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dictionnaire lmentaire

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Ce fut en 1964 que la quatorzime session
de la Confrence gnrale de l'Unesco
dcida d'inclure, dans le programme priori-
taire de l'Organisation, le Projet d'histoire
gnrale de l'Afrique dont les problmes
de mise en uvre furent examins au cours
de runions internationales d'experts tenues
Abidjan, Niamey et Ouagadougou.
Dans le cadre de ce Projet, l'Afrique
nigro-soudanienne retint l'attention des
spcialistes surtout en raison de l'abondance
et de la varit des sources orales, crites,
archologiques et sculpturales dont elle
Les besoins de coordonner la collecte
et l'analyse de ces sources relatives l'his-
toire de nationalits souvent identiques de
part et d'autre des frontires politiques des
nouveaux tats soudaniens rendirent nces-
saire la cration du Centre rgional de docu-
mentation pour la tradition orale (C.R.D.T.O.)
tabli en 1968 Niamey. Charg de la
mise en uvre du Plan rgional de recher-
ches sur la tradition orale et de la coordi-
nation des projets de coopration entre les
instituts et universits de la rgion, le Centre
s'adresse notamment aux tats suivants:
Cameroun, Cte d'Ivoire, Dahomey, Gam-
bie, Ghana, Guine, Haute-Volta, Libria,
Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigria, Sngal,
Sierra-Lone, Tchad et Togo.
Aux termes de ses statuts provisoires,
il tablit et excute son programme en
consultation avec les tats membres et en
collaboration avec leurs instituts nationaux
de recherche. Il exerce ses activits dans le
cadre des programmes tablis en accord
avec les tats membres et approuvs par
l'U nesco.
A cet effet, il dite un bulletin de liaison,
accorde des bourses de recherches aux
institutions nationales des tats membres,
apporte son aide des chercheurs indivi-
duels, organise des stages de formation
technique et publie, dans le cadre de ses
collections Langues africaines et Cultures
africaines, des ouvrages largement diffuss
en Afrique et dans le reste du monde.
1971 C.R.D.T.O., Bote postale 369,
Niamey - Niger.
Langues africaines
L' llaboration et l' impression de cet ouvrage
. pu lire menles l4rm8. g,ace au concours
jinan&iir de 1'Organisation des Unies' .
pour l'Education
la Science It la Culture.
La maquette de la couverture
a t excute par Hou Tche Hing.
diotionnaire lmentaire
fulfulde -franais -english
elementary diotionary
Centre rgional de documentation pour la traduction orale, 1971.
En septembre 1962 se tenait Prague, sous les auspices de
l'Union acadmique internationale et de ru nesco, un Col-
loque international pour l'Afrique et l'Asie, qui recommanda
que ft entreprise la rdaction d'un dictionnaire trilingue
Une rsolution du cinquime Congrs des Langues de
l'Afrique occidentale, runi en avril 1965 l'Universit
d'Accra, intgra ce projet tout un programme de recherche
fondamentale labor par le Groupe d'tudes peules nouvel-
lement constitu sous les auspices de la Socit linguistique
de l'Afrique occidentale.
Par la suite, le projet peul intressa un certain nombre
d'tats et de centres de recherches africains qui demandrent
que le programme d'activits de ce Groupe ft tendu au
hawsa, s0!Jay, tamasheq, bambara et kanuri; ce qui permit
l'Unesco de runir Bamako, en mars 1966, une Confrence
linguistique consultative pour l'uniformisation des transcrip-
tions des langues inter-africaines d'alphabtisation.
En vue de la mise en uvre immdiate du matriel didac-
tique indispensable l'application des campagnes nationales
d'alphabtisation utilisant les langues africaines tudies
Bamako, la Confrence prsenta un ensemble de propositions
systmatiques dont les plus immdiates visaient l'labora-
tion de dictionnaires pratiques, de grammaires lmentaires
et de manuels de lecture.
Ainsi, la demande de quelques tats membres africains
(Cameroun, Guine, Mali, Niger et Nigeria), l'Unesco fit
entreprendre la rdaction du prsent ouvrage qui constitue
un dictionnaire trilingue destin fixer l'orthographe des
mots courants et runir les donnes fondamentales sur les
divers dialectes du fulfulde.
Son laboration fut confie M. David W. Arnott, profes-
seur de langues de l'Afrique occidentale la School of
Oriental and African Studies de l'Universit de Londres qui
tablit une liste de base d'environ 5 000 mots portant essen-
tiellement sur le parler peul de Gomb (Nigeria) et acces-
soirement sur des dialectes du groupe oriental (damwa,
Sokkoto, Kano, Niger oriental) et du groupe occidental
(Fota-Dialon, Fota-Tro, Mcina, Haute-Volta et Niger
occidental) l'auteur ayant pu, par le pass, sjourner dans
toutes ces contres. Ainsi rdig, l'ouvrage- fut valu par le
Groupe d'experts pour l'laboration de dictionnaires ... en
vue de l'alphabtisation en Afrique runi en avril 1967
la Maison de l'Unesco. Le groupe recommanda que le
manuscrit ft publi aprs rvision de la version franaise et
valuation sur le terrain nigrien situ au confluent des
parlers et occidentaux du fulfulde et, partant,
l'un des plus intressants pour l'tude des variations dialec-
tales. .
La version franaise de la traduction anglaise des mots
peuls fut revue et corrige par M. Pierre-Francis Lacroix,
professeur l'cole nationale des Langues orientales vivantes
de Paris.
Au cours de l'anne 1967, l'Unesco confia la vrification
du dictionnaire sur le terrain nigrien deux consultants
peuls, M. Eldridge Mohamadou du Centre fdral linguistique
et culturel de Yaound et moi-mme. M. Mohamadou fit ses
vrifications dans des localits du Niger oriental pendant que,
de mon ct, je travaillais sur des isoglosses du Niger
Au terme de ces enqutes, l'ouvrage fut soumis, pour mise
en forme dfinitive, au deuxime Stage rgional de formation
linguistique organis Niamey en aot I968, qui le vrifia
et le complta grce la collaboration des stagiaires et du
consultant de langue peule runis cette occasion.
V ne ultime mise en forme rdactionnelle me fut confie
par l'V nesco; je ne pus la mener terme que grce la
collaboration d'une quipe compose de Mlle Jolle Laurent,
diplme de l'cole nationale des Langues orientales
vivantes qui prparait une thse sur les Contes peuls ;
Mme Marie-Jos Mencacci, diplme d'tudes suprieures
anglaises et M. Geoffrey V arley, journaliste anglais la
Nouvelle agence de presse (N .A.P.).
Le dictionnaire pratique ainsi labor est un lexique de base
destin l'alphabtisation. Cela signifie qu'il ne constitue
gure une liste exhaustive des termes utiliss, mme frquem-
ment, dans les activits conomiques et professionnelles impor-
tantes des principaux dialectes. C'est un dictionnaire l-
Destin l'alphabtisation, il fait suite au syllabaire
et au
manuel de lecturefulfulde
Il propose ainsi, son tour, une
standardisation de l'orthographe par-del les frontires poli-
tiques, en vue de promouvoir la comprhension mutuelle au
niveau des communauts linguistiques et des rgions gogra-
phiques qui utilisent lefulfulde comme instrument de commu-
nication. ce titre, il servira indiquer et fixer l'ortho-
graphe correcte du vocabulaire usuel de la langue selon la
transcription recommande par la Confrence de Bamako et
selon les rgles de notation proposes par la commission de
peul qui travailla dans le cadre de cette confrence.
Il n'a point paru ncessaire de donner la liste complte et
parfaitement nuance des sens possibles de chacun des mots
1. Janngen fulfulde l, Prsence africaine, Paris, 1969.
2. Janngenfulfulde II, C.R.D.T.O., Niamey, 1970.
du lexique. Ce travail revient de droit au dictionnaire culturel
de la langue peule dont le projet avait t arrt lors du Colloque
de Prague et du Congrs d'Accra.
L'ordre des mots, dans le dictionnaire, est le suivant: a, e,
i, 0 et u pour les mots qui commencent par l'occlusive glottale;
et b, , mb, c, d, ri, nd,f, g, ng, Iz,j, nj, k, l, m, n, '!), 1!Y, p, q, r, s, t, w,
x, y,J
et Z pour ceux qui commencent par des consonnes.
Le texte donne l'orthographe des radicaux verbaux avec
les suffixes du subjonctif -a si le verbe est actif (VA), -00 s'il
est moyen (VM) et -aa s'il est passif (vp). Il et t prfrable,
pour viter quelques rptitions, d'indiquer entre parenthses,
aprs chaque radical verbal, les abrviations usuelles (VA-VM-
vp). Mais un tel procd et comport quelques risques de
confusion avec l'identification des dialectes quise trouvent
galement indi.qus entre parenthses par des abrviations;
par ailleurs, tels verbes qui n'existent qu' la voix active dans
certains parlers, n'admettent que la moyenne ou la passive
dans d'autres.
La liste des mots peuls est donne en caractres gras. Dans
la plupart des cas, les nominaux se prsentent sous deux
formes spares par une petite barre oblique; gauche de la
barre se trouve la forme du singulier et, sa droite, celle du
pluriel. Entre parenthses, figurent les initiales des dialectes
qui acceptent le signifiant tel qu'il est indiqu. Il importe de
noter que A signifie damwa, D Dahomey, FJ Fota-Dialon,
FT Fota-Tro, G Gomb, GAMB. Gambie, K Kano, M Mcina,
N Niger (Est & Ouest), NE Niger-est, NO Niger-ouest, s Sok-
koto et V Haute-Volta.
Aprs les initiales des dialectes figurent, en italique, la
traduction du mot peul en franais et, aprs un point-virgule,
sa traduction en anglais.
Sous la ligne des versions franaise et anglaise sont men-
tionnes, en romain, les variantes dialectales et quelques
synonymes courants.
Il arrive qu'on n'explique pas immdiatement un terme et
qu'on se contente de le renvoyer, par un cj., un autre terme
transcrit en gras.
Lorsqu'un mot traduit ne porte aucune initiale d'identifica-
tion dialectale, il est gnralement compris et utilis, dans
tous les dialectes prcits, sous la forme reproduite dans cet
Il est minemment souhaitable que ce dictionnaire pra-
tique, prpar et dit grce l'aide de l'Unesco, reoive
l'accueil enthousiaste des utilisateurs et des chercheurs de tous
les dialectes et de tous les pays afin qu'ils puissent, leur tour
et leur niveau, le vrifier, le rectifier, l'enrichir et le pr-
ciser; ce qui contribuera l'laboration du dictionnaire
gnral de la langue peule dont la ralisation parat aujour-
d'hui s'imposer aprs l'aboutissement de cette premire tape.
Alf lbrhm Sow .
In September, 1962, an international conference for Africa
and Asia, held in Prague under the patronage of the Inter-
national Academic Union and of Unesco, recommended the
preparation of a Fulani-French-English trilingual dictionary.
A resolution of the Fifth Congress of West African
Languages which met at the University of Accra in April,
1965, integrated the scheme into a wide programme of
fundamental research, worked out by the Committee of
Fulani Studies, newly constituted by the West African
Linguistic Society.
Later, several African countries and research centres
expressed an interest in the Fulani project and asked that the
programme of the commttee be extended to Hawsa, SO!Jay,
Tamasheq, Bambara and Kanuri. The result was that Unesco
convened in March, 1966, in Bamako, a meeting of a group
of experts for the unification of the transcription of national
For the immediate preparation of the teaching material
essential for national literacy campaigns in the languages
under consideration at Bamako, the conference made a
number of proposaIs. These concerned, first of aIl, the prepa-
ration of practical dictionaries, elernentary grarnrnars and
reading manuals. Thus, at the request of sorne of the rnernber
African states-Cameroun, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Nigeria
-Unesco sponsored the compilation of this trilingual dictio-
nary aimed at establishing the spelling of common words and
assembling the fundamental elernents of the various Fulfulde
The preparation of the dictionary was undertaken by
Professor David W. Arnott, professor of West African
Languages of the University of London's School of Oriental
and African Studies. He assembled a basic list of about
5,000 words originating mainly from the Fulfulde dialect
spoken in the Gombe area of Nigeria, but also based rnargin-
ally on the "Eastern group" (Adarnawa, Sokkoto, Kano,
Eastern Niger) and on the "Western group" (Futa-Jalon,
Futa-Toro, Masina, Upper Volta and Western Niger). In the
past, the author had stayed in all these areas. The work was
then evaluated by the group of experts on the development
of didactic material for literacy in Africa in April, 1967, at
Unesco headquarters in Paris.- The committee for the prepara-
tion of dictionaries recommended that the manuscript be
published after revision of the French version and after
evaluation of its contents in Niger on the frontier of the
eastern and western dialect groups-incidentally-one of the
most interesting are as for the study of dialect variations.
The French version of the English translation of the
Fulfulde words was revised and corrected by Prof essor Pierre-
Francis Lacroix of the cole nationale des Langues orientales
vivantes in Paris.
In 1967, Unesco comrnissioned two Fulani consultants,
Mr. Eldridge Moharnadou of the Yaounde Federal Linguistic
and Cultural Centre and rnyself to carry out the work of
evaluation in Niger. Mr. Moharnadou carried out bis verifi-
cations in localities of eastern Niger while l worked on the
"isoglosses" of western area of the country.
On the completion of these investigations, the work was
submitted of the second regional linguistic training
Seminar, he Id in Niamey in August, 1968, for final revision,
which was done with the assistance of the participants and
of the Fulani consultant in charge of the seminar.
I was entrusted, by Unesco, with the final editing and
preparation of the work for publication-a task I was only
able to carry out thanks to the collaboration of a team com-
posed of: Miss Jolle Laurent, a graduate of the cole
nationale des Langues orientales vivantes, who was writing a
thesis on "Fulani Tales"; Mrs. Marie-Jos Mencacci, who
holds a post-graduate Diploma in English Studies; and
Mr. Geoffrey VarIey, an English journalist on the staff of the
Nouvelle agence de presse (N .A.P.).
The resulting Practical Dictionary is a basic glossary aimed
at promoting literacy; this me ans that it is not an exhaustive
list of words used, even frequently, in the main dialects in
economic and professional activities. It is an elementary
It is a follow up of the syllabaryl and of the Fulfulde primer

It thus offers in its turn, a standardized spelling transcending
political boundaries and aims at facilitating mutual under-
standing among the linguistic communities and geographical
areas which use Fulfulde as a language of communication. The
dictionary will thus serve to indicate and fix the correct
spelling of common words in line with the transcription
recommended by the Bamako conference and according to
the transcription practises proposed by the Fulfulde committee
which sat at that conference.
I t did not seem necessary to give a complete list of aIl the
meanings and nuances of each word in the glossary. This will
be the function of the Cultural Fulfulde Dictionary, plans for
which were made at Prague and at Accra.
Order of words in the dictionary is as foIlows: a, e, i, 0, u
for the words which begin with the glottal stop; and b, ,
1. Janngenfulfulde l, Prsence africaine, Paris, 1969.
2. Janngenfulfulde II, C.R.D.T.O., Niamey, 1970.
mb, c, d, ri, nd, J, g, ng, h, j, nj, k, l, m, n, 1j, ny, p, q, f, S, t, w,
x,y,Y', z for those which begin with consonants.
The text gives the spelling of verb stems with the sub-
junctive suffixes-a if the verb is active (AV),-oO if it is
middle (MY) and-aa ifit is passive (pv). It would have been
preferable, to avoid repetition, to indicate in brackets the
usual abbreviations after each verb stem (AV-MV-PV). But
there would have been a risk of confusion over the identifica-
tion of the dialects which are aIso indicated by abbreviations.
In addition, some verbs which exist only in the active voice
in certain dialects, are found only in the middle or passive
voices in others.
The list of Fulfulde words is given in thick type. In most
cases the nominaIs are presented under two forms separated
by an oblique stroke; the word on the left of the stroke
indicates the singular form, and that on the right the plural.
The abbreviations of the dialects which accept the word as
indicated then follow in brackets.
The abbreviations are as follows:
A Adamawa, D Dahomey, FJ Futa-Jalon, FI' Futa-Toro,
G Gombe, GAMB. Gambia, K Kano, M Masina, N Niger (East
& West), NE Eastern NIger, NO Western Niger, s Sokkoto,
v Upper Volta.
After the initiais of the dialects will be found, in italics,
the French translations of the Fulfulde words; the English
translations follow in italics after a semi-colon.
Beneath the French and English translations, will be
found, in roman characters, dialect variants and a few common
It sometimes happens that a term is not explained imme-
diately, but refferred, by a cj., to another term transcribed
in thick type.
When a word is found with a translation but no abbrevia-
tion indicating the dialect, this means that it is generally
understood and used in aIl the above dialects in the form in
which it is found in this dictionary.
It is to be hoped that the Practical Dictionary, prepared
and published thanks to Unesco assistance, receives an enthu-
siastic welcome from its users and from linguistic researchers
in aIl countries so that they may in their turn and at their
level verify it, correct it, enrich it and comment on it. AlI this
would contribute to the General Fulani Dictionary whose
preparation will follow the Practical Dictionary.
Alj Ibrhm Sow
Aadamanke & Aadamankeejo
cf. Innoma Aadama.
Aade / 'Bi&&e-Aadama tre hu-
main,' human being.
'Bii-Aadama / 'Bie-Aadama;
tagaado / tagaae; tagaangel;
Aaden (FJ); '"Bi&&e-Aada (M);
'Bii-Aada (M); 'Binngel-Aada (M).
aadi cf. amaana.
Aaraabo / Aara&&e, Aara&'en
(C-A) Arabe; an Arab.
Laarabuujo / Laarabuu&e (M-V-
NO); Laarabankeejo / Laaraban-
kee&e (NE); Aarabeejo / Aara-
bee&e (FJ); Aarabaajo / Aara-
baa&e (FJ).
aardaaki cf. aardungal.
aardagol cf. aardungal.
aardiingal / aardiiae (C-NE)
patte avant, jambe de devant;
forefoot, foreleg.
ardiingal/ ardiide (FJ); yeesowal /
yeesooje (FJ); yeeso'al / yeesooje
aardungal (c) commandement,
direction,' leadership.
aardaaki (NE); aardagol; ardagol.
aata (FJ) chanter (oiseaux); to sing,
cry (birds).
aata (FJ) pousser un grand cri; to
cry out.
aata (c) crier au secours; to cry
out for help.
haaca (FJ-M-NO); adda-daande
ha1f>a (FJ-M-NO).
aawa semer; to sow.
aawdi / aawle graine ou semence;
aawdiiri / aawdiiyi (v); aawre /
aawe '(NE); waafoore / baafooje
aawre / aawle (C-NO) jeune
plante,' seedlz"ng.
pudri (FJ); puddi (FJ); fucfndi
(FJ); funndi (FJ); fucfngo (FJ);
funngo (FJ).
aawre cf. aawdi.
abajada cf. harfeeje.
abbere cf. wabbere.
abbere-zarra (F]) atome; atome
acca cf. dacca.
ada enlever, ter une grande quan-
tit, porter, apporter, trans-
porter; to remove, carry away
in quantity.
ada (NE) prendre; to take.
adabe cf. ladabu.
adda / adda'en (G-A-N) sur
ane; eider sis ter .
jaajiraawo / jaajiraalle (F]); jaaja
(F]); mawniraawo-debbo / maw-
adda cf. wadda.
adda-daande cf. aata.
adiikowol / adiikooji ( G)
mouchoir de tte; kerchief.
mosoro / mosorooji (M-NO-V);
misorowol / misorooji (F]); mi-
soro / misorooji (F]); misor /
misorji (F]); tikkawol / tikkaaji
(F]); kunnakitiwol / kunnakitiiji
(F]); piilkol / piilki (NE).
aditoo cf. artoo.
ado cf. bako & fadde.
adoo cf. artoo.
aduna cf. adune.
adune (K) gens; people.
aduna (M-NO-V); duuniya 1 duu-
niyaaji (NE); talkaaji (NE); yimlle
(F]-FT-M-D-G-A); himlle (N-V-D).
afo 1 afe premier enfant, first
afo / afoolle (F]).
agoogo f agoogooji (G-N) montre,
pendule ,. clock, watch.
montor f montorji (F]-FT-M-NO);
montoro 1 montorooji (M-V);
. mantur f manturji (NE); saa'a 1
saa'aaji & saa'atiiji (FJ-FT).
ahadi cf. amaana.
ahdi cf. amaana.
ahan cf. an.
akotiiru 1 akotiiji (G-A-NE) bote;
pootiiru 1 pootiiji (FJ-FT-M-NO-
v); sannduuku 1 sannduukuuji
(NE); gonngooru 1 gonngooji (G);
akwaatiiru 1 akwaatiiji (G-NE).
aku (S-K-NO) salut; hallo.
aku maada & aku maa (S-K-NO)
salut toi; greetings to you.
foo maacfa & foo maa (M-D-N-V);
sacfi maa (FJ-FT-M).
akwaatiiru cf. akotiiru & gonn-
ala cf. alat.
ala cf. dala.
alaa cf. walaa.
alaadu cf. luwal.
alaama / alamaaji & alaamaaji
signe, marque, sceau, sign, mark.
al'adabu cf. ladabu.
aladay cf. alhanzirwa.
alade cf. gaduuru.
alal cf. alat.
alansaraa cf. alasara.
alarba mercredi, wednesday.
alasara 1 alasaraaji (G-NE) fin
d'aprs-midi; late afternoon,
laasara (M-N-V-G); alansaraa (FJ);
al,asri (FJ).
al'asri cf. alasara.
alat dimanche; sunday.
ala (F-J); alal (M-V-N).
albacce cf. albasarre.
albasal cf. albasarre.
albasarre / albasaaje (G)
. oignon; onion.
albacce (NO-V); albasaare 1 alba-
" saaje (NE); albasalf albacce (NE);
jaba & jabaare f jaba & jabaaje
(M-FJ); basalleere 1 basalleeje (FJ).
aida cf. arsinkina.
alhaali cf. gikku.
alhamsa (G-A) jeudi, thursday.
alkamiisa (V-M-N); alkamisa (FJ).
alhanzirwa / alhanzirji (G)
cochon; pige
ngirow / girooji (M-V-NO); ngadu
(NE); aladay / aladaniiji (NE);
kosewii / koseeji (FJ); girayngii /
giraydi (FJ).
aljanna & aljenna paradis; para-
aljumaare cf. jumaare.
alkaaljo / alkaali'en & alkaali
juge musulman; Moslem judge.
alkaasi cf. janngal.
alkamaari / alkama (M-NE-G-A)
bl, wheat.
alkamsa cf. alhamsa.
alkamisa cf. alhamiisa.
alkawal / alkawalji (N-G-A)
promesse; promise.
alkebbaare cf. alkibbaare.
alkebbawol cf. alkibbaare.
alkibbaare / atkibbaaje (G-A)
burnous; Arab woolly gown.
alkebbaare & alkebbawol / alkeb-
baaje (NE); alkibaare / alkibaaje
(M-NO-V); burmusu / burmusuuji
A1kur'aana & al-Kur'aaniire
(G-A) Coran; Holy Koran.
Kur'aana (NO); Ur'aana (v);
Qur'aana (FJ-M); al-Qur'aana &
Alqur'aana (FJ-FT-M); Kaamilu
(FJ); Deftere (NE).
Allasaaraajo cf. Annasaara.
allowal cf. alluha.
alluha / alluhaaje (G-A) tableau
noir, ardoise, planchette ou
tablette de bois; blackboard, slate
or little board.
alluhawal / alluhaaje (G-A); law-
hu / lawhuuje (FJ); aUuwal /
alluuje (FJ-M-NO-V); alluhal / al-
luhaaje (NE); allowal / alluhaaje
alluhawal cf. alluha.
alluwal cf. alluha.
alma cf. daata.
almeeti cf. ashaana.
al'Qur'aana & Alqur'aana cf.
A1kur' aana.
altine (FT-M-V-N-n-G-A) lundi;
tenen (FJ).
alumleeko (G) bb; baby.
boobo (FJ); penu (FJ); boobo-
penu (FJ); iingel-keccel.
alyatiimaajo cf. nginiijo.
am mon, ma, mes; mye
ama cf. wama.
amaana (A-G-N-M-n) pacte, con-
fiance, accord, pact, agreement,
ahadi; ahdi; aadi.
amen cf. amine
amin (FT-M-N-V-n-G-A) notre,
nos, our.
amen (FJ-No-n).
ammaa mais, but.
ammanaa (NO); kaa (M); kono
ammanaa cf. ammaa.
an tu, thou.
ahan (NE).
ana laatoo cf. ana mOITa.
ana mOITa (M) peut-tre; per-
haps, maybe.
tawke (NO); tawma (v); tawan
(M-V); tawte (M-NO-V); tawete
(FJ-M-NO-V); taway (FJ); no tawa
(FJ); taama (NO); kiila (NE); to-
non & tonon (NE); no gasa (FJ);
wa jooni (FJ); ana laatoo (M);
badiima (A).
ankorooru cf. garwa.
Annabi / Annabren (M-NF.-G-A)
Prophte; Prophet.
Annabiijo & Annabaajo & An-
nabi / Annabaaoe (FJ); Anna-
boojo / Annabo'en (G-A); Anna-
biijo / Annaboooe (V-NO).
Annasaara / Annasaaraae un
Blanc; a white-man.
Tuubaako / Tuubakoooe (V-M-
N-FJ-FT); Tuubaako / Tuubaa-
koooe & Tuubaako'en (FJ); Ba-
tuureejo / Batuure'en (G-A); Bo-
cfeejo / W ocfeeoe; Annasaaraajo /
Annasaaraaoe & Annasaara' en;
Nasaaraajo / Nasaaraaoe; Wojja-
Nowru / Wojja-Noppi & Wojja-
Nowru'en (FJ); Allasaaraajo .1
Allasaara' en ...
Annasaaraajo cf. Annasaara.
annda savoir; to know.
annda (FJ) alors que, or; while,
Sikku-cfaa micfo anndi, annda mi
anndaa (FJ) Tu as cru que je sais
alors que je ne sais pas; You
thought that 1 know, yet 1 don't
anndal / annde connaissance ,.
knowledge, science.
anndina aviser, informer, faire
savoir; to inform, let know.
anndita reconnatre; to recognize.
anya cf. wanya.
ara cf. hara.
ara cf. wara.
ara cf. mbabba.
araawa cf. mbabba.
arata (ko) cf. mawri.
aran- premier, premire; first.
arannde cf. ooyma.
arapulen cf. laana-prooha.
ardagol cf. aardungal.
ardao cf. arao.
ardngal cf. aardiingal.
ardina conduire en prcdant; to
lead and procede.
arao / arao'en (N-G-A) chef;
leader, chief.
arcfo / aroe (M); ardiicfo / ardiioe
are cf. huunde.
argaw cf. ashaashawu.
arsinkina (M) tre, devenir riche;
to be, become rich.
riisa (FJ-FT-M); riska (G-A-NE-D);
aIcfa (FJ-FT); danya (V-NO).
arsinkina (FJ) avoir de la chance;
to be lucky.
arta cf. warta.
artira cf. wartira.
artoo (M-V-N-G-D-A) prcder,
avoir dj fait, to precede, to
have previously done.
adoo (FJ); aditoo (FJ); attoo (FJ).
asa cf. wasa.
asali cf. asli.
asama / asamaaji cieZ; sky,
samaa'u / sama'uuji & samaa'uuji
(FJ); kammu.
asawe (N-G-A-V) samedi; saturday
asewe (FJ-FT-M); asay (v).
asaweere / asaweeji (G-A)
semaine; week.
asaweere / asaweeje (NE); yonti-
tannde / jontitancfe (NE); luumo
(NE); yontere / jonte (FJ-FT-M);
jeecfcfiire / jeecfcfiije (V).
asawre cf. cabbam.
asay cf. asawe.
asewe cf. asawe.
ashaana (G-A) allumettes ,.
almeeti (FJ-M-V-N); maasiisi (FJ);
mankisi (N-V).
ashaashawu / ashaashaaji (G)
sac; sack.
saaku / saakuuji (FJ-NE); argaw
asili cf. asli.
asira (G-A) aprs-midi, I6 h.
environ; afternoon, 4 p.m. or so.
juura (NO); zuura (NE); asiri (NE);
al'asri (FJ); kiikiide (FJ-M-V).
asirde cf. gasirgal.
asirgal cf. gasirgal.
asiri cf. asira.
asli / asliiji (G-A) origine; origin.
asali (NE); asuli (NE); mafaari
(NE); fuddam (NE); fuddari (NO);
asili (v); lasli (FJ); lasili (FJ);
puddal; puddi; fuddudi; iwdi
asora-amora cf. gata-wutta.
asuli cf. asli.
atal cf. dataI.
atiimeejo cf. nginiijo.
attoo cf. artoo.
awiyon cf. laana-piirooha.
awya pagayer; to paddle a canoe.
awya (G-A) conduire une voiture;
to drive a car.
awyirgal / awyirde pagaie;
ayba cf. ayiibe.
ayiibe / ayiibeeji (G-A) faute,
offense, pch; offense, sin.
ayba / aybaaji (M); ayyiibe 1
ayyibaaji (FJ).
ayna (FJ-NE) faire patre, garder,
veiller sur; to tend, take care of,
io graze.
aynaare 1 aynaaje (FJ) estomac,
bonnet des ruminants; stomach
aynde cf. dallol.
aynoowo cf. gaynaako.
ayyiibe cf. ayiibe.
azurfaari cf. cardi.
e avec, et, en, dans, sur; with, and,
in, on, over.
bee (A); i (NE); he (NO).
e (G-A-NE) proximit de; near by,
in the vidnity of.
hadde (N); takkol (NE); takko
(FJ); dow (NE); bannge (M-NO-V);
banne (M-NO-V); banne (M-NO-
v); (jannge (FJ-FT); gere (v);
haade (NE); moggo (FJ).
ef>f>a (FJ) mesurer, estimer, sou-
peser; to test, measure.
eda cf. mbana.
eena cf. yee1]a.
efta cf. yef>ta.
egga migrer; to migrate, move
ekkita enseigner, apprendre, to
ekkititta (v).
ekkititta cf. ekkita.
eleldu 1 eleldi (G-A-NO) iguane
d'eau; water-monitor.
eleldu 1 eleli (FI-NO); eleleldu 1
eleleldi (M-FT-NO); el'eldu 1 el'el-
di (G-A); bawuuru 1 bawuuji
(NE); sari'u 1 sari'uuji (NE).
eleleldu cf. eleldu.
el'eldu cf. eleldu.
ella cf. yelloo.
en nous (vous et moi, vous et
nous); 'lUe (you and 1, you and we.
endam sve, lait maternel; latex,
mother' s milk.
enndu 1 endi sein, mamelle,
breast, udder.
yesere 1 geece (NE).
enen nous (emphatique); 'lUe (inde-
pendent pronoun).
esiraado cf. esiraawo.
esiraawo 1 esiraaf>e beau-pre,
belle-mre, beau-fils, belle-fille;
father-in-Iaw, mother-in-Iaw,
son-in-Iaw, daughter-in-Iaw.
esiraado 1 esiraa(je (M-FT).
eta mesurer, peser, to measure,
(jeta (FT-v).
ewa (FJ) annoncer un dcs, to
announce a death.
ewnoo (FJ) proclamer, annoncer,
to claim, announce.
i cf. e.
i'al cf. yi'al.
ibbi / ibbe (G-A-NO-V-M) figuier
sauvage, figue; wild fig tree.
yibbehi / yibbeeje (FJ); hibbi 1
hibbe (NE).
igga cf. ndikka.
ii'am cf. yiiyam.
iila cf. isla.
illaango cf. islaango.
illilalJ iilile (G-NE) drapeau, fa-
nion; jlag.
lliliwal / liiliije (FJ-NO); desal /
dese (M); raaya / raayaaji (FJ);
tuutawal / tuutaaje (G-A-NE);
tuutawa / tuutaaje (NE).
iinoo (G) vouloir (Dieu), to will,
in tend (of God).
ikka cf. ndikka.
ila cf. gila.
ila couler, to jlow.
wubba (FJ-V).
Daa cf. Daaha.
ilaa cf. &ooyma.
Ilaaha (FJ) Dieu; God.
Ilaa (FJ); Reweteeo (FJ).
ilam (M-N-D-V-G-A) fil de l'eau,
courant, jlood water, cu"ent.
ilol / ili (FJ); mbubbam (v);
teere (FJ).
ildugol / ildui ( G-A) foss, ditch.
joolol / jooli (FJ); celol J celi
(M-V); il'ilgolJ il'ili (NO).
il'ilgol cf. ildugol.
illa cf. isla.
ilol cf. ilam.
immina faire lever, soulever, r-
veiller, to raise up, lift, awaken,
immoo cf. ummoo.
inna nommer, appeler, to name.
inna mre, mother.
inniraawo / inniraae (FJ-FT-M);
neene (FJ-FT-M); daadiraawo /
daadiraae (A); neeniraawo /
neeniraae (FJ-FT-M).
innde / ine nom; na me.
inniraawo cf. inna.
Innoma-Aadama (F]) tre hu-
main; human being.
Innu (G); Innu-Aadama (F]);
Bun-Aadama (F]-FT-M); Aada-
mankeejo / adamankeee (F]-
FT-M); Aadamanke (F]-FT-M);
'Bii-Aadama / 'Bii-Aadama'en;
Innu cf. Innoma-Aadama.
ira enterrer, enfoncer; to bury in
the ground.
uwa (NE-G-A); ufa (F]-N-V); ubba
(F]-FT-M); surra (F]).
irta cf. ubbita.
isla cf. crisla.
itta enlever, ter; to remove, take
away or out.
itti cf. gila.
ittirdi-kooye cf. kacitaari.
iwa cf. gila.
iwa cf. yiwa.
iwi cf. gila.
iwdi cf. asti.
iyaala cf. iyaalu.
iyaalu / iyaaluuji (G-A-NE) fa-
mille, parents; family, relations.
iyaala (NE); yaalji (G); korewoll
koreeji (M-NO-V); eynguure (F]).
iyeende / iyeele (F]-G-A-NE)
pluie; raine
kammu (M); iyeenga / iyeele
(NE); yoonde / yoole (N-V); yiw-
woonde / yiwwoole (F]); yiwoo-
nde / yiwoole (NE); iyoonde /
iyoole (NE); ndiyam / diheteele
(NE); ndiyam / di'e (F]); yeende
(F]); yennde (F]); yoonde (F]);
iyeenga cf. iyeende.
iyoonde cf. iyeende.
o il, elle; he, she, it.
mo (NE).
okka (FJ-FT-G) donner; to give.
rokka (FT-FJ-M-NE); hokka (N-
ommba fermer; to close, shut.
ommbda (FT-NE-K); ornda (FT-
NE-K); udda (FJ-FT-M-NO-V);
ommbda cf. ommba.
ommbal cf. yommbal.
omda cf. ommba.
omta ouvrir; to open, uncover.
uddita (FJ-FT-M-NO-V); ma&&ita;
on vous; you.
onta cf. omta.
0'0 celui-ci, celle-ci; this, that
. moo (NE); 00.
oolcfum jaune; yellow.
nete (FJ); nareeri (FJ-M-NE); jaa-
najum (NE); oolucfum.
00101 (v) jaunisse; jaundice.
sawoora (G).
ooluum cf. oolum.
oon celui, celle en question; the one
in question.
oora aller au pturage, patre;
to go out to graze.
oorna faire patre; to take out to
oppere (G-A) fivre; fever.
jontere / jonte (v); yontere 1
jonte (NE); yoontere / joonte (NE);
jonte (FJ-M).
oppere (NE) fivre (animaux);
fever (animais).
oppino cf. soppino.
oppinoo cf. soppinoo.
orowi cf. Ilokki.
oya celui-l, celle-l, l'autre; that
over there .
mona (NE).
oya tuma cf. Ilooyma.
ubba cf. ira.
ubbita (FJ-FT-M) dterrer, exhu-
mer, to exhume, dig up.
uuta (G-NO-V); uuwta (NE); ufta
(NE); irta (FJ-M-NE-V).
udda cf. ommba.
uddita cf. omta.
ufa cf. ira.
ufa (FJ) faire mrir; to ripen.
ufta cf. ubbita.
uggan (FJ) peste bovine, cattle
yano (FJ).
ugo cf. hugo.
ugoo cf. hugoo.
ujunere i ujunaaji (FT-M-V-NO)
mille; a thousand.
dubuure 1 dubuuje (G-NE); wu-
luure 1 guluuje (FJ).
ulluundu 1 ulluud'i (FJ-FT-G)
chat, cat.
geggeeru 1 geggeeji (N); maa-
geeru 1 maageeji (N); musuuru 1
musuuji (M-V-NE); faatuuru 1
paatuuji (G-A); nyaariirQ 1 nyaa-
riiji (FJ); gomooru 1 gomooji (FJ).
ummina faire lever, envoyer, r-
veiller, to raise up, lift, awaken,
. immina.
ummoo se lever, partir, to stand,
get up, to set out.
una piler dans un mortil!T ; to pound.
unir gal cf. unndugal.
unndugal 1 unndud'e pilon,
unirgal / unirde.
unordu (G-A) mortier, mortar.
wowru / bolli (FJ-Fr-M-NO-D-V);
wollru 1 bolli (NE); kurkol 1
kurki (FT).
uppoodu 1 uppood'i (G-A) vessie;
wuppoonde 1 guppoode (FJ);
sillirde / si1lire (M-V); ndeera-
belaade 1 deedi-belaade (NE).
Ur' aana cf. Alkur' aana.
usa (G) saluer, to greet.
usna (NE); sanna (NO); jaara (F});
yetta (FJ-FT); jowta (M-FJ-V); sal-
mina (FJ-FT-M-NO-V); henna (NE);
hiwroo (FJ).
use (G-A-NE) salut; hallo.
foo (M-V-N-D); foofoo (M-V-N-
D); hoo (NE); sadi (FJ-FT-M).
useko cf. useni.
useni (G-A) s'il vous plat, please.
useko (G-A); yanndi (FJ); habaa
usna cf. usa.
usta cf. &usta.
uttere cf. lukkere.
uuluwol 1 uuluuji (G-A-NE)
laine; wool.
haabu-baali (M-V).
uuma gmir; to groan.
uura sentir bon; to smell pleasant.
uuta cf. ubbita.
uuwita cf. ubbita.
uwa cf. ira.
uyta cf. &usta.
ba (G-A) comme; like.
wa (FJ); bana (G-A); bano (N-G-
A-O); wano (FJ-NE); hano (N-V);
hono (FJ-M); kama (NE); wayma
(FJ); wayta (FJ); wayra (FJ); wayri
baa cf. kono.
baabaho (G-N) indigo; indigo.
siini (V-N); gara (M); ngara (FJ).
baabiraad'o cf. baabiraawo.
baabiraawo / baabiraa&e pre;
baabiraado / baabiraae (M-FT).
baabun cf. baabuwol.
baabuwol / baabuuji (G-A)
chapitre; chapter.
dammbugal / dammbude (FJ);
baabun / baabuuji (FJ).
baad'iraad'o cf. baad'iraawo.
baad'iraawo / baad'iraa&e
neveu, nice; nephew, niece.
baadiraado / baadiraa&e (FT-M).
baafol /baafe (G-NE)jeune plante,
feuilles,' young plant, leaves.
lical / lice (NE); haako 1 haakooji
(NE); haako / kaakooli (NO-M-V);
kaakolJ kaaki (FJ); baapal / baape
baajol / baaji fibre; untwisted
balol / bali (NE); karal / kare
baakanwol cf. guuruwol.
baalangol 1 baalaad'i (G-A)
corde; twisted rope.
kallangol / kallaadi (FJ); oggol /
baale cf. gikku.
baalii cf. mbaalu.
baanewo / baaneeje (G-A) houe;
baanewo / baanooje (G-A); jalo /
jale (FJ-M-N-V); keri / keriije (FJ);
sompawo / sompi (M).
baapal cf. baafol.
baaru (G) variole; smallpox.
bade (FJ-M-V); nyemel / nyeme
baatal / baate (G-A) aiguille; ban a cf. ba.
needle. banndiraawo / banndiraaf>e
ba'atal / ba'ate (NE); laynal / parent; relative.
layne (NE); baattal / baatte (NO- banndiyo (NO); hawtiille (v);
v); meselal / meselle (FJ). koreeji (v).
baattal cf. baatal. banndiyo cf. banndiraawo.
bat attu cf. mbaf>attu. banngaaru / wanngarf>e (G-A-
baawal (G-A-FJ) puissance, capa- NE) boucher; butcher.
cit, pouvoir; ability, authority, paawoowo / faawoolle (NE); paa-
skill, power. wotooao / faawotoolle (NO); koo-
baawgal / baawae (FJ-V); mbaa- saajo / hoosaalle (v); wayanke /
wdi (FJ). wayankoolle (M); fiwliijo / fiw-
baawcfe capacit, pouvoir; ability, li'en (NE); buuseejo / buuseelle,
capability, power. buuse (FJ).
baawgal cf. baawal. bannge cf. e.
baf>f>atii cf. mbaf>attu. bano cf. ba.
baccel/ bacci (G) enfant; child. bantahi / bantaaje (G-A)
mbacci (FJ); lakeeyel / lakeehon kapokier; kapok tree, white silk-
(NE); suka. cotton.
bade cf. baaru. riinihi / riiniije (N); bantanaahi /
badiima cf. ana moyyaa. bantanaaje (NO); bantenehi /
baggol cf. f>aaf>awol. banteneeje (v); bantinehi / banti-
baggu cf. mbaggu. neeji (M); bantanhi / ban tan je
bagoo cf. tuggoo. (FJ); forgohi / forgooje (NO)
bajjo / wajjuf>e (G-FT) fils unique, kapokier sauvage; wild kapok
unique; only child, only one. tree.
bajjo (FJ). bantagaahi cf. bantahi.
bakaahi cf. lagawal. bantanhi cf. bantahi.
bakka cf. f>akka. bantenehi cf. bantahi.
bako (G-A) avant; before (prposi- bantinehi cf. bantahi.
tion). bappaanyo oncle paternel;
yeeso (FJ-FT-M-N-D-V); ado (FJ). paternal uncle, father's brother.
balai cf. balawal. barallahi cf. gabaywol.
balawal / balbe (G-A-FJ) paule; barka / barkaaji (G-A) bndic-
shoulder. tion, grce; blessing, grace.
walbo / balbe (FJ-NO); balawal / barke / barkeeji, barkaaji (M-FJ-
balaaje (FJ-M); balaI / balbe (v); NO-V); barki / barkeeji, barkiiji
walo / balbe (v); walbo / walbe (FJ).
(NE); balaawal / balaaje (NE); barka (G-A-NE) grce ; by favour
balaawo / balaaje (NE). of, thanks to.
balkii cf. mbalku. barke (NO-V-M-FJ); barki (FJ);
balol cf. baajol. barke cf. barka.
bammbaari cf. masara. barki cf. barka.
barkidina (G-A-NE) bnir; to bless
barkina (FJ-Fr-NO-V).
barkina cf. barkidina.
basalleere cf. albasarre.
basarde cf. daarirgal.
basi (FJ-FT) gros mil; guinea corn,
bayeeri (M-N-V); mbayeeri (NE);
mbaheeri (FJ).
bataakewol / bataakeeji (G-A)
lettre; paper, letter.
Ilataake / Ilataakeeji (FJ-M); tal-
kuru / talki (FJ-Fr-M-V-NO); leeter
/ leeterji (FJ-M); leetere / leete-
reeji (v).
bataakewol / bataakeeji (G-A)
feuille de papier " sheet of
writing-paper .
derewol / dereeji (NE); derool /
dereeji (V-M); derol / cfereeji
(NO); kaydi / kaydiiji (FJ); cferol/
deri (FJ).
battane cf. wattam.
batte-na'i cf. jurol.
batu cf. bolle.
Batuureejo cf. Annasaara.
bawla (FJ-M-NO-V) uriner,' to
urina te.
silla (M-NO-V); hibba (M); sawla
(NE); salba (NE); soofa (FJ-Fr).
bawuuru cf. eleldu.
bay cf. koo.
bayeeri cf. basi.
beccal cf. wabaare.
bedo cf. bifirgol.
bee (A) avec,' with.
e (FJ-FT-M-N); i (NE).
beembal / beembe grenier ;
corn-bin,' corn-store.
lukaare / lukaaje (NO-V); rum-
mbu'o / rummbu'uuji (NE); faaw-
ru / paalli (FT).
beero / weer&e (G-V-NO-D-FJ)
hte, invit, tranger; guest,
visitor, host, stranger.
kocfo / holllle (FJ-M-N-V-D).
beesingol cf. bimmbi.
beetaanu cf. bimmbi.
beete cf. bimmbi.
be"ital / be"itte (G) couvre-lit,
couverture de lit; bed-covering,
bed-clothes, blanket.
suddamaare / cuddamaaje (M);
suddaare / cuddaaje (FJ-V-M-G-
A-D-Fr); wudere-danki / gude-
danki (FJ); wudere-daddamaare /
gude-dacfcfamaaje (v); nguda-
mbeyyiteteenga / gude-weY'Yite-
teecfe (NE); beyyital / beyyitte
(G); mbargowa / bargooje (NE);
sakalaare / sakalaaje (NE); bor-
goore / borgooje (G-A-NE).
benal cf. catal.
beppeeri cf. bute.
beY'}"ital cf. be"ital.
bifirdum cf. bifirgol.
bifirgol/ bifirdi (G-M) ventail;
mbecfu / bedi (v); bifircfum /
bifircfi (NE); becfo / becfi (F}).
bifol / bifi (F}) brise; breeze.
bifto cf. wifto.
biftoo cf. diftoo.
bigeere cf. wigeere.
biiniiri cf. kolbaaru.
bileewol / bileeji (A) plume;
leellol / leelli (FJ-V); liiliiwol /
lii1iiji (NE).
bilibili-junnitti cf. wilwilndu.
billo cf. gorel.
bimmbi (G-NE-FJ) aube, matine,'
dawn, morning.
beete (M-V-NE); beesingol (NE);
fajiri (F}); fajri (F]); beetaanu (FJ);
subaha (F}); subaka (FJ); peeral
(FJ-NE); pooyngol (v); &alte (G-A).
binndirgal cf. binndirgol.
binndirgol / binndiri plume,
critoire; pen, inkstand.
binndirgal / binndird'i (M-V-N);
kaanibol / kaanibi (M-V-N); ka-
rambol/ karambi (FJ).
binndol / binndi criture, crit,
ligne; writing, line.
binngawal cf. girbal.
biraal cf. lagawal.
birniwol / birniiji (G-A-N)
grande ville, cit; city, town.
galluure / galluuje (M-V-NE);
saare / ca'e (FJ-FT).
bita cf. kunuuri.
biyyere cf. wiyyere.
bolliloo cf. Ilolliloo.
bolli-raw (FJ) canon; cannon.
bo&i-rawraw (v); kurkol / kurki
Boeejo cf. Annasaara.
bogoore cf. faallru.
bogoroore / bogorooje (FJ)
cadenas, lock.
bojji cf. boyngol.
bokal cf. nemnebal.
boliiru cf. gummbal.
bolle (G-A-FJ) parole, discours,
words, speech.
wolde / bolle ( G-A); wolnde /
bolle (FJ); bolle / boliide (NE);
woliinde / boliide (NE); woliide /
boliide (NE); batu (N-V-D); mbo-
lu / boliide (G-NE); haala /
haalaaji (FJ-M-NO-V).
bolonnga cf. jawleeru.
bolon cf. jawleeru.
bolonru cf. jawleeru.
bomol cf. gamol.
bone / boneeji (G-A) difficult,
douleur, malheur, difficulty,
trouble, suffering.
bone / boneeji (FJ-FT-M-N-V-D)
malheur, dommage, mal,
damage, suffering.
bonfo / bonfooji (FJ) sac en toile
que ['on porte en bandoulire;
bag made of some materzal which
is slung over the shoulder.
bona tre mauvais, mchant; to be
evil, to be bad.
wonda (NE).
bonna (FJ-FT-M-NO-V) gter,
abmer; to spoil, damage.
wonna (NE-G-A).
bonnere / bonne (M-V-FJ) dgt,
dommage, malheur; damage,
wonnere / bonne (NE).
bono cf. buuru.
bonooru cf. buuru.
boo (G-A-NE) aussi, encore, also,
moreover, too.
doo (FJ-NE); fuuda (NE); duu
(M-V-N); kas en (M); kadi (FJ-NE);
kasi (FJ); men (FJ); gadin (v);
kaden (NO); kadi maa (NE).
boobo cf. alumleeko.
boobo-penu cf. alumleeko.
booum (G-A-N) bien, c'est d'ac-
cord; well, it' s O.K.
wooddi (M-V-N); moyyii (FJ-FT-
M-V); gasii (F]-M-V).
boogooru cf. habeere.
booro / boorooji (G-A) sac en
cuir; leather bag.
jikaare / jikaaje (NE); taykiwu /
taykiiji (NE); basu / basi (NO);
mbasu / basi (M-V); laba / labaaji
(FJ); sasa / sasaaji (F]).
boorubahi cf. gellehi.
booto / bootooji (F]) sac mil,
riz, arachide ... ; bag for guinea
corn, peanuts, rice ...
mbuhuwa / mbuhuwaaji (NE);
mbootooru / bootooji (M);
mbasu-gawri / basi-gawri (v);
dane / daneeji (M).
borgaare cf. doldolndu.
borgoore cf. be"ital.
bote (G-A-NE) utilit, profit; use-
fulness, benefit.
nafakka (v); nafa.
boyinnaaru cf. doldolndu.
boyngal cf. huuloore.
boyngol / bojji (G-NE) pleurs,
larmes; weeping, tears.
boyol / bojji (G-NE); bojji (F]);
goongol/ goonai (NE); gornngol/
gomai (F]-FT); gonngol / gonai
bu&&awii cf. gaduwa.
bute (G-A-FJ)fces, culot, excreta.
bu'eeri / bu'eeji (FJ); solleeri /
solleeji (FJ-M); butteeri / butteeji
(F]); beppeeri / beppeeji (F]);
mbutiri (M); doodi (FJ-V); cuule
(NE); buu / buuje (NE); cille (NE);
Ilakkeeri / Ilakkeeji (F]).
buteeri cf. bute.
bugoo cf. feroo & hugoo.
buguuru cf. bukkaaru.
buki cf. haaje.
bukkaaru 1 bukkaaji (G-A-NE)
hutte de berger en transhumance,
grass shelter, hut.
sukkuuru 1 sukkuuji (v); buguuru
1 buguuji (F]-M); luuduuru /luu-
duuji (v); tippuru / tippi (F]).
bukkol 1 bukki (F]) queue; tail.
laacol 1 laaci (NO-V-M); lacol /
laci (F]); Ilokkordu / Ilokkorai
(NE); laaci /laace (M).
bullai cf. dunngal.
bulunfaare cf. malafaare.
bumaangalf bumaale (G-A-NE)
jleur de mil, jlowers of millet.
wutaandu f butaali (M-N-V).
bumcCam (FJ-FT-M-NE) ccit, con-
dition, tat de l'aveugle; blind-
mburnndam (G); mbumdarn (v).
bumcCo f wum&e aveugle; blinde
bumo f bumlle (F]).
burmusu cf. alkibbaare.
buroygol cf. buuwirgol.
burtol cf. jurol.
buruuti cf. mburuutu.
bus al cf. danngo.
bussiyaare cf. buusiyaaru.
butalliri cf. kolbaaru.
butel cf. kolbaaru.
butteeri cf. bute.
buu cf. bute.
buubii cf. mbuubu.
buulal cf. buulol.
buuloll buuli (G-A-NO-V-FJ) cal-
vitie; baldness, bald patch.
buulal / buuli (M); teeleende /
teeleee (FI-v).
buurgal/ buurcCe batteuse, fouet,
whisk for milk.
buurugal / buurud'e.
buurtol cf. jurol.
buuru / buti (FJ-V-N) hyne,
mali / maliho (NE); maliiru / ma-
liiji (FI); nuuyi (v); nyarke / nyar-
keeji (F]; bonooru f bonooji (FI);
bono (FI); fowru / pobbi.
buurugal cf. buurgal.
buuseejo cf. banngaaro.
buusiyaaru / buusiyaaji (G-A-
NE) hrisson, hedgehog.
buusiyaare / buusiyaaje (G-A-
NE); bussiyaare / bussiyaaje (NE);
huunyaare / kuunyaaje (v); njool-
du / njoold'i (FT); njoldu f njoli
buutoori / buutooji (FI) lopard,
panthre; leopard.
mallehol 1 malleeji (NE); colu /
coli (FJ-V-NO); ramsihol/ ramsiiji
(NE); werso 1 berse (G); cirgu /
cirgi (V-G-A); cewngu / cewcfi
(FT); sol du / coli (V).
buuwirgol / buuwiri (M-V-NE-
G) balai; broom.
buyurgol / buyurcfi (NO); buroy-
gol/ buroycfi (FJ).
buyurgol cf. buuwirgol.
llaallawol / llaallaaji (FJ-V-G-A)
ceinture, trivire de femme;
'Woman' s girdle.
baggol / baggi (M); takoowol /
takiiji (NO); ceedewol / ceedeeji
(v); jigidawol / jigidaaji (FJ-NE).
llaacol / llaaci (M-G-A) rejet de
palmier ronier comestible, edible
shoot of deleb-palm.
llaade / llaale (G) maison, enclos
familial, foyer, famille; com-
pound, house, home, family.
galle / galleeji (FJ-FT-M-NO-V);
&aade / &aadeeji (N-V).
llaara appuyer quelque chose, to
lean something.
llaargal cf. kuranngawal.
&aaroo cf. tuggoo.
llaaru / llahi (G-A) carquois,
llaawo / llaawe (G-A-N-V) dos,
&aawo / &aawi (F]); caggal (M-
FT); gada (NO).
llaawo (FJ-NO-V-G) aprs; after-
gada (N-V); caggal (FJ-FT-M).
llaawo (FJ-N-V-D-G-A) derrire;
behind, at the back of.
caggal (M-FT); gad'a (NO).
llaawowal cf. cakitiingal.
llallattu cf. mballattu.
lladaaki loin,' far a'Way.
lladoo (G) proche, prs, near.
hadde (NO); ha'ade (NE); &annge
(FJ); bannge (M); banue & bauUe
(M); moggo (FJ); takko (FJ).
&aggoo cf. tuggoo.
llakka (G-A-NE) pltrer,' to plaster.
bakka (M-V-F]).
llakka (FJ) dfquer (animaux); to
defecate (animais).
llakkal / llakke (G-A) pltre;
naaneeri (NE).
llakkeeri cf. bute.
&alee- noir,' black.
&aleeri (M) sud,' south.
foombina (NE); fommbina (G-A);
hoore-fucfo (NE-S); ho ore-
fucfoore (NE); hoore-hucfo (V-
NO); horcfoore (V); nyaamo (FJ).
&alina noircir; to blacken, dye.
&alwina (FT-G-A-NE); oawlina (FJ-
M-V-N); firsina (FJ).
&alinordu f &alinori (G) tein-
turerie ,. dyepit.
sinndamuure (NO-V); cuwoogal
(M); firsi(FJ); siinirdef ciinircfe(v).
&alte (G-A) aube, bon matin ,. early
subaha-mawcfo (FJ); subaka-
mawcfo (FJ); subaka-kecco (M);
peeral (FJ-NE); fajiri, fajri; pooy-
ngol (v).
&alwa (FT-G-A-NE) tre noir, noir-
cir ,. to be black.
oawla (FJ-M-V-N).
&alwina cf. &alina.
&ama relever, rehausser; to pick
up, raise up.
&ama (M-G) prendre, emporter ,. to
take and carry.
&amol cf. cakantaare.
&amta (FJ-FT-M-V-N) soulever, to
lift up, raise up.
&anta (FJ-FT-M-V-N).
&aIJa (V-NO) pouser; to marry
(conduct bride to husband's).
&aIJaao f &aIJaa&e (G-A-NE)
marie; bride.
&anndu f&alli corps; body.
tercfe (M-FJ); tere (FJ).
&anngal cf. &ayal.
&annge cf. e & &adoo.
&aIJoo (FJ) se lever, tre debout;
to be up.
&anta cf. &amta.
&ataake cf. bataakewol.
&awla cf. &alwa.
&awlina cf. &alina.
&ayal (G) mariage, marriage.
oanngalf oanle, oaule (FJ-NO-V).
&e ils, elles, qui, que, dont ... , they,
them, who, those of. ..
&edda cf. &esda.
&ee&a tarir, to dry up (well, pool).
horsa (NO-V).
&ellere f &elle graisse ,. suet, fat.
&eltoo (M) passer, dpasser ,. to
pass by, go beyond.
feyya (FJ); &ettoo (V-NO); oenna
(FT); witta (NO-V).
&enna cf. &eltoo.
&enna (FJ) avaler, to swallow.
&ennda mrtr; to ripen.
oenna (V-NO).
&enndina faire mrir ,. to ripen
( transitive).
&erna se fcher ,. to be angry.
seytina (FJ); tikka.
&erna (FJ) avoir du cur, tre
courageux ,. to dare.
&ernde cf. wabaare.
&ernde f&ere cur; heart.
&esda (FT-NE-G-A) augmenter, to
oeyda (FJ-M-NO-V); &edda (G).
&etoo (FJ) avoir la colique, avoir
trop mang, to suifer from colic
pains, having eaten too much.
&ettoo cf. &eltoo.
&eyda cf. &esda.
&eynguure cf. iyaalu.
&ia (FJ) presser (pour faire sortir
du pus); to press.
&id'a cf. &i11a.
&id'd'o f&i&&e enfant, child.
& enfant, fils ou fille de ,. chi/d,
daughter or son of.
& Aadama 1 &i&&e Aadama
tre humain; human being.
&ii Aadamaajo (A); Aadaman-
keejo (FJ-M).
Ilii Aadamaajo cf. Ilii Aadama.
Ilii atiimu cf. nginiijo.
Ilii baafal cf. kuillitirgel.
Ilii haram cf. njaaluujo.
&i1a accrocher, suspendre; to hang
Ilisa (FJ).
lli1a (FJ-M) serrer, coincer; to
Ililla presser; to squeeze, squash,
confine, press.
Ilidda (G-A-NE); Iliya (FJ-FT).
Ilinngel / &ikkon (FT-G) petit
enfant; small child.
Ilinngel / Ilikkoy (FJ-M-NO-V);
Ilinngel / Ilikkoyn (K); Ilinngel /
Ilikkol (NE).
Ilinngel-daande cf. ngel daa-
&inngel-keccel cf. alumleeko.
&inngelku (A) enfance; childhood.
&ira traire; to mUk.
&iraaam lait frais; fresh milk.
&iraaye / Iliraaje ( G) vache
laitire; milk cow.
beynge / Ileydi (FJ).
Ilirdude / Ilirdue vase traire;
calabash used in mil king .
Ilirdugal/ Ilirdude (FJ-M).
&irdugal cf. Ilirdude.
&isa cf. isa.
Ilisa cf. Ilila.
Iliya cf. Ililla.
Ilolliloo (NO) tomber J' to fall,
bolllloo (M-NO-V); saama (M);
yana (FJ-NE).
Iloccitoo (FT) chapper, s'chapper ;
to escape.
Iloccol/ Ilocci (G-A)fouet; whip.
100 col / looci (M-NE); looyru /
looci (FJ); loosoljlooci (NE).
Iloccoonde j Iloccoode ufJ' egg.
Iloccoode jlloccoode (K); qoyiire
j qoyiije (NE); woofoonde j boo-
foode (FJ).
Iloggol cf. baa1angol.
Iloggol-leydi j &oggi-leydi (M-
G) serpent J' snake.
baajol-Ieydi / baaji-Ieydi (M);
mboddi j bolle (FJ); mbo'odi j
bo'ole (NE).
Iloheere cf. Iloyre.
Ilohehi cf. Ilokki.
Ilojja (FT) battre le bl; to thresh
Ilokke cf. &okki.
Ilokki / &owe (G-A) baobab;
Ilohehi jlloheeje (FJ); Ilokke (NE);
orowi (M).
&okkordu cf. bukkol.
Ilolde cf. Iloolde.
Ilole cf. Iloolde.
Ilolina (G-NE)fondre
' to melt.
taaya (FJ-M-NO-V); narka (NE);
Ilolwa (G-A).
Ilollere / &olle (V-NE-G-A) verrue J'
wen, wart.
Ilolma (V-NO) tre fin; to be thin
Ilolwa cf. Ilolina.
&onngu cf. &owngu.
&oodere j &oole (N-G-A) masse de
terre humide pour la construc-
tion J' lump of earth for building.
Iloodere jlloode (N-G-A).
Iloolde f Iloole (NO-V-G) massue
cudgel, club.
ooldu f ooli (NE); olde fllole
(FJ); olde f ole (FJ).
&ooldu cf. Iloolde.
&oora (FJ) dpouiller J' to dispoil.
Iloosa masser; to massage, TUb.
&oosaaru j &oosaaji chien
' doge
rawaandu j dawaadi.
&oostirum / &oostire (G-A-
NE) serviette, essuie-main,' towel.
&ooya durer,' to spend a long time,
last a long time.
neella (FJ-N).
&ooyma (G-A) jadis, d'antan,'
. long ago.
arannde (M); ko neelli (FJ-NE);
gila ko neelli (NE-FJ); ilaa (NE);
ilaa nden (NE); ilaa arannde (NE);
oya tuma (FJ); gila nden (NE);
gila zamaanu nden (NE).
&ooyre , &ooye rein, rognon;
Ilooyre , Ilooye.
&ooyre cf. &ooyre.
&ora arracher, extraire; to excrete,
&orna habiller, faire porter l'habit,'
to dress somebody in a gown.
&orna pae cf. faa.
&orngol cf. damdambol.
&ornoo s' habiller, porter un habit;
to dress oneselj, to put a gown on
oneselj, to wear.
&ornoo pae cf. faoo.
&orta dshabiller, dvtir, dposer
un chef,' to depose a leader, to
undress, take gown over.
&orwa (FT-G-A) tre lisse, glissant;
to be slippery, smooth.
Ilowra (FJ).
&osla (G-A) tordre; to twist.
Iloyla (FJ-FT-M-V-D-N); mohila
&ota , oti (N-V-G-A) chevreau,'
young goat, kid.
owngii cf. owngu.
&owngu / owi (G-NE)
moustique,' mosquito.
Ilonngu , Ilowdi (M-N-V); Ilow-
ngii , Ilowcfi (FJ); lollewii /
lolleeji (FJ); cufu , cufi (A).
owra cf. orwa.
&oyla cf. osla.
oyngal cf. kuulowal.
&oyre , &oye (N-V-G-A) fruit de
baobab; baobab fruit.
Iloheere / Iloheeje (FJ); Ilohe
&uddi cf. uuddi.
&uu / &ui (N-V-G-A) espce
de chenille,' kind of worm.
Ilunngii , Iluddi (FJ); unngu ,
Iluddi (G-NE); rammere / dame
&ula filtrer, sourdre (source); to
bubble out (spring).
&ulde cf. uldude.
&uldude' uldue (G-NE) source
(eau); spring (water).
Ilulde 'Ilule (NE); seelloore' see-
Ilooje (FJ-NE); Ilulndu , Ilulli
(G-A); Ilunndu , Ilulli (FJ).
ulndu cf. &uldude & &unndu.
&unndu , &ulli (M-V-N) puits;
Ilulndu / Ilulli (G-A); wooyndu /
gooyli (NE); woyndu / boyli (FJ);
wawru / gawi (G-A); kolonru 1
kolonji (FJ).
&unngii cf. &uu.
&unngu cf. &ud'd'u.
ura dpasser, surpasser; to
exceed, be more than.
urora cf. hoyra.
&ursa moudre, grener du coton;
to gin cotton, remove seed from
ursirde 1 ursire pierre
grener le coton; stone-roller for
ginning cotton.
&ursirdi / &ursire (G-A-FJ) fer
grener le coton; iron-roller for
ginning cotton.
negeleeri / negeleeji (FJ).
ousta (G-A-NE) rduire, diminuer;
to diminish, reduce.
usta (NE-G-A); uyta (FJ); cfuyta
(FJ); Iluyta (M-NO-V-FJ).
outta cf. ouutta.
ouuoa (FJ-FT-M-NO-V) faire froid,
frais, tre mout"ll; to be cold,
ouuoa (FJ) mourir; to die.
ouuoa (FJ) se mouiller ,. to get wet.
ouuool (FJ) froid, froid humide et
malsain ,. damp co Id.
ouuddi 1 ouu11e abcs; swelling.
Iluddi 1 Ilulle (NO-FJ); Iluure 1
Iluuye (NO).
ouure cf. ouuddi.
ouuta gonfler, enfler, se gonfler,
s'enfler; to swell up.
ouutta (FJ) se calmer, tre paisible;
to be calm, quiet.
Ilutta (FJ).
ouyta cf. ousta.
mbaadi (F]) beaut, race; beauty,
race, similarity.
mbaafu (G-A) feuillage; foliage,
leafage, greenery.
haakoore (F]); haako'al (NE);
haakowal (NE); haako.
mbaala cf. mbaalu.
mbaalu / baali (FT-M-NO-V-D-G)
mouton, brebis; sheep (ewe).
mbaala / baali (A); baalii / baali
mbaawdi cf. baawal.
mba&attu / ba&atti (G-A) saute-
relie; locust.
ba'attu / ba'atti (NE); mbaattu
/ baatti, mbaatti (NE); ba-
atii / baatti, baati (F]);
aattu 1 aatti (NO); mbu-
reetu 1 mbureeti (M); kanuwii /
kanuuji (F]); mbaatta 1 ba-
atti, mbaatti (NE).
mba&&atta cf. mba&attu.
mba&&attu cf. mba&attu.
mbabba 1 bamcfi (F]-FT-M-NE-G)
ne; donkey.
mbabba 1 babbi (F]-FT-NE-G);
mbabba / bamli (F]-FT-S-G); waa-
mba / baamd (NO); wamnde 1
bami (A); ara / araaji (v); nda-
kiiwa / dakiiji (v); ndakiya / nda-
kiiji (M-NO); ndakiire 1 ndakiiji
(M); ndakiiya 1 ndakiyaaji (v);
njakkiwa 1 njakkiho (NE).
mba&&atta cf. mba&attu.
mbaccaaku (G) enfance, enfantil-
lage, childhood, childishness.
cukaaku (F]-FT-M-N-V); sukaaku
(F]-NE); aayre (FT); dayre
mbacci cf. baccel.
mbaggu / bawcfi tambour; drum.
baggu 1 bawi (NO); tabalde 1 ta-
balde, tabale (F]); ganngawal 1
ganngawle, ganngaaje (NE); jim-
mbeeru / jimmbeeji (F]); dun-
nduuru 1 dunnduuji (F]).
mbaheeri cf. basi.
mba1ku / balki (V-NE-G-A) sang-
sue, leech.
balkii / balki (FJ).
mbammbaari cf. kamanaari.
mbana / bani (G-A) bufJlle;
eda / edi (FJ-M-V-NE); ndaaruwa /
daaruwaaji (NE).
mbargowa cf. be"ital.
mbasu-gawri cf. booto.
mbayeeri cf. basi.
mbaymbaykowol / mbay-
mbaykooji (FJ) cil, eyelash.
waywayko / waywaykooji (G-A).
mbeta cf. mbeewa.
mbecfu / becfi (FT-M-NO-V-G)
van; plaited tray (for winnow-
bedo / bedi (FJ); feeteewo / pee-
teeji (FJ); sedirgo / sedirdi (FJ);
nyorgo / nyorde (G-FJ); sedergo /
cedercfe (G-NE).
mbecfu cf. bifirgol.
mbeeldi cf. mbeelu.
mbeelu / beeli (G-A-NO-V-M)
ombre, shadow, reflection.
mbeelu / mbeeluuji (A); mbel-
mbeldi / belbelcfi (NE); mbeeldi /
mbeeldiiji (NE); cfowdi 1 cfowle
mbeelu / mbeeluuji (FJ) spectre;
fantme, wandering-shadow.
mbeelu / beeli (M-FT-V-N).
mbeewa / beti chvre, she-goat,
mbe'ewa / be'i (NE); mbe'a / be'i
mbetewa cf. mbeewa.
mbelmbeldi cf. mbeelu.
mbila-mbila cf. yaroowol-
mbiriwu / biriiji (NE-G-A) ara-
chide, groundnut.
giriire / giriije (v); tigaare / tigaaje
(FJ-M); gerte (FT).
mboddi cf. mboodi.
mboju cf. wojere.
mbolu cf. bolle.
mbonjokku / bonjokki (G)
sacoche, money-bag.
nyakke (F]); porte (F]).
mboodi 1 boole( G)serpent, snake.
mbo'odi 1 bo'ole (NE); mboddi /
bolle (FJ-V-N-M); mboodi / bocfcfe
(A); oggol-Ieydi / oggi-leydi
mboordi (G) pus, sanie, pus.
mbordi / mborcfe (F]); mbordi.
mboortu cf. mborta.
mbootooru cf. booto.
mbordi cf. mboordi.
mborta / borti (G-A-NE) brebis;
young sheet.
mboortu / boorti (M-V); mbortu /
borti (NO).
mbortu cf. mborta.
mbosam (G-A) mol/e, ma"ow
(of bone).
mbusam (FT-M-V-NE); mbosam /
bose (NE); mbuso (F]).
mboyri cf. kunuuri.
mbubbam cf. ilam.
mbubuutu cf. mbuuduudu.
mbulmbulndi (G-NE) sable fin,
fine sand.
mbulwuldi (M-A); mbullaari (F]);
taasiiri (v).
mbuhuwa cf. booto.
mbu1ku / bulki (G-A) cruche,
garguleeti / garguleetiiji (F]-M-
mbullaari cf. mbulmbulndi.
mbulwuldi cf. mbulmbulndi.
mbumdam cf. bumcfam.
mbumndam cf. bumcfam.
mbureetu cf. mba&attu.
mburuutu 1 buruuti (G-A-V)
filaire de mdine, ver de Guine,'
buruuti (FI); kurkundu / kur-
kunduuji (NE).
mbusam cf. mbosam.
mbusiri cf. kunuuri.
mbutiri cf. bu' e.
mbuubu 1 buubi (G-A-M-V-N)
mouche,' jly.
buubii 1 buubi (FI); coongii 1
cooyi (FI).
mbuududii cf. mbuuduudu.
mbuuduuda cf. mbuuduudu.
mbuuduudu / buuduudi (G-A)
mouche-mafonne,' mason-wasp.
mbubuutu / bubuuti (v); mbuu-
duuda / buuduudi (NE); mbuu-
dudii / mbuududi (FI); mbuu-
dudii / buududi (FI).
mbuuri (M-G-NE-V) balayures,'
mbuuwri (v).
mbuuwri cf. mbuuri.
caacfngol cf. caangol.
caahu (G-A-M) cadeau, don, gn-
rosit; present, glft, generosity.
caale cf. saali.
caangol / caali (M-NE) rivire,
marigot; stream, brook.
caangol / caancfi (M-NE-FJ); caa-
ngol / cancfi (FJ); canngol / calli
(M); caacfngol / caalli (FT); cal-
lungol / callucfi (FJ); callol / calli
(M); gooruwol / gooruuji (FJ-NO-
v); yaayre/ jaayle(v); waayre(NE).
caarol / caari diarrhe,' diar-
rhoea faeces.
caartol (NO); dogudu (FJ); puu-
curu (FJ).
caartol cf. caarol.
caawa cf. cammam.
caawaare cf. cammam.
cabbam (G) transpiration, sueur,'
asawre (NE); lakkere (FJ); wul-
weende f gulweele (G).
ca&&u-cabbu (M) fiance,' bride.
zawarjo / zawar'en (G); kaflfla-
naacfo / haflflanaafle (M-V); kate-
teecfo / hateteefle (G); tanaacfo /
tanaafle (FJ); yamaacfo / yamaafle
(FJ-V-NO); yamanaacfo / yama-
naafle (V-G-M).
cafgal cf. cafirgal.
cafirgal / cafircfe ( G) puisette;
container for drawing-water.
cawgal / cawle (M-NO-V); caf gal /
cafcfe (NE); yoogirgal / yoogircfe
cagaajo cf. harmaaru.
caggal cf. &aawo.
cahugal cf. guugawal.
caka (G-A-N) au milieu de; in the
middle of.
hakkunde (FJ-FT-M-V).
cakantaare cf. hakkundeere.
cakantaare / cakantaaje (G-A)
sillon " furrow.
cakataari (A); kawu'ol / kawuuji
(v); kunnyewolf kunnyaaji (NE);
amol/ ami (FJ).
cakataari cf. cakantaare.
cakitiingal (G) patte de derrire,'
sakkitiingall sakkitiide (F]); ga-
daal 1 gadaaje (M-N-V); aawo-
wall aawooje (F]).
cakkud'e cf. njuggam.
caUaluuri 1 caUaluuji (G)
chane,' chain.
calI aloI 1 callali (M-NO-V); jolo-
kowal 1 jolokooje (F]-M); sarka-
woll sarkaaji (NE).
caUalol cf. callaluuri.
callol cf. caangol.
callungol cf. caangol.
cammam (G-NE) rose; dew (pre-
cipitation ).
saawawre (NO); sawawre 1 ca-
wawje (v); caawaare 1 caawaaje
(F]); caawa (F]); saalawre (G).
cancand'owal 1 cancand'ooje
(G-A-NE-M) araigne; spider.
cancanguwal 1 cancanguuje (v);
marijaawowal 1 marijaawooje
cancanguwal cf. cancand'owal.
cancayd'o (G-A-N-M-V) tisserand;
sannyoowo 1 sannyooe, sannyo
cancirgal 1 cancird'e peigne;
comb (for use on some else).
sancirgal 1 sancirde (FJ); saayir-
gal 1 saayirde (FJ).
cancorgal 1 cancord'e peigne
(sur soi); comb (for use on self).
sancorgall sancorde (FJ); saayor-
gal 1 saayorde (F]).
cankalantu cf. cirmballal.
canngol cf. caangol.
cappand'e dizaines; tem.
sappooji (F]-V).
cappand'e d'id'i cf. noogas.
cardi (F]-M-NO-V) argent,' sil ver
azurfaari 1 azurfaaje (NE); kaa-
lisi, kaalis, xaalisi, xaalis (FJ-FT).
carmalal cf. cirmbal1al.
caski 1 casd'i (G-A-NE) arbrisseau
pineux, acacia, Acacia albida ,.
thorn tree, acacia, Acacia albida.
cayki 1 cayle (F]-M-V); caski 1
casde (G-A-NE).
catall cate (M) branche, rameau "
cate (F]); lisai/lice (NE); liccall
licce (v); benal 1 bene (v);
salndu 1 caldi (FJ).
cawgal cf. guugawal.
cawgal cf. cafirgal.
caygal 1 cayd'e (G-A) canard
sauvage; wild duck.
caygall cayle (FJ-M-NO-V).
cayki cf. caski.
cellal cf. sellre.
cedoo cf. dooma.
ceede cauri; cowry.
seedere 1 ceede (FJ).
ceede (M-N-V-G-A) argent; money
cee de-na ' i cf. cofal.
ceedewol cf. Ilaallawol.
ceedu 1 ceeduuji saison sche et
chaude; dry season, hot season.
ceernoojo 1 ceernoolle (F]) lettr
musulman, enseignant; learned
man, teacher.
cernoojo 1 cernooe (FJ); ceer-
naajo 1 seernaa&e (FT); ceernoojo,
cernoojo 1 seerene (FJ); ceer-
naajo 1 seerene (FT); seerenjo 1
seerene (FJ-FT); moodibbo 1
moodibbooe (M-V-NE); moo-
dibbo 1 moodibbaae (M-V-NE);
moodibbo 1 moodie (M-V-NE);
mobbo (M).
ceerol cf. keerol.
cekkiri cf. kasta.
cellal cf. jam.
celol cf. ildugol.
cemmbam cf. kalbam.
cemmbe cf. semmbe.
cegal cf. kural.
ceppam (G-v) lpre; leprosy.
kuturta (NE); noppe (M); ndiyam
(FJ); cfamajam (F]); nyaw- bon-
do (M).
ceppindo cf. ceppudo.
ceppudo / seppue (G) lpreux;
ceppindo / seppinlle (M-NO-V);
kuturuujo / kuturu'en (NE).
cerli cf duudaandu.
cernoojo cf. ceernoojo.
cettal/ cette (M-NO-V) brochette
en bois, wooden skewer.
cettol / cetti (NE).
cettol cf. cettal.
cettungol cf. kettungol.
cewal cf. kewal.
cewngu cf. buutoori.
ciifol / ciifi. (F]-V-NE) trait, ligne;
line, drawing.
ciilal / ciile milan, pervier, kite
gabuure / gabuuje (v).
cille cf. bute.
cincinngal cf. yaroowol-
cinndo / sinndue (F]-M-N-V-G)
personne six doigts, person
with six fingers.
cinnol cf. koofngo1.
cippira cf. durwa.
cippiro cf. durwo.
cippoo cf. jippoo.
cirgu cf. buutoori.
cirmballal / cirmballe (G) ra-
mille, brindille, twig, kindling
carmalal / carmalle (F]); canka-
lantu (v).
cirngataawu / cirngataaji (G)
grosse fourmi noire qui pique;
large black biting ante
denndelawii / denndelaaji (F]).
cobbal / cobbe boule de mil
sucre; flour-bail for mixing in
codai / code (G-FJ) moisson;
harvesting, row of eut corn.
ketal / kete (M); soppere / coppe
(v); yaawol (NE).
cofal / cofe poulet; chiken, pullet.
cofel / cofi (NO); soowru / coppi
cofal (G-A) taxe, impt sur le
btail; cattle taxe
ceede-na'i (NE); lampo-na'i (M-
v); lanfoo-na'i (NE); sagalle-na'i
(F]); zakka-na'i (F]); duuti-na'i
(F]); janngal / janngle, janle,
janngali (NE-V-M-FJ).
cofel cf. cofaI.
coggu (G-A-NE) commerce, affaire,
trading, bargaining, sale.
njulaagu (FJ-M-V); njulayaagal
(F]); njulaaku (F]); luumo (NE):
jaago (M).
coggu (F]-FT-M-NO-V) prix; priee.
cokitirgal cf. kulitirge1.
cokkal cf. girbal.
colu cf. buutoori.
comcol cf. limsere.
comri( G-A-N-v)fatigue; tiredness.
tampere (FJ-M); tampiri (v); ron-
kere (F]).
conndi farine, flour.
conyaari cf. kacitaari.
conkewal / conkeeje (F]) bro-
chette en fer; skewer (iron).
coodal/ coode hron, heron.
coodol f coodi (G-NE) collier,'
kocfol/ kocfi (F]-N-G); uannawolf
uannaaji (F]); danndiwol f dan-
ndiiji (v).
cooko / sook&e (G) pauvre,' poor
talkaajo / talkaalle, talka (M-V-
NO); dullucfo / dullulle (NE);
coycfo f soylle (NE); baaycfo f
baaylle (F]-FT-M); baascfo f waas-
Ile (FT-M); dimo Alla e daande
mu'um (F]); miskiino f miskinlle.
cuddi brume,' mist.
cufu cf. &owngu.
cukaagu cf. cukaaku.
cukaaku (F]-M-N-V) enfance,
jeunesse,' childhood.
cukaagu (FT); sukaaku (F]-M-N-
v); fewndaare (F]); mbaccaaku
cukkol f cukki (G) barrage de
retenue; dam.
culaacfo f sulaa&e (FT-G-A) con-
cubine,' concubine.
hocfondiro f hocfondirlle (F]);
culnaacfo f culiille (N).
culnaacfo cf. culaacfo.
culawii cf. honndorde.
cumal cf. ngulu.
curaacfam ( G) bouillie fine de
farine et de lait; mixture of thin
cuutam / cuuteele (NE).
curbaajo cf. dewel.
cuule cf. bute.
cuurcfe (G-A) fume; smoke.
cuurki (F]-FT-NO-M-V); cuurka
(NE); cuurga (N-K).
cuurga cf. cuurcfe.
cuurihal cf. jawleeru.
cuurka cf. cuurcfe.
cuurki cf. cuurcfe.
cuutam cf. curaacfam.
cuwoogal cf. &alinordu.
daabaawa cf. dabba.
daada cf. daadiraawo.
daada (NE) grand'mre, grand-
daadiraawo ! daadiraaf>e (A)
mre; mother.
daada (A); yaaya (M); yaayiraao!
yaayiraae (M); inna (M-V-N);
inniraao ! inniraae (M-V-N);
neene (F]-FT); neeniraawo! nee-
niraae (F]-FT); yumma (F]);
yummiraawo ! yummiraae (F]);
jiido (F]); jiidiraawo ! jiidiraae
daago! daage (M-N-G-A) natte;
mat (for sleeping).
gatal! gate (F]).
daande! daacCe cou, voix, neck,
raande / daae (NE).
daangol ! daancCi (G-NE)
attache, tethering-rope.
dayngol ! dayle (v); raande !
daae (NO).
daarirgal! daarircCe (G) lunettes,
binocles; spectacles, binoculars.
danndore (NO-V); lonyore (M);
basare (F]).
daaroggal cf. daarorgal.
daarorgal ! daarorcCe (G-NE)
miroir, looking glass, mirror.
daaroggal ! daaroe (G); dan-
ndorgal! dannore (NO-V); tin-
ndirgal ! tinndire (M); ndaa-
rorgal! ndaarore (F]); tintorgal!
tintore (F]).
daaruwaaji cf. mbana.
daasa traner ,. to drag, draw along.
daasoo se traner; to drag oneself
along, crawl.
dabba (F]) venir, survenir (saison
frache et sche); to come, be (dry
cold season).
dabbina (F]).
dabba ! dabbaaji animal;
mummunte! mummunteeji (F]-
v); huyre ! kujje (v); daabawa !
daabaaji (M); maral / marIe,
mare (NE).
dabbunde / dabbule saison
froide et sche; dry cold season.
dabinoohi cf. dibinoohi.
dabinoore cf. dabinoore.
dada chapper un danger, se
sauver, distancer, dpasser; to
escape, keep free or safe from.
daditol cf. taadorgol.
dadoi cf. taadorgol.
dadorgoi cf. taadorgol.
daga cf. diga.
daha cf. daha.
dakarilme cf. ndakam.
daIii1a / daliilaaji (G-A-NE)
raison, cause; reason, cause.
daliili / daliilaaji (v); daliilu / da-
liiluuji (FJ-M); daliil / daliiluuji
daliili cf. dalla.
dallu cf. daliila.
dalloi / dalli large valle, cuvette,
bassin d'un fleuve; wide river
aynde / ayde (FJ).
damdamboi/ damdambi (G-
NE) seuil (de porte); threshold.
dammbugal / dammbucfe (M-V);
damdamol/ damdami (A); lJor-
ngol/ lJordi (FJ).
damdamol cf. damdambol.
dammbugal cf. damdamboi &
dammugal & baabuwol.
dammudo cf. rammudo.
dammugai / dammude (G-A-
NE) ouverture d'une porte; door-
way, entrance to hut.
dammbugal/ dammbude (FJ-M-
dampa frapper du pied, donner un
coup de pied; to stamp, suz'ke
with the heel, kick.
damsaaliha / damsaaliiji (G)
crinire de cheval; mane (Izorse).
damsaaliwol / damsaaliiji (G);
damsali / damsaliiji (A); ganngi-
wol / ganngiiji, ganngi (M-V);
gannji (FJ).
damsaaliwol cf. damsaaliha.
damsali cf. damsaaliha.
danci nde cf. sey.
danki / dande (G-A-N-V) abri,
tagre, hangar; shelter, corn-
danki / dande (FJ) lit; bed.
dannaa & dannaajo cf. pid-
danndiwoi cf. coodol.
danndorde cf. daarirgal.
danndorgal cf. daarorgal.
danngaare / danngaaje (G)
clture de chaume; fence (of
corn-stalks ).
danngo / dawde (NE-G-A) cuisse,'
busal / buse (FJ-FT-M-NO-V).
danya cf. arsinkina.
danya acqurir, gagner, engendrer;
to win, beget.
daral cf. darnde.
darna dresser, arrter; to set up,
erect, stop.
darnde / darde taille, hauteur,
rang, arrt, station; standing,
height, position, rank, office.
dara! / darde, dare (FJ).
darngal rsurrection; resurrec-
nyannde Qiyaama (NE-FJ); al-
kiyooma & al-Kiyooma (NO);
Yawmul-Qiyaamati (FJ); Nyalgu
darka & nyannde darngal.
daroo s'arrter; to stand, stand
up, stand still.
dawa (M-G-A-NE) encre; ink
ndaha / ndahaaji (F]); ndawa /
ndawaaji (F]); dawaare (v); tad-
dawaari (NE).
dawa se lever de bon matin; to get
up early in the morning.
dawaare cf. dawa.
dawra (V-NO-G-A) consulter; to
confer, consult.
dayngol cf. daangol.
dayrugol / dayrud'i (G-A-NE)
matrice; womb.
rannga (F]).
debba / rew&e (G-A) femme;
debbo / roolJe (A); debbo / rewlJe.
debba cf. demmba.
de&&a cf. demmba.
debbo cf. debba.
debeere cf. honndoore.
debeere / debeeje (v) quartier,'
leegal (FT); banueere / banueeje
deeiraawo / deeiraa&e (G)
sur ane; eider sister.
deeko cf. oo he.
deental cf. reenta.
deereero cf. nyaamtar.
dee ina cf. jeina.
defa faire cuire; to cook.
deftere / defte livre; book.
deptere / depte (G); dewtere /
dewte (D-M-V-NO).
Deftere (NE) Coran; The Holy
demal culture,' farming.
demal / demi (F]); rernru /
remruuji (F]); demal / deme
demmba (F]-G-A) tomber aufond
des eaux; to sink (in water).
delJlJa (FT-M); debba (FT); diyya
(V-NO). .
deniraao / deniraa&e (FT-
M-NO-V) cousin; cousin (child of
brother and sister).
dend'iraawo / dendiraaoe (G-A-
deniraawo cf. deniraao.
denndelawii cf. cirngataawu.
dental cf. reenta.
deptere cf. deftere.
deriraawo / deriraa&e (A)
frre (en gnral); brother (in
musiddo / musilJlJe (F]); dewer-
diraawo / dewerdiraalJe (G).
desal / dese (F]) mariage;
desal cf. iililal.
dewal cf. funnaange.
dewal / dewe (F]) uvre pie,
dvotion ,. religious dut y .
dewel/ dewoy (M)jeune fille ,. girl.
deyel / ndewoy (V-N); dewel /
ndewoy (N); de'el / ndewoy (N);
surbaajo / curbaalJe (N); jiwo 1
jiwlJe (F]); curbaajo / curbaalJe
dewerdiraawo cf. derdiraawo.
dewiro / rewir&e (FT) frre cadet,
sur cadette; younger brother or
dewla cf. hoowa.
dewtere cf. deftere.
deyel cf. dewel.
deyyaa se taire, rester tranquille,
to keep quiet, be si/ente
dey-y-ina cf. jeddina.
dibinoohi / dibinooje (G-A)
palmier-dattier; date-palme
tamarohi / tamarooje (F]); tamo-
rohi / tamorooje (M-V); dabii-
noohi / dabiinooje (NE).
dabinoore / dibinooje (G-A)
datte; date (fruit).
tamaroore 1 tamarooje (FJ-M-V);
dabinoore 1 dabinooje (NE).
diccoo (FT-G-A-N) s'agenouiller,
faire une gnuflexion; to kneel
jiccoo (FJ); tikkinoo (M-V).
dida cf. diida.
didol cf. diidol.
difta cf. dippita.
diftoo (FT-M-A-NE-V) s'arracher,
se retirer vivement de; to snatch.
dippitoo (M-V-G-A-NE); diiptoo
(G); diiwtoo (M); diwtoo (M);
wippitoo (FJ); wiftoo (NE-G-A);
wiptoo (FT); wiwtoo (NE); wippoo
(FT); biftoo (NE).
diga (G-A-NE) depuis, partir de;
daga (G-NE-A).
diggol cf. donngol.
dii&a cf. jii&a.
diida dessiner, tracer; to draw (a
line), mark out, delineate.
dida (FJ).
diidere 1 diide (FJ) bassin d'eau,
a pool of water.
Iuggere 1 Iugge (N-V-M).
diidol / diidi ligne, trac, dessin;
line, drawing, sketch.
didoi 1 di di (FJ); ciifoi / ciifi
diimaajo / riimaay&e (G-A-N-
M-D-V-FT) homme libr, affran-
chi; freedman.
ndiimaajo / ndiimaae (FJ).
diina / diinaaji religion; religion.
diipta cf. dippita.
diiptoo cf. diftoo.
diisoo cf. dawra.
diiwta cf. dippita.
diiwtoo cf. diftoo.
dilaaru cf. doldolndu.
dilla partir, quitter; to go away,
dilla (FJ) bouger, remuer; to move.
dilla (FT-M) faire un bruit; to
make an audible sound, an
audible movement.
dimaro / rimar&e femme strile;
sterile woman.
dimmba cf. yinka.
dimmboo (G-A) trembler; to
diwna (FJ); sinnya (M); yinka
(M); yunka (M).
dimmboo (FJ) se balancer; to trip.
dimngal / dimle (G-NE) charge,
fardeau; load for pack-animal.
dinngal 1 dinle (NO); dunngal 1
dune (v); domngal / domle (FT);
donngal 1 donle (FJ); diiwngal /
diiwle (M).
dimo 1 rim&e homme libre;
dinnga cf. yinka.
dinngal cf. dimngal.
dippita (M-V-G-A-N) arracher,
retirer brusquement; to snatch.
wippita (FJ); diiwta (M); diwta
(M); diipta (G); difta (FT-M-A-
dippitoo cf. diftoo.
diwa sauter, franchir; to jump,
step accross.
diwa (M-FT) voler, s'envoler; to
diwna cf. dimmboo.
diwta cf. dippita.
diya (FT-M) tomber au fond des
eaux; to sink (in water).
diyya (NO-V).
diyya cf diya.
a cf doy)"a.
doHoo cf. doyyoo.
do'oo cf. du'oo.
doga (F]-FT-M) courz"r, prendre la
fuite; to run, run away.
dogga (M-N-G-D-V-A).
dogga cf. doga.
dogina cf. dogna.
dogna (FT) conduz"re (une auto); to
drz"ve (a car).
dogina (F]-M); naBa (F]); konnda
(F]); donna (FT); dorboo (v).
dogudu cf. caarol.
dokkal / dokke don, cadeau; gijt,
kokkal/ kokke (NE).
doldolnde cf. doldolndu.
doldolndu / doldoldi ( G) chacal,
jackal, fox.
ndonndu / dondi, do ni (F]); dol-
dolnde / doldolde (A); dilaaru 1
dilaaji (NE); suundu (NO); bor-
gaare / borgaaji (v); sayakiire /
sayakiije (NE); boyinnaaru /
boyinnaaji (F]); saafaandu 1 caa-
paali, saafaali (F]).
dolokke / dolokkaaji (F]) tunz"que,
robe, boubou; gown.
ngafale / ngafaleeji (NE); saaya 1
saayaaji (M-NO-V-F]); bolojan 1
bolojanji (F]).
domre cf. wabaare.
donal cf. ndonu.
donna cf. dogna.
donndotoodo / ronndotoolle
(N-V-G) porteur, portefaix;
porter, carrz"er.
ronndotoodo / ronndotooBe (F]);
portolo / portolooBe (F]); ndon-
ndoowo / ronndooBe (A); doo-
ndoowo / roondoooe (NE).
donngal cf. dimngal.
donngol / donngi ( G) toupet;
tuft of hair left in the middle,
coxcomb, crest.
dookawol / dookaaji (NE); dig-
gol / diggi (NO-V); tooBru /
tooBi (G-A); reerewol / reereeji
(NE); turuuru 1 turuuji (F]).
donsonke cf. pidpiddo.
donsotood'o cf. pidpiddo.
dontolJal / dontolJe (F]) coq,
cock, rooster.
dontoniri / dontone (F]); dontoo-
ri 1 dontooje (F]); ndontoori 1
ndontooji (M-V-NO); dontoori 1
dontooji (NO); dontooru 1 don-
tooji (M); ndontoori 1 dontooje
(v); njakaraari 1 jakaraaje (G-A-
M-NE); njakardi 1 jakarde (K).
dontolJiri cf. dontolJal.
dontoori cf. dontolJal.
dontooru cf. dontolJal.
donyol cf. loonyoodu.
doo cf. boo.
doodi cf. bu' e.
dookawol cf. donngol.
doole (G-A-N) obligation, de
rigueur, ncessairement; neces-
sarily, by force.
doole (F]-M) force, puissance,
strength, power.
dooma (M-NO-V) attendre; to
fadoo (F]-FT-M); cedoo (NE);
faddoo (NE); sabboo (F]); habboo
(F]); hedoo (V-N).
dooma (F]-FT) qumander, to
doombru cf. doomru.
doomburu cf. doomru.
doomru / doombi (FT-M-V-G-A)
souris, rat; mouse, rat.
doombru / doombi (G-A-FT-M);
doomburu 1 doombi (F]); ndoow-
ru 1 doombi (F]); doomuru 1
doomi (V-NO).
doomru-ladde cf. gaandu.
doomru-yaayre cf. gaandu.
doondoowo cf. donndotood'o.
dooya (G) farine de manioc;
kuroori (F]).
dooya (NE) igname; yam.
kappeere / kappeeje, kappe (F]);
happere / kappe ( G); kuure /
kuuje (M); kuu (M); dunnduure 1
dunnduuje (v); dunndu (v).
dorboo cf. dogna.
doro cf. giya.
dote cf. dubbe.
doti cf. dubbe.
dow sur, dessus, au-dessus, above,
up, up high.
dowoo cf. dutoo.
doyaya faire tomber, abattre; to
fell, throw (wrestling).
do"a (A).
doY'Y'oo tomber; to fall.
do"oo (A).
dubal cf. jigaawal.
dubbe (G-A-NE) fesses; buttocks.
rubbere / dubbe (v); foore /
pooe (NE); foowre / pooe (F]);
doti / dote (M); rotere 1 dote (FJ-
M-V); rubbere / dubbe (V-M-NE).
du&&ehi cf. du&&i.
du&&i / du&&e palmier rnier;
deleb palme
duehi / dueeje (F]).
dubbud'e (G) bouse de vache,
fumier; cattle-dung.
welaande / belaade (M-V-N);
jaanyeere 1 jaanyeeje, jaanye
(F]); rubbunde / dubbude (G).
dubilal cf. tuggere.
dubuure cf. ujunere.
duhiio cf. ndottiijo.
duhol cf. taadorgol.
dutoo (F]-M) bnir; to pray,
beseech, beg to God.
do'oo (G-A-FT); dowoo (FT).
dulbina cf. jaamna.
dullud'o cf. cooko.
dulluuru / dulluuji (N-V-G-A)
tourbillon, whirlwind, dust evil.
duluuru / duluuji (M); nduluuru 1
nduluuji (F]).
dunca cf. dunya.
dunndu cf. dooya.
dunnduure cf. dooya.
dunnduuru cf. mbaggu.
dunngal / dunnge (G-A) pine;
bullaI/bulle (F]); gi'al / gi'e
dunngal cf. dimngal.
dUlJoO (F]-V-NO-G-A) tre d'ac-
cord; to agree, be content.
dunya (F]-M-V-NO) pousser; to
dunca (M-NO); tuura (NE); tuta
dunya (F]) engendrer (animal); to
give birth to (animal).
duppa cf. wula.
duppa (N) griller, rtir, to grill,
sa'a (F]); juda (F]).
duppa (F]) s'essouffier, to breathe
dura patre, garder; to graze, tend
durdude 1 durdud'e (M-N-V-G-A)
pturage; pasturage, grazing
durirde / durirde (F]).
durma cf. ndammba.
durwa (M-N-V-G) lutter; to
duwra (v); duura (V-NO); cippira
(F]); sippira (FT-M).
durwo (M-N-V-G) lutte corps
corps,' wrestling.
cippiro (FJ).
dutal cf. jigaawal.
dute (FJ) th (du th!); tea.
ataaya (FJ); shaaya (FJ).
duu (G-A) aussi, galement; also,
duu cf. boo.
duudaandu / duudaali (NE-G)
flte; pipe (musical instrument).
sereendu / cereei (M-NO-V);
seeseeru (N); serdu / cerli, ceri
(FJ); tunniiru / tunniiji (FJ).
duudal (G-NE) son de la flte,
duutki (NE).
duujiire cf. duujiiru.
duujru / duujiiji (G) hibou;
foondu-sukaa&e / pooli-sukaa&e
(M); duujiire / duujiije (A);
1Jooyaare / 1Jooyaaje (NE); ngoo-
yaare / ngooyaaji (v); yuruyuk-
kuwal / yuruyukkuuje (FJ).
duulere cf. ruuldere.
duumtarku (G) enttement;
ndunndaru (M); cattal-hoore.
duuniyaaru (G) monde; world.
duuniya (G); adunaaru (G); aduna
duura cf. durwa.
duutki cf. duudal.
daalde / daale (G-A) contusion, dakkere cf. daccere.
meurtrissure; bruise, broken dakkudi / dakkude gencive;
weal. gums, gum.
daanoo s'endormir, dormir; to dala laisser, laisser seul; to leave,
sleep, go to sleep. leave alone.
daata (FJ-FT-M-V) tre mou, doux, ala (G); dacca (G-A); sela; acca.
fin; to be thin, soft,fine (texture). damajam cf. ceppam.
delma (NE); alma (NE). dannina endormir; to put to sleep.
da&&a (FJ-A) chercher, rechercher; dannina (FJ) teindre (feu); to
to fetch. extinguish (fire).
dabiita / dabiitaaji (G-A-M) nyifa.
nature; nature, characteristic. dappidaanal cf. dappudappu-
tabi'a (FJ-NE). ngal.
dacca (G-A) cf. dala. dappudappungal/ dappudap-
daccere / dacce (G-A-NE-M) pule (G-A) engoulevent; nightjar
gomme; grain of gum-arabic. (bird).
dakkere / dakke (v). dappidaanal / dappidaanaaje (v);
dadol / dadi racine, artre, tammbadufaaru / tammbadufaaji
tendon; root, nerve, sinew, (F]).
tendon. dataI / cfate (FJ-NE-G-A) route,
daha (FJ-FT) conqurir; to conquer. sentier; road, path, way.
daha (F]-FT). datol / dati (V-M); atal / ate (G);
d'ahe (G-A) venin; snake poison. ballaua1 / ballaue (F]); laawol /
tooke. laabi.
date-cele (FJ) chemins qui se
croisent, carrefour; crossing-
roads, cross.
datol cf. dataI.
dayre cf. mbaccaaku.
dedda appuyer, trangler; to press,
choke, throttle.
delka tre luisant, luire; to be
shiny, to shine.
delma (M-G-A-NE) tre fin, mou,
doux; to be thin, soft, fine
cfewla (FJ); cfelwa (NE).
delwa cf. delma.
demngal / demde langue;
tongue, language, dialecte
cfenngal / cfencfe.
denngal cf. demngal.
deretol cf. derewol.
derewol / dereeji (M-V-N-G-A)
papier, lettre; paper, letter.
cfereewol/ cfereeji (S-A); cfere'ol /
cfereeji (v); cferol / cfereeji (v);
kaydi / kaydiiji (FJ); kaydi / kay-
taaji (FJ).
derol cf. derewol.
derol / deri page (de livre); page
(of a book).
dewla cf. delma.
dibba (FJ) appuyer sur; to press on.
dida& deuxime, second.
didi deux; t'Wo.
dido deux (personnes); two
dihila cf. disla.
dla cf. disla.
diilde cf. dislaango.
diinya (FT) poser, dposer,' to put
disa (FT-V-N-G-A) enfoncer une
chose dans une autre, to stick in,
disde (G-A-NE) pinces; forceps,
cfistircfe (NE).
disla (G-A) ternuer; to sneeze.
cfiila (V-NO-M); isla (FT); iila (FJ-
M-NO-V); illa (M); cfihila (NE).
dislaango (G-A) ternuement,
(sound of) sneemng.
cfihilol/ cfihile (NE); dihilere / di-
hile (NE); cfiilde / cfiile (M-V);
dslere / disle (G-A); iilaango
dislere cf. dislaango.
distirde cf. disde.
dofta (G-A-NE) accompagner; to
escort, accompany.
cfopta (G-N); dowta (FJ-M-NO-V).
dojja tousser; to cough.
dojjuru toux; cough, coughing.
domda avoir soif; to be thirsty.
domdita tre dsaltr ,. to quench,
/ose one's thirst.
domka soif; thirst.
don l, there (in the place
referred to).
donda cf. domda.
dondita cf. domdita.
donka cf. domka.
doto i c i ~ here.
doo cf. doto.
doode (FJ) ici-mme, en ce lieu-ci;
cfoocfen (FJ).
dooden cf. doode.
doo he (FT-GAMB.) avant que;
fadde (M-V-NO); cfoo e (FJ); doo
yo (FJ); ko (NE); doo ko (G); bako
(G); hiddeeko (A); deeko (V);
hadcCe (FT-M); hade (FT); haade
(GAMB.); haa nde (FJ).
aooko, aoo ko Cf. aoo he.
aooki cf. aowdi.
aooko (FJ) borgne, one eyed
aopta cf. aofta.
aow cf. e.
aowa conduire, mener, to lead,
aowdi / aowai ombre; shadow,
cCowdi / cCowle (FJ); cCowki (M-V);
cCooki (v).
aowirgol cf. aowrugol.
aowki cf. aowdi.
aowrugol / aowruai licol, lead-
cCowirgol / cCowircCi (FJ).
aowta cf. aofta.
aoyngol / aoyai (G) sommeil;
cCoyngol / cCoyli (FJ-NE-M); naw-
mu /nawmuuji (FJ).
auaaina (G-A-NE-FJ) multiplier,
augmenter, rendre nombreux, ac-
crotre; to multiply, make
auuaa abonder, to be many:
auuaaum cf. fota fota.
auuaina cf. auaaina.
auyta cf. &usta.
ndaa (G-A-V) voici, voil; here is,
here are, there is, there are.
raa (G-NE); na nii (V-M); hino
ndaara cf. raara.
ndaarorgol cf. daarorgal.
ndaarta (FJ) rviser; to review.
ndaartoo se regarder; to look at
raartoo (NE).
ndaaruwa cf. mbana.
ndagawal cf. kural.
ndaha cf. dawa.
ndakam / ndakamji (G-M-V-FJ-
FT) got, saveur, douceur; sweet,
taste, flavour.
dakamme (FJ).
ndakiire cf. mbabba.
ndakiiwa cf. mbabba.
ndakiya cf. mbabba.
ndalgeeru cf. gennderu.
ndammba (G) rhume; cold
durma (V-M-FJ); mura (M-NE).
ndamndi / damd'i bouc, he-goat.
siikuliiri / siikuliiji (FJ); ngaari-
mbeewa / ga'i be'i.
ndaneericataracte; cataract( eye).
ndanka (FJ)fond d'un cours d'eau;
the shallow of a stream.
ndaw / dabbi (G-A) autruche;
ndawwa / dabbi (G-A); ndawwal
(FJ); ndaw (FJ).
ndawa cf. dawa.
ndawwal cf. ndaw.
nde quand, lorsque, fois, when,
ndeenka protection, protection.
ndeenon cf. ndeye.
ndeera-belaacCe cf. uppoodu.
nde goo (A-NE-M-V) peut-tre,
parfois; perhaps, sometimes.
nde got 0 & nde gom cf. nyalnde
nden alors; then, at that time.
nder dans, parmi; in, among.
ley (M-V).
nder dedans; imide.
ndey cf. ndeye.
ndeye? (G-A-V-NE) quand?; when
mannde? (M); ndeenon? (v);
honnde? (FJ); honnde tuma?
(FJ); honnde saa'i? (FJ); ndey?
ndigga cf. ndikka.
ndiimaajo cf. diimaajo.
ndikka (G-A-NE-FJ) il vaut mieux,
mieux vaut; it would be better.
ndigga (G); igga (G); ikka (NE).
ndikka (FJ) aller mieux; to be
better, recover.
ndikka cf. hoyra.
ndikkina cf. yamaitina.
ndiyam eau; water.
ndiyam / di'e (FJ);
ndiyam cf. ceppam.
ndobu / do&i (G) lopard;
colu / coli (V-M); nyaatooru /
nyaatooji (M).
ndonndi cf. ndonu.
ndonndu cf. doldolndu.
ndontoori cf. dontogal.
ndonu hritage,' inheritance.
ndonu (FJ); ndonndi (FJ); donai
(FJ); ndonateeri (FJ).
ndookal petite quantit de cendres "
a little quantity of ashes.
tooka (NE).
ndoondi cendres; ashes.
ndoondoowo cf. donndotooao.
ndottiijo / ndotti'en (G-A-NE-V)
viez1lard,' old man, greybeard.
ndottiijo / ndottii&e (M-NO)
adulte, homme mr; adult, man.
duhiicfo / duhiie (FJ); mokobaa /
mokobaae (FJ).
ndoowru cf. doomru.
ndudumri (G-NE) suie; soot.
wemmbooki (FJ); yumndi, yun-
ndi (FJ-FT-M-V).
nduluuru cf. dulluuru.
ndumsa / dumsi (FJ-G-A) cobba,'
ndunndaru cf. duumtarku.
ndunngu / duu&i saison des
pluies, anne; rainy season, year
(in reckoning time).
ndunngu / duui (FJ); nunngu /
duui (v).
ndunngu / ndunnguuji (FJ)
saison des pluies; rainy season.
ndunngu / duui.
nduulaldi / duulalae (FT)
lzard; lizard.
pallaandi / pallaacfe (NE); faI-
laandu / pallaacfe (M); fallaandu /
pallaacfi (v); pallardi / pallarcfe
(FJ); palla (FJ); pallaandu / pal-
laacfi (v); palaandi / paIaacfe (M);
pallangol / pallaacfe (NO).
nduutuhi cf. nareehi.
fa cf. faa.
faa jusqu'; until.
fa (M-S); haa (F]-FT-NE-G); sey
(G-NE); naa (NE).
faabru cf. faal)ru.
faal)ru! paal)i (G-A-NE) crapaud;
faabru ! paabi (F]); faambru 1
paabi (M); faawru ! paai (v);
totiiru / totiiji (F]).
faal)ru / paal)i (G-A-NE) cadenas;
bogoroore ! bogorooje (F]).
faada tre troit; to be narrow.
faada (F]) tre ou devenir sourd;
to be or become deaf.
faale / faaleeji (F]) dsir, vu,
amour; desire, intention, love.
faalee (G) s'inquiter; to care, be
faalee (F]) dsirer, vouloir, aimer;
to like, desire.
faama comprendre ,. to understand.
fahma (F]).
faambru cf. faal)ru.
faamngo / paamde (G) berge;
bank (river).
faamu ! faamuuji (F]) compr-
hension ,. understanding.
fahmu ! fahmuuji (F]).
faande cf. fayannde.
faandu / paali courge, gourde J'
gourd, especially small bottle
gourd or other container for
carrying water.
faandu cf. gummbal.
faatoo (F]) mourir, trpasser; to die.
faatuuru ! paatuuji (G-A) chat J'
faatuuru cf. ulluundu.
faawru cf. faal)ru.
faawru cf. beembal.
faaya cf. falja.
faayere 1 paaye (FT) erreur "
boopal / goopi (F]); faljere! palje
fa&&i-jaango cf. fa&&i-janngo.
fa&&i-janngo (FT-M-G-A) aprs-
demain; the day after to-morrow.
fai-jaango (M-V-NO); faddi-
janngo (FJ); gada-jaango (NE).
fa&&iti-janngo (FT-M-G-A) dans
trois jours; in three days.
faiti-jaango (M-V-NO); fadditi-
janngo (FJ); gadta-jaango (NE).
fa&&ititi-janngo (FT-M-G-A) dans
quatre jours; in four days.
faititi-jaango (M-V-NO); fad-
dititi-janngo (FJ); gadtata-jaango
fad'a tre frustr, ne pas avoir; to
be frustrated, deprived of.
fad'd'a ( G-NE) abattre; to kill (non-
fad'd'a (G-A-M-NE) chausser; to
put shoes on.
corna pade (v); watta pade (FJ).
fadde cf. d'oo he.
fadde (V-M-NO) avant que; before.
fade (M); ko (NE-S-K); ado (FJ).
fad'd'ee (FJ) tre dans le coma,
agoniser; to be in coma, to
fad'd'i-janngo cf. fa&&i-janngo.
fad'd'iti-janngo cf. fa&&iti-jan-
fad'd'ititi-janngo cf. fa&&ititi-
fad'd'oo (G-A-M-NE) se chausser; to
put shoes on oneself.
ornoo pade (v); wattoo pade
fad'd'oo (M-V-N) jeter X X; to
throw X to X.
feroo (FJ); fampoo (FJ); bugoo
fad'd'oo cf. dooma.
fade cf. fadde.
fadoo cf. dooma.
fad'o / pad'e (M-V-NE-G-A) chaus-
sure, soulier; shoe.
padal / pade (FJ).
fah- sourd,' deaf.
paho (FJ); muumo (FJ); mugaajo 1
mugaae (v).
fahannde cf. fotiire.
fahma cf. faama.
fahmu cf. faamu.
fajiri cf. bimmbi & &alte.
fajri cf. bimmbi & &alte.
fakko / fakkooji (FJ) gueule;
mouth (animais).
sekko / sekkooji (FJ).
falja (G-A-FJ) se tromper, rater; to
make a mistake, to erre
farka (NE); faaya (FJ); woofa (M-
V-NE); woopa (FJ); woorta (FJ).
faljere cf. faayere.
fallaandu cf. nduulaldi.
falmaango cf. felmaango.
falta cf. haara.
faltoo (V-NO-M) passer, dpasser,'
to pass by, go beyond.
fam- cf. pam.
famar petit; small.
famd'a tre petit,' to be small.
fampoo cf. fad'd'oo.
fand'a cf. famd'a.
fanka (FJ) se taire; to be silent.
fankina cf. jed'd'ina.
fannu 1 fannuuji (FJ) art, art.
farka cf. falja.
farnyitere cf. felmaango.
faro cf. haro.
fasa (FT) bouillir,' to boil.
fata (FJ-V-G-N).
fasara cf. fasira.
fasira (G) traduire, commenter; to
translate, comment.
fassira (FJ); fasara (NE); wayla (FJ);
tafsiira (FJ-FT); tafsira (FJ-FT).
fassira cf. fasira.
fata cf. fasa.
fati cf. wota.
fay cf. koo.
fayannde / payane (V-G-A-FJ)
canari; cooking-pot.
fayannde / payane (FJ); faande /
paade (v); faannde / paande (v);
gaheere / gaheeje (NE).
feH a cf. feY'Y'a.
feHita cf. feY'Y'itoo.
fecca diviser, partager en deux; to
divide in two, to split.
fetta (M).
fecca cf. feY'Y'a.
feccere / pecce section, demi,
partie; half, broken piece, sec-
reeta (G-A); saare (NE).
feccoo se diviser, se partager en
deux; to break in two, to split, to
divide in two.
fecco / pecce partie, quartier,
tranche; part, section, segment
(especially of kola nut).
fea attacher, boutonner; to fasten,
feaango cf. feeendu.
fea dmanger ,. to be severe,
feere cf. nyaanyaare.
feeendu / peeeli (G-A) ongle,
griffe; finger-nail, claw.
fedeengo / pedeeli (NE); fedaa-
ngo / pedaali (F]); takkere /
takke (FJ).
feoo (M-V-N-G-A) s'attacher; to
cling to.
feere part; apart, separately.
feere diffrent; different.
feere (FJ-M) moyen; means.
feere / pehe (FJ) grand vase en
terre cuite utilis en particulier
dans la teinturerie ,. big pot made
of earthenware used for dyeing.
feeteewo cf. mbeu.
feetere / peete ( G) tincelle ,.
fettere / pette (FJ-M-V); fe'etere /
pe'ete (NE).
etere cf. feetere.
feetuo cf. paataao.
feewa (F]) tre droit; to be straight.
feewa (V-N-G-A-M) avoir froid,
faire froid; to be cold.
feewna (V-N-G-A-M) faire froid;
to make cold, cool down.
feewna (FJ-NE) laver un mort; to
wash a body (died).
(ko) feewi cf. mawri.
feewta (G-A-NE-V-M) faire trs
froid; to cool down.
feewta (F]-M-N-V) tre en face de,
face face avec; to be in front of,
eyes in eyes with.
feggere / pegge (G-A) bague; ring
(finger, toe).
hurunndaare / kurunndaaje (FJ).
feggoo cf. fergoo.
feho / pehe couvercle; /id of pot.
ita cf. feY'Y'ita.
fela (F]) reprocher quelque chose
quelqu'un; to reproach somebody
with something.
fella (FJ-FT-M-V) tirer (fusil); to
fellere cf. nokku.
fello cf. hooseere.
felmaango / pelmaali (G-A)
foudre; thunder-clap, thunder.
felnyaango / felnyaali (v); fal-
maango / palmaale (NE); farnyi-
tere / parnyite, pamyitte (F]).
femmba raser; to shave.
femmbirki cf. la&arki.
femmboo se faire raser; to get
oneself shaved.
femmborki cf. la&arki.
fempa (F]) dresser, clouer au sol;
to set in the ground.
feua (F]).
fena cf. fewa.
fega cf. fempa.
fenaande cf. fewre.
fenndirde / penndird'e calebasse
pour cailler le lait " calabash milk.
fera migrer, fuir; to migrate,
emigrate, move elsewhere, flee.
feraare cf. habeere.
fergoo trbucher; to stumble.
feggoo (F]); teppitoo (FT-M);
fergitoo cf. fergoo.
feroo (F]-NE) lancer; to throw
bugoo (F]); fampoo (F]).
fesa cf. y-ara.
fesa (F]) pleurer " to sweep, cry.
fesood'e cf. y-arood'e.
fetta cf. fusa.
fetta cf. fecca.
fettere cf. feetere.
fewa (V-G-A-NE) mentir; to tell a
fena (F]-FT-M-V-NO).
fewa (F]) engendrer; to give birth
fewndaare cf. cukaaku.
fewre / pewje (G-A-NE) mensonge "
fewre / pene (v); fenaande / pene
(M); fenaande / penaale (F]).
fewa (G) prter; to lend, ad vance
(money, food and other immov-
able things).
fewa (M-G-NE) fendre; to chop,
slash, eut (up wood).
fe"a (A); fecca (F]-M-V-N).
fewa cf. &eltoo.
feyyaina (F]) faire passer, mourir,
trpasser; to die.
fey-y-irde / pey-y-ird'e (G-A-NE-M-
v) hache; axe.
jammbere 1 jammbe (M-V-NE);
jammbeere / jammbeeje (F]);
teenirde / teenirde (F]-V).
fey-y-ita cf. fewitoo.
fey-y-itoo (V-G-NO) traverser,' to
fe"ita (A); feY'Y'ita (F]).
fewitoo (F]) rattraper et dpasser "
to overtake and go beyond
fewoo (G) emprunter; to borrow
(money, food).
fey-y-itoo(F])rattraper et dpasser;
to overtake and go beyond
fi&a nouer; to knot.
fi&ta dnouer; to untie (something).
firta (F]).
fid'a tirer, atteindre; to shoot and
fid'annde 1 fid'and'e (G-A) pouls,
piqre d'insecte; pulse, sting (by
piwre / piwle (F]).
fii cf. ngam.
fiifaaru cf. garwa.
fii hond'um? cf. ngam d'ume?
fiila (FT-M) enturbanner; to put on
a turban.
fiila (F]) entourer; to surround.
fiiloo (FT-M) s'enturbanner; to put
on a turban.
fiiloo cf. filitoo.
fiilka (M-FT) se couronner d'un
turban; to put a turban on.
fiilkoo (M-FT) se ceindre, se cou-
ronner d'un turban; to put on a
turban (on oneself).
fiiltoo cf. filitoo.
fiira (M-V-NO-G-A) voler, s'en-
voler; to fty.
wiira (FJ).
fiisa (G) balayer; to sweep.
wuuwa (V-NE-M); fitta (FJ-FT-M);
wuura (FJ).
fijajouer; to play.
fijirde 1 pijird'e jeu, amusement,
place publique o l'on danse et
chante; common place where
people play, playground, game.
fijirde 1 fijire (FJ).
fijo (FJ) circoncision; circumcision.
fila (FJ-M-V) vrouiller (porte); to
lock (door).
filitoo (G-V-M) entourer; to sur-
fiiltoo (NE); fiiloo (FJ).
filla cf. taarihi.
0000 (FJ) rpter, redire, to
narrate, to repeat a story.
filooti 1 filootiiji (FJ) verrou,
instrument pour vrouiller une
porte; tool used to lock a door.
filta (FJ-M-V) dvrouiller (porte);
to open (door).
fina se rveiller; to wake up.
fina cf. pinaari.
finaa tawaa (FJ) us et coutumes,
tradition; customs and tradition.
naamu (FJ-NE).
finaari cf. pinaari.
finndina rveiller; to waken, wake
up (in the morning).
fintina (G).
finordu 1 pinord'i (G-A-NE) pot de
kohl; pot for antimony.
fintina cf. finndina.
firsi cf. &alinordu.
firsina cf. &alina.
firta cf. fi&ta.
fitila cf. pittilla.
fitina 1 fitinaaji discorde, querelle,
meute; dispute, quarrel, distur-
bance, trouble, upheaval.
fitta cf. fiisa.
fitta (M-NO-V) sauter; to jump.
fitta (FJ-FT-M) balayer, essuyer,
nettoyer; to sweep, wipe, clean.
fiwliijo cf. banngaaro.
fiya battre; to hit, strike, beat.
piya (FJ).
fiyannde 1 piyand'e (G-NE-A-V)
coude; eubit (measure).
fiyannde 1 piyale (NE); sogonall
sogone (FJ).
fo&&a (FT-M) battre des mains; to
clap one' s hands.
hella (M-N-V); kella (FJ).
fodde (FJ-M-V-G-A) en proportion
de ,. in proportion to.
fof cf. fuu.
fofa (FJ) essuyer, polir, frotter; to
rub, polish.
foftere cf. foo&tiinde.
foh cf. fuu.
fohonda cf. fonnda.
fok.kita (FJ-FT) partir, dmarrer,
to go away, to start.
follere 1 polle oseille de Guine ,.
red sorrel (hibiscus sabdariffa).
fommbina cf. &aleeri.
fonnda (FJ-FT-M-V) mesurer,
prendre des mesures pour la
confection d'un /zabit neuf; to
test, to measure, check, examine.
foonda (G-A); fohonda (NE).
fontaango cf. poofngol.
foo (N-M) salut!; hello! greetings!
foofoo! (V-N-M).
foo&re cf. dubbe.
foo&ta cf. foofta.
foo&tiinde 1 poo&tiid'e (M-G-V-
NE) vacance; holiday.
fowtere, foftere (FJ-V).
foocfa (FT-M-V-N-G-A) tirer; to
poocfa (FJ-NE).
foocfa (G-A-V-N) fumer (tabac,
cigarette); to smoke (tobacco,
yara cuurki (FJ-NE).
foofa respirer; to breathe.
foofa (FJ) tre ou devenir faible,
to be or become weak.
fooficfa (FJ); Io'a (FJ).
foofaango cf. poofngol.
foofere (FJ) faiblesse; weakness.
Io'ere (FJ); Ioore (FJ).
fooficfa cf. foofa.
foofoo cf. foo.
foofta (G-A-NE-M) avoir du repos,
se reposer, to rest.
fooftoo (FJ-NO); foowtoo (FJ-NO);
fowtoo (FJ-NO); foota (G-A);
foowta, (M-V-NO).
fooftoo cf. foofta.
foo maa & foo maacfa cf. aku.
foombina cf. &aleeri.
foonda cf. fonnda.
foondu / pooli colombe, tourte-
relle; dove, pigeon.
foondu / pooli (M-V-FT) oiseau;
sonndu / colli (FJ-NE).
foondu-sukaa&e cf. duujiiru.
foosa (FJ) tre tide (eau); to be
tepid (water).
foowa (M-V-NO-G-A) chauffer; to
be hot, warm.
wulna (FJ-M-V-NE).
foowina cf. foowna.
foowna (v-G) chauffer, to make
hot, heat up.
foowina (v-G).
foowre cf. dubbe.
foowta cf. foofta.
foowtoo cf. foofta.
fooya (FJ) tre malade; to be ill.
fop cf. fuu.
foppa (FJ-FT) frotter; to rub.
mooyta (V-NE); fofa (FJ).
foppa (FJ) enduire, badigeonner,
frictionner d'une pommade ou
d'un corps gras; to smear with,
rub with grease.
sowna (FJ).
foppoo (FJ) toucher, mettre la
main sur; to touch.
for&oo cf. wor&a.
forgoohi cf. bantahi.
forokiya cf. jabbaare.
foroku cf. jabbaare.
foroore cf. yookoode.
fota galer, s'assor!'ir; to be equal,
adequate, to match.
fota fota (FJ) trs, beaucoup; very,
very much, very weIl, quite weIl.
fota wanaa seecfa (FJ); cfuucfcfum
(NE); sanne sanne.
fota convenir; to be right, appro-
fota (FJ) tre beau, charmant, to be
fine, beautiful.
(na)foti (FJ-NO-M-V) combien, how
much, how many.
fotiire / potiije (M-K-NE) marmite
en terre; cooking pot.
fahannde / pahancfe (v); fayan-
nde 1 payancfe, payane (FJ);
gaheere 1 gaheeje (NE).
fotta e rencontrer, croiser, tre
d'accord avec; to meet with,
agree with.
fow cf. fuu.
fowtere cf. foo&tiinde.
fowtoo cf. foofta.
foygita cf. hoyfa.
fubboo (FJ) nager; to swim.
yinna (M); yiinoo (v); yinoo (FJ).
fucfa pousser ,. to sprout.
fua commencer " to begin.
fuam cf. asti.
fuari cf. asti.
fuoo (FJ-FT-M-NE) commencer,'
to start, begin.
fuoode / puoole dbut,
commencement " beginning.
fuudi cf. asti.
fungo cf. aawre.
fuo cf. huo.
fuh cf. fuu.
fukkoo (FJ) tomber,' to fall.
fukkoo (M-V-NO-K) se coucher,
s'allonger " to lie down.
waaloo fukkoo (FJ).
funngo cf. aawre.
fulde cf. fulfulde.
fulfulde langue peuple " Fulani
pular (FT-FJ-GAMB.); pulal (FJ);
. fulde (FJ); pulpule (FJ).
fummagge cf. funnaange.
funnaange (FJ-Fr-M-NE-V) levant,
orient, est " east.
fuunaange (G-A); fu'naange (NE);
fuuna (NE-G); funna (NE); fum-
magge (n); fudnaange (FT-FJ-M-
NE-V); lettugal (NO-V); dewal
fur gris; grey, dust-coloured, dune
fura tre gris, poussireux, se d-
teindre; to be grey, dust-coloured.
purda (NE); pula (FJ).
furee cf. gaawaare.
fusa clater; to burst.
pus a (NE); fetta (FJ).
futte (FJ-M-N-V) dot,' dowry.
futtere / putte (G-A-V) empoule
(du pied); blister.
fuyre / puye (FJ-M-V-NE).
futuroo cf. mangariba.
fuu entirement, tout fait ,.
fuh (G-A); fof (M); fow (FJ-FT);
fop (FJ); foh (NE).
fuu da cf. boo.
fuufa cf. wutta.
fuuftaango cf. poofngol.
fuufuure / fuufuuje (G-NE)
poumon " lung.
fuufuure / fuufiije (G-NE); jope
fuuna cf. funnaange .
fuunaange cf. funnaange.
fuutoo (FJ) s'chapper, s'esquiver;
to slip free, escape.
fuuya (FJ) ne rien faire, tre
paresseux; to be lazy, to do
fuuyo cf. paataao.
fuyre / puye bouton, pustule,'
pimple, spot.
fuyre cf. futtere.
gaandu / gaadi (G) rat J' rat.
gusuuru / gusuuji (M); sulu-
meeru / sulumeeji (FJ); ngujooru
/ ngujooji (FJ); gafiyaaru / ga-
fiyaaji (NE); doomru-yaayre (NO-
v); doomru-ladde (v).
gaarawol / gaaraaji fil, fila-
ment; thread.
gaaruwol / gaaruuji (G-NE)
muraille d'une ville J' town wall.
gaawaare / gaawaaje (G-NE)
cadavre; corpse.
furee / fureeji (FJ); teewu-neddo
gabaare cf. wabaare.
gabaywol / gabayji (G-A)
chanvre du Deccan J' lndian hemp
(hibiscus cannabinus).
bara11awal / bara11aaje (FJ).
gabbii cf. ngabbu.
gabuure cf. cillaI.
gacce (G) doute J' doubt.
gacce (G-A-FJ-v)faute, tort; wrong.
gaccol cf. laasol.
gada au-del de; beyond, on the
other side of.
gacCa cf. &aawo.
gacCaal cf. cakitiingal.
gada-jaango cf. fa&&i-janngo.
gadin cf. boo & kadin.
gacCta-jaango cf. fa&&iti-jan-
gadtata-jaango cf. fa & &ititi-
gaduuru / gaduuji (G-NE-A)
cochon; pig.
alade / aladeeji (NE); ngirow /
girowuuji (v); kosewii / koseeji
gaduwa / gaduuji (G-NE)
sanglier; wild pig.
buawii / buaaji (FJ).
gafiyaaru cf. gaandu.
gaheere cf. fayannde.
galaawo / galaaje (G-A) pot
eau,' water-pot.
tinndoore / tinndooje (FJ).
galle cf. llaade.
galluure cf. birniwol & gelle.
galmaare cf. horde.
gam cf. ngam.
gama cf. ngam.
gaman cf. ngam.
gamol J gami (F] -G) danse;
dance, dancing.
bornoIJ borni (NO-M).
gangaare cf. hulleere.
ganndal J gannde (F]) connais-
sance livresque, connaissance
thorique; book kno'lOledge, theo-
retical kno'lOledge.
ganndal cf. wabaare.
ganngawal cf. mbaggu.
ganngiwol cf. damsaaliha.
gannji cf. damsaaliha.
ganyo J waylle (NO-G-V) ennemi,'
ganyo J wanyooe (G-NE); ganyo /
waywaye (A); ganyo 1 aye
gara cf. baabaho.
garbina (M-V-N) mendier, solli-
citer, prier, demander,' to beg,
toroo (F]-FT-G-A-NE); nyaagoo
(F]-FT-V-M-NO ).
garguleeti cf. mbulku.
garmawo J garmaaje (G) houe,'
ridging hoe.
keri J keriije (F]); jalo 1 jale
garwa / garwaaji (G-NE) touque,'
petrol tin.
fiifaaru 1 fiifaaji (F]); tukkuru 1
tukkuuji (v); konkooru / konkooji
(v); ankorooru / ankorooji (v);
gonngooru / gonngooji (M).
gasa (FJ-FT) finir,' to be finished,
to end, finish.
(no) gasa cf. ana m0Y'Y'a.
gasii (FJ-FT) c'est fini, c'est bien,
tant mieux; it' s finished, it' s
good, so much the better.
gasii cf. boocfcfum.
gasirgal / wasircfe ( G-A-NE)
pioche; digging-stick, CTo'lObar.
wasirde / wasirde (v); asirde /
asircfe (FJ); asirgal/ asirde (M).
gatal cf. daago.
gawjal cf. yommbal.
gawri mil,' corn.
ngawri (F]).
gayna (FJ-FT-V) finir, achever,
russir; to finish, end, to be in
gasina; gasna.
gaynaako / waynaalle (G-A-NE)
berger, pasteur,' herdsman, shep-
ngaynaako (FJ); aynoowo 1 aynoo-
e (FJ).
gellal cf. gecfal.
gecfal/ gecfe (G-A-N) part,' share,
ngecfu (FJ-M-V); geal/ gee (FJ).
gecfal / yecfe (FJ) cadeau, offre,'
gift, offer.
gecfal / gecfaille (F]) enfant,'
geegeeru cf. googeeru.
geegerewal cf. somre.
geenal/ geecfe (F]) herbe, hautes
herbes,' grass, 'lOeeds.
geenal / geene (F]); geene (G-A);
seeno (NO-V-M); geenoi / geene
geene cf. geenal.
geenol / geeni (G-A-NE) herbe,
une herbe,' piece of grasse
kudol/ kucfi (FJ).
geenol cf. geenal.
geeroori (N-K) mil htif,' millet
(pennisetum ).
kooru / konkooji (v); pootiiru /
pootiiji (F]-M); akotiiru / akotiiji
(G-A-NE); akwaatiiru / akwaatiiji
gonidal cf. gondai.
gonuJo / goni'en (G-A-NE)
expert,' expert.
goniijo / goniille (v).
gonngola cf. gonngolawal.
gonngolawal / gonngolaaje (G)
nervure centrale de palmier-
raphia; midrib of raffia-palm.
gongola / gongolaaji (A).
gonngooru cf. garwa.
go'o un, une; one.
googeeru / googeeji (G-A-N-F]-
M) violon; violine
ueeueeru / ueeueeji (F]); gog-
gooru / goggooji (F]); woogeeru /
googeeji (F]); geegeeru / geegeeji
googol cf. goggo.
goonga / goongaaji vrit,' truth.
goongol cf. boyngol.
gooro cf. gooroore.
gooroore / goorooje (G-A-M-N-
v) cola; kola-nut.
gooro (G-A); goroore / gorooje
(F]); goro (F]).
gooruwol cf. caangol.
goram (FT-M-N-V-G-A) mon mari,'
my husband.
goro / worlle (G); joom am &
moodibbo am & moodi am (F]).
goreejo cf. giyiraao.
gorel / goroy garon,' boy.
gorel / ngoroy (N); paykum f
paykoy (F]); paykum / faylle (F]).
billo (F]).
gorgal (NO-V-M) ouest,' west.
hiirnaange (F]-FT-M-NE); hiirna
(NE-G); yannaange (N); yano (N);
yanmagge, yammagge (D).
gorgol cf. goggo.
gorio f goriraa&e (NO-V) mari,'
gorko 1 wor&e homme, mari,'
man, husband.
gorko am cf. goram.
gormbe cf. wuu&ere.
goro cf. goram.
goro cf. gooroore.
goroore cf. gooroore.
gortogal cf. gertogal.
gu&e cf. wuu&ere.
gujjo 1 wuy&e voleur,' thief.
gullaao f wullii&e (G-A) deman-
deur; complainant, plaintiff.
wullitiido / wullitiille (F]).
gummbal 1 gummbe (G-A-V)
gourde,' gourd.
boliiru / boliiji (M); jollooru 1
jollooji (F]-N); faandu 1 paali.
gunndoo cf. xaybu.
gunya cf. nyaancu.
gurii cf. nguru.
gurtol cf. jurol.
gusuuru cf. gaandu.
guugawalf guugaaje (G) seau,
hucket for drawing water.
cawgal / cawle (M-V); cahugalf
cahude (NE).
guufe cf. puufam.
guugaao cf. nyaamtar.
guurtol cf. jurol.
guuruwol / guuruuji (G-A)
ceinture de cuir,' leather girdle.
baakanwol 1 baakanji (F]); kiiri-
wol/ kiiriiji (NE); baggol / baggi
ngaandi cervelle, cerveau; brain,
ngaari / gati taureau; bull.
ngabbu / gabbi (FT-M-V-N-G-A)
hippopotame ,. hippopotamus.
gabbii / gabbi (FJ).
ngabbuwol (G-A) cravache en
peau d'hippopotame; hippopo-
tamus-hide whip.
buulawol / buulaaji (NE).
ngadu cf. alhanzirwa.
ngafakka / ngafakkaaji (G-A-M)
sacoche; satchel.
jikaare / jikaaje (NE).
ngafale / ngafaleeji (G-A-NE)
tunique, boubou ,. goron.
toggoore / toggooje (N); ngafale-
wolf ngafaleeji (G-A-NE); dolokke
1 dolokkaaji (FJ-FT-M); bolojan 1
bolojanji (FJ); saaya / saayaaji
(FJ-M-NO); saayo / saayooji (FJ-
M-NO); ngapale / ngapaleeji
(G-A); ngapalewol 1 ngapaleeji
ngalbiire / ngalbiije (G) sorte de
fruits (vitex cienkowskii); fruit of
black plum tree (vitex cien-
ngam (G-A-NO) parce que, cause
de ,. because, because of, for the
sake of.
gam & gama & gaman & ga (NE);
saabi (M); sabu (FJ-NO); fii (FJ).
ngam cfume? (G-A-N) pourquoi? ,.
fii hondum? (FJ); ko saabi? (M);
kojey? (NE).
ngam maajum (G-A) donc, par
ngam majjum (NO); ngam ma'a-
jum (NE); saabi majjum (M); ko
fii dum si (FJ); ko dum si (FJ); ko
dum wadi si (FJ).
ngapale cf. ngafale.
ngapalewol cf. ngafale.
ngara cf. baabaho.
ngaari-mbeewa cf. ndamndi.
ngaru cf. mawri.
ngaska / gasd'e (G-A-NE-FT) trou,
ngayka / gayde (FJ-M-V-NO).
ngawlu cf. tiingaade.
ngawri cf. gawri.
ngayka cf. ngaska.
ngayna cf. ngaynaaka.
ngaynaaka (G-A-NE-V) garde de
troupeau, herding.
ngaynaaku (FJ); durngol (FJ-M-
N); ngayna (FJ).
ngaynaako cf. gaynaako.
ngaynaaku cf. ngaynaaka.
nged'u cf. ged'al.
ngeelooba / geelood'i (G-A-M-
NO) chameau; camel.
ngelooba / geloodi (FJ); njooloo-
ba / jooloodi (v).
ngeenaari (G-A-M-FJ) rcompense,
reward, recompense.
njeenaari (v).
ngeendam cf. nguurndam.
ngeendam (A) patrie; fatherland.
ngeendi (NE); leydi-baaba.
ngeewta / ngeewtaaji (G-NE-M)
entretien, conversation, chat.
yewtere f yewtereeji (FJ-M-V-NO).
ngel-daande (G-A-V) amygdale,
inngel-daande / ikkon-daande
ngelooba cf. ngeelooba.
ngenndi (M-FJ) ville ternelle,
village ternel, town of ever-
ngenndi f gelle (M) village,
agglomration, town, village.
ngesa / gese (FJ-FT-M-V) champ,
ngru cf. jiire.
ngilgu / gilyi (G) chenille, ver,
worm, caterpillar, maggot.
ngilngu / gildi (G-M-NO-V); ngil-
nga / gildi (NE); gilngii f gildi
ngilnga cf. ngilgu.
ngilngu cf. ngilgu.
nginiijo / ngini' en (G-A)
orphelin, orphan.
maraayaajo f maraaya'en (NE);
atiimeejo / atiimeee (M); alya-
tiimaajo f alyatiimaae (FJ); yatii-
maajo 1 yatiimaae (FJ); ii-
atiimu (v).
nginnaaku (M-NO-G) folie, d-
mence ,. madness.
jinnaaku (FJ).
ngirow cf. alhanzirwa & ga-
ngooyaare cf. duujiiru.
ngord'a cf. word'a.
ngoroy cf. gorel.
nguda-mbeyyiteteenga cf.
ngujooru cf. gaandu.
nguleendi cf. wuleende.
ngulu (G-N-V) incendie; conflagra-
cumalf cume (FJ).
nguru / guri (FT-M-V-NO-A) peau;
gurii 1 guri (FJ); laral/ lare (NE).
nguufo cf. puufam.
nguulu 1 guuli (G-v) capsule de
coton ,. cotton baIl.
nguurndam 1 nguurndam-
meeji (FJ-FT-M-V-N) vie; being
wonki (FT-M-V-N-G-A); ngee-
ndam (G).
haa cf. faa.
haabu-baali cf. uuluwol.
haaca cf. aata.
haaca (F]) crier (de peur ou de
douleur); to cry out (of sorrow,
of pain).
haada tre amer " to be bitter.
haada s'arrter, s'achever un
point donn; to reach a limit,
come to an end at a certain point.
haadta (F]); haatta (F]).
haade cf. hadde.
haadta cf. haada.
haaje (M-V-N-G-A) besoins mat-
riels,' needs, ambition.
haaju 1 haajuuji (F]); buki (NE).
haaju cf. haaje.
haako 1 haakooji feuilles, sauce
en feuilles et lgumes; leaves,
haako cf. baafol.
haako & haako'al & haakowal
cf. mbaafu.
haakoore cf. mbaafu.
haala 1 haalaaji parole, palabre,
affaire,' talk, speech, matter,
affair, story.
haala cf. bolle.
haala parler,' to speak.
haali cf. gikku.
haamila cf. reeda.
haana convenir, tre digne de,' to
be right, suitable, appropriate,
haanda cf. wuyka.
haagda cf. wuyka.
haangaado cf. ginnaado.
haangda cf. wuyka.
haara tre rassasi, repu, rempli,'
to be full, replete.
falta (V-M).
haatannde 1 kaatane pierre de
foyer, foyer de la cuisine,' an
earth stone (one of three stones
on which cooking-pot is placed).
haatannde 1 kaatande (F]-M);
haatinnde 1 kaatine (NE).
haatinnde cf. haatannde.
haatta cf. haaaa.
haattirde cf. keerol.
haawnoo cf. haayainoo.
haaY'a (FT) tordre; to twist.
haayaina cf. haayainoo.
haayainoo (G-A) tre surpris, tre
surprenant,' to be surprising, to
be surprised.
haawnoo (FJ-FT-M); haaydina (A);
haaynoo (V-M-NO-G).
haaykinoo (G) prtendre, feindre;
to make believe in, to pretend.
haayre / kaaY'e pierre; stone,
rocky hill.
haayre cf. hooseere.
habaa cf. useni.
habaaru cf. habaru.
habaru / habaruuji (FJ-A-G-NE)
nouvelle, histoire; news, story.
habaru / kabaruuji (FJ-NO); ha-
baaru / habaruuji (M-V-FJ); ki-
baaru / kibaruuji (FJ-M-V); ka-
baaru / kabaruuji (FJ); kabaru /
kabaruuji (FJ); kibaaru / kibaaji
(FJ); kabaaru / kabaaji (FJ).
halla battre, combattre, to fight,
hallila lier, attacher; to tie, tie up,
hallilere cf. hafre.
habboo cf. dooma.
habeere / kabeeje (G-NE) potiron,
courge, pumkin.
wuuduru / buudi (FJ); boogooru /
boogooji (M); feraare / feraaje
(V-NO); naraare / naraaje (NO-
hallre / kalle (G-A-NE-V-M) lutte,
querelle, bataille, fight, battle,
hallo / kalle (FJ); hawre / kalle,
kalli (FJ); kallal / kalle, kawle
(FJ); hamre (NO); hallo (NO).
hallre / kaille (FJ) guerre; war.
hare (FJ).
hacca (G-A-NE) puer, sentir
mauvais; to stink, have a bad
haccoo cf. haynoo.
hada empcher, interdire, d-
fendre; to prevent, prohibit,
hadda cf. remma.
hadda (G-NE-M-FJ) nouer, attacher
un pagne, to fasten a c/oth round.
hadda cf. taada.
hadde cf. doo he.
haddude / kaddule (G) vtement;
kaddungal / kaddule (M-V-FJ);
kaddu (FJ).
hade cf. doo he.
hafre / kafe (G-A) bouquet, paquet,
colis; bunch, parcel, bunch (any
kind of bundle).
hallllere / kalllle (FJ-M-V-N).
hahhannde cf. kaadkaadngol.
hajja cf. hijja.
hakiika (M-V-G-A-NE) vrit, bien
sr, assurment; truth, certainly,
definitely .
haqiiqa (FJ).
hakiilo ( G-A) attention, intelli-
gence; sense, care.
hakkilo (M-V); haqqille, hakkille,
haqqil, hakkil (FJ).
hakke / hakkeeji (G-A-NE-M-V)
pch, tort; sin, wrong.
hakkee / hakkeeji (FJ).
hakkee cf. hakke.
hakkil cf. hakiilo.
hakkila faire attention, to take
haqqila (FJ); hakkilla (NE); hakki-
100 (FT).
hakkilana se soucier de, s'occuper
de; to take care of.
hilla (M-NO); hilnoo (M-NO);
haqqilana (FJ).
hakkilla cf. hakkila.
hakki11e cf. hakiilo.
hakkillo cf. hakiilo.
hakkiloo cf. hakkila.
hakko cf. sakko.
hakkunde entre; between.
hakkunde cf. caka.
hakkundeejo / hakkunde' en
(G-A) entremetteur, go-between.
hakkundeere / hakkundeeje
(FJ-M-V-G) espace, intervalle; an
intervening space.
cakantaare / cakantaaje (NE).
hal&a cf. aata.
halfeere cf. harfeere.
halfere cf. harfeere.
halka dtruire; to destroy, to be
destroyed, to perish.
halka (V-A) dpenser ,. to spend
halkoo tre perdu ,. to perish, be
halla (G-A) tre mauvais, to be
hurma (FJ); bona.
halla cf. harla.
ham&e cf. kam&e. .
hamma (M-V-A) premier fils,
frre an, eIder brother.
hamma (FJ) aller vers, se diriger
vers ,. to take the way to, go in
the direction of.
hammanaare cf. kamanaari.
hammoo (G-A) penser, croire; to
be of the opinion, to think.
hamre cf. ha&re.
hamya (FJ-V-G-A) tordre, serrer;
to wring, squeeze.
haama (FJ).
handa cf. wuyka.
hanki (FJ-FT) hier, yesterday,
hanki (M-N-G-A) la nuit dernire;
last night.
hankin (v).
hankin cf. hanki.
hannde aujourd'hui; to-day.
hannden (V-NO).
hanndeere cf. honndoore.
hannden cf. hannde.
hano cf. ha.
hanta (V-NO-M) tre fini, termin,
to be finished.
hapakaare / hapakaaje (G-A)
coude, span (measure).
sogonal / sogone (FJ-M).
happere cf. dooya.
haqiiqa cf. hakiika.
haqqil cf. hakiilo.
haqqila cf. hakkila.
haqqilana cf. hakki1ana.
haqqille cf. hakiilo.
hara (FJ) il adviendra que, alors
que (accompagnant une forme
verbale inaccomplie); it will occur
that, though (with unachieved
verbal form).
ara, tawa, laatoo (FJ).
hare cf. ha&re.
harfeeje (G-A-M-V) alphabet ,.
abajada (FJ).
harfeere / karfeeje (M-V-G-A)
caractre de l'alphabet; letter
of alphabet.
harfeere / karfeeje (M-V-G-A)
mot ,. word.
halfeere / kalfeeje (FJ); halfere /
kalfe (FJ).
ha ri (FJ) il advint que, alors que,
sans que (accompagnant une
forme verbale ['accompli); it
occurred that, though, without
(with a verb in the achieved
ari, tawi, laatii (FJ).
harla tordre (ficelle); to twist
(rope, thread).
halla (FJ); hayla (K).
harmaaru / harmaaje (G-A)
prostitue,. prostituate, whore.
woykuuru / woykuuji (V-NO);
cagaajo / cagaae (FJ).
haro (G-A) , vers; at, to (with
verb implying motion).
faro (v); hedde (FJ-V-M); waro
(NE); telen (FJ); telemma (FJ);
hawra joindre, ajouter, ras-
sembler; to join, involve, embroil.
hawrindina (FJ).
hawra tomber sur, rencontrer; to
meet with.
hawre cf. hare.
hawrindina cf. hawra.
hawtue cf. banndiraawo.
bawu' 01 cf. cakantaare.
haycf. koo.
haynoo (FJ-NO-V-G) entrevoir,
apercevoir, voir au loin; to see in
the distance, to epsy, perceive.
soynoo (FT-M-NO); soynoo (M-
FT); sooynoo (M); haccoo.
he cf. e.
hebbina remplir; to fill.
hebbina (FJ) tre enceinte (vache);
to be pre gant (cow).
hecca (FJ) tre plus g que; to be
older than.
heccicfa tre frais, jeune comme
une feuille naissante; to be fresh
and young as a new leaf.
hecci-hanki (FI-FT) avant-hier;
day before yesterday.
hecci-keenya; heesi-keenya (A);
heeci-keenya (G-NE).
hecci-hanki (M-V-N) avant-hier
nuit; night before yesterday.
hecci-hankin (v); hecci-hanki
jemma (FI-FT).
hecci-hankin cf. hecci-hanki.
hecci-hanki jemma cf. hecci-
hecci-keenya cf. hecci-hanki.
heddaaki est mort,. is dead.
heddo cf. haro.
heddoo (FJ-FT-M-V) rester; to
remain, be left over.
hecfoo cf. dooma.
hecfoo couter; to listen to, listen
hettoo (FJ); hettinoo (M-V-NO);
he'etina (NE); heditoo.
heebeere / keebeeje (G-A-NE-V-
M) trz'er; stirrup.
heeci-keenya cf. hecci-hanki.
heeda tre aux alentours de,' to be
in the vicinity of.
heecfo / keecfe tesson, morceau de
rcipient en terre; pot-herd.
heefa cf. hefa.
heege (FI) faim, famine; hunger,
rafo (V-NO); dolo (NE); yolbere
(M-V); weelo (G-A-FJ).
heegee (FI) avoir faim; to be
rafee (V-NO); yolbee (M-V);
weelee (G-A-FJ).
he'enya cf. hennya.
heesi-keenya cf. hecci-hanki.
he'etina cf. hecfoo.
heewa tre plein, rempli,' to be
utoo (M-V-NO).
heewa tre nombreux, abonder,' to
be many, plentiful, to abound.
hefa corcher, plucher; to scrape,
hela casser; to break, map.
hella (FT-M-V-N-G-A) battre des
mains, applaudire; to clap, slap.
kella (FJ).
hella cf. fo&&a.
helloo (FJ) battre des mains, gifler,
souffleter, to clap, slap.
hello 1 kelle (G-A) cou, collier;
side of neck, neck of horse.
hello 1 kelle (FJ) gifle, coup de
poing; a slap, a punch.
helta casser compltement ,. to
break, map completely.
heltoo cesser(pluie);to cease(rain).
helta (FJ).
hemre 1 keme (M-V-N) cent,
(parfois) quatre vingts ,. a hun-
dred, (sometimes) eighty.
teemedere 1 teemedde (M-FJ).
hemre 1 keme (M) quatre vingts,
heneere cf. njaayri.
henna cf. usa.
hennda (G-A-NE-M-V) sparer, d-
partager ,. to divide, separate.
henndira cf. senndira.
henndu / keni vent, wind.
henndu / keneeli (FJ).
hennya (G) tre puis, tre fini,
to be finished, used up, ex-
hausted, complete.
he'enya (NE).
hennya (FJ) faire rentrer, faire
accepter mme quand c'est diffi-
cile, trouver cote que cote une
place pour ,. to cram, to have
something accepted even it is
difficult, to find at any cost a
place or room for.
henyoo cf. yaawa.
heyina, heyna, hennya (FJ).
hersa cf. semta.
hersina cf. semtina.
hesa cf. hesid'a.
hesia tre neuf, nouveau, to be
heyda (FJ); hesda (FT-M-G-A).
hetta dcouper en tranches, peler,
plucher ,. to slice, peel.
hetta rcuprer; to recover.
hetta aafiya cf. hoyra.
hettinoo cf. heoo.
hettoo cf. hedoo.
hewta arriver, atteindre, parve-
nir , to reach up to.
heyda cf. hesia.
heyre / kenye (FJ-G-A-M-NE) foie ;
heyre / keeye (v); heyre 1 keye
(FJ); heyre / keyye (FJ).
heya suffire ,. to be sufficient.
hibba (FJ) verser, dverser; to
pour out.
hibba (M) uriner; to urinate.
sawla (NE); bawla (FJ-M-NO-V).
hibbi cf. ibbi.
hibbondira cf. yibba.
hia cf. hiidda.
hiddeeko cf. oo he.
hifa cf. hippa.
hihia cf. hiida.
hiia (V-NO-D-G-A-M-FT) tre
us, vieux (habit); to be old,
worn (thing).
hidda (FJ-M-V); hi hi da (NE); kiid-
da (V-NO-G-A-M); kidda (FJ).
hiiee (FJ -v) tre cruel, to be crual.
hiimoo (V-N-M-G-A) rflchir, m-
diter, estimer; to ponder, think,
reflect, calculate.
miiloo; miijoo; miccoo (FJ); mii-
hiira passer le soir, veiller; to
wake, spend the evening, to be
hiirna cf. gorga1.
hiirtoo manger le repas du soir,
dner; to eat the evening meal.
hiisa cf. hisaabu.
hiise cf. hisaabu.
hiisoo calculer, compter, to cal-
hiite / giiteeli (G) feu, fire.
yiite / yiiteeji (v); yiite 1 giite
(NE); yiite / giiteeli (F]); yiite.
hija hennir; to neigh.
hijja (M-V-N-G-A) faire le Pleri-
nage La Mecque,' to make
pilgrimage to Mekka.
hajja (FJ-FT).
hillee (M) s'inquiter; to care, be
hilnoo (FJ).
hilnoo cf. hillee.
himtle (NO-A) peuple, gens,
himtle cf. adune.
hinere cf. wurde.
hinkoode cf. hinkorde.
hinkorde / kinkore (o-v) petite
calebasse; small calabash.
hinkoode (A-NE).
hinna cf. na.
hinna. (0) saluer, to greet (espe-
cially in the evening).
hinna prendre piti de, sauver;
to have pit y on, to save.
hino cf. ndaa.
hippa renverser; to invert.
hifa (G-A).
hirke cf. kirke.
hisa s'chapper, se sauver; to
hisaabu / hisaabuuji (O-A) cal-
cul, arithmtique; calculation,
hiisa 1 hiisaaji (FJ-M-V); hiise
hitaande / kitaale une anne,
a year.
hitere cf. yitere.
hiwrondiral 1 hiwrondire (FJ)
salutation, salut; greetings. .
hiwroo (FJ) saluer, changer les
formules de politesse et les
nouvelles gnrales et usuelles,' to
greet, to exchange usual greeting
formulas and general usual news.
hobbayre cf. hoowoore.
hocca (FJ-FT-V-NO) ramasser, por-
ter; to pick up, to carry.
ho'oca (NE); hooya (V-N-O); hoo'a
hoa (FJ-NE-M) habiter, demeurer,
s'installer; to live, settle oneself.
hoa (FJ-M-V) jouer d'un instru-
ment, frapper la porte ,. to
play an instrument, knock at the
hoa (M-V-N-O-A) descendre; to
hoondiro cf. culaao.
hofotoore / kofotooje (0) sabot
(de cheval); hoof.
holsere / kolce (FJ); kormowal /
kormooje (FJ); kolcal 1 kolce
(NE); kofatoore / kofatooje (NO);
hoolgo 1 hoolgooji (FT).
hofru 1 koppi (FT-G-A-NE-M) ge-
nou; knee.
hofuru / koppi (K); hohuru /
koppi (K); howru / koppi (FJ-
hohondu cf. hoondu.
hohuru cf. hofru.
hokka (F]) faire beau, to be fine
hokka cf. okka.
hokkere / kokke (G-V-NE-M)
disette d'eau; drought.
hokkere (F]) beau temps, ciel
dgag; fine weather.
hol&unde / kol&ule (G-A) che-
ville; ankle.
holundereere 1 holundereeji
(v); holundere / kolule (F]-V);
yitere-koyngal/ gite-koyngal (M-
hol&undere cf. hol&unde.
hol&undereere cf. hol&unde.
holla montrer; to show.
holmo? cf. moye?
holsere cf. hofotoore.
holto? cf. to?
hommbo? cf. moye?
homo? cf. moye?
hona (F]-FT-M-V-NO) faire la
guerre, piller; to wage war, to
honka (F]) tre fini, puis; to be
w;ed up, exhausted.
honnde? cf. ndeye?
honnde tuma & honnde saa'i?
cf. ndeye?
honndoore 1 konndooje (G-NE)
corbeille, basket.
hontoore / hontooje (F]); han-
ndeere / hanndeeje (M-V); kilaal/
kilaaje (NO-V); sompoore / som-
pooje (NE); debeere / debeeje
(F]); silawo / silaaje (A).
honndorde / konndorle (G-M-V)
grosse fourmi noire; large black
korndonlu / korndoli (NE); cula-
wii / culaaji (F]).
honndu cf. hoondu.
honnduko cf. hunnduko.
hono cf. ba.
hono cf. noy.
honno cf. noy.
hononnde cf. kondondol.
honto cf. to.
hontoore cf. honndoore.
hoo cf. use.
hoo'a cf. hocca.
ho' oca cf. hocca.
hoodere / koode toile, star.
hoorre / koode (G-A).
hoofna (FT-G-A) saluer (matin),
to greet (especially in the
hoomna (G); hoowna (FT-M);
howna (V-FT-M-NO).
hooloo se fier , faire confiance ,
to trust, rely on.
hoolgo cf. hofotoore.
hoomna cf. hoofna.
hoondu / kooli (G-A) doigt, or-
teil, finger, toe.
hohondu / koholi (NE); honndu /
kolli (F]-M-V).
hoonyoldu / koonyoli (F]-G-A-V-
NE) escargot; mail.
hoonyoldu / koonyolli (F]); jam-
mbatawii 1 jammbataaji (F]).
hoora (F]-FT-M) jener, to fast.
suumoo (V-NE).
hoore 1 ko'e tte, head.
hoore cf. sefre.
hooreejo / hooree&e dirigeant,
hoore-fuo (s) sud; south.
hoore-hucfo (V-NO); horcfoore
(V); foombina (NE); aleeri (M);
nyaamo (F]).
hoore-fuoore cf. &aleeri.
hoore-huo cf. hoore-fuo.
hoore-kucCol (F]) salaire, paie-
ment, honoraire du gurisseur;
wages, salary, healer's salary.
hoorra cf. hoota.
hoorre cf. hoodere.
hooseere 1 kooseeje (G-A) colline
rocheuse, montagne; rocky hill,
haayre / kaaye (NE); haayre (M);
waamnde / baamle (v); fello /
pelle (FJ).
ho ota rentrer la maison; to go
hoorra (G-A-V-NE).
hootannde-nowru cf. yeeru-
hoowa (V-N-G) pouser; to marry.
howa (FJ); woortina (M); dewla
hoowna cf. hoofna.
hoowoore 1 koowoowe (G-A)
insecte, bousier; insect, tumble-
koowoowa (NE); koowowal/ koo-
wooje (FJ) hobbayre 1 kobbe (v).
hooy-a cf. hocca.
horde / kore (G-A-NE) louche en
calebasse; calabash spoon.
galmaare / galmaaje (v); nyed-
dude / nyeddude (FJ-M); nyer-
rude / nyerrude (FJ-M).
horde / kore (FJ-M) calebasse;
horcfoore cf. hoore-fucfo.
horoo cf. laafa.
horoo (NE-S-K) rester; to remain,
be left over.
horsa cf. &ee&a.
hoto cf. to.
hottollo coton; cotton.
hottollohi 1 hottollooje coton-
nier; cotton tree.
howa clturer; to put a fence
howa cf. hoowa.
howna cf. hoofna.
howru cf. hofru.
hoya tre lger, facile, aller mieux,
gurir; to be light in weight,
easy, to recover.
hoycfa rver; to dream.
hoyfa tre fin, lger; to be thin,
fine (texture).
hoyfida (FJ); foygita (FJ).
hoyficfa cf. hoyfa.
hoyna allger, soulager; to Zigh-
ten, fadlitate, alleviate (cure).
hoyna sous-estimer, allger, in-
sulter; to under-estimate a per-
son, to insulte
hoyra gurir, recouvrer la sant,
to recover, get weil again.
ndikka (FJ); urora (FJ); hetta
aafiya (FJ); yamdita (NE-G-A-V
M); seBita; sella.
hu&&a allumer; to kindle (a fire).
hu&eere 1 ku&eeje (G-NE) gombo;
gaIlIJaare / ganuaaje (M); la'aare 1
la'aaje (v); takuure 1 takuuje (FJ).
hu&eere 1 ku&eeje (FJ-M-V) pa-
lais, rsidence; palace, dwelling.
huboo cf.hugoo.
hucfa (NE-G) insulter; to insulte
yenna, tiwa, hoyna (FJ).
hucfa maudire; to abuse.
hucfo (G-A-FJ-V) herbe; grasse
fudo (NE).
hucfo cf kudol.
hucfoo (FJ-FT) jurer; to swear,
take an oath.
waata (M); hunoo (V-NE).
hufineere cf. hufneere.
hufneere 1 hufneeje (G-A-V-NE)
coiffure, bonnet; cap.
hufineere / kufineeje (G-A-V);
kufina 1 kufinaaje (M); kufune 1
kufuneeji (FJ); humneere / kum-
neeje (s-G).
hugoo (G) jeter X X; to thro'W
ugoo (G); bugoo (F]-V-NO); hu-
boo (G-NE); wuboo (NE).
hujja (G) excuse; excuse.
hujja (F]) preuve; proof.
hula avoir peur; to fear, be afraid.
hul&a (G) fermer cl; to lock.
soka (F]).
hultora (G-A-N-V) s'effrayer,
prendre peur; to take fright.
huma (F]-M) attacher, lier; to
attach by tying, to tie.
huma (NE) expliquer; to explain.
hummba (F]-FT-M) surnager, flot-
ter; to float.
huymba (M-NO); huywa (v).
humneere cf. hufneere.
hunduko cf. hunnduko.
hunoo (V-N-G-A) jurer; to swear,
take an oath.
hudoo (F]-FT).
hunoo (F]) annoncer, expliquer;
to announce his intention, to
hunnda cf. taada.
hunnduko / kunndud'e bouche;
honnduko / konndude (S-G-A);
kunndule (V-F]); hunduko / kun-
dude (M); hunuko / kunucfe (FT);
hunnuko (F]).
hunuko & hunnuko cf. hun-
huppa (FT) verser; to pour out,
hurma cf. halla.
hurunndaare cf. feggere.
huu&a (F]) entourer, cerner (bat-
tue); to surround.
huu&a (F]) mourir; to die.
huu&ina cf. taada.
huuha (F]) appeler distance par
un cri, sans dire un nom; to call
somebody at a distance by shout-
,'ng without saying his na me .
huuloore / kuulooje (G) pipe;
pipe (smoking).
boyngal / boyle (M-V); peepuuru/
peepuuji (F]); peepu (F]).
huunca (M) soulever, relever,' to
raise, lift up.
huunde / kuuje (G-A-NE-M) cho-
se; thtng.
huunde / kuude (F]); are (NE).
huunde / kuuje (G-A) choses, af-
faires; things, odds and ends.
huunde / kuujeeji (G-A); piihum/
piihoy (F]); piiji (F]); piiju-
paajuure / piiju-paajuuje (F]);
huunde / kuu1e (v); are (NE).
huunyaare 1 kuunyaaje (G-A-M-
N) tortue; tortoise.
kekuwal 1 kekuuje (F]); kunku-
ruwa / kunkuruuje (NE).
huurta cf. huurtina.
huurtina (FT-M) pouser, con-
duire la marie; to marry, to
conduct bride to husband' s home.
huurtina (NE) dcouvrir, exhiber;
to uncover, to show.
huurta (NE).
huuwa cf. huwa.
huwa (M) travailler, fonctionner,
marcher; to work, to function,
huwwa (F]); huuwa (F]-A-NE);
golla (F]-FT-M-V-N).
huwna cf. huwa.
huyloo (F]) tre couch et endor-
mi; to be lying and sleeping.
huymba cf. hummba.
huyre cf. kusel.
huyre cf. dabba.
huywa (FT-M-V) cf. hummba.
jaabi cf. jaabiire.
jaabiire 1 jaabiije (G-A-FJ) toile
du matin; morning star, venus.
jaabiyaare 1 jaabiyaaje (FJ); maay-
laare / maaylaaje (NE); maylaare /
maylaaje (FJ); hoodere-jaabi (FJ);
koodal (M).
jaabiyaare cf. jaabiire.
jaaboo rpondre; to answer, reply.
jaal>ina cf. jaamna.
jaal>rugal/ jaal>rue (G) plante;
sole of foot.
jaabuuru 1 jaabuuji (G) nom-
bril; navel.
wuddu / gulli (FJ-M-V); wu'udu /
bu'uli (NE).
jaago cf. coggu.
jaajiraawo cf. adda.
jaamna (G) allumer; to kindle,
jaaoina (FJ); jaooina (FJ); jappina
(FJ); dulbina (FJ).
jaanajum cf. ooluum.
jaango cf. janngo.
jaangol (G-A-M-V) saison sche et
froide; dry cold season.
jaangol (FJ-NE-G) froid sec; dry
co Id.
jaanyeere cf. dubbue.
jaara cf. usa.
jaara (FJ) chanter des chants re-
ligieux; to sing religiolls songs.
jaariyaajo cf. taaraajo.
jaartirde 1 jaartire (G-A-NE)
endroit pour vanner; winnowing
jaatiraal>e (FJ-M-V-NO-FT) an-
ctres; ancestors.
jaatiraawo / jaatiraaoe (F]); jaati-
raawo / jattiraaoe (FJ); lawliyaa'u
/ lawliyaaoe (FJ); njaatiraado /
njaatiraaoe (FT); awliyaaoe (FJ);
oaawoooe (F]).
jaatiraawo cf. jaatiraal>e.
jaawngal / jaawle (G-A-M-V-N)
pintade; guineafowl.
jawlal / jawle (FJ).
jaaynge (FJ) feu " fire.
jaayngol / jaayli (F]-FT-NE); jey-
ngol / jeyli (FT); jeynge (FT).
jaayngol Cf. jaaynge.
jaba cf. albasarre.
jabaare / jabaaje (F]) antilope,
jawre / jawe (F]).
jabba cf saajibiwol.
jabba cf jabbaare.
jabbaare / jabbaaje (G-NE) sorte
de blouse manches courtes;
short sleeved gown.
foroku / forokuuji (F]); forokiya 1
forokiyaaji (M); sabadooru 1 saba-
dooji (F]-M); jabba / jabbaaji
ja&a accepter, recevoir, acquiescer,
to receive, accept, agree.
ja&&ehi cf. ja&&i.
ja&&i / ja&&e (G-A-M) tamarinier,
jallllehi / jalllleeje (F]); jatami 1
jatame (NE); jatami 1 yatame
(NE); jahmi / jahme (NE); njeta-
mi / jetame (NE).
jafJfJina cf. jaamna.
jafJfJitoo (G-A-NE) dire au revoir
, prendre cong de; to say
goodbye to.
waynoo (F]); waynitoo (F]).
jafJfJoo souhaiter la bienvenue ,
accueillir; to welcome, greet.
jafJta (G-A) arracher; to match.
jatta (F]).
jagga (F]-FT) saisir, arrter; to
seize, catch, arrest.
jahaangal cf. yaadu.
jahago cf. janngo.
jahango cf. janngo.
jahmi cf. ja&fJi.
jahngo cf. janngo.
jahoowo / jahoofJe (G) voya-
geur, traveller.
yahoowo / yahoolle (F]); seteejo 1
seteelle (F]).
jala rlre; to laugh.
jalba briller, tinceler, to shine.
jalbita tinceler; to glitter, gleam.
jal&al / jalfJe grande aiguille m-
dicale, cheveux; large needle,
jaleecCe rires; laughters.
jalnacamuser,faire rire; to amuse,
make laugh.
jalo / jale houe, hoe.
jam sant, bonheur, well, in good
health, in good condition, all
right, in good form.
njamu (NE-V); cellal.
jamaa cf. jama'aare.
jama'aare 1 jama'aaje (G-A-M-
V) peuple, gens, groupe, assem-
ble, collectivit, people, group,
assembly, CTowd.
jamaa i jamaaji (F]).
jamaanu cf zamanu.
jamana cf. zamanu.
jamma cf. jemma.
jammaare cf. jemmaare.
jammbatawii cf. hoonyoldu.
jammbeere cf. jammbere.
jammbere 1 jammbe (FT-M-V-
N) hache, axe.
jammbeere 1 jammbeeje (F]);
feY'}"irde 1 peY'}"irde (G-A-NE-M-
jamu-jamu (M) fianc; fianc.
janna cf. janngina.
jannde cf. janngde.
jannga lire, tudier, apprendre;
to read, study, learn.
janngal impt sur le btail; cattle-
janngali (A); alkaasi (M-V); cofal
janngal cf cofal.
janngali cf. janngal.
janngde / janngcfe (G) leon,
lecture, tude; lesson, study,
jannde / janle (v); jannde (FJ-M);
jannde 1 jande (NE); tinndinoore.
janngina enseigner; to teach.
janna (FJ).
janngirde / janngircfe cole;
janngo (FJ-FT-M-G-D-A) demain;
jahango (NE-K); jahago (K); jaa-
ngo (D-V-NO-K); jaauo (D); jahngo
jappina cf. jaamna.
jatami cf. ja&&i.
jatta cf. ja&ta.
jattiraa&e cf. jaatiraa&e.
jawaabu / jawabuuji (G-A) mes-
sage, discours; message, speech.
jawaabu / jawaabuuji (G-A-FJ)
rponse; answer.
jawaabu-kitaale (FJ) rponse aux
annes: annales; answer to years:
jawdi / jawle richesse, biens, for-
tune; riches, wealth, goods.
jawlal cf. jaawngal.
jawleeru / jawleeji (G-A-NE)
vestibule, antichambre; entrance
hut, porch.
bolonnga 1 boloocfe (M-V); cuuri-
. hal (v); bolonru 1 bolonji, bolon
(FJ); samayru 1 camayji, camajji
(G); zawreeru / zawreeji (NE).
jawma cf. joom.
jawmu cf. joom.
jawmiraawo cf. joom.
jawmiraawo (G-A) Sezgneur
Dieu; the Lord God.
Joomiraado (M-V); Joomiraawo
(FJ-NE); Yaa-Jawmiraawo (A).
jawo / jawe bracelet; bracelet.
jawre cf. jabaare.
jebbilaare (FJ) patience, attente;
patience, waiting.
jebbiloo (FJ) attendre, patienter;
to wait, to have patience.
jecfcfina (G-A) faire taire, apaiser,
to silence, quieten.
deyyina (FJ-M-V-N); deeyina (FJ);
fankina (FJ); je"ina (G-A).
jeecfcfi cf. joweecficfi.
jeecfcfre cf. asaweere.
jeecficfa& cf. joweecficfa&-.
jeecfoo (G-A) se taire,' to be silent.
fanka (FJ); deyya (FJ-M-V-N).
jeego'a& cf. joweego'a&.
jeemaageere cf. wilwilndu.
jeenay cf. joweenay.
jeenaya& cf. njoweenaya&-.
jeende (G-A) silence; silence.
jeenol cf. kucfol.
jeetata& cf. njoweetata&-.
jeetati cf. joweetati.
jeetti cf. joweetati.
je"ina cf. jecfcfina.
jellehi cf. gellehi.
(ko) jelu cf. noye.
jemma nuit, la nuit; night, at
jamma (M).
jemma cf. jennga.
jemmaare / jemmaaje nuite,
une nuit; a night, nightime .
jammaare i jammaaje (M).
jemmina cf. jennga.
jennga faire nuit (pleine nuit);
to be night, be far advanced (of
jemma (F]); jemmina (F]).
jentitoo cf. jentoo.
jentoo (F]) couter; to listen to.
jentitoo (FJ).
j ereere cf. sariire.
jeya possder; to own, possesse
jeyaad'o / jeyaa&e esclave, captif,
dpendant; slave, subordinate.
jiyaado / jiyaalle (F]); jiyangel /
jiyakoy (F]).
jeydaa&e (N-V-M-G-A) apparen-
ts, parents ,. relatives.
jeydirlle (F]); jeydulle (F]); jeydi-
gal (F]).
jeydigal cf. jeydaa&e.
jeydir&e cf. jeydaa&e.
jeydu&e cf. jeydaa&e.
jeynge cf. jaaynge.
jeyngol cf. jaaynge.
jeyngol/ jeyli (G) lumire; light.
jeyngol / jeyli (F]) flamme; fire.
jibina (F]-FT-M-NE) engendrer,
donner naissance ; to beget,
give birth to.
jiccoo cf. diccoo.
jidde cf. jiddere.
jiddere / jidde (G-A) dptoir,
tas d'ordures mnagres; rub-
blsh heap.
jidde (F]); beegunuure / bee-
gunuuje (M-V-NO).
jigaare cf. jigaawal.
jigaawal / jigaaje (G-A) vautour;
dutal/ dute (F]-FT-M-NE); dubal/
dube (v).
jigaawal / jigaaje (NE) charo-
gnard; carrion crow.
jigaare / jigaaje (v); jigawal /
jigaaje (F]).
jigawal cf. jigaawal.
jigidawol cf. l)aal)awol.
jiiba / jiibaaji (G-N-M-V) poche;
jiifa / jiifaaji (F]).
jii&a ptrir, malaxer; to mix
(solid with liquid), to knead.
diilla (NE).
jiidal cf. giidal.
jiidiraawo cf. daadiraawo.
jiido cf. daadiraawo.
jiifa cf. jiiba.
jiinaadiire / jiinaadiije (G-A)
silex, briquet, flint, steel for
jiire / jihe (FT-M) rat-palmiste
(faux cureuil); ground squirrel.
jiire / ji'e (FT-M); jiire / jiye (s-
G-A-NE); ji'ire / ji'e (S-G-A-NE);
ji'ire / jiye (S-G-A-NE); jiire / jiye,
ji'e (S-A-G-NE); giire / gihe, gi'e
(M); ngiiru / gi'i (F]); giisoore /
giisooje (v).
ji'ire cf. jiire.
jikaare / jikaaje (NE) sac en cuir,
serviette; satchel bag, handbag.
jikku cf. gikku.
jilla mlanger; to mix up.
jimmbeeru cf. mbaggu.
jimol cf. gimol.
jinna (G-A) tre fini, achev, ter-
min; to be finished, used up,
lanna (F]).
jinnawii cf. ginnawol.
jinnaad'o cf. ginnaad'o.
jinnaaku cf. nginnaaku.
jinnaaru cf. ginnawol.
jinnee cf. yinnee.
jippina mettre bas, engendrer, to
bring down, get down, to beget.
jippoo descendre; to get down,
come down, dismount, lodge.
jipporde / jippord'e station, ar-
rt, logement, logis, descente;
lodging-place, dismounting-place.
jirgiho cf. laana-piirooha.
jirgiwal / jirgiije (G-NE) pirogue,
bateau, train; cance, boat, train.
laana / laade.
jirgiwal cf. laana-piirooha.
jiwel cf. jiwum.
jiwo cf. dewel.
jiwum / jiwoy (FJ) jeune fille,
fillette; young girl.
jiwel / jiwoy (FJ).
;iyaacfo cf. jeyaacfo.
jiyangel cf. jeyaacfo.
jo"ina cf. jOY'}"ina.
jocfcfina cf. jOY'Y'ina.
jogoo avoir, possder, dtenir,
saisir, arrter; to have, possess,
take hold of, grasp, hold.
jokka cf. tokka.
jokka cf. rewa.
jokkere / jokke (G-A-M-FJ) arti-
culation (phalange, coude, poig-
net) ; joint, articulation.
jokkule (FJ) articulations, maladies
articulaires; articulations and
their illness.
joldude / jolducfe (G-A-NE) gu;
juwwirde / juwwirde (FJ); juu-
wirde / juuwirde (FJ); yeraande
(FJ); reegorde / deegorde (M-NE);
juuwde / juuwle (FT).
joUooru / jollooji (G-A-M-V-NE)
gourde; large gourd bottle (for
carrying water).
jollooru cf. gummbal.
jolokowal cf. callalluuri.
;oma (NE-V) passer la corde au
cou de quelqu'un; to tie some-
body' s neck.
jonkay cf. jooni.
jonna (FJ) remettre, donner; to
jonta (M-V-NO) saluer; to greet.
;ontere cf. oppere.
joode (FJ) bave, salive paisse;
drivel, thick saliva.
joode cf. joorde.
joocfoo s'asseoir; to sit down.
joocforgal / joocforcfe (V-M-NO-
G) chaise; chair.
joolol cf. ildugol.
joom / joomu propritaire, pos-
sesseur, patron; owner, master,
jawmiraawo / jawmiraae (G-A);
joomiraado / joomiraae (M-V);
joomiraawo / joomiraae (FJ-
NE); jawma (G-A); jawmu (G-A).
joom am cf. goram.
joom-galle / joom-galleeji (FI-
FT-M-V) mari, poux; husband.
joom-galle / joom-galleee (FI);
joom-galle / joom-galle'en (FI).
joomiraacfo cf. joom.
joomiraawo cf. joom.
joon cf. jooni.
joonde / joocfe (G-M) sige; seat,
jonnde (FJ).
jooni maintenant, prsent; now.
jo'oni (NE); joonta (A); joonin
(V); joon tan (V); joon (V-NO);
joon kay (M-NO-V); jonkay (M-
jo' oni cf. jooni.
(wa) jooni cf. ana mOY'}"a.
;oonin cf. ;ooni.
joon kay cf. jooni.
joonta cf. jooni.
joon tan cf. jooni.
joorde (A) salive, crachat, saliva,
joode (G-NE); tuutaade (FI-FT-M-
joowta cf. jowta.
joweecfid'a&- (G-NE) septime; se-
jeedda- (FJ-M-V).
joweed'icfi (NE-G) sept; seven.
jeedidi (FI-FT-M-V-NO); jeeddi
(FJ-FT-M-V-NO ).
joweego'a&- (NE-O) sixime;
jeego'a&- (FJ-FT-M-V).
joweego'o (O-NE) six, six.
jeego'o (FJ-FT-M); jeegom (NO-V).
joweenay (NE-O) neuf; nz'ne,
jeenay (FJ-FT-M-V-NO); jeenayi
(FJ-FT-M-V-NO); joweenayi (NE-
joweetati (NE-O) huit; eight.
jeetati, jeetti (FJ-FT-M-V-NO).
jowi cinq, five.
jowta (M-V-NO-FJ) saluer, to greet.
joowta (M).
jowta cf. usa.
joyyina (FJ-FT-M) faire asseoir,
dposer; to put doum, set down,
jo"ina (V-N-O-A); jocfcfina (M);
jua rtir, griller,' to roast, grill.
juddere cf. tuggere.
juggol (O-A-NE) filet d'eau, ruis-
seau,' stream, brook.
junngol (FJ).
jullere cf. koromwal.
jumaare cf. jummaare.
jummaare (O-A) vendredi; fri-
jumaare 1 jumaaje, juma (FJ);
aljumaare / aljumaaje (M-V); ted-
dunde / tedducCe (NE); mawnde /
mawcCe (NO).
junngo / juue main, bras; hand,
juunngo / juude.
junngol cf. juggol.
jurol / juri (FJ) piste de btail;
cattle track.
batte-na'i (FJ); gurtol / gurti (M);
guurtol / guurti (NO-V); burtol /
burti (O-A); buurtol / buurti
jurumum (0) qui fait piti;
pitiful thing, pit y .
njurum (FJ-M-FT); njurmucCum
(NE); yurmucCum (FJ).
juttina allonger,' to Iengthen, ex-
juutina (FJ-M-V-NE).
juula prier; to pray.
juulde / juule fte, prire;
prayer, feast day, festival.
juulo / juul&e musulman,
croyant; Moslem, believer.
juulirde / juulire mosque;
misiide (M); jaami'u / jaami'uuje
juulna (O-A) convertir la reli-
gion musulmane; to convert to
tuubina (FJ-FT-M-V-NO).
juulna (FJ-FT-M-N-V) diriger la
prire; to lead prayer.
almoo (FJ).
juunngo cf. junngo.
juura cf. asira.
juuta tre long, to be long.
juutina cf. juttina.
juuwde cf. joldude.
juuwirde cf. joldude.
juwwirde cf. joldude.
njaalaaku (G) impudeur; schame-
njaalu cf. njaaluujo.
njaaluujo 1 njaalu'en (G) b-
tard; bastard.
njaalu 1 njaali (V-M); shaageejo 1
shaage'en (NE); fattuujo 1 fat-
tuue (FJ); waladuzzinaa 1 wala-
duzzinaa'en (FJ); waladuuru 1
waladuuji (FJ); ii haram.
njaareendi sable; sand.
njaatiraao cf. jaatiraa&e.
njaatiraawo 1 njaatiraa&e (G-
A) arrire petit-fils, arrire pe-
tite-fille; great grandson or great
taaniraawo 1 taaniraae (FJ-NE);
taaniraacfo 1 taaniraae (Ff-M);
taaniyo 1 taaniraae (v).
njaayri 1 njaayriiji (G-A-M-V)
clairire; open space, glade.
heneere 1 kene (FJ).
njabbattu cf. nja&attu.
nja&attu 1 ja&atti (G-NE-M) fre-
lon, gupe; hornet, wasp.
njabbattu 1 jabbattu (v); pirin-
wii 1 pirinji (FJ).
njagaawu 1 jagaaji (A) lion,'
njakaraari cf. dontogal.
njakardi cf. dontogal.
njamndi fer; iron, metal.
njamndi 1 jame (G-A-V-NE)
heure, temps,' hour, telling time.
saa'a 1 saa'aaji (FJ); saa'i 1 saa'iiji
(FJ); saa'ati 1 saa'atiiji (FJ); wa-
qutu & waqtu (FJ); wakkati (G-
njamndi 1 jame pice en fer,
objet en fer; piece of iron.
njamndi 1 njamcfe (FJ).
njama (G-A-NE-V) sant; health,
njaraa-njumndi cf. njaroowu-
njaram 1 njare (G-NE-M-V) bois-
son; drink (noun).
njaram 1 jaramaaji (FJ); njaram
njarduka (G-A) moustache;
suusunko / suusunkooji (FJ-M-
NE); sunsunko / sunsunkooji (v);
sumsumko / sumsumkooji (V-G-
M); sumsumkowal / sumsum-
kooje (A).
njarlu / njarli (FJ) jument; horse
tefewu / tefeeji (NO-V).
njaroowal-ndiyam cf. yaroo-
njaroowu-njumri / njarooji-
njumri (G) fourmi sucre ou
miel,' sugar-ant.
kumi-njonnjowii / kumi-njon-
njooji (FJ); njaraa-njumndi (v).
njawdiri / jawdi blier; rame
ngaari-baalii / ga'i baali (FJ).
njeenaari cf. ngeenaari.
njetami cf. ja&&i.
njoldu cf. buusiyaaru.
njooldu cf. buusiyaaru.
njoolooba cf. ngeelooba.
njowa&- cf. njoya&-.
njoweenaya&- (NE-G) neuvime;
jeenayall- (FJ-FT-M-NO-V).
njoweetata&- (NE-G) huitime;
jeetatall- (FJ-FT-M-NO-V).
njoya&- (G-NE-V) cinquime; fifth.
njowall- (FJ-NE); njoyill- (M);
jowall- (FJ).
njoyi&- cf. njoya&-.
njuggam (G-A) lait aigre servant
cailler; milk poured in the
calabash to turn fresh milk.
lammud'am (NE-M-V-FJ); kaad'-
d'am (M); cakkud'e (FJ); pennii-
d'am (G).
njulaagu cf. coggu.
njulaaku cf. coggu.
njulayaagal cf. coggu.
njumndi cf. njumri.
njumri miel; honey.
njuuri (FJ); njumndi (v).
njurmud'um cf. jurumd'um.
njurum cf. jurumd'um.
njuulndam (G) Islam,' Islam.
njuulndamku (G) religiosit,' Te-
ligiousness, Islam.
njuuri cf. njumri.
kaa cf. ammaa.
kaabawal cf. kamanaari.
kaadamal cf. rekewa1.
kaaam cf njuggam.
kaakaaki (G-NE) acajou (ar-
bre); mahogany tree.
yalagehi / yalageej e (FJ).
kaakaangol / kaakaai
(G-NE) vsicule biliaire, ris de
veau; gall bladder, sweet-
hahhannde / hahhande (FJ).
Kaao / Haa&e Africain non-
Peul; a non-Fulani African.
kaafahi / kaafaaje pe, sabre;
kaafa / kaafaaje (FJ); kaafa-si-
laame (FJ).
kaafa-silaame cf. kaafahi.
kaafiriijo cf. keefeero.
kaahaango cf. ginnaao.
kaahit (FT) papier; paper.
kaydi / kaydiiji (FJ); kaytol /
kaytaaji (FJ).
kaahit (FT) lettre; letter.
&ataake (FJ).
kaahit cf. bataakewol & ere-
kaakaajren (G) anctres; an-
kaakara cf. gennderu.
kaakaraari cf. gennderu.
kaakiraa&e (A) anctres; an-
kaakol cf. baafo1.
kaalisi cf. cardi.
kaana (FJ) tre laid, vilain, to be
kaanaro / kaanu&e (FJ) laid,
vilain; ugly.
kaanaru (FJ) laideur; ugliness.
kaalJaao cf. ginnaao.
kaangaao cf. ginnaao.
kaanibol cf. binndirgol.
kaarehi / kaareeje arbre kari-
t; shea-tree.
kaartudi (G-V-M) crachat; spittle,
sputum, phlegme
kartal / karte (FJ); harlere / karte
kaata (G-M-V) cendres, potasse;
ash, potash.
cekkiri (FJ).
kaataakowal / kaataakooje (G-
A-NE) planche; board, plank,
broad piece of timber.
kaataare cf. saabunnde.
kaatane (G-A-FJ) foyer; cooking
ka'atane (NE); kaatine (M).
kaatane cf. haatannde.
kaatatal cf. kaatoota.
kaatine cf. kaatane.
kaatoota / kaatootaaji (A) mille
pattes, scolopendre; millipede.
kaatatalf kaatate (FJ).
kaattudi cf. keerol.
kaawee cf. kaayeefa.
kaawees cf. kaayeefa.
kaawesi cf. kaayeefa.
kaayeefa f kaayeefaaji (G) sur-
. . prise, tonnement; surprise, won-
kaayeefi . (A); kaawee, kaawees,
kaawesi / kaaweeji (F]-FT-V).
kaayeefi cf. kaayeefa.
kabaaru cf. habaru.
kabaru cf. habaru.
kabidoowo cf. kabidoowu.
kabidoowu / kabidooji (G) es-
pce de capuchon en vannerie
pour se protger contre la pluie;
sack used as raincap.
kabidoowo / kabidooje (NE).
ka&&aliwol / ka&&aliiji ( G) mou-
choir. de tte; girl's headdress.
ka&&anaacfo / ha&&anaa&e (A-
M-V) fiance; fiance.
ka&&anaacfo cf. ca&&u-ca&&u.
ka&&ucfo 1 ha&&u&e (A-M-V)
fianc; fianc.
kaccuure cf. l e e m u u r ~
kacitaari / kacitaaje (G-A-NE)
djeuner; luncheon, breakfast.
ittirdi-kooye (F]); tayu-kooye (M-
v); pummaari (v); conyaari (NE).
kaddu cf. haddude.
kaddungal cf. haddude.
kaden cf. boo.
kadi (G-A-NE-FJ) aussi, par ail-
leurs; as well, also, moreover.
kadi boo (G-A); kadi maa (NE).
kadi cf. boo.
kadin (G-A-NE) encore,' again.
gadin (v); kasen (M); kasi (F]).
kala (G-A-F]) chaque, tout,' every
(particle often combined with
kalaasal 1 kalaase (G-A) partie
en bois d'une sagaie,' shaft (of
spear, spindle).
kalaasalf kalaashe (G-A).
kalbam (G-NE) sorte de boisson,' a
liquid mixture .
cemmbam (V-M); kammbulam
kalla cf. kirtaaniwol.
kallangol cf. baalangol.
kam (FT-M-V-N) moi (objet; me
(object pronoun).
yam (S-G-A-NE); lam (F]).
kama cf. ba.
kamanaare cf. kamanaari.
kamanaari (v) mais; maize.
kammaari (v); kamanaare 1 ka-
manaaje (v); hammanaare f kam-
manaaje (M); kaabawal f kaa-
baaje (F]); mbammbaari (M);
masara (FT); masardi (G-A); ma-
sarri (NE).
kam&e eux, elles; they (indepen-
dent pronoun).
ham&e (NE-G); kam&en (v).
kam&en cf. kam&e.
kammaari cf. kamanaari.
kammbulam cf. kalbam.
kammu ciel; sky, heavens.
kammu cf. iyeende.
kanuwii cf. mba&attu.
kappeere cf. dooya.
ka rai cf. baa j 01.
karambol cf. binndirgol.
karga cf. koromwal.
karla cf. kirtaaniwol.
kartal cf. kaartudi.
kasen cf. kadin.
kasi cf. kadin.
katangawol / katangaaji (G-A-
NE) mur, muraille; wall.
kokowoll kokooji (M); kokowol /
kokuuji (v).
katiifa 1 katiifooji (G-NE) mate-
las; mattress.
katoowo / hatoo&e (G) fianc,'
kawtal cf. gondaI.
kaydi cf. kaahit & cCerewol.
keeci creux des reins; loins, small
of back.
keefeero / heeferbe infidle;
kaafiriijo / kaafiri'en (NE).
keenya hier; yesterday.
keenyan (M-V); keenyen (M);
keena, keenan (V-NO).
keenyan cf. keenya.
keenyen cf. keenya.
keerol / keeri (FJ-NE) frontire,
limite; boundary.
keerol 1 keerolji (G-M); ceerol 1
ceeri (v); kaattudi / kaattuli FJ);
haattirde / kaattirae.
kekuwal cf. huunyaare.
kella cf. hella.
kella cf. fo&&a.
kelle (FJ) applaudissements; ap-
kelnyirum / kelnyire (G)
tondeuse; clippers.
kene cf. njaayri.
kenkenndiwu / kenkenndji
( G) sac (de bl); sack (for corn).
kenol cf. ginnawol.
keri cf. garmawo.
keri cf. baanewo.
kesum nouveau; new.
kettungol (FJ-G-NE) crme; cream.
cettungol (M-V).
kewal / kewe (FJ-G-A) bambou,'
kewal/ kewe (NE-M) quenouille,'
yinndaare / ginndaaje (FJ); cewal/
cewe (v).
kibaaru cf. habaru.
kiia cf. hiia.
kiikiie soir; evening.
kiila cf. ana mOITa.
kiiriwol cf. guuruwol.
kiita / kiitaaji (G-A-M) jugement;
kiite / kiitaaji (M).
kiita (FJ) vieux,' old.
kiite cf. kiita.
kilaal cf. honndoore.
killifoori 1 killifooji (G-A) rhino-
cros,' rhinoceros.
kinal/ kine nez; nose.
kine (A-G-M-NE).
kine cf. wurde.
kinndewa cf. kinndewo.
kinndewo / kinndeeje (G-A) pe-
tite corbeille; small basket.
kinndewa / kinndeeji (NE); kin-
ndewa / kinndeho (NE).
kirke 1 kirkeeji (G-A) selle,'
hirke / kirke (FJ).
kirtaaniwol / kirtaaniiji (G-
NE) ficelle; string.
kirtani (A); kallangol 1 kallaadi
(FJ); kalla, karla, (FJ).
kisal & kisiyee Cf. kisndam.
kisndam (G-A-NE-V) dlivrance,
libration, salut; salvation, deli-
kisal (FJ); kisiyee (FJ); kisyee (FJ).
ko cf. fadde.
ko qu'est-ce que? c'est, ce que, ce
qui; 'lOhat? 'lOhat, that 'lOhich, it is.
ko (G) depuis; sin ce .
ko&al 1 ko&e (G-A-NE) corce;
barh (tree).
kODolal 1 kODolle (FJ); kODolal 1
kODolaaje (v); kODolal / kODole
ko&olal cf. ko&al.
koccuure & koccuuri cf. kor-
koaaku hospitalit ,. being a guest,
koo cf. beero.
kool cf. coodol.
kofotoore cf. hofotoore.
kohingal cf. kosngal.
kohogol cf. kowaagol.
kojey cf. ngam ume.
kokowol cf. katangawol.
kolbaaru / kolbaaji (G-NE-V)
bouteille, bottle.
butel / butilaaji (M); luuluwal /
luuluuje (v); butaliiri 1 butaliiji
(FJ); biiniiri / biiniiji (FJ).
kol&ule cf. hol&unde.
kolcal cf. hofotoore.
kolonru cf. &unndu.
kolsal 1 kolce (G-A) sabot; lower
leg of animal (as sold by but-
holsere / kolce (FJ-V); holcere 1
kolce (NE).
koltal 1 kolte habit, vtement
neuf; new garment.
koltu (FJ).
koltu cf. koltal.
kommbal cf. yommbal.
kommbi (G-A) ourlet, bordure;
near, at the edge of, edge.
kommbol / kommbi (FJ).
konnda cf. dogna.
kondondol 1 kondondi (G-A-M-
NE) sophage, gorge; throat,
konongoll konoli (v); konondol/
konondi, konoli (FJ); konndodol/
konndodi (M); konondol / kono-
ndi (FT-M); kononnde / konoli
(NE); kononol/ konoli (NE).
konkooru cf. garwa.
konkooru cf. gongooru.
konkowa cf. gongooru.
konndodol cf. kondondol.
kono cf. ammaa.
konondol cf. kondondol.
konongol cf. kondondol.
konu / konuuji guerre, arme;
'lOar, army.
konu / konuuli (FJ).
konu / koneeli (FJ) foule; cro'lOd.
koo (G-NE) mme si; even if.
fay (M-V); bay (v); hay (FJ); baa
koo (G-NE) si; 'lOether.
so (FJ-FT-M-NO-V); salla (M); sala
(NO); si (FJ); se (FT-FJ-M).
koo... koo (G-A-NE) soit... soit;
or... either; either... or.
so... so (FJ-FT-NO-V-M); maa ..
maa (M-V-NO); sL. maa (FJ).
kooba / koobi antilope-cheval;
koodal cf. jaabiire.
koofngol / koofii (G-A) saluta--
tions; greetings.
koofnol / koofli (NE); cinnol /
cinni (NE).
koofnol cf. koofngol.
koondeye (G-A-NE) toujours; al-
ways, regularly.
koore cf. soorowol.
koorka jene; fasting.
koosaajo cf. banngaaro.
kootoye (G-A-NE) partout, n'im-
porte o; everywhere.
koowaacCo / hoowaae (G) fian-
ce; fiance.
tanaacfo / tanaa&e (FJ).
koowowa cf. hoowoore.
koowowal cf. hoowoore.
korcCo / hore servante; slave,
female slave.
kore / koreten (G-NE) femme;
korewol cf. iyaalu & banndi-
kori j'espre, n'est-ce pas que?;
1 hope.
korkaaye (G-V-NE) gravier; gra-
koccuuri / koccuuli, koccu (FJ);
koccuure / koccuuje (FJ).
korkaaye (M) ferrugineux; fer-
korlal / korle (G-A-NE) jambe
(entre le genou et le pied); lower
leg (below knee), hok.
korral/ korre (M-V).
koondonlu cf. honndorde.
kormowal cf. hofotoore.
koromwal / koromje (A) chaise,
tabouret; chair, stool.
koroowal / korooje (G-A); koro-
wal / korooje (K); jullere / julle
(FJ); karga / kargaaje (FJ-M-NO).
korowal cf. koromwal.
koroowal cf. koromwal.
korral cf. korlal.
korum-loonde cf. yardude.
kosam lait; milk.
kosam / kocce (FJ); &iraacfam.
kosewii cf. alhanzirwa & ga-
kosngal/ koscCe (G-A-NE) jambe,
pied; leg, foot.
kohingal / kohide (G); koyngal 1
koycfe (FJ-FT-M-V-NO).
kotiraawo 1 kotiraae (FJ) frre
an, grand frre; eIder brother.
kowaagol / kowaali (G-A-NE)
clture en pines; thorn-fence.
kohogol / kohooli (v); kowgol 1
kowli (v).
ko wad? pourquoi? Qu'est-ce que
c'est? Qu'y a-t-il?; Why? What
is it? What happens?
kowgol cf. kowaagol.
koycCol / koycCi rve, songe;
koyngal cf. kosngal.
kubbol/ kubbi (G-N-M-V) tresse ,.
crest of hair, plaited pad.
kuccel cf. kusel.
kudol / kucCi (FJ) brin d'herbe;
piece of dry grass, grass stalk.
jeenol / jeene (NE); hudo / hu-
cfooji (G-A); hudo / kudee1e (v).
kufina cf. hufneere.
kufune cf. hufneere.
kujeerawal (G) chaise; chair.
kujje cf. dabba.
kulitirgel / kulitirkon (G)
clef; key.
&ii-baafal / &ii-baafe (M); omtir-
gel / omtirkol (NE); cokitirgal /
cokitircfe (NO-V); sottirgal / sot-
tircfe (FJ); saabiwal / saabiije (FJ).
kulol peur; fear. .
kulol/ kulaleeji (FJ).
kumaarewal / kumaareeje (G-
A-N-M) grue-trompette, grue-
couronne; crested-crane, crown-
cf. njaroowu-
kummba / kummbaa&e (FT-M)
frre cadet, sur cadette; young
brother, young sister.
kumpa cf. puufam.
kumpa cf. naatalku.
kumpa ignorance, embarras, tre
sans nouvelles de ... ; ignorance,
to know nothing about ...
kunkuruwa cf. huunyaare.
kunnakitiwol cf. adiikowol.
kunnyewol cf. cakantaare.
kunuuri (G) gruau; porridge,
mboyri (FJ-FT-M-N-V); mbosiri
(FJ); mbusiri (NE); bita / bitaaji
kunyawol/ kunyaaji (G) billon;
ridge (farming).
Kur'aana cf. alkur'aana.
kural/ kure (M-V-N) flche, har-
pon; a"ow.
kurol / kuri (G-A); ndagawal /
ndagaaje (FJ); cenal / cene (NE).
kural / kure (FJ) balle, projectile;
ball, harpoon.
mullal/ mulle (FJ).
kuranngawal / kuranngaaje
( G) chelle,' ladder.
f>aargal/ f>aarde (FJ-M); kalikali-
wal / kalikaliije (M); yeenirgal /
yeenirde; yeentirgal / yeentircfe.
kurfere cf. lukkere.
kurkol cf. unordu.
kurkundu cf. mburuutu.
kurol cf. kural.
kuroori cf. dooya.
kusel (G-A) viande; meat.
teewu; teew.
kusel / kuse (M-V-NO) morceau
de viande,' piece of meat.
huyre / kucce (FJ-M-V-NO); kucel/
kucoy (FJ); kucum / kucoy (F]);
kuccel/ kucoy (FJ).
kusulJeejo 1 kusulJee&e (F]) cui-
sinier; cooker.
kutiiru / kutiiji (K-G) chien; dog.
kuturta cf. ceppam.
kuturuujo cf. ceppuo.
kuu cf. dooya.
kuure cf. dooya.
kuudi / kuule (G-A) abus; abuse.
kuugall kuue (G-A-NE-FJ) tra-
vail; work.
kuugal cf. golle.
kuuloo (FJ) regarder d'un mauvais
il; to dislike, show concern
about something.
kuulowal / kuulooje (G) pipe en
bois; wooden smoking-pipe.
f>oyngal/ f>oyle (M-V).
kuuraari / kuuraaje (FJ) vipre;
la'aare cf. hulleere.
laalla tre net, propre, pur, to be
clean, pure, white.
laallina cf. lallllina.
laaci cf. bukkol.
laacol cf. bukkol.
laadi cf. qabru.
laafa ( G-A) maigrir, to become
thin, watery.
fooya (M-NE-V); horoo (F]).
laafaaru / laafaaji (F]) bonnet
en laine, woolen cap.
laaha (G-A-NE) haleter, to pant.
laha (F]).
laahara cf. laahira.
laahira (G-A-NE) l'autre monde,
l'au-del, the next world.
laakara (FJ-M); laahara (v); laa-
xara, laaxira (F]).
laahooru / laahooji (K) chien,
laakara cf. laahira.
la'al cf. le'al.
laalaare/ laalaaje (G-A) uf; egg.
woofoonde / boofoode (F]).
laalagal cf. laalawal.
laalawal / laalaaje (G-A) coque
d'arachide; groundnut husk.
laalawal / laalaaje (G-A-M-FT)-
N) morceau de calebasse casse;
broken piece of calabash.
laalagal / laalaaje (F]); laalagal /
laalale (v); lakkawal / lakkaaje (G).
laaloo cf. xirxorta.
laamcfo cf. laamiicfo.
laamoo tre, devenir chef; to
become chief, to rule.
laamiicfo / laamiille chef, roi,
souverain, chief, king, sovereign,
laamdo / laam&e (G-A-F]); laamii-
do / laam&e (NE); laamdo / laam-
&e (F]).
laamina cf. lammina.
laamna cf. lammina.
laamorde / laamorcfe rsidence
du chef, cour royale, palace,
chief's residence.
laamu pouvoir, rgne, commande-
ment, souverainet; chieftaincy,
authority, rule.
laana (G-A-NE) maudire; to curse.
naala (G-A); la' ana (NE).
la'ana cf. laana.
laana / laad'e (F]) pirogue, ba-
teau, engin; canoe, boat, machine.
laana (NE); laana / laanaaji (G-A-
M-V-N); laanawal/ laanaaje (G-A);
jirgiwal / jirgiije (G-NE).
laana-ndiyam bateau; boat.
laana-njoorndi train; train.
laana-piirooha (G-M-V) avion,
aroplane; air plane, aeroplane.
laana-wiirooha / laade-wiirooje
(F]); arapulen / arapulenje (F]);
awiyon / awiyonje (F]); piiroo-
wal / piirooje (NE); jirgiwal /
jirgiije, jirgiho (NE).
laana-wiirooha cf. laana-pii-
laanawal cf.laana.
laanya (G-A-NE) remuer, agiter;
to stir, paddle (a canoe).
laaya (F]).
laara cf. raara.
Laarabankeejo & Laarabuujo
cf. Aarabo.
laaruwal cf. laawirgal.
laasara cf. alasara.
laasol / laaci (G) crin, cheveu ;
strand of haire
gaccol / gacce (M).
laatii cf. hari.
laatoo cf. hara.
laatoo advenir, devenir; to hap-
lahatoo (NE).
(ana) laatoo cf. badiima.
laawa (G-A-NE) remuer, dissoudre
en mlangeant, malaxer; to stir,
dissolve with mixing, to knead.
wurwa (M-N-V); wuura (F]); wur-
ba (F]); turba (F]); laaya (F]);
laanya (G-A-NE).
laawirgal / laawird'e (G-NE)
bton pour remuer la pte; stir-
laaruwalflaaruuje (v); buurgalf
buurde (F]-M); laarirgal/ laayir-
de (F]).
laawol cf. d'ataI.
laawol / laabi (G-NE) piste du
btail; cattle-track.
laaxara cf. laahira.
laaxira cf. laahira.
laayaaru cf. layaaru.
laba cf. booro.
labangal / labale (G-M-V-NO)
mors, bride; bit, bridle.
labangal/ labange (A); lagambalf
lagambe (F]-NE).
labbo / labbe lance, sagaie; spear.
labbooru flabbooji (F]).
labbooru cf. labbo.
lalla raser, donner un nom un
nouveau-n; to shave, give a
name to a baby.
femmba (F]-N-V-M).
lallarki / lallard'e (F]-M) rasoir;
razOT, shaver.
moorohi / moorooje (NE); fem-
mborki / femmborde (F]); fem-
mbirki / femmbirde (F]); pem-
mbirki / pemmbirde; pemmbor-
ki / pemmborde; laoorki f
lallilina purifier, clarifier, expli-
quer,' to make pure, clean, to
lalli / lalle couteau; knife.
laoi / ladde (F]); laoal / laoe (F]).
lallorki cf. lallarki.
lacol cf. bukkoI.
lada ramper; to crawl, creep.
IJaara (M-V).
ladaama cf. ladabu.
ladabu (G-NE-FJ) politesse, bonne
ducation; respect, politness,
ladaama (NE); adabe (FJ); al'ada-
bu (FJ); needi (FJ).
ladde brousse; bush.
lagambal cf. labangal.
lagawal/ lagaaje (G-M) arc; bow.
bakaahi / bakaaje (NE); biraal /
biraaje (V-NO); laanyal / laanye
laha cf. laaha.
lahatoo cf. laatoo.
lahdi cf. qabru.
lakeeyel cf. bacceI.
lakkawal cf. laalawaI.
lakkee cf. wulwina.
lakkere cf. cabbam.
lalla (G-A-M -FJ) rincer; to rinse.
lallita (G-A-M-FJ); lalwita (NE);
lalla (V-NO) manquer, tre en p-
nurie; to lack, to be deficient in,
be at a loss for.
lella, lellina (FJ).
lalla (M-V-FJ-NE) tre perdu, dis-
paratre; to be lost, disappear.
lallita cf. lalla.
lalwita cf. lalla.
lam cf. kam.
lamd'am sel; salt.
lamyam (A); mannda.
lamma tre aigre; to be sour, sore.
lammbatuwol / lammbatuuji
( G) foss, fosse; ditch.
lammina (FJ-G-A) nommer chef,
introniser; to appoint as chief.
laamna (V-M); laamina.
lammina rendre aigre, to make
something sour.
lammud'am cf. njuggam.
lamndoo (FJ-FT-M-V-NO) deman-
der; to ask.
lampa & lampu cf. pitilla.
lampo-na'i cf. cofaI.
lancoo cf. sankitoo.
lancitoo cf. sankitoo.
lanfoo-na'i cf. cofaI.
lanna (FJ) tre puis, achev, ter-
min; to be finished, used up,
laga-noppi cf. yeeru-nofru.
lappol/ lappi (FT) piste de btail;
cattle track.
lappol / lappi (FJ) colonne d'une
arme, rang; group (army), line.
laral / lare peau, cuir; skin,
laral/lare (FJ) pays, sol, contre;
country, soil.
lasli & lasili cf. asli.
laso & lasooru cf. noogas.
lata donner un coup de pied; to
law tt, temps, vite; early, in
good time, quickly.
lawa (NE).
lawhu cf. alluha.
lawjeeru cf. wafdu.
lawliraawo cf. nawliraawo.
lawliyaae cf. jaatiraae.
lawru / labbi (G-A)ftiche;fetish,
juju, idole
toowru, tooru / toowruuji, too-
ruuji (M).
lawya cf. lalla.
lawya laver les ustensiles de cui-
sine, faire la vaisselle; to wipe,
clean calabash, bowl.
laya (FJ-NE-G-A) grimper, s'ten-
dre (plante), to creep, extend
layya (v).
layaaru / layaaji (FJ-G-A) talis-
man, amulette, gris-gris; amulet,
laayaaru / laayaaji (NE).
layl)a faire la vaisselle, to wash,
clean calabash, bowl...
laymaaru / laymaaji (G-A-NE)
parasol, parapluie; umbrella, pa-
parsal / parsaaji (M-V); waado /
waadooji (FJ).
laynal cf. baatal.
layol / layi (FJ-NE-G-V) plante
grimpante, vine, runner, trail-
ling stem, groundnut haulm.
layya cf. laya.
laya boiter; to limp.
le (A) s'il vous plait, please.
le donc (insistance), (particle of
insistance in many dialects).
le'al / le'e (G-A-M-V-NE) jatte en
bois; wooden bowl.
la'al/ la'e (FJ-FT-M-V).
leddi cf. lesdi.
leeburaajo / leebura'en (G-NE)
homme de peine, porteur, ma-
nuvre, ouvrier, labourer, car-
rier, worker.
leebura (G-NE); leebureejo / lee-
bureee, leeburee (FJ).
leeburee & leebureejo cf. lee-
leel)ol / leel)i (G) pelote de beurre ,.
bail of butter.
leel)ol / leel)i (FJ-M-V-NE) poil,
plume, pen (bird), haire
leel)ol (FJ) unit du troupeau: une
vache, the piece of cattle : a cow.
leel)re /leel)e (G-A-NE) poil, pe-
lage, hair, '1.0001, fur (animais).
leeuure (FJ); leemre (V-NO-M).
leel)uure cf. leel)re.
leefa (FJ-M-NE) se mouiller, se
tremper; to be drenched.
leppa (FJ-FT); loppoo (FJ).
leekere cf. nyaalde.
leeleewal cf. leelewal.
leelewal / leeleeje clair de lune;
leeleewal/ leeleeje (A).
leemre cf. leel)re.
leemu cf. leemuure.
leemunneere cf. leemuure.
leemuure / leemuuje (G-A-NE-
v-Ml orange; orange.
leemu / leemuuje (G-A); leemun-
neere / leemunneeje (FJ); lee-
munne (FJ).
leemuure / leemuuje (G-A-NE-
V-M) citron, leman, lime, citrus.
leemu /leemuuje (G-A); kaccuu-
re / kaccuuje (FJ); kaccu (FJ).
leesa (G-A) 8tre bas; to be 10'1.0
lesd'a (FJ).
leeso /leese (G-A-V) lit, bed.
leeso /leece (G-NE).
leesna cf. lesd'ina.
leeter & leetere cf. bataakewol.
leeyna cf. lesd'ina.
lefol cf. meetaliwol.
leggal/led'd'e (FJ-A) arbre, pice
de bois; tree, piece of wood.
lekki / led'cfe.
lehidi cf. lesdi.
lekki / led'd'e (G-A-V-NE) mdica-
ment base de plante, medecine.
lekki / lekke (FJ); lekki /lekkeele
lekki cf. leggal.
le1a cf. nela.
lela (FJ) pencher; to lean.
lelda cf. nelda.
leloo (FT-M-V-FJ) se coucher, Itre
couch, to lie down.
lella cf. lelwa.
lella cf. lalla.
lellellol cf. lellellu.
lellellu /lellelli (G-A-V) sorte de
tique; tick.
lellellol /lellelli (NE).
le' 01 cf. lenyol.
lelwa / lelli (G) gazelle; gazelle.
lella /lelli (FJ); lelwa /lelji (A).
lelwa / lelli (NE) antilope raye,'
lennguru /lenngi (G-A-V-FJ) clo-
chette; belle
lennguru /lennguuji (G-A-V-NE)
lennguru / lennguruuji (FJ).
lenyol/ lenyi (FJ-M-V-N-G) clan,
tribu, famille tendue; clan,
tribe, extended family, relatives.
lenyol/leY'Yi (FJ-FT-M); lenyol /
le"i (A); le'ol / le'i (A).
leppa cf. leefa.
leppol/leppi (G-A-FJ) bande de
coton; strip of clotho
les (G-A-NE) sous, au-dessous; un-
der, lower than.
ley (M-V-FJ).
les a (FJ) dcouper en tranches,
peler, plucher, raboter le bois
comme le menuisier,' to slice,
peel, carpenter, fashion by car-
lesa (FJ-FT) tre bas, tre tout
prs du sol; to be low down.
leycfa (FJ-FT-N-V); lesta (NE).
lesdi / lese (G-A-NE-FT-FJ) terre,
pays, sol, nation .. ,' earth,
ground, land, country, nation ..
leddi / lescfe (G-A); lehidi / lehicfe
(K); leydi / leycfe (FJ-FT-M-V-NO).
lesdna (FJ-FT) abaisser, faire des-
cendre; to lower.
leycfina (FJ-M-V); lestina (NE);
leesna (G-A); leeyna (M).
lesta cf. lesa.
lestina cf. lesina.
lettugal (V-NO) est,' east.
lewru / lebbi lune, mois; moon,
ley cf. les & nder.
leydi cf. les di.
leydi-baaba cf. ngeendam.
leya cf. lesa.
leyina cf. lesina.
leyleyta (FJ) se balancer tout prs
du sol en s'en rapprochant pro-
gressivement, au fur et mesure
qu'on se balance, raser le sol; to
rock oneself closer and closer to
the ground, to pass very close to
the ground.
libitiwal cf. malafaare.
lilla abattre, faire tomber " to fell,
throw (in wrestling).
lical cf. lis al.
ticcal cf. tisai.
liccere cf. limsol.
li' eere cf. liyeere.
ligga (M) accrocher; to hang up.
likka (FT).
tigge (FJ-FT) travail; 'lOork.
liggoo (FJ-FT) travailler; to 'lOork.
li'oo (FJ) arroser, assaisonner de
beurre liquide,' to baste, to
season 'lOith melted butter.
liibri / liibe (G) varit de lzard,'
liila cf. liira.
liiliwal cf. iililal.
liiliwol / liiliiji (G-A) plume,'
liinga cf. linngu.
liingu cf. linngu.
liira (FT-G-A-NE) mettre scher
au dehors; to put out to dry.
liila (FJ-FT-M-V-NO).
liical cf. tisaI.
liishal cf. lisa1.
likita / likita'en (G-A-NE) mde-
dn, docteur; doctor.
likitaajo / likita'en (G-A-NE); 10-
kotoro / lokotoroo&e (NO-V);
doftooru / doftooruu&e (FJ).
likitaajo cf. likita.
likka cf. ligga.
lila cf. nela.
lilaado cf. nelaado.
lilda cf. nelda.
lima compter, calculer,' to count.
limsere cf. limsol.
limsere / limse (G-A-NE) habit,
vtement; piece of clotho
limse (G-A-NE); comcol / cornci
limsol/ limci (G) chiffon,' rag.
limsere, linsere / limce, lince
(FJ); liccere / licce (M).
linngii cf. linngu.
linngu / liddi (FT-M-N-G) poisson;
linngu / liyyi (FT-M-N-G); liingu /
lii (V-M-A); liingu / liyyi (V-M-
A); liinga / liyyi (V); linngii /
liyyi (FJ).
linsere cf. limso1.
li'o (G-A-V-NE) soupe, sauce; soup,
liroo ( G) se balancer, plier; to
bend (into), to sway.
tisai / licce (G-A) branche, ra-
meau; branch, bough.
lisal / lice, lishe (A-NE); liisal /
liice, liishe (G-NE); liccal / licce
(V-NO-FJ-M); lical / licce (G-A-
liyeere / liyeeje (G) cotonnier;
cotton plant.
li'eere / li'eeje (A-NE).
lo'a cf. foofa.
lo'ere cf. foofere.
lohona cf. loonna.
lokkulol/ lokkuli (G-A) courroie;
lokkungoi/lokolli (NE).
lokkungol cf. lokkulo1.
lokotoro cf. likita.
lollewii cf. &owngu.
lonngere / lonnge (M-NE-V) bou-
che, poigne alimentaire; lump,
saayre / caaye (FJ).
lo1Jorde (FJ) jumelles,' binoculars.
lonyol cf. loonyoodu.
lonyorde cf. daarirgal.
loocol cf. 100so1.
loofe cf. loopere.
loofru cf. loofu.
loofu (G-A) marais, marcage,'
muddy place, swamp.
100fru (G-A).
loofu cf. loopere.
loohotoodo cf. pidpiddo.
lookoyere cf. yookoode.
loonde / loode rdpient en terre
cuite; storage pot.
loonna (M-V-NO-FJ) laver,' to
lohona (NE); loota.
loonyoodu / loonyoodi (G-FJ)
recoin; recess, corner.
lonyol / lonyooi (v); 10nyol 1
lonyi (FJ); donyol/ donyi (FJ).
loopere / loope (G-A-FJ-M-NE)
boue; mud.
100pal / loope (FJ); loope (FJ);
loofere / loope (v); loofe (v); 100-
fu, loofru (v).
loore cf. foofere.
100so1 1 looci (G-A-NE) fouet,
manche de lance, baguette, chi-
cotte; thin rod, shaft (especially
of metal or wood), switch, whip,
brass rod (former currency).
loocol / looci (M-V); looyru,
looci (FJ).
loota laver; to waslz.
lootoo se laver; to wash oneselj,
lootee tre lav; to be washed.
lootirde / lootire blanchisserie,
savon; washing place, soap.
looxoyere cf. yookoode.
loowa verser; to pour.
loowircfum / loowircfe enton-
noir; funnel.
looyru cf. 100so1 & &occol.
loppoo cf. leefa.
losa (G-A) extraire, tirer; to draw
out, extract, withdraw.
lu&a cf. nyamla.
lu&oo cf. nyamloo.
lugga tre profond; to be deep.
luggere cf. diidere.
luggia cf. lugga.
luggicfina cf. luggina.
luggina approfondir; to deepen.
luggicfina (v).
lukaare cf. beembal.
lukka (G-A-NE) cogner sur,' to
lukkere / lukke (G-A-NE) coup de
poing,' a punch, blow.
uttere / utte (FJ-M); kurfere 1 kur-
fe (FJ).
lummba (G) insrer, placer entre;
to insert, put in the middle.
lummba traverser un cours d'eau;
to cross a river or a stream.
lunnoo cf. luumnoo.
lutta (FJ-NE-G-A) rester, vivre; to
remain, be left over.
lutta (FJ-V-M) venir en l'absence
de; to fail to meet somebody.
luttaano (G-A-NE) reste; remain-
luttam (NE); luttu (FJ).
luttam cf. luttaano.
luttu cf. luttaano.
luu&a cf. lacca.
luu&a cf. luua.
luu&noo cf. luumnoo.
luucfa (G-A) sijJler; to whistle.
luu&a (NE); wuucfa (FJ-FT).
luuduuru cf. bukkaaru.
luulde cf. ruuldere.
luuluwal cf. kolbaaru.
luumo / luube (FJ-FT-M) march;
luumo / luube (G-A-NE); luumo 1
luumooji (FJ-N).
luumnoo (G-NE-FT-M-V) flairer,
sentir, embrasser,' to smell, to
lunnoo (FJ-V); luu&noo (G).
luutiyankeejo / luutiyankee&e
(FJ) quelqu'un qui s'oppose tout,
qui a l'esprit de contradiction,'
someone who is against every-
thing, who contradicts ail the
luutoo (FJ) contredire, tre en
divergence avec; to contradict,
diverge with.
luuwe cf. luwe.
luwal / luwe corne; horn.
alaadu 1 galaad'i (FJ-M-NO).
luwe (G-A) douleurs de l'accouche-
ment; birthpangs.
luuwe (NE); uata (FJ).
ma & maa te, toi; you (singular).
maa ton, ta, tes, tien, tienne, tiens,
your, yours (singular).
maacfa; ma'a.
maa cf. seye
maa (FJ-FT) ou bien; or.
maa ... maa cf. koo ... koo.
ma"a cf. maY'Y'a.
maal)a (F]) surprendre, cerner; to
surprise, surround.
maacfa cf. maa.
maadi / maale (G) construction,
mur, btiment; building, wall.
maadi / maadiiji (F]). mahol.
maageeru / maageeji (G) chat;
maagewal/ maageeje (F]) cou-
ronne; crown.
maakokoore cf. yookoode.
maama cf. maamiraawo.
maamaare / maamaaje (F])
vieille femme (pjoratif); old
lady (pejorative).
maamiraacfo cf. maamiraawo.
maamiraawo J maamiraal)e
grand-pre, grand-mre; grand-
parent, grandfather, grand mo-
ther, ancestors (plural only).
maama J maamaaje (M); maami-
raacfo Jmaamiraa&e (M-FT); maa-
miyo J maamiraa&e (V-NO).
maamiyo cf. maamiraawo.
maaro & maaroori rice.
maasiisi cf. ashaana.
maasuujo cf. mekesje.
maata (A) sentir, entendre; to
feel, hear.
maa taw (FT-M) peut-tre; maybe,
maa tawa (FJ).
maa tawa cf. maa taw.
maaya mourir; to die.
maayaale cf. maayde.
maayde J maayle mort; death.
maayde / maayaa1e (F]); maayde J
maayeele (F]); maayde 1 maaycfe
maaycCe cf. maayde.
maayeele cf. maayde.
maaylaare cf. jaabiire.
maayo f maajefleuve; river.
maawo f maaje (s).
maawo cf. maayo.
mallila cf. ommba.
mallile leur, leurs, le leur, la leur,
les leurs; their, theirs.
maalle (A-G-NE).
mallilita cf. omta.
malliloo (G-A) s'ouvrir; to open
malluure cf. mallimalloore.
mammalluure cf. mallimal-
mana cf. taari.
mangariba f mangaribaaji (G-
A-NE) crpuscule, late evening
(after sunset).
futuroo f futurooji (F]-M-V).
mangoro f mangorooje (A-M-
V-N) mangue; mango.
mangoroore f mangorooje (G-M-
V-NE); mongoro (A-M-V-N); man-
ngoore f manngooje (F]); man-
ngo (FJ); mongoroore / mongo-
rooje (A-M-V-N); mannguure f
mannguuje (NO).
mangoroore cf. mangoro.
mankisi cf. ashaana.
mannda (G-A-NE-FJ) sel, salt.
manndake (FJ-FT-M) balances;
mannde cf. ndeye.
mannga (FT) moudre, to grind.
nama (NE); munca & muncita(FJ).
manngo & manngoore cf.
manngu grandeur, ge, great-
ness, importance, age, size.
mannguure cf. mangoro.
manta louer, to praise.
mantoo se vanter; to show off,
to praise oneself.
mantur cf. agoogo.
mara possder, pargner, to pos-
sess, own, put away, save.
maraayaajo cf. nginiijo.
malliloode f malllloocCe (G-A-
NE) couvercle, grass mat covering
for doorway.
ma" ere cf. mayayere.
mafaari cf. asli.
maggoo cf. mayayoo.
maha mouler, construire, to build,
mahadi cf. mahol.
mahol f mahi (G-A) mur, wall
of house or compound.
mahadi f mahadiiji (NE); maadi /
maadiiji (F]).
majja tre perdu, disparattre, to
be lost, to disappear.
majjina perdre, to lose.
makasan cf. sigordu.
makayaare cf. salJalde.
makka (FT) mas; maize.
malafaare f malafaaje (G-NE)
espce de chapeau de paille,
chapeau avec un bord; straw hat,
any hat with a brime
bulunfaare / bulunfaaje (NE); li-
bitiwalflibitiije (FJ).
malemalleere cf. mallimalloo-
mali cf. buuru.
mallehol cf. buutoori.
mallimalloore / mallimallooje
(G-A) grle; hailstone (pl. hail).
malemalleere f malemalleeje
(NE); mammalluure / mammal-
luuje (v); marmalleere f mar-
malleeje (F]); marmalluure f mar-
malluuje (F]); malluure f malluu-
je (NO).
maral cf. dabba.
marijaawowal cf. cancancfo-
marmalle & marmalleere cf.
marmalluure cf. mallimal-
marta (FJ) s'loigner; to go a'Way,
put oneself a'Way.
martita, dira, dirta, poocftoo,
poocftitoo (FJ).
martita cf. marta.
masara (FJ) syphilis; syphilis.
masara cf. kamanaari.
masardi cf. kamanaari.
masardu / masarji tte de mais;
head of maize.
masarri cf. kamanaari.
masiibo cf. masiifa.
masiifa / masiifaaji (G-NE) d-
sastre, calamit, grand malheur;
disaster, calamity, plague.
masiibo / masiibe (V-M); masiibo
/ masiibooji (A-PJ); musiiba /
musibaaji / musiibaaji (FJ).
masin (G-A) trs, beaucoup; very,
very much.
masin / masinji (FJ) machine;
mawba / mawcfi (FJ) lphant;
mawcfo / mawlle grand, notable,
puissant, an; an eider, senior,
important person.
mawna devenir grand, vieillir,
devenir important; to be big,
important, to gro'W eider.
mawna & mawnam cf. mawni-
mawdu / mawcfi (G-A-NE) lion;
mawniraacfo cf. mawniraawo.
mawniraawo 1 mawniraalle
(FJ-NE-G-A) frre azne, sur
ane, eider brother, eider sister.
mawniraacfo / mawniraalle (FT-
M-V); mawniyo / mawniraaoe
(N); mawna; mawnam.
mawniraawo-debbo cf. adda.
mawniyo cf. mawniraawo.
mawri (G-A-M) l'anne prochaine,
next year.
mowuri, mowri (FT); ngaru (NE);
ko arata, ko feewi (FJ); mawuuri
(v); yonto (v).
mawtiri (G-A) dans deux ans; the
year after next.
mawtori (G-A); mowtori (FT);
mawtuuri (v).
mawtori & mawtuuri cf. maw-
mawuuri cf. mawri.
mara cf. marra.
marere cf. marrere.
marra (G-V-M-NE) cligner des
paupires, to blink.
hinya (FJ); ma"a (A).
marra (G-V-M-NE) clater
(clair); to flash (of lightning).
ma"a (A); maya (FJ).
marrere / marre (G-V-M-NE)
cUgnement, clin (paupires);
bUnking, a blink.
kinyu, kinyal (FJ); ma"ere / ma"e
marrere / marre (G-NE-V-M)
clair; lightning (flash).
ma"ere / ma"e (A); mayere 1
maye (FJ).
maY'Y'0o (G) monter (cheval, arbre,
montagne); to climb up (tree,
hill), to mount, ride (horse).
uabba (FJ-M-N); uabboo (FT-M);
maggoo (G).
maY'Y'orde 1 marrorde (G)
escaler; staircase.
me'a bgayer; to stammer.
meea cf. metta.
meeen notre, nos, le ntre, la
ntre, les ntres; our (belonging
to you and me), ours.
me'en; meen; men.
meella (M-V-NO) enturbanner,
couronner quelqu'un d'un tur-
ban; to put a turban on.
meelloo (M-V-NO) se couronner
d'un turban, s'enturbanner; to
put on a turban.
meellol cf. meetaliwol.
meema toucher; to touch.
meere en vain, inutilement, rien;
in vain, for nothing, nothing.
meeta (G-A) enturbanner; to put a
turban on X.
meetalewol cf. meetaliwol.
meetaliwol / meetaliiji (G-A)
turban ,. turban.
meetalewol/ meetaleeje (A); mee-
taloi / meetali (FT-N); meellol /
meelli (V-N-M); mellol / melli
(V-N-M); meetelol / meetelli,
meeteli (FJ); piilkol / piiIki (M-
NE); giifol/ giifi (NE); lefol/ lepi
meetalol & meetelol cf. mee-
mekekke cf. mekesje.
mekesje (G-NE) ciseaux; scissors.
mekekke (FJ); meseke / mese-
keeje (M); maasuuje (v).
mellol cf. meetaliwol.
men cf. meeen.
men cf. boo.
meseke cf. mekesje.
meselal cf. baatal.
meson cf. miso.
metta (FJ) lcher; to lick.
metta tre fade, manquer de sa-
veur, tre triste, to be tasteless,
unpleasant (taste, smell, sound
and metaphorical).
metta (M-V-NO) goter, dguster;
to taste.
mettoo (FJ); meecfa (NE).
mettamberam (G-A) dplaisir,
douleur; displeasure, grief.
mettee (G-A) tre dsol, afflig,
to be distressed, grieved.
mettoo cf. metta.
meya (G) toucher; to touch.
mi je, me, moi, m' - ,. l, me.
mii&oo cf. mikkoo.
miijitoo cf. hiimoo.
miijoo cf. hiimoo.
miiloo cf. hiimoo.
miin moi (insistance), me.
mikkoo (FJ-FT) renifler; to sniff.
mikkitoo (FJ); miioo (v); nyis-
OO (NE); mimya (M); nisoo (G-
A); misoo (M-V); nyiioo (M-V-
NO); nisa (A-NE); niioo (M).
mimya cf. mikkoo.
min nous (elle et moi, eux et
moi ... ); we, us (X and l, he, she,
they and l, him, her, them andme).
men (FJ).
minyio cf. minyiraao.
minnyio cf. minyiraao.
minyiraao 1 minyiraa&e (FT-
M) frre cadet, sur cadette;
younger brother, younger sister.
minyiraawo / minyiraae (FT-G-
A-FJ); minnyiraawo / minnyi-
raae (FJ); minnyio (N-V); mi-
nyio (N-V).
minyiraawo cf. minyiraao.
minnyiraawo cf. minyiraao.
misa (FJ) donner un exemple; to
give an example.
misla (FJ).
misai / mise (FJ) exemple, image;
metaphor, example.
mis&oo cf. mikkoo.
misiide cf. juulirde.
missiide 1 misiddaaji (FJ) grand
'Village, cit, village-capitale ;
large 'Village, town, city, town-
miskiino cf. cooko.
misla cf. misa.
miso (G-A-NO-V-M) averse, cra-
chin,' gentle rain, slight raine
meson / mese (NE); nyeko 1
nyekon (NE); nyoro-nyoro (FJ).
misor cf. adiikowol.
mis oro cf. adiikowol.
misorowol cf. adiikowol.
mo il, elle, lui, le, l' ... , he, she, it.
mona (NE).
mo qui, que, dont, who, which,
that of.
mobbo cf. ceernoojo.
modda (FT-M-G-A-V-N) tre pais
(liquide), to be thick, stodgy.
modda (FJ) tre enduit d'un li-
quide pais,' to be smeared with
a thick liquide
moa avaler, to swallow.
moggo cf. e & &adii.
mokobaa cf. ndottiijo.
molel 1 moli (FJ-NE) pouliche,'
molu-ndewu (G-A-NE).
molu / moli poulain, foal.
molu-ngorgu (G-A-NE).
molu-ndewu cf. molel.
molu-ngorgu cf. molu.
mon cf. mooon.
moon cf. mooon.
monacf. mo.
monee / moneeji contrarit, d-
pit, annoyance, vexation.
mongoro cf. mangoro.
mongoroore cf. mangoro.
monta cf. moomla.
montor cf. agoogo.
montoro cf. agoogo.
moo&a rassembler, to collecte
moo&gal / moo&le (G-A-NE) ras-
semblement,' meeting, assembly,
moottondiral / moottondire (FJ);
moottital / moottite (FJ); moot-
tital / mootte (FJ); mooftal 1
moofte (FJ).
moo&oo se rassembler, s'assem-
bler ,. to collect, assemble (in-
moo&too cf. moo&oo.
moodi am cf. goram.
moodibbo 1 moodi&&e lettr
musulman, marabout ,. learned
man (in Koran), teacher.
moodibbo 1 moodi&&e (FJ) mon-
sieur, sir.
moodibbo / moodibboolle, moo-
dibbaalle (FJ).
moodibbo am cf. goram.
mooon votre, vos, les 'V8tres,
your, yours (plural).
mo'on; moon; mon.
mo'on cf. mooon.
moon cf. mooon.
mooftal cf. moo&gal.
mooloo cf. tooloo.
moolooru 1 moolooji luth, gui-
tare,' lute, guitare
mooma (G) barbouiller, oindre;
to smear, rub (thing over the
body), anoint.
moomla (M) effacer,' to rub out,
moomta (FJ-FT); monta (FJ).
moomoo ( G) se barbouiller, to
smear, rub (thing) o'Ver one' s
own body.
moomoo (FJ) caresser de tout son
corps la manire d'un chat; to
caress with the body, Zike a
moomta cf. moomla.
moora coiffer, tresser les cheveux;
to dress (someone's) haire
moorngol / moorli coiffure;
hair-dressing .
mooroo tre coiff, s'tre fait
tresser les cheveux ,. to have
one' s hair dresse d, plaited.
moorohi cf. pemmborki.
moosa sourire; to smile.
moose sourire (nom) ,. smiling.
moottital cf. moo&gal.
moottondiral cf. moo&gal.
moo'u cf. mooyu.
mooyu / mooyi termite; white
an t, termite.
moo'u / moo'i (A).
mooyta cf. foppa.
m09yta passer lgrement la main
sur; to stroke, smooth down.
morawol/ moraaji (FJ) fil (pour
coudre); thread.
morla (FJ-G-A) rouler (du fil) dans
les mains; to roll in the hands
(especially thread).
mornya (M) tordre; to twist.
mosoro cf. adiikowol.
motta filer; to spin (cotton).
motta (FJ) pincer ,. to pinch.
&ucca (FJ).
mowla (FJ) lisser, caresser de la
main; to stroke.
mowri & mowuri cf. mawri.
mowtori cf. mawtiri.
moy cf. moye.
moye (G-A-NE) qui est-ce?; who?,
moy (V-NE); homo (M-FT); holmo
(FT); honmbo, hommbo (FJ).
moyya (FJ-FT-M-V-N) tre bon,
bien, beau ,. to be good, kind, fine,
moyyere / moyye bont; good-
ness, kindness.
moyyii cf. booadum.
moyyina cf. wo'ina.
mugaajo cf. fah.
muhuri cf. muutiri.
mullal cf. kural.
mummunte cf. dabba.
munca & muncita cf. mannga.
munnyoo & munnyitoo cf.
munya (M-V-N-G-A) tre patience;
to be patient.
munyoo, munnyoo, munnyitoo
(FJ); munyitoo (FJ-M-V-N-G-A).
munyal patience; patience.
munyoo & munyitoo cf. mun-
mura sufoter; to suck (sweets,
fruit ... ).
mura cf. ndammba.
musiaao / musi&&e (FJ) frre ou
sur, parent, apparent; brother
or sister, relative.
musiiba cf. masiifa.
musina (M-V-N-G-A) tter, sucer;
to suck (child, calf).
muyna (FJ-FT-M-V-NO).
musuuru cf. ulluundu.
muta disparatre, baisser (soleil);
to disappear, sink (sun).
muuaum son, sa, ses, soi; his,
her, its (possessive pronoun re-
ferring to a plural no un in the
same sentence).
mu'um; muum; mum.
muucCum'en leur, leurs, eux,
elles ,. their (possessive pronoun
referring to a plural noun in
the same sentence).
muum'en; mum'en.
muujuuru 1 muujuuji (G) chat;
muumal cf. pahu.
muumal cf. pahu.
muumo cf. fah.
muuri cf. muutiri.
muusuuru 1 muusuuji (V-N)
chat, cat.
muusuuru 1 muusuuji (M) rat;
sulumeeru 1 sulumeeji (F]).
muutiri (FT-v) petit mil (penni-
setum), millet.
muuri (G-A); muhuri (K-NE).
muyna cf. musina.
muyta sufoter ,. to suck (fruit,
na (G-M-N-V) (particule interro-
gative) ; (interrogative particle,
immediately after emphatised
hinna (NE); nee (F]).
naa cf. sey.
naa n'est pas (particule ngative);
is not, not (negative particle).
wonaa; wanaa.
naada faire rentrer; to turn in.
naatta; naadita; naadta; naatita.
naada-suka cf. remna.
naadita & naadta cf. naada.
naaa tirer; to stretch.
naaoo s'tirer; to stretch one-self.
naafki 1 naafle (G-NE) aisselle;
nawki 1 nawkiiji (F]-M-V); nalki 1
nalkiiji (F]); nowki 1 nowkiiji (v).
naala cf. laana.
naamnoo (FT) demander; to ask.
naamu cf. finaa tawaa.
naane (G-A-M) jadis; formerly, at
one time.
naane (F]-NE-V) tout l'heure;
just now.
naaneeri cf. &akkal.
naange soleil; sun.
naanna-banngu cf. remna.
naargewol 1 naargeeji (G-A)
orage, tornade; storm, tornado.
waabiliire 1 waabiliije (F]).
naata cf. nasta.
naatita cf. naada.
naatalku (G) curiosit; inquisiti-
kumpa (F]).
naatta cf. naada.
naawa (M-V-N-G-A) faire mal,
rendre malade, devenir ou tre
malade; to cause pain, make ill,
to hecome or to he ill.
nawna (F]-NE).
naawalla 1 naawallaaji (N-V)
maladie, illness, painfulness.
nawnaare 1 nawnaaje (F]).
na&a cf. dogna.
nafa tre utile; to he useful.
nafa 1 nafaaji aliments; meals,
nafa & nafakka cf. bote.
nafakka (FJ) repas; meal.
nagge / na'i vache; cow.
naUd cf. naafki.
nama cf. mannga.
nan- gauche, left (hand).
nana entendre, comprendre, to
hear, feel, understand.
nanar- (G-v) dsobissant; diso-
nanaru (G-v) dsobissance; diso-
na nii cf. ndaa.
nannano (FJ) gaucher; lefthand-
ed (man).
nannda ressembler ; to resemble.
arta (FJ).
nannden cf. taaraajo.
nanndenjo cf. taaraajo.
nannga saisir, attraper, arrter;
to catch, seize, arrest.
nana gauche, the kft, kft-hand
nana (FJ) nord (pour une personne
qui fait face l'est); left-hand
side, north (when the observer is
looking at the sunset).
naraare cf. habeere.
nareehi / nareeje (G-A-NE)
caroubier (de la famille des mi-
mosaces), locust-bean tree.
netehi / neteeje (FJ); nuunuhi /
nuunuuje (G-A); nareeri 1 nareeji
(M); nduutuhi / nduutuuje (v).
nareeri cf. nareehi.
nareeri (NE-FJ) poudre jaune de
nr, couleur jaune; yellow pow-
der of locust-bean fruit, yellow.
Nasaaraajo / Nasaare'en (G-A-
NE) un Blanc, un Chrtien;
White man, Christian.
Annasaaraajo / Annasaaraae (M-
V-FJ-FT) Nasaraajo / Nasara'en;
Nasarankeejo / Nasarankooe ...
Nasaraajo & Nasarankeejo cf.
nassa cf. nasta.
nasta (G-A) entrer, to enter (go
home, come in).
nassa (G); naata (FJ-FT-M-V-N).
nawki cf. naafki.
nawliraao / nawliraalle (FT-
M-N) co-pouse, co-mije.
nawliraawo / nawliraae (FJ-NE-
G-A); lawliraawo / lawliraa&e
nawliraawo cf. nawliraao.
nawmu cf. oyngol.
nawna cf. naawa.
nawnaare cf. naawalla.
nawya cf. naywa.
nayall- quatrime; fourth.
nayee- vieux, old (of animates).
nayi quatre, four.
naywa (FT-M-V-NO-G-A) vieillir,
tre ou devenir vieux; to be old,
to grow old.
nawya (FJ-K-NE).
ne (A) s'il vous plat, please.
nebbam beurre, huile, butter, oil.
nyebbam (A).
neankaaku (FJ) condition hu-
maine, essence de ce qui est
humain, human nature, funda-
mentally human.
neo / yimlle tre humain, per-
sonne, human being, person.
neddo / hime (N); neddo / ime
(A); neddo, neddanke / yime
(FJ); gimdo / yime (G).
neanke cf. neo.
nee cf. na.
neella rester longtemps, durer, to
spend, take, last a long time.
(ko) nee&i cf. &ooyma.
nee&re / nee&e (G) paume, plante
(du pied); palm of hand, sole of
neewre / newe (V-NO); newre /
newye (FJ); newre / newe.
needi cf. baale.
neene (FJ-FT) mre; mother.
neeniraawo cf. inna.
neewre cf. nee&re.
negeleeri cf. &ursirdi.
nela envoyer; to send (person).
nula (FJ-M); nila (V-NO); lela (G);
lila (N).
nelaado . / nelaa&e (G-A-M-V-
NO) messager, envoy,' messen-
ger, envoy (especially the Pro-
phet), apostle.
nulaacfo / nulaalle (G-A-M-V-NO);
lilaacfo /Iilaalle (NE).
Nelaao & Nulaao (FJ) Pro-
phte Mouhammad, Mahomet,'
Prophet Muhammad.
Nelaao / Nelaa&e (FJ) Prophte,
Aptre, Messager, Envoy de
Dieu,' Prophet, Apostle, Messen-
ger, Envoy of God.
Nulaacfo / Nulaalle (FJ).
nelal / nele (FJ) messager, mes-
sage; messenger, message.
nulal/ nule (FJ).
nelda (FJ-M-V-NO-A) envoyer un
cadeau, exPdier,' to give and
send (thing, gift).
nilda (V-NO); lelda (G); lilda (G-
neldaari (FJ-M-V-NO-A) cadeau
envoy; a gift (sent fgit).
lildaari (G-NE); leldaari (G); nil-
daari (V-NO).
nemnebal/ nemnebe (G) joue;
side of face, cheek.
bokel / boke (v); wallllugo / gall-
Ilucfe (FJ-M); wolo / gole (NE-G-
A-FJ); wallllugo / gallllule (M).
nete cf. ooluum.
netebi cf. nareehi.
newa (M) tre lger; to be light
newa (FJ) tre lisse; to be smooth.
newre cf. nee&re.
ni&&a cf. nyi&&a.
ni&re cf. nyi&re.
nio cf. gimo.
ni'i comme fa, ainsi; thus, in this
nihi nii (NE); nii nii (FJ-M-V-NO);
nihii (NE); nii (G-A); niihi (G-A).
nii&oo cf. nis&oo.
niibi cf. nii.
niisa cf. nyinca.
nihi (NE) l-bas; over there.
nibi nii cf. ni' i.
nila cf. nela.
nilda cf. nelda.
nimre cf. nyi&re.
ninca cf. nyinca.
nisa (FT) tre lourd,' to be heavy.
nis&a cf. mikkoo.
nis&oo cf. mikkoo.
niwre cf. nyi&re.
no comment; how.
no bete (FT) trs, beaucoup,' very,
very much.
nodda appeler; to ca Il, summon.
noddina appeler la prire,' to
cali to prayer.
noddira appeler quelqu'un par,
appeler d'un nom; to cali person
a certain name.
nofru / noppi (FT-NE-G-A) oreille;
nofuru / noppi (K); nohuru /
noppi (K); nowru / noppi (FJ-FT-
nofuru cf. nofru.
no gasa cf. ana mOITa.
nohuru cf. nofru.
nokka prendre une poigne de,
puiser; to scoop up, take a
nokku 1 nokkuuji (FI-M-A) en-
droit, lieu,' place.
nokku, nokkuure / nokku, nok-
kuuli (F]); nokku / nokkule (FI);
nokkuure / nokkuuje (FI-FT-M-V-
NO-A); fellere / pelle (G-A-NE).
nokkuure cf. nokku.
nomoran cf. sarla.
non (G-A) tant, autant; so much,
so many, for so much.
non ainsi, de cette faon; so, thus.
to non cf. ana mOITa.
nooda cf. gilangeeru.
noogas (FT-M-A) vingt; twenty.
noogay (FJ-FT-M-V-N); laso (v-
N); lasooru / lasooji (V-N); cap-
pande didi (NE); sappooji didi
noogay cf. noogas.
noonde cf. noone.
no one / nooneeji couleur, coloris,
sorte, espce, colour, sort, kind
no onde 1 noonde, noone (A-V).
noora cf. gilangeeru.
noorwa cf. gilangeeru.
nootoo rpondre un appel; to
answer (a call).
noppiwal / noppuJe (G) mor-
ceau de bois fourchu; forked
sikaawal / sikaaje (NE).
no tawa cf. ana moy-ya.
nowki cf. naafki.
nowru cf. nofru.
noy? (V-NO-A) comment? how?
noye? (G-A-NE); ho no ? (M-FT);
honno? (FJ).
noye? cf.noy?
noye? (G-A-NE) combien? how
much? how many? for how
noy? (A-V-NO); foti? (NO-V-M);
ko jelu? (FI); no foti? (FI); ko
honno foti? (FI).
nufoo (NE) s'enfoncer dans les
marcages, la boue, les sables
mouvants; to sink in swamp,
mud, quicksands.
nufri sables mouvants, quicksands.
nufri / nuforle (NE); nuuri (v).
nula cf. nela.
nulaao cf. nelaao.
Nulaao cf. Nelaao.
nulal cf. neiai.
nunngu cf. ndunngu.
nuuna (FI) castrer un coq; to
castra te a cock.
nuunuhi cf. nareehi.
nuunuuri (FJ) chapon; capon.
nuuri cf. nufri.
lJaaf)a ouvrir largement; to open
lJaaf)oo tre largement ouvert (la
bouche ou les yeux par exemple);
to be widely opened (mouth or
eyes for instance).
lJaala cf. noola.
lJaanya cf. nyaanya.
lJaanyaare cf. nyaanyaare.
lJaanycaare cf. nyaanyaare.
lJaara cf. lada.
lJaarsa cf. lJaasa.
lJaasa (F]-M) gratigner, jouer
d'un violon; to scratch, to play
a violine
Daarsa (G-A-NE-M-V).
lJabba cf. mayyoo.
lJabboo cf. mayyoo.
lJacfa (F]) tre difficile, rebutant,
troit, triqu; to be difficult, re-
buking, tight, narrow.
lJala (F]) s'tonner, rester hbt,
tre surpris; to wonder, to be
stunned, surprised.
lJannawol cf. coodol.
lJappa entamer un fruit avec ses
dents; donner un coup de dents
un objet et l'entamer; to cut or
to bite a fruit with one' s teeth, to
cut something with one' s teeth.
lJari cf. mbaadi.
lJaro cf. paaf)aawal.
lJata mordre; to bite.
lJata (F]-V) douleurs de [' accouche-
ment; throes of child-birth.
Datawre (NE).
lJata cf. gilangeeru.
lJatawre cf. lJata.
lJata-wutta (F]) compromis> com-
asora-amora (F]).
lJeegeeru cf. googeeru.
lJeyya (F]) produire le bruit carac-
tristique des corps ou des objets
secs qui sont sur le point de se
briser >. to pro duce the characte-
ristic noise of dry things on the
verge of being shattered.
lJeY")"al/ lJeY")"e (Fl) branche d'un
arbre qui se brise avec fracas et
tombe; shattered bough which
fal/s noisily.
lJolJa somnoler, avoir sommeil; to
snooze, drowse.
lJola cf. lJoola.
lJolJre sommeil; sleep.
lJonre cf. lJolJre.
lJoocfa se raidir, tre fatigu; to be
stiff (in body), feel stiff.
lJoocfta avoir ou prendre du repos;
to rest.
uoodtinoo; uootta; uoottinoo.
lJoocftinoo cf. lJoocfta.
lJoola ronger, mcher ,. to gnaw,
uo1a (FT); uaala (M); uota (FT).
lJoolu chose ronge, ulcre; gnaw-
ed thing, ulcer.
lJoosa (M) ronger, mcher, to
gnaw, chew.
lJootta cf. lJoocfta.
lJoottinoo cf. lJoocfta.
lJooyaare cf. duujiiru.
lJoppe cf. ceppam.
lJota cf. lJoola.
lJuura (Fl) ronchonner comme un
chien drang, to growl like a
disturbed dog.
lJuuroore / lJuurooje (Fl) ma-
ladies des articulations, rhuma-
tismes; illness of the joints,
uuuro (Fl).
lJuuyi cf. buuru.
lJuyla (Fl) pleurnicher et se lamen-
ter la manire d'un chiot; to
cry and complain like a young
nyaa cf. gikku.
nyaabaa 1 nyaabaaje (F]) con-
jonctivite; conjunctivitis.
nyaabee (F]) tre atteint de con-
jonctivit; to have conjuncti-
nyaad'a tre svre, irritant; to be
pungent, severe.
nyaad'a-hoore 1 nyaad'a-ko'e
malchanceux,' luckless man.
nyaako'oojo 1 nyaako'ooe;
nyaada-hooreejo 1 nyaada-hoo-
reee; nyaada-hooreejo 1 nyaada-
hoore'en ...
avoir de la malchance; to be
nyaadkina; nyakka & nyakkina
nyaadko 1 nyaacfkooji malchan-
ce; bad luck.
nyakko 1 nyakkooji (F]).
nyaad'ud'o 1 nyaad'u&e svre,
mchant,' severe bad.
nyaagoo cf. garbina.
nyaakii cf. nyaaku.
nyaako' oojo cf. nyaad'a-hoore.
nyaaku 1 nyaaki abeille; bee.
nyaakii 1 nyaaki (F]).
nyaalall nyaale (F]-FT-N-G) pi-
que-buf,' cattle heron, white
tick bird.
nyaalel/ nyaale (M-A); nyaale'all
nyaaleeje (v).
nyaalde 1 nyaald'e (G-A-V-NE-M)
aine, ganglion; groin.
nyaalde / nyaale (G-A-V-NE-M);
leekere / leeke (F]).
nyaalde cf. d'aalde.
nyaale'al cf. nyaalal.
nyaalel cf. nyaalal.
nyaam-droite, droit, droites, droits
(main, bras); right (hand).
nyaama manger,' to eat.
nyaamdu nourriture,' food.
nyanndu (F]).
nyaamina (F]) donner manger
une nourriture empoisonne ou
mlange des charmes ou
des sortilges; to give poisoned
food or food mixed up with
spells or charms.
nyammina (F]).
nyaamna nourrir, alimenter; to
nyaamneejo 1 nyaamnee&e (F])
sorcier, qui mange l'me des
gens; wizard, eater of souls.
nyanneejo 1 nyanneee (F]).
nyaamo droite, droit; right-hand
side, the right.
nyaamo (F]) sud (d'une personne
qui fait face l'est; south (when
the observer is looking at the
nyaamri cf. nyamri.
nyaamta (G-NE) condamner une
amende; to fine (a person), zm-
pose a fine on.
nyaamtalo cf. nyaamtar.
nyaamtar (G-M) avide, gour-
mand, goste; greedy, selfish.
nyaamto, nyaamtalo (NE); nyan-
taro 1 nyantare (F]); deereero 1
reeredue (F]); guugaado 1 guu-
gaae (v); yootaado 1 yootaae
nyaamto cf. nyaamtar.
nyaancu (G)gale; scabies.
gunye (NO); puye (F]); gunya
nyaande cales, irritants; husks.
nyaanya (M-N-G-A) gratter; to
scratch, tease (cotton).
naanya (F]); naanyca (v).
nyaanyaare (G-A-M-N) dman-
geaison, action de se gratter;
itch, itchiness, itchy feeling.
naanyaare (F]); naanycaare (v);
feddere (F]-V).
nyaari cf. nyaariiru.
nyaariiru 1 nyaariiji (FJ) chat;
nyaari (F]); gomooru 1 gomooji
nyaatooru cf. ndobu.
nyaaw- (G-A) tachet pois,'
nyaaY'a se pavaner; to show off.
nyakka 1 nyakkaaji (F]) nid
(oiseau); net (bird).
nyakka & nyakkina cf. nyaaa-
nyakke cf. mbonjokku.
nyakkoo cf. maY'Y'0o.
nyakko cf. nyaad'ko.
nyalaande 1 nyalaae journe;
nyalnde 1 nyalde (F]).
nyalaholl nyalbi veau,' calf.
nyalawma (G-NE) le jour, la
journe, de jour,' in the daytime,
by day.
nyalooma (M-V-NO); nyalorma
nyalawmaare 1 nyalawmaaje
(G-NE) journe, une journe; a
nyaloomaare 1 nyaloomaaje (M-
V-NO); nyalormaare 1 nyalor-
maaje (F]).
nyale gnisse,' heifer.
nyalel (FT-M) veau,' calf.
nyalgu darka cf. darngal.
nyalla faire jour, passer le jour,
passer la journe; to be (day-
time) , to spend the daytime
doing something.
nyalnde cf. nyalaande.
nyalnde go'o un jour, il tait une
fois; once upon a time.
nyannde go'o, nde go'o, nyannde
gom, nde gom.
nyalooma & nyalorma cf. nya-
nyaloomaare & nyalormaare
cf. nyalawmaare.
nyamaande 1 nyamaale dette;
nyamla (FT-M-V-NO) prter; to
lend, ad vance (money, food and
other consumable things).
nyawla (F]); wuya (G-v); wu'a
. (A); luDa.
nyamloo (FT-M-V-NO) emprun-
ter,' to borrow.
nyawIoo (FJ); wu'oo (A); wuyoo
(V-G); IuDoo.
nyamri (G-NE) espce de gruau;
po"idge (milk and millet).
nyaamri (NE-G); nyiiri.
nyamri (FT-F]-M) nourriture, ali-
ment; meal, food.
nyaamri (FJ-FT-M); nyiiri (F]).
nyanndeere / nyanndeeje jour-
ne; day of I2 hours.
nyanndere / nyalde ( G); nyalnde 1
nyalde (FJ).
nyannde darngal cf. darngal.
nyannde Qiyaama cf. dar-
nyannde go'o & nyannde gom
cf. nyalnde go' o.
nyanndere cf. nyanndeere.
nyanndu cf. nyaamdu.
nyantaro cf. nyaamtar.
nyarke cf. fowru.
nyaw / nyawuuji maladie; i11-
ness, dease.
nyawu, nyaw 1 nyabbeeli (FJ);
nyawu 1 nyawuuji; nyow 1 nyo-
wuuji (V-NO).
nyawa tre ou devenir malade; to
be or become il1.
nyawsa (F]).
nyaw-bono cf. ceppam.
nyawla cf. nyamla.
nyawnda soigner, gurir; to cure,
nyawsa cf. nyawa.
nyebbam cf. nebbam.
nyebbe cf. nyebbere.
nyebbeere cf. nyebbere.
nyebbere 1 nyebbe haricot, eve;
nyebbeere / nyebbeeje (F]); nyeb-
nyeddude cf. horde.
nyeddude cf. nyeirde.
nyecfa puiser; to dip out, dip up
nyecfirde / nyecfire calebasse
pour puiser, louche en calebasse,'
goddet in calabash.
nyeddude 1 nyeddude (F]).
nyeegi (F]) marcher lentement; to
walk slowly.
nyeentoo cf. nyeegtoo.
nyeegtoo (M) marcher sur la
pointe des pieds,' to walk softly
on tiptoe.
nyeentoo (FT); nyentoo (FJ); yel-
100 (V-NE); sandoo (G).
nyeko (G-A-NE) petite averse, cra-
chin; slight rain, shower.
meson / mese (M); nyekon (NE).
nyemel cf. baaru.
nyenca (FJ) lisser, caresser le pis
d'une vache; to cratch lightly,
to smooth, stroke the udder of
a cow.
nyencfi cf. nyeyli.
nyenya orner, broder, dcorer; to
decorate (e.g. a calabash), to
nyenyi cf. nyeyli.
nyentoo cf. nyeegtoo.
nyerkele cf. yeeru-nofru.
nyeyli (G-M-V-NO) dcoration; de-
coration (especially calabash).
nyencfi (NE); nyenyi (FJ-NE).
nyi&a dresser; to set up, set in the
nyi&a btir, difier; to construct,
erect, build (especially in mate-
rials other than earth).
nyi&a (FJ) poser la charpente d'une
maison; to set up the timber-
work of a house.
nyi&a (V-NO) entourer d'un enclos;
to put a fence around.
nyi&&a (G-A) s'obscurcir (temps),
to be dark, close-set.
nilllla (FJ-M-V-NE).
nyi&re / nyi&e (G) tnbres,
obscurit; darkness.
nillre f nille (FJ-FT-NE-M); niwre f
nille (FJ-V); nimre f nille.
nyidda tre dgot2tant, sale, im-
monde ,. to be filthy, very dirty.
nyiddinoo (V-NO).
nyiddinoo cf. nyidda.
nyifa cf. dannina.
ny&oo cf. mikkoo.
nyDde cf. nyiire.
nyDdere cf. nyiire.
nyiire . f nyiiye (FJ-FT) dent;
nyiinde f nyiiye (M-V-N); nyii-
ndere / nyiiye ( G); nyiindere f
ny'e (A).
nyri cf. nyamri.
nyiiri boule de mil, bouillie; por-
ridge, cormush.
nyiiriiri (FJ) mie (de pain), soft
part of bread.
nyiiriri (FJ).
nyiiriri cf. nyriiri.
nyiiwa / nyiibi elephant; ele-
nyi1&e morve, mucus ,. nasal, mucus.
nyilka tre chatouillant ,. to be
nyinca (M) moudre, to grind.
ninca (M); niisa (M).
nyis&oo cf. mikkoo.
nyitta (FJ) moucher; to blow one's
nyo'a coudre; to S8'W.
nyo'a (FJ) mdire, to slander.
nyo"a cf. nY0Y'Y'a.
nyola pourrir; to go bad, decay.
nyolti cf. nyolu.
nyolu (FJ-M) pourriture, engrais,
dtritus; rotteness, manure, re-
. nyolti (M-V-NE).
nyomita (FJ) grignoter; to nibble.
a lisper.
n y o n n d o ~ o nyonndo f nyon-
ndoolle, nyonndo (FJ).
nyonndoojo cf. nyonndo.
nyooggol & nyoogol cf. nyoon-
nyo'ogol cf. nyoongo.
nyo'oki cf. nyoongo.
nyoongo (FJ-M) couture; sewing.
nyo'ogol, nyo'oki (NE); nyoot-
gol, nyooggol (V); nyo'ugol,
nyoogol (FJ-M-V).
nyoore (FJ-M-V) mdisance, sIan ..
nyoota (FJ-FT-M-V-NO-G) raccom-
moder; to sew up, repair.
nyoota (FT-A-NE) coudre, to sew.
nyootgol cf. nyoongo.
nyora (FJ-M-V-G-A) friper; to
crumple, writickle up.
nyorgo cf. mbedu.
nyoroo (G-NE-M-V) froncer les
sourcils ,. to frown, scowl.
nyoro-nyoro cf. miso.
nyotugol cf. nyoongo.
nyow & nyowu cf. nyaw.
nyoy-y'a appuyer sur, insister; to
press down, press on, insist.
nyo"a (A).
nyua plisser; to wrinckle up,
nyuua (M-NE) marcher sur la
pointe des pieds J' to walk softly,
on tiptoe.
nyuudinoo (V-NO); nyentoo (FJ).
nyuuinoo cf. nyuua.
nyuugii cf. nyuungu.
nyuungu / nyuuyi (FT-M-NO-V)
fourmi noire; black ant.
nyuungii / nyuuyi (FJ); nyuuyu /
nyuuyi (NE-G); nyuu'u / nyuu'i
nyuu'u cf. nyuungu.
nyuuyu cf. nyuungu.
paa&aawal / paa&aaje (G-A)
couverture de livre; book-cover.
uaro / uare, uarooji (F]).
paataado / faataa&e (G) imb-
cile, idiot ,. foll, nincompoop,
feetudo / feetue (F]); komo /
komoode (F]); njofo / njofooe
(F]); bula'u / bula'uue (F]);
nayla / naylaae (F]); la'iifuujo /
la'iifuue (F]); fussaaqiijo / fus-
saaqiie (F]); fuufalafuujo / fuu-
falafuue (F]); puuydo / puuye
(F]); puuydo / fuuye (v); peetu-
do, peeto / feetue (NE); fuuydo,
puuydo / fuuye (M).
paawoowo cf. banngaaro.
paawotoodo cf. banngaaro.
padal/ pade (F]) chaussure; shoe.
padoo cf. yaa&a.
paho cf. fah.
pahu (F]) surdit; deafness.
muumal, muumdal (F]).
palaandi cf. nduulaldi.
pallaandi & pallaandu cf.
pallangol cf. nduulaldi.
pallardi cf. nduulaldi.
palle fil de trame ,. weft.
pam (G-A-NE) livre (monnaie);
fam (NE); pom / pomuuji (v);
pooni / pooniiji (F]).
paraacfo / paraa&e (M-FT) fem-
me strile; sterile woman.
pars al cf. laymaaru.
pasotoodo / pasotoo&e (G-NE)
larron, voleur, brigand, robber,
pati cf. wota.
pati / patiraa&e (F]) grand' mre ,.
patiraawo / patiraae (F]); pa-
tiire / patiije (F]); patiraare 1
patiraaje (F]).
patre cf. patio
patiraare cf. patio
patiraawo cf. patio
/ paykoy (F]) enfant
(garon ou fille); child (boy or
paykum / faye (F]).
pecceer / pecceree&e (FT) co-
pouse " co-wife.
peccirdiraawo / feccirdiraae
peccircfiraawo cf. pecceer.
peepuuru & peepuru cf. huu-
peeral cf. bimmbi.
peeto cf. paataacfo.
peetucfo cf. paataacfo.
peewol cf. &uu&ol.
peewri froid, froidure; coldness.
cf. la&arki.
cf. njuggam.
penu cf. alumleeko.
pettu (G-M) peste bovine; rinder-
pittel (NO-V); zoogal (NE); uggan
(F]); yano (F]).
picfpicfcfo / ficfficf&e (G-NE) chas-
seur; hunter.
lohotoodo / lohotooe (F]); waa-
nyoowo / waanyooe (FJ); looho-
toocfo / loohotooe (v); dan-
naajo / dannaae, dannaa (FJ);
donsotoocfo / donsotooe (M);
donsonke / donsonkooe (M).
pihindi cf. pinndi.
cf. huunde.
piiji cf. huunde.
piiji-paajuuje cf. huunde.
piilkol cf. & adiiko-
piindi cf. pinndi.
piiroohi / piirooje ( G) avion;
plane, airplane.
piiroowal cf. laana-piirooha.
piirugal/ piirucfe (G-v) baguette
de tambour " drum-stick.
pinaari antimoine, kohl; an ti-
fina, finaari (F]-V).
pinndi (G-V-NO-M) jleur " jlower.
pihindi (NE); piindi (F]).
pirinwii cf. nja&attu.
pitilol / piti1li (F]) bougie; kindl-
ing, torch.
pitilol / pitili (F]); jowlol / jowli
pittel cf. pettu.
pitilla / pitillaaji (G) lampe;
pittirla / pittirlaaji (G); fitila /
fitilaaji (NE-M); lampu / lam-
puuji (F]); lampa / lampaaji (v).
piya cf. fiya.
pom cf.
poo cfa cf. foocfa.
poofngol / poofli ( G) haleine,
respiration (inspiration, expira-
tion); breath (inspiration, ex-
foofaango / poopaali, poofaali
(FJ); fontaango / pontaali (V-M);
puuftol / puuftaali (NE); fuuf-
taango / puuftaali (NE).
pooni cf. pam.
poore cf. taari.
pootiiru cf. akotiiru.
poongol cf. &alte.
porte cf. mbonjokku.
Portoojo / Portoo&e (F]) un
Blanc; a white man.
Porto / Portooe (F]).
portolo cf. donndotoocfo.
puccu / pucci cheval; horse.
pucfcfal cf. asli.
pucfiri cf. aawre.
pukaraajo / pukaraa&e (G-A-
FJ) lve, colier, disciple, tu-
diant; pupil, student.
pukaraajo / fukaraae (G-A).
pular cf. fulfulde.
pulpule cf. fulfulde.
Pullo 1 Fulf>e Peul,' Fulani.
pummaari cf. kacitaari.
pumpuukol cf. puufam.
pura cf. furcfa.
pusa cf. fusa.
puucuru cf. caarol.
puufam (G) cume, embrun;foam,
yuufuko (V-M); nguufo (FJ-M-V);
ngufo (FJ); pumpuukol (v); yuufe
(NE); guufe (NE).
puuftol cf. poofngol.
puuycfam cf. puuyndam.
puuycfo cf. paataacfo.
puuyndam imbcilit, idiotie; la-
ziness, great stupidity, idiocy,
puuydam (NE).
puye cf. nyaancu.
qaaluyee 1 qaaluyeeji (FJ) pa-
role, dire (nom); speech, talk,
wi'i (FJ); bi'ol / wi'i (FJ); maaku 1
maakuuji (FJ).
qaatooru cf. gennderu.
qabrina (F]) mettre en tombeau,
ensevelir; to put in grave, to bury.
qabru / qabruuji (FJ-FT-M) tom-
beau, tomb; grave, tombe
laadi, lahdi, laadiiji, lahdji (FJ);
yenaande / genaale (F]-G).
Qibla (FJ-FT-M) Est (direction de
La Mecque); East.
qissa / qissaaji (FJ) histoire,
nouvelle, story, narrative.
Qiyaama cf. darngal.
qoyiire cf. f>occoonde.
Qur' aana cf. alkur'aana.
qutbo / qutboof>e (FJ-FT-M) ple,
minence, eminence.
qutubo / qutuboooe (FJ).
qutubo cf. qutbo.
raa (G-NE) voici, voil; here is,
here are, there is, there are.
ndaa (G-A-V); na nii (V-M);
hino (FJ).
raa&a (A-V-NE-FJ) contaminer, in-
fecter; to contaminate, infect.
raande / daade corde pour lier
les veaux; tethering rope (round
calf's neck).
raara (NE-S-G) regarder, to look
ndaara (FJ-FT-M-V-G); laara (FJ-
raaya cf. iili1al.
ra&a cf. raida.
raida (FJ-M-V-NO) tre ou de-
venir court, to be short.
raa (FT); ramma (FJ-G-A-NE).
ra&&ina cf. rammina.
ra&&indina cf. rammina.
rada (G-A-NE) attacher le veau, to
huma (FJ); racfoo (M-V-NO).
radoo cf. rada.
radoo (FJ) donner la chasse, pour-
chasser; to chase.
rafo cf. heege.
ramma cf. ra&&ida.
rammere / damme (G) puce;
unngii / f>ucfcfi (FJ); f>ucfcfu /
f>ucfcfi(NE-V-M); daamef daameeji
rammina (G-A-NE-FJ) raccour-
cir; to shorten.
raf>ina, raf>incfina (FJ).
rammudo (FJ) court, homme
sans successeur; shortened man,
a man without any successor.
dammucfo (NE); guddo (M).
ramsihol cf. buutoori.
ranee- blanc, white.
ranna cf. ranwa.
ranndere / dane (A-M) uf; egg.
rannga cf. dayrugol.
ranwa (FT-G-A) tre ou devenir
blanc, blanchir; to be or become
white, to whiten.
rawna (FJ-M-V-NO); ranna (G-S-
rawaandu Cf. ()oosaaru.
rawani & rawanin cf. rowani.
rawna cf. ranwa.
rawtani & rawtanincf. rowtani.
re'a finir, tre fini, achev, ter-
min; to be finished, used up,
reeda tre enceinte; to be pregnant.
sowoo (FJ); haamila (M); dunya
reedu / deedi (FJ) estomac,
ventre; stomach, belly.
reedu / deed'i
reegorde cf. joldude.
reena attendre, protger, veiller
sur; to wait for, protect.
ayna (FJ).
re'ende (NE) fin; end.
reere (FJ-M).
reenta (M) se rassembler; to col-
lect, to assemble.
rennda (FJ).
reenta cf. reentina.
reentina (M) rassembler, to as-
semble, to collect (transitive).
renndina (FJ-FT-M).
reen tina (M) attendre; to wait for.
reenta (NE).
reere cf. re'ende.
reerewol & reerewu cf. don-
reeta cf. feccere.
regga (G-A-NE) frapper sur la
tte; to hit on the head.
rekewal ( G-NE) canne sucre;
sugar cane.
kaadamal / kaadamaaje (v); yom-
mbe-belcfe (v).
rella (G-A-NE) tre incomplet, in-
suffisant; to be incomplete, un-
rema cultiver; to hoe, cultivate,
remme 1 remmeeje (G) tre
humain; human being.
remmeraajo / remmeraa()e
(FT) cousin (fils de deux surs);
cousin (children of two sisters).
remmiraawo / remmiraae
remmiraawo cf. remmeraajo.
remna (G-A) circoncire; to cir-
hadda (NE); taada (M-V-NO);
juulna (NE); naada suka (NE);
ta'ada (M-V); sunnina (FJ); naan-
na banngu (v); suuwa, suwwa
(FJ); wosa (FT).
remru cf. demal.
renna (V-NO) dposer un fardeau,
to put down a load.
rootiroo (FJ-NE); rootoo (NE);
rontiroo (M-V); roonta (NE);
roontoo (V-M-NO-A).
rennda cf. reenta.
renndere / dene (NE-M) sorte de
melon sauvage; kind of wild
renndina cf. reenta.
resa (M-NE-G-A-V) dposer, serrer ,.
to set down, put away, save.
resa (FJ) pouser; to marry.
resa (G-M-NE-V) pargner, dpo-
ser; to store away, save.
rewa (FT-M) suivre; to follow.
tokka (V-NE); jokka (FJ-M-V).
rewa (FJ-M) obir Dieu, adorer;
to obey, worship God.
Reweteed'o (FJ-M) Dieu; God.
rewo (FT) nord; north.
rifta (A) arrt o la caravane se
repose et o l'on dcharge les
nes; stop to rest donkeys, off-
riggaango 1 diggaali tonnerre;
thunder (rumble).
riinihi cf bantahi.
riisa cf. arsinkina.
riiwa chasser; to drive away.
rima mettre bas, engendrer; to
give birth to (animais and
rimar- strile; barren.
rimda (NE) dplacer; to move.
rima tre n libre; to be free-
rimina affranchir; to free (a
rimnda (G-A-NE) charger un ani-
mal de fardeaux ,. to put loads on
an animal.
rirnda (G-A-NE).
riska cf arsinkina.
risku (G-NE) richesse, prosprit;
wealth, riches.
rokka cf. okka.
rona succder , hriter de, to
ronka (FT-M-V) manquer, tre in-
capable de ,. to lack, be deficient
in, be at a loss for something, to
ronka (FJ-M) tre fatigu, puis;
to be tired.
ronkere cf. comri.
ronnda (FJ-FT-G-A) aider porter
une charge sur la tte; to put a
load on head, help up with a
roonda (M-V-N).
ronndoo (FT-FJ-G-A) se mettre
une charge sur la tte ,. to put
load on one' s head, carry.
roondoo (M-V-N-FJ).
ronndotooo cf. donndotooo.
rontiroo cf. renna.
roonda cf. ronnda.
roondoo cf. ronndoo.
roonta cf. renna.
roontoo cf. renna.
rootira (FJ-NE) aider dposer une
charge; to help down with a load.
rootiroo cf. renna.
rootoo cf. renna.
rotere cf dubbe.
rotta servir avec une louche, to
. laddle out.
rowani l'anne dernire, ['an pas-
s ,. last year.
rawani (FI'-M); rawanin (v).
rowani-ndeya cf. rowtani.
rowtani il y a deux ans, the year
before last.
rawtani (FI'-M); rawtanin (v);
rowani-ndeya (FJ).
rubbere cf. dubbe.
rubbunde cf. dubbude.
rufa verser ,. to pour out, spill
(transitive and intransitive).
rukuure 1 dukuuje (G-A-NE)
papaye; wild pawpaw.
wuuduru 1 buudi (FJ).
rummbu' 0 cf. beembal.
rutta (FJ-FT) rendre, restituer, to
give back.
ruttoo (FJ-FT) rentrer, revenir sur
ses pas, mourir ,. to turn back, go
back, come back, retrace one' s
steps, to die.
ruulde cf. ruuldere.
ruuldere 1 duule (G-A) nuage,
ruulde 1 duule (G-A); duulere 1
duule (FJ); luulde 1 duule (v).
ruuma passer la saison des pluies ,.
to spend the rainy season.
ruumirde cf. ruumrude.
ruumirgo cf. ruumrude.
ruumorde cf. ruumrude.
ruumrude 1 ruumrue (G-A)
campement, village de la saison
des pluies; rainy season cattle
camp or village.
ruumrude 1 duurnrucfe (G-A);
ruumirgo 1 ruumrcfe (F]); ruu-
morde / duumorcfe (G-A); ruu-
mirde 1 ruumircfe (NE); ruum-
rude 1 duumducfe (v).
sa'a frire,' to fry.
saha (M).
saa'a 1 saa'aaji (FJ-G-A-NE) heure,
temps, montre; hour, time
saa'a cf. agoogo & njamndi.
saa'a 1 saa'aaji (G-A-NE) chance;
good luck, fortune.
saabeere 1 caabeeje (v) tom-
beau,' grave, tombe
saabeere / caabeeje (FJ-NE-G-A)
jachre; fallow farmland, old
saabi cf. ngam.
saabi maajum cf. ngam maa-
saabiwal cf. kul&itirgel.
saabunnde 1 caabule (G-M)
savon,' soap.
saabunnde / caabune (FJ); saa-
bunnde / saabuli (NE); kaataare /
kaataaje (V-FJ); saafunnde (v).
saacfkiwu 1 saacfkiwuuji (NE)
outre; leather bootle.
sumalle (M-NO-V); sasa / sasaaji
saafaandu / caafaali (G-A) cyn-
hyne; wild doge
saafaandu / caapaali (FJ).
saafaandu cf. doldolndu.
saafunnde cf. saabunnde.
saahel (M) nord; north.
soirre (NE-V-S); soirde (v-
N); soirle (V-N).
saajibi cf. saajibiwol.
saajibiwol/ caajibji (G) tuni-
que,' short-sleeved gown.
jabba / jabbaaji (v); saajibi (A).
saaku cf. ashaashawu.
saalawre cf. cammam.
saaloo (G-A) passer, dpasser; to
pass by, go beyond.
saala (FJ).
saama tomber (feuille, rose),
s'crouler, baisser (soleil); to
collapse, to sink (of the sun).
saare 1 ca'e (FJ-FT) ville, cit;
town (non-Fulani settlement).
saare 1 ce'e (M) petit village, ha-
meau, demeure, concession, en-
clos, foyer ; hamlet, village, com-
pound, home, family.
saare 1 ca'e (M); saare 1 ci'e
saare cf. feccere.
saaro / saarooji (G-A) parent;
saawawre cf. cammam.
saaya cf. dolokke.
saayirgal cf. cancirgal.
saayo cf. ngafale.
saayorgal cf. cancorgal.
saayre cf. lonngere.
saaY'a (FJ) pleuvoir verse; to
rain heavily.
sabadooru cf. jabbaare.
sabboo cf. dooma.
sabboo (M) demander en mariage;
to make a proposaI, an offer of
saborgo / caborde (G-NE) houe;
blunt-edged hoe for clearing a
sabu cf. ngam.
sadaaki (G-A-NE) dot; dowri.
sadaaqu (FJ).
sadaaqu cf. sadaaki.
sadaka cf. sakka.
sada tre difficile, rare ,. to be
difficult, not common, be dear.
sadi cf. use.
sadi maa cf. aku.
sadta tre trs difficile, cher; to be
very hard, difficult, tough, to be
satta (FJ).
safa puiser de l'eau (d'un puits);
to draw water (from a weIL).
safaari cf. yaadu.
sagalle-na'i cf. cofal.
saha cf. sa' a.
sakalaare cf. be"ital.
sakitoo (G-A-M-N-V) tre le der-
nier; to be the last.
sakkitoo (FJ).
sakka (NE) aligner; to line.
sakka (FJ-FT-G-A-V) donner l'au-
mne , to give as alms to.
sakkoo (FJ-FT); rokka sadaka;
hokka sadaka; okka sadaka.
sakkitiingal cf. cakitiingal.
sakkitoo cf. sakitoo.
sakko sans parler de, plus forte
raison; let al one, much less.
hakko (G-A).
sakkoo cf. sakka.
sakkoo (M-FJ) tendre une embus-
cade , to place in ambush zn
order to surprise an enemy.
sala cf. koo.
sala 1 salaaji (FJ) tte; head.
salaasa (G-A) mardi, tuesday.
talaata (FJ-M-V-N).
salaba cf. bawla.
salla cf. koo.
salmina saluer; to greet.
salndu / catdi branche, rameau,
branch, bough.
saloo refuser, to refuse.
saltoo refuser tout net; to refuse
point blank.
samaa'u cf. asama.
samayru cf. jawleeru.
sammaare / cammaaje (G-v)
pi de mil; head of guinea-
sammba 1 sammbaa&e (FT)
frre cadet; younger brother.
sana'a cf. sani'a.
sanca dmler (cheveux), peigner;
to comb out (hair), to comb.
sancirgal cf. cancirgal.
sancorgal cf. cancorgal.
sandoo cf. nyee1]too.
sani'a / sani'aaji (G) mtier;
trade, occupation.
sana'a / sana'aaji (A).
sankita parpiller; to scatter.
sankitoo se disperser, s'parpiller;
to disperse, scatter.
lancoo, lancitoo (FJ).
sankoto cf. taaba.
sanna cf. usa.
sannduuku cf. akotiiru.
sanne (FJ-FT-M-V-NO) trs, beau-
coup; very, very much.
sannya tisser (vtement),' to weave
sannyoowo & sannyo cf. can-
salJalde / calJale porc-pie; por-
makayaare / makayaaje (NE).
sanya tresser (panier),' to weave
sappo dix; ten.
sappoo indiquer du doigt, mon-
trer; to point.
sappooji cf. cappane.
sappooji ii cf. noogas.
sara touffer; to choke.
sari' a cf. shariya.
sariire / sariije (FJ) lt'vre, lapin;
hare, rabbit.
jereere / jereeje (FJ); wojere 1
boje; mboju.
sari'u cf. eleldu.
sarla / sarlaaji (G) pantalon;
sarra / sarraaji (v); sada / cadaa-
ji (NE); tuuba / tuube (F]); nomo-
ran / nomoranji (FJ).
sarra cf. sarla.
sasa cf. saacfkiwu.
satta cf. sata.
sawawre cf. cammam.
sawla cf. bawla.
sawoora .cf. 00101.
sawru / cabbi bton, canne, fouet ;
stick, whip.
sawta (FT) tre fatigu; to be tired.
sawta tre en fleur, porter pi
(mas); to blossom, be in flower
(especially maize), to open (corn-
sawta (V-M) en avoir assez, en
avoir marre; to be fed up.
sawtee (FJ) tre dans la solitude,
se sentir seul; to be alone, to feel
wuldee (FJ).
sawteende (FJ) solitude,' loneli-
wulaa (FJ).
sawtere / cawte pi,' head of corn.
sayakiire cf. doldolndu.
say nde cf. sey.
se' a cf. sella.
sella (G-FJ) tailler la manire du
menuisier,' to carpenter, fashion
by carpentry.
seha (FJ-FT-M-V-NO-A); se'a (M-
sellre / celle (G-NE-V) copeau,
oripeau; chip.
se&re 1 ce&le (NO); cellal / ce&e
sea tamiser, vanner; to winnow
(by agitating on a mat), sift.
sea cf. seea.
seergo cf. mbeu.
seirgo cf. mbeu.
seella tre aigu, pointu; to be
pointed, sharp.
seellnde / ceelle (NE) coude;
soll&undu-junngo / co&&uli-juu-
de (FJ).
seelloore cf. Iluldude.
seeda se sparer, diffrer, diverger,
tre en sparation de corps avec;
to separate, branch off, to be
divorced from.
seedaaku tmoignage; being a
witness, bearing witness.
seedere 1 ceede (FJ) cauri, cowri.
seecfa (FJ-FT-M-V) un peu, peu; a
little, a few.
sed'd'a (N-G-A).
seecfa passer la saison sche, to
spend the dry season (some-
seeka dchirer; to tear, split.
seela couper en bandes; to cut in
seemnde 1 ceemcfe (G-A-M-V)
biceps; upper arm, biceps.
pallardi-junngo 1 pallard'e-juud'e
(FJ); seemnde 1 ceeme (v).
seeno cf. geenal.
seera (FJ-FT-M-V) divorcer; to be
divorced from.
seerenjo cf. ceernoojo.
seerna (FJ-FT) devenir lettr,' to
become a learned man (religious).
ceerna (FJ-FT).
seernda cf. sennda.
seerre 1 ceede (G-A-N) cauri,
argent " cowri, money (plural
seedere 1 ceede (V-M).
seeseeru cf. duudaandu.
sefre 1 cefe (G-A-N) troupeau;
herd, flock.
hoore 1 ko'e (v); sewre 1 cewe
(FJ); tiwre 1 tiwe (FJ).
seha cf. se&a.
seka (G-A-V-FJ) tre dans le doute;
to be in doubt.
sogoo, sogitoo (FJ); sikka (FJ).
sekko 1 cekke natte de clture,'
sekko / sekkooji (FJ).
sekko / sekkooji (FJ) gueule,
mouth (pejorative).
fakko / fakkooji (FI).
seko / sekooji (G-A-V) doute;
sikke, shakka (FI).
sela (M-V-NO-FJ) laisser, viter,
bifurquer; to leave alone, avoid,
bran ch off, go aside.
selba cf. sel&a.
self)a (G-A-NE) tre mince, fin
(liquide) ; to be thin, watery
seIba (F]-M-V).
sella cf. hoyra.
sella (FJ-FT-M-V-N) tre en bonne
sant; to be weil, not ill.
sellina cf. yamcfitina.
selga cf. segla.
sel ta cf. sela.
semmba grossir, tre solide, pais ;
to grow big.
semmbawii 1 semmbaaji (FI)
porc, sanglier; pig.
semmbe solidit, force, grosseur;
stength, solidity.
cemmbe (F]).
semmbicfa grossir, tre fort; to
grow big, to be strong.
semta (M-G-A-NE) avoir honte,
to be ashamed.
hersa (FJ-M-V).
semtina (G-A-M-V-N) faire honte
; to shame, put to shame.
hersina (FJ-M-V).
sennda partager, diviser, sparer;
to divide, part, separate.
seernda (FI-FT); henndira (G-A-
senndindira cf. senndira.
senndira sparer, discerner, dis-
tinguer, diffrencier; to sep-
ara te, distinguish, be separated
(from), to separate from.
senndindira (FJ).
senuwe (G-A) propret; clean-
liness, purity.
senwe, senuye (G-A).
senwe cf. senuwe.
senuye cf . . senuwe.
senya cf. segla.
sega emmancher; to haft, fit a
han die to (hoe, axe).
segla (M) cliqueter, sonner, tinter;
to jingle, click.
selt)a (FT-M); senya (F]).
segta enlever le manche; to re-
move handle from.
serdu cf. duudaandu.
sereendu cf. duudaandu.
seteejo cf. jahoowo.
setta peler, tailler, aiguiser; to
sharpen, peel, pare.
setta (F]) venir (automne), to be,
to come (automn).
setto 1 settooji (F]) automne,
saison des labours; automn, time
for ploughing.
sewa tre fin, mince, to be thin,
sey (G-NE) jusqu', , and then,
naa (NE); faa, haa, maa (F]).
sey (G-NE) sauf, seulement, except,
danci nde (NE); maa (F]); say
nde (NE).
seyna plaire, contenter, to please,
make happy.
seyoo se rjouir, to be happy, glad.
seytina (F]) tre fch, mcontent;
to be angry, unhappy.
shaageejo cf. njaaluujo.
shakka cf. seko.
shari' a cf. shariya.
shariya 1 shariyaaji justice, loi
musulmane, droit, tribunal; jus-
tice, Moslem law, court.
sari'a, shari'a 1 sari'aaji, shari'aa-
ji (F]).
si cf. koo.
si'a couler, suinter, avoir une
fuite (liquide); to leak, be leaky.
si ... maa cf. koo ... koo.
sifoo dcrire, voquer, esquisser;
to describe, outline, represent.
siga (G-A) garder, conserver, to
keep, conserve.
sigoo ( G-A) amasser; to store
away, save up, conserve.
sigordu 1 cigordi (G-A) magasin,
store, storeroom.
makasan 1 makasanji (F]); caal-
ru 1 caaliiji (F]); marga 1 mar-
gaaji (F]).
s&a (V-NO-M) pousser des cris
. aigus, to squeak, twitter.
siika (F]).
s&oo siroter, sucer, to suck up,
sdo 1 siidooji (G-NE) plaisante-
rie; joke.
wersi (F]); caakaane (F]).
sdoo (G-A-NE) plaisanter, to
wersa (F]).
siifa (F]-V-NE) dessiner, tracer une
ligne, un trait; to draw a li ne,
to draw.
siika cf. s&a.
siikaango 1 ciikaali cri perant,
squeak, shriek, chirping.
siikulliri cf. ndamndi.
siinaa 1 siinaa&e (F]) co-pouse;
siini & siiniho cf. baabaho.
siinirde cf. &alinordu.
siire 1 ci'e (V-NE) village non-
peul; town, non-Fulani settle-
siiro cf. yeegol.
siiwa filtrer; to pour out (liquid).
siwwa (FJ).'
siiwoo se filtrer, tre filtr, filtrer;
to be filtered through, to filter.
siwwoo (FJ).
sika (G-A) bien sr; certainly, de-
sikaawal cf. noppiwal.
sikka cf. seka.
sikke cf. seko.
sikkor cf. sukar.
silaawo cf. honndoore.
siliki cf. sooyi.
silla cf. bawla.
sillirde cf. uppoodu.
simme cf. taaba.
simoore cf. suurawol.
simta dgoutter, suinter, fuir; ta
drip, ooze, leah.
simtinil verser en gouttes, filtrer "
ta pour out in drops.
sinnda (M) accrocher; ta hang up.
sinnda (FJ) il vaut mieux, mieux
vaut; it' s betier ta.
sitta (FJ).
sinndamuure cf. &alinordu.
sinnga (V-NO) dresser; ta set up,
to plant something in the ground.
sinnga (FJ) frre cadet, sur ca-
dette; younger brother or sister.
sinnya cf. dimmboo.
sippa vendre du lait " ta sell milh.
sippira cf. duwra.
sippirde / sippircfe calebasse
pour vendre du lait " calabash
(for retailing milh).
sira corcer " ta strip barh off a
sir&itoo renifler " ta strip off a tree.
siroo cf. wora.
sir ru cf. xaybu.
sitta cf. sinnda.
siwta donner naissance des ju-
meaux; ta bear twins.
siwtoo (s-K) prendre du repos; ta
siwwa cf. swa.
SiwwaacCo (FJ) l'Elu (Prophte
Mouhammad) " The Elect (Pro-
phet Muhammad).
Siiwaao (FJ).
so cf. koo.
so ... so cf. koo ... koo.
soirde cf. saahel.
soirle cf. saahel.
soirre cf. saahel.
soitoo cf. sotoo.
soundu / couli (FJ-G-V-M)
coude; elbow.
so"undu / co"uli (A); sosllunduf
cosllulli (NE).
soundu-junngo cf. seende.
soeeri cf. bu'e.
sotoo (FT-G-A) s'esquiver, s'-
chapper " ta escape, slip away,
sleep free.
sollllitoo (FT-M); soptoo (v).
socca (FJ-M-V) frotter,' to rub,
rub hard, brush.
soda (G-A-FJ) moissonner; ta har-
vest (corn).
sofa cf. sufa.
sofa (G-A) retirer, sortir; ta pich
out, pull out.
sola (FJ-M-V-NE).
sogga cf. sonnga.
sogonal cf. fiyannde & hapa-
sogoo & sogitoo cf. seka.
so"oo cf. soy"y"oo.
soka (FJ-FT-M-v-No)fermer clef,'
ta loch.
soka (G) damer, tasser; to tamp,
ramp down.
sokka (FT-M-G-A) battre le bl,' to
thresh corn.
sor&a (NE).
sola cf. sofa.
soldu cf. buutoori.
solta ( G) pousser au dehors; to
pull out.
soltoo (G) s'esquiver, s'enfuir,' to
slip free, escape.
soma (V-NE-G-A-M) Itre fatigu,'
to be tired.
sompawo cf. baanewo.
sompoore cf. honndoore.
somre / come (NE-V-G-A-M) gril-
Ion; cricket.
geegerewal / geegereeje (FJ);
geegere (F]); SOOIme / coome (G-
somta (NE-V-G-A-M) n' Itre plus
fatigu; to lose one' s tiredness.
sonko cf. sonnyo.
sonnda (FJ-V-G-A-NE) touffer,'
to choke.
sonndu / colli oiseau,' bird.
sonnga (M) chasser; to drive away.
sogga (F]).
sonnya (FT-V-NO-M-G) faire un
bru,,"t; to make a sound, make an
audible movement.
sonnya (NE) se dplacer; to move.
sonnyo (NE) bruit; sound.
sonko / sonkooji (F]).
sonnyo (G-v) cliquetis; crack le,
rattle, jingle.
sony-a (G-NE) tinter; to jingle.
senya (FJ-M-V-N).
soobaajo / soobaae (G-A) ami,
camarade; friend, comrad, mu-
tuaI friends.
sooba / soobaa&e, soobiraa&e (G-
A); soobaajo / soobiraa&e (G-A).
soobaaku (G-A) amiti; friend-
sooba cf. soobaajo.
soobee (F]) srieux,' seriousness.
sooda acheter; to buy.
soofa (FT-M-V-N-G-A) se mouiller,'
to get wet.
soofa cf. bawla.
sookel'a (G-A) Itre, devenir pauvre "
to be, become poor.
soolta cf. soorta.
sooma cf. suuma.
soomre cf. somre.
soonna (M-V) vendre,' to selle
soorra (NE-G-A); yeeya (F]-M-V
soorowol / soorooji maison
tages, palais,' building house,
rectangular ftat-roofed mud, pa-
koore / kooreeji (F]).
soorra cf. soonna.
soorta (F]-M-V-N) extraire, d-
busquer, retirer,' to draw out,
extract, withdraw.
soolta (V-NO).
sootta (M-V-NO) vendre; to selle
geeya (NE).
sootta (F]) racheter; to buy again,
ransom, redeem.
soowru cf. cofal.
sooya (G-A) manquer,' to lack, be
lacking in.
sooya (F]) fondre au contact de
l' humidit ambiante (sel); to
melt (salt for instance, which
absorbs the dampness of the
air and melts into water).
sooya (F]) fondre de dsespoir,' to
lose ail hope, to despair.
sooyi (FJ) soie,' silk.
siliki (F]).
sooynoo cf. haynoo.
sooyta (G-A-NE) trpasser; ta pass,
ta die.
soppa (FI-FT-V-NO) fendre du bois
mort; ta chop, cut (wood).
fecca falima (FI).
soppa (FI-A-G-M-v) picorer, pi-
quer du bec; to slash.
suppa (NE).
soppa (FI-A-G-M-V) mordre (ser-
pent); to strike, bite (snake).
soppere cf. codaI.
soppinoo (FT-M-V-G-N-A) s'ac-
croupir; to squat down.
soflflindoo (FI); jiccoo (FI); op-
pinoo (G-A).
soptoo cf. solltoo.
sorlla (V-G-A-NE) battre le bl,
battre le mil; to thresh corn
(pound to remove the husk).
sorllirde 1 corllirc:fe (G-A) aire
de battage; threshing-place.
sorflirdu 1 corflird (NE).
sorllirdu cf. sorllirde.
sorfa (G-A) piquer; to prick.
tufa (FI-M-V-NE).
sosllundu cf. sollllundu.
sotta (FT-M-V-NO-G-A) piler du
mil, dbarrasser le mil du son,'
to pound corn (second pounding).
piitoo (FI).
sotta (FI-FT-NE) bouger, se d-
placer,' to move.
sottirgal cf. kulllitirgel.
so"undu cf. sollllundu.
sowa plier; to fold.
sowoo cf. reeda.
sowna cf. foppa.
soyfa (M) faire un bruit sourd; to
make a sound, make an audible
soynoo cf. haynoo.
SOyaDOO cf. haynoo.
soyyitoo cf. soyayaoo.
soyyoo (G) rentrer du pturage,'
to returnfromgrazing.
so"oo (A); jaayoo (FI); s0Y'Y'itoo
(M-V-NE); yiiltoo (FI); hoota.
subaha cf. bimmbi.
subaha-mawcfo cf. Ilalte.
subaka cf. bimmbi.
subaka-kecco cf. Ilalte.
sulla choisir; to pick out, choose.
sufloo (FI-FT-M-V-N).
sulloo cf. sulla.
sullta (G-A) choisir, lire,' to
choose, elect, pick out.
sudda voiler, couvrir; to cover
up, put on a veil.
sudda (M) pouser,' to marry.
suddaare cf. be"ital.
suddamaare cf. be"ital.
suddita dcouvrir, montrer; to
uncover, reveal.
suddoo se voiler, se couvrir; to be
covered up.
sufa (FI-G-A-NE-V) rcolter du
coton, ramasser; to pick, pluck
suka cf. baccel.
suka-debbo / sukaalle-rewlle
jeune fille,' young lady, girl.
suka-gorko / sukaalle-worlle
jeune homme; young man, boy.
sagataa / sagataafle (FI).
sukaaku jeunesse, enfance, ado-
lescence; youthfulness, childhood,
cukaaku (FI-FT-V).
sukaaku cf. mbaccaaku.
sukar (G) sucre; sugar.
sukkarre / sukkarje (FI); sukkar
(FI-V-NE); sukkara (M); sikkor(M).
sukka boucher, emboucher,' to
block, stop up.
sukka (V-NO) tre basan; to be
dark (person), close-set.
sukkar cf. sukar ..
sukkara cf. sukar.
sukkarre cf. sukar.
sukkoo (FJ-M-NE) boire en mettant
la bouche contre le rcipient, em-
boucher pour boire; to sip with
the lips against the recipient, to
put it to one' s mouth to drink.
sukkuuru cf. bukkaaru.
suk1a (G-A) tre proccup, con-
cern; to distract, take up at-
tention of.
suk100 (G-A) tre occup, affair,
soucieux; to be busy, concerned
suie cf. suleyre.
suleyre / suleyje (G-NE) shilling;
sule / suleeje (v).
sulmoo se laver le visage; to
wash the face.
sulumeeru cf. gaandu.
suma se brler, to be bum.
sumalle cf. saacCkiwu.
summba (V-NO-M) pagayer, to
sumna cf. wula.
sumsumko & sumsumkowal
cf. njarduka.
sunoo tre triste, to be gloomy,
sunna cf. wula.
sunnina cf. remna.
suno cf. suuno.
sunsunko cf. njarduka.
suppa cf. soppa.
suraati cf. suurawol.
surbaajo cf. dewel.
surra (FJ) protger, couvrir, pren-
dre la dfense de, to defend,
cover, protect.
suura (M).
surra cf. ira.
sus a }lairer, renifler; to sniff (dog),
sutina montrer quelque chose
quelqu'un et insister jusqu' ce
qu'il le voie manifestement et
fixement, to show somebody
something till he sees it clearly
and stares at it.
sutoo (FJ-NE) fixer des yeux, to
sutura / suturaaji (FJ-M-G-NE)
vtements; clothes.
suudu / cuui maison, chambre,
case, house, room, hut.
suua cacher; to hide, conceal.
suuita dcouvrir, to uncover,
suuta cf. suuita.
suuma (FT) petit mil, millet
(pennisetum ).
suuma (FJ) cacher, couvrir, to
hide, cover.
sooma (M-FJ); buuma (FJ).
suu ma (V-N-G-A) jener, to fast.
suumaye (FT-V-N-G-A) jet2ne;
fasting, the Moslem fast.
suumayee (FJ); suumayre (v);
suumayeere / suumayeeje.
suumayee cf. suumaye.
suumayeere cf. suumaye.
suumayre cf. suumaye.
suumoo cf. hoora.
suumta (M-V-NO) raser, to shave.
suuna (G-A-V) envier, convoiter,
to be covetous, to desire.
suundu cf. doldolndu.
suuno (G-v) dsir; desire.
suno (FJ).
suura (M) sauter; to jump.
suura (FJ) fumer, s'chapper (fu-
me), tosmoke, to escape (smoke).
suura cf. surra.
suuratuwol cf. suurawol.
suurawol 1 suuraaji (G) cha-
pitre du Coran; chapter (of
suuratuwol 1 suuratuuji (F]);
suraati (V-M); simoore 1 simooje
suurta cf. suura.
suurulla ( G) balles de grain,
suusa (F]-FT-M-V) tre audacieux,
oser; to be brave, valiant, to
suusunko cf. njarduka.
suuwa (F]) mettre dans l'eau
(teinturerie); to put in water
(especially for dyeing).
suwwa (F]).
suuwa & suwwa cf. remna.
. suwwa cf. suuwa.
ta cf. patio
ta' a cf. taya.
taa (particule ngative exprimant
gnralement la dfense ou l'in-
terdiction); (negative particle
especially expressing prohibition).
wata; wota.
taaba (G) tabac; tobacco.
taba (M-V); simme (F]); sankoto
taabal cf. teebur.
taa&oo (FT) franchir, transgresser,
dsobir; to disobey, to step
taada cf. remna.
taada (V-G-A-M) ceindre; to put
belt on, gird.
hadda (F]); huullina (FJ); hunnda
(F]); duhoo (FJ); dadoo (F]).
ta' ada cf. remna.
taadoo (G-A-M-V) se ceindre, se
ceinturer; to put belt on, gird
duhoo (FJ); dadoo (FJ).
ture; belt.
dadorgol / dadordi (FJ-M-V); da-
dol / dadi (F]); daditol / daditi,
daditti (FJ); duhol / duhi (FJ).
taagawal/ taagaaji (G) fentre,
taala conter, raconter, narrer, to
tell, relate (fables, tales, riddIes).
taalol / taali conte, rcit, fable,
tale, story, fable.
tahalawol / tahalaaji (NE).
taama cf. ana moyya.
taaniraad'o cf. njaatiraawo.
taaniraawo cf. njaatiraawo.
taaniyo cf. njaatiraawo.
taara / taaraa&e (FT-M) concu-
bine, concubine.
hodondiro / hodondirlle (FJ).
taara (F]-M) ceindre d'un turban;
to put on a turban.
taara entrelacer, tordre, to wind
round, twine.
taara cf. taaraajo.
taaraajo / taaraa&e (F]-M) fem-
me de condition servile; maid,
servant woman, servant-wife.
jaariya 1 jaariyaaIJe (F]); jaari-
yaajo 1 jaariyaaIJe (F]); taara 1
taaraaIJe (F]-M-FT).
taarde / taare (G-A) cerck;
taari (G-M) gomme, caoutchouc,
cire ,. gum, wax, rubber.
mana (v); endam (F]); ndole (F]);
poore (F]).
taarihi 1 taarihji (G) histoire;
taariihi 1 taarihiiji (G); taariix /
taarixaaji (F]); fil1a 1 fillaaji (F]);
peyyol/ peyyi (F]).
taariihi cf. taarihi.
taariix cf. taarihi.
taarol 1 taari (V-G-M) rouleau;
taaroo se tordre, s'enrouler; to
wind round, twine round /rom a
taarta drouler ,. to unwind.
taartoo se drouler, se dvtir
(femme) ,. to unwind, undress
taasri cf. mbulmbulndi.
taasawo 1 taasaaje (V-M-G-A)
cuelle, bol, jatte; basin, bowl.
taaya cf. &olina.
ta&a cf. taaba.
tabalde cf. mbaggu.
tabalde cf. tummbal.
tabi' a cf. ab' a.
ta&&oo cf. ta&oo.
ta&oo (G-A) attraper; to catch
(something faZZing).
teIJIJoo, teIJIJitoo (F]); taIJIJoo
tacca cf. taya.
tacca (FT-M-V) traverser, to cross.
taddawaari cf. dawa.
tafaare 1 tafaaje (G) rocher; rock.
tefaare 1 tefaaje (M).
taga crer (Dieu) ; to crea te (of
tagaao cf. gimo.
tagaangel cf. Aade.
tagga enrouler, to roll, coil up.
taggita drouler ,. to uncoil, un-
taggitoo se drouler; to unwind.
taggoo s'enrouler; to wind, roll,
coil up.
tagu crature humaine, caractre ,.
human being, creature.
tagu cf. baale.
tahalawol cf. taalol.
takka attacher, coller, to affix,
stick on.
takkoo se prendre , se coZZer ,
s'accrocher ; to stay close to,
cling to, to stick to.
takko cf. e & &adoo.
takoowol cf. &aa&awol.
takuure cf. hu&eere.
talkaajo cf. cooko.
talaata cf. salaasa.
talkuru cf. bataakewol.
talla rouler, se tourner, to roll
tamaroore cf. dibinoore.
tammba (G-A) soutenir, empoi-
gner; to grip.
tammbadufaarucf. appuap-
tammboo (F]-M-V-NO) soutenir;
to support.
tammoo (G-A) penser, to be of the
opinion, to think.
tuuma (F]-M-V); tanyinoo (F]).
tamorohi cf. dibinoohi.
tampa (FT-M-V-NO) tre fatigu;
to be tired.
tampa (V-NO-G-A-FJ) tre trs
fatigu, souffrir; to be com-
pletely exhausted, succumb.
tampere & tampiri cf. comri.
tampita (V-NO-M) prendre du
repos; to reste
tamre / tame (V-G-M) poing,
poigne; fot, handful, baIl of
mud for building.
tankere / tanke (FJ).
tamsa (V-G-A) cuire des galettes,
to bake, make cakes.
tamseere / tamseeje (G) beignets
de milou de farine, cake, bun
(honey corn, oil).
tamya (G) tordre; to squeeze in
the hand, wring.
tan seulement, seul, only alone.
tun (FJ); tannde (FJ).
tanaacfo cf. ca&&u-ca&&u.
tannde cf. tan.
tannde / tanndeeji (FJ) cour,
ngeru / ngeruuji (FJ).
tanneere / tanneeje datte, date
tanni / tanne dattier du dsert,
desert datepalm
. tanne / tanneeje (FJ-M-V).
tankere cf. tamre.
tanynoo cf. tammoo.
tappa frapper; to knock, rap, hit.
tarbuusi cf; woronnde.
tata&- troisime, third.
tati trois; three.
tawa cf. hara.
tawa trouver, obtenir, rencontrer,
to find, get, encounter.
tawan cf. ana mOITa & ba-
tawi cf. hari.
tawtaw (G) araigne, spider (espe-
cially in stories).
taykiwu / taykiiji (NE) sac en cuir
pour le transport dos d'ne,
leather bag used for carrying on
tayre / taye (FJ-FT-M-V-N) mor-
ceau, pice; piece (meat).
tayre / tayye (m). .
taya (FJ-FT-M-V-N-G) couper; to
cut, cut through, cut up, cut off.
ta'a (A); tayya (NE-M); tacca
taya (FJ-FT-G-V-M-N) se casser, se
briser, to break, snap; to despair.
tayoo (FJ) dsesprer; to despair.
tayaya cf. taya.
taITe cf. tayre.
te'a (G-A) pouser, to marry.
te'a (FJ) cueillir, chercher du feu,
to pick, to gather, to look for fire.
te&a (FJ-M) cueillir, to pick.
te&&itoo cf. ta&oo.
te&&oo cf. ta&oo.
tedda tre lourd, important, to be
heavy, be important (of a per-
teddina alourdir, honorer; to
honour, to burden.
teddunde cf. jummaare.
teebur / teeburje (G-v) table,
teeburwal / teeburje (G-v); taa-
bal / taabe (FJ-M-V).
tee gal / teele (FJ-G-NE) mariage;
marriage, wedding.
teeleende cf. buu1ol.
teema (G) cf. ana mOITa.
teemedere / teemecfcfe (FT-M-
FJ) cent, a hundred.
teemedere 1 teemedde (ri-M);
teemerre / teemecfcfe (G-A).
teemerre cf. teemedere.
teena ramasser, chercher du bois
mort, to gather wood.
teenaaki / teenaacCe (s) bois
mort; dry wood.
teenirde cf. feY'}"irde.
teera (G-A) pouser; to marry, to
be married to.
teere cf. ilam.
teergal/ teerle (FJ-G-A) membre,
tergal / tercfe (FJ-V); teral /
terde (FJ); teral / tere (FJ).
teeta (FJ-V-NO-G-A) cueillir, ar-
racher quelque chose quelqu'un;
to snatch, pilfer.
teetoo (FJ-M-V-G-A) s'enfuir, tre
cueilli, arrach, to break /oose,
escape, to be picked.
teewu & teew (FJ-FT-M-V-NO)
viande, meat.
teewu / tebbi (FJ); tew (M-V-NO);
tew / tewuuji (v).
teewu-necCcCo cf. gaawaare.
tefaare cf. tafaare.
tefewu cf. njarlu.
teketi & teketti cf. tetekki.
tekka (FJ-FT-M) tre pais; to be
tekka (V-NO-G-A) tre gros, ro-
buste, to be fat, stout, sturdy.
tekkere / tekke (FJ-M) coussinet
(interpos entre la tte et la
charge), head pad, wheel.
tekkere / tekke chiffon; rags.
tekkuru (G) embonpoint, fatness.
tel&aango / tel&aali (G-A) (coup
de) tonnerre; thunder (clap).
teleende / teleecCe (V-G-A) inon-
dation; shallow flood.
telen cf. haro.
telinoo (G-A) dborder, inonder,
to overJlow, Jlood.
telloo (M-FJ-FT) descendre, to get
tenen cf. altine.
tenng cf. tenngu.
tenngu/ tencCi (V-A-G-M) pou
(de tte); louse.
tenngii / tendi (FJ).
tenngu / tencCi (FT) lopard;
tega (FT-FJ) doter, to give the
tege (FJ-FT) dot, dowry.
teppere / teppe talon, pas; heel,
teppitoo cf. fergoo.
teral cf. teergal.
tercCe cf. llanndu.
teteki cf. tetekki.
tetekki (G) entrailles; entrails.
tetekol/ tetekki (FJ); teketti (M);
teketi (v); teteki (FJ-NE).
tew cf. teewu.
tigaare cf. mbiriwu.
tigga (FJ) voiler, pouser, to veil,
tigga (M-V-G-A) dresser; to set up,
set in the ground.
tcCa (FT-M-V-NO) tre difficile, to
be hard, difficult.
tcCa (FJ) tre solide, tre fort; to
be hard, to be strong.
tcCa (M-V-NO) tre cher; to be
tiigoo (M-V) cf. tuggoo.
tiilde / tiilcCe (G-A) colline; hill.
tilde / tile (v); tulde / tulcfe,
tule (FJ-M).
tmeelo cf. girawol.
tnde / tiicCe front, forehead,
tndoo (FJ) affronter; to front.
tiinna cf. tiinnoo.
tiinnoo (FT-M-FJ-V-NO) essayer
avec persvrance; to try hard,
strive, persevere, exert oneself.
tiinna (M).
tiingaade 1 tiingaade (G-A) cous-
sin, oreiller; cushion, pillow.
ngawlu 1 ngawluuji (FJ).
tiisoo (M) appuyer sur,' to press
down on.
tiitiho (G) chaume (toiture),'
thatching grasse
tikka cf. Ilerna.
tikkawol cf. adiikowol.
tikkinoo cf. diccoo.
tilde cf. tiilde.
tiloo (M) tre puis, fini, achev;
to be finished, used up.
tilyaa (G) craser; to squash.
timma finir, tre fini; to finish,
to be finished.
timotimoongal cf. yaroowol-
tinndina dcrire, enseigner, con-
seiller,' to describe, teach, suggest.
tinndirgal cf. daarorgal.
tinndoore cf. galaawo.
tintorgal cf. daarorgal.
tippa (M) rejeter,' to throw away.
tippa (FJ) poser le pied sur,' to
tread on.
tirllu (G-A) boue, marcage,' mud
(especially of marsh).
tireewa 1 tireeji (G-A) girafe;
tiwre cf. sefre.
to (G-A) en prsence de,' in the
presence of.
to (FJ-M-NE-V) l, o, vers,' there,
where, towards.
to? (G-A) o?; where?
toy? (V-NE); hoto? (M); toye?
(NE); honto? (FJ); holto? (FT);
toynon? (v).
to'a (FJ) produire,' to produce.
to'ere 1 to'e (FJ) production,'
toore (FJ).
toila pleuvoir,' to raine
tollila verser ou couler goutte
goutte; to pour in drops.
tollilere 1 tollile goutte, tache,
point; drop (rain), spot, dot.
tollo cf. iyeende.
toggoore 1 toggooje (M-N-G-A)
tunique,' tunic, short shirt.
toggoore 1 toggooje (V-NO) robe,'
toka (NE-V) nommer, baptiser,' to
give a name.
tokka cf. rewa.
tokka (FJ-M-G-A) joindre bout
bout, tre subordonn ; to bind,
join, to be subordinate to.
tokkoo (G-A) suivre, accompagner,'
to follow, follow after.
tokos- (FJ-FT-V-N) petit,' small.
tosok-, tosook- (FJ).
tola (FJ) casser,' to break (near
end), to break off.
tolaa cf. gilangeeru.
tomotte cf. gimdo.
ton l-bas,' over there, yom/er.
tonndu 1 tondi lvre,' lip.
tonndu 1 tonie
tonnga entraver,' to hobble.
tonngirde cf. tonngirgol.
tonngirgol 1 tonngirdi (FJ-G)
entrave (corde),' hobbling rope.
tonngirde 1 tonngircfe (NE-M-V),'
tonngoode 1 tonngoocfe (NE-V).
tonngoode cf. tonngirgol.
tonon cf. ana m0Y'Y'a.
tonta (M-NE-V) dresser; to set up,
set in the ground.
toollru cf. donngol.
toojoore cf. yauugre.
tooka (G-NE) cendres, cendre;
tooke poison, venin, poison, ve-
toola (G) entasser; to pile up.
tula (FJ-NE).
tooloo (F]) tre le bienvenu; to
be welcomed.
tooloo (G) s'amonceler; to pile up.
tuloo (F]).
tooloo (V-NO) plaisanter, to joke
tooloo (M) se confier quelqu'un,
demander protection quelqu'un
contre un danger ou contre quel-
qu'un d'autre; to trust somebody,
to ask protection against a dan-
ger or a person.
mooloo (FJ-V-M-NO).
toore cf. to' ere.
tooru cf. lawru.
toowa cf. towa.
toowru cf. lawru.
toroo cf. garbina.
toroowo cf. torotooo.
torotooo / torotool)e (F]-FT-
NE-G) mendzant; beggar.
toroowo / toroolJe (A).
toskaare ( G) punition; torment,
affliction, torture.
tosok & tosook cf. tokos.
totiiru cf. faal)ru.
towa tre haut; to be tall, high.
toowa (F]).
towa (F]-V-NE) mettre quelqu'un
sur la tte pour lui montrer
quelque chose au loin; to put
somebody on the head to show
hzm something far off.
towndiire / towndiije (G-A)
colline, monticule ,. hill, high
toy cf. to.
toya (G-A) l-bas, over there,
toye? (G-A-NE) ,. o? where exact-
toy? (N-V); hoto (M-FT); holto
(FT); honto? (F]); to? (F]-FT-M-
toynon cf. to.
tubai cf. tummbal.
tufa percer, inoculer; to pierce,
bore, inoculate.
tufa cf. sorfa.
tufirum / tufire (G-M-V-NE)
grosse aiguille perceuse, piercer,
borer, large needle.
jallJal / jallJe (FJ-NE).
tuggere / tugge (G-A-M-NE-V)
souche d'arbre; stump of tree.
juddere / judde (F]-M); dubila1/
dubile (v).
tuggitoo cf. tuggoo.
tuggoo compter sur, s'appuyer sur,
suivre quelqu'un de prs; to lean
on, rely on, follow closely.
tuggitoo (FT); tuugoo (FJ-M-G-
A); lJaaroo, lJaggoo, lJahoo, ba-
goo (FJ); tiigoo (M-V).
tuggoo (FJ-NE) mettre la tte con-
tre le sol lorsqu'on a les jambes
en l'air et progresser dans cette
position; to walk with the head
on the ground and the legs in the
tukkuru cf. garwa.
tuhuna cf. tunwa.
tuhundi cf. tunwa.
tuhure cf. tuure.
tula cf. toola.
tulal cf. yoolde.
tulde cf. tiilde.
tuila (NO-G-A) ne pas atteindre; to
fall short, be fewer, less than.
tuila (FJ).
tuila (F]) noyer dans un liquide en
tenant un bout de ce que l'on
noie, plonger le doigt dans un
liquide, plonger le pain dans une
tasse en tenant un bout; to soak
something in a liquid, to put
the finger into a liquid, to dip a
piece of bread in coffee or tea.
tulta cf. tulla.
(oya)tuma cf. &ooyma.
tummba insrer, mettre dans; to
insert, put in the middle.
tummbal/ tummbe (G) grand
tambour (de chef); large cere-
monial drum for chief.
tuubal / tuube (NO); tubai /
tube (NO-V-M); tabaIde / tabaIe &
tabalcfe (F]).
tummboo tre au milieu de; to be
in the middle of, in between.
tummbude / tummbucfe cale-
basse; calabash.
tummude / tummucfe.
tummude cf. tummbude.
tun cf. tan.
tunna cf. tunwa.
tunndi (FT-M) malpropret; dirt.
tuundi (F]-V-N-M); tuhundi
tunwa (FT-M-G-A) tre sale; to
be dirty.
tuuna (F]-N-M); tuhuna (NE);
tunna (M).
tuppa (M) dresser; to set up, set
in the ground.
tuppa (F]-M-V-NE) percer, ou-
vrir un abcs; to press upon an
tuppal/ tuppe cure sale pour le
btail; salted diet for cattle.
turba cf. wurwa.
turmru / turmiiji (G-NE) bande
de tissu; roll of clotho
sollwol / solleeji (F]).
turoo se baisser; to stoop.
turuuru cf. donngol.
tuta cf. dunya.
tutateeri / tutateeriiji (F]) l-
gumes ,. vegetables.
tutta cf. tuuta.
tuuba se repentir, se convertir
l'islam, demander pardon quel-
qu'un ,. to repent, convert oneself
to Islam, to ask somebody' s
tuuba cf. sarla.
Tuubaako cf. Annasaara.
tuubal cf. tummbal.
tuubaliire / tuubaliije (G-NE)
brique ,. brick.
tuufere / tuufe (F]); tuufere /
tuufeeje (M-V-FJ).
tuubina cf. juu1na.
tuugoo cf. tuggoo.
tuuliiru 1 tuuliiji ( G) cruche
d'eau; water-pot.
tuuluure / tuuluuje (NE).
tuuma cf. tammoo.
tuuma (F]-M-V-NE-G-A) souPfon-
ner; to suspect.
sogoo (F]); sogitoo (F]).
tuuna cf. tunwa.
tuundi cf. tunndi.
tuura cf. dunya.
Tuurankeejo / Tuuranko'en
(G-A-NE) Blanc; White man.
tuure (F]) vomissement, vomis-
sure ,. vomiting.
tuurre (v); tuutam, tuhure (NE).
tuurre cf. tuure.
tuuta (M-V-N-G-A) cracher, to
spit out.
tutta (F]).
tuuta vomir, to vomit.
tuuta (M-V) dteindre (habits);
to lose colour.
pula (F]).
tuutaacfe cf. joorde.
tuutam cf. tuure.
tuutawa & tuutawal cf. iililal.
tuya saigner du nez; to bleed
(of nose).
tuyya (FJ-V-NE).
tuyam / tuye (G-M-FJ) saigne-
ment du nez; nose-bleeding.
tuyyam / tuyye (FJ-V-NE).
tuyya cf. tuya.
tuyyam cf. tuyam.
wa cf. ba.
wa' a tre pareil , ressembler ;
to be like, look like.
wa'a (FJ-M-V) faucher, moisson-
ner l'aide d'une faucille; to
reap, cut down with a sickle.
waabi1re cf. naargewol.
waacitoo (M) sufoter; to suck
(fruit, sweets).
waacitoo (V-NE) ruminer,' to ru-
waada (G-A) faire ensemble,' to do
wadda (FJ-M-V); wa'ada (NE).
wa'ada cf. waada.
waado cf. laymaaru.
waafoore cf. aawdi.
waaga (G-A) entasser,' to pile up.
waagaare / baagaaje (G-A-NE)
tas,' heap, pile.
waagere / baage (G).
waagere cf. waagaare.
waala passer la nuit; to spend the
waala (G-A) tresser; to plait
wa'ala (NE).
wa' ala cf. waala.
waaldeejo cf. giyiraao.
waalnde cf. walnde
waaloo se coucher, s'tendre " to
lie down.
waaloore cf. aawdi.
waamnde / baamle (G-V-NE)
colline rocheuse; Tocky hill.
waamnde / baamle (G) village
kirdi dans les montagnes; pagan
hill village.
waana couvrir le corps d'un
pagne " to throw a cloth over a
wahana (NE).
waanaare / gaanaaje (M-G)
linge ou pagne pour se couvrir,
waanaare / baanaaje (FJ); waa-
naare / waanaaje (V-FJ); baha-
naari (NE).
waanca (G-A) faire un tour, une
promenade; ta go for a stroll.
waanca (NE) aller la chasse; ta
go hunting.
waancuru / gaanci (G-A) balade,
flnerie; a stroll.
waande / baacfe termitire; ter-
mite' s nest, anthill.
waandu / baacfi singe; monkey.
waanyoowo cf. picfpicfcfo.
waare / ba'e (G-A-FJ) botte, ballot
(paille); bundle (grass).
wa'are / ba'e (NE).
waare / ba'e (FJ-M-V) barbe;
wahare / bahe (NE).
wa'are cf. waare.
waancitoo ( G-NE) flner; ta stroll,
walk by oneself.
wanngoo, hayloo (FJ); yiiloo (FJ).
waasa (FJ-M-V) ne pas avoir; ta
be, become poor.
waata crever (non humain) ; ta
die (non humans).
waata (G-A-M) mettre des habits;
ta put on (clothes).
wa'ata (NE); watta (FJ-V); oorna.
wa'ata cf. waata.
waata cf. hucfoo.
waatoo (G-A-M) s' habiller, endos-
ser des habits; ta put on oneself
wa'atoo (NE); wattoo (FJ-V); oor-
waatoo (G-A-NE) rendre la pa-
reille; ta retaliate.
wa'atoo (NE); watta (FJ); yottoo
waatoo (M) jurer; ta swear, take
an oath.
wa'atoo cf. waatoo.
waawa pouvoir, tre capable, tre
vainqueur, avoir l'avantage; ta
be able, capable of, ta be trium-
phant, victorious.
waawkinoo (G) prtendre pou-
voir; ta pretend ta be able.
waawinkinoo, waawintinoo (F]).
waawru / baawi (NE) gousse de
mais; maize head.
wabaa / wabaaji (FJ) grippe;
wabaare / gabaaje (G-NE) poi-
trine; chest.
gabaare / gabaaje (A); ganndal /
gannde (M-V); domre / do me
(v); oernde / oerde (FJ-V); bec-
cal/ becce (M).
wabbere / gabbe (FT-M-V-N)
grain, graine; a grain, seed.
abbere / gabbe (FJ).
waoo cf wacfcfoo.
waugo cf. nemnebal.
wadda (M-V-N-G-A) apporter; to
adda (FJ-FT-M).
wadda cf waada.
wacfa faire, mettre; ta do, make,
cause, put.
wacfcfoo (FJ-FT-M-V-N) monter (
cheval); ta ride (a horse), ta
waY'Y'0o (G); wa"oo (A); waoooo
wafdu / bafcfi (G-A) faucillon;
wawdu / bawdi (v); lawjeeru /
lawjeeji (NE); wortowal / wor-
tooje (FJ).
wahana cf. waana.
wahare cf. waare.
wa" 00 cf wacfcfoo.
wa jooni cf. badiima & ana
wakkaande cf. bakkannde.
wakkannde / wakkancfe (F])
charge porte sur l'paule,' a
load carried on shoulder.
. wakkannde / bakkancfe (FJ-NE);
wakkannde (M); wakkannde /
bakkale (v); wakkannde / bak-
kaacfe (NE); wakkaande / bak-
kaacfe (NE).
wakkati / wakkatji (G-A-M-V-
N) heure, temps; time (espe-
cially appointed time).
waqtu / waqtuuji (FJ); wawtu /
wawtuuji (v).
wakkoo porter sur l'Paule; to
put, to carry on shoulder or
under the arme
wakkude cf. wokkude.
walaa (M-V-N-G-A) il n'y a pas;
there is not, there are not, there
has not, there have note
alaa (FJ-FT).
waladuuru cf. njaaluujo.
waladuzzinaa cf. njaaluujo.
walbo cf. balawal.
wall a aider; to help.
wallaahi par Dieu! au Nom de
Dieu! en vrit; by God, for
God' s sake 1 truly.
wallifa composer, tre l'auteur de;
to be the author of, to compose.
walnde / balde journe; day.
waalnde / baalcfe.
wama (NE-G-A) danser; to dance.
ama (F]-FT); woma (M-V).
wamda (G-A-NE) dodeliner; to
dan die.
wamnda (G-A-NE).
wamnda cf. wamda.
wamirde / gamird'e (G-A-NE)
lieu de danse,' dancing place.
wamrude / gamrucfe (G-A); amir-
de / amircfe (FJ-FT).
wamnde cf. mbabba.
wamrude cf. wamirde.
wamta ouvrir et vider une cale-
basse; to scoop out (gourd, pump-
kin, calabash) .
wanta (FJ).
wannga (V-G-A-NE) paratre,' to
appear, make an appearance,
become apparent.
hollitoo (F]); feenya (FJ).
wanngoo cf. waancitoo.
wano cf. ha.
wanta cf. wamta.
wanya (M-V-N-G-A) har, dtester,
to hate, dislike.
anya (FJ-FT).
waqtu cf. wakkati.
wara (M-V-N-G-A) venir, arriver,'
to come.
ara (FJ-FT).
wara tuer; to kil/.
waro cf. haro.
warta (G-A-N-M-V) revenir, ren-
trer " to come back.
arta (FJ-FT).
wartira (G-A-N-V-M) ramener,
rapporter; to bring back.
artira (FJ-FT).
wasa (M-G-A-N-V) bcher, creuser;
to dig.
asa (FJ-FT-M).
wasirde cf. gasirgal.
wata cf. wota.
watta cf. waata.
watta cf. waatoo.
watta (G-A-M) changer; to ex-
change, barter.
wattita (FJ-M-V).
watta (FJ) remettre en place,
rendre; to give back.
wattam (G) fin; end.
battane (FJ-M-V).
watta fade & watta pad'e cf.
wattita cf. watta.
wattoo cf. waatoo.
wattoo pacfe cf. facfcfoo.
wawdu cf. wafdu.
wawru cf. unndu.
wawru cf. soppirde.
wawru / gawi (v) vieux puits;
old weIl.
wawtu cf. wakkati.
wayanke cf. banngaaro.
waygoore / baygooje (G-A) po-
tiron; pumpkin.
wayla transvaser, forger, trans-
former; to pour out, forge.
waylita changer, retourner; to
change, turn over, round.
wayma cf. ha.
waynoo & waynitoo cf. jai-
wayra il y a longtemps que; to be a
long time since doing something.
wayra & wayri (FJ) puisque,
parce que; because, since.
wayta cf. ha.
wayWayko cf. mhaymbayko-
wayoy'oo . cf .wacfcfoo.
wecco / becce (G-NE-V-M) cte,
flanc; .rib. . .
beccal / becce (FJ-M-V-NE).
weddoo (FJ-FT-M) jeter X X;
';. to throw X at X, to throw away.
wedoo (FJ-M).
wedoo cf. weddoo.
weduru 1 bedi (FJ) bton jet
. contre quelqu'un; stick thrown
against somebody.
wecfcfita (V-M-NO-G) tendre, d-
ployer, drouler (tapis),' to sprel!-d
out (cloth mat) on ground.
weerta (FJ-FT-M-V-NE); weyyita
(FJ-M-V-N-G); we"ita (A-NE).
weei tre facile,
cessible, ais; to be easy.
weea (M-NE) tre lger; to be
light in weight.
weelee (FJ-NO-G-A) avoir faim;
to be hungry.
weelo cf. heege.
weendu / beeli lac, mare, tang,
flaque d'eau; lake, pond, pool.
weerta cf. wecfcfita.
weeta faire jour; to be early
weewa cf weeya.
weeya flotter, planer; to float,
plane (inanimate objects).
weewa (NE).
weeyo (F}) atmosphre, air,' at-
mosphere, air.
we"ita cf. wecfcfita.
wela tre tranchant,' to be sharp.
wela tre doux, agrable, sucr; to
be sweet, pleasant, nice.
lewnya (FJ).
welaande cf. dubbucfe.
welkinoo ( G) convaincre, per-
suader, cajoler,' to persuade,
weloo .(M-V) passer, traverser; to
pass by, go beyond.
welna aiguiser; to sharpen.
welna adoucir, sucrer; to sweeten,
make pleasant.
lewnyina (F}).
welna (FJ-M-V) se faire bien rece-
voir, bien traiter, bien accueillir;
to be welcomed, to be well treated.
welo:welo cf. welwelo.
weltanoo (FJ-M-V) remercier, tre
content de,' to thank.
weltoo (FJ-M-V-N) tre heureux,
se rjouir; to be happy, glad.
welwelo (V-G-A) plaisir, joie, con-
tentement; pleasure, happiness.
welowelo (FJ).
wewla (FJ) se rjouir; to be glad,
welwa (FT-NE-G-A-).
werlaa / werlaaji (FJ) automo-
bile; car.
o tommbobiliwal / tommbobiliije
werloo (FJ-FT-M-G) jeter X X,
to throw X at X.
wersa (FJ) blaguer, plaisanter; to
joke with.
wersi (FJ) plaisanterie; joke.
werso cf. buutoori.
weITita cf. weddta.
wi'a dire; to say, tell, imtruct.
wicca (G) jeter au loin; to throw
wicca (FJ-M-V) faire gicler de
l'eau sur quelqu'un; to splash
somebody with water.
wicco / bicce (NE-G-A) queue, tail.
wifa venter; to fan.
wisa (NE).
wiftoo cf. diftoo.
wigeere / bigeeje ( G) endroit,
wge / bijji gnisse; heifer.
wra cf. fiira.
wilnya (G) effacer; to rub out,
erase, demolish.
wilwildu cf. wilwilndu.
wilwilndu / bilwildi (G-A-NE-M-
v) chauve-souris; bat.
wilwildu / bilwili (G-A); wilwil-
ndu / bilwili (NE-M-V); bilibili-
junnitti (FJ); jeemaageere / j ~
maageeji (G-NE).
winnda crire; to write.
winnde / bille ancien village
dsert, village abandonn; bare
place, deserted village, forsaken
wippita cf. dippita.
wippitoo cf. diftoo.
wippoo cf. diftoo.
wiptoo cf. diftoo.
wir&oo cf. wor&a.
wirfa (V-NE) rincer, secouer, lo
rime, to shake.
Iallita (FJ); layita (FJ).
wirtoo (FT) passer par, to pass by.
wittoo (M-NO).
wirtoo (FJ-NE-M) tre dcouvert,
pris sur le vif; to be discovered,
to be caught.
wisa cf. wifa.
wisa asperger; to sp,inkle.
witta (M-FT) s'en aller, togo away.
witta cf. &eltoo.
witta (FJ) offrir une tranche
d'orange, de citron, de pample-
mousse ou de mandarine quel-
qu'un, to offer a slice of orange,
grapefruit or mandarin to some-
wittoo cf. wirtoo.
wittoo (NE) retourner; to go back,
witto / bitti (FJ) tranche d'orange,
de pamplemousse, de citron ou
de mandarine; a slice of orange,
lemon, grapefruit or mandarin.
wiwtoo cf. diftoo.
wiITere / biITe graine de coton;
grain of cotton seed.
biyyere / biyye (FJ).
wo&ru cf. unordu.
wodda (G-A) aboyer, mugir; to
roar, bellow.
wotta (FJ); wooda (N-V); hekka
wodda s'loigner, tre loin, to be
far away, distant.
woddoo; wodditoo.
wodcfaaki (G-A) prs (adverbe);
near (adverb).
wocfdtoo cf. wocfcfa.
wocfcfoo cf. wocfcfa.
wocfe rouge; red.
wogga (M-V-N-G-A) frotter, polir;
to rub, polish, brush, clean.
wommba (FJ-M-V-N) bourdonner
(mouche); to hum (ft y).
wommbowal 1 wommbooje
(FJ) thorax, squelette; chest,
wooga (FJ); wuuga (FJ). wona tre, to be.
woha (NE-G-A) aboyer; to bark wona (G) tre dsempar; to be
(dog). in trouble.
wotta (FJ); hekka (FJ). wonda e tre avec, tre en posses-
wo"ina (G-A-NE) amliorer, em- sion de, avoir, possder; to be
bellir, fabriquer, prparer, ar- with, in possession of, to have,
ranger; to make good, prepare, to possesse
improve, correct. woncfa cf. bonna.
woodna (V-M-N); m0Y'Y'ina (FJ- wondigal cf. gondaI.
M-NE-V-FT). wonki cf. nguurndam.
wo"itina (G-A) raccomoder, r- wonki & wonkii cf. yonki.
parer; to repair. wonna cf. bonna.
woodintina (M-V); m0Y'Y'intina wonnere cf. bonnere.
(FJ-M-V-NE). woolla cf. worlla.
wojere cf. sarre. wooda tre, exister; to be, to
wojja cf. wooja. existe
Wojja-Nowru cf. Annasaara. wooda (M-V-N-G-A) avoir, poss-
wokkude / bokkucfe (G-NE-FJ) der, dtenir; to have, possesse
menton, chin. wooda (NE) gueuler; to shout.
wokkude / bokkule (FJ); wak- sonka (FJ).
kude / bakkude (NE-A). wooda cf. wodda.
wakkude / bakkucfe (A-G-NE) woocfa tre beau, bon; to be
barbe; beard. beautiful, fine, good.
waare / ba'e (FJ). woocfii cf. boocfcfum.
wolda (G) parler avec; to speak woocfina cf. wo"ina.
'With. woocfintina cf. wo"intina.
wolwida (NE); wowlida (FJ). woofa cf. falja.
wolde cf. bolle. woofoonde cf. Iloccoonde.
wollinde cf. bolle. wooga cf. wogga.
wolnde cf. bolle. woogeeru cf. googeeru.
wolo cf. nemnebal. wooja (G-A-NE-M) rougir; to be,
wolwa (NE-G-A) parler , parler become red.
pour; to speak to, speak for. wo'oja(NE); wojja(FJ-FT-M-NO-V).
wowlana (FJ). wo'oja cf. wooja.
wolwida cf. wolda. woonda (FJ) jurer; to s'Wear.
woma cf. wama. woopa cf. falja.
wommba (M) tre gros, gras, woora (V-S-K-NE) laisser; to leave,
robuste; to be fat, stout, sturdy. leave a/one.
woororde (FJ) faute, erreur; mis-
take, fault.
woorta cf. falja.
woortina cf. hoowa.
woosa (G-A-M-NE-V) tre para-
lys;,' to be paralysed,
woot seul, unique " single, one.
woowa s' habituer ,' to be
accustomed to.
woowolde 1 boowolle (F]) ils-
de-perdrix, cors de la main ;,'
corn of the hand.
woowra (M-G-V-NE) connatre,
tre habitu ; to be familiar, to
be acquainted with.
wooyndu cf. &unndu.
woppa (FJ-FT-V) laisser, abandon-
ner; to leave, leave alone, aban-
yoppa (M); yoofa (V-NE).
woppa (FJ-M) frapper avec une
branche feuillue; to strike with
a branch.
wor mle;,' male.
wor&a (G-NE) st'roter; to sip a
wuroo (F]-NE); wiroo (FJ-NE);
foroo (v); siroo (NE); wooa
wora (FJ-M-V-NE) tre purulent;
to be purulent.
wora (NE-G-A) tre courageux,'
to be brave.
ngorda (F]).
worgo (FT-FJ) sud,' south.
woronnde 1 borone (G )fez ,'fez.
tarbuusi 1 tarbuusiiji (F]).
woronja (NO-V) trente,' thirty.
wortowal cf. wafdu.
wosa cf. remna.
wota (FJ-FT-M) (particule ngative
exprimant la dfense ou l'inter-
diction dans l'impratif ou le
subjonctif) ne pas, (
particle especially expressing pro-
hibition) don't, note
woto, to. (FJ); pati (M-V); fati
(V-M); wota (FJ-FT-M); ta (FJ-FT-
wotta cf. wodda.
wowla cf. wolwa.
wowlana cf. wolwana.
wowlida cf. wolda.
wowru cf. unordu.
wowwa (FT) tre robuste; to be fat,
stout, sturdy.
woya pleurer, se lamenter ,. to
weep, cry.
wulla (FJ).
woykuuru cf. harmaaru.
woyla (NE-G-A) nord; north.
woyna faire pleurer; to make to
cry, to proclaim.
wullina (FJ-M-V-NE).
woyna 1 woynaaje (NE) galette
de mil; cake made of sorghum or
woyndu cf. &unndu.
wu'a cf. nyamla.
wubba cf. ila.
wuboo cf. hugoo.
wuccundu 1 gucculi (FJ) anus,'
wudd- (NE-G-A) rabougri, court;
stunded, cut short.
wudda (FJ) tre avare, manquer de
gnrosit " to be avaricious, be
lacking generosity.
wudda (FJ-V) tre sale, boueux,'
to be dirty, muddy.
wuddere cf. wurdere.
wuddere-kinal cf. wurde.
wuddia (G-A) tre rabougri,' to
be cut short, stumpy, docked.
wuddita (G-A-NE) raccourcir; to
cut off short, to dock.
wuddu cf. jaabuuru.
wudere / gude (M-G-A) vtement;
wudere / gude (FJ-M-V-N) pagne,
couverture; cloth, blanket.
wudere-daamaare cf. be"i-
wudere-danki cf. be"ital.
wufya (FT-M) rincer (bouche); to
rinse out (mouth).
wuya (FJ-V-NO); wusl)a (NE-G-
A); wunya (M).
wu'oo cf. nyamloo.
wuja enduire; to rub, smear it on,
smear it into.
wujja voler, drober; to steal.
wujoo s'enduire; to rub smear on
oneself, to anoint oneself.
wukka ( G) insrer; to put in,
wukkere / bukke (G) bouquet;
bunch, cluster.
wukkuru / bukki (V-NE).
wukkuru cf. wukkere.
wukkuru / bukki (G-A-V-NE)
gland; tassel, tuf t, bunch.
wula faire chaud, tre chaud
(temps); to be hot.
wula (M-V-N-G-A) brler,' to burn.
sumna, sunna (FJ); duppa (FJ-FT);
wulna (NE-M-V-G-A); dulbina (FJ).
wulaa / wulaaji (FJ) solitude,
brousse sauvage; loneliness, wild
sawteende (FJ); sawtere (FJ).
wula (FJ) sawtee.
wuleende / guleee (G) chaleur,'
nguleendi (FJ).
wulina cf. wulwina.
wulla cf. woya.
wulla (V-NE-G-A) se plaindre,
crt'er; to cry out, complain.
wullaandu 1 gullaali (G-A-NE)
plainte, cri,' complaint, accusa-
wullitere, wullito / gullitte (FJ).
wullaandu / gullaali (FJ) pleur,'
wullina cf. woyna.
wullito cf. wullaandu.
wulloo (G-A) se plaindre (justice);
to take a person to court,
complain against.
wullitoo (FJ).
wulna cf. foowa & wula.
wuluure cf. dubuure.
wulweende cf. cabbam.
wulwina (G-A) transpirer; to per-
wulina (v); lakkee (FJ).
wuma tre aveugle; to go blind,
to be blinde
wunngoo cf. wuundoo.
wunya cf. wufya.
wuppa (FJ) lessiver; to wash
wuppol (FJ) lessive, blanchissage;
wuppoonde cf. uppoodu.
wurba cf. wurwa.
wuroo cf. wora.
wurde 1 bure (G) narine;
wuddere-kinal/ budde-kinal (FJ);
wuddere-hinere / gudde-kine
(v); hinere / kine (G-A-N-M-V).
wurdere / bure (G-A) trou; ho le,
wuddere 1 budde (FJ); yolnde 1
wurngo / gurle (K) fleuve, river.
wuro / gure village, hameau;
compound, village.
wuro / gure ( A) ville; town.
wurwa (V-NE-M-G-A) agiter,
battre le lait; to whisk, churn
milk with a swizzle-stick, to
churn 'lOth a swizzle-stick.
. wurba (FJ); wuura (FJ); turba
wusl)a cf. wufyaa.
wutaandu f butaali (V-M-NE ..
G-A) pi, mais 1 head of millet,
wutta (FJ-FT-M) souffler; to blow.
fuufa (M-V-NE).
wutte / wutteeji (FJ-FT) boubou,
robe; gown.
wuttudu / buttuli (V-M-G-A-NE)
cte, flanc 1 side, flank.
beccalf becce (FJ).
wuul)ere f guulle (G-M) motte
(de gruau); lump (in porridge).
gue (FJ); gormbe (FJ).
wu'udu cf. jaabuuru.
wuudurucf. habeere & ru ..
wuuda cf. luuda.
wuufa (V-NO) se rincer la bouche 1
to rinse out (mouth).
wuufa (FJ-V) avoir quelque chose
dans la bouche; to have some ..
thing in the mouth.
wuuga cf. wogga.
wuundoo treindre, tenir contre
la poitrine 1 to slasp in arms,
wuungoo (v) .
wuura vivre; to be alive.
wuura (FJ-FT-NE-G-A) incliner,
pencher l' to bend.
wuura cf. fiisa.
wuura cf. wurwa.
wuuroo (FJ-FT-NE-G-A) se pencher,
s'incliner l' to lean sideways.
wuurta cf. wuyta.
wuurtoo cf. wuyta.
wuuwa cf. fUsa.
wuuya cf. wufyaa.
wuyl)a cf. wufyaa.
wuyka (G-A) s'enivrer 1 to be
yacfcfa (FJ); haangcfa, haancfa,
haancfa (FJ).
wuyta (G-A) retourner, rendre
quelque chose, revenir sur ses pas ;
to turn back, retrace one' s steps,
come or go back.
yiilta (FJ); wuurta (FJ); yltoo
(FJ); wuurtoo (FJ).
wuya cf. nyamla.
wuyoo cf. nyamloo.
xaalabu 1 xaalabuuji (FJ) respi-
ration (inspiration, expiration);
breath (inspiration, expiration).
xaalisi cf. cardi.
xaasiya (FJ) personnalit,' per-
xalwa (FJ-FT-M) retraite pieuse,'
retreat (religious).
xalwinoo (FJ-FT-M) se retirer, to
xaybu 1 xaybuuji (FJ) mystre,
secret; mystery, secret.
gunndoo 1 gunndooji (FJ); sirru 1
xayru (FJ) charme, beaut; charm,
delight, beauty.
xirxorta (FJ) agoniser, tre mori-
bond; to be moribund.
hirhorta (FJ); laaloo (M).
yaa&a marcher sur, fouler; to accessible, bon march; to be
tread, to step. light in weight, easy, cheap.
yalllla (F]); padoo (F]-M). yaafoo cf. yaafa.
yaada aller ensemble, accom- yaalji cf. iyaalu.
pagner, aller avec; to go with, to yaara (V-NE-G-A) conduire; to
accompany. take to.
yahada (NE). yaare f jahe scorpion; scorpion.
yaadikko f yaadikko'en (G-A) yahare f jahe (NE).
femme de l'oncle paternel,' pater- yaasi dehors, extrieur; outdoors,
nal uncle' s wife. outside.
yaadoo (G) avoir dj fait,' to yaasin (v); sella (M); kene (F]).
have already done. yaasi f yaasiiji (F]) temps (qu'il
yaadu f jaale (G-F]-NE) voyage; fait); weather.
journey, caravan. yaasin cf. yaasi.
yaadu f jahaale (V-M); yahannde f yaasoo (G) exprimer ses condo-
yahande (F]); yahal, jahalf yahe, lances; to condole with.
jahaale (F]); jahaangal f jahaale yaawa se dpcher, se hter, faire
(F]); safaari (F]). vite; to be quick, to hurry.
yaadu dmarche, allure, voyage; henyoo (F]-M).
walking, gait, walk. yaaya f yaayaaji'en (G) frre
yaafa (NE) pardonner,' to for- an; eIder brother.
give. yaaya & yaayiraao cf. daadi-
ya'foo (F]-M-FT); yaafoo. raawo.
yaafa (FT-M) tre lger, facilement yaaye (FT-v) mre,' mother.
yumma, yummiraawo (F]).
yaaye cf. yaayiraawo.
yaayiraawo / yaayiraa&e (F])
tante (sur du pre); aunt (fa-
ther' s sister).
yaaye (F]).
yaayiraawo / yaayira'en (A-
NE) frre n ~ eIder brother.
yaayre 1 jaayle (N-S) endroit;
yaayre cf. caangol.
ya&&a cf. yaa&a.
yacfcfa cf. wuyka.
ya'foo cf. yaafa.
yaha aller, marcher, voyager; to
go to, to walk, to travelo
yahada cf. yaada.
yahal cf. yaadu.
yahale (M) mort; death.
yahannde cf. yaadu.
yahare cf. yaare.
yahoowo cf. jahoowo.
yalla peut-tre; maybe, whether,
on the chance that.
yalta (F]-V-M) sortir; to go out.
yalta (NE) revenir, repasser par;
to come back, to pass by.
yaltita (F]) apparatre, paratre,
se rvler; to appear, to come
out, be discovered.
yam (M-V-G-A) sain; healthy.
yamcf. kam.
yamcfa (V-M-G-A-NE) tre sain et
sauf; to be healthy, weIl.
yamcfita cf. hoyra.
yamcfitina (NE-V-G-A-M) gurir;
to cure, make weIl.
ndikkina (F]); sellina.
yamnde-nowru cf. yeeru-
yammagge cf. gorgal.
yana cf. &0&&00.
yana (M-V-N) baisser, tomber (so-
leil); to sink (of the sun).
yana (FT) mourir (euphmisme);
to die.
yanmagge cf. gorgal.
yannaange cf. gorgal.
yanndi cf. useni.
yano cf. uggan.
yara boire; to drink.
yardude / jarducfe (NE) cale-
basse pour la boule de mil;
calabash for sorghum baIl.
yardude / jarducfe tasse, cup.
korum-loonde / koroy-loonde
yarloo (F]) accepter; to accept.
yarna arroser, abreuver, to give
drink, to water (horse).
yam (F]) arc-en-ciel; rainbow.
njaroowal-ndiyam / yarooji-ndi-
yaro (NE); mbila-mbila (NE);
cincinngal/ cincinde (v); timoti-
moongal / timotimoode (M-G-A).
yarroo (M-V-NO) tre 'accord, sed
satisfaire de, agrer; to be
satisfied with, to agree.
yatiimaajo cf. nginiijo.
yawa minimiser, mpriser; to
despise (thing), to minimize.
yawaare (M-G-A-V-NE) mpris,
ddain, contempt, scorn.
yawre (F]).
yawmul-Qiyaamati cf. dar-
yawoo mpriser, sous-estimer, mi-
nimiser; to des pise, to depreciate
a person.
yawre cf. yawaare.
yawta (F]-FT-M-V-S-NE) passer,
dpasser; to pass, go beyond.
yawta (F]-FT-M-V) franchir, trans-
gresser; to step accross.
yawta (FJ-V-M-NE) mourir; to die
(euphemism ).
yecca (A) raconter, relater; to tell,
yeetoo (FJ); yewta (FJ-M-NE);
yesta (NE).
yeccoo (V-NO) revenir sur ses pas,
rentrer; to turn back, retrace
one's steps.
yeccoo ( G) raconter, narrer; to
tell, relate, narra te (story).
yeetoo (FJ-M-NE).
yedda cf. yeeda.
yedda nier, contredire, refuser; to
deny, refuse.
yeda (M-V-G-A) partager; to give
a share of a thing to.
yeda (FJ-M-V-NE) offrir; to give,
yeeda (G-A-NE) distribuer; to dis-
yedda (v).
yeeda (G-A) vivre; to be alive.
yeeda (G) avoir sa part, sa ration;
to have one' s share.
yee'itoo cf. yeeyaitoo.
yeela (G-A) esprer, souhaiter; to
hope, wish.
yeloo (FJ-M).
yeeru-nofru / yeeru-noppi (G)
boucle d'oreille; ear-ring.
hootannde-nowru 1 kootane-
noppi (V-M); nyerkele (FJ-M);
yamnde-nowru (NE); laua-nop-
pi Ilauaaji-noppi (NE).
yeeso 1 geese (FJ-NE-G-A) visage;
yeeso 1 geece (FJ).
yeeso avant, devant; in front, in
front of.
yeeso'al & yeesowal cf. aar-
yeet- (G) vivant, alive.
yeetoo cf. yeccoo.
yeewta (FT-M-V-N-G) causer; to
yewta (FJ-A).
yeeya cf. soonna & sootta:
yeeyaitoo (M-G-A) tourner la tte,
regarder autour de soi, to turn
the head, look round, look be-
hind one.
yee'itoo (A); yeyyitoo (FJ-FT).
yeggita cf. yejjita.
yejjita (FJ-FT-G-A) oublier, to
yeggita (M-V-N).
yelem&re cf. yelemre.
yelemre / gelembe (G) mollet;
calf of leg.
gelenru 1 gelenji (FJ-M-V); ye-
mere 1 jemele (v); yelemre 1
gelembe (NE).
yeloo cf. yeela.
yelooki cf. gelooki.
yemere cf. yaelemre.
yenaande 1 genaa1e (FJ-G) tom-
be; grave.
janal / jane (M); saabeere, caa-
beere / caabeeje (v); qabru /
qabruuji (FJ).
yenja cf. yinka & yonja.
yer&a (A) pousser, to push.
yerdoo (FT-V-N-G-A) tre d'ac-
cord, tomber d'accord; to agree.
yerya (V-M-G) pousser; to push.
yesere cf. enndu.
yesta cf. yecca.
yetta remercier, saluer ,. to
yettar (G-A) ingrat; thankless.
dulludo / dullue (FJ-NE).
yewa (FJ-V-N-G-A) casser net; to
break, snap, break off.
yewta cf. yeewta & yecca.
yewtere cf. ngeewta.
yeya (FJ-FT-M-NE) secouer,' to
yeY'Y'itoo cf. yeeyitoo.
yi'a voir " to see.
yibba (NE-M-G-A) s'crouler,' to
hibbondira (FJ).
yidde dsr."r, amitz', amour,' desire,
affection, love.
giggol (FJ-NE-M),' gicfgol (FT).
yidoo (G-A-NE) sauver; to save,
yid'a vouloir, aimer; to wish,
want, like, love.
faalee (FJ).
yigga (V-M-G-A) frotter, effacer;
to rub hard, scrub, erase.
yirga (FJ-M).
yigga (NE) laver; to wash.
yigo cf. gid'o.
yda (FJ-G-A-NE) visiter,' to visite
yiila (G-A) tourdir; to make
giddy, confuse.
yiila cf. yirla.
yiiloo errer, faire un tour ,. to go
around, wander.
yiiloo cf. yirloo.
yiiloo (G-A) sentir le vertige,' to
giilee (FJ).
yiinoo cf. fubboo.
yiita retrouver; to find (some-
thing lost).
yiite cf. hte.
yiitere cf. yitere.
yiilta cf. wuyta.
yrla( G-A)faire tourner " to rotate.
yiila (FJ-NE).
yiirloo (G-A) tourner, tournoyer;
to rotate.
yiiloo (FJ-NE).
yiiwa ( G-A) laver, lessiver; to
wash (body), to bathe.
yiiworgo / giiword'e (G) grande
bassine pour se laver ,. large
bowl for washz"ng oneself.
tankonwalf tank on je (FJ).
yiiwoo (NE-G-A) se laver; to wash
oneself, bathe.
yima chanter; to sing.
yimlle cf. adune.
yimol cf. yimre.
yimre / gime (G-A) chanson re-
ligieuse " religious song.
yimre f gimi, gimcfi (FJ); yimolf
jimi (v); gimol / gimi (FJ-NE);
yimre f jimi (M).
yinka (M) branler, secouer,' to
shake, to agita te.
yeya (FJ-NE); yinnga (v); yonka
(NE); dimmba (FJ-NE); honka
(FJ); dinnga (v); yenja (G); yonja
yinkoo (M) cf. dimmboo.
yinnee (G-A) tre fou " to be made
jinnee (FJ).
yinoo nager ,. to swim.
yinna cf. fubboo.
yinnga cf. yinka.
yirdeejo cf. gi)"iraad'o.
yirga cf. yigga.
yiroo (G-A) essayer, tenter; to try,
make an effort.
yitere 1 gte (FT-M-NE-G) il,
htere 1 gte (V-NO); yiitere 1 gte
yitere-koyngal cf. hoillunde.
yolla payer; to pay.
yokoode / jokood'e (G) pomme
d'Adam " Adam' s apple.
maakokoore 1 maakokooje (NE);
lookoyere, looxoyere 1 lokoye,
looxoye (FJ).
yolbere cf. heege.
yolla (FJ-G-M-NE) plonger dans
l'eau, dans un creux; to lower
into water.
yolloo (FJ-M-G-NE) descendre,
plonger dans l'eau, dans un val;
to descent, plunge into water
(weil, stream ... ).
yolnde cf. wuddere.
yolnde / jolcCe porte, entre,
fronton; door, entrance.
yommboode cf. yowru.
yomoode cf. yowru.
yona (FJ-FT-M-V) suffire; to be
yonja cf. yinka.
yonka cf. yinka.
yonki / yonkiiji (V-NE-G-A) me,
soujjle vital, soul, life spirit.
wonkii / wonkiiji (FJ); wonki /
wonkiiji (FT-M).
yontere cf. asaweere.
yontere cf. oppere.
yontitannde cf. asaweere.
yonto cf. mawri.
yoodoo (FJ) baver, to slobber.
yoofa cf. yoppa.
yookoode / j o okoocCe (G) goitre ,.
foroore / forooje (FJ).
yoora se desscher, tre ou de-
venir sec, to be dry, harde
yoorda (G) dgoutter, goutter;
to slobber, dribble.
yootaacCo cf. nyaamtar-.
yoppa cf. woppa.
yora (G-A) se dfaire, to be loose,
yottoo cf. waatoo.
yottoo a"iver , atteindre ,. to
yottina livrer, remettre, faire
parvenir, acheminer, to convey,
deliver, transmit.
yottinoo (V-N-K) finir; to finz"sh.
yowa mettre, poser sur, au-dessus
de; to put (thing) on top of
(another thing).
yowru / jowi (G-A) toit, roof.
yommboode / jommbood'e (v);
yomoode / jomood'e (NE).
yumma (FJ-FT) mre; mother.
yummiraawo / yummiraalle
(FJ-FT) mre, mother.
yunka cf. dimmboo.
yuppa (FJ-M-V) verser, to pour
out, spill.
yuppoo (FJ-FT) se verser, s'gout-
ter, to pour out.
yurmee prendre piti de, to pit y,
be sony for.
yurmina s'apitoyer sur; to arouse
pit y on.
yurmucCum cf. jurumcCum.
yurnoo pier, regarder la d-
robe; to peep.
yuwa pozgnarder, piquer, to stab,
yaawol cf. codai.
ya&&oo (G-A) franchir, dsobir,
transgresser; to step acCTOSS,
transgress, disobey.
ya&&oo (M-V-NO-G) passer, d-
passer; to pass by, go beyond.
yakka croquer, mcher; to chew,
gobble up.
yakkirde / yakkird'e molaire
(dent); molar (tooth).
yama (M-V-N-G-A) demander; to
yama demander en mariage,' to
ask in marriage.
yamaad'o & yamd'o & yamud'o
cf. ca&&u-ca&&u.
yara (NE-G-A) tatouer, vacciner;
to tattoo, vaccinate.
fesa (FJ-M-V); marka (FJ).
yaral cf. yaroode.
yaroode / yarood'e (G-A-NE)
tatouage,' tatooing.
yaral / yare (NE); fesooe (FJ-M);
pesooe (v).
yawa (F]) monter, grimper; to
climb up (tree, hill).
ye&ta (FT-V-NO-G) relever, soule-
ver, lever,' to raise, lift up.
yeefta, yefta (NE); yetta (FJ-FT-
M-V); efta (A); yemta (M).
yeefta cf. ye&ta.
yeegol / yeeli (s) rivire; stream.
yeegol / yeeli (FJ) asthme;
siiro / siirooji (FJ).
yeega (FJ-NE) grimper, monter,
escalader, to climb up.
yeenya (V-NO-G); eena (A); yelli-
too, yelloo (FJ-NE).
yeeg a (G) se tenir sur la pointe des
pieds; to stand on tiptoe.
eena (A); ye:ga (F]); ye:goo (FJ-M);
yera (F]).
yeegirgal cf. kuranngawal.
yeenya cf. yeega.
yeewa entrevol,"r, apercevoir au
loin, scruter, regarder au loin,
observer, regarder; to epsy, see
in the distance, peer at, look
closely at, observe, look at.
yefta cf. yel)ta.
yellitoo (F]) escalader, tre au
point culminant de, ta climb, ta
be at the culminating point
(mountain, cliff).
yelloo cf. nyeegtoo.
yelloo (FJ) laisser sur la tte sans
tenir ,. ta leave on the head
without holding.
yelloo cf. yeelJa.
yelloo ( G) balancer sur la tte,
ta balance on the head.
ella (A).
yellitoo cf. yeelJa.
yemta cf. yel)ta.
yelJa & yegoo cf. yeelJa.
yera cf. yeelJa.
yetta cf. yeta.
yetta (FJ-NE) pouser, ta ma"y.
yi'all yi'e (F]-V-NE) os, bone.
yiyal / yiye (G-M); i'al / i'e (A-
yibbehi cf. ibbi.
yifta cf. yiwa.
yiiyam sang; blood.
ii'am (A).
yiiyoondi / yiiyoole ( G) scinque;
caakanneeri 1 caakanneeji (M).
yipta cf. yiwa.
yiwa (M-V-N-G) driver de, pro-
venir de; ta come from, originate.
yuwa (NO-V); yifta (G); yipta (G);
iwa (M-A-FT-FJ).
yiwoonde cf. iyeende.
yiwwoonde cf. iyeende.
yiyal cf. yi' al.
yommbalj yommbe (M-V-G-A)
tige de bl, de mais; cornstalk.
gommbal 1 gommbe (FJ-V-N-K);
gawjall gawje (M-FJ); ommball
ommbe (NE); kommbal / kom-
mbe (NE).
yommbe-bele cf. rekewal.
yonngoore cf. yuugre.
yooga puiser de l'eau ou un liquide
quelconque; ta draw 'Water or any
other liquide
yoogirde / yoogire (G-A) gran-
de calebasse pour puiser de
l'eau, large calabash (water).
yoogirgal cf. cafirgal.
yoolde / yoole (G) plaine leve,
plateau; high ground, plateau.
yoolde / yoole (NE) dune, sand-
tulal/ tule (M).
yoonde cf. iyeende.
yoydo / yoye malin, rus, mdr;
cunning, cute.
yoyra ( G-A-M) tromper; to de-
dayna (F]); daayna (FT).
yoyre ruse, adresse, intrigue ;
cunning, scheme.
yoya tre mdr, adroit, tre rus,
to be cunning, clever, to ripe.
yukkinoo (G-A) se pencher, se
blottir; to stoop, cower, huddle
yukko 1 yukkul)e bossu, a hunch-
back, humped, hunchbacked.
yuugaado / yuugaa&e (F]).
yulere / yule braise ardente;
yulmere 1 yu1&e (FT-V-M-NE).
yulinere cf. yulere.
yumndi & yunndi cf. ndudum-
yuruyukkuwal cf. duujiiru.
yuufa se gonfler, cumer, mousser;
to bubble, foam, froth.
yuufe cf. puufam.
yuufuko cf. puufam.
yuugaado cf. yukko.
yuugeere cf. yauugre.
yauugre 1 yuuge (G) bosse; hump.
yuugeere 1 yuugeeje (FJ); yuukref
yuuke (NE); yuure 1 yuuge (NE);
yonngoore 1 yonle (NE); toojooref
toojooje (V-NO).
yuukre cf. yuugre.
yuure cf. yuugre.
yauwa cf. yiwa.
zaamanu cf. zamanu.
zamaanu cf. zamanu.
zamana cf. zamanu.
zamanu (G) temps, poque, p-
riode, re; time, era, century.
jamana (M); zamana (v); zaama-
nu (NE); jamaanu, zamaanu (F]).
zawarjo cf. caf>f>u-caf>f>u.
zawjatu, zawjatuujo / zawja-
tuu()e ~ F ] pouse, conjointe;
zawjiraawo / zawjiraa()e (F])
conjoint, poux; husband.
zawjuujo / zawjuue (F]); zawju /
zawju'en (F]).
zawjuujo cf. zawjiraawo.
zawra cf. zuura.
zawreeru cf. jawleeru.
zoogal cf. pettu.
zuhra cf. zuura.
zuhuura cf. zuura.
zuufra cf. zuura.
zuura (G) dbut de l'aprs-midi;
early afternoon.
zuufra (NE); zuhra (NE).
zuura (F]) commencement, dbut,
aube, aurore; begznning, early
morning, dawn.
zuhuura (F]); zawra (F]); juura
It was in the General Confer-
ence at its fourteenth session, decided to
include in the Unesco programme a project
for preparing a General History of Mrica;
the preliminary problems had been examin-
ed at international meetings of experts
held in Abidjan, Niamey and Ouagadougou.
Under this project, the Nigero-Sudanese
part of Mrica received particular attention
from specialists because of the abundance
and variety of its oral and written sources
and of archaelogy and sculpture.
In order to co-ordinate the collection
and analysis of these sources for the history
of nationalities that often cross the political
frontiers of new States, a Regional Documen-
tation Centre for Oral Tradition (C.R.D.T.O.)
was established in Niamey in 1968. Re-
sponsible for carrying out the plan of
regional research on oral traditions, and
the co-ordination of projects for co-operation
between institutes and universities in the
region, the Centre works mainly with the
following States: Cameroon, Chad, Daho-
mey, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory
Coast, Upper Volta, Liberia, Mali, Mauri-
tania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra
Leone and Togo.
Under the terms ofits provisional statutes
"the Centre draws up and carries out its
programme in consultation with the Mem-
ber States and in collaboration with their
national research institutes, and operates
under programmes established in agreement
with the Member States and approved by
For these purposes, it publishes a liaison
bulletin, awards research fellowships to the
national institutes of the Member States,
aids individual research workers, organizes
technical training courses and, in the Lan-
gues africaines and Cultures africaines series,
publishes items which receive a wide distri-
bution in Mrica and in the rest of the world.
1971 C.R.D.T.O., Bote postale 369,
Niamey - Niger.
Dj parus dans la Collection LANGUES AFRICAINES
1. Janngen fulfulde II.
2. Cew soyay.
3. Kaara karaatuu.
En prparation dans la Collection CULTURES AFRICAINES
1. La tradition orale - Problmatique et mthodologie des sources de
l' histoire africaine.
-=' ,:

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