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Parker Canby
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
This image shows the place where the civilization of Sparkerton will survive and thrive
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Living in an oasis is hard but
people nd a way. If you
stand on one of the dunes you
would see sand for miles. If
your skin were not covered
up it would be cooked like ba-
con; at night you freeze like
an ice cube. If you lay in bed
awake you would hear the
swaying brush and the crick-
ets and other bugs. You wake
and are hungry, you could eat
coconuts, dates, sh, and
goats are just a few. While you
eat you would smell are the
hot air rising off the sand and
the fresh camel poo. You
would see and hear the birds
chirping in the big blue sky.
Standing in the water knee
deep, some sh would nibble
at your toes.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Since, however, the reduced surplus value is to be distributed among them in like manner, the
modication of their respective parts in the production of surplus value must nd expression in a
modication of the prices.
Rudolf Hiferding
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Part 1 - Analysis of the Problem
The rst step in a successful civilization
is to secure basic human needs such as
food and water. Due to its geography,
the major challenges the civilization of
Sparkerton faces in achieving a basic
Figure 1.1
"I think of having land an not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own." - Andy Warhol
Human Changes to the Land
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
food and water supply include the fol-
Part I. An oasis may seem like a para-
dise but its not. Since we dont have
much dirt, we cant grow crops for
food. As you can see we only have
sand. We also dont have many seeds
for crops even if we had dirt. Plus we
dont have many edible animals. If we
dont deal with these problems our civi-
lization would collapse and so would
the people. In an oasis you cant rely on
rain for drinking water because you
would only get about 2-4 inches a year.
The water thats in the river is full of
bacteria and germs that could make you
sick. We have no natural water lter. I
wonder how the plants are still living in
this hot, dry place. We worry about all
of the water evaporating, and water is a
necessary thing for survival.
Part II. Modication means to make
small changes to an environment to t
their needs. Like how the Mesopotami-
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
ans made irrigation systems so they
could get water from outside the wall,
Gradually, villages came to depend on
each other to build and maintain their
complex irrigation system (Frey 37).
Modications could help our civiliza-
tion because it would make things bet-
ter for our city of Sparkerton.
Since our food supply is not very large,
we rely on trading with other cities and
towns. Since we have surplus amount
of coconuts, water and dates we trade
them for other things like wood, tools,
seeds and dirt just like the Arabs. Real-
izing they could grow crops at the oa-
ses, some nomads gave up their wander-
ing lifestyle to become sedentary (Frey
78). We will have fresh veggies and won-
derful fruits for our meals and to feed
our camels. This way our city can sur-
vive and thrive to its full potential.
Our water is not the cleanest you can
nd but we found a way to lter it so it
is drinkable. We made a water lter out
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
of a coconut shell. We drilled small
holes in the bottom and pored sand in
it. Then when you pour water in it all of
the gross stuff stays in the sand. From
the bottom comes fresh, clean, water. It
is very refreshing on a hot, no a normal
day in the desert. We also made irriga-
tion systems so we can get water over
the grass and to our crops. Sumerian
farmers began to create irrigation sys-
tems to provide water (Frey 36).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Minecraft Modifcations
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.
Benjamin Franklin
Law and Government
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Part I - Lessons on Democracy
There were many different types of gov-
ernment in ancient times. Some of them
are oligarchy, tyranny, monarchy and
democracies. A monarchy is where one
king ruled a civilization and the son in-
Figure 2.1
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby
Maintaining Civil Order
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
herited the throne (overthrown by the
aristocrats). An oligarchy is a couple of
aristocrats (wealthy people or patri-
cians) that rule over Rome (Spartans),
sadly the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer (overthrown by the plebe-
ians or poor people). A tyranny is
where a tyrant rules by force. A direct
democracy is where everyone gets a say
(Athens). A representative democracy
is where one person represents a com-
munity (USA). Unlike Athens, the US
is a representative democracy. In this
type of government, people vote for rep-
resentative who decide issues in their
We can learn from the Athenian govern-
ment that women, slaves, and children
couldnt vote so if I created my own
laws I would make it so everyone could
vote (10 and up) we also learned that
the Athenian assembly was a good idea
because they let everyone speak. The
assembly debated and voted on laws
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
proposed by the council. Every citizen
had the right to speak at the assembly
meetings Frey, 261.
We can learn from the Spartan govern-
ment that the Council of Elders was a
mediocre idea because you know the
saying the old and wise. Well some-
times their memory is not that great. So
they may forget if they agreed on one
law and the next day they changed their
mind. Instead I would have a small
group of elected people that would cre-
ate the laws. Also they would put out
the laws to the citizens, that the citizens
would vote or veto. Sparta also had an
Council of Elders
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Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
assembly. They voted on the laws that
were suggested by the Council of Eld-
ers. Unlike the assembly in Athens, it
did not debate issues. Members of the
assembly could only vote yes or no on
laws suggested by the Council of Eld-
Part II - Code of Laws
All cities have laws for a reason, so
crime and chaos doesnt run amuck.
Some of the things that could happen
are that people could murder others or
overthrow. There for towns need laws
to keep things under control.
In the civilization of Sparkerton I would
have ve main laws:
I. Anyone caught committing a crime
will go to court word judge and the jury
will decide on a punishment. (This is so
criminals dont go running amok or if
they were not guilty they would be set
II. II. Anyone with education is eligible
for better job and must get paid $13 an
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
hour. (The system smarter people dont
go to waste and the dumber people at
least have a job but dont get paid as
much because they were too lazy to go
to school.)
III. Husband or wife can declare di-
vorce. All possessions will be
equally divided, and the child will have
a choice a parent or will be going week
to week say 50% so one parent gets him
one week and the other parent get the
child the other week. (This is so no child
gets left behind and nobody freaks out
over possessions.)
IV. Anyone who is sick or close to
death shall be put into a home till better
or if death then shall be buried in the
nearest cemetery. (This is because no
one else should be sick because then
they could miss work or school and
they wont get the right education or
V. Everyone has equal rights, unless a
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
With the laws above we would have
a well-balanced and fair civilization. If
we compared our laws to the pasts like
Hammurabis Code and the Twelve Ta-
bles we would see major differences.
Like how the Code and tables gave
women barely any rights. In the city of
Sparkerton Women are appreciated,
where is in the times of Hammurabis
code and the 12 tables women were
treated kind of like slaves. Or in the
time of the 12 tables children were
killed of that a severe deformity so
instead, Sparkerton would send it to a
place where they can learn with all of
his other peers.
Part III - Political Leadership Lessons
from Julius Caesar
Hammurabis Code
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Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
After reading about Julius Caesars
reign there are many lessons to be
learned. The things we can learn from
the choices he made are, he made sure
that all citizens had jobs. He also started
projects for the poor to make new roads
and public buildings which will help
maintain jobs and earn money. In the
city of Sparkerton we would make sure
everyone has a job and got paid the
same so there was no ghts or jealousy.
Julius Ceasar also let people who
couldnt afford to watch gladiator
shows watch this will help keep the less
fortunate happy in our civilization. He
also reduced slavery this will help keep
citizens happy. He let people that came
from Sicily, Spain, and Gaul become
Roman citizens.
Some things Sparkereton can learn from
Julius Caesar are that the rulers make
sure that the rest of the civilization like
them and belive in him. Who would be
elected if they didnt have followers.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Part IV - Political Leadership Lessons
from Augustus Caesar
Augustus, the nephew of Julius Caesar
has many lessons to teach us future
presidents of Sparkerton. One example
is how Augustus said that the senate
has all the power, but really he was still
in charge. He also liked keeping family
values because he missed that when he
was a kid. He hates it when couples be-
come divorced. Aqustus didnt want to
be like his uncle so he did many differ-
ent things so he didnt end up the same
Part V - Lessons from the Decline of
the Western Roman Empire
One of the main reasons for the decline
of Rome is because of the rulers they
had after Augustus. For example they
had auctioned off the throne, and let the
Praetorian Guard (army general
decide who would have the throne.
Trimalchio had too many lavish parties
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
so the town went unxed and more
drunks went around breaking windows
and creating havoc. If they had made
sure everyone had a good education, no
one would have been unemployed and
they would all be thriving people.
In the civilization of Sparkerton we
would do things very different. For start-
ers we would have parties only on spe-
cial occasions. Have people work in
their eld of expertise or do the job they
would like. We would also make sure
that everyone had a good education, so
we dont have anyone on the streets.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive
the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand
our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds. - William James
Belief Systems
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Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
When you think of belief systems do
pictures of the Budah, God, or Jeasus
pop in your head? For many people dif-
ferent things pop into their heads, and
for others nothing pops into their
heads. In the civilization of sparkerton
Figure 4.1
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. Jackie Robinson
Impact of Belief Systems
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
people can belive in wat they want. and
if we dont have their place of practice
they can put it up themselves. We will
be like america and nomater what you
are everyone is equal. No discrimana-
In order to further understand the im-
portance of a belief system on socitey
and their inuence on their followers,
acknowledge the moral dilemma below:
Judy is a twelve-year-old girl. Her mother
promised her that she could go to a special
rock concert coming to their town if she
saved up her baby-sitting money to buy a
ticket to the concert. She managed to save
up the fteen dollars the ticket cost plus an-
other ve dollars. But then her mother
changed her mind and told Judy that she
had to spend the money on new clothes for
school. Judy was disappointed and decided
to go to the concert anyway. She bought a
ticket and told her mother that she had only
been able to save ve dollars. That Saturday
she went to the performance and told her
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
mother that she was spending the day with
a friend. A week passed without her mother
nding out. Judy then told her older sister,
Louise, that she had gone to the performance
and had lied to her mother about it. Louise
wonders whether to tell their mother what
Judy did.
If Louise is a Buddhist and didnt tell
her mom she would be going against
the 8 fold path and lying. If she told
her mom she would be doing the Right
Action (do not kill, steal, or lie. Be hon-
est.) Her sister may be mad but at least
she did the right thing.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
If Louise is a Hindu and she did tell her
mom she would have bad Karma be-
cause her sister asked her not to tell
their mom. If she didnt tell she would
keep a clean slate. But if Judy told then
she would have good Karma because
she told the truth, Right now she has
bad Karma.
If she was a Confucianist she would tell
her mother because you always have to
respect her elders but it wouldent have
been a seacret anyway because Judy
would have told her mother. Respect
your elders Kongfuzi always said.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
In the civlization of sparkerton it would
be up to the indvisual so they could
make the right choice. If it were up to
me I would tell the mom but not be
mean about it and maby they would be
greatful, and realize what they did
wrong. Drawing is the honesty of the
art. There is no possibility of cheating. It
is either good or bad. Salvador Dali
Impact of Belief Systems in Mideval
During the Middle Ages the Roman
Catholic Church was the center of all
life. It was almost always in the center
of town and everyone went there be-
cause it provided leadership. It was
even more powerful then the kings and
queens. In the beginning of the Middle
Ages King Constantine made catholic
the main religion and anyone who
thought otherwise would be prose-
cuted. Everyone had to go through the 7
sacraments. 1. Baptism 2.Conrmation
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
3.Eucharist (last supper) 4.Marriage
5.Holy Orders 6.Penance (self punish-
ment) 7.Extreme Unction (last rites). If
you were rich enough you would go on
a pilgrimage to the holy land Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is called the holy land be-
cause it was where Jesus was crucied.
Belief System of Sparkerton
In the civilization of Sparkerton, we...
Our rst moral value is Hohestatis
which means Honesty. We chose this
one because we wanted to make sure
everyone is true to their word and every
one can be trusted. We carry out this
value by teaching the kids that if you
dont tell the truth you will be more
punished then if you told the truth. This
helps the civilization because every can
be trusted not to steel things or to take
care of things.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Our second moral value is (latin) which
means Respect. We chose this value be-
cause we wanted to have a group of peo-
ple that care for others opinons. We
carry this out by showing everyone that
if they listen they may hear somthing
important that they would have missed
if they wernt listening and respecting
everyones opinion.
Our third moral value is (latin) trans-
lated to mental Streingth. We chose this
moral because we want a civilization of
well minded people, so they can make
the right disision and not go down the
wrong path.
Sacred Space
When you walk through our sacred
space that we have created you can tell
our moral values by looking around.
For respect you can see we respect our
natural resources by using the water
around us to make a waterfall. For men-
tal strength we made a path to the peace-
ful place that takes a right mind to take
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
on. Lastly for honesty we have no hid-
den places there, no traps. This connects
to bhudisim and how respect peace.
This promotes a sucesful civilization be-
cause we will have calm and peacful
Gallery 4.1 Minecraft Sacred Space
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Victor
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
Advancing Ideas Within a Civilization
The way society changed in the Ren-
aissance, with the new way of thinking
is how people started to get new ideas,
questioning everything and making
more thoughtful dissuasions. They
Figure 5.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. John F. Kennedy
Power of Ideas
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
started to investigate things they were
going to do, this has changed life to day
because if you look at some everyday
people that use yelp before going to a
restaurant, they are investigating what
they are about to do. Or if some new
kid comes to school kids will ask their
friends if the new kid is nice or not.
Some questions the humanists would
ask if they are a part of the civlization of
Sparkerton are, even if I were in a lower
class can I still be part of a government?
Can my children get a good education
and do other extra circular activities? I
am sure their are many more. As the
humanist spirit took hold, people
started questioning old ideas. (Frey). I
think the questions the humanist would
have given me, would help make Spark-
erton a better place to live.
In the renaissance an new belief sys-
tem was born. Humanism is the relig-
ion where humans are the main focus of
it. They also like to question everything
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
and investigate what they are interested
in. Some questions that humanist
would promote if they came to our civli-
zation are if people are sick then why
cant their family always stay with them
and if they can see them maybe have
them behind a glass wall so they can
still see their family. Because the human-
ist question everything and my moral
values follow what what humanist be-
lieve in I dont feel that they would
need to question anything. If a human-
ist came to one of sparkertons schools
they would question how each teacher
is slected and does every kid get into
the school. The Humanists questions
will help me rethink on some of my
The Danger of New Ideas
As the period of the renaissance went
on people started to question the power
of the Catholic Church and think it was
going corrupt. People heard things like
the spiritual leaders were breaking their
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
vows of marrying or having children.
Some even acted more like monarchs
then popes or priests, like living in ex-
travagant houses and wearing jeweled
robes. The church was also selling for-
giveness for peoples sins by doing
good deeds/work, by being forgiven
people could reach salvation and die
peacefully. The popes started asking for
more tithe and became wealthier. The
also taxed people to see relics and holy
objects. The church ofcials also started
to sell leadership positions in the
church, which is called Simony. I be-
lieve this is the most corrupt part about
the church.
Canby, Parker Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:53:21 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9

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