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Grammar Basics Practice

1. Identifying Nouns
Underline all of the nouns in the following paragraphs. If a noun appears more than once, underline it each time it appears.
Exercise A:
Mercury is the planet nearest the sun. Recently, data from spacecraft have shown astronomers that Mercury, lie
our Moon, is covered with craters. !he surface of "enus may also #e cratered, #ut thic clouds of gas hide the landscape
from the telescopes. $raters are formed when large meteorites, which are fragments of comets or asteroids, collide with a
planet. %ome of the craters on the moon are &'( miles wide.
Exercise ):
!he formation of a volcanic island is a remara#le process. !his process often occurs over millions of years.
Erupting volcanoes #uild mountains on the floor of the sea. Each eruption adds more lava to the pile of volcanic roc until,
after many years, the volcanic mountain comes within reach of the waves. !he su#merged island #ecomes a coral reef.
*ther islands rise high a#ove the surface of the ocean, forming rugged mountains with ridges, canyons, and cliffs.
2. Identifying Pronouns
Each of the following sentences contains two pronouns. $ircle each pronoun, and draw an arrow to the noun for which it
stands +antecedent,.
-. Ro#erto passed the #all to Elena, who caught it easily.
'. *tis called his sister, #ut she didn.t answer.
&. /hen ased a#out the game, Mie said, 0I didn.t see it.1
2. %ince 3a#riella found the money, the cash #elongs to her unless it is claimed.
4. !he children said they lie the new #us driver who wears the #lue hat.
5. Although Elliot studied 6rench in school, he didn.t feel comforta#le speaing it.
7. 8enise #rought sandwiches with her on the hie and carried them in a napsac.
9. 0I,1 :erry said, 0surprised myself.1
;. )ecause %heila en<oyed musical comedies, she tried to see them as often as possi#le.
-(. =eio en<oyed volley#all so much she played it every day after school.
3. Identifying Adjectives
Underline each ad<ective in the following paragraph. 8o not include the articles a, an. and the.
Exercise A:
In :apan, some people grow miniature trees that have a famous history and an important place in horticultural art.
!hrough pruning and fertili>ation, the trees are trained to eep the shape and proportion of larger trees. !he trees often
have small leaves and small fruit. !he trees have an old and wind?swept appearance, as though they had grown in the
outdoors. /ith #onsai, gardeners can create realistic landscapes in pots and carry scenes of mountain crags or vast plains
into their homes.
Exercise ): Underline the ad<ectives and draw an arrow to the word it modifies.
*n hot, summer nights, :ulio and the other #oys sleep out in the yard. !hey put up a tent in a dar corner, where
the trees and #ushes are thic. !hat way the #oys can easily imagine they are in a wild, uninha#ited country.
*ne evening Mie suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of #ear hunts. After a particularly spine?tingling
story, Mie couldn.t sleep@ he was too nervous.
A#out midnight he saw something move in the shadows. 0AeowB1 he cried out. 0!here is a #ig #earB It is really
In the sudden confusion, the small tent collapsed on top of the #oys@ each one seemed eager to go in a different
direction. Anxious parents ran out of the near#y house. !hey found a coal?#lac dog. Cie a #ear, this animal was very
curious. It was sniffing at the tangle of arms, legs, and #odies under the tent.
4. Identifying and Using Vers
Underline each ver# in the following paragraph. !here are twenty?five action ver#s.
Mar, Couisa, and 8<uana formed an art group. %ince they needed a clu#house, they planned the construction of a
small geodesic dome. !he group financed the structure through the sale of some of their wor. Couisa sold a portrait and
an a#stract painting. Mar constructed a !iffany?style lamp, and the Dosnics Euicly #ought it and placed it in their
#rownstone apartment across the street. 8<uana setched several local scenes, carved the setches into linoleum #locs,
made greeting cards with the #locs, and sold the cards through a local novelty store. !he group carefully studied The
Whole Earth Catalog for instructions. Couisa, Mar, and 8<uana decided on a -( F x 9 foot #uilding. Couisa, the math whi>,
performed the necessary mathematical calculations. Mar, an expert #argain finder, shopped for the materials. /ith the
group.s earnings, he purchased wood struts, spoe hu#s, and plastic covering. !he group ased Mar.s parents for the use
of their #ac yard. !hey started the construction wor on Monday. Couisa cut the wood to the necessary dimensions. Mar
formed the cut wood into triangles, and 8<uana fastened the triangles together in the shape of a dome. !hey finished the
seletal structure on 6riday. *n %aturday morning, they attached the plastic covering. !hat evening the group cele#rated
its success in the new clu#house.
!. Using and Identifying "e#$ing Vers
$omplete the following sentences #y writing suita#le helping ver#s on the lines provided. !hen, circle the entire ver#
-. GGGGGGGGGGGG you ever seen a =a#ui playH
'. Iis car GGGGGGGG going too fast for safety.
&. I GGGGGGGGG waiting for Ielen.
2. GGGGGGGGGGGG you met my motherH
4. It GGGGGGGGGGGG #e later than you thin.
5. Edena GGGGGGGG #ecoming an excellent soccer player.
7. If he GGGGGGGGGGGGG read #etter, he GGGGGGGGGGGG learn more.
9. !here GGGGGGGGGG #een serious conseEuences.
;. Mr. Drin> GGGGGGG not GGGGGG persuaded to change.
-(. GGGGGGGGG you read 06or My Deople1 #y Margaret /alerH
Each sentence in the following passage contains at least one ver# phrase. 6or each ver# phrase, underline the helping
ver#+s, once and the main ver# twice.
%ince no one can see the air, some people in the past did not consider it real. !he ancient 3ree philosopher
Anaximenes, however, did not agree with these people. Ie #elieved that air must #e one of the foundations of all matter.
*ne evening Anaximenes was waling in the moonlight. /hile looing up at the sy, he must have seen a rain#ow
made #y the moon. Unlie other 3rees, he did not #elieve that the rain#ow was a goddess. Ie was not surprised to see
the rain#ow #ecause he #elieved that it was made #y the effect of light on compressed air.
Cie Anaximenes, we must admit that the air does contain something real. %cientists have found nitrogen, oxygen,
and other elements in the air. /e may discover new facts a#out air now that we are investigating other planets.
%. Identifying and Using Advers
$ircle the adver# in each sentence. !hen, draw an arrow to the ver# it modifies. *n the line provided, state whether the
adver# tells how, when, where, or to what extent.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -. 6or wees merchants cheerfully gave num#ered ticets with purchases.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG'. My cousin Corraine and I finally collected forty ticets.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG&. 0If lucy,1 I often told Corraine, 0we will win that camping eEuipment.1
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2. %aturday came, and we eagerly waded through the crowd at the fair.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 4. !he rules stated that the holders of winning ticets must #e there.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 5. Dromptly at midnight, they started the drawing.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 7. 0!he winner of the camping gear is 59;7B1 shouted the announcer. 0/ill the holder of num#er
59;7 come hereH1
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 9. Corraine.s success completely surprised every#ody.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ;. %he waled to the platform slowly for her pri>e.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -(. %he exclaimed, 0!his is the first pri>e I have ever wonB1
&. Identifying Advers
Each of the following sentences contains an adver# in italics. 8raw an arrow from the adver# to the word it modifies. *n
the line provided, tell whether the modified word is a ver#, an ad<ective, or an adver#.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -. Ms. =at> plays tennis well.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '. Ienry Couis 3ates, :r., is an exceptionally talented writer.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG &. Mel#a seldom loses her head.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2. Ier#ert seemed unusually happy.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 4. %hould I slice the chilies nowH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 5. !rea cried out, 08on.t run so fastB1
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 7. I always en<oy 3ary %oto.s poetry.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 9. A rather funny clown was <uggling.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ;. 0I.m too drowsy for words,1 Annette yawned.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -(. %ue wors unusually hard on %aturdays.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG --. 6ran answered somewhat enthusiastically.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -'. 8oes hay actually cause hay feverH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -&. !hey play an extremely fast game.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -2. /e will play a dou#le?header tomorrow.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-4. At formal occasions, :ae speas properly.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-5. !he dangerously narrow #ridge scared me.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-7. $an you really capture chiggers aliveH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-9. !he second speech was less interesting.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -;. Ie was fully aware of his plight.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '(. 6lorence occasionally eats %ushi.
'. Identifying (onjunctions
Underline the con<unction +s, in each sentence.
-. Every day I have to feed #oth my dog and my cat.
'. !he crowd roared when Antoan hit the home run.
&. Always try to do the <o# Euietly and correctly.
2. !he clown looed sad #ut made me laugh.
4. Cet me now if you want to #orrow that novel.
5. %ince they gave me ticets, I plan to go.
7. I can ride my #icycle on the road or through the woods.
9. 0%low #ut sure1 is my motto.
;. !he defendant could either pay a fine or go to <ail.
-(. I en<oy the writings of #oth :ames )aldwin and Ralph Ellison.
). Identifying Interjections
Underline the inter<ection in each sentence.
-. /hewB I.m glad that test is over.
'. I wonder if this plate is hot?yiesB
&. seen that movie, oh, four or five times.
2. Coo, I don.t thin I can mae it to the party.
4. After reading Romeo and Juliet, $arla said, 0/ow, what a great playB1
1*. Identifying Pre$ositions
Underline the prepositions +two, in the following sentences.
-. 8o your wor in study hall or do it at home.
'. After the dance we went to 3erry.s house.
&. Corraine Ians#erry.s plays a#out racial and social issues were praised #y the critics.
2. )ehind the fence I found my #icycle, with a flat tire.
4. %ince %eptem#er she has #een the principal of our school.
5. As I waled from the #uilding, I met the principal on the steps.
7. 6or social studies I read a #oo a#out %aca<awea.
9. Margaret lives in an apartment #uilding on %heridan Avenue.
;. )eyond the valley the mountains were #lac against the sy.
-(. 8uring vacation 8erric ept #usy woring around the house.
11. +evie,ing t-e Parts of .$eec-
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -. =imio too an express train.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '. A train whistle sounded in the distance.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG &. I will train your dog.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2. Cross the street on a green light.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 4. !urn right at the next cross street.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 5. %he was wearing a gold cross.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 7. !he #oss will fire me.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 9. !he fire department is always ready.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ;. /e saw a large fire in the distance.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -(. Ie has a #ald head.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG --. /ho is the head usherH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -'. Isa#el will head the freshman class.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -&. )otan can field a #all faster than any other player.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -2. !he new athletic field is ready for use.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -4. A field mouse scampered #y.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -5. Everyone left the #uilding in a hurry.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -7. I sat on the left side of the room.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -9. !urn left at the next corner.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '(. 8iego and )rian waled around the #loc.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '-. /hat did she say to youH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ''. Say, watch out for that tree.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '&. /e decided to go inside after we ate.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '2. *ne of the Russian dolls was hidden inside the other.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '4. Hey, where are you goingH
12. /a0ing .ujects and Vers Agree
*n the line provided for each of the following su#<ects and ver#s, write S if the ver# is singular or if the ver# is plural.
GGGGGGG -. )ill wals GGGGGGGG '. he tries GGGGGGGG &. I mae GGGGGGGG 2. :im wishes
GGGGGGG 4. she has GGGGGGGG 5. cats are GGGGGGGG 7. classes have GGGGGGGG 9. it was
GGGGGGG ;. stars shine GGGGGGGG -(. the dog lies GGGGGGGG --. %arah taes GGGGGGGG -'. we go
GGGGGGG -&. people give GGGGGGGG -2. you leave GGGGGGGG -4. Cuis carries GGGGGGGG -5. #irds fly
GGGGGGG -7. there it goes GGGGGGGG -9. teams lose GGGGGGGG -;. reporters as GGGGGGGG '(. it exists
%ome of the su#<ects and ver# pair agree in num#er@ some do not agree in num#er. $orrect any incorrect items. /rite a $
#eside correct items.
GGGGGGG -. planes fly GGGGGGGG '. pupils thins GGGGGGG &. motor runs GGGGGGG 2.cities is
GGGGGGG 4. child as GGGGGGGG 5. player have GGGGGGGG7. horse loos GGGGGGGG 9. tree grows
GGGGGGG ;. flowers are GGGGGGGG -(. dresses seems GGGGGGG --. houses has GGGGGGGG -'. man drin
GGGGGGG -&.girls ris GGGGGGG -2. guard waits GGGGGGGG-4. cats <ump GGGGGGGG -5. dentist advise
GGGGGGG -7. people was GGGGGGGG -9. Ci> give GGGGGGGG -;. des sits GGGGGGGG '(. mountains stands
.ection A
P#ura# 1 Bot-2 fe,2 many2 ot-ers severa# .ingu#ar or P#ura#1 a##2 any2 enoug-2 most2 muc-2 none2 some
-. $osmic rays in this room +is, are, striing us right now.
'. !he cause of her trou#les +seem, seems, apparent.
&. Each of you +has, have, heard this legend.
2. Jeither of the girls +own, owns, a #icycle.
4. Everyone in my class +nows, now, thatB
5. !he fi#ers of the wood +is, are, then crushed.
7. Jeither =endra nor %usan +plays, play, the piano.
9. A few of your friends +were, was, here.
;. !he length of these #oats +are, is, twenty feet.
-(. *ne of these note#oos +#elongs, #elong, to you.
.ection B3 .uject4Ver Agreement
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. %everal of the students has written reports on the $hinese poet Ci Do.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG %ome of Ci Do.s poems imitates the rhythms of fol songs.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG %ome of the team mem#ers have played professionally.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Jot one of the #ills were counterfeit.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG )oth of the sentences say the same thing.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG A few of the #and mem#ers was not in uniform.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Jeither of the rugs lie flat.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Every one of these planes carries fifty passengers.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Either the students or the teacher now the answer to that.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG All of the supplies in the #oxes were #ought at the supermaret.
.ection (3 .uject4Ver Agreement
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG )oth the cha?cha and the rum#a are $u#an dances.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Either nachos or celery were served with the guacamole.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Arturo or )eatrice always lead our class discussions.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Either Juna or Roslinda are going to meet us.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Iave either Andrea or Edna spoen to youH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG !he winner and new champion is Cynn $ontrucciB
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Jeither of the players nor the coach were surprised #y the win.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Red #eans and rice is a popular %aturday night meal.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Dang and :amyce pro#a#ly has the directions.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Either the director or the stagehands usually arrives first.
.ection 53 .uject4Ver Agreement
-. !he first mysteries in English +was, were, written #y /ilie $ollins.
'. The !oonstone, the most successful of $ollin.s novels, +was, were, written in -959.
&. Its characters and plot +fascinates, fascinate, readers.
2. Edgar Allen Doe, author of short stories, poems, and essays +is, are, credited with developing the character and
modern detective.
4. !he detective in the stories of Arthur $onan 8oyle, %herloc Iolmes, +solve, solves, mysteries #y using deduction.
5. Agatha $hristie and 8orothy %ayers +is, are, two popular mystery writers.
7. Either Iercule Doirot or Miss Marple +sniffs, sniff, out the clues in $hristie.s novels.
9. Jeither suspense nor surprise +is, are, lacing in any of $hristie.s wors.
;. Many of /alter Mosley.s #oos +features, feature, private eye Rawlins.
-(. !he title of each of %ue 3rafton.s novels, which feature the detective =insey Millhone, +#egin, #egins, with a letter of
the alpha#et.
.ection 63 .uject4Ver Agreement
-. 6ortunately, his in<ury +doesn.t, don.t, loo too serious.
'. My #irthday gift from Uncle $esar +was, were, two #oos #y Anaya.
&. A#out three Euarters of the #oos +focus, focuses, on modern artists.
2. Harlem Shadows +is, are, considered one of $laude Mc=ay.s most important wors.
4. %ports +was, were, one of the topics of discussion at lunch yesterday.
5. !he scissors +is, are, lying on the counter next to the sin.
7. 0%trange Cegacies1 +is, are, a poem #y %terling )rown.
9. !wo hours +is, are, enough time to spend on this math homewor.
;. !he swans floating on the sparling lae +turn, turns, to loo at me.
-(. !he most peaceful time of his life +was, were, his early childhood days.
--. !wo?thirds of the stolen #icycles +has, have, #een recovered.
-'. !he gloves +was, were, a gift from my mother.
-&. !he %aint Elias Mountains +stand, stands, along the southeastern #order of Alasa.
-2. !hirty dollars +is, are, a lot to pay <ust to see a #aset#all game.
-4. !hese #alloons +doesn.t, don.t, have enough helium in them.
.ection 73 .uject4Ver Agreement
-. +/here.s, /here are, %ara and :uliaH
'. Iere +is, are, the girls.
&. !here +is, are, num#ers on all the parts to #e cleaned.
2. +Iere.s, Iere are, some more parts that must #e num#ered.
4. +/here.s, /here are, that yellow chalH
5. /here +is, are, the gasoline and clean ragsH
7. +!here.s, !here are, rags on that shelf.
9. /here +is, are, the #olt that fits hereH
;. +!here.s, !here are, no num#ers on these cleaned partsB
-(. +Iere.s, Iere are, the reason.
.ection G3 .uject4Ver Agreement
-. A sEuadron of navy planes +fly, flies, overhead.
'. *ur herd of cattle +is, are, the largest in the state.
&. !he class +run, runs, to their seats when the #ell rings.
2. !he floc of wild geese +were, was, a #eautiful sight.
4. !he committee +was, were, encouraged #y our consideration of its offer.
5. !he audience +have, has, given two standing ovations.
7. /hat +has, have, the team done to improve their sillsH
9. A group of students +discuss, discusses, a story #y Arias.
.ection "3 .uject4Ver Agreement
-. +/here.s, /here are, the hammer or the axH
'. Jeither =enneth nor 3eraldine +dance, dances,.
&. +Ias, have, anyone sampled the 3ree dishesH
2. !he collection of poems +loo, loos, interesting.
4. !he crowd +was, were, angrily shouting at one another.
5. )read and #utter +is, are, a fattening com#ination.
7. )oth of the meals +loo, loos, good.
9. !he rash on her hands +is, are, pro#a#ly poison ivy.
;. =athy, along with her sister, +has, have, chicen pox.
-(. +/here.s, /here are, Malcolm or MariaH
--. Every one of the actors +needs, need, another rehearsal.
-'. +Is, Are, Kuentin or )ea going to type my paperH
.ection I3 .uject4Ver Agreement
GGGGGGGGGGGGG !wo songs #y 3loria Estefan is included on that $8.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG !here are #oth tin and steel in a tin can.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG Each of them have seen a fly.s eyes through a magnifying glass.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG!here.s two sides to that Euestion.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG %ome of us has #een studying.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG /here.s those ticets to concertH
GGGGGGGGGGGGG Iow was the main dish and dessert todayH
GGGGGGGGGGGGG All of the tea were cold already.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG 8o either of them now the way homeH
GGGGGGGGGGGGG!he main attraction are outstanding advertisements.
GGGGGGGGGGGGG Is the scissors in the top itchen drawerH
.ection 83 Pronoun4Antecedent Agreement
-. If you see either of my sisters, as them to call me.
'. "ny#ody in the first group may present his or her report now.
&. $either of the #oys has completed their paper on $ornel /est.
2. E%eryone wore their costume to the party.
4. Jot one of the #oos was missing their cover.
5. "nyone who thought that deserved what they got.
7. E%ery#ody should accept their responsi#ilities.
9. $o#ody on the girls. soft#all team forgot their mitt.
.ection 93 Pronoun4Antecedent Agreement
-. Many of the parents voiced GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG opinions.
'. Jo one wanted GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG name mentioned in the paper.
&. Each student was given a locer for GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG eEuipment.
2. If everyone had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG way, we.d never get anything done.
4. )oth Mrs. Carson and Mr. 6eldman too GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG on a trip.
5. Every#ody said what GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG thought.
7. Jeither :uan nor %teve wanted to have GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG picture taen.
9. %ome of the group expressed GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG opinions Euite franly.
;. )oth the carpenter and the welder finished GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG wor yesterday.
-(. A person should #e careful in GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG usage of English.
.ection :3 Pronoun4Antecedent Agreement
-. Either 8on or !homas will write GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG report on classical music.
'. Ramona and Angelo have finished GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG setches.
&. =areem and %teven #oth wanted to do GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG speeches on ite?maing.
2. Either 8inah or !erri left GGGGGGGGGGGG eys lying on the #ench.
4. !he coach and the team captains piced up GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG clip#oards from the #ench.
5. 8aniel and his #rother rode GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG #ies to the cele#ration.
7. Either Dhillip or Ryan will display GGGGGGGGGGGGG sculptures at the art gallery.
9. Ias she or her sister memori>ed GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG part of the playH
;. Either $hristina or :ulia said that 8an Jona is GGGGGGGGGGGGGG favorite painter.
-(. Mr. %tamos and Ms. Iirota are helping GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG students prepare for the science fair.
.ection /3 Pronouns
-. $layton is someone who sets GGGGGGGGGGG goals high.
'. !he younger cat, which tends to devour GGGGGGGGGGG food too fast, has #een put on a diet.
&. Iattie Mc8aniel, who won an *scar for GGGGGGGG performance, was the first African American to win an Academy
.ection N3 Irregu#ar Vers
!aste -. /e had never GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG such delicious tomatoes.
%uppose '. /e were GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to read the next chapter.
6ind &. Alicia had finally GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG her pen.
3o 2. Ias 3wen already GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to the la#H
As 4. !he dentist GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG me to return on Monday.
%it 5. Cast night we GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG out on the patio.
3ive 7. )y noon %ean will have GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG away the extra stamps.
Cead 9. )enita GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the children across the street.
%ing ;. %he has GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG every song in the #oo.
Eat -(. Roger ased if I had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the last #anana.
)egin --. I had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to thin you weren.t here.
3ive -'. Iave they GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG anything to the saleH
%hae -&. Rey GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the cereal #ox.
%wim -2. Ias anyone ever GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG across the laeH
)e -4. Aunt Eve and Uncle Ceo have never GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG there.
8rin -5. Aunt Dearl GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG her water Euicly.
)ring -7. !hey had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG him something to eat.
8o -9. %hould 8enise and I have GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the <o# firstH
%ee -;. Aesterday, we GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the most #eautiful sunset.
$ome '(. At last the lawyer GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to the point.
%et '-. )efore I could say anything, she had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the plate in front of me.
%teal ''. :ean.s trou#les with the law #egan when he GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a loaf of #read.
8rive '&. /e had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG forty miles #efore we remem#ered to get gas.
6ree>e '2. %ometimes the ice pond GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGas early as *cto#er.
!ear '4. %he GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a page out of the note#oo and handed it to me.
.ection ;3 Irregu#ar Vers
8rive '. I have GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG that way #efore.
!hrow &. !he pitcher had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a strie.
%teal 2. Iad they GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG her #riefcaseH
/rite 4. )oos were GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG #y hand many years ago.
)rea 5. /as your watch GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in the scuffleH
6all 7. %u>ie GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG when she was learning how to sate.
%wim 9. I wish I.d GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG out to the raft after you had.
6ind ;. /e had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the leftovers.
Run -(. %tan had <ust GGGGGGGGGGGG eighty yards for a touchdown.
!ae --. 3i#son must have GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG pride in her tennis lessons.
3o -'. !he cler GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to the #ac of the store.
%it -&. Aesterday )ret GGGGGGGGGGG through two movies.
Ring -2. I didn.t now the #ell had GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
)ring -4. 8ad has never GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG his wor home with him.
%ing -5. %ilence reigned@ not one not was GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
)e -7. Ielen had never GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to :apan #efore.
Rise -9. Melodie GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG from her seat.
!ear -;. 8ale GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG up his paper.
%pea '(. $ole GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to an interviewer.
)urst '-. !he pipe had a crac in it #efore it GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
6ly ''. $elia has GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG from 8allas to Miami.
6orget '&. 8o you thin Roscoe has GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a#out our meetingH
Iid '2. /e have GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG dad.s present.
.ection P3 (a$ita#i<ation
-. !he *hio river
'. A $hicago firm
&. Mount =atahdin
2. Mecosta county residents
4. !he Rocy Mountains
5. !he atlantic ocean
7. Digeon river state forest
9. 3reat salt lae
;. An ocean #each
-(. !he pacific northwest
--. !he south side of nineteenth street
-'. !he capital of north $arolina
-&. %an diego county
-2. A new england village
-4. A lae michigan resort
-5. Cong island, new Aor
-7. $rater lae national par
-9. chemistry II
-;. a city in the midwest
'(. the continents of Europe and Asia
'-. two miles east
''. main street runs north and south
'&. an african country
'2. the go#i desert
'4. nations of the far east
.ection =3 (ommas and Periods ,it- Areviations and Items in a .eries
-. !he :ohn 6 =ennedy Ci#rary, in )oston, Mass was designed #y the famous architect IM Dei.
'. Mr )enally.s new address is -95( "ine %t Augusta, 3A &(;(&.
&. !he Jo civili>ation flourished in /est Africa from a#out 4(( )$ to a#out A8 '((.
2. Ms Dowell now lives at '-( 6ir Ave Rapid $ity, %8 477(-.
4. !he meeting will #egin at --:(( AM sharp and should #e over #y -':&( DM.
5. /hen she can.t get to sleep, Michi taes a relaxing #ath drins warm mil or reads a telephone #oo.
7. !o fall asleep Euicly, %usan reEuires three things: fresh air and soft music and complete darness.
9. I visuali>e something that is Euiet pleasant and peaceful.
;. I often imagine that I am an astronaut touring the vast universe an explorer all alone in the silence of a huge forest
or a #iologist Euietly en<oying the #eauty of nature.
-(. I grow weary my eyes close and I fall asleep, undistur#ed #y #laring television sets loud am#ulance sirens or noisy
.ection +3 (ommas
-. Jishi groaned when she was <arred awae #y the loud insistent sound of her alarm cloc.
'. !he man wearing the red and white tie not the man in the overalls is the owner of the #ie shop.
&. %aifun noodles are shiny thin transparent noodles often used in $hinese cooing.
2. )rian is a warm honest person and I am glad to have him as a friend.
4. Mie please pass me one of those delicious #lue#erry muffins.
5. !he trees on the 3reat %moy Mountains help create a dense humid atmosphere which loos lie a smoy mist.
7. !he Inland %ea is dotted #y hundreds of hilly wooded islands.
9. :ill #rought chilled avocado soup a $ari##ean dish to the International $lu# dinner.
;. Aes a cold crisp salad with a sweet?and?sour dressing would taste good on a hot muggy day lie this.
-(. At the %eattle AEuarium visitors can loo through an underwater viewing dome to o#serve the marine life.
.ection .3 (ommas
-. I had not heard of Dat Mora #efore #ut yesterday I read her poem 0Cegal Alien.1
'. *ur small vessel weathered every storm and #rought us safely into port.
&. Most of us found the movie dull #ut A##y lied it.
2. !he crowd swarmed onto the field and carried off the goal posts.
4. Many $a<un families live #y fishing and trapping #ut others farm or run #usinesses.
.ection >3 (ommas
-. !he #uildings that suffered the worst damage in the fire had to #e torn down.
'. *ur AM$A which was #uilt in the -;4(.s is undergoing remodeling and repairs.
&. My #rother attends /arm %prings Middle %chool which has an enrollment of 42-.
2. $ongressman %herman hoping for a compromise arranged a meeting with the president.
4. Everyone who purchases at least two $8s will receive a free cap with the store.s logo on it.
5. 3regor Mendel nown for his experiments with garden peas formulated the #asic laws of heredity.
7. !he gold itten which is very playful is the one I would lie to adopt.
9. !he Drado which contains one of the world.s finest art collections is the #est?nown museum in %pain.
;. All students, participating in the assem#ly, will #e excused from class at ':((.
-(. Mr. /ortham, trying not to chucle, offered to help us clean up the mess.
--. Roman )anuelos who was U.%. treasurer from -;7- to -;72 was the first Mexican American woman to hold such a
high government post.
-'. 8orothy $rowfoot Iodgin who won a -;52 Jo#el Dri>e determined the molecular structure of vitamin ) -'.
-&. %pecies of turtles, that live in regions with harsh winters, must hi#ernate.
-2. !he puppy excited to see its owner wagged its tail vigorously.
-4. !he word %olcano comes from the word &ulcan which is the name of the ancient Roman 3od of fire.
.ection U3 (ommas
-. %ince water is deeper than it loos good spea fishers aim #elow rather than at their apparent targets.
'. If a fish underwater sees you on a pier you pro#a#ly loo as though you are higher than you really are.
&. )y explaining the refraction of light through water I can give sensi#le reasons for these strange appearances.
2. Ascending the tree one #ranch at a time Mrs. /ein#er eventually reached the stranded itten.
4. /hile I was woring at the gas station I learned a lot a#out cars.
5. In the $heynne myth of the world.s #eginnings the frog and the turtle help create the land.
7. $hasing a fly #all in center field Armand stepped in a hole and sprained his anle.
9. Angered #y her #rother.s remars :an stamped out of the room.
;. As captain of the women.s #aset#all team Cynette won an *lympic gold medal in -;92.
-(. If people o#<ect to my suggestion let them state their reasons.
.ection V3 (ommas ,it- Introductory 6#ements and 6#ements t-at Interru$t a .entence
-. Aes air pressure can #e tremendously important.
'. 8oes a pressure cooer have a safety valve $laraH
&. $hanges in air pressure can #e Euite dangerous.
2. *h then you now a#out the pro#lems faced #y divers.
4. Aes flyers experience relatively slow changes in pressure compared to divers.
5. *ne of the first places a diver feels pressure changes !eresa is the eardrum
7. heard $lara that divers hold their noses and #low when they start to feel pain in their ears.
9. Aes swallowing also helps to eEuali>e the pressure.
;. /hy is it #etter for a diver to have perfect teeth than teeth with fillings !eresaH
-(. Air pressure exerts a different amount of force on the filling than on the tooth, and $lara under sever conditions it
can cause a tooth to collapse.
.ection ?3 (ommas
-. *h I now the definition of esprit de corps a 6rench phrase meaning 0team spirit.1
'. In your class Ms. Melton I have learned that a paragraph presents specific details.
&. *n %aturday Angelo %anti our #est trumpet player marched with the school #and at the game.
2. Jo this machine a recent model does not use much electricity.
4. %chool alterations a large item in the #udget are necessary #ecause of inadeEuate cafeteria facilities.
.ection @3 (ommas ,it- A$$ositives
-. /hen Alfred Iitchcoc the well now director died in -;9(, people mourned the loss of this master of suspense.
'. In one movie Strangers on a Train an innocent man #ecomes involved in a #i>arre murder plot.
&. !he climax of this movie a scene at a carousel thrills audiences.
2. !wo things clever plots and unusual camera angles always add surprises to any Iitchcoc film.
4. Iitchcoc freEuently uses two devices the chase and case of mistaen identity to #uild suspense in his films.
5. Ie didn.t always write his own stories #ut sometimes #ased his movies on #oos such as Re#ecca, the romantic
suspense story #y 8aphne du Maurier.
7. /ho can forget the scene in Re#ecca in which Mrs. 8anvers the sinister houseeeper stands in the #edroom,
engulfed in flamesH
9. Iitchcoc.s peers other mem#ers of the film community admired #oth his talent and his sense of humor.
;. A num#er of directors have used 0the Mac3uffin1 his method of using seemingly unrelated plot elements to set a
story in motion.
-(. *ne Iitchcoc movie $orth #y $orthwest remains a classic the norm against which many similar movies of
suspense are measured.
.ection A3 (ommas for Parent-etica# 6B$ressions and 5ates and Addresses
-. Most people in the /estern world in my opinion have an intrinsic dislie of snaes.
'. /esterners in fact use the expression 0 a snae in the grass1 to descri#e a treacherous person.
&. Iowever in many Easter cultures the snae is revered.
2. Iindus for example have deep respect for the snae.
4. 3enerally speaing they see snaes as protecting rather than harming humans.
5. *n August &( -;;7, you may have seen the Jew Aor Ci#erty play the Iouston $omets in the first /J)A
championship game.
7. :an wrote to the 3eneral Electric $ompany %chenectady Jew Aor to o#tain information a#out fluorescent light
9. Mr. "an 8un may #e reached at --'( 6our )roos Road %tamford $onnecticut (5;(&, or at 2'( Main %treet /hite
Dlains Jew Aor -(5(-.
;. !he letter addressed to -2'4 *cean 8rive Cong )each, was forwarded to !ucson Ari>ona after a delay of several
-(. !he letter from %pringfield Illinois was dated 8ecem#er - -;;9.
--. *n August '9 -;5&, 8r. Martin Cuther =ing :r. spoe #efore a crowd of a Euarter of a million people in /ashington
-'. After :une -5 '(((, mail your #oo to $actus Citerary %ervices in Austin !exas.
-&. /hen did Jew Aor Jew Aor #egin construction of the #ase of the %tatue of Ci#ertyH
-2. I wrote to my favorite author in care of his pu#lisher, 8aley Archive Dress Illinois %tate University Jormal IC 5-7;(?
.ection C3 .emico#ons
-. My mom is reading Shadow and "ct it is a collection of essays #y Ralph Ellison.
'. $hemical changes occur constantly in nature for instance, lightning causes a chemical change in the air.
&. !here are a#out fifty?five species of side?neced turtles they live in Africa, Australia, and %outh America.
2. !he largest ur#an areas in %outheast Asia are centered around the cities of Manila, Dhillipines, :aarta, Indonesia,
and )ango, !hailand.
4. %hips on the $ari##ean %ea might carry sugar from the /est Indies, coffee from $olum#ia, $osta Rica, or
3uatemala, or #ananas from Danama.
5. !he art of Africa has influenced art in other parts of the world for example, traditional African sculpture influenced
the %panish artist Da#lo Dicasso.
7. !he A#eit family has three dogs, a cat, and a parrot, and :aime, Miguel, and :ulia have #een asing for a horse.
9. !he #oxer is a medium?si>ed stocy, muscular dog it was named for its playful ha#it of striing with its front legs.
;. !he reviewer praised the special effects however, she critici>ed the screenplay.
-(. !he Java<o mae up the second?largest group of American Indians in the United %tates only the $heroee have
more mem#ers.
.ection AA3 (o#ons
-. !he letter #egan, 08ear 8r 3arcia !han you for considering my application for ennel attendant at your clinic.
'. =atrina wrote her #oo report on The 'olden 'ate " $o%el in &erse #y "iram %eth.
&. /e have lived in: $ary, Iigh Doint, and $harlotte.
2. !he play doesn.t start until 9 (( D.M. however, we should plan to arrive early.
4. !he lecture #egins at ' (( 8r. 8urand will #e discussing the literary elements of Dsalm -(2 -?4(.
5. Mrs. Iershey has visited several cities in $anada !oronto, *ntario Edmonton, Al#erta, and Ialifax, Jova %cotia.
7. Dlease #ring the following items a sleeping #ag, a tent, and a flashlight.
9. Mom went to the store to #uy three things oranges, mil, and #read.
;. /e should #ring: notecards, paper, and #oos to class.
.ection BB3 Ita#ics Under#ine eac- ,ord or grou$ of ,ords t-at s-ou#d e in ita#ics
-. If I had to descri#e my cat in one word, that word would #e independent.
'. I tried a $u#an dish that, in %panish, is nown as platanos verdes.
&. !he :apanese American newspaper Rafu %himpo was founded in -;(&.
2. !he art professor was discussing I and the "illage, a painting #y Marc $hagall.
4. Jatalie Merchant.s $8 !igerlily, released in -;;4, achieved platinum status.
5. My friend Annette is a #ig fan of the !" series !he L?6iles.
7. !he s on that plaEue is so ornate that it almost loos lie an 9.
9. :ordan left out the second e when he spelled temperament.
;. !he Dhoenix was the first steam#oat to mae an ocean voyage.
-(. In Jovem#er -;9', the space shuttle $olum#ia made the first commercial satellite launch.
.ection ((3 Ita#ics and =uotation /ar0sD Under#ine ita#ics and add Euotation mar0s ,-ere needed
-. I was moved #y 3ary.s expressive reading of Jani, a poem #y Al#erto Rios.
'. !hre 6rench word fleur?de?lis is sometimes used to refer to the iris.
&. !he characters in :ames )aldwin.s short story !he Rocpile also appear in his novel 3o !ell it on the Mountain.
2. )a#y )lues was the title of last night.s episode of the show.
4. %aima was very proud of his essay, !he Iuman?Animal )ond.
5. !he $8 6irecracer contains two of :en.s favorite Cisa Coe# songs, I 8o and !ruthfully.
7. %ome concepts in the chapter Atoms and Molecules are difficult to understand.
9. Is the column 6or the Record a regular feature in the %unday paperH
;. Isn.t the song Evergreen from the motion picture A %tar is )ornH
-(. :ason found the fascinating article )rothers in Arms in a -;;9 issue of American Cegacy maga>ine.
.ection 553 Punctuating ,it- =uotation /ar0s.
-. 8id Ms. Uno really say $lass, we will have the test on 6riday ased =im.
'. Miles 8avis $het announced is aunt Marlene.s favorite <a>> artist of all time.
&. !hese tomatoes loo ripe /aneta said Cet.s use them in the salad.
2. Ioward said / going to the movies. 8o you want to go along
4. I <ust finished reading House !ade of (awn Michelle announced /hat a wonderful #ooB
5. =ara said that she did lots of hiing while on vacation in $olorado.
7. 8iscuss the following elements of the short story $onEuistador: foreshadowing, flash#ac, and suspense.
9. !he instructor reminded the #oaters that life <acets must #e worn at all times.
;. I thin 8ionne said /e.ll meet you at the soccer field a half hour #efore practice, :iro said.
-(. Iave you seen any films #y %atya<it Ray Elaine ased.
.ection 663 7orming Possessives ,it- A$ostro$-es
-. A friends family
'. %everal friends families
&. All the girls locer room
2. !homass hat
4. !wo #oys helmets
5. !he #a#ys playpen
7. Margaret /alers poems
9. !he presidents speech
;. )oth cars front #umpers
-(. *ne cars front #umper
--. An employees welfare
-'. All employees welfare
-&. Many trees #ranches
-2. A trees #ranches
-4. An officers uniform
-5. %ome officers uniforms
-7. Melissas #rother
-9. /illies sister
-;. %everal voters opinions
'(. Mexicos history
'-. *ne fishs scales
''. 6rances countryside
'&. $harless #oo
'2. Mount Rainiers snow
773 Using A$ostro$-es ,it- Possessive 7orms
-. !his hat is too small for me@ it.s your.s if you want it.
'. Early in the season, we thought our team could win the championship.
&. !his dog should have it.s teeth #rushed every day.
2. )oth of the sculptures were appealing, #ut her.s won the award.
4. %omeones castanets were found lying on the stage.
5. 08o I have everyones attentionH1 ased Mr. %ullivan.
7. )oth groups have interesting demonstrations, #ut our.s was more thorough than theirs.
9. /illingness to listen to anothers ideas is a sign of maturity.
;. /e have finished our model already, and %helly and Aaron will complete their.s in time for the expo.
-(. /ill anyone.s presentation #e on Mayan architectureH
GG3 A$ostro$-es Insert apostrophes where they are needed in the following paragraph.
Ioudinis career had its #eginning in the circus, where a few wees wor as an acro#at paid him only thirty?five cents per
wee. 6ollowing his #rother !heos departure from their act, Ioudini launched the career that made him famous. Ie always
credited his <oints a#ility to #e dislocated and his diligent practice of the stunts and trics at the eys to his success. Ie was
so adept at maing o#<ects disappear that his many critics closest inspections could not unmas his secrets. *nce he had
learned how to mae a -(,(((?pound elephant disappear, he needed only several handlers aid and his own crews
assistance to get the elephant on stage to #egin the stunt.
""3 "y$-ens2 5as-es2 and Parent-eses
-. !he largest ind of shar the whale shar may grow up to 2( feet -' meters long.
'. /hale shars may weigh over -2 metric tons a#out the weight of three picup trucs.
&. !he smallest shars are a#out 5 inches -5 centimeters long and weight a#out - ounce '9 grams.
2. A shar.s teeth a shar has several rows of them are replaced often as older teeth fall out and new ones grow in.
4. %ome people thin that shars must turn over on their #acs in order to #ite I now it.s a myth.
5. %hars hear very well only low pitched tones and listen for their prey.
7. Iammerhead shars a group that includes a num#er of similar species are rather strange?looing creatures.
9. /hite shars among the most dangerous shars prey on large animals such as sea lions and tuna.
II3 (ontractionsF In t-e oB $rovided2 ,rite t-e contracted form of eac- of t-e fo##o,ing items2 using a$ostro$-es to
s-o, ,-ere #etters -ave een omitted.
-. /e have ;. Ias not
'. Is not -(. I will
&. Aou are --. !hey are
2. 8oes not -'. !here is
4. %he will -&. !hey will
5. /ere not -2. Are not
7. $annot -4. /ho is
9. Ie is -5. Aou will
;. 8o not -7. It is
-(. Cet us -9. /ill not
883 "y$-ens
-. !his is a well made #aset, #ut it does have one #arley noticea#le flaw.
'. !he governor elect.s speech was well received #y the audience.
&. After scoring twenty one points in one game, "anesa.s confidence improved.
2. Marcia was pleased with her test scores, which raned in the ninety second percentile.
4. !he treasurer elect does not officially tae office until March.
5. !he museum has an extremely diverse collection of pre $olum#ian art.
7. A hush fell over the audience as the world famous soprano too the stage.
9. !he highly controversial #ill passed #y a two thirds ma<ority.
;. After the first string Euarter#ac was in<ured, the coach made him rest.
99 +evie,
-. 0!heres one every class,1 said Mr. Dapa as Jic came in late without his note#oo.
'. Arnold 6rei#erg, the gray teams captain, tells me hes confident of victory in tonights meet.
&. 0Jo, Im afraid youre wrong a#out 8an.1 I said. 0Its hard to get people to #elieve that he is no#odys fool.1
2. In the 3arcias #ac yard, the deers food is out in plain sight.
4. 0If you read carefully,1 said Mrs. $ham#ers, 0youll see that /hitmans and 6rosts poetry have something in
5. At yesterdays trac meet in )loomfiled, our opponents excelled in almost every event, #ut the final victory was ours.
7. After the coach diagrammed the play, his chal#oard was covered in xs and os.
9. At Alans party we had Mrs. =ings potato salad, Mr. )auers vegeta#le stics, and Jancys fruit punch.
;. 8on.t try to touch Marcia and Ricys cat@ its not fond of strangers.
-(. !he president?elects dog was featured on A)$s newscast last night.
::3 .$e##ingF 7i## in t-e #an0s ,it- t-e correct #etters3 ie, ei, cede, ceed, or sede.
-. 6rGGGGght --. 6rGGGGGndly
&. 6orGGGGGgn -&. )elGGGGGGve
2. %eGGGGGGG -2. GGGGGGGther
4. RelGGGGve -4. RGGGGgn
7. JGGGGGGgh -7. 8ecGGGGGve
;. !hGGGGGf -;. DGGGGGce
-(. UnvGGGGGl '(. IGGGGGght
//3 .$e##ingF (orrect t-e s$e##ing errors or #ae# t-e sentence as correct.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG -. /hat a great feeling to excede my own expectationsB
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG '. Aou will receive extra points if you can list ten countries in Africa.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG &. Martha doesn.t want to forfiet her place in line.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2. !he %upreme $ourt.s latest vote superceeds last year.s ruling.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 4. !he cat.s wieght goes up in the winter.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 5. My twin #rother preceeded me in #irth.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 7. Is it your #eleif that term limits are unconstitutionalH
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 9. :anet.s history report will #e on 3eronimo, the Apache cheif.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ;. !he veiw from 8elphi was ama>ing.
NN3 Adding PrefiBes and .uffiBes
-. Dure M ly --. Im M material
'. Engage M ment -'. Iuge M est
&. 8rip M ing -&. !ravel M ed
2. Re M enter -2. )rown M ness
4. 8ay M ly -4. $heery M est
5. )ree>y M er -5. Ium M ed
7. Recur M ence -7. *ver M rule
9. $ry M ing -9. Rope Ming
;. %elect M tion -;. Iappy M ness
-(. :oy M ous '(. %eventy M eth
;;3 7orming P#ura#s of Nouns
-. Ratio ;.Roof
2. %helf -(. potato
&. 8ummy --. $hild
2. Mouse -'. goose
4. life -&. Murphy
5. Ax -2. 3rass
7. echo -4. :apanese
9. Diano -5. )rother?in?law
PP3 (ommon Usage Pro#ems
-. =ara sings really +good, well, in the choir.
'. !he +advice, advise, from the captain was unexpected #ut appreciated.
&. /hat is the +morale, moral, of Alice /aler.s short storyH
2. !he new mower runs Euietly and cuts #etter +than, then, the old one.
4. If I had nown you were coming, I +would of, would have, #ae an apple pie.
5. !he low riders are +ind of, rather, impressive to see going down the street.
7. +6ewer, Cess, entries in the contest were received this year.
9. +)etween, Among, you and me, I thin Datric.s ideas is terrific.
;. Deople should thin more a#out the +principles, principals, #y which they live.
-(. %itting on the #acrow, we +couldn.t hardly, could hardly, hear the speaer.
--. +%et, %it, those pacages down #efore you drop themB
-'. *ur house is a long +way, ways, from here.
-&. !he dog loos happy +laying, lying, on its side in the sun.
-2. 3ently +lay, lie, the dish of gravy on the ta#le.
-4. !he D)% show +what, that, I lie the #est is coming on next.
-5. $athy maes really +well, good, coconut cae.
-7. It loos +lie, as if, the de#ate team will go to the next round.
-9. /e want to attend the concert in support of +peace, piece, in Jorthern Ireland.
-;. !he cat will surely find +it.s, its, way home.
'(. My grandmother +scarely never, rarely, misses church.
'-. !he +affects, effects, of tanning may include sin cancer.
''. Ier words +affected, effected, how I felt for the rest of the day.
'&. +!hem, !hose, persimmons are #est eaten when ripe.
'2. Deople often startle +themselves, theirselves, when they discover their hidden talents.
'4. 8r. Canders is the physician +which, who, helped my mother.
'5. I.ll meet you +outside of, outside, the auditorium.
'7. !he sun +raised, rose, in the morning.
'9. :eff and I +rose, raised, the flag in the morning.
';. +Cearn, !each, me to count to one hundred in Russian.
&(. /ould you +council, counsel, me regarding my financesH
&-. :ane was tired and didn.t feel +good, well,.
&'. +!heirs, !here.s, only one vegetarian entrNe on the menu.
&&. May#e she.ll mae it +inside, inside of, the #uilding #efore the rain starts.
&2. !he cat +sat, set, near the fireplace.
&4. !hey had not seen +none, any, of the movies.
&5. Irene gave Cora a large +peace, piece, of fa#ric.
&7. All the students +accept, except, %heila came to the performance.
== Identifying .entences and .entence 7ragments3 ?rite F for 7ragments and S for .entences.
-.GGGGGGGG !aing a canoe trip in $anada.
'. GGGGGGG %ufficient food for a wee.s <ourney.
&.GGGGGGGG *thers had camped there #efore us.
2. GGGGGGG Ashes indicated the place.
4. GGGGGGGG /here their fire had #een.
5. GGGGGGGG Iow clearly was the trail maredH
7. GGGGGGGG An *<i#wa village at the end of the trail.
9. GGGGGGGG !he group spent the morning there.
;. GGGGGGGG !aling over plans for the afternoon.
-(. GGGGGGGG As we rounded a #end in the river.
--. GGGGGGGG $ould you hear the noise of the waterfallH
-'. GGGGGGGG )efore you could see it.
-&. GGGGGGGG /e could not paddle against the wind unless the guide helped us.
-2. GGGGGGGG !he wind #lowing spry over us.
-4. GGGGGGGG 8renched to the sin.
-5. GGGGGGGG !he rapids in the river were occasional ha>ards.
-7. GGGGGGGG !he excitement of the shooting rapids.
-9. GGGGGGGG /e steered and #alanced carefully.
-;. GGGGGGGG Around #oulders in the stream.
'(. GGGGGGGG 8eciding whether to go through the rapids or portage the canoe around them.
++ Irregu#ar Vers (-art
:ie :ying :ain :ay +est2 stay2 rec#ine2
:ay :aying :aid :aid P#aced2 to $#ace
+ise +ising +ose +isen >o go u$2 to get u$
Gno ojectH
+aise +aising +aised +aised >o cause somet-ing
to raise or #ife u$
.it .itting .at .at >o rest in an u$rig-t
seated $osition
.et .etting .et .et >o $ut somet-ing in
a $#ace GojectH
-. )efore my mother went to wor, she +lay, laid, my #us fare on the ta#le.
'. Aou have +lain, laid, here on the couch long enough.
&. %omeone had +lain, laid, the cushions on the floor.
2. /ould the #a#y rather +lie, lay, on her #acH
4. !he old wheel#arrow is +lying, laying, #ehind the #arn.
5. !he movers +lay, laid, the new rug on the stairs.
7. Ias the dog #een +lying, laying, in the mud all afternoonH
9. Aour tostados are still +lying, laying, on the itchen counter.
;. Dlease +sit, set, here #eside me.
-(. +%it, %et, the lamp next to the plant, please.
--. I was +sitting, setting, perfectly still.
-'. %he always +sits, sets, her pocet#oo on the ta#le.
-&. !he audience +sat, set, Euietly during the performance.
-2. !he curtain +rises, raises, when the actors tae the stage.
-4. !he river has #een +rising, raising, all night.
-5. !he audience +rose, raised, when Maya Angelou approached the podium.
-7. !he movers +rose, raised, the piano with ropes and a pulley.
-9. !he company +risen, raised, her salary.
-;. !he student +rose, raised, his hand to answer the Euestion.
'(. %lowly, the hot?air #alloon +rose, raised, up into the sy.
.. Active and Passive Voice: Ca#el each sentence as Active or Dassive "oice
-. !wo sorts of varnish are used to mae lacEuer articles.
'. %ome varnishes create a clear finish.
&. Each coat of varnish is allowed to dry #efore another coat is added.
2. !he varnish forms a shiny, dura#le, waterproof surface.
4. !he surface can then #e painted, carved, or decorated.
5. !he :apanese learned how to create lacEuerware from the $hinese.
7. )eginning in the early -5((.s, $hina and :apan exported lacEuerware.
9. European artists soon #egan to create lacEuerware.
;. Art lovers #ought many pieces of European lacEuerware.
-(. !he finest examples of the art form were still made in $hina and :apan.
>> Nominative (ase
-. :o and +she, her, save dimes and pennies.
'. +/e, Us, girls caught a few dogfish.
&. !he #oys and +we, us, swam in the deep water.
2. Are +her and me, she and I, partnersH
4. /e and +them, they, met in the finals.
5. =aren and +I, me, had fruit for dessert.
7. 8o you and +her, she, spea %panishH
9. Aou and +we, use, will wor together.
;. Iave Arturo and +them, they, already goneH
-(. %tan and +him, he, loo lie #rothers.
UU ;jective (ase
-. I will as my mother and +she, her, if we can go.
'. Aou can #elieve :iro and +I, me,.
&. 8id anyone tell Estrella and +she, her, the time of the concertH
2. I met %ue and +he, him, at the Jational Museum of Art.
4. /ill you tae +we, us, to the festivalH
5. 8o you remem#er Ella and +they, them,H
7. I was expecting Iarold and +she, her, to #e here #y now.
9. Aou could help +we, us, tomorrow.
;. I recogni>ed you and +them, they,.
-(. 8id she mean Jan or +me,I,H
--. )ill sat #ehind Jadine and +I, me,.
-'. I played against Alicia and +they, them,.
-&. /ho was taling to you and +they, them,H
-2. $ome with 3retchen and +I, me,.
-4. !he story was a#out Maisie and +she, her,.
VV +evising +unFon .entences
-. Ceonard gave an impromptu speech it actually sounded prepared.
'. Aou can <oin us for supper you have to help with the dishes.
&. 6rancine is getting new glasses tomorrow her prescription is the same.
2. !he art clu# is going to the exhi#it of African mass I want to go.
4. !he house had a mansard roof the place loos nice.
5. My little sister is memori>ing the multiplication ta#le, she is a good student.
7. :ae was removed from the hocey game he sat in the penalty #ox.
9. !he election results have #een counted the winner will #e announced shortly.
;. I am very tired so I am going to tae a nap.
-(. %he was late, therefore, she had to get a tardy note.

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