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' Register Now for MahaVastu Course' . Venue: The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Date 13-16, November, 2014. Trainer: VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal. Learn New techniques and most Effective MahaVastu solutions from The Vastu Guru himself to avoid constructional changes for removal of vastu faults.
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Vastu Techniques
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MahaVastu Techniques
In total 16 MahaVastu Techni ques are used to remove the Vastu f aul ts i n a bui l di ng. These are very
powerf ul and ef f ecti ve techni ques, at the same ti me very easy to do. You can observe vi si bl e di f f erences
af ter appl i cati on of these techni ques. Wi th the di scovery of these techni ques i t has become possi bl e to
get desi red Vastu sol uti ons wi thout demol i ti ons.
1. Elemental Strip Technique
Thi s techni que i nvol ves use of col our stri ps to correct the i mbal ance of the 5 el ements i n a bui l di ng. For
thi s purpose, col our stri ps ( 3 - 4" wi de) are pai nted or pasted ( as sti ckers) ei ther on the f l oor, or on
the ski rti ng al ong the f l oor, to bal ance or strengthen the negati vel y af f ected Zone.
2. Space Surgery Technique
Space Surgery Techni que uses the metal s, rel ated wi th a Zone. Thi s techni que proves to be very handy
when i t comes to recti f i cati on of bad ef f ects of toi l ets and entrances wi thout maki ng any demol i ti ons.
3. Space Programming with Symbols
The Space Programmi ng Techni que i nvol ves usi ng speci f i c Symbol s to communi cate our desi res,
aspi rati ons and expectati ons to the Space i n whi ch we l i ve.
4. Space Programming with Paintings
To hel p materi al i se your desi res, VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal has devel oped an amazi ng techni que of
usi ng Pai nti ngs and Photographs, i n those Vastu Zones whi ch depi ct your desi res.
5. Space Programming with Sculptures
In thi s techni que, we pl ace speci f i c 3-D Arti f acts and Scul ptures i n di f f erent Vastu Zones, dependi ng
upon whi ch aspect or part of our l i f e we need or want to f l ouri sh.
6. Space Mantra Technique
Thi s techni que makes use of vi sual text commands to communi cate wi th the space ( and al so sub-
consci ous mi nds of occupants of the Space) i n order to draw thei r attenti on towards, and moti vate them
f or a speci f i c perf ormance.
7. Activity Relocation Technique
Each of the 16 Vastu Zones has some parti cul ar acti vi ty, whi ch i s not onl y best perf ormed i n that zone,
but whi ch al so strengthens that Zone. Any acti vi ty, other than whi ch i s conduci ve f or the Zone, when
perf ormed, wi l l weaken the strength of the concerned zone.
8. Enlightening Technique
By enl i ghteni ng speci f i c Vastu Zones wi th l i ghts of appropri ate col ours, we can acti vate the Zone ef f ects.
So they can be used to sti mul ate or acti vate an i mbal anced Vastu Zone and make i t gi ve resul ts.
9. Amplifier Technique
Pyrami ds are a powerf ul tool whi ch, when appl i ed judi ci ousl y, can augment the posi ti ve ef f ects of a
Vastu Zone by 108 ti mes.
10. Space Extension Technique
Thi s techni que makes cl ever use of mi rrors to provi de bal ance to a Vastu Zone. For the probl ems ari si ng
on account of a cut or reduced area, we can appl y mi rrors on that parti cul ar wal l whi ch i s cut and
needs to be extended.
11. Tattva Shuddhi
The Tattva Shuddhi Techni que, basi cal l y, ai ms at correcti ng thi s el emental i mbal ance i n the af f ected
Vastu Zone. When an anti -el ement appears ( i n the f orm of i ncompati bl e col our, shape, or acti vi ty) i n a
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Research and Rediscovery
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Vastu Zone correcti ons are carri ed out.
12. Space Purifying Technique
Thi s techni que makes use of sea sal t, mi neral s, and semi -preci ous stones whi ch are needed when the
space i s dul l or non-vi brant; or i ts i nhabi tants are f eel i ng l ow.
13. Facing The Right Direction
The di recti on we f ace, whi l e perf ormi ng an acti vi ty greatl y af f ects i ts outcome. So, Faci ng the Ri ght
Di recti on whi l e doi ng a resul t-ori ented acti vi ty hel ps achi eve the desi red outcome f aster.
14. Plants
Pl ants represent growth; they have an acti vi ty of growth i n themsel ves. So, pl ants can be used to
accel erate growth i n our l i f e.
15. Marma Technique (with Remedies)
Vastu Shastra cl earl y menti ons that there are certai n sensi ti ve or very sensi ti ve poi nts ( cal l ed
Marmasthan) i n the Space, whi ch correspond to the sensi ti ve body parts of the Vastu Purush. In
MahaVastu we use them creati vel y to rejuvenate Space energi es.
16. Locating Power Point Technique
Wi th the hel p of thi s techni que you can easi l y i denti f y such seati ng l ocati ons, whi ch wi l l ensure your
success duri ng a negoti ati on; at l east you never get to l ose, si tti ng on such seats.
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