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Linda Albert: Cooperative Discipline/ INTASC

Standard 3
How to implement the Cooperative Discipline in the Classroom ?
- Linda Albert's Cooperative Discipline takes 5 steps to create an atmosphere
where the students have a great learning environment and behave in an
appropriate way, all while cooperating with one another.

Step #1
- Identify students behavior.
- Students tend to misbehave for one of 4 reasons:
1. Attention- want to be center of attention, will make noise, be disruptive.
2. Power- Student wants to be in control of class, will not back down.
3. Revenge- Directed towards students or teachers; physical or emotional.
4. Avoidance of failure- Students do not feel smart enough, therefore they
act dumb or will not turn h.w. in on time.

Step #2
- Handle misbehavior Immediately!!
Attention- Body language, give student "The eye" so they know you mean it, Stand
near the student and continue lecture, acknowledge a student who is doing what he
is supposed tp.
Power- Avoid confrontation by agreeing or changing subject, acknowledge students
power, but state actions, change subject, give student option to behave or to go on
a time out.
Revenge- Take privileges away, affirm students but state that chosen behavior is
unacceptable, ask for return of equipment that they may have been using, If the
problem is too big involve parents and office staff.
Avoidance of Failure- Acknowledge difficulty but affirm student with similar past
achievements, replace their "I Can't" with and "I Can", Change instruction to a way
they will understand, build confidence by having them tutor younger children.

Step # 3
-Provide Encouragement.
- Capable- students need to feel capable of completing work in a satisfactory way
by:- making learning objectives reasonable, explaining that mistakes are ok, building

-Connect- Students need to developing relationships with students and classmates
by; - accepting all students regardless of past behaviors, paying attention and
listening to activities outside of class, being affirming, and being kind.
-Contribute- Students need to contribute to class to ensure they feel like they
make a difference by; -involving them in class meetings, using cooperative groups,
asking for suggestions. Peer tutoring !

Step # 4
- Making Partners
-Students, Parents and Teachers Work together!
-Build good relationship with the student and then involve the parents and inform
them what they child is learning and how they can contribute.

Step # 5
-Spend time outside class with the student!
-ask students about life outside of school
-attend sporting events
- eat lunch with students
-participate in local events with students
-Send absent students homework or notes
Allie Rose
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