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By Abbie Hoffman
Dedicated to Jerry Lefcourt, Lawyer and Brother
Library of Conre!! number "#$%&"%%& '!to(en from Library of Conre!!)
co*yriht +%,"% -I.ATE EDITIO/
%5 0.EE 0OOD
6 .e!taurant!
6 0ood -roram!
6 Su*ermar7et!
6 8ho(e!a(e 9ar7et!
6 0ood Con!*iracie!
6 Chea* Chow
#5 0.EE CLOTHI/2 A/D 01./IT1.E
6 0ree C(othin
6 Sanda(!
6 0ree 0urniture
:5 0.EE T.A/S-O.TATIO/
6 Hitch$Hi7in
6 0reihtin
6 Car!
6 Bu!e!
6 Air(ine!
6 In City Tra;e(
<5 0.EE LA/D
&5 0.EE HO1SI/2
6 Commune!
6 1rban Li;in
6 .ura( Li;in
6 Li!t of Commune!
6 Li!t of 0ree 1ni;er!itie!
6 Birth Contro( C(inic!
6 Abortion!
6 Di!ea!e! Treated 0ree
>5 0.EE CO991/ICATIO/
6 -re!! Conference
6 8a(( -aintin
6 1!e of the 0(a
6 .adio
6 0ree Te(e*hone!
6 -ay -hone!
,5 0.EE -LA?
6 9o;ie! and Concert!
6 .ecord! and Boo7!
%@5 0.EE 9O/E?
6 8e(fare
6 1nem*(oyment
6 -anhand(in
6 .i*$Off!
6 The Internationa( ?i**ie Currency EAchane
%%5 0.EE DO-E
6 Buyin, Se((in and 2i;in It Away
6 2rowin ?our Own
6 Laundry
6 -et!
6 -o!ter!
6 Security
6 -o!tae
6 9a*!
6 9ini!try
6 Attrocitie!
6 3eteranB! Benefit!
6 8atch
6 3acation!
6 Drin7!
6 Buria(!
6 A!trodome -icture!
6 Di*(oma
6 Toi(et!
6 Startin a -rintin 8or7!ho*
6 1nderround /ew!*a*er!
6 Hih Schoo( -a*er!
6 25I5 -a*er!
6 /ew! Ser;ice!
6 The 1nderround -re!!
6 Switchboard!
6 2uerri((a .adio
6 2uerri((a Te(e;i!ion
6 Dre!!
6 He(met!
6 2a! 9a!7!
6 8a(7ie$Ta(7ie!
6 Other ECui*ment
<5 T.ASHI/2
6 8ea*on! for Street 0ihtin
6 Knife 0ihtin
6 1narmed Defen!e
6 2enera( Stratey .e*
6 Stin7 Bomb
6 Smo7e Bomb
6 CB8
6 9o(oto; Coc7tai(
6 Sterno Bomb
6 Aero!o( Bomb
6 -i*e Bomb!
6 2enera( Bomb Stratey
6 8hat to Do
6 9edica( Committee!
6 Lea( Ad;ice
6 LawyerB! 2rou*
6 Join the Army of ?our Choice
6 Canada, Sweden D -o(itica( A!y(um
>5 STEAL /O8, -A? /E3E.
6 Sho*(iftin
6 TechniCue!
6 On the Job
6 Credit Card!
,5 9O/KE? 8EL0A.E
%@5 -IECE /O8
6 Handun!
6 .if(e!
6 Shotun!
6 Other 8ea*on!
6 Trainin
6 2un Law!
%%5 THE 1/DE.2.O1/D
6 Identification -a*er!
6 Communication
%5 01CK /E8 ?O.K
<5 01CK SA/ 0.A/CISCO
ItB! *erha*! fittin that I write thi! introduction in Eai($that
raduate !choo( of !ur;i;a(5 Here you (earn how to u!e tooth*a!te a!
(ue, fa!hion a !hi; out of a !*oon and bui(d intricate communication
networ7!5 Here too, you (earn the on(y rehabi(itation *o!!ib(e$hatred
of o**re!!ion5Stea( Thi! Boo7 i!, in a way, a manua( of !ur;i;a( in the
*ri!on that i! Ameri7a5 It *reache! Eai(brea75 It !how! you where
eAact(y how to *(ace the dynamite that wi(( de!troy the wa((!5 The
fir!t !ection$S1.3I3E4$(ay! out a *otentia( action *roram for our new
/ation5 The cha*ter headin! !*e(( out the demand! for a free !ociety5
A community where the techno(oy *roduce! ood! and !er;ice! for
whoe;er need! them, come who may5
It ca((! on the .obin Hood! of Santa Barbara 0ore!t to !tea( from
the robber baron! who own the ca!t(e! of ca*ita(i!m5 It im*(ie! that
the reader a(ready i! Fideo(oica((y !et,F in that he under!tand!
cor*orate feuda(i!m a! the on(y robbery worthy of bein ca((ed Fcrime,F
for it i! committed aain!t the *eo*(e a! a who(e5 8hether the way!
it de!cribe! to ri*$off !hit are (ea( or i((ea( i! irre(e;ant5 The
dictionary of (aw i! written by the bo!!e! of order5 Our mora(
dictionary !ay! no hei!tin from each other5 To !tea( from a brother
or !i!ter i! e;i(5 To not !tea( from the in!titution! that are the
*i((ar! of the -i Em*ire i! eCua((y immora(5Community within our
/ation, chao! in their!G that i! the me!!ae of S1.3I3E48e cannot
!ur;i;e without (earnin to fiht and that i! the (e!!on in the !econd
0I2HT4 !e*arate! re;o(utionarie! from out(aw!5 The *ur*o!e of
*art two i! not to fuc7 the !y!tem, but de!troy it5 The wea*on! are
carefu((y cho!en5 They are Fhome$made,F in that they are de!ined for
u!e in our uniCue e(ectronic Eun(e5 Here the u*town re;iewer wi(( find
am*(e *roof of our F;io(entF nature5 But aain, the dictionary of (aw
fai(! u!5 9urder in a uniform i! heroic, in a co!tume it i! a crime5
0a(!e ad;erti!ement! win award!, forer! end u* in Eai(5 Inf(ated
*rice! uarantee (are *rofit! whi(e !ho*(ifter! are *uni!hed5
-o(itician! con!*ire to create *o(ice riot! and the ;ictim! are
con;icted in the court!5 Student! are unned down and then indicted by
!uburban rand Eurie! a! the troub(e$ma7er!5 A modern, hih(y
mechaniHed army tra;e(! ,,@@@ mi(e! to commit enocide aain!t a !ma((
nation of reat ;i!ion and then accu!e! it! *eo*(e of are!!ion5
S(um(ord! a((ow rat! to maim chi(dren and then com*(ain of ;io(ence in
the !treet!5 E;erythin i! to*!y$tur;y5 If we interna(iHe the (anuae
and imaery of the *i!, we wi(( fore;er be fuc7ed5 Let me i((u!trate
the *oint5 Ameri7a wa! bui(t on the !(auhter of a *eo*(e5 That i! it!
hi!tory5 0or year! we watched mo;ie after mo;ie that demon!trated the
white manB! bene;o(ence5 Jimmy Stewart, the e*itome of fairne!!, *ut!
hi! arm around Cochi!e and te((! how the Indian! and the white! can
(i;e in *eace if on(y both !ide! wi(( be rea!onab(e, re!*on!ib(e and
rationa( 'the three .B! im*eria(i!t! a(way! teach the Fnati;e!F)5 F?ou
wi(( find ood raHin (and on the other !ide of the mountain,F draw(!
the *ub(ic re(ation! man5 FTa7e your *eo*(e and o in *eace5F Cochi!e
a! we(( a! mi((ion! of youn!ter! in the ba(cony of (earnin, were
bein dea(t off the bottom of the dec75 The Indian! !hou(d ha;e offed
Jimmy Stewart in e;ery *icture and we !hou(d ha;e cheered our!e(;e!
hoar!e5 1nti( we under!tand the nature of in!titutiona( ;io(ence
and how it mani*u(ate! ;a(ue! and more! to maintain the *ower of the
few, we wi(( fore;er be im*ri!oned in the ca;e! of inorance5 8hen we
conc(ude that ban7 robber! rather than ban7er! !hou(d be the tru!tee!
of the uni;er!itie!, then we bein to thin7 c(ear(y5 8hen we !ee the
Army 9athematic! .e!earch and De;e(o*ment Center and the Ban7 of
Ameri7a a! ce!!*oo(! of ;io(ence, fi((in the mind! of our youn with
hatred, turnin one aain!t another, then we bein to thin7
re;o(utionary5Be c(e;er u!in !ection twoG c(e;er a! a !na7e5 Di the
!*irit of the !tru(e5 DonBt et hun u* on a !acrifice tri*5
.e;o(ution i! not about !uicide, it i! about (ife5 8ith your finer!
*robe the ho(ine!! of your body and !ee that it wa! meant to (i;e5 ?our
body i! Eu!t one in a ma!! of cudd(y humanity5 Become an
internationa(i!t and (earn to re!*ect a(( (ife5 9a7e war on machine!,
and in *articu(ar the !teri(e machine! of cor*orate death and the
robot! that uard them5 The duty of a re;o(utionary i! to ma7e (o;e
and that mean! !tayin a(i;e and free5 That doe!nBt a((ow for co*$out!5
Smo7in do*e and hanin u* CheB! *icture i! no more a commitment than
drin7in mi(7 and co((ectin *o!tae !tam*!5 A re;o(ution in
con!ciou!ne!! i! an em*ty hih without a re;o(ution in the di!tribution
of *ower5 8e are not intere!ted in the reenin of Ameri7a eAce*t for
the ra!! that wi(( co;er it! ra;e5
Section three $ LIBE.ATE4 $ concern! it!e(f with effort! to free
!tuff 'or at (ea!t ma7e it chea*) in four citie!5 Sort of a Cuic7 15S5
on no do((ar! a day5 It bein! to !cratch the *otentia( for a nationa(
effort in thi! area5 Since we are a nation of y*!ie!, do*e on how to
mo;e around and di in anywhere i! a(way! needed5 Toether we can
eA*and thi! !ection5 It i! far from com*(ete, a! i! the entire *roEect5
Incom*(ete cha*ter! on how to identify *o(ice aent!, !tea( a car, run
day$care center!, conduct your own tria(, oraniHe a 25I5 coffee hou!e,
!tart a roc7 and ro(( band and ma7e neat c(othe!, are !cattered a((
o;er the f(oor of the ce((5 The boo7 a! it now !tand! wa! com*(eted in
the (ate !ummer of %,"@5 0or three month! manu!cri*t! made the round!
of e;ery maEor *ub(i!her5 In a((, o;er :@ reEection! occurred before
the deci!ion to *ub(i!h the boo7 our!e(;e! wa! made, or rather made for
u!5 -erha*! no other boo7 in modern time! *re!ented !uch a di(emma5
E;eryone areed the boo7 wou(d be a commercia( !ucce!!5 But e;en reed
had it! (imit!, and the I.S and 0BI fo((owin the manu!cri*t with their
(itt(e Ei;e ra* had a te((in effect5 Thirty Fye!e!F become thirty
Fnoe!F after Fthin7in it o;er5F Libera(!, who !u**o!ed(y (ed the fiht
aain!t cen!or!hi*, ta(7ed of how the boo7 Fwi(( end free
!*eech5F0ina((y the day we were brinin the *roof! to the *rinter,
2ro;e con!ented to act a! di!tributor5 To *u(( a tota( !o(o tri*,
inc(udin di!tribution, wou(d ha;e been neat, but !uch an effort wou(d
be doomed from the !tart5 8e had tried it before and b(ew it5 In fact,
if anyone i! intere!ted in <,@@@ %,=, ?i**ie ca(endar!, theyB;e ot a
dea(5 E;en with a di!tributor Eoinin the fiht, the batt(e wi(( on(y
bein when the boo7! come off the *re!!5 There i! a !ayin that
F0reedom of the *re!! be(on! to tho!e who own one5F In *a!t era!, thi!
wa! *robab(y the ca!e, but now, hih !*eed method! of ty*e!ettin,
off!et *rintin and a ho!t of other de;e(o*ment! ha;e made !ub!tantia(
reduction! in *rintin co!t!5 Litera((y anyone i! free to *rint their
own wor7!5 In e;en the mo!t re*re!!i;e !ociety imainab(e, you can et
away with !ome form of *ri;ate *ub(i!hin5 Becau!e Ameri7a a((ow! thi!,
doe! not ma7e it the democracy Jeffer!on en;i!ioned5 .e*re!!i;e
to(erance i! a rea( *henomenon5 To ta(7 of true freedom of the *re!!,
we mu!t ta(7 of the a;ai(abi(ity of the channe(! of communication that
are de!ined to reach the entire *o*u(ation, or at (ea!t that !ement
of the *o*u(ation that miht *artici*ate in !uch a dia(oue5 0reedom of
the *re!! be(on! to tho!e that own the di!tribution !y!tem5 -erha*!
that ha! a(way! been the ca!e, but in a ma!! !ociety where near(y
e;eryone i! in!tantaneou!(y *(ued into a ;ariety of nationa(
communication! !y!tem!, wide$!*read di!!emination of the information i!
the cruA of the matter5 To ma7e the c(aim that the riht to *rint your
own boo7 mean! freedom of the *re!! i! to com*(ete(y mi!under!tand the
nature of a ma!! !ociety5 It i! (i7e ma7in the c(aim that anyone with
a *u!hcart can cha((ene Safeway !u*ermar7et!, or that any chi(d can
row u* to be *re!ident5State (ei!(ator!, (ibrarian!, -TA member!, 0BI
aent!, church$oer!, and *arent!I a ;eritab(e (eion of decency and
order a(ready i! on the march5 To et the boo7 to you miht be the
bie!t cha((ene we face5 The neAt few month! !hou(d *ro;e rea((y
eAcitin5Ob;iou!(y !uch a *roEect a! Stea( Thi! Boo7 cou(d not ha;e
been carried out a(one5 IHa7 Haber !hared the ;i!ion from the
beinnin5 He did month! of ;a(uab(e re!earch and contributed many of
the !ur;i;a( techniCue!5 Caro(e .amer and 2u! .eichbach of the /ew ?or7
Law Commune uided the boo7 throuh it! many !tae!5 Anna Kaufman 9oon
did a(mo!t a(( the *hotora*h!5 The cartooni!t! who ha;e made
contribution! inc(ude S7i 8i((iam!on and 2i(bert She(don5 Tom 0orcade,
of the 1-S, *atient(y did the editin5 Bert Cohen of Concert Ha(( did
the boo7B! ra*hic de!in5 Amber and John 8i(coA !et the ty*e5 Anita
Hoffman and Lynn Borman he(*ed me rewrite a number of !ection!5 There
are other! who *artici*ated in the te!tin of many of the techniCue!
demon!trated in the fo((owin *ae! and for ob;iou! rea!on! ha;e to
remain anonymou!5 There were *erha*! o;er &@ brother! and !i!ter! who
*(ayed *articu(ar(y ;ita( ro(e! in the rand con!*iracy5 Some of the
many other! are (i!ted on the fo((owin *ae5 8e ho*e to 7ee* the
information u* to date5 If you ha;e comment!, (aw !uit!, !ue!tion! or
death threat!, *(ea!e !end them toI Dear Abbie -5@5 BoA #%:, Coo*er
Station, /ew ?or7, /? %@@@:5 9any of the ti*! miht not wor7 in your
area, !ome miht be ob!o(ete by the time you et to try them out, and
many addre!!e! and *hone number! miht be chaned5 If the reader
become! a *artici*atin re!earcher then we wi(( ha;e achie;ed our
*ur*o!e58atch for a !*ecia( edition ca((ed Stea( Thi! 8hite Hou!e,
com*(ete with b(ue*rint! of underround *a!!ae!, method! of Eammin
the communication! networ7 and a detai(ed ma* of the ce(ebrated room
where accordin to Tricia /iAon, FDaddy (o;e! to (i!ten to 9anto;anni
record!, turn u* the air conditioner fu(( b(a!t, !it by the fire*(ace,
aHe out the window to the 8a!hinton 9onument and meditate on tho!e
difficu(t *rob(em! that face a(( the *eo*(e! of thi! wor(d5FDecember,
%,"@Coo7 County Jai(Chicao
$ A ?I--IE -.O3E.BAIDI/2 A/D ABETTI/2Tim Leary, Tom, 2eronimo, -ear(
-a*erhaner, Sonny, -at So(omon, A((an KatHman, Jacob Kohn, /uyen 3an
Troi, Su!an, 9arty, Andy, Ami, 9ar!ha(( B(oom, 3i;a, Ben, Oanh, .obin
-a(mer, 9om and Dad, Janie 0onda, Jerry, Deni!, L/S, Bernadine Dohrn, a
wa(( in Har;ard SCuare, /ancy, an anonymou! !tewarde!!, Shir(ey
8onderfu(, .oH, 2umbo, Jani!, Jimi, Dy(an Liberation 0ront, Jeannie,
2od S(ic7, John, Da;id, .u!ty, Barney, .ichard, Denny, .on Cobb, the
entire 3iet Con, Sam She*hard, 9a Be((, Eric, Da;id, Joe, Kim Anew,
the -artride 0ami(y, Caro(, A(an 2in!bur, 8omanB! Lib, Ju(iu! Le!ter,
Lenny Bruce, Hac7, Bi((y, -au(, 8i((y, Co((een, Sid, Johnny A**(e!eed,
the .at, Crai, Che, 8i((ie Sutton, 8anda, E3O, Jeff, CraHy Hor!e,
Huey, Ca!ey, Bobby, A(ice, 9ao, .i*, Ed, Bob, 2ay Liberation 0ront,
8-AJ, 0ran7 Dudoc7, 9anny, 9uno, Lottie, .o!emary, 9ar!ha((, .ennie,
Judy, Jennifer, 9r5 9artin, Keith, 9adame Binh, 9i7e, E(eanor, Dr5
S*oc7, Afeni, Candice, the Tu*amaro!, Ber7e(ey Tribe, 2i(bert She(don,
Stan(ey Kubric7, Sam, Anna, S7i* 8i((iam!on, 1-S, Andy Sta**, the
?i**ie!, .ichard Brautian, Jano, Car(o! 9arihe((a, the 8eathermen,
Ju(iu! Jennin! Hoffman, Kuentin, the inmate! of TIE. A$( Coo7 County
Jai(, Houdini, :", .o!a LuAember, the Kent #&, the Chicao %&, the /ew
?or7 #%, the 9otor City :, the Indiana*o(i! &@@, Jac7, Joan, 9a(co(m J,
9aya7o;!7y, Dot!on, .5 Crumb, Danie( C(yne, Ju!tin, The 0BI To* %@ 'now
%=), 1ni!, Dana, Jim 9orri!on, Brian, John, 2u!, .uth, /ancy 1ner,
-un, Jomo, -eter, 9ar7 .udd, Bi((y Kun!t(er, 2enie, Ken, the Law
Commune, -au(a, .obby, Terry, Dianna, Ane(a, Ted, -hi(, Jeffer!on
Air*(ane, Len, Tric7y -ric7er!, the Berrian!, Stu, .ayanne, J5B5,
Jonathan Jac7!on, the Arm!tron Brother!, Homer, Sharon, 0red Ham*ton,
Jean JacCue! Lebe(, A5 H5 9a!(ow, Hanoi .o!e, Sy(;ia, 0e((ini, Amaru,
Ann 0ettamen, Artaud, Bert, 9erri((, Lynne, and (a!t but not (ea!t to
S*iro whatB! hi! name who *ro;ided the incenti;e5
In a country !uch a! Ameri7a, there i! bound to be a he(($of$a$
(ot food (yin around Eu!t waitin to be ri**ed off5 If you want to
(i;e hih off the ho without ha;in to do the di!he!, re!taurant! are
ea!y *ic7in!5
In enera(, many of the!e taret! are ea!ier mar7! if you are
wearin the correct uniform5 ?ou !hou(d a(way! ha;e one !uit or
fa!hionab(e dre!! outfit hanin in the c(o!et for the *ro*er hei!t!5
S*ecia(iHed uniform!, !uch a! nun and *rie!t arb, can be mo!t he(*fu(5
Chec7 out your (oca( uniform !tore for a wide rane of c(othe! that
wi(( et you in, and e!*ecia((y out, of a(( 7ind! of !tore!5 E;ery
mo;ement oraniHation !hou(d ha;e a *ro* and co!tume de*artment5In
e;ery maEor city there are u!ua((y bar! that cater to the /ew
2eneration ty*e riff$raff, tryin to hu!t(e their way u* the e!ca(ator
of Bi Bu!ine!!5 9any of the!e bar! ha;e a buffet or hor!$dBoeu;re!
!er;ed free a! a come$on to drin7 more mind(e!! booHe5 Ta7e a ha(f$
em*ty (a!! from a tab(e and u!e it a! a *ro* to ward off the anAiou!
waitre!!5 8a(7 around !am*(in the free food unti( youB;e had enouh5
Often, there are fi;e or !iA !uch bar! in c(o!e *roAimity, !o mo;in
around can *roduce a de(ihtfu( F!treet !mora!bord5F Dinner u!ua((y
bein! at &I@@ -95If you are rea((y hunry, you can o into a !e(f$
!er;ice cafeteria and fini!h the mea( of !omeone who (eft a (ot on the
*(ate5 Se(f$!er;ice re!taurant! are u!ua((y ood *(ace! to co* thin!
(i7e mu!tard, 7etchu*, !a(t, !uar, toi(et *a*er, !i(;erware and cu*!
for home u!e5 Brin an em*ty !choo( ba and (oad u* after youB;e ca!ed
the Eoint5 A(!o, if you can !tomach the food, you can u!e !(u! at the
automat5 0ini!hin (efto;er! can be wor7ed in e;en the fancie!t of
re!taurant!5 8hen you are !eated at a *(ace where the di!he! !ti((
remain, chow$down rea( Cuic75 Then after the waitre!! hand! you the
menu, !ay you ha;e to meet !omeone out!ide fir!t, and (ea;e5There are
!ti(( !ome *(ace! where you can et a(( you can eat for a fiAed *rice5
The be!t of the!e *(ace! are in La! 3ea!5 Sew a *(a!tic ba onto your
tee$!hirt or be(t and wear a (oo!e$fittin Eac7et or coat to co;er any
noticeab(e bu(e5 0ried chic7en i! the be!t and the ea!ie!t to *oc7et,
or !hou(d we !ay ba5 Another tric7 i! to *our your !econd free cu* of
hot coffee into the *(a!tic ba !ewed in!ide your *oc7et and ta7e it
with you5At (are ta7e$out !tand! you can !ay you or your brother Eu!t
*ic7ed u* an order of fifteen hamburer! or a buc7et of chic7en, and
ot !horted5 8e ha;e ne;er !een or heard of anybody ettin turned down
u!in thi! method5 If you want to et into a rand food hei!t from
ta7e$out !tand!, you can wor7 the fo((owin ner;y bitI from a *ay
*hone, *(ace an order from a (are de(i;ery re!taurant5 Ha;e the order
!ent to a nearby a*artment hou!e5 8ait a few minute! in the booth after
youB;e hun u*, a! they !ometime! ca(( bac7 to confirm the order5 8hen
the de(i;ery man oe! into the a*artment hou!e to de(i;er the order,
you can !wi*e the remainin order! that are !ti(( in hi! truc75In fancy
!it$down re!taurant!, you can order a (are mea( and ha(fway throuh
the main cour!e, ta7e a (itt(e dead coc7roach or a *iece of (a!! out
of your *oc7et and *(ace it deft(y on the *(ate5 Jum* u* a!toni!hed and
!ummon the headwaiter5 F/e;er ha;e I been !o in!u(ted5 I cou(d ha;e
been *oi!onedF you !cream !(a**in down the na*7in5 ?ou can refu!e to
*ay and (ea;e, or (et the waiter ta(7 you into ha;in a brand new mea(
on the hou!e for thi! terrib(e incon;enience5In re!taurant! where you
*ay at the door Eu!t before (ea;in, there are a number of free$(oadin
tric7! that can be uti(iHed5 After youB;e eaten a fu(( mea( and otten
the chec7, o into the re!troom5 8hen you come out o to the counter or
another !ection of the re!taurant and order coffee and *ie5 /ow you
ha;e two bi((!5 Sim*(y *ay the chea*er one when you (ea;e the *(ace5
Thi! can be wor7ed with a friend in the fo((owin way5 Sit neAt to each
other at the counter5 He !hou(d order a bi mea( and you a cu* of
coffee5 -retend you donBt 7now each other5 8hen he (ea;e!, he ta7e!
your chec7 and (ea;e! the one for the (are mea( on the counter5 After
he ha! *aid the ca!hier and (eft the re!taurant, you *ic7 u* the (are
chec7, and then o into the a!toni!hment routine, com*(ainin that
!omebody too7 the wron chec75 ?ou end u* on(y *ayin for your coffee5
Later, meet your *artner and re;er!e the ro(e! in another *(ace5In a((
the!e method!, you !hou(d (ea;e a ood ti* for the waiter or waitre!!,
e!*ecia((y with the roach$in$the$*(ate ambit5 ?ou !hou(d try to a;oid
ettin the em*(oyee! in troub(e or !crewin them out of a ti*5One
fanta!tic method of not on(y ettin free food but ettin the be!t
a;ai(ab(e i! the fo((owin techniCue that can be u!ed in metro*o(itan
area!5 Loo7 in a (are maaHine !ho* for ourmet die!t! and touri!t
manua(!5 Swi*e one or two and co*y down a ood name from the ma!thead
in!ide the co;er5 9a7in u* a name can a(!o wor75 /eAt in;e!t L&5@@ to
*rint bu!ine!! card! with the name of the maaHine and the new
Fa!!ociate editor5F Ca(( or !im*(y dro* into a fancy re!taurant, !how a
co*y of the maaHine and *re!ent the manaer with your card5 They wi((
in!i!t that the mea( be on the hou!e52reat *(ace! to et fanta!tic
mea(! are weddin!, bar$mitH;ah!, te!timonia(! and the (i7e5 The
new!*a*er !ociety !ection! ha;e (i!t! of weddin! and (ocation!5 If
your city ha! a (are Jewi!h *o*u(ation, !ub!cribe to the new!*a*er
that !er;ice! the Jewi!h community5 There are eAten!i;e (i!t! in the!e
*a*er! of fami(y occa!ion! where ton! of ood food i! !er;ed5 Show u*
at the bac7 of the !ynaoue a few hour! after the affair ha! beun
with a !tory of how youBd (i7e to brin !ome (efto;er! of Food Jewi!h
foodF bac7 to your fraternity or !orority5 If you want to et the food
!er;ed to you out front, you natura((y ha;e to di!ui!e your!e(f to
(oo7 !traiht5 .emar7! !uch a!, FIBm 9ar;inB! cou!in,F or (earnin the
brideB! name, F2ee, Dorothy (oo7! mar;e(ou!F are reat5 Line! (i7e
FBetty doe!nBt (oo7 *renantF are frowned u*on5 A man and woman team
can wor7 thi! free$(oad much better than a !in(e *er!on a! they can
chatter bac7 and forth whi(e !tuffin them!e(;e!5If youBre rea((y into
a c(a!!y free mea(, and you are in a city with a (are harbor, chec7
out the *a!!ener !hi* !ection in the bac7 *ae! of the new!*a*er5
There you find the !chedu(e of de*arture! for ocean crui!e!5 9o!t tri*!
'the!e 7ind, anyway) bein with a fanta!tic bon ;oyae *arty on board
!hi*5 Ju!t wa(7 on a few hour! before de*arture time and !tart
!winin5 Cham*ane, ca;iar, (ob!ter, !hrim* and more, a(( a! free a!
the o*en !ea!5 If you et rea((y bombed and mi!! ettin off, you can
a(!o wi(e a ride acro!! the ocean5 ?ou et !ent bac7 a! !oon a! you
hit the other !ide, but itB! a free ocean crui!e5 ?ou !hou(d ha;e a
*retty ood !tory ready to o, or you miht end u* rowin in the
a((ey5Another *o!!ibi(ity for ettin a free mea( i! to o down to the
doc7! and et friend(y with a !ai(or5 He can often in;ite you for
dinner on board !hi*5 0orein !ai(or! are more than (ad to meet
friend! and you can et reat forein dinner! thi! way5
0OOD -.O2.A9S
In Ameri7a, there i! a nationa( food !tam* *roram that
unfortunate(y i! contro((ed by the !tate!5 9any !tate!, for raci!t
rea!on!, do not want to ma7e it too a;ai(ab(e or to *ub(iciHe the fact
that it e;en eAi!t!5 It i! a much better dea( than the food *roram
connected with we(fare, becau!e you can u!e the !tam*! to buy any 7ind
of food5 The on(y item! eAc(uded are tobacco *roduct! and a(coho(ic
be;erae!5 In enera(, you can Cua(ify if you earn (e!! than L%=& *er
monthG the (e!! you earn, the more !tam*! you can recei;e5 There i!
minima( ha!!(e in;o(;ed once you et by the fir!t hurd(e5 Show u* at
your (oca( food !tam* office, which can be found by ca((in the 8e(fare
De*artment in our city5 9a7e an a**ointment to !ee a re*re!entati;e for
your area5 They wi(( te(( you to brin a(( !ort! of recei*t!, but the
on(y thin you need are a few rent !tub! for the mo!t recent month!5 An
array of ;ariou! recei*t boo7! i! a nice !u**(ement to oneB! *ro* room5
If the recei*t! are for a hih rent, te(( them you rent a room from a
rou* of *eo*(e and eat !e*arate(y5 They rea((y on(y want to *ro;e that
you ha;e coo7in faci(itie!5 Once you et the !tam*!, you can *ic7 them
u* reu(ar(y5 Some !tate! e;en mai( them to your *ad5 ?ou can et u* to
a hundred do((ar! worth of free *urcha!e! a month *er *er!on in the
mo!t (ibera( !tate!5Lare amount! of hih(y nutritiona( food can be
otten for a! (itt(e a! three cent! *er mea( from a non$*rofit
oraniHation ca((ed 9u(ti$-ur*o!e 0ood for 9i((ion! 0oundation, Inc5,
%>@@ O(ym*ic A;e5, Santa 9onica, Ca(ifornia5 8rite and they wi(( !end
you detai(!5
Ta(7in about food in Ameri7a mean! ta(7in about !u*ermar7et!$
mammoth neon (ihted !treet! of food *ac7aed to hoodwin7 the
con!umer!5 9any a ?i**ie can be found in the ai!(e!, !tuffin hi!
*oc7et! with a!!orted de(icacie!5 8e ha;e been !ho*(iftin from
!u*ermar7et! on a reu(ar ba!i! without rai!in the !(ihte!t
!u!*icion, e;er !ince they bean58e are not a(one, and the fact that !o
much !tea(in oe! on and the !u*ermar7et! !ti(( brin in hue *rofit!
!how! eAact(y how much o;ercharin ha! occurred in the fir!t *(ace5
Su*ermar7et!, (i7e other bu!ine!!e!, refer to !ho*(iftin a! Fin;entory
!hrin7ae5F ItB! a! if we thie;e! were he(*in Bi Bu!ine!! reduce
weiht5 So (etB! ;iew our effort! a! method! de!ined to trim the
economy and *u!h forward with a *o!iti;e attitude58omen !hou(d ne;er o
!ho**in without a (are handba5 In tho!e crowded ai!(e!, e!*ecia((y
the one! with *i(e! of ca!e!, a(( !ort! of oodie! can be tran!ferred
from !ho**in cart to handba5 A dro* ba can be !ewn in!ide a trench
coat, for more efficient thie;ery5 DonBt worry about the mirror!G
attendant! ne;er (oo7 at them5 Become a di!criminatin !ho**er and
donBt !tuff any of the chea* !hit in your *oc7et!5Sma(( bott(e! and
Ear! often ha;e the !ame !iHe ca* a! the (arer eA*en!i;e !iHe!5 If
they ha;e the *rice !tam*ed on the ca*, !witch ca*!, ettin the (arer
!iHe for the chea*er *rice5 ?ou can em*ty a *ound boA of mararine and
fi(( it with !tic7! of butter5 Sma(( narrow item! can be hidden in the
midd(e of ro((! of toi(et *a*er5 Larer !u*ermar7et! !e(( record!5 ?ou
can !nea7 two ood L-B! into one of tho!e (are froHen *iHHa boAe!5 In
the *roduce de*artment, there are ba! for fruit and ;eetab(e!5 S(i* a
few !tea7! or !ome (amb cho*! into the bottom of a (are brown ba and
*i(e !ome *otatoe! on to*5 Ha;e a (itt(e man in the white coat weih
the ba, !ta*(e it and mar7 the *rice5 8ith a b(ac7 crayon you can mar7
your own *rice!, or brin your own adhe!i;e *rice ta!5ItB! be!t to
wor7 !ho*(iftin in the !u*ermar7et with a *artner who can act a! (oo7$
out and !hie(d you from the eye! of no!y em*(oyee!, !ho**er! and other
croo7! tryin to *ic7 u* !ome *ointer!5 8or7 out a *rearraned !et of
!ina(! with your *artner5 Di;er!ion!, (i7e 7noc7in o;er di!*(ay!,
ettin into fi!t fiht! with the manaer, brea7in *(ate (a!! window!
and !uch are effecti;e and e;en if you donBt et anythin theyBre fun5
Ha;enBt you a(way! wanted to 7noc7 o;er tho!e carefu((y con!tructed
nine$foot *yramid! of arbaeM?ou can wa(7 into a !u*ermar7et, et a
few item! from the !he(;e!, and wa(7 around eatin food in the ai!(e!5
-ic7 u* !ome cherrie! and eat them5 Ha;e a !*oon in your *oc7et and
o*en !ome yourt5 O*en a *ic7(e or o(i;e Ear5 2et !ome !(iced meat or
chee!e from the de(icate!!en counter and eat it u*, ma7in !ure to
ditch the wra**er5 The cart fu(( of item!, u!ed a! a decoy, can Eu!t be
(eft in an ai!(e before you (ea;e the !tore5Ca!e the Eoint before
*u((in a bi ri*$off5 Know the (ea!t crowded hour!, (earn the be!t
ai!(e! to be bu!y in, and chec7 out the !toreB! !ecurity !y!tem5 Once
you et into !ho*(iftin in !u*ermar7et!, youB(( rea((y di it5 ?ouB((
be !ur*ri!ed to (earn that the food ta!te! better5Lare !ca(e thie;ery
can be!t be carried out with the he(* of an em*(oyee5 Two way! we 7now
of wor7 be!t5 A woman can et a Eob a! a ca!hier and rin u* a !ma((
bi(( a! her brother! and !i!ter! brin home ton! of !tuff5The method
for men in;o(;e! ettin a Eob (oadin and un(oadin truc7! in the
recei;in de*artment5 Some accom*(ice! dre!!ed riht can Eu!t *u(( in
and, with your he(*, (oad u* on a few ca!e!5 Infi(tratin an em*(oyee
into a !tore i! *robab(y the be!t way to !tea(5 Ca!hier!, !a(e! c(er7!,
!hi**er!, and the (i7e are readi(y a;ai(ab(e Eob! with !uch hih
turno;er and (ow *ay that (itt(e chec7in on your bac7round oe! on5
A(!o, you can (earn what you ha;e to do in a few day!5 The re!t of the
wee7, you can wor7 out way! to c(ean out the !tore5 After a month or !o
of action you miht want to mo;e on to another !tore before thin! et
hea;y5 8e 7now one woman wor7in a! a ca!hier who !wi*ed o;er L&@@
worth of food a wee75 She had to (ea;e after a month becau!e her bo!!
thouht !he wa! !uch an efficient ca!hier that he in!i!ted on *romotin
her to a Eob that didnBt ha;e a! many frine benefit! for her and her
friend!5Lare chain !tore! (i7e Safeway throw away day$o(d ;eetab(e!,
the outer (ea;e! of (ettuce, ce(ery and the (i7e5 Thi! !tuff i! u!ua((y
found in crate! out!ide the bac7 of the bui(din5 Te(( them youBre
wor7in with anima(! at the co((ee (ab!, or that you rai!e uinea
*i!5 They miht e;en et into !a;in them for you, but if they donBt
Eu!t !how u* before the arbae i! co((ected, 'enera((y ear(y in the
mornin), and theyB(( (et you cart away what you want5Dented can! and
fruit can often be otten free, but certain(y at a reduced rate5 They
are !ti(( a! ood a! the undamaed one!5 So be !ure to dent a(( your
can! before you o to the ca!hier5Loo7 u* caterin !er;ice! and
bu!ine!!e! that !er;ice factorie! and office bui(din! with ready$made
!andwiche!5 Showin u* at the!e *(ace! at the riht time! 'caterin
!er;ice! on (ate Sunday niht and !andwich dea(er! at &I@@ -9 on
wee7day!) wi(( *roduce (oad! of ood food5 Lea((y, they ha;e to
di!*o!e of the food thatB! (eft o;er5 They wou(d be more than ha**y to
i;e it to you if you !*in a ood !tory5Butcher! can be hu!t(ed for
meat !cra*! with meat !cra*! with a Ffor my doF !tory, and ba7erie!
can be a!7ed for day$o(d ro((! and bread5
Lare citie! a(( ha;e a who(e!a(e fruit and ;eetab(e area where
often the wor7er! wi(( i;e you ton! of free food Eu!t for the a!7in5
2et a ood !tory toether5 2et !ome church !tationery and ty*e a (etter
introducin your!e(f Fto whom it may concern,F or better !ti((, wear
!ome c(erica( arb5 Orchard! a(!o ma7e ood *ic7in! Eu!t after the
har;e!t ha! been com*(eted50actorie! often wi(( i;e you a ca!e or two
of free merchandi!e for a Fcharitab(eF rea!on5 9a7e !ome ca((! around
town and then o *ic7 u* the !tuff at the end of the wee75 A reat idea
i! to et a ood (i!t of a few hundred (are cor*oration! around the
country by (oo7in u* their addre!!e! at the (ibrary5 -oorB! .ei!ter
of Com*anie!, Director! and EAecuti;e! ha! the mo!t com*(ete (i!t5 Send
them a(( (etter! com*(ainin about how the (a!t boA of cerea( wa! on(y
ha(f fu((, or you found a dead f(y in the can of *eache!5 They often
wi(( !end you an am*(e !u**(y of item! Eu!t to 7ee* you from
com*(ainin to your friend! or wor!e, ta7in them to court5 Often you
can et !tuff !ent to you by Eu!t te((in them how ood their *roduct
i! com*ared to the tra!h you !ee nowaday!5 ?ou 7now the ty*e of (etter
$ Kri!*ie! ha;e had a fanta!tic effect on my !eAua( *rowe!!,F or
F?our froHen a!*arau! ha! i;en a who(e new meanin to my (ife5F In
enera( thouh, the na!tie! et the be!t re!u(t!5S(auhterhou!e!
u!ua((y ha;e meat they wi(( i;e away5 They are anAiou! to i;e to
church chi(drenB! *roram! and thin! (i7e that5 In mo!t !tate!, there
i! a (aw that if the !(ab of meat touche! the round, they ha;e to
throw it away5 Dro* around meat hou!e! (ate in the day and tri* a few
truc7!50i!hermen a(way! ha;e hundred! of *ound! of fi!h that ha;e to be
thrown out5 ?ou can ha;e a! much a! you can cart away, enera((y Eu!t
for the a!7in5 Boat! come in (ate in the afternoon and theyB(( i;e
you !ome of the catch, or you can o to the mar7et! ear(y in the
mornin when the fi!hin i! be!t5The!e method! of ettin food in (are
Cuantitie! can on(y be a**reciated by tho!e who ha;e tried it5 ?ou wi((
be tota((y baff(ed by the unbe(ie;ab(e Cuantitie! of food that wi(( be
(aid on you and with the ea!e of *anhand(in5In;e!tin in a freeHer
wi(( a((ow you to bi$wee7(y or e;en month(y tri*! to the who(e!a(e
mar7et! and youB(( et the fre!he!t food! to boot5 /othin can beat
ettin it who(e!a(e for free5 Or i! it free for who(e!a(eM In any
e;ent, Fbon a**etit5F
0ormin a food coo*erati;e i! one of the be!t way! to *romote
!o(idarity and et e;ery 7ind of food you need to !ur;i;e rea( chea*5
It a(!o *ro;ide! a ready$made bride for de;e(o*in a((iance!
with b(ac7!, -uerto .ican!, chicano! and other rou*! fihtin our
common o**re!!or on a community (e;e(5Ca(( a meetin of about #@
commune!, co((ecti;e! or community oraniHation!5 Set u* the round
ru(e!5 There !hou(d be a hard$core of rea((y ood hu!t(er! that !er;e
a! the !ho**in or huntin *arty and another rou* of *eo*(e who ha;e
their head! toether enouh to 7ee* record! and run the centra(
di!tribution center5 Two or three in each rou* !hou(d do it5 They can
et their food free for the effort5 Another method i! to rotate the
acti;ity amon a(( member! of the con!*iracy5 The method you choo!e
de*end! u*on your *o(itic! and whether you fa;or a di;i!ion of (abor or
u!in the food con!*iracy a! a trainin for co((ecti;e (i;in5 -robab(y
a b(end of the two i! be!t, but youB(( ha;e to ha!!(e that out for
your!e(f5 The neAt thin to aree u*on i! how the o*eration and a(( the
!hit you et wi(( be *aid for5 Thi! i! de*endent on a number of
;ariab(e!, !o weB(( ma* out one !cheme and you can modify it to !uit
your *articu(ar !ituation5 Each member of e;ery commune cou(d be
a!!e!!ed a fee for Eoinin5 ?ou want to et toether about L#,@@@, !o
at #@@ member!, thi! i! ten buc7! a *iece5 After the Eoinin fee, each
*er!on or rou* ha! to *ay on(y for the (ow budet food they order, but
!ome (oot i! needed to et thin! ro((in5 The money oe! to ettin a
!tore front or arae, a chea* truc7, !ome !ca(e!, freeHer!, ba!,
!he(;in, cho**in b(oc7!, !(icer and whate;er e(!e you need5 ?ou can
et reat dea(! by (oo7in in the c(a!!ified ad! of the (oca(
o;erround new!*a*er and chec7in for re!taurant! or mar7et! oin out
of bu!ine!!5 .emember the idea of a con!*iracy i! to et ton! of !tuff
at rea( (ow *rice! or free into a !tore front, and then brea7 it down
into !ma((er unit! for each rou* and e;entua((y each member5 The
freeHer! a((ow you to !tore *eri!hab(e! for a (oner time5The huntin
*arty !hou(d be we(( acCuainted with how to ri* off !hit tota((y free
and where a(( the be!t dea(! are to be found5 They !hou(d 7now what
food i! !ea!ona( and about nutritiona( diet!5 There i! a (ot to (earn,
!uch a! where to et raw rain! in %@@ *ound! (ot! and how to cut u* a
!ide of beef5 A ood idea i! to et a diet frea7 to i;e wee7(y ta(7!
in the !tore front5 There can a(!o be coo7in (e!!on! tauht,
e!*ecia((y to men, !o women can et out of the 7itchen5OraniHin a
community around a ba!ic i!!ue of !ur;i;a(, !uch a! food, ma7e! a (ot
of nitty ritty !en!e5 After your con!*iracy et! off the round and
(oo7! *ermanent, you !hou(d !ee7 to eA*and it to inc(ude more member!
and an emerency food fund !hou(d be !et u* in ca!e !omethin ha**en!
in the community5 There !hou(d a(!o be a fund whereby the con!*iracy
can !*on!or free community dinner! tied into ce(ebration!5 2et it
toether and Eoin the fiht for a wor(d$wide food con!*iracy5 SeiHe the
There are hundred! of ood *a*erbac7 coo7 boo7! with nutritiona(
chea* reci*e! a;ai(ab(e in any boo7!tore5 Coo7in i! a ;a!t(y o;errated
!7i((5 The fo((owin are a few a(($*ur*o!e di!he! that are ea!y to
ma7e, nutritiona( and chea* a! mud *ie!5 ?ou can add or !ubtract many
of the inredient! for ;ariety5
Ho 0arm 2rano(a Brea7fa!t '.oad Ho Cri!*ie!)N
c mi((et
# c raw oat!N
c crac7ed wheat
% c rye f(a7e!N
c buc7wheat roat!
% c wheat f(a7e!N
c wheat erm
% c dried fruit! andOor nut!N
c !unf(ower !eed!
: tb! !oy oi(P
c !e!ame !eed!
% c honey
# tb! cornmea(
Boi( the mi((et in a doub(e boi(er for %O# hour5 9iA in a (are
bow( a(( the inredient! inc(udin the mi((et5 The !oy oi( and honey
!hou(d be heated in a !auce*an o;er a (ow f(ame unti( bubb(e! form5
S*read the cerea( in a ba7in *an and co;er with the honey !yru*5 Toa!t
in o;en unti( brown5 Stir once or twice !o that a(( the cerea( wi(( be
toa!ted5 Ser;e *(ain or with mi(75 .efrierate *ortion not u!ed in a
co;ered container5 Enouh for ten to twenty *eo*(e5 9a7e (ot! and !tore
for (ater mea(!5 A(( the!e inredient! can be *urcha!ed at any hea(th
!tore in a ;ariety of Cuantitie!5 ?ou can a(!o et natura( !uar if you
need a !weetener5 If bouht and made in Cuantity, thi! fanta!tica((y
hea(thy brea7fa!t food wi(( be chea*er than the brand name ce((o*hane
that *a!!e! for cerea(5
8ho(e Earth Bread
% c oat!,
corn mea(, or wheat erm
# t!* !a(t%N
c water 'warm)
# e yo(7!P
c !uar 'raw i! be!t)
< c f(our% *7 acti;e dry yea!t
c corn oi(%
c dry mi(7 or butter
Stir (iht(y in a (are bow( the oat!, cornmea( or wheat erm
'de*endin on the f(a;or bread you de!ire), the water and !uar5
S*rin7(e in the yea!t and wait %@ minute! for the yea!t to do it!
thin5 Add !a(t, e yo(7!, corn oi( and dry mi(75 9iA with a for75
B(end in the f(our5 The douh !hou(d be dry and a (itt(e (um*y5 Co;er
with a towe( and (ea;e in a warm *(ace for a ha(f hour5 /ow ma!h,
*unch, b(end and 7ic7 the douh and return it co;ered to it! warm
*(ace5 The douh wi(( doub(e in !iHe5 8hen thi! ha**en!, !e*arate the
douh into two e;en ma!!e! and ma!h each one into a rea!ed bread
'(oaf) *an5 Co;er the *an! and (et !it unti( the douh ri!e! to the to*
of the *an!5 Ba7e for <@$<& minute! in a :&@ deree o;en that ha! not
been *re$heated5 A !ha((ow tray of water in the bottom of the o;en wi((
7ee* the bread nice and moi!t5 8hen you remo;e the *an! from the o;en,
turn out the bread into a rac7 and (et it coo( off5 Once you et the
han of it, youB(( ne;er touch ready$made bread, and itB! a a! !eein
yea!t wor75Street Sa(adSa(ad can be made by cho**in u* a(mo!t any
;ariety of ;eetab(e!, nut! and fruit! inc(udin the !tuff you
*anhand(ed at the bac7 of !u*ermar7et!G dande(ion!, !ha;, and other
wi(d ;eetab(e!G and ood! you ri**ed off in!ide !tore! or from (are
farm!5 A neat fre!h dre!!in con!i!t! of one *art of oi(, two *art!
wine ;inear, fine(y cho**ed ar(ic c(o;e!, !a(t and *e**er5 9iA u* the
inredient! in a bott(e and add to the !a(ad a! you !er;e it5 .u!!ian
dre!!in i! !im*(y mayonnai!e and 7etchu* miAed5?i**ie ?ourt?ourt i!
one of the mo!t nutritiona( food! in the wor(d5 The !tuff you buy in
!tore! ha! *re!er;ati;e! added to it reducin it! hea(th *ro*ertie! and
increa!in the co!t5 ?ourt i! a bacteria that !*read! throuhout a
!uitab(e cu(ture at the correct tem*erature5 Bein by oin to a
Tur7i!h or Syrian re!taurant and buyin !ome yourt to o5 Some
re!taurant! boa!t of yourt that oe! bac7 o;er a hundred year!5 -ut it
in the refrierator5/ow *re*are the cu(ture in which the yourt wi((
mu(ti*(y5 The con!i!tency you want wi(( determine what you u!e5 A mi(7
cu(ture wi(( *roduce thin yourt, whi(e !weet cream wi(( ma7e a thic7er
batch5 ItB! the butter fat content that determine! the con!i!tency and
a(!o the number of ca(orie!5 Ha(f mi(7 and ha(f cream combine! the be!t
of both wor(d!5 Heat a Cuart of ha(f and ha(f on a (ow f(ame unti( Eu!t
before the boi(in *oint and remo;e from the !to;e5 Thi! 7noc7! out
other bacteria that wi(( com*ete with the yourt5 /ow ta7e a tab(e!*oon
of the yourt you ot from the re!taurant and *(ace it in the bottom of
a bow( 'not meta()5 /ow add the warm (iCuid5 Co;er the bow( with a (id
and wra* tiht(y with a hea;y towe(5 -(ace the bow( in a warm !*ot !uch
a! on to* of a radiator or in a !unny window5 A turned$off o;en with a
tray of boi(in water *(aced in it wi(( do we((5 Ju!t (et the bow( !it
for about > hour! 'o;erniht)5 The yourt !im*(y row! unti( the who(e
bow( i! yourt5 ?i**ie4 It wi(( 7ee* in the refrierator for about two
wee7! before turnin !our, but e;en then, the bacteria wi(( *roduce a
fre!h batch of to* Cua(ity5 .emember when eatin it to (ea;e a (itt(e
to !tart the neAt batch5 0or a neat treat add !ome honey and cinnamon
and miA into the yourt before !er;in5 Cho**ed fruit and nut! are a(!o and Con Sauce% c brown rice ;eetab(e!# c water #N
tb! !oy !aucet!* !a(tBrin the water to a boi( in a *ot and add the
!a(t and rice5 Co;er and reduce f(ame5 Coo7in time i! about <@ minute!
or unti( rice ha! ab!orbed a(( the water5 9eanwhi(e, in a we(($rea!ed
fryin *an, !aute a ;ariety of cho**ed ;eetab(e! you enEoy5 8hen they
become !oft and browni!h, add !a(t and # cu*! of water5 Co;er with a
(id and (ower f(ame5 Simmer for about <@ minute!, *ee7in to !tir e;ery
once in a whi(e5 Then add # %O# tb! of !oy !auce, !tir and coo7 another
%@ minute!5 The rice !hou(d be Eu!t coo(in off now, !o add the !auce
to the to* of it and !er;e5 2reat for tho!e (on uerri((a hi7e!5 Thi!
(itera((y ma7e! u* a(mo!t the entire diet of the /ationa( Liberation
0ront fihter5
% (b red 7idney bean!
# tb! *ar!(ey 'cho**ed)
# Cuart! water N
(b *or7, !mo7ed !au!ae
% onion 'cho**ed)or ham hoc7
% tb! ce(ery 'cho**ed)
% ( bay (eaf
% t!* ar(ic 'minced)
!a(t to !ea!on
.in!e the bean!, then *(ace in co;ered *ot and add water and
!a(t5 Coo7 o;er (ow f(ame5 8hi(e coo7in, cho* u* meat and brown in a
fryin *an5 Add onion, ce(ery, ar(ic and *ar!(ey and continue !autein
o;er (ow f(ame5 Add the *iece! of meat, ;eetab(e! and bay (eaf to the
bean! and coo7 co;ered for % %O# to # hour!5 It may be nece!!ary to add
more water if the bean! et too dry5 0ifteen minute! before bean! are
done, ma!h about a ha(f cu* of the !tuff aain!t the !ide of the *an to
thic7en the (iCuid5 -our the bean! and (iCuid o;er !ome !teamin rice
that youB;e made by fo((owin the direction! abo;e5 Thi! !hou(d *ro;ide
a chea* nutritiona( mea( for about = *eo*(e5Hedoni!tB! De(uAe# (ob!ter!
# Ct! water!eaweed P (b butterStea( two (ob!ter!, watchin
out for the c(aw thinie!5 Be !ome !eaweed from any fi!h mar7et5 Co*
the butter u!in the !witcheroo method de!cribed in the Su*ermar7et
!ection abo;e5 8hen you et home, boi( the water in a (are co;ered *ot
and dro* in the !eaweed and then the (ob!ter!5 -ut the co;er bac7 on
and coo7 for about #@ minute!5 9e(t the butter in a !auce *an and di*
the (ob!ter *iece! in it a! you eat5 8ith a boo!ter boA, de!cribed
(ater youB(( be ab(e to ri* off a bott(e of ;intae -oui((y$0ui!!e in a
fancy (iCuor !tore5 .ea((y, rice i! nice but5550.EE
If !ho*(iftin food !eem! ea!y, itB! nothin com*ared to the
!natchin of c(othin5 Sho* on(y the better !tore!5 Try thin on in
tho!e neat !ec(uded !ta((!5 The (e!! bu(7y item! !uch a! !hirt!, ;e!t!,
be(t! and !oc7! can be tied around your wai!t or (e with (are rubber
band! if needed5 Ju!t ta7e a number of item! in and come out with a few
(e!!5In !ome citie! there are !ti(( free !tore! (eft o;er from the
f(ower *ower day!5 Churche! often ha;e i;e$away c(othin *roram!5 ?ou
can im*er!onate a c(eryman and ca(( one of the (are c(othin
manufacturer! in your area5 They are u!ua((y wi((in to donate a ca!e
or two of !hirt!, trou!er! or underwear to your church raff(e or dri;e
to dre!! u* !7id row5 Be !ure to et your !iHe!5 Te(( them Fyour boyF
wi(( *ic7 u* the b(e!!ed donation and youB(( mention hi! com*any in the
e;enin *rayer!5If you notice *eo*(e mo;in from an a*artment or hou!e,
a!7 them if theyB(( be (ea;in behind c(othin5 They u!ua((y abandon
a(( !ort! of item! inc(udin food, furniture and boo7!5 Offer to he(*
them carry out !tuff if you can 7ee* what they wonBt be ta7in59a7e the
round! of a fancy neihborhood with a truc7 and !ome friend!5 .in
doorbe((! and te(( the *er!on who an!wer! that you are co((ectin
wearab(e c(othin for the F*oor home(e!! ;ictim! of the recent tida(
wa;e in Kuianto a !ma(( ;i((ae in Saudi Arabia5F ?ou et the *itch5
9a7e it food and c(othin, and !ay youBre with a rou* ca((ed Heart(ine
for Decency5 A *hony (etter from a church miht he(* here5The Sa(;ation
Army doe! thi!, and you can *ic7 u* c(othe! from them at ;ery chea*
*rice!5 ?ou can et a *air of !na**y ca!ua( !hoe! for #& cent! in many
bow(in a((ey! by wa(7in out with them on your feet5 If you ha;e to
(ea;e your !hoe! a! a de*o!it, (ea;e the mo!t beat$u* *air you can
find5/otice if your friend! ha;e (o!t or ained weiht5 A bi chane
mean! a (ot of c(othe! doin nothin but ta7in u* c(o!et !*ace5 Show
u* at dormitorie! when co((ee i! o;er for the !ummer or winter !ea!on5
2o to the train or bu! !tation! and te(( them you (eft your raincoat,
(o;e! or umbre((a when you came into town5 TheyB(( ta7e you to a room
with thou!and! of unc(aimed item!5 -ic7 out what you (i7e5 8hi(e there,
notice a neat !uitca!e or trun7 and memoriHe the mar7in!5 Later a
friend can c(aim the item5 There wi(( be (oad! of !ur*ri!e! in any
!uitca!e5 8e ha;e a c(o!e friend who inherited ten 7i(o! of ra!! thi!
way5Lare (aundry and dry c(eanin chain! u!ua((y ha;e thou!and! of
item! that ha;e one unc(aimed5 9anufacturer! a(!o ha;e !hirt!, dre!!e!
and !uit! for roc7bottom *rice! becau!e of a croo7ed !eam or other
fuc7$u*5 Store! ha;e reduced rate! on di!*(ay mode(!I 9anneCuin! are
mo!t(y a(( !iHe <@ for men and %@ for women5 SiHe " %O# i! the !tandard
di!*(ay !iHe for menB! !hoe!5 If you are the!e !iHe!, you can et to*
!ty(e! for (e!! than ha(f *rice5
The 3ietname!e and *eo*(e throuhout the Third 8or(d ma7e a
fanta!tica((y durab(e and comfortab(e *air of !anda(! out of rubber
tire!5 They cut out a !ection of the outer tire 'trace around the
out!ide of the foot with a *iece of cha(7) which when trimmed form! the
!o(e5 /eAt = !(it! re made in the !o(e !o the rubber !tra*! can be
cri!!$cro!!ed and !(id throuh the !(it!5 The !tra*! are made out of
inner tubin5 /o nai(! are needed5 If you ha;e wide feet, u!e the new
wide tread (ow *rofi(e!5 0or hard oin, try radia(!5 0or be!t
!ati!faction and Cua(ity, !tea( the tire! off a *i car or a o;ernment
(imou!ine5LetB! face it, if you rea((y are into beatin the c(othin
*rob(em, mo;e to a warm c(imate and run around na7ed5 S7in i!
ab!o(ute(y free, and wi(( a(way! be in !ty(e5 S*ea7in of !ty(e, the
midi and the maAi ha;e ob;iou! ad;antae! when it come! to !ho*(iftin
and tran!*ortin wea*on! or bomb!50.EE
A*artment (obbie! are ood for a(( 7ind! of neat furniture5 If
you want to et fancy about it, rent a truc7 'not one that !ay! 1$HA1L$
IT or other renta( mar7in!) and ma7e the *ic7$u* with mo;in$man$ty*e
uniform!5 8hen !choo(! are on !tri7e and !tudent! ho(d !eminar! and
debate into the niht, ?i**ie! can be found oin throuh the dorm
(obbie! and !torae c(o!et! hau(in off couche!, de!7!, *rintin
!u**(ie!, ty*ewriter!, mimeo!, etc5 to !tore in !ecret underround
ne!t!5 A ner;y rou* of ?i**ie! in the 9idwe!t tried to !wi*e a iant
IB9 :=@ com*uter whi(e a !choo( wa! in turmoi(5 A(( *ower to tho!e that
brin a whee(barrow to !it$in!5Chec7 into a hih$c(a!! hote( or mote(
rememberin to dre!! (i7e the wa((*a*er5 Carry a (are dummy !uitca!e
with you and rei!ter under a *hony name5 9a7e !ure you and not the
be((boy carry thi! ba5 1!e other! a! a decoy5 8hen you et in!ide the
room, rab e;erythin you can !tuff in the !uitca!eI radio, T535 !et!
'e;en if it ha! a !*ecia( *(u you can cut it with a 7nife and re*(ace
the cord), b(an7et!, toi(et *a*er, (a!!e!, towe(!, !heet!, (am*!,
'foret the imitation 8in!(ow Homer on the wa(() a Bib(e, !oa* and to!!
ru!5 Before you (ea;e 'odd hour! are be!t) han the DO /OT DIST1.B
!in on your door7nob5 Thi! wi(( i;e you an eAtra few hour! to beat it
acro!! the border or chec7 into a new hote(5Land(ord! reno;atin
bui(din! throw out !to;e!, tab(e!, (am*!, refrierator! and car*etin5
In mo!t citie!, each area ha! a day de!inated for di!cardin bu(7
obEect!5 Ca(( the Sanitation De*artment and !ay you (i;e in that *art
of town which wou(d be *uttin out the mo!t eA*en!i;e !hit and find out
the *ic7$u* day5 0anta!tic buy! can be found crui!in the !treet! (ate
at niht5 Chec7 out the bac7! of (are de*artment !tore! for f(oor
mode(!, window di!*(ay! and !(iht(y damaed furniture bein
di!carded5Con!truction !ite! are a ood !ource for bui(din materia(!
to con!truct furniture5 '/ot to mention eA*(o!i;e!5) The (are wooden
cab(e !*oo(! ma7e reat tab(e!5 Cinderb(oc7!, bric7! and board! can
Cuic7(y be turned into a !har* (oo7in boo7ca!e5 Door! ma7e tab(e!5
/ai( 7e! con;ert into !too(! or chair!5 ?ou can a(!o a(way! find a
number of other !u**(ie! hanin around (i7e wirin, *i*e!, (ihtin
fiAture! and hard hat!5 And donBt foret tho!e b(in7in !in! and the
red (antern! for your own (iht !how5 Tho!e b(ac7 oi($fed burner! are
O5K5 for coo7in, a(thouh !mo7y, and hihway f(are! are !we(( for
ma7in fa7e dynamite bomb!5
Certain(y one of the neate!t way! of ettin where you want to o
for nothin i! to hitch5 In the city itB! a rea( !na*5 Ju!t *o!ition
your!e(f at a bu!y inter!ection and a!7 the dri;er! for a (ift when
they !to* for the red (iht5 If youBre hitchin on a road where the
traffic Hoom! by *retty fa!t, be !ure to !tand where the car wi(( ha;e
room to !afe(y *u(( off the road5 Tra;e(in (on di!tance!, e;en cro!!$
country, can be ea!y if you ha;e !ome !en!e of what you are doin5A
(one hitch$hi7er wi(( do much better than two or more5 A man and woman
wi(( do ;ery we(( toether5 Sin(e women are certain to et
*ro*o!itioned and *o!!ib(y wor!e5 Ameri7an ma(e! ha;e end(e!! !eAua(
fanta!ie! about *ic7in u* a *oor (one!ome dam!e( in di!tre!!5 1n(e!!
your 7arate and head are in to* form, women !hou(d a;oid hitchin
a(one5 Te((in men you ha;e 35D5 miht he(* in difficu(t !ituation!5/ew
En(and and the entire 8e!t Coa!t are the be!t !ection! for ea!y
hitche!5 The South and 9idwe!t can !ometime! be a rea( ha!!(e5 Ea!y
.ider and a(( that5 The be!t !ea!on to hitch i! in the !ummer5 Daytime
i! much better than niht5 If you ha;e to hitch at niht, et under
!ome ty*e of i((umination where youB(( be !een5Hitch$hi7in i! (ea( in
mo!t !tate!, but remember you a(way! can et a F!ay$!oF bu!t5 A F!ay$
!oF arre!t i! to *o(ice what Catch$## i! to the Army5 8hen you a!7 why
youBre under arre!t, the *i an!wer!, Fcau!e I !ay$!o5F If you !tand on
the !hou(der of the road, the *i! wonBt i;e you too bad a time5 If
youB;e ot (on hair, co*! wi(( often !to* to *(ay ame!5 ?ou can wear
a hat with your hair tuc7ed under to a;oid ha!!(e!5 Howe;er thi! miht
hurt your abi(ity to et ride!, !ince many !traiht! wi(( *ic7 u*
hi**ie! out of curio!ity who wou(d not *ic7 u* a !traiht !cruffy
(oo7in 7id5 0rea7 dri;er! u!ua((y on(y *ic7 u* other frea7!5Once in a
whi(e you hear !torie! of fine! (e;ied or e;en a few arre!t! for
hitchin '0(a!taff, AriHona i! notoriou!), but e;en in the !tate!
where it i! i((ea(, the (aw i! rare(y enforced5 If youBre !to**ed by
the *i!, *(ay dumb and theyB(( Eu!t te(( you to mo;e a(on5 ?ou can
wait unti( they (ea;e and then (et your thumb han out aain5Hitchin on
!u*er hihway! i! rea((y far out5 ItB! i((ea( but you wonBt et
ha!!(ed if you hitch at the entrance!5 On a fuc7ed$u* eAit, ta7e your
chance! hitchin riht on the road, but 7ee* a !har* eye out for
*or7er!5 8hen you et a ride be di!criminatin5 0ind out where the
dri;er i! headed5 If you are at a ood !*ot, donBt ta7e a ride under a
hundred mi(e! that wonBt end u* in a (ocation Eu!t a! ood5 8hen the
dri;er i! headed to an out$of$the$way *(ace, a!7 him to (et you off
where you can et the be!t ride!5 If heB! oin to a *articu(ar(y !ma((
town, a!7 him to dri;e you to the other !ide of thy town (ine5 ItB!
u!ua((y on(y a mi(e or two5 Sma(( town! often enforce a(( !ort! of
F!ay$!oF ordinance!5 If you et !tuc7 on the wron !ide of town, it
wou(d be wi!e to e;en hoof it throuh the *(ace5 2ettin to a *oint on
the road where the car! are inter$city rather than (oca( traffic i!
a(way! *referab(e58hen you hit the road you !hou(d ha;e a ood idea of
how to et where you are oin5 ?ou can *ic7 u* a free ma* at any a!
!tation5 Lon di!tance route!, road condition!, weather and a(( !ort!
of information can be otten free by ca((in the American Automobi(e
A!!ociation in any city5 Say that you are a member dri;in to -hoeniA,
AriHona or where;er your de!tination i!, and find out what you want to
7now5 A(way! carry a !in indicatin where you are oin5 If you et
!tranded on the road without one, a!7 in a diner or a! !tation for a
*iece of cardboard and a maic mar7er5 9a7e the (etter! bo(d and fi((
them in !o they can be !een by dri;er! from a di!tance5 If your
de!tination i! a !ma(( town, the !in !hou(d indicate the !tate5 0or
rea((y (on di!tance!, EAST or 8EST i! be!t5 1n(e!!, of cour!e, youBre
oin north or !outh5 A *hony forein f(a !ewed on your *ac7 a(!o
he(*!5Carryin do*e i! not ad;i!ab(e, and a(thouh !earchin you i!
i((ea(, few *i! can read the Con!titution5 If you are carryin when
the *atro( car *u((! u*, te(( them you are Kanadian and hitchin
throuh Ameri7a5 Hihway *atro(! are ;ery u*tiht about *romotin
incident! with foreiner!5 The forein bit oe! o;er e!*ecia((y we((
with !ma(($town ty*e!, and i! a(!o amaHin(y ood for a;oidin ha!!(e!
with rea!er!5 If you canBt hac7 thi! one, te(( them you are a re*orter
for a new!*a*er writin a feature !tory on hitchin around the country5
Thi! !tory ha! a;erted many a bu!t5DonBt be !hy when you hitch5 2o into
diner! and a! !tation! and a!7 *eo*(e if theyBre headin Ea!t or to
TeAa!5 Sometime! a! !tation attendant! wi(( he(*5 8hen in the car be
friend(y a! he((5 Offer to !hare the dri;in if youB;e ot a (icen!e5
If youBre bro7e, you can u!ua((y bum a mea( or a few buc7!, maybe e;en
a free nihtB! (odin5 /e;er be intimidated into i;in money for a
ride5A! for what to carry when hitchin, the ad;ice i! to tra;e( (iht5
The ru(e i! to ma7e u* a *ac7 of the ab!o(ute minimum, then cut that in
ha(f5 Hitchin i! an art form a! i! a(( !ur;i;a(5 9a!ter it and youB((
tra;e( on a free tri* fore;er5
There i! a way to hitch (on di!tance! that ha! certain
ad;antae! o;er (ettin your thumb han out for hour! on !ome two$
(aner5 Learn about ridin the train! and youB(( a(way! ha;e that
a(ternati;e5 Hitchhi7in at niht can be im*o!!ib(e, but ho**in a i!
ea!ier at niht than by day5 By hitchhi7in day! and ho**in freiht!
and !(ee*in on them at niht, you can co;er incredib(e di!tance!
ra*id(y and !tay we(( re!ted5 E;ery city and mo!t (are town! ha;e a
freiht yard5 ?ou can find it by fo((owin the trac7! or a!7in where
the freiht yard i! (ocated58hen you et to the yard, a!7 the wor7men
when the neAt train (ea;in in your direction wi(( be *u((in out5
1n(i7e the *hony Ho((ywood imae, rai(road men are nice to fo(7! who
dro* by to rab a ride5 9o!t yard! donBt ha;e a uard or a Fbu((F a!
they are ca((ed5 E;en if they do, he i! enera((y not around5 If there
i! a bu(( around, the mo!t heB! oin to do i! te(( you itB! *ri;ate
*ro*erty and a!7 you to (ea;e5 There are eAce*tion! to thi! ru(e, !uch
a! the notoriou! Linco(n, /ebra!7a, and La! 3ea!, /e;ada, but by
a!7in you can find out5 E;en if he a!7! you to (ea;e or throw! you
out, !nea7 bac7 when your train i! *u((in out and Eum* aboard5After
youB;e (ocated the riht train for your tri*, hunt for an em*ty boAcar
to ride5 The men in the yard! wi(( enera((y *oint one out if you a!75
-i$!tie!, f(at car! and coa( car! are definite(y third c(a!! due to
eA*o!ure to the e(ement!5 BoAcar! are by far the be!t5 They are c(ean
and the roof o;er your head he(*! in bad weather and cut! down the
wind5 BoAcar! with a hydro$cu!hion !u!*en!ion !y!tem u!ed for carryin
frai(e caro ma7e for the !moothe!t ride5 1n(e!! you et one, you
!hou(d be *re*ared for a *retty bum*y and noi!y ;oyae5?ou !hou(d a;oid
car! with on(y one door o*en, becau!e the *in may brea7, (oc7in you
in5 A car with both door! o*en i;e! you one free chance5 -i$bac7!
'trai(er! on f(atcar!) are enera((y con!idered un!afe5 9o!t train!
ma7e a number of !hort ho*!, !o if time i! an im*ortant factor try to
et on a Fhot !hotF eA*re!!5 A hot !hot tra;e(! fa!ter and ha! *riority
o;er other train! in crowded yard!5 ?ou !hou(d fa;or a hot !hot e;en if
you ha;e to wait an eAtra hour or two or more to et one oin your
way5If youBre tra;e(in at niht, be !ure to dre!! warm(y5 ?ou can
freeHe your a!! off5 Train! miht not offer the mo!t comfortab(e ride,
but they o throuh beautifu( country!ide that youBd ne;er !ee from the
hihway or airway5 There are no bi((board!, road !in!, co*!, Jac7$in$
the$BoAe!, a! !tation! or other artifact! of hon7y cu(ture5 ?ouB(( et
dirty on the train! !o wear o(d c(othe!5 DonBt *a!! u* thi! reat way
to tra;e( cau!e !ome bu((!hit we!tern !cared you out of it5
If you 7now how to dri;e and want to tra;e( (on di!tance!, the
auto tran!*ortation aencie! are a ood dea(5 Loo7 in the ?e((ow -ae!
under Automobi(e Tran!*ortation and Truc7in or Dri;eway5 .u(e! ;ary,
but norma((y you mu!t be o;er #% and ha;e a ;a(id (icen!e5 Ca(( u* and
te(( them when and where you want to o and they wi(( (et you 7now if
they ha;e a car a;ai(ab(e5 They i;e you the car and a tan7 of a!
free5 ?ou *ay the re!t5 2o to *ic7 u* the car a(one, then et !ome
*eo*(e to ride a(on and he(* with the dri;in and eA*en!e!5 ?ou can
ma7e /ew ?or7 to San 0ranci!co for about eihty do((ar! in to((! and
a! in four day! without *u!hin5 1!ua((y you ha;e the car for (oner
and can ma7e a who(e thin out of it5 ?ou mu!t (oo7 !traiht when you
o to the aency5 Thi! can be !im*(y be done by wettin down your hair
and !ho;in it under a ca*5Another ood way to tra;e( chea*(y i! to
find !omebody who ha! a car and i! oin your way5 1!ua((y underround
new!*a*er! (i!t *eo*(e who either want ride! or rider!5 Another
eAce((ent *(ace to find information i! your (oca( cam*u!5 E;ery cam*u!
ha! a bu((etin board for ride!5 Head !ho*! and other community$minded
!tore! ha;e notice! u* on the wa((52a!If you ha;e a car and need !ome
a! (ate at niht you can et a Cuart and then !ome by em*tyin the
ho!e! from the *um*! into your tan75 There i! a(way! a fair amount of
!ur*(u! a! (eft when the *um*! are !hut off5If your tra;e(in in a car
and donBt ha;e enouh money for a! and to((!, !to* at the bu! !tation
and !ee if anybody want! a (ift5 If you find !omeone, eA*(ain your
money !ituation and ma7e a dea( with him5 Hitch$hi7er! a(!o can be
a!7ed to chi* in on the a!5?ou can carry a *iece of tubin in the
trun7 of your car and when the a! indicator et! (ow, *u(( u* to a
nice (oo7in Cadi((ac on !ome dar7 !treet and !y*hon off !ome of hi!
a!5 Ju!t *ar7 your car !o the a! tan7 i! neAt to the CaddyB!, or u!e
a (are can5 Stic7 the ho!e into hi! tan7, !uc7 u* enouh to et thin!
f(owin, and !tic7 the other end into your tan75 Ha;in a (ower (e;e(
of (iCuid, you tan7 wi(( draw a! unti( you and the Caddy are eCua(5
FTo each accordin to hi! need, from each accordin to hi! abi(ity,F
wrote 9arA5 Bet you hadnBt rea(iHed unti( now that the (aw of ra;ity
affect! economic!5Another way i! to *ar7 in a !er;ice !tation o;er
their fi((er ho(e5 Lift off one (id '(i7e a !ma(( manho(e co;er), run
down twenty feet of rubber tubin thru the ho(e youB;e cut in your
f(oorboard, then turn on the e(ectric *um* which you ha;e in!ta((ed to
feed into your a! tan75 A(( they e;er !ee i! a *ar7ed car5 Thi!
techniCue i! e!*ecia((y rewardin when you ha;e a bu!5
If youBd rather (ea;e the dri;in and the *ayin to them, try
!wi*in a ride on the bu!5 HereB! a method that ha! wor7ed we((5 2et a
rouh idea of where the bu! ha! !to**ed before it arri;ed at your
!tation5 If you are not at the beinnin or fina( !to* on the route,
wait unti( the bu! you want *u((! in and then out of the !tation5 9a7e
(i7e the bu! Eu!t *u((ed off without you whi(e you went to the
bathroom5 If there i! a !tation ma!ter, com*(ain (i7e craHy to him5
Te(( him youBre oin to !ue the com*any if your (uae et! !to(en5
HeB(( *ut you on the neAt bu! for free5 If there i! no !tation ma!ter,
(ay your !ad ta(e on the neAt dri;er that come! a(on5 If you 7now when
the (a!t bu! (eft, Eu!t te(( the dri;er youB;e been !tranded there for
eiht hour! and you (eft your 7id !(ee*in on the other bu!5 Te(( him
you ca((ed ahead to the com*any and they !aid to rab the neAt bu! and
they wou(d ta7e care of it5The neAt method i!nBt tota((y free but c(o!e
enouh5 ItB! ca((ed the ho**er$bo**er5 0ind a bu! that ma7e! a few
!to*! before it et! to where you want to o5 The more !to*! with
*eo*(e ettin in our out the better5 Buy a tic7et for the !hort ho*
and !tay on the bu! unti( you end u* at your de!tination5 ?ou mu!t
de;e(o* a who(e !ty(e in order to *u(( thi! off becau!e the dri;er ha!
to foret you are connected with the tic7et you a;e him5 Dre!!
unobtru!i;e(y or ma7e !ure the dri;er ha!nBt !een your face5 -retend to
be a!(ee* when the !hort ho* !tation i! reached5 If you et Cue!tioned,
Eu!t act u*!et about !(ee*in throuh the !to* you Frea((yF want and
a!7 if itB! *o!!ib(e to et a ride bac75
1* and away, Eunior out(aw!4 If you rea((y want to et where
youBre oin in a hurry, donBt foret !7yEac7erB! *aradi!e5 DonBt
foret the air(ine!5 They ma7e an unbe(ie;ab(e amount of bread on their
inf(ated *rice!, ruin the (and with incredib(e amount! of *o((utin
wa!te! and noi!e, and de(iberate(y ho(d bac7 a;iation ad;ance! that
wou(d reduce *rice! and time of f(iht5 8e 7now two foo(*roof method!
to f(y free, but unfortunate(y we fee( *ub(i!hin them wou(d cau!e the
air(ine! to chane their *o(icy5 The fo((owin method! ha;e been ta(7ed
about enouh, !o the time !eem! riht to ma7e them 7nown to a (arer
circ(e of friend!5A word !hou(d be !aid riht off about !to(en tic7et!5
Litera((y mi((ion! of do((ar! worth of air(ine tic7et! are !to(en each
year5 If you ha;e ood underwor(d contact!, you can et a tic7et to
anywhere you want at one$fourth the reu(ar *rice5 If you are chared
more, you are ettin a !(iht roo7in5 In any ca!e, you can et a
tic7et for any f(iht or date and Eu!t trade it in5 They are actua((y
a! ood a! ca!h, eAce*t that it ta7e! :@ day! to et a refund, and by
then they miht ha;e traced the !to(en tic7et!5 If you can et a !to(en
tic7et, eAchane or u!e it a! !oon a! *o!!ib(e, and a(way! f(y under a
*hony name5 A !to(en tic7et for a tri* around the wor(d current(y oe!
for one hundred and fifty do((ar! in /ew ?or75One !ucce!!fu( !cheme
reCuire! acce!! to the mai(boA of a *er!on (i!ted in the (oca( *hone
boo75 LetB! u!e the name .on Da;i! a! an eAam*(e5 A woman ca((! one of
the air(ine! with a ;ery efficient !oundin ra* !uch a!I FHe((o, thi!
i! 9r5 Da;i!B !ecretary at A((ied Chemica(5 He and hi! wife wou(d (i7e
to f(y to Chicao on 0riday5 Cou(d you mai( two fir!t$c(a!! tic7et! to
hi! home and bi(( u! here at A((iedMF E;ery maEor cor*oration *robab(y
ha! a .on Da;i!, and the air(ine! rare(y bother chec7in anyway5 Order
your tic7et! two day! before you wi!h to tra;e(, and *ic7 them u* at
the mai(boA or addre!! you had them !ent to5 If you are u*tiht in the
air*ort about the tic7et!, Eu!t o u* to another air(ine and ha;e the
tic7et! eAchaned5One ut!y way to hitch a free ride i! to board the
*(ane without a tic7et5 Thi! i! how it wor7!5 Locate the f(iht you
want and rummae throuh a wa!teba!7et unti( you find an en;e(o*e for
that *articu(ar air(ine5 Shuff(e by the counter men 'which i! fair(y
ea!y if itB! bu!y)5 8hen the boardin ca(( i! made, !tand in (ine and
et on the *(ane5 0(a!h the em*ty en;e(o*e at the !tewarde!! a! you
board the *(ane5 Carry a number of *ac7ae! a! a decoy, !o the
!tewarde!! won t a!7 you to o*en the en;e(o*e5 If !he doe!, which i!
rare, and !ee! you ha;e no tic7et, act !ur*ri!ed5 FOh my o!h, it mu!t
ha;e fa((en out in the wa!h room,F wi(( do fine5 .un bac7 down the ram*
a! if youBre oin to retrie;e the tic7et5 Di!a**ear and try (ater on a
different air(ine5 /ine out of ten re;o(utionarie! !ay itB! the on(y
way to f(y5 Thi! tric7 wor7! on(y on air(ine! that donBt u!e the
boardin *a!! !y!tem5If you want to be co;ered com*(ete(y, u!e the
ho**er$bo**er method de!cribed in the !ection on Bu!e!, with thi! added
!ecurity *recaution5 Buy two tic7et! from different ca!hier!, or better
!ti((, one from an aent in town5 Both wi(( be on the !ame f(iht5 On(y
one tic7et wi(( be under a *hony name and for the !hort ho*, white the
tic7et under your rea( name wi(( be for your actua( de!tination5 At the
boardin counter, *re!ent the !hort ho* tic7et5 ?ou wi(( be i;en an
en;e(o*e with a white recei*t in it5 Actua((y, the white recei*t i! the
(a!t (eaf in your tic7et5 Once you are !ecure(y !eated and a(oft, ta7e
out the tic7et with your name and fina( de!tination5 2ent(y *ee( away
e;erythin but the white recei*t5 -(ace the !ti(( ;a(id tic7et bac7 in
your *oc7et5 /ow remo;e from the en;e(o*e and de!troy the !hort ho*
recei*t5 In it! *(ace, *ut the recei*t for the tic7et you ha;e in your
*oc7et58hen you (and at the !hort ho* air*ort, !tay on the *(ane5
1!ua((y the !tewarde!!e! Eu!t a!7 you if you are remainin on the
f(iht5 If you ha;e to, you can actua((y !how her your authentic
recei*t5 8hen you et to your de!tination, you mere(y *ut the recei*t
bac7 on the bonafide tic7et that you !ti(( ha;e in your *oc7et5 It
i!nBt nece!!ary that they be (ued toether5 -re!ent the tic7et for a
refund or eAchane it for another tic7et5 Thi! method wor7! we(( e;en
in forein countrie!5 ?ou can actua((y f(y around the wor(d for L>>5@@
u!in the ho**er$bo**er method and !witchin recei*t!5If you canBt hac7
the!e !huc7! you !hou(d at (ea!t et a ?outh Card and tra;e( for ha(f
fare5 If you are o;er twenty$two but !ti(( in your twentie!, you can
ea!i(y *a!!5 2et a card from a friend who ha! !imi(ar co(or hair and
eye!5 ?our friend can ea!i(y et one from another air(ine5 ?ou can
ma!ter your friendB! !inature and et a !u**ortin *iece of
identification from him to bac7 u* your youth card if you find it
nece!!ary5 If you ha;e a friend who wor7! for an air(ine or tra;e(
aency, Eu!t et a card under your own name and an ae be(ow the (imit5
?our friend can ;a(idate the card5 0(yin youth fare i! on !tand$by, !o
itB! a(way! a ood idea to ca(( ahead and boo7 a number of re!er;ation!
under fictitiou! name! on the f(iht youB(( be ta7in5 Thi! wi(( fuc7
u* the boo7in of reu(ar *a!!ener! and in!ure you a !eat5By the way,
if you f(y cro!!$country a number of time!, !wi*e one of the *(u$in
head !et!5 A(way! remember to *ac7 it in your tra;e(in ba5 Thi! way
youB(( !a;e a two do((ar fee chared for the in$f(iht mo;ie5 The
head!et! are interchaneab(e on a(( air(ine!5One way to f(y free i! to
actua((y hitch a ride5 Loo7 for the *ri;ate *(ane area (ocated at e;ery
air*ort, u!ua((y in !ome remote *art of the fie(d5 ?ou can find it by
noticin where the !ma(( *(ane! without air(ine mar7in! ta7e off and
(and5 2o o;er to the runway! and a!7 around5 Often the mechanic! wi((
(et you 7now when !omeone i! (ea;in for your de!tination and *oint out
a *i(ot5 Te(( him you (o!t your tic7et and ha;e to et bac7 to !choo(5
Sin(e *i(ot! often (i7e to ha;e a *a!!ener a(on and itB! a rea( a!
f(yin in a !ma(( *(ane5Some forein countrie! ha;e !*ecia(
arranement! for free air tra;e( to ;i!itin writer!, arti!t! or
re*orter!5 BraHi( and Arentina are two we 7now of for !ure5 Ca(( or
write the emba!!y of the country you wi!h to ;i!it in 8a!hinton or
their mi!!ion to the 1nited /ation! in /ew ?or75 8ritin wor7! be!t,
e!*ecia((y if you can co* !ome !tationery from a new!*a*er or
*ub(i!hin hou!e5 Te(( them you wi(( be writin a feature !tory for
!ome maaHine on the touri!t !*ot! or handcraft! of the country5 The
emba!!y wi(( arrane for you to tra;e( rati! aboard one of their air
force *(ane!5 The *(ane! (ea;e on(y from 8a!hinton and /ew ?or7 at
un!chedu(ed time!5 Once you ha;e the O5K5 (etter from the emba!!y
youBre a(( !et5 Thi! i! definite(y worth chec7in out if you want to
;acation in a forein country with a(( !ort! of free bonu!e! thrown
in5A one$way ride i! ea!y if you want to et into !7yEac7in5 Kee* the
*iece or 7nife in your !hoe to a;oid *o!!ib(e detection with the Fmeta(
!canner,F a (on b(ac7 tube that act! (i7e a eier counter5 Or u!e a
*(a!tic 7nife or bomb5 ItB! a(!o ad;i!ab(e to wra* your do*e in a non$
meta((ic materia(5 A;oid tinfoi(5The crew! ha;e in!truction! to ta7e
you where;er you want to o e;en if they ha;e to refue(, but watch out
for air mar!ha(!5 To a;oid air mar!ha(! and !earche! *ic7 an air(ine
which f(ie! !hort dome!tic ho*!5 ?ou !hou(d *(an to end u* in a country
ho!ti(e to the 1nited State! or youB(( end u* riht bac7 where you came
from in !ome !turdy handcuff!5 One dude wanted to tra;e( in !ty(e !o he
demanded L%@@,@@@ a! a oin$away ift5 The air(ine! Cuic7(y *aid off5
The uy then ot reedy and demanded a hundred mi((ion do((ar!5 8hen he
returned to *ic7 u* the eAtra *oc7et money, he ot nabbed5 /one the
(e!!, !7yEac7in a**ear! to be the chea*e!t, fa!te!t way to et away
from it a((5
Any of the *ub(ic mean! of tran!*ortation can be ri**ed off
ea!i(y5 2et on the bu! with a (are bi(( and *re!ent it after the bu!
ha! (eft the !to*5 If the bu! i! crowded, !(i* in the bac7 door when it
o*en! to di!*atch *a!!ener!5Two *eo*(e can ea!i(y et throuh the
turn!ti(e in a !ubway on one to7en by doub(in u*5 In !ome !ubway
!y!tem! card! are i;en out to hih !choo( 7id! or !enior citiHen! or
em*(oyee! of the city5 The neAt time you are in a !ubway !tation notice
*eo*(e f(a!hin card! to the man in the booth and enterin throuh the
FeAitF door5 /otice the co(or of the card u!ed by *eo*(e in your ae
rou*5 2et a *iece of co(ored *a*er in a !tationery !tore or find !ome
card of the !ame co(or you need5 -ut thi! FcardF in a *(a!tic window of
your wa((et and f(a!h it in the !ame way tho!e with a bona fide *a!!
do5Before enterin a turn!ti(e, a(way! te!t the !win bar5 If !omeone
durin the day *ut in an eAtra to7en, itB! !ti(( in the machine waitin
for you to enter free50or e;ery to7en and coin de*o!ited in an
automatic turn!ti(e, there i! a forein coin the !ame !iHe for much
(e!! that wi(( wor7 in the machine5 'See the ?i**ie Currency EAchane,
fo((owin, for more info5) Buy a chea* ba of a!!orted forein coin!
from a dea(er that you can (ocate in the ?e((ow -ae!5 SiHe u* the
coin! with a to7en from your !ubway !y!tem5 ?ou can et any of the!e
coin! in bu(7 from a (are dea(er5 2enera((y they are about (,@@@ for
fi;e do((ar!5 Te(( him you ma7e Eewe(ry out of them if he et!
!u!*iciou!5 2i;in what a(mo!t amount! to free !ubway ride! away i! a
communa( act of (o;e5 The be!t out(aw! in the wor(d ri*$off !hit for a
(ot more *eo*(e than Eu!t them!e(;e!5 .obin Hood (i;e!4
De!*ite what you may ha;e heard, there i! !ti(( !ome rura( (and
(eft in Ameri7a5 The on(y rea((y free (and i! a;ai(ab(e in A(a!7a and
remote barren area! of the we!tern !tate!5 The (ate!t information in
thi! area i! found in a *eriodic *ub(ication ca((ed Our -ub(ic Land!,
a;ai(ab(e from the Su*erintendent of Document!, 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@<@#5
It co!t! L%5@@ for a !ub!cri*tion5 A(!o contact the 15S5 De*artment of
the Interior, Bureau of Land 9anaement, 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@#<@ and a!7
for information on Fhome!teadin5F By the time thi! boo7 i! out thouh,
the Secretary of the InteriorB! friend! in the oi( com*anie! miht ha;e
!to(en a(( the a;ai(ab(e free (and5 Bein an oi( com*any i! about the
ea!ie!t way to !tea( mi((ion!5 /e;er ca(( it !tea(in thouh, a(way!
refer to it a! Fre!earch and de;e(o*ment5FContinenta( 1nited State! ha!
no ood free (and that we 7now of, but there are !ome ;ery (ow *rice!
in area! !uited for country communitie!5 8rite to Schoo( of Li;in,
0ree(and, 9ary(and, for their new!*a*er 2reen .e;o(ution with the
(ate!t information in thi! area5 Canada ha! free (and a;ai(ab(e, and
the Canadian o;ernment wi(( !end you a free (i!t if you write to the
De*artment of Land and 0ore!t!, -ar(iament Bui(din, Kuebec City,
Canada5 A(!o write to the 2eora*hica( Branch, De*artment of 9ine! and
Technica( Sur;ey!, -ar(iament Bui(din, Kuebec City, Canada5
Corre!*ondence can be carried out with the Communication! 2rou*, #=:@
-oint 2rey .oad, 3ancou;er >, Briti!h Co(umbia, Canada, for ad;ice on
e!tab(i!hin a community in Canada5 The i!(and! off the coa!t of
Briti!h Co(umbia, it! we!tern reion and the area a(on the Kootenai
.i;er are amon the be!t (ocation!5If you Eu!t want to ri* off !ome
(and, there are two way! to do itG o*en(y or !ecret(y5 If you are oin
to do it out front, (oo7 around for a *iece of (and thatB! in di!*ute,
which ha! it! !o;ereinty in Cue!tion$i!(and! and de(ta! between the
15S5 and Canada, or between the 15S5 and 9eAico, or any number of other
border(ine (and!5 ?ou miht e;en con!ider one of the abandoned oi($
dri((in *(atform!, which are fair ame under hih !ea! !a(;ae (aw!5
The *o!!ibi(itie! are end(e!!5If you intend to do it Cuiet(y, you wi((
want a com*(ete(y different ty*e of (ocation5 0ind a rued area with
(ot! of e(bow room and *(enty of *(ace! to hide, (i7e the .oc7y
9ountain!, 0(orida !wam*!, Death 3a((ey, or /ew ?or7 City5 -ut toether
a tiht band of uerri((a! and do your thin5 8ith (uc7 you wi(( (a!t
fore;er5If you Eu!t want to cam* out or try !ome hermit (i;in in the
*(u!he!t !urroundin! a;ai(ab(e, youB(( do be!t to head for one of the
nationa( *ar7!5 Since the *ar7! are federa( *ro*erty, thereB! ;ery
(itt(e the (oca( fuHH can do about you, and the fore!t raner! are
enera((y the (i;e$and$(et$(i;e ty*e!, a(thouh there ha;e been
increa!in re*ort! of (on$hair! bein ;am*ed on by Smo7ey the -i, a!
in ?o!emite5 ?ou can et a com*(ete (i!t from /ationa( -ar7 Ser;ice,
De*artment of the Interior, 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@#<@5 The fo((owin i! a
(i!t of !ome ood one!I 6 ALABA9A$.u!!e(( Ca;e /ationa( 9onument,
Bride*ort :&"<@
6 A.IQO/A$2rand Canyon /ationa( -ar7, BoA %#,, 2rand Canyon >=@#:
6 A.KA/SAS$Hot S*rin! /ationa( -ar7, BoA %#%,, Hot S*rin!
6 CALI0O./IA$?o!emite /ationa( -ar7, BoA &"", ?o!emite ,&:>,R
6 COLO.ADO$.oc7y 9ountain /ationa( -ar7, E!te! -ar7, >@&%"
6 0LO.IDA$E;er(ade! /ationa( -ar7, BoA #",, Home!tead ::@:@
6 IDAHO$Boi!e /ationa( 0ore!t, <%: Idaho Street, Boi!e >:"@#
6 ILLI/OIS$Shawnee /ationa( 0ore!t,Harri!bur /ationa( Ban7
Bui(din, Harri!bur =#,<= 6 KE/T1CK?$9ammoth Ca;e /ationa( -ar7,
9ammoth Ca;e <##&,
6 LO1ISIA/A$Ki!atchie /ationa( 0ore!t, #&@@ Shre;e*ort Hwy5,
-ine;i((e "%:=@ 6 9AI/E$Acadia /ationa( -ar7, BoA ::>,
Bar Harbor @<=@,
6 9A.?LA/D$A!!ateaue I!(and /ationa( Sea!hore, .te5 # BoA %%%,
Ber(in #%>%%
6 9ASSACH1SETTS$Ca*e Cod /ationa( Sea!hore, South 8e((f(eet @#==:
6 9ICHI2A/$Hiawatha /ationa( 0ore!t, -o!t Office Bui(din,
E!canaba <,>#,
6 9ISSO1.I$9ar7 Twain /ationa( 0ore!t, :@< -er!hin St5,
S*rinfie(d =&>@=
6 /E3ADA$La7e 9ead /ationa( .ecreation Area, =@% /e;ada Hwy,
Bou(der City >,@@&
6 /E8 9EJICO$AHtec .uin! /ationa( 9onument, .oute %, BoA %@%,
AHtec >"<%@
6 /E8 ?O.K$0ire I!(and /ationa( Sea!hore cOo /ew ?or7 City
/ationa( -ar7 Ser;ice 2rou*, #> E5 #@th St5, /ew ?or7, /? %@@@:
6 /O.TH CA.OLI/A$8riht Brother! /ationa( 9emoria( BoA <&",
9anteo #",&<
6 OKLAHO9A$-(att /ationa( -ar7, BoA #@%, Su(*hur ":@>=
6 O.E2O/$Crater La7e /ationa( -ar7, BoA ", Crater La7e ,"=@<
6 1TAH$Bryce Canyon /ationa( -ar7, Bryce Canyon ><"%"
6 8?O9I/2$?e((ow!tone /ationa( -ar7, ?e((ow!tone -ar7 >:@#@
RThi! !ummer ?o!emite fore!t raner! tried to e;ict a rou* of
?i**ie! from their encam*ment5 The ?i**ie! rioted in the ;a((ey,
!*oo7ed the touri!t!, burned car! and fouht for their riht to
!tay5Earth -eo*(eB! -ar7 i! an endea;or to *urcha!e (and and a((ow
*eo*(e to come and (i;e for free5 They function a! a c(earin hou!e for
*eo*(e that want to donate (and and tho!e who wi!h to !ett(e5 They own
=@@ acre! in northern 3ermont and are tryin to rai!e money to buy
more5 8rite to Earth -eo*(eB! -ar7, -5@5 BoA :%:, %#:@ 2rant A;e5, San
0ranci!co, Ca(ifornia ,<%::5-eo*(eB! -ar7! are !*routin u* a(( o;er a!
*eo*(e rec(aim the (and bein ri**ed off by uni;er!itie!, factorie!,
and corru*t city *(annin aencie!5 The mode( i! the -eo*(eB! -ar7
!tru(e in Ber7e(ey durin the !*rin of %,=,5 The *eo*(e fouht to
defend a barren *ar7in (ot they had turned into a community center
with ra!!, !win!, free$form !cu(*ture and arden!5 The 1ni;er!ity of
Ca(ifornia, with the aid of .ona(d .eaan and the Ber7e(ey !torm
troo*er!, fouht with un!, c(ub! and tear a! to reain the (and from
the out(aw *eo*(e5 The *i! 7i((ed Jame! .ector and won an em*ty
;ictory5 0or now the *ar7 i! fenced off, tarred o;er and con;erted into
unu!ed ba!7etba(( court! and unu!ed *ar7in (ot!5 /ot one *er!on ha!
;io(ated the oath ne;er to !et foot on the !ite5 It !tand!, co(d and
em*ty, two b(oc7! north of crowded Te(era*h A;enue5 If the re;o(ution
doe! not !ur;i;e, a(( the (and wi(( *eri!h under the !team ro((er of
im*eria(i!m5 -eo*(eB! Death 3a((ey wi(( ha**en in our (ifetime5
0.EE HO1SI/2
If you are in a city without a *(ace to !tay, a!7 the fir!t rou*
of hi*$(oo7in fo(7! where you can cra!h5 ?ou miht try the office of
the (oca( underround new!*a*er5 In any hi* community, the underround
new!*a*er i! enera((y the !ource of the be!t u*$to$the$moment
information5 But remember that they are ;ery bu!y, and donBt im*o!e on
them5 9any churche! now ha;e runaway hou!e!5 If you are under !iAteen
and can hac7 !ome bu((!hit Ei;e about FadEu!tin,F Fo*enin a
dia(oue,F and Fthin! arenBt that bad,F then the!e are the be!t dea(!
for free room and board5 Chec7 out the round ru(e! fir!t, i5e5, (enth
of !tay a((owed, if they inform your *arent! or *o(ice, faci(itie! and
!er;ice! a;ai(ab(e5 A(mo!t a(way! they can be acce*ted at their word,
which i! !omethin ;ery !acred to mi!!ionarie!5 If they became 7nown a!
doub(e$cro!!er!, the *roram! wou(d be fini!hed5Some hi* communitie!
ha;e cra!h *ad! !et u*, but the!e rare(y (a!t more than a few month!5
To i;e out the addre!!e! we ha;e wou(d be Cuite im*ractica(5 8e ha;e
ne;er run acro!! a cra!h *ad that (a!ted more than a month or !o5 If in
a cit, try hu!t(in a room at a co((ee dorm5 Thi! i! e!*ecia((y ood
in !ummer or on wee7$end!5 If you ha;e a !(ee*in ba, the *ar7! are
a(way! ood, a! i! Ftar Eun(eF or !(ee*in on the roof! of ta((
bui(din!5 Loca( fo(7! wi(( i;e you !ome ood ad;ice on what to watch
out for and information on ;arancy (aw! which miht he(* you a;oid
ettin bu!ted50or more *ermanent need!, !Cuattin i! not on(y free,
itB! a re;o(utionary act5 If you !tay Cuiet you can !tay indefinite(y5
If you ha;e community !u**ort you may (a!t fore;er5
In the city or in the country, commune! can be a chea* and
enEoyab(e way of (i;in5 A(thouh urban and rura( commune! face
different *hy!ica( en;ironment!, they !hare common rou* *rob(em!5 The
mo!t im*ortant e(ement in communa( (i;in i! the *eo*(e, for the
commune wi(( on(y ma7e it if e;eryone i! fair(y com*atib(e5 A nuc(eu!
of < to " *eo*(e i! be!t and it i! nece!!ary that no member fee(!
eAtreme(y ho!ti(e to any other member when the commune et! !tarted5
The idea that thin! wi(( wor7 out (ater i! *i !wi((5 9ore commune!
ha;e bu!ted u* o;er incom*atibi(ity than any other !in(e factor5
-eo*(e of !imi(ar intere!t! and *o(itica( *hi(o!o*hie! !hou(d (i;e
toether5 One !*eed frea7 can wrec7 a(mo!t any rou*5 There are Eu!t
too many day$to$day ha!!(e! in;o(;ed (i;in in a commune to not !tart
off com*atib(e in a! many way! a! *o!!ib(e5 The idea( arranement i!
for the *eo*(e to ha;e 7nown each other before they mo;e in
toether5Once you ha;e made the o*enin mo;e!, e;enin meetin! wi((
occa!iona((y be nece!!ary to di;ide u* the re!*on!ibi(itie! and wor7
out the uniCue *rob(em! of a communa( fami(y5 Ba!ica((y, there are two
area! that ha;e to be *retty we(( areed u*on if the commune i! to
!ur;i;e5 -eo*(eB! attitude! toward -o(itic!, SeA, Dru! and Deci!ion$
ma7in ha;e to be in fair(y c(o!e areement5 Then the e;en mo!t
im*ortant deci!ion! about rai!in the rent, c(eanin, coo7in and
maintenance wi(( ha;e to be made5 2round ru(e! for in;itin non$member!
!hou(d be wor7ed out before the fir!t time it ha**en!, a! thi! i! a
common cau!e for friction5 Another increa!in(y im*ortant i!!ue
in;o(;e! defen!e5 Commune! ha;e continua((y been taret! of attac7 by
the more /eandertha( e(ement! of the !urroundin community5 In
9innea*o(i! for eAam*(e, Fheadhunt!F a! they are ca((ed are
common*(ace5 ?ou !hou(d ha;e fu(( 7now(ede of the (oca( un (aw! and a
co((ecti;e defen!e !hou(d be wor7ed out5-hy!ica( attac7! are Eu!t one
way of ma7in war on commune! and, hence, our 0ree /ation5 Law!, co*!,
and court! are there to *rotect the *ower and the *ro*erty of tho!e
that a(ready ot the !hit5 -o(ice hara!!ment, !trict enforcement of
hea(th code! and fire reu(ation! and the !*ecia((y de!ined anti$
commune (aw! bein *a!!ed by town e(der!, !hou(d a(( be 7nown and
under!tood by the member! of a commune before they e;en buy or rent
*ro*erty5 On a(( the!e matter!, you !hou(d !ee7 out eA*erienced member!
of commune! a(ready e!tab(i!hed in the ;icinity you wi!h to !ett(e5
8or7 out mutua( defen!e arranement! with nearby fami(ie!$both (ea(
and eAtra(ea(5 .emember, not on(y do you ha;e the riht to !e(f$
defen!e, but it i! your duty to our new /ation to era!e the FEa!y$
.ider$ta7e$any$!hitF imae which in;ite! attac75 Let them 7now you are
wi((in to defend your way of (i;in and your chance! of !ur;i;a( wi((
1.BA/ LI3I/2
If youBre headed for city (i;in, the fir!t thin youB(( ha;e to
do i! (ocate an a*artment or (oft, an increa!in(y difficu(t ta!75 At
certain time! of the year, notab(y June and Se*tember, the com*etition
i! fierce becau!e of !tudent! (ea;in or enterin !choo(5 If you can
a;oid the!e two month!, youB(( ha;e a better !e(ection5 A 7now(ede of
your *(an! in ad;ance can aid a reat dea( in findin an a*artment, for
the area can be !couted before you mo;e in5 Often, if you 7now of
*eo*(e (ea;in a de!irab(e a*artment, you can ma7e arranement! with
the (and(ord, and a de*o!it wi(( ho(d the *(ace5 If you (et them 7now
youBre wi((in to buy their furniture, *eo*(e wi(( be more wi((in to
i;e you information about when they *(an to mo;e5 8atch out for
ettin !crewed on eAorbitant furniture !wind(e! by the *re;iou!
tenant! and eAce!!i;e demand! on the *art of the (and(ord!5 In mo!t
citie!, the (and(ord i! not (ea((y a((owed to a!7 for more than one
monthB! rent a! !ecurity5 Often the month(y rent it!e(f i! reu(ated by
a city aency5 A (itt(e chec7in on the (oca( (aw! and a ;i!it to the
hou!in aency miht *ro;e we(( worth it5DonBt o to a renta( aency
un(e!! you are wi((in to *ay an eAtra monthB! rent a! a fee5 8anted
ad! in new!*a*er! and bu((etin board! (ocated in community center! and
!u*ermar7et! ha;e !ome (ead!5 Lare uni;er!itie! ha;e a !er;ice for
findin ood a*artment! for admini!trator!, facu(ty and !tudent!, in
that order5 Ca(( the uni;er!ity, !ay you ha;e Eu!t been a**ointed to
!uch$and$!uch *o!ition and you need hou!in in the area5 They wi(( want
to 7now a(( your reCuirement! and rent (imitation!, but often they ha;e
;ery ood dea(! a;ai(ab(e, e!*ecia((y if youB;e a**ointed your!e(f to a
hih enouh *o!ition5A!ide from the!e, the be!t way i! to !cout a
de!ired area and inCuire about future a*artment!5 Often (and(ord! or
renta( aencie! ha;e contro( o;er a number of bui(din! in a i;en
area5 ?ou can enera((y find a name*(ate in!ide the ha(( of the
bui(din5 Ca((in them direct(y wi(( (et you 7now of any a*artment!
a;ai(ab(e58hen you et an a*artment, furni!hin wi(( be the neAt !te*5
?ou can doub(e your !(ee*in !*ace by bui(din bun7 bed!5 /ai( two by
four! !ecure(y from cei(in to f(oor, about three feet from the wa((!,
where the bed! are de!ired5 Then bui(d a frame out of two by four! at a
con;enient heiht5 9a7e !ure you u!e nai(! or !crew! !tron enouh to
!u**ort the weiht of *eo*(e !(ee*in or ba((in5 /ai( a !heet of :O<
inch *(ywood on the frame5 9attre!!e! and a(mo!t a(( furniture needed
for your *a( can be otten free '!ee !ection on 0ree 0urniture)5
Si(;erware can be co**ed at any !e(f$!er;ice re!taurant5
.1.AL LI3I/2
If you are con!iderin mo;in to the country, e!*ecia((y a! a
rou*, you are ta(7in about farm! and farm(and5 There are !ome farm!
for rent, and occa!iona((y a fami(y that ha! to be away for a year or
two wi(( (et you (i;e on their farm if you 7ee* the *(ace in re*air5
The!e can be found ad;erti!ed in the bac7 of ;ariou! farmin maaHine!
and in the c(a!!ified !ection! of new!*a*er!, e!*ecia((y the Sunday
edition!5 2enera((y !*ea7in, howe;er, if youBre intere!ted in a farm,
you !hou(d be con!iderin an outriht *urcha!e50ir!t, you ha;e to
determine in what *art of the country you want to (i;e in term! of the
c(imate you *refer and how far away from the maEor citie! you wi!h to
(ocate5 The (ea!t *o*u(ated !tate!, !uch a! 1tah, Idaho, the Da7ota!,
9ontana and the (i7e, ha;e the chea*e!t *rice! and the (owe!t taA
rate!5 The more *o*u(ated a !tate, and in turn, the c(o!er to a city,
the hiher the commercia( ;a(ue of the (and5There are hundred! of
different ty*e! of farm!, !o the neAt !et of Cue!tion! youB(( ha;e to
rai!e concern! the ty*e of farm acti;ity youB(( want to enae in5
Catt(e farm! are different than ;eetab(e farm! or orchard!5 0arm! come
in !iHe!I from ha(f an acre to ranche! (arer than the !tate of
Connecticut5 They wi(( run in *rice from L:@ to L:@@@ an acre, with the
mo!t eA*en!i;e bein *rime farm(and in ferti(e ri;er ;a((ey! (ocated
c(o!e to an urban area5 The further away from the city and the further
u* a hi((, the chea*er the (and et!5 It a(!o et! woodier, roc7ier and
!tee*er, which mean! (e!! ti((ab(e (and5If you are ta(7in of (i;in in
a farm hou!e and maybe ha;in a !ma(( arden and !ome (i;e!toc7 for
your own u!e, with *erha*! a *ond on the *ro*erty, you are (oo7in for
what i! ca((ed a recreationa( farm5 8hen you buy a recreationa( farm,
natura((y you are intere!ted in the hou!e, barn, we((, fence!, chic7en$
coo*, corra(!, wood!hed! and other *hy!ica( !tructure! on the *ro*erty5
1n(e!! the!e are in unu!ua((y ood condition or uniCue, they do not
enter into the !a(e *rice a! maEor factor!5 It i! the (and it!e(f that
i! bouht and !o(d50arm(and i! mea!ured in acreaeG an acre bein
!(iht(y more than <:,&=@ !Cuare feet5 The tota( area i! mea!ured in
<@$acre *(ot!5 Thu!, if a farmer or a rea( e!tate aent !ay! he ha! a
*(ot of (and down the road, he mean! a <@$acre farm5 0arm! are
enera((y mea!ured thi! way, with an a;erae recreationa( farm bein
%=@ acre! in !iHe or an area co;erin about %O# !Cuare mi(e5 A
rea!onab(e rate for recreationa( farm(and %@@ mi(e! from a maEor city
with ood water and a (i;ab(e hou!e wou(d be about L&@ *er acre5 0or a
%=@$acre farm, it wou(d be L>,@@@, which i! not an awfu( (ot
con!iderin what you are ettin5 0or an o;era(( ;iew, et the free
cata(oue! and brochure! *ro;ided by the 1nited 0arm Aency, =%# 85
<"th St5, Kan!a! City, 9o5 =<%%#5/ow that you ha;e a rouh idea of
where and what ty*e of farm you want, you can bein to et more
!*ecific5 Chec7 out the c(a!!ified !ection in the Sunday new!*a*er of
the (are!t city near your de!ired (ocation5 2et the *hone boo7 and
ca(( or write to rea( e!tate aencie! in the ;icinity5 1n(i7e the city,
where there i! a !e((er!B mar7et, rura( e!tate aent! co((ect their fee
from the !e((er of the *ro*erty, !o you wonBt ha;e to worry about the
aentB! fee58hen you ha;e narrowed down the choice!, the neAt thin
youB(( want to (oo7 at i! the *(ot boo7 for the county5 The *(ot boo7
ha! a(( the farm! in each town!hi* ma**ed out5 (t a(!o !how! terrain
;ariation!, ty*e of hou!in on the (and, (ocation of ri;er!, road! and
a ho!t of other *ertinent information5 .oad acce!!ibi(ity, e!*ecia((y
in the winter, i! an im*ortant factor5 If the farm! borderin the one
you ha;e !e(ected are abandoned or not in fu(( u!e, then for a((
intent! and *ur*o!e!, you ha;e more (and than you are buyin5After
doin a(( thi!, you are *re*ared to o (oo7 at the farm it!e(f5 /otice
the condition of the auAi(iary road! (eadin to the hou!e5 ?ouB(( want
an idea of what !ection! of the (and are ti((ab(e5 9a7e note of how
many bou(der! youB(( ha;e to c(ear to do !ome *(antin5 A(!o note how
many tree! there are and to what eAtent the bru!h ha! to be cut down5
Be !ure and ha;e a ood idea of the in!ect *rob(em! you can eA*ect5
9o!Cuitoe! or f(ie! can bu the !hit out of you5 0ee( the !oi( where
you *(an to ha;e a arden and !ee how rich it i!5 If there are fruit
tree!, chec7 their condition5 Ta!te the water5 0ind out if hunter! or
touri!t! come throuh the (and5 EAamine the hou!e5 The mo!t im*ortant
thin! are the ba!ement and the roof5 In the ba!ement eAamine the beam!
for dry rot and termite!5 See how (on it wi(( be before the roof mu!t
be re*(aced5 /eAt chec7 the heatin !y!tem, the e(ectrica( wirin and
the *(umbin5 Then youB(( want to 7now about !er;ice! !uch a! !choo(!,
!now *(owin, te(e*hone!, fire de*artment and fina((y about your
neihbor!5 If the hou!e i! beyond re*air, you miht !ti(( want the
farm, e!*ecia((y if you are ood at car*entry5 Cabin!, A$0rame!, dome!
and te*ee! are a(( chea*(y con!tructed with (itt(e eA*erience5 2et the
materia(! from your neare!t mi(itary in!ta((ation50ina((y, chec7 out
the !econdary !tructure! on the (and to !ee how u!ab(e they are5 If
there i! a *ond, youB(( want to !ee how dee* it i! for !wimmin5 If
there are !tream!, youB(( want to 7now about the fi!hin *o!!ibi(itie!G
and if (are wooded area!, the huntin5In neotiatin the fina( !a(e!
areement, you !hou(d em*(oy a (awyer5 ?ouB(( a(!o want to chec7 out
the *o!!ibi(ity of neotiatin a ban7 (oan for the farm5 DonBt foret
that you ha;e to *ay taAe! on the (and, !o inCuire from the *re;iou!
owner or aent a! to the taA bi((5 1!ua((y, you can count on *ayin
about L&@ annua((y *er <@$acre *(ot50ina((y, chec7 out the federa(
*roram! a;ai(ab(e in the area5 If you can (earn the in! and out! of
the o;ernment *roram!, you can ri* off *(enty5 The 0eed$2rain -roram
of the De*artment of Aricu(ture *ay! you not to row rain5 The Cotton
Sub!idy -roram *ay! you not to row cotton5 A(!o (oo7 into the Soi(
Ban7 -roram of the 1nited State! De;e(o*ment A!!ociation and ;ariou!
De*artment of 0ore!try *roram! which *ay you to *(ant tree!5 Between
not *(antin cotton and *(antin tree!, you !hou(d be ab(e to manae5
The mo!t com*(ete (i!t of city and country commune! i! a;ai(ab(e for
L%5@@ from A(ternati;e! 0oundation, 9odern 1to*ian, %&#= 2ra;en!teur
Hihway /orth, Seba!to*o(, Ca(ifornia ,&<#"5 The *hone i! '"@") >#:$
=%=>5 The (i!t i! 7e*t u* to date5 0or a(( commune!, you mu!t write in
ad;ance if you *(an to ;i!it5 A(mo!t e;ery commune wi(( i;e you
information about the (oca( condition! and the *rob(em! they face if
you write them a (etter5 Here i! a (i!t of !ome you miht (i7e to write
to for more information5 A;oid becomin a free$(oader on your !i!ter!
and brother!5
6 Ca(ifornia
$ ALTE./ATI3ES 0O1/DATIO/$BoA %#=<, Ber7e(ey, Ca(ifornia ,<"@,5
'Dic7 0airfie(d) Communa( (i;in, tota( !eAua(ity, *ea7 eA*erience
trainin center!5 Dedicated to the cybernated$triba( !ociety5
$ BHODA/ CE/TE. O0 I/K1I.?$Sierra .oute, Oa7hur!t, Ca(ifornia
,:=<<5 -hone '#@,) =>:$<,"=55 'Char(e! Da;i!) Seminar! on Human
Community, IC de;e(o*ment on the (and, founded %,:<, %: member!5 Tria(
*eriod for new member!5 3i!itor! chec7 in ad;ance5
6 Co(orado
$ D.O- CIT?$.t5 %, BoA %#&, Trinidad, Co(orado >%@>#5 0ounded
%,=&5 /ew member! mu!t meet !*ecific criteria5 Anarchi!t, arti!t, dome
6 /ew 9eAico
$ LA9A 0O1/DATIO/$BoA <<<, San Cri!toba(, /595
6 /ew ?or7
$ CIT? ISLA/D CO991/E$#>< City I!(and A;enue, BronA, /?5 3i!itor!
chec7 in ad;ance5 .e;o(utionary5
$ ATLA/TIS I$.0D &, BoA ##A, Sauertie!, /? %#<""5 3i!itor! and
new member! we(come5
6 Oreon
$ 0A9IL? O0 9?STIC A.TS$$BoA &<=, Sunny 3a((ey, Oreon
6 -enn!y(;ania
$ TA/21? HO9ESTEADS$8e!t Che!ter, -enn!y(;ania5 Suburban, non$
!ectarian, co$o* hou!in and community fe((ow!hi*5
6 8a!hinton
$ 9A2IC 9O1/TAI/$&#nd and %,th Street!, Seatt(e, 8a!hinton5 'cOo
9iriam .oder)5
1!ua((y when you a!7 !omebody in co((ee why they are there,
theyB(( te(( you itB! to et an education5 The truth of it i!, they are
there to et the deree !o that they can et ahead in the rat race5 Too
many co((ee radica(! are two$timin *un7!5 The on(y rea!on you !hou(d
be in co((ee i! to de!troy it5 If there i! !tuff that you want to
(earn thouh, there i! a way to et a co((ee education ab!o(ute(y
free5 Sim*(y !end away for the !chedu(e of cour!e! at the co((ee of
your choice5 9a7e u* the !chedu(e you want and audit the c(a!!e!5 In
!ma((er c(a!!e! thi! miht be a *rob(em, but e;en then, if, the teacher
i! worth anythin at a((, heB(( (et you !tay5 In (are c(a!!e!, no one
wi(( e;er obEect5If you need boo7! for a cour!e, write to the *ub(i!her
c(aimin you are a (ecturer at !ome !choo( and con!iderin u!in their
boo7 in your cour!e5 They wi(( a(way! !end you free boo7!5There are
0ree 1ni;er!itie! !*rinin u* a(( o;er our new /ation5 Anybody can
teach any cour!e5 -eo*(e !in u* for the cour!e! and !ometime! *ay a
to7en rei!tration fee5 Thi! money i! u!ed to *ub(i!h a cata(oue and
*ay the rent5 If youBre on we(fare you donBt ha;e to *ay5 ?ou can ta7e
a! many or a! few cour!e! a! you want5 C(a!!e! are he(d e;erywhereI in
the in!tructorB! hou!e, in the *ar7, on the beach, at one of the
!tudentB! hou!e! or in (iberated bui(din!5 0ree 1ni;er!itie! offer
cour!e! ranin from A!tro(oy to the 1!e of 0irearm!5 The teachin i!
u!ua((y of eAce((ent Cua(ity and youB(( (earn in a community$ty*e
6 A(ternati;e 1ni;er!ity$=, 85 %<th St5, /ew ?or7, /? %@@%%
'cata(oue on reCue!t)
6 Ba(timore 0ree 1$cOo Harry, #:: E5 #&th St5, Ba(timore,
9ary(and #%#%>
6 Ber7e(ey 0ree 1$%"@: 2ro;e St5, Ber7e(ey, Ca(ifornia ,<"@,
6 Bow(in 2reen 0ree 1$cOo Student Counci(, 1ni;er!ity of Bow(in
2reen, Bow(in 2reen Ohio <:<@#
6 Co(orado State 0ree 1$BoA %#$0rai!en, Co(orado State Co((ee,
2ree(ey, Co(orado >@=:% 6 Detroit Area 0ree 1$Student 1nion, <@@%
85 9c/icho(! .d5, Detroit, 9ichian <>##%
6 Detroit Area 0ree 1$:<: 1ni;er!ity Center, 8ayne State
1ni;er!ity, Detroit, 9ich5
6 2eoretown 0ree 1$Loyo(a B(d5, #>, 2eoretown 1ni;er!ity
8a!hinton D5C5 #@@@"
6 2o(den 2ate 0ree 1$#%#@ 9ar7et St5, .m5 #@=, San 0ranci!co,
Ca(ifornia ,<%%<
6 He(iotro*e$##@% 0i(bert, San 0ranci!co, Ca(ifornia ,<%%>
6 I((inoi! 0ree 1$#,>A I((ini 1nion, 1ni;er!ity of I((inoi!,
Cham*ain, I((inoi! =%>#@
6 Kan!a! 0ree 1$%@" 85 "th St5, Lawrence, Kan!a! ==@<<
6 KnoA Co((ee 0ree 1$2a(e!bury, I((inoi! =@<@%
6 9adi!on 0ree 1$cOo -5 Carro((, %#@& Shorewood B(;d5, 9adi!on,
8i!con!in &:"@&
6 9etro*o(itan State 0ree 1$A!!ociated Student!, %:<& Banroc7
St5, Den;er, Co(orado >@#@< 6 9ichian State 0ree 1$A!!ociated
Student!, Student Ser;ice B(d5, 9ichian State Co((ee, Ea!t
Lan!in, 9ichian <>>#:
6 9id$-enin!u(a 0ree 1$%@=@ E( Camino .ea(, 9en(o -ar7,
Ca(ifornia ,<@%&
6 9inne!ota 0ree 1$%>%" S5 :rd St5, 9innea*o(i!, 9inne!ota &&<@<
6 9onterey -enin!u(a 0ree 1$#%#@ Etna -(ace, 9onterey, Ca(ifornia
/ew 0ree 1$BoA ALL :@:, Santa Barbara, Ca(ifornia ,:%@"
6 /orthwe!t 0ree 1$BoA %#&&, Be((inham, 8a!hinton ,>##&
6 Ohio$8e!(eyan 0ree 1$BoA <"$8e(!h Ha((, Ohio 8e!(eyan
1ni;er!ity, De(e;an, Ohio <:@%& 6 -itt!burh 0ree 1$<<@% 0ifth
A;e5, -itt!burh, -enn!y(;ania %&#%:.uter! 0ree 1$.uter! Co((ee,
Student Center, % Linco(n A;e5, /ewar7, /J @"%@#
6 St5 Loui! 0ree 1$cOo Student Conre!!, :rd f(oor B9C, St5 Loui!
1ni;er!ity, St5 Loui!, 9i!!ouri =:%@:
6 San Lui! Obi!*o 0ree 1$BoA %:@&, San Lui! Obi!*o, Ca(ifornia
6 Santa CruH 0ree 1$=@< .i;er St5, Santa CruH, Ca(ifornia ,&@=@
6 Seatt(e 0ree 1$<%<<N 1ni;er!ity 8ay /E, Seatt(e, 8a!hinton
,>%@& 6 Southern I((inoi! 0ree 1$Carbonda(e, I((inoi! =#,@%
6 3a((ey 0ree 1$#@<& /5 8i!hon A;e5, 0re!no, Ca(ifornia ,:"@<
6 8a!hinton Area 0ree 1$&&%, -ro!*ect -(ace, Che;y Cha!e,
9ary(and #@@%& and %>&< -ar7 .d5 /8, 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@@%@
6 8ayne$Loc7e 0ree 1$Student Conre!!, 1ni;er!ity of TeAa!,
Ar(inton, TeAa! "=@%@
And a com*(ete (i!t of eA*erimenta( !choo(!, free uni;er!itie!,
free !choo(!, can be obtained by !endin one do((ar to ALTE./ATI3ES4
%&#= 2ra;en!tein Hihway /5, Seba!to*o(, Ca(ifornia ,"<&#, and
reCue!tin the Directory of 0ree Schoo(!5
Due to the effort! of the 9edica( Committee for Human .iht!, the
Student Hea(th OraniHation and other *rore!!i;e e(ement! amon
youner doctor! and nur!e!5 0ree -eo*(eB! C(inic! ha;e been ha**enin
in e;ery maEor city5 They u!ua((y o*erate out of !tore front! and are
!taffed with ;o(unteer he(*5 An a;erae c(inic can hand(e fifty
*atient! a day5If youB;e had an accident or ha;e an acute i((ne!!, e;en
a bad co(d, chec7 into the emerency room of any ho!*ita(5 2i;en them a
!ob !tory com*(ete with *hony name and addre!!5 After treatment they
*re!ent you with a !(i* and direct you to the ca!hier5 Ju!t wa(7 on by,
a! the !on !ue!t!5 A ood decoy i! to a!7 for the wa!hroom5 After
waitin there a few moment!, !*(it5 If youBre cauht !nea7in out, te((
them you ran out of the hou!e without your wa((et5 A!7 them to bi(( you
at your *hony addre!!5 Thi! bi((in *rocedure wor7! in both ho!*ita(
emerency room! and c(inic!5 ?ou can 7ee* oin bac7 for re*eated
;i!it! u* to three month! before the ca!hierB! office te((! the doctor
about your fractured *ayment!5?ou can et !*eedy medica( ad;ice and
a;oid emerency room de(ay! by ca((in the ho!*ita(, a!7in for the
emerency unit and !*ea7in direct(y to the doctor o;er the *hone5
O(der doctor! frown on thi! *rocedure !ince they cannot eAtort their
u!ua( eAorbitant fee o;er the *hone5 ?ouner one! enera((y do not
!hare thi! han$u*5Citie! u!ua((y ha;e free c(inic! for a ;ariety of
!*ecia( ai(ment!5 Tubercu(o!i! C(inic!, 3enerea( Di!ea!e C(inic!, and
0ree Shot C(inic! 'ye((ow fe;er, *o(io, tetanu!, etc5) are !ome of the
more common5 A directory of the!e c(inic! and other free hea(th
!er;ice! the (oca( community *ro;ide! can be obtained by writin your
Chamber of Commerce or (oca( Hea(th De*artment59o!t uni;er!itie! ha;e
c(inic! connected with their denta(, o*tometry or other !*ecia(iHed
medica( !choo(!5 If not for free, then certain(y for ;ery (ow rate!,
you can et denta( wor7 re*aired, eye(a!!e! fitted and treatment of
other !*ecific hea(th need!50ree *!ychiatric treatment can often be
otten at the out$*atient de*artment of any menta( ho!*ita(5 Admi!!ion
into the!e ho!*ita(! i! free, but a rea( bummer5 1!e them a! a (a!t
re!ort on(y5 Some citie! ha;e a !uicide *re;ention center and if you
are de!*erate and need he(*, ca(( them5 ?our be!t choice in a
*!ychiatric emerency i! to o to a (are enera( ho!*ita(, find the
emerency unit and a!7 to !ee the *!ychiatri!t on duty5
-(anned -arenthood and the 0ami(y -(annin A!!ociation !taff
numerou! free birth contro( c(inic! throuhout the country5 They
*ro;ide !uch !er;ice! a! !eA education, eAamination!, -a* !mear and
birth contro( information and de;ice!5 The de;ice! inc(ude *i((!, a
dia*hram, or I1D 'intra$uterine de;ice) which they wi(( in!ert5 If you
are unmarried and under %>, you miht ha;e to ta(7 to a !ocia( wor7er,
but itB! no !weat becau!e anybody et! contrace*ti;e de;ice! that want!
them5 Ca(( u* and a!7 them to !end you their boo7(et! on the different
method! of birth contro( a;ai(ab(e5If you wou(d rather o to a *ri;ate
doctor, try to find out from a friend the name of a hi* yneco(oi!t,
who i! !ym*athetic to the fact that youBre (ow on bread5 Otherwi!e one
;i!it cou(d co!t L#&5@@ or more5Before decidin on a contrace*ti;e, you
!hou(d be hi* to !ome enera( information5 There ha! been much re!earch
on the *i((, and durin the *a!t %@ year! it ha! *ro;en it!
effecti;ene!!, if not i! !afety5 The two mo!t famou! name brand! are
Ortho$/o;um and En;oid5 They a(( reCuire a doctorB! *re!cri*tion5
Different ty*e *i((! are accom*anied by !(iht(y different
in!truction!, !o read the direction! carefu((y5 In many women, the
*i((! *roduce !ide effect! !uch a! weiht increa!e, diHHine!! or
nau!ea5 Sometime! the *i(( affect! your ;i!ion and more often your
mood5 Some women with !*ecia(iHed b(ood di!ea!e! are ad;i!ed not to u!e
them, but in enera(, women ha;e (itt(e or no troub(e5 Different brand
name! ha;e different hormona( ba(ance! '*roe!terone$e!troen)5 If you
et uncomfortab(e !ide effect!, in!i!t that your doctor !witch your
brand5 If you !to* the *i(( method for any rea!on and donBt want to et
*renant, be ;ery carefu( to u!e another mean! riht away5Another
contrace*ti;e de;ice becomin more *o*u(ar i! the I1D, or the (oo*5 It
i! a !ma(( *(a!tic or !tain(e!! !tee( irreu(ar(y$!ha*ed !*rin that
the doctor in!ert! in!ide the o*enin of the uteru!5 The in!ertion i!
not without *ain, but itB! !afe if done by a *hy!ician, and itB! !econd
on(y to the *i(( in *re;ention of *renancy5 Once itB! in *(ace, you
can foret about it for a few year! or unti( you wi!h to et *renant5
Doctor! are re(uctant to *re!cribe them for women who ha;e not borne
chi(dren or had an abortion, becau!e of the inten!e *ain that
accom*anie! in!ertion5 But if you can !tand the *ain a!!ociated with
three to four uterine contraction!, you !hou(d *u!h the doctor for thi!
method5 In!ertin it durin the (a!t day of your *eriod wi(( ma7e it
ea!ier5The dia*hram i! a round *iece of f(eAib(e rubber about # inche!
in diameter with a hard rubber rim on the out!ide5 It u!ed to be
in!erted Eu!t before the !eA act, but hi* doctor! now recommend that it
be worn continuou!(y and ta7en out e;ery few day! for wa!hin and a(!o
durin the men!trua( *eriod5 It i! mo!t effecti;e when u!ed with a
!*erm$7i((in Ee((y or cream5 A doctor wi(( fit you for a *ro*er !iHe
dia*hram5The neAt be!t method i! the foam! that you in!ert twenty
minute! before fuc7in5 The be!t foam! a;ai(ab(e are De(fen and Em7o5
They ha;e the ad;antae of bein non*re!cri*tion item! !o you can ru!h
into any dru !tore and *ic7 u* a di!*en!er when the !*irit mo;e! you5
0o((ow the direction! carefu((y5 1nfortunate(y, the!e foam! ta!te
terrib(e and are not a;ai(ab(e in f(a;or!5 It Eu!t !how! you how far
!cience ha! to o5Another de;ice i! the *ro*hy(actic, or rubber a! it
i! ca((ed5 Thi! i! the on(y de;ice a;ai(ab(e to men5 It i! a thin
rubber !heath that fit! o;er the *eni!5 Becau!e they are !ubEect to
brea7in and !(idin off, their effecti;ene!! i! not !u*er reat5 If
you are forced to u!e them, the be!t a;ai(ab(e are (ubricated
!hee*!7in! with a re!er;oir ti*5The rhythm method or 3atican rou(ette
a! it i! ca((ed by hi* Catho(ic!, i! a wa!te un(e!! you are ready to
!urround your!e(f with thermometer!, ra*h! and chart!5 ?ou a(!o ha;e
to (imit your fuc7in to *re!cribed day!5 E;en with a(( the!e
*recaution!, women ha;e often otten *renant u!in the rhythm
method5The o(de!t and (ea!t effecti;e method i! !im*(y for the ma(e to
*u(( out Eu!t before he come!5 There are bi((ion! of !*erm ce((! in
each eEacu(ation and on(y one i! needed to ferti(iHe the womanB! e
and cau!e a *renancy5 9o!t of the !*erm i! in the fir!t !Cuirt, !o you
had better be Cuic7 if you em*(oy thi! techniCue5If the woman mi!!e!
her *eriod !he !hou(dnBt *anic5 It miht be de(ayed becau!e of
emotiona( rea!on!5 Ju!t wait two wee7! before oin to a doctor or
c(inic for a *renancy te!t5 8hen you o, be !ure to brin your fir!t
mornin urine !*ecimen5
The be!t way to find out about abortion! i! to contact your (oca(
womanB! (iberation oraniHation throuh your underround new!*a*er or
radio !tation5 Some 0ami(y -(annin C(inic! and e;en !ome (ibera(
churche! !et u* abortion!, but the!e miht run a! hih a! L"@@5
1nderround new!*a*er! often ha;e ad! that read FAny ir( in troub(e
ca(( $ $,F or !omethin !imi(ar5 The u!ua( rate for an abortion i!
about L&@@ and itB! awfu( hard to barain when you need one bad(y5 On(y
o to a *hy!ician who i! *racticin or miht ha;e Eu!t (o!t hi!
(icen!e5 0oret the !tereoty*e imae of the!e doctor! a! they are
*erformin a ;ita( !er;ice5 0riend! who ha;e had an abortion can
u!ua((y recommend a ood doctor and fi(( you in on whatB! oin to
ha**en5Abortion! are ;ery minor o*eration! if done correct(y5 They can
be done a(mo!t any time, but after three month!, itB! no (oner !o
ca!ua( and more !urica( !7i(( i! reCuired5 Start ma7in *(an! a! !oon
a! you find out5 The !ooner the better, in term! of the o*eration52et a
*renancy te!t at a c(inic5 If it i! *o!iti;e and you want an abortion,
!tart that day to ma7e *(an!5 If you et neati;e re!u(t! from the te!t
and !ti(( mi!! your *eriod, ha;e a yneco(oi!t *erform an eAamination
if you are !ti(( worried5If you cannot arrane an abortion throuh
womanB! (iberation, 0ami(y -(annin, a !ym*athetic c(eryman or a
friend who ha! had one, !earch out a (ibera( ho!*ita( and ta(7 to one
of their !ocia( wor7er!5 A(mo!t a(( ho!*ita(! *erform Fthera*euticF
abortion!5 Te(( a !ob !tory about the de!ertion of your boy friend or
that you ta7e LSD e;ery day or that defect! run in your fami(y5 Act
menta((y di!turbed5 If you Cua(ify, you can et an abortion that wi((
be free under 9edicaid or other we(fare medica( *(an!5 The !afe!t form
of abortion i! the ;acuum$curettae method, but not a(( doctor! are hi*
to it5 It i! !afer and Cuic7er with (e!! chance of com*(ication! than
the o(d$fa!hioned !cra*e method59any !tate! ha;e recent(y *a!!ed
(ibera(iHed abortion (aw!, !uch a! /ew ?or7R 'by far the mo!t
eAten!i;e), Hawaii and 9ary(and, due to the continuin *re!!ure of
radica( women5 The batt(e for abortion and certain(y for free abortion
i! far from o;er e;en in the !tate! with (ibera( (aw!5 They are far too
eA*en!i;e for the ten to twenty minute minor o*eration in;o(;ed and the
red ta*e i! horrendou!5 0ree abortion! mu!t be (oo7$on a! a fundamenta(
riht, not a !nea7y, me!!y trauma5RThere i! a re!idence reCuirement for
/ew ?or7 but u!in a friendB! /ew ?or7 addre!! at the ho!*ita( wi(( be
ood enouh5 The *rocedure ta7e! on(y a few day! and co!t! between L#@@
and L&@@, de*endin on the *(ace5 The be!t ad;ice i! to ca(( one of the
/ew ?or7 Abortion .eferra( Ser;ice! or Birth Contro( 2rou*! (i!ted in
the /ew ?or7 Directory !ection5
Sy*h and C(a* '!y*hi(i! and onorrhea) are two di!ea!e! that they
are ea!y to *ic7 u*5 They come from ba((in5 Anyone who c(aim! they ot
it from !ittin on a toi(et !eat mu!t ha;e a fondne!! for weird
*o!ition!5Both men and women are !ubEect to the di!ea!e!5 1!in a
*ro*hy(actic u!ua((y wi(( *re;ent the !*readin of ;enerea( di!ea!e,
but you !hou(d rea((y !ee7 to ha;e it cured5 Sy*hi(i! u!ua((y bein!
with an infection which may (oo7 (i7e a co(d !ore or *im*(e around the
!eA oran5 There i! no *ain a!!ociated with the (e!ion!5 Soon the !ore
di!a**ear! e;en without treatment5 Thi! i! often fo((owed by a *eriod
of ra!he! on the body 'e!*ecia((y the *a(m! of the hand!) and
inf(ammation of the mouth and throat5 The!e !ym*tom! a(!o di!a**ear
without treatment5 It mu!t be under!tood, howe;er, that e;en if the!e
!ym*tom! di!a**ear, the di!ea!e !ti(( remain! if (eft untreated5 It can
cau!e !eriou! troub(e !uch a! heart di!ea!e, b(indne!!, in!anity and
*ara(y!i!5 A(!o, it can fuc7 u* any 7id! you miht *roduce and i!
ea!i(y *a!!ed on to anyone you ba((52onorrhea 'c(a*) i! more common
than !y*hi(i!5 It! fir!t !in! are a di!chare from your !eA oran that
i! *ainfu(5 Li7e !y*hi(i!, it affect! both men and women, but i! often
unnoticed in women5 There i! u!ua((y itchin and burnin a!!ociated
with the affected area5 It can (ea;e you !teri(e if (eft untreated5Both
the!e ;enerea( di!ea!e! can be treated in a !hort time with attention5
A;ai( your!e(f of the free 35D5 c(inic! in e;ery town5 0o((ow the
doctorB! in!truction! to the (etter and try to (et the other *eo*(e
youB;e had !eAua( contact with 7now you had 3D5There are other funu!
di!ea!e! that re!emb(e !y*hi(i! or onorrhea, but are re(ati;e(y
harm(e!!5 Chec7 out e;ery infection in your crotch area, e!*ecia((y
tho!e with o*en !ore! or an unu!ua( di!chare and youB(( be !afe5Crab!
are not harmfu(, but they can ma7e you !cratch your crotch for hour! on
end5 They are a(!o hih(y tran!mittab(e by ba((in5 Actua((y they are a
form of body (ice and ea!y to cure5 2o to your (oca( drui!t and a!7
him for the be!t remedy a;ai(ab(e5 HeB(( i;e you one of !e;era(
(otion! and in!truction! for *ro*er u!e5 8e recommend Kwe((5A common
di!ea!e in the hi* community i! he*atiti!5 There are two 7ind!5 One you
et from !tic7in dirty need(e! in your arm '!erum he*atiti!) and the
other more common !train from eatin infected food or ha;in intimate
contact with an infected carrier 'infectiou! he*atiti!)5 The !ym*tom!
for both are identica(G ye((owi!h !7in and eye!, dar7 *i!! and (iht
cra*, (o!! of a**etite and tota( (i!t(e!!ne!!5 He* i! a ;ery danerou!
di!ea!e that can cau!e a number of *ermanent condition!, inc(udin
death, which i! eAtreme(y *ermanent5 It !hou(d be treated by a doctor,
often in a ho!*ita(5
If you donBt (i7e the new!, why not o out and ma7e your ownM
Creatin free media de*end! to a (are eAtent on your imaination and
abi(ity to fo((ow throuh on idea!5 The a;erae Ameri7an i! eA*o!ed to
o;er %,=@@ commercia(! each day5 Bi((board!, (o!!y ad! and te(e;i!ion
!*ot! ma7e u* much of the word en;ironment they (i;e in5 To crac7
throuh the word mu!h mean! creatin new form! of free communication5
Ad;erti!ement! for re;o(ution are im*ortant in he(*in to educate and
mo(d the mi(ieu of *eo*(e you wi!h to win o;er52uerri((a theater e;ent!
are a(way! ood new! item! and if done riht, *eo*(e wi(( remember them
fore;er5 Throwin out money at the Stoc7 EAchane or dum*in !oot on
eAecuti;e! at Con Edi!on or b(owin u* the *o(iceman !tatue in Chicao
immediate(y con;ey! an ea!i(y under!tood me!!ae by u!in the techniCue
of creati;e di!ru*tion5 .ecent(y to dramatiHe the i((ea( in;a!ion of
Cambodia, <@@ ?i**ie! !tormed acro!! the Canadian border in an in;a!ion
of the 1nited State!5 They threw *aint on !tore window! and *hy!ica((y
attac7ed re!ident! of B(air, 8a!hinton5 A rou* of 3ietnam ;eteran!
marched in batt(e ear from Trenton to 3a((ey 0ore5 A(on the way they
*erformed moc7 attac7! on ci;i(ian! the way they were trained to do in
Southea!t A!ia5Dyin a(( the outdoor fountain! red and then !endin a
me!!ae to the new!*a*er eA*(ainin why you did it, dramatiHe! the idea
that b(ood i! bein !hed need(e!!(y in im*eria(i!t war!5 A !*ecia(
meta((ic bondin (ue a;ai(ab(e from Ea!tman$Koda7 wi(( form a
*ermanent bond in on(y <& !econd!5 2(uin u* (oc7! of a(( the office
bui(din! in your town i! a reat way to dramatiHe the fact that our
brother! and !i!ter! are bein Eai(ed a(( the time5 Then, of cour!e,
there are a(way! eA*(o!i;e! which dramatica((y ma7e your *oint and then
Another way of u!in the new! to ad;erti!e the re;o(ution and
ma7e *ro*aanda i! to ca(( a *re!!, conference5 2et an a**ro*riate
*(ace that ha! !ome re(ation!hi* to the content of your me!!ae5 Send
out announcement! to a! many member! of the *re!! a! you can5 If you do
not ha;e a *re!! (i!t, you can ma7e one u* by (oo7in throuh the
?e((ow -ae! under /ew!*a*er!, .adio Station!, Te(e;i!ion Station!,
9aaHine! and 8ire Ser;ice!5 Chec7 out your (i!t with other rou*! and
*ic7 u* name! of re*orter! who attend mo;ement *re!! conference!5
Addre!! a !*ecia( in;itation to them a! we(( a! one to their new!*a*er5
Addre!! the announcement! to FCity De!7F or FB/ew! De*artment5F
Schedu(e the *re!! conference for about %%I@@ A595 a! thi! a((ow! the
re*orter! to fi(e the !tory in time for the e;enin new!ca!t or *a*er!5
On the day of the !chedu(ed conference, ca(( the im*ortant city de!7!
or re*orter! about ,I@@ A595 and remind them to come5E;erythin about a
!ucce!!fu( *re!! conference mu!t be dramatic, from the announcement!
and *hone ca((! to the !tatement! them!e(;e!5 /othin create! a wor!e
imae than four or fi;e men in bu!ine!! !uit! !ittin behind a tab(e
and ta(7in in a ca(m manner at a fa!hionab(e hote(5 Con!tant(y !ee7 to
ha;e e;ery detai( of the *re!! conference differ in !ty(e a! we(( a!
content from the conference! of *eo*(e in *ower5 9a7e u!e of mu!ic and
;i!ua( effect!5 DonBt !tiffen u* before the *re!!5 9a7e the !tatement
a! !hort and to the *oint a! *o!!ib(e5 DonBt read from note!, (oo7
direct(y into the camera5 The u!ua( te(e;i!ion !*ot i! one minute and
twenty !econd!5 The camera! !tart buHHin on your o*enin !tatement and
often run out of fi(m before you fini!h5 So ma7e it brief and action
*ac7ed5 The Cue!tion *eriod !hou(d be e;en more dramatic5 1!e the
Cue!tionerB! fir!t name when an!werin a Cue!tion5 Thi! add! an air of
informa(ity and networ7! are more a*t to u!e an an!wer directed
*er!ona((y to one of their new!men5 EA*re!! your emotiona( fee(in!5 Be
funny, et anry, be !ad or ec!tatic5 If you cannot con;ey that you are
dee*(y eAcited or troub(ed or outraed about what you are !ayin, how
do you eA*ect it of other! who are watchin a (itt(e imae boA in their
(i;in roomM .emember, you are ad;erti!in a new way of (ife to *eo*(e5
8atch T3 commercia(!5 See how they are ab(e to con;ey e;erythin they
need to be effecti;e in !uch a !hort time and (imited !*ace5 At the
!ame tune youBre moc7in the !hit they are *u!hin, !tea( their
techniCue!5At roc7 concert!, durin intermi!!ion or at the end of the
*erformance, fiht your way to the !tae5CO991/ICATIO/Announce that if
the e(ectricity i! cut off the wa((! wi(( be torn down5 Thi! a(;aniHe!
the audience and ma7e! the owner! of the ha(( the ;i((ain! if they fuc7
around5 Lay out a !hort eAcitin ra* on whatB! comin down5 0ocu! on a
ca(( around one action5 Sometime! it miht be ood to enae roc7
rou*! in dia(oue! about their commitment to the re;o(ution5
Interru*tin the concert i! frowned u*on !ince it i! on(y !*ittin in
the face! of the *eo*(e you are tryin to reach5 1!e the Cu(ture a!
ocean to !wim in5 Treat it with care5Sandwich board! and hand$carried
!in! are effecti;e ad;erti!ement!5 ?ou can !tand on a bu!y corner and
ho(d u* a !in !ayin FA*artment /eeded,F F0ree Ane(a,F FSma!h the
StateF or other !(oan!5 They can be written on do((ar bi((!, en;e(o*e!
that are bein mai(ed and other item! that are *a!!ed from *er!on to
*er!on5Ta7e a f(a!h(iht with a (are face to mo;ie theater! and other
dar7 *ub(ic atherin *(ace!5 Cut the word FST.IKEF or F.E3OLTF or
F?I--IEF out of dar7 ce((o*hane5 -a!te the !tenci( o;er the f(a!h(iht,
thu! a((owin you to *roEect the word on a di!tant wa((5There are a
number of a(( niht ca(($in !how! that ha;e a hue audience5 If you
ca(( with what the moderator con!ider! FeAcitin contro;er!y,F he may
i;e you a !*ecia( number !o you wonBt ha;e to com*ete in the
!witchboard ro((er$derby5 It often can ta7e hour! before you et
throuh to the!e !how!5 HereB! a tric7 that wi(( he(* you out if the
!witchboard i! Eammed5 The ca(($in !how! ha;e a !erie! of hone! !o that
when one i! bu!y the neAt wi(( ta7e the ca((5 1!ua((y the number! run
in !eCuence5 Say a !tation i;e! out -L &$>=<@, a! the number to ca((5
That mean! it a(!o u!e! -L &$>=<%, -L &$>=<# and !o on5 If you et a
bu!y !ina(, han u* and try ca((in -L S$>=<" !ay5 Thi! tric7 wor7!
in a ;ariety of !ituation! where you want to et a ca(( throuh a bu!y
!witchboard5 .emember it for air(ine and bu! information5
One of the be!t form! of free communication i! *aintin me!!ae!
on a b(an7 wa((5 The me!!ae mu!t be !hort and bo(d5 ?ou want to be
ab(e to *aint it on before the *i! come and yet ha;e it (are enouh
!o that *eo*(e can !ee it at a di!tance5 Can! of !*ray *aint that you
can *ic7 u* at any hardware !tore wor7 be!t5 -ic7 !*ot! that ha;e (ot
of traffic5 EAc(amation *oint! are ood for em*ha!i!5 If you are
writin the !ame me!!ae, ma7e a !tenci(5 ?ou can ma7e a !tenci( that
!ay! 8A. and !*ray it on with white *aint under the word FSTO-F on !to*
!in!5 ?ou can !tenci( a fi;e$*ointed !tar and u!in ye((ow *aint,
!*ray it on the di;idin (ine between the red and b(ue on a(( *o!t
office boAe!5 Thi! !imu(ate! the f(a of the /ationa( Liberation 0ront
of 3ietnam5 ?ou can !tenci( a mariEuana (eaf and u!in reen *aint,
!*ray it o;er ciarette and whi!7y bi((board! on bu!e! and !ubway!5 The
womenB! (iberation !in with red *aint i! ood for !eAi!t ad!5
Sometime! you wi(( wi!h to eAhibit reat darin in your choice of
(ocation!5 8hen the 3ietname!e hero /uyen 3an Troi wa! eAecuted, the
3iet Con *ut u* a *o!ter the neAt day on the eAact !*ot in!ide the
hihe!t !ecurity *ri!on in the country58a(( *o!terin a((ow! you to et
more information before the *ub(ic than a Cuic7(y !cribb(ed !(oan5
9a7e !ure the !urface i! !mooth or fine(y *orou!5 Smear the bac7 of the
*o!ter with conden!ed mi(7, !*read on with a bru!h, !*one, ra or your
hand!5 Conden!ed mi(7 drie! ;ery fa!t and hard5 A(!o !mear !ome on the
front once the *o!ter i! u* to i;e *rotection aain!t the weather and
bu!y finer! that (i7e to *u(( at corner!5 8a((*a*er *a!te! a(!o wor7
Cuic7(y and efficient(y5 ItB! be!t to wor7 both *aintin and *o!terin
at niht with a (oo7$out5 Thi! way you can wor7 the be!t !*ot! without
bein hara!!ed by the *i *atro(, which i! u!ua((y una**reciati;e of
2reat Art5
The enera((y areed u*on f(a of our nation i! b(ac7 with a red,
fi;e *ointed !tar behind a reen mariEuana (eaf in the center5 It i!
u!ed by rou*! that under!tand the correct u!e of cu(ture and !ymbo(i!m
in a re;o(utionary !tru(e5 8hen di!*(ayed, it immediate(y increa!e!
the fee(in! of !o(idarity between our brother! and !i!ter!5 Hih
!choo( 7id! ha;e had reat fiht! o;er which f(a to !a(ute in !choo(5
A !in of any (iberated Hone i! the f(a bein f(own5 .oc7 concert! and
fe!ti;a(! ha;e their enera((y a*o(itica( character in!tant(y chaned
when the f(a i! di!*(ayed5 The *o(itica( theoretician! who do not
reconiHe the f(a and the im*ortance of the cu(ture it re*re!ent! are
o!triche! who are inorant of ba!ic human nature5 Throuhout hi!tory
*eo*(e ha;e fouht for re(iion, (ife$!ty(e, (and, a f(a 'nation),
becau!e they were ordered to, for fortune, becau!e they were attac7ed
or for the he(( of it5 If you donBt thin7 the f(a i! im*ortant, a!7
the hardhat!5
8ant to con!truct your own neihborhood radio !tationM ?ou can
et a carrier$current tran!mitter de!ined by a rou* of brother! and
!i!ter! ca((ed .adio 0ree -eo*(e5 /o 0CC (icen!e i! reCuired for the
rane i! (e!! than %O# mi(e5 The !ma(( tran!i!toriHed unit! *(u into
any wa(( out(et5 8rite .adio 0ree -eo*(e, %:: 9ercer St5, /ew ?or7, /ew
?or7 %@@%# for more detai(!5 0or further information !ee the cha*ter on
2uerri((a Broadca!tin (ater in the boo75
.i**in off the *hone com*any i! !o common that Be(( Te(e*hone
ha! a !*ecia( !ecurity di;i!ion that trie! to !tay Eu!t a (itt(e ahead
of the a;erae free$(oader5 9any reat de;ice! (i7e the coat haner
re(ea!e !witch ha;e been !cra**ed becau!e of chane! in the *hone boA5
E;en the credit card fa7e$out i! doomed to ob(i;ion a! the com*any
!witche! to more com*uteriHed techniCue!5 (n our o*inion, a! (on a!
there i! a *hone com*any, and a! (on a! there are out(aw!, nobody need
e;er *ay for a ca((5 In %,=, a(one the *hone com*any e!timated that
o;er %@ mi((ion do((ar! worth of free ca((! were *(aced from /ew ?or7
City5 /othin, howe;er, com*are! with the ri*$off of the *eo*(e by the
*hone com*any5 In that !ame year, American Te(e*hone and Te(era*h made
a *rofit of >5= bi((ion do((ar!4 ATDT, (i7e a(( *ub(ic uti(itie!,
*a!!e! it!e(f off a! a !er;ice owned by the *eo*(e, whi(e in actua(ity
nothin cou(d be further from the truth5 On(y a !ma(( *ercentae of the
*ub(ic own! !toc7 in the!e com*anie! and a tiny e(ite c(iCue ma7e! a((
the *o(icy deci!ion!5 .i**in$off the *hone com*any i! an act of
re;o(utionary (o;e, !o he(* !*read the word5
-A? -HO/ES
?ou can ma7e a (oca( %@ cent ca(( for # cent! by !*ittin on the
*ennie! and dro**in them in the nic7e( !(ot5 A! !oon a! they are about
to hit the trier mechani!m, ban the coin$return button5 Another way
i! to !*in the *ennie! counter$c(oc7wi!e into the nic7e( !(ot5 Ho(d the
*enny in the !(ot with your finer and !na* it !*innin with a 7ey or
other f(at obEect5 Both !y!tem! ta7e a certain 7nac7, but once youB;e
*erfected the techniCue, youB(( a(way! ha;e it in your !ur;i;a( 7it5If
two cent! i! too much, how about a ca(( for % *ennyM Cut a %O< !tri*
off the te(e*hone boo7 co;er5 In!ert the cardboard !tri* into the dime
!(ot a! far a! it wi(( o5 Dro* a *enny in the nic7e( !(ot unti( it
catche! in the mechani!m '!*innin wi(( he(*)5 Then !(ow(y *u(( the
!tri* out unti( you hear the dia( tone5A number %< bra!! wa!her with a
!ma(( *iece of !cotch ta*e o;er one !ide of the ho(e wi(( not on(y et
a free ca((, but wor7! in about any ;endin machine that ta7e! dime!5
?ou can et a boA of thou!and! for about a do((ar at any hardware
!tore5 ?ou !hou(d a(way! ha;e a boA around for *hone!, (aundromat!,
*ar7in meter! and drin7 machine!5Bend a bobby *in after remo;in the
*(a!tic from the ti*! and Eab it down into the tran!mitter
'mouth*iece)5 8hen it *re!!e! aain!t the meta( dia*hram, rub it on a
meta( wa(( or *i*e to round it5 8hen youB;e made contact youB(( hear
the dia( tone5 If the *hone u!e! o(d$fa!hioned rubber b(ac7 tubin to
enc(o!e the wire! runnin from the head!et to the boA, you can in!ert a
meta( tac7 throuh the tubin, wi(e it around a (itt(e unti( it ma7e!
contact with the bare wire! and touch the tac7 to a nearby meta( obEect
for roundin5-ut a dime in the *hone, dia( the o*erator and te(( her
you ha;e ten cent! credit5 SheB(( return your dime and et your ca((
for free5 If !he a!7! why, !ay you made a ca(( on another *ay *hone,
(o!t the money, and the o*erator to(d you to !witch *hone! and ca(( the
credit o*erator5Thi! !ame method wor7! for (on di!tance ca((!5 Ca((
the o*erator and find out the rate for your ca((5 Han u* and ca((
another o*erator te((in her you Eu!t dia(ed San 0ranci!co direct, ot
a wron number and (o!t L5,& or whate;er it i!5 She wi(( et your ca((
free of chare5If there are two *ay *hone! neAt to each other, you can
ca(( (on di!tance on one and *ut the coin! in the other5 8hen the
o*erator cut! in and a!7! you to de*o!it money, dro* the coin! into the
one you are not u!in, but ho(d the recei;er u* to the !(ot! !o the
o*erator can hear the be((! rin5 8hen youB;e fini!hed, you can !im*(y
*re!! the return button on the *hone with the coin! in it and out they
come5 If you ha;e a ood ta*e recorder you can record the !ound! of a
Cuarter, dime and nic7e( oin into a *ay *hone and *(ay them for the
o*erator in ;ariou! combination! when !he a!7! for the money5 Turn the
;o(ume u* a! (oud a! you can et it5?ou can ma7e a (on di!tance ca((
and chare it to a *hone number5 Sim*(y te(( the o*erator you want to
bi(( the ca(( to your home *hone becau!e you donBt ha;e the correct
chane5 Te(( her there i! no one there now to ;erify the ca((, but you
wi(( be home in an hour and !he can ca(( you then if there i! any
Cue!tion5 9a7e !ure the eAchane oe! with the area you !ay it
doe!5A(way! ha;e a number of made$u* credit card number!5 The code
(etter for %,"@ i! S, then !e;en diit! of the *hone number and a three
diit di!trict number 'not the !ame a! area code)5 The di!trict number
!hou(d be under &,,5 EAam*(eI S$&":$#%@@$<#% or S$&:"$:<@#$@:&5 Loo7 u*
the *hone number! for your area by !im*(y reCue!tin a credit card for
your home *hone which i! ;ery ea!y to et and then u!in the (a!t three
number! with another *hone number5 1!ua((y ma7in u* eAotic number!
from far away *(ace! wi(( wor7 Cuite we(( a! it wou(d be im*o!!ib(e for
an o*erator to !*ot a *hony number in the !hort time !he ha! to chec7
her (i!t58e ad;i!e aain!t ma7in *hony credit card ca((! on a home
*hone5 8e ha;e !een a adet that you in!ta(( between the wa(( !oc7et
and the cord which not on(y a((ow! you to recei;e a(( the ca((! you
want for free, but e(iminate! the mo!t common form of e(ectronic
buin5 They are bein manufactured and !o(d for fifty do((ar! by a
di!runt(ed te(e*hone enineer in 9a!!achu!ett!5 1nfortunate(y you are
oin to ha;e to find him on your own or du*(icate hi! effort!, for he
ha! !worn u! to !ecrecy5 If !omeone doe!, howe;er, offer you !uch a
de;ice, it *robab(y doe! wor75 Te!t it by in!ta((in it and ha;in
!omeone ca(( you from a *ay *hone5 If itB! wor7in, the *er!on !hou(d
et their dime bac7 at the end of the ca((5Actua((y if you 7now the
!(ihte!t information about wirin, you can ha;e your *re!ent *hone
di!connected on the eAcu!e that youB(( be (ea;in town for a few month!
and then connect the wire! into the main trun7 (ine! on your own5
EAten!ion! can ea!i(y be attached to your main (ine without the *hone
com*any 7nowin about it5?ou can ma7e a(( the free (on di!tance ca((!
you want by ca((in your *arty co((ect at a *ay *hone5 Ju!t ha;e your
friend o to a *rearraned *hone booth at a *rearraned time5 Thi! can
be done on the !*ot by ha;in the friend ca(( you *er!on to *er!on5 Say
youBre not in, but a!7 for the number ca((in you !ince youB(( be
Fbac7F in fi;e minute!5 Once you et the number !im*(y han u*, wait a
moment and ca(( bac7 your friend co((ect5 The ca(( ha! to be out of the
!tate to wor7, !ince o*erator! are fami(iar with the !*ecia( eAten!ion
number! a!!ined to *ay *hone! for her area and *o!!ib(y for nearby
area! a! we((5 If !he a!7! you if it i! a *ay *hone !ay no5 If !he
find! out durin the ca(( 'which rare(y ha**en!) and inform! you of
thi!, !im*(y !ay you didnBt eA*ect the *arty to ha;e a *ay *hone in hi!
hou!e and acce*t the chare!5 8e ha;e ne;er heard of thi! ha**enin
thouh5 The tric7 of ca((in *er!on$to$*er!on co((ect !hou(d a(way! be
u!ed when ca((in (on di!tance on home$to$home *hone! a(!o5 ?ou can
hear the ;oice of your friend !ayin that heB(( be bac7 in a few
minute!5 Sim*(y han u*, wait a moment and ca(( !tation to !tation,
thereby ettin a *er!on$to$*er!on ca(( without the eAtra chare! which
can be con!iderab(e on a (on ca(( durin bu!ine!! hour!5If you *(an to
!tay at your *re!ent addre!! for on(y a few more month!, !to* *ayin
the bi(( and ca(( (i7e craHy5 After a month you et the reu(ar bi((
which you a;oid *ayin5 Another month oe! by and the neAt bi(( come!
with (a!t monthB! ba(ance added to it5 Short(y thereafter you et a
note ad;i!in you that your !er;ice wi(( be terminated in ten day! if
you donBt *ay the bi((5 8ait a few day! and !end them a fi;e or ten
do((ar money order with a note !ayin youB;e had an accident and are
*re!!ed for fund! becau!e of (are medica( bi((!, but youB(( !end them
the ba(ance a! !oon a! you are u* and around aain5 That wi(( ho(d them
for another month5 In a((, you can !tretch it out for four or fi;e
month! with a ;ariety of eAcu!e! and !ma(( *ayment!5 Thi! a(!o wor7!
with the a! and e(ectric com*anie! and with any de*artment !tore! you
conned into (ettin you chare5?ou can et the !er;ice de*o!it reduced
to ha(f of the norma( rate if you are a !tudent or ha;e other !*ecia(
Cua(ification!5 Sur*ri!in(y, the!e rate! and di!count! ;ary from area
to area, !o chec7 around before you o into the bu!ine!! office for
your *hone5 There i! an incredib(e &@ cent! chare *er month for not
ha;in your *hone (i!ted5 If you want an un(i!ted *hone, you can a;oid
thi! fee by ha;in the *hone (i!ted in a fictitiou! name, e;en if the
bi(( i! !ent to you5 Ju!t !ay you want your roommateB! name (i!ted
in!tead of your own5
0.EE -LA?
There are many way! to !nea7 into theater!, concert!, !tadium!
and other entertainment hou!e!5 A(( the!e *(ace! ha;e numerou! fire
eAit! with *u!h$bar door! that o*en ea!i(y from the in!ide5 Arri;e
ear(y with a rou* of friend!, after ca!in the Eoint and !e(ectin the
mo!t con;enient eAit5 -ay for one *er!on to et in5 8hen he doe! he
!im*(y o*en! the de!inated eAit door when the u!her! are out of the
area and e;eryone ru!he! in!ide50or theatrica( chain! in (are citie!,
ca(( their home office and a!7 to !*ea7 to the ;ice$*re!ident in chare
of *ub(icity, !a(e!, or *er!onne(5 A!7 what hi! name i! !o youB(( 7now
who youBre ta(7in to5 8hen you et the information you want, han u*5
/ow you ha;e the name of a hih officia( in the com*any5 Com*i(e a
!hort (i!t of officia(! in the ;ariou! fi(m, theater and !*ortin e;ent
com*anie!5 /eAt a(( the ;ariou! theater! and do the !ame thin for the
theater manaer!5 Once you ha;e the two (i!t! you are ready to *roceed5
Ca(( the theater you want to attend5 8hen !omeone an!wer! !ay youBre
9r5 SSSSSSSSSS from the home office ca((in 9r5 SSSSSSSSSS 'manaerB!
name) and youBd (i7e to ha;e two *a!!e! O5KBd for two im*ortant *eo*(e
from out of town5 In;ariab(y !heB(( Eu!t a!7 their name! or te(( them
to mention your name at the boA office5 /ot on(y wi(( you et in free,
but you can a;oid waitin in (ine with thi! fa7e$out5In Lo! Ane(e! and
/ew ?or7, the !tudio! ho(d *re$re(ea!e !creenin! for a(( mo;ie!5 If
you 7now rouh(y when a mo;ie i! about to come out, ca(( the *ub(icity
de*artment of the !tudio *roducin the fi(m and !ay youBre the critic
for a new!*a*er or maaHine 'i;e the name) and a!7 them when you can
!creen the fi(m5 TheyB(( i;e you the time and *(ace of ;ariou!
!creenin!5 8hen you o, a!7 them to *ut you on their (i!t and youB((
et notice! of a(( future !creenin!5One of our fa;orite way! to !nea7
into a theater with continuou!(y runnin !how! i! the fo((owin5 Arri;e
Eu!t a! the !how i! em*tyin out and Eoin the (ine (ea;in the theater5
EAc(aimin, FOh, my o!h4F you !(a* your forehead, turn around and
return, te(( the u!her you (eft your hat, *oc7etboo7, etc5 in!ide5 Once
youBre in!ide the theater, Eu!t !wi*e !ome *o*corn and wait for the
neAt !how5
If you ha;e acce!! to a few addre!!e!, you can et a(( 7ind! of
record! and boo7! from c(ub! on introductory offer!5 Since the card!
you mai( bac7 are not !ined there i! no (ea( way you can be he(d for
the bi((5 ?ou et a(( !ort! of threatenin mai(, which, by the way,
a(!o come! free5If you ha;e a friend who i! a member of a record c(ub,
a!7 him to !ubmit your name a! a free member5 He et! < free record!
for ettin you !ined u*5 A !oon a! you et the (etter !ayin how
(uc7y you are to be a member, Cuit5 ?our friendB! free record! ha;e
a(ready been !hi**ed5 8e u!ed to ha;e at (ea!t %@ different name! and
addre!!e! wor7in on a(( the record and boo7 com*anie!5 E;ery other day
we wou(d ride around co((ectin the bi *ac7ae!5 To ca* it off, we
o*ened a credit account at a (are de*artment !tore and u!ed to return
mo!t of the record! and boo7! to the !tore !ayin that they were ift!
and we wanted !omethin e(!e5 Since we had an account at the !tore,
they a(way! too7 the merchandi!e and a;e credit for future
*urcha!e!5?ou can a(way! u!e the *ub(ic (ibrarie!5 0ind out when they
do their year(y hou!ec(eanin5 E;ery (ibrary di!card! thou!and! of
boo7! on thi! day5 Ju!t !how u* and a!7 if you can ta7e !ome5A(mo!t
anythin you miht want to 7now from *(an! for con!tructin a !undia(
to a com*(ete b(ue*rint for bui(din a hou!e may be obtained free from
the 2o;ernment -rintin Office5 8riteI to Su*erintendent of Document!,
2o;ernment -rintin Office, 8a!hinton D5C5 #@<@#5 9o!t *ub(ication are
free5 Tho!e that are not are dirt chea*5 A!7 to be *ut on the (i!t to
recei;e the free biwee7(y (i!t of Se(ected 15S5 2o;ernment
-ub(ication!5One of the be!t way! to recei;e record! and boo7! free i!
to in;e!t twenty do((ar! and *rint u* !ome !tationery with an arti!tic
(oo for !ome non$eAi!tent *ub(ication5 8rite to a(( the *ub(ic
re(ation! de*artment! of record com*anie!, *ub(i!hin hou!e!, and mo;ie
!tudio!5 Say you are a new!*a*er with a (are youth reader!hi* and ha;e
reu(ar re;iew! of boo7!, or record!, or mo;ie!, and wou(d (i7e to be
*(aced on their mai(in (i!t5 Say that you wou(d be (ad to !end them
any re;iew! of their record! that a**ear in the *a*er5 That add! a note
of authenticity to the (etter5 After a month or !o youB(( be recei;in
more record! and boo7! than you can u!e5If you rea((y want a boo7 bad(y
enouh, fo((ow the tit(e of thi! one$Di4
0.EE 9O/E?
/o boo7 on !ur;i;a( !hou(d fai( to i;e you !ome ood ti*! on how
to ri*$off bread5 .ea((y hornin in on thi! cha*ter wi(( *ut you on
0ree$(oader Street (ife, Bcau!e with a(( the money in Ameri7a, the on(y
thin youB(( ha;e troub(e ettin i! *oor5
ItB! ea!y to et on we(fare that anyone who i! bro7e and doe!nBt
ha;e a reu(ar re(ief chec7 comin in i! nothin but a oddamn (aHy
bum4 Each !tate ha! a different !et u*5 The raci!t *enny$*incher! of
9i!!i!!i**i do(e out on(y L>5@@ a month5 /ew ?or7 di!he! ont the mo!t
with month(y *ayment! u* to L%#@5@@5 The Ameri7an -ub(ic 8e(fare
A!!ociation *ub(i!he! a boo7 ca((ed The -ub(ic 8e(fare Directory with
information on eAact(y what each we(fare aency *ro;ide! and how you o
about Cua(ifyin5 ?ou can read the directory at any *ub(ic (ibrary to
find out a(( you can about how your (oca( office o*erate!58hen youB;e
di!co;ered e;erythin you need to 7now, head on down to the 8e(fare
De*artment in your rubbie!t c(othe!5 /ot !(ee*in the niht before
he(*!5 The rece*tioni!t wi(( a!!in an Finta7erF to inter;iew you5
After a (on wait, youB(( be directed to a de!75 The inta7er ra*! to
you for a whi(e, enera((y !howin !ym*athy for your *(iht and turn!
you o;er to the ca!ewor7er who wi(( ma7e the fina( and u(timate
a!!e!!ment5Ha;e your hea;ie!t !tory ready to ooHe out5 If you ha;e no
*hy!ica( di!abi(itie!, (ay down a Fmenta((y deranedF ra*5 2ettin
medica( *a*er! !ayin you ha;e any (on$term i((ne!! or defect he(*! a
(ot5 Te(( the ca!ewor7er you et diHHy !*e((! on the Eob and faint in
the !treet5 Kee* bobbin your head, yawnin, or !cratchin5 Te(( him
that you ha;e tried to commit !uicide recent(y becau!e you Eu!t canBt
ma7e it in a wor(d that ha! forotten how to (o;e5 DonBt (ay it on too
ob;iou!(y5 8ait ti(( he F*rie!F !ome of the detai(! from you5 Thi!
ma7e! the !tory e;en more con;incin5 9any we(fare wor7er! are youn
and hi*5 The imae you are wor7in on i! that of a warm, !en!iti;e 7id
;ictimiHed by bruta( *arent! and a co(d ruth(e!! !ociety5 Te(( them you
he(d off comin for month! becau!e you wanted to maintain !ome !e(f$
re!*ect e;en thouh ha;e been wa(7in the !treet! bro7e and hunry5 If
you are a woman te(( him you were recent(y ra*ed5 In !eAi!t Ameri7a,
thi! wi(( *robab(y be true5After about an hour or !o of thi! !oa*$o*era
!tuff, youB(( be ready to et your fir!t chec75 0rom then on itB! a
month(y chec7, com*(ete medica( care for free and a(( !ort! of other
outa!iht benefit!5 Occa!iona((y the ca!ewor7er wi(( dro* by your *ad
or a!7 you down to the office to !ee how youBre comin a(on, but with
your condition, thin! donBt (oo7 !o ood5 DonBt abandon ho*e thouh5
Ho*e a(way! he(*! fi(( in a ca!ewor7erB! re*ort5The rea( tric7 i! to
*ar(ay we(fare *ayment! in a few different !tate!5 8or7 out an eAchane
!y!tem with a buddy and mai( each other the chec7! when they come in5
If the ca!ewor7er come! by, your roommate can !ay you went to find a
Eob or enro((ed in a c(a!!5 8e 7now cat! who ha;e *ar(ayed we(fare
*ayment! u* to !iA hundred do((ar! a month5
E;ery out(aw !hou(d (earn e;erythin there i! to 7now about the
ru(e! o;ernin unem*(oyment in!urance5 A! in the ca!e of we(fare
ru(e!, e(iibi(ity, and the !iHe of *ayment! differ from !tate to
!tate5 In /ew ?or7, you are e(iib(e for *ayment! eCui;a(ent to ha(f
your wee7(y !a(ary before taAe! u* to L=& *er wee7, on the condition
that you ha;e wor7ed for a minimum of twenty wee7! durin the year5
-ayment! are !omewhat (ower in mo!t other !tate!5 In order to co((ect,
you mu!t !how you are acti;e(y !earchin for a Eob and 7ee* a record of
em*(oyer! you contact5 Thi! can ea!i(y be fuded5 E;ery time youBre
Cue!tioned about it, mention one or two com*anie!5 If your hair i!
(on, youB(( ha;e no *rob(em5 Ju!t !ay they wonBt hire you unti( you
et a haircut5 8hen thi! i! the ca!e, the unem*(oyment office cannot
cut off your *ayment! or your hair5 They a(!o cannot ma7e you acce*t a
Eob you do not want5 Te(( them any Eob offer you et i! not cha((enin
enouh for your ta(ent!5 1nem*(oyment can be co((ected for !iA month!
before *ayment! are terminated5 Twenty more wee7! of !(a;ery and you
can o bac7 to maintainin your dinity in the unem*(oyment (ine5 The!e
Eob in!urance *ayment! cannot be taAed and !ince you are wor7in !o few
wee7! out of each year, your taAab(e income i! at a minimum5 .ead a((
the fine *rint for taA form %@<@ and di!co;er a(( the deductib(e
(oo*ho(e! a;ai(ab(e to you5 ?ou !hou(d wind u* *ayin no taAe! at a((
or ha;in a(( the taAe! that were deducted from your *ay reimbur!ed5
/e;er turn o;er to the *i o;ernment any fund! you can ri* off5
.emember, it i!nBt your o;ernment, !o why !ubmit to it! taAation if
you fee( you do not ha;e re*re!entation5
The *ractice of oin u* to fo(7! and bummin money i! a ba!ic
hu!t(in art5 If you are !ucce!!fu( at *anhand(in, youB(( be ab(e to
ma!ter a(( the !7i((! in the boo7 and then !ome5 To be ood at it
reCuire! a com*(ete 7now(ede of what moti;ate! *eo*(e5 E;en if we
donBt need the bread, we *anhand(e on the !treet! in the !ame way
doctor! o bac7 to medica( !choo(5 It he(*! u! !tay in !ha*e5
-anhand(in i! i((ea( throuhout -i Em*ire, but itB! one of tho!e
(aw! that i! rare(y enforced un(e!! they want to Fc(ean the areaF of
hi**ie!5 If youBre in a !trane (oca(e, a!7 a fe((ow *anhand(er what
the be!t *(ace! to wor7 are without ri!7in a bu!t5 Do it in front of
!u*ermar7et!, theater!, !*ortin e;ent!, hi* dre!! !ho*! and
re!taurant!5 Co((ee cafeteria! are ;ery ood huntin round!58hen
youBre hu!t(in, be a!!erti;e5 DonBt (ean aain!t the wa(( with your
*a(m out mumb(in FS*are !ome chaneMF 2o u* to *eo*(e and !tand
direct(y in front of them !o they ha;e to (oo7 you in the eye and !ay
no5 Bum from uy! with date!5 Bum from mother(y (oo7in ty*e!5 After a
whi(e youB(( et a !en!e of the ty*e of *eo*(e you et re!u(t!
with5Theater can be rea( handy5 The be!t actor! et the mo!t bread5
De;i!in a !treet theater !7it can he(*5 A ood *ro* i! a charity
cani!ter5 ?ou can et them by oin to the office! of a main!tream
charity and !inin u* a! a co((ector5 DonBt fee( bad about ri**in
them off5 Charitie! are the bie!t !wind(e around5 >@T or more of the
fund! rai!ed by hon7y charitie! o to the oraniHation it!e(f5 /ew
fancy car! for the .ed Cro!!, inf(ated !a(arie! for the eAecuti;e! of
the Cancer 0und, taA write$off! for Jerry Lewi!5 ?ou et the *icture5 A
ood way to wor7 thi! and 7ee* your 7arma in !ha*e i! to turn o;er ha(f
to a re;o(utionary rou*! !uch a! your (oca( underround5 .emember,
fuiti;e! from inEu!tice de*end on you to !ur;i;e5 Be a re!*on!ib(e
member of our nation5 Su**ort the on(y war we ha;e oin4
If you are c(o!in out your chec7in account, o;erdraw your
account by L%@5@@5 The ban7 wonBt bother cha!in you down for a (ou!y
%@ buc7!5Ca(( the te(e*hone o*erator from time to time and te(( her you
(o!t !ome chane in a *ay *hone5 They wi(( mai( you the ca!h5?ou can
et L%&@ to L=@@ in ad;ance by wi((in your body to a 1ni;er!ity
medica( !choo(5 They ha;e you !in a (ot of *a*er! and *ut a tattoo on
your foot5 ?ou can et the tattoo remo;ed and !e(( your body to the
fo(7! acro!! the !treet5 The uni;er!itie! can be ri**ed off by
enro((in, a**(yin for a (oan and buin out after the (oan come!
throuh5 Thi! i! a (ot ea!ier than you miht imaine and you can hit
them for u* to L#,&@@ with a ood enouh !tory5-ut a number %< bra!!
wa!her in a new!*a*er ;endin machine and ta7e out a(( the *a*er!5
Stand around the corner or o into the (oca( bar and !e(( them5 ?ou
often et ti**ed5 DonBt do thi! with underround *a*er!5 .emember
theyBre your brother! and !i!ter!5The air(ine! wi(( i;e you L#&@ for
each *iece of (uae you (o!e when f(yin5 The fo((owin i! a ood way
to (o!e your (uae5 8hen you et off a *(ane, ha;e a friend meet you
at the ate5 2i;e him your (uae c(aim !tub! and arrane to meet at a
wa!hroom or re!taurant5 ?our friend *ic7! u* the ba! and ta7e! them
out of the baae room5 Before he (ea;e! the air*ort, he turn! o;er
the !tub! to you at your *rearraned rendeH;ou!5 ?ou ca!ua((y wander
o;er to the baae de*artment and !earch for your e(u!i;e (uae5
8hen a(( the baae ha! been c(aimed, fi(e a com*(aint with the (o!t
and found de*artment5 TheyB(( ha;e you fi(( out a form, eA*(ain that it
*robab(y ot mi!*(aced on another carrier and *romi!e to !end it to you
a! !oon a! it i! (ocated5 In a month youB(( recei;e a chec7 for L#&@
*er ba5 EnEoy your f(iht5
E;ery time you dro* a coin into a !(ot, you are (o!in money
need(e!!(y5 There i! at (ea!t one forein coin that i! the !ame !iHe or
c(o!e enouh that wi(( do the tric7 for (e!! than a *enny5 The
fo((owin are !ome of the forein currencie! that wi(( et you that
Co7e, ca(( or !ubway ride5
Kuarter SiHe Coin!
6 1.121A?A/ %@ CE/TISI9O -IECE
$ wor7! in many !oda and candy machine!, o(der te(e*hone! ': !(ot
ty*e!), to(( machine!, (aundromat!, *ar7in meter!, !tam* machine!,
and re!troom no;e(ty machine!5 8or7! a(!o in !ome e(ectric
cancerette machine! but not mo!t mechanica( machine!5
$ wor7! in : !(ot te(e*hone!, to(( machine!, (aundromat!,
automat!, !ome !tam* machine!, mo!t no;e(ty machine!, and the
Bo!ton Subway5 Doe! not wor7 in !oda or cancerette machine!5
6 -E.13IA/ #@ CE/TA3O -IECES
$ wor7! in new 'one !(ot) te(e*hone and !ome e(ectric cancerette
machine!, but doe! not wor7 a! many *(ace! in the 1ruuay, Dani!h and
-eru;ian coin!5
$ mo!t effecti;e Cuarter in the wor(d, e;en wor7! in chane
machine!5 1nfortunate(y, thi! coin i! *ractica((y im*o!!ib(e to
et out!ide of Ice(and and e;en there, it i! becomin difficu(t
!ince the o;ernment i! attem*tin to remo;e it from circu(ation5
Dime SiHe Coin!
6 9ALA?SIA/ -E//?
$ enera((y wor7! in a(( dime !(ot!, inc(udin o(d and new
te(e*hone!, candy machine!, !oda machine!, e(ectric machine!, !tam*
machine!, *ar7in meter!, *hotoco*y machine!, and *ay toi(et!5 Doe!
not wor7 in !ome newer !tam* di!*en!er!, and !ome mechanica( cancerette
6 T.I/IDAD -E//?
$ enera((y wor7! the !ame a! 9a(ay!ian -enny5 /ew ?or7 Subway
$ wor7! in ,&T of a(( !ubway turn!ti(e!5 A ;ery !afe coin to u!e
!ince it wi(( not Eam the turn!ti(e5 It i! &O(@@@th of an inch bier
than a to7en5
6 -O.T121ESE &@ CE/TA3O -IECE
$ the a;erae -ortuue!e Centa;o -iece i! #O%@@@th of an inch
!ma((er than a to7en5 6 JA9AICA/ HAL0 -E//?, BAHA9A -E//? and
$ the!e coin! are %#O(@@@th to %&O%@@@th of an inch !ma((er than
to7en5 They wor7 in about >@T of a(( turn!ti(e!5 8e ha;e a(!o had
ood !ucce!! with 0.E/CH ( 0.A/C -IECE '88II i!!ue), S-A/ISH (@
A(( of the coin! (i!ted ha;e a currency ;a(ue of a few cent!,
with mo!t (e!! than one *enny5 0orein coin! wor7 more reu(ar(y than
!(u! and are non$manetic, hence cannot be detected by F!(u detector
machine!5F A(!o un(i7e !(u!, a(thouh they are i((ea( to u!e in
machine!, they are *erfect(y (ea( to *o!!e!! and eAchane5Lare coin
dea(er! and currency eAchane! are enera((y u*tiht about hand(in
chea* forein coin! in Cuantity !ince they donBt ma7e much *rofit and
are !ubEect to certain *re!!ure! in !e((in coin! that are the !ame
!iHea! Ameri7an coin! or to7en!5-eo*(e *(annin tri*! to Euro*ean or
South American countrie! !hou(d brin bac7 ro((! of coin! a! !ou;enir!
or for u!e in Fcoin Eewe(ry5FIf you do not *(an to tra;e(, a !ma(( coin
!tore which i! coo( about !e((in to the *ub(ic i! (ocated on the Lower
Ea!t Side at %,% Ea!t Third Street, /ew ?or7 City5 8hen their *hone
wor7!, the number i! <"&$,>,"58a!her! are the mo!t *o*u(ar ty*e! of
!(u!5 ?ou can o to any hardware !tore and match them u* with ;ariou!
coin!5 Sometime! you miht ha;e to *ut a !ma(( *iece of !cotch ta*e
o;er one !ide of the ho(e to ma7e it more effecti;e5 Each wa!her i!
identified by it! materia( and number, i5e5 /o5 %< bra!! wa!her with
!cotch ta*e on one !ide i! a *erfect dime5 8hen you et the one! you
want, you can buy thou!and! for neAt to nothin 'e!*ecia((y at
indu!tria( !u**(y !tore!) and *a!! them out to our friend!5JeroA co*ie!
of both !ide! of a do((ar bi((, carefu((y (ued toether, wor7 in mo!t
machine! that i;e you chane for a do((ar5 EAcu!e u!, there i! a 7noc7
at the door5 5 50ancy that4 ItB! the Trea!ury De*artment5 8onder what
they wantM
B1?I/2, SELLI/2 A/D 2I3I/2 IT A8A?
A! you *robab(y 7now, mo!t do*e i! i((ea(, therefore !ome ri!7!
are a(way! in;o(;ed in buyin and !e((in5 FEterna( ;ii(ance and
con!tant mobi(ity are the *a!!word! of !ur;i;a(,F !aid Che 2ue;ara, and
nowhere do they a**(y more than in the wor(d of do*e5 If you e;er ha;e
the !(ihte!t doubt about the *er!on with whom youBre dea(in$
DO/BT5BuyinIn the *urcha!in of do*e, arre!t! are not a *rob(em un(e!!
youBre the fa(( uy for a bu!t on the dea(er5 The maEor haHard i!
ettin burned5 Buy from a friend or a re*utab(e dea(er5 If you ha;e to
do bu!ine!! with a !traner, be eAtra carefu(5 /e;er front money5 One
of the burn arti!tB! tric7! i! to ta7e your money, te(( you to wait and
!*(it with your douh5 There are ;ariou! !ide !how immic7! each burn
arti!t wor7!5 The mo!t common i! to a!7 you to wa(7 with them a few
b(oc7! and then !to* in front of an a*artment bui(din5 He then te((!
you the do*e i! u*!tair! and a!7! you to hand o;er the money in
ad;ance5 He eA*(ain! that hi! *artner i! the rea( u*tiht Bcau!e they
were raided once and wonBt (et anybody in the *ad5 He ta7e! your douh
and di!a**ear! in!ide the bui(din5 Out the bac7 door or u* to the roof
and into hi! etaway he(ico*ter5 ?ou are (eft on the !idewa(7 with
anAiou! eye! and that Fcan thi! rea((y be ha**enin to meF
fee(in5Another burn method i! to !ub!titute oreano, *ar!(ey or catni*
for *ot, came( !hit for ha!h, !accharin or *(ain *i((! for acid5 If you
ot burned for heroin or !*eed, youBre better off bein ta7en, becau!e
the!e are body$fuc7 dru! that can me!! you u* bad(y5 The *eo*(e that
dea( them are tota( *i! and !hou(d be rearded a! !uch5 8hen youBre
buyin from !traner!, you ha;e a riht to !am*(e the merchandi!e free
un(e!! itB! co7e5 Chec7 the weiht of ra!! with a !ma(( *oc7et !ca(e5
0ee( the teAture and chec7 out how we(( it ha! been c(eaned of !eed!
and twi!5 Smo7e a Eoint that i! ro((ed from the !tuff you et5 DonBt
acce*t the dea(erB! !am*(e that he *u((ed out of hi! *oc7et5 8hen you
are buyin a (are amount of acid, *ic7 a !am*(e5 ?ou !hou(d ne;er buy
acid from a !traner a! it i! too ea!y a burn5If you buy cocaine, brin
a(on a b(ac7 (iht5 On(y the im*aritie! (ow under it! f(uore!cence,
thu! i;in you an idea of the Cua(ity of the co7e5 9a7e !ure itB! the
rea( thin5 Sniffin co7e can *erforate your na!a( *a!!ae!, !o be
!u*er moderate5 Too much wi(( 7i(( you5 A (itt(e bit oe! a (on
way5Se((inDea(in, a(thouh danerou!, i! a taA$free way of !ur;i;in
e;en thouh it border! on wor75 The be!t way to !tart i! to !a;e u* a
(itt(e bread and buy a (arer Cuantity than you u!ua((y et5 Then dea(
out !ma((er amount! to your friend!5 The fewer !traner! you dea( with,
the !afer you are5 The *rice of do*e ;arie! with the amount of !tuff on
the mar7et in your area, the heat the nar7! are brinin down and the
connection! you ha;e5 A rouh !ca(e, !ay, for *ot i! L#@ an ounce, L%#&
a *ound and L#:@ a 7i(o '#5# *ound!)5 The *rice *er ounce decrea!e!
de*endin on the amount you et5 ItB! true you ma7e more *rofit !e((in
by the ounce!, but the ha!!(e i! reater and the more contact! you mu!t
ma7e increa!e! the ri!75 Screwin your cu!tomer! wi(( *ro;e to be bad
7arma 'un(e!! you con!ider dyin roo;y), !o !tic7 to hone!t dea(in5
/e;er dea( from your *ad and a;oid 7ee*in your !ta!h there5 2et into
!earchin out the be!t mar7et! which are enera((y in Ca(ifornia, i;en
it! c(o!e *roAimity to ood o(B 9eAico5 Kan!a! i! a bi di!tribution
center for 9eAican ra!!, too5 ?ou can !hi* the !tuff '!afer than
carryin) ;ia air freiht anywhere in the country for about L:@ a
trun75 Kee* the !endin and recei;in end (oo7in !traiht5 8e ha;e one
friend who wear! a *rie!tB! outfit to !hi* and recei;e do*e5 In fact,
e;ery time we !ee nun! or *rie!t! on the !treet, we a!!ume theyBre
out(aw! Eu!t on their way to the neAt dea( or bombin5 0or a(( we 7now,
the church actua((y i! nothin but a hue do*e rin in dra5 Anybody
otten hih off communion wafer! (ate(yM8hen you ta(7 about dea(! on
the *hone, be coo(5 9a7e reference! to theater tic7et! or
!ub!cri*tion!5 DonBt 7ee* eAten!i;e note! on your acti;itie! and
contact!5 1!e code name! where you can5 /e;er dea( with two other
*eo*(e *re!ent5 On(y you and the buyer !hou(d be in the immediate
;icinity5 /ar7! ma7e bu!t! in *air! !o one can be the arre!tin officer
and the other can be a court witne!!5 Dea(in i! a *aradoA of un(oadin
a ood amount of !hit but not tryin to mo;e too fa!tG of ma7in ne
contact! but bein carefu( of !traner!G of dea(in hih Cua(ity and
(ow *rice!G and of bein !imu(taneou!(y bo(d and cautiou!5 If you et
nabbed, et the be!t (awyer who !*ecia(iHe! in do*e bu!t!5 0ir!t
offender! rare(y end u* !er;in time, but itB! a different !tory for
re*eater!5 Know how *uniti;e the court! are and which Eude! and
*ro!ecutor! can be bouht off5 /e;er dea( in the month before an
e(ection5 0or com*(ete information on how to a;oid ettin bu!ted and
what to do if bu!ted, read The Dru Bu!t '(i!ted in a**endiA)52i;in It
Away2i;in do*e away can be a rea( mind$b(ower5 E;ery dea(er !hou(d
!ubmit to ;o(untary taAation by the new /ation5 If you are a
con!cientiou! dea(er, you !hou(d be wi((in and eaer to i;e a ood
hun7 of your !ta!h away at !*ecia( e;ent! or to rou*! into free
di!tribution5 ?ou !hou(d a(!o be ab(e to i;e bread to bu!t tru!t! !et
u* to bai( out head! unab(e to et u* the ran!om money the whi!7y (u!h
court! demand5 9any rou*! ha;e done hue mai(in! of Eoint! to a((
!ort! of *eo*(e5 A rou* in /ew ?or7 mai(ed :@,@@@ to *eo*(e in the
*hone boo7 on one 3a(entineB! Day5 A rou* in Lo! Ane(e! *(aced o;er
#,@@@ Eoint! in (ibrary boo7! and then ad;i!ed 7id! to !mo7e a boo7
durin /ationa( Library 8ee75 Be coo( about e;en i;in !tuff away
!ince that count! a! dea(in in mo!t !tate!5 John Sinc(air, Chairman of
the 8hite -anther -arty, i! !er;in ,N to %@ year! for i;in away two
2.O8 ?O1. O8/
-ot i! a weed and a! !uch row! in a(( c(imate! under e;ery 7ind
of !oi( condition5 8e ha;e !een acre! and acre! of ra!! rowin in
Kan!a!, Iowa and /ew Jer!ey5 If youBre not (ocated neAt door to a (are
*ot fie(d rowin in the wi(d, maybe you wou(d ha;e !ome !ucce!! in
rowin your own5 ItB! we(( worth it to try your *ot(uc74The fir!t
thin i! to !tart with a bunch of ood$Cua(ity !eed! from ra!! that
you rea((y di5 Se(ect the (are!t !eed! and *(ace them between two
hea;y$duty na*7in! or in7 b(otter! in a *an5 Soa7 the na*7in! with
water unti( com*(ete(y !aturated5 Co;er the to* of the *an or *(ace it
in a dar7 c(o!et for three day! or unti( a !*rout about a ha(f inch
(on a**ear! from mo!t of the !eed!5Durin thi! incubation *eriod, you
can *re*are the !eed(in bed5 1!e a (ow wooden boA !uch a! a tomato
f(at and fi(( it with an inch of ra;e(5 0i(( the re!t of the boA with
!ome !oi( miAed with a !ma(( amount of ferti(iHer5 9oi!ten the !oi(
unti( water !ee*! out the bottom of the boA, then (e;e( the !oi( ma7in
a f(at !urface5 8ith a *enci(, *unch ho(e! two inche! a*art in !traiht
row!5 ?ou can et about # doHen in a tomato f(at58hen the incubation
*eriod i! o;er, ta7e tho!e !eed! that ha;e an adeCuate !*rout and *(ant
one in each ho(e5 The !*rout oe! down and the !eed *art !hou(d be a
(itt(e abo;e round5 Tam* the !oi( firm(y 'do not *ac7) around each
*(ant a! you in!ert the !*rout!5The !eed(in! !hou(d remain in their
boAe! in a !unny window unti( about mid$9ay5 They !hou(d recei;e enouh
water durin thi! *eriod to 7ee* the !oi( moi!t5 By the time they are
ready to o into the round, the reen *(ant! !hou(d be about !iA to
eiht inche! ta((5If it i! (ate winter or ear(y !*rin and you ha;e a
*(ot of (and that et! enouh !un and i! !he(tered from no!y neihbor!,
you !hou(d definite(y row ra!! in the reat outdoor!5One idea i! to
*(ant !unf(ower! in your arden a! the!e row ta((er than the *ot
*(ant! and camouf(ae them from ;iew5 The be!t idea i! to find !ome
(itt(e$u!ed fie(d and *(ant a !ection of it5-re*are the (and the way
you wou(d for any arden ;eetab(e5 Di u* the round with a *itchfor7
or hea;y duty ra7e, remo;in roc7!5 .a7e the *(ot (e;e( and *unch ho(e!
in the !oi( about three inche! dee* and about two feet a*art in the
!ame way you did in the !eed(in boAe!5 .emo;e the youn *(ant! from
the boA, bein carefu( not to di!turb the root! and 7ee*in a! much
!oi( intact a! *o!!ib(e5 Tran!*(ant each *(ant into one of the *unched$
out ho(e! and firm(y *re!! the !oi( to ho(d it in *(ace5 8hen a(( the
*(ant! are in the round, water the entire area5 Tend them the way you
wou(d any other arden5 They !hou(d reach a heiht of about !iA feet by
the end of the !ummer and be ready to har;e!t5If you donBt ha;e acce!!
to a fie(d, you can row ood !tuff riht in your own c(o!et or arae
u!in artificia( (ihtin5 Tran!*(ant the *(ant! into (arer wooden
boAe! or f(ower boAe!5 Be !ure and co;er the bottom of each boA with a
few inche! of *ebb(e! or bro7en *ottery before you add the !oi(5 Thi!
wi(( in!ure *ro*er drainae5 0erti(iHe the !oi( accordin to the
in!truction! on the boA and *unch out ho(e! in much the !ame way you
wou(d do if you were rowin out!ide5 After the youn *(ant! ha;e been
tran!*(anted and watered thorouh(y, you wi(( ha;e to ri u* a (ihtin
!y!tem5 1!e b(ue (iht bu(b!, which are a;ai(ab(e at hardware !tore!
for the fir!t thirty day!5 The!e in!ure a !horter, !turdier !ta(75
Lea;e the (iht! on #< hour! a day and *(ace them about a foot abo;e
the to*! of the *(ant!5 If the *(ant! bein to fee( britt(e or turn
ye((ow at the ede!, then the tem*erature i! too hot5 1!e (e!!
i((umination or rai!e the heiht of the (am* if thi! occur!5After the
fir!t thirty day!, chane to red bu(b! and cut down the (ihtin time
to %= hour! a day5 After a wee7, reduce the time to %< hour! and then
on the third wee7 to %# hour!5 9aintain thi! (ihtin *eriod unti( the
*(ant! f(ower5 The fema(e *(ant! ha;e a (arer and hea;ier f(ower
!tructure and the ma(e! are !omewhat !7im*y5 The fema(e *(ant *roduce!
the !troner ra!! and the choice!t *art! are the to* (ea;e! inc(udin
the f(ower!5In!ide or out!ide, the *(ant! wi(( be be!t if a((owed to
reach maturity, a(thouh they are !mo7eab(e at any *oint a(on the way5
8hen you want to har;e!t the cro*, wet the !oi( and *u(( out the entire
*(ant5 If you want to !e*arate the to* (ea;e! from the re!t, you can do
!o and ma7e two Cua(itie! of ra!!5 In any e;ent, (et the *(ant! dry in
the !un for two wee7! unti( they are thorouh(y dried out5 If you want
to hurry the dryin *roce!!, you can do it in an o;en u!in a ;ery (ow
heat for about twenty minute!5 After youB;e com*(eted the dryin, you
can FcureBF the ra!! by *uttin the *(ant! in *(a!tic ba! and
!*rin7(in dro*! of wine, rum or *(ain booHe on them5 Thi! reat(y
increa!e! the *otency5There are two other way! that we 7now wor7 to
increa!e the *otency of ra!! you row or buy5 One con!i!t! of diin
a ho(e and buryin a !ta!h of ra!! wra**ed in a *(a!tic ba5 A few
month! in the round wi(( *roduce a mou(dy ra!! that i! far fuc7inB
out5 A Cuic7 method i! to et a hun7 of dry ice, *ut it in a meta(
container or boA with a tiht (id 'ta*in the (id airtiht he(*!), and
!*rin7(in the ra!! on to*5 A((ow it to !it tiht(y co;ered for about
three day! unti( a(( the dry ice e;a*orate!5
8ait in a (aundromat5 Te(( !omeone with a (iht (oad that youB((
watch the machine for them if you can !tic7 your c(othe! in with their!5
?our (oca( AS-CA wi(( i;e you a free do, cat, bird or other
*et5 Ha;e them in!*ect and inocu(ate the anima( which they wi(( do free
of chare5 ?ou can et free or ;ery chea* medica( care for your *et at
a !choo( for ;eterinary medicine51nderround new!*a*er! often carry a
free$*et! co(umn in the bac7 *ae!5 Sna7e! can be cauht in any wooded
area and they ma7e reat *et!5 ?ou can co((ect in!ect! *retty ea!y5
Ant! are unbe(ie;ab(e to watch5 ?ou can ma7e a !im*(e :O< inch wide
(a!! ca!e about a foot hih, fi(( it with !and and !tart an ant
co(ony5 A (ibrary boo7 wi(( te(( you how to care for them5E;ery year
the /ationa( -ar7 Ser;ice i;e! away !ur*(u! e(7! in order to 7ee* the
herd! under it! Euri!diction from outrowin the amount of a;ai(ab(e
(and for raHin5 8rite toI Su*erintendent, ?e((ow!tone /ationa( -ar7,
?e((ow!tone, 8yomin >:@#@5 ?ou mu!t be *re*ared to *ay the freiht
chare! for !hi**in the anima( and uarantee that you can *ro;ide
enouh raHin (and to 7ee* the bi fe((ow ha**y51nder the !ame
arranement the o;ernment wi(( !end you a 0ree Buffa(o5 8rite toI
Office of Information, De*artment of the Interior, 8a!hinton, D5C5
#@<#@5 So many *eo*(e ha;e written them recent(y demandin their 0ree
Buffa(o, that they ca((ed a *re!!conference to *ub(ic(y attac7 the
?i**ie! for creatin chao! in the o;ernment5 DonBt ta7e any buffa(o
!hit from the!e *etty bureaucrat!, demand the rea( thin5 Demand your
0ree Buffa(o5?ou can et a free (=mm mo;ie about *ara7eet! ca((ed F9ore
0un with -ara7eet!,F by writin toI .5T5 0rench Co5, ,@=> 9u!tard St5,
.oche!ter, /ew ?or7 %<=@,5 Thi! reat fi(m won an Academy Award for
be!t *icture of %",:5
Beautifu( wa(( *o!ter! are a;ai(ab(e by writin to the /ationa(
Touri!t Aencie! of ;ariou! countrie!5 9o!t are (ocated between <#nd
and &,th Street! on 0ifth A;e5 in /ew ?or7 City5 ?ou can find their
addre!!e! in the /ew ?or7 ?e((ow -ae! under both /ationa( Touri!t
Aencie! and Tra;e( Aencie!5 There are o;er fifty of them5 -re*are a
form (etter !ayin you are a hih !choo( eora*hy teacher and wou(d
(i7e !ome *o!ter! of the country to decorate your c(a!!room5 In a month
you wi(( be f(ooded with them5 Air(ine com*anie! a(!o ha;e co(orfu(
wa(( *o!ter! they !end out free5
0or thi! tric7 you need !ome money to bein with5 De*o!it it in a
ban7 and return in a few wee7! te((in them you (o!t your ban7 boo75
They i;e you a card to fi(( out and !in and in a wee7 you wi((
recei;e another boo75 /ow withdraw your money, (ea;in you with
oriina( money and a ban7 boo7 !howin a ba(ance5 ?ou can u!e thi! a!
identification to *re;ent ;arancy bu!t! when tra;e(in, a! co((atera(
for bai(, or for o*enin a chare account at a !tore5Another tric7 i!
to buy !ome American Tra;e(er! Chec7!5 8ait a wee7 and re*ort your
chec7! (o!t5 TheyB(( i;e you new one! to re*(ace the mi!!in one!5 ?ou
!*end your new chec7! and 7ee* the one! you re*orted (o!t a! !ecurity5
Thi! !ecurity i! reat for internationa( tra;e( e!*ecia((y at border
cro!!in!5 If you want, you can !*end the Tra;e(er! Chec7! by i;in
them to a friend to fore your name5 Before you ca(( the office to
re*ort the (o!!, ca(( the *o(ice !tation and !ay you were mued and
your wa((et wa! !to(en5 The aency a(way! a!7! if you ha;e re*orted the
(o!t chec7! to the *o(ice, !o you can !afe(y an!wer ye!5 /e;er do thi!
for more than fi;e hundred do((ar! and ne;er more than once with any
one com*any5
8hen mai(in to the !ame city, addre!! the en;e(o*e or *ac7ae to
your!e(f and *ut the name of the *er!on you are !endin it to where the
return addre!! enera((y oe!5 9ai( it without *o!tae and it wi(( be
FreturnedF to the !ender5 Becau!e a(mo!t a(( (etter! are machine
*roce!!ed, any !tam* that i! the correct !iHe wi(( *a!!5 Ea!ter Sea(!
and a ;ariety of other ty*e !tam*! u!ua((y et by the e(ectronic
!canner5 If you *ut the !tam* on a !*ot other than the far u**er riht
corner, it wi(( not be cance((ed and can be u!ed aain by the *er!on
who et! your (etter5 If you ha;e a friend wor7in in a (are
cor*oration, you can run your oraniHationB! mai( throuh their *o!tae
meter5Tho!e ridicu(ou! free introductory or !ub!cri*tion ty*e (etter!
that you et in the mai( often ha;e a *o!tae$uaranteed return
*o!tcard for your con;enience5 The neAt one you et, *a!te it on a
bric7 and dro* it in the mai(boA5 The com*any i! reCuired by (aw to *ay
the *o!tae5 ?ou can a(!o et rid of a(( your arbae thi! way59A-S?ou
can et a free fu(($co(or 8or(d At(a! by writin to Hammond Inc5
9a*(ewood, /ew Jer!ey @"@<@5
1nCue!tionab(y one of the be!t dea(! oin i! becomin a mini!ter
in the 1ni;er!a( Life Church5 They wi(( !end you ab!o(ute(y free, bona
fide ordination *a*er!5 The!e entit(e you to a(( !ort! of di!count! and
taA eAem*tion!5 .iht now, !it down and write to 1ni;er!a( Life Church
Inc5, =@% :rd St5, 9ode!to, Ca(ifornia ,&:&%5 Try cuttin out the card
on the fo((owin *ae and (aminate it5 Let u! 7now how it wor7! out5
Join the Army4
8rite to the 3eteranB! Admini!tration Information Ser;ice,
8a!hinton, D5C5 #@<#@ a!7in them for the free !er;ice! they *ro;ide
for ;eteran!5 Send fifteen cent! to the 2o;ernment -rintin Office for
their boo7(et 0edera( Benefit! A;ai(ab(e to 3eteran! and Their
A L::@ Bu(o;a !*ort timer accurate to %O%@ of a !econd wi(( be
(ent free to Eude! and referee! to time any amateur !*ortin e;ent5
Ca(( your (oca( authoriHed Bu(o;a dea(er and et one (ent to you under
a *hony name5 Te(( them you want to time an ory5
There are many way! to ta7e a free ;acation, but hereB! one you
miht not ha;e con!idered5 ItB! an a(($eA*en!e! *aid tri* to La! 3ea!
for ab!o(ute(y nothin5 Ca(( a tra;e( aent and reCue!t information
about La! 3ea! amb(in Eun7et! 'youB(( *robab(y ha;e to hunt around
becau!e thi! *ractice i! bein curtai(ed)5 Different hote(! ha;e
different dea(!, but the a;erae one run! !omethin (i7e thi!I If you
aree to buy L&@@ worth of chi*! that can on(y be !*ent on amb(in
tab(e! of the ho!t hote(, they wi(( f(y you round tri*, *ay a(( hote(
and food bi((! and *ro;ide you with a rented car5 2o with a c(o!e
friend and chec7 into the hote(5 Once at the rou(ette or cra*! tab(e,
you and your friend bet the !ame amount of chi*! aain!t each other on
e;en$*ayin chance!5 0or eAam*(e, he wou(d bet on red and you on b(ac75
8hen either of you win!, you 7ee* the hou!e chi*!G when you (o!e, turn
in the !*ecia((y mar7ed chi*! that cannot be ca!hed in5 8hat you are
doin i! !im*(y eAchanin the chi*! you came with for hou!e chi*! that
you can ca!h in for rea( douh5 Theoretica((y your two ;acation! !hou(d
co!t L#:5@@ if you do the bettin at the cra* tab(e and L&#5@@ if you
bet e;en chance! at rou(ette5 That i! becau!e the hou!e win! if @ or @@
come! u* in rou(ette and if %# come! u* on the fir!t ro(( of the dice,
but it !ure i! a he(( of a ;acation for two for L#:5@@, and you et
free cham*ane on !ome f(iht!5?ou can et ha(f a ;acation free by
oin to the Ameri7an Emba!!y or Con!u(ate in the country you find
your!e(f in and c(aim that youBre de!titute5 There i! a (aw on the
boo7! that !ay! they ha;e to !end you away, but be *er!i!tent5 9a7e u*
a !tory about how your *arent! are away from home tra;e(in5 Say you
ot mued or !omethin and you are about to o to the new!*a*er! with
your !tory5 E;entua((y theyB(( et you a free *(ane tic7et5 They !tam*
your *a!!*ort in;a(id thouh, and you ha;e to *ay the o;ernment bac7
before you can u!e it aain5D.I/KS8hen hitchin, itB! a ood idea to
carry a bott(e o*ener and a !traw5 ?ou ta7e the ca*! off !oda bott(e!
whi(e theyBre !ti(( in the machine and drin7 them dry without e;er
touchin the bott(e5B1.IALS0or way! to a;oid the hih co!t of dyin in
Ameri7a, write toI Continenta( A!!ociation, :, Ea!t 3an Buren St5,
Chicao, I((5 =@=@&5 Send them L%5@@ for the 9anua( of Sim*(e Buria(
and #&U for a (i!t of 9emoria( A!!ociate!5
DonBt you Eu!t ha;e to ha;e a hue, (o!!y co(or *hoto of
Hou!tonB! famed A!trodome to !how a(( your friend!M 1!e the teacher bit
and write toI 2reater Hou!ton Con;ention and 3i!itor! Counci(, %=@@
9ain St5, Hou!ton, TeAa! ""@@#5
Abo;e the *a*er towe( di!*en!er in a !er;ice !tation re!troom wa!
writtenI FSan 0ranci!co State Di*(oma!5F If you rea((y need a co((ee
or a hih !choo( di*(oma, !end L#5@@ to 2(enco, BoA >:<, 8arren,
9ichian <>@,@5 They !end you one that (oo7! rea( authentic5 It ainBt
Har;ard, but it (oo7! ood enouh to frame and *ut on your wa((5
Snea7 1nder
Te(( It A((, Brother! and Si!ter!
STA.TI/2 A -.I/TI/2 8O.KSHO-
Leaf(et!, *o!ter!, new!(etter!, *am*h(et! and other *rinted
matter are im*ortant to any re;o(ution5 A *rintin wor7!ho* i! a
definite need in a(( communitie!, reard(e!! of !iHe5 It can ;ary from
a arae with a mimeora*h machine to a mammoth o*eration com*(ete with
*rintin *re!!e! and fancy *hoto eCui*ment5 8ith (e!! than a hundred
do((ar! and !ome !*ace, you can bein thi! ;ita( !er;ice5 ItB(( ta7e a
whi(e before you et into *rintin reenbac7!, *hony identification
*a*er! and credit card! (i7e the bi boy!, but to wa(7 a mi(e you mu!t
!tart with one !te* a! 2utenber once !aid5-a*erThe !tandard !iHe for
*a*er i! >NF A %%F5 It come! &@@ !heet! to a FreamF and %@ ream! to a
ca!e5 ?ou want a %=$#@ bond weiht !heet5 The hiher weiht! are better
if you are *rintin on both !ide!5 ?ou can *urcha!e what are termed
Fodd (ot!F from mo!t *a*er com*anie!5 Thi! mean! that the co(or! wi((
be a!!orted and !ome !heet! wi(( be frayed at the ede! or wrin7(ed5
Odd (ot! can be *urcha!ed at reat di!count!5 Some *(ace! !e(( *a*er
thi! way for %@T of the oriina( *rice and for (eaf(et!, different
co(or! he(*5 Chec7 thi! out with *a*er !u**(ier! in your area5In7In7!
come in *a!te! and (iCuid! and are a;ai(ab(e in !tationary !tore! and
office !u**(y hou!e!5 Each machine reCuire! it! own ty*e in7, !o (earn
what wor7! be!t with the one you ha;e5 Co(ored in7 i! !(iht(y more
eA*en!i;e but a;ai(ab(e for mo!t machine!5Stenci(!Each machine u!e! a
*articu(ar !iHe and !ty(e !tenci(5 If you et !tuc7 with the wron 7ind
and canBt et out to correct the mi!ta7e, you can *unch eAtra ho(e! in
the to*, trim them with a !ci!!or! if they are too bi or add !tri*! of
ta*e to the !ide! if too narrow5Be !ure and u!e on(y the area that wi((
fit on the *a*er you are u!in5 9o!t !tenci(! can be u!ed for *a*er
(arer than !tandard !iHe5 Stenci(! wi(( FcutF a (ot neater if an
e(ectric ty*ewriter i! u!ed5 If you on(y ha;e acce!! to e manua(
machine, remo;e the ribbon !o the 7ey! wi(( !tri7e the !tenci(
direct(y5 A *(a!tic !heet, *ro;ided by the !u**(ier, can be in!erted
between the !tenci( and it! bac7in to *ro;ide !har*er cut! by the
7ey!5 If you ho(d the !tenci( u* to a (iht, you !hou(d be ab(e to
c(ear(y !ee the ty*in5 If you canBt, youB(( ha;e to a**(y more
*re!!ure5S7etche! can be done with a ba(( *oint *en or !*ecia( !ty(u!
direct(y on the !tenci(5 If youBre rea((y ru!hed, or there i!nBt that
much info to et on the (eaf(et, you can hand$*rint the teAt u!in
the!e in!trument!5 Ta7e care not to tear the !tenci(59imeora*h
9achine!The *rice of a new mimeora*h run! from L#@@ to L%#@@,
de*endin on how !o*hi!ticated a machine you need and can afford5 A5B5
Dic7 and 2e!tetner are the mo!t *o*u(ar brand!5 9any !u**(y hou!e! ha;e
u!ed machine! for !a(e5 Chec7 the c(a!!ified !ection for barain!5 See
if any (are cor*oration! are mo;in, oin out of bu!ine!! or ha;e
Eu!t had a fire5 Chance! are theyB(( be un(oadin *rintin eCui*ment at
chea* *rice!5 Cam*ain office! of (o!in candidate! often ha;e mimeo!
to un(oad in /o;ember5 9any !u**(y hou!e! ha;e rentin and (ea!in
term! that you miht be intere!ted in con!iderin5 Ha;e an idea of the
wor7 (oad and ty*e of *rintin youB(( be hand(in before you o
huntin5 Ta(7 to !omeone who 7now! what theyBre doin before you (ay
down a (ot of ca!h on a machine5Du*(icator!8e *refer du*(icator! to
mimeo! e;en thouh the *rice i! a (itt(e hiher5 They wor7 fa!ter, are
ea!ier to o*erate and *rint c(earer (eaf(et!5 The 2e!tener Si(7 Screen
Du*(icator i! the be!t bet5 It turn! out !tuff a(mo!t a! ood a! off!et
*rintin5 ?ou can do %@ thou!and !heet! an hour in an a!!ortment of
co(or!5E(ectronic Stenci(!If you u!e e(ectronic !tenci(! you can do
!o(id (etterin, (ine drawin!, cartoon! and b(ac7 and white *icture!
with ood contra!t5 To ma7e an e(ectronic !tenci(, you ma* out on a
!heet of *a*er e;erythin you want *rinted5 Thi! i! a *hoto *roce!!, !o
ma7e !ure on(y what you want *rinted !how! u* on the !heet5 ?ou can u!e
a (iht b(ue *enci( for uide (ine! a! it wonBt *hotora*h, but be neat
anyway5 -rintin !ho*! wi(( cut a !tenci( on a !*ecia( machine for
about L:5@@5The 2e!tefaA E(ectronic Stenci( Cutter can be (ea!ed or
rented in the !ame way a! the du*(icator5 If you are doin a (ot of
*rintin for a number of different rou*!, thi! machine wi(( e(iminate
*(enty of ha!!(e5 The !tenci(! co!t about #@U each and ta7e about
fifteen minute! to ma7e5If you ha;e an e(ectronic !tenci( cutter,
du*(icator, e(ectric ty*ewriter and a chea* !ource of *a*er, you can do
a(mo!t any *rintin Eob imainab(e5 Ha;e a dua( rate !y!temI one for
community rou*! and another for reu(ar bu!ine!! order!5 ?ou can u!e
the *rofit! to o toward! the *urcha!in of more eCui*ment and to bui(d
toward the day when you can et your own off!et *re!!5Si(7
Screenin-o!ter! banner! and !hirt! that are unbe(ie;ab(e can be
*rinted by thi! eAcitin method5 The *roce!! i! ea!y to (earn and
teach5 ?ouB(( need a fair(y (are area to wor7 in !ince the *o!ter!
ha;e to be hun u* to dry5 -ic7 u* any ineA*en!i;e *a*erbac7 boo7 on
!i(7 !creenin5 The eCui*ment co!t! (e!! than L&@5@@ to bein5 Once you
et ood at it, you can *rint com*(icated de!in! in a number of
different co(or!, inc(udin *ortrait!5
1/DE.2.O1/D /E8S-A-E.S
0ood con!*iracie!, bu!t tru!t!, *eo*(eB! c(inic! and
demon!tration! are a(( *art of the new /ation, but if a!7ed to name the
mo!t im*ortant in!titution in our (i;e!, one wou(d ha;e to !ay the
underround new!*a*er5 It 7ee*! tuned in on whatB! oin on in the
community and around the wor(d5 3a(ue!, myth!, !ymbo(!, and a(( the
tra**in! of our cu(ture are determined to a (are eAtent by the
underround *re!!5 Each office !er;e! a! a we(come mat for !traner!, a
meetin *(ace for community oraniHer! and a ra((yin force to fiht
*i re*re!!ion5 There are *robab(y o;er &@@ reu(ar(y *ub(i!hin with
reader!hi*! runnin from a few hundred to o;er &@@,@@@5 9o!t were
!tarted in the (a!t three year!5 If your !cene doe!nBt ha;e a *a*er,
you *robab(y donBt ha;e a !cene toether5 A firm(y e!tab(i!hed *a*er
can be !tarted on about L#,&@@5 -(an to bein with eiht *ae! in b(ac7
and white with a &,@@@ co*y run5 Each !uch i!!ue wi(( co!t about L:@@
to *rint5 ?ou !hou(d ha;e !iA i!!ue! co;ered when you !tart5 Another
L"@@ wi(( do for eCui*ment5 Off!et *rintin i! what youB(( want to et
from a commercia( *rintin e!tab(i!hment5?ou need !ome !*ace to !tart,
but donBt ru!h into !ettin u* a !torefront office unti( you fee( the
*a*erB! oin to be !ucce!!fu(5 A arae, barn or !*are a*artment room
wi(( do Eu!t fine5 2ood o;erhead f(uore!cent (ihtin, a few (on
tab(e!, a boo7ca!e, de!7, chair!, *o!!ib(y a *hone and you are ready to
!tart5Any ty*ewriter wi(( wor7, but you can rent an IB9 Se(ectric
ty*ewriter with a de*o!it of L%#@5@@ and *ayment! of L#@5@@ *er month5
Lea!in co!t! twice a! much, but youB(( own the machine when the
*ayment! are fini!hed5 The Se(ectric ha! interchaneab(e ty*e that
wor7! on a ba(( !y!tem rather than the o(d$fa!hion 7ey!5 Each ba((
co!t! L%>5@@, !o by ettin a few you can ;ary the ty*e the way a
*rinter doe!5A (iht$tab(e can ma7e thin! a (ot ea!ier when it come!
to (ayout5 Sim*(y bui(d a boA ':B A <B i! a ood !iHe, but the (arer
the better) out of NF *(ywood5 The bac7 !hou(d be hiher than the front
to *ro;ide a !(o*in effect5 The to* !hou(d con!i!t of a !he(f of
fro!ted (a!!5 2et one !tron enouh to (ean on5 In!ide the boA, attach
two f(uore!cent (iht fiAture! to the wa((! or ba!e5 The who(e (iht
tab(e !hou(d co!t (e!! than L#&5@@5 That rea((y i! about a(( you need,
eAce*t !omeone with a camera, a few ood writer! who wi(( !er;e a!
re*orter!, an arti!tic *er!on to ta7e care of (ayout, and !omeone to
ha!!(e *rintin dea(!, ad;erti!in and di!tribution5 9o!t *eo*(e !tart
by ha;in e;eryone do e;erythin5LayoutA tab(oid !iHe *a*er i! , "O>F A
%< &O>F with an inch (eft o;er on each !ide for marin!5 Co(umn!
ty*ica((y are : %O<F a((owin for three *er *ae5 EA*erience ha! found
that thi! !iHe i! ea!y to (ay out and more im*ortant(y, ea!y to read5
There i! an indirect ratio between readabi(ity and academic
!nobbi!hne!!5 A;oid the teAtboo7 (oo75 .emember, the /ew ?or7 Time! in
it! (ow form re*re!ent! the Death Ku(ture5Start off with a hue
co((ection of o(d maaHine! and new!*a*er!5 ?ou can cut u* a(( !ort! of
(etter!, border!, de!in! and !7etche! and *a!te them toether to ma7e
eye$catchin head(ine!5 Sheet! of head(ine ty*e are a;ai(ab(e in
different !ty(e! from art !tore! for L%5#& a !heet5 Buy one of each
ty*e and then *hotora*h !e;era( co*ie! of each, brinin the *rice way
down5 The ba!ic content in the *re!cribed co(umn !iHe !hou(d be baned
out on the IB95 The co(umn! can be c(i**ed toether with a c(othe!*in
to a;oid confu!ion5 1!e a ood hea;y bond white o*aCue *a*er5A(( b(ac7
and white *hotora*h! from new!*a*er! and maaHine! can be u!ed
direct(y5 Co(or *icture! can a(!o be u!ed but itB! tric7y and youB((
ha;e to eA*eriment a (itt(e to et an under!tandin of what co(or!
*hotora*h *oor(y5 2(o!!y b(ac7 and white *hotora*h! mu!t be !hot in
ha(f tone! to 7ee* the rey area!5 ?ou can ha;e them *roce!!ed at any
*hoto (ab5 ?ou miht a(!o need the *hoto (ab for en(arement! or
reduction!, !o ma7e contact and e!tab(i!h a ood wor7in
re(ation!hi*5An EAacto 7nife i! a;ai(ab(e for #,U and you can et a
*ac7ae of %@@ b(ade! for L%@5@@5 A few meta( ru(er!, a ood *air of
!ci!!or!, !ome !*ray adhe!i;e or rubber cement and youBre ready to
*a!te the *ae! that wi(( ma7e u* the FdummyF that oe! to the *rinter5
Each *ae i! (aid out on !*ecia( (ayout !heet! with faint b(ue uide
(ine! that donBt *hotora*h5 Any (are art !u**(y !tore !e((! the!e
!heet! and a(( the other !u**(ie!5By wor7in o;er a (iht$tab(e, the
*a!te$u* can be done more *rofe!!iona((y5 EA*eriment with many
different (ayout! for each *ae before fina((y *a!tin u* the *a*er5
DonBt ha;e a *icture in the corner and the re!t !o(id co(umn!5 -rint
can be run o;er *icture! and !7etche! by *re*arin two !heet! for that
*ae and !hootin bac7round in ha(f$tone!5 The co(umn! donBt ha;e to
be run !traiht u* and down, but can run at different an(e!5 The mo!t
new!worthy artic(e! !hou(d be toward! the front of the *a*er5 The
centerfo(d can be treated in an eAcitin manner5 A ood idea i! to do
the centerfo(d !o that it can be u!ed a! a *o!ter to *ut on a wa((
after the *a*er i! read5 If you ha;e ad!, they !hou(d be 7e*t near the
bac75 The ma!thead, which i;e! the !taff, mai(in addre!!, and !imi(ar
info, oe! near the front5 ?our focu! !hou(d be the (oca( acti;itie!5 A
!ection !hou(d be re!er;ed for a direct(y of (oca( !er;ice! and e;ent!5
-eo*(e i;in thin! away !hou(d ha;e a !ection5 The re!t rea((y
de*end! on the (ife !ty(e and *o(itic! of the !taff5/ationa( !torie!
can be !u**(ied by one or more of the new! !er;ice!5 /othin in the
underround *re!! i! co*yrihted, !o you can re*rint an intere!tin
artic(e from another *a*er5 ItB! cu!tomary to indicate what *a*er
*rinted it fir!t, or new! !er;ice it wa! !ent out by5 Any underround
*a*er ha! *ermi!!ion to re*rint hun7! of thi! boo75Ad!9o!t *a*er! find
it nece!!ary to et !ome ad;erti!in to he(* defray the *roduction
co!t!5 Some re(y tota((y on !ub!cri*tionG !ome are outrowth! of
oraniHation! and !ti(( other! are *rinted u* and Eu!t handed out free5
The one! with ad! !eem to ha;e the (one!t (ife5 9a7e u* an ad rate
before you *ut out the fir!t i!!ue5 Ad! are mea!ured in inche! of
(enth5 The width i! under!tood by e;eryone to be the width of the
co(umn5 If you u!e the :PF co(umn, howe;er, youB(( want to (et
*otentia( ad;erti!er! 7now you ha;e wide co(umn!5The way to arri;e at a
rea!onab(e rate i! to e!timate the tota( budet for each i!!ue 'addin
!ome for o;erhead and (abor), then each *ae and fina((y each co(umn
inch5 After a (itt(e arithmetic you can et a ood e!timate of your
*rintin co!t *er inch5 1!in our fiure! throuhout thi! !ection, it
!hou(d come to about L#5@@ *er inch5 Doub(e thi! fiure and youB((
arri;e at the correct rate *er ad;erti!in inch$L<5@@5 There !hou(d be
!*ecia( (ower rate! for (are ad!, !uch a! ha(f or fu(( *ae!5 There
!hou(d a(!o be a !*ecia( arranement for a continuou! !ub!criber5 If
you ha;e a c(a!!ified !ection, another rate ba!ed on number of word! or
(ine! i! con!tructed5 A !er;ice chare i! fiAed if you ma7e u* the ad
(ayout rather than the ad;erti!er5 The who(e formu(a !hou(d be wor7ed
out and *rinted u* before you (ay out the fir!t i!!ue5The be!t *(ace to
et ad;erti!in i! (oca((y5 Theater!, hi* c(othin !tore!, ice cream
*ar(or!, and record !tore! are amon the ty*e of ad;erti!er! you !hou(d
a**roach5 After you bui(d u* a circu(ation, you miht want to !ee7 out
nationa( ad;erti!er!5 The 1nderround -re!! Syndicate, BoA #=, 3i((ae
Station, /ew ?or7, /? %@@%<, can be Eoined for L#&5@@, no due!
thereafter5 They try to et nationa( ad! for you in addition to !endin
out a new!(etter, a new! !er;ice, and ma7in !ure you et free
!ub!cri*tion! to the other underround *a*er!5 The 15-5S5 can a(!o do
many other thin! for you, (i7e (i!t you in their directory, obtain
(ea( ad;ice, and brin you toether with other underround *a*er! for
mutua( benefit and defen!e5 Another way to et nationa( ad;erti!in i!
to !ee who tend! to ad;erti!e in other underround *a*er!5 Send the
*ub(icity de*artment of the!e com*anie! (etter! and !am*(e! of your
*a*er5 /e;er (et ad! ma7e u* more than ha(f the *a*er5Di!tributionAt
the beinnin you !hou(d aim for a bi$wee7(y *a*er with a radua(
increa!e in the number of *ae!5 The *rice !hou(d be about #&U5 Chec7
out the (oca( (aw! about !e((in *a*er! on the !treet5 ItB! *robab(y
a((owed and i! a neat way to et the *a*er around5 2i;e ha(f to the
!treet haw7er!5 .e*re!entati;e! at hih !choo(! and co((ee! !hou(d be
!ouht out5 Boo7!tore! and new!!tand! are ood *(ace! to di!tribute5
After your *a*er et! oin we((, you miht try for nationa(
di!tribution5 The Co!me* /ew!(etter i! *ut out by the Committee of
Sma(( 9aaHine!, Editor! and -ub(i!her!, -O BoA %<#&, Buffa(o, /?
%<#%<5 In addition to ood ti*! if you want to !tart a !ma(( (iterary
maaHine or *ub(i!h your own boo7, they *ro;ide an u*$to$date (i!t of
!ma(( !tore! around the country that wou(d be (i7e(y to carry your
*a*er5 Sub!cri*tion! !hou(d be !ouht in the *a*er it!e(f5 If you et a
(ot, chec7 out !econd c(a!! mai(in *ri;i(ee!5 1-S can he(* with out$
of$city di!tribution5If youBre in a !ma((er town, you miht ha;e to
!ho* around or o to another city to et *rintin done5 9any *rinter!
*rint on(y *i !wi((, which brin! u* the *oint of ettin bu!ted for
ob!cenity which can be *retty common5 ?ou *robab(y !hou(d incor*orate,
but contact a !ym*athetic (awyer before you *ut out your fir!t i!!ue5
Durin the !ummer there are u!ua((y a few a(ternati;e media conference!
oraniHed by one rou* or another5 ?ou can *ic7 u* ;a(uab(e information
and eAchane idea! at the!e atherin!5 1-S and the new! !er;ice! wi((
7ee* you *o!ted5 2ood (uc7 and write on4
The u!ua( hih !choo( *a*er i! run by *u**et (ac7ey! of the
admini!tration5 It a;oid! contro;er!y, nauhty (anuae, and a ho!t of
other thin! forein to the <$H C(ub member! the !choo( i! determined
to ma!! *roduce5 The on(y thin the !taff i! ood at i! 7i!!in the
*rinci*a(B! a!!5 LetB! face it, the aim of a ood hih !choo( new!*a*er
!hou(d be to de!troy the hih !choo(5 -ub(i!hin and di!tributin a
hea;y *a*er i!nBt oin to earn you the Junior Chamber of Commerce ood
citiHen!hi* award5 ?ou miht ha;e to be a (itt(e my!teriou! about who
the !taff i! unti( you under!tand the round ru(e! and who contro(! the
ba((*ar7Vthe *eo*(e or the *rinci*a(59any !choo(! do not a((ow *a*er!
to be handed out on the !choo( *remi!e!5 The!e ca!e! are enera((y won
by the new!*a*er! that ta7e the !choo( to court5 ?ou can cha((ene the
ru(e and ma7e the admini!tration (oo7 (i7e the dino!aur! they are by
di!tributin !heet! of *a*er with on(y your (oo and the !choo( ru(e
*rinted5 By ainin out!ide *ub(icity for the fir!t di!tribution of the
*a*er, you miht *ut the admini!tration u* tiht about c(am*in down on
you5 It miht be difficu(t to eA*(ain in ci;ic! c(a!! when they et to
the freedom of the *re!! !tuff5 ?our *a*er !hou(d ha;e one *ur*o!e in
mindVto *i!! off the *rinci*a( and radica(iHe the !tudent!5 If you run
into *rob(em!, !ee7 out a !ym*athetic (awyer5 ?ou can et a he(*fu(
*am*h(et from the ACL1, %&= &th A;e5, /ew ?or7, /? %@@%@, ca((ed
Academic 0reedom in the Secondary Schoo(!F for #&U5Te(( your (awyer
about the mo!t recent 'Ju(y %@, %,"@) deci!ion of the 1nited State!
Di!trict Court in Connecticut which ru(ed that the hih !choo( !tudent!
of .i**owan Hih Schoo( in Stanford can *ub(i!h inde*endent new!*a*er!
without ha;in the content! !creened in ad;ance by !choo( officia(!5The
!ame info for underround *a*er! a**(ie! to hih !choo( ra!, on(y the
*rice !hou(d be much (e!! if not free5 To bein with, you miht Eu!t
mimeora*h the fir!t few i!!ue! before tryin *hoto$off!et *rintin5 It
i! ;ery im*ortant to et the reader! behind you in ca!e you ha;e to o
to war with the admini!tration in order to !ur;i;e5 9aintain
friend!hi*! with abo;e round re*orter!, the (oca( underround *a*er
and radica( community rou*! for a((iance!5
25I5 -A-E.S
A hea;ier !cene than e;en the hih !choo(! eAi!t! in /o$/o Land
of the mi(itary5 /one$the$(e!!, aain!t incredib(e odd!, couraeou!
25I5B! both here and o;er!ea! ha;e manaed to *ut out a number of
underround new!*a*er!5 If you are a 25I5 intere!ted in !tartin a
*a*er, the fir!t thin to do i! !ee7 out a few buddie! who !hare your
;iew! on the mi(itary and arrane a meetin, *referab(y off the ba!e5
Once you ha;e your rou* toether, ettin the *a*er *ub(i!hed wi(( be
no *rob(em5 Kee*in your !taff !ecret, you can ha;e one member contact
with !omeone from a 25I5 coffee hou!e, anti$war oraniHation or nearby
underround new!*a*er5 Thi! ci;i(ian contact *er!on wi(( be in a
*o!ition to rai!e the bread and arrane the *rintin and di!tribution
of the *a*er5 ?ou can write one of the nationa( 25I5 new!*a*er
oraniHation! (i!ted at the end of thi! !ection if you are unab(e to
find he(* (oca((y5 The *a*er !hou(d be *rinted off the ba!e5 2o;ernment
eCui*ment !hou(d be a;oided5Corre!*ondence and !ub!cri*tion! can be
!o(icited throuh the u!e of a *o!t office boA5 Such a boA i!
ineA*en!i;e and !ecret 'at (ea!t thatB! what the 25I5 *a*er! now
*ub(i!hin re*ort) from mi(itary !noo*er! u* tiht about bad *ub(icity
if they et cauht !*yin5 If you are mai(in the *a*er to other 25I5B!
u!e fir!t c(a!! mai( and a *(ain en;e(o*e5 Thi! i! ad;ice to anybody
!endin !tuff to a 25I5 The mai( i! hand(ed by F(ifer!F who wi(( re*ort
troub(ema7er! to their C5O5 'Commandin Officer) if they notice anti$
war !(oan! on en;e(o*e! or dirty commie ra! comin their way5?ouB((
want to *ub(i!h !tuff re(e;ant to the (i;e! of the 2II5B! on your ba!e5
/ew! of demon!tration!, artic(e! on the war, raci!m, counter$cu(ture
and ;ita( info on how to bu the hiher$u*! and et out of the mi(itary
!er;ice are a(( ood5 2et !am*(e! of other new!*a*er! a(ready in
o*eration to et the f(a;or of writin that ha! become
*o*u(ar5Di!tributin the *a*er i! rea((y more of a *rob(em than the
*ub(i!hin5 Here you run !mac7 into Catch ##, which !ay!, Fno *rinted
matter may be di!tributed on a mi(itary ba!e without *rior written
*ermi!!ion of the commandin officer5F /o !uch *ermit ha! been ranted
in mi(itary hi!tory5 A few court batt(e! ha;e had (imited !ucce!! and
you !hou(d o throuh the forma(ity of obtainin a *ermit5 Send the
fir!t i!!ue of the *a*er to your C5O5 with a co;er (etter !tatin where
and when you intend to di!tribute the *a*er on the ba!e5 In no *art of
the a**(ication !hou(d you (i!t your name!5 Ha;e a ci;i(ian, *referab(y
a ci;i( (ibertie! (awyer, !in the dec(aration of intent5 If more info
i! reCue!ted, o o;er it with the (awyer before re!*ondin, /atch,
theyBre oin to want to 7now who you are and where you et your bread,
but fuc7 Bem5 8hether or not you et a *ermit or ha;e a !ucce!!fu(
court batt(e i! *retty academic5 If the mi(itary *i! catch you handin
out an underround *a*er on the ba!e, youBre headed for troub(e5 1!e
ci;i(ian ;o(unteer! from your (oca( *eace rou* in a! many *ub(ic ro(e!
a! *o!!ib(e5 TheyB(( be (ad to he(* out5-rint and di!tribute a! many
co*ie! a! you can rather than concentratin on an eA*en!i;e(y *rinted
*a*er with numerou! *ae!5 The ;ery eAi!tence of the *a*er around the
ba!e i! the mo!t im*ortant info the *a*er can offer5 Lea;e !ome in me!!
ha((!, theater!, benche!, wa!hroom!, and other !uitab(e !*ot!5 Off ba!e
et the *a*er to !ym*athetic re*orter!, coffee hou!e!, co((ee! and the
(i7e5 Out!ide 15S5O5 center! and bu! termina(! are a ood *(ace to et
the *a*er out5 .e(y on donation!, !o you can ma7e the *a*er free5 2et
it toether5 Demand the riht to Eoin the army of your choice5 The
-eo*(eB! Army4 A! Joe Hi(( !aid in one of hi! !on!, F?e!, IB(( *ic7 u*
a un but I wonBt uarantee which way IB(( *oint it5F
A!ide from 1-S, which i! the a!!ociation of *a*er!, there are
fi;e new! !er;ice! that we 7now of that you miht be intere!ted in
!ub!cribin to for nationa( !torie!, *hoto!, *roduction idea!, new! of
other *a*er! and enera( mo;ement do*e5 L/S i! the be!t 7nown5 It !end!
out *ac7et! once a wee7 that inc(ude about thirty *ae! with oriina(
artic(e!, eye$witne!! re*ort!, re*rint! from forein *a*er! and
*hotora*h!5 They tend to be hea;i(y *o(itica( rather than cu(tura( and
;iew them!e(;e! a! mo(der! of ideo(oy rather than !trict(y a !er;ice
oraniHation of the underround *a*er!5 A !ub!cri*tion co!t! L%&5@@ *er
month, but if youBre Eu!t !tartin out they are ood about !(ow
*ayment! and !uch5?ou !hou(d et in the habit of !endin !*ecia(
artic(e!, in *articu(ar eye$witne!! account! of e;ent! that other
*a*er! miht u!e, to one or more of the new! !er;ice! for di!tribution5
If you hear of an im*ortant e;ent that you wou(d (i7e to co;er in your
new!*a*er, ca(( the *a*er in that area for a Cuic7 re*ort5 They miht
!end you *hoto! if you aree to reci*rocate5
6 LIBE.ATIO/ /E8S SE.3ICE$%=@ C(aremont A;e5, /ew ?or7, /5?5
%@@#" '#%#) "<,$##@@
6 COLLE2E -.ESS SE.3ICE$%"", Church St5, /8, 8a!hinton, D5C5
#@@:= '#@#) :>"$"&"&
6 CHICA/O -.ESS ASSOCIATIO/$La .aHa, BoA :%@@<, Lo! Ane(e!,
Ca(ifornia ,@@:%
6 25I5 -.ESS SE.3ICE$.m ,@", %@#, 3ermont A;e5, /8, 8a!hinton,
D5C5 #@@@&
6 0.EE .A/2E. I/TE.T.IBAL /E8S SE.3ICE$BoA #=, 3i((ae Station,
/5?5, /5?5 %@@%< '#%#) =,%$=,":
A com*(ete and u*$to$date (i!t of 25I5 underround *a*er! can be
obtained by writin to 25I5 -re!! Ser;ice, %@#, 3ermont A;e5, /8, .m
,@", 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@@@&5 25I5 A((iance *ro;ide! eAce((ent nationa(
new!(etter! with a(( !ort! of way! to fuc7 u* the Army5 8rite 25I5
A((iance, -O BoA ,@>", 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@@@:5 The *hone i! '#@#) &<<$
%=&<5 American Ser;icemanB! 1nion, %&= &th A;enue, /ew ?or7, /5?5,
%@@%@ wi(( a(!o he(*, a! we(( a! *ro;ide (ea( and medica( aid to
25I5B!5A com*(ete and u* to date (i!t of Chicano underround *a*er! can
be obtained by writin to Chicano -re!! A!!ociation, La .aHa, BoA
:%@@<, Lo! Ane(e!, Ca(ifornia ,@@:%5The ?oun Lord! OraniHation *a*er
-a(ante can be obtained by writin to ?oun Lord! -arty, 9ini!try of
0inance, %="> 9adi!on A;e5, /ew ?or7, /5?5 %@@#,5 ItB! L&5"& for #<
i!!ue!5The B(ac7 -anther -arty *a*er can be obtained by writin to
B(ac7 -anther -arty, 9ini!try of Information, BoA #,=", Cu!tom Hou!e,
San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5 ,<%#=5 ItB! L"5&@ for &# i!!ue!5
THE 1/DE.2.O1/D -.ESS
6 ALBIO/BS 3OICE, BoA ,@::, Sa;annah, 2a5 :%<@% L<Oyr5
6 A9AQI/2 2.ACE, #%# 85 Co((ee A;e5 Ta((aha!!ee, 0(a5 L=O#=
6 A/2.? CIT? -.ESS, %<@%= Orinoco A;e5, E5 C(e;e(and, Ohio <<%%#
6 A// A.BO. A.21S, "@> Arch St5, Ann Arbor, 9ich5 <>%@< L:Oyr5
6 AK1A.IA/ O.ACLE, >@@: Santa 9onica B(;d5, L5A5, Ca(if5 5&@Oi!!5
6 AK1A.IA/ TI9ES, ::% 0ore!t Acre! Shi**in Ctr5, Ea!(ey, S5C5
6 AK1A.IA/ 8EEKL?, #,# 9ain St5, Hac7en!ac7, /5J5
6 AST.AL -.OJECTIO/, BoA <:>:, A(buCuerCue, /5 9eA5 >"%@=
6 A121., #@" .an!om B(d5, %%& E5 %%th A;e5, Euene, Ore5 ,"<@%
6 BA.D OBSE.3E., BoA "=, Bard Co((ee, Annanda(e$on$the Hud!on,
/5?5 %#&@<
6 BE.KELE? BA.B, BoA %#<", Ber7e(ey, Ca(if5 ,<"%& L=Oyr5
6 BE.KELE? T.IBE, BoA ,@<,, Ber7e(ey, Ca(if5 ,<"@, L>O
6 BOTH SIDES /O8, %@:"@ St5 Auu!tine .d5, Jac7!on;i((e, 0(a5
:##%" L#O%# i!!5
6 B.OADSIDEO0.EE -.ESS, BoA =&, Cambride, 9a!!5 @#%:, L<5&@Oyr5
6 B1./I/2 .I3E. /E8S, %#@#" Euc(id A;e5, C(e;e(and, Ohio <<%%#
6 CHI/OOK, %<&# -enn!y(;ania St5, Den;er, Co(5, >@#@: L=O&@ i!!5
6 THE CLA9 CO991/IT? LIBE.ATO., BoA %:%@%, St5 -eter!bur, 0(a5
6 CO9E O1T, BoA ,#, 3i((ae Station, /ew ?or7, /5?5 %@@%<,
L=5&@O%# i!!5
6 CO1/T.? SE/SES, BoA <=&, 8oodbury, Conn5 @=",> L&Oyr5
6 C.EE9, :"#, Ca!! A;e5, Detroit, 9ich5 <>#@% L&O#< i!!5
6 DAILE? -LA/ET, Suite #$:&%< S5 DiAie Hwy5, Coconut 2ro;e, 0(a5
::%:: L&Oyr5
6 DALLAS /OTES, BoA "%<@, Da((a!, TeAa! "&#@, L&Oyr5
6 DI00E.E/T D.199E., BoA #=:>, Litt(e .oc7, Ar75 "##@: L#O%< i!!5
6 DISTA/T D.199E., <#@ South St5, -hi(ade(*hia, -a5 %,%<" L"Oyr5
6 DOO. TO LIBE.ATIO/, BoA #@##, San Dieo, Ca(if5 ,#%%# L<O#=
6 D8A.00, BoA #=, 3i((ae Station, /5?5, /5?5 %@@%<
6 EAST 3IL(A2E OTHE., #@ E5 %# St5, /5?5, /5?5 %@@@: L=Oyr5
6 EL 2.ITO DEL /O.TE, BoA <==, 0air;iew Station, E!*ano(a, /595
6 E?E O0 THE BEAST, BoA ,#%>, Tam*a, 0(a5 ::=@< 6 0E.A0E.IA, BoA
=,%, A(tadena, Ca(if5 ,%@@% L<O%: i!!5
6 0I0TH ESTATE, %%@" 85 8arren, Detroit, 9ich5 <>#@% L:5"&Oyr5
6 0IL99AKE.S /E8SLETTE., >@ 8oo!ter St5, /5?5, /5?5 %@@%#
6 0.EEDO9 /E8S, BoA %@>", .ichmond, Ca(if5 ,<>@% L#5&@O%# i!!5
6 0.EE S-A2HETTI DI//E., BoA ,><, Santa CruH, Ca(if5 ,&@=@ L<Oyr5
6 0.EE ?O1, %%" 1ni;er!ity A;e5, -a(o A(to, Ca(if5 ,<:@% L=Oyr5
6 01SIO/, ,@, Beacon St5, Bo!ton, 9a!!5 @##%& L&Oyr5 6 2EST, BoA
%@",, /orth(and Center, Southfie(d, 9ich5 <>@"& L#Oyr5
6 2.EAT S-ECKLED BI.D, BoA &<<,&, At(anta, 2a5 :@:@> L=Oyr5
6 2.EE/0EEL, Jm! 9adi!on Law In!t5, < -atchin -(5, /5?5, /5?5
6 21A.DIA/, :# 85 ## St5, /5?5 /5?5 %@@%@ 6 HAI2HT$ASHB1.?
T.IB1/E, %""> Haiht St5, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5 ,<%%" L%@Oyr5
6 HA..?, #:: Ea!t #&th St5, Ba(timore, 9d5, #%#%> L<Oyr5
6 I/DIA/A-OLIS 0.EE -.ESS, BoA ##&, Indiana*o(i!, Ind5 <=#@=
L&O#= i!!5
6 I/K1ISITIO/, BoA :>>#, Char(otte, /5C5 #>#@: L#O= i!!5
6 KALEIDOSCO-E, BoA &<&", 9i(wau7ee, 8i!c5 &:#%% L&O#= i!!5
6 K1DQ1, BoA ##&@#, Jac7!on, 9i!!5 :,#@& L<Oyr5
6 LAS 3E2AS 0.EE -.ESS, BoA %<@,=, La! 3ea!, /e;5 >,%%< L"Oyr5
6 LE0T 0ACE, BoA %&,&, Anni!ton, A(a5 :=#@%
6 LIBE.ATIO/, ::, Lafayette St5, /5?5 %@@%#
6 LIBE.ATIO/ /E8S SE.3ICE, %=@ C(aremont A;e5, /5?5 %@@#"
6 LIBE.ATO., BoA %%<", 9orantown, 85 3irinia #=&@&
6 LO/2BEACH 0.EE -.ESS, %#&& E5 %@, Lon Beach, Ca5 ,@>%: L=O#&
6 LOS A/2ELES 0.EE -.ESS, ">%: Be;er(y B(;d5, Lo! Ane(e!, Ca5
,@@:= L=Oyr5
6 9ADISO/ KALEIDOSCO-E, BoA >>%, 9adi!on, 8i!c5 &:"@% L&Oyr5
6 9A.IJ1A/A .E3IE8, Ca(if5 In!tit5 of Art!, "&@@ 2(enoa7! B(;d5,
Burban7, Ca(if5 ,%&@< 6 9E9-HIS .OOT, BoA <"<", 9em*hi!, Tenn5
:>%@< L:5&@Oyr5
6 9ET.O, ,@= 85 0ore!t, Detroit, 9ich5 <>#@# L<Oyr5
6 9ODE./ 1TO-IA/, -5@5 Drawer AG Diamond Ht!5 Sta5, S505, Ca5
,<%:% L<Oyr5
6 9OTHE. EA.TH /E8S, BoA :> 9adi!on, Ohio <<@&" L&Oyr
6 /E8S 0.O9 /O8HE.E, BoA &@%, De7a(b, I((5 =@%%& L&Oyr5
6 /E8 -.AI.IE -.I9E., BoA "#=, Cedar 0a((!, Iowa &@=%: L<O#@ i!!5
6 /E8 ?O.K HE.ALD T.IB1/E, %%@ St5 9ar7! -(ace, /5?5 L&O(ifetime
6 /OLA EJ-.ESS, BoA #:<#, /ew Or(ean!, La5 "@%%= L:Oyr5
6 /O.TH CA.OLI/A A/3IL, BoA %%<>, Durham, /5C5 #""@# L"5&@Oyr5
6 /O.TH8EST -ASSA2E, BoA %@&, 0airha;en Sta5, Be((inham, 8a!h5
,>##& L&Oyr5
6 OLD 9OLE, # Broo7(ine St5, Cambride, 9a!!5 @#%:, L&O#@ i!!5
6 O.ACLE O0 SA/ 0.A/CISCO, %"=< Haiht St5, San 0ranci!co, Ca5
6 OTHE. SCE/ES, BoA B, 3i((ae Station, /5?5 %@@%< L=Oyr5
6 OTHE. 3OICE, cOo 8hy /ot Inc5, BoA :%"&, Shre;e*ort, La5 "%%@:
6 -A-E. 8O.KSHO-, = He(ena A;e5, Larchmont, /5?5 %@&:> L<Oyr5
6 -EO-LES D.EAD/A12HT, BoA %@"%, Be(oit, 8i!c5
6 -HILADEL-HIA 0.EE -.ESS, BoA %,>=, -hi(ade(*hia, -a5 %,%@&
6 -.OTEA/ .ADISH, BoA #@#, Cha*e( Hi((, /5C5 #"&%< L>Oyr5
6 -.O3I/CIAL -.ESS, 9ada(a -rint Sho*, BoA %#"=, S*o7ane, 8a!h5
,,#%@ L&Oyr5
6 K1ICKSIL3E. TI9ES, %":= . St5, /585 8a!h5, D5C5 #@@@, L>Oyr5
6 .A2, #::@ 2uada(u*e, Au!tin, TeA5 ">"@& L"5&@Oyr5
6 .AT, #<% E5 %< St5, /5?5 %@@@, L=Oyr5
6 .EBI.TH, BoA "#,, -hoeniA, AriH5 >&@@%
6 .ISI/2 1- A/2.?, BoA :"<=, 9erchandi!e 9art, Chicao, I((5 =@=&<
6 .OOSE3ELT TO.CH, <:@ S5 9ichian A;e5, Chicao, I((5 =@=@&
6 SA/ DIE2O ST.EET JO1./AL, BoA %::#, San Dieo, Ca(if5 ,#%%#
6 SECO/D CIT?, cOo The 2ui(d, #%:= /5 Ha(!ted, Chicao, I((5 =@=%<
L=O#= i!!5
6 SECO/D CO9I/2, BoA <,% ?*!i(anti, 9ich5 <>%,"
6 SEED, ,&@ 85 8rihtwood, Chicao, I((5 =@=%< L=Oyr5
6 S-ACE CIT?, %#%" 8ichita, Hou!ton, TeA5 ""@@<
6 S-ECTATO., cOo S5 Indiana 9edia Cor*5, BoA %#%=, B(oominton,
Ind5 <"<@%
6 S1/DA/CE, %&#@ Hi((, Ann Arbor, mich5 <>%@< L:5&@Oyr5
6 1-.OA., << 8imb(eton Lane, 2reat /ec7, /5?5 %%@#:
6 3IE8 0.O9 THE BOTTO9, =:# State St5, /ew Ha;en, Conn5 @=&%@
L&O#@ i!!5
6 3O.TEJ, "@= 9a!! St5, Lawrence, Kan!a! ==@<< L&O#< i!!5
6 8AL.1S, BoA #:@", Sta5 A, Cham*ain, I((5 =%>#@
6 8ATE. T1//EL, BoA %:=, State Co((ee, -a5 %=>@% L:O?r5
6 8ILLIA9ETTE B.ID2E, = S8 =th, -ort(and, Ore5 ,"#@, L&O#= i!!5
6 8I/, ::, Lafayette St5, /5?5 %@@%# L&Oyr5
6 8O.KE.BS -O8E., %<%:% 8oodward A;e5, Hih(and -ar7, 9ich5 <>#@:
6 AK8ESAS/E /OTES, .oo!e;e(ton, /5?5 %:=>: 5&@Oi!!5
6 ALESTLE, cOo -au( 2orden, "<@< Tower La7e, A*t5 %D,
Edward!;i((e, I((5 =#@#&
6 ALLIA/CE 9A2AQI/E, BoA ##,, Athen!, Ohio <&"@% 6 ALL ?O1 CA/
EAT, .5-5O5 <,<,, /ew Brun!wic7, /5J5 @>,@: L:Oyr5
6 ALLTO2ETHE., <<#@> 9ontomery$:: -a(m De!ert, Ca(if5 L%@Oyr5
6 ALBIO/BS 3OICE, -5@5 BoA ,@::, Sa;annah, 2a5 :%<@% L<Oyr5
6 AK1A.IA/ HE.ALD, BoA >:, 3irinia Beach, 3a5 #:<&> 6 ATLA/TIS,
#@< OAford, Dayton, Ohio 6 BOTH SIDES /O8, %@:"@ St5 Auu!tine
.d5, Jac7!on;i((e, 0(a5 ::#%" L:5&@O%# i!!5
6 COLLECTI3E, =%< C(ar7 St5, E;an!ton, I((5 =@#@%
6 CO9E TO2ETHE., -5O5 BoA %=:, Encino, Ca(if5 ,%:%=
6 C.OSS.OADS, Hi(( Schoo(, -ott!town, -a5 %,<=< 6 DALLAS /E8S
'CO.-), -5@5 BoA "@%:, Da((a!, TeAa! "&#@, LO#< i!!5
6 THE D5C5 2AQETTE, %@, >th /5E5, 8a!hinton, D5C5 #@@@# L&Oyr5
6 ED2E CIT?, %%= Standart St5, Syracu!e, /5?5 %:#@% L:Oyr5
6 E3E.?8O9A/, =&%= 85 >: St5, Lo! Ane(e!, Ca(if5 ,@@<&
6 0AI. 8IT/ESS, -5@5 BoA "%=&, @a7(and Sta5, -itt!burh, -a5
6 0OJ 3ALLE? KALEIDOSCO-E, BoA #&#, O!h7o!h, 8i!c5 &<,@%
6 0.EE -.ESS O0 LO1IS3ILLE, %<:> S5 0ir!t St5, Loui!;i((e, Ky5
<@#@> L=Oyr5
6 HI2H 2A12E, BoA <<,%, 1ni;er!ity, A(a5 :&<>= L&O?r5
6 THE HI-S 3OICE, -5O5 BoA &%:#, Santa 0e, /5 9eAico >"&@% L&O#<
6 HO9E /E8S CO5, -5O5 BoA &#=:, 2rand Centra( Station, /5?5 %@@%"
6 H1/D.ED 0LO8E.S, BoA "%&#, 9innea*o(i!, 9inn5 &&<@" L,Oyr5
6 IT AI/BT 9E BABE, cOo 85L5 Office BoA =:#:, A(bany, Ca(if5 ,<"@=
6 LIBE.ATED 21A.DIA/, %< Coo*er SC5, /ew ?or7, /5?5 %@@@:
6 THE LO/2 ISLA/D 0.EE -.ESS, -5O5 BoA %=#, 8e!tbury, /5?5 %%&,@
L=O# yr5
6 /E8 TI9ES, BoA J, Tem*(e, AriH5 >&#>% L%@O&# i!!5
6 /OTES 0.O9 1/DE.2.O1/D, -5O5 BoA %&@>%, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5
6 O1. TO8/ 'COLLECTI3E), BoA =%%, Eau C(aire, 8i!c5
6 -ALA/TE ?L-, %="> 9adi!on A;e5, /ew ?or7, /5?5 6 -.OTOS, %%%@
/5 Edemont St5, Lo! Ane(e!, Ca(if5 ,@@#, L:Oyr5
6 -1.-LE BE..IES, <<, 8e!t Se;enth A;e5, Co(umbu! Ohio
6 .EA.21A.D, -5O5 BoA >%%&, 9obi(e, A(a5 :==@> L<Oyr5
6 THE S5S5 -E/TA/2LE, BoA <<#,, /ew Or(ean!, La5 "@%%> L<O#@ i!!5
6 ST5 LO1IS O1TLA8, BoA ,&@%, Cabanne Sta5, St5 Loui!, 9o5 =:%=%
6 S1SK1EHA//A B12LE., "@@ 9ar7et St5, 8i((iam!*ort, -a5 %""@%
6 TAST? CO9IJ, BoA #%%@%, 8a!h5, D5C5 #@@@,
6 THE TI9ES /O8, BoA ="=, Coconut 2ro;e, 0(a5 ::%::
6 T1SCO/ 0.EE -.ESS, BoA :<@:, Co((ee Sta5, Tu!con, AriH5
6 ALTE./ATE SOCIET?, %@ Thoma! St5, St5 Catharine!, Ont5
L:5&@O%# i!!5
6 CA.ILLO/, 1ni;5 of Sa!75 .eina Cam*u!, .eina, Sa!7atchewan
6 CHE3.O/, 1ni;er!ity of 8ater(oo, 8ater(oo, Ontario L>Oyr5
6 DI9E BA2, :&,# 1ni;er!ity St5, 9ontrea( %:@, Kue5
6 0O1.TH ESTATE, #< Brihton Ct5, 0redericton, /5B5
6 2EO.2IA ST.AI2HT, &=A -owe(( St5, 3ancou;er, <, B5C5 L,O&# i!!5
6 HA.BI/2E., BoA "&%, Stn 0, Toronto #>&, Ontario L<O#= i!!5
6 OCTO-1S, BoA %#&,, Station B, Ottawa, < L<5&@O#= i!!5
6 O9-HALOS, #",N 0ort St5 /o5 <, 8inni*e %, 9anitoba L&O#= i!!5
6 -.AI.IE 0I.EG 0O1.TH ESTATE, .eina Community 9edia -roEect,
#%@ /orthern Crown B(d5 .eina, Sa!75
6 S8EE/E?, %%, Thoma! St5, Oa7;i((e, Ontario L#5&@O%#
6 Euro*eO1-S, BoA :@<, >@#&, Qurich, SwitHer(and
6 0I0TH COL19/, %@@ /ew Ca;endi!h Street, London 8%, En(and
6 0.IE/DS, :@& -ortobe((o .d5, London 8%@, En(and
6 HA-T, 0(at L, <# 9oore A;e5, 85 Howe, Bournemouth, Ham*!hire,
En(and 6 HOLLA/D HA-T, Keier!!traat #a, Am!terdam,
6 HOTCHAI, -o!tfach :@<$CH >@#&, Qurich #&, SwitH5 L&Oyr5
6 I/TE./ATIO/AL TI9ES, #" Ende(( St5, London, 8C#, En5 L&Oyr5
6 KA.2ADOO., Oude 2racht := bi!5 1trecht, Ho((and
6 OE10, %< Ch de (a 9oeonne, %#,: Be((e;ue, 2ene;a SwitHer(and
6 O9, KaiHer!traat #A, %%et, Am!terdam, Ho((and, /eth5
6 O-S 3EDA, %= 8oodho(m .d5, Sheffie(d %%, En(and 6 OQ, &#
-rinceda(e .d5, London 8%%, En(and L=Oyr5
6 -EACE /E8S, & Ce(edonian .d5, Kin! Cro!!, London 8%, En5
6 -IA/ETA 0.ESCA, %< 3ie 9anHoni, 9i(ano, Ita(y #@%#% L%Oi!!5
6 K1I/TO LICEO, cOo Tomm!aco Brucco(eri, :, 9eadow -(ace,
London, En(and
6 .EAL 0.EE -.ESS, .un!traat :%, Am!terdam, /ether(and! L%O# i!!5
6 .ED 9OLE, %># -enton;i((e .d5, London /% En5 L&5&@Oyr5
6 .OTTE/, Hu!et, .eadhu!!traede %:, %<== Co*enhaen K5 Denmar7
6 C?CLO-S, :#5 St5 -eter!bur -(ace, London, 8#, En5 'ComiA)
6 2.ASS E?E, "% O!bourne .d5, Le;en!hu(me, 9anche!ter %,, En5
6 9OLE EJ-.ESS, %, /ew Brown St5, 9anche!ter <, En5
6 -A/222, 1*n$Si**en*re!!e, d$>&@@, /urnber Ko*erni7u!!tr5 <,
2ermany 6 -A.IA, cOo -oretti 3ia;a((e 9aia <%, ==@@ Locarno,
6 QI2QA2, ?eoman Cottae, /5 9ar!ton, Buc7!, En(andLATI/
6 ECO CO/TE9-O.A/EO, C5 Correo Centra( %,::, Bueno! Aire!,
Arentina5559ember!hi* (i!t tem*orari(y una;ai(ab(e5
A ood way to Cuic7(y communicate whatB! comin down in the
community i! to bui(d a te(e*hone tree5 It wor7! on a *yramid !y!tem5 A
!ma(( core of *eo*(e are re!*on!ib(e for *(acin fi;e ca((! each5 Each
*er!on on the (ine in turn ca((! fi;e *eo*(e and !o on5 If the !y!tem
i! *rearraned correct(y with adEu!tment! made if !ome *eo*(e donBt
an!wer the *hone, you can ha;e info tran!mitted to about a thou!and
*eo*(e in (e!! than an hour5 A !(ower but more *ermanent method i! to
!tart a Switchboard5 Ba!ica((y, a Switchboard i! a centra( te(e*hone
number or number! that anybody can ca(( niht or day to et
information5 It can be a! !o*hi!ticated a! the community can !u**ort5
The *eo*(e that aree to an!wer the *hone !hou(d ha;e a com*(ete
7now(ede of *(ace!, !er;ice! and e;ent! ha**enin in the community5
Kee* a com*(ete u*dated fi(e5 The San 0ranci!co Switchboard '!ee be(ow)
*ut! out an o*eratorB! manua( eA*(ainin the oraniHation and o*eration
of a !ucce!!fu( !witchboard5 They wi(( !end it out for %#U *o!tae5 San
0ranci!co ha! the (one!t and mo!t eAten!i;e Switchboard o*eration5
0rom time to time there are nationa( conference! with (oca(
!witchboard! !endin a re*5San 0ranci!co 6 THE S8ITCHBOA.D $ %>:@ 0e((
St5, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5 ,<%%" '<%&) :>"$:&"&
6 91SIC S8ITCHBOA.D $ %>#= 0e(( St5, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5 ,<%%"
'<%&) :>"$>@@>
6 9ISSIO/ S8ITCHBOA.D $ ><> %<th St5, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5 ,<%%@
'<%&) >=:$:@<@
6 CHI/ATO8/ EJCHA/2E $ %@<# 2rant A;e5, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5
,<%@> '<%&) <#%$@,<:
6 THE HEL- 1/IT $ >= :rd St5, San 0ranci!co, Ca(if5 ,<%@: '<%&)
6 8ESTE./ ADDITIO/ S8ITCHBOA.D $ 0e(( D 0i((more, San 0ranci!co,
Ca(if5 '<%&) =#=$>&#< Ca(ifornia
6 CHICO S8ITCHBOA.D $ %#@ 85 #nd St5, Chico, Ca(if5 ',%=) :<#$
6 EAST OAKLA/D S8ITCHBOA.D $ #>%# ":rd A;e5, Oa7(and, Ca(if5
6 9A.I/ 91SIC S8ITCHBOA.D $ %@%" FDF St5, San .afae(, Ca(if5
'<%&) <&"$#%@<
6 8EST OAKLA/D LE2AL S8ITCHBOA.D $ #"%: San -ab(o, Oa7(and,
Ca(if5 '<%&) >:=$:@%:
6 S8ITCHBOA.D O0 9A.I/ $ %@%" FDF St5, San .afae(, Ca(if5 '<%&)
6 BE.KELE? S8ITCHBOA.D $ #:>, Oreon, Ber7e(ey, Ca(if5 '<%&) &<,$
6 SA/TA C.1Q S8ITCHBOA.D $ =@< .i;er St5, Santa CruH, Ca(if5
'<@>) <#=$>&@@
6 -ALO ALTO JCHA/2E $ <&" Kin!(ey A;e5, -a(o A(to, Ca(if5 '<%&)
6 SA/ JOSE S8ITCHBOA.D $ &@ S5 <th St5, San Jo!e, Ca(if5 '<@>)
6 SA/TA BA.BA.A S8ITCHBOA.D $ =&"& Se;i((e, I!(a 3i!ta, Ca(if5
'>@&) ,=>$:&=<
6 E1.EKA S8ITCHBOA.D $ %<#" Ca(ifornia, Eure7a, Ca(if5 '"@") <<:$
>,@% D <<:$>:%%
6 1C DA3IS S8ITCHBOA.D $ 'on cam*u!), 1C Da;i!, Ca(if5 ',%=) "&#$
:<,&Other 8e!tern State! 6 T1./STILE $ %,@@ Emer!on, Den;er,
Co(orado ':@:) =#:$:<<&
6 BLACKHA8K I/0O.9ATIO/ CE/TE. $ =#> 8a(nut St5, 8ater(oo, Iowa
':%,) #:<$,,=&
6 TAOS S8ITCHBOA.D $ cOo 2en5 De(5, Tao!, /ew 9eAico '&@&) "&>$
6 -O.TLA/D S8ITCHBOA.D $ %#%= S8 Sa(mon, -ort(and, Oreon '&@:)
6 HO1STO/ S8ITCHBOA.D $ %@> San Jacinto, Hou!ton, TeAa! '"%:)
6 ?O1TH E9E.2E/C? SE.3ICE $ =#: Cedar A;e5 So5, 9innea*o(i!,
9inn5 '=%#) ::>$"&>> Ea!tern State!
6 -O8ELTO/ T.O1BLE CE/TE. $ ### /5 :&th St5, -hi(a5, -enna55
'#%&) :>#$=<"#
6 8ASHI/2TO/ D5C5 S8ITCHBOA.D $ ##@% - St5 /8, 8a!hinton, D5C5
'#@#) =="$<=><
6 9IA9I CE/TE. 0O. DIALO2 $ #%"& /8 #=th St5, 9iami, 0(a5 ':@&)
6 CA/TE.B1.? HO1SE $ ::@ 9aynard S, Ann Arbor, 9ichian ':%:)
6 THE LISTE/I/2 EA. $ &<" E5 2rand .i;er, Ea!t Lan!in, 9ichian
'&%") ::"$%"%"
6 THE ECSTATIC 19B.ELLA $ :>@@ 9c2ee Kan!a! City, 9i!!ouri '>%=)
6 O-E/ CIT? $ <"#= :rd St5, Detroit, 9ichian ':%:) >:%$#""@
6 S8ITCHBOA.D I/C5 $ %"## Summit St5, /umber =, Co(umbu!, Ohio
'=%<) #,<$=:">
6 HEL- $ cOo 9arby Bei(, %"@> E5 Lafayette, /umber &, 9i(wau7ee,
8i!con!in '<%<) #":$&,&, 6 1/ITED CH1.CH -.ESB?TE.IA/ $ %>% 9ount
Horeb .d5, 8arren, /5J5 '#@%) <=,$&@<<
6 BOSTO/ S8ITCHBOA.D $ <& Bowdoin St5, Bo!ton, 9a!!5 '=%") #<=$
6 -.OJECT -LACE $ :" .ut(and St5, Bo!ton, 9a!!5'=%")#="$&#>@
6 BE3E.L? S8ITCHBOA.D $ Be;er(y Ho!*ita(, Be;er(y, 9a!!5 '=%")
6 0I.ST CO/2.E2ATIO/AL CH1.CH O0 ACTO/ $ > Concord .d5, Acton,
9a!!5 '=%") #=:$:,<@
6 HAL0 8A? HO1SE $ #@ Linwood SC5, .oAbury, 9a!!5 '=%") <<#$"&,%
6 ACID $ %: Linden A;e5, 9a(den, 9a!!5 '=%") :<#$##%>
6 -.OJECT ASSIST $ ,<& 2reat -(ain A;e5, /eedham, 9a!!5 '=%")
<<<$%,@#D :
6 LEJI/2TO/ $ A.LI/2TO/ HOT LI/E $ %,%# 9a!!5 A;e5, LeAinton,
9a!!5 '=%") >=#$>%:@D%
6 CO991/IT? ?O1TH CO99ISSIO/ $ ,<& 2reat -(ain A;e5, /eedham,
9a!!5 '=%") <<<$%",&
6 HOT LI/E $ <#, Cherry St5, 8e!t /ewton, 9a!!5 '=%") ,=,$
&,@=Other Countrie!
6 BI/A.? I/0O.9ATIO/ T.A/S0E. $ %<% 8e!tbourne -ar7 .d5, London
8#, En(and5 A!7 o;er!ea! o*erator for London ###$>#%,
6 CA/ADIA/ S8ITCHBOA.D $ #># .ue Ste5 Catherine, 8e!t, 9ontrea(,
Kuebec, Canada '&%<) >==$#="#
0or a com*(ete and u*$to$date (i!t of !witchboard! and !imi(ar
*roEect! around the country, write to San 0ranci!co Switchboard5 They
need #& cent! to co;er *o!tae co!t!5
1nder 0CC Low -ower Tran!mi!!ion .eu(ation!, it i! (ea( to
broadca!t on the A9 band without e;en obtainin a (icen!e, if you
tran!mit with %@@ mi((iwatt! of *ower or (e!! on a free band !*ace that
doe!nBt interfere with a (icen!ed !tation5 ?ou are further a((owed u*
to a %#$foot antenna or the u!e of carrier$current tran!mi!!ion
'reu(ar e(ectric wa(( out(et!)5 1!in thi! (ea( !et$u*, you can
broadca!t from a # to #@ b(oc7 radiu! de*endin on how hih u* you can
(ocate your antenna and the den!ity of ta(( bui(din! in the
area5Carrier$current broadca!tin con!i!t! of *(uin the tran!mitter
into a reu(ar wa(( !oc7et5 It draw! *ower in the !ame way a! any other
e(ectrica( a**(iance, and feed! it! !ina( into the *ower (ine a((owin
the broadca!t to be heard on any A9 radio tuned into the o*eratin
freCuency5 The tran!mitter can be adEu!ted to different freCuencie!
unti( a c(ear band i! (ocated5 The !ina( wi(( tra;e( o;er the
e(ectrica( wirin unti( it hit! a tran!former where it wi(( be era!ed5
The troub(e with thi! method i! that in (are citie!, a(mo!t e;ery
(are office or a*artment bui(din ha! a tran!former5 ?ou !hou(d
eA*eriment with thi! method fir!t, but if you are in a city, chance!
are youB(( need an antenna ried u* on the roof5 Anythin o;er twe(;e
feet i! i((ea(, but *ractice ha! !hown that the 0CC wonBt ha!!(e you
if you donBt ha;e commercia(! and refrain from interferin with
(icen!ed broadca!t!5 There are !ome cat! in Connecticut broadca!tin
i((ea((y with a %@@$foot antenna o;er a thirty mi(e radiu! for hour!
on end and nobody i;e! them any troub(e5 /atura((y if you in!i!t u*on
u!in dirty (anuae, i!!uin ca((! to re;o(ution, broadca!tin bombin
information, interferin with abo;e round !tation! and becomin too
we(( 7nown, the 0CC i! oin to try and 7noc7 you out5 There are
*ena(tie! that ha;e ne;er been handed out of u* to a year in Eai(5 ItB!
*o!!ib(e you cou(d et hit with a con!*iracy ra*, which cou(d ma7e it a
fe(ony, but the o*inion of mo;ement (awyer! now i! a warnin if youBre
cauht once, and a *o!!ib(e fine with !tiffer *ena(tie! *o!!ib(e for
re*eater! that are cauht5If it et! rea((y hea;y, you cou(d !ti((
broadca!t for u* to %& minute! without bein *in$*ointed by the 0CC
!(euth!5 By (ocatin your eCui*ment in a *ane( truc7 and broadca!tin
from a fiAed roof antenna, you can ma7e it a(mo!t im*o!!ib(e for them
to catch you by chanin *o!ition!5There ha! been a ;ariety of
tran!mittin eCui*ment u!ed, and the mo!t effecti;e ha! been found to
be an A9 tran!mitter manufactured by
Low -ower Broadca!tin Co5, &#@ Linco(n Hihway,
0raHer, -enn5 %,:&&5
Ca(( Dic7 Crom*ton at '#%& /I <$<@,=5 The riht tran!mitter wi(( run
about L#@@5 If you *(an to u!e carrier$current tran!mi!!ion youB(( a(!o
need a ca*acitor that !e((! for L:@5 An antenna can be made out of
a(uminum tubin and antenna wirin a;ai(ab(e at any T3 radio !u**(y
!tore '!ee diaram)5 ?ouB(( a(!o need a ood micro*hone that you can
et for about L%@5 /atura((y, eCui*ment for hea;ier broadca!tin i!
a;ai(ab(e if a member of your rou* ha! a (icen!e or ood connection!
with !omeone who wor7! in a (are e(ectronic! !u**(y hou!e5 A(!o with a
ood 7now(ede in the area you can bui(d a tran!mitter for a fraction
of the *urcha!e *rice5 ?ou can a(way! em*(oy ta*e recorder!, turntab(e!
and other broadca!tin hardware de*endin on how much bread you ha;e,
how much !tuff you ha;e to hide 'i5e5, how (ea( your o*eration i!) and
the ty*e of broadca!tin you want to do5It i! *o!!ib(e to eAtend your
rane by !endin a !ina( o;er the te(e*hone (ine! to other
tran!mitter! which wi(( immediate(y rebroadca!t5 Se;era( area! in a
city cou(d be (in7ed toether and e;en from one city to another5
Theoretica((y, if enouh *eo*(e ri u* tran!mitter! and antenna! at
*ro*er (ocation! and e;eryone o*erate! on the !ame band, it i! *o!!ib(e
to bui(d a nation$wide *eo*(eB! networ7 that i! eCua((y theoretica((y
(ea(5Broadca!tin, it !hou(d be remembered, i! a one$way tran!mi!!ion
of information5 Communication! which a((ow you to tran!mit and recei;e
are i((ea( without a (icen!e 'ham radio)5
There are a number of out(aw radio *roEect! oin on around the
country5 Le!! freCuent, but Eu!t a! fea!ib(e, i! a *eo*(eB! te(e;i!ion
networ75 -re!ent(y there are three ba!ic ty*e! of T3 !y!tem!I
Broadca!t, which i! the !endin of !ina(! direct(y from a !tationB!
tran!mitter to home recei;er !et!G Cab(e, where the cab(e com*any
em*(oyee! eAtreme(y !en!iti;e antenna to *ic7 u* broadca!t
tran!mi!!ion! and re(ay them andOor they oriinate and !end themG and
third(y, C(o!ed Circuit T3, !uch a! the !ur;ei((ance camera! in
!u*ermar7et!, ban7! and a*artment hou!e (obbie!5The third !y!tem a!
u!ed by the *i! i! of (itt(e concern, un(e!! we are intere!ted in not
bein *hotora*hed5 The camera! can be tem*orari(y 7noc7ed out of
commi!!ion by f(a!hin a briht (iht 'f(a!hbu(b, ciarette (ihter,
etc5) direct(y in front of it! (en!5 0or our own *ur*o!e!, c(o!ed$
circuit T3 can be em*(oyed for broadca!tin ra((ie!, roc7 concert! or
teach$in! to other (ocation!5 The eCui*ment i! not that eA*en!i;e to
rent and ea!y to o*erate5 Ju!t contact the (are!t te(e;i!ion or
e(ectronic! !tore in your area and a!7 about it5 There are a(!o c(o!ed$
circuit and cab(e !y!tem! that wor7 in harmony to broadca!t !*ecia(
!how! to cam*u!e! and other in!titution!5 9any new !y!tem! are bein
de;e(o*ed and wi(( be in o*eration !oon5Cab(e !y!tem! a! !uch are in
u!e on(y in a re(ati;e(y few area!5 They can be ta**ed either at the
!ource or at any *oint a(on the cab(e by an enineer frea7 who 7now!
what to do5 The !ource i! the be!t !*ot, !ince a(( the am*(ification
and di!tribution eCui*ment of the !y!tem i! a;ai(ab(e at that *oint5
Ta**in a(on the cab(e it!e(f can be a (ot hairier, but more
fru!tratin for the com*any when they try to trace you down5Standard
broadca!tin that i! recei;ed on a(mo!t a(( (i;in room !et! wor7! on
an .0 'radio freCuency) !ina( !ent out on ;ariou! freCuencie! which
corre!*ond to the channe(! on the tuner5 In no area of the country are
a(( the!e channe(! u!ed5 Thi! rai!e! im*ortant *o(itica( Cue!tion! a!
to why *eo*(e do not ha;e the riht to broadca!t on unu!ed channe(!5 By
ettin ho(d of a T3 camera 'Sony and -ana!onic are the be!t for the
*rice) that ha! an .0 out*ut, you can !end *icture! to a T3 !et !im*(y
by *(acin the camera cab(e on or near the antenna of the recei;er !et5
8hen the !et i! o*eratin on the !ame channe( a! the camera, it wi((
!how what the camera !ee!5 1!ed ;ideo ta*e recorder! !uch a! the Sony
C3 !erie! that record and *(ay bac7 audio and ;ideo information are
becomin more a;ai(ab(e5 The!e too can be ea!i(y ada*ted to !end .0
!ina(! the !ame a! a (i;e camera58hether or not the *roram to be
broadca!ted i! (i;e or on ta*e, there are three !te*! to be ta7en in
order to e!tab(i!h a *eo*(eB! T3 networ75 0ir!t, you mu!t con;ert the
;ideo and audio !ina(! to an .0 freCuency modu(ated '09) !ina(
corre!*ondin to the de!ired broadca!t channe(5 8e !ue!t for
*o(itica( and technica( rea!on! that you *ic7 one of the unu!ed
channe(! in your area to bein eA*erimentin5 The commercia( !tation!
ha;e an eAtreme(y *owerfu( !ina( and can u!ua((y o;erride your !ma((
out*ut5 2i;en time and eA*erience you miht want to o into direct
com*etition with the bi boy! on their own channe(5 It i! entire(y
*o!!ib(e, !ay in a %@ to #@ b(oc7 radiu!, to interru*t a *re!identia(
*re!!$conference with more im*ortant new!5 E(ectronic com*anie!, !uch
a! Jerro(d E(ectronic! Cor*5, <th and 8a(nut St!5, -hi(ade(*hia, -a5,
ma7e eCui*ment that can .0 both ;ideo and audio information onto
!*ecific channe(!5 The de;ice youBd be intere!ted in i! ca((ed a cab(e
dri;er or .0 modu(ator5 8hen the !ina( i! in the .0 !tate, it i!
a(ready *o!!ib(e to broadca!t ;ery !hort di!tance!5 The !econd !te* i!
to am*(ify the !ina( !o it wi(( reach a! far a! *o!!ib(e5 A (inear
am*(ifier of the *ro*er freCuency i! reCuired for thi! Eob5 The
!troner the am*(ifier the farther and more *owerfu( the !ina(5 A %@$
watt Eob wi(( co;er a**roAimate(y & mi(e! '(ine of !iht) in area5
Linear am*(ifier! are not that ea!i(y a;ai(ab(e, but they can be
con!tructed with !ome e(ectrica( enineerin 7now(ede5 The third !te*
i! the antenna, which if the who(e !y!tem i! to be mobi(e to a;oid
detection, i! oin to in;o(;e !ome eA*erimentation and *o!!ib(e
camouf(ae5 Two thin! to 7ee* in mind about an antenna are that it
!hou(d be what i! technica((y referred to a! a Fdi$*o(eF antenna '!ee
diaram) and !ince T3 !ina(! tra;e( on (ine of !iht, it i! im*ortant
to *(ace the antenna a! hih a! *o!!ib(e5 A(thouh it ha!nBt been done
in *ractice, it certain(y i! *o!!ib(e to ref(ect *irate !ina(! off an
ma7e eCui*ment that can .0 both ;ideo and audio eAi!tin antenna of a
commercia( networ75 Thi! reCuire! a fu(( 7now(ede of broadca!tinG
howe;er, any amateur can ri u* an antenna, attach it to a he(ium
ba((oon and et it *(enty hih5 0or mo!t, the roof of a ta(( bui(din
wi(( !uffice5 If youBre rea((y u*tiht about your o*eration, the
antenna can be hidden with a fa7e cardboard chimney58e rea(iHe becomin
T3 uerri((a! i! not e;eryoneB! tri*, but a !ma(( band with a few rand
can indeed *u(( it off5 There are a (ot of technica( frea7! hanin
around recordin !tudio!, uitar !ho*!, hi$fi !tore! and enineerin
!choo(! that can be turned on to the *roEect5 By !howin them the
uide(ine! (aid out here, they can he(* you a!!emb(e and bui(d ;ariou!
com*onent! that are difficu(t to *urcha!e 'i5e5, the (inear am*(ifier)5
/atura((y, by bui(din !ome of the com*onent!, the co!t of the
o*eration i! 7e*t way down5 ECui*ment can be *urcha!ed in !e(ecti;e
e(ectronic! !tore!5 ?ouB(( need a camera, 3T., .0 modu(ator, (inear
am*(ifier and antenna5 A(!o a enerator, ;o(tae reu(ator and an
a(ternator if you want the !tation to be mobi(e5 One of the be!t
!ource! of information on both te(e;i!ion and radio broadca!tin i! the
.adio AmateurB! Handboo7 *ub(i!hed by the American .adio .e(ay Leaue,
/ewinton, Conn5 @==%% and a;ai(ab(e for L<5&@5 The handboo7 i;e! a
com*(ete cour!e in e(ectronic! and the (ate!t information on a((
techniCue! and eCui*ment re(ated to broadca!tin5 Bac7 i!!ue! ha;e ea!y
to read do$it$your!e(f T3 tran!mitter diaram! and in!truction!5 A(!o
a;ai(ab(e i! a *ub(ication ca((ed .adica( Software, *ut out by
.aindance Cor*5, #< E5 ##nd St5, /ew ?or7, /5?5, with the (ate!t info
on a(( ty*e! of a(ternati;e communication!5 2uerri((a T3 i! the
;anuard of the communication! re;o(ution, rather than the a;ant$arde
ce((o*hane (iht !how! and the wee7end conference!5 One *irate *icture
on the !et! in Ameri7aB! (i;in room! i! worth a thou!and wa!ted word!5
8ith the fundamenta(! in thi! fie(d ma!tered, you can ri u* a(( !ort!
of !hit5 Chea* twenty$do((ar ta*e recorder! can be *urcha!ed and
outfitted with a !erie! of !ma(( (oud$!*ea7er!5 Concea(ed in a !choo(
auditorium or other (are ha((, !uch a !y!tem can b(a!t out any me!!ae
or mu!ic you wi!h to *(ay5 The admini!tration wi(( o in!ane tryin to
(ocate the o*eration if it i! we(( hidden5 8e 7now two cat! who ried
a church with thi! ty*e of !etu* and a timin de;ice5 .iht in the
midd(e of the !ermon, on came .adio Hea;en and !aid !tuff (i7e FCome on
*reacher, thi! i! 2od, you donBt be(ie;e a(( that cra* now, do youMF It
made for an eAcitin Sunday !er;ice, a(( riht5 ?ou can bui(d a
miniature tran!mitter and with a !ma(( manet attach it to the
underbe((y of a *o(ice car to 7ee* trac7 of where itB! oin5 Thi!
wou(d on(y be *ractica( in a !ma(( town or on a cam*u! where there are
on(y a few !ecurity uard! or *atro( ;ehic(e!5 If you ried a !ma((
ta*e recorder to the tran!mitter and tuned it to a *o*u(ar A9 band, the
*atro( car a! it rode around cou(d actua((y broadca!t the uerri((a
me!!ae you *rerecorded5 8ou(dnBt they be !ur*ri!ed when they found out
how you did itM ?ou can et a FBum*er Bee*erF and recei;er that are
con!tructed by *rofe!!iona(! for u!e by *ri;ate detecti;e!5 The dua(
unit co!t! c(o!e to L<@@5 If youB;e ot that 7ind of bread, you can
write John Bomar, =>:> /o5 :rd A;e5, -hoeniA, AriHona >&@%: for a
cata(oue and (iterature5 E;en thouh there are (aw! o;ernin the area
of !nea7y !ur;ei((ance, te(e*hone ta*!, trac7in de;ice! and the (i7e,
a number of enter*ri!in firm! *roduce an unbe(ie;ab(e array of
e(ectronic hardware that a((ow! you to match Bi BrotherB! ear! and
eye!5 Suar cube tran!mitter!, tie c(a!* micro*hone!, *hone ta*!, ta*e
recorder! that wor7 in a ho((owed$out boo7 and other Bra;e /ew 8or(d
eCui*ment i! a;ai(ab(e from the fo((owin *(ace!5 Send for their
cata(oue! Eu!t to mar;e( at the (e;e( of techno(oy5 .5 B5 C(ifton,
%%&@ /8 "th A;e5, 9iami, 0(a5 ::%=>G E(ectro(ab Cor*5, Ban7 of
Stateboro Bui(din, Stateboro, 2a5 :@<&>G or Tracer In;e!tiati;e
-roduct!, Inc5, #&= 8orth5 A;e5, -a(m, Beach, 0(a5 ::<>#5By the way,
you can *ic7 u* .adio Hanoi on a !hort wa;e radio e;ery day from :I@@
to :I:@ -9 at %&@%: 7i(ocyc(e! on the %, meter band5
Demon!tration! a(way! wi(( be an im*ortant form of *rote!t5 The
!tructure can ;ary from a ra((y or teach$in to a ma!!i;e ci;i(
di!obedience !uch a! the confrontin of the warma7er! at the -entaon
or a !mo7e$in5 A demon!tration i! different from other form! of warfare
becau!e it in;ite! *eo*(e other than tho!e *(annin the action ;ia
*ub(icity to *artici*ate5 It a(!o i! ba!ica((y non$;io(ent in nature5 A
com*(ete under!tandin of the u!e of media i! nece!!ary to create the
*ub(icity needed to et the word out5 /umber! of *eo*(e are on(y one of
the many factor! in an effecti;e demon!tration5 The timin, choice of
taret and tactic! to be em*(oyed are eCua((y im*ortant5 There ha;e
been demon!tration! of <@@,@@@ that are hard(y remembered and
demon!tration! of a few doHen that were remar7ab(y effecti;e5 Often the
critica( e(ement in;o(;ed i! the theater5 Tho!e who !ay a demon!tration
!hou(d be concerned with education rather than theater donBt under!tand
either and wi(( ne;er oraniHe a !ucce!!fu( demon!tration, or for that
matter, a !ucce!!fu( re;o(ution5 -ub(icity inc(ude! e;erythin from
button! and (eaf(et! to *re!! conference!5 ?ou !hou(d be in touch with
the be!t arti!t! you can (ocate to de!in the ;i!ua( *ro*!5 -o!ter! can
be !i(7 !creened ;ery chea*(y and *eo*(e can be tauht to do it in a
;ery !hort time5 Button! ha;e to be *urcha!ed5 The chea*e!t are tho!e
*rinted direct(y on the meta(5 The *aint rub! off after a whi(e, but
they are idea( for ma!! demon!tration!5 ?ou can *rint %@,@@@ for about
L#&@5@@5 Leaf(et!, (i7e *o!ter!, !hou(d be we(( de!ined5 One way of
ettin *ub(icity i! to neotiate with the city for *ermit!5 Aain,
thi! rai!e! *o(itica( Cue!tion!, but there i! not doubt one rea!on for
enain in *ermit di!cu!!ion! i! for added *ub(icity5 The date, time
and *(ace of the demon!tration a(( ha;e to be cho!en with !7i((5 Know
the *roEected weather re*ort!5 -ic7 a time and day of the wee7 that are
con;enient to mo!t *eo*(e5 9a7e !ure the *(ace it!e(f add! !ome meanin
to the me!!ae5 DonBt ha;e a demon!tration Eu!t becau!e thatB! the way
itB! a(way! been done5 It i! on(y one ty*e of wea*on and !hou(d be u!ed
a! !uch5 On the other hand, donBt di!mi!! demon!tration! becau!e they
ha;e a(way! turned out borin5 ?ou and your rou* can *(an a
demon!tration within the demon!tration more accurate(y5 A(!o donBt tend
to di!mi!! demon!tration! outriht becau!e the re*re!!ion i! too reat5
Durin 8or(d 8ar II the Dane! he(d !treet demon!tration! aain!t the
/aHi! who occu*ied their country5 E;en today there are *ub(ic
demon!tration! aain!t the 3ietnam 8ar in downtown Saion5 .e*re!!ion
i! there, but o;ere!timatin it i! more a tactica( b(under than the
re;er!e5 /one the (e!!, itB! wi!e to o to a(( demon!tration! *re*ared
for a ;am*in by the *i!5
9o!t ;am*in i! accom*anied by c(ubbin, rouh !ho;in and drain,
a!!in and occa!iona( buc7!hot or rif(e fire5 The c(othin you wear
!hou(d offer you the be!t *rotection *o!!ib(e, yet be (iht weiht
enouh to a((ow you to be hih(y mobi(e5 CS and C/ are by far the mo!t
common(y em*(oyed tear a! di!*er!ib(e!5 Occa!iona((y they are combined
with *e**er a! to i;e better re!u(t!5 -e**er a! i! a ner;e irritant
that affect! eA*o!ed area! of the !7in5 C(othin that i! tiht fittin
and co;er! a! much of the body !urface a! *o!!ib(e i! ad;i!ab(e5 Thi!
a(!o offer! !ome *rotection if you are draed a(on the round5 2(o;e!
come in handy a! *rotection and if you want to *ic7 u* a! cani!ter!
and throw them bac7 at the *i! or chuc7 them throuh a !tore window5
?our !hoe! !hou(d be hih !nea7er! for runnin or boot! for 7ic7in5
Hi7in boot! !o(d in army !ur*(u! !tore! !er;e both *ur*o!e! and are
your be!t !e(ection for !treet action5 9en !hou(d wear a Eoc7 !tra* or
*rotecti;e cu*5 .ib uard! can be *urcha!ed for about L=5@@ at any
!*ortin ood! !tore5 Shou(der *ad! and (e *ad! are a(!o a;ai(ab(e,
but un(e!! you eA*ect hea;y fihtin and are u!ed to wearin thi!
c(um!y !treet armor, youB(( be better off without it5
E;eryone !hou(d ha;e a he(met5 ?our head !tic7! out abo;e the !warmin
crowd and dent! (i7e a tin can5 -rotect it4 The ty*e of he(met you et
de*end! on what you can afford and how often youB(( be u!in it5 The
chea*e!t he(met a;ai(ab(e i! a hea;y !tee( tan7 mode(5 Thi! one i! ood
becau!e it offer! ear *rotection and ha! a bui(t$in !u!*en!ion !y!tem
to ab!orb the b(ow5 It i! a(!o bu((et *roof5 ItB! di!ad;antae! are
that it on(y come! in (are !iHe! and i! the hea;ie!t thin youB(( e;er
ha;e on your head5 It co!t! about L:5@@5 0or L&5@@ you can et a Ci;i(
Defen!e he(met made for officer!5 ItB! much (ihter, but doe!nBt offer
*rotection for the ear!5 It ha! a ood !u!*en!ion !y!tem5 If you et
thi! mode(, *aint it a dar7 co(or before u!in it and youB(( be (e!!
con!*icuou!5 Our fa!hion con!u(tant! !ue!t anarchy b(ac75
Con!truction he(met! or Fhard hat!F run between L>5@@ and L%@5@@,
de*endin on the ty*e of !u!*en!ion !y!tem and materia( u!ed5 They are
ood for women becau!e they are eAtreme(y (ihtweiht5 The a(uminum
one! dent if !truc7 re*eated(y and the fiber(a!! ty*e can crac75 A(!o
they offer no ear *rotection5 If you *refer one of the!e you !hou(d
find a way to attach a chin or nec7 !tra* !o you wonBt (o!e it whi(e
you run5 If you et a hard hat, ma7e !ure you remo;e the hard head
before you ta7e it home5 -robab(y the a(($around ood dea( for the
money i! the !tandard 9$% Army i!!ue he(met5 The!e ;ary in Cua(ity and
*rice, de*endin on ae and condition5 They run from L#5@@ to L%@5@@5
9a7e !ure the one you et ha! a (iner with webbin that fit! we(( or i!
adEu!tab(e and ha! a chin !tra*5 Their main di!ad;antae i! that they
are bu(7y and hea;y5The !na**ie!t demon!trator! u!e the fami(iar
motorcyc(e cra!h he(met5 They are the hihe!t in *rice, runnin from
L%@5@@ to a! hih a! L<@5@@5 Bein made of fiber(a!!, they are
eAtreme(y (ihtweiht5 They ha;e a hea;y$duty !tra* bui(t in and they
can be otten to fit Cuite !nu(y around the head5 They offer eAce((ent
ear *rotection5 The foam rubber in!u(ation i! better than a webbin
!y!tem, and wi(( certain(y cu!hion mo!t b(ow!5 Bein made of
fiber(a!!, a few ha;e been 7nown to crac7 under re*eated b(ow!, but
that i! eAtreme(y rare5 9o!t come with *(a!tic face uard! that offer a
(itt(e added *rotection5 2et on(y tho!e with remo;ab(e one! !ince you
miht want to ma7e u!e of a a! ma!75
S7i o(e! or the face ;i!or on a cra!h he(met wi(( *rotect aain!t
9ace but wi(( offer no *rotection aain!t the chemica( warfare a!!e!
bein increa!in(y u!ed by *i! to di!*o!e crowd!5 0or thi! *rotection
youB(( need a a!ma!75 A(( the ma!7! di!cu!!ed i;e idea( *rotection
aain!t the a!!e! mentioned in the chart if u!ed *ro*er(y5 If you do
not ha;e a a! ma!7, you !hou(d at (ea!t et a !u**(y of !urica( ma!7!
from a ho!*ita( !u**(y !tore and a *(a!tic ba fi((ed with water and a
c(oth5 The fami(iar 8or(d 8ar II Army a! ma!7 with the fi(ter in a
(on no!e unit !e((! new 'which i! the on(y way a! ma!7! can be !o(d)
for about L&5@@5 It! di!ad;antae! are that it doe!nBt co;er the who(e
face, i! ea!y to rab and *u(( off and the aw7ward(y *(aced fi(ter
ma7e! runnin difficu(t5 The Officer Ci;i( Defen!e unit !e((! for the
!ame *rice and o;ercome! the di!ad;antae! of the 8or(d 8ar II Army
mode(5 9o!t /ationa( 2uard unit! u!e thi! ty*e of ma!75 It offer! fu((
face *rotection, i! (ihtweiht and the fi(ter cani!ter i! con;enient(y
(ocated5 A(!o the adEu!tab(e !tra*! ma7e for a nice tiht fit5 The
15S5A5 -rotecti;e 0ie(d Combat 9a!7 9,A% offer! the !ame ty*e
*rotection a! the OCD, but co!t! twice a! much5 It! ad;antae i! that
you can et new fi(ter cani!ter! when the chemica(! in the one you are
u!in become! ineffecti;e5 /ew fi(ter! co!t about L%5&@5 8hen you buy a
ma!7, be !ure and inCuire if the fi(ter ha! re*(acement!5 To et
maAimum efficiency out of a ma!7 it need! an acti;e chemica( fi(ter5
The 15S5 /a;y /D 9ar7 I3 9a!7 i! the mo!t effecti;e a! ma!7 a;ai(ab(e5
It ha! re*(aceab(e fi(ter cani!ter! and fit! !nu(y to the head5 It
co!t! about L%#5@@5 It! di!ad;antae i! it! dua( tube fi(ter !y!tem,
which i! !omewhat bu(7y5 0iA it !o the cani!ter re!t! on the bac7 of
your need!5 ItB! more difficu(t to rab and ea!ier to run5 8hen you et
your a! ma!7 home, try it out to et the fee(in of u!in it5 9a7e
!ure the fit i! ood and !nu5 -urcha!e an anti$fo c(oth for #& cent!
where you ot the ma!75 8i*e the in!ide of the eye *iece! before
wearin to *re;ent the (a!!e! from c(oudin5 Another ood rea!on for
wearin a ma!7 i! that it offer! anonymity5 He(met!, a! ma!7! and a
ho!t of other ;a(uab(e eCui*ment are a;ai(ab(e at any (are Army$/a;y
!ur*(u! !tore5 KaufmanB! Sur*(u! and Arm!, Inc5, =#: Broadway, /ew
?or7, /5?5 %@@%# i! ;ery we(( !toc7ed5 0or "& cent! you can et their
cata(oue and order throuh the mai(5 ItB! in /ew ?or7 thouh and
*robab(y more eA*en!i;e than a !tore in your (oca(e5 The !ur*(u! !tore!
buy from who(e!a(e di!tributor! them!e(;e!, who in turn buy direct(y
from the mi(itary5 If you 7now a !o(dier or !omeone who i! married to a
!o(dier, they ha;e acce!! to the -o!t Di!*en!ary or -J and can et a((
!ort! of !tuff at nothin *rice!5 0or #@ cent! you can et an
in;a(uab(e *am*h(et from the 2o;ernment -rintin Office ca((ed How to
Buy Sur*(u! -er!ona( -ro*erty5 It ha! a com*(ete (i!t of reiona(
!ur*(u! who(e!a(er!5 The c(o!e!t one in the /orthea!t i! the /a;a(
Su**(y Center, Bui(din =&#, 15S5 /a;a( Ba!e, -hi(ade(*hia, -a5 and in
/orthern Ca(ifornia, the /a;a( Su**(y Center, Bui(din &@#, Oa7(and,
Ca(ifornia5 ?ou can order by mai( or in *er!on and the *rice! are ;ery
(ow, e;en thouh it i!nBt a! ood a! the !tuff our brother! and !i!ter!
in the 3iet Con ri*$off5
?ou !hou(d a(way! o to a demon!tration in a !ma(( rou* that !tay! in
contact with each other unti( the demon!tration i! o;er5 One way to
7ee* in touch i! to u!e wa(7ie$ta(7ie!5 /o matter how hea;y the ;am*in
et! or how !*read out are the crowd!, youB(( be ab(e to communicate
with the!e (ihtweiht effecti;e *ortab(e de;ice!5 The on(y
di!ad;antae i! co!t5 A ha(f decent unit co!t! at (ea!t L%>5@@5 It
!hou(d ha;e a minimum of , tran!i!tor! and %@@ mi((iwatt!, a(thouh
wa(7ie$ta(7ie! can o a! hih a! & watt! and broadca!t o;er # mi(e!5
Anythin under % watt wi(( not broadca!t o;er N mi(e and con!iderab(y
(e!! in an area with ta(( bui(din!5 The be!t unit you can buy run!
about L:@@5@@5 If you e;er dec7 a *i, !tea( hi! wa(7ie$ta(7ie e;en
before you ta7e hi! un5 A ood ru(e i! to a;oid the barain y*$Eoint!
and o to a *(ace that dea(! in e(ectronic eCui*ment5 The im*ortant
thin to rea(iHe about a(( wa(7ie$ta(7ie networ7! i! that if anyone can
ta(7, anyone e(!e can (i!ten and ;ice ;er!a5 Thi! a**(ie! to *i! a!
we(( a! u!5 A(( wa(7ie$ta(7ie! wor7 on the Ci;i(ian Band which ha! #:
channe(!5 The chea*er unit! are *re!et to channe( , or %%5 The *i!
broadca!t on hiher channe(!, u!ua((y channe( ##5 9ore eA*en!i;e !et!
can o*erate on a(ternati;e channe(!5 By remo;in the front of the !et,
you can adEu!t the tran!mitter and recei;er to *ic7 u* and recei;e
*o(ice communication!5 DonBt !crew around with the in!ide thouh,
un(e!! you 7now what you are doin5 A((ied .adio, %@@ /5 8e!tern A;e5,
Chicao, I((inoi! =@=>@, wi(( !end you a ood free cata(oue, a! wi((
mo!t (are e(ectronic !tore!5 Con!ider buyin a number of !et! and a!7
about rou* di!count!5 -ractice a number of time! before you actua((y
u!e wa(7ie$ta(7ie! in rea( action5 De;e(o* code name! and word! Eu!t
(i7e the *i! do5 Once you et acCuainted with thi! method of
communication! in the !treet!, youB(( ne;er et cut off from the
action5 8atch out in c(o!e combat thouh5 The *i! a(way! try to !ma!h
any e(ectronic ear5
A !in can be u!ed to ward off b(ow!5 Sta*(e it to a ood !tron
*o(e that you can u!e a! a wea*on if need be5 Chain! ma7e ood be(t!,
a! do arri!on! with the buc7(e! !har*ened5 A tiht(y ro((ed$u*
maaHine or new!*a*er a(!o can be u!ed a! a defen!i;e wea*on5 Someone
in your rou* !hou(d carry a fir!t aid 7it5 A 9edica( Emerency
Aeronautic Kit, which co!t! about L&5@@ ha! a *erfect carryin ba for
!treet action5 Idea((y you !hou(d ;i!it the *ro*o!ed !ite of the
demon!tration before it actua((y ta7e! *(ace5 Thi! way youB(( ha;e an
idea of the terrain and the ty*e of containment the *o(ice wi(( be
u!in5 Someone in your rou* !hou(d mimeora*h a ma* of the immediate
;icinity which each *er!on !hou(d carry5 A(ternati;e action! and a
rendeH;ou! *oint !hou(d be wor7ed out5 E;eryone !hou(d ha;e two number!
written on their arm, a coordination center number and the number of a
(oca( (awyer or (ea( defen!e committee5 ?ou !hou(d not ta7e your
*er!ona( *hone boo7! to demon!tration!5 If you et bu!ted, *i! can et
mihty /o!y when it come! to *hone boo7!5 Any !har* obEect! can be
con!trued a! wea*on!5 8omen !hou(d not wear earrin! or other Eewe(ry
and !hou(d tie their hair u* to tuc7 it under a he(met5 8ear a be(t
that you can u!e a! a tourniCuet5 0a(!e teeth and contact (en!e! !hou(d
be (eft at home if *o!!ib(e5 ?ou can cho7e on fa(!e teeth if you
recei;e a !har* b(ow whi(e runnin5 Contact (en!e! can com*(icate eye
damae if a! or 9ace i! u!ed5 If it rea((y (oo7! hea;y, you miht want
to *ic7 u* on a (ihtweiht adEu!tab(e bu((et$*roof ;e!t, a;ai(ab(e for
L%<5,& from Sur*(u! Di!tributor!, Inc5, =#", 3an /uy! B(;d5, 3an /uy!,
Ca(ifornia ,%<@%5 .emember what the Boy Scout! !ay when they o
cam*inI FBe -re*aredF5 8hen you o to demon!tration! you !hou(d be
*re*ared for a (ot more than !*eeche!5 The *i! wi(( be5
E;er !ince the Chicao *i! bruta(iHed the demon!trator! in Auu!t of
%,=>, youn *eo*(e ha;e been read to ;ent their rae o;er Ameri7aB!
inhumanity by u!in more darin tactic! than ba!ic demon!tration!5
There i! a rowin wi((inne!! to do batt(e with the *i! in the
!treet! and at the !ame time to inf(ict *ro*erty damae5 ItB! not
eAact(y riotin and itB! not eAact(y uerri((a warfareG it ha! come to
be ca((ed FTra!hin5F 9o!t tra!hin i! of a *rimiti;e nature with the
*i! ha;in the wea*on and !tratey ad;antae5 9o!t tra!her! re(y on
Cuic7 youn (e! and a nearby roc75 By de;e(o*in !im*(e an !tratey
and becomin acCuainted with !ome rudimentary wea*on! and combat
techniCue!, the odd! can be !hifted con!iderab(y5 .emember, *i! ha;e
!ma(( brain! and mo;e !(ow(y5 A(( formation!, !ina(!, code! and other
*rocedure! they u!e ha;e to be uniform and !im*(i!tic5 The Army -(an
for Containment and Contro( of Ci;i( Di!order!, *ub(i!hed by the
2o;ernment -rintin Office, contain! the ba!ic thin7in for a(( city,
county and !tate !torm troo*er!5 A tri* to the (ibrary and a (oo7 at
any ba!ic teAt in crimino(oy wi(( he(* con!iderab(y in ainin an
under!tandin of how *i! act in the !treet5 If you !tudy u*, youB((
find you can, with the aid of a bu((horn or *ro*er(y adEu!ted wa(7ie$
ta(7ie, fuc7 u* many intricate *i formation!5 FLeft f(an7$riht turn4F
!aid authoritati;e(y into a bu((horn *ointed in the riht direction
wi(( yie(d a(( !ort! of wi(d re!u(t!5 ?ou !hou(d tra!h with a rou*
u!in a buddy !y!tem to 7ee* trac7 of each other5 If !omeone i! cauht
by a *i, other !hou(d immediate(y ru!h to the re!cue if itB! *o!!ib(e
to do !o without !u!tainin too many (o!!e!5 If an arre!t i! made,
!omeone from your an !hou(d ta7e re!*on!ibi(ity for !eein to it that
a (awyer and bai( bread are ta7en care of5 /e;er abandon a member of
your an5 A;oid fihtin in c(o!e Cuarter!5 ?ou run (e!! ri!7 by
throwin an obEect than by *er!ona((y de(i;erin the b(ow with a wea*on
you ho(d in your hand5 8e !u**o!e thi! i! what *i! refer to a! Fduty
fihtin5F A(( re;o(utionarie! fiht dirt in the eye! of the
o**re!!or!5 The Briti!h accu!ed the 9inutemen of LeAinton and Concord
of fihtin dirty by hidin behind tree!5 The 15S5 Army accu!e! the
3iet Con of fihtin dirty when they rub a *ointed bamboo !hoot in
infected !hit and u!e it a! a (and mine5 9ayor Da(ey !ay! the ?i**ie!
!Cuirted hair !*ray and u!ed o(f ba((! with !*i7e! in them aain!t hi!
innocent b(ue boy!5 /o one e;er accu!ed the 15S5 of bein !nea7y for
u!in an airforce in Southea!t A!ia or the I((inoi! State AttorneyB!
office of fihtin dirty when it murdered 0red Ham*ton and 9ar7 C(ar7
whi(e they (ay in bed5 8e !ayI a(( *ower to the dirty fihter!4
S*ray Can!
The!e are a ;ery effecti;e and educatin method of *ro*erty
de!truction5 If a (iberated Hone ha! been e!tab(i!hed or you find
your!e(f on a Cuiet !treet away from the thic7 of thin!, *retty u* the
neihborhood5 S(oan! and !ymbo(! can be !*rayed on rouh !urface! !uch
a! bric7 or concrete wa((! that are a rea( bitch to remo;e un(e!!
eA*en!i;e !andb(a!tin i! u!ed5
The S(in!hot
Thi! i! *robab(y the idea( !treet wea*on for the !warm! of (itt(e
Da;id! that are out to down the 2o(iath! of -idom5 It i! chea*, (ea(
to carry, !i(ent, fa!t$(oadin and any riht !iHe roc7 wi(( do for a
mi!!i(e5 ?ou can find them at hobby !ho*! and (are !*ortin ood!
!tore!, e!*ecia((y tho!e that dea( in huntin !u**(ie!5 8ri!t$.oc7et
ma7e! a *owerfu( and accurate !(in!hot for L#5&@5 The 8hamo S*ort!man
i! not a! ood but ha(f the *rice5 By !e(ectin the riht F?F !ha*ed
branch, you can fa!hion a home$made one by u!in a !tri* of rubber cut
from the inner tube of a tue a! the !(in5 A few hour! of !hootin
!tone! at can! in the bac7 yard or u* on the roof wi(( ma7e you
mar7!man enouh for tho!e fat ban7 window! and e;en fatter *i!5
A !(in i! a home$made wea*on con!i!tin of two (enth! of hea;y$duty
cord each attached !ecure(y at one end to a (eather *atch that !er;e!
a! a *oc7et to crad(e the roc75 -(ace the roc7 in the *ouch and rab
the two *iece! of cord firm(y in your hand5 8hir( the roc7 round and
round unti( ra;ity ho(d! it firm(y in the *ouch5 8hen you fee( you
ha;e thin! under contro(, (et one end of the cord o and the roc7 wi((
f(y out at an incredib(e !*eed5 ?ou !hou(d a;oid u!in the !(in in a
thic7 crowd 'roofto* !hootin i! be!t)5 -ractice i! definite(y needed
to ain any deree of accuracy5
The boomeran i! a neat wea*on for !treet fihtin and i! a! ea!y to
ma!ter a! the 0ri!bee5 There i! a reat *!ycho(oica( effect in u!in
eAotic wea*on! !uch a! thi!5 ?ou can buy one at (are hobby !tore!5 On
the Ea!t Coa!t you can et one from S*ort!craft, Berenfie(d, /ew
Jer!ey, for L#5=,, and on the 8e!t Coa!t from 8hamo, >:& E( 9onte St5,
San 2abrie(, Ca(if5, for L%5%@50(a!h 2un!E(ectric battery$o*erated
f(a!h un! are a;ai(ab(e that wi(( b(ind a *ower$craHy *i, thu!
di!tractin him (on enouh to re!cue a ca*tured comrade5 Chec7 out
cam*in and boatin !u**(y !tore!5
Tear 2a! and 9ace
-er!ona(iHed tear a! and mace di!*en!er! are a;ai(ab(e for !e(f$
defen!e aain!t muer!5 8e((, i!nBt a *i Eu!t an eAtra ;iciou!
muerM 8rite J5-5 Darby, >>%: /ew Hyde -ar7, /ew ?or7, /5?5 %%@<@ for
a ;ariety of ty*e! and *rice!5 Tear a! !he((! are a;ai(ab(e for %#
aue !hotun! and 5:> S*ecia( handun!, but it i! hih(y inad;i!ab(e
to brin un! to !treet action!5 A far better wea*on i! a !*ecia((y
bui(t *roEection de;ice that !hoot! tear a! !he((!5 Hercu(e! 2a!$
9unition! Cor*5, &&@% /o5 Broadway, Chicao, I((5, !e((! com*act unit!
com*(ete with cartride! for L=5,& that wi(( fire u* to #@ feet5
-enuin A!!ociate!, Inc5, -enn!y(;ania A;enue, 9a(;ern, -enn5, a(!o ha!
a ;ariety of tear$a! *ro*e((ant de;ice! inc(udin a combination tear
a!$bi((yc(ub item5 A(( the!e com*anie! wi(( !u**(y a cata(oue and
*rice (i!t on reCue!t5 Some !tate! ha;e (aw! aain!t ci;i(ian u!e of
tear a! de;ice!5 /ew ?or7 i! one of them, and unfortunate(y the!e
com*anie! wi(( not !hi* to !tate! that forbid u!ae5 If you want any of
the!e item!, and your !tate ha! re!triction!, ha;e a !i!ter or brother
in a neihborin !tate order for you5 Ju!t (atchin onto the!e
cata(oue! can be a tri* and a ha(f in term! of ettin your
imaination ho**in5 0or eAam*(e .aid, B(ac7 0(a and other
in!ecticide! !hoot a " to %@ foot !tream that burn! the eye!5 ?ou can
a(!o di!!o(;e Drano in water and !Cuirt it from an ordinary *(a!tic
water *i!to(5 That ma7e! a hih(y effecti;e defen!i;e wea*on5 A *hony
(etterhead of a Ci;i( Defen!e unit wi(( he(* in ettin hea;ier anti$
*er!ona( wea*on! of a defen!i;e nature5
8ea*on! DonBt be(ie;e a(( tho!e bu((!hit tire ad! that ma7e tire! !eem
(i7e the Su*erman of the !treet!5 .oofin nai(! !*read out on the
!treet are effecti;e in !to**in a *atro( car5 A nai( !tic7in out from
a !tron *iece of wood weded under a rear tire wi(( wor7 a!
effecti;e(y a! a baHoo7a5 An ice *ic7 wi(( do the tric7 re*eated(y but
youB;e ot to ha;e a !tron arm to !tri7e home5 Suar in the a! tan7
of a *i ;ehic(e wi(( rea((y fuc7$u* the enine5
Authentic -i 2ame
If you rea((y et into it, youB(( *robab(y want to be !d hea;i(y
*re*ared for tra!hin a! are the *i!5 8ou(dnBt you Eu!t 7now that the
(are!t !u**(ier of eCui*ment to *o(ice in the wor(d i! in Chicao5
Ka(eB!, &&@ 85 .oo!e;e(t .d5, Chicao, I((5 =@=@", wi(( !end you, on
reCue!t, the mo!t com*(ete cata(oue you can et for tra!hin5 Actua(
*o(ice uniform!, !u*er$riot he(met!, *er!uader! chemica( mace, a
7nuc7(e !a*, which i! a (o;e with *owdered (ead, bi((y c(ub!, !ecret
ho(!ter!, a three$in$one mob !tic7 that !*it! 9ace, emit! an e(ectric
!hoc7 and a((ow! you to c(ub to death a charin rhinocero!5 ?ou can
a(!o et the (ate!t in handcuff! and other !ecurity de;ice!5 Thi!
cata(oue i! a mu!t for the (o;e$chi(d of the "@B!5 If we want to et
hih weBre oin to ha;e to fiht our way u*5
K/I0E 0I2HTI/2
-robab(y one of the mo!t fa;ored !treet wea*on! of a(( time i!
the ood o(d F!hi;,F Fb(ade,F Ftoe$EabberF or whate;er you choo!e to
ca(( a ood !tic7er5 .ememberin that todayB! *i i! tomorrowB! bacon,
itB! ood to 7now a few handy !(icin ti*!5 The fir!t thin to (earn i!
the (oca( (aw! reardin the *o!!e!!ion of 7ni;e!5 The (aw! on
*o!!e!!ion are of the FCatch$##F ;auene!!5 Co*! can arre!t you for
ha;in a !ma(( *oc7et 7nife and c(aim you ha;e a concea(ed and dead(y
wea*on in your *o!!e!!ion5 Here, a! in mo!t ca!e! of (aw, itB! not what
you are doin, itB! whoB! doin the what that count!5 A(( area!,
howe;er, u!ua((y ha;e a (imit on (enth !uch a! b(ade! under <F or =F
are (ea( and anythin o;er that (enth concea(ed on a *er!on can be
con!idered i((ea(5 A!7in !ome hi* (awyer! can he(* here5
1nfortunate(y, the be!t fihtin 7ni;e! are i((ea(5 Switchb(ade! 'and
!ti(etto!) becau!e they can !o Cuic7(y !*rin into o*eration, are reat
wea*on! that are out(awed in a(( !tate!5 If you want to ri!7 the
con!eCuence!, howe;er, you can readi(y *urcha!e the!e wea*on! once you
(earn how to contact the crimina( underwor(d or in mo!t forein
countrie!5 If both of the!e fai(, o to any *awn!ho*, (oo7 in the
window, and ta7e our choice of (etha(, i((ea( 7ni;e!5 A f(at ra;ity
7nife, a;ai(ab(e in mo!t army !ur*(u! and *awn !ho*! wou(d be the be!t
ty*e a;ai(ab(e in reu(ar o;er$the$counter buyin5 ItB! f(at !ty(e
ma7e! for ea!y concea(ment and comfort when 7e*t in a *oc7et or boot5
It can be rea!ed and the rear Fhee(F of the b(ade can be fi(ed down to
ma7e it f(y o*en with a f(ic7 of the wri!t5 A (itt(e *ractice here wi((
be ;ery u!efu(5 9o!t ineA*erienced 7nife fihter! u!e a b(ade
incorrect(y5 Ha;in !een too many Jim Bowie! !(a!h their way throuh
wa((! of human f(e!h, they *er!i!t in carryin on thi! inane tradition5
O;erhead and u**ercut !(a!he! are a wa!te of enery and b(ade *ower5
The correct method i! to ho(d the 7nife in a natura(, firm ri* and Eab
!traiht ahead at wai!t (e;e( with the arm eAtendin fu(( (enth each
time5 Thi! fencin !ty(e a((ow! for the maAimum reach of arm and b(ade5
By concentratin the *oint of the 7nife direct(y at the taret, you
ma7e defen!e aain!t !uch an attac7 difficu(t5 8or7 out with thi!
Eabbin method in front of a mirror and in a few day! youB(( et it
down *retty we((5
LetB! face it, when it come! to tra!hin in the !treet!, our
!ucce!! i! oin to de*end on our cunnin and !*eed rather than our
!trenth and *ower5 Our !ide i! a(( Cuarterbac7!, and the *i! ha;e
nothin but (inemen5 They are c(um!y, !(obbi!h brute! that wou(d be
(o!t without their un!, c(ub! and toy whi!t(e!5 8hen one rab! you for
an arre!t, you can with a (itt(e effort, ma7e him (et o5 In the
confu!ion of a(( the !treet action, you wi(( then be ab(e to manae
your etaway5 There are a ;ariety of defen!i;e twi!t! and *u((! that
are ea!y to ma!ter by readin a ood, ea!i(y under!tandab(e boo7 on the
!ubEect, !uch a! 2eore HunterB! How To Defend ?our!e(f '!ee a**endiA)5
If a *i rab! you by the wri!t you can brea7 the ri* by twi!tin
aain!t hi! thumb5 Try thi! on your!e(f by rabbin one wri!t with your
hand5 See how difficu(t it i! to ho(d !omeone who wor7! aain!t the
thumb5 If he rab! you around the wai!t or nec7, you can rab hi!
thumb! or another finer and !har*(y bend it bac7ward!5 By
concentratin a(( your enery on one (itt(e finer, you can inf(ict
*ain and cau!e the ri* to be bro7en5 There are a ;ariety of *oint! on
the body where a firm amount of *re!!ure !7i((fu((y directed wi((
induce !e;ere *ain5 A ri*, for eAam*(e, can be bro7en by Eabbin your
finer firm(y between the *iB! 7nuc7(e!5 '/othin (i7e cho**ed
*i7nuc7(e!5) 0ee( direct(y under your chin in bac7 of the Eawbone
unti( your finer re!t! in the 3 area, *re!! firm(y u*ward and bac7ward
toward! the center of the head5 There i! a(!o a ;ery ;u(nerab(e !*ot
riht behind the ear (obe5 Stic7 your finer! there and !ee5 2et the
*oint4In addition to *re!!ure *oint!, there are *(ace! in the body
where a !har*, we(($directed whac7 with the !ide of a riid(y he(d *a(m
can ea!i(y di!ab(e a *er!on5 -erformed by an eA*ert, !uch a b(ow can
e;en be (etha(5 Try ma7in !uch a riid *a(m and *ractice the!e Eudo
cho*!5 The fi!t i! a ridicu(ou! wea*on to u!e5 ItB! f(e!hy, the b(ow i!
di!tributed o;er too wide an area to ha;e any rea( effect and the
7nuc7(e! brea7 ea!i(y5 ?ou wi(( ha;e to train your!e(f to u!e Eudo
cho*! in!tincti;e(y, but it wi(( *ro;e Cuite worthwhi(e if you are e;er
in troub(e5 A ood *(ace to aim for i! direct(y in the center of the
che!t ca;ity at it! (owe!t *oint5 Draw a !traiht (ine u* about !iA
inche! !tartin from your be((y button, and you can fee( the *oint5 The
AdamB! A**(e in the center of the nec7 and the bac7 of the nec7 at the
to* of the !*ina( co(umn are a(!o eAtreme(y ;u(nerab(e !*ot!5 8ith the
!ide of your *a(m, *re!! firm(y the !*ot direct(y be(ow your no!e and
abo;e your u**er (i*5 ?ou can ea!i(y et an idea of what a !hort,
forcefu( cho* in thi! area wou(d do5 The !ide of the head in front of
the ear i! a(!o a ood *(ace to aim your b(ow5 In addition to Eab!,
cho*!, twi!t!, !CueeHe! and bite!, you ouht to ain !ome ma!tery of
7neein and 7ic7in5 If you are bein he(d in c(o!e and facin the
*or7er, the o(d fami(iar 7nee$in$the$nut! wi(( *roduce remar7ab(e
re!u(t!5 A feintin motion with the head before the 7nee i! de(i;ered
wi(( *roduce a ref(eAi;e reaction from your o**onent that wi(( (ea;e
hi! roin tota((y un*rotected5 Ouch4 8hether he ha! you from the front
or the bac7, he i! (itt(e *re*ared to defend aain!t a !7i((fu((y aimed
7ic75 The be!t way i! to forcefu((y !cra*e the !ide of your !hoe
downward a(on the !hinbone, beinnin Eu!t be(ow the 7nee and endin
with a hard !tom* on the in!te* of the foot5 Ju!t try thi! with the
!ide of your hand and you wi(( et an idea of the damae you can
inf(ict with thi! !cra*e and !tom* method5 Another ood *(ace to 7ic7
and often the on(y !*ot acce!!ib(e i! the !ide of the 7nee5 E;en a ha(f
!ucce!!fu( b(ow here wi(( to**(e the bie!t of hon7er!5 Any of the!e
ea!y to (earn techniCue! of unarmed !e(f defen!e wi(( fu(fi(( the o(d
nur!ery rhyme that oe!I Catch a *iy by the toe
8hen he ho((er! Let him o Out *o*! ?$@$1
2E/E.AL ST.ATE2? .A-
The uide(ine in tra!hin i! to try and do a! much *ro*erty
de!truction a! *o!!ib(e without ettin cauht or hurt5 The be!t
bui(din! to tra!h in term! of not a(ienatin too many of tho!e not yet
c(ued into re;o(utionary ;io(ence, are the mo!t *iy !ymbo(! of
;io(ence you can find5 Ban7!, (are cor*oration!, e!*ecia((y tho!e that
*artici*ate hea;i(y in !u**ortin the 15S5 armed force!, federa(
bui(din!, courthou!e!, *o(ice !tation!, and Se(ecti;e Ser;ice center!
are a(( ood taret!5 On cam*u!e!, bui(din! that are noted for warfare
re!earch and .OTC trainin are be!t5 8hen it come! to automobi(e!,
choo!e on(y *o(ice ;ehic(e! and ;ery eA*en!i;e car! !uch a!
Lamborhini! and I!o 2rifo!5 E;ery roc7 or mo(oto; coc7tai( thrown
!hou(d ma7e a ;ery ob;iou! *o(itica( *oint5 .andom ;io(ence *roduce!
random *ro*aanda re!u(t!5 8hy wa!te e;en a roc7M 8hen you 7now there
i! oin to be a rouh !treet !cene de;e(o*in, donBt *(ay into the
*iB! !tratey5 S*read the action out5 He(* wa!te the enemyB! number!5
?ou and the other member! of your rou* !hou(d a(ready ha;e a taret or
two in mind that wi(( ma7e for ea!y tra!hin5 If you donBt ha;e one,
!ettin fire! in tra!h can! and rinin fire a(arm! wi(( he(* *ro;ide a
co;er for other team! that do ha;e obEecti;e! *ic7ed out5 -uttin out
!treet (iht! with roc7! a(!o he(*! the enera( infu!ion5 After a few
trie! at tra!hin, youB(( bein to o;ercome your fear!, (earn what to
eA*ect from both the *i! and your comrade!, and de;e(o* your own
!treet !tratey5 /othin wor7! (i7e *ractice in actua( !treet
condition!5 2et your head toether and youB(( become a *ro5 DonBt ma7e
the ba!ic mi!ta7e of Eu!t nai;e(y f(oatin into the area5 DonBt thin7
Fra((yF or Fdemon!tration,F thin7 F8A.F and FBatt(e Qone5F Kee* your
eye! and ear! o*en5 8atch for mi!ta7e! made by member! of your an and
tho!e made by other comrade!5 8atch for b(under! by the *o(ice5 In
!treet fihtin, e;ery !o(dier !hou(d thin7 (i7e a enera(5 8or7!ho*!
!hou(d be oraniHed riht after an action to di!cu!! the !trenth and
wea7ne!!e! of techniCue! and !trateie! u!ed5 A;oid *o(itica( bu((!hit
at !uch ra*!5 .eard them a! mi(itary !e!!ion!5 -er!on! not ;er!ed in
the tactic! of re;o(ution u!ua((y ha;e nothin worthwhi(e to !ay about
the *o(itic! of re;o(ution5
-eo*(eB! Chemi!try
?ou can *urcha!e buteric acid at any chemica( !u**(y !tore for
F(aboratory eA*eriment!5F It can be thrown or *oured direct(y in an
area you thin7 a(ready !tin7!5 A !ma(( bott(e can be (eft unca**ed
behind a door that o*en! into the taret room5 8hen a *er!on enter!
they wi(( 7noc7 o;er the bott(e, !*i((in the (iCuid5 Ca((ed a
F0roine!,F by tho!e in the 7now, an ounce of buteric acid can o a (on
way5 Be carefu( not to et it on your c(othin5 A home$made !tin7 bomb
can be made by miAin a batch of e white!, Drano, '!odium hydroAide)
and water5 Let the miAture !it for a few day! in a ca**ed bott(e before
Sometime! it become! !trateica((y correct to confu!e the
o**o!ition and *ro;ide a !mo7e !creen to aid an e!ca*e5 A rea( home$
made !tro7e bomb can be made by combinin four *art! !uar to !iA *art!
!a(t*eter 'a;ai(ab(e at a(( chemica( !u**(y !tore!)5 Thi! miAture mu!t
then be heated o;er a ;ery (ow f(ame5 It wi(( b(end into a *(a!tic
!ub!tance5 8hen thi! !tart! to e(, remo;e from the heat and a((ow the
*(a!tic to coo(5 Embed a few wooden match head! into the ma!! whi(e
itB! !ti(( *(iab(e and attach a fu!e5RThe !mo7e bomb it!e(f i! a non$
eA*(o!i;e and non$f(ame$*roducin, !o no eAtreme !afety reCuirement!
are needed5 About a *ound of the *(a!tic wi(( *roduce thic7 enouh
!mo7e to fi(( a city b(oc75 Ju!t ma7e !ure you 7now which way the wind
i! b(owin5 8eathermen$women4 If youBre not the dome!tic ty*e, you can
order !mo7e f(are! 'ye((ow or b(ac7) for L#5@@ a f(are W%# inchX from
Time SCuare Stae Lihtin Co5, :%> 8e!t <"th Street, /ew ?or7, /?
%@@:=5R?ou can ma7e a ood homemade fu!e by di**in a !trin in (ue
and then ro((in it (iht(y in un*owder5 8hen the (ue harden!, wra*
the !trin tiht(y and neat(y with !cotch ta*e5 Thi! fu!e can be u!ed
in a ;ariety of way!5 8eiht it on one end and dro* a roc7 into the
tan7 of a *i ;ehic(e5 Liht the other end and run (i7e he((5
CB8LACE 'Ly!eric Acid Cry*to$Ethe(ene) can be made by miAin LSD with
D9SO, a hih *enetratin aent, and water5 S*rayed from an atomiHer or
!Cuirted from a water *i!to(, the *ur*(e (iCuid wi(( !end any *i
twir(in into the /e;er$/e;er Land of chromo!ome damae5 It *roduce! an
in;o(untary *e(;ic action in co*! that re!emb(e! fuc7in5 .emember when
9ace run! out, turn to Lace5How about coatin thin dart! in LSD and
!hootin them from a Dai!y Air -e((et 2unM 2un! and dart! are a;ai(ab(e
at hobby and !*ort! !ho*!5 Shar*enin the otherwi!e du(( dart! wi((
he(* in turnin on your *rey5
9o(oto; coc7tai(! are a c(a!!ic !treet fihtin wea*on !er;ed u*
around the wor(d5 If youB;e ne;er made one, you !hou(d try it the neAt
time you are in !ome out$of$the$way barren *(ace Eu!t to wi*e the fear
out of your mind and 7now that it wor7!5 0i(( a thin$wa((ed bott(e ha(f
fu(( with a!o(ine5 Brea7 u* a !ection of !tyrofoam 'cu*! made of thi!
!ub!tance wor7 fine) and (et it !it in the a!o(ine for a few day!5 The
miAture !hou(d be !(u!hy and a(mo!t fi(( the bott(e5 The !tyrofoam
!*read! the f(ame! around and reu(ate! the burnin5 The miAture ha!
near(y the !ame *ro*ertie! a! na*a(m5 Soa* f(a7e! 'not deterent!) can
be !ub!tituted for !tyrofoam5 .ubber cement and !terno a(!o wor75 In a
*inch, *(ain a!o(ine wi(( do nice(y, but it burn! ;ery fa!t5 A
a!o(ine$7ero!ene miAture i! *referred by !ome fo(7!5 Throwin,
a(thouh by far not the !afe!t method, i! !ometime! nece!!ary5 The
c(a!!ic techniCue of !tuffin a ra in the nec7 of a bott(e, (ihtin
and to!!in i! foo(i!h5 Often a! fume! e!ca*e from the bott(e and the
miAture inite! too !oon, endanerin the thrower5 If youBre into
throwin, the fo((owin i! a much !afer methodI Once the miAture i!
*re*ared and in!ide the bott(e, ca* it tiht(y u!in the oriina( ca*
or a !uitab(e cor75 Then wa!h the bott(e off with rubbin a(coho( and
wi*e it c(ean5 Ju!t before you (ea;e to !tri7e a taret, ta7e a !tri*
of ra or a tam*aA and di* it in a!o(ine5 8ra* thi! fu!e in a !ma((
*(a!tic baie and attach the who(e thin to the nec7 of the ca**ed
bott(e with the aid of !e;era( rubber band!5 8hen you are ready to
to!!, u!e a (ihter to inite the baie5 -a(( bac7 your arm and f(in
it a! !oon a! the tam*aA catche! fire5 Thi! i! a ;ery !afe method if
fo((owed to the (etter5 The bott(e mu!t brea7 to inite5 Be !ure to
throw it with !ome force aain!t a hard !urface5/atura((y, an e;en
!afer method i! to *(ace the firebomb in a !tationary *o!ition and ri
u* a timin fu!e5 Ca* tiht(y and wi*e with a(coho( a! before5 The
a(coho( wi*e not on(y i! a !afety factor, but it e(iminate! te(($ta(e
finer*rint! in ca!e the 9o(oto; doe!nBt inite5 /eAt, attach an a!hcan
fire crac7er '9$>@) or a cherry bomb to the !ide of the bott(e u!in
e*oAy (ue5 A fancier way i! to *unch a ho(e in the ca* and *u(( the
fu!e of the cherry bomb u* throuh the ho(e before you !ea( the bott(e5
A dab of e*oAy wi(( ho(d the fu!e in *(ace and in!ure the !ea(5 A
firecrac7er fu!e inite! Cuic7(y !o !omethin wi(( ha;e to be ried
that wi(( dea( the action enouh to ma7e a c(ean etaway5 8hen the
firebomb i! *(aced where you want it, (iht u* a non$fi(ter cancerette5
Ta7e a few *uff! 'bein !ure not to inha(e the ;i(e fume!) to et it
oin and wor7 the un(ihted end o;er the fu!e of the firecrac7er5 Thi!
wi(( *ro;ide a de(ay of from & to %& minute!5 To u!e thi! ty*e of fu!e
!ucce!!fu((y, there mu!t be enouh air in the ;icinity !o the f(ame
wonBt o out5 A !tron wind wou(d not be ood either5 8hen the
cancerette burn! down, it !et! off the firecrac7er which in turn
eA*(ode! and inite! the miAture5 The f(ame! !hoot out in the direction
o**o!ite to where you attach the firecrac7er, thu! a((owin you to aim
the firebomb at the mo!t f(ammab(e materia(5 8ith the firecrac7er in
the ca*, the f(ame! !*read downward in a ha(o5 The cancerette fu!e can
a(!o be u!ed with a boo7 of matche! to inite a *oo( of a!o(ine or a
tra!h can5 Stic7 the un(ihted end behind the row of match head! and
c(o!e the co;er5 A firecrac7er attached to a a((on Eu of red *aint
and !et off can turn an office into tota( ab!tract art5 Commercia(
fu!e! are a;ai(ab(e in many hobby !tore!5 Dynamite fu!e! are eAce((ent
and !o(d in mo!t rura( hardware !tore!5 A ood way to ma7e a homemade
fu!e i! de!cribed abo;e under the Smo7e Bomb !ection5 By addin an
eAtra few feet of fu!e to the de;ice and then attachin the (it
cancerette fu!e, you add an eAtra mea!ure of caution5 It i! mo!t
im*ortant to te!t e;ery ty*e of fu!e de;ice you *(an to u!e a number of
time! before the actua( hit5 Some eA*erimentation wi(( a((ow you to
!tandardiHe the re!u(t!5 If you rea((y want to et the Eob done riht
and ha;e the time, *(ace !e;era( mo(oto; coc7tai(! in a rou* and ri
two with fu!e! 'in ca!e one oe! out)5 8hen one oe!, they a((
One of the !im*(e!t bomb! to ma7e i! the con;erted !terno can5 It
wi(( *ro;ide !ome ban and a wide(y di!*er!ed !*ray of Ee((ied fire5
.emo;e the (id from a !tandard, commercia((y *urcha!ed can and *unch a
ho(d in the center bi enouh for the firecrac7er fu!e5 Ta7e a (are
!*oonfu( of Ee((y out of the center to ma7e room for the firecrac7er5
In!ert the firecrac7er and *u(( the fu!e u* throuh the ho(e in the
(id5 8hen in *(ace, cement around the ho(e with e*oAy (ue5 -ut !ome
more (ue around the rim of the can and re!ea( the (id5 8i*e the can
and wa!h off eAce!! with rubbin a(coho(5 A cancerette fu!e !hou(d be
u!ed5 The can cou(d a(!o be ta*ed around a bott(e with 9o(oto; miAture
and inited5
?ou can *urcha!e !mo7e(e!! un*owder at mo!t !tore! where un!
and ammunition are !o(d5 It i! u!ed for re(oadin bu((et!5 The bac7 of
!hotun !he((! can be o*ened and the *owder remo;ed5 B(ac7 *owder i!
more hih(y eA*(o!i;e but more difficu(t to come by5 A raduate chemi!t
can ma7e or et a(( youB(( need5 If you 7now one that can be tru!ted,
o o;er a (ot of !hit with him5 Try turnin him on to (earnin how to
ma7e F*(a!tic!F which are ab!o(ute(y the roo;ie!t eA*(o!i;e a;ai(ab(e5
The idea( urban uerri((a wea*on! are the!e eA*(o!i;e *(a!tic
com*ound!5 The neat homemade bomb that rea((y *ac7! a wa((o* can be
made from a reu(ar aero!o( can that i! em*ty5 .emo;e the noHH(e and
*unch in the ni**(e area on the to* of the can5 8a!h the can out with
rubbin a(coho( and (et dry5 0i(( it ent(y and (o;in(y with an
eA*(o!i;e *owder5 Add a (ayer of cotton to the to* and in!ert a cherry
bomb fu!e5 1!e e*oAy (ue to ho(d the fu!e in *(ace and !ea( the can5
The can !hou(d be wi*ed c(ean with rubbin a(coho(5 Another !afety hint
to remember i! ne;er !tore the *owder and your fu!e! or other inition
materia( toether5 -owder !hou(d a(way! be treated with a hea(thy
amount of re!*ect5 /o !mo7in !hou(d o on in the a!!emb(in area and
no !tri7in of hard meta(! that miht *roduce a !*ar75 1!e your head
and youB(( et to 7ee* it5
-erha*! the mo!t wide(y u!ed homemade concu!!ion bomb! are tho!e
made out of *i*e5 -erfected by 2eore 9ete!7y, the re7nown /ew ?or7 9ad
Bomber, they are dead(y, !afe, ea!y to a!!emb(e, and !ma(( enouh to
tran!*ort in your *oc7et5 ?ou want a !tandard !tee( *i*e 'two inche! in
diameter i! a ood !iHe) that i! threaded on both end! !o you can ca*
it5 The (enth you u!e de*end! on how bi an eA*(o!ion i! de!ired5
SiHe! between :$%@ inche! in (enth ha;e been !ucce!!fu((y em*(oyed5
9a7e !ure both ca*! !crew on tiht(y before you in!ert the *owder5 The
ba!ic idea to remember i! that a bomb i! !im*(y a hot fire burnin ;ery
ra*id(y in a tiht(y confined !*ace5 The ra*id(y eA*andin a!e! bur!t
aain!t the wa((! of the bomb5 If they are tra**ed in a tiht(y !ea(ed
iron *i*e, when they fina((y brea7 out, they do !o with incredib(e
force5 If the bomb it!e(f i! *(aced in a !omewhat enc(o!ed area (i7e a
;enti(ation !haft, doorway or a((eyway, it wi(( in turn con;ert thi!
(arer area into a FbombF and increa!e the o;er$a(( eA*(o!ion
immen!e(y5 8hen you ha;e the riht *i*e and both ca*! !e(ected, dri(( a
ho(e in the !ide of the *i*e 'before *owder i! in!erted) bi enouh to
*u(( the fu!e throuh5 If you are u!in a firecrac7er fu!e, in!ert the
firecrac7er, *u(( the fu!e throuh and e*oAy it into *(ace !ecure(y5 If
you are u!in (on fu!in either with a detonator 'difficu(t to come
by) timin de;ice or a !im*(e cancerette fu!e, dri(( two ho(e! and run
two (ine! of fu!e into the *i*e5 8hen you ha;e the fu!e ried to the
*i*e, you are ready to add the *owder5 Ca*e one end !nu(y, ma7in !ure
you ha;enBt tra**ed any rain! of *owder in the thread!5 8i*e the
de;ice with rubbin a(coho( and youBre ready to b(a!t off5 A ood
inno;ation i! to rind down one ha(f of the *i*e before you in!ert the
*owder5 Thi! ma7e! the wa((! of one end thinner than the wa((! of the
other end5 8hen you *(ace the bomb, the eA*(o!ion, fo((owin the (ine
of (ea!t re!i!tance, wi(( head in that direction5 ?ou can do thi! with
ordinary rindin too(! a;ai(ab(e in any hardware or machine !ho*5 Be
!ure not to ha;e the *owder around when you are rindin the *i*e,
!ince !*ar7! are *roduced5 8ood!toc7 /ation contain! in!truction! for
more *i*e bomb! and a neat timin de;ice '!ee *ae! %%&$%%")5
Thi! !ection i! not meant to be a handboo7 on eA*(o!i;e!5 Anyone
who wi!he! to become an eA*ert in the fie(d can *rocure a number of
eAce((ent boo7! on the !ubEect cata(oued in the A**endiA5 In bombin,
a! in tra!hin, the !ame enera( !tratey in reard to the !e(ection of
taret! a**(ie!5 /e;er u!e anti$*er!onne( !hra*ne( bomb!5 A(way! be
carefu( in *(acin the de;ice! to 7ee* them away from (a!! window! and
a! far away from the front of the bui(din a! *o!!ib(e5 Direct them
away from any area in which there miht be *eo*(e5 So*hi!ticated
e(ectric timer! !hou(d be u!ed on(y by eA*ert! in demo(ition!5 O*erate
in the wee hour! of the niht and be carefu( that you donBt inEure a
niht watchman or uard5 Te(e*hone in warnin! before the bomb oe!
off5 The *o(ice record a(( ca((! to emerency number! and occa!iona((y
*eo*(e ha;e been traced down by the u!e of a ;oice$o$ra*h5 The be!t
way to a;oid detection i! by *(acin a hue wad of chewed u* um on the
roof of your mouth before you ta(75 1!in a c(oth o;er the *hone i! not
ood enouh to a;oid detection5 Be a! brief a! *o!!ib(e and a(way! u!e
a *ay *hone5 8hen you et boo7! from com*anie! or (ibrarie! dea(in
with eA*(o!i;e! or uerri((a warfare, u!e a *hony name and addre!!5
A(way! do thi! if you obtain chemica(! from a chemica( !u**(y hou!e5
The!e *(ace! are bein increa!in(y watched by the 05B5I5 Store your
materia( and (iterature in a !afe coo( *(ace and abo;e a((, 7ee* your
bi mouth !hut4 0ir!t Aid 0or Street 0ihter! 8ithout intendin to
!*oo7 you, we thin7 it i! becomin increa!in(y im*ortant for a! many
*eo*(e a! *o!!ib(e to de;e(o* ba!ic fir!t aid !7i((!5 A! re;o(utionary
!tru(e inten!ifie!, !o wi(( the number and !e;erity of inEurie!
increa!e5 .e(iance on e!tab(i!hment medica( faci(itie! wi(( become
ri!7y5 Ho!*ita(! that border on FriotF area! are u!ed by *o(ice to
a**rehend !u!*ect!5 A(( ;io(ence$induced inEurie! treated by
e!tab(i!hment doctor! miht be re*orted5 Knife and un!hot wound! in
a(( !tate! by (aw mu!t be immediate(y *honed in for in;e!tiation5 At
time! a ;ictim ha! no choice but to run !uch ri!7!5 If you can, u!e a
*hony name, but e;eryone !hou(d 7now the (ocation of !ym*athetic
doctor!5 Chao! re!u(tin from the a!!in, c(ubbin and !hootin
a!!ociated with a *o(ice riot a(!o ma7e! *er!ona( fir!t aid im*ortant5
9o!t demon!tration! ha;e medica( team! that run with the *eo*(e and
!taff mobi(e unit!, but often the!e become the taret of a!!au(t by the
more ;iciou! *i!5 A(!o, in the confu!ion, there i! u!ua((y too much
wor7 for the medica( team!5 E;eryone mu!t ta7e re!*on!ibi(ity for
e;eryone e(!e if we are to !ur;i;e in the !treet!5 If you !*ot !omeone
(yin uncon!ciou! or bad(y inEured, ta7e it u*on your!e(f to he(* the
;ictim5 Immediate(y rai!e your arm or wa;e your /ation f(a and !hout
for a medic5 If the *er!on i! bad(y hurt, it i! be!t not to mo;e him,
or her, but if there i! the ri!7 of more harm or the area i! bad(y
a!!ed, the ;ictim !hou(d be mo;ed to !afety5 Try to be a! ent(e a!
*o!!ib(e5 2et !ome *eo*(e to he(* you5
?our attitude in dea(in with an inEured *er!on i! eAtreme(y im*ortant5
DonBt *anic at the !iht of b(ood5 9o!t b(oody inEurie! (oo7 far wor!e
than they are5 DonBt et ner;ou! if the ;ictim i! uncon!ciou!5 If
youBre not ab(e to contro( your own fear about treatin !omeone, ca((
for another *er!on5 It he(*! to attend a few fir!t aid c(a!!e! to
o;ercome the!e fear! in *ractice !e!!ion!5 8hen you a**roach the
;ictim, identify your!e(f5 Ca(m(y, but Cuic7(y fiure out whatB! the
matter5 Chec7 to !ee if the *er!on i! a(i;e by fee(in for the *u(!e5
There are a number of !*ot! to chec7 if the b(ood i! circu(atin, under
the chin near the nec7, the wri!t!, and an7(e! are the mo!t common5 2et
in the habit of fee(in a norma( *u(!e5 A hih *u(!e 'o;er %@@ *er
minute) u!ua((y indicate! !hoc75 A (ow *u(!e indicate! !ome 7ind of
inEury to the heart or ner;ou! !y!tem5 9a!!ain the heart can often
re!tore the heartbeat, e!*ecia((y if it! (o!! i! due to a !e;ere b(ow
to the che!t5 9outh$to$mouth re!u!citation !hou(d be u!ed if the ;ictim
i! not breathin5 Both the!e !7i((! can be ma!tered in a fir!t aid
cour!e in (e!! than an hour and !hou(d become !econd nature to e;ery
!treet fihter5 8hen it come! to dea(in with b(eedin or *o!!ib(e
fracture!, en(i!tin the ;ictimB! he(* a! we(( a! ado*tin a firm but
ca(m manner wi(( be ;ery rea!!urin5 Thi! i! im*ortant to a;oid !hoc75
Shoc7 occur! when there i! a !eriou! (o!! of b(ood and not enouh i!
bein !u**(ied to the brain5 The !ym*tom! are hih *u(!e rateG co(d,
c(ammy, *a(e !7inG tremb(in or uncon!ciou!ne!!5 Try to 7ee* the
*atient warm with b(an7et! or coat!5 If a tremendou! amount of b(ood
ha! been (o!t, the ;ictim may need a tran!fu!ion5 .outine b(eedin can
be !to**ed by firm direct *re!!ure o;er the !ource of b(eedin for & to
%@ minute!5 If an artery ha! been cut and b(eedin i! !e;ere, a
tourniCuet wi(( be needed5 1!e a be(t, !carf or torn !hirt!(ee;e5 Tie
the tourniCuet around the arm or (e direct(y abo;e the b(eedin area
and tihten it unti( the b(eedin !to*!5 Do not (oo!en the tourniCuet5
8ra* the inEured (imb in a co(d wet towe( or ice if a;ai(ab(e and mo;e
the *er!on to a doctor or ho!*ita( before irre*arab(e damae can occur5
DonBt *anic, thouh, you ha;e about !iA hour!5 A *ainfu( b(ow to a (imb
i! be!t treated with an ice *ac7 and e(e;ation of the eAtremity by
re!tin it on a *i((ow or ro((ed$u* Eac7et5 A !e;ere b(ow to the che!t
or !ide can re!u(t in a rib fracture which *roduce! !har* *ain! when
breathin andOor couhin u* b(ood5 Che!t J$ray! wi(( e;entua((y be
needed5 Other interna( inEurie! can occur from !har* body b(ow! !uch a!
7idney inEurie!5 They are u!ua((y accom*anied by nau!ea, ;omitin,
!hoc7 and *er!i!tent abdomina( *ain5 If you fee( a bad interna( inEury
ha! occurred, et *rom*t *rofe!!iona( he(*5 Head inEurie! ha;e to be
attended to with more attention than other *art! of the body5 Treat
them by !to**in the b(eedin with direct *re!!ure5 They !hou(d be
treated before other inEurie! a! they more Cuic7(y can cau!e !hoc75
E;ery head inEury !hou(d be J$rayed and the inEured *er!on !hou(d be
watched for the neAt #< hour! a! com*(ication! can de;e(o* hour! after
the inEury wa! !u!tained5 After a !e;ere b(ow to the head, be on the
(oo7$out for eAce!!i;e !(ee*ine!! or difficu(ty in wa7in5 Shar* and
*er!i!tent headache!, ;omitin and nau!ea, diHHine!! or difficu(ty
maintainin ba(ance are a(( warnin !in!5 If they occur after a head
inEury, ca(( a doctor5 If a (imb a**ear! to be bro7en or fractured,
im*ro;i!e a !*(int before mo;in the ;ictim5 -(ace a !tiff bac7in
behind the (imb !uch a! a board or ro((ed$u* maaHine and wra* both
with a bandae5 Try to a;oid mo;in the inEured (imb a! thi! can (ead
to com*(icatin the fracture5 E;ery fracture mu!t be J$rayed to
e;a(uate the eAtent of the inEury and !ub!eCuent treatment5 Bu((et
wound! to the abdomen, che!t or head, if (o!! of con!ciou!ne!! occur!
are eAtreme(y danerou! and mu!t be !een by a doctor immediate(y5 If
the wound occur! in the (imb, treat a! you wou(d any b(eedin with
direct *re!!ure bandae and tourniCuet on(y if nothin e(!e wi(( !to*
the b(eedin5 If you eA*ect troub(e, e;ery *er!on oin to a !treet
!cene !hou(d ha;e a few minimum !u**(ie! in addition to tho!e mentioned
in the !ection on Demon!tration! for *rotection5 A handfu( of bandaid!,
auHe *ad! '<A<), an ace bandae ': inch width), and a ro(( of %O# inch
adhe!i;e ta*e can a(( ea!i(y fit in your *oc7et5 A *(a!tic ba with
cotton ba((! *re$!oa7ed in water wi(( come in handy in a ;ariety of
!ituation! where a! i! bein u!ed, a! wi(( a !ma(( bott(e of minera(
oi(5 ?ou !hou(d write the name, *hone number and addre!! of the neare!t
mo;ement doctor on your arm with a ba((*oint *en5 ?our armB! ettin
*retty crowded, i!nBt itM If !omeone i! !e;ere(y inEured, it may be
better to !a;e their (ife by ta7in them to a ho!*ita(, e;en thouh
that mean! *robab(e ca*ture for them, rather than try to treat it
your!e(f5 Howe;er, do not confu!e the *o(ice with the ho!*ita(5 9any
inEured *eo*(e ha;e been fini!hed off by the *or7er!, and thatB! no
Eo7e5 It i! u!ua((y better to treat a *er!on your!e(f rather than (et
the *i! et them, un(e!! they ha;e ambu(ance eCui*ment riht there and
donBt !eem ;iciou!5 E;en then, they wi(( often wait unti( they et two
or three ;ictim! before ma7in a tri* to the ho!*ita(5 If you ha;e a
!*ecia( medica( *rob(em, !uch a! bein a diabetic or ha;in a
*enici((in a((ery, you !hou(d wear a medi$a(ert ta around your nec7
indicatin your condition5 E;ery *er!on who !ee! a (ot of !treet action
!hou(d ha;e a tetanu! !hot at (ea!t once in e;ery fi;e year!5 Know Eu!t
thi! much, and it wi(( he(* to 7ee* down !eriou! inEurie! at
demon!tration!5 A few (e!!on! in a fir!t aid c(a!! at one of the 0ree
1ni;er!itie! or -eo*(eB! C(inic! wi(( o a (on way in *ro;idin you
with the confidence and !7i(( needed in the !treet5
Here i! a *artia( (i!t of !ome 9edica( Committee! for Human
.iht!5 They wi(( be (ad to i;e you fir!t aid in!truction! and often
oraniHe medica( team! to wor7 demon!tration!5 A com*(ete (i!t i!
a;ai(ab(e from the Chicao office5
6 BALTI9O.E, 9A.?LA/D, #%#%& $ =@%# 8a((i! A;e5
6 BE.KELE?, CALI0O./IA, ,<=@, $ ==: A(cartH
6 BI.9I/2HA9, ALABA9A, :&#@& $ #%## ,th A;e5 South
6 CHICA2O, ILLI/OIS $ %&%# E5 &&th St5
6 CLE3ELA/D, OHIO, <<%%# $ Out*o!t, %:@%" Euc(id A;e5
6 DET.OIT, 9ICHI2A/, <>#@" $ %:@@ E5 Lafayette
6 HA.T0O.D, CO//5, @=%%# $ %=% .idefie(d St5
6 LOS A/2ELES, CALI05 $ -O BoA #<=:, Se*u(;eda, Ca(if5 ,%:<: 'mai()
6 /ASH3ILLE,TE//5, :"#@< $ ::@% Le(and Land
6 /E8 HA3E/, CO//5, $ :@ Bryden Terrace, Hamden, Conn5 @=&%< 'mai()
6 /E8 O.LEA/S LA5, "@%:@ $ =#: Bourbon St5
6 /E8 ?O.K, /? %@@%< $ %& Char(e! St5
6 -HILADEL-HIA, -A5, %,%%, $ ="@& Linco(n Dri;e
6 -ITTSB1.2H, -A5, %&### $ =%" Em*ire Bui(din
6 SA/ 0.A/CISCO, CALI05, ,<%%& $ #&%, -acific A;e5
6 S?.AC1SE, /?, %:#%@ $ ,:% Com!toc7 A;e5
6 8ASHI/2TO/, D5C5 $ :<%@ Tay(or St5, Che;y Cha!e, 9d5 #@@%& 'mai()
Hi*$-oc7et Law
Any di!cu!!ion about what to do whi(e waitin fur the (awyer ha! to be
Cua(ified by *ointin out that from the moment of arre!t throuh the
court a**earance!, co*! tend to di!reard a defendantB! riht!5
/onethe(e!!, you !hou(d *(ay it accordin to the boo7 whene;er *o!!ib(e
a! you miht et your ca!e bounced out on a technica(ity5 8hen you et
bu!ted, ru(e number one i! that you ha;e the riht to remain !i(ent5 8e
ad;i!e that you i;e on(y your name and addre!!5 There i! a (ea(
di!*ute about whether or not you are ob(iated under the (aw to do e;en
that, but mo!t (awyer! fee( you !hou(d5 The addre!! can be that of a
friend if youBre u*tiht about the *i! 7nowin where you (i;e5
8hen the *i! rab you, chance! are they are oin to in!u(t you, rouh
you u* a (itt(e and maybe e;en try to *(ant !ome e;idence on you5 Try
to 7ee* your coo(5 Any !tru(e on your *art, e;en (yin on the !treet
(im*, can be con!idered re!i!tin arre!t5 E;en if you beat the oriina(
chare, you can be found ui(ty of re!i!tin and recei;e a *ri!on
!entence5 Often if the *i! beat you, they wi(( !ay that you attac7ed
them and enera((y chare you with a!!au(t5 If you are !to**ed in the
!treet on !u!*icion 'which mean! youBre b(ac7 or ha;e (on hair), the
*o(ice ha;e the riht to *at you down to !ee if you are carryin a
wea*on5 They cannot !earch you un(e!! they *(ace you under arre!t5
Technica((y, thi! can on(y be done in the *o(ice !tation where they
ha;e the riht to eAamine your *o!!e!!ion!5 Thu!, if you are in a
*otentia( arre!t !ituation, you !hou(d refrain from carryin do*e,
!har* obEect! that can be c(a!!ified a! a wea*on, and the name! and
*hone number! of *eo*(e c(o!e to you, (i7e your dea(er, your (oca( bomb
factory, and your friend! underround5 0oret about ta(7in your way
out of it or e!ca*in once youBre in the car or *addy waon5 In the
*o(ice !tation, in!i!t on bein a((owed to ca(( your (awyer5 2ettin
chane miht be a *rob(em !o you !hou(d a(way! ha;e a few dime! hidden5
Since many ca!e! are di!mi!!ed becau!e of thi!, youB(( enera((y be
a((owed to ma7e !ome ca((!, but it miht ta7e a few hour!5 Ca(( a c(o!e
friend and te(( him to et a(( the ca!h that can be Cuic7(y rai!ed and
head down to the court hou!e5 1!ua((y the *o(ice wi(( (et you 7now
where youB(( be ta7en5 If they donBt, Eu!t te(( your friend what
*recinct youBre bein he(d at, and he can ca(( the centra( *o(ice
headCuarter! and find out what court youB(( be a**earin in5 A!7 your
friend to a(!o ca(( a (awyer which you a(!o !hou(d do if you et
another *hone ca((5 Han u* and dia( a (awyer or defen!e committee that
ha! been !et u* for demon!tration!5 The (awyer wi(( either come to the
!tation or meet you in court de*endin on the !e;erity of the chare
and the (i7e(ihood youB(( be beaten in the !tation5 8hen ma!!i;e
demon!tration! are occurrin where a number of bu!t! are antici*ated,
itB! be!t to ha;e (awyer! *(aced in *o(ice !tation! in the immediate
;icinity5 The (awyer wi(( want to 7now a! many detai(! a! *o!!ib(e of
the ca!e !o try and concentrate on rememberin a number of thin! !ince
the *i! arenBt oin to (et you ta7e note!5 If you can, remember the
name and bade number of the fin7 that bu!ted you5 Sometime! theyB((
!witch arre!tin officer! on you5 .emember the time, (ocation of the
bu!t and any *otentia( witne!!e! that the (awyer miht be ab(e to
contact5 If you are unab(e to (ocate a (awyer, donBt *anic, the court
wi(( a!!in you one at the time of the arrainment5 Lea( Aid (awyer!
are free and can u!ua((y do a! ood a Eob a! a *ri;ate (awyer at an
arrainment5 Often they can do better, a! the Eude miht !et a (ower
bai( if he !ee! you canBt afford a *ri;ate (awyer5 The arrainment i!
*robab(y the fir!t *(ace youB(( find out what the chare! are aain!t
you5 There wi(( a(!o be a court date !et and bai( e!tab(i!hed5 The
amount of bai( de*end! on a ;ariety of factor! ranin from *re;iou!
con;iction! to the EudeB! hano;er5 It can be *ut u* in co((atera(,
i5e5, a ban7 boo7, or often there i! a ca!h a(ternati;e offered which
amount! to about %@T of the tota( bai(5 ?our friend !hou(d be in the
court with !ome ca!h 'at (ea!t a hundred do((ar! i! recommended)5 0or
;ery hih bai(, there are the bai( bond!men in the area of the
courthou!e who wi(( co;er the bai( for a fee, enera((y not to eAceed
&T5 ?ou wi(( need !ome !inature! of !o(id citiHen! to !in the bai(
*a*er! and *erha*! *ut u* !ome co((atera(5 Once you et bai(ed out, you
!hou(d contact a *ri;ate (awyer, *referab(y one that ha! eA*erience
with your ty*e of ca!e5 If you are (ow on bread, chec7 out one of the
community or mo;ement (ea( rou*! in your area5 It i! not ad;i!ab(e to
7ee* the (ea( aid (awyer beyond the arrainment if at a(( *o!!ib(e5 If
youBre in a car or in your home, the *o(ice do not ha;e a riht to
!earch the *remi!e! without a !earch warrant or *robab(e cau!e5 Do not
con!ent to any !earch without a warrant, e!*ecia((y if there are
witne!!e! around who can hear you5 8ithout your con!ent, the *i! mu!t
*ro;e *robab(e cau!e in the court5 ItB! unbe(ie;ab(e the number of
defendant! that not on(y come na7ed, but *u(( their own *ant! down5
9a7e the co*! 7ic7 in the door or brea7 o*en the trun7 them!e(;e!5 ?ou
are under no ob(iation to a!!i!t them in co((ectin e;idence, and
he(*in them wea7en! your ca!e5
LA8?E.S 2.O1-S
/ationa( Lawyer! 2ui(d
The F2ui(dF *ro;ide! ;ariou! free (ea( !er;ice! e!*ecia((y for
*o(itica( *ri!oner!5 If you ha;e any (ea( ha!!(e!, ca(( and !ee if
theyB(( he(* you5 ?ou can ca(( the one neare!t you and et the name of
a ood (awyer in your area5
6 BOSTO/ $ "@ Char(e! St5
6 DET.OIT $ &"@& /5 8oodward St5
6 LOS A/2ELES $ cOo Haymar7et, &@" /5 Hoo;er St5
6 /E8 ?O.K $ % Hud!on St5
6 SA/ 0.A/CISCO $ %," Steiner St5
Out!ide of the!e area!, there are no office!, but *eo*(e to contact in
the fo((owin citie! areI
6 0LI/T, 9ICH5, Car( Be7of!7e, %@@: Church St5
6 -HILADEL-HIA, -A5 $ A5 Harry Le;itan, %<%# 0oA Bui(din
6 8ASHI/2TO/, D5C5 $ S5 Da;id Le;y, #>%# -enn!y(;ania A;e5,
/585American Ci;i( Libertie! 1nion
The ACL1 i! not a! radica( a! the 2ui(d, but wi(( in rare in!tance!
*ro;ide ood (awyer! for a ;ariety of ci;i( (iberty ca!e! !uch a!
cen!or!hi*, denia( of *ermit! to demon!tration!, and the (i7e5 But
beware of their tendency to win the (ea( *oint whi(e (o!in the ca!e5
Here i! a (i!t of !ome of their (arer office!5
6 ALABA9A $ BoA %,"#, 1ni;er!ity, A(abama :&<>=
6 CALI0O./IA $ ACL1 of /orthern Ca(ifornia, &@: 9ar7et St5, 6 SA/
0.A/CISCO, CA $ ,<%@& 'EJ #$<=,#)
6 COLO.ADO $ %<&# -enn!y(;ania St5, Den;er, Co(orado >@#@: ':@:$TA&$
6 2EO.2IA $ & 0or!yth St5 /585, At(anta, 2eoria :@:@: '<@<$&#:$&:,>)
6 ILLI/OIS $ = S5 C(ar7, Chicao, I((inoi! =@=@: ':%#$#:=$&&=<)
6 9ICHI2A/ $ #:< State St5, Detroit, 9ich5 <>##= ':%:$,=%$<==#)
6 9O/TA/A $ #"@" 2(enwood Land, Bi((in!, 9ontana &,%@# '<@=$=&%$#:#>)
6 /E8 9EJICO $ %:% La 3ea S585, A(buCuerCue, /ew 9eAico >"%@& '&@&$
6 /E8 ?O.K $ %&= 0ifth A;e5, /ew ?or7, /? %@@%@ '#%#$8A,$=@"=)
6 /O.TH DAKOTA $ 8ard County '9inot), BoA %@@@, 9inot, /orth Da7ota
&>"@% '"@#$>:>$@:>%)
6 OHIO $ Suite #@@, #@: E5 Broad St5, Co(umbu!, Ohio <:#%&
6 8ASHI/2TO/, DC $ '/CACL1) %<#< %=th St5 /8, Suite &@%,
6 8ASHI/2TO/, DC $ #@@:= '#@#$<>:$:>:@) '#@#$<>:$:>:@)
6 8EST 3I.2I/IA $ %##> Se;enth St5, Huntinton, 8e!t 3irinia #&"@%
6 8ISCO/SI/ $ %><@ /5 0arwe(( A;e5, .m5 :@:, 9i(wau7ee, 8i!c5 &:#@#
To obtain a com*(ete (i!t of a(( the ACL1 cha*ter!, writeI American
Ci;i( Libertie! 1nion, %&= &th A;enue, /ew ?or7, /? %@@%@, or ca(( them
at '#%#) 8A ,$=@"=5
The fir!t ru(e of our new /ation *rohibit! any of u! from !er;in in
the army of a forein *ower with which we do not ha;e an a((iance5
Since we eAi!t in a !tate of war with the -i Em*ire, we a(( ha;e a
re!*on!ibi(ity to beat the draft by any mean! nece!!ary5 0ir!t chec7
out your medica( hi!tory5 .e;iew e;ery chronic or (on$term i((ne!! you
e;er had5 Be !ure to *ut down a(( the !eriou! infection! (i7e mono or
he*5 /eAt, ma7e note of your *hy!ica( com*(ication!5 8hen you ha;e
a!!emb(ed a com*(ete (i!t, et a co*y of -hy!ica( Deferment! or one of
the other draft coun!e(in manua(! and !ee if you Cua(ify5 If you ha;e
a (eitimate deferment, document it with a (etter from a doctor5 The
neAt be!t dea( i! a Con!cientiou! ObEection !tatu! 'C5O5) or a
*!ychiatric deferment '*!ycho)5 The (aw! ha;e been ettin
*rore!!i;e(y broader in definin C5O5 !tatu! durin the *a!t few year
!5 The mo!t recent bein, F!incere mora( obEection! to war,F without
nece!!ari(y a be(ief in a !u*reme bein5 There are enera( uide(ine!
!ent out by the /ationa( Office of Se(ecti;e Ser;ice that !ay it i! a
matter of con!cience5 The deci!ion, howe;er, i! !ti(( *retty much in
the hand! of the (oca( board5 3i!it a Draft Coun!e(in Center if you
fee( you ha;e a chance for thi! ty*e of !tory5 TheyB(( 7now how your
(oca( board tend! to ru(e5 There are !ti(( !ome more ca!e! to be heard
by the Su*reme Court before obEection to a *articu(ar war i! a((owed or
di!a((owed5 It i! not round! for deferment a! of now5 -!ycho! are our
!*ecia(ty5 Chromo!ome damae ha! tota((y wi*ed out our mind! when it
come! to concentratin on 7i((in innocent *eo*(e in A!ia5 8hen you et
your in;ite to Eoin the army, there are (ot! of way! you can *re*are
your!e(f menta((y5 Bein by !taerin u* to a co* and te((in him you
donBt 7now who you are or where you (i;e5 HeB(( arrane for you to be
chauffeured to the neare!t menta( ho!*ita(5 There you re*eat your
*erformance, dro**in the c(ue that you ha;e u!ed LSD in the *a!t, but
you arenBt !ure if youBre on it now or not5 In due time, theyB(( *ut
you u* for the niht5 8hen mornin come!, you bounce out of bed,
remember who you are, !wear youB(( ne;er dro* acid aain and than7
e;eryone who too7 care of you5 8ithin a few hour!, youB(( be
di!chared5 DonBt be u*tiht about thin7in how theyB(( (oc7 you u*
fore;er cau!e you rea((y are nut!5 The ho!*ita(! mea!ure ;ictorie! by
how Cuic7(y they can throw you out the door5 They are a(( o;ercrowded
anyway5 In mo!t area!, a one$niht !tand in a menta( ho!*ita( i! enouh
to con;ince the !hrin7 at the induction center that youBre ca*ab(e of
eatin the f(e!h of a co(one(5 Ju!t before you o, !ee a !ym*athetic
*!ychiatri!t and eA*(ain your !ad menta( !ha*e5 HeB(( et ;erification
that you did time in a ho!*ita( and inc(ude it in hi! (etter, that
youB(( ta7e a(on to the induction center5 8hen you et to the *hy!ica(
eAamination, a hih *oint in any youn manB! (ife, there are (ot! of
thin! wor7in in your fa;or5 Here, (on hair he(*!G the army doe!nBt
want to bother with troub(e$ma7er!5 .emember thi! e;en thouh a touh
(oo7in !ereant run! down bu((!hit about Fhow theyBre onna fiA your
a!!F and Fanybody with a trier finer et! *a!!ed5F HeB! Eu!t
auditionin for the Audie 9ur*hy mo;ie!, !o donBt be(ie;e anythin he
(ay! down5 Ta(7 to the other uy! about how rotten the war in 3ietnam
i! and how if you et forced to o, youB(( end u* !hootin !ome
officer!5 Te(( them youBd (i7e the trainin !o you can come bac7 and
ta7e u* with the 8eathermen5Chec7 off a! many item! a! canBt be
;erified when i;en the form!5 Suicide, diHHy !*e((!, bed$wettin, do*e
addiction, homo!eAua(ity, he*atiti!5 Be ab(e to dro* a few !ym*tom! on
the *!ychiatri!t to bac7 u* your !tory of reEection by a co(d and
bruta( !ociety that wa! indifferent, from a domineerin father that
beat you, and mother that didnBt under!tand anythin5 Be ab(e to trace
your hi!tory of bad fami(y re(ation!hi*!, your ta7in to the !treet! at
%& and e;entua((y your ettin Fhoo7ed5F Let him F*ryF thin! out of
you if *o!!ib(e5 Show him your (etter if you had the fore!iht to et
one5 -ractice a ood !tory before you o for the *hy!ica( with !omeone
who ha! a(ready beat the !y!tem5 If your (oca( board i! fuc7ed u*, you
can tran!fer to an area that di!Cua(ifie! a(mo!t e;eryone who want!
out, !uch a! the /ew ?or7 City board!5 If you canBt thin7 of anythin
you can a(way! et 01CK A.9? tattooed on the out!ide of the baby finer
of your riht hand and i;e the touh !ereant a !na**y !a(ute and a
hearty Fye! !ir4FRRIf unfortunate(y you et hau(ed in5 The Army i;e!
you a (ife in!urance *o(icy5 By ma7in Dan Berrian or Ane(a Da;i! the
beneficiary you miht a;oid front$(ine duty5
If youB;e tota((y fuc7ed u* your chance! of ettin a deferment or
a(ready are in the !er;ice and con!iderin ditchin, there are !ome
thin! that you !hou(d 7now about a!y(um5 There are three cateorie! of
countrie! that you !hou(d be intere!ted in if you are *(annin to !hi*
out to a;oid the draft or a !eriou! *ri!on term5 The !afe!t countrie!
are tho!e with which Ameri7a ha! mutua( offen!e treatie! !uch a! Cuba,
/orth Korea and tho!e behind the !o$ca((ed Iron Curtain5 The neAt
!afe!t are countrie! unfriend(y to the 15S5 but !uffer the *o!!ibi(ity
of a mi(itary cou* which miht radica((y affect your !tatu!5 Cambodia
i! a recent eAam*(e of a border$(ine country5 Some cat! hiEac7ed a !hi*
bound for 3ietnam and went to Cambodia where they were ranted a!y(um5
Short(y thereafter the mi(itary with a ood dea( of he(* from the CIA,
too7 o;er and now the cat! are in Eai(5 A(eria i! current(y a *o*u(ar
!anctuary in thi! cateory5 Sweden wi(( *ro;ide *o(itica( a!y(um for
draft doder! and de!erter!5 It he(*! to ha;e a *a!!*ort, but e;en that
i!nBt nece!!ary !ince they are reCuired by their own (aw! to (et you
in5 There are now about :&,@@@ eAi(e! from the -i Em*ire (i;in in
Sweden5 The American De!erter! Committee, 1**(and!aten %>, Stoc7ho(m,
*hone @>$:<<==:, wi(( *ro;ide you with immediate he(*, contact! and
*rocedura( information once you et there5 If you enter a! a touri!t
with a *a!!*ort, you can Eu!t o to the (oca( *o(ice !tation, !tate you
are !ee7in a!y(um and fi(( out a form5 ItB! that !am*(e5 They !tam*
your *a!!*ort and thi! a((ow! you to hu!t(e rent and food from the
Swedi!h Socia( Bureau5 It ta7e! !iA month! for you to et wor7in
*a*er! that wi(( *ermit you to et em*(oyment, but you can (i;e on
we(fare unti( then with no ha!!(e5 The fo((owin *(ace! can be
contacted, for additiona( he(*5 They are a(( in Stoc7ho(mI
6 .e;erend Tom Haye! >#$<#$%% or #%$<&$>=
6 Kri!tina /y!trom of the Socia( Bureau @>$#:@&"@
6 Bent Suder!trom :%$><$:# '(ea()
6 Han!$2oran 0ranc7 %@$#&$@#'(ea()
Canada doe! not offer *o(itica( a!y(um but they do not !u**ort the 15S5
forein *o(icy in Southea!t A!ia !o they a((ow draft doder! and
de!erter! to the current tune of &@,@@@ to (i;e there unmo(e!ted5 Do
not te(( the officia(! at the border that you are a de!erter or draft
doder, a! they wi(( turn you in5 -o!e a! a ;i!itor5 To wor7 in Canada
you ha;e to Cua(ify for (anded immiration !tatu! under a *oint !y!tem5
There wi(( be a number of bac7round Cue!tion! a!7ed and you ha;e to
!core &@ *oint! or better to *a!! and Cua(ify5 ?ou et one *oint for
each year of forma( education, %@ *oint! if you ha;e a *rofe!!iona(
!7i((, %@ *oint! for bein between %>$:& year! of ae, more *oint! for
ha;in a Canadian home and Eob waitin for you, for 7nowin En(i!h or
0rench and a who**in %& *oint! for ha;in a !tereoty*ed midd(e c(a!!
a**earance and (ife$!ty(e5 Letter! from a *rie!t or rabbi wi(( he(*
here5 Some entry *oint! are ea!ier than other!5 Kin!ate, for eAam*(e,
Eu!t north of 9ontana i! ;ery ood on wee7day! after %@I@@ -595The be!t
a**roach if you are con!iderin oin to Canada i! to write or, better
!ti((, ;i!it the 9ontrea( Counci( to Aid 8ar .e!i!ter!, Ca!e -o!ta(e &,
8e!tmount, 9ontrea(, #%& Kuebec or American De!erter! Committee, :>:"
B(;d5, Saint Laurent, St5 Loui!, 9ontrea( :, Kuebec5 They wi(( *ro;ide
you with the (ate!t info on *rocedure! and the *rob(em! of (i;in in
Canada a! a war re!i!ter5 If you canBt ma7e it u* there, !ee a (oca(
anti$war oraniHation for coun!e(in5 If you are a(ready in the army,
you !hou(d find out a(( you need to 7now before you ditch5 ItB! be!t to
cro!! the border whi(e youBre on (ea;e a! it miht mean the difference
between oin A8OL and de!ertion if you decide to come bac75 In any
e;ent, no one !hou(d renounce their citiHen!hi* unti( they ha;e
Cua(ified for (anded immiration !tatu! a! that wou(d c(a!!ify the
*er!on a! a non$re!ident and ma7e it *o!!ib(e for the Canadian *o(ice
to !end you bac7, which on a few rare occa!ion! ha! ha**ened5 Becau!e
there ha;e been few ca!e! of fuiti;e! from the 15S5 !ee7in *o(itica(
a!y(um, there i! not a c(ear and am*(e formu(a that can be !tated5
2ermany, 0rance, Be(ium and Sweden wi(( often offer a!y(um for ob;iou!
*o(itica( ca!e! but each ca!e mu!t be con!idered indi;idua((y5 2o there
inconito5 Contact a mo;ement oraniHation or (awyer and ha;e them ma7e
a**(ication to the o;ernment5 1!ua((y they wi(( (et you !tay if you
*romi!e not to enae in *o(itica( oraniHin in their country5 In any
e;ent if they de*ort you the!e countrie! are ood enouh to (et you
*ic7 the country to which you de!ire to be !ent5 8e fee( itB! our
ob(iation to (et *eo*(e 7now that (ife in eAi(e i! not a(( a neat
dea(, not by a (on !hot5 ?ou are remo;ed from the !tru(e here at
home, the *rob(em! of findin wor7 are immen!e and the cu!tom! of the
*eo*(e are !trane to you5 9o!t *eo*(e are unha**y in eAi(e5 9any
return, !ome turn them!e(;e! in and other! come bac7 to Eoin the
rowin radica( underround ma7in war in the be((y of the reat white
wha(e5 Stea( /ow, -ay /e;er
Thi! !ection *re!ent! !ome enera( uide(ine! on thie;ery to *ut you
ahead of the im*u(!e !wi*in5 8ith !ome *(annin ahead, *ractice and a
(itt(e ner;e, you can *ic7 u* on !ome terrific barain!5 Bein a
!ucce!!fu( !ho*(ifter reCuire! the de;e(o*ment of an out(aw menta(ity5
8hen you enter a !tore you !hou(d a(ready ha;e ca!ed the Eoint !o donBt
brow!e around eAaminin a(( !ort! of item!, !tarin o;er your !hou(der
and enera((y a**earin (i7e youBre about to !natch !omethin and are
afraid of ettin cauht5 Enter, ha;in a ood idea of what you want
and where itB! (ocated5 Camouf(ae i! im*ortant5 Be !ure you dre!! the
*art by (oo7in (i7e an a;erae cu!tomer5 If you are oin to ri*$off
eA*en!i;e !tore! 'why !ett(e for (e!!), act (i7e you ha;e a chauffeur
dri;en car doub(e *ar7ed around the corner5 A ood ru(e i! dre!! in the
!ty(e and *rice rane of the c(othe!, etc5, you are about to !ho*(ift5
The rea!on we recommend the more eA*en!i;e !tore! i! that they tend to
ha;e (e!! !ecurity uard!, re(yin in!tead on mechanica( method! or
more u!ua((y on Eu!t the !a(e! *eo*(e5 9any !a(e!*eo*(e are u*tiht
about carryin out a bu!t if they catch you5 A (are number are thie;e!
them!e(;e!, in fact one ood way to !tea( i! !im*(y eA*(ain to the
!a(e!c(er7 that youBre bro7e and a!7 if you can ta7e !omethin without
*ayin5 ItB! a reat way to radica(iHe !ho* *er!onne( by ra**in to
them about why they !hou(dnBt i;e a !hit if the bo!! et! ri**ed off5
The be!t time to wor7 out i! on a rainy, co(d day durin a bu!y
!ho**in !ea!on5 Chri!tma! ho(iday i! a !ho*(ifterB! *aradi!e5 In the!e
*eriod! you can wear hea;y o;ercoat! or (oo!e raincoat! without
attractin !u!*icion5 The crowd! of !ho**er! wi(( 7ee* the no!y Fcan$I$
he(*$youB!F from fuc7in u* your !ty(e5 Since you ha;e a(ready chec7ed
out the !tore before hittin it, youB(( 7now the !toreB! Fb(ind$!*ot!F
where you can be bu!y without bein ob!er;ed too ea!i(y5 Dre!!in
room!, b(ind a((ey ai!(e! and wa!hroom! are !ome ood !*ot!5 Know where
the ca!hierB! counter i! (ocated, where the eAit! to the !treet and
!torae room! are to be found, and mo!t im*ortant, the ty*e of !ecurity
!y!tem in u!e5 If you are oin to !natch in the dre!!in room, be !ure
to carry more than one item in with you5 DonBt (ea;e te(($ta(e em*ty
haner! behind5 Ta7e them out and ditch them in the ai!(e!5 An
increa!in(y *o*u(ar method of !ecurity i! a !ma(( !ho*(iftin *(a!tic
detector attached to the *rice ta5 It !ay! FDo /ot .emo;eF and if you
do, it e(ectronica((y trier! an a(arm in the !tore5 If you try to
ma7e it out the door, it a(!o tri*! the a(arm !y!tem5 8hen a cu!tomer
buy! the item, the ca!hier remo;e! the detector with a !*ecia(
deacti;ation machine5 8hen you enter the !tore, notice if the door i!
ried with e(ectronic eye!5 They are often at the wai!t (e;e(, which
mean! if the item i! !tra**ed to your ca(f or tuc7ed under your hat,
you can wa(7 out without a *ee* from the a(arm5 If you trier the
a(arm either in!ide the !tore or at the thre!ho(d, Eu!t da!h off
(ic7ety$!*(it5 The e(ectronic eye! are often di!ui!ed a! *art of the
decor5 By chec7in to !ee what the ca!hier doe! with merchandi!e
bouht, you can be !ure if the !tore i! ried5 Other method! are
underco;er *i! that (oo7 (i7e !ho**er!, one$way mirror! and remote
contro( te(e;i!ion camera!5 1nderco;er *i! are eA*en!i;e !o !tore! are
u!ua((y under!taffed5 Ju!t watch out 'without a**earin to watch out)
that no one ob!er;e! you in action5 A! to mirror! and camera! there are
a(way! b(ind !*ot! in a !tore created when di!*(ay! are mo;ed around,
counter! !hifted, and boAe! *i(ed in the ai!(e!5 9irror! and camera!
are rare(y adEu!ted to fit the!e chane!5 DonBt et turned off by thi!
!ecurity EaHH5 The *ercentae of !tore! that ha;e !o*hi!ticated
!ecurity !y!tem! !uch a! tho!e de!cribed i! ;ery !ma((5 If you wor7 out
at (unch time, the !ecurity uard! and many of the !a(e! *er!onne( wi((
be out of the !tore5 Ju!t before c(o!in i! a(!o ood, becau!e the
c(er7! are concentratin on oin home5 By ta7in on(y one or two
item!, you can *re;ent a bu!t if cauht by Eu!t actin (i7e a diHHy
7(e*to !ocia(ite ettin 7ic7! or u!e the FOh$ee$I$forot$to$*ayF
routine5 Store! donBt want to ha!!(e oin into court to *re!! chare!,
!o they u!ua((y (et you o after you return the !tuff5 If you thouht
ahead, youB(( ha;e !ome ca!h ready to *ay for the item! youB;e
*oc7eted, if cauht5 Lea;e your I5D5 and *hone boo7 at home before
oin !ho**in5 -eo*(e rare(y o to Eai( for !ho*(iftin, mo!t if
cauht ne;er e;en !ee a rea( co*5 Ju!t (ie (i7e a fuc7er and the mo!t
youB(( et i! a (ecture on (aw and order and a warnin not to come bac7
to that !tore or e(!e5
The (inin of a bu(7y o;ercoat or (oo!e raincoat can be e(aborate(y
outfitted with a ;ariety of cu!tom$made (are *oc7et!5 The o*enin! to
the!e *oc7et! are not ;i!ib(e !ince they are in!ide the coat5 The
out!ide *oc7et! can be torn out (ea;in on(y the o*enin or !(it5 Thu!
you can reach your hand 'at counter (e;e() throuh the !(it in your
coat and dro* obEect! into the !ecret *oc7et! !ewn into the (inin5
-ant! can a(!o be ried with !ecret *oc7et!5 The idea i! to (et your
finer! do the wa(7in throuh the !(it in your coat, whi(e the re!t of
the body remain! the ca!ua( brow!er5 ?ouB(( be amaHed at how much you
can tuc7 away without any noticeab(e bu(e5 Another method i! to u!e a
hidden be(t attached to the in!ide of your coat or *ant!5 The be(t i!
!*ecia((y de!ined with hoo7! or c(othe!*in! to which item! can be
di!crete(y attached5 Ditchin item! into hidden *oc7et! reCuire! a
(itt(e cunnin5 ?ou !hou(d *ractice before a mirror unti( you et ood
at it5 A ood idea i! to wor7 with a *artner5 Di thi! neat duet5 A man
and woman wa(7 into a !tore toether (oo7in (i7e a re!*ectab(e hu!band
and wife5 The man *urcha!e! a ood be(t or !hirt and enae! the
!a(e!man in !ome di!tractin con;er!ation a! he rin! u* the !a(e5
9eanwhi(e, bac7 in the ai!(e, FwifeF i! bu!y ro((in u* two or three
!uit!5 Start from the bottom whi(e they are !ti(( on the rac7 and ro((
them u*, *ant! and Eac7et! toether, the way you wou(d ro(( a !(ee*in
ba5 The !(ee;e! are tied around the ro(( ma7in a neat (itt(e bund(e5
The bund(e i! then tuc7ed between your thih!5 The who(e o*eration
ta7e! about a minute and with !ome *ractice you can wa(7 for hour! with
a ood !iHe bund(e between your (e! and not a**ear (i7e you Eu!t !hit
in your *ant!5 Try thi! with a coat on in front of a mirror and !ee how
ood you et at it5 Another team method i! for one or more *artner! to
di!tract the !a(e! c(er7! whi(e the other !tuff!5 There are a(( !ort!
of theater !7it! *o!!ib(e5 One *er!on can act drun7 or better !ti((
a**ear to be ha;in an e*i(e*tic fit5 Two *eo*(e can !tart a fiht with
each other5 There are (oad! of way!, Eu!t remember how they do it in
the neAt !*y mo;ie you !ee5 One of the be!t immic7! around i! the
*ac7ain techniCue5 Once you ha;e the taret item in hand, head for
the fittin room or other !ec(uded !*ot5 Ta7e out a (are *iece of ift
wra**in and ribbon5 Kuic7(y wra* u* the item !o it wi(( (oo7 (i7e you
brouht it in with you5 9any !tore! ha;e their own ba! and !ta*(e the
ca!h rei!ter recei*t to the to* of the ba when you ma7e a *urcha!e5
2et a number of the!e ba! by !a;in them if you ma7e a *urcha!e or
dro**in around to the recei;in de*artment with a reCue!t for !ome
ba! for your Chri!tma! *(ay or !omethin5 /eAt co((ect !ome !a(e!
recei*t!, u!ua((y from the !idewa(7 or tra!h can! in front of the
!tore5 Buy or ri*$off a !ma(( *oc7et !ta*(er for (e!! than a do((ar5
8hen you et the item you want, dro* it in the ba and !ta*(e it
c(o!ed, rememberin to attach the recei*t5 Thi! i! an ab!o(ute(y
*erfect method and ta7e! Eu!t a few !econd!5 It e(iminate! a (ot of
un!iht(y bu(e! in your coat and i! ood for warm$weather hei!tin5 A
dummy !ho**in ba can be ried with a bit of inenuity5 The idea i!
to ma7e it (oo7 (i7e the ba i! fu(( when thereB! !ti(( (ot! of room
(eft5 1!e !tri*! of cardboard ta*ed to the in!ide of the ba to i;e it
!ome body5 .emember to carry it (i7e itB! fi((ed with item!, not air5
-rofe!!iona( hei!ter! often u!e a Fboo!ter boA,F u!ua((y a neat(y
wra**ed em*ty *ac7ae with one end that o*en! u*on touch5 Thi! i! idea(
for e(ectrica( a**(iance!, Eewe(ry, and e;en hea;y item! !uch a!
*ortab(e te(e;i!ion !et!5 The tric7 !ide can be fitted with a !*rin
door !o once the toa!ter i! in!ide the door !(am! !hut5 DonBt wear a
b(ac7 hat and ca*e and o around wa;in a wand ye((in FAbracadabra,F
Eu!t be your u!ua( !h(e* !ho**er !e(f5 If you can manae it, the tric7
!ide Eu!t can be an o*enin without a tric7 door5 Ju!t carry the
boo!ter boA with the o*en !ide *re!!ed aain!t your body5 Briefca!e!,
!uitca!e! and other ty*e! of carryin de;ice! can a(( be made to ho(d
item!5 Once you ha;e !omethin neat(y tuc7ed away in a ba or boA, itB!
*retty hard to *ro;e you didnBt come in with it5
By far the ea!ie!t and mo!t *roducti;e method of !tea(in i! on the
Eob5 8ae! *aid to de(i;ery boy!, !a(e! c(er7!, !hi**er!, ca!hier! and
the (i7e are !o in!u(tin that !tea(in rea((y i! a way of maintainin
!e(f$re!*ect5 If you are !et on !tea(in the !tore dry when you a**(y
for the Eob, bein with your be!t foot forward5 9a7e what em*(oyment
aencie! ca(( a Food a**earance5F EAude c(ean(ine!!, 2od(ine!!,
!obriety and a(( the other 8AS-y ;irtue! third rade teacher! in!i!t
u*on5 Bui(din u* a ood front wi(( e(iminate !u!*icion when thin! are
Fmi!!in5F9ai( c(er7! and de(i;ery boy! can wor7 a(( !ort! of neat
tric7!5 8hen thin! et a (itt(e !(ow, ty*e u* !ome (abe(! addre!!ed to
your!e(f or to c(o!e friend! and *(ay Santa C(au!5 8ra* your!e(f a few
*ac7ae! or ta7e one that i! !u**o!ed to o to a cu!tomer and *ut your
(abe( o;er their!5 B(ame it on the *o!t office or on the fact that
Fthin! et me!!ed u* Ycau!e of a(( the bureaucracy5F ItB! reat to be
the one to ;erba(iHe the bo!!B! own enera( fee(in! before he doe!
when !omethin oe! awry5 The be!t on$the$Eob croo7! a(way! end u*
ettin *romoted5 Ca!hier! and !a(e! *er!on! who ha;e acce!! to money
can *ic7 u* a (itt(e *oc7et chane without too much effort, no matter
how c(o!e(y they are watched by !u*er;i!or!5 8omen can ma7e u!e of torn
hem! to !ta!h coin! and bi((!5 9en can uti(iHe cuff!5 Both can u!e
!hoe! and donBt foret tho!e !ecret (itt(e *oc7et! you (earned about in
the (a!t !ection5 If you rin u* item! on a ca!h rei!ter, you can
ea!i(y mi!ta7e L%5:, for :,U or L%5,> for ,>U durin the cour!e of a
hectic day5 Lea;e *ennie! on the to* !he(f of the ca!h rei!ter and
mo;e one to the far riht !ide e;ery time you !7i* a do((ar5 That way
at the end of the day, youB(( 7now how much to *oc7et and wonBt ha;e to
con!tant(y be !tuffin, !tuffin, !tuffin5 If you *ic7 u* tra!h or
c(ean u*, you can !tic7 a(( !ort! of item! into wa!teba!7et! and (ater
!nea7 them out of the !tore5 There are many way! of wor7in hei!t! with
*artner! who *o!e a! cu!tomer!5 See the !ection! on free food and
c(othin for the!e5 There are a(!o way! of wor7in *artner!hi*! on the
Eob5 A ca!hier at a mo;ie theater and a doorman can wor7 out a !y!tem
where the doorman co((ect! the tic7et! and return! them to the ca!hier
to !e(( aain5 A neat way to ma7e a (are hau( i! to et a Eob throuh
an aency a! a dome!tic for !ome rich !(ob5 ?ou !hou(d u!e a *hony
identification when you !in u* at the aency5 Once you are bu!y
du!tin the town hou!e, chec7 around for anythin ;a(uab(e to be ta7en
home5 -ic7 u* the *hone, order a(( !ort! of merchandi!e, and ha;e it
de(i;ered5 A friend with a 1$hau( can he(* you rea((y c(ean u*5
Any di!cu!!ion of !ho*(iftin and forerie! ine;itab(y (ead! to a ra*
on credit card!G tho!e (itt(e !hiny *(a!tic wonder *a!!e! to fanta!y
(and that are renderin ca!h ob!o(ete5 There are many way! to (and a
free credit card5 ?ou can et one your!e(f if your credit i! ood, or
from a friendI re*ort it !to(en and o on a bine around town5 Sin
your name a (itt(e funny5 Su*er underwor(d ty*e! miht 7now where you
can *urcha!e a card thatB! not too hot on the b(ac7 mar7et5 ?ou miht
hei!t one at a fa!hionab(e *arty or re!taurant5 If youBre a hat chec7
ir( at a niht c(ub, donBt foret to chec7 out *oc7et! and handba!
for *(a!tic oodie!5R0ina((y, you can redo a (eitimate card with a new
number and !inature and be !ure that itB! on no oneB! Fhot (i!t5F
Bein by remo;in the in7 on the rai!ed (etter! with any *o(ye!ter
re!in c(eaner5 /eAt, the *(a!tic card !hou(d be he(d aain!t a f(at
iron unti( the rai!ed identification number i! me(ted5 ?ou can u!e a
raHor b(ade to !ha;e off rouh !*ot!5 Thi! combination of raHor b(ade
and hot iron, when wor7ed !7i((fu((y, wi(( *roduce a *erfect b(an7
card5 8hen the card i! !mooth a! new, reheat it u!in the f(at iron and
*re!! an addre!!ora*h *(ate into the !oft *(a!tic5 The in7 can be
re*(aced by matchin the oriina( at any !tationary !tore5 If thi! i!
too hard, you can buy machine! to ma7e your own credit card!, which are
made for !ma(( de*artment !tore!5 2ranted, thi! method i! oin reCuire
!ome eA*erti!e, but once youB;e (earned to !ucce!!fu((y fore a credit
card, buy e;ery item imainab(e, eat fancy mea(!, and e;en et rea(
money from a ban75RThe ab!o(ute be!t method i! to ha;e an accom*(ice
wor7in in the *o!t office ri* off the new card! that are mai(ed out5
They et to 7now Cuic7(y which en;e(o*e! contain new credit card!5
Since the *er!on ne;er recei;e! the card it ne;er dawn! on them to
re*ort it !to(en5 Thi! i;e! you at (ea!t a !o(id month of carefree
!*endin and your !inature wi(( be *erfect5 8hether your credit card
i! !to(en, borrowed or fored, you !ti(( ha;e to fo((ow !ome uide(ine!
to et away without any ha!!(e5 Know the !toreB! chec7in method before
you *a!! the hot card5 9o!t !tore! ha;e a fifty$do((ar (imit where they
on(y ca(( u*!tair! on item! co!tin fifty do((ar! or more5 In !ome
!tore! itB! (e!!5 Some *(ace! ha;e a .ei!co*e !y!tem that ta7e! your
*icture with each *urcha!e5 ?ou !hou(d a(way! carry at (ea!t one *iece
of bac7$u* identification to u!e with the *hony card a! the c(er7 miht
et !u!*iciou! if you donBt ha;e any other ID5 They can chec7 out a
Fhot (i!tF that the credit card com*anie! !end out month(y, !o if
youBre u*tiht about anythin watch the c(er7B! mo;ement! at a(( time!5
If thin! et tiht, Eu!t !*(it rea( Cuic75 Often, e;en if a c(er7 or
bo!! thin7! itB! a *hony, theyB(( OK the !a(e anyway !ince the credit
card com*anie! ma7e ood to the !tore! on a(( *urcha!e!G (eit or
otherwi!e5 Simi(ar(y, the in!urance com*anie! ma7e ood to the credit
com*anie! and !o on unti( you et to a (itt(e rou* of hard wor7in
e(;e! in the ba!ement of the 15S5 9int who do nothin but *rint free
money and (ie to e;erybody about there bein ton! of o(d at 0ort KnoA
to bac7 u* their own (itt(e forin o*eration5
9on7ey 8arfare
If you (i7e Ha((oween, youB(( (o;e mon7ey warfare5 ItB! idea( for
*eo*(e u*tiht about un!, bomb! and other chi(drenB! toy!, and a((ow!
for imainati;e form! of *rote!tin, many of which wi(( become myth,
hence du*(icated and en(ared u*on5 A !yrine 'minu! the need(e) or a
coo7in ba!ter can be fi((ed with a di(ute !o(ution of e*oAy (ue5 2et
the two tube! in a hardware !tore and !CueeHe into a !ma(( bott(e of
rubbin a(coho(5 Sha7e rea( ood and *our into the ba!ter or !yrine5
?ou ha;e about thirty minute! before the miAture et! too hard to u!e5
2o after (oc7!, *ar7in meter!, and te(e*hone!5 ?ou can fuc7 u* the
com*anie! that u!e IB9 card! by buyin a chea* *unch or u!in an EAacto
7nife and cuttin an eAtra ho(e in the card before you return it with
your *ayment5 By the way, when you return *ayment! a(way! *ay a few
cent! under or o;er5 The com*any ha! to !end you a credit or another
bi(( and it !crew! u* their boo77ee*in !y!tem5 .emember, a(way! bend,
fo(d, !ta*(e or otherwi!e muti(ate the card5 By the way if you e;er
find your!e(f in a com*uter room durin a !tri7e, you miht want to
fuc7 u* the !choo( record!5 ?ou can do thi! by *a!!in a (are manet
or *ortab(e e(ectro$manet ra*id(y bac7 and forth acro!! the ree(! of
ta*e, thu! era!in them5 And donBt mi!! the tour of the IB9 *(ant,
either5 Another ood bit i! to rent a !afe de*o!it boA 'on(y about
L"5@@ a year) in a ban7 u!in a *hony name5 That u!ua((y on(y need a
!inature and donBt a!7 for identification5 8hen you et a boA, de*o!it
a ood !iHe dead fi!h in!ide the de*o!it boA, c(o!e it u* and return it
to it! *ro*er niche5 0rom then on, foret about it5 /ow thin7 about it,
in a few month! there i! oin to be a he(($of$a$!me(( from your !ma((
in;e!tment5 ItB! oin to be a(mo!t im*o!!ib(e to trace and be!ide!,
they can ne;er o*en the boA without your *ermi!!ion5 Since you donBt
eAi!t, theyB(( ha;e no a(ternati;e but to mo;e away5 In;e!t in the
Stan7 of Ameri7a !a;in! *roram5 Ju!t chec7 out La7e Erie and youB((
!ee !a;in fi!h i!nBt !uch a dumb idea5 If you et cauht, te(( them
you inherited the fi!h from your randmother and it ha! !entimenta(
;a(ue5 There are (ot! of thin! you can !end ban7!, draft board! and
cor*oration! that contribute to *o((ution ;ia the mai(!5 It i! *o!!ib(e
to a(!o ha;e thin! de(i;ered5 Ha;e a hear!e and f(ower! !ent to the
chief of *o(ice5 8e 7now !omeone who had a truc7(oad of cement dum*ed
in the dri;eway of her bo!! under the fib that the dri;eway wa! oin
to be re*a;ed5 By ettin ma!!e! of *eo*(e to u!e e(ectricity, *hone!
or water at a i;en time, you can fuc7 u* !ome not$!o$*ub(ic uti(ity5
The who(e *rob(em i! ettin the word out5 0or eAam*(e, %@,@@@ *eo*(e
turnin on a(( their e(ectrica( a**(iance! and (iht! in their home! at
a i;en time can cau!e a b(ac7out in any maEor city5 A hot !ummer day
at about :I@@ -9 i! be!t5 0i;e thou!and *eo*(e ca((in u* 8a!hinton,
D5C5 at :I@@ -9 on a 0riday 'one of the bu!ie!t hour!) tie! u* the
maEor trun7 (ine! and rea((y *ut! a cram* in the o;ernmentB! !ty(e of
carryin on5 Ca(( '#@#) &&&$%#%#, which i! information and you wonBt
e;en ha;e to *ay for the ca((5 If you ca(( a o;ernment officia(, a!7
!ome Cue!tion! (i7e FHow many 7id! did you 7i(( todayMF or F8hat 7ind
of (iCuor do Conre!!men drin7MF or offer to ta7e Teddy Kennedy for a
ride5 A woman can cau!e !ome rea( eAcitement by ca((in a Conre!!manB!
office and !creamin FTe(( that ba!tard he forot to meet Irene at the
mote( thi! afternoon5FA 8a!hinton ca(($in wou(d wor7 e;en better by
*honin direct to home! of the bi boy!5 0or !tarter! you can ca((
co((ect the fo((owinRI
6 .ichard 95 /iAon $ E( -re!idente $ '#@#) <&=$%<<< 6 S*iro T5 Anew $
E( Toro $ '#@#) #=&$#@@@ eAt5 =<@@
6 John /5 9itche(( $ E( Butcher $ '#@#) ,=&$#,@@
6 9e(;in .5 Laird $ E( Defendo $ ':@%) =&#$<<<,
6 Henry A5 Ki!!iner $ E( EAiente $ '#@#) ::"$@@<#
6 8i((iam -5 .oer! $ E( Cra**er $ ':@%) =&<$"%#&
6 2enera( Ear( 25 8hee(er $ E( Joint Bo!!o $ '"@:) &#"$=%%,
6 2enera( 8i((iam C5 8e!tmore(and $ E( -o((utoni $ '"@:) &#"$=,,,
6 .ichard 95 He(m! $ E( A!!a!!in $ ':@%) =&#$<%##
6 John /5 Chafee$E( Sin7o Swimmi$'"@:) &:=$&<%%
RAny rou* who e(o*e! with any of the *er!on! (i!ted i! entit(ed to a
free co*y of thi! boo75 Anyone who *ar(ay! a(( %@ in a (ift$off can
ha;e a(( the roya(tie!5 Send ear! for ;erification5 A reat nationa(
cam*ain can be *romoted that a!7! *eo*(e to *rote!t the *re!identia(
e(ection farce! on Inauuration Day5 8hen a *re!ident !ay! FSo he(* me
2od,F ru!h in and f(u!h the toi(et5 A !ucce!!fu( 0(u!h for 2od cam*ain
can rea((y !crew u* the water !y!tem5 If you want to i;e 9a Be(( an
e(ectric *ermanent, con!ider thi! na!ty5 Cut the fema(e de;ice off an
ordinary eAten!ion cord and eA*o!e the two wire!5 1n!crew the
mouth*iece on the *hone and remo;e the ;oice am*(ifier5 ?ou wi(( !ee a
red and a b(ac7 wire attached to two termina(!5 Attach each of the
wire! from the eAten!ion cord to each one from the *hone5 /eAt *(u in
the eAten!ion cord to a wa(( !oc7et5 8hat you are doin i! !endin %#@
;o(t! of e(ectricity bac7 throuh eCui*ment which i! bui(t for on(y
;o(t!5 ?ou can 7noc7 off thou!and! of *hone!, !witchboard! and de;ice!
if a(( oe! riht5 ItB! be!t to do thi! on the *hone in a (are office
bui(din or uni;er!ity5 ?ou certain(y wi(( 7noc7 out their fu!e!5
1nfortunate(y, at home your own *hone wi(( *robab(y be 7noc7ed out of
commi!!ion5 If that ha**en!, !im*(y ca(( u* the bu!ine!! office and
com*(ain5 TheyB(( i;e you a new *hone Eu!t the way they i;e the other
!e;en mi((ion *eo*(e that reCue!ted them that day5 .emember, January i!
A(ien .ei!tration 9onth, !o donBt foret to fi(( out an a**(ication at
the -o!t Office, (i!tin your!e(f a! a citiHen of 0ree /ation5 Then
when they a!7 you to FLo;e it or (ea;e it,F te(( them you a(ready (eft4
-iece /ow
ItB! ridicu(ou! to ta(7 about a re;o(ution without a few word! on un!5
If you ha;enBt been in the army or done !ome huntin, you *robab(y ha;e
a bui(t$in fear aain!t un! that can on(y be o;ercome by fami(iariHin
your!e(f with them5
There are two ba!ic ty*e! of handun! or *i!to(!I the re;o(;er carrie!
a (oad of & or = bu((et! in a Fre;o(;inF chamber5 The automatic
u!ua((y ho(d! the !ame number, but !ome can ho(d u* to %< bu((et!5
A(!o, in the automatic the bu((et! can be a(ready *ac7ed in a maaHine
which Cuic7(y !na*! into *o!ition in the hand(e5 The re;o(;er mu!t be
re(oaded one bu((et at a time5 An automatic can Eam on rare occa!ion!,
or mi!fire, but with a re;o(;er you Eu!t *u(( the trier and thereB! a
new bu((et ready to fire5 De!*ite *icture! of .oy .oer! b(a!tin a
!i(;er do((ar out of the !7y, handun! are difficu(t to ma!ter a hih
deree of accuracy with and are on(y ood at !hort rane!5 If you can
hit a *i$!iHe obEect at #& yard!, youB;e been *racticin5 Amon
automatic!, the Co(t <& i! a *o*u(ar mode( with a (on record of
re(iabi(ity5 A ood *o*u(ar fa;orite i! a -arabe((um , mm, which ha!
the ad;antae of a doub(e action on the fir!t !hot, meanin that the
hammer doe! not ha;e to be coc7ed, ma7in *o!!ib(e a Cuic7 fir!t !hot
without carryin a coc7ed un around5 By the way, do not bother with
any handun !ma((er than a 5:> ca(iber, becau!e cartride! !ma((er than
that are too wea7 to be effecti;e5 .e;o(;er! come in a(( !iHe! and
ma7e!, a! do automatic!5 The mo!t hih(y recommended are the 5:>
S*ecia( and the 5:&" 9anum5 A(mo!t a(( *o(ice force! u!e the 5:>
S*ecia(5 They are (iht, accurate and the !ma(($frame mode(! are ea!y
to concea(5 If you et one, u!e hih ;e(ocity ho((ow *ointed bu((et!,
!uch a! the S*eer D89 '%<= rain h5*5) or the Su*er 3e( '%%@ rain
h5*5)5 The ho((ow *oint !hatter! on contact, in!urin a 7i(( to the
not$!o$!traiht !hooter!5 Smith and 8e!!on ma7e! the mo!t *o*u(ar 5:>
S*ecia(5 The Charter Arm! i! a fa;orite mode(5 The 5:&" 9anum i! an
eAtreme(y *owerfu( handun5 ?ou can !hoot riht throuh the wa(( of a
thic7 door with one at a di!tance of #@ yard!5 It ha! it! own ammo, but
can a(!o u!e the bu((et! de!ined for the 5:>5 Both un! are about the
!ame in *rice, runnin from L"&$L%@@ new5 An automatic enera((y run!
about L#& hiher5
There are two common(y a;ai(ab(e ty*e! of rif(e!G the bo(t action and
the !emi$automatic5 8ar !ur*(u! bo(t action rif(e! are chea* and
u!ua((y *retty accurate, but ha;e a !(ower rate of fire than a !emi$
automatic5 A !emi$automatic i! *referab(e in near(y a(( ca!e!5 The 9$%
carbine i! *robab(y the be!t !emi$automatic for the money 'about L>@)5
ItB! (iht, !hort, ea!y to hand(e and ha! on(y the drawbac7 of a
cartride thatB! a (itt(e under*owered5 Amon bo(t action!, the
S*rinfie(d, 9au!er, .oya( Enfie(d, .u!!ian "5=#, and the Lee Har;ey
O!wa(d S*ecia(, the 9ann(icher$Carcano, are a(( ood buy! for the money
'about L#@)5 One of the be!t !emi$automatic! i! the A.$%>, which i! the
ci;i(ian ;er!ion of the mi(itary 9$%=5 In enera(, thi! i! a fanta!tic
un with a hih rate of fire, minima( recoi(, hih accuracy, (iht
weiht, and ea!y maintenance5 If 7e*t c(ean, it wi(( rare(y Eam, and
the bu((et ha! a!toundin !to**in *ower5 It !e((! for around L##&5
The !hotun i! the idea( defen!i;e wea*on5 ItB! *erfect for the ;am*in
band of *i! or hard$head! that trie! to (ynch you5 Bein a ood !hot
i!nBt that nece!!ary becau!e a !hotun !hoot! a bunch of (ead *e((et!
that !*read o;er a wide rane a! they (ea;e the barre(5 There are two
common ty*e!I the *um* action and the !emi$automatic5 Sin(e !hot ty*e!
and doub(e$barre( ty*e! do not ha;e a hih enouh rate of fire for
!e(f$defen!e5 The *um* action i! ea!y to u!e and re(iab(e5 It u!ua((y
ho(d! about fi;e !he((! in a tube underneath the barre(5 0or !e(f$
defen!e you !hou(d u!e @@ buc7!hot !he((!5 Shotun! come in ;ariou!
aue!, but you wi(( want the (are!t common(y a;ai(ab(e, the %# aue5
The 9o!!ber 9ode( &@@ A i! a !u*er wea*on in thi! cateory which !e((!
for about L,@5 8hen buyin one, try to et a !hotun with a barre( a!
!hort a! *o!!ib(e u* to the (ea( (imit of %> inche!5 It i! ea!y to cut
down a (oner barre(, too5 Thi! increa!e! the area !*rayed5 The !emi$
automatic un i! not u!ed too much for !e(f$defen!e, a! they u!ua((y
ho(d on(y three !he((!5 8ith !ome *ractice, you can !hoot a *um* near(y
a! fa!t a! a !emi$automatic, and they are much chea*er5 See the un
boo7! cata(oued in the A**endiA for more information5 There are many
other ood un! a;ai(ab(e, and a reat dea( to 7now about choo!in the
riht un for the riht !ituation5 .eadin a (itt(e riht win un
(iterature wi(( he(*5
If you are around a mi(itary ba!e, you wi(( find it re(ati;e(y ea!y to
et your hand! on an 9$", renade (auncher, which i! (i7e a iant
!hotun and i! *robab(y the be!t !e(f$defen!e wea*on of a(( time5 Ju!t
inCuire di!creet(y amon !ome (on$haired !o(dier!5
Ownin a un ainBt !hit un(e!! you 7now how to u!e it5 They ma7e a he((
of a rac7et when fired !o you Eu!t canBt wor7 out in your den or ce((ar
eAce*t with a BB un, which i! ood in between rea( *ractice !e!!ion!5
0ind a buddy who !er;ed in the mi(itary or i! into huntin or taret$
!hootin and a!7 him to teach you the fundamenta(! of un hand(in and
!afety5 If youBre o;er %>, you can *ractice on one of your (oca( firin
rane!5 Loo7 them u* in the ?e((ow -ae!, ca(( and !ee if they offer
in!truction!5 They are u!ua((y *retty chea* to u!e5 In an hour, you can
(earn the ba!ic! you need to 7now about un! and the re!t i! mo!t(y
*ractice, *ractice, Eu!t (i7e in the we!tern!5 Contact the /ationa(
.if(e A!!ociation, 8a!hinton D5C5 and a!7 for information on formin a
un c(ub5 If you can, you are entit(ed to reat di!count!, ha;e no
troub(e u!in rane! and et eAce((ent info on a(( matter! re(atin to
wea*on!5 A !ec(uded *(ace in the country out!ide city (imit!, ma7e! an
idea( rane for *racticin5 Shoot at *o!itioned taret!5 A ood idea i!
to b(ow u* ba((oon! and attach them to *iece! or boAe!5 -o!ition
your!e(f down!tream a(on!ide a runnin broo75 A *artner can o
u*!tream and re(ea!e the ba((oon! into the water5 A! they ru!h
down!tream, they !imu(ate an attac7er charin you and ma7e eAce((ent
mo;in taret!5 8atch out for ricochettin bu((et!5 Ha;e any by!tander
!tand by behind you5 A c(othe!(ine with a *u((ey attachment can be
ried u* to a(!o a((ow *ractice with a mo;in taret5
21/ LA8S
Once you decide to et a un, chec7 out the (oca( (aw!5 There are
federa( one!, but theyBre not !tricter than any !tate ordinance5 If
youBre un!ure about the (aw!, !end "&U to the 15S5 2o;ernment -rintin
Office for the manua( ca((ed -ub(i!hed Ordinance!I 0irearm!5 It run!
down the (ate!t on a(( !tate (aw!5 In mo!t !tate! you can buy a rif(e
or !hotun Eu!t for the bread from a !tore or indi;idua( if you are
o;er %> year! o(d5 ?ou can et a handun when you can *ro;e youBre o;er
#%, a(thouh you enera((y need a !*ecia( *ermit to carry it concea(ed
on your *er!on or in your car5 A concea(ed wea*on *ermit i! *retty
hard to et un(e!! youBre *art of the e!tab(i!hment5 ?ou can 7ee* a
handun in your home, thouh5 ItB! a(!o enera((y i((ea( to wa(7
around with a (oaded un of any ty*e5 Once you et the han of u!in a
un, youB(( ne;er want to o bac7 to the o(d *ea!hooter5 The
1nderround Ameri7a i! Eu!t another Latin dictator!hi*5 Tho!e who ha;e
doubt!, !hou(d try the minima( eA*erience of oraniHin a (are roc7
fe!ti;a( in their !tateR, !(ee*in on !ome beach in the !ummer or
wearin a f(a !hirt5 A!7 the b(ac7! what itB! been (i7e (i;in under
raci!m and youB(( et a ta!te of the future we face5 A! the re*re!!ion
increa!e! !o wi(( the underround$dead(y rou*! of !toned
re;o(utionarie! !nea7in around at niht and ba((in a(( day5 A! dead(y
a! their !outhern comrade! the Tu*amaro!5 -o(itica( tria(! wi(( on(y
occur when the hea;y fo(7! are cauht5 Too many !i!ter! and brother!
ha;e been (oc7ed u* for (on !tretche! ha;in maintained a fa(!e faith
in the ood wi(( of the court !y!tem5 In!tead, increa!ed number! ha;e
cho!en to become fuiti;e! from inEu!ticeI Bernadine Dohrn, .a* Brown,
9ar7 .udd, hundred! of other!5 Some inc(udin Ane(a Da;i!, 0ather
Berrian and -un -(amondon ha;e been a**rehended and (oc7ed in cae!,
but mo!t roam free(y and acti;e(y in!ide the inte!tine! of the !y!tem5
Their rowth (ead! to *er!i!tent indie!tion for tho!e who !it at the
tab(e! of *ower5 A! they form into acti;e i!o(ated ce((! they ma7e
a**rehen!ion difficu(t5 Soon the 0BI wi(( ha;e a Thou!and 9o!t 8anted
Li!t5 Our heroe! wi(( be hunted (i7e bea!t! in the Eun(e5 Anyone who
*ro;ide! information (eadin to the arre!t of a fuiti;e i! a
traitor5R1n(e!! you want to u!e our mu!ic to attac7 our *o(itic! a! the
o;ernor of Oreon did to drain !u**ort away from demon!tration!
aain!t the AmeriKKKan Leion5 In !uch a !ituation the concert !hou(d
be !abotaed a(on with *o(itica( education a! to why !uch an action
ha! been ta7en5 DonBt (et the *i! !e*arate our cu(ture from our
*o(itic!5 8e(( fe((ow reader, what wi(( you do when .a* or Bernadine
ca(( u* and a!7 to cra!h for the nihtM 8hat if the Arm!tron Brother!
want to dro* !ome acid at your *ad or Kathy Boudin need! !ome bread to
7ee* on truc7inBM The entire youth cu(ture, e;eryone who !mi(e!
!ecret(y when -re!ident Anew and 2enera( 9itche(( refer to the rowin
number of Fhot$headed re;o(utionarie!F, a(( the fo(7! who ho*e the Con
win!, who cheer the Tu*amaro! on, who want to eAchane !ecret
hand!ha7e! with the 2ree7 re!i!tance mo;ement, who !ay FItB! about
timeF when the *i! et unned down in the b(ac7 community, a(( of u!
ha;e an ob(iation to !u**ort the underround5 They are the ;anuard of
our re;o(ution and in a !en!e thi! boo7 i! dedicated to their courae5
If you !ee a fuiti;eB! *icture on the *o!t office wa(( ta7e it home
for a !ou;enir5 But watch out, becau!e thi! i! i((ea(5 Soon the 0BI
wi(( be *rintin a(( our *o!ter! for free5 .iht on, 0BI4 -rint u*
wanted *o!ter! of the war crimina(! in 8a!hinton and underco;er aent!
'be ab!o(ute(y !ure) and *ut them u* in!tead5 Since the fo(7!
underround mo;e free(y amon u!, we mu!t be tota((y coo( if by chance
we reconiHe a fuiti;e throuh their di!ui!e5 If they deem it
nece!!ary to contact you, they wi(( ma7e the fir!t mo;e5 If you are
;ery acti;e in the abo;eround mo;ement, chance! are you are bein
watched or ta**ed and it wou(d be foo(hardy to ma7e contact5 The
underround wou(d be meanin(e!! without the bui(din of a ma!!i;e
community with corre!*ondin *o(itica( oa(!5 -eo*(e abo;e round
demon!trate their (o;e for fuiti;e! by continuin and inten!ifyin
their own commitment5 If the 0BI or (oca( !ub;er!i;e !Cuad of the
*o(ice de*artment i! a!7in a (ot of Cue!tion! about certain fuiti;e!,
et the word out5 Ca(( your underround *a*er or ma7e the announcement
at (are mo;ement atherin! or mu!ic fe!ti;a(!G the ra*e;ine wi((
*a!! information on to tho!e that need to 7now5 If youBre forced to o
underround, donBt thin7 you need to (in7 u* with the more we(($7nown
rou*! !uch a! the 8eathermen5 If you o under with !ome c(o!e friend!,
!tic7 toether if itB! *o!!ib(e5 Bui(d contact! with abo;eround *eo*(e
that are not that we(( 7nown to the authoritie! and can be tota((y
tru!ted5 ?ou !hou(d chane the (ocation in which you o*erate and mo;e
to a *(ace where the heat on yon wonBt be a! hea;y5 A ood di!ui!e
!hou(d be wor7ed out5 The more information the authoritie! ha;e on you
and the hea;ier the chare! determine how com*(ete your di!ui!e !hou(d
be5 There are !ome ood ti*! in the boo7! on ma7e$u* (i!ted in the
A**endiA5 On(y in rare ca!e! i! it nece!!ary to abandon the outward
a**earance of be(onin to the youth cu(ture5 In fact, e;en J5 Edar
0rea7o admit! that our cu(ture i! our chief defen!e5 To infi(trate the
youth cu(ture mean! becomin one of u!5 0or an 0BI aent to (earn an
ideo(oica( co;er i! a hih(y di!ci*(ined oraniHation i! re(ati;e(y
ea!y5 To *enetrate the cu(ture mean! chanin the way they (i;e5 The
ty*ica( aent wou(d !tand out (i7e Jimmy Stewart in a tribe of
A*ache!5In the u!ua( ca!e the authoritie! do not (oo7 for a fuiti;e in
the !en!e of carryin on a ma!!i;e manhunt5 2enera((y, *eo*(e are
cauht for brea7in !ome minor offen!e and durin the routine arre!t
*rocedure, their finer*rint! i;e them away5 Thu! for a fuiti;e
ha;in ood identification *a*er! bein carefu( about ;io(ation! !uch
a! !*eedin or (oiterin, and not carryin wea*on! or bombin manua(!
become an im*ortant *art of the !ecurity5 It i! a(!o a ood idea to
ha;e at (ea!t a hundred do((ar! ca!h on you at a(( time!5 Often e;en if
you are arre!ted you can bai( your!e(f out and !*(it (on before the
finer*rint! or other identification chec7! are com*(eted5 If by !ome
chance you are *(aced on the F%@ 9o!t 8anted Li!tF that i! a !ina(
that the 0BI are indeed conductin a manhunt5 It i! a(!o the hint that
they ha;e unco;ered !ome c(ue! and fee( confident they can nab you
!oon5 The Li!t i! a *ub(ic re(ation! immic7 that Hoo*er, or whate;er
hi! name i!, dreamed u* to !how the 0BI a! !u*er !(euth!, and
com*(iment the bu((!hit imae of them that Ho((ywood (ay! down5 9o!t
0BI aent! are !outherner! who maEored in accountin or !ome other
creati;e fie(d5 8hen you are *(aced on the Li!t, o dee*er underround5
It may become nece!!ary to curtai( your acti;itie! for a whi(e5 The
manhunt (a!t! on(y a! (on a! you are new!worthy !ince the 0BI i! ;ery
media con!ciou!5 Chane your di!ui!e, identification and narrow your
circ(e of contact!5 In a few month!, when the heat i! off, youB(( be
ab(e to be more acti;e, but for the time, !it tiht5
An amateur *hotora*her or commercia( arti!t with ood *roce!!in
eCui*ment can ma7e *a!!ab(e *hony identification *a*er!5 1!in a rea(
I5D5 card, ma!7 out the name, addre!!, and !inature with thin !tri*!
of *a*er the !ame co(or a! the card it!e(f5 Do a neat (uin Eob5 /eAt,
*hotora*h the card u!in briht o;erhead (ihtin to a;oid !hadow!, or
AeroA it5 1!e a *a*er of a co(or and weiht a! c(o!e to the rea( thin
a! you can et5 If you u!e *hony !tate and city *a*er! !uch a! birth
certificate or dri;erB! (icen!e, choo!e a !tate that i! far away from
the area in which you are (ocated5 Ha;e a com*(ete under!tandin of a((
the information you are forin5 Date!, citie!, birthday! and other
data are often *art of a codin !y!tem5 9o!t are ea!y to fiure out
!im*(y by !tudyin a few !imi(ar authentic card!5 A(mo!t a(( I5D5 card!
u!e one or another IB9 Se(ectric ty*e to fi(( in the indi;idua(B!
*a*er!5 ?ou can buy the eAact mode( u!ed by federa( and !tate aencie!
for (e!! than L#@5@@ and in!ta(( the ba(( in & !econd! on any Se(ectric
machine5 8hen you fini!h the ty*in o*eration, !in your new name and
trim the card to the !iHe you want5 .ub !ome dirt on the card and bend
it a (itt(e to e(iminate it! newne!!5 Another method i! to obtain a !et
of *a*er! from a c(o!e friend of !imi(ar characteri!tic!5 ?our friend
can re*(ace the oriina(! without too much troub(e5 In both ca!e! it
miht be ad;i!ab(e to et authentic *a*er! u!in the *honie! you ha;e
in your *o!!e!!ion5 In !ome !tate! ettin a (icen!e or ;otin
rei!tration card i! ;ery ea!y5 Library card! and other !u**(ementary
I5D5B! are !im*(e to et5 A *a!!*ort !hou(d not be attem*ted unti( you
definite(y ha;e made u* your mind to !*(it the country5 That way
aencie! ha;e (e!! time to chec7 the information and you can decide on
the di!ui!e to be u!ed for the *icture5 1n(e!! you eA*ect to et
hotter than you are riht now, in which ca!e, et it now5 It i! wi!e to
ha;e two !et! of identification to be on the !afe !ide but ne;er ha;e
both in your *o!!e!!ion at the !ame time5 If you !en!e the authoritie!
are c(o!e to mai(in you and choo!e to o underround, *re*are a(( the
identification *a*er! we(( in ad;ance and !tore them in a !ecure *(ace5
Inform no one of your *o!!ib(e new identity5 Before you !tart *a!!in
*hony I5D5B! to co*!, ban7! and *a!!*ort office!, you !hou(d ha;e
eA*erience with (e!!er taret! !o you fee( comfortab(e u!in them5
There are !tiff *ena(tie! for thi! if you et cauht5 A few better
method! than the one! (i!ted abo;e eAi!t, but we fee( they !hou(d not
be made thi! *ub(ic5 8ith a (itt(e imaination youB(( ha;e no troub(e5
Li;in underround, (i7e eAi(e, can be eAtreme(y (one(y, e!*ecia((y
durin the initia( adEu!tment *eriod when you ha;e to re!huff(e your
(i;in habit!5 -!ycho(oica((y it become! nece!!ary to maintain a few
c(o!e contact! with other fuiti;e! or fo(7! abo;eround5 Thi! i! a(!o
nece!!ary if you *(an to continue wain re;o(utionary !tru(e5 Thi!
mean! communication5 If you contact *er!on! or arrane for them to
contact you, be !u*er coo(5 DonBt ru!h into meetin!5 Stay O00 the
*hone4 If you mu!t, u!e *ay *hone!5 Ha;e the contact *er!on o to a
*re!cribed booth at *re!cribed time5 Knowin the *hone number
beforehand, you can ca(( from another *ay *hone5 The *ay *hone !y!tem
i! !u*erior to debuin de;ice! and ;oice !cramb(er!5 E;en !o, !ome
*ay *hone!, that (oca( *o(ice !u!*ect boo7ie! u!e, are monitored5 Kee*
your ca((! !hort and di!ui!e your ;oice a bit5 If you are a contact
and the ca(( doe! not come a! !chedu(ed, donBt *anic5 -erha*! the booth
at the other end i! occu*ied or the *hone you are on i! out of order5
In /ew ?or7, the (atter i! u!ua((y true5 8ait a rea!onab(e (enth of
time and then o about your bu!ine!!5 Another contact wi(( be made5
-er!ona( rendeH;ou! !hou(d ta7e *(ace at *(ace! that are not mo;ement
hanout! or hea;y *i !cene!5 Intermediarie! !hou(d be u!ed to !ee if
anyone wa! fo((owed5 Ju!t roo;e on a few ood !*y f(ic7! and youB((
fiure it a(( out5 Communicatin to ma!!e! of *eo*(e abo;e round i!
;ery im*ortant5 It dri;e! the 9A/ ber!er7 and i;e! ho*e to comrade! in
the !tru(e5 The mo!t im*ortant me!!ae i! that you are a(i;e, in ood
!*irit! and carryin on the !tru(e5 The communication! of the
8eathermen are bri((iant(y concei;ed5 De;e(o* a mai(in (i!t that you
7ee* we(( hidden in ca!e of a bu!t5 ?ou can de;i!e a !y!tem of mai(in
!tuff in en;e(o*e! 'carefu( of finer*rint!) in!ide (arer en;e(o*e! to
a tru!ted contact who wi(( mai( the item! from another (ocation to
further camouf(ae your area of o*eration5 A ho!t of communication
de;ice! are a;ai(ab(e be!ide! handwritten note! and ty*ed
communication!5 Ta*e recorder! are eAce((ent but better !ti(( are
;ideo$ta*e ca!!ette machine!5 ?ou can wear ma!7!, do a(( 7ind! of weird
theatrica( !tuff and !end the ta*e! to te(e;i!ion !tation!5 At time!
you miht want to ri!7 bein inter;iewed by a new!man, but thi! can be
;ery danerou! un(e!! you concei;e a !u*er *(an and ha;e !ome deree of
tru!t in the word of the Eourna(i!t5 DonBt foret a rand Eury cou(d be
waitin for him with a !iA month! contem*t or *erEury chare when he
admit! contact and doe! not an!wer their Cue!tion!5 The on(y other
ad;ice i! to dre!! warm in the winter and coo( in the !ummer, !tay hih
fuc7 new yor7
?ou can a(way! !(ee* u* in Centra( -ar7 durin the daytime, a(thouh
the muer! come out to *(ay at niht5 0ree niht cra!hin can be found
in the waitin room of the -enn!y(;ania .ai(road !tation, :<th St5 and
"th A;e5 The co*! wi(( (ea;e you a(one unti( about "I@@ A9 when they
7ic7 you out5 ?ou can *ut your ruc7!ac7 in a (oc7er for twenty$fi;e
cent! to a;oid it bein ri**ed$off5 The Boy! Emerency She(ter, =, St5
9ar7! -(ace, '"""$%#:<) *ro;ide! free room and board for ma(e! %=$#@
year! of ae5 The Li;in .oom can be found on the !ame b(oc75 ItB! a
hea;y re(iiou! !cene, but they wi(( he(* with room and board5 Their
hour! are =I:@ -9 to #I@@ A9, *hone ,>#$&,>>5 A(!o on the Lower Ea!t
Side i! the 9acau(ey 9i!!ion at ,@ Lafayette St5On the 8e!t Side,
thereB! a *oet named De(worth at %#& Su((i;an St5 that hou!e! 7id! if
heB! ot room5 The Jud!on 9emoria( Church, 8a!hinton SCuare South
a(way! ha! one or more hou!in *roram! oin5 If youBre rea((y hard
u*, try the Stranded ?outh -roram, %%% 85 :%!t St5 '&&<$>>,")5
Teenaer! %=$#@ are !ent homeG if you donBt want to o bac7 but need
room and board, i;e them *hony identification5 The 2raymoor 9ona!tery
'CA =$#:>>) offer! free room and board for youn *eo*(e in the country5
They *ro;ide tran!*ortation5 0OODHuntB! -oint 9ar7et, HuntB! -oint A;e5
and %:>th St5 in the BronA wi(( (ay enouh fruit and ;eetab(e! on your
fami(y to (a!t a wee7 or more5 Lettuce, !Cua!h, carrot!, canta(ou*e,
ra*efruit, e;en articho7e! and mu!hroom! a(( crated5 ?ouB(( need a car
or truc7 and they on(y i;e !tuff away in the ear(y mornin5 Ju!t te((
them youBre doin a free food thin and itB! your!5 Outa!iht4 The
(are !(auhterhou!e area i! in the far 8e!t 3i((ae, we!t of Hud!on
and !outh of %<th St5 2et a (etter from a c(eryman !ayin you need
meat for a church$!*on!ored mea(5The fi!h mar7et i! (ocated on 0u(ton
and South Street! under the Ea!t .i;er Dri;e o;er*a!! in (ower
9anhattan5 ?ou can a(way! manae to find !ome !ym*athetic fi!herman
ear(y in the mornin who wi(( (ay a! much fi!h on you a! you can cart
away5 If you *ic7 u* on a car, ta7e a tri* to Lon I!(and City5 There
you wi(( find the 2ordon Ba7in Com*any at <#$#& #%!t, -e*!i Co(a at
<=@# 0ifth A;e5, Borden Com*any at :&$%@ Steinway St5 and Dannon ?ourt
at ##$%% :>th A;e5 A(( four *(ace! i;e out !am*(e! for free if you
ca(( or write ahead and eA*(ain how itB! for a b(oc7 *arty5 A(on #nd
and :rd A;enue! on the u**er ea!t !ide are a ho!t of !wan7 bar! with
free hor!$dBoeu;re! beinnin at fi;e5 A(( Loncham*! are ood, a! i!
9aAB! Kan!a! City50or rea( c(a!!, chec7 the bac7 *ae! of the /ew ?or7
Time! for ocean crui!e! and tho!e !winin bon ;oyae *artie!5 If you
(oo7 7ind of !traiht or want to di!ui!e your!e(f and !ee the other
ha(f at it, !nea7 into con;ention! for drin7!, !nac7! and a(( 7ind! of
free !am*(e!5 Ca(( the /ew ?or7 Con;ention Bureau, ,@ E5 <#nd St5 91 "$
%:@@ for info5 ?ou can a(!o et free tic7et! to theater e;ent! here at
,I@@ A9 on wee7day!5 Other free mea(! can be otten at the ;ariou!
6 Bowery 9i!!ion $ ##" Bowery '="<$:<&=)5 -ray and eat from <I@@ to
=I@@ -9 on(y5 Hea;y re(iiou! orientation5
6 Catho(ic 8or7er $ := E5 0ir!t St5 Sou* (ine from %@I@@ to %%I@@ A95
C(othe! for women on Thur!day from %#I@@ to #I@@ -95 C(othe! for men
after #I@@ -9 wee7day!5 Sometime! (odin5
6 Ho(y /ame Center for Home(e!! 9en $ %> B(ee7er St5 'CA =$&><> or CA
=$#::>) C(othe! and mornin !hower! from "I@@ to %%I@@ A95
6 9acau(ey 9i!!ion $ ,@ Lafayette St5 'CA =$=#%<) 0ree room and board5
0ree food Saturday! at &I@@ -95 Sometime! free c(othe!5
6 9ora;ian Church $ %&< LeAinton A;e5 '91 :$<#%, or &::$:":") 0ree
!*ahetti dinner on Tue!day at %I@@ -95
6 Kua7er! $ :#> E5 %&th St5 9ea(! at =I@@ -9 Tue!day!5
6 8ayward $ #>" 9ercer St5 0ree mea(! niht(y5The Internationa( Society
0or Kri!hna Con!ciou!ne!! i! (ocated at <% Second A;e5 E;ery mornin at
"I@@ A9 a de(iciou! cerea( brea7fa!t i! !er;ed free a(on with chantin
and dancin5 A(!o at noon, more food and chantin and on 9onday,
8edne!day and 0riday at "I@@ -9, aain food and chantin5 Then itB! a((
day Sunday in Centra( -ar7 Shee*meadow 'enera((y) for !ti(( more
chantin '!an! food)5 Hari Kri!hna i! the free!t hih oin if you can
et into it and di cerea( and of cour!e, more chantin5 The -aradoA
.e!taurant, at =< E5 "th St5 i! a neat chea* hea(th Eoint that wi((
i;e you a free mea( if you he(* *ee( !hrim* or do the di!he!5
The (ate!t do*e on fami(y *(annin and the new abortion (aw can be
obtained from -(anned -arenthood, :@@ -ar7 A;e5 '"""$#@%&)5 They
*ro;ide a free directory on city$wide !er;ice! in thi! area5 The B(ac7
-anther 0ree Hea(th C(inic on %>@ Sutter A;e5 in Broo7(yn i! radica(
medicine in action5 If you ri**ed off thi! boo7, why not !end them or
another rou* mentioned in thi! boo7 a chec7 !o they can continue
!er;in the *eo*(e5 Two fanta!tic c(inic! on the Lower Ea!t Side are
the St5 9ar7! -eo*(eB! C(inic at << St5 9ar7! -(ace '&::$,&@@), o*en
wee7day! =$%@ -9 and /E/A at #,@ E5 Third St5 '=""$&@<@) which a(!o
function! a! a !witchboard for the area5The Beth I!rae( Teenae C(inic
at %"th St5 and %!t A;e5 =":$:@@@ eAt5 #<#<) !er;ice! youn *eo*(e5
9i((ie at the 3i((ae -roEect, >> #nd A;e5 can arrane for free
(a!!e!5 The /ew ?or7 1ni;er!ity Denta( C(inic, <#% 0ir!t A;e5 wi((
i;e you the chea*e!t denta( care in 2otham5 Stuy;e!ant$-o(y C(inic,
%:" Second A;e5 '="<$@#:#) ha! an emerency day c(inic with the
Cuic7e!t !er;ice5 Dia($a$frea7out i! :#<$@"@"5 Ambu(ance !er;ice i! at
<<@$%#:<5 ?ou ouht to 7now the co*! accom*any ambu(ance ca((!5 The
fo((owin i! a (i!t of the /ew ?or7 City Hea(th De*artment Center!5
They *ro;ide a number of free !er;ice! inc(udin J$ray!, ;enerea(
eAamination! and treatment, !hot! for chi(drenB! di!ea!e!,
;accination!, tetanu! !hot! and a ho!t of other !er;ice!5
6 Centra( Har(em$##:> 0ifth A;e5 A1 :$%,@@
6 Ea!t Har(em$%&> E5 %%&th St5 T. =$@:@@
6 Lower Ea!t Side$:<% E5 #&th St5 91 ,$=:&: 6 9anhattan;i((e$#% O(d
Broadway 9O &$&,@@
6 9ornin!ide$#=< 85 %%>th St5 1/=$#&@@
6 8a!hinton Heiht!$=@@ 85 %=>th St5 8A "$=:@@BronA
6 9orri!ania$ %:@, 0u(ton St5 8? #$<#@@
6 9ott Ha;en$:<, E5 %<@th St5 9O ,$=@%@
6 Tremont$0ordham$%>#= Arthur A;e5 L1 :$&&@@
6 8e!tche!ter$-e(ham$#&#" 2(ebe A;e5 S? #$@%@@Broo7(yn
6 Bedford$<>& Throo* A;e5 2L #$">>@
6 Brown!;i((e$#&, Bri!ton St5 H? >$="<#
6 Bu!hwic7$::& Centra( A;e5 HI :$&@@@
6 Crown Heiht!$%#%> -ro!*ect -(ace SL =$>,@#
6 0(atbu!h$2ra;e!end$%=@% A;e5 S /I &$>#>@
6 0t5 2reene$#,& 0(atbu!h A;e5 EAt5 =<:$>,:<
6 .ed Hoo7$2owanu!$#&@ Ba(tic St5 =<:$&=>"
6 Sun!et -ar7$&%< <,th St5 2E =$#>@@
6 8i((iam!bur$2reen*oint$%&% 9ayier St5 E3 >$:"%<Kueen!
6 A!toria$9a!*eth$%#$%=:%!t A;e5 L5I5C5 AS >$&&#@
6 Corona$0(u!hin$:<$:: Junction B(;d5, Jac7!on Heiht! HI =$:&"@
6 Jamaica$,@$:" -ar!on! B(;d5 OL >$==@@
6 .oc7away$="$%@ .oc7away Beach B(;d5G Ar;enne /E <$""@@
6 .ichmond$&% Stuy;e!ant -(ace SA "$=@@@
The 7ey to ettin o;era(( medica( care for free i! to *ic7 u* on a
9edicaid card5 ?ou can a**(y at any metro*o(itan ho!*ita(5 After
fi((in out a (on form and waitin three wee7! youB(( et your card in
the mai(5 Ha;e a ood !tory when inter;iewed about why youBre not
wor7in or on(y ma7in under L#,@@ a year5 There i! an ae (imit in
that on(y fo(7! o;er #% can Cua(ify, but the ru(e i! (ibera((y enforced
and youner *eo*(e can et the card with the riht hard!hi* !tory5
The LawyerB! Commune i! a rou* of re;o(utionary youn (awyer! *(eded
to ma7e a (imited income and hand(e the touhe!t *o(itica( ca!e!5 They
hand(e a(( our ca!e!5 0ind them at =<@ Broadway on the fifth f(oor
'=""$%&&#)5 /ew ?or7 radica(! are fortunate in ha;in a number of ood
(ea( a!!i!tance aencie!5 One of the fo((owin i! bound to be ab(e to
he(* you out of a Eam5
6 Emerency Ci;i( Libertie! Committee$#& E5 #=th St5 =>:$>%#@ 'ci;i(
6 Lea( Aid Society$%@@ Centre St5 BE :$@#&@ 'crimina( matter!)
6 9obi(iHation for ?outh Lea( Ser;ice!$:#@ E5 Third St5 """$&#&@ 'a((
ty*e! of !er;ice!)
6 /ationa( Lawyer! 2ui(d$& Bee7man St5 #""$@:>& or ##"$%@"> '*o(itica()
6 /ew ?or7 Ci;i( Libertie! 1nion$%&= 0ifth A;e5 ,#,$=@"= 'ci;i(
6 /ew ?or7 1ni;er!ity Law Center Office$#<, Su((i;an St5 2. :$%>,=
'ci;i( matter!)
BronA 6 C(aremont /eihborhood Center $ %=,th St5 and 8a!hinton A;e5
&>>$%@@@5 Hour! are from #I@@ to %@I@@ wee7day!5Broo7(yn 6 B(ac7 Anti$
Draft 1nion $ <<> /o!trand A;e5
6 Church of St5 John the E;ane(i!t $ %,& 9ayier St5 :>"$>"#%
6 Society for Ethica( Cu(ture $ &: -ro!*ect -ar7 8e!t SO >$
6 American 0riend! Ser;ice Committee $ %& .utherford -(ace """$<=@@
6 Che(!ea Draft Information $ :<= 85 #@th St5 8A ,$#:,%
6 Community 0ree Draft Coun!e(in Center $ <"@ Am!terdam A;e5 ">"$>&@@
6 2reenwich 3i((ae -eace Center $ %:" 85 0ourth St5 &::$&%#@
6 Har(em 1nem*(oyment Center $ #@:& 0ifth A;e5 >:%$=&,%
6 LE9-A $ %@& A;enue B <""$,"<,
6 /ew ?or7 Ci;i( Libertie! 1nion $ %&= 0ifth A;e5 ="&$&,,@
6 /ew ?or7 8or7!ho* in /on;io(ence $ ::, Lafayette St5 ##"$@,":
6 .e!i!tance $ ::, Lafayette St5 ="<$,@=@
6 1nion Theo(oica( Seminary $ =@= 85 %##nd St5 9O :$,@,@
6 8ar .e!i!ter! Leaue $ ::, Lafayette St5 ##>$@<&@
6 8e!t!ide Draft Information $ =@# Co(umbu! A;e5 '>,th St5) >"<$"::@
6 8omanB! Stri7e for -eace $ ",, Broadway #&<$%,#&-LA?Botanica( 2arden!
6 Con!er;atory 2arden! $ Centra( -ar7, %@&th St5 and 0ifth A;e5
Sea!ona( di!*(ay5 LE <$<,:>
6 Broo7(yn Botanica( 2arden! $ 0(atbu!h and 8a!hinton A;e!5 .o!e
Orienta( 2arden, .o!e 2arden, /ati;e 8i(d 0(ower 2arden, .oc7 2arden,
Con!er;atory5 Sea!ona( di!*(ay5 9A #$<<::5
6 /ew ?or7 Botanica( 2arden!, BronA -ar7, #@@th St5, ea!t of 8eb!ter
A;e5 2arden! and Con!er;atorie!5 Sea!ona( di!*(ay!5 -ar7in feeI L%5@@
on Saturday, Sunday and ho(iday!5 O*enI 2round! $ %@I@@ A9 to dar7,
2reenhou!e! $ %@I@@ A9 to <I@@ -95 ,::$,<@@5
6 Kueen! Botanica( 2arden!, <:$&@ 9ain St5, between Dahi(ia and E(der
A;e!5, 0(u!hin5 T1 =$:>@@5The!e arden! are rea((y beautifu( *(ace! to
fuc7 around for a day5 The be!t one! are the BronA and Broo7(yn5 Brin
a *icnic, a few friend!, !ome ra!!, and *(ant the !eed!5 ItB! a(( free5
6 Centra( -ar7 $ =<th St5 and 0ifth A;e5 0ree5 O*en %% A9 to & -95
6 Chi(drenB! Qoo $ =<th St5 and 0ifth A;e5 O*en %@ A9 to & -95
Admi!!ion i! %@ cent!5 /o tic7et! are !o(d after <I:@ -95 0ree !tory$
te((in !e!!ion! with motion *icture! or co(or !(ide! at :I:@ -9,
9onday! throuh 0riday5
6 BronA -ar7 $ 0ordham .oad and Southern B(;d5 8E :$%&@@5 O*en dai(y
from %@ A9 to & -95 /o;ember, December, January c(o!e! at <I:@ -95
Admi!!ion on Tue!day!, 8edne!day! and Thur!day! i! #& cent! for adu(t!
and chi(dren o;er & year!5 0ree on other day! and a(( (ea( ho(iday!5
Chi(drenB! Qoo c(o!e! /o;ember %!t5
6 Barrett -ar7 Qoo $ in .ichmond, Broadway, 2(enwood -(ace and C(o;e
.oad5 O*en dai(y %@ A9 to & -95 2I #$:%@@51n(i7e the barbaric cae! in
Centra( -ar7, the %>$acre 0(u!hin 9eadow Qoo in Kueen! ha! been
de!ined !o that ;i!itor! can ;iew the anima(! and bud! in their
natura( !urroundin!, without bar!5 Ta7e the 9ain Street 0(u!hin Line
Subway 'train number ") from Time! SCuare to %%%th St5 in Kueen!5 BronA
Qoo which i! the (are!t in the 1nited State! and 0(u!hin 9eadow Qoo
are fanta!tic5
6 Broo7(yn $ Coney I!(and Beach and Boardwa(7 ES #$%="@
6 9anhattan Beach $ Orienta( B(;d5, from Ocean A;e5 to 9a7enHie St5 DE
6 BronA $ -e(ham Bay -ar7 $ Orchard Beach and Boardwa(7 TI &$%>#>
6 Kueen! $ Jacob .ii! -ar7 $ Jamaica Bay, Beach %<, to Beach %=, 2. <$
6 .oc7away Beach $ 0ir!t St5 to %<,th St5 2. <$:<"@
6 .ichmond $ 2reat Ki((! -ar7 $ Hy(an B(;d5, 2reat Ki((! EL %$%,""
6 South Beach and Boardwa(7 $ 0t5 8ad!worth to 9i((er 0ie(d, /ew Dor*
?1 "$@"@,
6 8o(f! -ond -ar7 $ Ho(ten and Corne(ia A;enue!, -rince! Bay ?1 <$
@:=@2o to the beach on wee7day! a! it u!ua((y i! ;ery crowded on the
wee7end!5 The be!t beach by far i! .oc7away5 (t ha! *retty ood
6 Carmine Street -oo( $ C(ar7!on St5 and Se;enth A;e5 8A <$<#<=
6 Co(onia( -oo( $ Bradhur!t A;e5 and 85 %<&th St5 8A =$>%@,
6 Ea!t #:rd Street -oo( $ A!!er Le;y -(ace 91 &$%@#=
6 Hami(ton 0i!h -oo( $ E5 Hou!ton and Sheriff Street! 2. "$:,%%
6 Hihbride -oo( $ Am!terdam A;e5 and 85 %":rd St5 8A :$#:=@
6 John Jay -oo( $ ""th St5, ea!t of ?or7 A;e5 at Chero7ee -(ace5 .E "$
6 La!7er 9emoria( -oo( $ Centra( -ar7, %%@th St5 and LenoA A;e5 :<>$
6 Thoma! Jeffer!on -oo( $ %%%th St5 and 0ir!t A;e5 LE <$@%,>
6 8e!t &,th Street -oo( $ between 8e!t End and Am!terdam A;enue!5 CI &$
6 Baruch -oo( $ .i;inton St5 and Baruch -(ace 2. :$=,&@
6 Ea!t &<th Street -oo( $ :<# E5 &<th St5 and Second A;e5 -L >$:%<"
6 .uter! -(ace -oo( $ & .uter! -(ace 2. :$=&="
6 8e!t #>th Street -oo( $ <@" 85 #>th St5 CH <$%>,=
6 8e!t %:<th Street -oo( $ :& 85 %:<th St5 A1 :$<=%#B.OOKL?/ $ O1TDOO.
-OOLS 6 Bet!y Head -oo( $ Ho*7in!on and Dumont A;enue! DI #$#,""
6 9cCarren -oo( $ Dri! A;e5 and Lorimer St5 E3 >$#:=" 6 .ed Hoo7 -oo(
$ Bay and Henry Street! T. &$:>&&
6 Sun!et -oo( $ Se;enth A;e5 and <:rd St5 2E &$#=#"
6 Brown!;i((e .ecreation Center $ Linden B(;d5 and Chri!to*her A;e5 H?
6 9etro*o(itan A;enue -oo( $ Bedford A;e5, no *honeG ca(( SO >$#:@@
6 St5 JohnB! .ecreation Center $ -ro!*ect -(ace and Schenectady A;enue!
H? :$:,<>B.O/J O1TDOO. -OOLS
6 Crotona -oo( $ E5 %":rd St5 and 0u(ton A;e5 L1 :$:,%@
6 St5 9aryB! .ecreation Center -oo( $ St5 AnnB! A;e5 and E5 %<&th St5
C? #$"#&<K1EE/S $ O1TDOO. -OOLS
6 A!toria -oo( $ %,th St5 and #:rd Dri;e, A!toria AS >$&#=%
6 0(u!hin 9eadow Am*hitheatre $ Lon I!(and EA*re!!way and 2rand
Centra( -ar7way, Swimmin *oo( and di;in *oo(5 =,,$<##>5
6 0aber -oo( $ 0aber St5 and .ichmond Terrace 2I #$%&#<
6 Lyon! -oo( $ 3ictory B(;d5 and 9urray Hu(bert A;e5 2I "$==&@
The *oo(! are enera((y crowded but on a warm !ummer day you donBt
care5 The *oo(! are o*en on wee7day! from %@ A9 to %#I:@ -95 There i! a
free *eriod for chi(dren %< year! of ae and under5 /o adu(t! are
admitted to the *oo( area! durin thi! free *eriod5 After % -9 on
wee7day! and a(( day on Saturday!, Sunday! and ho(iday! there i! a %&
cent! chare for chi(dren under %< year! and a :& cent! chare for
chi(dren o;er %< year!5 0ree Cric7et 9atche! At both 3an Cort(and -ar7
in the BronA and 8a(7er -ar7 on Staten I!(and e;ery Sunday afternoon
there are free cric7et matche!5 2et !chedu(e from Briti!h Tra;e(
A!!ociation, <: 85 =%!t St5 At 8a(7er -ar7, free tea and crum*et! are
!er;ed durin intermi!!ion5 I !ay4 0ree -ar7 E;ent!A(( 7ind! of
acti;itie! in the -ar7! are free5 Ca(( "&&$<%@@ for a recorded
announcement of the wee7B! e;ent!5 The frea7 center i! the rowin *ond
around "@th St5 and Bethe!da 0ountain around "#nd St5 in Centra( -ar7,
a(thouh it f(oat!5 Bu!t! are non$eAi!tent5 A com*(ete (i!t of a((
recreationa( faci(itie! can be obtained by ca((in the /ew ?or7 City
De*artment of -ar7!5
6 American Academy of Art! and Letter!, American /umi!matic Society,
and the American 2eora*hica( Society are a(( (ocated at Broadway and
%&&th St5
6 A!ia Hou!e 2a((ery $ %%# E5 =<th St5 Art obEect! from the 0ar Ea!t5
6 Broo7(yn 9u!eum $ Ea!tern -ar7way and 8a!hinton A;e5 Ey*tian !tuff
be!t in the wor(d out!ide Ey*t5 Ta7e I.T 'Broadway (ine) eA*re!! train
to Broo7(yn 9u!eum !tation5 'DonBt mi!! the 2arden! in bac75) 6 The
C(oi!ter! $ 8ee7day! %@ A9 to & -9, Sunday! % -9 to = -95 Ta7e I/D
Eihth A;enue eA*re!! 'A train) at %,@th Str5 !tation and wa(7 a few
b(oc7!5 The number < 0ifth A;enue bu! a(!o oe! a(( the way u* and itB!
a *(ea!ant ride5 One of the be!t tri* *(ace! in medie;a( !ettin5
6 0ric7 9u!eum $ % E5 "@th St5 2reat when youBre !toned5 C(o!ed
6 The Hi!*anic Society of America $ Broadway between %&th and %=th
Street!5 The be!t S*ani!h art co((ection in the city5
6 9arine 9u!eum of the SeamanB! Church $ #& South St5 A(( 7ind! of
mode( !hi*! and !ea !tuff5 A(!o the Sea*ort 9u!eum on %= 0u(ton St5
6 9etro*o(itan 9u!eum $ &th A;e5 and >#nd St5
6 9u!eum of the American Indian $ Broadway at %&&th St5 Lare!t Indian
mu!eum in the wor(d5 O*en Tue!day to Sunday % to & -95 Ta7e I.T
'Broadway (ine) (oca( to %&"th St5 !tation5
6 9u!eum of the City of /ew ?or7 $ %@:rd St5 and &th A;e5 LE <$%="#
6 9u!eum of 9odern Art $ %% 85 &:rd St5 CI &$:#@@5 9onday i! free5
6 9u!eum of /atura( Hi!tory $ Centra( -ar7 8e!t and ",th St5 2reat
dino!aur! and other !tuff5 8ee7day! %@$& -9, Sunday %$& -95
6 9u!eum of the -erformin Art! $ Linco(n Center, Am!terdam A;e5 and
=&th St5 ",,$##@@
6 /ew ?or7 Hi!torica( Society $ ""th St5 and Centra( -ar7 8e!t5 T. :$
6 Cha!e 9anhattan 9u!eum of 9oney $ %#&= =th A;e5 A(( ban7!, e!*ecia((y
Cha!e 9anhattan one! are mu!eum! when you et riht down to it5
Liberate them4
6 Summer 9u!ica( 0e!ti;a( in Centra( -ar75 About the c(o!e!t you can
come to ood free roc7 mu!ic5 There are concert! e;ery 9onday,
8edne!day, 0riday and Saturday in the month! of Ju(y and Auu!t5 It
on(y co!t! L%5@@ or L#5@@, and e;erybody in the mu!ic wor(d *(ay! at
(ea!t once5 The concert! are he(d at the 8o((man Ice S7atin .in5
Occa!iona((y there are free roc7 concert! in Centra( -ar75
6 The 2reenwich Hou!e of 9u!ic (ocated at <= Barrow St5 in the 8e!t
3i((ae *ut! on free concert! and recita(! e;ery 0riday at >I:@ -95 0or
a com*(ete !chedu(e !end a !tam*ed, !e(f$addre!!ed en;e(o*e5
6 The 0ric7 9u!eum, % E5 "@th St5, B1 >$@"@@, ha! concert! e;ery Sunday
afternoon5 The be!t of the c(a!!ica( offerin!5 ?ou mu!t ha!!(e a
(itt(e5 Send a !e(f$addre!!ed !tam*ed en;e(o*e that wi(( arri;e on
9onday before the date you wi!h to o5 One (etter, one tic7et5 The
Donne(( Library, #@ 85 &:rd St5 a(!o *re!ent! free c(a!!ica( mu!ic5 The
!chedu(e i! found in FCa(endar of E;ent!F at any (ibrary5
6 The Jui((iard Schoo( *re!ent! a ;ariety of free !tuffI orche!tra(,
o*era, dance, chamber mu!ic, !trin Cuartet! and !o(oi!t!5 -erformance!
ta7e *(ace mo!t 0riday e;enin! at >I:@ -9, from /o;ember throuh 9ay5
6 The 9u!eum of the City of /ew ?or7, &th A;e5 between %@:rd St5 and
%@<th St5 e;ery Sunday at #I:@ -9, October throuh A*ri(5 -hone fir!tI
LE <$%="#5 C(a!!ica(5
6 /ew ?or7 Hi!torica( Society, from December throuh A*ri(, ha! (ee
c(ub!, !trin rou*!, and c(a!!ica( !iner! *erformin on Sunday! at
#I:@ -95, %"@ Centra( -ar7 8e!t 'near ""th St5), -hone T. :$:<@@ for
6 Broo7(yn 9u!eum ha! c(a!!ica( concert! by a!!orted !o(oi!t! and
rou*! and are *re!ented free e;ery Sunday from October throuh June at
# -9, Ea!tern -ar7way and 8a!hinton A;e5 /E >$&@@@5Te(e;i!ion Show!?ou
can !ometime! *ic7 u* tic7et! to te(e;i!ion !how! at the /ew ?or7
Con;ention and 3i!itor! Bureau, ,@ E5 <#nd St5 0or the bier and
better !how! you ha;e to write direct to the !tudio!5 If you do write,
do it a! far in ad;ance a! *o!!ib(e5 CBS, &% 85 &#nd St5, a!7! you to
write two month! in ad;ance5 Sometime! you can et (a!t$minute tic7et!
for the Ed Su((i;an Theater, %=," Broadway5 0or /BC !how!, write /BC
Tic7et Di;i!ion, :@ .oc7efe((er -(aHa5 There i! a(!o a tic7et de!7 on
the /BC 9eHHanine of :@ .oc7efe((er -(aHa where tic7et! are i;en out
for the day !how! on a fir!t$come$fir!t$!er;ed ba!i!5 ItB! o*en 9onday
throuh 0riday from ,$&5 ABC, %::@ SiAth A;e5 a!7 you to write two to
three wee7! in ad;ance for tic7et!5 ?ou can et tic7et! u* to the day
of the !how by ca((in in or ;i!itin the tic7et office of ABC, ", 85
==th St5 or %::@ =th A;e5 'LT %$"""")5 9etromedia a(!o i;e! out free
tic7et! to their !how! and you can et them by writin to 8/E8$T3, #@&
E5 ="th St5 'LE &$%@@@)5Theater
6 The Dramatic 8or7!ho*, Studio number >@>, Carneie Ha(( Bui(din, >>%
"th A;e5 at &=th St5 0ree on 0riday, Saturday and Sunday at >I%& -95 J1
=$<>@@ for information5
6 /ew ?or7 Sha7e!*eare 0e!ti;a(, De(acourte Theater, Centra( -ar75
E;ery niht eAce*t 9onday5 -erformance bein! at >I@@ -9, but et there
before =I@@ -9 to be a!!ured of tic7et!5
6 -aeant -(ayer!, the SiAth Street Theater 2rou* and other !treet
theater rou*! *erform on !treet corner! and in *ar7!5 0ree theater i!
a(!o *ro;ided at the 1nited /ation! Bui(din and the Stoc7 EAchane on
8a(( Street5 If you enEoy !e;enteenth century comedy5
6 The ECuity Library Theatre i;e! *erformance! of o(d Broadway hit! at
the 9a!ter! In!titute, %@:rd St5 and .i;er!ide Dri;e5 They *erform
Tue!day throuh Sunday at >I:@ -9 and Sunday at #I:@ -95 0ree tic7et!
are not a(way! a;ai(ab(e !o *hone ahead '9O :$#@:>) for re!er;ation!5
/o !how! durin the !ummer5
6 The 9u!eum of -erformin Art!, %%% Am!terdam A;e5 offer! *(ay!, dance
*roram! and mu!ic5 Show! !tart at =I:@ -95 Tic7et! are handed out at
<I@@ -95 Saturday !how! !tart at #I:@ -95 ?ou can write for a ca(endar
of e;ent! to %>=& Broadway or ca(( ",,$##@@59o;ie!
6 The /ew ?or7 Hi!torica( Society, Centra( -ar7 8e!t and ""th St5
*re!ent! Ho((ywood mo;ie! e;ery Saturday afternoon5 T. :$:<@@ for a
6 At the 9etro*o(itan 9u!eum, 0ifth A;e5 and >#nd St5, you can !ee art
fi(m! e;ery 9onday at :I@@ -95 T. ,$&&@@ for a !chedu(e5
6 /ew ?or7 1ni;er!ity ha! a ;ery ood free mo;ie *roram a! we(( a!
*oetry, (ecture!, and theatre *re!entation!5 Ca(( the -roram
DirectorB! Office &,>$#@#= for a !chedu(e5
6 The 0i(m Library in the Donne(( Library, #@ 85 &:rd St5, ",@$=<=:,
ha! a wide ;ariety of fi(m! which may be borrowed free of chare5 The
Library !y!tem a(!o *re!ent! fi(m *roram! throuhout the year5 -ic7 u*
a Ca(endar of E;ent! which (i!t! the free !howin! at a(( the branche!5
6 The 9u!eum of 9odern Art i! free e;ery 9onday and they ha;e a free
fi(m !howin at # and & -95 2et a !chedu(e at the 9u!eum5 They ha;e the
(are!t mo;ie co((ection in the wor(d5
6 9u!eum of /atura( Hi!tory, Centra( -ar7 8e!t between ""th and >%!t
St5 'T. :$%:@@), *re!ent! tra;e( and anthro*o(oica( fi(m! on 8edne!day
and Saturday afternoon! at #I@@ !har*, from October throuh 9ay5E;ery
mo;ie that *(ay! in /ew ?or7 ha! a !erie! of !creenin! for critic!,
fi(m buyer! and friend! of the fo(7! that made it5 Loo7 in the ?e((ow
-ae! under 9otion -icture Studio! and 9otion -icture Screenin .oom!5
Once you et the fee( of it, youB(( Cuic7(y (earn who !how! what, where
and when5 They a(way! (et you in free and if not i;e !ome u(( !tory5
'See 0ree Entertainment !ection)5 If you !ee *re;iew! in a theater or
notice a *ub(icity bui(d$u* in the new!*a*er!, the mo;ie i! bein
!creened at one or more of the room!5
6 Dai(y /ew!$##@ E5 <#nd St5, wi(( an!wer any Cue!tion! you *ut to
them5 8e(( a(mo!t4
6 2enera( informationI >>:$%%##
6 S*ort!I >>:$%%::
6 Tra;e(I >>:$%%<<
6 8eatherI >>:$%%&&
6 0or the (ate!t new!, ca(( the wire !er;ice!I
6 A- i! -L "$%:%#, 1-I i!
6 91 #$@<@@5
6 The /ew ?or7 Time! .e!earch Bureau, ##, 85 <:rd St5, &&=$%=&%, wi((
re!earch new! Cue!tion! that *ertain to the *a!t three month!5
Liberation /ew! Ser;ice at %=@ C(aremont A;e5, wi(( i;e you u*$to$the$
minute co;erae of radica( new!5 Ca(( "<,$##@@5
1/DE.2.O1/D -A-E.S
6 Ea!t 3i((ae Other$#@ E5 %#th St5, #&&$#%:@
6 Liberation$::, Lafayette St5, ="<$@@&@
6 Other Scene!$BoA >, 3i((ae Station, #<#$:>>>
6 .at$#<% E5 %<th St5, ##>$<<=@
6 8in$::, Lafayette St5, ="<$@@&@
6 0or other!, ca(( 1nderround -re!! Syndicate, BoA #=, 3i((ae
Station, =,%$=@":9ISCELLA/EO1S
6 Dia($A$Beatin$,%%
6 Dia($a$Demon!tration ,#<$=:%&
6 Dia($a$Sate((ite$T. :$@<@<
6 Time$/E.3O1S 6 8eather$8E =$%#%#5
6 The Switchboard$,>,$@"#@, at the A(ternate 1, i! o*en = -9 to : A95
The fir!t thin to do i! et fami(iar with the eora*hy of !to*! you
u!e mo!t freCuent(y5 Locate the to7en cae5 Chec7 to !ee whether the
eAit! are within ea!y ;iew of the te((er, off to the !ide, or b(oc7ed
from ;iew by concrete *o(e$!u**orter!5 /eAt (earn the ty*e of turn!ti(e
in u!e5 0o((ow the hint! (aid down in the 0ree Tran!*ortation !ection5
The ru!h hour! are a(way! the ea!ie!t time!5 Ju!t o throuh the eAit!
a! *eo*(e *u!h o*en the door5 A(!o at crowded hour!, *eo*(e o !in(e
fi(e *a!t the turn!ti(e!, one after another in a !teady !tream5 2et in
(ine and o under5 The *eo*(e wi(( b(oc7 you from ;iew and wonBt do
anythin5 E;en a co* wonBt i;e you much ha!!(e5 Some !ubway !tation!
ha;e concrete !u**ort! that b(oc7 the te((erB! ;iew5 8here the!e eAi!t,
!(i* throuh the eAit neare!t the *o(e or !(ide by the turn!ti(e5
Turn!ti(e Eum*in i! !uch a !7i((, itB! oin to be added to the
O(ym*ic!5 There are three ba!ic !ty(e! common to /ew ?or7 and mo!t
citie! and each need! a !(iht(y different a**roach5 The O(d 8ooden
Cran7er$'Traditiona() ?ou ha;e to o under or !ai( o;er thi! ty*e5
2oin under i! a !moother tri*5 2oin o;er i! tric7ier !ince you need
both hand! free to hurd(e and itB! a Cuic7er, more noticeab(e motion5
A**roach it with confidence5 -retend youBre *uttin in a to7en with
your riht hand and *u(( the bar toward you one third of the way with
your (eft hand5 2o throuh the !*ace (eft between the bar! and the
barrier5 /ot for hea;yweiht!4 /ew$A(uminum$Bar$Turn!ti(e!$8hich$Can$
Be$1!ed$On(y$0or$Entrance$They wonBt *u(( toward! you, and !o, you mu!t
o either under or o;er them5 /OTEI There i! no way to te(( a /ew$
from a /ew$A(uminum$Bar$Turn!ti(e$8hich$Can$Be$1!ed$On(y$0or$Entrance
un(e!! there i! a !in5 ?ou ha;e to try it fir!t5 Therefore, it i!
im*ortant to remember which 7ind i! in u!e at your (oca( !tation !o
your techniCue wi(( be !mooth5 Once youBre throuh, remember in your
mind youB;e *aid5 Inore e;erybody who trie! to !to* you or te(( you
different5 If !omeone !hout! Eu!t 7ee* on truc7inB on toward your
trac75 DonBt !to* or run5 In!i!t you are riht if you e;er et cauht5
8e ha;e been doin it for year!, ot cauht twice and (et o both tune!
when other *a!!ener! in!i!ted we *aid5 E;erybody hate! the !ubway!,
e;en the te((er!5
C(othin .e*air!A(( 8a((ach !tore! feature a !er;ice that inc(ude!
!ewin on button!, free !hoe horn!, and !hoe (ace!, mendin *ant!
*oc7et! and (inin!, *unchin eAtra ho(e! in be(t!, and a number of
other free !er;ice!5 0urnitureBy far the be!t *(ace to et free
furniture in /ew ?or7 i! on the !treet5 Once a wee7 in e;ery di!trict,
the Sanitation De*artment ma7e! bu(7 *ic7$u*!5 The niht before,
re!ident! *ut out a(( 7ind! of !tuff on the !treet5 0or the be!t
!e(ection try the 8e!t 3i((ae on 9onday niht!, and the Ea!t Se;entie!
on Tue!day niht!5 On 8edne!day niht there are fanta!tic *ic7$u*! on
:&th St5 in$bac7 of 9acyB!5 9o;e Cuic7(y thouh, the uard! et *i!!ed
off ea!i(yG the truc7er! cou(dnBt care (e!!5 Thi! !treet method can
furni!h your who(e *ad5 Bed!, de!7!, bureau!, (am*!, boo7ca!e!, chair!,
and tab(e!5 ItB! a(( a matter of tran!*ortation5 If you donBt ha;e
acce!! to a car or truc7, itB! worth it to rent a !tation waon and
ma7e *ic7$u*!5 2ho!t!If you wou(d (i7e to meet a rea( ho!t, write Han!
Ho(tHer, cOo /ew ?or7 Committee for In;e!tiation for -aranorma(
.e!earch, %<@ .i;er!ide Dri;e, /ew ?or7, /?5 HeB(( *ut you in touch for
0ree Le!!on!
Le!!on! in a ;ariety of !7i((! !uch a! *(umbin, e(ectricity, Eewe(ry$
ma7in, con!truction and woodwor7in are *ro;ided by the 9echanic!
In!titute, #@ 85 <<th St5 Ca(( or write them we(( in ad;ance for a
!chedu(e5 ?ou mu!t !in u* ear(y for (e!!on! a! they try to maintain
!ma(( cour!e!5 91 "$<#",5-oem!are free5 Are you a *oem or are you a
*ro!eM Liberated Churche!
6 Saint 9ar7B! in the Bowery, Second A;e5 and %@th ST5 '="<$=:""
6 8a!hinton SCuare 9ethodi!t Church, %:: 85 0ourth St5,
6 2reenwich 3i((ae '"""$#&#>)G Jud!on 9emoria( Church, 8a!hinton
SCuare South '"#&$,#%%)50(ower! At about ,I:@ A9, free f(ower! in the
0(ower Di!trict on SiAth A;e5 between ##nd St5 and #:rd St5 Once in a
whi(e, you can find a *otted tree thatB! been thrown out becau!e itB!
!(iht(y damaed5 The Staten I!(and 0erry$/ot free, but a nic7e( each
way for a fi;e mi(e ocean ;oyae around the !outhern ti* of 9anhattan
i! worth it5 Ta7e I.T 'Broadway (ine) to South 0erry, (oca( on(y5 0erry
(ea;e! e;ery ha(f$hour day and niht5 Dru!In the area a(on Centra(
-ar7 8e!t in the Se;entie! and Eihtie! are (ocated many doctorB!
office!5 Dai(y they throw out *i(e! of dru !am*(e!5 If you 7now what
youBre (oo7in for, !earch thi! area5
?ou can a(way! u!e the (ibrary5 The main branch i! on 0ifth A;e5 and
<#nd St5 The -ub(ic Library *rint! a (eaf(et entit(ed FItB! ?our
LibraryF which (i!t! a(( the %=> branche! and !*ecia( !er;ice! the
(ibrary *ro;ide!5 ?ou can *ic7 it u* at your neare!t branch5 They a(!o
*ub(i!h a ca(endar of e;ent! e;ery two wee7! which i! a;ai(ab(e free5
If you ha;e any Cue!tion! ca(( ",%$=%=%5?ou can et free *o!ter!,
(iterature and boo7! from the ;ariou! mi!!ion! to the 1nited /ation!
(ocated on the Ea!t Side near the 1/ Bui(din5 The Cuban 9i!!ion, ="th
St5, wi(( i;e you free co*ie! of 2ranma, the Cuban new!*a*er, 9an and
Socia(i!m in Cuba, by Che 2ue;ara and other (iterature5
A free !ubway ma* i! a;ai(ab(e at any to7en booth5 2ood if youBre new
in the city and donBt 7now your way around5
AS-CA, <<% E5 ,#nd St5 and ?or7 A;e5, T. =$""@@5 Do!, cat!, !ome bird!
and other *et!5 Te(( them youBre from out of town if you want a do and
you wi(( not ha;e to *ay the L&5@@ (icen!e fee5 Ha;e them in!*ect and
inocu(ate the *etG which they do free of chare5 A *(ace to (oo7 for
free *et! i! in the 3i((ae 3oice under their co(umn 0ree -et!5
.adio 0ree /ew ?or7
8BAI 09, ,,5& on your dia(5 :@ E5 :,th St5 'OJ "$>&@=)5
0ree Schoo(!
6 A(ternati;e 1ni;er!ity, =, 85 %<th St5 ',>,$@===)5 A ood radica(
!choo( offerin cour!e! in 7arate, 9ao, medica( !7i((! and other
cour!e!5 They wi(( !end you a cata(oue (i!tin current cour!e!5
6 Bottea Arti!t! 8or7!ho*, %%%& Kuentin .oad, Broo7(yn, ::=$:#%# ha!
art tauht by *rofe!!iona(! for a free5
6 Contact$##@ E5 Se;enth St5 O*en : to %@ -95 .a*!, contact!, mai(in
addre!!e!, coun!e(in, !ometime! food5
6 Tra;e(erB! Aid$#@< E5 :,th St5 91 <$&@#,
6 3i((ae -roEect$>> Second A;e5 O*en # to = -95 Same a! Contact5
fuc7 Chicao
Contrary to rumor!, none of u! ha;e e;er been to Chicao5 /one$the$
(e!!, we ha;e !ome friend! who ha;e ;i!ited the area5 In Chicao,
e;eryone %" or under mu!t be off the !treet! by %@I:@ -9 and by %%I:@
-9 on 0riday! and Saturday!5 DonBt !(ee* in Linco(n -ar7 durin
*o(itica( con;ention!, but other niht! itB! O5K5 8a!nBt it Hi((e( who
a!7ed, F8hy i! thi! niht different from a(( other niht!MF And wa!nBt
it 9ayor .ichard J5 Da(ey who re!*onded, FCau!e I !ay et your a!! out
of the *ar74 FThe Chicao Seed ',#,$@%::) wi(( i;e you the be!t ad;ice
on cra!hin and the (oca( heat !cene5 2race Lutheran Church, &&& 85
Be(don St5, and the Loo7in 2(a!! at %"#& 85 8i(!on a(!o ha;e cra!hin
*(ace! or 7now where you can find free room and board5 ?ou wonBt et
ha!!(ed if you !ac7 out in the 1nion Station on Adam! Street Eu!t o;er
the bride5 There are (oad! of fo(7! cra!hin in abandoned bui(din!
a(on LaSa((e and other !treet!5 A(!o the roofto*! are coo(5 Stay off
the !treet! thouh, un(e!! youB;e ot ood identification5
SCLC 'O*eration Breadba!7et) ha! a free brea7fa!t *roram e;ery mornin
9onday throuh 0riday from "$%@ A9 at St5 Anna Church, &&th St5 and
LaSa((e St5, and a(!o at Chri!t the Kin Lutheran Church (ocated at
:"@@ La7e -ar75 ?ou can et free !am*(e! of chee!e, meat, and coffee
e;eryday at the Sto* and Sho* food !tore (ocated on 8a!hinton between
Dearborn and State Street!5 At the Trea!ure I!(and rocery !tore
(ocated on Broadway, two b(oc7! north of Be(mont, free coffee and
coo7ie! are offered for the *eo*(e5 Ha((oway Hou!e at #" 85 .ando(*h
i;e! cou*on! ood for coffee5 A(!o at the 2ui(d Boo7!tore at #& 85
Jac7!on B(;d5, and from the machine! at the <th throuh %<th f(oor! of
the -(ayboy Bui(din5 There are rea( chea* re!taurant!5 One i! a truc7$
!to* in S7o7ie ca((ed Kar(B! Cafe5 ItB! Eu!t north of Oa7ton on S7o7ie
Hihway5 ItB! o*en unti( =I@@5 ?ou et a who(e (ot of food for L%5@@5
A(!o, under the ;iaduct at 9i(wau7ee and Damen i! a !ma(( re!taurant
with -o(i!h food5 ?ou can et a reat mea( for L%5:&5 ItB! worth a
;i!it5 It c(o!e! ear(y in the e;enin5 Another chea* re!taurant i! -au(
and ErnieB! on /orth Linco(n, Eu!t !outh of 8rihtwood5 ?ou can ha;e a
beef dinner for about "@ cent!5 A ood *(ace to *ic7 u* free ;eetab(e!
and fruit! i! at the who(e!a(e mar7et on .ando(*h St5 or S5 8ater St5
on 0riday afternoon!5 9any of the food factorie! !uch a! Kraft Dairy
-roduct! i;e away free !am*(e! and ca!e! for Fcharity5F Chec7 them
out5 It i! *o!!ib(e to !tea( food from the #nd f(oor 0edera( Bui(din
Cafeteria at Adam! and Dearborn and the /ationa( Cafeteria at C(ar7 and
3an Buren5 The!e cafeteria! u!ua((y ha;e (on (ine! and you can eat
whi(e !tandin and Eu!t *ay for the coffee5 If you ha;e a *(ace to coo7
and !tore food, there are a few *(ace! that ha;e *retty chea* food5 The
ea!t ate of Internationa( Har;e!ter, (ocated at %@%& 85 %#@th St5 i!
unbe(ie;ab(e5 Di the!e barain!4 %@ *ound! of T$bone !tea7! 'boAed)
for L&5#& at midniht5 at < -9, the *roduce man brin! a different
combination of ood!5 A ty*ica( bi(( of fare miht inc(ude tomatoe!,
cucumber!, !trawberrie!, etc5 at L%5@@ for %@ *ound! of any item5 The
*roduce miht ;ary from day to day, but the *rice! !tay the !ame5 On
Thur!day! at noon and < -9, the Lenne(( coo7ie man come! around5 ItB!
L%5#& *er boA5 At " -9, the !au!ae man arri;e! and the !tandard *rice
i! L#5@@5 The !tandard !iHe i! : to & *ound!5 He ha! !a(ami, (i;er
!au!ae, *o(i!h !au!ae, and u!ua((y odd (unchmeat !uch a! bo(ona or
!ummer !au!ae5 A(( the food i! !o(d out of truc7!, and the *rice!
miht not be eAact, but theyBre *retty c(o!e5 E! are about : doHen
for L#5@@ on .ando(*h we!t of Ha(!ted5 Orane Euice i! *retty chea* at
the De( 0arm on Broadway5 8onder Bread thrift !tore on Di;er!eyG
Butternut, >"th St5 and .ide(and and %<"% 85 8i(!on, and Si(;ercu*,
&&th and 0edera(, offer bread and ro((! at bi di!count!5 The Cicero
Bott(in Com*any at :%!t St5 and <> Court !e(( a ca!e of %# Cuart
bott(e! for L#5@@5 9ama! Coo7ie!, "<@@ S5 Ka!tner i;e & *ound! for
L%5&@5 At Burho*!, State and 2rand, you can et chea* &$*ound boAe! of
!tea75 The .ai(road Sa(;ae around 9adi!on and Ha(!ted ha! dented can!
'with !tuff in!ide) for bi di!count!5 It i! a(!o a ood *(ace for
*a*er *roduct!5 Cam*be(( Sou*, ##&@ 85 &&th St5, o*en Tue!day and
Thur!day, wi(( i;e you ca!e! free or at di!count! if you te(( them
itB! for charity or (oo7 !traiht5 Two ood !*ot! for a(( around
!ho**in are the Hi$Lo on Linco(n, north of Ir;in5 ThereB! (ot! of
!tuff for %@ cent!5 9arathon -roduct! at .ando(*h and Ha(!ted i!
another ood *(ace5If you can !ur;i;e on Eu!t one mea( a day, youBre
!et5 The city ha! Eu!t o*ened %< free (unch center! throuhout the
town5 They are (ocated atI
6 Ante(d 1rban -rore!! Center$,=" E5 %:#nd St5
6 Area II 9u(ti$Ser;ice Center of DH.$%&@@ /5 /orth -ar7
6 Di;i!ion Street 1rban -rore!! Center$%,<@ 85 Di;i!ion
6 DH. 8ood(awn Di!trict Office$=:%" S5 9ary(and
6 En(ewood Di!trict Office of DH.$=@@: S5 Ha(!ted
6 2arfe(d /eihborhood Ser;ice -roram$, S5 KedHie
6 Ha(!ted 1rban -rore!! Center$%,:& S5 Ha(!ted
6 Lawnda(e 1rban -rore!! Center$:>%> 85 .oo!e;e(t
6 9adden -ar7 0ie(dhou!e$&@@ E5 :"th St5
6 9artin Luther Kin 1rban -rore!! Center$<"<% S5 Kin Dri;e
6 9ontro!e 1rban -rore!! Center$,@% 85 9ontro!e
6 /orth Kenwood CC1O Office$<%&& S5 La7e -ar7
6 South Chicao 1rban -rore!! Center$,#:% S5 Hou!ton
6 Southern Di!trict DH. Office$#%@> E5 "%!t St5
The free hot mea(! con!i!t of meat, *otatoe!, a ;eetab(e, de!!ert,
fruit, and coffee or mi(75 ?ou ha;e to i;e them a name and an addre!!5
A(( three maEor uni;er!itie! ha;e eAce((ent c(inic! that do mo!t 7ind!
of medica( wor7 for free5 The 1ni;er!ity of Chicao maintain! a c(inic
at ,&@ E5 &,th St5 The 1ni;er!ity of I((inoi! ha! one (ocated at ><@ S5
8ood5 In addition to ood medica( care, /orthwe!tern 1ni;er!ity C(inic
offer! ;ery chea* denta( treatment5 The c(inic i! at :@: E5 Chicao5
Ca(( the main !witchboard of the !choo(! and a!7 for the c(inic! to
chec7 out !er;ice! and hour!5 A 35D5 c(inic i! o*en e;ery wee7day and
(ate on 8edne!day! at #" E5 #=th St5 and /5 /orth -ar75 Chronic
di!ea!e! are treated at #,"< /5 C(ybourn5 0ree che!t J$ray! are
a;ai(ab(e at City Ha(( downtown, e;eryday5 0or menta( hea(th *rob(em!,
try the c(inic at %,@@ /5 Sedwic7 '=<#$:&:%)5 Dru education i!
offered by Earth 9other on 8edne!day! at the 2race Church, &&& 85
Be(den5 Information and he(* with bad tri*! can be obtained throuh
Ju!t 1!, =% /5 -ar7!ide ':">$"=%>) or LSD .e!cue Ser;ice, ""%" /5
Sheridan '::>$="&@)5 Chicao ha! a number of ood c(inic! maintained by
mo;ement and community rou*! !*read throuhout the city for the *eo*(e
that (i;e in the area5 The B(ac7 -anther -arty run! the S*ureon FJa7eF
8inter! 0ree -eo*(eB! C(inic at :>&@ 85 %=th St5 '&##$:##@)5 The ?oun
-atriot! 1*town Hea(th Ser;ice (ocated at <<@> /5 Sheridan '::<$>,&")
!er;e! the *eo*(e in that community5 The ?oun Lord! maintain the Dr5
E5 Betance! 0ree -eo*(eB! Hea(th Center at -eo*(e! Church, >:< 85
Armitae '&<,$>&@&)5 The Latin American Defen!e OraniHation ha! a
c(inic on #:&: 85 /orth A;enue, '#"=$@,@@)5 The rowin Student Hea(th
OraniHation admini!ter! a number of !ma(( c(inic! in ;ariou!
communitie!5 Ca(( them at <,:$#"<% or dro* into their office at %=%: E5
&:rd St5 At the Ho(y Co;enant Church, on 8i(ton and Di;er!ey, you can
et medica( a!!i!tance at the 0ree -eo*(eB! C(inic a! we(( a! he(* with
(ea(, hou!in, fami(y *(annin and nutrition *rob(em!5 Ca(( :<>$=><#5
A(( the!e c(inic! *ro;ide a ;ariety of !er;ice! and o*erate on
different !chedu(e!5 Ca(( them fir!t to be !ure they are o*en5
Chicao ha! a number of ood (aw !choo(! and you can often et !ome
a!!i!tance or referra( by ca((in them and !*ea7in to the editor of
the (aw !choo( *a*er5 ?ou can o to the bathroom for free in the Ju(iu!
J5 Hoffman .oom at /orthwe!tern 1ni;er!ity Law Schoo(5 The Law Student
Commune, :&" E5 Chicao, =<,$><=#, i! a rou* of youn radica( (awyer!
and (aw !tudent! tryin to brin (ea( a!!i!tance into the !treet!5 The
-eo*(eB! Law Office #%&= /5 Ha(!ted, ,#,$%>>@ o*erate! the !ame way5
0or community *rob(em!, ca(( the Linco(n -ar7 .iht! Center, &#&$,""&,
or the Community Lea( Coun!e(, "#=$@%&"5 The ACL1 maintain! a (are
cha*ter in Chicao at = S5 C(ar7, #:=$&&=<, and hand(e! ca!e! where
ci;i( (ibertie! are affected5
6 American 0riend! Ser;ice Committee $ <@" S5 Dearborn St5 <#"$#&::
6 Au!tin Draft Coun!e(in Center $ &,@: 0u(ton =#=$,:>&
6 Chicao Area Draft .e!i!ter! 'Cadre) $ &%, 85 /orth A;e5 ==<$=>,&
6 Chicao Circ(e Draft Information OraniHation 1ni;er!ity of I((inoi!,
:%" Chicao Circ(e Center ==:$#&&"
6 Hyde -ar7 Draft Information Center $ Kua7er Hou!e, &=%& S5 8ood(awn
A;e5 :=:$%#<>
6 Kennedy Kin Draft Coun!e(in Center $ "@<" S5 Stewart $ <>>$@,@@,
eAt5 := 6 Lawnda(e Draft Coun!e(in $ <@<, 85 #>th St5 #""$:%<@ 6
Loyo(a Draft Coun!e(in Center =&#& /5 Sheridan, #"<$:@@@ eAt5 :">
6 9ande( Lea( Aid C(inic $ =@#@ S5 1ni;er!ity A;e5 :#<$&%>%
6 .a;en!wood Draft Coun!e(in $ Barry 9emoria( 9ethodi!t Church, <"&<
/5 Lea;itt "><$:#"#
6 .oo!e;e(t Se(ecti;e Ser;ice Coun!e(in OraniHation $ .oo!e;e(t
1ni;er!ity Student Senate Office, .m5 #@<, <:@ S5 9ichian A;e5 ,##$
:&>@ eAt5 ::<
6 South Side Draft Information '9t5 Carme( Boo7 Di!t5) #:&& 85 =:rd St5
6 1*town Hu(( Hou!e Draft Information Ser;ice $ <&#@ /5 Beacon St5 &=%$
6 8e((inton A;enue Conreationa( Church Draft Coun!e(in Center $=%&
85 8e((inton A;e5 ,:&$@=<#5
Linco(n -ar7 !tretche! a(on La7e 9ichian in the /orthern !ection of
the city5 It ha! a Con!er;atory and Qoo, o*ened , A9 to & -95 Ju!t
!outh of the Hoo i! the atherin *(ace for free roc7 concert!, be$in!,
and the (i7e5 There i! a(!o a Hoo in the Broo7fie(d !ection at ><@@ 85
:%!t St5 The 9orton Arboretium (ocated on .oute &: in Li!(e i! o*en
e;ery day ti(( !un!et5 The Shedd ACuarium i! (ocated at %#@@ South La7e
Shore Dri;e at .oo!e;e(t5
he Auditorium and O*era Hou!e !ometime! offer! free concert! on Sunday
and wee7niht!5 Han around the (obby and c(aim there are tic7et! in
your name at the boA office5 E;en if itB! a *ay concert you can
enera((y b(uff your way in!ide5 The Center for /ew 9u!ic, ##=: /5
Linco(n, u!ua((y ha! free concert! on Sunday and 9onday at > -95 82LD
i! the (oca( underround !tation5 The 1ni;er!a( Life Church Coffee
Hou!e, %@<, 85 -o(7 ha! free roc7 and fo(7 mu!ic on the wee7end!5 0ree
City 9u!ic !*on!or! free roc7 concert! durin the !*rin and !ummer in
Linco(n -ar75
6 The Art In!titute $ Adam! and 9ichian5 O*en! dai(y at %@ A95 2reat
art mu!eum5
6 Chicao Academy of Science$Linco(n -ar7 at #@@% /5 C(ar75 'LI ,$@=@=)
O*en dai(y from %@ A9 to & -95
6 0ie(d 9u!eum of /atura( Hi!tory$.oo!e;e(t .oad at La7e Shore Dri;e5
Time of o*enin ;arie! from day to dayG ca(( ,##$,<%@5 Thur!day,
Saturday and Sunday admi!!ion i! free5
6 9u!eum of Contem*orary Art$#:" E5 Ontario ',<:$""&&) O*en dai(y5
6 9u!eum of Science and Indu!try$&"th St5 in the Hyde -ar7 area5 '91 <$
%<%<) O*en dai(y from , A9 to & -95 Our a(($time fa;orite mu!eum5
6 The Orienta( In!titute$1ni;er!ity of Chicao cam*u!, %%&& E5 &>th St5
'=<:$@>@@) O*en dai(y, eAce*t 9onday, from %@A9 to & -95-oetryThe Other
Door Coffee Hou!e, :%#< /5 Broadway, feature! niht(y *oetry readin!
and mu!ic5 Ca(( :<>$>&&#5 Cafe -ero(e!i, :<@< /5 Ha(!ted, feature!
*oetry readin!, baroCue mu!ic and an art a((ery5 There i! no co;er or
minimum5 O*en = to %# -9, and ti(( %I@@ A9 on Saturday5
The -(ayhou!e /orth, :%& 85 /orth A;e5 feature! free theater5 0or
L%5@@, you can !ee ;ariou! rou*! *erform at the Har*er Theater Coffee
Hou!e at &#:> S5 Har*er5 Second City, (=%= /5 8e((!, ha! free
im*ro;i!ation! after their e;enin *erformance! e;ery e;enin eAce*t
0riday!5 0ree chi(drenB! theater can be !een at La Do(ore!, %,>@ /orth
Orchard, 9onday! and 8edne!day! at % -95 Ca(( ==<$#:&#59o;ie! 6 The
Biora*h Theater, #<:: /5 Linco(n A;e5 !how! doub(e bi((! for L%5#& and
ha! a *enny candy counter5 John Di((iner ot ambu!hed when he (eft the
*(ace5 0ree /ew!ree( fi(m! can be !een 8edne!day! at > -9 at the
/eihborhood Common!, 8i!con!in and 0reemart5 /ew!ree(, #"<< /5 Linco(n
'#<>$#@%>) *ro;ide! mo;ement fi(m! for free or (aw co!t to rou*!5 6
A(iceB! .e;i!ited, ,&@ /5 8rihtwood, i! a re!taurant that !how! free
mo;ie!5 On 0riday! and Saturday! at > -9 they ha;e free fo(7$roc7$b(ue!
mu!ic5 Saturday! they a(!o ha;e free chi(drenB! theater5 Tue!day! they
ha;e *!ychodrama, a(!o for free5 Ca(( &#>$<#&@ for more info5
6 The Switchboard number i! #>%$"%,"51nderround -a*er!
6 .i!in 1* Anry $ ##=% /5 Linco(n <"#$%",%
6 Second City $ #%#@ /5 Ha(!ted &<,$>"=@
6 The Chicao Seed $ ,&@ 85 8rihtwood ,#,$@%::The Seed feature! a
co(umn ca((ed F9a7in It,F which dea(! with !ur;i;a( in the 8indy City5
It i! *robab(y the be!t of it! ty*e in the country5The B(ac7 -anther
-arty office i! (ocated at #:&@ 85 9adi!on '#<:$>#"=)5
CO991/IT? -.I/TI/2
6 Ait*ro* $ no officeG *hone ,#,$@%::
6 Chicao -rint Co$o*5 $ ="%@ /5 C(ar7
6 J5 S5 Jordan 9emoria( -rintin Co$o*5 $ ="%@ /5 C(ar7
6 Omea -o!ter! $ "%% S5 Dearborn
6 .ed Star -re!! $ %>@ /5 8acherSCHOOLSThe -eo*(eB! Schoo(, <<@, /5
Sheridan '&=%$=":"), offer! free cour!e! in many area! of !ur;i;a( and
radica( *o(itic!5 The 8hite -anther -arty, ">"$%,=#, offer! cour!e! in
!treet fihtin, hi!tory of American radica(i!m, and dia(ectic !eAi!m5
The Concerned CitiHen! Sur;i;a( 0ront, #&%# /5 Linco(n A;e5 ha!
c(othe!5 Try the dry c(eaner! on Armitae ea!t of Ha(!ted a(on the
!outh !ide of the !treet5 They i;e away unc(aimed !tuff5 A(!o BraHi(
C(eaner! at :,<: Indiana5 The Euene B(ue Jean Store at "@%" -au(ina
ha! Eean!, o(d army !hirt! and other item! for (e!! than a do((ar5
The La7e Shore Dri;e area on co((ection day! ha! furniture5 Ca(( the
bureau of Street! and Sanitation for a co((ection !chedu(e5
0ree Store
At "#" S5 Laf(in, youB(( find a enuine free !tore that i;e! away
e;erythin you can imaine5 It ha! a tendency to be a f(oatin free
!tore thouh5
-ic7 u* !ome underround *a*er! at any of the office! (i!ted and haw7
them on the !treet!5 ?ou can *u(( in L=$L%@ an hour if you wor7 at
it5fuc7 (o! ane(e!
There are !e;era( cra!h *ad! and commune! that wi(( *ut you u* for a
few niht!5 Ca(( the 0ree C(inic at ,:>$,%<%5 0(oor !*ace i! a;ai(ab(e
at the San! Souce Tem*(e on S5 Ardmore5 8omenB! Emerency Lode at ,%#
85 ,th St5 '=#"$&&"%) wi(( *ut u* women without a *(ace to !tay or
ma7e referra(!5 .e!i!tance ':>=$,=<&) and 2reen -ower 'HK ,$&%><) wi((
be he(*fu( if you ha;e to cra!h5 S(ee*in on the beache! i! out, but
the roof! are coo(5 The 9idnite 9i!!ion at :,= S5 Lo! Ane(e! '=#<$
,#&>) ha! room and board for !ome boarder!5 The *ar7! and !treet! are
certain bu!t materia(5 The L5A5 *i! are matched in bruta(ity on(y by
their fe((ow hoer! in Chicao and South Africa5 E;ery L5A5 co* i!
nine feet of !o(id chrome5 Bite hi! toe! and down he oe!5
2reen -ower 0eed! 9i((ion! i! a uniCue oraniHation !er;in the net! of
*eo*(e5 They *ro;ide food for fe!ti;a(!, cancer!, demon!tration!, be$
in!, !it$in! and !imi(ar e;ent! for free5 In addition they !u**(y a
number of commune! and !er;e food e;ery Sunday in 2riffith -ar7, the
centra( et$toether !*ot in Lo! Ane(e!5 Ca(( them at HO ,$&%>< or
,:>$,%<% for information and a(!o to offer your he(*5 0ree ;eetarian
(unch can be found at the 85 Ho((ywood -re!byterian Church at Sun!et
and 9arte( '>"<$%>%=)5 0or !u**er, try the 9idnite 9i!!ion, :,= S5 Lo!
Ane(e! StreetG 2od SCua!, %<%# /5 Cre!cent Heiht! B(;d5 'near
Sun!et), and Hi! -(ace, Sun!et and La Cienea5 The Ha(f$-rice Ba7ery at
Third and Hi(( St5 i;e! away free ba7ery ood! (ate at niht and you
can a(way! bum a mea( in any C(iftonB! Cafeteria with a ood !tory5 The
8att! TroEan Hou!e i! a free !tore that *ro;ide! not on(y food, both
c(othin and a ;ariety of other item! and !er;ice5 They are (ocated at
%>## E5 %@:rd St5 The County 8e(fare De*artment at #"@" S5 2rand 'near
Adam! Street) ha! a (ibera( food !tam* *roram '"<=$@&##)5
6 The 0ree C(inic at %%& /5 0airfaA A;e5 ',:>$,%<%) i! ;ery *o*u(ar and
*ro;ide! a number of !er;ice! at ;ariou! hour! !uch a!I
6 Job Co$o*!$$9onday thru 0riday, %@I@@$<I@@ -95
6 9edica($$9onday thru 0riday, &I:@$(@I@@ -95 Saturday %#I:@$&I@@ -95
6 Denta($$9onday thru Thur!day, "$%@ -95
6 Coun!e(in$-!ychiatric, 9onday thru 0riday, =$%@ -95
6 Lea( 9onday thru 0riday, "$%@ -9
6 Draft$9onday thru Thur!day, "I:@$%@I@@ -95
6 -renancy and Abortion$$9onday, Tue!day, Thur!day, "I:@5 Saturday
%I:@ -9
6 Birth Contro($9onday thru 0riday, =$" -95 Saturday #$: -95
6 The 0oothi(( C(inic, &<" E5 1nion in -a!adena '",&$>@>>) offer!
!imi(ar !er;ice! free of chare5 Ca(( them for a !chedu(e of hour!5
3enerea( Di!ea!e! are treated in the e;enin! at a c(inic maintained by
the Committee to Eradicate Sy*hi((i!5 They are found at &#@& 9e(ro!e
A;e5, Ho((ywood '>"@$#&#<)5
6 In 3enice u!e the free ?outh C(inic at ,@& 3enice B(;d5 'near
Linco(n)5 The !er;ice! are ;aried and they are on(y o*en e;enin!5 Ca((
:,,$""<: and theyB(( he(* you5
6 0or !*ecia(iHed *rob(em! tryI
6 Dru!$$/arcotic! Anonymou! '<=:$:%#:)
6 Abortion$The 8omanB! Center, %@#" S5 Cren!haw 'near O(ym*ic B(;d5)
8edne!day! at "I:@ -95
6 9enta($$Centra( City Community 9enta( Hea(th Center, <#"# S5 Broadway
6 Suicide -re;ention Center, #&#% 85 -ico ':>%$&%%%)
6 Di!trict Hea(th Center! *ro;ide many free !er;ice!5 0or eAact
information, ca(( the center or write toI
6 County of Lo! Ane(e! Hea(th De*artment, -ub(ic Hea(th Education
Di;i!ion, ##@ /5 Broadway, Lo! Ane(e!, Ca(ifornia ,@@%#5 A!7 for a
(i!t and information about their hea(th !er;ice!5
6 EAST LOS A/2ELES$="@ S5 0erri! A;e5 #=%$:%,%5
6 S1BCE/TE.$$9A.A3ILLA $ ,%& /5 Bonnie Beach -(5 #=<$=,%@5
6 HOLL?8OOD$8ILSHI.E$&#@# 9e(ro!e A;e5 <=<$@%#%5
6 S1BCE/TE.$8EST HOLL?8OOD$=#% /5 San 3incente B(;d5 =&#$:@,@5
6 /O.TH HOLL?8OOD$&:@@ TuEuna A;e5 "==$:,>%5
6 S1BCE/TE.S$-ACOI9A$$%::@@ 3an /uy! B(;d5 >,,$@#:%5
6 T1J1/2A$$""<" 0oothi(( B(;d5 :&#$%<%"5
6 SO1TH$%&## E5 %@# St5 &=<$=>@%
6 S1BCE/TE.$$0LO.E/CE$0ire!tone$>@%, Com*ton A;e &>:$=#<%5
6 SO1THEAST $ <,#@ A;a(on B(;d5 #:%$#%=%5
6 SO1TH8EST $ :>:< S58e!tern A;e5 ":%$>&<%5
6 The Lea( Aid 0oundation of Lo! Ane(e! at %@= :rd St5 '=#>$,%#=)
*ro;ide! he(* in ci;i( matter!5
6 The ACL1 of Southern Ca(ifornia i! (ocated at :#: 85 0ifth St5 '9A =$
6 A0SC $ ,>@ /5 0air Oa7!, -a!adena ,%%@: '",%$%,">)
6 B(ac7 Community Draft A!!i!tance$"##> S5 Broadway, LA ,@@@: '"">$
6 Catho(ic -eace A!!n5$$,%% 9a(co(m A;e5, 8e!twood ,@@#< '<"<$#=>:)
6 Counterdraft$-O BoA "<>>%, LA ,@@@<
6 Ea!t LA -eace Center$<@, /5 Soto, LA ,@@:: '#=%$#@<")
6 E*i!co*a( Draft Coun!e(in Center$&%< 85 Adam! B(;d5, LA ,@@@< '"<>$
6 0e((ow!hi* for .econci(iation <:&=N 9e(ro!e, LA ,@@#, '===$@%<&)
6 0ir!t 1nitarian Church$#,:= 85 Eihth St5, LA ,@@@& ':>,$%:&=)
6 0ree C(inic$%%& /5 0airfaA, LA ,@@:= ',:>$,%<%)
6 L5A5 Comm5 for Defen!e of Bi(( of .iht!$'9A &$#%=,)
6 L5A5 Draft He(*$%@%> S5 Hi(( St5, LA '.I "$&<=%)
6 9yra Hou!e$%,% /5 Sun7i!t, 8e!t Co;ina '::>$,=:=)
6 /orthea!t -eace Center$&=># ?or7 B(;d5, LA ,@@<# '#&"$#@@<)
6 -eace Hou!e$"#< 9oreno, -a!adena ,%%@: '<<,$>##>)
6 .e!i!tance$&@" /5 Hoo;er, LA ,@@@<
6 The .e!i!tance$%%:%" Santa 9onica B(;d5, 8e!twood ,@@#< '<">$#:"<)
6 S03SC$Student Ser;ice Center, Admi!!ion! and .ecord! Office, San
0ernando 3a((ey State Co((ee, /orthride ':<,$%#@@, eAt5 %%>%)
6 1CLA Draft Coun!e(in Center$$1CLA Law Schoo(, <@& Hi(ard A;e5, LA
,@@#< '"<=$=@,#)
6 1SC Coun!e(in Center$2ou(d Law Schoo(, 1ni;er!ity -ar7, Student
1nion B(d5, .m5 #%" '"<=$=@,#)
6 3a((ey -eace Center$"%@& Hay;enhur!t, 3an /uy! ,%<@= '">"$=,#&)5
Tue!day and 8edne!day e;enin!5
6 3enice Draft Info Center$$": 9ar7et St5, 3enice ,@#,% ':,,$&>%#)
6 8ar .e!i!ter! Leaue$%@<= /5 SweetHer, LA ,@@=, '=&<$<<,%)
6 8e!t!ide Jewi!h Community Center$&>"@ 85 O(ym*ic B(;d5, LA ,@@<=
',:>$#&:%) 6 8omen Stri7e for -eace$&>,, 85 -ico B(;d5, LA ,@@%, ',:"$
Lo! Ane(e! ha! %< mi(e! of beache! eAtendin from north of -acific
-a(i!ade! to Cabri((o Beach in San -edro58i(( .oer! Beach State -ar7,
%&%@@ -acific Coa!t Hihway, -acific -a(i!ade!, eAtend! north three
mi(e! from the Santa 9onica city (imit! to a *oint near To*ana Canyon5
Thi! beach ha! a (are, *o*u(ar !urfin area5 3enice Beach, #%@@ Ocean
0ront 8a(7, 3enice, eAtend! from the Santa 9onica city (imit! !outh to
9arina De( .ey5 SiA acre! ha;e been de;e(o*ed into a *ar7 with *icnic
area!, !huff(eboard court! and the 3enice Beach -a;i(ion5 The hue
3enice 0i!hin -ier i! (ocated here, and there i! an area for
!urfin5I!idore B5 Doc7wei(er Beach State -ar7, %%<@% 3i!ta de( 9ar
A;e5 eAtend! from 9arina de( .ay, !outh of the city of E( Seundo5 Thi!
beach ha! "@@ fire *it! and a !urfin area5 Cabri((o Beach, :"#@
Ste*hen 8hite Dri;e, San -edro, (ocated at the northern end of Lo!
Ane(e! Harbor, ha! *icnic area!, fire *it! and a !ection for !urfin5
.oya( -a(m! Beach, %",, -a!eo de( 9ar i! eCui**ed with *icnic area! and
fire *it!5
2riffith -ar7 i! the (are!t *ar7 and the fa;orite atherin !*ot of
the (oca( hi* community5 ItB! neAt to the 3entura and State 0reeway!5
Arroyo Seco -ar7 i! (ocated a(on the Arroyo Seco and ha! *icnic,
recreationa( and bow(in$on$the$reen faci(itie!5 ?ouB(( a(!o find the
Lo! Ane(e! Qoo at &::: Qoo Dri;e in the *ar75 Brand -ar7 and 9emory
2arden o**o!ite the o(d 9i!!ion San 0ernando i! a rea( !trane *(ace to
o5 Echo -ar7 ha! the (are!t artificia( (a7e in Lo! Ane(e!5 0i!hin
*roram! for 7id! are conducted each !ummer and e(ectric boat! are
a;ai(ab(e for rent5 Hancoc7 -ar7, (ocated on 8i(!hire B(;d, between
Oden and Cur!on, ha! the LaBrea Tar -it! with *rehi!toric anima( and
*(ant fo!!i(! a(( o;er the *(ace5 The EA*o!ition -ar7 .o!e 2arden on
EA*o!ition B(;d5 i! a !e;en$acre !un7en ro!e arden that !me((! reat5
0ounded by Hubert Eaton a! Fthe fir!t !te* u* to hea;en,F 0ore!t Lawn
9emoria( -ar7, o;er(oo7in beautifu( downtown 2(enda(e ha! to be the
wi(de!t !*ot around5 It i! *ure L5A5 with the (are!t co((ection of
re*roduced !tatuary in the wor(d5 Jean Har(ow, Sabu, C(ar7 2ab(e and
other (o;ed one! are tuc7ed away here5 ?ou can turn on in front of the
Jean Her!ho(t 9emoria(, fuc7 in the Ai!(e of Bene;o(ence (ocated in the
2reat 9au!o(eum, and tri* out on a !tereo !ermon emanatin from the
iant 9y!tery of Life !cu(*ture5 0ar$fuc7in out4
There are o;er fifty free mu!eum! in the reater Lo! Ane(e! area5 8e
are (i!tin tho!e of !*ecia( intere!t5 Ca(ifornia 9u!eum of Science and
Indu!try$EA*o!ition -ar7, "<,$@%@%5Ho((ywood 8aA 9u!eum$="=" Ho((ywood
B(;d5 'near 2raumanB! Chine!e Theater)5Lo! Ane(e! County 9u!eum of
Art$&,@& 8i(!hire B(;d5 in Hancoc7 -ar7, ,:"$#&,@59u!icE;ery Sunday
there are free mu!ic concert! in 2riffith -ar75
15C5L5A5 ha! a free eA*erimenta( fi(m !erie! e;ery year5 Ca(( them at
>#&$<:#% for a !chedu(e5
I/0O.9ATIO/ The Switchboard in Lo! Ane(e! ha! a #<$hour$a$day !er;ice
ca((ed the Hot Line5 ItB! (ocated at <=&@ Sun!et B(;d5 '==:$%@%&)5 Ca((
them for the (ate!t in whatB! oin down in the area5 The L5A5 0ree
-re!! at ">%: Be;er(y B(;d5 ,:"$%,"@, i! a(way! a ood !ource of
information5 The B(ac7 -anther -arty HeadCuarter! can be found at <%%&
S5 Centra( A;e5, #:&$<%#", or at ,>%> AnHac, in 8att!, &="$>@#"5 The
Tra;e(erB! Aid Society ha! office! in the 2reyhound Bu! Termina( and
Internationa( Air*ort5 They *ro;ide a(( 7ind! of !er;ice! and
information to (o!t !ou(! or ;i!itor!5 2enera((y
The fo((owin !*ot! offer c(othe!,furniture and other hou!eho(d item!
at (ow *rice!I2oodwi(( Indu!trie!$#:& So5 Broadway ##>$%"<>G &#@>
8hittier #=<$%=:>St5 3incent de -au( Society$"#" /5 Broadway =#"$>%<"G
#%@ San 0ernando .d5 ##%$=%&%The 3o(unteer! of America maintain a
number of thrift !tore! throuhout the area5 Try >=@, S5 Broadway or
ca(( "&@$,#&% for the !tore near you5 The Sa(;ation Army a(!o ha! a
chain of !tore!5 The main !tore i! at >@% E5 "th St5 =#@$%#"@5 They can
he(* you there or (et you 7now where you can !ho* in your area5
?ou can !e(( a *int of b(ood for L%@5@@ at the .ed Cro!! B(ood Ban7,
%#@@ S5 3ermont ':><$&#=%)5
A(( !ort! of free *et! are a;ai(ab(e at the AS-CA, &@#=, 85 Jeffer!on
Lo! Ane(e! ha! a curfew (aw but you can et a !uitab(e I5D5 with *hoto
for L:5&@ at Twe(fth and Hi(( Street!5 fuc7 !an 0ranci!co
The niht! are chi((y in San 0ranci!co but there are *(ace! that offer
a free nihtB! (odin5 To a;oid o;ercrowdin they tend to em*(oy a
tic7et !y!tem5 By !howin u* in the (ate afternoon, you are enera((y
a!!ured a *(ace to !tay that niht5 The fo((owin *(ace! wor7 it thi!
wayI 6 Brother Juni*erB! Inn$$%":= Haiht, tic7et! on a fir!t$come,
fir!t$!er;e ba!i!5
6 Ho(y Order of 9an$$,:" 0i((more, no tic7et!5
6 Ho!*ita(ity Hou!e$$%<> Lea;enworth, for *eo*(e under %>, enera((y
6 -inehur!t Emerency Lode$$#=>& :@th A;e5, for unwed mother! and
women with chi(dren5
6 St5 9aryB! Church$$==@ Ca(ifornia, tic7et! at =I@@ -95
6 St5 -atric7B! Church$$"&= 9i!!ion, tic7et! at =I@@ -9
6 St5 3incent De -au($$#:& 9inna, tic7et! at <I@@ -9 for !in(e men
6 Sa(;ation Army Harbor Liht$$#,@ 0ourth St5, no tic7et!5
Tra;e(erB! Aid, :> 9a!on, ""%$@>>@, wi(( a!!i!t in findin tem*orary
!he(ter5 ?oun runaway! wi(( find it coo( to try A(( SaintB! Church,
%:&@ 8a(7er '>=:$,"%>) for both room and board5 A(!o Huc7(eberryB! for
.unaway!, %:<" "th A;e5 '":%$:,#%) wi(( *ro;ide the!e and other
!er;ice! !uch a! coun!e(in5 If youBre oin to !ett(e for a whi(e in
San 0ranci!co, you miht ha;e difficu(ty findin an a*artment to rent5
Try the 0edera( Hou!in Information Center, %@@ Ca(ifornia '&&=$&,@@)5
They maintain a free (i!tin5 The Community De!in Center, #%& Haiht
'>=:$:"%>) *ro;ide! free ad;ice on architectura( and de!in of *ad!
in!ide and out once you (ocate a *(ace, !*ea7in, you can find a
Tra;e(erB! Aid Station in e;ery *(ace that (are number! of tra;e(er!
can be found5

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