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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Plantilla del plan de unidad
Plantilla del plan de unidad
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Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Esa Santamara Vargas
Nombre de la institucin educativa Leopoldina ield Sc!ool
"bicacin de la institucin educativa #!iri$u, %olega %istrict.
&tros datos de la institucin
"rban Sc!ool.
Resumen de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
'E#(#L)N* )S +N "'*EN, NEE%.
Resumen de la unidad
In the activity students will analyze the serious consequences of the rapid increase of solid waste and meet some of
the alternatives to minimize damage to the environment, particularly recycling, which is the reuse of a waste product
of human activities. To achieve this there will be three activities: develop a test which will feature the major
consequences and environmental damage caused by the accumulation of solid waste. Also develop a conceptual map
with the main concepts on damage to the environment as a third activity will mae a weebly website page that show
all the partial products.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
!nglish, "cience, "ocial "tudies.
Ao y nivel
#$ %rade
Tiempo necesario aproximado
- sessions o. /0 minutes eac! one.
Fundamentos de la unidad
Solid 1aste, &rganic, )norganic, 'ecycling and Living t!ings and t!eir environment.
!"etivos del aprendi#a"e
To analyze the serious consequences of the accumulation of solid waste and raise awareness of alternatives to
conserve the environment, particularly recycling.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial &hich are the alternatives that we can apply to minimize environmental
Preguntas de unidad &hat are the consequences of the accumulation of solid waste'
Preguntas de contenido &hat are solid wastes, causes and effects'
&hat are the consequences of the accumulation of solid waste'
&hat are the alternatives to minimize environmental damage caused
by pollution from solid waste'
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Activity (: &hat are solid wastes, causes and effects'

To beginning:
The whole group will answer certain questions ased by the
teacher about pollution and human waste.
The teacher creates an onenote for students to share their wors
with the rest of the class.

)!ach student need to investigate the environmental damage caused by
the accumulation of solid wastes. !ach student can perform research
using google or bing search engine, you should remember to validate the
information according to the author and the date of publication* also
they can use the following Internet page:,plorebody+health-hazards+"olid-&astes-
) To form groups of three students to solve the activities: To form
student groups listed the number ( to number /, then this form groups
with students that match the same number.
!ach group need to develop the following point:
(- To point the negative consequences that result from mismanagement
of solid wastes.
0-To describe how solid waste affects the lives of human beings.
/- To write an essay on the topic in &ord.
1- To share their essays using 2ne3ote.
!ssay4s instructions: .ow to do an essay'
!""A5 6786I9
Activity 0: &hat are the consequences of the accumulation of solid
9239!:T7A; <A:.

) To develop this activity, student can use the same groups that they
from for activity (.
) &atch a video about the environmental damage caused by the
accumulation of solid waste.
After watching the video, students collaboratively will discuss
about what were the most important aspects presented in the
) !ach group should prepare a concept map using 9mapTools, in this
map each group have to present what are the main effects of the
accumulation of waste, also they should include images and videos that
support their wor.
At the end of this class each group will develop a "=A, to
determine how much nowledge students have acquired and
which aspects were not clear. This "=A will be presented by the
teacher at the end of activity 0 to all groups in the classroom.

Important aspects to mae a concept map
Tutorial 9map Tool
9239!:T <A: 6786I9
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Activity /: &hat are the alternatives to minimize environmental
damage caused by pollution from solid waste'
6!"2769!: &!!8;5 .2<!:A%!.
3ote: At the end of activity /, each student must use the technique :3I,
to present the negative, positive and interesting aspects of all activities
that they develop in this project. The individual :3I will be presented in
onenote for each student.
>orm groups of five students. To form this group4s student will
use the color technique.
7sing google or bing, each group will investigate which are the
alternatives to minimize environmental damage caused by
pollution from solid waste. Also students can visit the following
internet pages:
In order to present the different alternative that e,ists to reduce
solid wastes, each group will create a weebly home page. This
home page needs to include, photos, videos, news and essays
about pollution and how to process solid wastes correctly.
7sing the data show and speaers each group will present their
weebly home page with all the aspect that they should include,
in front of the class.
3ote: At the end of the project students must develop a mental te,t, so
that the teacher can measure the nowledge acquired by each one.

1EE:L( 1E:S),E '":')#
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Plan de evaluaci$n
Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe#ar el
tra!a"o del proyecto
%urante el desarrollo del
&na ve# completado el
'uestion and ans(ers)
,o ma;e a diagnosis o.
students< prior learning
and interests o. students.
*'A) ,o determine !o= muc!
;no=ledge students !ave ac$uired
and =!ic! aspects =ere not clear.
Researc+) )t is a very important
tec!ni$ue .or gat!ering
in.ormation prior to t!e
development o. problem solving.
P,I) ,o evaluate t!e activity .or
Pro!lem *olving) primary
assessment strategy in t!is unit
because it allo=s to implement t!e
analysis in t!e initial activities.
Mental Test: Allows rapid
development of the "ense of
Anowledge and intellectual
abilities such as attention and
Resumen de evaluaciones
>uestion and ans=ers? ,o ma;e a diagnosis o. students< prior learning and interests o. students.
S>+? ,o determine !o= muc! ;no=ledge students !ave ac$uired and =!ic! aspects =ere not clear.
@ental ,est? +llo=s rapid development o. t!e Sense o. Ano=ledge and intellectual abilities suc! as attention
and concentration.
'esearc!? )t is a very important tec!ni$ue .or gat!ering in.ormation prior to t!e development o. problem
6roblem Solving? primary assessment strategy in t!is unit because it allo=s to implement t!e analysis in t!e
initial activities.
,opic? ,o develop language s;ills to explain =!at developed in t!e resolution o. problems.
6N)? ,o evaluate t!e activity .or improvements.
+uto and #o B assessment? +llo=s obCective assessment o. sel. and colleagues in collaborative activities .
%etalles de la unidad
-a!ilidades previas
The student will actively participate in the learning process individually and then move to group activities. .e
himself will be the one to build their own learning and improve with the help of their peers, thus creating your
own products, presenting and e,ecuting.
>or the development of this unit the student should be able to wor with office suite B&ord, !,cel, :ower:ointC,
in the same way must have prior nowledge on how to handle multimedia content Bvideos, movies and songsC.
Added to this must be able to wor with ey applications as atube catcher, <icrosoft research Auto9ollage,
paint and cmaptools.
>or the development of the various class sessions must be made at the beginning of each with a devotional
and present a motivational dynamics will be presented starting an activity with the aim that the student
research and be set for that session. >or research students must notify the information to use it, to summarize
the most important aspects taing and end of each class must mae a cognitive closure for stoctaing the
Adaptaciones curriculares
2 3445 #orporacin )ntel. ,odos los derec!os reservados. 67gina 0 de 9
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Estudiante con
>or students with special needs Bdeaf, blind, children with Down syndromeC, different
strategies will be used, we will rely on special classroom teacher to develop different
activities and the adjustments will be made when necessary.
As deaf students tend to use more visual images and crafts to stimulate learning
>or blind children will use lectures, music and as the help of special classroom
,o +ispano.
The project will be developed by "panish-speaing students, the difference is that its
e,ecution will be using the !nglish language, therefore will use different strategies
such as use of youtube videos, songs in the !nglish language, as well as some
activities that will be shared by means of social networs B>aceboo, twitter, or
through the creation of an educational blogC.
8e proposed activities through which students can construct their own nowledge
based on finding information, analyzing it and then synthesize achieve so they can
e,tract what are the most important issues that must be submitted by their
importance .
/ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa 0 -ard(are De$uipo necesarioE
#7mara digital
'eproductor de %V%
#onexin a )nternet
%isco l7ser
Sistema de proyeccin
#7mara de vdeo
E$uipo de vdeo con.erencia
Tecnologa 0 *o1t(are DnecesarioE
:ase de datosFHoCa de c7lculo
%iagramador de publicaciones
6rograma de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en #%B'&@
Editor de im7genes
:uscador 1eb
%esarrollo de p7ginas =eb
6rocesador de texto
/ateriales impresos
Do not apply.
Datashow, speaers, modem, computer.
Recursos de Internet
6ecovered, 3ovember @1, 0@(/, from,plorebody+health-hazards+"olid-&astes-
6ecovered, 3ovember (0, 0@(/, from
6ecovered, 3ovember (#, 0@(/, from
tros Recursos
Do not apply.
Los programas de )ntelG Educacin son .inanciados por la undacin )ntel y la #orporacin )ntel.
2 3445 #orporacin )ntel. ,odos los derec!os reservados. 67gina H de 9
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
%erec!os reservados 23445, #orporacin )ntel. ,odos los derec!os reservados. )ntel, el logo de )ntel, la iniciativa de )ntel Educacin y el
6rograma )ntel Educar son marcas registradas de )ntel #orporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados "nidos y otros pases. I&tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
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