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1. 11 yrs. sunspot cycle

2. 111- windows in fiber
3. End effect 5%
4. 1-5 human ear
5. 520 watts earth transmitter output power to satellite
6. 8-10 fiber commonly
7. Channel 13 superband
8. Glitch extra bit recovery
9. Popcorn noise burst noise
11.30 transponder of aguila II
12.Syncom2 -1st geosynchronous
13.Inverse square root of density
15.Degaussing coil
18.22 db minimum gain ch13
19.Cochlea in ear
20.Two reference in a runway ILS
21.Group velocity
22.To detect error blinking of ILS
23.SONET replace PDH
24.TDMA used by DECT
25.30% red, 59% green, 11% blue
26.White and orange antenna tower
27.Helical antenna TEM in any direction
28.Waveguide 29.Waveguide
30.Short focal length
31.At control room
32.P6,000 and 6 months -3 violation
33.6 ECE supervise radio antenna
34.60, 000 crosstalk
35.P5 M VOIP bond
36.Gravitational pull and inertia balance of satellite
37.Thruster keep in orbit
38.Specular perfect mirror like
39.At the tube face location of degaussing coil
40.Plumbicon lead oxide
41.Doppler reference used by helicopter
42.Half topping down
43.Frequency allotment ITU used in allocating frequency
45.0.01 and less db loss ing fussion splice
46.Terahertz range in photonics
47.4-6 Ghz scintilation
48.57 degrees I phase

49.60 beamwidth of LMDS

50.Increase 50% - in high atmosphere
52.105.5 ch 288
53.3.57 chrominance sub-frequency
54.1.8 video chrominance signal
55.On starboard radar located in nose ship
56.Continuous wave which is not hybrid
57.Delta modulation
58.Hamming code extra bits
60.Negligible effect of dust in a dish
61.Writing fax machine
62.White area no interference in signal
63.Phase measured in OMEGA
64.Range and bearing pulse radar set
65.Speed doppler measured
66.Condenser broadcasting microphone
67.Skin antenna
68.20 kw69.Electric fielad cause of electromagnetic to interact
70.Nicad battery satellite used when in eclipse
71.Wider bandwidth advantage of twt over tunnel
72.Gunn diode used in microwave
73.Band stop
74.10-1000 micrometer
75.10 raised to negative 4- Angstrom
76.Exact interlacing
77.62.6 F reference environment temperature
78.1.76 db hertzian gain
79.1.23 Mhz bandwidth of CDMA
80.Virtual height
81.Terminal adapter connect non-ISDN to ISDN
82.C band used in VSAT
83.R user interface
84.Non composite camera signal without sync
85.Gateway connects LAN
86.Aerospace study of air and space
87.IEEE 802.11b medium range
88.1.25 Mhz plus or minus 25Hz
89.Push messages unwanted by users
90.Permanent magnet to be effective by magnetron
91.Broadband data transmission of multiple pieces of data
93.63 peripherals connected in firewire
94.Bad filter cause of slow rising white humbars in TV
97.Bulb with lowest wattage lowest light

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