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Biology-Unit 1

Movement of substances:-
Osmosis is the movement of water through a partially permeable membrane from a
region with more free water to a region with less free water / down water
concentration gradient
!ctive transport and facilitated diffusion re"uire carrier proteins
#or substances ta$en up by active transport% if one substance is ta$en up faster than
the other it may be because there are more carrier proteins for that substance than
the other
&ndocytosis and e'ocytosis re"uire !()
)rimary structure of proteins is the *se"uence / order+ of amino acids
)art of the ,-! heli' unwinds
,-! strands separate
.ydrogen bonds are bro$en between complementary bases
One strand acts as a template
/-! mononucleotides line up against complementary ,-! bases
#ormation of phosphodiester bonds between bases using /-! polymerase
m/-! molecule detaches from the ,-!
!nticodon is the triplet base on t/-! that is complementary to m/-! codon
,uring ventricular systole% atria are rela'ed
#unction/mechanism of valves-
0 valves separate atria from ventricles
0 open during atrial systole so that blood can pass through to ventricles
0 closed during ventricular systole to prevent bac$flow of blood
0 closed during ventricular systole to maintain pressure in ventricles
0open during diastole so that ventricles can start to fill up
,ouble circulation is better for lungs because blood flows slower and at lower
pressure through (his reduces ris$ of damage to lungs and allows more efficient
e'change of gases !lso the blood to the rest of the body is at higher pressure
1mo$ing causes the platelets to stic$ more 2increases chances of clot formation3 and
increases blood pressure
4ollagen fibers in the arteries gives strength and support to the wall to withstand
the pressure of the blood and prevent the wall from bursting
5enetic screening:-
&ven if after genetic screening both partners are not carriers% we cannot be sure
that there is no ris$ of 4# in the child because there can be false negatives or all the
possible 4# mutations might not have been tested for !dditionally% mutations can
occur during gamete formation in both parents or after fertili6ation
7hen finding 8 probabilities% show same allele twice in homo6ygous parents so that
8 is easy to find
4arbohydrate chain on the cell membrane act as antigens and receptors

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