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English Resources Guide

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or students needing acade!ic analysis ""
#S$%R is the !ost co!prehensive resource &ith '(%) * 'iterature %nline +ne&
version,- .'A /ibliography +E/S0%, - 1roject .2SE and 3eb o4 Science also
containing a signi5cant a!ount 4or English students. or students interested in
theatre the (nternational (nde6 to 1er4or!ing Arts ull $e6t +1ro7uest, can be
very use4ul.
or students needing pri!ary sources ""
As &ell as acade!ic co!!entary '(%) * 'iterature %nline +ne& version,
contains 4ull te6t poetry- prose and dra!a. Early English /ooks %nline +EE/%,
and Eighteenth 0entury 0ollections %nline +E00%, are valuable sources o4
early te6ts. $o 5nd !ore !aterial across a range o4 genres students are
encouraged to e6plore the 1eriod and Genre Resources tab on the English
Subject Guide.
or students needing ne&s/!edia !aterials ""
$o see period accounts the89th : 8;th 0entury /urney 0ollection )e&spapers-
8<th 0entury /ritish )e&spapers and A!erican =istorical )e&spapers
+1ro7uest, can be very use4ul. or !ore recent coverage )e6is 2> is the key
resource. Students should also be a&are o4 the &ider )e&spapers collection
on the e*resources guide.
or students needing global literature resources""
$&o key resources that cover literary !aterials 4ro! an international
perspective are %64ord Scholarship %nline: 'iterature and the .ingana
0ollection. .ost o4 the titles identi5ed in the acade!ic analysis section above
also have relevant global !aterial. urther resources can be 4ound in the
Global and 1ostcolonial 'iterature category on the English subject guide.
or students needing re4erence !aterials""
A range o4 use4ul re4erence &orks can be 4ound on the e*resources guide? see:
Re4erence 3orks
So!e key titles include the %64ord English @ictionary %nline- @ictionary o4 %ld
English: A to G- @ictionary o4 %ld English 0orpus and %64ord @ictionary o4
)ational /iography .

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