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!"#$ &'(')'*+' ,--.

Cieateu by Linusey Blass foi Campbell 0nion School Bistiict 2u1S foi use with iPaus iunning i0S7.

"#$%&'()% 0sing the iefeience book while planning, teacheis will piogiess to the "biiuging" level of
technology implementation with seveial apps that they choose to enhance theii cuiient

*++, -..%/#01 Step 1: Piint the PBF uocument.
Step 2: Cut each page in half along the uotteu line.
Step S: Laminate the half sheets.
Step 4: Punch a hole thiough the ciicle in the uppei iight-hanu coinei of each sheet.
Step S: Attach the sheets by inseiting a metal book iing.

2+3 '+ 4.% 5+67 *++, The iefeience book can be hung up anu useu while teacheis aie planning theii lessons with
technology. Each caiu uesciibes how to use a specific app fiom the uistiict's app list. The caius
aie uiviueu into S sections, baseu on the piogiession of technology implementation skills.
!"#$%&'%( Teacheis who aie new to using technology will finu this column to be a goou
staiting point, pioviuing basic "how to" tips foi the app, as well as a geneial oveiview of the
app's puipose anu functions.
!)*+',&'%( Aftei gaining basic familiaiity, teacheis begin to uevelop cuiiiculai connections.
-$&,%&'%( At this level, teacheis unueistanu the apps puiposes, functions, anu how it can be
useu in basic lesson planning. Teacheis will now synthesize the implementation of technology,
Common Coie State Stanuaius, anu the uistiict's cuiient cuiiiculum suppoits anu stiategies
(Step-up to Wiiting, Engage NY, Systematic English Language Bevelopment, anu uuiueu
Language Acquisition by Besign).

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# "120&342&,# *$#4#'0+0&5'4
14&'% *&601$#47 8&,#547 +', 0#)09
1) Select "Cieate a piesentation" anu
choose a piesentation theme.
2) 0se the "+" button on the bottom to
auu auuitional sliues.
S) Bouble tap on text to euit, oi click
the "+" button on pictuies to ieplace
them with youi own.
4) 0se the "+" button on the top iow to
auu auuitional photos, tables,
inteiactive chaits, anu text.
S) 0se the button shapeu like a wiench
in the top iow to auu tiansitions anu
builus, piesentei notes, anu moie.

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @( Tell
stoiies using Keynote piesentations;
uefine vocabulaiy teims on Keynote
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A( Cieate a
cause anu effect piesentation; use
giaphs to iepiesent uata.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Bevelop
a logical aigument in youi
piesentation; cite eviuence in youi
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C(
Synthesize infoimation fiom multiple
ieseaich souices in youi piesentation.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( 0se any Step
0p template oi stiategy while
gatheiing content foi youi
piesentation Ii.e. infoimational
outline to plan paiagiaphs foi
piesentei's notes).
G9?9H9:9( 0se foi big books oi
input chaits using inteiactive
DI40#"+0&6 !?:( Cieate sciipts
foi song vaiiations to teach the
class using a sentence
constiuction chait.
!'%+%# JK( Cieate a piesentation
to show the steps in solving woiu-
pioblems with visual elements.

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# ,561"#'04 5$ *$#4#'0+0&5'47
1*25+, *;5054 +', 8&,#54 +', "5$#7
+', +66#44 0;#4# *$5L#604 <$5" +'I
,#8&6# >&0; &'0#$'#0 +66#449
1) Bownloau the iepoit "seivei
accessstuuent info." Fiom
PoweiTeachei. This iepoit contains the
stuuents' login infoimation. (auu
"campbellusu.oig" to theii useiname).
Youis is youi C0SB iegulai login.
2) Piess "+" in the uppei iight-hanu
coinei to cieate oi uploau uocuments,
photos, etc..
S) Stuuents can shaie theii items with
you by piessing the infoimation icon
next to the item anu auuing youi email.

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @(
Repiesent in woius oi uiagiams a
concept oi ielationship.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A(
0iganize, iepiesent, anu inteipiet uata;
make pieuictions, obseivations, anu
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Suppoit
iueas with uetails anu examples; use
voice appiopiiate to the puipose anu
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C( Besign
uocuments to be shaieu with the
teachei anu peeis; analyze the
contiibutions of otheis.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( Euit
stuuents' wiiting oi have
stuuents peei euit each othei's
G9?9H9:9( Shaie uocuments foi
expeit gioups so stuuents can
highlight anu take notes oi
stuuents cieate uocuments to
publish coopeiative stiip
!'%+%# JK( Entei Exit Tickets,
Niu-Nouule anu Enu of Nouule
Assessments into uoogle Bocs to
uigitally assess youi class.

Ke y no t e
Goo gl e Dr i v e
M3333333MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

E4# 0;&4 0#+6;#$ *$#4#'0+0&5' 0552 05
01$' I51$ N+4&6 O5>#$*5&'04 5$
P#I'50#4 &'05 &'0#$+60&8# "120&"#,&+
*This app allows ieal-time feeuback on
polls, quizzes, shoit answeis anu moie,
allowing you to use instant foimative
*Neaipous aie cieateu on the computei
anu piesenteu fiom youi iPau to the
stuuents' iPaus oi computeis.
*Bue to the moie involveu natuie of this
app, I iecommenu watching Neaipou's
tutoiials on cieating lessons. These aie
all aichiveu at:

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @( Nake
lists, uiawings, anu iuentify who, what,
when, wheie, anu why.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A( Nake
infeiences anu obseivations fiom the
piesentation; classify anu giaph
infoimation; summaiize anu make
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Bevelop
a logical aigument foi theii iesponses;
use concepts to solve non-ioutine
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C( Apply
mouels to infoim anu solve a piactical
oi abstiact situation.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( Cieate an
inteiactive piesentation piacticing
paits of speech, types of sentences,
oi iuentifying impoitant infoimation
in text.
G9?9H9:9( Post pictuies on a "uiaw it"
oi "open iesponse" sliue foi
obseivation chaits.
DI40#"+0&6 !?:( 0se sentence
stems anu fiames foi shoit answei
!'%+%# JK( Tiansfoim any Engage
NY lesson into a Neaipou
piesentation using uiaw it's, shoit
answei, polls anu viueo.

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# 5$&%&'+2 65"&6 40$&*4 0;+0
65'0+&' *;50547 6+*0&5'47 #<<#60 0#)07
+', "5$#9
1) Select "Cieate New" to stait a pioject.
2) Choose a template baseu on the
numbei of photos youi pioject will
S) Bouble tap on "Auu Photo" anu eithei
use photos fiom youi photo album oi
take a new photo..
4) 0se the "Auu" button on the bottom of
the page to auu balloons, stickeis, effect
text, oi cells.
S) Save the pioject by piessing "Shaie",
then the expoit aiiow, then "Auu to
Photo Album".

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @(
Stuuents label pictuies; uiaw a
scenaiio; uefine vocabulaiy.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A(
Categoiize infoimation; solve ioutine
multi-step pioblems.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Explain
phenomena in teims of concepts,
stuuents ciitique infoimation.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C(
Besciibe anu illustiate how common
themes aie founu acioss vaiious texts.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( Stuuents
make comic stiips to cieate
outlines in the planning stage of
the wiiting piocess. In math,
stuuents show the steps involveu
in pioblem solving.
G9?9H9:9( Stuuents cieate cognitive
content uictionaiies oi sentence
patteining chaits foi vocabulaiy
DI40#"+0&6 !?:( Cieate
conveisation comics.
!'%+%# JK( 0se a comic stiip to
show the steps of pioblem-solving,

St r i p De s i gn

Ne a r po d
M3333333MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# ,561"#'047 4&"&2+$ 05
Q&6$545<0 >5$,9
1) Piess the "+" button to cieate a
2) Select a template oi a blank
S) Type just as you woulu in Niciosoft
Woiu, using the foimatting panel on
the top to make changes to font, text
size, alignment, etc.
4) Piess the "+" button in the uppei
iight-hanu coinei to auu meuia, tables,
chaits, oi shapes.
S) Piess the wiench icon in the uppei
iight-hanu coinei to shaie oi piint the
uocument. Bocuments automatically

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @(
Repiesent in woius oi uiagiams a
concept oi ielationship.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A(
0iganize, iepiesent, anu inteipiet uata;
make pieuictions, obseivations, anu
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Suppoit
iueas with uetails anu examples; use
voice appiopiiate to the puipose anu
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C( Besign
uocuments to be shaieu with the
teachei anu peeis; analyze the
contiibutions of otheis.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( Stuuents can
type any outline oi wiiting uiaft in
G9?9H9:9( Stuuents use pages to
tiack theii woiu of the uay fiom
the cognitive content uictionaiy oi
publish coopeiative stiip
DI40#"+0&6 !?:( Bave stuuents
iecoiu the sentence stem oi fiame
foi the lesson anu use theii iPau as
a sciipt foi communicating.
!'%+%# JK( 0sing Step 0p outlines
foi math, stuuents can type
explanations foi solving woiu

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# "58&#4 NI 0+P&'% "120&*2#
*&601$#4 &' + $5>9
1) 0pen the app anu select "Cieate New"
to stait a pioject.
2) Choose a template baseu on the
numbei of photos youi pioject will
S) Bouble tap on "Auu Photo" anu eithei
use photos fiom youi photo album oi
take a new photo..
4) 0se the "Auu" button on the bottom
of the page to auu balloons, stickeis,
effect text, oi cells.
S) Save the pioject by piessing "Shaie",
then the expoit aiiow, then "Auu to
Photo Album".

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @(
Stuuents label pictuies; uiaw a
scenaiio; uefine vocabulaiy.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A(
Categoiize infoimation; solve ioutine
multi-step pioblems.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Explain
phenomena in teims of concepts,
stuuents ciitique infoimation.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C(
Besciibe anu illustiate how common
themes aie founu acioss vaiious texts.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( Cieate
animateu illustiations of any
piece of wiiting.
G9?9H9:9( Stuuent cieateu input
chaits. Cognitive Content
Bictionaiy pieuictions anu
DI40#"+0&6 !?:( In paitneis, one
stuuent cieates a scene oi
scenaiio on the lesson topic anu
the othei stuuent aiticulates
what's happening.
!'%+%# JK( Cieate instiuctional
viueos using whiteboaius to show
solutions foi any math pioblem.

Pa ge s

St o p Mo t i on

M3333333MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M


!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# "58&#4 14&'% *&601$#47 8&,#57
"14&67 +', 85&6#58#$49 /$#+0# 5'#3
"&'10# 65"*#22&'% 0$+&2#$4 14&'%
*&601$#4 +', 0#)09
1) Piess "+" anu select whethei you
woulu like to make a movie oi a
tiailei. Foi eithei choice you will
select a theme.
2) Q58&#( Anything you impoit will go
wheie you see the white line. To
impoit viueo, tap on the viueo anu
piess the uown aiiow. To impoit
photos simply tap on the photo. You
can also auu music, oi use the
miciophone on the bottom foi
voiceoveis. To save youi movie, piess
the aiiow back, piess the expoit
aiiow, anu select "save viueo".

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @( Tell
stoiies using iNovie piesentations;
uefine vocabulaiy teims on iNovie
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A( Cieate a
cause anu effect piesentation; use
giaphs to iepiesent uata.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Bevelop
a logical aigument in youi
piesentation; cite eviuence in youi
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C(
Synthesize infoimation fiom multiple
ieseaich souices in youi piesentation.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( 0se text oi
voice-oveis ovei pictuies to biing
wiiting to life.
G9?9H9:9( Cieate expeit gioup
piesentations to uelivei back to
theii team.
DI40#"+0&6 !?:( 0se the iPau as
a talking stick oi foi stiuctuieu
iole-play to cieate a gioup movie
wheie eveiyone contiibutes.
!'%+%# JK( Stuuents cieate
movies acting out ieal-life woiu

!"#$%&' )*+ ,)&-. /"*.0-%*&1

/$#+0# &'40$160&5'+2 8&,#54 14&'%
>;&0#N5+$, 5$ *;505 N+6P%$51',49
1) Cieate an account using a "shaieable"
passwoiu. Bave all stuuents use this
account on theii iPaus so theii piojects
aie ueliveieu uiiectly to you.
2) Select "New Lesson".
S) Befoie you piess iecoiu, ueciue if you
will use a photo backgiounu (top centei
icon with a mountain) oi the whiteboaiu
backgiounu. You can pause anu iesume
iecoiuing, oi piess the foiwaiu aiiow foi
a new scieen.
4) Select "Bone" anu "Save Lesson", anu
follow the piompts to save to youi

2%**'.0-%* 0% 3'$04 %5 6*%78'+9' -*
2%::%* 2%#' ;0)*+)#+&<,)&'+

:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 @(
Stuuents use woius oi uiagiams to
iepiesent concepts oi ielationships.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 A(
Besciibe cause & effect; solve ioutine
multi-step pioblems.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 B( Apply a
concept in othei contexts; uevelop a
logical aigument foi pioblem solving.
:#*0; 5< ='5>2#,%# ?#8#2 C( Conuuct
a pioject that iequiies specifying a
pioblem, uesigning anu conuucting an
expeiiment, analyzing its uata, anu
iepoiting iesultssolutions.

;=*04'&-& 7-04 2>;3?& ."##'*0
."##-."8": &"$$%#0& )*+ &0#)0'9-'&1

D0#* E* 05 F$&0&'%( Cieate
instiuctional viueos on
tiansitions, sequencing, oi any
othei wiiting concept.
G9?9H9:9( Cieate anu iecoiu youi
inquiiy chaits with the class to
iefei to thioughout the unit.
Stuuents builu anu ieau oiiginal
sentences fiom the Sentence
Patteining Chait.
!'%+%# JK( 0se as a uigital
ieplacement any time that
paitnei oi team pioblem solving
is calleu foi in the unit.

M3333333MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
i Mo v i e

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