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Defining War

I. Benchmark/Standard: USHG 6.2.2 WWI- Explain the causes of World War I, the
reasons for American neutrality and eventual entry into the war, and Americas role
in shaping the war.
II. Behavioral/Objective:
A. Today I will be teaching the concepts of total war, world war, and modern war.
These concepts will help explain how even though the United States was neutral
they were indirectly affected by the war in different ways.
B. Student will be able to define and identify total war, world war, and modern war.
C. I will assess my students by checking for understanding throughout the lesson. I
will ask questions, I will check their answers when identifying the concepts on
the white boards, I will have my students explain their answers, and I will have
my students define these concepts in their own words.
III. Anticipatory Set:
A. I will begin asking the class Why would WWI be considered a Great War?
Then as a class we will discuss this questions and I will lead into the objective of
the days lesson.
IV. Objective/Purpose: Today is an introduction into analyzing why WWI was
considered The Great War. By the end of the lesson you will be able to define and
identify the concepts of total war, world war, and modern war by creating a
V. Input:
A. Task Analysis:
1. The learner will know the causes of WWI.
2. I will begin the class by greeting my students.
CNN Student News (10 minutes)
Anticipatory Set/Objective (5-7 minutes)
Then students will receive a piece of colored paper to make a
brochure. I will explain the directions of making the brochure and
why we are making it. The purpose of the brochure is to help
students define the concepts and list examples of the concepts.
Then as a class the students will define these concepts. If students
are not able to define the concepts I will help guide them to a

Next each student will be given a marker, a white board, and a tissue
to easer with.
Then on the Smart Board I will have a list of five statements. The
students will need to decide what concept the statement will fall
under. I will have a student read each statement one at a time. Then
I will ask the students does that statement fall under total war,
world war, or modern war? Then they will write their answers on
the white board. I will show my answer and ask a student to explain
why they choose the answer they did. We will continue to do that for
the other four statements. Then they will write the statement in the
right column in their brochure.
Next I will have the students do the same thing for a series of images,
including propaganda, maps, and photographs. However, they will
not have to write anything in their brochure for this part. The purpose
of this is to see if my students are able to identify these concepts.
Throughout the lesson I will be relating the information back to the
causes of WWI.
Closure: I will have three volunteers define total war, world war, and
modern war in their own words. I will then have them recap the
lesson and I will reiterate what they have said and sum up the lesson.
(3 minutes)
B. Thinking Levels:
1. Knowledge- Students will be able to define and identify total war, world war,
and modern war.
2. Comprehension- Students will understand how these concepts made WWI
the Great War
C. Learning Styles and/or Accommodations:
1. I have students will 504 plans and IEPs. However, I broke up the lesson so I
will be able to see what each student has as an answer but afterwards as a
class we will discuss the correct answer and why it is correct which will help
all learners. Furthermore, the writing and reading materials are simple but
relevant which will help all learns.
D. Method/Materials:
1. Lecture, Discussion
2. Pencils/Pens, paper, smart board, white board, markers, tissue
VI. Modeling
A. I will model how to make the brochure and what to write where.

B. I will first read through the directions with the class. Then we go through the
procedures. This will be used for the brochure and the use of the white boards.
VII. Checking for Understanding:
A. Questions to be asked: What do these concepts mean for the United States?
How do these relate to the causes of WWI? How do these concepts influence the
course of the WW? What are the effects of these concepts?
B. As they fill out the brochure or white boards I will address any concerns or
questions. I will check the white board for understanding.
C. During the lecture I will ask questions throughout to check for understanding. I
will ask throughout whether or not the students have questions, comments, or
concerns. Furthermore, I will have students define these concepts at the end of
VIII. Guided Practice:
A. I will guide them through the brochure and white boards.
IX. Independent Practice:
A. Students will be completely the written brochure and white board answers
X. Closure:
A. I will ask three students to define the concepts in their own words. I will ask a
student to recap/summarize the lesson.
B. I will the reiterate the lesson and how it is important to understand why WWI
was the Great War.

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