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Third Grade Memory Schedule

Memory tests will be given Tuesdays and Fridays. Memory tests will be fill-in-the-blank
format. Spelling does not count. Any of the tests that are split up (eample old testament!
the student can choose to take one test (the entire old testament! for the first week and
skip the net " tests.
Test Date
Memory Assignment
Friday #$%
&roverbs '(%-)- Trust in the *ord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding+ in all your ways acknowledge ,im and ,e will make your paths straight.
Tuesday #$#
&salm --#(-.%- /our word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Friday #$-"
First 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall have no other gods. Meaning( 1e should
fear2 love2 and trust in 3od above all things.
Tuesday #$-)
4phesians "(5- For it is by grace you have been saved2 through faith- and this not from
yourselves2 it is the gift of 3od.
Friday #$-.
6ooks of the 7ld Testament (3enesis through " 0hronicles!
Tuesday #$"'
6ooks of the 7ld Testament (48ra through 9aniel!
Friday #$")
6ooks of the 7ld Testament (,osea through Malachi!
Tuesday #$'.
6ooks of the 7ld Testament (All!
Friday -.$'
6ooks of the :ew Testament (Matthew through 4phesians!
Tuesday -.$;
6ooks of the :ew Testament (&hilippians through &hilemon!
Friday -.$-.
6ooks of the :ew Testament (,ebrews through <evelation!
Tuesday -.$-=
6ooks of the :ew Testament (All!
Friday -.$-;
:7 S0,77*
Tuesday -.$"-
Second 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not misuse the name of the *ord your
3od. Meaning( 1e should fear and love 3od so that we do not curse2 swear2 use
satanic arts2 lie2 or deceive by ,is name2 but call upon it in every trouble2 pray2 praise2
and give thanks.
Friday -.$"=
Third 0ommandment and Meaning( <emember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Meaning( 1e should fear and love 3od so that we do not despise preaching and ,is
1ord2 but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it.
Tuesday -.$"5
<omans -.(";- Faith comes from hearing the message2 and the message is heard
through the word of 0hrist.
Friday -.$'-
Fourth 0ommandment and Meaning( ,onor our father and your mother. Meaning( 1e
should fear and love 3od so that we do not despise or anger our parents and other
authorities2 but honor them2 serve and obey them2 love and cherish them.
Tuesday --$=
4phesians =('"- 6e kind and compassionate to one another2 forgiving each other2 >ust
as in 0hrist 3od forgave you.
Friday --$;
Fifth 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not murder. Meaning( 1e should fear and
love 3od so that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor in his body2 but help and support
him in every physical need.
Tuesday --$--
- ?ohn =(-#- 1e love because ,e first loved us.
Friday --$-=
Sith 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not commit adultery. Meaning( 1e should
fear and love 3od so that we lead a seually pure and decent life in what we say and do2
and husband and wife love and honor each other.
Seventh 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not steal. Meaning( 1e should fear and
love 3od so that we do not take our neighbor@s money or possessions2 or get them in any
dishonest way2 but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income.
Tuesday --$-5
Friday --$"-
4ighth 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not give false testimony against your
neighbor. Meaning( 1e should fear and love 3od so that we do not tell lies about our
neighbor2 betray him2 slander him2 or hurt his reputation2 but defend him2 speak well of
him2 and eplain everything in the kindest way.
Tuesday --$"%
&salm %-(-- ,ave mercy on me2 7 3od2 according to /our unfailing love.
Friday --$"5
:7 S0,77*
Tuesday -"$"
:inth 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not covet your neighbor@s house. Meaning(
1e should fear and love 3od so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor@s
inheritance or house2 or get it in a way which only appears right2 but help and be of
service to him in keeping it.
Friday -"$%
- 0hronicles -)("'- Sing to the *ord2 all the earth+ proclaim ,is salvation day after day.
Tuesday -"$#
Tenth 0ommandment and Meaning( /ou shall not covet your neighbor@s wife2 or his
manservant or maidservant2 his o or donkey2 or anything that belongs to your
neighbor. Meaning( 1e should fear and love 3od so that we do not entice or force
away our neighbor@s wife2 workers2 or animals2 or turn them against him2 but urge them
to stay and do their duty.
Friday -"$-"
Matthew -("-- She will give birth to a son2 and you are to give ,im the name ?esus2
because ,e will save ,is people from their sins.
Tuesday -"$-)
*uke "(-.---- 9o not be afraid. A bring you good news of great >oy that will be for all
the people. Today in the town of 9avid a Savior has been born to you+ ,e is 0hrist the
Friday -"$-#
*uke "(=.- And the child grew and became strong+ ,e was filled with wisdom2 and the
grace of 3od was upon ,im.
Tuesday -"$"'-
Friday -$"
:7 S0,77*
Tuesday -$)
*uke "(=.- And the child grew and became strong+ ,e was filled with wisdom2 and the
grace of 3od was upon ,im.
Friday -$#
Antroduction to the *ord@s &rayer2 as well as the First and Second &etitions( 7ur
Father who art in heaven2 ,allowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come
Tuesday -$-'
Matthew )(''- Seek first ,is kingdom and ,is righteousness2 and all these things will
be given to you as well.
Friday -$-)
The *ord@s &rayer2 Third2 Fourth2 and Fifth &etitions( Thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. 3ive us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses2 as we
forgive those who trespass against us.
Tuesday -$".
The *ord@s &rayer2 Sith2 Seventh2 and 0onclusion( And lead us not into temptation. 6ut
deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and
ever. Amen.
Friday -$"'
- Thessalonians %(-)--5- 6e >oyful always+ pray continually+ give thanks in all
circumstances2 for this is 3od@s will for you in 0hrist ?esus.
Tuesday -$";
Apostles@ 0reed2 First Article and Meaning (&art -!( A believe in 3od2 the Father
Almighty2 Maker of heaven and earth. Meaning( A believe that 3od has made me and all
creatures+ that ,e has given Me my body and soul2 eyes2 ears2 and all my members2 my
reason and all my senses2 and still takes care of them.
Friday -$'.
&salm '=(-- The righteous cry out2 and the *ord hears them+ ,e delivers them from all
their troubles.
Tuesday "$'
Apostles@ 0reed2 First Article and Meaning (&art "!( ,e also gives me clothing and
shoes2 food and drink2 house and home2 wife and children2 land2 animals2 and all A have.
,e richly and daily provides me with all that A need to support this body and life.
Friday "$)
?eremiah '-('- The *ord says2 BA have loved you with an everlasting love.C
Tuesday "$-.
Apostles@ 0reed2 First Article and Meaning (&art '!( ,e defends me against all danger
and guards and protects me from all evil. All this ,e does only out of fatherly2 divine
goodness and mercy2 without any merit or worthiness in me. For all this it is my duty to
thank and praise2 serve and obey ,im. This is most certainly true.
Friday "$-'
Matthew "5(-#- 3o and make disciples of all nations.
Tuesday "$-;
Apostles@ 0reed2 Second Article( And in ?esus 0hrist2 ,is only Son2 our *ord2 who was
conceived by the ,oly Spirit2 born of the Dirgin Mary2 suffered under &ontius &ilate
was crucified2 died2 and was buried. ,e descended into ,ell. The third day ,e rose
again from the dead. ,e ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of 3od the
Father Almighty. From thence he will come to >udge the living and the dead.
Friday "$".
- 0orinthians -%(%;- Thanks be to 3odE ,e gives us the victory through our *ord ?esus
Tuesday "$"=
Apostles@ 0reed2 Second Article (see above! and Meaning (&art "!( 1hat does this
meanF A believe that ?esus 0hrist true 3od2 begotten of the Father from eternity2 and
also true man2 born of the Dirgin Mary2 is my *ord2 who has redeemed me2 a lost and
condemned person2 purchased and won me from all sins2 from death2 and from the
power of the devil.
Friday "$";
4phesians =("- 6e completely humble and gentle+ be patient2 bearing with one another in
Tuesday '$'
Apostles@ 0reed2 Second Article (see above! and Meaning (&art '!( :ot with gold or
silver2 but with ,is holy2 precious blood and with his innocent suffering and death2 that
A may be his own2 and live under ,im in ,is kingdom and serve ,im in everlasting
righteousness2 innocence2 and blessedness2 >ust as ,e is risen from the dead2 lives and
reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true.
Friday '$)
Matthew ")(="- May your will be done.
Tuesday '$-.
Apostles@ 0reed2 Third Article( A believe in the ,oly Spirit2 the holy 0hristian 0hurch2
the communion of saints2 the forgiveness of sins2 the resurrection of the body2 and the
life everlasting. Amen.
Friday '$-'
" 0orinthians %(-%- (?esus! died for all.
Tuesday '$-;
Apostles@ 0reed2 Third Article (see above! and Meaning (&art -!( 1hat does this meanF
A believe that A cannot by my own reason or strength believe in ?esus 0hrist2 my *ord2
or come to him+ but the ,oly Spirit has called me by the 3ospel2 enlightened me with
,is gifts2 sanctified and kept me in the true faith. An the same way he calls2 gathers2
enlightens2 and sanctifies the whole 0hristian 0hurch on earth2 and keeps it with ?esus
0hrist in the one true faith.
Friday '$".
Apostles@ 0reed2 Third Article (see above! and Meaning (&art "!( An this 0hristian
0hurch ,e daily and richly forgives all my sins and the sins of all believers. 7n the *ast
9ay ,e will raise me and all the dead2 and give eternal life to me and all believers in
0hrist. This is most certainly true.
Tuesday '$"=
<evelation ""(-'- (?esus said2! BA am the Alpha and the 7mega2 the First and the *ast2
the 6eginning and the 4nd.C
Friday '$";
*uther@s Morning &rayer( A thank you2 my heavenly Father2 through ?esus 0hrist2 /ou
dear Son2 that /ou have kept me this night from all harm and danger+ and A pray that
you would keep me this day also from sin and every evil2 that all my doings and life may
please /ou. For into /our hands A commend myself2 my body and soul2 and all things.
*et /our holy angel be with me2 that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Tuesday '$'-
Acts -)('-- 6elieve in the *ord ?esus2 and you will be saved.
Tuesday =$'
:7 S0,77*
Friday =$;
*uther@s 4vening &rayer( A thank /ou2 my heavenly Father2 through ?esus 0hrist2 /our
dear Son2 that /ou have graciously kept me this day+ and A pray that /ou would forgive
me all my sins where A have done wrong2 and graciously keep me this night. For into
/our hands A commend myself2 my body and soul2 and all things. *et your holy angel be
with me2 that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Tuesday =$-.
A Am ?esus@s *ittle *amb (verse -!( A am ?esus@s *ittle *amb2 4ver glad at heart A am+
For my Shepherd gently guides me2 Gnows my need and well provides me2 *oves me
every day the same2 4ven calls me by my name.
Friday =$-=
4phesians "(-.- 1e are 3od@s workmanship2 created in 0hrist ?esus to do good works2
which 3od prepared in advance for us to do.
Tuesday =$-;
A Am ?esus@s *ittle *amb (verse "!( 9ay by day2 at home2 away2 ?esus is my staff and
stay+ 1hen A hunger2 ?esus feeds me2 Anto pleasant pastures leads me. 1hen A thirst2
he bids me go2 1here the Huiet waters flow.
Friday =$"-
A Am ?esus@s *ittle *amb (verse '!( 1ho so happy as A am2 4ven now the Shepherd@s
*ambF And when my short life is ended2 6y his angel host attended2 ,e shall fold me to
,is chest2 There within his arms to rest.
Tuesday =$"=
- &eter "(-.- 7nce you were no people2 but now you are god@s people. 7nce you had not
received mercy2 but now you have received mercy.
Friday =$"5
0hrist 6e My *eader (verse -!( 0hrist be my leader by night as by day+ Safe through
the darkness for ,e is the way. 3ladly A follow2 my future ,is care+ 9arkness is
daylight when ?esus is there.
Tuesday %$-
Matthew "5(".- Surely A am with you always2 to the very end of the age.
Friday %$%
0hrist 6e My *eader (verse "!( 0hrist be my teacher in age as in youth2 drifting or
doubting for ,e is the truth. 3rant me to trust ,im2 though shifting as sand2 doubt
cannot daunt me + An ?esus A stand.
Tuesday %$5
?eremiah "#(--- BFor A know the plans A have for you2C declares the *ord2 Bplans to
prosper you and not to harm you2 plans to give you hope and a future.C
Friday %$-"
0hrist 6e My *eader (verse '!( 0hrist be my Savior in calm as in strife+ 9eath cannot
hold me2 for ,is is the *ife. :or darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain+ 0an touch
my salvation+ with ?esus A reign.
Tuesday %$-%
&salms ))(". 6lessed be 3od2 because ,e has not re>ected my prayer or removed ,is
steadfast love from meE
Friday %$-#
&ick your own memory verseE /ou must choose a verse that we have not done this year2
and include the 6ible reference.
Friday %$""
:o Memory
*ast 1eek :7 M4M7</

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