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BTEC 2012

Unit 1 The Online World

Name: Dani McLeod

Lesson 4 - Online Documents

(Student Book A Pg 7 - 9)

a. What does upload mean?
b. What does download mean?
c. What is an algorithm?


- When you upload a file you move it from one system to another system. For example, you can
upload files from your computer to a web page.
b. - This is when you move files from a system to your personal computer.
c. - A mathematical step-by-step sequence used to work out calculations or carry out
1. What is the most common method used to compress a file? What is the most
popular program used to achieve this?

A common method of doing this is to convert them to zip files (.zip format). One
of the most popular programs to achieve this is using WinZip.
2. What are the advantages of using online software packages?
A) You can allow many people to share a version of a document and work on it at the same time as
other people known as collaborative working.
B) Anywhere there is an available internet connection you can use it.
C) Through different devices e.g. PC, smartphone, tablet.

2. How does an automatic backup work?

You save a copy of the files at a known part in time, this means that you can always go
back to that version if you lose or corrupt the present version.


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: Dani McLeod

Find out the meanings of these key terms

Version Control:
A way of tracking changes to documents and making sure that you are working
on the most up-to-date version. Older versions of the document are kept as
backup in case the most up-to-date version is lost or becomes corrupt.

When a document is locked, you wont be able to open it. It will only become
unlocked once no users are accessing the document.

File Permissions:
Access rights granted to specific users and groups of users. These rights
control which users can view or make changes to the contents of the system.

3. Match the following file permissions to the correct sentence.

Read-only Access

This allows users to retrieve a document,

read it, edit it, add a new document or
delete or archive an existing document.

Read/Write Access

This allows a user to look at and read a

document but not change it.
This allows the user to look at and read a
document but also to make changes to it.

Full Control

4. Write down what permissions each of these people should have.

Computer Administrator


Teacher / Lecturer

Control the levels of access users have to a

particular document. They can allocate access to
individuals or particular groups of documents by
using file permissions.
You can access and delete documents.

Pupil / Student using a shared drive

You can read and write but you cant delete.


BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: Dani McLeod

a. What is a common format for compressing files?
b. What are the advantages of online documents?
c. What are the disadvantages of online documents?
a) Common format for compressing files is Zip Files
b) The advantages of online documents is that you can allow many people to share a version
of a document and work on it at the same time as other people.
c) The disadvantages of online documents are if you dont have available internet connection
you cant use it


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