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Hood Techs UAV Launchers Return with Blackjack from Afghanistan

Back from Afghanistan with the Blackjack RQ-21A UAV, Hood Tech lanchers will !e sed as a"
training asset"#
Hood River, R, U!A, cto"er #$, #%&$ '' Back from Afghanistan with the Blackjack RQ-21A
UAV, Hood Tech lanchers will !e sed as a" training asset"#
(rom$ Hood Tech %or& 'echanical, (nc#, Hood Ri)er, *regon
)ate$ *cto!er 21, 2+1,
!u"ject$ Hood Tech-s UAV .anchers Retrn with Blackjack from Afghanistan
*ontact$ %or/ Roeseler, Hood Tech %or& 'echanical, (nc#, 0,1 123-2200, cor/4hoodtech#com
A recent earl/ de&lo/ment of the Blackjack RQ-21A UAV to Afghanistan
9'ission9(n9Afghanistan; ended :e&tem!er 1+, after sccessfl o&erations of <nearl/ 1,+++ hors
in 11= da/s in theatre"# <*r lanchers for these earl/ s/stems &erformed well", said a Hood Tech
re&resentati)e# <>e ho&e the fll &rodction s/stems will !e e?all/ well-regarded#" The lanchers,
along with the rest of the s/stems, will !ecome a <training asset"#
>hen in 2++2 Hood Tech !egan &rodcing inno)ati)e UAV lanchers and retrie)al s/stems for
small UAVs, those inno)ations ena!led the elimination of rnwa/s# This freed aircraft for shi&!oard
se, for de&lo/ment in irreglar or disr&ted landsca&es, and for other difficlt locations# :howing
their rggedness and relia!ilit/, Hood Tech lanchers ha)e initiated tens of thosands of flights
nder the e@treme en)ironments of com!at in (ra? and Afghanistan and a!oard shi&s in the oceans
arond the glo!e#
Ar# And/ )on Blotow fonded Hood Technolog/ in Hood Ri)er, *regon in 1==2# (n addition to the
design and manfactre of lanch s/stems, Hood Technolog/$
Cro)ides Di& test ser)ices for &re-flight safet/ )erification of e@&erimental aircraft and
*wns and maintains a silent wind tnnel for measring UAV engine and &ro& noise in
accordance with '(.:TA1,3,#
Ae)elo&s, tests, and manfactres sta!iliDed imaging s/stems for a )ariet/ of UAVs
'onitors !lade )i!rations in indstrial tr!ines and jet engines, a diagnostic method for
&redicting &ossi!le ftre tr!ine failres#
The Hood Tech we! site is$ www#hoodtech#com
%or/ Roeseler
Hood Technolog,
110 %ontr/ %l! Road, Bilding A
Hood Ri)er, *R =3+11

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