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Mr. P.

Grade 5 Teacher
Randerson Ridge Elementary School
6021 Nelson Road,
Nanaimo, BC.
Dear Sir/Madam:
Vanessa Furness was a student teacher in my grade 5 class for a total of 12 weeks from
September, 2013, through May, 2014. Her time in my class culminated in a highly
successful final 6 week practicum from early April through mid-May. During this time,
Vanessa performed well in all aspects and requirements of the practicum. Immersing
herself in the class, she took it upon herself to teach full-time and to take on all the
responsibilities of the classroom teacher. Prior to her practicum, Vanessa liaised thoroughly
and often with me in order to make her transition into the class as smooth as possible for the
students. Vanessa continued to teach, plan, and assess well after she was entitled to reduce
her load, such was her dedication to her students.
Vanessa is also diligent in her planning, classroom management, the execution of her
lessons, the assessment of her students, and her own learning. In her time at the school,
Vanessas up-beat personality and her willingness to try new ideas allowed her to manage a
class with some significant behavioural needs, including a new student on a behavioural IEP
and a challenging Asbergers student. In particular, Vanessa worked on incorporating less
intrusive management strategies into her classroom repertoire. Her knowledge of the
provincial learning outcomes, the performance standards, and her ability to integrate
subjects led to effective hands-on learning and tangible achievement for all students.
Vanessa is a motivated, and flexible individual; furthermore, given my observation of her, I
feel confident in saying that she would be a good addition to a school staff or the Teacher
On Call roster. Her prior and current - experience in the work-place ensured that she was
always at school well before she was required, fully planned, organized and dressed
professionally, and ready to teach. Her natural interpersonal skills have given Vanessa a
tool-box of strategies with which to teach and manage students in an effective, diligent,
and respectful manner.
If you would like additional information about Ms. Furness, please telephone me at (250)
758-5076 (Work) or (250) 758-8370 (Home).

Paul Nixon
Sponsor Teacher

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