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Title of Lesson: Food Waste Grade: 5th grade writing Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.5.

4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. PO 2. Formulate predictions in the realm of science based on observed cause and effect relationships. Lesson Summary: The day will begin with the teacher reviewing the previous lessons content about the different system that waste food and how they waste it. After the review the teacher will introduce the environmental and economic impacts of food waste. Once a few of these implications are introduced and discussed, the teacher will divide the class up into the four different groups discussed previously: production, business (grocery stores and restaurants), and households. Each group will create a poster and present how their stage both wastes food and the effects of this waste. These posters should incorporate the information discussed in days 1,2 and 3. Objective: Students will be able to use the information from the present and previous lessons to explain through means of presentation how the system they were assigned may waste food and the impacts of this waste. Students will be able to present possible cause and effect relationships between the food that is wasted by their assigned system, and the environment/economic impacts. Assessment: Students will be broken up into groups and each group will be assigned a stage at which food is wasted (production, restaurants, grocery stores, and households). Each group will need to include 3 ways in which each stage wastes food, and 3 environmental and/or economic impacts of it. As the teacher circulates, each student needs to be working and each member needs to present help present. Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will need the information from Days 1, 2, and 3 to complete the assignment. This information includes what food waste is, how it is wasted in each stage, and the environmental and economic implications of the food that is wasted. Students are also encouraged to hypothesize other ways food is wasted by their designated stage and its impacts. Materials: Food Waste Journals Pencils Posters/Butcher Block Paper

Markers Facts sheet

Vocabulary: Food Waste Production Household Environmental Economic Methane Teaching Procedures: 1. Begin class by reviewing information with students from previous day-how food is wasted in each system. 2. Explain that food waste has economic and environment impacts-define these terms. 3. Introduce how food waste has both of these impacts- provide examples. 4. Introduce group activity-divide up the room into four groups one for each system (production, business (grocery and restaurant), and household). 5. Explain expectations: -Everyone working -3 examples of food waste -3 examples of impacts -Create presentation using butcher paper and markers. Each person in the group should present some information. 6. Remind students to use their Food Waste Journals (fact sheet inside) to find this information. Also, explain to them that they can also hypothesize or use their imaginations to come up with ways that their particular group wastes food and the implications. 7. Let students work on their presentations for thirty minutes. 8. Have students present their material, in order: Production, Grocery, Restaurant, and Household. 9. Remind students to write down the information they hear in their journals. 10. After everyone is finished presenting, remind the students to fill out their concept map for homework. Resources: N/A Ways of Thinking Connection: This activity has the students use systems thinking to help them understand how their assigned group or system creates food waste.

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