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["Title"] = "Spellslinger",
Many would not give Dree a second glance, appearing innocuously plain and inhibi
ted in nature. However once scrutinized, subtle clues hint at the torrent lurki
ng beneath her ordinary demeanor: The silent mumbling of lightly-painted lips;
a glint of obsession obscuring unusually brilliant eyes; traces of arcane powde
r speckled upon long, delicate fingers. Her shoulder-length, maroon locks hang
perfectly straight, though kept tied back save a few obstinate bangs attempting
to cloak her eyes. A stern brow and angled cheekbones set high upon her face le
ave her expression often more serious than intended.
To the untrained eye, she appears calm, if not demure in posture. A glacial sti
llness hovers about her; one might find themselves shivering unconsciously in he
r presence. She typically opts to observe rather than speak in public settings.
A deep and thorough addiction to arcane magic leaves her appearing disintereste
d and unimpressed with everyday matters. Her true radiance is only revealed in
the forge of battle, slinging spells while wearing a sinister grin beneath wildl
y focused eyes. Few are fortunate to witness this side of Dree and live to tell
of it.

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