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Smith 1

Elena Smith
Professor Reed
English 101
19 July 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Andersen !ars Bo et al" #$y%ling to S%hool and $ardio&as%ular Ris' (a%tors) A !ongitudinal
Study"# Journal Of Physical Activity & Health *"* +2011,) 102-.//" 0eb"
Anderson et al" %ondu%ted a study of the %ommuting habits of nine to ten year old %hildren in this
peer re&ie1ed 2ournal arti%le" 3he %ardio&as%ular ris' fa%tors of ea%h sub2e%t 1ere assessed at the
beginning of the study and then again si4 years later" 3he results sho1ed that %y%ling to s%hool
lead to a signifi%ant de%rease in %ardio&as%ular ris' fa%tors 1hile other forms of %ommuting su%h
as 1al'ing and dri&ing did not" 3he sub2e%t of this study dire%tly relates to the %ardio&as%ular
health benefits of in%orporating %y%ling into daily life 1hi%h is the topi% of my Publi%ation
Bere Elling et al" #!ongitudinal Asso%iations bet1een $y%ling to S%hool and 0eight Status"#
International Journal Of Pediatric Obesity: IJPO: An Official Journal Of The International
Association For The Study Of Obesity 5"/.4 +2011,) 1*2.6" 0eb"
Bere et al" %olle%ted information from t1o different studies measuring the asso%iation bet1een
%y%ling to s%hool and 1eight status" 3he sub2e%ts 1ere about thirteen years old and 1ere from a
%ity in 7or1ay and a %ity in the 7etherlands" 3he results of the study sho1ed an in%rease in
1eight 1hen sub2e%ts stopped %y%ling to s%hool 1hen %ompared to those 1ho %ontinued %y%ling"
Smith 2
3his asso%iation bet1een %y%ling and 1eight status suggests that %y%ling may redu%e obesity
1hi%h is strongly %orrelated 1ith %ardio&as%ular disease"
$ampos.8ut%alt 9oug" #3he 7e1 $ardio&as%ular 9isease Pre&ention :uidelines) 0hat ;ou
7eed to <no1"# The Journal of family practice 5/"2 +2014,) *9.9/" 0eb"
3his arti%le details the guidelines to pre&ent %ardio&as%ular disease outlined by the Ameri%an
=eart Asso%iation and the Ameri%an $ollege of $ardiology" 3he most %ommon re%ommendations
for pre&ention in&ol&e lifestyle %hanges su%h as diet and e4er%ise" 3he purpose of this arti%le is to
%larify the se&erity of %ardio&as%ular disease and ma'e a point that lifestyle %hanges are
ne%essary for people fa%ing obesity and>or %ardio&as%ular disease" ?mplementing %y%ling into
daily life is the 'ind of %hange that 1ould fit 1ith the guidelines outlined in this arti%le"
Jin =ong et al" #Effe%ts of Aerobi% $y%ling 3raining on $ardio&as%ular (itness and =eart Rate
Re%o&ery in Patients 1ith $hroni% Stro'e"# eurorehabilitation /2"2 +201/,) /26./-" 0eb"
?n this study Jin et al" studied the effe%ts of aerobi% %y%ling on sub2e%ts 1ith %hroni% stro'e" 3he
resear%hers measured the speed of heart rate re%o&ery after e4er%ise" 3hey found that aerobi%
%y%ling is positi&ely asso%iated 1ith rapid heart rate re%o&ery" =eart rate re%o&ery %an be used to
predi%t %ardio&as%ular fitness and therefore the results of this study support the theory that
%y%ling impro&es %ardio&as%ular health" 0hile Jin et al" spe%ifi%ally studied sub2e%ts 1ith %hroni%
stro'e the %ardio&as%ular benefits %an li'ely be applied to the general population"
Johan de =artog et al" #9o the =ealth Benefits of $y%ling 8ut1eigh the Ris's@# !nvironmental
health perspectives 11*"* +2010,) 1109.15" 0eb"
Smith /
3his study loo's spe%ifi%ally at %y%ling &ersus dri&ing as a mode of transportation" =artog et al"
loo' at the de%rease in air pollution a%%idents and the in%rease in physi%al a%ti&ity that 1ould
o%%ur if more people 1ere to %y%le short distan%es rather than dri&ing" 3hey found that %y%ling
has greater health benefits than dri&ing as a mode of transportation" 3his study does not dire%tly
relate to %ardio&as%ular health but it supports the idea that in%orporating %y%ling into daily life
%an in%rease health and Auality of life"
Billett $hristopher et al" #Asso%iations bet1een A%ti&e 3ra&el to 0or' and 8&er1eight
=ypertension and 9iabetes in ?ndia) A $ross.Se%tional Study"# Plos "edicine 10"5 +201/,)
e10014-9." 0eb"
Billett et al" assessed the %ardio&as%ular ris' fa%tors of rural and urban ?ndians in this %ross.
se%tional study" 3hey found that %y%ling and 1al'ing as a mode of transportation resulted in
signifi%antly lo1er %ardio&as%ular ris' fa%tors than publi% or pri&ate transportation" 3he
o%%urren%e of hypertension diabetes and obesity 1ere also lo1er for %y%lists" 3his study
demonstrates that %y%ling %an be in%orporated into daily li&ing all a%ross the globe and the
%itiCens of lo1 to middle in%ome %ountries %an pre&ent disease simply by %hanging their
%ommuting habits"
#8besity as a $ardio&as%ular 9isease) 3ime to 3a'e ;our BB? Seriously" 8besity 7o1 has an
8ffi%ial 9esignation as a 9isease" !earn ho1 the 7e1 8besity :uidelines may Affe%t ;our
=eart =ealth"# Harvard Heart #etter: From Harvard "edical School 24"5 +2014,) 4." 0eb"
3he purpose of this arti%le from the =ar&ard S%hool of Bedi%ine is to ma'e the se&erity of
8besity 'no1n" 3he arti%le lists some lifestyle and medi%al 1ays to treat obesity" !ifestyle
Smith 4
%hanges in%lude nutritional help %alori% %ontrol and an in%rease in physi%al a%ti&ity" 3he arti%le
also states that the Ameri%an Bedi%al Asso%iation re%ogniCes 8besity as a disease that is %losely
related to %ardio&as%ular ris's 1hi%h ma'es it rele&ant to my topi%" $y%ling that redu%es obesity
also redu%es the ris' of %ardio&as%ular disease"
Pu%her John et al" #0al'ing and $y%ling to =ealth) A $omparati&e Analysis of $ity State and
?nternational 9ata"# American Journal of Public Health 100"10 +2010,) 19*5.92" 0eb"
Pu%her et al" analyCed many other studies to determine the benefits of %y%ling and 1al'ing 1hen
used for transportation" 3hey found that those 1ho parti%ipated in a%ti&e transport 1ere less
li'ely to be obese" 3his means that a%ti&e transportation redu%es the ris' for %ardio&as%ular
disease" 3his study is important be%ause it supports the idea that %y%ling impro&es %ardio&as%ular
health and it is so in%lusi&e" ?nhabitants of fourteen different %ountries all fifty of the Dnited
States and large %ities 1ere in%luded in this study"
SahlA&ist Shannon et al" #3he Asso%iation of $y%ling 1ith all.$ause $ardio&as%ular and
$an%er Bortality) (indings from the Population.Based EP?$.7orfol' $ohort"# $"J Open
/"11 +201/,) e00/696." 0eb"
?n this study parti%ipants from 40 to 69 years old 1ere assessed to find the %orrelation bet1een
lo1 to moderate %y%ling and mortality" Dnli'e most of my other sour%es SahlA&ist et al" did not
find a signifi%ant asso%iation of %y%ling and %ardio&as%ular disease but they did find a nine
per%ent all.%ause mortality ris' redu%tion in those %y%ling lo1 to moderate amounts" 3his is
note1orthy be%ause it supports the idea that intensi&e %y%ling is not ne%essary to see health
benefits but resear%hers belie&e that further study is needed to %onfirm these findings"
Smith -
0en !i Bing James <ite and $hris Rissel" #?s there a Role for 0or'pla%es in Redu%ing
EmployeesE 9ri&ing to 0or'@ (indings from a $ross.Se%tional Sur&ey from ?nner.0est
Sydney Australia"# $"% Public Health 10 +2010,) -0." 0eb"
3his peer re&ie1ed 2ournal arti%le is a study of ho1 promoting a%ti&e transportation in the 1or'
pla%e %an de%rease employeesF use of motor transportation" Parti%ipants 1ere gi&en sur&eys and
the results sho1ed that those 1ho felt en%ouraged to %hoose a%ti&e tra&el o&er dri&ing did so"
3his means that if more 1or'pla%es 1ere to en%ourage their employees to %y%le to 1or' rather
than dri&e there %ould potentially be huge impro&ements in %ardio&as%ular health in the nation
and a%ross the globe"

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