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Th gin vi truyn ci ting Anh

cuoi11. Money And Friends

"Since he lost his money h!l" his "riends don#t $no% him !ny more"
"And the other h!l" &"
"They don#t $no% yet th!t h!s lost it"
1.Ti'n v( )*n
+ T, ng(y h-n m.t ti'n /h0n n1! )*n )2 c3! h-n $h4ng c5n )it ti h-n n6!.
+ 75n n1! $i! &
+ 89 ch! )it l( h-n : m.t ti'n.
cuoi;;. The <iver =sn#t >ee/
A str!nger on horse )!c$ c!me to ! river %ith %hich he %!s un"!mili!r. The tr!veller
!s$ed ! youngster i" it %!s dee/.
"?o" re/lied the )oy !nd the rider st!rted to cross )ut soon "ound th!t he !nd his
horse h!d to s%im "or their lives.
@hen the tr!veller re!ched the other side he turned !nd shouted A "= thought you s!id
it %!sn#t dee/ &"
"=t isn#t" %!s the )oy#s re/ly A "it only t!$es gr!nd"!ther#s duc$s u/ to their middles B"
;.>5ng s4ng $h4ng s0u

MCt l6 $hDch :i ngE! :n mCt d5ng s4ng F! l*. Gng t! hHi mCt thiu niIn Fem d5ng
s4ng .y cJ s0u $h4ng.
+ Kh4ng :0u chL )M :D/ v( ngi $N m )-t :Ou vPt s4ng. ?hng ng!y s!u :J 4ng
nhQn r! cR ngi lSn ngE! :'u /hRi )Ti trUi cht.
Khi ngi l6 $hDch : ti ) )In $i! 4ng Vu!y l*i hMt lIn A
+ T!o cW tXng m(y nJi l( s4ng $h4ng s0u.
+ YLng th m( chL )M :D/A
+ nc s4ng n(y chZ ngQ/ ng!ng )[ng l\ v]t c3! 4ng chDu th4i.
cuoi^^. A 7o% _r!`ing
Artist A "Th!t sir is ! co% gr!`ing"
aisitor A "@here is the gr!ss &"
Artist A "The co% h!s e!ten it"
aisitor A "but %here is the co% &"
Artist A "cou don#t su//ose she#d )e "ool enough to st!y there !"ter she#d e!ten !ll the
gr!ss do you &"
^. b5 dn cH
89! se A + bWc tr!nh :J vf mCt con )5 :!ng dn cH :.y th! 4ng.
KhDch A + 7J th.y cH :0u &
89! se A + 7on )5 dn ht rgi.
KhDch A + Th c5n con )5 :0u &
89! se A + 7hW )C 4ng tXng con )5 l*i ngu :n mWc :Wng h X :J s!u $hi : dn ht cH
s!o 4ng &

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