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Sitka Elementary School Playground Action Plan

Needs Assessment:
A review of SWIS data from the previous six months of school indicated that a majority
of disciplinary referrals were originating from the playground. Aggression and
inappropriate language were noted to be the primary concerns. Students in grades !"
were surveyed and results indicated room for improvement in several areas# particularly:
students$ perception of personal safety# students$ experience of respect and cooperation
among peers# and students$ commitment to following rules at school. Informal
interviews of staff and playground observations allowed school counselors to focus on
particular aspects of recess time that may contribute to playground conflicts# particularly:
students clumped together in groups rather than using the space available# students
excluded from interacting with others# students arguing about rules of interaction and use
of playground e%uipment and structures.
'he implementation of a school wide recess program that will:
maximi(e student involvement in a variety of activities
create play situations that include all students
teach students consistent rules and expectations at recess time
teach students conflict resolution strategies
. 'o decrease the number of student disciplinary referrals by at least *"+#
particularly referrals originating from the playground during recess periods.
,. 'o decrease aggressive behavior and inappropriate language on the playground.
-. 'o provide students with a school wide recess program that encourages healthy
physical activity# cooperative play# safety and respect.
.. 'o provide students with consistent guidelines for playground behavior.
". 'o provide students with effective conflict resolution s/ills and incentives for
peacefully managing playground conflicts# such as: opportunities to serve as
0layground 0eacema/ers or to be awarded Sit/a 1uc/s for good sportsmanship.
Step )ne: Secure corporate and government sponsored grant monies to facilitate the
purchase of the 0eaceful 0layground 0rogram.
Step 'wo: &ather community members# family# students and staff together over the span
of one wee/ in the summer to paint the stenciled games onto the school blac/top.
Step 'hree: 2raft school recess policy.
Step 3our: 'eachers# paraprofessionals# administrators# and playground supervisors
complete a one hour in!service training on the recess policy# games# rules# and objectives
of the 0eaceful 0layground 0rogram.
Step 3ive: 'eachers present the peaceful playground program in each classroom on the
first day of school and each grade level is taught game.
Step Six: School counselors spend 4 minutes each wee/ during classroom guidance
time introducing students to the rules for !, new games.
Step Seven: School counselors facilitate monthly student 0eacema/er training sessions#
wherein individual students are trained to be peer mediators on the playground.
Students will be as/ed by the counselors to serve as 0eacema/ers. 'hey can be
nominated by their teachers# playground supervisor# peers# and other school staff or by
Step 5ight: School counselors will provide classroom guidance curriculum to reinforce
s/ills that support the peaceful playground program by promoting cooperative play#
problem solving# empathy and leadership. )ne lesson a month will specifically focus on
supporting student development in this area.
Step Nine: 0layground supervisors and teacher will distribute good Sit/a 1uc/s during
Step 'en: 'he benefits of the 0eaceful 0layground 0rogram will be assessed at six
months. 6onsideration will be given to SWIS data# follow!up student surveys#
playground observations# and informal interviews of teachers and playground

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