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Guidelines for Take – Home project

1) In detail explanation of Object Oriented approach and importance of Java

classes in your project.
2) Definition of method overloading and simple example to explain to simulate
it. Its usage in programmer’s life.
3) Explain the 3 keywords used in OOP. What are the advantages of a OOP
language compared to other approaches. Definition of Encapsulation and how
can we achieve that using Java programming language with a good example.
4) What is a stack? What are the operations that can be performed on a stack?
How can we implement stacks using linked lists? And pseudo code for
implementing stacks operations. Write the methods clearly.
5) What is a Queue? How to implement Queues with linked lists? A Java
program to simulate the Queue operations? Explain Queue operations offer(),
peek() and poll() briefly. You should submit a .java file i.e a Java program
electronically to my email address.

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