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Guidelines for the Interview Research Spanish B

First find a Spanish speaking person who was born in a Spanish speaking
country or if this person was born in the USA, he/she must have at least one
Hispanic parent and a thorough knowledge and true feeling for his/her parents
country !ou cannot use a Spanish "eacher from #ewark Academy or a Hispanic
own mother or father
This paper has to be done totally in Spanish.
"he pro$ect will consist of three parts%
& An introduction 'where you include how you found this person and
some brief facts about the country the person identifies with(
) An interview of a minimum of )* +uestions prepared by you
, A final commentary or opinion 'where you give comments on what
you learned through the interview and if you found it good or bad and why(
"he introduction and final commentary have to have a minimum of a half page
length each -efore you write your +uestions you should familiari.e yourself with
the country of the person to be interview so you can ask +uestions referring to
his/her country "hese re+uirements will give you an /* 0ore +uestions, longer
introduction and/or final commentary, pictures and/or maps will build up your
"he first five should be basic +uestions about the person being
interviewed so we can really get to know who he/she is #ot more than five basic
+uestions will be allowed like%
& 12u3l es su nombre completo4
) 12u3l es su pa5s de origen4
, 167nde vive ahora4
8 12u3nto tiempo lleva en los 9stados Unidos4
"he following +uestions should be interesting, insightful so we can see
through this person a full view of his/her country with facts that should be new to
you 0any of the +uestions should be prepared in a way that you will get full
sentences and not $ust a yes or no or one word answers So you can have an
idea here are some e:amples of +uestions you may formulate%
& 1;or +u< vino usted a este pa5s4
) 127mo es la vida familiar en su pa5s4
, 1=u< cosas prefiere usted de este pa5s4
8 19n +u< compara este pa5s con el suyo4
!ou may videotape the interview> record it, but either way you have to
hand in a typewritten double spaced hard copy version Although is not re+uired
you may include pictures of you and the person interviewed or any pictures,
maps or visual materials related to the pro$ect "his helps to go beyond the
/*"he work cannot be emailed
Double spaced voluntary drafts of the questions are due on Jan. 31
Answers to the +uestions will not be corrected
The final due date for the ritten pro!e"t is for Span. #$%&
'ebruary (%
and Span. #$%( / #$%) 'ebruary &*
An oral presentation of the pro$ect will be re+uired
"hese will take place on February )?
'&( &@
')A,( "his presentation will be
worth a +ui. grade '*? pts( Some kind of a visual aid is re+uired "his could be a
poster, photos, handouts, etc !ou should present a summary of your interview
and the most important facts of what you learned and got out of this e:perience
"his part of the pro$ect should show how well you summari.e without leaving out
important information 9ach report should be not less than three minutes and not
more than five minutes in length and totally in Spanish and not read+
preferably i,pro-ised
-uena Suerte,
Luis Alberto G mez

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