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Name: __________________ Algebra II

Period: __________________ Classroom Expectations

Contact Information
Ms. Lundberg
Room #: A217
Phone: (928) 608-4100, ext. 5417

Course Overview: Algebra II is a fascinating exploration of many classes of functions. Students will continue to develop
their algebra and geometry skills as they investigate and compare the classes of functions listed below. Towards the end
of the year we will also study statistics for a unit.
Rational and Radical Functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Trigonometric Functions Statistics
Linear & Quadratic Functions Polynomials
Grading Policy: Semester grades are determined by the following weighted grades:
Assignments (notes, assignments, bell work): 15%
Assessments (projects, quizzes, Galileo tests): 85%

Homework: Homework will generally consist of practice problems and note processing. Occasionally, more
extensive homework will be assigned. Homework will be checked in class and will be collected once a week.
Interactive Notebook (Binder): Each student is expected to bring a three-ring binder to the second day of class
(Red Day: Thursday, August 7th/Black Day: Friday, August 8th). This binder will contain all of the students notes
and assignments. Note checks will be performed regularly and will provide an assignment grade. More details on
the binders organization will be given in class during the first weeks of school.
Projects: The course will include several projects. These may be graded individually or as a combination of
individual and group efforts.
Quizzes: We will have quizzes at the end of each standard (usually once a week). These will be approximately 15
minutes and students can expect to see approximately 5 questions based on the standard covered in the unit.
Students can take a quiz early with advanced notice if they have a verified absence on the day of the quiz.
Galileo: Galileo tests from quarters 2, 3, and 4 will be included in a students assessment grade as summative
exams. No test retakes will be possible. Students will be graded on their proficiency level as follows:

Proficiency Category Grade
Exceeds Expectations 90% 100%
Meets Expectations 70% 89%
Approaches Expectations 60 % - 69%
Falls Far Below Expectations 55%
Mathematics is the most beautiful and most
powerful creation of the human spirit.
Stefan Banach
There will be no unit tests other than quizzes and Galileo.
Final: There will be a final for each semester administered on the last day of the semester that will be worth
significantly more points than any assignment or assessment.
Late work/Make up work:
Homework: Students can turn in homework for full credit up until the last day of the unit (there is typically one
unit/week). They may turn in late homework for up to 70% credit until the next grade check (every 3 weeks).
Students may make up homework during the Sand Devil Block.
Quizzes: Students make retake any quiz during the Sand Devil Block or on their own time up to the next grade
check (every 3 weeks). Only one retake is allowed.
Materials: Each student will need pencils or pens, graph paper and plain or lined paper, and a three-ring binder (1
minimum). Graphing calculators will be used in class but will not be required for homework. Textbooks may be checked
out from the library but will not be required at home.
Student Responsibilities:
Math is a difficult subject and Algebra II is a difficult class. If each student makes a serious effort to arrive prepared
with a great attitude, we can become a hard working, successful, and even a fun class. In order to be fully prepared for
class, each student should expect to participate in class discussions and in-class work, complete homework in a timely
manner, and bring the required materials (as listed above) to class every day.
I believe that our school can become a place of more significant learning and a more pleasant environment if we all
exhibit the qualities outlined in the PRIDE model (Positivity, Respect, Involvement, Determination, and Excellence). To
this end, PRIDE tickets will be handed out randomly to students who display appropriate behavior. Students are
expected to follow all school rules, and interventions for minor infractions will follow the accountability process given in
the student handbook and posted in the classroom:
1. Verbal reminder about the rule.
2. The appropriate behavior will be re-taught.
3. Appropriate behavior will be re-taught and an intervention such as moving seats, losing extra credit privileges,
or keeping a student after school will be implemented.
4. Attempted guardian contact.
5. Referral to Dean.
Students will be counted as tardy unless they are in their assigned seats working on the days bell work when
the bell rings. Tardies will be treated as minor infractions and will be subject to the intervention steps outlined above.
The only exception to the above process is my specific policy on cell phones: The first time a cell phone is seen
or heard, a verbal warning will be given. The second time, the cell phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of
class. Other classroom rules may be added as needed with adequate notice to students and parents.
Teacher Responsibilities
I believe that each individual is capable of learning mathematics and can benefit from the study of mathematics.
In my classroom, students and teacher are equal partners in education. I will provide a safe, fair, and challenging
environment for my students, but I expect my students to work just as hard as I do in class and out of it to achieve our
educational goals. My office hours will be posted each week in the classroom and on the class website.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
My name is Sierra Lundberg, and I am delighted to be teaching your child in Algebra II this year! I love
mathematics and I am especially fond of algebra. This is my second year at Page High School. I graduated from Southern
Utah University in Cedar City, Utah last spring with a degree in Mathematics Education. Ive enjoyed my time in Page so
far and hope that this year is even more enjoyable than my first. Im looking forward to working with your student as we
progress through Algebra II.
During our exploration of various function types this year, your child will develop not only his or her algebra
skills but also critical thinking abilities. I believe that each individual is capable of learning mathematics and can benefit
from the study of mathematics. Even if a student does not plan to use mathematics later in life, rigorous mathematics
courses provide logic and reasoning skills that are useful in many fields and are often sought after by employers. I hope
that you will join me in encouraging your child to value his or her time in my class this year as a way to increase both
mathematical and critical thinking skills.
Please support your childs efforts in Algebra II by encouraging your student to complete homework, come to
class prepared with the necessary materials (pencils or pens, graph paper and plain or lined paper, and a three-ring
binder (1 minimum)), and respectfully participate in classroom activities. I know that if we all work together your child
will be very successful in Algebra II.
One of the most powerful tools for helping your student to succeed this year will be the classroom website,
found at I post topics, assignments, and links to videos and websites on the days topics at
least every other day. Students are expected to check the website before asking me for missing assignments, and the
videos often provide a great supplement to the days instruction. If you do not have internet access, please dont worry;
the website is only used as an additional resource, and your student will not need to access it to succeed in the class.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your
support this year. Feel free to visit the classroom any time!
Sierra Lundberg
Room #: A217
Phone: (928) 608-4100, ext. 5417

Please read through the above letter and classroom expectations with your student, and then sign and return this
portion of the paper. Thank you!

I have read and I understand the procedures and responsibilities for Ms. Lundbergs Algebra II Class.

_______________________________________ ___________________________________
Teachers signature Parent signature

_______________________________________ ___________________________________
Students signature Email address

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