fra0/t wac a?B. 11;4 Sata$ata@0 #ate$ata@1 +ta$ata@2 +te$ata@3 +ta@; a7a2arent+@< Aat a@> 2a#te8@? fra$a# an/8@@ daDn/8@B F/0daAa#n68B0 n/# /tan/8B1 ao3an! aB2. A# e8 Vo : 1. 2443 ) Darathushtra5X the Bi?ar 4 resem<ling a aeva1li!e@ man6 shoul in ee 7 <e smitten=* ) Spitama4; Darathushtra44X 0ust as4: one Boul succee in the poBer49 of these7; sacre 1verses74, 2in the same Bay3 one Boul surely9 !ill4= all47 the rujas45 of the house:, nay Boul estroy4F them all4@* EhoF 2is such3Y 2473 #his77, 2 ruj3 ta!es the control 76 of thy75 <o y7@L an oBing to total 5= iso<e ience5@ smites5; thy7: thravan1priest79 1 as Bell as the Barrior55, through the agency of the force5F of the estroyers56* 2He is the man esire in the a<ove1mentione paragraph 443 Bho 7: against anyone Bhatsoever of the enemies =: 2acts3 as a shiel =4 for them59 2i*e* for the priest an the Barrior3 1 2it is they3 Bho =7 2are3 the seven=5 Ameshspan ==1=@ Bise an true rulers 2goo 1ruling=6 an goo Bis om=F3 2Bho3 affor =; 2protection of their influences3* Ee are in tune@@ Bith the +a? a1Borshipping@; $eligion=9 an Bith the holy@= Bater@7 create <y +a? a5 li!e the shape of a horse@4* 2453 .or my sa!e@: Darathushtra con emne 64 Gtare@61gunhH 2sins of commission3 an Gvitare@F1 gunhH 2sins of omission3, 2nay for my sa!e 6; vitare1gunh@9H 2sins of omission3L on account of me too6@ Darathushtra69 con emne 6: Gtare1gunh65H 2sins of omission3, an Gvitare1gunh6=H 2sins of omission3, nay for my sa!e alone 6F 8 Gvitare1gunh66H 2sins of omission3L BhichF; 2sins3 2are3 pertaining to Vohu1+anangh F41F7, BhichF5 2sins3 2are3 in estructi<leF= amongst the sacre versesF@ 1 24=3 2A person li!e GytuH an G aMvQ1mashyQH3 through the poBer97 of



the estroyers94 carries far aBay:@ as if:6 <oun :F the +a? a1Borshipping9; religion:9 relate to increases:: hun re fol :; an hun re times:4, continuously:7 an even:= continuously:5*a?C 2&n the same Bay, Bor <y Bor translation of -ar h 49, paragraph @9, of Behram yasht is given <eloB*3 1<B4 Veret ra! ne81 A +rad /te82 Aa0a8aide3. A#/ne8; #i! :ire< c it re8> a2are? A +rC@ 7+t rCB 7+t r/on! C10 2aD$areG7ataAC11= a8a$a12 /#13 $eret ra$a1; n/8a1<= $eret ra$a1> /#1? a8a$a1@ n/8a1B. 2@93 Ee praise5 Beheram4 2ya?ata3 create <y Ahura +a? a 7* +ay Ahura +a? a: grantF 2me3 a sharp@ Chithra6, i*e* the see Beapon= 1 2so that3 there may arise progeny9 an chil ren4; possesse of ten thousan times authority44, 1 2Bho3 must <e45 courageous47 an victorious46*

a?C 0HP note> +asani Bas a proponent of the G-hshnoomistH movement, consi ere hetero o" <y many* His e"planation reflects those teachings> 2'"planation of 'rva +asani as regar s the a<ove1mentione Kard#h3* #his Kard#h Bhich is !noBn as GYtu ?i DarthushtraH shoul <e re1 cite seven times* &n the Doroastrian $eligion is e"plaine the %aB of Vi<rations pro ucing ef 1 ficacious effects of the recital of the Holy Spells an accor ing to this %aB of Vi<rations the ef1 fect of this Kard#h is most poBerful an <eneficial* Specifically, this Kard#h is regar e as most efficacious for resisting against the magic of any person li!e GytuH, G<lac! magicianH* )Bing to the entire G.shushQ1mnthraH em<o ie in it, a luci interpretation cannot <e easily comprehen e <y us <y translating it Bor <y Bor * But the e"planation of this Kard#h in short is this> Ehen the force of Bic!e ness comes against that person Bho is most a vance in spir 1 ituality, an Bho <elongs to the position of either GthravanH or G$athaeshtrH, oBing to the laB of ualism, then, the GStotH pertaining to seven Ameshspan Bithin the G-ehrpaH or the astral <o y provi e protection against itL i*e* &f the Holy Spells Bhich have <een inclu e into this Kard#h are recite continuously, there Bill <e the efence of the G-ehrpaH of the person highly a vance in spirituality* +any mysterious matters, especially G1tareH are em<o ie in this -ar aL i*e* an attitu e inclining more to sins of commission, !noBn as Gfreh1<PtVhH in Pahlavi, an GvV1tareH i*e* an attitu e Bhich !eeps continuously further aBay from ivine influences, i*e* sins of omission, !noBn as Gai<i1<PtVhH in Pahlavi* #hese spells are given to save continuously from tBo types of sins, Bhich cause istur<ance in the evelopment of the soul in accor ance Bith the laB of GmithraH* $emem<er that as a shiel of poBerful efence against the sins of GmithraH possesse of magical effect an G1tareH 1 e"cess an GvV1tareH 1 eficiency pertaining to GmnthraH, as Bell as for !eeping continuously in the G!ehrpaH vi<rations, 2i*e* vi<ration1col 1 ours3, this GKard#hH is most e"alte an e"cellent* &t Bill <e helpful in maintaining the propor1 tion of righteousness Bithin the reciter*

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