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y? fi STEAM SURFACE CONDENSERS GASKET SEATING PRESSURE et ae se CC WE ttt Where f= Hydraulic Geometric Correston Factor f= 1, except when Li>08 X (24), then Fig 25, nooap Ben Gasket Moment on Flange: My = BRE x tinct ot Where erm He X Gasket Ween {Gasket Geometric Correstion Factor f= L except when Ly> ty then noo poe Required Flange Thickness T: a [sae] san Where: 5. Allowable Sizes for Range Matera at Desig Tempersre, rt Banding moment dve to cas Mem eens, abe M6, — Bending moment due to paral lon, st. | A—Dislance between tot center ne mines ameter of balk al fn 629 Tubesheet Desken ‘The design of condenser tubeshests in- olves a complex interaction ofthe tubeahest, {ibes; Water box, snd abel In eddion #9 dnydrostate presare. loadings whieh mast 1 conaierel cide free a moments Imposed om theater box by piping, by dea ‘elgat of the water box andi contents and by etfecs of diterential thermal expansion does not appear practical to povige exact tue sheet design methods of broad spolcs bnity'n HET Constrecton Standards because of the great variety of condenter contrac: tion, ekich may inlude various tube layouts, mllple tube bundle arrangements, diferent ater box types end methods of sltachiment {the tubeshea, the pretence ef large Nip. In’ connections of varied orenttion, ct ‘The structoral integrity of the tubesheet and tubes shall be demonctratad By tn fe of the following Methods oF Its eatin fen (2) Teteraction analysis using plate and shell formulae " (2) Beam scp op asic foundation (in fle or tulle rips) (8) Finite clement snalysie (elastic or lastieplari) (4) Experimental modeling techniques or ‘Some of the above methods are described ‘in more detall in the following sections, 6.2.82 Model Testing of Prior Service In ie of any analysis, a new design may be qualified by testing or prgr service asd Serbed tn Section 23.2" Briar serves, fherpresent section, means that «duplicate c STEAM SURFACE CONDENSERS nit has been hydenstatieally successful at Drascure molest than the hydrostatic test Breseure specifed for tha new amt 6293 Allowable Sicesss or Tubeshest ind Tube Deszm by Anaiyia ‘he tubers die metho ofthis tio flow te desir by anata proetures of the ASME Code Section Vi, Bivsion & Sect to the follobangLieasona (2) Subpections 62.25 and 52.26 of this Het standard dealing with ualer all apy (2) The dre tense loadin any tube un- der hydrostatic test conditions shall not exceed 15 times chy average tube llgut load as. deterined by test. thout a teat, tube pulout load may Dorsanumed fo 'be 1.5 nea the allow bie tuvestosubesneet oat load eal ulueed in sesordance vith Appendix ‘Slot Section Vit, Divsion 1, ef the ASME’ Boller and Prasure’ Vessel eoce. When tabeshoet desige ia based on the tpproximate, beumstrp. analysis of sulertion 828, shomaximum treme Aber bending stress under br Srortatie ast condtians a nse to 35 Se tne vets toons for the te: sheet materi 5294. Finite Blement Computer Analysis Foe any given mater box-tubeshesttube condguration, iis says posible to obtain "reasonably accurate solution of the desig Broblem by apeving a aultabie nite element Exmputer program fo the complete assem fof components, In such a case where mode- ling atthe entire structure slows proper de Aerrmination of ld path and boundary eon ditions structural integrity may be denon. Strated daing tha procedures o” appendices & find Sof the ASME Cade, Secton VIN, Divt= n'est base on’ etre and fate Shaky) 6) [Note thst the watar box hsdrostatle test pressure of this sandaed ie 18 times the AiSlgn peesgure, while the hydeostatie txt protsure called for in ASME Section VII. Bivision 2, is only 1.25 times design pressure ‘Therefore, the special stress limit for veel under hydrostatic tea given fo paragraph AD-1511 of Section VII, Division 2 should ie checked, ‘ass Rona i Gn Ba 6295.1 Introduction ‘The folowing subsections present an ap- proximate. tubeshest desien method whlch Feuires certain assumptions as to analytical Todel use, boundary condtions and fading. ‘This asign procedure may be aaed to deter ‘rine tabesheat thickness and maxima tube Toads so ariste tenho a soar ee Saves which act aa an laste Zoundavion: Eigr ois somewhat idenlized seoresenta: fiom ofa iabesteat and fe bonis Boasts ‘yplealy regular tube patterns and con ‘iderable variation in edge boundasy condi- Hons and loading, the exact eolution of this problem ta di ‘An approximate solution can be obtalned oy tellg emp cpeatn oe fubesheet "and their supporting’ bes, as beams on an elastic founfation. Some {ar- ther assumptions must be made to det tine loadings on the bee seripa end che Alegre ot restraint or end Rely provided a {he end ofthe beun-stripe by the water bor And shell seructure. Tels than possible to Atiermine the major facture infueheing tube Sheet deeign: maximam bending stress in the {ubesheet, and maximum tube lading, which oours at the outermost tubes. The secure ons as to loading, and fxlty and the choos of a, particular bearestrip todel are inue need" by too many varabls to permit otter {haa general puldance bere. ‘fhe decignsr ‘mart devarmine thee facars ting sesupted nginsering methods, in order to carry Out {RE design procedures detailed alow. Once the beam:strip model and its loading are eatablahed, itis posible fo achieve ciation ether analyically, by a number Or wily available computer programs ‘A general discutsion and explanation of ‘the varius steps in the method i gen next, {ellowed by detailed procedures and an Seat ie. 6295.2 Beam Strip Loading ‘The oads on the beam-strps are the hydro- static pressure on the strip, and a bending ‘moment and direct fores applied by the water box to the ead of the stp. Note that the sectve hydrostatic pressure on the strip it ‘educed in the tubed region, because of the tbe holes STANDARDS OF THE HEAT EXCHANGE INSTITUTE, [No general method for the determination of the foree and moment to te apis to the uot the strip can be fered because of the (fret nomber of variables involved. In are ‘feing at these lose the dealzner must Rest onalder. the resultant of all presses, toe tena, forces and weights acting on te A determination must then be made of the aisebution of loading around the perieter Sf the tabe thect, caused by all the forces Scting on the water box This dstrostion ie ot neceseardy uniform, larger share of fhe fad is taken by thoee borders of the fbeshost where the tuber extend out to the ‘ery alge, One toeane of eetmating tls load ‘sesbution le by determining am effective feas-carrying perimeter af the tube bundle, ‘shee the obter tubes are close tp the water Seis tne he ate Boe lending ‘ver this effective penimater, dye aceount Sia be igen not diy of te are force ut also of any moment resultant applied by the water box tothe tobeshest 62.953 Cholee of the Beam-Strip Models As described above, the leading tom the switer bog wil not be Antformly stb [Tound’ the perimeter of the fobeheet A {ingen share of this oud wil be cared By the eiges of the tubeshet Where tubes ere sea tie way auto te vate Sok sce, Thu, the choice st beameatip mode ‘hol cio thore erin where the dis ‘ince between the mater ox flange ad the fttsrmos® tubes ies sinimam, Tt i aaa own that Bigh bending stress oar near isheght ant miocwith of resabeular stent lotions auch ag shown fe NB 2 FESS the sexpomabiley ‘af the sipner to investigate a ruicent turer at beam ips fo datrmine the mort severe lading ‘oobtions for both tubeshest and tbes, ‘The beamtsip width shall be chosen as ‘he veicth of a repeating tube pattern. The sith may change around the peripiry of The tube shee ds tothe omission of tobe rows. Examples are tluotrated in Figs. 28 ni 39, The angie method for perforated ‘tam strpe line the soncet of an equ Jent sold beam with reduce laste proper- Kies which account for the weakening effect af tube holes These reduced properties ere fonctions of "ligament eficeney” which ust be dined forthe pareular contgure- ion understudy. An example of the aplia- tion of ligament efficiency to determine r= diced elastic properties is given in Setion e386) Forces and moments imposed on the tbe shest by the water box are resiated by the ftes in the cuter sone of the tube bundle uta aie lad pth ve pond). ‘Tube loading and fabesheet beni fal of aplly aay from the water box fange due {othe elastic foundation action of the cubes ‘Accordingly, the length of the beast sed Inthe desl anavaie ia not an impor. {GRU factor, So loa it i ailclent to dem bstrate hat he eect of ter Sx edn ‘A further assumption required by the de. signer is an estimate of the edge restralt fgeinst rotation provided to the beast bythe water box fange and shall struciare Por inatanes,'s heavy fange wiih welded ‘fenere on ‘the water tox provides & la ‘vay gh dgaue of extrait or eae Bt, ‘Welded directly to the tubesheet provides ‘hyo ese restraint. Variations im edge Ay fleet reaulting tube igeds and ‘tubesheet Sending stress: The solution of the team problom for any astumed degree of eige tx [may be achieved by Best selving the tally clamped cage (Ley parmiting ag en rota ‘Son) loaded by water bo pul and Mydrosat= {cpeaure, The resting end moment then ‘by defation the 100 pereent fed end me ‘ment Any desired potion ef ths moment, Corresponding tothe edge, fixity assumed, ‘hay’ Be combined with the edge oud from the Water box and the hydrostatic pressure on the beam stip to complete the leding to be ‘considered on the beam 62.96 Detaled Procedures for ‘Beam-Strip Anais. 62964 Data Required (A) Tubesheet Properties for Typical Beam-Sirp Analysis (2) Material Properties Youns’s Modulus E, (ps, Poissons vatlo = b, Yield Stree Spat (2) Geometsle Properties 4. Tube noe diameter, in 1b. Tube pitch and layout © Ungerforated length of beam Strip fom ling ef action, of eater box Toading to eentar- Tine of Gree tube, in. 4. Thleknass exclusive of corre Son allowance c STANDARDS OF THE HEAT EXCHANGE INSTITUTE (B) Tube Properties for Typieal Stolp (8) Tabes . “analysis, Material Type $04 Staines Stoo (2) Material Properties "Young's Modulus By — 27 %10" pai. Young's Modulus By (pe!) Allowable strees Sy — 18,700 pel se atioecats een 8h Coe Minimum yield etre S, — $0,000 pa. ‘Tabe outer diametar d—~ 1.0 inch, Yield stress, (ps) ‘Tube thickness t 049 inch, i cee eas tov Ota op, te), wie nA US Sy ere Shine on. Gey, ime | RYN gah es ane ty gece aie | Eleitlt SSCS eine en teow 2 = wii inee meee ee Re samt a may Be lee een mit Jue net begun mar Ber geteree tier) unt CLL Peer et ald Oe els assumed tat al onng from the (Daten pramare (3 Eeocues i on Thou saeee (@) Hydrostatic test pressure (pat) Pounds pe inch atthe Hodvowtatic ast rr—~—t— = rr—r—S ee,rt—~—“Cr—Ci<—C raC Remtart moma cote) tee Deel atc Se ee ae ra min dertedomee ty, Baht ihe eta as oa gest metactoan, 629.62. Sample Calculation For an illustrative example, the beam strip shows Fig. 29 and 80s chosen, The Brobiem wil be defined for solution by a Etuctural anaiis computer prowram, with ruta ane ome Note that the axial stiffness of the eee foes fa based on a fengzh equal to (A) Tubesheet| halt the distance betmeen condenser Materal—Munts Metab fbesheets, nt the full distance. TAs ‘Young’s Modulus By = 15 x 10" ps fs because each half of the condenser Foice's Rao» 08 rents separaceiy the probiem of & Water bor tbesheet and supporting ‘Yield Stress 8, 20,000 ps. Tater og tebeaheet and supporting ‘Tubs hole dlaseter — 1.0 inch. st condenser midlongin canbe treated ‘Bqullaeral triangular ‘abe pitch p= enser mld Jength cs bef E35: inches, tabe ligament = 028 is a dd reference plane, The bend fing atineas of the tubes is neglected {thin calculation, To. account or this staats an additonal rotational spring (2 function ofl) could be add- ‘oches, Lane arrangensat as Showa, infie 28. Unperforated enath of beams Hamine of alow of water sor lade ing to centerline of at tubs, © 2 (eat each tube location. inthe. ‘Thickness ty — 125 inches. (E) Calculation of Beam Stitness Wee width of beametsip, = Sp — Since the beam-atrip in part of late, 38 inenes. the plate ending” stifest wil be STANDARDS OF THE HEAT EXCHANGE INSTITUTE. nd, In the unperforatel rein, the anew 2u | Sencing situa Et where sata Be Bch) = OGG mas #1 at ‘Therefore, ws = 295 6852 — 186 po Big 228X128 gaioe inch : = (G) Input for Structural Analysis In the perforate region, the bending For calculation of bending moments Caen pln feng ames POT Sees eres E*, .* are effective elastic properties program =o Big eeifeurscuceemrte aap By gn me Semctcemce ce aya By by mi Ec ee ercness Bay LI ER SLED pete ee ene cc Jin condensers, but several references 7 Lipo 14 inches BSE iccee "ne tomato tye te tee ‘cautioned that some of the reported ‘peinat rotation, “The computer sola eae ieee an ga a ae See Re oC Ree ees EGER EE Geet ae seer Cee? ig mer snd te (axe or ase at point A le, by dednition, the ae ee a ne ee ae eee fee sumed to offer 60% edge fixity to the ¢ Shane girawaee wo tgit = Migteoe Eettomes toed'at past At Bien sees lc te soy ag ues oege «Entei ca RWS Sat aoe Ce Sect itee a | Seen eerieet ae ee Sentedeetnes | BE EF og Section Vill, Divioln 2 with ligementeticieney — OT, gen (G0 Sotation Bey = 0454; 1" = 0308 ‘The moment and defection diggrams ui or the case of 50% ege Oxlty are Bs can sow be decemined a Shown in Fig. 2. Using thee reals, {pbeshect abd tube stresses are Dow rr MEE a pa Tht Bie Pp of Gatton of tating eBbae riarry tome Stn Endladonteamstip?

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