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Hardworking and accomplishd. ! highl" moti#atd and rs$lts-orintd oprations profssional% with &princ in
pr#nti# and corrcti# maintnanc% comm$nications% training and d#lopmnt% and tro$blshooting. 'cogni(d as
a skilld lctronics tchnician% with &tnsi# s$pr#isor" &princ in lctronic )$ipmnt% comp$tr information
s"stms% long-rang radar% and th calibration of tst )$ipmnt. !sssss sit$ations thoro$ghl" and implmnts fficint
sol$tions whil $pholding th highst standards in th s$pport of s$staind oprations. !bl to work $ndr prss$r in
diffic$lt circ$mstancs. *monstrats strong comm$nications skills. +osssss a high sns of $rgnc" and &cds
KENNEBEC VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS, ,atr#ill% -ain .an$ar" 20/4 0 +rsnt
Substitute Teacher
+ro#idd instr$ction% managd th classroom n#ironmnt% and promotd st$dnt larning in th absnc of th rg$lar
classroom tachr.
1d lssons in 2ocial 2t$dis and 1ang$ag !rts at th .$nior High l#l.
3illd th rol of an 4d 5ch at th !lbrt 2 Hall 2chool% pro#iding assistanc in on-on-on and small gro$p
larning n#ironmnts.
T-MOBILE, 6akland% -ain .an$ar" 20/7 0 *cmbr 20/7
Customer Care Specialist
!pplid o$tstanding intrprsonal skills to rsol# a #arit" of c$stomr nds% incl$ding billing in)$iris and tchnical
-aintaind a high rating in 6n 8all 'sol$tion% consistntl" &cding th 6akland 8all 8ntr goal of 229.
'cogni(d b" c$stomrs for co$rts" and profssionalism thro$gh th $tili(ation of s$prior )$stioning and
listning skills to rsol# diffic$lt iss$s.
KELLY SERVICES, !$g$sta% -ain !$g$st 20/2 0 *cmbr 20/2
PC Technical Support Specialist (Temp)
+ro#idd first l#l hardwar:softwar s$pport to mplo"s. !nswrd )$stions on th phon and in prson to rsol#
problms associatd with dsktops% laptops% priphrals% softwar applications and basic ntwork conncti#it".
*iagnosd and:or rsol#d si& 1!;:5lcomm$nications iss$s% incl$ding thr offic mo#s and a ntwork
<nstalld% rconfig$rd and $pgradd /0 workstations% incl$ding th cration and pop$lation of a nw imag for
th 9 workstations in th nw training room and anothr in prparation for a stat-wid 1!; $pgrad from =+ to
,indows 7.
8ratd and maintaind rlatd tchnical doc$mntation% spcificall" si& procd$ral g$ids for th
tro$blshooting and rpair of factor" floor scannrs% printrs% >6<+ and 2hop 3loor 8ontrol +8?s.
2$pportd 62 and softwar incl$ding% b$t not limitd to% ,indows =+% ,indows 7% -icrosoft 6ffic s$its% 1ot$s
;ots% rmot accss clints and othr standard softwar applications.
+rformd% assistd with or coordinatd installation and rpair of dsktop )$ipmnt incl$ding printrs% modms%
and othr ntwork priphrals in a m$lti-platform% m$lti-protocol n#ironmnt.
@.2. ;a#" forc-wid rd$ction d$ to mandatd b$dgt constraints.
USS FRANK CABLE, !gana% A$am
@.2. ;a#" 2$bmarin 5ndr forward dplo"d in th Alobal ,ar against 5rrorism.
Training Supervisor for Electrical and Electronic Repair Division, 20//-20/2
Brian Tardiff, Page 2
!dministratd a training program thro$gh planning% prparation of ssntial di#isional training% and managing a di#isional
prsonnl )$alification standard program to ns$r th )$alification of /80 prsonnl to pro#id dpot-l#l maintnanc
to @.2. n$clar s$bmarins oprating in th +acific rgion.
*signd sc$r di#isional training pag on th @22 3'!;B 8!C14?s 1ocal !ra ;twork D1!;E% pro#iding a on-
stop rso$rc for mting all di#isional training and )$alification r)$irmnts.
8ratd a ,b-nabld% )$alification-tracking s"stm% allowing di#isional prsonnl to monitor th progrss of
)$alification paprwork thro$gh th appro#al procss.
4ns$rd an o$tstanding l#l of knowldg across th di#ision% rs$lting in f$ll"-)$alifid prsonnl to s$pport th
@22 3'!;B 8!C14?s rpair mission accomplishmnt.
2r#d in th 20// flt maintnanc acti#it" assssmnt of th @22 3'!;B 8!C14% rs$lting in flt maintnanc
acti#it" crtification to pro#id $nrstrictd sr#ic to n$clar s$bmarins.
Terminal Area Securit !fficer, 2008-20//
+ro#idd% nforcd% and maintaind da"-to-da" $sr and sc$rit" control o#r all command information s"stm trminal assts%
ns$ring th implmntation of sc$rit" r)$irmnts and co$ntrmas$rs to mt all na#al ntwork warfar command
standards. !$thori(d th trminal $sr?s accss basd on idntit"% nd-to-know% and l#l of claranc. 5ra#lld to th
trminal $sr?s offics to sr#ic machins. 4stablishd rliabl and sc$r ntwork comm$nications for 250 sailors and 75
mbarkd sc$rit" missions.
2r#d in 1!; migration% nabling a f$ll $pgrad of all ntwork hardwar and softwar.
*#lopd s#ral training programs on bhalf of th comm$nications dpartmnt% incl$ding th monthl" 4lctronic
B" -anagmnt 2"stm D4B-2E and ntwork sc$rit" classs to stramlin -2'6;-7?s )$alification maintnanc
and th ntir comm$nications c$rric$l$m for <ndi#id$al 8ombat 2kills D<82E and 'adio 5lphon 6prator D'56E
!ssistd and d$catd sr#ic mmbrs% rtirs% and dpndnts% sa#ing thm F7%600 in fs thro$gh a #ol$ntr
incom-ta& assistanc program.
Production Control Technician, 2004-2007
+rformd inspctions% minor rpairs% data doc$mntation% and in#ntor" of Anral +$rpos 4lctronic 5st 4)$ipmnt
DA+454E for iss$% shipping% and rcipt at 2,'88. +ro#idd g$idanc on calibration policis and &cllnt c$stomr
sr#ic to @.2. s$rfac ships and na#al aircraft transiting th so$thwstrn rgion of th @nitd 2tats.
Hand-slctd to rprsnt 2,'88 as liaison to /20 sagoing $nits% rs$lting in 509 rd$ction in A+454 ind$ction
procssing tim.
2r#d in an instit$tion of procd$rs that stramlind 2,'88 shipping and rci#ing from a Goint militar" and
ci#ilian-opratd work cntr to a singl militar" opration% rs$lting in stimatd cost sa#ings of F/00%000 pr "ar.
'cogni(d for &cllnt prformanc of d$tis% c$stomr sr#ic% and ddication to tam-b$ilding b" arning two
;a#" and -arin 8orps !chi#mnt -dals whil assignd to 2,'-8.
USS SQUALL, 2an *igo% 8alifornia
@.2. ;a#" +atrol 8oastal 2hip dplo"d in s$pport of th Alobal ,ar on 5rrorism.
Electronics "aterial !fficer, 2002-2004
Hadd maintnanc% rpair% and opration of all comp$tr% comm$nications% radar% and lctronic na#igation s"stms on
board th @22 2H@!11% sr#ing as tchnical comm$nications &prt and ns$ring all watch stations possssd th ral-
tim tactical and na#igational pict$r and maGor &trior comm$nications. -aintaind c$rrnt s"stm stat$s of all
cas$altis as wll as oprabilit"% kping th ship rad" for tactical and h$manitarian missions as dirctd b" 5I86-.
2lctd for indpndnt d$t" as third class ptt" officr% a billt normall" assignd to a mor snior sailor.
2parhadd th initiati# to $pdat pr#nti# and corrcti# maintnanc procd$rs on installd )$ipmnt to
mt s$rfac warfar doc$mntation r)$irmnts in prparation for inspction and s$r#"% ns$ring th @22
2H@!11?s contin$d s$pport of Homland 2c$rit" missions in th +acific ;orthwst.
USS BOXER, 2an *igo% 8alifornia
@.2. ;a#" !mphibio$s !ssa$lt 2hip dplo"d in s$pport of th Alobal ,ar on 5rrorism.
Brian Tardiff, Page 3
Computer #et$or% &ard$are Technician, /999-2002
'paird% maintaind% and installd comp$trs% 1!; ro$trs% and rlatd )$ipmnt on board th @22 C6=4'%
minimi(ing s"stm downtim and ns$ring propr opration of all ntwork comp$tr s"stms.
4arnd a 3lag 1ttr of 8ommndation for prsonal fforts in th 8<;8+!8315 1asd +8 <nitiati#% b" contrib$ting
instr$mntall" to th f$ll rplacmnt of 250 ntwork assts% with a minimal amo$nt of impact on c$stomrs.
5raind fo$r information s"stms tchnicians in th rpair of basic prsonal comp$tr hardwar and fibr-optic and
8atgor" 5 cabl% rs$lting in th rsol$tion of /00 tro$bl calls.
EDUCATIONAL TECHNICIAN III, -ain *partmnt of 4d$cation
UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, !$g$sta% -ain
Elementar Education, 20/7 to +rsnt
Computer 'nformation Sstems, 20/2 to 20/7
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, 1a .olla% 8alifornia
(raduate Studies, English )iterature
*+A+, English )iterature, /996

;a#al <nstr$ctor% 2008 J @H3 *!-! and 8omm$nications 2"stms 5chnician% 2007 J 3lt 4lctronics 8alibration
5chnician% 2004 J 8omm$nications 2c$rit" -aintnanc 5chnician% 2002 J ="lan:!5- 2witch% 2000 J <nformation
2"stm -aintnanc 5chnician% /999 J <ntllignc 8ntr -aintnanc 5chnician% /999 J !d#ancd 4lctronics
5chnical 8or and K!K 2chool% /998 J @.2. ;a#" Casic 5raining% /997-/998
Pe!"#$% A&$'! (" Re)"*#+,+"# "( Pe("-$#)e.
Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare Specialist (EXW), 20//
Navy and arine !orps "c#ieve$ent edals, -a" 2007% 2ptmbr 2007
%lag &etter of !o$$endation fro$ !o$$anding 'fficer, (SS B'XE), 2000
Enlisted S*rface Warfare Specialist (ESWS), 200/
+ood !ond*ct ",ard, 2000% 2007% 2006% 2009
-isting*is#ed ilitary +rad*ate of "dvanced Electronics Tec#nical !ore !o*rse, /998
C$-/$+*# $#' U#+, A&$'!. War on Terroris$ edal, 2005
National -efense edal, 200/
"r$ed %orces Expeditionary edal, 2000
8$rrntl" holds an acti# 248'45 sc$rit" claranc.

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