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Virginia Department of Education

Grade level: Second

Subject area: English
Sample Outcomes:
-The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structures
-The student will expand understanding of use of word meanings.
-The student will use oral communication skills.
-The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various units of
speech sounds within words.
These outcomes are worthwhile because all students need to know how to speak
properly in order to be successful inside and outside of a school setting. Students
must be able to use all of these outcomes in the real world and it is important for
them to start using these communication skills at an early age.

ISTEs Standards of Learning for Technology in Education

Grade level: Kindergarten-12th Grade
Subject area: Technology in all subjects
Sample Outcomes:
-Creativity and innovation
-Communication and collaboration
-Research and information fluency
-Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making
-Digital citizenship
-Technology operations and concepts
These outcomes are worthwhile because all students need to know about
technology in this day-and-age. Technology is only growing and is going to be a
large part of society. It is important for students to understand that they can use
technology to make things simpler and teachers need to understand that technology
is not a bad thing that is making their classroom time less important. These
standards give teachers and students an idea of how to use technology to assist
them in the learning process. We are living in a digital world and it is vital to know
about technology since it will only become more and more prevalent.

International Reading Association- Read, Write, Think

Grade level: Kindergarten-12th grade
Subject area: Reading
Sample Outcomes:
-Students practice matching rhyming words, phonological awareness to
analogy-based phonics, and constructing words
-Students are encouraged to understand a book read aloud then create a
new ending using the writing process
-Students discover high-frequency words
-Students expand their vocabulary

These outcomes are worthwhile because they are the basis for writing and reading.
Students will need to read and write their whole lives and if it is introduced to them in
a fun manner, they are more likely to enjoy the process of learning and want to
become more involved. Creativity is also a worthwhile outcome since it is important
for students to be able to use their imagination and creativity outside the classroom.

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