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!"#$%#&% ($)* +,$")$" 1eachers know Lhe sub[ecLs Lhey are Leachlng.

1he Leacher undersLands Lhe cenLral concepLs, Lools of lnqulry, and sLrucLures of Lhe dlsclpllnes
she or he Leaches and can creaLe learnlng experlences LhaL make Lhese aspecLs of sub[ecL
maLLer meanlngful for puplls.
-&"./#0" 1)/2)0".,$
3."2)* raxls 1esL, loundaLlons of 8eadlng 1esL, 8eadlng Lesson lan
4#")* WlnLer 2013, Sprlng 2014, Sprlng 2013
4)50&.6".,$* 1hls arLlfacL conslsLs of my scores from Lhe raxls ll examlnaLlon and loundaLlons
of 8eadlng 1esL, LesLs requlred by Lhe sLaLe for Lhe speclal educaLlon cross-caLegorlcal llcense,
and a readlng lesson plan.
!"#$%&#"& ()*$+), -.*&/*,/ 01"2&3)&.4
SLandard Cne - ConLenL: 1he Leacher undersLands Lhe cenLral concepLs, Lools of lnqulry, and
sLrucLures of Lhe dlsclpllnes she or he Leaches and can creaLe learnlng experlences LhaL make
Lhese aspecLs of sub[ecL maLLer meanlngful for puplls.
1he raxls ll and Lhe loundaLlons of 8eadlng 1esL scores prove LhaL l undersLand Lhe cenLral
concepLs of maLerlal l am Leachlng Lo sLudenLs, lL does noL prove LhaL l am able Lo convey LhaL
lnformaLlon Lo sLudenLs ln a ways LhaL ls beneflclal Lo Lhem. 1herefore, l have also lncluded a
lesson plan for readlng. l use Lhe 8eadlng MasLery program, a dlrecL lnsLrucLlon readlng
program for sLudenLs who are readlng and comprehendlng maLerlal aL a slgnlflcanLly lower
level LhaL Lhelr peers. l use a varleLy of sLraLegles and meLhods Lo ensure LhaL all sLudenLs are
learnlng Lhe skllls needed for readlng.
5!671*..)8"11) 9&%:1)/2); -<"11; *&/ ="#>%#"."%& 01"2&3)&.4
kSu1.a. uLMCnS18A1LS knCWLLuCL Cl CCn1Ln1 Anu LuACCC? - 1he candldaLe dlsplays
exLenslve conLenL knowledge of hls/her sub[ecL area and demonsLraLes a conLlnulng search for
new conLenL knowledge, resources, and besL lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces, whlle undersLandlng
sLudenL dlverslLy and sLudenL mlsconcepLlons and mlsundersLandlngs as key Lo Lhe Leachlng
As a speclal educaLlon Leacher, lL ls my responslblllLy Lo prove LhaL l have Lhe knowledge of Lhe
sub[ecL areas LhaL l Leach. asslng boLh Lhe raxls ll and Lhe loundaLlons of 8eadlng LesLs ls
proof of my compeLency. Slnce Lhe sLudenLs have mlssed lnformaLlon ln prevlous grades or dld
noL grasp Lhe concepLs, l need Lo be able Lo re-Leach lL ln a varleLy of ways LhaL reach all
learners on my caseload. l also need Lo me able Lo flnd sLraLegles LhaL work for each sLudenL so
LhaL Lhey can Lake whaL Lhey have learned and apply lL elsewhere ln Lhelr learnlng.
!)0,$%#&9 :!45*
kSu1.b uLMCnS18A1LS knCWLLuCL Cl S1uuLn1S - 1he candldaLe dlsplays knowledge of Lhe
Lyplcal developmenLal characLerlsLlcs, learnlng sLyles, skllls, lnLeresLs, developmenLal
backgrounds, and culLural herlLages of sLudenLs and ls always aware of Lhe broad ranges and
varleLy presenL for each of Lhese sLudenL characLerlsLlcs and llfesLyles.
kS3.c LnCACLS S1uuLn1S ln LLA8nlnC -1he candldaLe has Lhe ablllLy Lo engage sLudenLs ln
Lhe learnlng process by llnklng approprlaLe conLenL, based upon sulLable lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals
and resources, Lo sLudenLs' knowledge and experlence, belng cerLaln LhaL all sLudenLs are
cognlLlvely engaged ln Lhe acLlvlLles/asslgnmenLs and LhaL Lhe sLudenLs acLlvely conLrlbuLe Lo
Lhe conLenL deslgn. lnsLrucLlon ls hlghly coherenL and approprlaLely paced for all sLudenLs and
allows for reflecLlon and closure as approprlaLe.

;<#" = 2)#&$)% #>,?" ")#0<.$7 #$% 2)#&$.$7* l have learned LhaL l am sLronger ln cerLaln
sub[ecL areas. 1hese sub[ecL areas are easler Lo Leach. 1hose LhaL l sLruggle wlLh or do noL llke
as well, challenge me Lo flnd acLlvlLles LhaL keep me engaged and carry over Lo Lhe sLudenLs so
LhaL Lhey are exclLed Lo learn.
;<#" = 2)#&$)% #>,?" 895)2/ #5 #$ )%?0#",&* l love belng wlLh Lhe sLudenLs and waLchlng Lhem
learn and grow. l have found LhaL when Lhey are more exclLed abouL a sub[ecL/Loplc, l am also.
1herefore, l am always looklng for new ldeas and sLraLegles Lo help sLudenLs be successful ln
Lhe classroom and carryover lnLo Lhelr personal llfe.

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