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Assignment #1: Information Literacy

Emily DeCrette
1. Current Event is on: Emerging Technology
--> !ensors let Al"heimer#s $atients stay at home safely.
%. The article is on sensors letting Al"heimer#s $atients stay at home longer an& safer. 'y gran&
mom is in her finally stages of Al"heimer#s an& this article (as very interesting to me. )asically
the article &escri*es (hat the sensors &o+ (here they are locate&+ an& ho( they communicate to
the careta,ers of the $erson (ith Al"heimer#s. The sensors are locate& on things such as ,ey
chains+ &oors+ refrigerators+ *e&rooms etc. They monitor everything from eating ha*its to (hen a
$erson leaves their home. -hen the $erson leaves the home+ es$ecially *et(een .$m an& /am+
the sensor sen& an alert to the careta,ers smart $hone. The careta,er can then &eci&e (hat they
(ant to &o 0go to the home+ call etc.1 The article then &escri*es !martThings *eing the system
use&. !martThings is a DI2 home automation system that connects sensors an& smart &evices
(ith a (ireless hu*. This system also &oes many other things such as loo$ing in smart
thermostats+ smart $lugs+ &oor loc,s an& surveillance cameras. The article also tal,s a*out
(atching (ithout inva&ing $rivacy for these $eo$le (ith Al"heimer#s. 3o( it#s not invasive 4ust
$re-cautionary. The goal of the sensors is for it to ,ee$ $eo$le home longer an& to the $oint
(here they &on#t have to have in-home care yet.
5. a. Google search engine: Article from 6)C 6e(s: Teen invents sensor to hel$ Al"heimer#s
b. Bing search engine: Article from EC6: A ne( sensor &evelo$ment coul& ai& those
suffering from Al"heimer7s.
I $ersonally li,e 8oogle#s search engine *etter. 9ust a $reference. I thin, *oth search engines give
you great+ cre&i*le information. I am 4ust more familiar (ith 8oogle. The same articles $o$$e&
u$ in *oth search engines.
:. T;AA<: Article from EC6
T: It (as (ritten !e$tem*er 1=th+ %>1:. It has not *een u$&ate& since it (as
4ust u$loa&e& / &ays ago.
;: It relates to my to$ic an& &oes ans(er lingering ?uestions. Each article I have rea& so
far are very informative.
A: The author is A.9. -atts. I#m not sure if they are ?ualifie& to (rite a*out this to$ic. I#m
not sure ho( I (oul& fin& out either. I &o ,no( the article (as informative
an& ,no(le&gea*le.
A: The information is trust(orthy. !martThings is a great system use& for other
things other than the sensors for Al"heimer#s $atients. I *elieve it has *een teste& for
accuracy an& the information gathers from these sensors is correct.
Emily DeCrette
<: I feel it (as (ritten to inform the $eo$le a*out this ne( a&vancing
technology. It has a material o*4ective.
@. I foun& t(o 4ournal articles on the same to$ic on t(o &ifferent &ata*ases:
a. ProQuest b.Credo
Aey(or&s that I use& to fin& articles (ere: !ensors an& Al"heimer#s.
!ensors an& Al"heimer#s $atients.
/. I $ersonally li,e the Internet articles *etter than the 4ournal. The 4ournal articles really go in
&e$th (ith the to$ic. I li,e to 4ust rea& an& *e informe& (ith (hat#s going on rather than &issect
the to$ic. 6o( if I (ere (anting to $urchase an&Bor use this then I (oul& li,e the 4ournal articles
*etter. I feel the Internet articles are easier to access+ less material+ an& $ro*a*ly less authority. I
feel 4ournal articles are har&er to access+ more material+ an& more authority.
=. I use& 'LA for citing all @ sources:
-Aelly+ 3eather. !ensors Let Al"heimer#s <atients !tay at 3ome+ !afely. C66. Ca*le 6e(s
6et(or,+ 1= !e$t. %>1:. -e*. %5 !e$t. %>1:.
-!ottile+ Chiara. Teen Invents !ensor to 3el$ Al"heimer#s <atients. 'a,ing a Difference. 6)C
6e(s+ 1: !e$t. %>1:. -e*. %5 !e$t. %>1:.
--atts+ A. 9. )logs. Electronic Com$onent 6e(s. 6.$.+ 1= !e$t. %>1:. -e*. %5 !e$t. %>1:.
-Cuintana+ E&uar&o. Augmente& ;eality Annotations to Assist <ersons (ith Al"heimers an&
Their Caregivers. <ro?uest. 9esus Davela+ 1@ 'ar. %>1%. -e*. %5 !e$t. %>1:.
-'ary 0Aelly1 Dunn an& A&rianne Linton. -an&ering an& Elo$ement. The Encyclo$e&ia of
El&er Care: The Com$rehensive ;esource on 8eriatric 3ealth an& !ocial Care. 6e( 2or,:
!$ringer <u*lishing Com$any+ %>15. Cre&o ;eference. -e*. %5 !e$tem*er %>1:.

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