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Essay: The increased world demand for oil and gas has made it necessary for locating

these sources in remote and untouched natural areas. Do you think the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages of damaging these natural areas. (IELTS essay 2th !e"#
2$%2 & India' (nother version
Drilling for oil and gas around the world is a source of significant income "ut# at the same
time it is )lacing increasing )ressure u)on the glo"al environment. There is a race for
seeking these resources in remote and )reviously untouched areas such as (laska and
(ntarctica. *owever# I firmly "elieve that the )ros of ta))ing these resources outweigh
the cons. ( num"er of arguments surround my o)inion.
+il drilling should "e allowed in order to lower the fuel )rices that will )lay a significant
role in the economic growth of the country. If it is "anned in a )articular region# it leads to
a situation# where"y the de)endence on other countries for oil increases. In sim)ler
words# oil im)ort increases and conse,uently# it affects the overall country-s income.
(nother "enefit of oil drilling is that the )rocess of drilling itself and develo)ment of land
after the e.traction will hel) in engaging )eo)le# thus creating /o"s for hundreds of
citi0ens. 1hat is more# with the develo)ment of new technologies# it has "een seen that
oil drilling can "e done without damaging the environment and distur"ing the )lant and
animal ha"itat. In the last two decades there have "een no accidents such as oil s)ills.
Environmentalists o))ose oil drilling and suggest that alternative sources of energy
should "e used. *owever# it is well known that the initial cost of setting u) the solar
)anels and wind farms is e.or"itantly high. Therefore# I reiterate my o)inion in favour of
drilling for oil and gas. Even if renewa"le sources of energy are ta))ed# still the demand
for oil and gas will never lessen.
To conclude# I "elieve that drilling for oil in remote areas is the need of the day and
therefore its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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