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Environmental Law 100
The Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB) plays a very signiicant role in ensuring
compliance among the citi!ens o e"isting Environmental Laws# $rom the %asic presumption
that law governs the conduct o every individual& PAB can curtail violation o laws meant to
protect and preserve our limited natural resources# Actual cases o individuals& organi!ations
and companies ound guilty o violating the laws and were actually sanctioned %y the PAB can
serve as e"emplary so that uture violators may %e warned i only these cases were properly
documented and pu%lici!ed# This is where students o law and other environmental enthusiasts
may come or an advocacy platorm#
The report was very enlightening on how a private individual can ile an actual case
through the PAB# 'owever& it is interesting to note the tedious process it will entail to do the
same given the long %ureaucracy o the e"isting system under the Environmental (anagement
Bureau# Although the general rule when we spea) o sanction or punishment lited rom the Bill
o *ights and translated as punisha%le act is strictly construed against the state and li%erally on
individual& our government and law advocate should e"amine providing an e"emption and
greater weight when it comes to violation o Environmental Law# +ot only %ecause o the call o
the times %ut also in achieving the universal goal o ,ustaina%le -evelopment in which our
President shall report to the .nited +ations %y /010#
The citi!ens should %e more vigilant in protecting the environment as this is the %est
legacy we can pass on to our children and our children1s children#

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