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Intercultural Communication

Service Learning Paper

Submitted by:
Noelle Knight

May 2, 2014

Submitted to:
Tamara K. Phillips, M.S.
COMM 2150-002
Department of Communication
Salt Lake Community College

Community Partner

For my service learning project, I volunteer at the English as a Second Language Lab at
Salt Lake Community College. The contact info is listed below:

Lidya Gonzales
ESL Lab Coordinator
English as a Second Language Lab
Salt Lake Community College
TB 430
Phone: 801-957-4026


I did my Service Learning project at the ESL Lab, and their Mission statement included:
to help English as a Second Language Students develops their English language skills to
succeed at school and to be employable after graduation from Salt Lake Community College
(ESL Lab Brochure). The ESL Lab uses Service learners to help with individual tutoring within
the classroom, with the supervision of the teacher. They use this special tutoring to help improve
the ESL Lab students skills.

For my project I helped in the ESL Lab as a service learners or volunteer. I would
assigned to various people over the course of time that I helped in the ESL Lab. Within the first
hour I helped students with their grammar skills in their workbooks. In the second hour the
professor directs the students and the volunteers into separate groups. The professor gives the
groups a topic and the students talk to practice their English.

Cultural Groups

I worked with several people in the ESL Lab, all of the students were from several
different countries in all different regions. There was a man from South Sudan, a few girls from
Asia, and there was even a guy from Morocco. Many of the students was there to better their
English and gain a degree in varying things then either return to their country or try and gain
citizenship here in U.S.


The hardest part of my Service Learning Project wasnt really all that hard. The hardest
part was trying to remember all the grammar rules. Because I grew up speaking English I didnt
really need to memorize the rules. Usually I would just say it aloud to remember how its
supposed to be ordered and arranged. Even though it might be a little hard I think the experiences
were better.
The theory I wanted to focus on is General Systems Theory that was created by Paul
Watzlawick. In the course packet it states: Views human behavior as the result of a series of
factors that mutually influence one another. The focus shifts from the individual to the whole
(Phillips, 2014). Systems can be defined as: A set of interconnected elements in which a change
in one element affects all of the other elements (Phillips, 2014). There is also six Assumptions
of Systems Theory:
1. Non-Summativity- a system cannot be fully comprehended just by itself, it has to be
studied as a whole. The whole is different than the sum of its parts.
2. Interdependence- the elements of a system are inter-related, and all members are affected
by the shifts and changes in the system.
3. Hierarchy- all systems have systems, either subsystems (lower-levels) or supra-systems
(higher-levels). Each can function independently of the whole system, but each is an
integral part of the system.
4. Boundaries- systems and sub/supra-systems develop permeable boundaries, because
human systems are open systems they have some openness that varies from system to
5. Calibration/Feedback- Calibration, or the checking the scale, and the feedback to change
or stabilize the system, allow for control of the range. Feedback is negative when t
maintains the status quo. Feedback is positive when it produces change.
6. Equufinality- the ability to achieve the same goals through different means.
(Phillips, 2014)
The Systems Theory can be best shown through this simple illustration:

Teacher Students
School & Etc.

This illistration shows the whole interaction of the sytem by Non-Summativity. It also
illistrates how interdependence connects and affects each individual of the system. Hierarchy is
shown through all the levels of the circles. Boundaries of the system has openness through the
dotted lines. Calibration and Feedback is shown through the arrows and this
Calibration/Feedback can be either be positive or negitive. This illistration doesnt show a
goal(s) for the system, but because it is with the same system we can assume that they do have
the same goal(s).
If I apply this to my Service Learning Project in the ESL Lab I would arrange the system like
I did above in the illistration that I provided. The different boundaries around the three groups of
people with in the environment are grouped and seperated in different ways. I grouped the three
individuals in different ways because these three individuals have several things that are similar
or different from each other. Such as:
Teacher and Volunteer- these two share the similiarty that they have extensive knowledge
of English. With this knowledge these two share a background or history. With this history they
can communicate effectively and even share inside jokes.
Teacher and Students- these two individuals also share a history or knowing each other,
probably longer than the Teacher and the Volunteer do. With this they can communicate a little
more effectively and the Student are more accustome to the teaching style of the Teacher than
they are of the Student and might be able to communicate better in that aspect.
Student and Volunteer- these two individuals have similarities because they are not the one
with authority within this system, most likely because both of them are students with in the
school, just not in the class room. And because they have this similiarities they have a better way
to communicate and thus are in a boundary of their own.
The boundaries go even further with subsystems because there are several students and all
the students in the ESL Lab have groups of their own and tend to group with cultures that are
similar to their own. For example the Asian students will group together, the Hispanic students
group together, etc.
The Interdependence of the groups is affected by several elements within the system. The
Equifinality within the group can helped be achieved within the group with the help of positive
I had a little fear of working with the students in the ESL Lab, mostly that I wouldnt be able
to communicate with them as effectively as I would need to to be able to help them. My attitude
on the other hand was very egger to work with the international students. I have always like to
work with people of different cultures and people, and if I had the available time and resourses I
would definitely keep volunteering in the ESL Lab.
I learned several things about the several different cultures of the ESL Lab and even the
culture of the ESL Lab. One of the best things I learned when I volunteered in the ESL Lab was
when I was able to talk to a Hispanic woman named Gloria. She talked to me about her
experiences in America of about seventeen years.
My fears toward the project has changed quite a lot, the fear of doing something wrong has
decreased quite a lot by, even the ending of my first visit to the ESL Lab. My attitude, however,
had not changed what so ever. I was still, if not more, enthusiastic to work with the international
students in the ESL Lab.
The application of the theory helped me tremendously when trying to interpret my
experiences in the ESL Lab. Using the System Theory I was able to see how the class room
worked interdependently of the whole system. I wasnt really able to see the Non-Summativity
of the system until later, but applying the theory helped to see this. To see how this theory
actually worked in realistic setting was really interesting to see.
My definition of Civic Engagement at the beginning of the semester was a set of acts that
address an issue or public concern. Such as my service learning project might help me to learn
more about those in the ESL lab, and for them to better their English. My definition of Civic
Engagement hasnt really changed, and I think my Civic Engagement has helped the
international students in the ESL Lab.
I think I made a pretty good contribution to the community because with helping these
students they will be able to continue on and better themselves and thus help others and their
community, and so no and so forth. I dont think I made a mentionable change to the community,
but as long as the individuals remember me I think I did something good.
I can incorporate what I learned in my service-learning project later in my life by continuing
my service within the community, weather thats within the Deaf community or just at the
homeless shelter doesnt matter. I really like interacting with other people, I hope that in the
future I have the time and resources to continue with my service within the community and keep
on gaining those experiences and learning from them.

Works Cited
F. Heylighen. (1998, October 14). Basic Concepts of the Systems Approach. Retrieved from
Principia Cybernetica Web:
Gonzales, L. (2014, May 2). ESL Lab Brochure. Taylorsville, Utah, U.S.A: ESL Lab.
Judith N. Martin, T. K. (2013). Intercultural Communication in Context. Boston: McGraw Hill.
Phillips, T. K. (2014). COMM 2150; Intercultural Communication; Course Packet. Taylorsville,
Utah, U.S.A.: Department of Communication, SLCC.

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