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Domenico Feb 6


My five wonders of the world

1. New: The Colosseum, Rome, Italy
Description: The Colosseum is the only new wonder that comes from Europe. At one time it held up to 50,000 people who came
to watch gory and bloody games from gladiators, wild animals, and prisoners. It was first built around A.D 70 by Emperor
Vespasian. If you like at sports stadiums now a days from any sport lots look and resemble like the colossseum

I would like to visit the colosseum because Im half Italian and Ive never visited Italy however this summer Im going to Italy
and actually visiting the colosseum. Also its one of the oldest and original stadiums to ever be built , its also a huge tourist
destination so Im really excited.

2. New: Chichn Itz, Mexico
Description: Chichen itza is the most famous temple city of the mayas. The mayas is a pre Columbian civilization which is
currently Central America. It was the political and religious center of maya civilization during the time of A.D 750 to 1200. It is
79 feet in height. The coolest part is that each of the 4 sides has 91 sides which equals 364 steps with the very top step being
the 365
day , the last day of the year.

I would like to visit Chichen itza although Mexico isnt that great of a place right now, the chichen itza sounds very cool. I feel
like climbing all 364 steps and then reaching the top would be a very cool goal to accomplish and I would love to try.

3. New: Taj Mahal, India
Description: The Taj Mahal in India is a very special mausoleum built by a Muslim emperor Shah Jahan. He built this to honor his
wife ( Mumtaz Mahal ) who tragically passed away. The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and took 15 years to
complete. This structure is considered to be the finest example of Mughal art and architecture.

I would like to visit the Taj Mahal because this structure took 15 years to build. To Visit a place that took 15 years to build the
place must be really nice, Ive heard some really good reviews about the Taj Mahal and in addition it looks beautiful. Although
India isnt on top of my list to visit the Taj Mahal is really nice.

4. Old: The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
Description: The great pyramid was built around 2560 B.C. to serve as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu who built the pyramid. The
pyramid is the oldest wonder from the original 7 it is also the only remaining survivor. The Great Pyramid is the largest of three
Pyramids at Giza which now borders Cairo the capital city of Egypt. The pyramid was 480 feet tall but Is now a bit shorter
because of the severe weather. it is thought to be the tallest man made structure for more than four millennia.

I would like to Visit the great pyramid because it is the oldest of the original 7 wonders. So to say that youve visited the original
wonder of the world is really cool. It is also one of the most famous places on earth and a really big tourist attraction.

5.Old: The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece

Description: This huge statue is made out of Gold. It was built in honor of the original Olympic Games which began in the
ancient city of Olympia. The structure of was built by Phidias around 432 B.C. the structure is 40 feet tall. The temple however
closed when the Olympics was banned in A.D. 391. The statue was eventually destroyed.

I cant really visit this place anymore because its destroyed but its very cool because its a big 40 foot statue made of gold ,
theres nothing like that anymore. It was also the structure for the Olympic Games which is also arguably the most famous
event in the world. Im also half Greek so I would defiantly visit Greece and would have visited the statue if it was still around.

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