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K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik – 3.

Subject: Programming in ‘C’ Sub Code: 9017

Class: FYIF (IF/2/C)
Academic Year: 2008 – 2009

Practical No. 5
Understand decision control statement using switch-case:

1. Create a menu driven program to input a character from user and determine:
i. Whether it is alphabet or not.
ii. Whether it is in upper – case or not.
2. Create a menu driven program to input a number from user for following options:
i. To find the last digit of that number.
ii. To find whether it is positive or not.
3. Create a menu driven program to input two numbers from user for following options:
i. To find larger number between them.
ii. To find remainder in their division.
4. Create a menu driven program to input a float number from user for following
i. To find cube of that number.
ii. To find square root of that number.
5. Create a menu driven program to input a character from user for following options:
i. To determine whether it is vowel or not.
ii. To display the character next to it alphabetically.
6. Create a menu driven program to input total marks of one student from user for
following options:
i. To check whether he/she has passed the exam or not.
ii. To find how much percentage obtained by him/her.
(Consider marks are aggregated by 5 subjects.)

Kute T. B.
(Subject Teacher)

CPR – Practical No. 5

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