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Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu

DTM secondary School

I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase by circling the letter A, B, C or D:
1. What are you going to do? - I dont know. I havent mind yet.
A. on B. at C. in D. up
2. Ive Pari. I went there in !ar"h.
A. gone B. #een C. $ut D. yet
%. It& very "are'e (((..((.. you to 'eave the #ook on the )'oor.
A. )or B. at C. o) D. with
*. When I rang +anh ome time 'at week, he aid he wa
A. thi B. that C. then D. the
-. Whi"h word ha the under'ined part pronoun"ed di))erent'y )rom the other?
A. "oughed B. weighed C. 'aughed D. topped
.. Whi"h word ha the under'ined part pronoun"ed di))erent'y )rom the other?
A. intead B. head C. heap D. dead
/. 0e do omething #y other.
A. #eing to ak B. aking C. #eing aked D. to ak
1. 2et go "amping in the mountain, ........................?
A. do we B. "an we C. wi'' we D. ha'' we
3. Dea)-mute "an ......................peak ...................... hear.
A. #oth ... and B. neither ...nor C. not on'y ... #ut a'o D. either ... or
14. Did you u""eed...................... the pro#'em?
A. to o've B. on o'ving C. in o'ving D. o'ving
II. There are six mistakes in the passage. ind and correct them:
5veryone know that in tudying )oreign 'anguage, pra"ti"e i the key in )'uen"y. A'' )oreign 'anguage
'earner even the advan"ed one need pra"ti"e. 6here i )a"t that a 'earner "an know a 'ot o) grammar ru'e and
vo"a#u'ary, however, they "ant peaking we'' yet. 7o the 'earner mut know how ue what they have 'earned
apart )rom the a#i'ity to e8p'ain grammar ru'e.
Your answers: 1.... 2... 3..
4. 5.6.
III. !ead the passage and answer the "uestions by choosing the best answer:
A a reu't o) year o) reear"h, we know that too mu"h anima' )at i #ad )or our hea'th. 9or e8amp'e,
Ameri"an eat a 'ot o) meat and on'y a ma'' amount o) grain, )ruit and vegeta#'e. Be"aue o) their diet, they
have high rate o) "an"er and heart dieae. In :apan, in "ontrat, peop'e eat 'arge amount o) grain and very
'itt'e meat. 6he :apanee a'o have very 'ow rate o) "an"er and heart dieae. In )a"t, the :apanee 'ive 'onger
than anyone e'e in the wor'd. ;n)ortunate'y, when :apanee peop'e move to the ;nited 7tate, the rate o)
heart dieae and "an"er in"reae a their diet "hange. !oreover, a ham#urger, i"e "ream, and other high )at
)ood #e"ome popu'ar in :apan, the rate o) heart dieae and "an"er are in"reaing there a we''. Peop'e are
a'o eating more meat and diary produ"t in other "ountrie u"h a Cu#a, !auritiu and 0ungary. <ot
urpriing'y, the dieae rate in thee "ountrie are in"reaing a'ong with the "hange in diet. Cone=uent'y,
do"tor everywhere advie peop'e to eat more grain and vegeta#'e and to eat 'e meat and )ewer diary
1. What i the main idea o) thi paage?
A. Chi'dren eat the ame way their parent eat.
B. Do"tor advie peop'e to eat more grain, )ruit and
C. 5ating meat "aue heart dieae and "an"er.
D. 6he kind o) diet we have "an "aue or prevent
2. Why do :apanee have 'ow rate o) "an"er and heart dieae?
A. Be"aue their diet "hange.
B. Be"aue they do eat anima' )at.
C. Be"aue they eat a 'ot grain and very 'itt'e meat.
D. Be"aue they 'ive 'onger than anyone e'e in the wor'd.
Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu
DTM secondary School
%. > ( the :apanee 'ive 'onger than anyone e'e(> What doe anyone else mean?
A. a'' other peop'e B. mot other peop'e C. no#ody D. ome other peop'e
*.>. the rate o) heart and dieae and "an"er are in"reaing there a we''. >Where doe there re)er to?
A. In the ;nited 7tate. B. In Cu#a. C. In :apan. D. In Cu#a, !auritiu and 0ungary
Your answers? 1.. 2. 3. 4.
I#. $ut one suitable word in one gap:
0ea'th i omething we tend to ignore when we have it. When our #ody i rather we'', we&re hard'y
ever @1A ....o) it. But i''ne "an "ome, even @2A........ we are young. In )a"t, "hi'dhood ha #een a very
vu'nera#'e time. !any @%A.....atta"ked "hi'dren in parti"u'ar and peop'e knew very 'itt'e a#out how to prevent
u"h i''ne or how to @*A.... them on"e they tru"k. 6he reu't wa that many "hi'dren died. A#out "entury
ago, however, "ientit )ound out a#out germ, and then everything @-A....... 6he "aue o) many dieae
@.A..... known, and "ure were deve'oped. A thi medi"a' know'edge pread the wor'd #e"ame @/A..... a)er
)or "hi'dren. 6he reu't i that wherea a hundred year ago the average man 'ived )or %- year. <owaday, in
many p'a"e o) the wor'd, peop'e "an e8pe"t to @1A..... )or year. And what do we e8"ept #y the year 2414?
;ndou#ted'y, @3A..... "ien"e wi'' "ontinue to advan"e. 7ome peop'e wi'' #e a#'e to @14A ...... medi"a' pro#'em
that are unavoida#'e today.
Your answers .2345
6789 10
#. inish the second sentences with the same meanings as the %irst ones:
1. I didnt arrive in time to ee her. I want (((((((((((..(((((((((((((
2. BWhy dont you put your 'uggage under the eat?C 0e aked.
0e uggeted that (((((((((((((((((((((((.(((((((.(((((
%. I havent eaten thi kind o) )ood #e)ore. 6hi i the )irt time ((((((((...((((((((
*. !any year ago he wa intereted in #aket#a''. Baket#a'' (((((((((((((((((
-. Dou might )a'' i) youre not "are)u'. Be (((((((((((..((((((((((((((.
.. 6he iter aked?> Are you hungry, 6om?> 6he iter aked .........................................................................
/. 6he 'at time he went out with him wa two year ago.
7he han&t ..........................................................................................................................................................
1. 0e 'earn 5ng'ih o that he "an "ommuni"ate with peop'e )rom other "ountrie.
0e 'earn 5ng'ih in (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
3. I am o)ten made to wah the "'othe #y my e'der iter.
!y e'der iter ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
#I. &upply the correct %orms o% the word in parentheses.
1. Phuong 2inh arranged )'ower the mot ......................................... @attractA in the "ontet.
2. ........................................... @environmentA are "on"erned a#out the po''ution in the "ity.
3. Dou'' meet the tour guide on your ...................................... @arriveA at the hote'.
4. 7apa i "onidered the mot #eauti)u'.............................. @mountainA reort in the north o) Eiet <am.
5. 0er parent ((((((.((.(. @courage) her to app'y )or the #ank.
6. It& impoi#'e to "arry out hi pro$e"t #e"aue I think it i((((((((..(( @PRACTICEA.
(The end )
Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu
DTM secondary School
I. Choose the ** letter A, B, C or D:
1. A. on B. at C. in D. up
2. A. gone B. been C. $ut D. yet
% A. )or B. at C. o% D. with
*. A. thi B. that C. then D. the
-. A. "oughed B. weighed C. 'aughed D. topped
.. A. intead B. head C. heap D. dead
/. A. #eing to ak B. aking C. being asked D. to ak
1. A. do we B. "an we C. wi'' we D. shall we
3. A. #oth ... and B. neither ...nor C. not on'y ... #ut a'o D. either ... or
14. A. to o've B. on o'ving C. in sol+ing D. o'ving
II. There are six mistakes in the passage. ind and correct them:
5veryone know that in tudying )oreign 'anguage, pra"ti"e i the key in )'uen"y. A'' )oreign 'anguage
'earner even the advan"ed one need pra"ti"e. 6here is %act that a 'earner "an know a 'ot o) grammar ru'e
and vo"a#u'ary, however, they "ant speaking we'' yet. 7o the 'earner mut know how use what they have
'earned apart )rom the a#i'ity to e8p'ain grammar ru'e.
III. !ead the passage and answer the "uestions by choosing the best answer
1. What i the main idea o) thi paage? Doctors ad+ise people to eat more grains, %ruits and +egetables.
2. Why do?Because they eat a lot grains and +ery little meat.
%. > ( What doe anyone else mean? all other people
*.>. the. >Where doe there re)er to? In ,apan.
.I#. $ut one suitable word in one gap:
2**was**3**much**4*li+e**5**medical** -6 *sol+e**
#. inish the second sentences with the same meanings as the %irst ones:
1. I didnt arrive in time to ee her. I want (early enough to see her(
2. B0e uggeted that (((I 7should8 put my luggage under the seat(
%. I havent eaten thi kind o) )ood #e)ore. 6hi i the )irt time (I ha+e e+er eaten this kind o% %ood((
*. !any year ago he wa intereted in #aket#a''. Baket#a'' (interested her many years ago(
-. Dou might )a'' i) youre not "are)u'. Be (care%ul or you will be %all((.
. 6he iter aked ..Tom i%9 whether he was hungry.......
/. 7he han&t ..........gone out with him %or two years........................
1. 0e 'earn 5ng'ih in ((((((((order to communicate with people %rom other countries
3. !y e'der iter ((o%ten makes me wash the clothes((.
#I. &upply the correct %orms o% the word in parentheses.
7. attracti+elyA
8. . @environmentalitA "ity.
!. Dou'' meet the @arrivalA hote'.
1". 7apa i @mountainousA north o) Eiet
11. 0er @encourage#e$) her the #ank.
12. It&(@imPRACTICal

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