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Dear friend Angeln:

There is not still enough time for Christmas,

but I write to you now because if I wait, I am
afraid that I forget, and besides, because
there is it is Sunday, it rains and I do not
know what to do; That is why, I send my
congratulation to you in advance.

I would rejoice to see you, being with you and
bowling. I have not yet them, but my uncle
Mario has to give them as a present to me;
He has said that there are ones that have
head of clown and that are expensive, but
anyway, he will buy them, because he says
that he has money.

My sister Maria has promised that he will give
me a nice box of constructions, of the ones of
wood, and that way, will be able to make
bridges and pyramids, and other ones a lot of
things. Angeln, tell your dad that he brings
you here, at least, for the Kings.

You could be in my house and in my bed,
there is place. I have not seen you from the
wine harvest, and as you are my dearer
friend, he wanted to be with you some days
at least.
Greet your dear parents, transmit my
congratulations to them and receive one of
your friend's hugs.

Estimado amigo Angeln:

No hay lo suficientemente todava tiempo por
la Navidad, pero le escribo ahora porque si
espero, temo que se me olvida, y adems,
porque hay es domingo, llueve y yo no s
qu cosa hacer; Por lo mismo, envo mi
felicitacin a usted por adelantado.

Me regocijara para verle, estando con usted
y jugando a los bolos. No les tengo an, pero
mi to Mario tiene que regalrmeles; l ha
dicho que hay unos que tienen cabeza de
payaso y que son caros, pero de todas
formas, l los comprar, porque l dice que l
tiene dinero.

Mi hermana Mara ha prometido que l me
dar una caja bonita de construcciones, de
los de madera, y de ese modo, podr hacer
puentes y pirmides, y otros unos un montn
de cosas. Angeln, dgale a su pap que l le
trae aqu, al menos, para los Reyes.

Usted pudo estar en mi casa y en mi cama,
hay lugar. No le he visto desde la vendimia, y
como usted es mi ms estimado amigo, l
quiso estar con usted algunos das al menos.
Salude a sus estimados padres, transmtales
mis felicitaciones para ellos y reciba uno de
abrazos de su amigo.

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