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GIAY BANG KY MO TAL KHOAN APPLICATION FOR OPENING ACCOUNT DUNG CHO CA NHAN / FOR INDIVIDUAL DANH CHO NGAN HANG Bank use only Ma khach hang: ACB Kinh gti To NGAN HANG A CHAU, ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK 1.HQ VA TEN BIEN THO/ Telephone DIEN THOAI 4.NGAY SINH: ate of birth 5.CMND / PASSPORT:. 7.LOAI TAL KHOAN : Date of isue Nam Wale) = Na (Female) = Tién gi khéng ky han =) .. NOI CAP... Place of isue Telephone Cur tri Resident) ao KhOng ex tr (Non Resident) C] Tién giti c6 ky han o Type of MC Current account Time deposit account B.LOAITIEN/Curencey VND 1] usp O Logi khdc/ oth 9.CAC YEU CAU/ Requests «$6 phy tai khodn : Gai buu dign hang thang [] Nh§n tai Ngan hang =] AC statement Via monthly mai At the Bank's counter «= Chu ky in 8 phy: Hang thing a Khi 06 yéu cdu Priming of ale statement ‘Monthly When required » Truy c4p théng tin tai khoan qua dién thoai, qua internet : C6 dang ky [) Khéng dang ky a ‘Access to account information va telephone, Intemet Registered ‘Non Registered 10.MAU CHU KY : CHU KY LAN 1 CHU KY LAN 2 Signature 1 Signature 2 MAU CHU KY Specimen signature é nghj ngan hang mé tai khoan cho t0i theo ndi dung trén. Toi cam két tuan theo nhiing ludt Ié cia Nha nuéc va quy dinh oda Ngan hang A Chau vé vigc sif dung tai khoan. | would lke to request the Bank to open an account as specified above. | agree that this account will be subject to the Bank's Rules and Regulations for individual accounts and the Government's laws. Ngay/ Day... thang! Month... nam Year. Chil tai khodn ky tén "AC Holder's signature 56 tai khodn VNI 86 tai khodn ngoai te: Neay hiéu lye: PHAN DANH CHO NGAN HANG (Bank use only) Ngay QF-31716-11.02 Ath Ng se MM Chip thuin mé tai khoan "

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