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Valencik Progressive Management System

Effective classroom management involves system in which classroom rules are established and the
consequences/penalties steadily increase incrementally.

Established Rules:
1. Be prepared.
2. Follow directions.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
5. Respect your classmates and your teacher.

Disciplinary Actions:
1st offense: Verbal warning
2nd offense: Check mark and -5 minutes at recess
3rd offense: A second checkmark and -15 minutes at recess
4th offense: A third checkmark along with a call home
5th offense or more: Office visit

Comment [C1]: When I create these type of

rules in my own classroom, I will change them to be
3 or 4 broad rules rather than many specific rules.
For example, I would change these rules to 1. Be
prepared, 2. Respect all others in the classroom, 3.
Keep a safe classroom environment. By creating
these more broad rules, they cover many sub-rules
within them without having a giant list of rules to
Comment [C2]: Both the rules and disciplinary
actions shown here aid in standard 2.1, creating an
inclusive environment. By constructing rules and
disciplinary actions for all students evenly, it allows
for an inclusive environment where no student is
exempt from the rules of the classroom or the
consequences of their actions.
Comment [C3]: This particular rule connects to
standard 4.4, promote respect/support for
differences. By creating a classroom environment
where all student respect one another, they can
both respect and support each others differences.
Comment [C4]: When I go about making rules
and disciplinary actions in my classroom, I will
include them in the process rather than creating
them all myself. By doing this, it connects to
standard 4.8, help students make meaning through
personal responses. When they are coming up with
the rules and consequences on their own, they have
a better meaning and understanding of the rules
and are more likely to follow them, which also
encourages personal responsibility.

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