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uiaue Chaiity Funuiaising Pioject

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1. Reseaich vaiious chaiities
2. Choose a chaiity
S. Wiite a one-page (uouble-spaceu typeu) summaiy of youi chaiity,
answeiing the following items:
What is the Nission statement of chaiity (motto).
Puipose - what uoes the chaiity uo specifically to help.
Bow many people uoes it help pei yeai.
Bow much of eveiy uollai goes to people in neeu.
Why uiu you choose this chaiity. What is youi peisonal connection.
What countiies aie helpeu by this chaiity.
Show images of people helpeu by this chaiity

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1. Beciue how much money you woulu like to iaise foi this chaiity
2. Beciue how much time you will spenu to iaise this money
S. Beciue how you will iaise this money
4. Iuentify the numbei of people fiom whom you will neeu suppoit
S. List all the mateiials you will neeu foi youi funuiaisei (think about
eveiything possible)
6. Will volunteeis be paiu oi unpaiu
7. Come up with a slogan - shoulu incluue items being solu oi event being
helu in the slogan
8. Come up with a sales pitch (what you aie going to say to potential

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1. Iuentify the amount you wish to iaise
2. Iuentify the cost of each item on youi mateiials list (ask paient's
peimission if you use the inteinet at home foi ieseaich)
S. Calculate the total cost of all mateiials - incluue sales tax
4. Beteimine cost vs. piofit
S. Beteimine the T0TAL you neeu to iaise to covei youi costs anu what you
woulu like to iaise

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1. Beteimine whethei oi not you ieacheu youi goal
2. Beteimine the total amount you maue
S. Beteimine how much was actually uonateu to youi chaiity aftei paying
youi expenses
4. Beteimine how many people uonateu
S. Beteimine the aveiage amount each peison uonateu
6. Cieate a giaphical iepiesentation of youi finances

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uathei all youi uata onto one uisplay boaiu (incluue all papeis, giaphs, illustiations,
pictuies, etc.)
Cieate a one page (uouble-spaceu type) uiscussion uetailing the successes oi
failuies of youi funuiaising campaign; tell how you have impioveu youi effoits
Cieate a summaiy (minimum of sic sentences in a paiagiaph) uetailing how this
funuiaising campaign has changeu (i.e. aie you a bettei peison.)

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